% Acrobat required % use useacrobat option with pdftex and xetex if you have acrobat \documentclass{article} \usepackage[% gopro, web={designiv,usesf,tight}, attachsource={tex}, attachments={% children/theeuro.pdf, % AeB Attachment 1 children/explog.pdf, % AeB Attachment 2 ../extras/aest.xls, % AeB Attachment 3 ../extras/ease.pdf % AeB Attachment 4 }, linktoattachments, eforms ]{aeb_pro} \DeclareDocInfo { title=The AeB Pro Package\texorpdfstring{\\[1ex]}{:} Creating a Package of Files, author=D. P. Story, university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net, email=dpstory@acrotex.net, subject=Test file for the AeB Pro package, keywords={Adobe Acrobat, JavaScript}, talksite=http://www.acrotex.net, talkdate={January 12, 2007}, copyrightStatus=True, copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story}, copyrightInfoURL=http://www.acrotex.net } \talkdateLabel{Version} \version{1.0}\nocopyright \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \newcommand\newtopic{\par\ifdim\lastskip>0pt\relax\vskip-\lastskip\fi \par\vskip6pt\noindent} \def\aftersverbskip{\noindent} \newenvironment{sverbatim} {\par\small\verbatim} {\endverbatim\par\aftergroup\aftersverbskip} \def\AcroTeX{Acro\negthinspace\TeX} \begin{attachmentNames} \autolabelNum*{1}{European Currency \u\EURO} \autolabelNum*{2}{\u0022$|e^\u007B\u005Cln(17)\u007D|$\u0022} %\autolabelNum*{2}{\u\DQUOTE$|e^\u\LBRACE\u005Cln(17)\u\RBRACE|$\u\DQUOTE} \autolabelNum*[AeST]{3}{The AeBST Components} \autolabelNum*[atease]{4}{The @EASE Control Panel} \end{attachmentNames} \makePDFPackage{viewmode=tile} % tile, details, hidden % Try compiling with this option %\makePDFPackage{viewmode=tile,initview=attach1} % choose view > Portfolio > Cover Sheet to recover the cover sheet \optionalPageMatter {% \par\bigskip \begin{minipage}{.67\linewidth} Link testing: \begin{itemize} \item See the \ahyperlink{attach1}{Euro} \item See my \ahyperlink{attach2}{formerly favorite number} \item See the \ahyperlink{atease}{@EASE Control Panel} \item View the \ahyperextract[launch=view]{AeST}{AeST Components} \end{itemize} \end{minipage} } \begin{document} \maketitle \section*{The \protect\cs{makePDFPackage} command} The concept of a PDF Package is introduced in Acrobat~8.\footnote{The PDF Package has had several name changes, originally known as a Collection, a Portable Collection, a PDF Package, and finally a (PDF) Portfolio.} On first blush, it is nothing more than a fancy user interface to display embedded files; however, it is also used in the new email form data workflow. Using the new \textsf{Forms} menu, data contained in FDF files can be packaged, and summary data can be displayed in the user interface. Consequently, the way forms uses it, a PDF package can be used as a simple database. Unfortunately, at this time, the form feature/database feature of PDF Packages is inaccessible to the JavaScript API and AeB Pro. What AeB Pro provides is packaging of the embedded files with the nice UI. \newtopic The procedure is as follows: Embed all files files in the parent as described in \texttt{aebpro\_ex5.pdf}, and use the command \cs{makePDFPackage} to package the attachments. The syntax is \begin{verbatim} \makePDFPackage{} \end{verbatim} There are only two sets of key-value pairs \begin{description} \item[\texttt{initview=