path: root/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/dljslib.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/dljslib.sty')
1 files changed, 1741 insertions, 1741 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/dljslib.sty b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/dljslib.sty
index 67f0867b..bad34c8f 100644
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/dljslib.sty
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/dljslib.sty
@@ -1,1741 +1,1741 @@
-%% This is file `dljslib.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% dljslib.dtx (with options: `copyright,package')
-%% dljsLib.sty package, %%
-%% Copyright (C) 2001-2018 D. P. Story %%
-%% %%
-%% %%
-%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
-%% the terms of the LaTeX Projet Public License %%
-%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
-%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
-%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
- [2017/08/11 v2.1 Manage a Library of Document Level JavaScripts (dps)]
- {\expandafter\let\csname checkout@#2\endcsname=#1}
-\def\@ifcheckedout#1{\expandafter\if\csname checkout@#1\endcsname y}
- {\DeclareOption{#1}{\dljsRegister[y]{#1}}\dljsRegister{#1}}
- {The `unordered' option is now combined with the\MessageBreak
- `setSupport' option, will use the `setSupport' option\MessageBreak
- instead}\ExecuteOptions{setSupport}}
- \expandafter\ifx\csname checkout@#1\endcsname y%
- \let\js@verbatim@out\dljslib@verbatim@out
- \let\dljs@verbatim\js@verbatimwrite
- \let\enddljs@verbatim\endjs@verbatimwrite\else
- \let\dljs@verbatim\comment
- \let\enddljs@verbatim\endcomment\fi\dljs@verbatim
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: AcroTeX DLJS Library}
- The Document Level JavaScript Library
- D. P. Story copyright 2001-\the\year
-var dljslib = true;
-\newcommand\equationsAlertMsg{"An equation is expected"}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Equation Handling}
-function ProcRespEq(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- ok2Continue = true;
- var success;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- var CorrExpressions = CorrAns.split("=");
- var zCorrAns = "("+CorrExpressions[0]+")-("+CorrExpressions[1] +")";
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns);
- if(!ok2Continue ) return null;
- if (!/[=]/.test(UserAns)) {
- eqAppAlert(\equationsAlertMsg, 3);
- return null;
- }
- var reComma=/,/;
- if ( reComma.test(UserAns) ) {
- eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorComma,3);
- return null;
- }
- var UserExpressions = UserAns.split("=");
- var zUserAns = "("+UserExpressions[0]+")-("+UserExpressions[1] +")";
- var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
- (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
- diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
- if ( typeof oComp == "object"
- && typeof oComp.priorParse != "undefined" ) {
- if ( typeof oComp.priorParse == "object" ) {
- for ( var i=0; i < oComp.priorParse.length; i++) {
- var retn = oComp.priorParse[i](zUserAns);
- if ( retn == null ) return null;
- }
- } else {
- var retn = oComp.priorParse(zUserAns);
- if ( retn == null ) return null;
- }
- }
- zCorrAns = ParseInput(zCorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) {
- eqAppAlert("Syntax error in author's answer! Check console.", 3);
- console.println("Syntax Error: " + CorrAns);
- return null;
- }
- zUserAns = ParseInput(zUserAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
- var lambda = getNonZeroRatio (domain, indepVars, zCorrAns, zUserAns);
- if ( lambda == null ) {
- eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); return null; };
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- zCorrAns = lambda + "*(" + zCorrAns + ")";
- success=randomPointCompare (n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,
- zCorrAns,zUserAns,comp)
- if ( success == null ) { eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3);
- return null; }
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function getNonZeroRatio (_a, _v, _F, _G)
- var _i, _j;
- var aXY = new Array();
- _a = _a.replace(/[\[\]\s]/g, "");
- var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
- var _n = _V.length;
- var aIntervals = _a.split("&");
- var aInterval = aIntervals[0].split("x");
- var endpoints = aInterval[0].split(",");
- for (_j=0; _j < 4; _j++) {
- for (_i = 0; _i < _n; _i++) {
- var endpoints = aInterval[_i].split(",");
- aXY[_i] = endpoints[0]-0
- +(endpoints[1]-endpoints[0])*Math.random();
-\db console.println("aXY["+_i+"] = " + aXY[_i]);\db%
- }
- for (var _i = 0; _i< _n; _i++) {
- if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
- eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
- + " = " + aXY[_i] + ";");
- else // assume type "i"
- eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
- + " = " + Math.ceil(aXY[_i]) + ";");
- }
- _F = eval(_F);
- if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
- {
- var rtnCode = 0;
- eval("try { if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1; }"
- +"catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
- switch(rtnCode) {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: return null;
- case -1: ok2Continue=false;
- return -1;
- }
- }
- else
- if(isNaN(_G=eval(_G))) {ok2Continue=false;return -1;}
- if ( _F != 0 && _G != 0 ) return _G/_F;
- }
- console.println( "Can't find a non zero scalar");
- return null;
-\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgi{"I'm looking for a vector.
- You need to use proper vector notation, try using
- angle brackets <....>."}
-\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgii{"Angle brackets are not balanced.
- Check the expression you typed in."}
-\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgiii{"Incorrect number of components.
- The answer requires " + aCorrAns.length+" components."}
-\def\vectorEmptyCompMsgiv(#1){"You entered nothing for the
- component " +(#1+1) +" of your answer. Please enter
- a component for the vector."}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Vector Handling}
-function ProcVec (flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- ok2Continue = true;
- var i, success, truthCnt=1;
- var aScalar, scalar = 1;
- var fieldname =;
- var UserAns = event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns); // sets ok2Continue
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- var isSpecResp=false;
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- isSpecResp=true; break;
- }
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
- }
- }
- if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- if (!/[<>]/.test(UserAns)) {
- eqAppAlert(\vectorsErrorMsgi, 3);
- return null;
- }
- if (!CkBalP(UserAns,"<",">")) {
- eqAppAlert(\vectorsErrorMsgii, 3);
- return null;
- }
- // see if there is a scalar multiple to the left of '<'
- aScalar = UserAns.match(/(.*)(\*)(\s*<)/);
- if (aScalar != null) {
- scalar = aScalar[1];
- UserAns = UserAns.slice(aScalar.index + aScalar[0].length-1)
- }
- var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
- (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
- diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
- CorrAns = CorrAns.replace(/[<>]/g, ""); // strip of < and >
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/[<>]/g, "");
- if ( typeof oComp == "object" && %
-typeof oComp.priorParse != "undefined" ) {
- var retn=processSpecialParse(oComp.priorParse,UserAns);
- if (retn==null) return null;
- }
- aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
- if (scalar != 1)
- for (i=0; i<aUserAns.length; i++)
- aUserAns[i]=""+scalar+"*"+aUserAns[i];
- if (aCorrAns.length != aUserAns.length) {
- eqAppAlert(\vectorsErrorMsgiii,3);
- return null;
- }
- // convert to new format, if needed
- indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
- for (i=0; i<aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- aCorrAns[i] = ParseInput(aCorrAns[i]);
- if (!ok2Continue) {
- eqAppAlert("Author Syntax error!", 3);
- return null;
- }
- aUserAns[i] = ParseInput(aUserAns[i]);
- if (aUserAns[i]==null) {
- eqAppAlert(\vectorEmptyCompMsgiv(i), 3);
- return null;
- }
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- success=randomPointCompare (n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,
- aCorrAns[i],aUserAns[i],comp)
- if ( success == null ) {
- eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); return null; }
- truthCnt *= (success) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- return notifyField(!!truthCnt, flag, fieldname);
-\newcommand{\noBracesInAnsMsg}{"Do not insert braces in your answer.
- Please remove the braces (\{\})."}
-\newcommand{\noBracketsInAnsMsg}{"Do not insert braces in your answer.
- Please remove the angle brackets (<>)."}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Support for Sets}
-function ProcRespSetNum(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var isSpecResp=false;
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- isSpecResp=true; break;
- }
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
- }
- }
- if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- var retn=ck4Braces(UserAns);
- if (retn==null) return null;
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- for ( var i=0; i < aUserAns.length; i++) {
- try {
- if (isNaN(eval(aUserAns[i]))) return syntaxError(), null;
- } catch(e) { return syntaxError(), null; }
- }
- var aUserAns = aUserAns.sort(
- function(a,b) { return eval(a) - eval(b);} );
- var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",").sort(
- function(a,b) { return eval(a) - eval(b);} );
- var numCorrect = 0;
- if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- var retn = _ProcResp(%
- if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
- if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
- numCorrect += (retn) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-var ok2format=true;
-function formatAsSet() {
- if (ok2format&&event.value.replace(/\\s/g,"") != "")
- event.value = "{ " + event.value + " }";
-function ck4Braces (UserAns) {
- ok2format=true;
- if (/^\{/.test(UserAns) || /\}$/.test(UserAns) ) {
- ok2format=false;
- return eqAppAlert(\noBracesInAnsMsg,3), null;
- }
- else return true;
-function ck4AngleBrackets (UserAns) {
- ok2format=true;
- if (/^</.test(UserAns) || />$/.test(UserAns) ) {
- ok2format=false;
- return eqAppAlert(\noBracketsInAnsMsg,3), null;
- }
- else return true;
-function formatAsVector() {
- if (ok2format&&event.value.replace(/\\s/g,"") != "") {
- event.value = "< " + event.value + " >";
- }
-function ProcRespSetSym(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var isSpecResp=false;
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- isSpecResp=true; break;
- }
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
- }
- }
- if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- var retn=ck4Braces(UserAns);
- if (retn==null) return null;
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- var _V = indepVars.split(",");
- for ( var _i=0; _i < _V.length; _i++) {
- eval ( "var "+ _V[_i] + " = \"" + _i + "\";");
- }
- for ( var _i=0; _i < aUserAns.length; _i++) {
- try {
- if (isNaN(eval(aUserAns[_i]))) return syntaxError(), null;
- aUserAns[_i] = eval(aUserAns[_i]);
- } catch(e) { return syntaxError(), null; }
- }
- var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
- for ( var _i=0; _i < aCorrAns.length; _i++) {
- try {
- if (isNaN(eval(aCorrAns[_i])))
- return eqAppAlert(%
-"Author error, recheck your code",3), null;
- aCorrAns[_i] = eval(aCorrAns[_i]);
- } catch(e) { return eqAppAlert(
- "Author error, recheck your code",3), null; }
- }
- var aUserAns = aUserAns.sort(
- function(a,b) { return eval(a) - eval(b);} );
- var aCorrAns = aCorrAns.sort(
- function(a,b) { return eval(a) - eval(b);} );
- var numCorrect = 0;
- if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- for ( var _i=0; _i< aCorrAns.length; _i++) {
- var retn = _ProcResp(%
- if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
- if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
- numCorrect += (retn) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function ProcRespListFormula(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,%
-indepVars,oComp) {
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var isSpecResp=false;
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- isSpecResp=true; break;
- }
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
- }
- }
- if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- var retn=ck4AngleBrackets(UserAns);
- if (retn==null) return null;
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,+/g, ",");
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,$/, "");
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/^,/, "");
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
- var numCorrect = 0;
- if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- var retn =_ProcResp(flag,aCorrAns[i],aUserAns[i],%
- if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
- if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
