% % In this file, we test the nohints option and the \useHints % \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{graphicx} % Use these three for onscreen presentation. \usepackage[tight,rightpanel]{web} %,usetemplates,rightpanel,leftpanel \usepackage{exerquiz} \usepackage[memLogo,nohints]{ecards} % Use these three to get a listing of all questions, hints, and answers; useful % for checking your work. %\usepackage[forpaper,tight]{web} % ,usetemplates %\usepackage[solutionsafter,proofing]{exerquiz} %\usepackage[memLogo,listing]{ecards} % begin Web commands \margins{.25in}{.25in}{24pt}{.25in} % left,right,top, bottom \screensize{3.72in}{366.24bp} \subject{Electronic Flash Cards} \keywords{Flash Cards, LaTeX, PDF} \university{THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON\\ Theoretical and Applied Mathematics} \email{dpstory@uakron.edu} \version{2.0} \copyrightyears{\the\year} \author{D. P. Story} \title{The U.S. Presidents by Number\texorpdfstring{\\}{,} Numbers 1--6} \norevisionLabel \definecolor{logoblue}{rgb}{0,0,0.267} \panelBgColor{logoblue} \renewcommand\hproportionwebtitle{.9} \newcommand\aebLogo{\parbox{1.75in}{\large \color{red}\textsl{eCards: U.S. Presidents}\\ \small\smash{\raisebox{3pt}{\color{blue}\textsl{Acro\!\TeX{} eDucation Bundle}\hfill}}}} \makeatletter \ifecListing\else \ifnum\@panelconfig>0\relax \optionalPageMatter{\par\minimumskip\vspace{\stretch{1}} \begin{center} \fcolorbox{blue}{webyellow}{ \begin{minipage}{.85\linewidth} \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Instructions:}} Click on the \textcolor{webblue}{Begin} button to view the first randomly selected card. Click on \textcolor{webblue}{FS} to view the flash cards in full screen mode (works only outside a web browser). The \textcolor{webblue}{Home} button on the first page goes to the \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Acro\!\TeX}} home page; otherwise, the \textcolor{webblue}{Home} button returns to this page. The \textcolor{webblue}{Close} button closes the document (use outside a web browser).\par\smallskip \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Source:}} \href{http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/}% {The White House Presidents Page}\par\smallskip \end{minipage}} \end{center} } \else \optionalPageMatter{\par\minimumskip\vspace{\stretch{1}} \begin{center} \fcolorbox{blue}{webyellow}{ \begin{minipage}{.67\linewidth} Click on the \textcolor{webblue}{Begin} button to view the first randomly selected card. Click on \textcolor{webblue}{FS} to put the viewer into full screen mode (use outside a web browser). The check box on the right toggles the delivery of the cards between random and natural order; a check means random order.\par\smallskip \centering \Begin\ \FullScreen\ \ToggleOrder \end{minipage}} \end{center} } \fi \fi \makeatother % end Web commands % begin ecards commands \ecLogoLink{http://www.uakron.edu/} \cardsFinishedMsg{You've seen all the Presidents, at least the ones presented in these cards.} \renewcommand\noHintJSAction{app.alert("No hint provided for this question!")} % end ecards commands \def\rescale{.4} % common re-scaling parameter for presidents \parindent0pt \begin{document} \maketitle \ifecListing \begin{center}\Large\bfseries Listing of Questions, Hints, and Answers \end{center}\bigskip \fi % This card should have no hint, which is the default with the nohints option \begin{card} Who was the first President of the United States? \begin{response} \begin{hint} Legend has it, he chopped down the cherry tree and couldn't tell a lie. \end{hint} \begin{answer} \ifecListing George Washington (1789-1797) \else\centering \includegraphics[scale=\rescale]{presidents/gw1}\\ George Washington\\ 1789-1797 \fi \end{answer} \end{response} \end{card} % Start using hints by default \useHints \begin{card} Who was the second President of the United States? \begin{response} \begin{hint} He was Washington's Vice President. \end{hint} \begin{answer} \ifecListing John Adams (1797-1801) \else\centering \includegraphics[scale=\rescale]{presidents/ja2}\\ John Adams\\ 1797-1801 \fi \end{answer} \end{response} \end{card} % local override \begin{card}[nohint] Who was the third President of the United States? \begin{multiChoice}{2} \Ans0 Geo. Washington &\Ans0 Ben Franklin \\ \Ans1 Thomas Jefferson &\Ans0 James Madison \end{multiChoice} \begin{response} \begin{hint} He was one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence. \begin{multiChoice}{2} \Ans0 Geo. Washington &\Ans0 Ben Franklin \\ \Ans1 Thomas Jefferson &\Ans0 James Madison \end{multiChoice} \end{hint} \begin{answer} \ifecListing Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) \else\centering \includegraphics[scale=\rescale]{presidents/tj3}\\ Thomas Jefferson\\ 1801-1809 \fi \end{answer} \end{response} \end{card} % this cards should have a hint, since \useHints is now the default \begin{card} \raggedright Who was the fourth President of the United States? \ifecListing\newline\fi \begin{fillIn} \RespBoxTxt{0}{0}{2}{James Madison}{Madison} \end{fillIn} \begin{response} \begin{hint}\raggedright He coauthored the \textsl{Federalists Essays} along with John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. \begin{fillIn} \RespBoxTxt{0}{0}{2}{James Madison}{Madison} \end{fillIn} \end{hint} \begin{answer} \ifecListing James Madison (1809-1817) \else\centering \includegraphics[scale=\rescale]{presidents/jm4}\\ James Madison\\ 1809-1817 \fi \end{answer} \end{response} \end{card} % back to ho hints as the default \useNoHints \begin{card} Who was the fifth President of the United States? \begin{response} \begin{hint} In foreign affairs, this President proclaimed a doctrine that bears his name, ``\dots the American continents'', he stated, ``by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European Power.'' \end{hint} \begin{answer} \ifecListing James Monroe (1817-1825) \else\centering \includegraphics[scale=\rescale]{presidents/jm5}\\ James Monroe\\ 1817-1825 \fi \end{answer} \end{response} \end{card} % local override \begin{card}[hint] Who was the sixth President of the United States? \begin{response} \begin{hint} He was the first President who was the son of a President. \end{hint} \begin{answer} \ifecListing John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) \else\centering \includegraphics[scale=\rescale]{presidents/ja6}\\ John Quincy Adams\\ 1825-1829 \fi \end{answer} \end{response} \end{card} \end{document}