\documentclass{article} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{opacity-pro} \thispagestyle{empty} \addtolength{\textwidth}{20pt} \parindent0pt \begin{document} \begin{center}\large An \texttt{opacity-pro} Demo File\\[3pt]D. P. Story \end{center} The \textsf{opacity-pro} pretty much needs distiller with the \textsf{Adobe PDF Settings} set to process the transparency operator. For your convenience, the \textsf{Adobe PDF Settings} file \texttt{Standard\_transparency.joboptions} is included in the distribution. Place this file wherever distiller looks for the \texttt{.joboptions} files.\footnote{Go to \texttt{Settings > Edit Adobe PDF Settings ...} in the Distiller application window, then click the \texttt{SaveAs} button. A \textsf{Save Adobe PDF Settings As} dialog box opens, and you can then see where Distiller likes to save its \texttt{.joboptions} file. Copy the provided \texttt{.joboptions} to the folder and restart Distiller, the \texttt{Standard\_transparency} should now be visible in the drop down \textsf{Default Settings} list.} \bigskip \makebox[0pt][l]{\smash{\rotatebox[origin=lb]{-45}{\colorbox{yellow}{\parbox[c][.5in]{5in}{\hfill\vfill}}}}}% \hspace{1in}\smash{\rotatebox[origin=lb]{-45}{\colorbox{blue}{\parbox[c][.5in]{5in}{\hfill\vfill}}}} \begin{center}\sffamily\Huge\bfseries \begin{settransparency}{.5}{.5}\relax \includegraphics{digis/adobedon} \end{settransparency}\\[3pt] \settransparency*{.3}{.3}{D. P. Story} \end{center} \begin{settransparency}[Lighten]{.4}{.4} \makebox[0pt][l]{\smash{\rotatebox[origin=lb]{45}{\colorbox{green}{\parbox[c][.5in]{5in}{\hfill\vfill}}}}}% \hspace{1in}\smash{\rotatebox[origin=lb]{45}{\colorbox{magenta}{\parbox[c][.5in]{5in}{\hfill\vfill}}}} \end{settransparency} \vspace{30pt}\noindent The yellow and blue boxes are under the picture, which has opacity of 0.5 and the text which has opacity of 0.3, and blend type \texttt{Normal}, the default. The green and magenta boxes are on top the picture with opacity of 0.4 and blend type of \texttt{Lighten}. \bigskip\noindent This demo file uses only the most basic of packages: \textsf{color}, \textsf{graphicx} and \textsf{opacity-pro}. The other demo files assume the use of the \textsf{web} package, some use the \textsf{graphicxsp} package. Be sure to download all the latest versions of these. \end{document}