- numCorrect += (retn) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function ProcRespSetFormula(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
-domain,indepVars,oComp) {
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var isSpecResp=false;
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- isSpecResp=true; break;
- }
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
- }
- }
- if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- var retn=ck4Braces(UserAns);
- if (retn==null) return null;
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,+/g, ",");
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,$/, "");
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/^,/, "");
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
- var numCorrect = 0, match = 0;
- if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- for ( var i=0; i<aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- match = 0;
- for ( var j=i; j< aUserAns.length; j++) {
- var retn = _ProcResp(%
- if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
- if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
- if (retn==1) {
- var temp=aUserAns[j];
- aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
- aUserAns[i]=temp;
- match = match + 1;
- }
- }
- numCorrect += (match) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);}
- "Powers of i (for example, i^2, i^3) are not supported,
- replace powers of i with their complex equivalents."}
- "The cis function does not support exponents. Write,
- for example, cis^3(x) as cis(3*x), instead."}
- "The expression is not in the form of a complex
- number, a+bi"}
- "You entered nothing for the component "
- +(#1+1)+" of your answer. Please enter a complex number."}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Support for Complex Numbers}
-function cis(x,i) { return Math.cos(x) + i*Math.sin(x); }
-JSf = JSf.concat(JSfBuiltIn, JSfCustom);
-function ProcRespComplex(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- ok2Continue = true;
- var i, success;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace (CorrAns);
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns); // sets ok2Continue
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- indepVars+="i";
- domain+="x[0,1]";
- if (/(\b|[^a-zA-Z])i\^/.test(UserAns)) {
- eqAppAlert(\complexPowerAlertMsg,3);
- return null;
- }
- if ( /cis\^/.test(UserAns) ) {
- eqAppAlert(\complexCisAlertMsg,3);
- return null;
- }
- var reComma=/,/;
- if ( reComma.test(UserAns) ) {
- eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorComma,3);
- return null;
- }
- UserAns=changeArgs4Cis(UserAns);
- CorrAns=changeArgs4Cis(CorrAns);
- var aMatch = UserAns.match(/(\b|[^a-zA-Z])i/g);
- if ( aMatch != null && aMatch.length > 1) {
- eqAppAlert(\alertNotComplexMsg, 3);
- return null;
- }
- var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
- (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
- diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
- if ( typeof oComp == "object" &&
- typeof oComp.priorParse != "undefined" ) {
- if ( typeof oComp.priorParse == "object" ) {
- for ( var i=0; i < oComp.priorParse.length; i++) {
- var retn = oComp.priorParse[i](UserAns);
- if ( retn == null ) return null;
- }
- } else {
- var retn = oComp.priorParse(UserAns);
- if ( retn == null ) return null;
- }
- }
- UserAns = ParseInput(UserAns);
- CorrAns = ParseInput(CorrAns);
- indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- success=randomPointCompare(
- n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,CorrAns,UserAns,comp);
- if ( success == null ) { eqAppAlert(%
-\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); return null; }
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function ProcRespListComplex(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
-domain,indepVars,oComp) {
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns); // sets ok2Continue
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- var isSpecResp=false;
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- isSpecResp=true; break;
- }
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
- }
- }
- if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,+/g, ",");
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,$/, "");
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/^,/, "");
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
- if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- var numCorrect = 0;
- var match = 0;
- for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- match = 0;
- var retn = ProcRespComplex(%
- if ( retn == null ) return null;
- numCorrect += (retn) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function ProcRespSetComplex(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
-domain,indepVars,oComp) {
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns); // sets ok2Continue
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- var isSpecResp=false;
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- isSpecResp=true; break;
- }
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
- }
- }
- if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,+/g, ",");
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,$/, "");
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/^,/, "");
- event.value = UserAns;
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
- if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- var numCorrect = 0;
- var match = 0;
- for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- match = 0;
- for ( var j=i; j< aUserAns.length; j++) {
- var retn = ProcRespComplex(%
- if ( retn == null ) return null;
- if (retn==1) {
- var temp=aUserAns[j];
- aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
- aUserAns[i]=temp;
- match = match + 1;
- }
- }
- numCorrect += (match) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function changeArgs4Cis(str) {
- var re =/cis\(/g;
- while ( (aP=re.exec(str) ) != null ) {
- var LeftP=re.lastIndex;
- var RightP=FindBalP(str,re.lastIndex,1);
- str = str.substring(0,RightP)
- +",i"+str.substring(RightP);
- }
- return str;
-\newcommand{\wrongNumEntriesMsg}{"You don't have the correct number
- of entries in your coordinate points. Expecting "+_n
- +" entries per point." }
-\newcommand{\eqSyntaxErrorNoParens}{"Syntax Error: Enter the point
- using parentheses, for example (1,2) or (1,2,3), as applicable."}
-\newcommand{\eqNonzeroEntries}{"Syntax Error: All entries are required
- to be nonzero, try again."}
-\newcommand{\eqTooManyEntries}{"You've entered more points than
- requested, enter only "+l+" points."}
-\newcommand{\eqTooFewEntries}{"You've entered fewer points than
- requested, enter only "+l+" points."}
-\newcommand{\eqDuplEntries}{"One or more points are the same,
- provide "+l+" distinct points."}
- {dljslib: Support for n-tuple input to Satisfy an Equation}
-var bNotifyWrngNumEntries=\satisfyEqNotify;
-function ProcRespEvalEq(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp){
- var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- var retn=_ProcRespEvalEq(true,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
- return retn;
-function ProcRespEvalEqNonZero(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
-domain,indepVars,oComp) {
- var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- var retn=_ProcRespEvalEq(false,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,
- return retn;
-function _ProcRespEvalEq(allowzero,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,indepVars)
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>6); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[6]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- if ( (UserAns.charAt(0) != "\(") || %
-(UserAns.charAt(UserAns.length-1) != "\)"))
- return eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorNoParens,3), null;
- UserAns=UserAns.substring(1,UserAns.length-1);
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- for ( var i=0; i < aUserAns.length; i++) {
- try {
- if (isNaN(eval(aUserAns[i]))) return syntaxError(), null;
- if (!allowzero && (eval(aUserAns[i])==0))
- return eqAppAlert(\eqNonzeroEntries,3), null;
- } catch(e) { return syntaxError(), null; }
- }
- var _v = TypeParameters(indepVars);
- var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
- var _n = _V.length;
- if ( aUserAns.length != _n) {
- if (bNotifyWrngNumEntries)
- return eqAppAlert(\wrongNumEntriesMsg,3), null;
- else
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- }
- for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++) {
- if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
- eval("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+aUserAns[_i]+";");
- else // assume type "i"
- eval("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+Math.ceil(aUserAns[_i])+";");
- }
- var UserInput=ParseInput(CorrAns);
- var UserAns=eval(UserInput);
- success=(Math.abs(UserAns) < epsilon)?true:false;
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function ProcRespEvalEqList(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,%
-indepVars,oComp) {
- var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- var retn=_ProcRespEvalEqList(true,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
- return retn;
-function ProcRespEvalEqListNonZero(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,%
- var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- var retn=_ProcRespEvalEqList(false,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
- return retn;
-function _ProcRespEvalEqList(allowzero,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,indepVars)
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>6); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[6]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var success;
- UserAns=UserAns.replace(/;+$/,"");
- UserAns=UserAns.replace(/;+/g,";");
- var aUsersArray = new Array();
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split(";");
- var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(";");
- var l = aCorrAns[0];
- if (l < aUserAns.length )
- return eqAppAlert(\eqTooManyEntries,3), null;
- if (l > aUserAns.length )
- return eqAppAlert(\eqTooFewEntries,3), null;
- var _v = TypeParameters(indepVars);
- var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
- var _n = _V.length;
- var testFunc="";
- for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++)
- testFunc += ("+"+(Math.random()*9)+"*"+_V[_i].charAt(2));
- var isCorrect=1;
- for (var pair=0; pair< l; pair++) {
- if ( (aUserAns[pair].charAt(0) != "\(") || %
-(aUserAns[pair].charAt(aUserAns[pair].length-1) != "\)"))
- return eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorNoParens,3), null;
- UserAnsPair=aUserAns[pair].substring(1,aUserAns[pair].length-1);
- var aUserAnsPair = UserAnsPair.split(",");
- for ( var i=0; i < aUserAnsPair.length; i++) {
- try { if (isNaN(eval(aUserAnsPair[i]))) %
-return syntaxError(), null;
- if (!allowzero && (eval(aUserAnsPair[i])==0))
- return eqAppAlert(\eqNonzeroEntries,3), null;
- } catch(e) { return syntaxError(), null; }
- }
- if ( aUserAnsPair.length != _n) {
- if (bNotifyWrngNumEntries)
- return eqAppAlert(\wrongNumEntriesMsg,3), null;
- else
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- }
- for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++) {
- if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
- eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+aUserAnsPair[_i]+";");
- else // assume type "i"
- eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="%
- }
- var UserInput=ParseInput(aCorrAns[1]);
- var UserAns=eval(UserInput);
- aUsersArray[pair]=eval(testFunc);
- success=(Math.abs(UserAns) < epsilon)?true:false;
-isCorrect *=Number(success);
- }
- success=(isCorrect==1);
- var aOrderArray = aUsersArray.sort(function(a,b){return a-b});
- var m = aUsersArray.length - 1;
- for (i=0; i<m; i++)
- if (Math.abs(aUsersArray[i]-aUsersArray[i+1])<.0001)
- return eqAppAlert(\eqDuplEntries,3), null;
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-\newcommand{\noDecPtGerMsg}{"A period (.) is not allowed in answer,
- use German notation for numbers"}
- {dljslib: Support for process numbers in the German format}
-function ProcRespNumsDe (flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
-domain,indepVars,oComp) {
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- ok2Continue = true;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- var success = _ProcRespNumsDe(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,n,%
- if ( success == -1 || !ok2Continue ) return null;
- if ( success == null ) { return syntaxError(), null; }
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function _ProcRespNumsDe(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,n,epsilon,%
-domain,indepVars,oComp) {
- ok2Continue = true;
- CorrAns = ParseInput(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) {
- eqAppAlert("Syntax error in author's answer! Check console.", 3);
- return null;
- }
- var UserAnsSave=UserAns;
- var reDe=/,/g;
- var reDec=/\./g;
- if ( reDec.test(UserAns) ) {
