\documentclass{article} \usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} \usepackage[designi]{web} \usepackage{eforms} \usepackage{aeb_mlink} \usepackage{multicol} \renewcommand\hproportionwebtitle{.75} \renewcommand{\titleauthorproportion}{.5} \title{Demonstrating the \textsf{aeb\_mlink} Package\texorpdfstring{\\[3pt]}{: }A member of AeB Pro} \author{D. P. Story} \subject{Multi-line links using the AcroTeX eDucation Bundle} \keywords{AeB, multi-line links} \university{NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE\\ Department of Mathematics} \email{storyd@nwfsc.edu} \version{2.2} \revisionLabel{} \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \flJSStr\Msgi{First Link\\n\\nLet's try another! J\\374rgen and with unicode J\\u00FCrgen} \flJSStr\Msgii{Success! Multi-line links with hyphenation!\\n\\nCongrats, J\\u00FCrgen} \flJSStr\Msgiii{I said, \\"No, they won't work.\\"...I'm wrong again.} % \mlMarksOn \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This file tests and demonstrates new macros for creating hypertext links that wrap around a line. Most of the text is nonsense, and was created to fill the page, no offence taken I hope This paragraph contains two links that go beyond the \mlhypertext[\S{U}\W{1}\Color{0 .6 0}\A{\JS{app.alert(\Msgi);}}]{margins of this text width} so it wraps around to the next line. Now, I'll \mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert("Second Link")}}]{insert a multi-line link.}\footnote{Techniques by D. P. Story} Can we continue with this? Yes, so says D. P. Story. This paragraph contains two links that go beyond the \mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert("Third Link")}}]{margins of this text width}, so it wraps around to the next line. Let's try a numbered equation: \begin{equation} \boxed{x + y = 1} \end{equation} Now, with your permission, I'll insert another one of these \mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert("Fourth Link")}}]{links of the multiline type.}\footnote{D.P. Story is very nice fellow, but he has a rather \mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert("Footnote!")}}]{grand head; we must watch the compliments} so we don't inflate his ego more.} Can we continue with this? Yes, so says D. P. Story. On the next page, we try multiple column format. \goodbreak \mlhypertext[\S{U}\W{1}\Color{0 0.6 0}\A{\JS{app.alert(\Msgii)}}]{Welcome my friends to my residence, humble as it is. The encyclopedia is a wonderful book.} We shall study it closely during your visit. Try this great link: \mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert("Yes, they do!");}}]{J\"{u}rgen, \LaTeX{} and math \mbox{\smash[b]{$\displaystyle\int_0^1 f(x)\,dx$}} work admirably.} \parskip0pt \begin{multicols}{2} \noindent Being able to create multi-line links becomes important when the \texttt{\string\linewidth} is narrow. On this page we create some mindless text that will fill up all or part of the page, then create some multi-line links. Without a doubt, \textsl{this method will fail if the paragraph contains multi-line links that crosses a \emph{page boundary} or a \emph{\mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert("Wrong again! However, there are problems with page boundaries.");}}]{column boundary}}}. This paragraph contains two links that extend beyond the \mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert("Fifth Link")}}]{margins of this text width} which causes it to wrap around to the next line. Note the hyphenation of the link, this is due to the \textsf{soul} package. As a further test, I'll \mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert("Sixth Link")}}]{insert a multi-line link} again. Can we continue with this? Yes, so says D. P. Story. \end{multicols} \section{Second of Three Sections}\label{second} Let us begin by having page filling mindless text, then we'll force a page break, but before we break, a friend of mine, asked if multi-line links work with math formulas. A very strange request, \mlhypertext[\A{\JS{app.alert(\Msgiii)}}]{$ x= f(t)$, $ x= g(t)$, $h(x) = e^x$}, very strange indeed. Let's try. Use \LaTeX/hyperref system of cross-referencing \mlnameref{three}. The last link is a modification of the \texttt{\string\nameref} command from hyperref.The \texttt{\string\Nameref} command can be duplicated \mlNameref{three} as well. \newpage \section{Third of Three Sections}\label{three} The second section, oops, I've lost count. I have nothing to say in this section. I take that back, below are notes and problem areas: \begin{enumerate} \item It is possible to break multi-line links across page boundaries, see the \href{http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1383}{{Acro\!\TeX} Blog} article \textsl{\mlhref{http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1383}{Crossing page boundaries with multi-line links}} for a demo file of this. \item See the \textsf{soul} package documentation for limitations on the arguments of the \cs{mlxx} commands. \item Works for footnotes \item Can use verbatim text in a paragraph, \verb!$#}^!, but cannot include verbatim in a multi-line link. Is there any real need to do so? \end{enumerate} \section{URLs} Let us try a URL across lines: \mlhref[\S{U}\W{1}\Color{0.6 0 0}]{% http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/acrotex.html#educational} {See the educational offerings of the {Acro\negthinspace{\TeX}} Web Site at the University of Akron}. This link plays off the \texttt{\string\href} \hypertarget{command}{command}. There is also the \cs{mlurl} command, illustrated in the file \texttt{mlink\_tst\_url.tex}. We can also call a local file, let's try: \mlhref{shameless_ad.pdf}{Here is a shameless advertisement for Acro\!\TeX}. Try launching a file now, let's try a \LaTeX{} file: \mlhref[\S{U}\W{1}\Color{.6 0 0}]{run:\jobname.tex}{This is the source file of this document}.\footnote{Source document needs to be in the folder containing this PDF file.} Finally, let's try my own email address at Acro\!\TeX.Net, \mlhref{mailto:dpstory@acrotex.net}{dpstory at acrotex dot net}. \href{run:np_test.txt}{Launch Notepad}\footnote{Windows system required.} \end{document}