path: root/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebjs.def
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebjs.def')
1 files changed, 1524 insertions, 1524 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebjs.def b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebjs.def
index 59be747d..57fd0c3b 100644
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebjs.def
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebjs.def
@@ -1,1524 +1,1524 @@
-%% This is file `aebjs.def',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% exerquiz.dtx (with options: `copyright,aebjs')
-%% Exerquiz.sty package, %%
-%% Copyright (C) 1999-2018 D. P. Story %%
-%% %%
-%% %%
-%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
-%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
-%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
-%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
-%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
- [2018/03/21 v8.2.2 %
- Exerquiz document level JavaScript (dps)]
- \ifmakeExSlLocal\protect\endgroup^^J\fi
-\def\aeb@array{new Array}
- \def\NoPeekAlert{eqAppAlert(#1)}}\def\newNoPeekArgs{}
-\newif\ifSubstVars\SubstVarsfalse % dps17
-\newif\ifShowAppr\ShowApprtrue % dps17
-\def\altApprOn{\ShowApprtrue} % dps17
-\def\altApprOff{\ShowApprfalse} % dps17
-\def\corrLocalChoiceFullyOn{\def\eqCorrLocalChoiceFully{true}} % dpsf07
-\def\corrLocalChoiceFullyOff{\def\eqCorrLocalChoiceFully{false}} % dpsf07
-\def\resetLocalChoiceFully{\let\eqCorrLocalChoiceFully\@empty} % dpsf07
-\resetLocalChoiceFully % no local implementation
-\begin{newsegment}{AeB: AcroTeX eDucation Bundle}
- Document Level JavaScript
- AcroTeX eDucation Bundle
- D. P. Story copyright 2000-\the\year
-var exerquizLoaded = true;
-this.disclosed = true;
-\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Global Data}
-var ok2Continue = true;
-var ProcessIt = true;
-var retn;
-var Score=0;
-var ptScore=0;
-var pcScore=0;
-var quizGrade="C";
-var NQuestions=0;
-var NPointTotal=0;
-var e = Math.E;
-var pi = Math.PI;
-var replaceExclaim = \replaceexclaim;
-var negPointsAllowed = \negpointsallowed;
-var negPointsMarkupAllowed = \negpointsmarkupallowed;
-var aQuizControl = new Object;
-var RightWrong=new Array();
-var ProbValue = new Array();
-var ProbDist = new Array();
-var ProbType = new Array();
-var Responses=new Array();
-var appAlerts = new Object;
-var _mathVars="x";
-var _ModalNotOn=true;
-var GradeScaleDefault=new Array(\eqGradeScale);
-var aDlLibSpecResp=new Array(\dlLibSpecRespJS);
-var JSfBuiltIn = new Array
- ( "abs","acos","asin","atan","ceil", "floor","cos","exp",
- "log","max","min","pow","random","round","sin",
- "sqrt","tan");
-var JSfCustomEarly = new Array ("arctan", "arcsin", "arccos")
-var JSfCustomLate = new Array
- ( "logc", "ln","sec","csc","cot",
- "asinh", "acosh","atanh","acoth","asech","acsch",
- "sinh", "cosh","tanh","coth","sech","csch","sgn",
- "C","P","fact","pi");
-var JSf = new Array().concat(JSfCustomEarly, JSfBuiltIn, JSfCustomLate);
-var JSfCustom = new Array().concat(JSfCustomEarly, JSfCustomLate);
-var JSc = new Array("PI","E")
-function ln(x) { return Math.log(x); }
-function sec(x) { return 1/Math.cos(x); }
-function csc(x) { return 1/Math.sin(x);}
-function cot(x) { return Math.cos(x)/Math.sin(x); }
-function arctan(x) { return Math.atan(x); }
-function arcsin(x) { return Math.asin(x); }
-function arccos(x) { return Math.acos(x); }
-function logc(x) { return Math.LOG10E * Math.log(x); }
-function C(x,y) {return ch(x,y);}
-function P(x,y) {return perm(x,y);}
-function sinh(x) { return ( Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x) )/2; }
-function cosh(x) { return ( Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x) )/2; }
-function tanh(x) {
- return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x)); }
-function coth(x) {
- return ( Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x)); }
-function sech(x) { return 2/( Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x) )/2; }
-function csch(x) { return 2/( Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x) )/2; }
-function asinh(x) { return Math.log (x+Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2)+1)); }
-function acosh(x) {
- return Math.log (x+Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2)-1)); } // x ge 1
-function atanh(x) { return .5*Math.log ((1+x)/(1-x)); } // -1 < x < 1
-function acoth(x) { return atanh(1/x); } // |x| > 1
-function asech(x) { return acosh(1/x); } // 0 < x le 1
-function asch(x) { return asinh(1/x); } // x ne 0
-function acsch(x) { return asinh(1/x); } // x ne 0
-function sgn(x) { return (x==0?0:(x<0?-1:1)) };
-var aGroup = new Array
- ( ["\(","\)",\eqParens],
- ["[","]",\eqBrackets],
- ["{","}",\eqBraces]
- );
-\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support for Math Fill-in}
-var _mto;
-function eqAppAlert(args) {
- _ModalNotOn = false;
- var retn=app.alert(args);
- _mto= app.setTimeOut("_ModalNotOn = true", 100);
- return retn;
-function CkBalP(UserInput,lDelimiter,rDelimiter)
- var Lcount=0, Rcount=0;
- for (var k=0; k < UserInput.length; k++)
- {
- if (UserInput.charAt(k) == lDelimiter) Lcount++;
- else if (UserInput.charAt(k) == rDelimiter) Rcount++;
- }
- return (Lcount==Rcount);
-function CkBalVert(UserInput)
- var Lcount=0;
- for (var k=0; k < UserInput.length; k++)
- if (UserInput.charAt(k)=="|") Lcount++;
- return (Lcount \% 2 == 0);
-function Ckfuncs(UserInput)
- var re, rei, reii;
- re = /[a-zA-Z]{2,}/g;
- reii=/r:|i:|,/g
- var _v=_mathVars.replace(reii,"");
-rei=new RegExp("[^"+_v+"]", "g");
- aF = UserInput.match(re);
- if ( aF == null ) return true;
- for (var i=0; i < aF.length; i++)
- {
-if ( rei.exec(aF[i]) == null ) continue;
- for(var j=0; j < JSf.length; j++)
- if ( aF[i].indexOf(JSf[j]) != -1 ) break;
- if (j < JSf.length) continue;
- for(var j=0; j < JSc.length; j++)
- if ( aF[i].indexOf(JSc[j]) != -1 ) break;
- if(j==JSc.length)
- {
- eqAppAlert(\eqerrBadMathFunc,3);
- ok2Continue=false;
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-function DisplayAnswer(fieldname,theanswer)
- ProcessIt = false;
- var oDefault;
- if (arguments.length > 2 )
- var oQName = arguments[2];
- else var oQName = oDefault;
- if (typeof oQName=="undefined")
- var oQName = new Object;
- var defaultColor=(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- try {
- this.getField(fieldname).value=(theanswer);
- } catch(e) {}
- ProcessIt = true;
-function EvalCorrAnsButton(fieldname,theanswer)
- theanswer = eval(theanswer);
- DisplayAnswer(fieldname,theanswer);
-function FindBalP(UserInput,Poff,Forward)
- var j,depth;
- if (Forward)
- {
- for (depth=-1, j=Poff+1; depth !=0; j++)
- {
- if ( j > UserInput.length) return null;
- if (UserInput.charAt(j)=="\(") depth--;
- else if (UserInput.charAt(j)=="\)") depth++;
- }
- j--
- }
- else
- {
- for (depth=-1, j=Poff-1; depth !=0; j--)
- {
- if ( j < 1 ) return null;
- if (UserInput.charAt(j)=="\)") depth--;
- else if (UserInput.charAt(j)=="\(") depth++;
- }
- j++
- }
- return j;
-function stripWhiteSpace (UserInput)
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(/\s/g,"");
- if(UserInput==null || UserInput.length==0)
- {
- ok2Continue = false;
- return false;
- } else return UserInput;
-function stripOutMuli (UserInput)
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(/\*/g,"");
- return UserInput;
-function addMathObject(UserInput)
- for ( var i=0; i < JSfBuiltIn.length; i++) {
- var re = new RegExp("\\b("+JSfBuiltIn[i]+")\\b","g");
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re,"Math.$1");
- }
- re = /\b(PI)\b/g;
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re,"Math.$1");
- return UserInput;
-function ParseInput(UserInput)
- var re, repi;
- re = /\b(a)\b/g;
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "(a)");
- UserInput = stripWhiteSpace (UserInput);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- for(var i=0; i< aGroup.length; i++)
- {
- if(!CkBalP(UserInput, aGroup[i][0], aGroup[i][1]))
- {
- eqAppAlert(\eqerrDelimNotBal,3);
- ok2Continue = false;
- return false;
- }
- }
- UserInput = ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserInput);
- if ( replaceExclaim &&(typeof fact == "function") )
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(%
- if (!CkBalVert(UserInput))
- {
- eqAppAlert(\eqerrABS,3);
- ok2Continue = false;
- return false;
- }
- UserInput=groupJSf(UserInput);
- re=/(\w)(e)(\^)/g;
- repi=/(\w)(pi)/g;
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(re, "$1*$2$3");
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(repi, "$1*$2");
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(/(sec)/g, "s@e@c");
- re=/(\w)(e)([^\^])?/g;
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"$1($2\^1)$3");
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(/(s@e@c)/g, "sec");
- re=/E(\d)/g;
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"E+$1");
- re=/(\d)\*E/g;
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"$1E");
- if(!Ckfuncs(UserInput)) return false;
- if (typeof(Ck4Exponents) != "undefined")
- UserInput = Ck4Exponents(UserInput);
- if (typeof(Ck4Products) != "undefined" )
- UserInput = Ck4Products(UserInput);
- ok2Continue = true;
- re = /\b(log)\b/g;
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "logc");
- while (/\|/.test(UserInput)&&(ok2Continue))
- {
- re = /(\|)([^\|]*)(\|)([-\+\/\*\^\)\|])/;
- if (re.test(UserInput))
- if (re.exec(UserInput)[4] == '^')
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "(abs($2))$4");
- else
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "abs($2)$4");
- else
- {
- re = /(\|)([^\|]*)(\|$)/;
- if (re.test(UserInput))
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "abs($2)");
- }
- }
- re=/\b(pi)\b/g;
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"($1)")
- var reTstExp = /(\))?\^(\()?/g;
- while ( ((aResults=reTstExp.exec(UserInput))!=null)&&(ok2Continue) )
- {
- var firstGroup = Number(Boolean(aResults[1])); // 0 or 1
- var secondGroup = 2*Number(Boolean(aResults[2])); // 0 or 2
- var caseStudy = firstGroup+secondGroup; // 0,1,2,3
- switch(caseStudy) {
- case 0:
- re=/([a-zA-Z]|\d*\.?\d*)\^([a-zA-Z]|[\+-]?\d+\.?\d*|%
- if (re.test(UserInput))
- UserInput=Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re);
- else ok2Continue=false;
- break;
- case 1:
- aP =/\)\^/.exec(UserInput);
- LeftP=FindBalP(UserInput,aP.index,0);
- re = new RegExp("\\((.{"+eval(aP.index-LeftP-1)
- +"})\\)\\^([a-zA-Z]|[\+-]?\\d+\\.?\\d*|%
- if (re.test(UserInput))
- UserInput=Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re);
- else ok2Continue=false;
- break;
- case 2:
- aP = /\^\(/.exec(UserInput);
- RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,aP.index+1,1);
- re = new RegExp("([a-zA-Z]|\\d*\\.?\\d*)\\^\\((.{"
- +eval(RightP-aP.index-2)+"})\\)");
- if (re.test(UserInput))
- UserInput=Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re);
- else ok2Continue=false;
- break;
- case 3:
- aP = /\)\^\(/.exec(UserInput);
- LeftP=FindBalP(UserInput,aP.index,0);
- RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,aP.index+2,1);
- re = new RegExp("\\((.{"+eval(aP.index-LeftP-1)
- +"})\\)\\^\\((.{"+eval(RightP-aP.index-3)+"})\\)");
- if (re.test(UserInput))
- UserInput=Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re);
- else ok2Continue=false;
- break;
- default:
- ok2Continue=false;
- }
- }
- if (!ok2Continue)
- {
- eqAppAlert(\eqerrBadExp,3);
- return false;
- }
- else {
- UserInput=addMathObject(UserInput);
- return UserInput;
- }
-function ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserInput)
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(/\[|\{/g, "\(");
- UserInput = UserInput.replace(/\]|\}/g, "\)");
- return UserInput;
-function Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re) {
- var a=re.exec(UserInput);
- while ( a[2].charAt(0)=="\(") {
- var RightP=FindBalP(a[2],0,1); // forward search
- if (RightP == a[2].length-1)
- a[2]=a[2].substring(1,a[2].length-1);
- else break;
- }
- var b=a[2].split("/");
- if ( b.length==2 ) {
- try { _m=eval(b[1])
- if ( _m == undefined || isNaN(_m) ) throw new Error();
- var d = b[1];
- var isEnclosed=(d.charAt(0) == "\(" && d.charAt(d.length-1)=="\)");
- if (!isEnclosed)
- if (/.+[\+\-].+/.test(d)) throw new Error();
- if (isEnclosed) d = s.substring(1,d.length-1);
- var n = b[0];
- isEnclosed=(n.charAt(0) == "\(" && n.charAt(d.length-1)=="\)");
- if (!isEnclosed)
- if (/.+[\+\-].+/.test(n)) throw new Error();
- if ( d == parseInt(d) && ( Boolean(d \% 2) ) ) {
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,
- "(pow(sgn($1),"+n+")*(pow(abs($1),$2)))");
- return UserInput;
- }
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"(pow($1,$2))");
- return UserInput;
-function groupJSf(UserInput)
- var re, regexp, aP, RightP;
- for (var i=0; (i<JSf.length) && (ok2Continue); i++)
- {
- re = new RegExp(JSf[i]+"\\\(");
- while ( re.test(UserInput) && (ok2Continue) )
- {
- regexp = new RegExp(JSf[i]+"\\\(", "g");
- if ( (aP = regexp.exec(UserInput)) != null )
- {
- RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,regexp.lastIndex-1,1);
- offsetArg = RightP - regexp.lastIndex;
- regexp = new RegExp(%
- regexp.lastIndex=0;
- if (regexp.test(UserInput))
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(regexp,"($1@($2))");
- else ok2Continue=false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- UserInput=UserInput.replace(/@/g,"");
- return UserInput;
-function TypeParameters(v)
- var aV;
- aV = ( (v.indexOf(":") == -1) && (v.indexOf(",") == -1) ) ?
