path: root/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/tex')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1644 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-base.lua b/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-base.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f46d75..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-base.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-local module = {
- name = "harf-base",
- description = "Harf base/shared code",
- version = "0.4.2",
- date = "2019-09-07",
- license = "GPL v2.0"
-local hb = require("luaharfbuzz")
--- The engine’s TFM structure indexes glyphs by character codes, which means
--- all our glyphs need character codes. We fake them by adding the maximum
--- possible Unicode code point to the glyph id. This way we have a simple
--- mapping for all glyphs without interfering with any valid Unicode code
--- point.
--- The engine uses the first 256 code points outside valid Unicode code space
--- for escaping raw bytes, so we skip them in our prefix.
-hb.CH_GID_PREFIX = 0x110000 + 256
--- Legacy TeX Input Method Disguised as Font Ligatures hack.
--- Single replacements, keyed by character to replace. Handled separately
--- because TeX ligaturing mechanism does not support one-to-one replacements.
-local trep = {
- [0x0022] = 0x201D, -- ["]
- [0x0027] = 0x2019, -- [']
- [0x0060] = 0x2018, -- [`]
--- Ligatures. The value is a character "ligature" table as described in the
--- manual.
-local tlig ={
- [0x2013] = { [0x002D] = { char = 0x2014 } }, -- [---]
- [0x002D] = { [0x002D] = { char = 0x2013 } }, -- [--]
- [0x0060] = { [0x0060] = { char = 0x201C } }, -- [``]
- [0x0027] = { [0x0027] = { char = 0x201D } }, -- ['']
- [0x0021] = { [0x0060] = { char = 0x00A1 } }, -- [!`]
- [0x003F] = { [0x0060] = { char = 0x00BF } }, -- [?`]
- [0x002C] = { [0x002C] = { char = 0x201E } }, -- [,,]
- [0x003C] = { [0x003C] = { char = 0x00AB } }, -- [<<]
- [0x003E] = { [0x003E] = { char = 0x00BB } }, -- [>>]
-hb.texrep = trep
-hb.texlig = tlig
-return hb
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-load.lua b/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-load.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8367ced0..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-load.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-local module = {
- name = "harf-load",
- description = "Harf font loading",
- version = "0.4.2",
- date = "2019-09-07",
- license = "GPL v2.0"
-local hb = require("harf-base")
-local hbfonts = hb.fonts
-local hbfonts = hbfonts or {}
-local cfftag ="CFF ")
-local cff2tag ="CFF2")
-local os2tag ="OS/2")
-local posttag ="post")
-local glyftag ="glyf")
-local function loadfont(spec)
- local path = spec.resolved or
- if not path then
- return nil
- end
- local index = spec.sub and spec.sub or 1
- local key = string.format("%s:%d", path, index)
- local data = hbfonts[key]
- if data then
- return data
- end
- local hbface =, index - 1)
- local tags = hbface and hbface:get_table_tags()
- -- If the face has no table tags then it isn’t a valid SFNT font that
- -- HarfBuzz can handle.
- if tags then
- local hbfont =
- local upem = hbface:get_upem()
- -- The engine seems to use the font type to tell whether there is a CFF
- -- table or not, so we check for that here.
- local fonttype = nil
- local hasos2 = false
- local haspost = false
- for i = 1, #tags do
- local tag = tags[i]
- if tag == cfftag or tag == cff2tag then
- fonttype = "opentype"
- elseif tag == glyftag then
- fonttype = "truetype"
- elseif tag == os2tag then
- hasos2 = true
- elseif tag == posttag then
- haspost = true
- end
- end
- local fontextents = hbfont:get_h_extents()
- local ascender = fontextents and fontextents.ascender or upem * .8
- local descender = fontextents and fontextents.descender or upem * .2
- local gid = hbfont:get_nominal_glyph(0x0020)
- local space = gid and hbfont:get_glyph_h_advance(gid) or upem / 2
- local slant = 0
- if haspost then
- local post = hbface:get_table(posttag)
- local length = post:get_length()
- local data = post:get_data()
- if length >= 32 and string.unpack(">i4", data) <= 0x00030000 then
- local italicangle = string.unpack(">i4", data, 5) / 2^16
- if italicangle ~= 0 then
- slant = -math.tan(italicangle * math.pi / 180) * 65536.0
- end
- end
- end
- -- Load glyph metrics for all glyphs in the font. We used to do this on
- -- demand to make loading fonts faster, but hit many limitations inside
- -- the engine (mainly with shared backend fonts, where the engine would
- -- assume all fonts it decides to share load the same set of glyphs).
- --
- -- Getting glyph advances is fast enough, but glyph extents are slower
- -- especially in CFF fonts. We might want to have an option to ignore exact
- -- glyph extents and use font ascender and descender if this proved to be
- -- too slow.
- local glyphcount = hbface:get_glyph_count()
- local glyphs = {}
- for gid = 0, glyphcount - 1 do
- local width = hbfont:get_glyph_h_advance(gid)
- local height, depth, italic = nil, nil, nil
- local extents = hbfont:get_glyph_extents(gid)
- if extents then
- height = extents.y_bearing
- depth = extents.y_bearing + extents.height
- if extents.x_bearing < 0 then
- italic = -extents.x_bearing
- end
- end
- glyphs[gid] = {
- width = width,
- height = height or ascender,
- depth = -(depth or descender),
- italic = italic or 0,
- }
- end
- local unicodes = hbface:collect_unicodes()
- local characters = {}
- for _, uni in next, unicodes do
- characters[uni] = hbfont:get_nominal_glyph(uni)
- end
- local xheight, capheight = 0, 0
- if hasos2 then
- local os2 = hbface:get_table(os2tag)
- local length = os2:get_length()
- local data = os2:get_data()
- if length >= 96 and string.unpack(">H", data) > 1 then
- -- We don’t need much of the table, so we read from hard-coded offsets.
