path: root/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/template.def
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/template.def')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 257 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/template.def b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/template.def
index b9099ad4..62b9307f 100644
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/template.def
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/template.def
@@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
-%% This is file `template.def',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% exerquiz.dtx (with options: `copyright,template')
-%% Exerquiz.sty package, %%
-%% Copyright (C) 1999-2018 D. P. Story %%
-%% %%
-%% %%
-%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
-%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
-%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
-%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
-%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
- [2018/03/21 v8.2.2 %
- Exerquiz template for language support (dps)]
-%%------------- Instructions ------------------------------------
-%% Make your language localizations to this file and rename it to
-%% something like \texttt{eq<mylang>.def}, where \texttt{<mylang>}
-%% is a short 2-letter designator of the language. Test the tile
-%% by inputting it in the preamble of your document
-%% \input{eq<mylang>.def}. When satisfied, send it to me at
-%% or
-%% Web.sty %%
-% Language dependent definitions for Web.sty
- \AtEndOfPackage{%
- \def\today{\ifcase\month\or January
- \or February \or March \or April
- \or May \or June \or July \or August
- \or September \or October \or November
- \or December \fi \the\day, \the\year}
- \def\web@versionlabel{Version}
- \def\web@toc{Table of Contents}
- \def\web@continued{cont.}
- \def\web@article{Begin \hyperlink{section.1}{Article}}
- \def\web@directory{Directory}
- \def\web@revision{Last Revision Date:}
- \def\web@copyright{Copyright}
- \def\web@section{Section}
- % Label Navibar
- \def\web@back{Back}
- \def\web@doc{Doc}} % restricted to three characters
- \PassOptionsToPackage{newlanguage}{exerquiz}
-%% Exerquiz.sty %%
- \def\LangRedefinitions{\InputIfFileExists{eqlang.def}%
- {\PackageInfo{exerquiz}{Inputting a New Language Option}}%
- {\PackageInfo{exerquiz}{Language Option: Cannot find the file
- eqpo.def, using the default, English.}}}}
-% The exercise label
-% Accents: \renewcommand\exlabel{\"Ubung} (German)
-% The value of this macro is written to \jobname.sol,
-% accented characters must be protected with a \protect
-% E.g., \renewcommand\exlabelsol{\protect\"Ubung} (German)
-% Title of exercise solution section
-% E.g.: \renewcommand\exsectitle
-% {L\"osungen der \exlabel en} (German)
-\renewcommand\exsectitle{Solutions to \exlabel s}
-\renewcommand\exsecrunhead{\exsectitle} %% change to @ form
-% Solution label for solutionafter option for exercise
-% Title of short quiz solution section
-% Example: \renewcommand\eq@sqslsectitle
-% {L\"osungen der Aufgaben} (German)
-\renewcommand\eq@sqslsectitle{Solutions to Quizzes}
-% Running header/section title for solutions to short quizzes
-\renewcommand\eq@sqslsecrunhead{Solutions to Quizzes}
-% User access
-% Label for solutions to short quizzes, appears
-% in solutions sections
-% Protect accents with \protect
-% E.g.: \renewcommand\eq@sqsllabel
-% {\string\textbf{L\protect\"osung zu Aufgabe:}} (German)
-\renewcommand\eq@sqsllabel{\string\textbf{Solution to Quiz:}}
-% User access
-% Solution label for solutionafter option for shortquiz
-% User access to shortquiz label
-% Here is the default short quiz label.
-% Here is the default short quiz return label
-% No formatting allowed
-\renewcommand\eq@sqslrtnlabel{End Quiz}
-% User access to shortquiz label
-% Short quiz feedback messages
-\renewcommand\doNotShowAgainMsg{Do not show this message again}
-% Here is the default quiz label.
-% No formatting allowed
-% For Example: \renewcommand\eq@bqlabel{D\'ebut} (French)
-\renewcommand\eq@bqlabel{Begin Quiz}
-% User access to shortquiz label
-% Used for writing JavaScript Messages on screen.
-% Use PDFDocEncoding
-% For Example:
-% \renewcommand\eq@bqlabelISO{D\string\351but} (French)
-% Use \string not \protect, this helps out
-% TeX4ht by Eitan Gurari.
-% Default title for a quiz used for \verb!\@currentlablename!
-% Here is the default quiz label.