- eqAppAlert(\noDecPtGerMsg,3);
- return -1;
- }
- UserAns=UserAns.replace(reDe,".");
- var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
- (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
- diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
- if ( (typeof(oComp)=="object") %
-&& (typeof(oComp.priorParse)!="undefined") ) {
- var retn=processSpecialParse(oComp.priorParse,UserAnsSave);
- if (retn==null) return -1;
- }
- var reComma=/,/;
- if ( reComma.test(UserAns) ) {
- eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorComma,3);
- return -1;
- }
- UserAns = ParseInput(UserAns);
- indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var success=randomPointCompare(n,domain,indepVars,%
- if ( success && (typeof(oComp)=="object") %
-&& (typeof(oComp.postParse)!="undefined") )
- success=processSpecialParse(oComp.postParse,UserAns);
- return success;
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Processing Unordered Responses}
-** The ProcRespSetFormula function is now listed under the
-** setSupport option, titled 'dljslib: Support for Sets'
-\newcommand{\facNoPropForm}{"Factorization is not in the proper form,
- try placing the constant, if any, at the beginning of the
- factorization"}
-\newcommand{\noNotEncloseMonos}{"Do not enclose constants or
- monomials in parentheses"}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Processing Factors as Responses}
-function ProcRespFactors(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var retn = _ProcResp(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,n,epsilon,%
- if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
- if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
- if ( retn == 0 ) {
- var initialsuccess = false;
- return notifyField(initialsuccess, flag, fieldname);
- }
- var aUserAns=new Array();
- var aCorrAns=new Array();
- var aNegCorrAns=new Array();
- aUserAns=getFactorArray(UserAns);
- if (aUserAns==null) {
- eqAppAlert(\facNoPropForm, 3);
- return null;
- }
- if (aUserAns==-1) return null;
- aCorrAns=getFactorArray(CorrAns);
- if ( aCorrAns==null) {
- app.beep();;
- console.println("Author error in factorization, its not in %
-the proper form");
- return null;
- }
- for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- aNegCorrAns[i] = "-" + "(" + aCorrAns[i] + ")"}
- var numCorrect = 0, match=0,signflag=0;
- if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- match = 0;
- for ( var j=i; j< aUserAns.length; j++) {
- var retn = _ProcResp(flag,aCorrAns[i],aUserAns[j],%
- if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
- if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
- if (retn==1) {
- var temp=aUserAns[j];
- aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
- aUserAns[i]=temp;
- match = match + 1;
- }
- else {
- var retn = _ProcResp(flag,aNegCorrAns[i],aUserAns[j],%
- if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
- if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
- if (retn==1) {
- var temp=aUserAns[j];
- aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
- aUserAns[i]=temp;
- match = match + 1;
- signflag = signflag + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- numCorrect += (match) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- var success = ((numCorrect==aCorrAns.length)&&(signflag\%2==0));
- if ( success == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function getFactorArray(str) {
- var aFactors=new Array();
- var i,j,front,factor,back,bInitGrped=true;
- if (str.charAt(0) != "\(" ) {
- bInitGrped=false;
- i=str.indexOf("\(");
- if ( i != -1 ) {
- aFactors.push(str.substring(0,i));
- str=str.substring(i);
- }
- }
- while ( (i=str.indexOf("\(")) != -1 ) {
- j=FindBalP(str,i,true);
- front=str.substring(0,i);
- factor=str.substring(i,j+1);
- back = str.substring(j+1);
- if ( back.charAt(0) == "\^" ) {
- getExp=back.match(/\^\d+/);
- theExp=back.substring(0,getExp[0].length);
- factor+=(theExp);
- aFactors.push(factor);
- back=back.substring(getExp[0].length);
- } else {
- aFactors.push(factor);
- }
- str=front + back;
- if ( factor.charAt(1)=="-" || factor.charAt(1)=="+" )
- factor=factor.substring(2);
- if (!/[+-]/.test(factor)) {
- eqAppAlert(\noNotEncloseMonos, 3);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (/[A-Za-z]/.test(str)) {
- var aExp = str.match(/[A-Za-z](\^\d+)*/);
- factor=aExp[0];
- i=aExp.index;
- front=str.substring(0,i);
- back=str.substring(i+factor.length);
- str=front+back;
- if (!bInitGrped) {
- if (aFactors[0]=="-" || aFactors[0]=="+")
- aFactors[0]=aFactors[0]+factor;
- else
- aFactors[0]="\("+aFactors[0]+"\)"+"\("+factor+"\)";
- } else {
- aFactors.push(str);
- str="";
- }
- }
- if (aFactors[0]=="-"||aFactors[0]=="+"||isFinite(aFactors[0])){
- factor=aFactors.shift();
- aFactors[0]=factor+aFactors[0];
- }
- return (str!="") ? null : aFactors
- "I'm looking for a point. You need to use proper point notation."}
-\newcommand{\pointErrorMsgii}{"Parentheses are not balanced."}
-\newcommand{\pointErrorMsgiii}{"Incorrect number of components.
- The answer requires "+ aCorrAns.length+" components."}
- "You entered nothing for the component " +(#1+1)
- +" of your answer. Please enter a component for the point."}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Processing a Point Response}
-function ProcPoint(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- ok2Continue = true;
- var i, success, truthCnt=1;
- var aScalar, scalar = 1;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns); // sets ok2Continue
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- var isSpecResp=false;
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- isSpecResp=true; break;
- }
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
- if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
- success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
- }
- }
- if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- if (!/[()]/.test(UserAns)) {
- return eqAppAlert(\pointErrorMsgi, 3), null;
- }
- if (!CkBalP(UserAns,"(",")")) {
- return eqAppAlert(\pointErrorMsgii, 3), null;
- }
- var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
- (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
- diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
- CorrAns = CorrAns.replace(/[()]/g, ""); // strip off ( and )
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/[()]/g, "");
- if ( typeof oComp == "object" &&
- typeof oComp.priorParse != "undefined" ) {
- if ( typeof oComp.priorParse == "object" ) {
- for ( var i=0; i < oComp.priorParse.length; i++) {
- var retn = oComp.priorParse[i](UserAns);
- if ( retn == null ) return null;
- }
- } else {
- var retn = oComp.priorParse(UserAns);
- if ( retn == null ) return null;
- }
- }
- aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
- aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
- if (scalar != 1)
- for (i=0; i<aUserAns.length; i++)
- aUserAns[i]=""+scalar+"*"+aUserAns[i];
- if (aCorrAns.length != aUserAns.length) {
- eqAppAlert(\pointErrorMsgiii,3);
- return null;
- }
- indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
- for (i=0; i<aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- aCorrAns[i] = ParseInput(aCorrAns[i]);
- if (!ok2Continue) {
- eqAppAlert("Author Syntax error!", 3);
- return null;
- }
- aUserAns[i] = ParseInput(aUserAns[i]);
- if (aUserAns[i]==null) {
- eqAppAlert(\pointEmptyCompMsgiv(i), 3);
- return null;
- }
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- success=randomPointCompare (
- n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,aCorrAns[i],aUserAns[i],comp)
- if ( success == null ) {
- eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); return null; }
- truthCnt *= (success) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- return notifyField(!!truthCnt, flag, fieldname);
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Processing Interval Responses}
-function ProcRespIntervals(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- ok2Continue = true;
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- UserAns = UserAns.replace(/inf/g, "x");
- CorrAns = CorrAns.replace(/inf/g, "x");
- indepVars = "x";
- domain="[0,1]";
- var aUserAns = UserAns.split("U");
- var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split("U");
- var numCorrect = 0;
- var match = 0;
- var matchparts = 0;
- if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
- return notifyField(false,flag, fieldname);
- for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
- match = 0;
- for ( var j=i; j< aUserAns.length; j++) {
- CorrInt=aCorrAns[i];
- UserInt=aUserAns[j];
- var levaUser = UserInt.charAt(0);
- var pravaUser = UserInt.charAt(UserInt.length-1);
- var stredUser = UserInt.substring(1,UserInt.length-1);
- UserInt = levaUser+","+stredUser+","+pravaUser;
- var levaCorr = CorrInt.charAt(0);
- var pravaCorr = CorrInt.charAt(CorrInt.length-1);
- var stredCorr = CorrInt.substring(1,CorrInt.length-1);
- CorrInt = levaCorr+","+stredCorr+","+pravaCorr;
- var aCorrInt = CorrInt.split(",");
- var aUserInt = UserInt.split(",");
- if ( aUserInt.length != 4 )
- return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
- matchparts = 0;
- if (aCorrInt[0] == aUserInt[0]) matchparts+=1;
- if (aCorrInt[3] == aUserInt[3]) matchparts+=1;
- var retn1 = _ProcResp(flag,aCorrInt[1],aUserInt[1],%
- if (retn1 == -1 ) return null;
- if (retn1 == null) return syntaxError(), null;
- if (retn1 == 1) matchparts+=1;
- var retn2 = _ProcResp(flag,aCorrInt[2],aUserInt[2],%
- if (retn2 == -1 ) return null;
- if (retn2 == null) return syntaxError(), null;
- if (retn2 == 1) matchparts+=1;
- if (matchparts == 4) {
- var temp=aUserAns[j];
- aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
- aUserAns[i]=temp;
- match = match + 1;
- }
- }
- numCorrect += (match) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Indefinite Integral Handling}
-function indefCompare(_a,_c,_v,_F,_G) {
- var eqC;
- var aAB = _a.split(",");
- var aXY = _c.split(",");
- var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
- var _n = aXY.length
- for (var _i=0; _i< _n; _i++) {
- if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
- eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
- + " = " + aAB[2*_i] + ";");
- else // assume type "i"
- eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
- + " = " + Math.ceil(aAB[2*_i]) + ";");
- }
- var C = 0;
- if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
- {
- var rtnCode = 0;
- eval("try {if (isNaN(eqC = eval(_F)-eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1;}"
- +" catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
- switch(rtnCode)
- {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: return null;
- case -1: return -1;
- }
- }
- else
- if (isNaN(eqC = eval(_F)-eval(_G))) return -1;
- for (var _i=0; _i< _n; _i++)
- {
- if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
- eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
- + " = " + aXY[_i] + ";");
- else // assume type "i"
- eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
- + " = " + Math.ceil(aXY[_i]) + ";");
- }
- _F = eval(_F);
- if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
- {
- var rtnCode = 0;
- eval("try { if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1; }"
- +" catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
- switch(rtnCode)
- {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: return null;
- case -1: return -1;
- }
- }
- else
- if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) return -1;
- return Math.abs( _F - _G - eqC );
- "A decimal answer is not acceptable here.
- Please express your answer using fractions, square roots,
- e, log, etc."}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - No Decimals}
-function nodec(UserAns)
- var dot = /[\.\aebdecimalpoint]/;
- if (dot.test(UserAns)) {
- eqAppAlert(\nodecAlertMsg,3);
- return null;
- } else return true;
- "You may not use this notation here.
- Please evaluate the binomial coefficient.
- You may present your answer as a product rather
- than calculating a very large number."}
- "You may not use this notation here.
- Please evaluate the permutation.
- You may present your answer as a product rather
- than calculating a very large number."}
- "You may not use this notation here.
- Please evaluate the factorial.
- You may present your answer as a product rather
- than calculating a very large number."}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - No Binomial Coefficients Allowed}
-aReFact = new Array(
- /(?=\()?(\d+)(?=\))?!/,
- /(?=\[)?(\d+)(?=\])?!/,
- /(?=\{)?(\d+)(?=\})?!/
-function noBinFac(UserAns)
- var bad = /(C\()/;
- if (bad.test(UserAns)) {
- eqAppAlert(\noBinFactBinCoeffAlertMsg,3);
- return null;
- }
- bad = /(P\()/;
- if (bad.test(UserAns)) {
- eqAppAlert(\noBinFactPermAlertMsg,3);
- return null;
- }
- for ( var i=0; i<aReFact.length; i++) {
- if (aReFact[i].test(UserAns)) {
- eqAppAlert(\noBinFactFactAlertMsg,3);
- return null;
- }
- }
- bad = /(fact)/;
- if (bad.test(UserAns)) {
- eqAppAlert(\noBinFactFactAlertMsg,3);
- return null;
- }
- return true
- "Enter only an integer, e.g., 17, or a decimal number, e.g. 12.4.
