% use useacrobat option with pdftex and xetex if you have acrobat % use nopro if you don't have acrobat (the attachsource silently fails) \documentclass{article} \usepackage[ gopro, web={designv,nodirectory,usesf}, eforms, % only needed for \toggleAttachmentsPanel attachsource={tex} ]{aeb_pro} \usepackage{array} \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \begin{comment} The layoutmag key has values: navitab=UseNone,UseOutlines,UseThumbs,UseOC,UseAttachments pagelayout=SinglePage,OneColumn,TwoColumnLeft,TwoColumnRight,TwoPageLeft,TwoPageRight mag=ActualSize,FitPage,FitWidth,FitHeight,FitVisible, or positive number (e.g., mag = 50) openatpage = page number (base 1) The windowoptions key has values: fit,center,showtitle,fullscreen The uioptions key has values: hidetoolbar,hidemenubar,hidewindowui \end{comment} \DeclareInitView {% layoutmag={openatpage=2,mag=ActualSize,pagelayout=TwoPageRight}, windowoptions={fit,center,showtitle}, uioptions={hidetoolbar,hidemenubar,hidewindowui} } \DeclareDocInfo {% title=AcroTeX Fun with Initial View, university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net, author=D. P. Story, email=dpstory@acrotex.net, subject=Testing total control, talksite=\url{www.acrotex.net}, version=1.0, keywords={Initial View tab, Document Properties} } \nocopyright \optionalPageMatter {% \par\bigskip \begin{center} \toggleAttachmentsPanel{red}{View the attachment} \end{center} } \begin{document} \maketitle \noindent The \cs{DeclareInitView} command is a companion to \cs{DeclareDocInfo}, each of these fills a tab of the \textsf{Document Properties} dialog box. \begin{verbatim} \DeclareInitView {% layoutmag={openatpage=2,mag=ActualSize,pagelayout=TwoPageRight}, windowoptions={fit,center,showtitle}, uioptions={hidetoolbar,hidemenubar,hidewindowui} } \DeclareDocInfo {% title=AcroTeX Fun with Initial View, university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net, author=D. P. Story, email=dpstory@acrotex.net, subject=Testing total control, talksite=\url{www.acrotex.net}, version=1.0, keywords={Initial View tab, Document Properties} } \end{verbatim} Use this document to experiment with the various properties of set by \cs{DeclareInitView}. \newpage \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{layoutmag}: This key sets the initial page layout and magnification of the document. The values of this key are themselves key-values: \begin{small}\setlength{\extrarowheight}{3pt} \begin{tabular}{|>{\ttfamily}l>{\raggedright}p{1.85in}p{2.15in}<{\raggedright}|}\hline \multicolumn{1}{|l}{Key} &\multicolumn{1}{l}{Value(s)} & Description \\\hline navitab & \texttt{UseNone}, \texttt{UseOutlines}, \texttt{UseThumbs}, \texttt{UseOC}, \texttt{UseAttachments} & The UI for these are Page Only, Bookmarks Panel and Page, Pages Panel and Page, Layers Panel and Page, Attachments Panel and Page, respectively. The default is \texttt{UseNone}\\ pagelayout & \texttt{SinglePage}, \texttt{OneColumn}, \texttt{TwoPageLeft}, \texttt{TwoColumnLeft}, \texttt{TwoPageRight}, \texttt{TwoColumnRight} & The UI for these are Single Page, Single Page Continuous, Two-Up (Facing), Two-Up Continuous (Facing), Two-Up (Cover Page), Two-Up Continuous (Cover Page), respectively. The default is user's preferences.\\ mag & \texttt{ActualSize}, \texttt{FitPage}, \texttt{FitWidth}, \texttt{FitHeight}, \texttt{FitVisible}, or \texttt{} & The UI for these are Actual Size, Fit Page, Fit Width, Fit Height, Fit Visible, respectively. If a positive number is provided, this is interpreted as a magnification percentage. The default is to use user's preferences. \\ openatpage & \texttt{} & The page number (base 1) to open the document at. Default is page 1.\\\hline \end{tabular} \end{small}% \newpage \item \texttt{windowoptions}: The Window Options region of the Initial View tab consists of a series of check boxes, which when checked modifies the initial state of the document window. These are not really Boolean keys. If the key is present, the corresponding box in the UI will be checked, otherwise, the box remains cleared. \begin{tabular}{|>{\ttfamily}lp{2in}|}\hline Key & Description \\\hline fit & Resize window to initial page\\ center & Center window on screen \\ fullscreen & Open in Full Screen mode\\ showtitle & Show document title in the title bar\\\hline \end{tabular} Note that you can open the document in Full Screen mode using the \texttt{fullscreen} key above, or by using the \texttt{fullscreen} key of the \cs{setDefaultFS}. Either will work. \newpage \item \texttt{uioptions}: The User Interface Options region of the Initial View tab consists of a series of check boxes, which when checked hides a UI control. These are not really Boolean keys. If the key is present, the corresponding box in the UI will be checked, otherwise, the box remains cleared. \begin{tabular}{|>{\ttfamily}lp{2in}|}\hline Key & Description \\\hline hidemenubar & Hide menu bar\\ hidetoolbar & Hide tool bars\\ hidewindowui & Hide window controls\\\hline \end{tabular} \end{itemize} \end{document}