-% No formatting allowed
-\renewcommand\eq@eqlabel{End Quiz}
-% User access to shortquiz label
-% JavaScript Messages for Quiz Environments. Use PDFDocEncoding
-% Note: Use \string rather than \protect for escape codes,
-% i.e. \string\374
-% In the Text Field showing the score, there is the default
-% phrase in English
-% Score: 2 out of 3, the word "Score" and "out of" needs
-% translation.
-\renewcommand\eq@Score{Score:}\renewcommand\eq@OutOf{out of}
-% used in summary tables
-% If you are taking a quiz and click on an alternative without
-% initializing the quiz
-% first, this message appears.
-% This string is placed in the DLJS, so the escape sequences
-% need to be protected more. Instead of \string\340 we need
-% \string\\340.
-% Example: \renewcommand\eqInitQuizMsg{% (German)
-% "Sie m\string\\374ssen die Aufgaben initialisieren!
-% Bitte klicken Sie auf "+msg+"."}
- "You must initialize the Quiz! Click on "+msg+"."}
-% This macro doesn't usually need translation, it uses \eqScore
-% and \eqOutOf. However, if the sentence "Score: 2 out of 3"
-% does not translate conveniently into a particular language,
-% this macro may have to be modified. It's the one that puts
-% the message in the message box.
- {"\eqScore\space"+Score+" \eqOutOf\space"+nQuestions}
- "\eqptScore\space"+ptScore+" \eqOutOf\space"+nPointTotal}
-% In the link form of a quiz, of you change your choice,
-% this message appears. This string is placed in the
-% DLJS, so the escape sequences need to be protected more.
-% Instead of \string\340 we need \string\\340.
-% For Example: \renewcommand\eqMadeChoice{%
-% "Vous avez d\string\\351j\string\\340 fait un choix,
-% ce choix est ("+Responses[probno]+").
-% Souhaitez vous le modifier ?"} (French)
- "You have already made a choice.
- Your choice was ("+Responses[probno]+").
- Do you want to change it?"}
-% Default button labels for \eqButton
-% Accents are handled as above:
-% A French Language Example
-% \renewcommand\eq@local@CA{R\string\351ponses}
-% \renewcommand\eq@local@RC{Correctes}
-% \renewcommand\eq@local@AC{SVP !}
-\renewcommand\eq@local@RC{My Answers!}
-% Default button label of \CorrAnsButton.
-% Default button label of \sqClearButton
-% Short string used by the \PromptButton
-% These (error) messages are generated when the user enters an
-% invalid math expression into a math fill-in response box.
-% The messages come in the form of an eqAppAlert() so
-% PDFDocEncoding needs to be used.
-\renewcommand\eqerrABS{"Absolute values not balanced. Please correct."}
-\renewcommand\eqerrBadMathFunc{"The expression \""+aF[i]+"\" is neither
- a defined " +"function, nor a valid math expression."}
-\renewcommand\eqerrDelimNotBal{aGroup[i][2] + " not balanced.
- Please correct."}
-\renewcommand\eqerrBadExp{"Invalid mathematical expression.
- A problem with one of the exponents. Please correct."}
-\renewcommand\eqerrUnfinishQuiz{"There is an unfinished quiz,
- please finish before moving on to another."}
-\renewcommand\noPeekMsg{"Viewing Solutions to quizzes is not allowed
- until you take or finish this quiz!"}
-\renewcommand\highThresholdMsg{"You are required to respond to all
- questions before the quiz is evaluated."}
-\renewcommand\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar{"Syntax Error: Possibly an
- undefined variable present."}
-\newcommand{\eqSyntaxErrorComma}{"Syntax Error: A comma was found"
- + " in your response \\""
- + UserAns + "\\". Please remove the comma, or this answer"
- + " will be marked as wrong."}
-\renewcommand{\limSelWarningMsg}{"For this questions, you are allowed to
- make at most " + n + " selections."}
- "Would you like to see the correct answer at this time? "
- + "Your current answer will be the one that will be scored. "
- + "If you click on \\"Yes\\",
- you will not be able to change your answer."
- "The expression is not in the expected form."}
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Message Section %%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% Some typeout messages %%
-\typeout{Inputting French Option}
-\typeout{French Option: Cannot find the file eqfr.def, using the
- default, English.}
-\typeout{Solutions not allowed with this option}
-\typeout{Check: `#1' is not an acceptable option, inserting
- default, `check'.}
- \ifmakeExSlLocal\protect\endgroup^^J\fi
-%% End of file `template.def'.
