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P. Story}, email={dpstory@acrotex.net}, subject={Playing YouTube Videos in PDF}, talksite={\url{www.acrotex.net}}, version={1.0, 2021/06/08}, keywords={AcroTeX, PDF, YouTube, Browser}, copyrightStatus=True, copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story}, copyrightInfoURL={http://www.acrotex.net} } \def\dps{$\hbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\hbox{$\mathfrak P$}% \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$} \universityLayout{fontsize=Large} \titleLayout{fontsize=LARGE} \authorLayout{fontsize=Large} \tocLayout{fontsize=Large,color=aeb} \sectionLayout{indent=-40pt,fontsize=large,color=aeb} %,afterskip=1sp} \subsectionLayout{indent=-20pt,color=aeb} %,afterskip=1sp} \subsubsectionLayout{indent=0pt,color=aeb} %,afterskip=1sp} \subsubDefaultDing{\texorpdfstring{$\bullet$}{\textrm\textbullet}} \newenvironment{eqComments}[1][\strut]{\smallskip\leftskip-\labelwidth \item[]\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{#1}}}{\par\smallskip} \begin{popupmenu}{YTSea} \puIdTitle{J\"{u}rgen's favorite song*}{mLDF5MBMWHE} \puIdTitle{\Esc"Sea Hunt\Esc" US TV series {(1958-61)} lead-in}{Lz0aMoWh8Q4} \puIdTitle{Theme Song to Sea Hunt*}{2QxXk6X9GDo} \puIdTitle{Learn \cs{LaTeX} in one video}{VhmkLrOjLsw} \end{popupmenu} \ytUseMenus{YTSea} %\pagestyle{empty} %\parindent0pt\parskip\medskipamount \chngDocObjectTo{\newDO}{doc} \begin{docassembly} var titleOfManual="The ltx4yt MANUAL"; var manualfilename="Manual_BG_Print_ltx4yt.pdf"; var manualtemplate="Manual_BG_Brown.pdf"; // Blue, Green, Brown var _pathToBlank="C:/Users/Public/Documents/ManualBGs/"+manualtemplate; var doc; var buildIt=false; if ( buildIt ) { console.println("Creating new " + manualfilename + " file."); doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: _pathToBlank, bHidden: true}); var _path=this.path; var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/"); _path=_path.substring(0,pos)+"/"+manualfilename; \docSaveAs\newDO ({ cPath: _path }); doc.closeDoc(); doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: manualfilename, oDoc:this, bHidden: true}); f=doc.getField("ManualTitle"); f.value=titleOfManual; doc.flattenPages(); \docSaveAs\newDO({ cPath: manualfilename }); doc.closeDoc(); } else { console.println("Using the current "+manualfilename+" file."); } var _path=this.path; var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/"); _path=_path.substring(0,pos)+"/"+manualfilename; \addWatermarkFromFile({ bOnTop:false, bOnPrint:false, cDIPath:_path }); \executeSave(); \end{docassembly} \begin{document} \maketitle \selectColors{linkColor=black} \tableofcontents \selectColors{linkColor=webgreen} \section{Introduction}\label{s:intro} My beautiful package \pkg{yt4pdf} is gone, time has caught up with it: The Flash player is no longer in use, anywhere;\footnote{Adobe will formally abandon Flash Player in December 2020} \app{Google} discontinued its ActionScript 3.0 Player several years ago. It was \app{Acrobat} and \app{Google} technologies that were the foundation of the \pkg{yt4pdf} package. We turn over a new leaf by writing and publishing the \pkg{ltx4yt} package: {\LaTeX} for \YT. What \pkg{ltx4yt} does is to provide some tools for creating links, dropdown lists, popup menus for playing selected {\YT} videos in the default browser. Perfect for personal use and for academic, professional, or classroom presentations that refer to {\YT} content. % I believe that I was vaguely aware of the \href{http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/flash_api_reference.html} %{{\YT} ActionScript 3.0 Player},\footnote{The YouTube AcrionScript 2.0 Player API % has been deprecated as of January 27, 2015; however, it is still supported, for now.