\documentclass{article} \usepackage[tight,usetemplates]{web} % dvipsone, dvips, pdftex \usepackage{aeb_tilebg} \title{Creating Tiled Backgrounds} \author{D. P. Story} \subject{Test file for the AcroTeX eDucation Bundle} \keywords{LaTeX, Web package, tiled backgrounds, Adobe Acrobat} \university{Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net} \email{dpstory@acrotex.net} \version{1.0} \revisionLabel{Prepared:} \graphicspath{{tile/}} \setTileBgGraphic[scale=.25]{./bike_10} % n_rows, n_columns, left,right,top, bottom \autosetScreensizeWithMargins{7}{5}{.25in}{.25in}{24pt}{.25in} \textBgColor{cornsilk} \parindent0pt \parskip\medskipamount \begin{document} \maketitle \setTileBgGraphic[scale=.75]{./brewtile1} This newest package is a simple application of established packages \textsf{graphicx}, \textsf{multido} and \textsf{web}. Download your favorite tiled background swatch from the Internet, convert it to an \texttt{.eps} or a \texttt{.pdf} format (depending if you use \textsf{distiller} or \textsf{pdftex}), place that image in the same folder as your source document. Anywhere in your document, use the command \verb!\setTileBgGraphic! to bring in your tiled background using the \textsf{graphicx} package; for example, \begin{verbatim} \setTileBgGraphic[scale=.75]{brewtile1} \end{verbatim} The \textsf{multido} package places these images in the background, starting from the upper-left corner (the lower left corner if the \texttt{uselltiling} option is taken) going across and up (respectively, going across and down), one row at a time. The web package is used to manage the graphical template created. \newpage \setTileBgGraphic[scale=.5]{./math-bkgrd} Inserting a second file will create a new tiled background, like so \begin{verbatim} \setTileBgGraphic[scale=.5]{./math-bkgrd} \end{verbatim} \end{document}