- xheight = string.unpack(">H", data, 87)
- capheight = string.unpack(">H", data, 89)
- end
- end
- if xheight == 0 then
- local gid = characters[120] -- x
- if gid then
- xheight = glyphs[gid].height
- else
- xheight = ascender / 2
- end
- end
- if capheight == 0 then
- local gid = characters[88] -- X
- if gid then
- capheight = glyphs[gid].height
- else
- capheight = ascender
- end
- end
- data = {
- face = hbface,
- font = hbfont,
- upem = upem,
- fonttype = fonttype,
- space = space,
- xheight = xheight,
- capheight = capheight,
- slant = slant,
- glyphs = glyphs,
- unicodes = characters,
- psname = hbface:get_name(hb.ot.NAME_ID_POSTSCRIPT_NAME),
- fullname = hbface:get_name(hb.ot.NAME_ID_FULL_NAME),
- haspng = hbface:ot_color_has_png(),
- loaded = {}, -- Cached loaded glyph data.
- }
- hbfonts[key] = data
- return data
- end
--- Drop illegal characters from PS Name, per the spec
-local function sanitize(psname)
- local new = psname:gsub(".", function(c)
- local b = c:byte()
- if (b < 33 or b > 126)
- or c == "["
- or c == "]"
- or c == "("
- or c == ")"
- or c == "{"
- or c == "}"
- or c == "<"
- or c == ">"
- or c == "/"
- or c == "%"
- then
- return "-"
- end
- return c
- end)
- return new
-local tlig = hb.texlig
-local function scalefont(data, spec)
- local size = spec.size
- local hbface = data.face
- local hbfont = data.font
- local upem = data.upem
- local space =
- if size < 0 then
- size = -655.36 * size
- end
- -- Extract features (that we pass to HarfBuzz) from the rest of the options.
- -- Mostly a heuristic.
- local features = {}
- local options = {}
- local rawfeatures = spec.features and spec.features.raw or {}
- for key, val in next, rawfeatures do
- if key == "language" then val = end
- if key == "colr" then key = "palette" end
- if key == "tlig" then key = "texlig" end
- if key:len() == 4 then
- -- 4-letter options are likely font features, but not always, so we do
- -- some checks below. We put non feature options in the `options` dict.
- if val == true or val == false then
- val = (val and '+' or '-')..key
- features[#features + 1] =
- elseif tonumber(val) then
- val = '+'..key..'='..tonumber(val) - 1
- features[#features + 1] =
- else
- options[key] = val
- end
- else
- options[key] = val
- end
- end
- -- We shape in font units (at UPEM) and then scale output with the desired
- -- sfont size.
- local scale = size / upem
- hbfont:set_scale(upem, upem)
- -- Populate font’s characters table.
- local glyphs = data.glyphs
- local characters = {}
- for gid, glyph in next, glyphs do
- characters[hb.CH_GID_PREFIX + gid] = {
- index = gid,
- width = glyph.width * scale,
- height = glyph.height * scale,
- depth = glyph.depth * scale,
- italic = glyph.italic * scale,
- }
- end
- local unicodes = data.unicodes
- for uni, gid in next, unicodes do
- characters[uni] = characters[hb.CH_GID_PREFIX + gid]
- end
- -- Select font palette, we support `palette=index` option, and load the first
- -- one otherwise.
- local paletteidx = tonumber(options.palette) or 1
- -- Load CPAL palette from the font.
- local palette = nil
- if hbface:ot_color_has_palettes() and hbface:ot_color_has_layers() then
- local count = hbface:ot_color_palette_get_count()
- if paletteidx <= count then
- palette = hbface:ot_color_palette_get_colors(paletteidx)
- end
- end
- local letterspace = 0
- if options.letterspace then
- letterspace = tonumber(options.letterspace) / 100 * upem
- elseif options.kernfactor then
- letterspace = tonumber(options.kernfactor) * upem
- end
- space = space + letterspace
- local slantfactor = nil
- if options.slant then
- slantfactor = tonumber(options.slant) * 1000
- end
- local mode = nil
- local width = nil
- if options.embolden then
- mode = 2
- -- The multiplication by 7200.0/7227 is to undo the opposite conversion
- -- the engine is doing and make the final number written in the PDF file
- -- match XeTeX’s.
- width = (size * tonumber(options.embolden) / 6553.6) * (7200.0/7227)
- end
- local hscale = upem
- local extendfactor = nil
- if options.extend then
- extendfactor = tonumber(options.extend) * 1000
- hscale = hscale * tonumber(options.extend)
- end
- local vscale = upem
- local squeezefactor = nil
- if options.squeeze then
- squeezefactor = tonumber(options.squeeze) * 1000
- vscale = vscale * tonumber(options.squeeze)
- end
- if options.texlig then
- for char in next, characters do
- local ligatures = tlig[char]
- if ligatures then
- characters[char].ligatures = ligatures
- end
- end
- end
- return {
- name = spec.specification,
- filename = spec.resolved or,
- designsize = size,
- psname = sanitize(data.psname),
- fullname = data.fullname,
- index = (spec.sub and spec.sub or 1) - 1,
- size = size,
- units_per_em = upem,
- type = "real",
- embedding = "subset",
- tounicode = 1,
- nomath = true,
- format = data.fonttype,
- slant = slantfactor,
- mode = mode,
- width = width,
- extend = extendfactor,
- squeeze = squeezefactor,
- characters = characters,
- parameters = {
- slant = data.slant,
- space = space * scale,
- space_stretch = space * scale / 2,
- space_shrink = space * scale / 3,
- x_height = data.xheight * scale,
- quad = size,
- extra_space = space * scale / 3,
- [8] = data.capheight * scale, -- for XeTeX compatibility.
- },
- hb = {
- scale = scale,
- features = features,
- options = options,
- palette = palette,
- shared = data,
- letterspace = letterspace,
- hscale = hscale,
- vscale = vscale,
- },
- }
-local function define_font(spec, size)
- local hbdata = loadfont(spec)
- return hbdata and scalefont(hbdata, spec)
-return define_font
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-luaotfload.lua b/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-luaotfload.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 10099c68..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-luaotfload.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-local module = {
- name = "harf-luaotfload",
- description = "Harf luaotfload integration",
- version = "0.4.2",
- date = "2019-09-07",
- license = "GPL v2.0"
-if not pcall(require, "luaharfbuzz") then
- luatexbase.module_error("harf", "'luaharfbuzz' module is required.")
