path: root/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/tex')
4 files changed, 1285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/acroflex.cfg b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/acroflex.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a2cd3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/acroflex.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+% AcroFleX Graphing Bundle Configuration File
+% D. P. Story,,,
+\pathToAcroFlex{C:/Users/Public/Documents/My TeX Files/tex/latex/aeb/aebpro/acroflex/swf}
+% The following path is used by dpstory during development
+% \pathToAcroFlex{C:/acroflex/acroflex/bin-release}
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/acroflex.sty b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/acroflex.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b013a17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/acroflex.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1109 @@
+%% This is file `acroflex.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% acroflex.dtx (with options: `copyright,package')
+%% Acroflex.sty package, %%
+%% Copyright (C) 2008 -- 2016 D. P. Story %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
+ [2016/08/29 v1.6c AcroFLeX: AcroTeX and Adobe Flex (dps)]
+ \catcode`\_=\af@subscriptCat
+ \catcode`\^=\af@superscriptCat
+\catcode`\_=12\relax \catcode`\^=12\relax
+ AcroF\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{L}\kern-.3eme\kern-.125emX\@}
+ \ifx\af@pathToAcroFlex\@empty
+ \PackageError{acroflex}{%
+ You must specify a full path to AcroFlex.swf}{}\else
+ \saveNamedPath{acroflexWidget}{\af@pathToAcroFlex/AcroFlex.swf}\fi
+ \ifcase\nr\relax
+ \def\af@lang@type{afcustom_us.def}
+ \or
+ \def\af@lang@type{afcustom_de.def}
+ \else
+ \def\af@lang@type{afcustom.def}
+ \fi
+}{\PackageWarning{acroflex}{Bad choice for lang, permissible values
+are english and german. No lang key is equivalent to english. Try again}}
+ \setlength{\dimen@}{#1}\xdef\hScreenGraph{\the\dimen@}%
+ \setlength{\dimen@}{#2}\xdef\vScreenGraph{\the\dimen@}%
+ \def\af@DefaultDomMin{#1}\def\af@DefaultDomMax{#2}%
+ \def\af@DefaultRngMin{#3}\def\af@DefaultRngMax{#4}%
+ \def\af@DefaultDomMint{#1}\def\af@DefaultDomMaxt{#2}%
+ name=afRM\afgraphName]{#2}{#3}{acroflexWidget}}%
+ \makebox[0pt][l]{%
+ \resizebox{#2}{#3}{%
+ \graphScreen[#1,windowed,\af@passcontext,deactivated=pageclose
+ ]{\hScreenGraph}{\vScreenGraph}}}%
+ \resizebox{#2}{#3}{%
+ \pushButton[\S{S}\H{N}\autoCenter{n}\W0\BG{}\BC{}
+ \TU{\tt@iconFloatGraphScreen}\A{\JS{%
+ var rm = this.getAnnotRichMedia(%
+ this.pageNum, "afRM\afgraphName");\r
+ rm.activated=!rm.activated;
+ }}]{float\afgraphName Btn-\therm@Cnt}{\hScreenGraph}
+ {\vScreenGraph}}%
+ \def\tt@iconFloatGraphScreen{#1}}
+\tticonFloatGraphScreen{Click to view graphing screen,
+ click again to hide graphing screen.}
+ \textField[%
+ \nuDV{\af@DefaultFunction}\nuV{\af@DefaultFunction}
+ \F{\FHidden}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
+ ]{\afgraphName theHiddenFunction}{1bp}{1bp}}%
+ \textField[%
+ \BC{0 0 0}\nuDV{\af@DefaultFunction}\nuV{\af@DefaultFunction}
+ \TU{\tt@funcInputField}#1\AA{\AAFormat{%
+ \formatFunctionInput{"\afgraphName theHiddenFunction"}}
+ \AAKeystroke{\keystrokeFunctionInput}
+ }%
+ ]{\afgraphName theFunction}{#2}{#3}%
+ \def\tt@funcInputField{#1}}
+\ttfuncInputField{Enter any of the following for expressions:\r
+\space\space1. A function of x of the form f(x);\r
+\space\space2. A polar function of t of the form f(t);\r
+\space\space3. A set of parametric functions of t of the form f(t);g(t)
+\r\space\space\space\space\space(separated by a semi-colon);\r
+\space\space4. A list of points, (a1,b1);(a2,b2);...;(an,bn)\r
+\space\space\space\space\space(separated by semi-colons).
+ try{ formatFunctionInput(#1) } catch(e){};
+ try{ keystrokeFunctionInput() } catch(e){};
+\newcommand{\afCurve}[1]{\def\afcurve{#1 }\def\afcurvei{#1}}
+\newcommand{\afPoint}[1]{\def\afpoint{#1 }\def\afploti{#1}}
+ [(\af@DefaultFunction)(\afcurve1)]%
+ [(<\afcurve2\afunused>)(\afcurve2)]%
+ [(<\afcurve3\afunused>)(\afcurve3)]%
+ [(<\afcurve4\afunused>)(\afcurve4)]%
+ [(<\afpoint1\afunused>)(\afpoint1)]%
+ [(<\afpoint2\afunused>)(\afpoint2)]%
+ [(<\afpoint3\afunused>)(\afpoint3)]%
+ [(<\afpoint4\afunused>)(\afpoint4)]}
+ \comboBox[\TU{\tt@functionSelect}#1\Ff{\FfCommitOnSelChange}
+ \nuDV{\af@DefaultFunction}\nuV{\af@DefaultFunction}
+ \AA{\AAKeystroke{%
+ if (!event.willCommit) {\r\t
+ this.getField(
+ "\afgraphName theFunction").value=event.changeEx;\r
+ }}}]{\afgraphName ComboSelect}{#2}{#3}{\af@initializeFuncSelect}%
+ \def\tt@functionSelect{#1}}
+\ttfunctionSelect{Enter a function on \afcurvei1--\afcurvei4, or
+ a list of points on \afploti1--\afploti4.}
+ \pushButton[\TU{\tt@savedelSelBtn}#1
+ \A{\JS{saveDelSelAction("\afgraphName");
+ }}]{\afgraphName savedelSelectBtn}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttsavedelSelBtn{Click to save current function to list, shift-click
