% % This file works for Adobe Distiller as the PDF creator, with drivers dvips or dvipsone. % It also works for pdftex (and luatex), dvipdfm, dvipdfmx, and xetex. % \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[dvipsone,!preview,!viewMagWin]{fitr} \usepackage[js=restoreHookBlink,js=jmpHookBlink]{lmacs} \usepackage{graphicx} \hypersetup {% pdftitle={Jumping to a Rectangular Region}, pdfauthor={D. P. Story}, pdfsubject={Demo file to test the FitR view destination of PDF}, pdfkeywords={LaTeX, PDF, Acrobat, JavaScript} } \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \pagestyle{empty} % \renewcommand{\overlayPresets}{\H{I}\S{D}\BG{}\BC{blue}} % \renewcommand{\allowFXDefault}{false} \begin{document} \begin{center}\sffamily\bfseries\Large Jumping to a Rectangular Region\\[1ex]\normalsize\normalcolor Dr. D. P. Story, \href{http://www.acrotex.net}{Acro\!\TeX.NeT} \end{center} \textbf{Introduction.} This document demonstrates a technique designed to help people with low vision read material by providing them with a convenient way to magnify specific regions of the document. This is especially useful for reading technical material such as mathematics, as is demonstrated here. \textbf{Instructions:} Click on any of the mathematics to magnify a region around it, the border will blink briefly to focus your attention on it. To restore the previous view, click on the region again, the formula is briefly highlighted by a blinking border so can quickly find your place in the document. \textbf{Sample Mathematical Text.} Consider the problem of numerically solving the first order differential equation \jdRect*[adddestw=60,adddesth=20]{$y'=f(t,y)$} on \jdRect*[adddestw=1in,adddesth=30]{$[t_{start}, t_{end}]$}. Suppose we want to classify third order \textsf{Runge-Kutta} type methods. Start with \begin{align*} \jdRect[height=1.3in,width=2.6in,lift=16pt,shift=-15pt,adddestw=10,adddesth=10] % K_1 &= hf(t_n, y_n)\\ K_2 &= hf(t_n +r h, y_n+aK_1)\\ K_3 &= hf(t_n +s h, y_n+bK_1+cK_2)\\ K &= w_1 K_1+ w_2 K_2+ w_3 K_3\\ y_{n+1} &= y_n+K \end{align*} Find the system of equations satisfied by \jdRect*[adddestw=10,adddesth=10]{$r,s, a, b, c, w_1, w_2, w_3$} that will make the above algorithm a third order method. \textbf{Inline links.} Links can be provided within the text to jump to a magnified region that needs to be inspected more closely. The links below are different from the ones above. After jumping to a magnified rectangle, restore the preview view by clicking on the rectangle. \def\RungePic{\includegraphics[width=\marginparwidth]{runge}} \def\KuttaPic{\includegraphics[width=\marginparwidth]{Kutta}} \def\jrOpts#1#2{link=#1,dest=#2} \textbf{\jdRect*[nodest,\jrOpts{jmp}{rungePic},adddestw=10,adddesth=10]{Carl Runge}}% \marginpar{\jdRect*[\jrOpts{restore}{rungePic},adddestw=\marginparsep, adddesth=\marginparpush]{\parbox[b]{\marginparwidth}{\RungePic\\ \normalcolor\centering\footnotesize\textsf{Carl Runge}}}} (1867-1944) was the third of four sons from a well-to-do German merchant family. He is remembered for his \textsf{Runge-Kutta} method for solving differential equations. \textbf{\jdRect*[nodest,\jrOpts{jmp}{KuttaPic}]{Martin Kutta}}% \marginpar{\jdRect*[\jrOpts{restore}{KuttaPic},adddestw=\marginparsep, adddesth=\marginparpush]{\parbox[b]{\marginparwidth}{\KuttaPic\\ \normalcolor\centering\footnotesize\textsf{Martin Kutta}}}} (1867-1944) extended the Runge's method of solving ordinary differential equations. He is also known for his work on airfoils. % Again, don't forget to press %\textbf{Alt+Left Arrow} to return to the view you had before you clicked %on the link. \begin{flushright} This work was motivated by Mohsen M. \end{flushright} \end{document}