- Using arithmetic operations or built in function is not acceptable
- for this problem."}
- "Multiplication is not allowed for this problem."}
- "Division is not allowed for this problem."}
- "Neither addition nor subtraction is allowed for this problem."}
- "The use of exponents is not allowed for this problem."}
- "The use of trig functions in this problem is not allowed."}
- "The use of PI or pi is not allowed in this problem."}
- "The use of trig and log functions is not allowed
- in this problem."}
-\newcommand{\sciNotSyntaxError}{"Enter the answer in
- scientific notation."}
-\newcommand{\sciNotNormalForm}{"The scientific notation entered
- is not in normalized form."}
-\newcommand{\NoNegExpMsg}{"No negative exponents permitted,
- keep working!"}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Limit Arithmetic and Built in Functions}
-function DecimalsOnly(UserAns) {
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- if( !isFinite( UserAns ) ) {
- eqAppAlert(\DecimalsOnlyErrorMsg,3);
- return null;
- }
- return true;
-function NoProducts (UserAns) {
- // Requires the ImplMulti option of dljslib
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- UserAns = Ck4Products(UserAns);
- if ( /\*/.test( UserAns ) )
- return eqAppAlert(\NoProductsErrorMsg,3), null;
- return true;
-function NoDivision (UserAns) {
- if ( /\//.test( UserAns) )
- return eqAppAlert(\NoDivisionErrorMsg,3), null;
- return true;
-function NoAddOrSub (UserAns) {
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- UserAns=ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
- var result;
- var re = /.[+-]/g;
- re.lastIndex = 0;
- while ( (result = re.exec( UserAns )) != null ) {
- if ( result[0].charAt(0) != "\(" )
- return eqAppAlert(\NoAddOrSubErrorMsg,3), null;
- }
- return true;
-function NoArithAllowed (UserAns) {
- var aNoArithmetic = new Array ( NoAddOrSub, NoProducts,
- NoDivision, NoExpAllowed );
- for ( var i = 0; i < aNoArithmetic.length; i++ )
- if ( (retn = aNoArithmetic[i](UserAns)) == null ) return null;
- return true;
-function NoExpAllowed (UserAns) {
- // Requires the ImplMulti option of dljslib
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- if ( /\^/.test( UserAns ) || /pow/.test( UserAns ) )
- return eqAppAlert(\NoExpAllowedErrorMsg,3), null;
- return true;
-function NoTrigAllowed (UserAns)
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- var aTrigfuncs = new Array
- ( "acos","asin","atan","cos", "sin", "tan","sec","csc","cot",
- "arcsin", "arccos", "arctan"
- );
- var re, regexp;
- re = /[a-zA-Z]{2,}/g;
- aF = UserAns.match(re);
- if ( aF != null ) {
- for (var i=0; i < aF.length; i++)
- {
- for(var j=0; j < aTrigfuncs.length; j++) {
- if ( aF[i].indexOf(aTrigfuncs[j]) != -1 )
- return eqAppAlert(\NoTrigAllowedErrorMsg,3), null;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-function NoPiAllowed(UserAns)
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- var re=/PI|pi/;
- if ( re.test(UserAns) )
- return eqAppAlert(\NoPiAllowedErrorMsg,3), null;
- return true;
-function NoTrigLogAllowed (UserAns)
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
- var aTrigfuncs = new Array
- ( "acos","asin","atan","cos", "sin",
- "tan","sec","csc","cot", "arcsin", "arccos", "arctan",
- "logc","log", "ln"
- );
- var re, regexp;
- re = /[a-zA-Z]{2,}/g;
- aF = UserAns.match(re);
- if ( aF != null ) {
- for (var i=0; i < aF.length; i++)
- {
- for(var j=0; j < aTrigfuncs.length; j++) {
- if ( aF[i].indexOf(aTrigfuncs[j]) != -1 )
- return eqAppAlert(\NoTrigLogAllowedErrorMsg,3), null;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-var bAllowWrngNormSciNotn=false;
-var bItsNormSciNot=false;
-function SciNotNoNotify(UserAns) {
- bAllowWrngNormSciNotn=true;
- var rtn=SciNotResp(UserAns);
- return rtn;
-function SciNotResp(UserAns) {
- bItsNormSciNot=false;
- var _sciNotation, _a, _b;
- _sciNotation = /^[+-]*(\d*)*(\.\d*)*E[+-]*\d+$/;
- UserAns=stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
- if ( (_a=_sciNotation.exec(UserAns)) !=null) {
- if (isNaN(_a[1])) {
- if (bAllowWrngNormSciNotn)
- return true;
- else
- return eqAppAlert(\sciNotNormalForm,3), null;
- }
- if (isNaN(_a[2])) _a[2]=0;
- _b = Math.abs(Number(_a[1])+Number(_a[2]));
- if ( _b < 1 || _b >= 10 ) {
- if (bAllowWrngNormSciNotn)
- return true;
- else
- return eqAppAlert(\sciNotNormalForm,3), null;
- }
- else {
- bItsNormSciNot=true;
- return true
- }
- } else
- return eqAppAlert(\sciNotSyntaxError,3), null;
-function sciNotResp(UserAns) {return SciNotResp(UserAns);}
-function postSciNotResp(UserAns) {
- bAllowWrngNormSciNotn=false;
- return bItsNormSciNot;
-function NoNegExp (UserAns) {
- var re=/(\^|\^\()+-/g;
- UserAns=ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
- if (re.test(UserAns))
- return eqAppAlert(\NoNegExpMsg,3), null;
- return true;
-function noNegExp(UserAns){return NoNegExp(UserAns)}
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Combinatorial Functions}
-function ch(n,r)
- if ((n==r)||(r==0)) return(1);
- if ((n==(r+1))||(r==1)) return(n);
- if (r > (n-r))
- var coeff = factorialCancel(
- expandFactorial(r+1,n),expandFactorial(1,n-r));
- else
- var coeff = factorialCancel(
- expandFactorial(n-r+1,n),expandFactorial(1,r));
- return (eval(coeff));
-function perm(n,r)
- if (r==0) return(1);
- else
- var coeff = factorialCancel(
- expandFactorial(n-r+1,n),expandFactorial(1,n-r));
- return (eval(coeff));
-function expandFactorial(lo,hi)
- var f = lo;
- for (var i=lo+1;i<=hi;i++) f = i+"*"+f;
- return f;
-function factorialCancel(top,bot)
- var num = top.split("*");
- var denom = bot.split("*");
- var len = denom.length;
- var temp = 0;
- var i, j;
- for (i=0;i<=len-1;i++) {
- for (j=0;j<=len-1;j++) {
- temp = num[i]/denom[j];
- if ((temp - Math.round(temp)) == 0) {
- num[i] = temp;
- denom[j] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- var t = denom.join("");
- var reg = /[^1]/;
- if (reg.test(t)) {
- temp = factorialCancel(denom.join("*"),num.join("*"));
- } else {
- temp = num.join("*");
- }
- return (temp);
-function fact(num)
- var tot = 1;
- for (var r=1; r <= num; r++) tot *= r;
- return(tot);
-\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Implied Multiplication}
-function Ck4Products(UserInput)
- var re, aR;
- for (var i=0; i<JSf.length; i++)
- {
- re = new RegExp("("+JSf[i]+")(\\\()","g");
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "\\$1@$2");
- re = new RegExp("([\\w\\\)])(\\"+JSf[i]+")(@\\\()","g");
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "$1*$2$3");
- }
- for (var i=0; i<JSc.length; i++)
- {
- re = new RegExp("("+JSc[i]+")","g");
- if ( JSc[i] != "E" ) {
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "\\$1@");
- re = new RegExp("([\\w\\\)])(\\"+JSc[i]+")(@)","g");
- }
- }
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(
- /([\d\)])([A-DF-Za-z\(\\])/g, "$1*$2");
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(/(\))(\d)/g, "$1*$2");
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(/([A-Za-z])([\d\(\\])/g, "$1*$2");
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(/(@)([A-Za-z\d])/g, "$1*$2");
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(/(\\)([A-Za-z]{1,})(@)/g, "$2");
- re = /[A-Za-z]{1,}/g;
- while ( (aR = re.exec(UserInput)) != null)
- {
- for (var i=0; i<JSf.length; i++) if ( aR[0] == JSf[i]) break;
- if ( i < JSf.length ) continue;
- for (var i=0; i<JSc.length; i++) if ( aR[0] == JSc[i]) break;
- if ( i < JSc.length ) continue;
- aR[0] = aR[0].replace(/([A-Za-z])\B/g,"$1*");
- UserInput = UserInput.substring(0,aR.index)
- +aR[0]+UserInput.substring(re.lastIndex);
- }
- return UserInput;
-function Ck4Exponents(UserInput)
- var re, regexp, aP, RightP;
- for (var i=0; (i<JSf.length) && (ok2Continue); i++)
- {
- re = new RegExp(JSf[i]+"\\^");
- while ( re.test(UserInput) && (ok2Continue) )
- {
- regexp = new RegExp(JSf[i]+"\\^\\\(", "g");
- if ( (aP = regexp.exec(UserInput)) != null ) {
- // forward search
- RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,regexp.lastIndex-1,1);
- var offsetExp = RightP-regexp.lastIndex;
- regexp = new RegExp(
- JSf[i]+"\\^\\(.{"+offsetExp+"}\\)\\\(", "g");
- regexp.lastIndex=0;
- if ( (aP = regexp.exec(UserInput)) != null ) {
- // forward search
- RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,regexp.lastIndex-1,1);
- var offsetArg = RightP - regexp.lastIndex;
- regexp = new RegExp("("+JSf[i]
- +")\\^\\((.{"+offsetExp+"})\\)\\((.{"
- +offsetArg+"})\\)");
- regexp.lastIndex=0;
- if (regexp.test(UserInput))
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(
- regexp,"(pow($1($3),$2))");
- else ok2Continue=false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- regexp = new RegExp(JSf[i]
- +"\\^([a-zA-Z]|[+-]?\\d+\\.?\\d*|[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+)"
- +"\\\(","g");
- if ( (aP = regexp.exec(UserInput)) != null ) {
- // forward search
- RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,regexp.lastIndex-1,1);
- regexp = new RegExp("("
- +JSf[i]+")\\^([a-zA-Z]|[+-]?\\d+"
- +"\\.?\\d*|[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+)\\((.{"
- +eval(RightP-regexp.lastIndex)+"})\\)");
- regexp.lastIndex=0;
- if (regexp.test(UserInput))
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(
- regexp,"(pow($1($3),$2))");
- else ok2Continue=false;
- }
- else ok2Continue=false;
- }
- }
- for (var i=0; (i < JSc.length) && (ok2Continue); i++)
- {
- re = new RegExp(JSc[i]+"\\^", "g");
- while ( re.test(UserInput) && (ok2Continue) )
- {
- re.lastIndex = 0;
- aR = re.exec(UserInput);
- if (UserInput.charAt(re.lastIndex)=='\(') {
- // forward search
- RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,re.lastIndex,1);
- var offsetExp = RightP - re.lastIndex - 1;
- re.lastIndex=0;
- regexp = new RegExp("("+JSc[i]
- +")\\^\\((.{"+offsetExp+"})\\)");
- if ( regexp.test(UserInput) )
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(
- regexp, "(pow($1,$2))");
- else ok2Continue = false;
- }
- else
- {
- re.lastIndex=0;
- regexp = new RegExp("("+JSc[i]
- +")\\^([a-zA-Z]|[+-]?\\d+\\.?\\d*|[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+)");
- if (regexp.test(UserInput))
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(
- regexp, "(pow($1,$2))");
- else ok2Continue = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return UserInput;
-\advance\count17 by -1
-%% End of file `dljslib.sty'.