+ to delete the current function from list}
+ \pushButton
+ [\BC{0 0 0}\CA{Graph It!}\TU{\tt@graphBtn}#1
+ \A{\JS{graphBtnAction("\afgraphName",this.pageNum);
+ }}]{\afgraphName graphIt}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttgraphBtn{Press to graph the function}
+ clearGraph("all","\afgraphName",this.pageNum);}
+\newcommand{\graphClrBtn}[3][]{\pushButton[\BC{0 0 0}\CA{Clear}
+ \A{\JS{\clearGraphJS}}\TU{\tt@graphClrBtn}#1
+ ]{\afgraphName clearIt}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttgraphClrBtn{Click to clear graph, shift-click to deactivate the
+ graphing screen}
+ \textField[\nuDV{\af@DefaultDomMin}\nuV{\af@DefaultDomMin}
+ \F{\FHidden}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
+ ]{\afgraphName theHiddenDom.min}{1bp}{1bp}}%
+ \textField[\textSize{0}\nuV{\af@DefaultDomMin}
+ \nuDV{\af@DefaultDomMin}\BC{0 0 0}\TU{\tt@domMin}#1\AA{%
+ \AAKeystroke{\keystrokeDomRng{"\afgraphName theHiddenDom.min"}}
+ \AAFormat{\formatVarIntervals{"\afgraphName theHiddenDom.min"}}
+ }]{\afgraphName theDom.min}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttdomMin{Enter the minimum value for the variable x}
+ \textField[\nuDV{\af@DefaultDomMax}\nuV{\af@DefaultDomMax}
+ \F{\FHidden}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
+ ]{\afgraphName theHiddenDom.max}{1bp}{1bp}}%
+ \textField[\textSize{0}\nuV{\af@DefaultDomMax}
+ \nuDV{\af@DefaultDomMax}\BC{0 0 0}\TU{\tt@domMax}#1\AA{%
+ \AAKeystroke{\keystrokeDomRng{"\afgraphName theHiddenDom.max"}}
+ \AAFormat{\formatVarIntervals{"\afgraphName theHiddenDom.max"}}
+ }]{\afgraphName theDom.max}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttdomMax{Enter the maximum value for the variable x}
+ \textField[\nuDV{\af@DefaultRngMin}\nuV{\af@DefaultRngMin}
+ \F{\FHidden}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
+ ]{\afgraphName theHiddenRng.min}{1bp}{1bp}}%
+ \textField[\textSize{0}\nuV{\af@DefaultRngMin}
+ \nuDV{\af@DefaultRngMin}\BC{0 0 0}\TU{\tt@rngMin}#1\AA{%
+ \AAKeystroke{\keystrokeDomRng{"\afgraphName theHiddenRng.min"}}
+ \AAFormat{\formatVarIntervals{"\afgraphName theHiddenRng.min"}}
+ }]{\afgraphName theRng.min}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttrngMin{Enter the minimum value for the variable y}
+ \textField[\nuDV{\af@DefaultRngMax}\nuV{\af@DefaultRngMax}
+ \F{\FHidden}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
+ ]{\afgraphName theHiddenRng.max}{1bp}{1bp}}%
+ \textField[\textSize{0}\nuV{\af@DefaultRngMax}
+ \nuDV{\af@DefaultRngMax}\BC{0 0 0}\TU{\tt@rngMax}#1\AA{%
+ \AAKeystroke{\keystrokeDomRng{"\afgraphName theHiddenRng.max"}}
+ \AAFormat{\formatVarIntervals{"\afgraphName theHiddenRng.max"}}
+ }]{\afgraphName theRng.max}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttrngMax{Enter the maximum value for the variable y}
+ \textField[\nuDV{\af@DefaultDomMint}\nuV{\af@DefaultDomMint}
+ \F{\FHidden}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
+ ]{\afgraphName theHiddenDom_t.min}{1bp}{1bp}}%
+ \textField[\textSize{0}\nuV{\af@DefaultDomMint}
+ \nuDV{\af@DefaultDomMint}\BC{0 0 0}\TU{\tt@domMinP}#1\AA{%
+ \AAKeystroke{\keystrokeDomRng{"\afgraphName theHiddenDom_t.min"}}
+ \AAFormat{\formatVarIntervals{"\afgraphName theHiddenDom_t.min"}}
+ }]{\afgraphName theDom_t.min}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttdomMinP{Enter the minimum value for the variable t}
+ \textField[\nuDV{\af@DefaultDomMaxt}\nuV{\af@DefaultDomMaxt}
+ \F{\FHidden}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
+ ]{\afgraphName theHiddenDom_t.max}{1bp}{1bp}}%
+ \textField[\textSize{0}\nuV{\af@DefaultDomMaxt}
+ \nuDV{\af@DefaultDomMaxt}\BC{0 0 0}\TU{\tt@domMaxP}#1\AA{%
+ \AAKeystroke{\keystrokeDomRng{"\afgraphName theHiddenDom_t.max"}}
+ \AAFormat{\formatVarIntervals{"\afgraphName theHiddenDom_t.max"}}
+ }]{\afgraphName theDom_t.max}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttdomMaxP{Enter the maximum value for the variable t}
+ try{ formatVarIntervals(#1) } catch(e){};
+ if (event.willCommit) keystrokeDomRng(#1);
+ \def\af@defaultNumPoints{#1}}
+ \textField[\nuV{\af@defaultNumPoints}\nuDV{\af@defaultNumPoints}
+ \Q1\BC{0 0 0}\TU{\tt@numPoints}#1\AA{%
+ \AAKeystroke{if (event.willCommit) keystrokeNumPoints();}}
+ ]{\afgraphName numNodes}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttnumPoints{Enter the number of points to plot}
+ \def\af@defaultShiftAmt{#1}}
+ \textField[\nuV{\af@defaultShiftAmt}\nuDV{\af@defaultShiftAmt}\Q1
+ \BC{0 0 0}\TU{\tt@amtShift}#1\AA{\AAKeystroke{%
+ if (event.willCommit) keystrokeAmtShift();
+ }}]{\afgraphName amtshift}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttamtShift{Enter the amount to shift, horizontally or vertically}
+ \setLinkText[#1\A{\JS{%
+ shiftHorVert ("\afgraphName",this.pageNum,"h","-");
+ }}]{#2}%
+ \setLinkText[#1\A{\JS{%
+ shiftHorVert ("\afgraphName",this.pageNum,"h","+");