- v.split("") : v.split(",");
- for ( var i=0; i < aV.length; i++)
- if ( aV[i].indexOf(":") == -1 ) aV[i] = "r:"+aV[i];
- return aV.join(",")
-function ProcResp(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
- if (!ProcessIt) return null;
- var fieldname =;
- var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
- var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
- var success = _ProcResp(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,%
- if ( success == -1 || !ok2Continue )
- { resetHeadsUp(flag,fieldname); return null; } // dps17
- if ( success == null )
- { resetHeadsUp(flag,fieldname);
- return syntaxError(), null; } // dps17
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-// changed name of var comp -> oComp
-function _ProcResp(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,n,epsilon,domain,%
- ok2Continue = true;
- CorrAns = ParseInput(CorrAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) {
- eqAppAlert("Syntax error in author's answer! Check console.",3);
- return null;
- }
- var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
- ((typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
- diffCompare : oComp.comp ) : oComp;
- if ( (typeof(oComp)=="object") %
-&& (typeof(oComp.priorParse)!="undefined") ) {
- var retn=processSpecialParse(oComp.priorParse,UserAns);
- if (retn==null) return -1;
- }
- var reCP=/((C|P)\(.+?)(,)(.+?\))/g
- UserAns=UserAns.replace(reCP,"$1@c@$4");
- var reComma=/,/;
- if ( reComma.test(UserAns) ) {
- eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorComma,3);
- return -1;
- }
- var reRlCommaSubst=/@c@/g;
- UserAns=UserAns.replace(reRlCommaSubst,",");
- UserAns = ParseInput(UserAns);
- indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- var success=randomPointCompare(n,domain,indepVars,%
- if ( success && (typeof(oComp)=="object") %
-&& (typeof(oComp.postParse)!="undefined") )
- success=processSpecialParse(oComp.postParse,UserAns);
- return success;
-function processSpecialParse(oParse,UserAns) {
- var retn, f, _o
- if ( typeof(oParse) == "object" ) {
- for ( var i=0; i < oParse.length; i++) {
- _o=oParse[i];
- if (typeof(_o)=="function") {
- retn=_o(UserAns);
- if (retn==null) return retn;
- } else {
- retn=_o[0].apply(null, [ UserAns ].concat(_o.slice(1)));
- if (retn==null) return null;
- }
- }
- } else {
- retn = oParse(UserAns);
- }
- return retn;
-function randomPointCompare (n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,%
- var error, i, j, k;
- var aXY = new Array();
- domain = domain.replace(/[\[\]\s]/g, "");
- var aIntervals = domain.split("&");
- for (k=0; k < aIntervals.length; k++)
- {
- var aInterval = aIntervals[k].split("x");
- nI = aInterval.length;
- with (Math) {
- for (j=0; j < n; j++)
- {
- for (i=0; i < nI; i++)
- {
- var endpoints = aInterval[i].split(",");
- aXY[i] = eval(endpoints[0])-0+(eval(endpoints[1])%
- }
- var cXY = aXY.toString();
- error = comp(domain,cXY,indepVars,CorrAns,userAns);
- if (error == null) return null;
- if ( (error == -1) || (error > epsilon) ) {j=-1; break;}
- }
- }
- if (j!=n) return false;
- }
- return true;
-function diffCompare(_a,_c,_v,_F,_G) {
- var aXY = _c.split(",");
- var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
- var _n = aXY.length;
- for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++)
- {
- if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
- eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+aXY[_i]+";");
- else // assume type "i"
- eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+Math.ceil(aXY[_i])+";");
- }
- _F = eval(_F);
- if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
- {
- var rtnCode = 0;
- eval("try {if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1; }"
- +"catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
- switch(rtnCode)
- {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: return null;
- case -1: return -1;
- }
- }
- else
- if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) return -1;
- return Math.abs ( _F - _G );
-function reldiffCompare(_a,_c,_v,_F,_G) {
- var aXY = _c.split(",");
- var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
- var _n = aXY.length
- for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++)
- {
- if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
- eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+aXY[_i]+";");
- else // assume type "i"
- eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+Math.ceil(aXY[_i])+";");
- }
- _F = eval(_F);
- if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
- {
- var rtnCode = 0;
- eval("try { if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1; }"
- +"catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
- switch(rtnCode)
- {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: return null;
- case -1: return -1;
- }
- }
- else
- if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) return -1;
- return Math.abs ( (_F - _G)/_G );
-function requireForm(UserAns, regexpr) {
- var msg=\defaultReqFormMsg;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- UserAns = ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
- if (arguments.length>2) msg=arguments[2];
- if (typeof(regexpr.length)=="undefined") {
- if (regexpr.test(UserAns)) return true;
- else { eqAppAlert(msg,3); return null; }
- } else {
- for (var i=0; i<regexpr.length; i++)
- if (regexpr[i].test(UserAns)) break;
- if ( i < regexpr.length ) return true;
- else { eqAppAlert(msg,3); return null; }
- }
-function denyForm(UserAns, regexpr) {
- var msg=\defaultReqFormMsg;
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- UserAns = ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
- if (arguments.length>2) msg=arguments[2];
- if (typeof(regexpr.length)=="undefined") {
- if (regexpr.test(UserAns)) { eqAppAlert(msg,3); return null; }
- else return true;
- } else {
- for (var i=0; i<regexpr.length; i++)
- if (regexpr[i].test(UserAns)) break;
- if ( i < regexpr.length ) { eqAppAlert(msg,3); return null; }
- else return true;
- }
-function requireFormNot(UserAns, regexpr) {
- UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns);
- if (!ok2Continue) return null;
- UserAns = stripOutMuli(UserAns);
- UserAns = ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
- if (typeof(regexpr.length)=="undefined") {
- if (regexpr.test(UserAns)) return false;
- else return true;
- } else {
- for (var i=0; i<regexpr.length; i++)
- if (regexpr[i].test(UserAns)) break;
- if ( i < regexpr.length ) return false;
- else return true;
- }
-\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support for multi-letter variables}
-if (!String.prototype.trim) {
- String.prototype.trim = function () {
- return this.replace(/^[\s\string\uFEFF\string\xA0]+|%
-[\s\string\uFEFF\string\xA0]+$/g, '');
- };
-function _rplVarsBy(str1,str2) {
- var re=new RegExp(str1,"g");
- var result=str1.replace(re,str2);
- return result;
-function processMathVars(str) {
- var pos1,pos2,lead,tmp;
- while ((pos1=str.indexOf("_rplVarsBy"))!=-1) {
- pos2=str.indexOf("@");
- lead=str.substring(0,pos1);
- tmp=str.substring(pos1,pos2);
- str=str.substring(pos2+1);
- tmp=eval(tmp);
- str=lead+tmp+str;
- }
- str=str.replace(/\s/g,"");
- return str;
-getSubstValue.aSubsts=new Array(); // dps17
-function getSubstValue(v,s){
- v=variable list, it may have the form "xyz", or if there
- substitutions, it might look like "_rplVarsBy('theta','x')@";
- s=Either the user's answer or the author's answer.
- First develop an array of all variables are their substitutes.