} but never pursued it because of my %general lack of interest in {\YT} (\url{www.youtube.com}). Recently, I %came across a very nice demo PDF that used the API, see %%\mlhref{http://www.uvsar.com/pdftube/}{PDF Tube - {\YT} API wrapper for PDF documents}. %``PDF Tube - {\YT} API wrapper for PDF documents'' (the page has %since been removed). %The SWF file and JavaScript are made freely available, so I %downloaded it, and was sufficiently impressed to port the example to %{\LaTeX} using various members of the {Acro\negthinspace\TeX} Fine Family of Software %\verb!:-{)!. The SWF file and JavaScript are due to the good folks at %\textbf{UVSAR} (\url{www.uvsar.com}). The \textbf{UVSAR}'s sample demo also appeared in the forums of %the \href{http://acrobatusers.com/forum/javascript/embed-youtube-video-pdf}{Acrobat User %Community}. %The \textsf{ltx4yt} package uses the \textsf{rmannot} to embed the \textsf{SWF} %file that plays the {\YT} videos. There is a complete set of buttons %that come with the package to control the video: play, pause, stop %loading, rewind, load a video by its {\YT} video ID, and a button to %view a video on the {\YT} web site.\footnote{Some videos do not allow %embedded playback, and must be viewed on the {\YT} web site.} % http://acrobatusers.com/news/youtube-widget-acrobat \subsection{Sample files} The following are the sample files shipped with \textsf{ltx4yt}: \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{ltx4yt-1.tex} demonstrates links created by \cs{ytvId} and \cs{ytLink}. Such links created in a PDF are pretty much functional for all PDF viewers, including the native PDF viewers of all the modern browsers, and PDF viewers on other devices such as \app{Android} and \app{iPhones}. \item \texttt{ltx4yt-2.tex} demonstrates the PDF forms controls related methods of selecting a video to watch. The command pair \cs{ytComboList} and \cs{ytComboBtn} provide support for creating a dropdown list (combo box) for selecting a video by title, the push button takes the selection and passes it to {\YT} for display in the default browser. The sample also includes a popup menu for selecting video by title. Finally, there is a query field in enter query text and to search {\YT} for all related titles. This file (\texttt{ltx4yt-2.pdf}) performs as designed in \app{Acrobat}, \app{Adobe Reader DC}, and \app{PDFX-Change Editor}, and \emph{will not} be functional in native PDF viewers of browsers. \texttt{ltx4yt-2.pdf} will have no functionality in PDF viewers on hand-held devices such as smart phones or tablets. \end{itemize} % Advanced examples \href{http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/aebblog.html}{AeB Blog site}. \section{Options, Requirements, and Workflows} \paragraph*{Options.} Currently, this package has two options: \opt{usepopup}\FmtMP{\opt{usepopup} option} and \opt{!usepopup}. When \opt{usepopup} is taken, additional commands are defined and supporting document Java\-Script is embedded in the PDF. See \hyperref[upu]{Section~\ref*{upu}} on page~\pageref*{upu} for details on using popups in the document. The \opt{!usepopup} is a convenience option that turns off the \opt{usepopup} option. The default is to not use popups in the document (\opt{!usepopup}). \paragraph*{Requirements.} This package requires the \pkg{eforms} package, which is part of \pkg{acrotex}.\footnote{\url{http://www.ctan/pkg/acrotex}} If the option \opt{usepopup}, the package \opt{popupmenu} is also input.\footnote{\url{http://www.ctan/pkg/popupmenu}} \paragraph*{Workflows.} This is a general {\LaTeX} package, any workflows can be used to build a \pkg{ltx4yt} document: \app{pdflatex}, \app{lualatex}, \app{xelatex}, or \app{dvips\,->\,distiller}.\footnote {\app{dvips\,->\,ps2pdf} can be used if only links are used to reference {\YT} videos and the \opt{!usepopup} option is in force (no document JavaScript).