\documentclass{article} \usepackage[designiv,extended]{web} \usepackage[richtext,dblevel=1]{annot_pro} \title{text markup annotations} \author{D. P. Story} \email{dpstory@acrotex.net} \subject{text markup annotations} \keywords{highlight, underline, squiggly, strikeout, pdf annotations, AcroTeX} \university {Acro\TeX.NeT} \version{1.0} %\usepackage{lucidbry} % we increase the right margin width to accommodate a margin note \addtoWebWidth{.5in} \resetmargins{}{\incby+.5in}{}{} \setlength{\marginparsep}{4pt} % try uncommenting the first or second command below %\mlMarksOn %\turnSyllbCntOn \begin{textboxpara} \rtpara{mypara}{\it{This is italic}, whereas \bf{this is bold}, but wait, we can do \it{\bf{bold and italic}}. We can \sup{raise} or \sub{lower} text. \br\spc\spc This is a second paragraph. At your earliest convenience, go to the AcroTeX.Net web site: \br\br\span{ulstyle=ul,color=0000FF}{http://www.acrotex.net} (URLs are not supported.) } \end{textboxpara} \setRVVContent{mypara}{mypara} \setAnnotOptions{subject={An AcroTeX Communiqu\'e},title={D. P. Story}} \parindent0pt \parskip4pt \begin{document} \makeinlinetitle % defined in web %\begin{center} % Extending \textsf{annot\_pro} to include\\ % text markup annotations %\end{center} Syntax:\\ \verb!\annotpro[type=,]{}{}!\\[3pt] where, \verb~type=highlight|underline|squiggly|strikeout~ \textbf{Highlight:} \annotpro[type=highlight]{Try to remember this, it's important}{A \emph{highlight} text markup annotation: Let's extend this text to cross to the next line.} \textbf{Underline:} \annotpro[type=underline]{Memorize this passage}{An \emph{underline} text \emph{markup} annotation: Let's extend this text to cross to the next line.} \textbf{Squiggly:} \annotpro[type=squiggly]{This needs revision}{An \emph{squiggly underline} text markup annotation: Let's extend this text to cross to the next line.} \textbf{Strike-Out:} \annotpro[type=strikeout]{Nonsense!}{An \emph{strikeout} text markup annotation: Let's extend this text to cross to the next line.} % we are not breaking at an hyphenated word, too bad \annotpro[type=underline,crackat=37,color=blue]{Memorize this passage}{An \emph{underline} text \emph{markup} annotation: Let's extend this text to cross to the next line. We are not near a page boundary, so we must simulate cracking up the text markup annotation.} Here's the same example as above, but this time, we'll simulate a page break and use the \texttt{copycontent} option. \begingroup % make the next definition local \def\pb{\penalty-10 \rule{\linewidth}{.4pt}\makebox[0pt][l]{\hspace{\marginparsep}\small page break}\par\smallskip}%\turnSyllbCntOn \annotpro[type=underline,crackat=37,copycontent,crackinsat=\pb]{Memorize this passage}{An \emph{underline} text \emph{markup} annotation: Let's extend this text to cross to the next line. We are not near a page boundary, so we must simulate cracking up the text markup annotation.} \endgroup \smallskip \textbf{Rich text:} We use \texttt{richtext=mypara}. \annotpro[type=squiggly]{richtext=mypara}{An \emph{squiggly underline} text markup annotation: Let's extend this text to cross to the next line.} \smallskip This next example uses the \texttt{hidden} option; this will hide the comment completely as well as the underlining appearance. When the user presses the push button labeled `C', the comment becomes visible. %\textbf{Underline:} \annotpro[type=underline,hidden]{Memorize this passage}{An \emph{underline} text \emph{markup} annotation: Let's extend this text to cross to the next line.} \pushButton[\S{S}\textSize{0}\CA{C}\TU{Press to toggle visibility of this comment}\A{\JS{% var annot=this.getAnnot({nPage:this.pageNum,cName:"\currentAnnotName"});\r annot.hidden=!annot.hidden;}}]{btn}{}{9bp} This button will work in \textsf{Acrobat Reader} and \textsf{PDF-Exchange Viewer}. \end{document}