\documentclass{article} \usepackage[forcolorpaper]{web} \usepackage{eforms} \usepackage[!viewmode,!nonrandomized,showletters,showanswerkey,savedata]{dps} %\previewOn \pmpvOn %\useRandomSeed{number} \inputRandomSeed %\useLastSeed \margins{.5in}{.5in}{.5in}{.5in} % left,right,top, bottom \screensize{11in}{8.5in} % height, width \ifeqforpaper\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.5in}\fi \title{DPS -- Das Puzzle Spiel} \author{D. P. Story} \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \DeclarePuzzle {% {H}{H} {e}{e} {l}{l} {l}{l} {o}{o} {}{space} {J}{J} {\tops{\protect\"{u}}{\ifxetex ü\else\string\374\fi}}{uml} % ü {r}{r} {g}{g} {e}{e} {n}{n} {,}{punc} % {}{space} % this is the end of the puzzle line, so we don't need a space {h}{h} {o}{o} {w}{w} {}{space} {a}{a} {r}{r} {e}{e} {}{space} {y}{y} {o}{o} {u}{u} {}{space} {t}{t} {o}{o} {d}{d} {a}{a} {y}{y} {?}{punc} } \begin{Composing} \begin{cQ}{H} $ -5x - 2 + 3x $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}[h]{H} $-2x-2$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{e} $ 2x + 5x $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{e} $7x$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{l} $ 6x - 3x + 1 $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{l} $3x+1$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{o} $ 5 -5x + 2x -2 $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{o} $-3x+3$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{J} $ 4( x + 2 ) - 2 $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}[j]{J} $4x+6$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{uml} $ -3x + 2(5-2x) $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{uml} $-7x+10$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{r} $ -2 ( 3x + (-4) ) + 4 $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{r} $-6x+12$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{g} $ 5 ( x - (-2) ) $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{g} $5x+10$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{n} $ 6x - 5 (x - 2) $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{n} $x+10$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{h} $ 2 - 3(4x - 2) $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{h} $-12x+8$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{w} $ 6x - 3 + x + 5 $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{w} $7x+2$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{a} $ 5( -2x + 4 ) + 3x - 2 $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{a} $-7x+18$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{y} $ 3(x-3) - 2(x+2) $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{y} $x-13$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{u} $ -2(3-x) - 4(1-3x) $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{u} $14x-10$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{t} $ x (5 +2) -3x $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{t} $4x$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{d} $ 1 -2 ( 2x -4x) + 2x $ \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{d} $ 6x + 1$ \end{cA} \end{Composing} \begin{document} \vspace*{-1.5in} \begin{center}\bfseries\Large\color{blue} \webtitle\\[1ex]\webauthor \end{center} \ifeqforpaper \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Instructions:}} Solve each of the numbered problems in the center panel, and find the answer in either the left or right panel. Fill in the space(s) in the puzzle corresponding to the question number with the letter associated with the answer. \else \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Instructions:}} Select a question from the center panel by clicking its checkbox. Solve the problem and find the answer listed in either the left or right panel. No guessing! A maximum of $\dsthreshold$ tries on any problem before you get $\dspenaltypoints$ penalty points ! Passing is to complete the puzzle with only $\dspassing$ incorrect answers. \fi % When for paper, we need more space for the student to write in the answer % into the puzzle area. Here, we set size to \LARGE, and adjust the number % of columns to 12 (it is 18 in other files of a similar layout. % Also, one of the same character were commented out because the % second word is at the end of the line. \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule}\centering\LARGE \kern1ex \insertPuzzle{12} %{18} \par\kern1ex \end{minipage}} % In the minipages below, we set the font size to \large, since this is for % paper. \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][3in][t]{.2\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule}\raggedright Find the correct answer \begin{enumerate}\large \displayRandomizedAnswersLeftPanel \end{enumerate} \par\smallskip \end{minipage}}% \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][3in][t]{.6\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule} Simplify each of the expressions below, and find the answer in the column of answers. \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{enumerate}\large \displayRandomizedQuestions \end{enumerate} \end{multicols} \par\smallskip \end{minipage}}% \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][3in][t]{.2\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule}\raggedright Find the correct answer \begin{enumerate}\large \displayRandomizedAnswersRightPanel \end{enumerate} %\par\smallskip \end{minipage}} \placeMessageField{\linewidth}{50pt} Print this page: \printDPS{}{11bp}\ifeqforpaper\else\cgBdry[1ex] Try again: \resetDPS{}{11bp}\fi \end{document}