} \section{Basic Methods: Playing a {\YT} video using its Video ID} There are three methods of playing a {\YT} video based on its video ID: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Using links} \item \textbf{Using dropdown lists} \item \textbf{Using a popup menu} \end{itemize} In each of the subsequent sections, we discuss each of these methods in turn. \subsection{Basic Methods: Links with \tops{\protect\cs}{\textbackslash}{ytvId}} \textbf{Demo files.} The techniques of this section are illustrated by the two files \texttt{examples/\allowbreak ltx4yt-1.tex} and \texttt{examples/web-pkg/ltx4yt-w1.tex}. \newtopic\noindent The underlying command that creates links is the \pkg{eforms} command \cs{setLink}, this command is not seen, but is part of all link commands in this section. To create a link that references a {\YT} video from its video ID, use the \cs{ytvId} command. \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytvId*[\ameta{KV-pairs}]\darg{\ameta{ytvID}}\darg{\ameta{text}}}% \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \xdef\panelWidth{\the\linewidth}% *[\ameta{opts}]\darg{\ameta{ytvID}}\darg{\ameta{text}} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \ytvId*[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(ytvID)}{!ameta(text)} \ytvIdPresets{!ameta(KV-pairs)} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{\linewidth-\panelWidth} \setDisplayNumber\label{display:ytvId} \end{minipage}\end{minipage}\endgroup \PD Use the optional asterisk (\texttt*) when the referenced video \emph{cannot be embedded}; \emph{not specifying} the asterisk means the video \emph{can be embedded}. \textbf{Embedding is the best way of viewing a video.} The \ameta{KV-pairs} are key-value pairs recognized by the underlying \cs{setLinks} command. The \ameta{ytvID} is the {\YT} video ID of the video to be played in the default browser. Finally, \ameta{text} is the text around of which the link is constructed. \paragraph*{The \cs{ytvIdPresets} command} is a convenient way of setting the link options \emph{uniformly} for all links created by \cs{ytvId}. Individual \ameta{KV-pairs} passed though the optional argument of \cs{ytvId} will override the preset values. Its default definition is, \begin{Verbatim}[xleftmargin=\amtIndent] \ytvIdPresets{\linktxtcolor{webbrown}} \end{Verbatim} This sets the color of the link to a brown color, which is why the links of this document are brown. \paragraph*{An example.} There are two ``Kung-Fu Fighting'' videos of interest: \texttt{GZ9e3Dy7obA} and \texttt{jhUkGIsKvn0}; we set up likes for the first and twice for the second: \begin{quote} \ytvId*{GZ9e3Dy7obA}{Kung-Fu Fighting (Bruce Lee)}\\ \verb~\ytvId*{GZ9e3Dy7obA}{Kung-Fu Fighting (Bruce Lee)}~\\[3pt] \ytvId{jhUkGIsKvn0}{Kung-Fu Fighting (Carl Douglas)}\\ \verb~\ytvId{jhUkGIsKvn0}{Kung-Fu Fighting (Carl Douglas)}~\\[3pt] \ytvId*{jhUkGIsKvn0}{Kung-Fu Fighting* (Carl Douglas)}\\ \verb~\ytvId*{jhUkGIsKvn0}{Kung-Fu Fighting* (Carl Douglas)}~ \end{quote} The first link works fine, just the video and nothing else. The second one does not, the video poster is loaded, but when you play the video, the response is \textsf{Video unavailable}. The third link works fine now. The problem here is that the second video cannot be embedded; we have to use the \texttt*-option to create a different link, one that goes to the full {\YT} web site to see one or more advertisements before the video is allowed to be played, additionally, there are numerous extraneous content everywhere on the page. When a video \emph{can be embedded}, you get a very clean video experience, free of advertisements and extraneous content; \emph{this is the best case}. Try using the first link again to enjoy the experience. There is a multi-line version of \cs{ytvId}, \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytvIdML*[\ameta{KV-pairs}]\darg{\ameta{ytvID}}\darg{\ameta{text}}}% \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \xdef\panelWidth{\the\linewidth}% *[\ameta{opts}]\darg{\ameta{ytvID}}\darg{\ameta{text}} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \ytvIdML*[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(ytvID)}{!ameta(text)} \ytvIdPresets{!ameta(KV-pairs)} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{\linewidth-\panelWidth} \setDisplayNumber\label{display:ytvIdML} \end{minipage}\end{minipage}\eVerb This form, which requires \pkg{aeb\_mlink} package and the \app{dvips\,->distiller}, creates true multi-line links. Here is an example: \ytvIdML{5y9-EVmreU4}{Lori's Corner: Episode \#1, I met her back in the year 2000, though she probably does not remember.} The applications \app{pdflatex}, \app{lualatex}, and \app{xelatex} will break this link cross lines, but does so by creating two links. This link is a single link that inverts across both lines when clicked. \cs{ytvIdML} uses the same presets command \cs{ytIdPresets}. \subsubsection{How to get the {\YT} video ID} Go to the {\YT} web site and search for a video of interest. Once found, play, then pause the video. Go the browser's URL address bar and you'll see something like this: \begin{equation*} \texttt{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$\underset{\text{ytvId}}{\underbrace{\texttt{dAgfnK528RA}}}$} \end{equation*} Copy the ytvId into the first argument of \cs{ytvId} and supply a title: %https://youtu.be/dAgfnK528RA \begin{quote} \ytvId{dAgfnK528RA}{Math Antics - Order of Operations}\\ \verb~\ytvId{dAgfnK528RA}{Math Antics - Order of Operations}~ \end{quote} Cool! You can also get the video ID by right clicking on the paused video and exploring the context menu presented. \subsubsection{Can the video be embedded?} I've done a little research on this question, the answer is that there is no way of knowing in advance. You need to test each link. In the case of video ID \texttt{dAgfnK528RA}, we found it, we created the link with \cs{ytvId}, we tested it, and it worked! Had it not worked (the dreaded \textsf{Video unavailable} appears when you try to play the video), we simply use the \texttt*-option. It's just that simple. \subsection{Basic Methods: dropdown list} \textbf{Demo files.} The techniques of this section are illustrated by the two files \texttt{examples/\allowbreak ltx4yt-2.tex} and \texttt{examples/web-pkg/ltx4yt-w2.tex}. \newtopic\noindent A dropdown list, a combobox in Adobe's original terminology, is an Adobe form field that drops down to display a list of menu items. It takes up less page space, and may be a good choice rather than listing a number of links on the page. \paragraph*{To create a dropdown list} \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{Create a play list.} At any point prior to the dropdown list, declare your play list: \bVerb\takeMeasure{\quad\string\ytIdTitle\darg{\ameta{title\SUB{n}}}\darg{\ameta{ytvId\SUB{n}}}}% \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \declarePlayList{!ameta(\plCmd)}{% !quad\ytIdTitle{!ameta(title!SUB1)}{!ameta(ytvId!SUB1)} !quad... !quad\ytIdTitle{!ameta(title!SUB(n))}{!ameta(ytvId!SUB(n))} } \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\eVerb If the video referenced by \ameta{ytvId} \emph{cannot be embedded}, then place an \FmtMP{use \texttt* in title}\texttt* in the \ameta{title} as a single to the underlying JavaScript that the video cannot be embedded. \item \textbf{Set the initial value and playlist} At any point prior to the dropdown list, set the require dropdown list information: \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytPlayList\darg{\ameta{ytvId}}\darg{\ameta{\string\plCmd}}}%\plCmd \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \ytPlayList{!ameta(ytvId)}{!ameta(\plCmd)} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\eVerb where \ameta{ytvId} is the video ID of the title initially displayed in the dropdown list, and \ameta{\string\plCmd} is a command defined earlier in a \cs{declarePlayList} command. \item \textbf{Place the dropdown list and accompanying \textsf{Play} button.