+ }}]{#2}%
+ \setLinkText[#1\A{\JS{%
+ shiftHorVert ("\afgraphName",this.pageNum,"v","-");
+ }}]{#2}%
+ \setLinkText[#1\A{\JS{%
+ shiftHorVert ("\afgraphName",this.pageNum,"v","+");
+ }}]{#2}%
+ \pushButton[\BC{0 0 0}\CA{Zoom}\TU{\tt@zoomInOut}#1
+ \A{\JS{%
+ var shiftType = (event.shift) ? "+" : "-";\r
+ zoomInOut ("\afgraphName",this.pageNum,shiftType);
+ }}
+ ]{\afgraphName zoominout}{#2}{#3}%
+\ttzoomInOut{Click to zoom out, shift-click to zoom in}
+ a1,a2,a3,a4}[c1]{\edef\afsl@graph{#1}}{\PackageWarning{acroflex}
+ {Bad choice for the graph key, permissible values are
+ c1, c2, c3,c4, p1, p2, p3, p4, a1, a2, a3, a4. Try again}}
+ \edef\afsl@type{#1}}{\PackageWarning{acroflex}
+ {Bad choice for the type key, permissible values are
+ cart, para, and polar. Try again}}
+ \edef\afsl@form{#1}}{\PackageWarning{acroflex}
+ {Bad choice for the connectwith key, permissible values are
+ curve and segment. Try again}}
+ \ifcase\nr\relax\def\af@quotes{}\or\def\af@quotes{"}\fi}
+ {\PackageWarning{acroflex}
+ {Bad choice for the noquotes key, permissible values are
+ true and false. Try again}}
+ \edef\afsl@populate{#1}}{\PackageWarning{acroflex}
+ {Bad choice for the populate key, permissible values are
+ true and false. Try again}}
+ \edef\afsl@wait{#1}}{\PackageWarning{acroflex}
+ {Bad choice for the wait key, permissible values are
+ true and false. Try again}}
+ populate=false,type,connectwith,noquotes=false,wait=false}
+ \defineGraphJS{#2}{#3}{\af@sglnkAction}%
+ \setLinkText[#1\A{\JS{\af@sglnkAction}}]{#4}%
+ {\let\AF@exDEF\xdef\af@defineGraphJS}}
+ \edef\af@tmp@exp{\noexpand\setkeys{afsl}{#1}}\af@tmp@exp
+ \ifx\afsl@xPlot\@empty\let\afsl@xPlot\afsl@xInterval\fi
+ \AF@exDEF#3{Graph_xytJS (\af@quotes#2\af@quotes,"\afsl@xInterval",%
+ "\afsl@yInterval","\afsl@xPlot","\afsl@tInterval","\afsl@graph",%
+ \afsl@populate,\afsl@wait,"\afsl@type","\afsl@form","\afgraphName",%
+ \afsl@nPoints)}%
+ The value input does not appear to be a number, please enter a
+ number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.}
+ The number of points is a positive integer, changing to a
+ positive integer.}
+ The number of points is a positive integer, changing to the
+ default value of \af@defaultNumPoints.}
+ The amount of shift is a positive number, changing to a positive
+ number.}
+ The amount of shift is a positive number, changing to the
+ default value of 1.}
+ There is nothing in the function input text field.}
+ You have not defined any points to plot}
+\defineJSStr{\af@graphBtnAlerti}{Undefined graph types}
+\begin{newsegment}{AF: AcroFLeX Graphing Bundle}
+ Document Level JavaScript
+ AcroFLeX Graphing Bundle
+ D. P. Story copyright 2008-\the\year
+var acroflexLoaded = true;
+var _mathVars="xt";
+var aGraphData = new Array();
+var ck4PtsRe = /\(.+,.+\)/;
+var badNumberMsg=\af@badNumberMsg;
+var negNumberMsg=\af@negNumberMsg;
+var zeroNumberMsg=\af@zeroNumberMsg;
+var negShiftMsg=\af@negShiftMsg;
+var zeroShiftMsg=\af@zeroShiftMsg;
+var saveDelSelAlerti=\af@saveDelSelAlerti;
+var saveDelSelAlertii=\af@saveDelSelAlertii;
+var graphBtnAlerti=\af@graphBtnAlerti;
+var scratchCounter=0;
+var aTimeOutArray = new Array();
+var afSuffixes = new Array("ComboSelect","theFunction",
+ "amtShift","theDom","theRng", "theDom_t",
+ "Rng_t","numNodes");
+\begin{newsegment}{AF: Graphing Functions}
+function Graph_xy(graph_props, baseName, pNum)
+ _mathVars="x";
+ var afInteractive = (arguments.length <= 3);
+ if (afInteractive) {
+ var f = this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenFunction").value;
+ if ( !ck4PtsRe.test(f) && (f.indexOf(";")!=-1) ) {
+ var dt = this.getField(baseName+"theDom_t.min");
+ if ( dt == null ) {
+ syntaxError(); return;
+ }
+ Graph_xyt(graph_props, baseName, pNum);
+ return;
+ }
+ f = this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenFunction").value;
+ }
+ createGraphData(baseName);
+ var which_graph=graph_props.graph;
+ var populate = false;
+ graph_props.type="cart";
+ var aWhichGraph=/(c|p|a)(\d)/.exec(which_graph);
+ if ( aWhichGraph==null ) aWhichGraph=["","c","1"];
+ var isGraph = (aWhichGraph[1]=="c" || aWhichGraph[1]=="a");
+ var connectPoints=false;
+ var plotPoints=false;
+ var wait = false;
+ switch(aWhichGraph[1]) {
+ case "p":
+ var which_series="p"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ plotPoints=true;
+ break;
+ case "a":
+ var which_series="a"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ break;
+ default:
+ var which_series="c"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ }
+ graph_props.graph=which_series;
+ if (afInteractive) var oDR = getDomRng (baseName);
+ else {
+ wait=graph_props.wait;
+ populate = graph_props.populate;
+ var oDR = arguments[5];
+ if (populate) populateDomRng(baseName,oDR);
+ for ( var o in oDR ) oDR[o] = EvalParse(oDR[o]);
+ }
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs = oDR;
+ var rng_x = (typeof oDR.x_u=="undefined") ?
