% % AcroTeX.Net : http://www.acrotex.net % Copyright 2000-2007 D. P. Story % dpstory@owc.edu % % Try this file with the various design options: jeopardy,florida,iceland,hornet,qatar, % Norway,Germany,bananas,Spain % \documentclass{jj_game} % try the twoplayer option as well \usepackage{amsmath} % % By bringing in the exerquiz package, you can also pose % math fill-in and text-fill-in questions. % \titleBanner{The \TeX\ Game!} \marginsize{.25in}{.25in}{.25in}{.25in} % the default % This is a little messy because I have parameter values for the % foils option included here. I wouldn't think that this % would be the normal practice. \DeclareColors{linkColor: red} \GameDesign { Cat: \TeX, Cat: \LaTeX, Cat: Classes \&~Packages, NumQuestions: 3, CellWidth: 1in, CellHeight: .5in, % Goal: 1,500, % specify absolute goal GoalPercentage: 90, % specify relative goal ExtraHeight: 0pt, } \APHidden { Champion: You are TeXerrific!, Size: 20, } \APDollar { Size: 20, } \APRight { Size: 20, } \APWrong { Size: 20, } \APScore { Font: Arial, % Font: TiRo, Size: 20, CellWidth: 2in, align: c, % Score: "Score: ", % Score: "", % Currency: "\string\\u20ac", Currency: "$", } \newcommand\cmd[1]{\texttt{\string#1}} \begin{document} \begin{instructions} % % Insert the Instruction page here % \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Method of Scoring.}} If you answer a question correctly, the dollar value of that question is added to your total. If you miss a question, the dollar value is \textit{subtracted} from your total. So think carefully before you answer! \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Instructions.}} Solve the problems in any order you wish. If your total at the end is more than \$\Goal, you will be declared \textbf{\TeX errific}. \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Important:}} Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later required \textcolor{red}{\textbf{To Begin:}} Go to the next page. \end{instructions} \begin{Questions} \begin{Category}{TeX} \begin{Question}[2] The person who created \TeX. Who is \dots \vspace{2ex} \Ans0 Sabastian Rahtz & \Ans1 Donald Knuth \\[2ex] \Ans0 Leslie Lamport & \Ans0 David Carisle \\[2ex] \Ans0 Michel Goossens & \Ans0 Frank Mittelbach \\[2ex] \Ans0 Alexander Samarin \end{Question} \begin{Question} The number of scaled points in a point. What is\dots\dots \Ans0 $72$ \Ans0 $1{,}157$ \Ans1 $65{,}536$ \Ans0 $120{,}745$ \end{Question} \begin{Question} When the Main Vertical List accumulates more than enough material to construct a page, \TeX{} cuts off a chunk of it and places it in a certain \cmd{\vbox}. What is \dots \Ans0 \cmd{\box0} \Ans0 \cmd{\box2} \Ans1 \cmd{\box255} \Ans0 \cmd{\box256} \end{Question} \end{Category} \begin{Category}{LaTeX} \begin{Question} The command used to typeset the title of an \texttt{article} class document, what is \dots \Ans0 \cmd{\title} \Ans1 \cmd{\maketitle} \Ans0 \verb+\begin{title}...\end{title}+ \Ans0 \cmd{\typesettitle} \end{Question} \begin{Question} The declaration version of the font command \cmd{\textbf}, what is \dots \Ans0 \cmd{\bffamily} \Ans0 \cmd{\boldface} \Ans0 \cmd{\bfshape} \Ans1 \cmd{\bfseries} \end{Question} \begin{Question}[2] The command necessary to typeset the math expression $x_{a_1}^{2b}$, what is \dots \Ans0 \verb+$x_a_1^{2b}$+ & \Ans1 \verb+$x_{a_1}^{2b}$+ \\ \Ans0 \verb+$x_{a_1}^2b$+ & \Ans0 \verb+$x_a_1^2^b$+ \\ \Ans0 \verb+$x_{a_1}^2^b$+ & \Ans0 \verb+$x_a_1^2b$+ \end{Question} \end{Category} \begin{Category}{Classes \& Packages} \begin{Question} The standard \LaTeX{} command used to introduce a \LaTeX{} package into the document, what is \dots \Ans0 \cmd{\input} \Ans0 \cmd{\include} \Ans1 \cmd{\usepackage} \Ans0 \cmd{\inputpackage} \end{Question} \begin{Question} The package used to introduce language support into a \LaTeX{} document, what is \dots \Ans0 \texttt{multilingual} \Ans0 \texttt{german} \Ans0 \texttt{language} \Ans1 \texttt{babel} \end{Question} \begin{Question} The package used for introducing cross-reference links that become active when the document is converted to PDF, what is \dots \Ans1 \texttt{hyperref} \Ans0 \texttt{x-links} \Ans0 \cmd{\ref} and \cmd{\pageref} \Ans0 \texttt{xr-hyper} \end{Question} \end{Category} \end{Questions} \end{document}