% use useacrobat option with pdftex and xetex if you have acrobat % use nopro if you don't have acrobat \documentclass{article} \usepackage [% % useacrobat, % nopro, web={ pro, designiv, % navibar, tight, % forcolorpaper, centertitlepage, usesf }, aebxmp ]{aeb_pro} \begin{comment} Experiment with various combinations of \noSectionNumber, \forceSubSubNumbers, Commenting and uncommenting the \selectDings data structure (for the toc). Comment and uncomment the dings key-value pair for the layout sections data structure. \end{comment} \noSectionNumbers %\forceSubSubNumbers \begin{comment} \selectDings { dDingToc=\ding{082}, ddDingToc=\ding{079}, dddDingToc=\ding{254} } \end{comment} \definecolor{orange}{rgb}{0.97,0.65,0.00} \definecolor{indianbrown}{rgb}{0.35,0.24,0.11} \sectionLayout {% ding=\ding{082}, % This ding will appear when \noSectionNumbers is in effect, comment out to get no ding indent=\prtscr{-\oddsidemargin}{0pt}, % Use \prtscr to have different values depending on for print or screen halign=l, % align left, the default color=\prtscr{webbrown}{red}, % text color of red special=\prtscr{default}{shadow}, % shadow special effects shadowcolor=blue % shadow color blue } \subsectionLayout{% ding=\ding{079}, indent=\prtscr{-.5\oddsidemargin}{0pt}, halign=\prtscr{l}{c}, color=red, special=\prtscr{default}{fcolorbox} } \subsubsectionLayout{% ding=$\bullet$, halign=\prtscr{l}{r}, color=indianbrown, special=\prtscr{default}{fcolorboxfit}, framecolor=red, bgcolor=orange } \tocLayout {% ding=\ding{082}, indent=\prtscr{-\oddsidemargin}{0pt}, halign=\prtscr{l}{c}, color=red, shadowcolor=blue } \DeclareDocInfo { title=The AeB Pro Package \texorpdfstring{\\[1ex]} {: }Highlighting the \texttt{pro} option of Web, author=D. P. Story, university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net, email=dpstory@acrotex.net, subject=Test file for the AeB Pro package, keywords={Adobe Acrobat, JavaScript}, talksite=\url{http://www.acrotex.net}, talkdate={January 12, 2007}, copyrightStatus=True, copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story}, copyrightInfoURL=http://www.acrotex.net } \talkdateLabel{Published:} \selectColors { universityColor = blue, titleColor = red, authorColor = blue, urlColor = webbrown, linkColor = webgreen, fileColor = webbrown } \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \newcommand\newtopic{\par\ifdim\lastskip>0pt\relax\vskip-\lastskip\fi \vskip\medskipamount\noindent} \newenvironment{sverbatim} {\par\footnotesize\verbatim}{\endverbatim} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{AeB Control Central} The AeB family of software, {\LaTeX} packages all, are for the most part stand alone; however, usually they are used in combination with each other, at least that is the purpose for which they were originally designed. When several members of family AeB are used, they should be loaded in the optimal order. With AeB Pro, you can now list the members of the AeB family you wish to use, along with their optional parameters you wish to use. \newtopic For example, \begin{sverbatim} \usepackage[% driver=dvips, web={pro,designv,tight,nodirectory,centertitlepage,usesf}, exerquiz={}, ..., aebxmp, ]{aeb_pro} \end{sverbatim} Yes, yes, I know this is not necessary, you can always load the packages earlier than AeB Pro, but please, humor me. By default, the code for supporting features that require the use of Distiller and Acrobat~Pro are included; there is a \texttt{nopro} option that excludes these features. Use the \texttt{nopro} if you wish to use the AeB Control Center to load the various members of the Acro\negthinspace\TeX{} family. \newtopic See the AeB Pro documentation for the list of supported options. \section{Document Information: \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{DeclareDocInfo}} {\textbackslash DeclareDocInfo}} The \texttt{web} package and the \texttt{hyperref} package both have several data strings used in the Description tab of the Document Properties of a PDF document. Below is the \cs{DeclareDocInfo} ``data structure'', the meanings of the keys are clear. Some of the keys are used in the Description tab of the PDF document, others are used in the title page, while others true play a dual role. \begin{sverbatim} \DeclareDocInfo{ title=The AeB Pro Package \texorpdfstring{\\[1ex]} {: }Highlighting the \texttt{pro} option of Web, author=D. P. Story, university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net, email=dpstory@acrotex.net, subject=Test file for the AeB Pro package, keywords={Adobe Acrobat, JavaScript}, talksite=\url{http://www.acrotex.net}, talkdate={January 12, 2007}, copyrightStatus=True, copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story}, copyrightInfoURL=http://www.acrotex.net } \end{sverbatim} The last three keys are particular to the \textsf{aebxmp} package, which has been input into this document. These three keys populate the Advanced Metadata dialog box; Acrobat~8 Pro is required for \textsf{aebxmp} package to work correctly. \newtopic See the AeB Pro documentation for a detailed description of \cs{DeclareDoc\-In\-fo} and the \textsf{aebxmp} package documentation. \section{Control over Headings} The \texttt{pro} option of web introduces the use of the xkeyval package and with it comes a complex choice for setting up your section headings and various elements of your title page. \subsection{Designing your Section Headings} When the \texttt{pro} option of the \textsf{web} package is used, the commands \cs{section\-Layout}, \cs{sub\-section\-Layout} and \cs{subsubsectionLayout} become available. Look in the preamble of this document, there, I've set the look of the format of each of these three section levels. My design choices are meant to illustrate the variety of choices you have, I myself have no sense of color, or design, for that matter. The normal setting is to show section numbers, when you execute \cs{no\-Section\-Numbers} in the preamble, obviously, no section numbers will be shown. (Useful for presentations, with no cross-references.) If you specify a value for the \texttt{ding} key, then a ding appears where the section number was. When showing section numbers, the default, one of the famous features of the \textsf{web} package was to have a bullet for the subsubsection heading, rather than the subsubsection number. By executing \cs{forceSubSubNumbers} in the preamble, you force the appearance of the subsubsection numbers. To get the appearance of these numbers in the table of contents, use the \texttt{latextoc} option of \textsf{web}. The commands can be placed in the preamble or anywhere. They take effect at the next encountered section that is applicable. \subsection{Designing your Initial Pages} The same mechanism used for the formatting of the section headings is also used for the title page and the table of contents. \subsubsection{The Title Page} Certain components of the title page can be controlled using the same mechanism as the section headings. Corresponding to the university, the title and the author are \cs{universityLayout}, \cs{titleLayout} and \cs{authorLayout}. These three have the same key-value pairs as the section layout commands, but they do now obey the \texttt{ding} key. \newtopic See \texttt{aebpro\_titlepg.tex} for an interesting illustration of the key-values of the layout for the title page. \subsubsection{The Table of Contents} The \cs{tocLayout} command is like the layout commands on the title page, it does not obey the \texttt{ding} key. With it you can adjust color of the text and horizontal positioning. Special effects can also be specified. When \cs{noPageNumbers} is in effect, you can specify the values of the \cs{selectDings} structure to have dings showing up in the table of contents listing. These dings may or may not match the dings of the section labeling. Specifying no ding for a particular section level displays no ding for that toc entry. \end{document}