-local harf = require("harf")
-local define_font = harf.callbacks.define_font
-local readers = {
- opentype = fonts.readers.opentype,
- otf = fonts.readers.otf,
- ttf = fonts.readers.ttf,
- ttc = fonts.readers.ttc,
-local function harf_reader(spec)
- local features = spec.features and spec.features.raw
- local mode = features and features.mode
- if mode and mode ~= "harf" then
- return readers[spec.forced](spec)
- end
- return define_font(spec)
--- Register font readers. We override the default ones to always use HarfBuzz
--- if no mode is explicitly set or when `mode=harf` is used, otherwise we
--- fallback to the old readers. Fonts we load will be shaped by the callbacks
--- we register below.
-fonts.readers.harf = harf_reader
-fonts.readers.opentype = harf_reader
-fonts.readers.otf = harf_reader
-fonts.readers.ttf = harf_reader
-fonts.readers.ttc = harf_reader
-local GSUBtag ="GSUB")
-local GPOStag ="GPOS")
-local dflttag ="dflt")
-local aux = luaotfload.aux
-local aux_provides_script = aux.provides_script
-aux.provides_script = function(fontid, script)
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
- if hbdata then
- local hbshared = hbdata.shared
- local hbface = hbshared.face
- local script =
- for _, tag in next, { GSUBtag, GPOStag } do
- local scripts = hbface:ot_layout_get_script_tags(tag) or {}
- for i = 1, #scripts do
- if script == scripts[i] then return true end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- return aux_provides_script(fontid, script)
-local aux_provides_language = aux.provides_language
-aux.provides_language = function(fontid, script, language)
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
- if hbdata then
- local hbshared = hbdata.shared
- local hbface = hbshared.face
- local script =
- -- fontspec seems to incorrectly use “DFLT” for language instead of “dflt”.
- local language = == "DFLT" and "dflt" or language)
- for _, tag in next, { GSUBtag, GPOStag } do
- local scripts = hbface:ot_layout_get_script_tags(tag) or {}
- for i = 1, #scripts do
- if script == scripts[i] then
- if language == dflttag then
- -- By definition “dflt” language is always present.
- return true
- else
- local languages = hbface:ot_layout_get_language_tags(tag, i - 1) or {}
- for j = 1, #languages do
- if language == languages[j] then return true end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- return aux_provides_language(fontid, script, language)
-local aux_provides_feature = aux.provides_feature
-aux.provides_feature = function(fontid, script, language, feature)
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
- if hbdata then
- local hbshared = hbdata.shared
- local hbface = hbshared.face
- local script =
- -- fontspec seems to incorrectly use “DFLT” for language instead of “dflt”.
- local language = == "DFLT" and "dflt" or language)
- local feature =
- for _, tag in next, { GSUBtag, GPOStag } do
- local _, script_idx = hbface:ot_layout_find_script(tag, script)
- local _, language_idx = hbface:ot_layout_find_language(tag, script_idx, language)
- if hbface:ot_layout_find_feature(tag, script_idx, language_idx, feature) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- return aux_provides_feature(fontid, script, language, feature)
-local aux_font_has_glyph = aux.font_has_glyph
-aux.font_has_glyph = function(fontid, codepoint)
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
- if hbdata then
- local hbshared = hbdata.shared
- local unicodes = hbshared.unicodes
- return unicodes[codepoint] ~= nil
- end
- return aux_font_has_glyph(fontid, codepoint)
-local aux_slot_of_name = aux.slot_of_name
-aux.slot_of_name = function(fontid, glyphname, unsafe)
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
- if hbdata then
- local hbshared = hbdata.shared
- local hbfont = hbshared.font
- local gid = hbfont:get_glyph_from_name(glyphname)
- if gid ~= nil then
- return gid + harf.CH_GID_PREFIX
- end
- return nil
- end
- return aux_slot_of_name(fontid, glyphname, unsafe)
-local aux_name_of_slot = aux.name_of_slot
-aux.name_of_slot = function(fontid, codepoint)
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
- if hbdata then
- local hbshared = hbdata.shared
- local hbfont = hbshared.font
- local characters = fontdata.characters
- local character = characters[codepoint]
- if character then
- local gid = characters[codepoint].index
- return hbfont:get_glyph_name(gid)
- end
- return nil
- end
- return aux_name_of_slot(fontid, codepoint)
--- luatexbase does not know how to handle `wrapup_run` callback, teach it.
-luatexbase.callbacktypes.wrapup_run = 1 -- simple
-luatexbase.callbacktypes.get_glyph_string = 1 -- simple
-local base_callback_descriptions = luatexbase.callback_descriptions
-local base_add_to_callback = luatexbase.add_to_callback
-local base_remove_from_callback = luatexbase.remove_from_callback
--- Remove all existing functions from given callback, insert ours, then
--- reinsert the removed ones, so ours takes a priority.
-local function add_to_callback(name, func)
- local saved_callbacks = {}, ff, dd
- for k, v in next, base_callback_descriptions(name) do
- saved_callbacks[k] = { base_remove_from_callback(name, v) }
- end
- base_add_to_callback(name, func, "Harf "" callback")
- for _, v in next, saved_callbacks do
- base_add_to_callback(name, v[1], v[2])
- end
--- Register all Harf callbacks, except `define_font` which is handled above.
