\documentclass{article} \usepackage[deffolder=exmpldefs,ignorecfg, useselverses,useverses=verses]{fetchbibpes} \title{The \textsf{fetchbibpes} package\\[3pt]Inputting selected verses only} \author{D. P. Story} \date{\today} \selectedVersesFrom { {onlyverses={Col 1:6}} {alt=Alt,onlyverses={Col 1:6}} {from=ISV,alt=Alt,onlyverses={Gen 1:1}} {onlyverses=1Ki} % exclude all verses from 1Ki KJV % {from=ISV,onlyverses=1Ki} % uncomment to exclude 1Ki ISV % {from=ISV,onlyverses={Gen 1:1}} % uncomment to fetch Gen 1:1 ISV } \useBookStyle{abbr=long,roman=false} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{36pt} \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \begin{document} \maketitle In the preamble, we declare: \small \begin{verbatim} \selectedVersesFrom { {onlyverses={Col 1:6}} {alt=Alt,onlyverses={Col 1:6}} {from=ISV,alt=Alt,onlyverses={Gen 1:1}} {onlyverses=1Ki} % exclude all verses from 1Ki KJV % {from=ISV,onlyverses=1Ki} % uncomment to exclude 1Ki ISV % {from=ISV,onlyverses={Gen 1:1}} % uncomment to fetch Gen 1:1 ISV } \end{verbatim} \normalsize The way the system works is that any combination of \texttt{book\symbol{32}bible[\symbol{32}alt]} specified by the \texttt{onlyverses}, \texttt{from} and \texttt{alt} keys are `registered'. (The \texttt{alt} key is optional so the third component may not appear.) What does registered mean? Well, using the first grouping above as an example, among all verses in the \textsf{DEF} files input that use a combination of \texttt{Col KJV} (\texttt{KJV}, not specified by the \texttt{from} key, it the default in this case), only \texttt{Col 1:6 KJV} is defined. From the third grouping, \texttt{Gen ISV Alt} is registered, so only \texttt{Gen 1:1 ISV Alt} is defined. Now we fetch some verses with comments in the margin.\marginpar{\bfseries Comments} \verb|\fetchverse[from*=KJV]{Col 1:6}|\marginpar{\footnotesize\texttt{Col KJV} is registered with valid `only verse'}\\[3pt] \fetchverse[from*=KJV]{Col 1:6} \verb|\fetchverse[alt=Alt,transl=KJV Alt]{Col 1:6}|\marginpar{\footnotesize\texttt{Col KJV Alt} is registered, valid `only verse'}\\[2pt] \fetchverse[alt=Alt,transl=KJV Alt]{Col 1:6} \verb|\fetchverse[transl=KJV]{Col 1:8}|\marginpar{\footnotesize\texttt{Col KJV} is registered, but the verse is not one of the `only verses'}\\[3pt] \fetchverse[transl=KJV]{Col 1:8} \bigskip \verb|\fetchverse[transl=KJV]{Mat 2:1}|\marginpar{\footnotesize\texttt{Mat KJV} not registered so any passage from \texttt{Mat KJV} is permitted}\\[3pt] \fetchverse[transl=KJV]{Mat 2:1} \verb|\fetchverse[from=ISV,alt=Alt,transl=ISV Alt]{Gen 1:1}|\marginpar{\footnotesize\texttt{Gen ISV Alt} is registered, valid `only verse'}\\[3pt] \fetchverse[from=ISV,alt=Alt,transl=ISV Alt]{Gen 1:1} \bigskip \verb|\fetchverse[from*=ISV]{Gen 1:1}|\marginpar{\footnotesize\texttt{Gen ISV} is registered, but the verse is not an `only verse' }\\[3pt] \fetchverse[from*=ISV]{Gen 1:1} Additional comments on the last two are needed. We \emph{explicitly} registered \texttt{Gen~ISV~Alt}; however, to make this system work in the way desired, \texttt{Gen~ISV} is \emph{implicitly} registered too. \verb|\fetchverse{1Ki 1:1}|\marginpar{\footnotesize\texttt{1Ki KJV} is registered, but none of the verses are `only verses' }\\[3pt] \fetchverse{1Ki 1:1} \bigskip \verb|\fetchverse[from*=ISV]{1Ki 1:1}|\marginpar{\footnotesize\texttt{1Ki ISV} is not register so any passage from \texttt{1Ki ISV} is permitted}\\[3pt] \fetchverse[from*=ISV]{1Ki 1:1} \end{document}