+%% This is file `dljslib.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% dljslib.dtx (with options: `copyright,package')
+%% dljsLib.sty package, %%
+%% Copyright (C) 2001-2018 D. P. Story %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Projet Public License %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
+ [2017/08/11 v2.1 Manage a Library of Document Level JavaScripts (dps)]
+ {\expandafter\let\csname checkout@#2\endcsname=#1}
+\def\@ifcheckedout#1{\expandafter\if\csname checkout@#1\endcsname y}
+ {\DeclareOption{#1}{\dljsRegister[y]{#1}}\dljsRegister{#1}}
+ {The `unordered' option is now combined with the\MessageBreak
+ `setSupport' option, will use the `setSupport' option\MessageBreak
+ instead}\ExecuteOptions{setSupport}}
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname checkout@#1\endcsname y%
+ \let\js@verbatim@out\dljslib@verbatim@out
+ \let\dljs@verbatim\js@verbatimwrite
+ \let\enddljs@verbatim\endjs@verbatimwrite\else
+ \let\dljs@verbatim\comment
+ \let\enddljs@verbatim\endcomment\fi\dljs@verbatim
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: AcroTeX DLJS Library}
+ The Document Level JavaScript Library
+ D. P. Story copyright 2001-\the\year
+var dljslib = true;
+\newcommand\equationsAlertMsg{"An equation is expected"}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Equation Handling}
+function ProcRespEq(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ var success;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ var CorrExpressions = CorrAns.split("=");
+ var zCorrAns = "("+CorrExpressions[0]+")-("+CorrExpressions[1] +")";
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns);
+ if(!ok2Continue ) return null;
+ if (!/[=]/.test(UserAns)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\equationsAlertMsg, 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var reComma=/,/;
+ if ( reComma.test(UserAns) ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorComma,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var UserExpressions = UserAns.split("=");
+ var zUserAns = "("+UserExpressions[0]+")-("+UserExpressions[1] +")";
+ var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
+ (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
+ diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
+ if ( typeof oComp == "object"
+ && typeof oComp.priorParse != "undefined" ) {
+ if ( typeof oComp.priorParse == "object" ) {
+ for ( var i=0; i < oComp.priorParse.length; i++) {
+ var retn = oComp.priorParse[i](zUserAns);
+ if ( retn == null ) return null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var retn = oComp.priorParse(zUserAns);
+ if ( retn == null ) return null;
+ }
+ }
+ zCorrAns = ParseInput(zCorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) {
+ eqAppAlert("Syntax error in author's answer! Check console.", 3);
+ console.println("Syntax Error: " + CorrAns);
+ return null;
+ }
+ zUserAns = ParseInput(zUserAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
+ var lambda = getNonZeroRatio (domain, indepVars, zCorrAns, zUserAns);
+ if ( lambda == null ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); return null; };
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ zCorrAns = lambda + "*(" + zCorrAns + ")";
+ success=randomPointCompare (n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,
+ zCorrAns,zUserAns,comp)
+ if ( success == null ) { eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3);
+ return null; }
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function getNonZeroRatio (_a, _v, _F, _G)
+ var _i, _j;
+ var aXY = new Array();
+ _a = _a.replace(/[\[\]\s]/g, "");
+ var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
+ var _n = _V.length;
+ var aIntervals = _a.split("&");
+ var aInterval = aIntervals[0].split("x");
+ var endpoints = aInterval[0].split(",");
+ for (_j=0; _j < 4; _j++) {
+ for (_i = 0; _i < _n; _i++) {
+ var endpoints = aInterval[_i].split(",");
+ aXY[_i] = endpoints[0]-0
+ +(endpoints[1]-endpoints[0])*Math.random();
+\db console.println("aXY["+_i+"] = " + aXY[_i]);\db%
+ }
+ for (var _i = 0; _i< _n; _i++) {
+ if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
+ eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
+ + " = " + aXY[_i] + ";");
+ else // assume type "i"
+ eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
+ + " = " + Math.ceil(aXY[_i]) + ";");
+ }
+ _F = eval(_F);
+ if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
+ {
+ var rtnCode = 0;
+ eval("try { if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1; }"
+ +"catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
+ switch(rtnCode) {
+ case 0: break;
+ case 1: return null;
+ case -1: ok2Continue=false;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(isNaN(_G=eval(_G))) {ok2Continue=false;return -1;}
+ if ( _F != 0 && _G != 0 ) return _G/_F;
+ }
+ console.println( "Can't find a non zero scalar");
+ return null;
+\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgi{"I'm looking for a vector.
+ You need to use proper vector notation, try using
+ angle brackets <....>."}
+\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgii{"Angle brackets are not balanced.
+ Check the expression you typed in."}
+\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgiii{"Incorrect number of components.
+ The answer requires " + aCorrAns.length+" components."}
+\def\vectorEmptyCompMsgiv(#1){"You entered nothing for the
+ component " +(#1+1) +" of your answer. Please enter
+ a component for the vector."}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Vector Handling}
+function ProcVec (flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ var i, success, truthCnt=1;
+ var aScalar, scalar = 1;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var UserAns = event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns); // sets ok2Continue
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ var isSpecResp=false;
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ isSpecResp=true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ if (!/[<>]/.test(UserAns)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\vectorsErrorMsgi, 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!CkBalP(UserAns,"<",">")) {
+ eqAppAlert(\vectorsErrorMsgii, 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ // see if there is a scalar multiple to the left of '<'
+ aScalar = UserAns.match(/(.*)(\*)(\s*<)/);
+ if (aScalar != null) {
+ scalar = aScalar[1];
+ UserAns = UserAns.slice(aScalar.index + aScalar[0].length-1)
+ }
+ var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
+ (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
+ diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
+ CorrAns = CorrAns.replace(/[<>]/g, ""); // strip of < and >
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/[<>]/g, "");
+ if ( typeof oComp == "object" && %
+typeof oComp.priorParse != "undefined" ) {
+ var retn=processSpecialParse(oComp.priorParse,UserAns);
+ if (retn==null) return null;
+ }
+ aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
+ if (scalar != 1)
+ for (i=0; i<aUserAns.length; i++)
+ aUserAns[i]=""+scalar+"*"+aUserAns[i];
+ if (aCorrAns.length != aUserAns.length) {
+ eqAppAlert(\vectorsErrorMsgiii,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ // convert to new format, if needed
+ indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
+ for (i=0; i<aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ aCorrAns[i] = ParseInput(aCorrAns[i]);
+ if (!ok2Continue) {
+ eqAppAlert("Author Syntax error!", 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ aUserAns[i] = ParseInput(aUserAns[i]);
+ if (aUserAns[i]==null) {
+ eqAppAlert(\vectorEmptyCompMsgiv(i), 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ success=randomPointCompare (n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,
+ aCorrAns[i],aUserAns[i],comp)
+ if ( success == null ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); return null; }
+ truthCnt *= (success) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ return notifyField(!!truthCnt, flag, fieldname);
+\newcommand{\noBracesInAnsMsg}{"Do not insert braces in your answer.
+ Please remove the braces (\{\})."}
+\newcommand{\noBracketsInAnsMsg}{"Do not insert braces in your answer.
+ Please remove the angle brackets (<>)."}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Support for Sets}
+function ProcRespSetNum(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var isSpecResp=false;
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ isSpecResp=true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ var retn=ck4Braces(UserAns);
+ if (retn==null) return null;
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ for ( var i=0; i < aUserAns.length; i++) {
+ try {
+ if (isNaN(eval(aUserAns[i]))) return syntaxError(), null;
+ } catch(e) { return syntaxError(), null; }
+ }
+ var aUserAns = aUserAns.sort(
+ function(a,b) { return eval(a) - eval(b);} );
+ var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",").sort(
+ function(a,b) { return eval(a) - eval(b);} );
+ var numCorrect = 0;
+ if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ var retn = _ProcResp(%
+ if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
+ if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
+ numCorrect += (retn) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+var ok2format=true;
+function formatAsSet() {
+ if (ok2format&&event.value.replace(/\\s/g,"") != "")
+ event.value = "{ " + event.value + " }";
+function ck4Braces (UserAns) {
+ ok2format=true;
+ if (/^\{/.test(UserAns) || /\}$/.test(UserAns) ) {
+ ok2format=false;
+ return eqAppAlert(\noBracesInAnsMsg,3), null;
+ }
+ else return true;
+function ck4AngleBrackets (UserAns) {
+ ok2format=true;
+ if (/^</.test(UserAns) || />$/.test(UserAns) ) {
+ ok2format=false;
+ return eqAppAlert(\noBracketsInAnsMsg,3), null;
+ }
+ else return true;
+function formatAsVector() {
+ if (ok2format&&event.value.replace(/\\s/g,"") != "") {
+ event.value = "< " + event.value + " >";
+ }
+function ProcRespSetSym(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var isSpecResp=false;
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ isSpecResp=true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ var retn=ck4Braces(UserAns);
+ if (retn==null) return null;
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ var _V = indepVars.split(",");
+ for ( var _i=0; _i < _V.length; _i++) {
+ eval ( "var "+ _V[_i] + " = \"" + _i + "\";");
+ }
+ for ( var _i=0; _i < aUserAns.length; _i++) {
+ try {
+ if (isNaN(eval(aUserAns[_i]))) return syntaxError(), null;
+ aUserAns[_i] = eval(aUserAns[_i]);
+ } catch(e) { return syntaxError(), null; }
+ }
+ var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
+ for ( var _i=0; _i < aCorrAns.length; _i++) {
+ try {
+ if (isNaN(eval(aCorrAns[_i])))
+ return eqAppAlert(%
+"Author error, recheck your code",3), null;
+ aCorrAns[_i] = eval(aCorrAns[_i]);
+ } catch(e) { return eqAppAlert(
+ "Author error, recheck your code",3), null; }
+ }
+ var aUserAns = aUserAns.sort(
+ function(a,b) { return eval(a) - eval(b);} );
+ var aCorrAns = aCorrAns.sort(
+ function(a,b) { return eval(a) - eval(b);} );
+ var numCorrect = 0;
+ if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ for ( var _i=0; _i< aCorrAns.length; _i++) {
+ var retn = _ProcResp(%
+ if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
+ if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
+ numCorrect += (retn) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function ProcRespListFormula(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,%
+indepVars,oComp) {
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var isSpecResp=false;
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ isSpecResp=true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ var retn=ck4AngleBrackets(UserAns);
+ if (retn==null) return null;
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,+/g, ",");
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,$/, "");
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/^,/, "");
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
+ var numCorrect = 0;
+ if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ var retn =_ProcResp(flag,aCorrAns[i],aUserAns[i],%
+ if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
+ if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
+ numCorrect += (retn) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function ProcRespSetFormula(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
+domain,indepVars,oComp) {
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var isSpecResp=false;
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ isSpecResp=true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ var retn=ck4Braces(UserAns);
+ if (retn==null) return null;
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,+/g, ",");
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,$/, "");
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/^,/, "");
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
+ var numCorrect = 0, match = 0;
+ if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ for ( var i=0; i<aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ match = 0;
+ for ( var j=i; j< aUserAns.length; j++) {
+ var retn = _ProcResp(%
+ if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
+ if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
+ if (retn==1) {
+ var temp=aUserAns[j];
+ aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
+ aUserAns[i]=temp;
+ match = match + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ numCorrect += (match) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);}
+ "Powers of i (for example, i^2, i^3) are not supported,
+ replace powers of i with their complex equivalents."}
+ "The cis function does not support exponents. Write,
+ for example, cis^3(x) as cis(3*x), instead."}
+ "The expression is not in the form of a complex
+ number, a+bi"}
+ "You entered nothing for the component "
+ +(#1+1)+" of your answer. Please enter a complex number."}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Support for Complex Numbers}
+function cis(x,i) { return Math.cos(x) + i*Math.sin(x); }
+JSf = JSf.concat(JSfBuiltIn, JSfCustom);
+function ProcRespComplex(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ var i, success;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace (CorrAns);
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns); // sets ok2Continue
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ indepVars+="i";
+ domain+="x[0,1]";
+ if (/(\b|[^a-zA-Z])i\^/.test(UserAns)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\complexPowerAlertMsg,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if ( /cis\^/.test(UserAns) ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\complexCisAlertMsg,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var reComma=/,/;
+ if ( reComma.test(UserAns) ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorComma,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ UserAns=changeArgs4Cis(UserAns);
+ CorrAns=changeArgs4Cis(CorrAns);
+ var aMatch = UserAns.match(/(\b|[^a-zA-Z])i/g);
+ if ( aMatch != null && aMatch.length > 1) {
+ eqAppAlert(\alertNotComplexMsg, 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
