@online{fontconfig, autor ={\texttt{freedesktop.org}}, sortname = {freedesktop}, title = {Fontconfig}, subtitle = {A library for configuring and customizing font access}, date = {2016-06-15}, urldate={2017-03-18}, url = {https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/fontconfig/} } @online{wikipedia, author = {\WikipediA}, sortlabel = {Wikipedia}, sortname = {Wikipedia}, title = {Lucida}, date = {2016-10-19}, urldate = {2017-04-03}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucida}, } @online{features, author = {\WikipediA}, sortlabel = {Wikipedia}, sortname = {Wikipedia}, title = {List of typographic features}, date = {2017-02-21}, urldate = {2017-03-24}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_typographic_features}, } @inproceedings{bh, author = {Bigelow, Charles and Holmes, Kris}, editor = { J. C. van Vliet}, title ={The design of Lucida: an integrated family of types for electronic literacy}, booktitle = {Text Processing and Document Manipulation}, booktitleaddon = {Proceedings of the International Conference}, date = {1986-04-14}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, location = {Cambridge}, pages = {1--17}, isbn = {0-521-32592-7}, langid = {english}, } @online{lucidafonts, author = {{Bigelow \& Holmes}}, url = {http://lucidafonts.com/pages/facts}, title= {Lucida\textsuperscript{\copyright} Fonts -- Exclusive Styles \& Weights}, subtitle = {Typographic Facts}, urldate = {2017-03-24}, }