- ie, getSubstValue.aSubsts=[ "c","h", ["theta",x"], ["alpha",y],...];
- var pos1,pos2,tmp,args,re,arg1,arg2;
- change new style to old
- New style: v="c,_rplVarsBy('theta->\u03B8','r:x')@,%
- Old style: v="c_rplVarsBy('theta->\u03B8','x')@%
- re=/([^'])(,)/g;
- v=v.replace(re,'$1');
- re=/([ri]\string\:)+(\string\w)/g;
- v=v.replace(re,'$2');
- getSubstValue.aSubsts=[]; // dps17
- var start=0;
- while (true) {
- v=v.substring(start);
- pos1=v.indexOf("_rplVarsBy");
- if (pos1==-1) break;
- pos2=v.indexOf("@");
- args=v.substring(pos1+10+1,pos2-1);
- tmp=args.split(",");
- arg1=eval(tmp[0].toString());
- tmp1=arg1.split("->");
- for (var i=0; i<tmp1.length; i++)
- tmp1[i]=tmp1[i].trim();
- if (tmp1.length==1) getSubstValue.aSubsts.push(tmp1[0]);
- else getSubstValue.aSubsts.push(tmp1);
- arg2=eval(tmp[1].toString());
- re=new RegExp(tmp1[0],"g");
- s=s.replace(re,arg2);
- start=pos2+1;
- }
- return s;
-function RespBoxAppr(e){
- var value=(typeof e=="object")?e.value:e;
- var re;
- for (var i=0; i<getSubstValue.aSubsts.length; i++) {
- if (typeof getSubstValue.aSubsts[i]=="object") {
- re=new RegExp(getSubstValue.aSubsts[i][0],"g");
- value=(value.replace(re,getSubstValue.aSubsts[i][1],"g"));
- }
- }
- return value;
-\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support Text Fill-in}
-function ProcRespTxt() {
- var i, success, authorAnswer, userAnswer = event.value;
- var;
- var flag = arguments[0];
- var filterMethod = arguments[1];
- var compareMethod = arguments[2];
- if ( !ProcessIt || userAnswer == "" ) return null;
- for (i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++)
- if ( success = compareTxt(userAnswer,arguments[i],%
-filterMethod, compareMethod)) break;
- return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
-function ProcRespTxtPC() {
- var i, success, authorAnswer, userAnswer = event.value;
- ProcRespTxtPC.txtPCpCr=0;
- var;
- var flag = arguments[0];
- var filterMethod = arguments[1];
- var compareMethod = arguments[2];
- if ( !ProcessIt || userAnswer == "" ) return null;
- for (i=3;i<arguments.length;i++)
- if(compareTxt(userAnswer,arguments[i][0],%
- ProcRespTxtPC.txtPCpCr+=(arguments[i][1]);
- success=(ProcRespTxtPC.txtPCpCr>0);
- return notifyField(success,flag,fieldname);
-function compareTxt(userAnswer,authorAnswer,filterMethod,compareMethod)
- var caseSensitive = ( compareMethod==3 ) ? "" : "i";
- var reSwitches = "g"+caseSensitive;
- userAnswer = new String(userAnswer).filter(filterMethod);
- switch(compareMethod) {
- case 1:
- var AuthorAnswer;
- var aAuthorAnswer = authorAnswer.split(/\s+/);
- for (var j=0; j < aAuthorAnswer.length; j++) {
- AuthorAnswer = new String(%
- AuthorAnswer = AuthorAnswer.replace(/\./g,"\\.");
- AuthorAnswer = AuthorAnswer.replace(/@any@/g,".");
- var re = new RegExp(AuthorAnswer, reSwitches);
- if (!re.test(userAnswer)) return false;
- }
- return true;
- default:
- authorAnswer=new String(authorAnswer).filter(filterMethod);
- return (userAnswer == authorAnswer) ? true : false;
- }
-String.prototype.filter = eqFilter;
-function eqFilter(filterMethod) {
- switch (filterMethod) {
- case 0:
- var re = /\W/g;
- return this.replace(re,"").toLowerCase();
- case 1:
- var re = /\s/g;
- return this.replace(re,"").toLowerCase();
- case 2:
- var re = /\s/g;
- return this.replace(re,"");
- case 3:
- default:
- return this.toString();
- }
-\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Quiz Management}
-function InitMsg(msg) { return (\eqInitQuizMsg) }
-function syntaxError() { eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); }
-var lstOfQuizzes=new Object();
-var reExtractBaseName=/^.+?\.(.+?)\..+$/;
-function ProcUserResp(key,userresp,probno,notify)
- if (key==null) {
- ProcUserNoResp.apply(null,arguments);
- return;
- }
- if ( arguments.length > 4 ) {
- if ( typeof RightWrong[probno] == "undefined" ) {
- RightWrong[probno] = new Array();
- RightWrong[probno][0] = "grp";
- Responses[probno] = new Array();
- }
- RightWrong[probno][arguments[4]] = (!!key) ? 1 : 0;
- Responses[probno][arguments[4]] = userresp;
- } else {
- if ( typeof key == "object" ) {
- RightWrong[probno][0] = key[0];
- RightWrong[probno][1] = key[1];
-Responses[probno] = userresp;
-if (Responses[probno].length==0)
- Responses[probno]=undefined;
- } else {
- RightWrong[probno] = (!!key)?1:0;
-Responses[probno] = userresp;
- }
- if ( (typeof fieldPopTbl == "function")&&(event.type != "Link") ) {
- var a=reExtractBaseName.exec(;
- fieldPopTbl(a[1]);
- }
-function ProcUserNoResp(key,userresp,probno,notify)
- if ( arguments.length > 4 ) {
- RightWrong[probno][arguments[4]] = undefined;
- Responses[probno][arguments[4]] = undefined;
-var bVoidArray=true;
-for (var i=0; i<Responses[probno].length; i++) {
-if ( typeof Responses[probno][i] != "undefined") {
-if (bVoidArray) {
- ProbValue[probno]=undefined;
- } else {
- RightWrong[probno] = undefined;
- Responses[probno] = undefined;
- }
- if ( typeof fieldPopTbl == "function" ) {
- var a=reExtractBaseName.exec(;
- fieldPopTbl(a[1]);
- }
-function InitializeQuiz(qtfield,mark) {
- var oQName=eval(qtfield);
- Score=0;
- retn = null;
- if (!isQuizInitialized(qtfield)&&!isAQuizUnfinished()) return null;
- neutralizeQuizzes();
- ProcessIt = false;
- aQuizControl[qtfield] = 1;
- this.resetForm(["ScoreField." + qtfield,"mc."+qtfield,
- "obj."+qtfield,"mck."+qtfield,"Ans."+qtfield,
- "PointsField."+qtfield,"PercentField."+qtfield,
- "essay."+qtfield,"GradeField."+qtfield,
- "grpobj."+qtfield,"qMark."+qtfield, qtfield+"SanityCheck",
- qtfield+"SanityCheckPts",qtfield+"SanityCheckOOPts",
- "rbmarkup."+qtfield]);
- ProcessIt = true;
- var f = this.getField("qMark."+qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.display = display.hidden;
- f = this.getField("promptButton."+qtfield);
- if (f != null) f.display=display.visible;
- if (arguments.length<3) {
- f = this.getField("obj." + qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.readonly = false;
- }
- RightWrong=new Array();
- Responses=new Array();
- ProbValue=new Array();
- ProbDist=new Array();
- ProbType=new Array();
- if (mark==1)
- {
- var defaultColor=(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var rightColor=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var corrAnsSymb=(typeof oQName.CorrAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var f = this.getField("mcq." + qtfield);
- if (f != null) {
- f.delay=true;
- f.display=display.hidden;
- this.resetForm([]);
- f.textColor = rightColor;
- var a = f.getArray();
- for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i].style=corrAnsSymb;
- f.delay=false;
- }
- f = this.getField("obj." + qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.strokeColor = defaultColor;
- f = this.getField("grpobj." + qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.strokeColor = defaultColor;
- f = this.getField("corr." + qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.display = display.hidden;
- f = this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheck");
- if ( f != null ) f.strokeColor=defaultColor;
- f = this.getField("rbmarkup."+qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.display = display.hidden;
- }
- return null;
-function resetHeadsUp(flag,fieldname) {
- if (flag==1) return;
- var pos1=fieldname.indexOf(".");
- var pos2=fieldname.indexOf(".",pos1+1);
- var baseName=fieldname.substring(pos1+1,pos2);
- var oQName=eval(baseName);
- var defaultColor=(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var f=this.getField(fieldname);
- if (f!=null) f.strokeColor=defaultColor;
-function neutralizeQuizzes()
- for ( var qtfield in aQuizControl ) aQuizControl[qtfield] = 0;
-function isAQuizUnfinished()
- if (!isAQuizUnfinished.check) return true;
- for ( var qtfield in aQuizControl )
- if ( aQuizControl[qtfield] == 1 )
- {
- eqAppAlert(\eqerrUnfinishQuiz, 3);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-function isQuizInitialized(qtfield)
- if (typeof (aQuizControl[qtfield]) == "undefined")
- return false;
- else
- return (aQuizControl[qtfield] == 1);
-function isEndQuizPushed(qtfield)
- if (typeof (aQuizControl[qtfield]) == "undefined")
- return false;
- else
- return (aQuizControl[qtfield] == -1);
-function resetQuiz(qtfield)
- aQuizControl[qtfield] = -1;
-function RecordPointValue(ptvalue,probno)
- if (arguments.length > 2) {
- if ( typeof ProbValue[probno] == "undefined" ) {
- ProbValue[probno]=[1,arguments[5],arguments[3],arguments[4]];
- ProbValue[probno][3+arguments[2]] = ptvalue;
- } else ProbValue[probno][3+arguments[2]] = ptvalue;
- }
- else {
- ProbValue[probno]=ptvalue;
- }
-function RecordProblemType(qType,probno)
- ProbType[probno]=qType;
-function GrpRight( a, nProb, qtfield )
- var f = this.getField("grpobj."+qtfield+"."+nProb);
- var l = f.getArray().length
- var prod = 1;
- for ( var i=1; i <= l; i++) prod *= !!a[i];
- return prod;
-function DisplayQuizResults(qtfield,nPointTotal,nQuestions)
- Score = 0; ptScore = 0;
- NPointTotal=nPointTotal; NQuestions=nQuestions;
- for (var i=1; i < RightWrong.length; i++)
- {
- if ( (typeof RightWrong[i] == "object" ) %
- && ( RightWrong[i][0] == "grp" ) ) {
- // grouped question
- Score += GrpRight(RightWrong[i], i, qtfield);
- var aWeights = ProbValue[i].slice(2);
- var evalGrpJS = eval(ProbValue[i][1]);
- var evalGrpJSValue = evalGrpJS(this,qtfield,i,
- RightWrong[i],aWeights);
- ProbDist[i] = evalGrpJSValue;
- ptScore = ptScore + evalGrpJSValue;
- } else {
- if (typeof RightWrong[i] == "object") {
- if ( RightWrong[i][0] == 1 ) {
- Score++;
- ProbDist[i]=(typeof ProbValue[i] == "object") ?
- 1*ProbValue[i][1] : 1*ProbValue[i];
- ptScore += (1*ProbDist[i]);
- } else {
- if (RightWrong[i][1] == 1)
- ProbDist[i]=(typeof ProbValue[i]=="object") ?
- 1*ProbValue[i][1] : 1*ProbValue[i];
- else
- ProbDist[i]=(typeof ProbValue[i] == "object") ?
- 1*ProbValue[i][1] : 0;
- ptScore += (1*ProbDist[i]);
- }
- } else {
- if (RightWrong[i]==1) {
- Score++;
- ProbDist[i] = ( typeof ProbValue[i] == "object") ?
- 1*ProbValue[i][1] : 1*ProbValue[i];
- ptScore += (1*ProbDist[i]);
- }
- else {
- ProbDist[i] = ( typeof ProbValue[i] == "object") ?