+ (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
+ diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
+ if ( typeof oComp == "object" &&
+ typeof oComp.priorParse != "undefined" ) {
+ if ( typeof oComp.priorParse == "object" ) {
+ for ( var i=0; i < oComp.priorParse.length; i++) {
+ var retn = oComp.priorParse[i](UserAns);
+ if ( retn == null ) return null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var retn = oComp.priorParse(UserAns);
+ if ( retn == null ) return null;
+ }
+ }
+ UserAns = ParseInput(UserAns);
+ CorrAns = ParseInput(CorrAns);
+ indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ success=randomPointCompare(
+ n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,CorrAns,UserAns,comp);
+ if ( success == null ) { eqAppAlert(%
+\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); return null; }
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function ProcRespListComplex(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
+domain,indepVars,oComp) {
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns); // sets ok2Continue
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ var isSpecResp=false;
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ isSpecResp=true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,+/g, ",");
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,$/, "");
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/^,/, "");
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
+ if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ var numCorrect = 0;
+ var match = 0;
+ for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ match = 0;
+ var retn = ProcRespComplex(%
+ if ( retn == null ) return null;
+ numCorrect += (retn) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function ProcRespSetComplex(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
+domain,indepVars,oComp) {
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns); // sets ok2Continue
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ var isSpecResp=false;
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ isSpecResp=true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,+/g, ",");
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/,$/, "");
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/^,/, "");
+ event.value = UserAns;
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
+ if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ var numCorrect = 0;
+ var match = 0;
+ for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ match = 0;
+ for ( var j=i; j< aUserAns.length; j++) {
+ var retn = ProcRespComplex(%
+ if ( retn == null ) return null;
+ if (retn==1) {
+ var temp=aUserAns[j];
+ aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
+ aUserAns[i]=temp;
+ match = match + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ numCorrect += (match) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function changeArgs4Cis(str) {
+ var re =/cis\(/g;
+ while ( (aP=re.exec(str) ) != null ) {
+ var LeftP=re.lastIndex;
+ var RightP=FindBalP(str,re.lastIndex,1);
+ str = str.substring(0,RightP)
+ +",i"+str.substring(RightP);
+ }
+ return str;
+\newcommand{\wrongNumEntriesMsg}{"You don't have the correct number
+ of entries in your coordinate points. Expecting "+_n
+ +" entries per point." }
+\newcommand{\eqSyntaxErrorNoParens}{"Syntax Error: Enter the point
+ using parentheses, for example (1,2) or (1,2,3), as applicable."}
+\newcommand{\eqNonzeroEntries}{"Syntax Error: All entries are required
+ to be nonzero, try again."}
+\newcommand{\eqTooManyEntries}{"You've entered more points than
+ requested, enter only "+l+" points."}
+\newcommand{\eqTooFewEntries}{"You've entered fewer points than
+ requested, enter only "+l+" points."}
+\newcommand{\eqDuplEntries}{"One or more points are the same,
+ provide "+l+" distinct points."}
+ {dljslib: Support for n-tuple input to Satisfy an Equation}
+var bNotifyWrngNumEntries=\satisfyEqNotify;
+function ProcRespEvalEq(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp){
+ var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ var retn=_ProcRespEvalEq(true,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
+ return retn;
+function ProcRespEvalEqNonZero(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
+domain,indepVars,oComp) {
+ var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ var retn=_ProcRespEvalEq(false,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,
+ return retn;
+function _ProcRespEvalEq(allowzero,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,indepVars)
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>6); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[6]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ if ( (UserAns.charAt(0) != "\(") || %
+(UserAns.charAt(UserAns.length-1) != "\)"))
+ return eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorNoParens,3), null;
+ UserAns=UserAns.substring(1,UserAns.length-1);
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ for ( var i=0; i < aUserAns.length; i++) {
+ try {
+ if (isNaN(eval(aUserAns[i]))) return syntaxError(), null;
+ if (!allowzero && (eval(aUserAns[i])==0))
+ return eqAppAlert(\eqNonzeroEntries,3), null;
+ } catch(e) { return syntaxError(), null; }
+ }
+ var _v = TypeParameters(indepVars);
+ var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
+ var _n = _V.length;
+ if ( aUserAns.length != _n) {
+ if (bNotifyWrngNumEntries)
+ return eqAppAlert(\wrongNumEntriesMsg,3), null;
+ else
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++) {
+ if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
+ eval("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+aUserAns[_i]+";");
+ else // assume type "i"
+ eval("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+Math.ceil(aUserAns[_i])+";");
+ }
+ var UserInput=ParseInput(CorrAns);
+ var UserAns=eval(UserInput);
+ success=(Math.abs(UserAns) < epsilon)?true:false;
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function ProcRespEvalEqList(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,%
+indepVars,oComp) {
+ var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ var retn=_ProcRespEvalEqList(true,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
+ return retn;
+function ProcRespEvalEqListNonZero(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,%
+ var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ var retn=_ProcRespEvalEqList(false,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
+ return retn;
+function _ProcRespEvalEqList(allowzero,flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,indepVars)
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>6); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[6]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var success;
+ UserAns=UserAns.replace(/;+$/,"");
+ UserAns=UserAns.replace(/;+/g,";");
+ var aUsersArray = new Array();
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split(";");
+ var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(";");
+ var l = aCorrAns[0];
+ if (l < aUserAns.length )
+ return eqAppAlert(\eqTooManyEntries,3), null;
+ if (l > aUserAns.length )
+ return eqAppAlert(\eqTooFewEntries,3), null;
+ var _v = TypeParameters(indepVars);
+ var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
+ var _n = _V.length;
+ var testFunc="";
+ for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++)
+ testFunc += ("+"+(Math.random()*9)+"*"+_V[_i].charAt(2));
+ var isCorrect=1;
+ for (var pair=0; pair< l; pair++) {
+ if ( (aUserAns[pair].charAt(0) != "\(") || %
+(aUserAns[pair].charAt(aUserAns[pair].length-1) != "\)"))
+ return eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorNoParens,3), null;
+ UserAnsPair=aUserAns[pair].substring(1,aUserAns[pair].length-1);
+ var aUserAnsPair = UserAnsPair.split(",");
+ for ( var i=0; i < aUserAnsPair.length; i++) {
+ try { if (isNaN(eval(aUserAnsPair[i]))) %
+return syntaxError(), null;
+ if (!allowzero && (eval(aUserAnsPair[i])==0))
+ return eqAppAlert(\eqNonzeroEntries,3), null;
+ } catch(e) { return syntaxError(), null; }
+ }
+ if ( aUserAnsPair.length != _n) {
+ if (bNotifyWrngNumEntries)
+ return eqAppAlert(\wrongNumEntriesMsg,3), null;
+ else
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++) {
+ if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
+ eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+aUserAnsPair[_i]+";");
+ else // assume type "i"
+ eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="%
+ }
+ var UserInput=ParseInput(aCorrAns[1]);
+ var UserAns=eval(UserInput);
+ aUsersArray[pair]=eval(testFunc);
+ success=(Math.abs(UserAns) < epsilon)?true:false;
+isCorrect *=Number(success);
+ }
+ success=(isCorrect==1);
+ var aOrderArray = aUsersArray.sort(function(a,b){return a-b});
+ var m = aUsersArray.length - 1;
+ for (i=0; i<m; i++)
+ if (Math.abs(aUsersArray[i]-aUsersArray[i+1])<.0001)
+ return eqAppAlert(\eqDuplEntries,3), null;
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+\newcommand{\noDecPtGerMsg}{"A period (.) is not allowed in answer,
+ use German notation for numbers"}
+ {dljslib: Support for process numbers in the German format}
+function ProcRespNumsDe (flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,%
+domain,indepVars,oComp) {
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ var success = _ProcRespNumsDe(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,n,%
+ if ( success == -1 || !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ if ( success == null ) { return syntaxError(), null; }
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function _ProcRespNumsDe(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,n,epsilon,%
+domain,indepVars,oComp) {
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ CorrAns = ParseInput(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) {
+ eqAppAlert("Syntax error in author's answer! Check console.", 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var UserAnsSave=UserAns;
+ var reDe=/,/g;
+ var reDec=/\./g;
+ if ( reDec.test(UserAns) ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\noDecPtGerMsg,3);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ UserAns=UserAns.replace(reDe,".");
+ var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
+ (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
+ diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
+ if ( (typeof(oComp)=="object") %
+&& (typeof(oComp.priorParse)!="undefined") ) {
+ var retn=processSpecialParse(oComp.priorParse,UserAnsSave);
+ if (retn==null) return -1;
+ }
+ var reComma=/,/;
+ if ( reComma.test(UserAns) ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorComma,3);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ UserAns = ParseInput(UserAns);
+ indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var success=randomPointCompare(n,domain,indepVars,%
+ if ( success && (typeof(oComp)=="object") %
+&& (typeof(oComp.postParse)!="undefined") )
+ success=processSpecialParse(oComp.postParse,UserAns);
+ return success;
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Processing Unordered Responses}
+** The ProcRespSetFormula function is now listed under the
+** setSupport option, titled 'dljslib: Support for Sets'
+\newcommand{\facNoPropForm}{"Factorization is not in the proper form,
+ try placing the constant, if any, at the beginning of the
+ factorization"}
+\newcommand{\noNotEncloseMonos}{"Do not enclose constants or
+ monomials in parentheses"}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Processing Factors as Responses}
+function ProcRespFactors(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var retn = _ProcResp(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,n,epsilon,%
+ if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
+ if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
+ if ( retn == 0 ) {
+ var initialsuccess = false;
+ return notifyField(initialsuccess, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ var aUserAns=new Array();
+ var aCorrAns=new Array();
+ var aNegCorrAns=new Array();
+ aUserAns=getFactorArray(UserAns);
+ if (aUserAns==null) {
+ eqAppAlert(\facNoPropForm, 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (aUserAns==-1) return null;
+ aCorrAns=getFactorArray(CorrAns);
+ if ( aCorrAns==null) {
+ app.beep();;
+ console.println("Author error in factorization, its not in %
+the proper form");
+ return null;
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ aNegCorrAns[i] = "-" + "(" + aCorrAns[i] + ")"}
+ var numCorrect = 0, match=0,signflag=0;
+ if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ match = 0;
+ for ( var j=i; j< aUserAns.length; j++) {
+ var retn = _ProcResp(flag,aCorrAns[i],aUserAns[j],%
+ if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
+ if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
+ if (retn==1) {
+ var temp=aUserAns[j];
+ aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
+ aUserAns[i]=temp;
+ match = match + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ var retn = _ProcResp(flag,aNegCorrAns[i],aUserAns[j],%
+ if ( retn == -1 ) return null;
+ if ( retn == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
+ if (retn==1) {
+ var temp=aUserAns[j];
+ aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
+ aUserAns[i]=temp;
+ match = match + 1;
+ signflag = signflag + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ numCorrect += (match) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ var success = ((numCorrect==aCorrAns.length)&&(signflag\%2==0));
+ if ( success == null ) return syntaxError(), null;
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function getFactorArray(str) {
+ var aFactors=new Array();
+ var i,j,front,factor,back,bInitGrped=true;
+ if (str.charAt(0) != "\(" ) {
+ bInitGrped=false;
+ i=str.indexOf("\(");
+ if ( i != -1 ) {
+ aFactors.push(str.substring(0,i));
+ str=str.substring(i);
+ }
+ }
+ while ( (i=str.indexOf("\(")) != -1 ) {
+ j=FindBalP(str,i,true);
+ front=str.substring(0,i);
+ factor=str.substring(i,j+1);
+ back = str.substring(j+1);
+ if ( back.charAt(0) == "\^" ) {
+ getExp=back.match(/\^\d+/);
+ theExp=back.substring(0,getExp[0].length);
+ factor+=(theExp);
+ aFactors.push(factor);
+ back=back.substring(getExp[0].length);
+ } else {
+ aFactors.push(factor);
+ }
+ str=front + back;
+ if ( factor.charAt(1)=="-" || factor.charAt(1)=="+" )
+ factor=factor.substring(2);
+ if (!/[+-]/.test(factor)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\noNotEncloseMonos, 3);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/[A-Za-z]/.test(str)) {
+ var aExp = str.match(/[A-Za-z](\^\d+)*/);
+ factor=aExp[0];
+ i=aExp.index;
+ front=str.substring(0,i);
+ back=str.substring(i+factor.length);
+ str=front+back;
+ if (!bInitGrped) {
+ if (aFactors[0]=="-" || aFactors[0]=="+")
+ aFactors[0]=aFactors[0]+factor;
+ else
+ aFactors[0]="\("+aFactors[0]+"\)"+"\("+factor+"\)";
+ } else {
+ aFactors.push(str);
+ str="";
+ }
+ }
+ if (aFactors[0]=="-"||aFactors[0]=="+"||isFinite(aFactors[0])){
+ factor=aFactors.shift();
+ aFactors[0]=factor+aFactors[0];
+ }
+ return (str!="") ? null : aFactors
+ "I'm looking for a point. You need to use proper point notation."}
+\newcommand{\pointErrorMsgii}{"Parentheses are not balanced."}
+\newcommand{\pointErrorMsgiii}{"Incorrect number of components.