+ (oDR.x_max - oDR.x_min) : (oDR.x_u - oDR.x_l);
+ /* Get the function and calculated the plotted points */
+ if (afInteractive) {
+ var n = Number(this.getField(baseName+"numNodes").value);
+ if ( isNaN(n) || n <=0 ) n = \af@defaultNumPoints;
+ } else {
+ var f = ParseInput(arguments[2+1]);
+ var n = Number(arguments[2+2]);
+ if (populate) {
+ this.getField(baseName+"theFunction").value=arguments[2+1];
+ this.getField(baseName+"numNodes").value=n;
+ }
+ if (isGraph) {
+ connectPoints = ( n <= 0 );
+ if ( connectPoints ) plotPoints = true;
+ // passing points to be plotted, not connected
+ } else plotPoints = true;
+ }
+ if (afInteractive || populate)
+ updateGraphData(graph_props,baseName,f);
+ var plot_x, plot_y;
+ var x = (typeof oDR.x_u=="undefined") ? oDR.x_min : oDR.x_l;
+ var h = rng_x / n;
+ var thismax = (typeof oDR.x_u=="undefined") ? oDR.x_max : oDR.x_u;
+ var cPlotData=<points></points>;
+ var aSearchResults=/(([a-zA-Z])\s*=\s*)/.exec(f);
+ if ( aSearchResults != null) {
+ if ( aSearchResults[2] != "y" && aSearchResults[2] != "r" ) {
+ syntaxError(); return;
+ }
+ }
+ f = f.replace(/(([a-zA-Z])\s*=\s*)/g,"");
+ if ( isGraph && !plotPoints ) {
+ for (var i=0; i<=n; i++)
+ {
+ try { with(Math) {_y = eval(f);} }
+ catch(e) {
+ var paraEqs = "("+f+")*Math.cos(t);("+f+")*Math.sin(t)";
+ graph_props.type="polar";
+ this.getField(baseName
+ +"theHiddenFunction").value=paraEqs;
+ Graph_xyt(graph_props, baseName, pNum);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If not a number then skip over.
+ if (isFinite(_y))
+ {
+ plot_x = util.printf("\%.10f", x);
+ plot_y = util.printf("\%.10f", _y);
+ cPlotData.points[cPlotData..point.length()]=
+ <point><x>{plot_x}</x><y>{plot_y}</y></point>
+ }
+ x += h;
+ }
+ } else { // prepare to data for plotting
+ var afBegin = (f.indexOf("\(")+1);
+ var afEnd = f.lastIndexOf("\)");
+ cPlotData=f.substring(afBegin,afEnd);
+ var re = /\)\s*;\s*\(/;
+ aPlotData= cPlotData.split(re);
+ var cPlotData=<points></points>;
+ with (Math) {
+ for ( var i=0; i<aPlotData.length; i++) {
+ var cTmp = "["+aPlotData[i]+"]";
+ var aTmp = eval(cTmp);
+ cPlotData.points[cPlotData..point.length()]=
+ <point><x>{aTmp[0]}</x><y>{aTmp[1]}</y></point>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cPlotData=cPlotData.toXMLString();
+ var annot = this.getAnnotRichMedia(pNum,"afRM"+baseName);
+ if ( annot )
+ {
+ if (!annot.activated || wait ) {
+ annot.activated=true;
+ afWait4Activation(
+ graph_props,baseName,pNum,oDR,cPlotData,50);
+ }
+ else
+ annot.callAS("getPlotData", graph_props, oDR, cPlotData);
+ }
+function Graph_xyt(graph_props, baseName, pNum)
+ _mathVars="t";
+ var which_graph=graph_props.graph;
+ var populate = false;
+ var afInteractive = (arguments.length <= 3);
+ if (afInteractive) {
+ var f = this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenFunction").value;
+ if ( ck4PtsRe.test(f) || (f.indexOf(";")==-1) ) {
+ Graph_xy(graph_props, baseName, pNum);
+ return;
+ }
+ f = this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenFunction").value;
+ }
+ createGraphData(baseName);
+ if ( graph_props.type!="polar") graph_props.type="para";
+ var aWhichGraph=/(c|p|a)(\d)/.exec(which_graph);
+ if ( aWhichGraph==null ) aWhichGraph=["","c","1"];
+ var isGraph = (aWhichGraph[1]=="c" || aWhichGraph[1]=="a");
+ var connectPoints=false;
+ var plotPoints=false;
+ var wait=false;
+ switch(aWhichGraph[1]) {
+ case "p":
+ var which_series="p"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ plotPoints=true;
+ break;
+ case "a":
+ var which_series="a"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ break;
+ default:
+ var which_series="c"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ }
+ graph_props.graph=which_series;
+ if (afInteractive) {
+ var oDR = getDomRng (baseName);
+ var oDp = getParaDom (baseName);
+ }
+ else {
+ wait=graph_props.wait;
+ populate = graph_props.populate;
+ var oDR = arguments[5];
+ if (populate) populateDomRng(baseName,oDR);
+ for ( var o in oDR ) oDR[o] = EvalParse(oDR[o]);
+ var oDp = arguments[6];
+ if (populate) populateParaDom(baseName,oDp);
+ for ( var o in oDp ) oDp[o] = EvalParse(oDp[o]);
+ }
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs = oDR;
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDom_P = oDp;
+ var rng_t = oDp.t_max - oDp.t_min;
+ /* Get the function and calculated the plotted points */
+ if (afInteractive) {
+ var n = Number(this.getField(baseName+"numNodes").value);
+ if ( isNaN(n) || n <=0 ) n = \af@defaultNumPoints;
+ } else {
+ var f = arguments[2+1];
+ if ( graph_props.type=="polar") {
+ if(f.indexOf(";")==-1) {
+ f = "("+f+")*cos(t);("+f+")*sin(t)";
+ f = ParseInput(f);
+ }
+ } else
+ f = ParseInput(f);
+ var n = Number(arguments[2+2]);
+ if (populate) {
+ this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenFunction").value=f;
+ this.getField(baseName+"theFunction").value=arguments[2+1];
+ this.getField(baseName+"numNodes").value=n;
+ }
+ if (isGraph) {
+ connectPoints = ( n <= 0 );
+ if ( connectPoints ) plotPoints = true;
+ // passing points to be plotted, not connected
+ } else plotPoints = true;
+ }
+ if (afInteractive || populate)
+ updateGraphData(graph_props,baseName,f);
+ var aFunction = f.split(";");
+ var x_function = aFunction[0];
+ var y_function = aFunction[1];
+ var aSearchResults=/(([a-zA-Z])\s*=\s*)/.exec(x_function);
+ if ( aSearchResults != null && aSearchResults[2] != "x") {
+ syntaxError(); return;
+ }
+ x_function = x_function.replace(/(([a-zA-Z])\s*=\s*)/g,"");
+ aSearchResults=/(([a-zA-Z])\s*=\s*)/.exec(y_function);
+ if ( aSearchResults != null && aSearchResults[2] != "y") {
+ syntaxError(); return;
+ }
+ y_function = y_function.replace(/(([a-zA-Z])\s*=\s*)/,"");
+ var plot_x, plot_y;
+ var t = oDp.t_min;
+ var h = rng_t / n;
+ var thismax = oDp.t_max;
+ var cPlotData=<points></points>;
+ if ( isGraph && !plotPoints ) {
+ for (var i=0; i<=n; i++)
+ {
+ try {
+ with(Math) {
+ _x = eval(x_function);
+ _y = eval(y_function);
+ }
+ } catch(e) { syntaxError(); return;}
+ // If not a number then skip over.