-for name, func in next, harf.callbacks do
- if name ~= "define_font" then
- add_to_callback(name, func)
- end
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-node.lua b/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-node.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 466db2ac..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-node.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,992 +0,0 @@
-local module = {
- name = "harf-node",
- description = "Harf text shaping",
- version = "0.4.2",
- date = "2019-09-07",
- license = "GPL v2.0"
-local hb = require("harf-base")
-local assert = assert
-local next = next
-local tonumber = tonumber
-local type = type
-local format = string.format
-local open =
-local tableinsert = table.insert
-local tableremove = table.remove
-local ostmpname = os.tmpname
-local osremove = os.remove
-local direct =
-local tonode = direct.tonode
-local todirect = direct.todirect
-local traverse = direct.traverse
-local traverseid = direct.traverse_id
-local insertbefore = direct.insert_before
-local insertafter = direct.insert_after
-local protectglyph = direct.protect_glyph
-local newnode =
-local copynode = direct.copy
-local removenode = direct.remove
-local copynodelist = direct.copy_list
-local isglyph = direct.is_glyph
-local getattrs = direct.getattributelist
-local setattrs = direct.setattributelist
-local getchar = direct.getchar
-local setchar = direct.setchar
-local getdir = direct.getdir
-local setdir = direct.setdir
-local getdata = direct.getdata
-local setdata = direct.setdata
-local getfont = direct.getfont
-local setfont = direct.setfont
-local getfield = direct.getfield
-local setfield = direct.setfield
-local getid = direct.getid
-local getkern = direct.getkern
-local setkern = direct.setkern
-local getnext = direct.getnext
-local setnext = direct.setnext
-local getoffsets = direct.getoffsets
-local setoffsets = direct.setoffsets
-local getproperty = direct.getproperty
-local setproperty = direct.setproperty
-local getprev = direct.getprev
-local setprev = direct.setprev
-local getsubtype = direct.getsubtype
-local setsubtype = direct.setsubtype
-local getwidth = direct.getwidth
-local setwidth = direct.setwidth
-local getpre = function (n) return getfield(n, "pre") end
-local setpre = function (n, v) setfield(n, "pre", v) end
-local getpost = function (n) return getfield(n, "post") end
-local setpost = function (n, v) setfield(n, "post", v) end
-local getrep = function (n) return getfield(n, "replace") end
-local setrep = function (n, v) setfield(n, "replace", v) end
-local imgnode = img.node
-local disc_t ="disc")
-local glue_t ="glue")
-local glyph_t ="glyph")
-local dir_t ="dir")
-local kern_t ="kern")
-local localpar_t ="local_par")
-local whatsit_t ="whatsit")
-local pdfliteral_t = node.subtype("pdf_literal")
-local pdfcolorstack_t = node.subtype("pdf_colorstack")
-local explicitdisc_t = 1
-local fontkern_t = 0
-local italiccorr_t = 3
-local regulardisc_t = 3
-local spaceskip_t = 13
-local getscript = hb.unicode.script
-local common_s ="Zyyy")
-local inherited_s ="Zinh")
-local unknown_s ="Zzzz")
-local latn_s ="Latn")
-local invalid_l =
-local dir_ltr ="ltr")
-local dir_rtl ="rtl")
-local fl_unsafe = hb.Buffer.GLYPH_FLAG_UNSAFE_TO_BREAK
-local startactual_p = "startactualtext"
-local endactual_p = "endactualtext"
-local color_p = "color"
-local string_p = "string"
--- Simple table copying function.
-local function copytable(old)
- local new = {}
- for k, v in next, old do
- if type(v) == "table" then v = copytable(v) end
- new[k] = v
- end
- return new
--- Set and get properties from our private `harf` subtable.
-local function setprop(n, prop, value)
- local props = getproperty(n)
- if not props then
- props = {}
- setproperty(n, props)
- end
- props.harf = props.harf or {}
- props.harf[prop] = value
--- New kern node of amount `v`, inheriting the properties/attributes of `n`.
-local function newkern(v, n)
- local kern = newnode(kern_t)
- local props = getproperty(n)
- local attrs = getattrs(n)
- if props then
- setproperty(kern, copytable(props))
- end
- if attrs then
- setattrs(kern, copynodelist(attrs))
- end
- setkern(kern, v)
- return kern
-local function insertkern(head, current, kern, rtl)
- if rtl then
- head = insertbefore(head, current, kern)
- else
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, kern)
- end
- return head, current
--- Convert list of integers to UTF-16 hex string used in PDF.
-local function to_utf16_hex(uni)
- if uni < 0x10000 then
- return format("%04X", uni)
- else
- uni = uni - 0x10000
- local hi = 0xD800 + (uni // 0x400)
- local lo = 0xDC00 + (uni % 0x400)
- return format("%04X%04X", hi, lo)
- end
-local paired_open = {
- [0x0028] = 0x0029, [0x003c] = 0x003e, [0x005b] = 0x005d, [0x007b] = 0x007d,
- [0x00ab] = 0x00bb, [0x2018] = 0x2019, [0x201c] = 0x201d, [0x2039] = 0x203a,
- [0x3008] = 0x3009, [0x300a] = 0x300b, [0x300c] = 0x300d, [0x300e] = 0x300f,
- [0x3010] = 0x3011, [0x3014] = 0x3015, [0x3016] = 0x3017, [0x3018] = 0x3019,
- [0x301a] = 0x301b,
-local paired_close = {
- [0x0029] = 0x0028, [0x003e] = 0x003c, [0x005d] = 0x005b, [0x007d] = 0x007b,
- [0x00bb] = 0x00ab, [0x2019] = 0x2018, [0x201d] = 0x201c, [0x203a] = 0x2039,
- [0x3009] = 0x3008, [0x300b] = 0x300a, [0x300d] = 0x300c, [0x300f] = 0x300e,
- [0x3011] = 0x3010, [0x3015] = 0x3014, [0x3017] = 0x3016, [0x3019] = 0x3018,
- [0x301b] = 0x301a,
-local process
-local trep = hb.texrep
-local function itemize(head, direction)
- -- Collect character properties (font, direction, script) and resolve common
- -- and inherited scripts. Pre-requisite for itemization into smaller runs.
- local props, nodes, codes = {}, {}, {}
- local dirstack, pairstack = {}, {}
- local currdir = direction or "TLT"
- local currfontid = nil
- for n in direct.traverse(head) do
- local id = getid(n)
- local script = common_s
- local skip = false
- if id == glyph_t then
- currfontid = getfont(n)
- if getsubtype(n) > 255 then
- skip = true
- else
- code = getchar(n)
- script = getscript(code)
- end
- elseif id == glue_t and getsubtype(n) == spaceskip_t then
- code = 0x0020 -- SPACE
- elseif id == disc_t
- and (getsubtype(n) == explicitdisc_t -- \-
- or getsubtype(n) == regulardisc_t) -- \discretionary
- then
- code = 0x00AD -- SOFT HYPHEN
- elseif id == dir_t then
- local dir = getdir(n)
- if dir:sub(1, 1) == "+" then
- -- Push the current direction to the stack.
