============================================================ Using the LuxiMono Fonts with LaTeX ============================================================ 2004-01-26 Walter Schmidt w.a.schmidt@gmx.net LuxiMono is a family of general-purpose monospaced (typewriter) fonts. They are original designs by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow from Bigelow and Holmes Inc., who developed the Luxi typeface designs in Ikarus digital format. URW++ Design and Development GmbH converted the Ikarus format fonts to TrueType and Type 1 font programs and implemented the grid-fitting "hints" and kerning tables in the Luxi fonts. Use of the LuxiMono fonts with LaTeX is supported by means of a macro package: \usepackage{luximono} makes LaTeX use LuxiMono as the default typewriter family. The Luxi fonts are much larger than many others, when used with the same nominal size. This can be fixed by loading the package luximono with the option [scaled=...]. For instance, \usepackage[scaled=0.9]{luximono} loads the LuxiMono fonts, scaled down to 90% of their "natural" size. Omitting the factor, i.e. \usepackage[scaled]{luximomo} selects a default scaling of 87%. Notice that LuxiMono is supported with T1 (european) and TS1 (textcompanion) encoding only, so you should issue the commands \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} in the document preamble. The obsolete OT1 encoding, which is still the default with LaTeX, is _not_ supported. NFSS CLASSIFICATION encodings family series shape(s) FontName(s) -------------------------------------------------------- T1, TS1 ul9 m, b n, sl LuxiMono LuxiMono-Oblique LuxiMono-Bold LuxiMono-BoldOblique In the TS1 encoding only the characters of the ISO-Adobe 1 character set plus the Euro (\texteuro) are available. == finis