\documentclass{article} \usepackage[%nosolutions, forcolorpaper, pointsonright,totalsonright, links, vspacewithsolns ]{eqexam} %online, \usepackage[dbmode,tight]{pmdb} \email{dpstory@uakron.edu} \university {% NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE\\ Department of Mathematics } \email{storyd@nwfsc.edu} \subject[MAC1105]{College Algebra} \examNum{1}\numVersions{1}\forVersion{a} \longTitleText {Test~\nExam} \endlongTitleText \shortTitleText {T\nExam} \endshortTitleText \altTitle{\vA{11:00 am, C-204}\vB{12:30 pm, L-138}} \title[\sExam]{\Exam} \author{Dr.\ D. P. Story} \date{\thisterm, \the\year} \duedate{10/09/14} \keywords{MAC 1105, Exam \nExam, {\thisterm} semester, \theduedate, at NWFSC} %\previewOn\pmpvOn \editSourceOn %\useEditBtn % the default \useEditLnk % try it with links \InputProbs \reversemarginpar \let\env\texttt \def\cs#1{\texttt{\eqbs#1}} \cfooteqe{\displayChoices{}{11bp}\cgBdry[1em]\clrChoices{}{11bp}} %\NoTotals \TotalsOnRight %\advance\marginparwidth12pt \begin{document} \maketitle \section{My first exam} Welcome to this section. Now that you've learned quite a lot, we can have a little quiz. \begin{exam}{dps1} \begin{instructions} Solve each without error. \end{instructions} \pmInput{eqexam/prob1.tex} \pmInput{eqexam/prob2.tex} \begin{eqComments} There are two ways of inputting content for a \env{problem*}: (1) in the source file, input items of the \env{parts} environment; (2) and input the whole \env{problem*} environment. The next problem is input using method (1); a \env{problem*} shell is placed in this source file and the individual items within the \env{parts} environment are input with \cs{pmInput}. \end{eqComments} \begin{problem*}[5ea] Solve each. \begin{parts} \pmInput{eqexam/item1.tex} \pmInput{eqexam/item2.tex} \end{parts} \end{problem*} \begin{eqComments} The whole of the next \env{problem*} environment is input with \cs{pmInput}. Interestingly, the items of the \env{parts} environment are still itemized by \cs{pmInput}. \end{eqComments} \pmInput{eqexam/prob3.tex} \end{exam} \end{document}