- tableinsert(dirstack, currdir)
- currdir = dir:sub(2)
- else
- assert(currdir == dir:sub(2))
- -- Pop the last direction from the stack.
- currdir = tableremove(dirstack)
- end
- elseif id == localpar_t then
- currdir = getdir(n)
- end
- local fontdata = currfontid and font.getfont(currfontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
- local options = hbdata and hbdata.options
- local texlig = options and options.texlig
- if texlig then
- local replacement = trep[code]
- if replacement then
- code = replacement
- end
- end
- if not hbdata then skip = true end
- -- Resolve common and inherited scripts. Inherited takes the script of the
- -- previous character. Common almost the same, but we tray to make paired
- -- characters (e.g. parentheses) to take the same script.
- if #props > 0 and (script == common_s or script == inherited_s) then
- script = props[#props].script
- -- Paired punctuation characters
- if paired_open[code] then
- tableinsert(pairstack, { code, script })
- elseif paired_close[code] then
- while #pairstack > 0 do
- local c = tableremove(pairstack)
- if c[1] == paired_close[code] then
- script = c[2]
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- If script is not resolved yet, and the font has a "script" option, use
- -- it.
- if (script == common_s or script == inherited_s) and hbdata then
- local options = hbdata.options
- script = options.script and or script
- end
- codes[#codes + 1] = code
- nodes[#nodes + 1] = n
- props[#props + 1] = {
- font = currfontid,
- -- XXX handle RTT and LTL.
- dir = currdir == "TRT" and dir_rtl or dir_ltr,
- script = script,
- skip = skip,
- }
- end
- for i = #props - 1, 1, -1 do
- -- If script is not resolved yet, use that of the next character.
- if props[i].script == common_s or props[i].script == inherited_s then
- props[i].script = props[i + 1].script
- end
- end
- -- Split into a list of runs, each has the same font, direction and script.
- -- TODO: itemize by language as well.
- local runs = {}
- local currfontid, currdir, currscript, currskip = nil, nil, nil, nil
- for i, prop in next, props do
- local fontid = prop.font
- local dir = prop.dir
- local script = prop.script
- local skip = prop.skip
- -- Start a new run if there is a change in properties.
- if fontid ~= currfontid or
- dir ~= currdir or
- script ~= currscript or
- skip ~= currskip then
- runs[#runs + 1] = {
- start = i,
- len = 0,
- font = fontid,
- dir = dir,
- script = script,
- skip = skip,
- nodes = nodes,
- codes = codes,
- }
- end
- runs[#runs].len = runs[#runs].len + 1
- currfontid = fontid
- currdir = dir
- currscript = script
- currskip = skip
- end
- return runs
--- Find how many characters are part of this glyph.
--- The first return value is the number of characters, with 0 meaning it is
--- inside a multi-glyph cluster
--- The second return value is the number of glyph in this cluster.
-local function chars_in_glyph(i, glyphs, stop)
- local nchars, nglyphs = 0, 0
- local cluster = glyphs[i].cluster
- -- Glyph is not the first in cluster
- if glyphs[i - 1] and glyphs[i - 1].cluster == cluster then
- return 0, 0
- end
- -- Find the last glyph in this cluster.
- while glyphs[i + nglyphs] and glyphs[i + nglyphs].cluster == cluster do
- nglyphs = nglyphs + 1
- end
- -- The number of characters is the diff between the next cluster in this one.
- if glyphs[i + nglyphs] then
- nchars = glyphs[i + nglyphs].cluster - cluster
- else
- -- This glyph cluster in the last in the run.
- nchars = stop - cluster - 1
- end
- return nchars, nglyphs
--- Check if it is not safe to break before this glyph.
-local function unsafetobreak(glyph, nodes)
- return glyph
- and glyph.flags
- and glyph.flags & fl_unsafe
- -- Discretionary nodes can’t contain glue, so stop at first glue as well.
- -- This is incorrect, but I don’t have a better idea.
- and getid(nodes[glyph.cluster + 1]) ~= glue_t
-local shape
--- Make s a sub run, used by discretionary nodes.
-local function makesub(run, start, stop, nodelist)
- local nodes = run.nodes
- local codes =
- local start = start
- local stop = stop
- local subnodes, subcodes = {}, {}
- for i = start, stop do
- if getid(nodes[i]) ~= disc_t then
- subnodes[#subnodes + 1] = copynode(nodes[i])
- subcodes[#subcodes + 1] = codes[i]
- end
- end
- -- Prepend any existing nodes to the list.
- for n in traverse(nodelist) do
- subnodes[#subnodes + 1] = n
- subcodes[#subcodes + 1] = getchar(n)
- end
- local subrun = {
- start = 1,
- len = #subnodes,
- font = run.font,
- script = run.script,
- dir = run.dir,
- fordisc = true,
- nodes = subnodes,
- codes = subcodes,
- }
- return { glyphs = shape(subrun), run = subrun }
--- Main shaping function that calls HarfBuzz, and does some post-processing of
--- the output.
-shape = function(run)
- local nodes = run.nodes
- local codes =
- local offset = run.start
- local len = run.len
- local fontid = run.font
- local dir = run.dir
- local script = run.script
- local lang = run.lang
- local fordisc = run.fordisc
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata.hb
- local features = hbdata.features
- local options = hbdata.options
- local palette = hbdata.palette
- local hbshared = hbdata.shared
- local hbfont = hbshared.font
- local hbface = hbshared.face
- local lang = lang or options.language or invalid_l
- local shapers = options.shaper and { options.shaper } or {}
- local buf =
- buf:set_direction(dir)
- buf:set_script(script)
- buf:set_language(lang)
- buf:set_cluster_level(buf.CLUSTER_LEVEL_MONOTONE_CHARACTERS)
- buf:add_codepoints(codes, offset - 1, len)
- local hscale = hbdata.hscale
- local vscale = hbdata.vscale
- hbfont:set_scale(hscale, vscale)
- if hb.shape_full(hbfont, buf, features, shapers) then
- -- The engine wants the glyphs in logical order, but HarfBuzz outputs them
- -- in visual order, so we reverse RTL buffers.