- 1*ProbValue[i][2] : 0;
- ptScore += (1*ProbDist[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !negPointsAllowed && (ptScore < 0) ) ptScore = 0;
- if (ptScore == nPointTotal) pcScore = 100;
- else pcScore = util.printf("\%.1f", (100 * ptScore) / nPointTotal);
- var oQName=eval(qtfield);
- var gradeScale=%
-(typeof oQName.GradeScaleLoc=="undefined")%
- quizGrade = GetGrade.apply(null,gradeScale);
- var f = this.getField("ScoreField."+qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.value=(\eqQuizTotalMsg);
- f = this.getField("PointsField."+qtfield);
- if ( f != null) f.value=(\eqQuizPointsMsg);
- f = this.getField("PercentField."+qtfield);
- if ( f != null) f.value=(\eqQuizPercentMsg);
- f = this.getField("GradeField."+qtfield);
- if ( f != null) f.value=(\eqQuizGradeMsg);
-function GetGrade()
- var cGrade, aRange;
- var l = arguments.length/2;
- if (pcScore >=100) return arguments[0];
- if (pcScore < 0 ) return arguments[arguments.length-2];
- for (var i=0; i < l; i++)
- {
- cGrade = arguments[2*i];
- aRange = arguments[2*i+1];
- if ( (pcScore >= arguments[2*i+1][0])
- && (pcScore < arguments[2*i+1][1])) return cGrade;
- }
- return null;
-function ProcessQuestion (key,letterresp,probno,
- quizno,qtfield,notify,mark,msg) {
- var silent = ( arguments.length > 8 ) ? true : false;
- if (!isQuizInitialized(qtfield))
- {
- if (!silent) eqAppAlert(InitMsg(msg),3);
- this.resetForm(["mc."+qtfield+"."+probno,
- "mck."+qtfield+"."+probno]);
- }
- else
- {
- ProcUserResp(key,letterresp,probno,notify);
- if (mark==1)
- {
- var oQName=eval(qtfield);
- var defaultColor=%
-(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var rightColor=%
-(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc== "undefined")%
- var wrongColor=%
-(typeof oQName.WrongColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var rightAnsSymb=%
-(typeof oQName.RightAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var wrongAnsSymb=%
-(typeof oQName.WrongAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var corrAnsSymb=%
-(typeof oQName.CorrAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var f = this.getField("mcq."+qtfield+"."+probno);
- var fck = this.getField("mck."+qtfield+"."+probno);
- var bMultiSelect = ( fck != null ) ? true : false;
- f.delay=true;
- this.resetForm([]);
- var a = f.getArray();
- var l = a.length;
- if ( bMultiSelect ) {
- var ack = fck.getArray();
- for ( var i=0; i<l; i++) {
- if ( ack[i].isBoxChecked(0) ) {
- a[i].style = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
- rightAnsSymb : wrongAnsSymb;
- a[i].textColor = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
- rightColor : wrongColor;
- a[i].value = "Yes";
- } else {
- a[i].style = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
- corrAnsSymb : wrongAnsSymb;
- a[i].textColor = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
- rightColor : wrongColor;
- a[i].value = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
- "Yes" : "Off";
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++)
- if (a[i].style == rightAnsSymb)
- {
- a[i].style = corrAnsSymb;
- a[i].textColor = rightColor;
- }
- var qr=this.getField(%
- qr.textColor = key ? rightColor :wrongColor;
- = key ? rightAnsSymb : wrongAnsSymb;
- qr.value="Yes"; // gr.checkThisBox(0); // ver 5.0
- }
- this.getField("mcq."+qtfield+"."+probno).delay=false;
- }
- }
- if ( typeof fieldPopTbl == "function" ) fieldPopTbl(qtfield);
-function correctQuiz(qtfield,nQuestions)
- var oQName=eval(qtfield);
- var defaultColor=(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var rightColor=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var wrongColor=(typeof oQName.WrongColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var rightAnsSymb=(typeof oQName.RightAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var wrongAnsSymb=(typeof oQName.WrongAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var bFullyCorrect=(typeof oQName.fullyCorrectLoc=="undefined")%
-?\eqCorrChoiceFully:oQName.fullyCorrectLoc; // dpsf07
- var f = this.getField("mcq." + qtfield);
- if ( f != null) {
- if (bFullyCorrect) { // dpsf07
- f.display = display.visible;
- } else {
- for (var n=1; n<=nQuestions; n++) {
- var h=this.getField("mc."+qtfield+"."+n);
- var bOk=(h!=null);
- if(bOk) var choiceType="mc";
- else {
- h=this.getField("mck."+qtfield+"."+n);
- bOk=(h!=null);
- var choiceType="mck";
- }
- if (bOk) {
- var mcq=this.getField("mcq."+qtfield+"."+n);
- var g=mcq.getArray();
- if (choiceType=="mc") {
- for (var j=0; j< g.length; j++) {
- g[j].display=(h.isBoxChecked(j))?%
- }
- } else {
- var ck=h.getArray();
- for (var j=0; j< g.length; j++) {
- g[j].display=(ck[j].isBoxChecked(0))?%
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- f = this.getField("obj." + qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) {
- var a = f.getArray();
- var re=/^obj\./;
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- var probno = a[i].name.replace(/.*\./g,"");
- var rbmuname = a[i].name.replace(re,"rbmarkup\.");
- var oRBMarkup = this.getField(rbmuname);
- var bRBMU = ( oRBMarkup != null );
- if ( RightWrong[probno] == 1 ) {
- a[i].strokeColor = rightColor;
- if (bRBMU) {
- oRBMarkup.textColor=rightColor;
- }
- } else {
- a[i].strokeColor = wrongColor;
- if (bRBMU) {
- oRBMarkup.textColor=wrongColor;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- f = this.getField("grpobj." + qtfield);
- var re=/^grpobj\./;
- if ( f != null ) {
- var a = f.getArray();
- for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- var rbmuname = a[i].name.replace(re,"rbmarkup\.");
- var oRBMarkup = this.getField(rbmuname);
- var bRBMU = ( oRBMarkup != null );
- var aX = a[i].name.split(".");
- var probno = 1*aX[aX.length-2];
- var grpProbno = 1*aX[aX.length-1];
- if ( ( RightWrong[probno] != undefined ) %
-&& ( RightWrong[probno][grpProbno] == 1 ) ) {
- a[i].strokeColor = rightColor;
- if (bRBMU) {
- oRBMarkup.textColor=rightColor;
- }
- } else {
- a[i].strokeColor = wrongColor;
- if (bRBMU) {
- oRBMarkup.textColor=wrongColor;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- f=this.getField("rbmarkup."+qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.display = display.visible;
- % if ( f != null ) f.strokeColor = defaultColor;
- f = this.getField("promptButton." + qtfield)
- if ( f != null ) f.display = display.hidden;
- f = this.getField("corr." + qtfield);
- if ( f != null ) f.display = display.noPrint;
- f = this.getField("qMark."+qtfield);
- if ( f != null )
- {
- for ( var i = 1; i <= nQuestions; i++)
- {
- if ( ProbValue[i] == undefined ) ProbValue[i]=0
- f = this.getField("qMark."+qtfield+"."+(i-1));
- if ( f != null )
- {
- // find the next non-null field
- for ( var j=i; j <= nQuestions; j++)
- {
- var h = this.getField("qMark."+qtfield+"."+j);
- if ( h != null ) break;
- }
- var g = f.getArray();
- var qpts=(ProbDist[i]==undefined) ? 0 : ProbDist[i];
- if ( !negPointsMarkupAllowed && (qpts < 0) ) qpts=0;
- g[0].value = qpts + (( qpts == 1 ) ? " \eqptLabel\space"
- : " \eqptsLabel");
- }
- }
- this.getField("qMark."+qtfield).display = display.visible;
- }
-function getTotalTally(basename) {
- var sqtotal=0;
- var f=this.getField("tally."+basename);
- var g = f.getArray();
- for (var i=0; i<g.length; i++) {
- if ( g[i] == ) sqtotal += (1*event.value);
- else sqtotal += (1*g[i].value);
- }
- if ( ( f=this.getField("tallytotal."+basename) ) != null )
- f.value = sqtotal;
-function clearAllSubQuizzes() {
- isAQuizUnfinished.check=false;
- for ( var o in lstOfQuizzes) {
- if (lstOfQuizzes[o].isSubmitted)
- eval ( lstOfQuizzes[o].initializeWith );
- }
- isAQuizUnfinished.check=true;
-\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support for Multi-Selection}
-function ProcessMultiSelection(key,letterresp,probno,%
-quizno,qtfield,pts,ppts) {
- var f = this.getField("mck."+qtfield+"."+probno);
- if ( typeof ProbValue[probno] == "undefined" ) {
- var g = f.getArray();
- var nTotalCorrect = 0;
- for ( var i=0; i<g.length; i++ )
- nTotalCorrect += (1*g[i].exportValues[0].charAt(0));
- ProbValue[probno] = new Array();
- RightWrong[probno] = new Array();
- ProbValue[probno] = [nTotalCorrect,pts,[]];
- RightWrong[probno][2] = new Array();
- } else var nTotalCorrect = ProbValue[probno][0];
- var fck = this.getField("mck."+qtfield+"."+probno+"."+quizno);
- if ( fck.isBoxChecked(0) ) {
- ProbValue[probno][2][quizno] = ppts;
- RightWrong[probno][2][quizno] = key;
- } else {
- ProbValue[probno][2][quizno] = undefined;
- }
- var pointsThisProblem=0;
- var scoreThisProblem = 0;
- var letterResponses = new Array();
- var areAllCorrect=1;
- var numCorrect=0;
- for ( var i=1; i< ProbValue[probno][2].length; i++ ) {
- if ( typeof ProbValue[probno][2][i] != "undefined" )
- letterResponses[i] = (String.fromCharCode(96+i));
- pointsThisProblem += ( ( typeof ProbValue[probno][2][i]==%
-"undefined" )?0:ProbValue[probno][2][i]);
- if ( typeof ProbValue[probno][2][i]!="undefined" ) {
- areAllCorrect *= (1*RightWrong[probno][2][i]);
- numCorrect +=(1*RightWrong[probno][2][i]);
- }
- }
- scoreThisProblem = areAllCorrect*numCorrect;
- var scoreThisProblem = Number( scoreThisProblem == nTotalCorrect );
- if (scoreThisProblem==1 && pointsThisProblem==0 )
- pointsThisProblem=pts;
- ProbValue[probno][1] =
- ( (ProbValue[probno][1] == 0) && (scoreThisProblem == 1) )
- ? pts : pointsThisProblem;
- var passKey = ( pointsThisProblem > 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
- var retn = [ [ scoreThisProblem, passKey ], letterResponses ] ;
- return retn;
-function LimitSelection(n,fname,k) {
- var f = this.getField(fname);
- var g = f.getArray();
- var total=0;
- for (var i=0; i<g.length; i++) {
- total+=( g[i].isBoxChecked(0) );
- }
- if (total > n) {
- eqAppAlert(\limSelWarningMsg,3);
- f=this.getField(fname+"."+k);
- f.checkThisBox(0,false);
- return false
- } else return true;
-\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Miscellaneous JS}
-function chooseJSColor( b, c1, c2 ) {
- return ( b ) ? c1 : c2;
-function notifyField(success, flag, fieldname) {
- if ( flag != 0 )
- return (success)?true:false;
- var f = this.getField(fieldname);
- var re=/^(obj|grpobj)\./;
- var gname=fieldname.replace(re,"rbmarkup\.");
- var g =this.getField(gname);
- var isthereRBUP = ( g !=null );
- var h = fieldname.replace(re,"");
- var index=h.indexOf(".");
- var oQName = eval(h.substring(0,index));
- var rightColor=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var rightSymb=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var wrongColor=(typeof oQName.WrongColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var wrongSymb=(typeof oQName.WrongAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
- if (success) {
- f.strokeColor = rightColor;
- if (isthereRBUP) {
- = rightSymb;
- g.textColor=rightColor;
- g.display=display.visible;
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- updateTally.downState=false;
- updateTally(fieldname);
- f.strokeColor = wrongColor;
-if (isthereRBUP) {
- b2 = ( typeof oQName.WrongAnsSymbJSLoc == "undefined" );
- = wrongSymb;
- g.textColor=wrongColor;
- g.display=display.visible;
- }
- return false;
- }
-// return null; // remove ?
