\documentclass{article} \usepackage[designiv,tight]{web} % Requires use of Acrobat \usepackage{eforms} \usepackage{aebxmp} \university{Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net} \title{Testing the aebxmp Package} %\Title{Testing the aebxmp Package} \Title{% {[en-US]Testing the aebxmp Package} {[fr]Test du paquet aebxmp} {[de]Testen des aebxmp Pakets} } \author{D. P. Story} \Authors{{D. P. Story}{J\u00FCrgen Gilg}} %\subject{Test file for using E4X to update the XMP Data Model} %\Subject{[en-US]Test file for using E4X to update the XMP Data Model} \Subject{% {[en-US]Test file for using E4X to update the XMP Data Model} {[fr]Fichier de test utilisant E4X pour mettre à jour le modèle de données XMP} {[de]Testdatei für die Verwendung von E4X, um das XMP Daten Modell zu aktualisieren} } \pdfLang{en-US} \metaLang{en,en-US,fr,de} %\keywords{AcroTeX.Net,XMP,E4X,Adobe Acrobat,JavaScript} \Keywords{AcroTeX.Net,XMP,E4X,Adobe Acrobat,JavaScript} \email{dpstory@acrotex.net} \copyrightStatus{True} %\copyrightNotice{Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story} \copyrightNotice{% {[en-us]Copyright \u00A9 \the\year, D. P. Story} {[fr]Copyright \u00A9 \the\year, D. P. Story} {[de]Copyright \u00A9 \the\year, D. P. Story} } \copyrightInfoURL{http://www.acrotex.net} \authortitle{Programming and Development, AcroTeX.Net} \descriptionwriter{Testing and Promotions Department, AcroTeX.Net} \customProperties {% {name=Developer,value={D. P. Story, Esq.}} {name=Motivator,value=Jürgen Gilg} % {name=Motivator,value=J\u00FCrgen Gilg} } % Alternate notation %\customProperties %{% % {name:Developer,value:{D. P. Story, Esq.}} % {name:Motivator,value:Jürgen Gilg} %% {name:Motivator,value:J\u00FCrgen Gilg} %} \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Viewing Metadata} Press \texttt{Ctrl+D}, select the \textsf{Description} tab, and click \textsf{Additional Metadata} to inspect the copyright metadata, populated by the \textsf{aebxmp} package; or, just click on this button \pushButton[\CA{View Metadata} \A{\JS{app.execMenuItem("GeneralInfo");}}]{viewMeta}{}{11bp} \def\xmpTab{\space\space}% \def\displayMeta#1{\JS{% console.println("#1:");\r for (var i=0; i<#1.length; i++)\r\t console.println("\xmpTab"+#1[i]);\r }} Open the \setLink[\A{\JS{console.clear();console.show();}}]{console window} and view some of the advanced metadata: \setLink[\A{\displayMeta{aKeywords}}]{keywords}, \setLink[\A{\displayMeta{aTitle}}]{title}, \setLink[\A{\displayMeta{aSubject}}]{subject}, and \setLink[\A{\displayMeta{aRights}}]{copyrightNotice}. \section{Custom Document Properties} You can define custom properties using the \cs{customProperties} command. \begin{verbatim} \customProperties {% {name=,value=} {name=,value=} } \end{verbatim} The value of the \texttt{name} key requires a unique name, which must not be one of the standard property names \texttt{Title}, \texttt{Author}, \texttt{Subject}, \texttt{Keywords}, \texttt{Creator}, \texttt{Producer}, \texttt{CreationDate}, \texttt{ModDate}, and \texttt{Trapped}. The properties may be accessed through the \texttt{info} property of the \texttt{Doc} object. The button \pushButton[\TU{Press to see the document properties}\CA{Info}\A{\JS{% console.show();\r console.clear();\r for (var o in this.info)\r\t console.println("info."+o+"="+this.info[o]);\r if (aKeywords!=undefined) {\r\t console.println("List Keywords:");\r\t for (var i=0; i< aKeywords.length; i++){\r\t\t console.println(" "+aKeywords[i]);\r\t }\r } }}]{info}{}{11bp} opens the console debugger window and displays all the document properties. Notice in the window, the keywords are listed twice: the first time is the value of \texttt{this.info.Keywords}, single string; the second time you see the keywords listed individually. The individual keywords are accessed using the \texttt{aKeywords} array, see the \texttt{aeb\_xmp} documentation for more details. The custom properties may be viewed using the user interface; press \texttt{Ctrl+D} and choose the \textsf{Custom} tab. \section{Authors} As mentioned in the documentation, a new command \cs{Authors} was defined; for this document, we have in the preamble, \begin{verbatim} \Authors{{D. P. Story}{J\u00FCrgen Gilg}} \end{verbatim} Each author can be accessed individually; the button \pushButton[\CA{Authors}\TU{Get a listing of all authors}\A{\JS{% console.show();\r console.println("\\n");\r for (var i=0; i