- if dir:is_backward() then buf:reverse() end
- local glyphs = buf:get_glyphs()
- -- If the font has COLR/CPAL tables, decompose each glyph to its color
- -- layers and set the color from the palette.
- if palette then
- for i, glyph in next, glyphs do
- local gid = glyph.codepoint
- local layers = hbface:ot_color_glyph_get_layers(gid)
- if layers then
- -- Remove this glyph, we will use its layers.
- tableremove(glyphs, i)
- for j, layer in next, layers do
- -- All glyphs but the last use 0 advance so that the layers
- -- overlap.
- local xadavance, yadvance = nil, nil
- if dir:is_backward() then
- x_advance = j == 1 and glyph.x_advance or 0
- y_advance = j == 1 and glyph.y_advance or 0
- else
- x_advance = j == #layers and glyph.x_advance or 0
- y_advance = j == #layers and glyph.y_advance or 0
- end
- tableinsert(glyphs, i + j - 1, {
- codepoint = layer.glyph,
- cluster = glyph.cluster,
- x_advance = x_advance,
- y_advance = y_advance,
- x_offset = glyph.x_offset,
- y_offset = glyph.y_offset,
- flags = glyph.flags,
- -- color_index has a special value, 0x10000, that mean use text
- -- color, we don’t check for it here explicitly since we will
- -- get nil anyway.
- color = palette[layer.color_index],
- })
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i, glyph in next, glyphs do
- local nodeindex = glyph.cluster + 1
- local nchars, nglyphs = chars_in_glyph(i, glyphs, offset + len)
- glyph.nchars, glyph.nglyphs = nchars, nglyphs
- -- Calculate the Unicode code points of this glyph. If nchars is zero
- -- then this is a glyph inside a complex cluster and will be handled with
- -- the start of its cluster.
- if nchars > 0 then
- local hex = ""
- local str = ""
- for j = 0, nchars - 1 do
- local id = getid(nodes[nodeindex + j])
- if id == glyph_t or id == glue_t then
- local code = codes[nodeindex + j]
- hex = hex..to_utf16_hex(code)
- str = str..utf8.char(code)
- end
- end
- glyph.tounicode = hex
- glyph.string = str
- end
- -- Find if we have a discretionary inside a ligature, if nchars less than
- -- two then either this is not a ligature or there is no discretionary
- -- involved.
- if nchars > 2 and not fordisc then
- local discindex = nil
- for j = nodeindex, nodeindex + nchars - 1 do
- if codes[j] == 0x00AD then
- discindex = j
- break
- end
- end
- if discindex then
- -- Discretionary found.
- local disc = nodes[discindex]
- local startindex, stopindex = nil, nil
- local startglyph, stopglyph = nil, nil
- -- Find the previous glyph that is safe to break at.
- startglyph = i
- while unsafetobreak(glyphs[startglyph], nodes) do
- startglyph = startglyph - 1
- end
- -- Get the corresponding character index.
- startindex = glyphs[startglyph].cluster + 1
- -- Find the next glyph that is safe to break at.
- stopglyph = i + nglyphs
- while unsafetobreak(glyphs[stopglyph], nodes) do
- stopglyph = stopglyph + 1
- end
- -- We also want the last char in the previous glyph, so no +1 below.
- stopindex = glyphs[stopglyph].cluster
- -- We break up to stop glyph but not including it, so the -1 below.
- stopglyph = stopglyph - 1
- -- Mark these glyph for skipping since they will be replaced by the
- -- discretionary fields.
- for j = startglyph, stopglyph do
- glyphs[j].skip = true
- end
- local pre, post, rep = getpre(disc), getpost(disc), getrep(disc)
- glyph.disc = disc
- glyph.replace = makesub(run, startindex, stopindex, rep)
- glyph.pre = makesub(run, startindex, discindex - 1, pre)
- = makesub(run, discindex + 1, stopindex, post)
- end
- end
- end
- return glyphs
- end
- return {}
-local function color_to_rgba(color)
- local r = / 255
- local g = / 255
- local b = / 255
- local a = color.alpha / 255
- if a ~= 1 then
- -- XXX: alpha
- return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b)
- else
- return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b)
- end
--- Cache of color glyph PNG data for bookkeeping, only because I couldn’t
--- figure how to make the engine load the image from the binary data directly.
-local pngcache = {}
-local function cachedpng(data)
- local hash = md5.sumhexa(data)
- local path = pngcache[hash]
- if not path then
- path = ostmpname()
- local file = open(path, "wb")
- file:write(data)
- file:close()
- pngcache[hash] = path
- end
- return path
--- Convert glyphs to nodes and collect font characters.
-local function tonodes(head, current, run, glyphs, color)
- local nodes = run.nodes
- local dir = run.dir
- local fontid = run.font
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local characters = fontdata.characters
- local hbdata = fontdata.hb
- local hbshared = hbdata.shared
- local hbfont = hbshared.font
- local fontglyphs = hbshared.glyphs
- local rtl = dir:is_backward()
- local tracinglostchars = tex.tracinglostchars
- local tracingonline = tex.tracingonline
- local scale = hbdata.scale
- local letterspace = hbdata.letterspace
- local haspng = hbshared.haspng
- local fonttype = hbshared.fonttype
- for i, glyph in next, glyphs do
- local index = glyph.cluster + 1
- local gid = glyph.codepoint
- local char = hb.CH_GID_PREFIX + gid
- local n = nodes[index]
- local id = getid(n)
- local nchars, nglyphs = glyph.nchars, glyph.nglyphs
- -- If this glyph is part of a complex cluster, then copy the node as
- -- more than one glyph will use it.
- if nglyphs < 1 or nglyphs > 1 then
- n = copynode(nodes[index])
- end
- if color then
- setprop(n, color_p, color)
- end
- if glyph.disc then
- -- For discretionary the glyph itself is skipped and a discretionary node
- -- is output in place of it.
