% % Download and install aeb_mobile (aeb-mobile), the spdef is part of that package. % use=builddefs creates a switch \ifbuilddefs set to true % !use=builddefs creates a switch \ifbuilddefs set to false % % Use use=builddefs to create new DEF files from TXT files % Use !use=builddefs to compile the rest of the document, skipping over % the use of bibpes. % \RequirePackage[use=builddefs]{spdef} \ifbuilddefs % % The bibpes portion of the document % \documentclass{article} % % Uncomment the options as needed, only the % txtfilein is required % \usepackage[%!build,% after building the DEF file, you can get a listing without rebuilding by specifying the !build option % infolder=, % outfolder=, % txtfilein= ]{bibpes} \bibpesBody\fi % % Begin the fetchbibpes portion of the document % \documentclass{article} \usepackage[ deffolder=mydefs, useverses={Col,Gen1,Gen-YLT} ]{fetchbibpes} \useBookStyle{abbr=long,roman=false} \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \begin{document} \fetchverse{Col 1:6} \fetchverse[from=Alt]{Col 1:6} \fetchverse[from=YLT]{Gen 1:1} \end{document}