+ if (isFinite(_x)&&isFinite(_y))
+ {
+ plot_x = util.printf("\%.10f", _x);
+ plot_y = util.printf("\%.10f", _y);
+ cPlotData.points[cPlotData..point.length()]=
+ <point><x>{plot_x}</x><y>{plot_y}</y></point>
+ }
+ t += h;
+ }
+ } else { // prepare to data for plotting
+ var afBegin = (f.indexOf("\(")+1);
+ var afEnd = f.lastIndexOf("\)");
+ cPlotData=f.substring(afBegin,afEnd);
+ var re = /\)\s*;\s*\(/;
+ aPlotData= cPlotData.split(re);
+ var cPlotData=<points></points>;
+ with (Math) {
+ for ( var i=0; i<aPlotData.length; i++) {
+ var cTmp = "["+aPlotData[i]+"]";
+ var aTmp = eval(cTmp);
+ cPlotData.points[cPlotData..point.length()]=
+ <point><x>{aTmp[0]}</x><y>{aTmp[1]}</y></point>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cPlotData=cPlotData.toXMLString();
+ var annot = this.getAnnotRichMedia(pNum,"afRM"+baseName);
+ if ( annot )
+ {
+ if (!annot.activated || wait ) {
+ annot.activated=true;
+ afWait4Activation(
+ graph_props,baseName,pNum,oDR,cPlotData,50);
+ }
+ else
+ annot.callAS("getPlotData", graph_props, oDR, cPlotData);
+ }
+function createGraphData(baseName)
+ if( aGraphData[baseName] == undefined ) {
+ aGraphData[baseName] = new Object();
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs=new Object();
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDom_P=new Object();
+ aGraphData[baseName].current = new Array();
+ }
+function updateGraphData(graph_props,baseName,f)
+ var which_graph=graph_props.graph;
+ if (aGraphData[baseName].current[which_graph] == undefined)
+ aGraphData[baseName].current[which_graph]=new Object();
+ aGraphData[baseName].current[which_graph].appearFN
+ =this.getField(baseName+"theFunction").value;
+ aGraphData[baseName].current[which_graph].hiddenFN=f;
+ aGraphData[baseName].current[which_graph].graph_props=graph_props;
+\begin{newsegment}{AF: Supporting Form Fields}
+function clearGraph(graph_opts,baseName, pNum)
+ which_graph=graph_opts.graph;
+ var aWhichGraph=/(c|p|a)(\d)/.exec(which_graph);
+ if ( aWhichGraph==null ) aWhichGraph=["","c","1"];
+ var isGraph = (aWhichGraph[1]=="c" || aWhichGraph[1]=="a");
+ switch(aWhichGraph[1]) {
+ case "p":
+ var which_series="p"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ break;
+ case "a":
+ var which_series="a"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ break;
+ default:
+ var which_series="c"+aWhichGraph[2];
+ }
+ ProcessIt = false;
+ afResetForms = new Array ();
+ for (var i=0; i<afSuffixes.length; i++)
+ afResetForms.push(baseName+afSuffixes[i]);
+ this.resetForm(afResetForms);
+ ProcessIt = true;
+ if ( aGraphData[baseName] == undefined ) return;
+ try { aGraphData[baseName].current = new Array(); } catch(e) {}
+ var oDR = getDomRng (baseName);
+ var annot = this.getAnnotRichMedia(pNum,"afRM"+baseName);
+ if ( annot )
+ {
+ annot.callAS("clearPlotData", {graph:"all"}, oDR);
+ }
+ if (event.shift) annot.activated=false;
+function stripBrackets(aStr) {
+ var afBegin = (aStr.indexOf("[")+1);
+ var afEnd = aStr.lastIndexOf("]");
+ aStr= aStr.substring(afBegin,afEnd);
+ return aStr;
+function EvalParse(str) {
+ return eval(ParseInput(String(str)));
+function getDomRng (baseName)
+ var x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max;
+ if ( baseName == null )
+ return { x_min: \af@DefaultDomMin, y_min: \af@DefaultRngMin,
+ x_max: \af@DefaultDomMax, y_max: \af@DefaultRngMax };
+ var f = this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenDom.min");
+ if ( f == null ) {
+ f = aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs;
+ if ( f == null )
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs = {
+ x_min: \af@DefaultDomMin, y_min: \af@DefaultRngMin,
+ x_max: \af@DefaultDomMax, y_max: \af@DefaultRngMax };
+ } else {
+ x_min=eval(this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenDom.min").value);
+ x_max=eval(this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenDom.max").value);
+ y_min=eval(this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenRng.min").value);
+ y_max=eval(this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenRng.max").value);
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs={
+ x_min: x_min, y_min: y_min,
+ x_max: x_max,y_max: y_max };
+ }
+ return aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs;
+function populateDomRng(baseName,oDR)
+ try{this.getField(baseName+"theDom.min").value=oDR.x_min}catch(e){};
+ try{this.getField(baseName+"theDom.max").value=oDR.x_max}catch(e){};
+ try{this.getField(baseName+"theRng.min").value=oDR.y_min}catch(e){};
+ try{this.getField(baseName+"theRng.max").value=oDR.y_max}catch(e){};
+function getParaDom (baseName)
+ var t_min, t_max;
+ if ( baseName == null )
+ return { t_min: \af@DefaultDomMint, t_max: \af@DefaultDomMaxt };
+ var f = this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenDom_t.min");
+ if ( f == null ) {
+ f = aGraphData[baseName].aDom_P;
+ if ( f == null )
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDom_P = {
+ t_min: \af@DefaultDomMint,
+ t_max: \af@DefaultDomMaxt };
+ } else {
+ t_min=eval(this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenDom_t.min").value);
+ t_max=eval(this.getField(baseName+"theHiddenDom_t.max").value);
+ aGraphData[baseName].aDom_P={ t_min: t_min, t_max: t_max };
+ }
+ return aGraphData[baseName].aDom_P;
+function populateParaDom(baseName,oDp)
+ try{this.getField(baseName+"theDom_t.min").value=oDp.t_min}
+ catch(e){};
+ try{this.getField(baseName+"theDom_t.max").value=oDp.t_max}
+ catch(e){};
+function afWait4Activation (graph_props, baseName, pNum,%
+oDR, cPlotData, delay) {
+ var annotName = "afRM"+baseName;
+ scratchCounter += 1;
+ aTimeOutArray[scratchCounter] = app.setTimeOut(%
+ +annotName+'").callAS("getPlotData",'
+ + 'aTimeOutArray['+scratchCounter+'].graph_props,'
+ + 'aTimeOutArray['+scratchCounter+'].oDR,'
+ + 'aTimeOutArray['+scratchCounter+'].cPlotData)',50);
+ aTimeOutArray[scratchCounter].graph_props=graph_props;
+ aTimeOutArray[scratchCounter].oDR=oDR;
+ aTimeOutArray[scratchCounter].cPlotData=cPlotData;
+function shiftHorVert (baseName,pNum,horVert,posNeg) {
+ var amtShift=baseName+"amtshift";
+ if ( horVert=="h" ) {
+ var LEP = baseName+"theDom.min";
+ var UEP= baseName+"theDom.max";
+ } else {
+ var amtShift=baseName+"amtshift";
+ var LEP = baseName+"theRng.min";
+ var UEP= baseName+"theRng.max";
+ }
+ var amtSft=this.getField(amtShift).value
+ amtSft=EvalParse(amtSft);
+ var gf_l=this.getField(LEP);
+ var gfv_l=Number(EvalParse(gf_l.value));
+ gf_l.value = (posNeg=="+") ?
