\documentclass{article} \usepackage[usetemplates,pro,usesf]{web} \usepackage{eforms} \usepackage{fc_arith} % showkeypadlink \margins{.25in}{.25in}{.25in}{.25in} \screensize{4.3in+25bp}{4.4in} \textBgColor{webyellow} \DeclareDocInfo { university={\AcroTeX.Net}, title={PDF Flash Card: Arithmetic}, author={D. P. Story, AcroTeX.Net, Northwest Florida State College, The University of Akron}, email={dpstory@acrotex.net}, subject={Practice elementary arithmetic operations}, talksite={\url{www.acrotex.net}}, version={1.0}, keywords={AcroTeX.Net, arithmetic, flash cards}, } \DeclareArithParams {% addT={[2,20]},addB={[5,30]}, subT={[1,5]},subB={[5,10]}, mulT={[1,12]},mulB={[1,10]}, divQ={[1,4]},divB={[1,10]} } % % Optionally insert a logo in the upper right corner using \rheader (part of the running header. % \rheader{\parbox[t]{.5in}{\kern0pt\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{graphics/nwfsc_logo}}} \begin{MenuFC} \fcOptionsMenuItem \fcToggleKeypadMenuItem \fcMouseKPMenuItem \fcTouchKPMenuItem \item{title=AcroTeX.Net Home,return=acrotexhome} \item{title=AcroTeX.Net Blog,return=acrotexblog} \fcAboutFC \end{MenuFC} % In this example, when processCustomFcMenu is called n should be 5. An arbitrary % list of menu items may be specified and processed in this way. \begin{insDLJS}{cmfc}{Custom Menu Events} function processCustomFcMenu(n) { switch(n) { case "acrotexhome": app.launchURL("http://www.acrotex.net",false); break; case "acrotexblog": app.launchURL("http://blog.acrotex.net",false); break; } } \end{insDLJS} \parskip0pt\parindent0pt \begin{document} \begin{center} {% \LARGE\bfseries\color{blue}PDF Flash Cards\\[1ex]Elementary Arithmetic } % % The arithmetic problem, \arithProb: top, bottom and operation. This command is REQUIRED. % This command generates three text fields stacked so that form a standard arithmetic % problem: top % op bot % \arithProb % % \alertbox is a text field where a right or wrong message is written--REQUIRED % \startAgain clears the statistics field, re-initializes a variables--REQUIRED % \inputRegion is where the user enters his/her answer--REQUIRED % \Keypad allows user to enter answer with mouse--OPTIONAL % \newCard random selects a new arithmetic problem (add, sub, mul, div) depending on the % combo box \cbOperation, described below. % % These components can be moved around to a new design, thought I don't know what that would % be. I have no imagination for design myself. \ifxetex\vskip-4bp\fi \mbox{\vbox{\smash{\alertbox}\startAgain}\fcSep\inputRegion\fcSep\vbox{\smash{\raisebox{0bp}{\Keypad}}\newCard}}% \medskip % % \cbTiming is combo box use to set a time limit on answer the problem--OPTIONAL % There is also a package option, notimedscores, that removes timing calculations % from the PDF, no statistics, no alerts. The option notimedscores makes the combo % box created y \cbTiming into a readonly field. % % \ansField is the field the user enters his/her answer into---REQUIRED % \cbOperation a combo box to select what operation to use---REQUIRED \ifxetex\vskip-4bp\fi \mbox{\cbTiming\fcSep\ansField\fcSep\cbOperation} \medskip % % This calculation computes the width of the previous row of fields, and sets \cs{fcWidth}, % a dimension in this package, to that width. % \settowidth{\fcWidth}{\cbTiming\fcSep\ansField\fcSep\cbOperation} % % \statsFields is a collection of text fields to display user statistics---OPTIONAL % \ifxetex\vskip-4bp\fi \makebox[\fcWidth][s]{\statsFields} \end{center} \end{document}