- local disc = glyph.disc
- local rep, pre, post = glyph.replace, glyph.pre,
- setrep(disc, tonodes(nil, nil,, rep.glyphs, color))
- setpre(disc, tonodes(nil, nil,, pre.glyphs, color))
- setpost(disc, tonodes(nil, nil,, post.glyphs, color))
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, disc)
- elseif not glyph.skip then
- if glyph.color then
- setprop(n, color_p, color_to_rgba(glyph.color))
- end
- if id == glyph_t then
- local fontglyph = fontglyphs[gid]
- local pngblob = fontglyph.png
- if haspng and not pngblob then
- pngblob = hbfont:ot_color_glyph_get_png(gid)
- fontglyph.png = pngblob
- end
- local character = characters[char]
- if pngblob then
- -- Color bitmap font, extract the PNG data and insert it in the node
- -- list.
- local data = pngblob:get_data()
- local path = cachedpng(data)
- local image = imgnode {
- filename = path,
- width = character.width,
- height = character.height,
- depth = character.depth,
- }
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, todirect(image))
- if fonttype then
- -- Color bitmap font with glyph outlines. Insert negative kerning
- -- as we will insert the glyph node below (to help with text
- -- copying) and want the bitmap and the glyph to take the same
- -- advance width.
- local kern = newkern(-character.width, n)
- head, current = insertkern(head, current, kern, rtl)
- end
- end
- if pngblob and not fonttype then
- -- Color bitmap font with no glyph outlines, and has a bitmap for
- -- this glyph. No further work is needed.
- elseif haspng and not fonttype then
- -- Color bitmap font with no glyph outlines (like Noto
- -- Color Emoji) but has no bitmap for current glyph (most likely
- -- `.notdef` glyph). The engine does not know how to embed such
- -- fonts, so we don’t want them to reach the backend as it will cause
- -- a fatal error. We use `nullfont` instead. That is a hack, but I
- -- think it is good enough for now.
- -- We insert the glyph node and move on, no further work is needed.
- setfont(n, 0)
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, n)
- else
- local oldcharacter = characters[getchar(n)]
- -- If the glyph index of current font character is the same as shaped
- -- glyph, keep the node char unchanged. Helps with primitives that
- -- take characters as input but actually work on glyphs, like
- -- `\rpcode`.
- if not oldcharacter or character.index ~= oldcharacter.index then
- setchar(n, char)
- end
- local xoffset = (rtl and -glyph.x_offset or glyph.x_offset) * scale
- local yoffset = glyph.y_offset * scale
- setoffsets(n, xoffset, yoffset)
- protectglyph(n)
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, n)
- local x_advance = glyph.x_advance + letterspace
- local width = fontglyph.width
- if width ~= x_advance then
- -- The engine always uses the glyph width from the font, so we need
- -- to insert a kern node if the x advance is different.
- local kern = newkern((x_advance - width) * scale, n)
- head, current = insertkern(head, current, kern, rtl)
- end
- fontglyph.used = true
- -- The engine will use this string when printing a glyph node e.g. in
- -- overfull messages, otherwise it will be trying to print our
- -- invalid pseudo Unicode code points.
- -- If the string is empty it means this glyph is part of a larger
- -- cluster and we don’t to print anything for it as the first glyph
- -- in the cluster will have the string of the whole cluster.
- setprop(n, string_p, glyph.string or "")
- -- Handle PDF text extraction:
- -- * Find how many characters in this cluster and how many glyphs,
- -- * If there is more than 0 characters
- -- * One glyph: one to one or one to many mapping, can be
- -- represented by font’s /ToUnicode
- -- * More than one: many to one or many to many mapping, can be
- -- represented by /ActualText spans.
- -- * If there are zero characters, then this glyph is part of complex
- -- cluster that will be covered by an /ActualText span.
- local tounicode = glyph.tounicode
- if tounicode then
- if nglyphs == 1 and not fontglyph.tounicode then
- fontglyph.tounicode = tounicode
- elseif tounicode ~= fontglyph.tounicode then
- setprop(n, startactual_p, tounicode)
- glyphs[i + nglyphs - 1].endactual = true
- end
- end
- if glyph.endactual then
- setprop(n, endactual_p, true)
- end
- end
- elseif id == glue_t and getsubtype(n) == spaceskip_t then
- -- If the glyph advance is different from the font space, then a
- -- substitution or positioning was applied to the space glyph changing
- -- it from the default, so reset the glue using the new advance.
- -- We are intentionally not comparing with the existing glue width as
- -- spacing after the period is larger by default in TeX.
- local width = (glyph.x_advance + letterspace) * scale
- if ~= width then
- setwidth(n, width)
- setfield(n, "stretch", width / 2)
- setfield(n, "shrink", width / 3)
- end
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, n)
- elseif id == kern_t and getsubtype(n) == italiccorr_t then
- -- If this is an italic correction node and the previous node is a
- -- glyph, update its kern value with the glyph’s italic correction.
- -- I’d have expected the engine to do this, but apparently it doesn’t.
- -- May be it is checking for the italic correction before we have had
- -- loaded the glyph?
- local prevchar, prevfontid = isglyph(current)
- if prevchar and prevchar > 0 then
- local prevfontdata = font.getfont(prevfontid)
- local prevcharacters = prevfontdata and prevfontdata.characters
- local italic = prevcharacters and prevcharacters[prevchar].italic
- if italic then
- setkern(n, italic)
- end
- end
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, n)
- elseif id == disc_t then
- assert(nglyphs == 1)
- -- The simple case of a discretionary that is not part of a complex
- -- cluster. We only need to make sure kerning before the hyphenation
- -- point is dropped when a line break is inserted here.
- --
- -- TODO: nothing as simple as it sounds, we need to handle this like
- -- the other discretionary handling, otherwise the discretionary
- -- contents do not interact with the surrounding (e.g. no ligatures or
- -- kerning) as it should.