+ (gfv_l+(Math.abs(amtSft))) : (gfv_l-(Math.abs(amtSft)));
+ gf_u=this.getField(UEP);
+ gfv_u=Number(EvalParse(gf_u.value));
+ gf_u.value = (posNeg=="+") ?
+ (gfv_u+(Math.abs(amtSft))) : (gfv_u-(Math.abs(amtSft)));
+ var g = aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs;
+ var oPts = this.getField(baseName+"numNodes");
+ var nPts = ( oPts == null ) ? \af@defaultNumPoints : oPts.value;
+ if ( horVert=="h" ) {
+ g.x_min=gf_l.value;g.x_max=gf_u.value;
+ } else {
+ g.y_min=gf_l.value;g.y_max=gf_u.value;
+ }
+ var p = aGraphData[baseName].aDom_P;
+ for ( var o in aGraphData[baseName].current )
+ {
+ var gd = aGraphData[baseName].current[o];
+ gd.graph_props.populate=true;
+ if ( gd.graph_props.type=="cart" ) {
+ Graph_xy(gd.graph_props,baseName,pNum,
+ gd.appearFN,nPts,g);
+ } else { // gd.graph_props.type=="para"
+ Graph_xyt(gd.graph_props,baseName,pNum,
+ gd.appearFN,nPts,g,p);
+ }
+ }
+function zoomInOut (baseName,pNum,posNeg) {
+ var amtShift=baseName+"amtshift";
+ var g = aGraphData[baseName].aDomRngs;
+ var oPts = this.getField(baseName+"numNodes");
+ var nPts = ( oPts == null ) ? \af@defaultNumPoints : oPts.value;
+// Begin horizontal calculations
+ var LEP = baseName+"theDom.min";
+ var UEP= baseName+"theDom.max";
+ var amtSft=this.getField(amtShift).value
+ amtSft=EvalParse(amtSft);
+ var gf_l=this.getField(LEP);
+ var gfv_l=Number(EvalParse(gf_l.value));
+ gf_l.value = (posNeg=="+") ?
+ (gfv_l+(Math.abs(amtSft))) : (gfv_l-(Math.abs(amtSft)));
+ gf_u=this.getField(UEP);
+ gfv_u=Number(EvalParse(gf_u.value));
+ gf_u.value = (posNeg=="+") ?
+ (gfv_u-(Math.abs(amtSft))) : (gfv_u+(Math.abs(amtSft)));
+ g.x_min=gf_l.value;
+ g.x_max=gf_u.value;
+// Begin vertical calculations
+ var LEP = baseName+"theRng.min";
+ var UEP= baseName+"theRng.max";
+ var gf_l=this.getField(LEP);
+ var gfv_l=Number(EvalParse(gf_l.value));
+ gf_l.value = (posNeg=="+") ?
+ (gfv_l+(Math.abs(amtSft))) : (gfv_l-(Math.abs(amtSft)));
+ gf_u=this.getField(UEP);
+ gfv_u=Number(EvalParse(gf_u.value));
+ gf_u.value = (posNeg=="+") ?
+ (gfv_u-(Math.abs(amtSft))) : (gfv_u+(Math.abs(amtSft)));
+ g.y_min=gf_l.value;
+ g.y_max=gf_u.value;
+ var p = aGraphData[baseName].aDom_P;
+ for ( var o in aGraphData[baseName].current )
+ {
+ var gd = aGraphData[baseName].current[o];
+ if ( gd.graph_props.type=="cart" ) {
+ Graph_xy(gd.graph_props,baseName,pNum,
+ gd.appearFN,nPts,g);
+ } else { // gd.graph_props.type=="para"
+ Graph_xyt(gd.graph_props,baseName,pNum,
+ gd.appearFN,nPts,g,p);
+ }
+ }
+function saveDelSelAction (baseName)
+ var f = this.getField(baseName+"theFunction");
+ var s = this.getField(baseName+"ComboSelect");
+ if ( f != null && s != null ) {
+ var nIndx = s.currentValueIndices;
+ var cExportV=s.getItemAt(s.currentValueIndices,true);
+ var cAppearV=s.getItemAt(s.currentValueIndices,false);
+ if (event.shift) {
+ s.deleteItemAt(s.currentValueIndices);
+ s.insertItemAt(cAppearV,("<"+cAppearV+"\afunused>"),nIndx);
+ s.currentValueIndices=nIndx;
+ f.value="<"+cAppearV+"\afunused>";
+ } else {
+ var newFunc = f.value;
+ var newFunc_tmp = newFunc.replace(/\s/g,"");
+ if ( newFunc_tmp == "" ) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:saveDelSelAlerti});
+ } else { // something there, let's test it
+ if(/\afploti/.test(cAppearV) ) {
+ if (ck4PtsRe.test(newFunc)) {
+ // A set of points to plot
+ s.deleteItemAt(s.currentValueIndices);
+ s.insertItemAt(cAppearV,newFunc,nIndx);
+ s.currentValueIndices=nIndx;
+ } else {/* does not appear to be a point */
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:saveDelSelAlertii});
+ }
+ } else {/* not plot, must be curve*/
+ s.deleteItemAt(s.currentValueIndices);
+ s.insertItemAt(cAppearV,newFunc,nIndx);
+ s.currentValueIndices=nIndx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function graphBtnAction (baseName,pNum)
+ var s = this.getField(baseName+"ComboSelect");
+ var d;
+ var d, plot_curve="c1";
+ if ( s != null ) {
+ var nIndx = s.currentValueIndices;
+ var cAppearV=s.getItemAt(s.currentValueIndices,false);
+ if ( ( d = /\afploti\s+(\d)/.exec(cAppearV) ) != null ) {
+ plot_curve="p"+d[1];
+ } else {
+ if ( ( d = /\afcurvei\s+(\d)/.exec(cAppearV) ) != null ) {
+ plot_curve="c"+d[1];
+ } else {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:graphBtnAlerti});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Graph_xy({graph:plot_curve},baseName,pNum);
+function afsplitInterval(cInterval)
+ var aDomTmp=stripBrackets(cInterval);
+ aDomTmp=aDomTmp.split(",");
+ return { LEP: aDomTmp[0], UEP: aDomTmp[1] };
+\begin{newsegment}{AF: Keystroke/Formatting Functions}
