% % dpstory@acrotex.net % \documentclass{article} % aeb_pro not required for pdflatex, lualatex, or xelatex % If you don't have acrobat, no harm done. For the % dvips -> distiller workflow, aeb_pro is required. \usepackage[% web={designiii}, eforms,useacrobat ]{aeb_pro} % for non-pdfmark workflow, and if you don't want to install aeb_pro, % the alternative is to use the following two packages instead. %\usepackage[designiii]{web} %\usepackage{eforms} \usepackage{acrosort} \university{Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net} \title{The AcroSort Package} \author{D. P. Story} \email{dpstory@acrotex.net} \subject{Test file for the AcroSort Package} \keywords{Adobe Acrobat, JavaScript, LaTeX, JavaScript, sort, tiling} %\previewOn\pmpvOn \begin{embedding} \isPackage \asEmbedTiles{choo}{20}{choo/choo} \end{embedding} \parskip6pt \parindent0pt \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{center} \insertTiles{choo}{.67\linewidth}{4}{5} \end{center} \smallskip\customStartJS{console.show(); console.println("Starting the choo sort");} \centering\StartSort{choo}{}{12bp}\quad\StopSort{}{12bp}\quad\ClearSort{choo}{}{12bp} \vfill This demo file works when viewed in \textsf{Acrobat}, \textsf{Adobe Reader}, or \textsf{PDFX-Change Editor}. \end{document}