} \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytComboList[\ameta{KV-pairs}]\darg{\ameta{name}}\darg{\ameta{wd}}\darg{\ameta{ht}}}%\plCmd \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \ytComboList[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(name)}{!ameta(wd)}{!ameta(ht)} \ytComboBtn[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(name)}{!ameta(wd)}{!ameta(ht)} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\eVerb where \ameta{name} is a text string of ASCII letters and numbers. The \ameta{name} is appended on to the field names of these two field; The pair \cs{ytComboList} and \cs{ytComboBtn} must be passed the same \ameta{name} value. The common \ameta{name} ties them together. \end{enumerate} Below is an abbreviated example, more extensive examples are found in the demo files sited at the beginning of this section. \declarePlayList{\playList}{% note: put parentheses within braces \ytIdTitle{Kung-Fu Fighting* {(Bruce Lee)}}{GZ9e3Dy7obA} \ytIdTitle{Kung-Fu Fighting {(Carl Douglas)}}{jhUkGIsKvn0} \ytIdTitle{J\"{u}rgen's "favorite" song*}{mLDF5MBMWHE} \ytIdTitle{Learn \cs{LaTeX} in one video}{VhmkLrOjLsw} } \ytPlayList{GZ9e3Dy7obA}{\playList} \paragraph*{Example} A four-item dropdown list: \ytComboList{YT1}{144bp}{11bp}\olBdry\ytComboBtn{YT1}{33bp}{11bp} \newtopic\noindent The verbatim listing is,\bVerb \def\1{\llap{\rlap{\ding{182}}\hskip\amtIndent\relax}}\relax \def\2{\llap{\rlap{\ding{183}}\hskip\amtIndent\relax}}\relax \begin{Verbatim}[xleftmargin=\amtIndent,fontsize=\small,commandchars={!~@}] \declarePlayList{\playList}{% note: put parentheses within braces !quad\ytIdTitle{Kung-Fu Fighting* {(Bruce Lee)}}{GZ9e3Dy7obA} !quad\ytIdTitle{Kung-Fu Fighting {(Carl Douglas)}}{jhUkGIsKvn0} !1!quad\ytIdTitle{J\"{u}rgen's "favorite" song*}{mLDF5MBMWHE} !2!quad\ytIdTitle{Learn \cs{LaTeX} in one video}{VhmkLrOjLsw} } \ytPlayList{GZ9e3Dy7obA}{\playList} \paragraph*{Example} A two-item dropdown list: \ytComboList{YT1}{144bp}{11bp}\olBdry\ytComboBtn{YT1}{33bp}{11bp} \end{Verbatim} \endgroup\noindent There are a several observations to make in this markup: line~\ding{182} uses standard {\LaTeX} markup to describe the u-umlaut, the double quote requires no special attention; line~\ding{183} the backslash can be expressed as \cs{cs\darg{\ameta{text}}}. Also note that two of the titles have an \texttt* in them, this signals that these videos cannot be embedded. \subsection{Basic Methods: popup menus}\label{upu} \textbf{Demo files.} The techniques of this section are illustrated by the two files \texttt{examples/\allowbreak ltx4yt-2.tex} and \texttt{examples/web-pkg/ltx4yt-w2.tex}. \newtopic\noindent A pop-up menu is a menu list that appears on top of the content of the page, it is generated by the JavaScript method \texttt{app.popUpMenuEx()}. The advantage of this method is that it take up no space on the page, it is displayed on top of the page and is dismissed when an item from the menu list is chosen. \goodbreak \newtopic\noindent\textbf{To create a pop-up menu} \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{Build a menu listing.} Use the \env{popupmenu} environment of the \pkg{popumemnu} package to build/design your menu. \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\begin\darg{submenu}\darg{title=\ameta{submenu-name\SUB{1}}}}% \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \begin{popupmenu}{!ameta(menu-name)} \puIdTitle{!ameta(title!SUB1)}{!ameta(ytvId!SUB1)} ... \puIdTitle{!ameta(title!SUB(m))}{!ameta(ytvId!SUB(m))} \begin{submenu}{title=!ameta(submenu-name!SUB1)} !quad\puIdTitle{!ameta(title!SUB(m+1))}{!ameta(ytvId!SUB(m+1))} !quad.. !quad\puIdTitle{!ameta(title!SUB(m+n))}{!ameta(ytvId!SUB(m+n))} \end{submenu} ... \end{popupmenu} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\eVerb You need not have a \env{submenu} structure, but \env{submenu}s are useful for organizing the links. The first argument of \cs{puIdTitle} is passed through \cs{pdfstringdef}, this enables you to use {\LaTeX} markups for accents, for example. If the second argument (\ameta{ytvId}) is empty, then that entry has no action associated with it, and can be used as a menu heading. \item \textbf{Create the menu data.