+function keystrokeDomRng (fname)
+ if (event.willCommit) {
+ var retn = ParseInput(event.value);
+ if ( !retn ) event.rc = false;
+ else {
+ try { eval ( retn ) }
+ catch(e) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:badNumberMsg});
+ event.rc=false;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+function formatFileInput (fname)
+ this.getField(fname).value = ParseInput(event.value);
+function formatVarIntervals (fname)
+ var val = Number(EvalParse(event.value));
+ this.getField(fname).value = val;
+function formatFunctionInput (fname)
+ var val = ParseInput(event.value);
+ this.getField(fname).value = val;
+function keystrokeFunctionInput ()
+ if (event.willCommit) {
+ var str = event.value.replace(/\s/g,"");
+ if ( str == "" ) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFleX Graphing",
+ cMsg:saveDelSelAlerti});
+ event.rc = false;
+ }
+ }
+function keystrokeNumPoints ()
+ try{
+ var val = Number(EvalParse(event.value));
+ } catch(e) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:badNumberMsg});
+ event.rc=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( val < 0 ) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:negNumberMsg});
+ } else {
+ if ( val == 0 ) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:zeroNumberMsg});
+ val = \af@defaultNumPoints;
+ }
+ }
+ event.value = Math.ceil(Math.abs(val));
+function keystrokeAmtShift()
+ try{
+ var val = Number(EvalParse(event.value));
+ } catch(e) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:badNumberMsg});
+ event.rc=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( val < 0 ) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:negShiftMsg});
+ } else {
+ if ( val == 0 ) {
+ app.alert({cTitle:"AcroFLeX Graphing",
+ cMsg:zeroShiftMsg});
+ val = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ event.value = Math.abs(val);
+\begin{newsegment}{AF: Support for Custom Graphing Problems}
+function Graph_xytJS (func,xI,yI,xP,tI,graph,populate,wait,%
+type,form,gName,nPts) {
+ var oDom = afsplitInterval(xI);
+ var oRng = afsplitInterval(yI);
+ var oPlotD = afsplitInterval(xP);
+ var oP=new Object(), oD=new Object(), oDt=new Object();
+ oP.graph=graph;
+ oP.populate=populate;
+ oP.wait=wait;
+ if (type!="") oP.type=type;
+ if (form!="") oP.form=form;
+ oD={x_min:oDom.LEP,x_max:oDom.UEP,y_min:oRng.LEP,y_max:oRng.UEP,x_l:oPlotD.LEP,x_u:oPlotD.UEP};
+ if ( tI=="") {
+ Graph_xy(oP,gName,this.pageNum,func,nPts,oD);
+ } else {
+ var oDom_t = afsplitInterval(tI);
+ oDt={t_min:oDom_t.LEP,t_max:oDom_t.UEP};
+ Graph_xyt(oP,gName,this.pageNum,func,nPts,oD,oDt);
+ }
+for (var n=0; n<this.numPages; n++) {
+ var rm = this.getAnnotsRichMedia(n);
+ if ( rm != undefined) {
+ for (var i=0; i<rm.length; i++ ) rm[i].activated=false;
+ }
+ \af@save@developer@will@Close
+ \af@WillClose
+var aResetFields=new Array();
+var fname;
+var re=/theFunction|theDom|theRng/;
+for (var i=0; i< this.numFields; i++) {
+ fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
+ if ( re.test(fname) ) aResetFields.push(fname);
+if (aResetFields.length !=0)
+ try {this.resetForm(aResetFields)} catch(e){};
+ \PackageWarning{acroflex}{Could not find the language file
+ \af@lang@type,\MessageBreak please place this file on the latex
+ search path.}
+%% End of file `acroflex.sty'.
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/afcustom_de.def b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/afcustom_de.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2075a30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/afcustom_de.def
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+% AcroFleX (language) customization definition file
+% Dr. D. P. Story
+% Remove the \endinput command below, and redefine each as desired. For languages
+% that require special accented characters, the unicode option of hyperref is needed
+% for the tooltips. See the AcroFleX manual for more details.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------;
+% These text commands are tooltip messages for the various controls ;
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------;
+% For special accented characters, try entering them directly from your keyboard;
+% if that fails, use the unicode option of web (which is just passed to hyperrerf),
+% then enter the accented characters using latex commands, like \"{u} for u-umlaut.
+\tticonFloatGraphScreen{Klicken Sie, um den Grafik-Bildschirm anzuzeigen,
+ klicken Sie erneut, um diesen wieder zu schliessen.}
+% This message attempts to format the tooltip as an enumerated list.