-function updateTally(fieldname)
- var objre = /^obj\./;
- var grpre = /^grpobj\./;
- if ( grpre.test(fieldname) ) {
- fieldname = fieldname.replace(grpre,"");
- var pos = fieldname.lastIndexOf(".");
- fieldname = fieldname.substring(0,pos);
- } else if ( objre.test(fieldname) )
- fieldname = fieldname.replace(objre,"");
- var f = this.getField("tally."+fieldname);
- if ( f != null ) {
- if (!updateTally.downState) f.value += 1;
- return true;
- } else return false;
-var bNoPeekWait=false;
-var oNoPeekTimer;
-function noPeek(qtfield,rtnPage)
- if (!bNoPeekWait) {
- if ( (typeof (aQuizControl[qtfield]) == "undefined") %
-|| (aQuizControl[qtfield] != -1) ) {
- bNoPeekWait=true;
- oNoPeekTimer=app.setTimeOut("bNoPeekWait=false;%
- this.pageNum = rtnPage-1;
- \NoPeekAlert;
- }
- } else this.pageNum = rtnPage-1;
-var oCB=\bcheckboxused
-function OnBlurRespBox (retn)
- var qname = arguments[1];
- var oQName = eval(qname);
- var respMsg;
- var cTitle = "AcroTeX eDucation Bundle";
- if (retn != null) {
- if ( typeof appAlerts[qname] == "undefined")
- appAlerts[qname] = {bAfterValue: false, %
-cMsg: "\doNotShowAgainMsg"};
- var respMsg = (retn) ? \eqsqrtmsg\space : \eqsqwgmsg;
- if ( ( == this) || !oCB)
- eqAppAlert({ cMsg: respMsg, nIcon: 3, cTitle: cTitle });
- else {
- if ( ! appAlerts[arguments[1]].bAfterValue )
- eqAppAlert({ cMsg: respMsg, nIcon: 3, cTitle: cTitle, %
-oCheckbox: appAlerts[qname]});
- }
- }
- else {
- var re=/^(obj|grpobj)\./;
- var,"rbmarkup\.");
- var g =this.getField(gname);
- var isthereRBUP = ( g !=null );
- var str =;
- if (str.replace(/\s/g,"") == "") {
- var defaultColor=%
-(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- if (isthereRBUP) g.display=display.hidden;
- = defaultColor;
- }
- }
-function jmpToNamedDest(fName,cDest,bAlert) {
- if ( (typeof appAlerts[fName]!="undefined" %
-&& appAlerts[fName].bAfterValue) || bAlert==0)
- app.setTimeOut("this.gotoNamedDest(\""+cDest+"\")",500);
- else
- this.gotoNamedDest(cDest);
-function lowThreshold(nQuestions)
- return true;
-function highThreshold(nQuestions)
- var cnt=0;
- for ( var i=0; i< Responses.length; i++ ) {
- if ( typeof Responses[i]!="undefined") cnt++
- }
- if ( cnt<nQuestions )
- eqAppAlert(\highThresholdMsg,3);
- return (cnt >= nQuestions);
-\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support for Grouped Questions}
-function groupEval(doc,qtfield,probno,aKey,aWeights)
- var totalGrpPts = aWeights[0];
- var totalWeight = aWeights[1];
- for ( var i=1,total=0; i< aKey.length; i++ )
- if (aKey[i] != undefined) total += aKey[i]*aWeights[i+1];
- return total;
-function WeightedEval(doc,qtfield,probno,aKey,aWeights)
- var f = doc.getField("grpobj." + qtfield + "." + probno);
- var nGrpQno = f.getArray().length;
- var totalGrpPts = aWeights[0];
- var totalWeight = aWeights[1];
- for ( var i=1,total=0; i < aKey.length; i++ )
- if (aKey[i] != undefined) total += aKey[i]*aWeights[i+1];
- total /= totalWeight;
- total = Math.floor( total * totalGrpPts );
- return total;
-function groupBernoulliEval(doc,qtfield,probno,aKey,aWeights)
- var f = doc.getField("grpobj." + qtfield + "." + probno);
- var nGrpQno = f.getArray().length;
- var totalGrpPts = aWeights[0];
- for ( var i=1,isCorrect=1; i<= nGrpQno; i++ )
- isCorrect *= (aKey[i] != undefined) ? (Number(aKey[i])) : 0;
- return (isCorrect*totalGrpPts);
-%% End of file `aebjs.def'.
+%% This is file `aebjs.def',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% exerquiz.dtx (with options: `copyright,aebjs')
+%% Exerquiz.sty package, %%
+%% Copyright (C) 1999-2018 D. P. Story %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
+ [2018/03/21 v8.2.2 %
+ Exerquiz document level JavaScript (dps)]
+ \ifmakeExSlLocal\protect\endgroup^^J\fi
+\def\aeb@array{new Array}
+ \def\NoPeekAlert{eqAppAlert(#1)}}\def\newNoPeekArgs{}
+\newif\ifSubstVars\SubstVarsfalse % dps17
+\newif\ifShowAppr\ShowApprtrue % dps17
+\def\altApprOn{\ShowApprtrue} % dps17
+\def\altApprOff{\ShowApprfalse} % dps17
+\def\corrLocalChoiceFullyOn{\def\eqCorrLocalChoiceFully{true}} % dpsf07
+\def\corrLocalChoiceFullyOff{\def\eqCorrLocalChoiceFully{false}} % dpsf07
+\def\resetLocalChoiceFully{\let\eqCorrLocalChoiceFully\@empty} % dpsf07
+\resetLocalChoiceFully % no local implementation
+\begin{newsegment}{AeB: AcroTeX eDucation Bundle}
+ Document Level JavaScript
+ AcroTeX eDucation Bundle
+ D. P. Story copyright 2000-\the\year
+var exerquizLoaded = true;
+this.disclosed = true;
+\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Global Data}
+var ok2Continue = true;
+var ProcessIt = true;
+var retn;
+var Score=0;
+var ptScore=0;
+var pcScore=0;
+var quizGrade="C";
+var NQuestions=0;
+var NPointTotal=0;
+var e = Math.E;
+var pi = Math.PI;
+var replaceExclaim = \replaceexclaim;
+var negPointsAllowed = \negpointsallowed;
+var negPointsMarkupAllowed = \negpointsmarkupallowed;
+var aQuizControl = new Object;
+var RightWrong=new Array();
+var ProbValue = new Array();
+var ProbDist = new Array();
+var ProbType = new Array();
+var Responses=new Array();
+var appAlerts = new Object;
+var _mathVars="x";
+var _ModalNotOn=true;
+var GradeScaleDefault=new Array(\eqGradeScale);
+var aDlLibSpecResp=new Array(\dlLibSpecRespJS);
+var JSfBuiltIn = new Array
+ ( "abs","acos","asin","atan","ceil", "floor","cos","exp",
+ "log","max","min","pow","random","round","sin",
+ "sqrt","tan");
+var JSfCustomEarly = new Array ("arctan", "arcsin", "arccos")
+var JSfCustomLate = new Array
+ ( "logc", "ln","sec","csc","cot",
+ "asinh", "acosh","atanh","acoth","asech","acsch",
+ "sinh", "cosh","tanh","coth","sech","csch","sgn",
+ "C","P","fact","pi");
+var JSf = new Array().concat(JSfCustomEarly, JSfBuiltIn, JSfCustomLate);
+var JSfCustom = new Array().concat(JSfCustomEarly, JSfCustomLate);
+var JSc = new Array("PI","E")
+function ln(x) { return Math.log(x); }
+function sec(x) { return 1/Math.cos(x); }
+function csc(x) { return 1/Math.sin(x);}
+function cot(x) { return Math.cos(x)/Math.sin(x); }
+function arctan(x) { return Math.atan(x); }
+function arcsin(x) { return Math.asin(x); }
+function arccos(x) { return Math.acos(x); }
+function logc(x) { return Math.LOG10E * Math.log(x); }
+function C(x,y) {return ch(x,y);}
+function P(x,y) {return perm(x,y);}
+function sinh(x) { return ( Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x) )/2; }
+function cosh(x) { return ( Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x) )/2; }
+function tanh(x) {
+ return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x)); }
+function coth(x) {
+ return ( Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x)); }
+function sech(x) { return 2/( Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x) )/2; }
+function csch(x) { return 2/( Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x) )/2; }
+function asinh(x) { return Math.log (x+Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2)+1)); }
+function acosh(x) {
+ return Math.log (x+Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2)-1)); } // x ge 1
+function atanh(x) { return .5*Math.log ((1+x)/(1-x)); } // -1 < x < 1
+function acoth(x) { return atanh(1/x); } // |x| > 1
+function asech(x) { return acosh(1/x); } // 0 < x le 1
+function asch(x) { return asinh(1/x); } // x ne 0
+function acsch(x) { return asinh(1/x); } // x ne 0
+function sgn(x) { return (x==0?0:(x<0?-1:1)) };
+var aGroup = new Array
+ ( ["\(","\)",\eqParens],
+ ["[","]",\eqBrackets],
+ ["{","}",\eqBraces]
+ );
+\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support for Math Fill-in}
+var _mto;
+function eqAppAlert(args) {
+ _ModalNotOn = false;
+ var retn=app.alert(args);
+ _mto= app.setTimeOut("_ModalNotOn = true", 100);
+ return retn;
+function CkBalP(UserInput,lDelimiter,rDelimiter)
+ var Lcount=0, Rcount=0;
+ for (var k=0; k < UserInput.length; k++)
+ {
+ if (UserInput.charAt(k) == lDelimiter) Lcount++;
+ else if (UserInput.charAt(k) == rDelimiter) Rcount++;
+ }
+ return (Lcount==Rcount);
+function CkBalVert(UserInput)
+ var Lcount=0;
+ for (var k=0; k < UserInput.length; k++)
+ if (UserInput.charAt(k)=="|") Lcount++;
+ return (Lcount \% 2 == 0);
+function Ckfuncs(UserInput)
+ var re, rei, reii;
+ re = /[a-zA-Z]{2,}/g;
+ reii=/r:|i:|,/g
+ var _v=_mathVars.replace(reii,"");
+rei=new RegExp("[^"+_v+"]", "g");
+ aF = UserInput.match(re);
+ if ( aF == null ) return true;
+ for (var i=0; i < aF.length; i++)
+ {
+if ( rei.exec(aF[i]) == null ) continue;
+ for(var j=0; j < JSf.length; j++)
+ if ( aF[i].indexOf(JSf[j]) != -1 ) break;
+ if (j < JSf.length) continue;
+ for(var j=0; j < JSc.length; j++)
+ if ( aF[i].indexOf(JSc[j]) != -1 ) break;
+ if(j==JSc.length)
+ {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqerrBadMathFunc,3);
+ ok2Continue=false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function DisplayAnswer(fieldname,theanswer)
+ ProcessIt = false;
+ var oDefault;
+ if (arguments.length > 2 )
+ var oQName = arguments[2];
+ else var oQName = oDefault;
+ if (typeof oQName=="undefined")
+ var oQName = new Object;
+ var defaultColor=(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ try {
+ this.getField(fieldname).value=(theanswer);
+ } catch(e) {}
+ ProcessIt = true;
+function EvalCorrAnsButton(fieldname,theanswer)
+ theanswer = eval(theanswer);
+ DisplayAnswer(fieldname,theanswer);
+function FindBalP(UserInput,Poff,Forward)
+ var j,depth;
+ if (Forward)
+ {
+ for (depth=-1, j=Poff+1; depth !=0; j++)
+ {
+ if ( j > UserInput.length) return null;
+ if (UserInput.charAt(j)=="\(") depth--;
+ else if (UserInput.charAt(j)=="\)") depth++;
+ }
+ j--
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (depth=-1, j=Poff-1; depth !=0; j--)
+ {
+ if ( j < 1 ) return null;
+ if (UserInput.charAt(j)=="\)") depth--;
+ else if (UserInput.charAt(j)=="\(") depth++;
+ }
+ j++
+ }
+ return j;
+function stripWhiteSpace (UserInput)
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(/\s/g,"");
+ if(UserInput==null || UserInput.length==0)
+ {
+ ok2Continue = false;
+ return false;
+ } else return UserInput;
+function stripOutMuli (UserInput)
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(/\*/g,"");
+ return UserInput;
+function addMathObject(UserInput)
+ for ( var i=0; i < JSfBuiltIn.length; i++) {
+ var re = new RegExp("\\b("+JSfBuiltIn[i]+")\\b","g");
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re,"Math.$1");
+ }
+ re = /\b(PI)\b/g;
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re,"Math.$1");
+ return UserInput;
+function ParseInput(UserInput)
+ var re, repi;
+ re = /\b(a)\b/g;
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "(a)");
+ UserInput = stripWhiteSpace (UserInput);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ for(var i=0; i< aGroup.length; i++)
+ {
+ if(!CkBalP(UserInput, aGroup[i][0], aGroup[i][1]))
+ {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqerrDelimNotBal,3);
+ ok2Continue = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ UserInput = ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserInput);
+ if ( replaceExclaim &&(typeof fact == "function") )
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(%
+ if (!CkBalVert(UserInput))
+ {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqerrABS,3);
+ ok2Continue = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ UserInput=groupJSf(UserInput);
+ re=/(\w)(e)(\^)/g;
+ repi=/(\w)(pi)/g;
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(re, "$1*$2$3");
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(repi, "$1*$2");
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(/(sec)/g, "s@e@c");
+ re=/(\w)(e)([^\^])?/g;
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"$1($2\^1)$3");
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(/(s@e@c)/g, "sec");
+ re=/E(\d)/g;
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"E+$1");
+ re=/(\d)\*E/g;
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"$1E");
+ if(!Ckfuncs(UserInput)) return false;
+ if (typeof(Ck4Exponents) != "undefined")
+ UserInput = Ck4Exponents(UserInput);
+ if (typeof(Ck4Products) != "undefined" )
