\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[web={tight*,designiii}]{aeb_pro} \usepackage[useTextBox]{annot-pro} \title{The \textsf{annot\_pro} Package\texorpdfstring{\\[2ex]}{: }The text box annotation} \author{D. P. Story} \university{Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net} \email{dpstory@acrotex.net} \subject{Acrobat Text Box annotation} \keywords{AcroTeX, AeB Pro, Acrobat annotations} \DeclareInitView {% layoutmag={mag=100}, windowoptions={fit} } \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \parskip6pt \parindent0pt \reversemarginpar \convertcolorspec{named}{webbrown}{HTML}{\htmlWebBrown} \setAnnotOptions{subject={AcroTeX Communiqu\'e},title={D. P. Story}} \begin{textboxpara} \rtpara[color=\htmlWebBrown]{para1}{\spc\spc\spc\spc Now is the time for \span{style={strikeit,bold},color=ff0000}{\it{\bf{J\374rgen}}} and all good men to come to the aid of \it{their} \bf{country}. Now is also the \sup{time} for \span{style=italic}{all good} women to do the same.\br\spc\spc\spc\spc This is a second paragraph. I hope we can all go to the AcroTeX.Net website at \span{ulstyle=ul,color=0000FF}{http://www.acrotex.net}.\br\br \span{size=14.5,color=000000}{\uHex{4EE4}}} \end{textboxpara} \setRVVContent{demo-para}{para1} \begin{document} \maketitle The \textsf{Text Box} annotation is a rectangular region into which the user can type rich text content. It can be moved around easily. The \textsf{Text Box} can also be pre-populated with rich text using the {\LaTeX} markup described in the documentation of the \textsf{annot\_pro} package. The \textsf{Text Box} below has a transparent background (move it on top of this paragraph), a cloud border, and rich text including a unicode character not normally available to {\LaTeX} users. The annotation version does not support multiple paragraphs, so I `artificially' created several `paragraphs' using \cs{br} and indented the `paragraphs' using the \cs{spc} command; this paragraph simulation is, of course, optional. \begin{center} \annotpro[title=dpstory, type=textbox,borderstyle=cloud1,borderwidth=1, width=3in,height=16bp*9, subject=Testing the Text Box (FreeText), bgcolor,bcolor=red]{richtext=demo-para} \end{center} \end{document}