%% %% This is file `container.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% thorshammer.dtx (with options: `container') %% \documentclass{article} \usepackage[designi]{web} \usepackage{eforms} \hypersetup{pdfpagemode=UseAttachments} %% \previewOn\pmpvOn \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \begin{defineJS}{\pbContainer} var f=this.getField("qzName"); if(typeof global.RcrdData=="undefined") global.RcrdData=1; if(global.RcrdData) { global.qzName=f.value; if (global.qzName=="") { f.value="qzData"; global.qzName="qzData.txt"; } else global.qzName=f.value+".txt"; var d=this.dataObjects; if (d!=null) { for(var i=0; i< d.length; i++) this.removeDataObject(d[i].name); } this.createDataObject({ cName: global.qzName, cValue: "First\\tSecond\\tPoints\\tTotal\\tGrade" }); } var _path=this.path; var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/"); global.containerPath=_path.substring(0,pos+1); var f=this.getField("gradedPath"); var v=f.value; var pos=v.indexOf(":"); if(pos!=-1||v[0]=="/") global.gradedPath=v; else global.gradedPath=global.containerPath+v; aebTrustedFunctions(this,aebSaveAs); this.closeDoc(true); \end{defineJS} \begin{defineJS}{\clrContainer} this.resetForm(["qzName","gradedPath"]); try{ if (typeof global.qzName!="undefined") delete global.qzName; global.qzName=""; if (typeof global.gradedPath!="undefined") delete global.gradedPath; global.gradedPath=""; if (typeof global.appndSolns!="undefined") delete global.appndSolns; global.appndSolns=true; if (typeof global.RcrdDat!="undefined") delete global.RcrdDat; global.RcrdDat=true; } catch(e){} \end{defineJS} \begin{document} This file contains the quiz data as an attachment. Before you start the batch action \textsf{Thor's way}, build and \emph{place this file in the class folder of the instructor}. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{rl} \pushButton[\TU{Fill in the two fields then push this button before starting the batch sequence}\CA{Push}\AAmouseup{\pbContainer} ]{pbContainer}{}{13bp}&% \parbox[c]{1.5in}{\textField[\TU{Enter base name of the file that stores quiz results}]{qzName}{1.5in}{13bp}\vcgBdry[3bp] \textField[\TU{The path to the folder that will hold the graded quizzes, it may be a relative or an absolute path} ]{gradedPath}{1.5in}{13bp}}\cgBdry[\columnsep]%\makebox[0pt][l] {\pushButton[\CA{Clear} \AAmouseup{\clrContainer}]{clear}{}{13bp}}\\[12pt] \checkBox[\V{Yes}\DV{Yes}\AAmouseup{% global.appndSolns=(event.target.isBoxChecked(0)); }]{AppdSolns}{11bp}{11bp}{Yes}&% \rlap{Append solutions, if they exist}\\[6pt] \checkBox[\V{Yes}\DV{Yes}\AAmouseup{% global.RcrdData=(event.target.isBoxChecked(0)); }]{RecordData}{11bp}{11bp}{Yes}&% \rlap{Record class data} \end{tabular} \end{center} Fill in the base name of the file in the text field above. After you push the button, the file is saved, then start \textsf{Thor's way} action. After the batch sequence finishes, this file is opened again. Open the attachments panel and save the attached file. The file just saved is a tab delimited text file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel. \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `container.tex'.