+ UserInput = Ck4Products(UserInput);
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ re = /\b(log)\b/g;
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "logc");
+ while (/\|/.test(UserInput)&&(ok2Continue))
+ {
+ re = /(\|)([^\|]*)(\|)([-\+\/\*\^\)\|])/;
+ if (re.test(UserInput))
+ if (re.exec(UserInput)[4] == '^')
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "(abs($2))$4");
+ else
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "abs($2)$4");
+ else
+ {
+ re = /(\|)([^\|]*)(\|$)/;
+ if (re.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(re, "abs($2)");
+ }
+ }
+ re=/\b(pi)\b/g;
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"($1)")
+ var reTstExp = /(\))?\^(\()?/g;
+ while ( ((aResults=reTstExp.exec(UserInput))!=null)&&(ok2Continue) )
+ {
+ var firstGroup = Number(Boolean(aResults[1])); // 0 or 1
+ var secondGroup = 2*Number(Boolean(aResults[2])); // 0 or 2
+ var caseStudy = firstGroup+secondGroup; // 0,1,2,3
+ switch(caseStudy) {
+ case 0:
+ re=/([a-zA-Z]|\d*\.?\d*)\^([a-zA-Z]|[\+-]?\d+\.?\d*|%
+ if (re.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput=Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re);
+ else ok2Continue=false;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ aP =/\)\^/.exec(UserInput);
+ LeftP=FindBalP(UserInput,aP.index,0);
+ re = new RegExp("\\((.{"+eval(aP.index-LeftP-1)
+ +"})\\)\\^([a-zA-Z]|[\+-]?\\d+\\.?\\d*|%
+ if (re.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput=Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re);
+ else ok2Continue=false;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ aP = /\^\(/.exec(UserInput);
+ RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,aP.index+1,1);
+ re = new RegExp("([a-zA-Z]|\\d*\\.?\\d*)\\^\\((.{"
+ +eval(RightP-aP.index-2)+"})\\)");
+ if (re.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput=Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re);
+ else ok2Continue=false;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ aP = /\)\^\(/.exec(UserInput);
+ LeftP=FindBalP(UserInput,aP.index,0);
+ RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,aP.index+2,1);
+ re = new RegExp("\\((.{"+eval(aP.index-LeftP-1)
+ +"})\\)\\^\\((.{"+eval(RightP-aP.index-3)+"})\\)");
+ if (re.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput=Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re);
+ else ok2Continue=false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ok2Continue=false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ok2Continue)
+ {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqerrBadExp,3);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ UserInput=addMathObject(UserInput);
+ return UserInput;
+ }
+function ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserInput)
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(/\[|\{/g, "\(");
+ UserInput = UserInput.replace(/\]|\}/g, "\)");
+ return UserInput;
+function Ck4OddRoots(UserInput,re) {
+ var a=re.exec(UserInput);
+ while ( a[2].charAt(0)=="\(") {
+ var RightP=FindBalP(a[2],0,1); // forward search
+ if (RightP == a[2].length-1)
+ a[2]=a[2].substring(1,a[2].length-1);
+ else break;
+ }
+ var b=a[2].split("/");
+ if ( b.length==2 ) {
+ try { _m=eval(b[1])
+ if ( _m == undefined || isNaN(_m) ) throw new Error();
+ var d = b[1];
+ var isEnclosed=(d.charAt(0) == "\(" && d.charAt(d.length-1)=="\)");
+ if (!isEnclosed)
+ if (/.+[\+\-].+/.test(d)) throw new Error();
+ if (isEnclosed) d = s.substring(1,d.length-1);
+ var n = b[0];
+ isEnclosed=(n.charAt(0) == "\(" && n.charAt(d.length-1)=="\)");
+ if (!isEnclosed)
+ if (/.+[\+\-].+/.test(n)) throw new Error();
+ if ( d == parseInt(d) && ( Boolean(d \% 2) ) ) {
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,
+ "(pow(sgn($1),"+n+")*(pow(abs($1),$2)))");
+ return UserInput;
+ }
+ } catch(e) {}
+ }
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(re,"(pow($1,$2))");
+ return UserInput;
+function groupJSf(UserInput)
+ var re, regexp, aP, RightP;
+ for (var i=0; (i<JSf.length) && (ok2Continue); i++)
+ {
+ re = new RegExp(JSf[i]+"\\\(");
+ while ( re.test(UserInput) && (ok2Continue) )
+ {
+ regexp = new RegExp(JSf[i]+"\\\(", "g");
+ if ( (aP = regexp.exec(UserInput)) != null )
+ {
+ RightP=FindBalP(UserInput,regexp.lastIndex-1,1);
+ offsetArg = RightP - regexp.lastIndex;
+ regexp = new RegExp(%
+ regexp.lastIndex=0;
+ if (regexp.test(UserInput))
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(regexp,"($1@($2))");
+ else ok2Continue=false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UserInput=UserInput.replace(/@/g,"");
+ return UserInput;
+function TypeParameters(v)
+ var aV;
+ aV = ( (v.indexOf(":") == -1) && (v.indexOf(",") == -1) ) ?
+ v.split("") : v.split(",");
+ for ( var i=0; i < aV.length; i++)
+ if ( aV[i].indexOf(":") == -1 ) aV[i] = "r:"+aV[i];
+ return aV.join(",")
+function ProcResp(flag,CorrAns,n,epsilon,domain,indepVars,oComp)
+ if (!ProcessIt) return null;
+ var fieldname =;
+ var bSubstVars=(arguments.length>7); // dps17
+ var UserAns=(arguments.length>7)?arguments[7]:event.value;
+ var success = _ProcResp(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,%
+ if ( success == -1 || !ok2Continue )
+ { resetHeadsUp(flag,fieldname); return null; } // dps17
+ if ( success == null )
+ { resetHeadsUp(flag,fieldname);
+ return syntaxError(), null; } // dps17
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+// changed name of var comp -> oComp
+function _ProcResp(flag,CorrAns,UserAns,n,epsilon,domain,%
+ ok2Continue = true;
+ CorrAns = ParseInput(CorrAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) {
+ eqAppAlert("Syntax error in author's answer! Check console.",3);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var comp = ( typeof oComp == "object" ) ?
+ ((typeof oComp.comp == "undefined" ) ?
+ diffCompare : oComp.comp ) : oComp;
+ if ( (typeof(oComp)=="object") %
+&& (typeof(oComp.priorParse)!="undefined") ) {
+ var retn=processSpecialParse(oComp.priorParse,UserAns);
+ if (retn==null) return -1;
+ }
+ var reCP=/((C|P)\(.+?)(,)(.+?\))/g
+ UserAns=UserAns.replace(reCP,"$1@c@$4");
+ var reComma=/,/;
+ if ( reComma.test(UserAns) ) {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorComma,3);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ var reRlCommaSubst=/@c@/g;
+ UserAns=UserAns.replace(reRlCommaSubst,",");
+ UserAns = ParseInput(UserAns);
+ indepVars = TypeParameters(indepVars);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ var success=randomPointCompare(n,domain,indepVars,%
+ if ( success && (typeof(oComp)=="object") %
+&& (typeof(oComp.postParse)!="undefined") )
+ success=processSpecialParse(oComp.postParse,UserAns);
+ return success;
+function processSpecialParse(oParse,UserAns) {
+ var retn, f, _o
+ if ( typeof(oParse) == "object" ) {
+ for ( var i=0; i < oParse.length; i++) {
+ _o=oParse[i];
+ if (typeof(_o)=="function") {
+ retn=_o(UserAns);
+ if (retn==null) return retn;
+ } else {
+ retn=_o[0].apply(null, [ UserAns ].concat(_o.slice(1)));
+ if (retn==null) return null;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ retn = oParse(UserAns);
+ }
+ return retn;
+function randomPointCompare (n,domain,indepVars,epsilon,%
+ var error, i, j, k;
+ var aXY = new Array();
+ domain = domain.replace(/[\[\]\s]/g, "");
+ var aIntervals = domain.split("&");
+ for (k=0; k < aIntervals.length; k++)
+ {
+ var aInterval = aIntervals[k].split("x");
+ nI = aInterval.length;
+ with (Math) {
+ for (j=0; j < n; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i < nI; i++)
+ {
+ var endpoints = aInterval[i].split(",");
+ aXY[i] = eval(endpoints[0])-0+(eval(endpoints[1])%
+ }
+ var cXY = aXY.toString();
+ error = comp(domain,cXY,indepVars,CorrAns,userAns);
+ if (error == null) return null;
+ if ( (error == -1) || (error > epsilon) ) {j=-1; break;}
+ }
+ }
+ if (j!=n) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function diffCompare(_a,_c,_v,_F,_G) {
+ var aXY = _c.split(",");
+ var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
+ var _n = aXY.length;
+ for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++)
+ {
+ if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
+ eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+aXY[_i]+";");
+ else // assume type "i"
+ eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+Math.ceil(aXY[_i])+";");
+ }
+ _F = eval(_F);
+ if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
+ {
+ var rtnCode = 0;
+ eval("try {if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1; }"
+ +"catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
+ switch(rtnCode)
+ {
+ case 0: break;
+ case 1: return null;
+ case -1: return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) return -1;
+ return Math.abs ( _F - _G );
+function reldiffCompare(_a,_c,_v,_F,_G) {
+ var aXY = _c.split(",");
+ var _V = _v.split(","); // e.g. _V[0] = "i:x"
+ var _n = aXY.length
+ for (var _i=0; _i < _n; _i++)
+ {
+ if (_V[_i].charAt(0) == "r" )
+ eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+aXY[_i]+";");
+ else // assume type "i"
+ eval ("var "+_V[_i].charAt(2)+"="+Math.ceil(aXY[_i])+";");
+ }
+ _F = eval(_F);
+ if ( app.viewerVersion >= 5)
+ {
+ var rtnCode = 0;
+ eval("try { if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) rtnCode=-1; }"
+ +"catch (e) { rtnCode=1; }");
+ switch(rtnCode)
+ {
+ case 0: break;
+ case 1: return null;
+ case -1: return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(isNaN(_G = eval(_G))) return -1;
+ return Math.abs ( (_F - _G)/_G );
+function requireForm(UserAns, regexpr) {
+ var msg=\defaultReqFormMsg;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ UserAns = ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
+ if (arguments.length>2) msg=arguments[2];
+ if (typeof(regexpr.length)=="undefined") {
+ if (regexpr.test(UserAns)) return true;
+ else { eqAppAlert(msg,3); return null; }
+ } else {
+ for (var i=0; i<regexpr.length; i++)
+ if (regexpr[i].test(UserAns)) break;
+ if ( i < regexpr.length ) return true;
+ else { eqAppAlert(msg,3); return null; }
+ }
+function denyForm(UserAns, regexpr) {
+ var msg=\defaultReqFormMsg;
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ UserAns = ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
+ if (arguments.length>2) msg=arguments[2];
+ if (typeof(regexpr.length)=="undefined") {
+ if (regexpr.test(UserAns)) { eqAppAlert(msg,3); return null; }
+ else return true;
+ } else {
+ for (var i=0; i<regexpr.length; i++)
+ if (regexpr[i].test(UserAns)) break;
+ if ( i < regexpr.length ) { eqAppAlert(msg,3); return null; }
+ else return true;
+ }
+function requireFormNot(UserAns, regexpr) {
+ UserAns = stripWhiteSpace (UserAns);
+ if (!ok2Continue) return null;
+ UserAns = stripOutMuli(UserAns);
+ UserAns = ChngAllGrpsToParens(UserAns);
+ if (typeof(regexpr.length)=="undefined") {
+ if (regexpr.test(UserAns)) return false;
+ else return true;
+ } else {
+ for (var i=0; i<regexpr.length; i++)
+ if (regexpr[i].test(UserAns)) break;
+ if ( i < regexpr.length ) return false;
+ else return true;
+ }
+\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support for multi-letter variables}
+if (!String.prototype.trim) {
+ String.prototype.trim = function () {
+ return this.replace(/^[\s\string\uFEFF\string\xA0]+|%
+[\s\string\uFEFF\string\xA0]+$/g, '');
+ };
+function _rplVarsBy(str1,str2) {
+ var re=new RegExp(str1,"g");
+ var result=str1.replace(re,str2);
+ return result;
+function processMathVars(str) {
+ var pos1,pos2,lead,tmp;
+ while ((pos1=str.indexOf("_rplVarsBy"))!=-1) {
+ pos2=str.indexOf("@");
+ lead=str.substring(0,pos1);
+ tmp=str.substring(pos1,pos2);
+ str=str.substring(pos2+1);
+ tmp=eval(tmp);
+ str=lead+tmp+str;
+ }
+ str=str.replace(/\s/g,"");
+ return str;
+getSubstValue.aSubsts=new Array(); // dps17
+function getSubstValue(v,s){
+ v=variable list, it may have the form "xyz", or if there
+ substitutions, it might look like "_rplVarsBy('theta','x')@";
+ s=Either the user's answer or the author's answer.