+ The answer requires "+ aCorrAns.length+" components."}
+ "You entered nothing for the component " +(#1+1)
+ +" of your answer. Please enter a component for the point."}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Processing a Point Response}
+function ProcPoint(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ var i, success, truthCnt=1;
+ var aScalar, scalar = 1;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns); // sets ok2Continue
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ var isSpecResp=false;
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (CorrAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ isSpecResp=true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aDlLibSpecResp.length; i++) {
+ if (UserAns == aDlLibSpecResp[i]) {
+ success = (CorrAns == UserAns);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSpecResp) return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ if (!/[()]/.test(UserAns)) {
+ return eqAppAlert(\pointErrorMsgi, 3), null;
+ }
+ if (!CkBalP(UserAns,"(",")")) {
+ return eqAppAlert(\pointErrorMsgii, 3), null;
+ }
+ var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
+ (typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
+ diffCompare : oComp.comp : oComp;
+ CorrAns = CorrAns.replace(/[()]/g, ""); // strip off ( and )
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/[()]/g, "");
+ if ( typeof oComp == "object" &&
+ typeof oComp.priorParse != "undefined" ) {
+ if ( typeof oComp.priorParse == "object" ) {
+ for ( var i=0; i < oComp.priorParse.length; i++) {
+ var retn = oComp.priorParse[i](UserAns);
+ if ( retn == null ) return null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var retn = oComp.priorParse(UserAns);
+ if ( retn == null ) return null;
+ }
+ }
+ aUserAns = UserAns.split(",");
+ aCorrAns = CorrAns.split(",");
+ if (scalar != 1)
+ for (i=0; i<aUserAns.length; i++)
+ aUserAns[i]=""+scalar+"*"+aUserAns[i];
+ if (aCorrAns.length != aUserAns.length) {
+ eqAppAlert(\pointErrorMsgiii,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
+ for (i=0; i<aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ aCorrAns[i] = ParseInput(aCorrAns[i]);
+ if (!ok2Continue) {
+ eqAppAlert("Author Syntax error!", 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ aUserAns[i] = ParseInput(aUserAns[i]);
+ if (aUserAns[i]==null) {
+ eqAppAlert(\pointEmptyCompMsgiv(i), 3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ success=randomPointCompare (
+ n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,aCorrAns[i],aUserAns[i],comp)
+ if ( success == null ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); return null; }
+ truthCnt *= (success) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ return notifyField(!!truthCnt, flag, fieldname);
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Processing Interval Responses}
+function ProcRespIntervals(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(bSubstVars)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ CorrAns = stripWhiteSpace(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ UserAns = UserAns.replace(/inf/g, "x");
+ CorrAns = CorrAns.replace(/inf/g, "x");
+ indepVars = "x";
+ domain="[0,1]";
+ var aUserAns = UserAns.split("U");
+ var aCorrAns = CorrAns.split("U");
+ var numCorrect = 0;
+ var match = 0;
+ var matchparts = 0;
+ if ( aUserAns.length != aCorrAns.length )
+ return notifyField(false,flag, fieldname);
+ for ( var i=0; i< aCorrAns.length; i++) {
+ match = 0;
+ for ( var j=i; j< aUserAns.length; j++) {
+ CorrInt=aCorrAns[i];
+ UserInt=aUserAns[j];
+ var levaUser = UserInt.charAt(0);
+ var pravaUser = UserInt.charAt(UserInt.length-1);
+ var stredUser = UserInt.substring(1,UserInt.length-1);
+ UserInt = levaUser+","+stredUser+","+pravaUser;
+ var levaCorr = CorrInt.charAt(0);
+ var pravaCorr = CorrInt.charAt(CorrInt.length-1);
+ var stredCorr = CorrInt.substring(1,CorrInt.length-1);
+ CorrInt = levaCorr+","+stredCorr+","+pravaCorr;
+ var aCorrInt = CorrInt.split(",");
+ var aUserInt = UserInt.split(",");
+ if ( aUserInt.length != 4 )
+ return notifyField(false, flag, fieldname);
+ matchparts = 0;
+ if (aCorrInt[0] == aUserInt[0]) matchparts+=1;
+ if (aCorrInt[3] == aUserInt[3]) matchparts+=1;
+ var retn1 = _ProcResp(flag,aCorrInt[1],aUserInt[1],%
+ if (retn1 == -1 ) return null;
+ if (retn1 == null) return syntaxError(), null;
+ if (retn1 == 1) matchparts+=1;
+ var retn2 = _ProcResp(flag,aCorrInt[2],aUserInt[2],%
+ if (retn2 == -1 ) return null;
+ if (retn2 == null) return syntaxError(), null;
+ if (retn2 == 1) matchparts+=1;
+ if (matchparts == 4) {
+ var temp=aUserAns[j];
+ aUserAns[j]=aUserAns[i];
+ aUserAns[i]=temp;
+ match = match + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ numCorrect += (match) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ var success = (numCorrect == aCorrAns.length);
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Indefinite Integral Handling}
+function indefCompare(_a,_c,_v,_F,_G) {
+ var eqC;
+ var aAB = _a.split(",");
+ var aXY = _c.split(",");
+ var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
+ var _n = aXY.length
+ for (var _i=0; _i< _n; _i++) {
+ if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
+ eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
+ + " = " + aAB[2*_i] + ";");
+ else // assume type "i"
+ eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
+ + " = " + Math.ceil(aAB[2*_i]) + ";");
+ }
+ var C = 0;
+ if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
+ {
+ var rtnCode = 0;
+ eval("try {if (isNaN(eqC = eval(_F)-eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1;}"
+ +" catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
+ switch(rtnCode)
+ {
+ case 0: break;
+ case 1: return null;
+ case -1: return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (isNaN(eqC = eval(_F)-eval(_G))) return -1;
+ for (var _i=0; _i< _n; _i++)
+ {
+ if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
+ eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
+ + " = " + aXY[_i] + ";");
+ else // assume type "i"
+ eval ( "var "+ _V[_i].charAt(2)
+ + " = " + Math.ceil(aXY[_i]) + ";");
+ }
+ _F = eval(_F);
+ if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
+ {
+ var rtnCode = 0;
+ eval("try { if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1; }"
+ +" catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
+ switch(rtnCode)
+ {
+ case 0: break;
+ case 1: return null;
+ case -1: return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) return -1;
+ return Math.abs( _F - _G - eqC );
+ "A decimal answer is not acceptable here.
+ Please express your answer using fractions, square roots,
+ e, log, etc."}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - No Decimals}
+function nodec(UserAns)
+ var dot = /[\.\aebdecimalpoint]/;
+ if (dot.test(UserAns)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\nodecAlertMsg,3);
+ return null;
+ } else return true;
+ "You may not use this notation here.
+ Please evaluate the binomial coefficient.
+ You may present your answer as a product rather
+ than calculating a very large number."}
+ "You may not use this notation here.
+ Please evaluate the permutation.
+ You may present your answer as a product rather
+ than calculating a very large number."}
+ "You may not use this notation here.
+ Please evaluate the factorial.
+ You may present your answer as a product rather
+ than calculating a very large number."}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - No Binomial Coefficients Allowed}
+aReFact = new Array(
+ /(?=\()?(\d+)(?=\))?!/,
+ /(?=\[)?(\d+)(?=\])?!/,
+ /(?=\{)?(\d+)(?=\})?!/
+function noBinFac(UserAns)
+ var bad = /(C\()/;
+ if (bad.test(UserAns)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\noBinFactBinCoeffAlertMsg,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ bad = /(P\()/;
+ if (bad.test(UserAns)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\noBinFactPermAlertMsg,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ for ( var i=0; i<aReFact.length; i++) {
+ if (aReFact[i].test(UserAns)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\noBinFactFactAlertMsg,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ bad = /(fact)/;
+ if (bad.test(UserAns)) {
+ eqAppAlert(\noBinFactFactAlertMsg,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return true
+ "Enter only an integer, e.g., 17, or a decimal number, e.g. 12.4.