- if current and getid(current) == kern_t and getsubtype(current) == fontkern_t then
- setprev(current, nil)
- setnext(current, nil)
- setfield(n, "replace", current)
- head, current = removenode(head, current)
- end
- local pre, post, rep = getpre(n), getpost(n), getrep(n)
- setfield(n, "pre", process(pre, direction))
- setfield(n, "post", process(post, direction))
- setfield(n, "replace", process(rep, direction))
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, n)
- else
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, n)
- end
- end
- end
- return head, current
-local function validate_color(s)
- local r = tonumber(s:sub(1, 2), 16)
- local g = tonumber(s:sub(3, 4), 16)
- local b = tonumber(s:sub(5, 6), 16)
- if not (r and g and b) then return end
- if #s == 8 then
- local a = tonumber(s:sub(7, 8), 16)
- if not a then return end
- end
- return s
-local function hex_to_rgba(s)
- if not validate_color(s) then return end
- local r = tonumber(s:sub(1, 2), 16) / 255
- local g = tonumber(s:sub(3, 4), 16) / 255
- local b = tonumber(s:sub(5, 6), 16) / 255
- if #s == 8 then
- local a = tonumber(s:sub(7, 8), 16) / 255
- -- XXX: alpha
- return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b)
- else
- return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b)
- end
-local function shape_run(head, current, run)
- if not run.skip then
- -- Font loaded with our loader and an HarfBuzz face is present, do our
- -- shaping.
- local fontid = run.font
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local options = fontdata.hb.options
- local color = options and options.color and hex_to_rgba(options.color)
- local glyphs = shape(run)
- head, current = tonodes(head, current, run, glyphs, color)
- else
- -- Not shaping, insert the original node list of of this run.
- local nodes = run.nodes
- local offset = run.start
- local len = run.len
- for i = offset, offset + len - 1 do
- head, current = insertafter(head, current, nodes[i])
- end
- end
- return head, current
-process = function(head, direction)
- local newhead, current = nil, nil
- local runs = itemize(head, direction)
- for _, run in next, runs do
- newhead, current = shape_run(newhead, current, run)
- end
- return newhead or head
-local function process_nodes(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction)
- local head = todirect(head)
- -- Check if any fonts are loaded by us and then process the whole node list,
- -- we will take care of skipping fonts we did not load later, otherwise
- -- return unmodified head.
- for n in traverseid(glyph_t, head) do
- local fontid = getfont(n)
- local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
- local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
- if hbdata then
- head = process(head, direction)
- break
- end
- end
- -- Nothing to do; no glyphs or no HarfBuzz fonts.
- return tonode(head)
-local function pdfdirect(data)
- local n = newnode(whatsit_t, pdfliteral_t)
- setfield(n, "mode", 2) -- direct
- setdata(n, data)
- return n
-local function pdfcolor(color)
- local c = newnode(whatsit_t, pdfcolorstack_t)
- setfield(c, "stack", 0)
- setfield(c, "command", color and 1 or 2) -- 1: push, 2: pop
- setfield(c, "data", color)
- return c
-local function post_process(head, currentcolor)
- for n in traverse(head) do
- local props = getproperty(n)
- local harfprops = props and props.harf
- local startactual, endactual, color
- if harfprops then
- startactual = harfprops[startactual_p]
- endactual = harfprops[endactual_p]
- color = harfprops[color_p]
- end
- if currentcolor and currentcolor ~= color then
- -- Pop current color.
- currentcolor = nil
- head = insertbefore(head, n, pdfcolor(currentcolor))
- end
- if currentcolor ~= color then
- -- Push new color.
- currentcolor = color
- head = insertbefore(head, n, pdfcolor(currentcolor))
- end
- if startactual then
- local actualtext = "/Span<</ActualText<FEFF"..startactual..">>>BDC"
- head = insertbefore(head, n, pdfdirect(actualtext))
- end
- if endactual then
- head = insertafter(head, n, pdfdirect("EMC"))
- end
- local replace = getfield(n, "replace")
- if replace then
- setfield(n, "replace", post_process(replace, currentcolor))
- end
- local subhead = getfield(n, "head")
- if subhead then
- setfield(n, "head", post_process(subhead, currentcolor))
- end
- end
- return head
-local function post_process_nodes(head, groupcode)
- return tonode(post_process(todirect(head)))
-local function run_cleanup()
- -- Remove temporary PNG files that we created, if any.
- for _, path in next, pngcache do
- osremove(path)
- end
-local function set_tounicode()
- for fontid, fontdata in font.each() do
- local hbdata = fontdata.hb
- if hbdata and fontid == pdf.getfontname(fontid) then
- local characters = fontdata.characters
- local newcharacters = {}
- local glyphs = hbdata.shared.glyphs
- for gid = 0, #glyphs do
- local glyph = glyphs[gid]
- if glyph.used then
- local tounicode = glyph.tounicode or "FFFD"
- local character = characters[gid + hb.CH_GID_PREFIX]
- newcharacters[gid + hb.CH_GID_PREFIX] = character
- character.tounicode = tounicode
- character.used = true
- end
- end
- font.addcharacters(fontid, { characters = newcharacters })
- end
- end
-local function get_glyph_string(n)
- local n = todirect(n)
- local props = getproperty(n)
- props = props and props.harf
- return props and props[string_p] or nil
-return {
- process = process_nodes,
- post_process = post_process_nodes,
- cleanup = run_cleanup,
- set_tounicode = set_tounicode,
- get_glyph_string = get_glyph_string,
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-plain.lua b/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-plain.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a79a174c..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf-plain.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-local harf = require("harf")
-for name, func in next, harf.callbacks do
- callback.register(name, func)
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf.lua b/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 500cca00..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-local module = {
- name = "harf",
- description = "Harf",
- version = "0.4.2",
- date = "2019-09-07",
- license = "GPL v2.0"
-local harf = require("harf-base")
-local define_font = require("harf-load")
-local harf_node = require("harf-node")
-harf.callbacks = {
- define_font = define_font,
- pre_linebreak_filter = harf_node.process,
- hpack_filter = harf_node.process,
- pre_output_filter = harf_node.post_process,
- wrapup_run = harf_node.cleanup,
- finish_pdffile = harf_node.set_tounicode,
- get_glyph_string = harf_node.get_glyph_string,
-return harf
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harfload.sty b/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harfload.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index da30889d..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/harftex/base/harfload.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-\csname ifharfloadloaded\endcsname
- \RequirePackage{luaotfload}
- \ProvidesPackage{harfload}[2019/09/21 v1.0.0 Unicode text layout system]
- \input luaotfload.sty