+ First develop an array of all variables are their substitutes.
+ ie, getSubstValue.aSubsts=[ "c","h", ["theta",x"], ["alpha",y],...];
+ var pos1,pos2,tmp,args,re,arg1,arg2;
+ change new style to old
+ New style: v="c,_rplVarsBy('theta->\u03B8','r:x')@,%
+ Old style: v="c_rplVarsBy('theta->\u03B8','x')@%
+ re=/([^'])(,)/g;
+ v=v.replace(re,'$1');
+ re=/([ri]\string\:)+(\string\w)/g;
+ v=v.replace(re,'$2');
+ getSubstValue.aSubsts=[]; // dps17
+ var start=0;
+ while (true) {
+ v=v.substring(start);
+ pos1=v.indexOf("_rplVarsBy");
+ if (pos1==-1) break;
+ pos2=v.indexOf("@");
+ args=v.substring(pos1+10+1,pos2-1);
+ tmp=args.split(",");
+ arg1=eval(tmp[0].toString());
+ tmp1=arg1.split("->");
+ for (var i=0; i<tmp1.length; i++)
+ tmp1[i]=tmp1[i].trim();
+ if (tmp1.length==1) getSubstValue.aSubsts.push(tmp1[0]);
+ else getSubstValue.aSubsts.push(tmp1);
+ arg2=eval(tmp[1].toString());
+ re=new RegExp(tmp1[0],"g");
+ s=s.replace(re,arg2);
+ start=pos2+1;
+ }
+ return s;
+function RespBoxAppr(e){
+ var value=(typeof e=="object")?e.value:e;
+ var re;
+ for (var i=0; i<getSubstValue.aSubsts.length; i++) {
+ if (typeof getSubstValue.aSubsts[i]=="object") {
+ re=new RegExp(getSubstValue.aSubsts[i][0],"g");
+ value=(value.replace(re,getSubstValue.aSubsts[i][1],"g"));
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support Text Fill-in}
+function ProcRespTxt() {
+ var i, success, authorAnswer, userAnswer = event.value;
+ var;
+ var flag = arguments[0];
+ var filterMethod = arguments[1];
+ var compareMethod = arguments[2];
+ if ( !ProcessIt || userAnswer == "" ) return null;
+ for (i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++)
+ if ( success = compareTxt(userAnswer,arguments[i],%
+filterMethod, compareMethod)) break;
+ return notifyField(success, flag, fieldname);
+function ProcRespTxtPC() {
+ var i, success, authorAnswer, userAnswer = event.value;
+ ProcRespTxtPC.txtPCpCr=0;
+ var;
+ var flag = arguments[0];
+ var filterMethod = arguments[1];
+ var compareMethod = arguments[2];
+ if ( !ProcessIt || userAnswer == "" ) return null;
+ for (i=3;i<arguments.length;i++)
+ if(compareTxt(userAnswer,arguments[i][0],%
+ ProcRespTxtPC.txtPCpCr+=(arguments[i][1]);
+ success=(ProcRespTxtPC.txtPCpCr>0);
+ return notifyField(success,flag,fieldname);
+function compareTxt(userAnswer,authorAnswer,filterMethod,compareMethod)
+ var caseSensitive = ( compareMethod==3 ) ? "" : "i";
+ var reSwitches = "g"+caseSensitive;
+ userAnswer = new String(userAnswer).filter(filterMethod);
+ switch(compareMethod) {
+ case 1:
+ var AuthorAnswer;
+ var aAuthorAnswer = authorAnswer.split(/\s+/);
+ for (var j=0; j < aAuthorAnswer.length; j++) {
+ AuthorAnswer = new String(%
+ AuthorAnswer = AuthorAnswer.replace(/\./g,"\\.");
+ AuthorAnswer = AuthorAnswer.replace(/@any@/g,".");
+ var re = new RegExp(AuthorAnswer, reSwitches);
+ if (!re.test(userAnswer)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ default:
+ authorAnswer=new String(authorAnswer).filter(filterMethod);
+ return (userAnswer == authorAnswer) ? true : false;
+ }
+String.prototype.filter = eqFilter;
+function eqFilter(filterMethod) {
+ switch (filterMethod) {
+ case 0:
+ var re = /\W/g;
+ return this.replace(re,"").toLowerCase();
+ case 1:
+ var re = /\s/g;
+ return this.replace(re,"").toLowerCase();
+ case 2:
+ var re = /\s/g;
+ return this.replace(re,"");
+ case 3:
+ default:
+ return this.toString();
+ }
+\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Quiz Management}
+function InitMsg(msg) { return (\eqInitQuizMsg) }
+function syntaxError() { eqAppAlert(\eqSyntaxErrorUndefVar,3); }
+var lstOfQuizzes=new Object();
+var reExtractBaseName=/^.+?\.(.+?)\..+$/;
+function ProcUserResp(key,userresp,probno,notify)
+ if (key==null) {
+ ProcUserNoResp.apply(null,arguments);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( arguments.length > 4 ) {
+ if ( typeof RightWrong[probno] == "undefined" ) {
+ RightWrong[probno] = new Array();
+ RightWrong[probno][0] = "grp";
+ Responses[probno] = new Array();
+ }
+ RightWrong[probno][arguments[4]] = (!!key) ? 1 : 0;
+ Responses[probno][arguments[4]] = userresp;
+ } else {
+ if ( typeof key == "object" ) {
+ RightWrong[probno][0] = key[0];
+ RightWrong[probno][1] = key[1];
+Responses[probno] = userresp;
+if (Responses[probno].length==0)
+ Responses[probno]=undefined;
+ } else {
+ RightWrong[probno] = (!!key)?1:0;
+Responses[probno] = userresp;
+ }
+ if ( (typeof fieldPopTbl == "function")&&(event.type != "Link") ) {
+ var a=reExtractBaseName.exec(;
+ fieldPopTbl(a[1]);
+ }
+function ProcUserNoResp(key,userresp,probno,notify)
+ if ( arguments.length > 4 ) {
+ RightWrong[probno][arguments[4]] = undefined;
+ Responses[probno][arguments[4]] = undefined;
+var bVoidArray=true;
+for (var i=0; i<Responses[probno].length; i++) {
+if ( typeof Responses[probno][i] != "undefined") {
+if (bVoidArray) {
+ ProbValue[probno]=undefined;
+ } else {
+ RightWrong[probno] = undefined;
+ Responses[probno] = undefined;
+ }
+ if ( typeof fieldPopTbl == "function" ) {
+ var a=reExtractBaseName.exec(;
+ fieldPopTbl(a[1]);
+ }
+function InitializeQuiz(qtfield,mark) {
+ var oQName=eval(qtfield);
+ Score=0;
+ retn = null;
+ if (!isQuizInitialized(qtfield)&&!isAQuizUnfinished()) return null;
+ neutralizeQuizzes();
+ ProcessIt = false;
+ aQuizControl[qtfield] = 1;
+ this.resetForm(["ScoreField." + qtfield,"mc."+qtfield,
+ "obj."+qtfield,"mck."+qtfield,"Ans."+qtfield,
+ "PointsField."+qtfield,"PercentField."+qtfield,
+ "essay."+qtfield,"GradeField."+qtfield,
+ "grpobj."+qtfield,"qMark."+qtfield, qtfield+"SanityCheck",
+ qtfield+"SanityCheckPts",qtfield+"SanityCheckOOPts",
+ "rbmarkup."+qtfield]);
+ ProcessIt = true;
+ var f = this.getField("qMark."+qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.display = display.hidden;
+ f = this.getField("promptButton."+qtfield);
+ if (f != null) f.display=display.visible;
+ if (arguments.length<3) {
+ f = this.getField("obj." + qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.readonly = false;
+ }
+ RightWrong=new Array();
+ Responses=new Array();
+ ProbValue=new Array();
+ ProbDist=new Array();
+ ProbType=new Array();
+ if (mark==1)
+ {
+ var defaultColor=(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var rightColor=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var corrAnsSymb=(typeof oQName.CorrAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var f = this.getField("mcq." + qtfield);
+ if (f != null) {
+ f.delay=true;
+ f.display=display.hidden;
+ this.resetForm([]);
+ f.textColor = rightColor;
+ var a = f.getArray();
+ for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i].style=corrAnsSymb;
+ f.delay=false;
+ }
+ f = this.getField("obj." + qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.strokeColor = defaultColor;
+ f = this.getField("grpobj." + qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.strokeColor = defaultColor;
+ f = this.getField("corr." + qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.display = display.hidden;
+ f = this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheck");
+ if ( f != null ) f.strokeColor=defaultColor;
+ f = this.getField("rbmarkup."+qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.display = display.hidden;
+ }
+ return null;
+function resetHeadsUp(flag,fieldname) {
+ if (flag==1) return;
+ var pos1=fieldname.indexOf(".");
+ var pos2=fieldname.indexOf(".",pos1+1);
+ var baseName=fieldname.substring(pos1+1,pos2);
+ var oQName=eval(baseName);
+ var defaultColor=(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var f=this.getField(fieldname);
+ if (f!=null) f.strokeColor=defaultColor;
+function neutralizeQuizzes()
+ for ( var qtfield in aQuizControl ) aQuizControl[qtfield] = 0;
+function isAQuizUnfinished()
+ if (!isAQuizUnfinished.check) return true;
+ for ( var qtfield in aQuizControl )
+ if ( aQuizControl[qtfield] == 1 )
+ {
+ eqAppAlert(\eqerrUnfinishQuiz, 3);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function isQuizInitialized(qtfield)
+ if (typeof (aQuizControl[qtfield]) == "undefined")
+ return false;
+ else
+ return (aQuizControl[qtfield] == 1);
+function isEndQuizPushed(qtfield)
+ if (typeof (aQuizControl[qtfield]) == "undefined")
+ return false;
+ else
+ return (aQuizControl[qtfield] == -1);
+function resetQuiz(qtfield)
+ aQuizControl[qtfield] = -1;
+function RecordPointValue(ptvalue,probno)
+ if (arguments.length > 2) {
+ if ( typeof ProbValue[probno] == "undefined" ) {
+ ProbValue[probno]=[1,arguments[5],arguments[3],arguments[4]];
+ ProbValue[probno][3+arguments[2]] = ptvalue;
+ } else ProbValue[probno][3+arguments[2]] = ptvalue;
+ }
+ else {
+ ProbValue[probno]=ptvalue;
+ }
+function RecordProblemType(qType,probno)
+ ProbType[probno]=qType;
+function GrpRight( a, nProb, qtfield )
+ var f = this.getField("grpobj."+qtfield+"."+nProb);
+ var l = f.getArray().length
+ var prod = 1;
+ for ( var i=1; i <= l; i++) prod *= !!a[i];
+ return prod;
+function DisplayQuizResults(qtfield,nPointTotal,nQuestions)
+ Score = 0; ptScore = 0;
+ NPointTotal=nPointTotal; NQuestions=nQuestions;
+ for (var i=1; i < RightWrong.length; i++)
+ {
+ if ( (typeof RightWrong[i] == "object" ) %
+ && ( RightWrong[i][0] == "grp" ) ) {
+ // grouped question
+ Score += GrpRight(RightWrong[i], i, qtfield);
+ var aWeights = ProbValue[i].slice(2);
+ var evalGrpJS = eval(ProbValue[i][1]);
+ var evalGrpJSValue = evalGrpJS(this,qtfield,i,
+ RightWrong[i],aWeights);
+ ProbDist[i] = evalGrpJSValue;
+ ptScore = ptScore + evalGrpJSValue;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof RightWrong[i] == "object") {
+ if ( RightWrong[i][0] == 1 ) {
+ Score++;
+ ProbDist[i]=(typeof ProbValue[i] == "object") ?
