path: root/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/taborder.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/taborder.sty')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/taborder.sty b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/taborder.sty
index 1a633f74..64abc732 100644
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/taborder.sty
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/taborder.sty
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
-%% This is file `taborder.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% taborder.dtx (with options: `copyright,package')
-%% taborder.sty package, %%
-%% Copyright (C) 2009--2016 D. P. Story %%
-%% %%
-%% %%
-%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
-%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
-%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
-%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
-%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
- [2009/09/04 v0.1 taborder: Sets the tab order, Acrobat Distiller only (dps)]
- \global\to@structOrderfalse
- \def\to@to@C{C}\def\to@to@R{R}\def\to@to@S{S}%
- \def\to@to@W{W}\def\to@to@A{A}\def\to@to@us{UNSPECIFIED}%
- \uppercase{\def\ef@taborder{#1}}%
- \ifx\ef@taborder\@empty
- \else\ifx\ef@taborder\to@to@us
- \let\ef@taborder\@empty
- \else\ifx\to@to@C\ef@taborder
- \else\ifx\to@to@R\ef@taborder
- \else\ifx\to@to@S\ef@taborder
- \ifx\to@earlyendinput\endinput
- \PackageWarning{taborder}{%
- The structure (S) option is supported only\MessageBreak
- with Acrobat Distiller. Using the default\MessageBreak
- value of 'unspecified'}\let\ef@taborder\@empty
- \else\global\to@structOrdertrue\fi
- \else\ifx\to@to@W\ef@taborder
- \else\ifx\to@to@A\ef@taborder
- \else\PackageWarning{taborder}{%
- Invalid value for \string\setTabOrder. Permissible \MessageBreak
- values are R, C, S, W, A, and unspecified. Using \MessageBreak
- the default value of 'unspecified'}\let\ef@taborder\@empty
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\ef@setTabOrder
- \ifx\ef@taborder\@empty\else\literalps@out{%
- [ {ThisPage} <</Tabs/\ef@taborder>> /PUT pdfmark}\fi
- \endgroup
- \global\to@settabsbylisttrue
- \global\let\setStructTabOrder\to@setStructTabOrder
- \global\to@settabsbylistfalse
- \global\let\setStructTabOrder\@gobble
- \@setStructTabOrder#1\end
- \setkeys{structOpts}{title,type,#1}
- \ifx#2\end\else\literalps@out{%
- [/Subtype/\structOpts@type\ifx\structOpts@title\@empty
- \else/Title (\structOpts@title)\fi/StPNE pdfmark
- [/Obj {#2} /StOBJ pdfmark
- [/StPop pdfmark}\expandafter\@setStructTabOrder
- \fi
- \ifto@structOrder\ifx\eq@objdef\@empty\else
- \ifx\eq@taborder\@empty\else\literalps@out{%
- [/Subtype/#1/At \eq@taborder/StPNE pdfmark
- [/Obj {\eq@objdefName} /StOBJ pdfmark [/StPop pdfmark}%
- \fi\fi\fi
-%% End of file `taborder.sty'.
+%% This is file `taborder.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% taborder.dtx (with options: `copyright,package')
+%% taborder.sty package, %%
+%% Copyright (C) 2009--2016 D. P. Story %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
+ [2009/09/04 v0.1 taborder: Sets the tab order, Acrobat Distiller only (dps)]
+ \global\to@structOrderfalse
+ \def\to@to@C{C}\def\to@to@R{R}\def\to@to@S{S}%
+ \def\to@to@W{W}\def\to@to@A{A}\def\to@to@us{UNSPECIFIED}%
+ \uppercase{\def\ef@taborder{#1}}%
+ \ifx\ef@taborder\@empty
+ \else\ifx\ef@taborder\to@to@us
+ \let\ef@taborder\@empty
+ \else\ifx\to@to@C\ef@taborder
+ \else\ifx\to@to@R\ef@taborder
+ \else\ifx\to@to@S\ef@taborder
+ \ifx\to@earlyendinput\endinput
+ \PackageWarning{taborder}{%
+ The structure (S) option is supported only\MessageBreak
+ with Acrobat Distiller. Using the default\MessageBreak
+ value of 'unspecified'}\let\ef@taborder\@empty
+ \else\global\to@structOrdertrue\fi
+ \else\ifx\to@to@W\ef@taborder
+ \else\ifx\to@to@A\ef@taborder
+ \else\PackageWarning{taborder}{%
+ Invalid value for \string\setTabOrder. Permissible \MessageBreak
+ values are R, C, S, W, A, and unspecified. Using \MessageBreak
+ the default value of 'unspecified'}\let\ef@taborder\@empty
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\ef@setTabOrder
+ \ifx\ef@taborder\@empty\else\literalps@out{%
+ [ {ThisPage} <</Tabs/\ef@taborder>> /PUT pdfmark}\fi
+ \endgroup
+ \global\to@settabsbylisttrue
+ \global\let\setStructTabOrder\to@setStructTabOrder
+ \global\to@settabsbylistfalse
+ \global\let\setStructTabOrder\@gobble
+ \@setStructTabOrder#1\end
+ \setkeys{structOpts}{title,type,#1}
+ \ifx#2\end\else\literalps@out{%
+ [/Subtype/\structOpts@type\ifx\structOpts@title\@empty
+ \else/Title (\structOpts@title)\fi/StPNE pdfmark
+ [/Obj {#2} /StOBJ pdfmark
+ [/StPop pdfmark}\expandafter\@setStructTabOrder
+ \fi
+ \ifto@structOrder\ifx\eq@objdef\@empty\else
+ \ifx\eq@taborder\@empty\else\literalps@out{%
+ [/Subtype/#1/At \eq@taborder/StPNE pdfmark
+ [/Obj {\eq@objdefName} /StOBJ pdfmark [/StPop pdfmark}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+%% End of file `taborder.sty'.