} Following all \env{popupmenu} environments, yet still in the preamble\FmtMP{preamble}, insert the following command: \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytUseMenus\darg{\ameta{menu-name\SUB{1}},...,\ameta{menu-name\SUB{k}}}}% \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \ytUseMenus{!ameta(menu-name!SUB1),...,!ameta(menu-name!SUB(k))} ... !color(gray)\begin{document} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\eVerb The argument of \cs{ytUseMenus} is a comma-delimited list of \ameta{menu-name}s declared as the first argument of \env{popupmenu} environments. \item \textbf{Place the \cs{ytPopupBtn} command.} \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytPopupBtn[\ameta{KV-pairs}]\darg{\ameta{menu-name}\darg{\ameta{wd}}\darg{\ameta{ht}}}}% \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \ytPopupPresets{!ameta(KV-pairs)} \ytPopupBtn[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(menu-name)}{!ameta(wd)}{!ameta(ht)} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\eVerb Employ \cs{ytPopupPresets} as a way to pass \ameta{KV-pairs} to all \cs{ytPopupBtn} commands in the document. For an individual \cs{ytPopupBtn} command, its \ameta{KV-pairs} argument passes key-values to that \cs{ytPopupBtn}, these \ameta{KV-pairs} will override the ones of \cs{ytPopupPresets}. The second argument, \ameta{menu-name}, is name of the pop-up menu data you want to use. This menu data is created earlier in the preamble by the \env{popumenu} environment and referenced again in the argument of \cs{ytUseMenus}. \end{enumerate} \paragraph*{Example.} \ytPopupBtn[\CA{Sea Hunt}]{YTSea}{20bp}{5bp} Let's create a short pop-up menu, more extensive examples are found in \texttt{examples/\allowbreak ltx4yt-2.tex} and \texttt{examples/web-pkg/ltx4yt-w2.tex}. \bVerb\def\1{\llap{\rlap{\ding{182}}\hskip\amtIndent\relax}}\relax \def\2{\llap{\rlap{\ding{183}}\hskip\amtIndent\relax}}\relax \def\3{\llap{\rlap{\ding{184}}\hskip\amtIndent\relax}}\relax \def\4{\llap{\rlap{\ding{185}}\hskip\amtIndent\relax}}\relax \begin{Verbatim}[xleftmargin=\amtIndent,fontsize=\small,commandchars={!~@}] \begin{popupmenu}{YTSea} !1!quad\puIdTitle{J\"{u}rgen's favorite song*}{mLDF5MBMWHE} !2!quad\puIdTitle{\Esc"Sea Hunt\Esc" !qquad~US TV series {(1958-61)} lead-in}{Lz0aMoWh8Q4}@ !quad\puIdTitle{Theme Song to Sea Hunt*}{2QxXk6X9GDo} !3!quad\puIdTitle{Learn \cs{LaTeX} in one video}{VhmkLrOjLsw} \end{popupmenu} !4\ytUseMenus{YTSea} ... \begin{document} ... ... \paragraph*{Example.} \ytPopupBtn[\CA{Sea Hunt}]{YTSea}{20bp}{5bp} Let's ... \end{Verbatim} \eVerb The first argument of \cs{puIdTitle} is passed through \cs{pdfstringdef}, this enables you to use {\LaTeX} markup on accents, as in \ding{182}. In line \ding{183}, a special locally defined command \cs{Esc} is used to ``escape'' the double quotes so that we \verb~\"~ to appear in the document JavaScript, which is where the menu items appear within the PDF. In line~\ding{184} a special locally defined command \cs{cs} is used to create a backslash, in a manner similar to {\LaTeX} markup. Note the presence of the \FmtMP{\texttt{*} noted}\texttt{*} in the title of two of the menu items; this is used to signal to the underlying JavaScript that the title cannot be embedded. Finally, we the \env{popupmenu} environment, we declare, in line~\ding{185}, that we are using the menu named \texttt{YTSea}. \newlength\ytlength \section{Advanced Methods: Playing video with \tops{\protect\cs}{\textbackslash}{ytLink}} The link earlier discussed is \cs{ytvId}, which takes as its first argument the video ID of the targeted video. It then constructs a URL one way or another, depending on the presence of the \texttt*-option. This method is pretty rigid, one size fits all, if you will. A more flexible method of constructing links is to use the \cs{ytLink} command. \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytLink\darg{\string\embedId\darg{\ameta{ytvId}}\string\params\darg{\ameta{params}}\darg{\ameta{text}}}}% \setlength\ytlength{\bxSize}% \def\1{\rlap{\hskip\ytlength\relax\ding{182}}}% \def\2{\rlap{\hskip\ytlength\relax\ding{183}}}% \def\3{\rlap{\hskip\ytlength\relax\ding{184}}}% \def\4{\rlap{\hskip\ytlength\relax\ding{185}}}% \def\5{\rlap{\hskip\ytlength\relax\ding{186}}}% \def\6{\rlap{\hskip\ytlength\relax\ding{187}}}% \def\7{\rlap{\hskip\ytlength\relax\llap{\sffamily(presets for \cs{ytvId})\hskip2\fboxsep\hskip2\fboxrule}}}% \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] !1\ytLink{\embedId{!ameta(ytvId)}\params{!ameta(params)}}{!ameta(text)} !2\ytLink{\watchId{!ameta(ytvId)}\params{!ameta(params)}}{!ameta(text)} !3\ytLink{\embed{!ameta(spec)}}{!ameta(text)} !4\ytLink{!ameta(spec)}{!ameta(text)} !5\ytLink{\channel{!ameta(name)}}{!ameta(text)} !5\ytLink{\user{!ameta(name)}}{!ameta(text)} !6\ytLink{\search{!ameta(search-string)}}{!ameta(text)} !7\ytvIdPresets{!ameta(KV-pairs)} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\eVerb Each of these has an optional first argument \ameta{KV-pairs} that is not shown above. Let's take a look at each of these in turn and illustrate with examples. Yes, {\YT} has a number of parameter is recognizes in its urls, see \href{https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#Parameters}{here} for a discussion. \begin{enumerate} \item[\ding{182}] Use this form \emph{when you can embed} a video \ameta{ytvId} with additional parameters. (this best type of video). The \cs{params} argument \emph{must follow} the \cs{embedId}, its arguments are any parameters you want to append to the URL. The use of \cs{params} is optional; however, without \cs{params} you should use \verb|\ytvId*{|\ameta{ytvID}\verb|}{|\ameta{text}\verb|}|. For example, we auto play a video with modest branding:\\[3pt] \ytLink{\embedId{5y9-EVmreU4}\params{autoplay=1&modestbranding=1}}{Lori's Corner: Episode \#1}\\\small \verb!\ytLink{\embedId{5y9-EVmreU4}!\\ \null\qquad\verb!\params{autoplay=1&modestbranding=1}}{Lori's Corner: Episode \#1}! The demo file \texttt{ltx4yt-1.tex} contains an example of this type of link that sets up a small play list of three videos. \item[\ding{183}] Use this form \emph{when you \emph{cannot} embed} (or you want to play the video on the main {\YT} site) \ameta{ytvId} with additional parameters. The \cs{params} argument must follow the \cs{watchId}, its argument are any parameters you want to append to the URL. The use of \cs{params} is optional; however, without the \cs{params} you may as well use \verb|\ytvId*{|\ameta{ytvID}\verb|}{|\ameta{text}\verb|}|. \\[3pt] \ytLink{\watchId{5y9-EVmreU4}\params{autoplay=1}}{Lori's Corner: Episode \#1}\\ \verb!\ytLink{\watchId{5y9-EVmreU4}!\\ \null\qquad\verb!\params{autoplay=1}}{Lori's Corner: Episode \#1}! \item[\ding{184}] A more general form that allows you to formulate general URLs. For example, we display a play list for Adobe Acrobat Pro training:\goodbreak \ytLink{\embed{listType=playlist&list=PL_dhPga7ruudhQiL-dqVhGcCqDpH1KqR_}}{Adobe Acrobat Pro Training}\\ \verb!\ytLink{\embed{%!\\ \null\qquad\verb!listType=playlist&list=PL_dhPga7ruudhQiL-dqVhGcCqDpH1KqR_}}!\\ \null\qquad\verb!{Adobe Acrobat Pro Training}!