+\ttfuncInputField{Geben Sie eine der folgenden Ausdrücke ein:\r
+ \space\space1. Eine Funktion in Abhängigkeit von x und der Gestalt f(x);\r
+ \space\space2. Eine Polarfunktion in Abhängigkeit von t und der Gestalt f(t);\r
+ \space\space3. Ein Satz von Parameterfunktionen in Abhängigkeit von t und der Gestalt f(t);g(t)\r
+ \space\space\space\space\space(getrennt durch ein Semikolon);\r
+ \space\space4. Eine Liste von Punkten, (a1,b1);(a2,b2);...;(an,bn)\r
+ \space\space\space\space\space(jeweils getrennt durch ein Semikolon).}
+\ttgraphBtn{Klicken Sie hier, um das zugehörige Schaubild zeichnen zu lassen.}
+\ttgraphClrBtn{Klicken Sie hier, um das Schaubild zu löschen, Shift-klicken Sie, um den Grafik-Bildschirm zu deaktivieren.}
+\ttfunctionSelect{Geben Sie in \afcurvei1 - \afcurvei4 eine Funktion ein, oder in \afploti1 - \afploti4 eine Liste von Punkten.}
+\ttsavedelSelBtn{Klicken Sie hier, um die eingegebene Funktion in der Liste zu speichern, Shift-klicken Sie, um diese Funktion wieder von der Liste zu löschen.}
+\ttdomMin{Geben Sie den kleinsten Wert der Variablen x ein.}
+\ttdomMax{Geben Sie den größten Wert der Variablen x ein.}
+\ttrngMin{Geben Sie den kleinsten Wert der Variablen y ein.}
+\ttrngMax{Geben Sie den größten Wert der Variablen y ein.}
+\ttdomMinP{Geben Sie den kleinsten Wert der Variablen t ein.}
+\ttdomMaxP{Geben Sie den größten Wert der Variablen t ein.}
+\ttnumPoints{Geben Sie die Anzahl der Punkte ein, mit der gezeichnet werden soll.}
+\ttamtShift{Geben Sie die Schrittweite ein, mit der horizontal oder vertikal verschoben wird.}
+\ttzoomInOut{Klicken Sie zum Auszoomen, Shift-klicken Sie zum Einzoomen.}
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------;
+% Below are some text macros used in creating error messages. They ;
+% may be redefined into better English, or another language. ;
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------;
+% \defineJSStr is a new command (defined in eforms) that enables you
+% to enter unicode, for example, \u00FC is \"{u}. Also within the
+% argument string, you can use \r and \t to format your lines as
+% needed. Double back slash \\ is converted into single backslash \,
+% so for example, \\defineJSStr appears in the dialog box as
+% \defineJSStr. The string argument is immediately expanded, so a
+% command like \af@defaultNumPoints (in \af@zeroNumberMsg below) gets
+% expanded at definition time. Use \protect to delay the expansion
+% until the tex compiler finally expands the JS command string.
+ Der angegebene Wert ist keine Zahl, bitte geben Sie eine Zahl ein, oder zumindest einen Ausdruck, der eine Zahl ergibt.}
+ Die Anzahl der Punkte ist eine positive ganze Zahl, die nun mit einem positiven Wert versehen wird.}
+ Die Anzahl der Punkte ist eine positive ganze Zahl, die nun mit dem Wert \af@defaultNumPoints vorgegeben wird.}
+ Die Schrittweite der Verschiebung ist eine positive Zahl, die nun in eine positive Zahl umgewandelt wird.}
+ Die Schrittweite der Verschiebung ist eine positive Zahl, die nun mit 1 vorgegeben ist.}
+ Bitte geben Sie erst eine Funktion in das Textfeld ein, bevor Sie es speichern wollen.}
+ Sie haben keine Punkte zum Zeichnen definiert.}
+\defineJSStr{\af@graphBtnAlerti}{Undefinierte Funktionstypen.}
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/afcustom_us.def b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/afcustom_us.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b45ed17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acroflex/afcustom_us.def
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+% AcroFleX (language) customization definition file
+% Dr. D. P. Story
+% Remove the \endinput command below, and redefine each as desired. For languages
+% that require special accented characters, the unicode option of hyperref is needed
+% for the tooltips. See the AcroFleX manual for more details.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------;
+% These text commands are tooltip messages for the various controls ;
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------;
+% For special accented characters, try entering them directly from your keyboard;
+% if that fails, use the unicode option of web (which is just passed to hyperrerf),
+% then enter the accented characters using latex commands, like \"{u} for u-umlaut.
+\tticonFloatGraphScreen{Click to view graphing screen,
+ click again to hide graphing screen.}
+% This message attempts to format the tooltip as an enumerated list.
+\ttfuncInputField{Enter any of the following for expressions:\r
+ \space\space1. A function of x of the form f(x);\r
+ \space\space2. A polar function of t of the form f(t);\r
+ \space\space3. A set of parametric functions of t of the form f(t);g(t)\r
+ \space\space\space\space\space(separated by a semi-colon);\r
+ \space\space4. A list of points, (a1,b1);(a2,b2);...;(an,bn)\r
+ \space\space\space\space\space(separated by semi-colons).}
+\ttgraphBtn{Press to graph the function}
+\ttgraphClrBtn{Click to clear graph, shift-click to deactivate the
+ graphing screen}
+\ttfunctionSelect{Enter a function on \afcurvei1--\afcurvei4, or
+ a list of points on \afploti1--\afploti4.}
+\ttsavedelSelBtn{Click to save current function to list, shift-click
+ to delete the current function from list}
+\ttdomMin{Enter the minimum value for the variable x}
+\ttdomMax{Enter the maximum value for the variable x}
+\ttrngMin{Enter the minimum value for the variable y}
+\ttrngMax{Enter the maximum value for the variable y}
+\ttdomMinP{Enter the minimum value for the variable t}
+\ttdomMaxP{Enter the maximum value for the variable t}
+\ttnumPoints{Enter the number of points to plot}
+\ttamtShift{Enter the amount to shift, horizontally or vertically}
+\ttzoomInOut{Click to zoom out, shift-click to zoom in}
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------;
+% Below are some text macros used in creating error messages. They ;
+% may be redefined into better English, or another language. ;
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------;
+% \defineJSStr is a new command (defined in eforms) that enables you
+% to enter unicode, for example, \u00FC is \"{u}. Also within the
+% argument string, you can use \r and \t to format your lines as
+% needed. Double back slash \\ is converted into single backslash \,
+% so for example, \\defineJSStr appears in the dialog box as
+% \defineJSStr. The string argument is immediately expanded, so a
+% command like \af@defaultNumPoints (in \af@zeroNumberMsg below) gets
+% expanded at definition time. Use \protect to delay the expansion
+% until the tex compiler finally expands the JS command string.
+ The value input does not appear to be a number, please enter a
+ number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.}
+ The number of points is a positive integer, changing to a
+ positive integer.}
+ The number of points is a positive integer, changing to the
+ default value of \af@defaultNumPoints.}
+ The amount of shift is a positive number, changing to a positive
+ number.}
+ The amount of shift is a positive number, changing to the
+ default value of 1.}
+ There is nothing in the function input text field.}
+ You have not defined any points to plot}
+\defineJSStr{\af@graphBtnAlerti}{Undefined graph types}