+ Using arithmetic operations or built in function is not acceptable
+ for this problem."}
+ "Multiplication is not allowed for this problem."}
+ "Division is not allowed for this problem."}
+ "Neither addition nor subtraction is allowed for this problem."}
+ "The use of exponents is not allowed for this problem."}
+ "The use of trig functions in this problem is not allowed."}
+ "The use of PI or pi is not allowed in this problem."}
+ "The use of trig and log functions is not allowed
+ in this problem."}
+\newcommand{\sciNotSyntaxError}{"Enter the answer in
+ scientific notation."}
+\newcommand{\sciNotNormalForm}{"The scientific notation entered
+ is not in normalized form."}
+\newcommand{\NoNegExpMsg}{"No negative exponents permitted,
+ keep working!"}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Limit Arithmetic and Built in Functions}
+function DecimalsOnly(UserAns) {
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ if( !isFinite( UserAns ) ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\DecimalsOnlyErrorMsg,3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return true;
+function NoProducts (UserAns) {
+ // Requires the ImplMulti option of dljslib
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ UserAns = Ck4Products(UserAns);
+ if ( /\*/.test( UserAns ) )
+ return eqAppAlert(\NoProductsErrorMsg,3), null;
+ return true;
+function NoDivision (UserAns) {
+ if ( /\//.test( UserAns) )
+ return eqAppAlert(\NoDivisionErrorMsg,3), null;
+ return true;
+function NoAddOrSub (UserAns) {
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ UserAns=ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
+ var result;
+ var re = /.[+-]/g;
+ re.lastIndex = 0;
+ while ( (result = re.exec( UserAns )) != null ) {
+ if ( result[0].charAt(0) != "\(" )
+ return eqAppAlert(\NoAddOrSubErrorMsg,3), null;
+ }
+ return true;
+function NoArithAllowed (UserAns) {
+ var aNoArithmetic = new Array ( NoAddOrSub, NoProducts,
+ NoDivision, NoExpAllowed );
+ for ( var i = 0; i < aNoArithmetic.length; i++ )
+ if ( (retn = aNoArithmetic[i](UserAns)) == null ) return null;
+ return true;
+function NoExpAllowed (UserAns) {
+ // Requires the ImplMulti option of dljslib
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ if ( /\^/.test( UserAns ) || /pow/.test( UserAns ) )
+ return eqAppAlert(\NoExpAllowedErrorMsg,3), null;
+ return true;
+function NoTrigAllowed (UserAns)
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ var aTrigfuncs = new Array
+ ( "acos","asin","atan","cos", "sin", "tan","sec","csc","cot",
+ "arcsin", "arccos", "arctan"
+ );
+ var re, regexp;
+ re = /[a-zA-Z]{2,}/g;
+ aF = UserAns.match(re);
+ if ( aF != null ) {
+ for (var i=0; i < aF.length; i++)
+ {
+ for(var j=0; j < aTrigfuncs.length; j++) {
+ if ( aF[i].indexOf(aTrigfuncs[j]) != -1 )
+ return eqAppAlert(\NoTrigAllowedErrorMsg,3), null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function NoPiAllowed(UserAns)
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ var re=/PI|pi/;
+ if ( re.test(UserAns) )
+ return eqAppAlert(\NoPiAllowedErrorMsg,3), null;
+ return true;
+function NoTrigLogAllowed (UserAns)
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if ( !ok2Continue ) return null;
+ var aTrigfuncs = new Array
+ ( "acos","asin","atan","cos", "sin",
+ "tan","sec","csc","cot", "arcsin", "arccos", "arctan",
+ "logc","log", "ln"
+ );
+ var re, regexp;
+ re = /[a-zA-Z]{2,}/g;
+ aF = UserAns.match(re);
+ if ( aF != null ) {
+ for (var i=0; i < aF.length; i++)
+ {
+ for(var j=0; j < aTrigfuncs.length; j++) {
+ if ( aF[i].indexOf(aTrigfuncs[j]) != -1 )
+ return eqAppAlert(\NoTrigLogAllowedErrorMsg,3), null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+var bAllowWrngNormSciNotn=false;
+var bItsNormSciNot=false;
+function SciNotNoNotify(UserAns) {
+ bAllowWrngNormSciNotn=true;
+ var rtn=SciNotResp(UserAns);
+ return rtn;
+function SciNotResp(UserAns) {
+ bItsNormSciNot=false;
+ var _sciNotation, _a, _b;
+ _sciNotation = /^[+-]*(\d*)*(\.\d*)*E[+-]*\d+$/;
+ UserAns=stripWhiteSpace(UserAns);
+ if ( (_a=_sciNotation.exec(UserAns)) !=null) {
+ if (isNaN(_a[1])) {
+ if (bAllowWrngNormSciNotn)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return eqAppAlert(\sciNotNormalForm,3), null;
+ }
+ if (isNaN(_a[2])) _a[2]=0;
+ _b = Math.abs(Number(_a[1])+Number(_a[2]));
+ if ( _b < 1 || _b >= 10 ) {
+ if (bAllowWrngNormSciNotn)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return eqAppAlert(\sciNotNormalForm,3), null;
+ }
+ else {
+ bItsNormSciNot=true;
+ return true
+ }
+ } else
+ return eqAppAlert(\sciNotSyntaxError,3), null;
+function sciNotResp(UserAns) {return SciNotResp(UserAns);}
+function postSciNotResp(UserAns) {
+ bAllowWrngNormSciNotn=false;
+ return bItsNormSciNot;
+function NoNegExp (UserAns) {
+ var re=/(\^|\^\()+-/g;
+ UserAns=ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
+ if (re.test(UserAns))
+ return eqAppAlert(\NoNegExpMsg,3), null;
+ return true;
+function noNegExp(UserAns){return NoNegExp(UserAns)}
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Contrib - Combinatorial Functions}
+function ch(n,r)
+ if ((n==r)||(r==0)) return(1);
+ if ((n==(r+1))||(r==1)) return(n);
+ if (r > (n-r))
+ var coeff = factorialCancel(
+ expandFactorial(r+1,n),expandFactorial(1,n-r));
+ else
+ var coeff = factorialCancel(
+ expandFactorial(n-r+1,n),expandFactorial(1,r));
+ return (eval(coeff));
+function perm(n,r)
+ if (r==0) return(1);
+ else
+ var coeff = factorialCancel(
+ expandFactorial(n-r+1,n),expandFactorial(1,n-r));
+ return (eval(coeff));
+function expandFactorial(lo,hi)
+ var f = lo;
+ for (var i=lo+1;i<=hi;i++) f = i+"*"+f;
+ return f;
+function factorialCancel(top,bot)
+ var num = top.split("*");
+ var denom = bot.split("*");
+ var len = denom.length;
+ var temp = 0;
+ var i, j;
+ for (i=0;i<=len-1;i++) {
+ for (j=0;j<=len-1;j++) {
+ temp = num[i]/denom[j];
+ if ((temp - Math.round(temp)) == 0) {
+ num[i] = temp;
+ denom[j] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var t = denom.join("");
+ var reg = /[^1]/;
+ if (reg.test(t)) {
+ temp = factorialCancel(denom.join("*"),num.join("*"));
+ } else {
+ temp = num.join("*");
+ }
+ return (temp);
+function fact(num)
+ var tot = 1;
+ for (var r=1; r <= num; r++) tot *= r;
+ return(tot);
+\begin{newsegment}{dljslib: Implied Multiplication}
+function Ck4Products(UserInput)
+ var re, aR;
+ for (var i=0; i<JSf.length; i++)
+ {
+ re = new RegExp("("+JSf[i]+")(\\\()","g");
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "\\$1@$2");
+ re = new RegExp("([\\w\\\)])(\\"+JSf[i]+")(@\\\()","g");
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "$1*$2$3");
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i<JSc.length; i++)
+ {
+ re = new RegExp("("+JSc[i]+")","g");
+ if ( JSc[i] != "E" ) {
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "\\$1@");
+ re = new RegExp("([\\w\\\)])(\\"+JSc[i]+")(@)","g");
+ }
+ }
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(
+ /([\d\)])([A-DF-Za-z\(\\])/g, "$1*$2");
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(/(\))(\d)/g, "$1*$2");
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(/([A-Za-z])([\d\(\\])/g, "$1*$2");
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(/(@)([A-Za-z\d])/g, "$1*$2");
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(/(\\)([A-Za-z]{1,})(@)/g, "$2");
+ re = /[A-Za-z]{1,}/g;
+ while ( (aR = re.exec(UserInput)) != null)
+ {
+ for (var i=0; i<JSf.length; i++) if ( aR[0] == JSf[i]) break;
+ if ( i < JSf.length ) continue;
+ for (var i=0; i<JSc.length; i++) if ( aR[0] == JSc[i]) break;
+ if ( i < JSc.length ) continue;
+ aR[0] = aR[0].replace(/([A-Za-z])\B/g,"$1*");
+ UserInput = UserInput.substring(0,aR.index)
+ +aR[0]+UserInput.substring(re.lastIndex);
+ }
+ return UserInput;
+function Ck4Exponents(UserInput)
+ var re, regexp, aP, RightP;
+ for (var i=0; (i<JSf.length) && (ok2Continue); i++)
+ {
+ re = new RegExp(JSf[i]+"\\^");
+ while ( re.test(UserInput) && (ok2Continue) )
+ {
+ regexp = new RegExp(JSf[i]+"\\^\\\(", "g");
+ if ( (aP = regexp.exec(UserInput)) != null ) {
+ // forward search
+ RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,regexp.lastIndex-1,1);
+ var offsetExp = RightP-regexp.lastIndex;
+ regexp = new RegExp(
+ JSf[i]+"\\^\\(.{"+offsetExp+"}\\)\\\(", "g");
+ regexp.lastIndex=0;
+ if ( (aP = regexp.exec(UserInput)) != null ) {
+ // forward search
+ RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,regexp.lastIndex-1,1);
+ var offsetArg = RightP - regexp.lastIndex;
+ regexp = new RegExp("("+JSf[i]
+ +")\\^\\((.{"+offsetExp+"})\\)\\((.{"
+ +offsetArg+"})\\)");
+ regexp.lastIndex=0;
+ if (regexp.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(
+ regexp,"(pow($1($3),$2))");
+ else ok2Continue=false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ regexp = new RegExp(JSf[i]
+ +"\\^([a-zA-Z]|[+-]?\\d+\\.?\\d*|[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+)"
+ +"\\\(","g");
+ if ( (aP = regexp.exec(UserInput)) != null ) {
+ // forward search
+ RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,regexp.lastIndex-1,1);
+ regexp = new RegExp("("
+ +JSf[i]+")\\^([a-zA-Z]|[+-]?\\d+"
+ +"\\.?\\d*|[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+)\\((.{"
+ +eval(RightP-regexp.lastIndex)+"})\\)");
+ regexp.lastIndex=0;
+ if (regexp.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(
+ regexp,"(pow($1($3),$2))");
+ else ok2Continue=false;
+ }
+ else ok2Continue=false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i=0; (i < JSc.length) && (ok2Continue); i++)
+ {
+ re = new RegExp(JSc[i]+"\\^", "g");
+ while ( re.test(UserInput) && (ok2Continue) )
+ {
+ re.lastIndex = 0;
+ aR = re.exec(UserInput);
+ if (UserInput.charAt(re.lastIndex)=='\(') {
+ // forward search
+ RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,re.lastIndex,1);
+ var offsetExp = RightP - re.lastIndex - 1;
+ re.lastIndex=0;
+ regexp = new RegExp("("+JSc[i]
+ +")\\^\\((.{"+offsetExp+"})\\)");
+ if ( regexp.test(UserInput) )
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(
+ regexp, "(pow($1,$2))");
+ else ok2Continue = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ re.lastIndex=0;
+ regexp = new RegExp("("+JSc[i]
+ +")\\^([a-zA-Z]|[+-]?\\d+\\.?\\d*|[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+)");
+ if (regexp.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(
+ regexp, "(pow($1,$2))");
+ else ok2Continue = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return UserInput;
+\advance\count17 by -1
+%% End of file `dljslib.sty'.