+%% This is file `template.def',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% exerquiz.dtx (with options: `copyright,template')
+%% Exerquiz.sty package, %%
+%% Copyright (C) 1999-2018 D. P. Story %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
+ [2018/03/21 v8.2.2 %
+ Exerquiz template for language support (dps)]
+%%------------- Instructions ------------------------------------
+%% Make your language localizations to this file and rename it to
+%% something like \texttt{eq<mylang>.def}, where \texttt{<mylang>}
+%% is a short 2-letter designator of the language. Test the tile
+%% by inputting it in the preamble of your document
+%% \input{eq<mylang>.def}. When satisfied, send it to me at
+%% or
+%% Web.sty %%
+% Language dependent definitions for Web.sty
+ \AtEndOfPackage{%
+ \def\today{\ifcase\month\or January
+ \or February \or March \or April
+ \or May \or June \or July \or August
+ \or September \or October \or November
+ \or December \fi \the\day, \the\year}
+ \def\web@versionlabel{Version}
+ \def\web@toc{Table of Contents}
+ \def\web@continued{cont.}
+ \def\web@article{Begin \hyperlink{section.1}{Article}}
+ \def\web@directory{Directory}
+ \def\web@revision{Last Revision Date:}
+ \def\web@copyright{Copyright}
+ \def\web@section{Section}
+ % Label Navibar
+ \def\web@back{Back}
+ \def\web@doc{Doc}} % restricted to three characters
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{newlanguage}{exerquiz}
+%% Exerquiz.sty %%
+ \def\LangRedefinitions{\InputIfFileExists{eqlang.def}%
+ {\PackageInfo{exerquiz}{Inputting a New Language Option}}%
+ {\PackageInfo{exerquiz}{Language Option: Cannot find the file
+ eqpo.def, using the default, English.}}}}
+% The exercise label
+% Accents: \renewcommand\exlabel{\"Ubung} (German)
+% The value of this macro is written to \jobname.sol,
+% accented characters must be protected with a \protect
+% E.g., \renewcommand\exlabelsol{\protect\"Ubung} (German)
+% Title of exercise solution section
+% E.g.: \renewcommand\exsectitle
+% {L\"osungen der \exlabel en} (German)
+\renewcommand\exsectitle{Solutions to \exlabel s}
+\renewcommand\exsecrunhead{\exsectitle} %% change to @ form
+% Solution label for solutionafter option for exercise
+% Title of short quiz solution section
+% Example: \renewcommand\eq@sqslsectitle
+% {L\"osungen der Aufgaben} (German)
+\renewcommand\eq@sqslsectitle{Solutions to Quizzes}
+% Running header/section title for solutions to short quizzes
+\renewcommand\eq@sqslsecrunhead{Solutions to Quizzes}
+% User access
+% Label for solutions to short quizzes, appears
+% in solutions sections
+% Protect accents with \protect
+% E.g.: \renewcommand\eq@sqsllabel
+% {\string\textbf{L\protect\"osung zu Aufgabe:}} (German)
+\renewcommand\eq@sqsllabel{\string\textbf{Solution to Quiz:}}
+% User access
+% Solution label for solutionafter option for shortquiz
+% User access to shortquiz label
+% Here is the default short quiz label.
+% Here is the default short quiz return label
+% No formatting allowed
+\renewcommand\eq@sqslrtnlabel{End Quiz}
+% User access to shortquiz label
+% Short quiz feedback messages
+\renewcommand\doNotShowAgainMsg{Do not show this message again}
+% Here is the default quiz label.
+% No formatting allowed
+% For Example: \renewcommand\eq@bqlabel{D\'ebut} (French)
+\renewcommand\eq@bqlabel{Begin Quiz}
+% User access to shortquiz label
+% Used for writing JavaScript Messages on screen.
+% Use PDFDocEncoding
+% For Example:
+% \renewcommand\eq@bqlabelISO{D\string\351but} (French)
+% Use \string not \protect, this helps out
+% TeX4ht by Eitan Gurari.
+% Default title for a quiz used for \verb!\@currentlablename!
+% Here is the default quiz label.