\\[3pt] Look for the playlist control in the upper right corner of the window. \item[\ding{185}] The most general form, \ameta{spec} is simply appended, ie, \texttt{https://www.youtube.com/\ameta{spec}}\\[3pt] \ytLink{embed?listType=playlist&list=PL01A18BBA5912B01F}{{\LaTeX} Tutorial}\\ \verb|\ytLink{embed?listType=playlist&list=PL01A18BBA5912B01F}|\\ \null\qquad\verb|{{\LaTeX} Tutorial}|\\[3pt] Look for the playlist control in the upper right corner of the window. \item[\ding{186}] There are a couple of URLs for displaying a channel on \YT, at least there are a couple that I have discovered. Use this form to see channel of a particular contributor to {\YT}. For example,\\[3pt] \ytLink{\channel{rocketjump}}{The RocketJump Channel}\\ \verb|\ytLink{\channel{rocketjump}}{The RocketJump Channel}|\\[3pt] \ytLink{\user{freddiew}}{Freddie Diew's Channel}\\ \verb|\ytLink{\user{freddiew}}{Freddie Diew's channel}| To get the true \ameta{name} of a channel, go to {\YT} and search for that channel. For example, search for \textsf{RocketJump}. On the resulting page, click on a RocketJump link and look at the location bar in the browser to see the path, it may come up \texttt{c/rocketjump} or \texttt{user/freddiew}. \item[\ding{187}] In the previous version of this package, the syntax for making a {\YT} search was presented as, \[ \verb!\ytLink{\embed{listType=search&list=Adobe Acrobat DC}}! \] However, according to the \href{https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters}{Google developers web site} the \texttt{listType=search} key-value is no longer supported as of Nov.\ 15, 2020. Use the \cs{search} key to make this same search, \begin{align*} &\text{\ytLink{\search{Adobe Acrobat DC}}{Adobe Acrobat DC}}\\& \cs{ytLink\darg{\cs{search}\darg{Adobe Acrobat DC}}\darg{Search for Adobe Acrobat DC}} \end{align*} The above link expands to the URL \[ \texttt{https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=Adobe Acrobat DC} \] Once on the {\YT} web site, there are controls to further filter the search. \end{enumerate} \newtopic\noindent There is a multi-line version of \cs{ytLink}. \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytLinkML*[\ameta{KV-pairs}]\darg{\ameta{spec}}\darg{\ameta{text}}}% \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \xdef\panelWidth{\the\linewidth}% *[\ameta{opts}]\darg{\ameta{ytvID}}\darg{\ameta{text}} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \ytLinkML*[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(spec)}{!ameta(text)} \ytvIdPresets{!ameta(KV-pairs)} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{\linewidth-\panelWidth} \setDisplayNumber\label{display:ytLinkML} \end{minipage}\end{minipage}\eVerb This form, which requires \pkg{aeb\_mlink} package and the \app{dvips\,->distiller}, creates true multi-line links. \cs{ytLinkML} has the same variations of \cs{ytLink} (lines \ding{182}--\ding{186}) described earlier \section{Searching {\YT}} %\previewOn Want to interactively search {\YT} for your favorate video? Search using the commands \cs{ytInputQuery} and \cs{ytSearch}: \bVerb\takeMeasure{\string\ytInputQuery[\ameta{KV-pairs}]\darg{\ameta{wd}}\darg{\ameta{ht}}}% \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} \begin{minipage}{\bxSize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,commandchars=!(),rulecolor=\color{red}] \ytInputQuery[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(wd)}{!ameta(ht)} \ytSearch[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(wd)}{!ameta(ht)} \ytClearQuery[!ameta(KV-pairs)]{!ameta(wd)}{!ameta(ht)} \end{Verbatim} \end{minipage} \quad\ytInputQuery{1.5in}{11bp}\olBdry \ytSearch{}{11bp}\olBdry \ytClearQuery{}{11bp} \end{minipage} \eVerb \cs{ytInputQuery} is an input box to enter query text; \cs{ytSearch} is a push button that searchs {\YT} for the text entered into \cs{ytInputQuery}; and finally, \cs{ytClear} clears \cs{ytInputQuery}. \newtopic\noindent That's all for now, I simply must get back to my retirement. {\dps} \end{document}