\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[forpaper,pointsonleft, % online, % compile with one of the following three options nosolutions, % answerkey, % vspacewithsolns ]{eqexam} %\usepackage[forpaper,pointsonleft,nosolutions]{eqexam} %\usepackage[online,forpaper,pointsonleft,answerkey]{eqexam} \solAtEndFormatting{\eqequesitemsep{3pt}} \title[T1]{Test 1} \author{D. P. Story} \subject{A Matching Problem} \date{\thisterm, \the\year} \keywords{Test 1, Section 001} \university {% NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE\\ Department of Mathematics } \email{storyd@nwfsc.edu} \hfuzz = .7pt \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{exam}{Part1} \begin{instructions} Solve each of the problems without error. If you make an error, points will be subtracted from your total score. \end{instructions} \begin{problem*}[\auto] Match each of names on the left, with the corresponding names on the right. \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{parts} \item\label{dps}\PTs*{2}\fillin{.5in}{\ref{george}} Washington \ifkeyalt \begin{solution}[] \fillin{.5in}{\ref{george}} Washington \end{solution} \fi \item\PTs*{2}\fillin{.5in}{\ref{john}} Adams \ifkeyalt \begin{solution}[] \fillin{.5in}{\ref{john}} Adams \end{solution} \fi \item\PTs*{2}\fillin{.5in}{\ref{thomas}} Jefferson \ifkeyalt \begin{solution}[] \fillin{.5in}{\ref{thomas}} Jefferson \end{solution} \fi \columnbreak \renewcommand{\thepartno}{\Alph{partno}} \partsformat{\Alph{partno}.} % The above redefinitions are reset when we leave the group, when \end{parts} % is completed. If the original definitions are needed to be reset before then % execute the following commands: \defaultthepartno, \defaultpartsformat % \foritem{a} resets the partno counter back to 0, and displays (a), which % has been redefined to A. \foritem{a}\label{john} John \item\label{thomas} Thomas \item\label{george} George \end{parts} \end{multicols} \end{problem*} \end{exam} \end{document}