+% No formatting allowed
+\renewcommand\eq@eqlabel{End Quiz}
+% User access to shortquiz label
+% JavaScript Messages for Quiz Environments. Use PDFDocEncoding
+% Note: Use \string rather than \protect for escape codes,
+% i.e. \string\374
+% In the Text Field showing the score, there is the default
+% phrase in English
+% Score: 2 out of 3, the word "Score" and "out of" needs
+% translation.
+\renewcommand\eq@Score{Score:}\renewcommand\eq@OutOf{out of}
+% used in summary tables
+% If you are taking a quiz and click on an alternative without
+% initializing the quiz
+% first, this message appears.
+% This string is placed in the DLJS, so the escape sequences
+% need to be protected more. Instead of \string\340 we need
+% \string\\340.
+% Example: \renewcommand\eqInitQuizMsg{% (German)
+% "Sie m\string\\374ssen die Aufgaben initialisieren!
+% Bitte klicken Sie auf "+msg+"."}
+ "You must initialize the Quiz! Click on "+msg+"."}
+% This macro doesn't usually need translation, it uses \eqScore
+% and \eqOutOf. However, if the sentence "Score: 2 out of 3"
+% does not translate conveniently into a particular language,
+% this macro may have to be modified. It's the one that puts
+% the message in the message box.
+ {"\eqScore\space"+Score+" \eqOutOf\space"+nQuestions}
+ "\eqptScore\space"+ptScore+" \eqOutOf\space"+nPointTotal}
+% In the link form of a quiz, of you change your choice,
+% this message appears. This string is placed in the
+% DLJS, so the escape sequences need to be protected more.
+% Instead of \string\340 we need \string\\340.
+% For Example: \renewcommand\eqMadeChoice{%
+% "Vous avez d\string\\351j\string\\340 fait un choix,
+% ce choix est ("+Responses[probno]+").
+% Souhaitez vous le modifier ?"} (French)
+ "You have already made a choice.
+ Your choice was ("+Responses[probno]+").
+ Do you want to change it?"}
+% Default button labels for \eqButton
+% Accents are handled as above:
+% A French Language Example
+% \renewcommand\eq@local@CA{R\string\351ponses}
+% \renewcommand\eq@local@RC{Correctes}
+% \renewcommand\eq@local@AC{SVP !}
+\renewcommand\eq@local@RC{My Answers!}
+% Default button label of \CorrAnsButton.
+% Default button label of \sqClearButton
+% Short string used by the \PromptButton
+% These (error) messages are generated when the user enters an
+% invalid math expression into a math fill-in response box.
+% The messages come in the form of an eqAppAlert() so
+% PDFDocEncoding needs to be used.
+\renewcommand\eqerrABS{"Absolute values not balanced. Please correct."}
+\renewcommand\eqerrBadMathFunc{"The expression \""+aF[i]+"\" is neither
+ a defined " +"function, nor a valid math expression."}
+\renewcommand\eqerrDelimNotBal{aGroup[i][2] + " not balanced.
+ Please correct."}
+\renewcommand\eqerrBadExp{"Invalid mathematical expression.
+ A problem with one of the exponents. Please correct."}
+\renewcommand\eqerrUnfinishQuiz{"There is an unfinished quiz,
+ please finish before moving on to another."}
+\renewcommand\noPeekMsg{"Viewing Solutions to quizzes is not allowed
+ until you take or finish this quiz!"}
+\renewcommand\highThresholdMsg{"You are required to respond to all
+ questions before the quiz is evaluated."}
+\renewcommand\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar{"Syntax Error: Possibly an
+ undefined variable present."}
+\newcommand{\eqSyntaxErrorComma}{"Syntax Error: A comma was found"
+ + " in your response \\""
+ + UserAns + "\\". Please remove the comma, or this answer"
+ + " will be marked as wrong."}
+\renewcommand{\limSelWarningMsg}{"For this questions, you are allowed to
+ make at most " + n + " selections."}
+ "Would you like to see the correct answer at this time? "
+ + "Your current answer will be the one that will be scored. "
+ + "If you click on \\"Yes\\",
+ you will not be able to change your answer."
+ "The expression is not in the expected form."}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Message Section %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% Some typeout messages %%
+\typeout{Inputting French Option}
+\typeout{French Option: Cannot find the file eqfr.def, using the
+ default, English.}
+\typeout{Solutions not allowed with this option}
+\typeout{Check: `#1' is not an acceptable option, inserting
+ default, `check'.}
+ \ifmakeExSlLocal\protect\endgroup^^J\fi
+%% End of file `template.def'.