\documentclass{article} \usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} \usepackage{web} \usepackage{exerquiz} \usepackage[!devmode]{eq-save} \usepackage[ImplMulti]{dljslib} \def\lfootScore{\sField{.25in}{11bp}} \def\lfootOutOf{\ooField{.25in}{11bp}} \def\rfootPtsScore{\psField{.25in}{11bp}} \def\rfootPtsOutOf{\pooField{.25in}{11bp}} \lfooter{Score {\lfootScore} out of {\lfootOutOf}} \rfooter{Points {\rfootPtsScore} out of {\rfootPtsOutOf}} \previewOff \sqTurnOffAlerts \PTsHook{($\eqPTs^{\text{pts}}$)} \parindent0pt \begin{document} \begin{center}\bfseries\large Demonstrating the \texttt{eq-save} package\\ Gatekeeper commands present\\[3pt] \normalfont\normalsize Herr Dr Prof Story \end{center} Answer some of the questions, save the document, then reopen it and continue the `worksheet'. The tallies should continue from the values current at the time the document was saved.\medskip Begin by entering your name in the input box below.\medskip \textbf{Warning:} Clearing or changing the name field clears all quizzes. After you begin, do not change your name field or all entries will be lost.\bigskip Ihr Name: \nameField{IhrName}{2in}{11bp} \newpage % separate the name field from the rest of the content, insert \BeginNoPeeking \BeginNoPeeking \begin{oQuestion}{oQ1} It is well known that $ 1 + 16 = \RespBoxMath{17}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}$ \end{oQuestion} \begin{shortquiz*}[sQ1] Solve each of the following without error. \begin{questions} \item Calculate: $ 8 \cdot 11 = \RespBoxMath{88}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}$ \item Enter the \emph{last name} of the Herr Dr Prof of this course. \[ \text{The Herr Dr Prof is }\RespBoxTxt{1}{0}{1}{Story} \] \item Which of the following is true \begin{answers}{4} \bChoices \Ans1 true\eAns \Ans0 false\eAns \eChoices \end{answers} \item From the list below, select the mathematicians recognized as the originators of Calculus. \begin{manswers}{4} \bChoices \Ans1 Newton\eAns \Ans0 Gauss\eAns \Ans1 Leibniz\eAns \Ans0 Banach\eAns \eChoices \end{manswers} \end{questions} \end{shortquiz*} \useBeginQuizButton \useEndQuizButton \begin{quiz*}{qz1} Solve each without error. \begin{questions} \item Which of the following is true \begin{answers}{2} \Ans1 true & \Ans0 false \end{answers} \item Calculate: $ 8 \cdot 11 = \RespBoxMath{88}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}$ \item From the list below, select the mathematicians recognized as the originators of Calculus. \begin{manswers}{4} \bChoices \Ans1 Newton\eAns \Ans0 Gauss\eAns \Ans1 Leibniz\eAns \Ans0 Banach\eAns \eChoices \end{manswers} \end{questions} \end{quiz*}\quad\ScoreField\currQuiz\olBdry\CorrButton\currQuiz \newpage The quiz on this page has points associated with each question, the points are tabulated separately, and entered into the fields in the right footer. The questions above are figured in as 1 point each. \begin{quiz*}{qz2} Solve each without error. \begin{questions} \item\PTs{2} Which of the following is true \begin{answers}{2} \bChoices \Ans1 true\eAns \Ans0 false\eAns \eChoices \end{answers} \item\PTs{3} Calculate: $ 8 \cdot 11 = \RespBoxMath{88}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}$ \item\PTs{4} From the list below, select the mathematicians recognized as the originators of Calculus. \begin{manswers}{4} \bChoices \Ans1 Newton\eAns \Ans0 Gauss\eAns \Ans1 Leibniz\eAns \Ans0 Banach\eAns \eChoices \end{manswers} \end{questions} \end{quiz*}\quad\PointsField\currQuiz\olBdry\CorrButton\currQuiz \medskip\noindent\sooField{1in}{11bp}\olBdry\clearAllField{}{11bp} \end{document}