+ 1*ProbValue[i][1] : 1*ProbValue[i];
+ ptScore += (1*ProbDist[i]);
+ } else {
+ if (RightWrong[i][1] == 1)
+ ProbDist[i]=(typeof ProbValue[i]=="object") ?
+ 1*ProbValue[i][1] : 1*ProbValue[i];
+ else
+ ProbDist[i]=(typeof ProbValue[i] == "object") ?
+ 1*ProbValue[i][1] : 0;
+ ptScore += (1*ProbDist[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (RightWrong[i]==1) {
+ Score++;
+ ProbDist[i] = ( typeof ProbValue[i] == "object") ?
+ 1*ProbValue[i][1] : 1*ProbValue[i];
+ ptScore += (1*ProbDist[i]);
+ }
+ else {
+ ProbDist[i] = ( typeof ProbValue[i] == "object") ?
+ 1*ProbValue[i][2] : 0;
+ ptScore += (1*ProbDist[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !negPointsAllowed && (ptScore < 0) ) ptScore = 0;
+ if (ptScore == nPointTotal) pcScore = 100;
+ else pcScore = util.printf("\%.1f", (100 * ptScore) / nPointTotal);
+ var oQName=eval(qtfield);
+ var gradeScale=%
+(typeof oQName.GradeScaleLoc=="undefined")%
+ quizGrade = GetGrade.apply(null,gradeScale);
+ var f = this.getField("ScoreField."+qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.value=(\eqQuizTotalMsg);
+ f = this.getField("PointsField."+qtfield);
+ if ( f != null) f.value=(\eqQuizPointsMsg);
+ f = this.getField("PercentField."+qtfield);
+ if ( f != null) f.value=(\eqQuizPercentMsg);
+ f = this.getField("GradeField."+qtfield);
+ if ( f != null) f.value=(\eqQuizGradeMsg);
+function GetGrade()
+ var cGrade, aRange;
+ var l = arguments.length/2;
+ if (pcScore >=100) return arguments[0];
+ if (pcScore < 0 ) return arguments[arguments.length-2];
+ for (var i=0; i < l; i++)
+ {
+ cGrade = arguments[2*i];
+ aRange = arguments[2*i+1];
+ if ( (pcScore >= arguments[2*i+1][0])
+ && (pcScore < arguments[2*i+1][1])) return cGrade;
+ }
+ return null;
+function ProcessQuestion (key,letterresp,probno,
+ quizno,qtfield,notify,mark,msg) {
+ var silent = ( arguments.length > 8 ) ? true : false;
+ if (!isQuizInitialized(qtfield))
+ {
+ if (!silent) eqAppAlert(InitMsg(msg),3);
+ this.resetForm(["mc."+qtfield+"."+probno,
+ "mck."+qtfield+"."+probno]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ProcUserResp(key,letterresp,probno,notify);
+ if (mark==1)
+ {
+ var oQName=eval(qtfield);
+ var defaultColor=%
+(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var rightColor=%
+(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc== "undefined")%
+ var wrongColor=%
+(typeof oQName.WrongColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var rightAnsSymb=%
+(typeof oQName.RightAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var wrongAnsSymb=%
+(typeof oQName.WrongAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var corrAnsSymb=%
+(typeof oQName.CorrAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var f = this.getField("mcq."+qtfield+"."+probno);
+ var fck = this.getField("mck."+qtfield+"."+probno);
+ var bMultiSelect = ( fck != null ) ? true : false;
+ f.delay=true;
+ this.resetForm([]);
+ var a = f.getArray();
+ var l = a.length;
+ if ( bMultiSelect ) {
+ var ack = fck.getArray();
+ for ( var i=0; i<l; i++) {
+ if ( ack[i].isBoxChecked(0) ) {
+ a[i].style = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
+ rightAnsSymb : wrongAnsSymb;
+ a[i].textColor = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
+ rightColor : wrongColor;
+ a[i].value = "Yes";
+ } else {
+ a[i].style = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
+ corrAnsSymb : wrongAnsSymb;
+ a[i].textColor = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
+ rightColor : wrongColor;
+ a[i].value = ( a[i].isDefaultChecked(0) ) ?
+ "Yes" : "Off";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++)
+ if (a[i].style == rightAnsSymb)
+ {
+ a[i].style = corrAnsSymb;
+ a[i].textColor = rightColor;
+ }
+ var qr=this.getField(%
+ qr.textColor = key ? rightColor :wrongColor;
+ = key ? rightAnsSymb : wrongAnsSymb;
+ qr.value="Yes"; // gr.checkThisBox(0); // ver 5.0
+ }
+ this.getField("mcq."+qtfield+"."+probno).delay=false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( typeof fieldPopTbl == "function" ) fieldPopTbl(qtfield);
+function correctQuiz(qtfield,nQuestions)
+ var oQName=eval(qtfield);
+ var defaultColor=(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var rightColor=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var wrongColor=(typeof oQName.WrongColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var rightAnsSymb=(typeof oQName.RightAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var wrongAnsSymb=(typeof oQName.WrongAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var bFullyCorrect=(typeof oQName.fullyCorrectLoc=="undefined")%
+?\eqCorrChoiceFully:oQName.fullyCorrectLoc; // dpsf07
+ var f = this.getField("mcq." + qtfield);
+ if ( f != null) {
+ if (bFullyCorrect) { // dpsf07
+ f.display = display.visible;
+ } else {
+ for (var n=1; n<=nQuestions; n++) {
+ var h=this.getField("mc."+qtfield+"."+n);
+ var bOk=(h!=null);
+ if(bOk) var choiceType="mc";
+ else {
+ h=this.getField("mck."+qtfield+"."+n);
+ bOk=(h!=null);
+ var choiceType="mck";
+ }
+ if (bOk) {
+ var mcq=this.getField("mcq."+qtfield+"."+n);
+ var g=mcq.getArray();
+ if (choiceType=="mc") {
+ for (var j=0; j< g.length; j++) {
+ g[j].display=(h.isBoxChecked(j))?%
+ }
+ } else {
+ var ck=h.getArray();
+ for (var j=0; j< g.length; j++) {
+ g[j].display=(ck[j].isBoxChecked(0))?%
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f = this.getField("obj." + qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) {
+ var a = f.getArray();
+ var re=/^obj\./;
+ for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ var probno = a[i].name.replace(/.*\./g,"");
+ var rbmuname = a[i].name.replace(re,"rbmarkup\.");
+ var oRBMarkup = this.getField(rbmuname);
+ var bRBMU = ( oRBMarkup != null );
+ if ( RightWrong[probno] == 1 ) {
+ a[i].strokeColor = rightColor;
+ if (bRBMU) {
+ oRBMarkup.textColor=rightColor;
+ }
+ } else {
+ a[i].strokeColor = wrongColor;
+ if (bRBMU) {
+ oRBMarkup.textColor=wrongColor;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f = this.getField("grpobj." + qtfield);
+ var re=/^grpobj\./;
+ if ( f != null ) {
+ var a = f.getArray();
+ for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ var rbmuname = a[i].name.replace(re,"rbmarkup\.");
+ var oRBMarkup = this.getField(rbmuname);
+ var bRBMU = ( oRBMarkup != null );
+ var aX = a[i].name.split(".");
+ var probno = 1*aX[aX.length-2];
+ var grpProbno = 1*aX[aX.length-1];
+ if ( ( RightWrong[probno] != undefined ) %
+&& ( RightWrong[probno][grpProbno] == 1 ) ) {
+ a[i].strokeColor = rightColor;
+ if (bRBMU) {
+ oRBMarkup.textColor=rightColor;
+ }
+ } else {
+ a[i].strokeColor = wrongColor;
+ if (bRBMU) {
+ oRBMarkup.textColor=wrongColor;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f=this.getField("rbmarkup."+qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.display = display.visible;
+ % if ( f != null ) f.strokeColor = defaultColor;
+ f = this.getField("promptButton." + qtfield)
+ if ( f != null ) f.display = display.hidden;
+ f = this.getField("corr." + qtfield);
+ if ( f != null ) f.display = display.noPrint;
+ f = this.getField("qMark."+qtfield);
+ if ( f != null )
+ {
+ for ( var i = 1; i <= nQuestions; i++)
+ {
+ if ( ProbValue[i] == undefined ) ProbValue[i]=0
+ f = this.getField("qMark."+qtfield+"."+(i-1));
+ if ( f != null )
+ {
+ // find the next non-null field
+ for ( var j=i; j <= nQuestions; j++)
+ {
+ var h = this.getField("qMark."+qtfield+"."+j);
+ if ( h != null ) break;
+ }
+ var g = f.getArray();
+ var qpts=(ProbDist[i]==undefined) ? 0 : ProbDist[i];
+ if ( !negPointsMarkupAllowed && (qpts < 0) ) qpts=0;
+ g[0].value = qpts + (( qpts == 1 ) ? " \eqptLabel\space"
+ : " \eqptsLabel");
+ }
+ }
+ this.getField("qMark."+qtfield).display = display.visible;
+ }
+function getTotalTally(basename) {
+ var sqtotal=0;
+ var f=this.getField("tally."+basename);
+ var g = f.getArray();
+ for (var i=0; i<g.length; i++) {
+ if ( g[i] == ) sqtotal += (1*event.value);
+ else sqtotal += (1*g[i].value);
+ }
+ if ( ( f=this.getField("tallytotal."+basename) ) != null )
+ f.value = sqtotal;
+function clearAllSubQuizzes() {
+ isAQuizUnfinished.check=false;
+ for ( var o in lstOfQuizzes) {
+ if (lstOfQuizzes[o].isSubmitted)
+ eval ( lstOfQuizzes[o].initializeWith );
+ }
+ isAQuizUnfinished.check=true;
+\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support for Multi-Selection}
+function ProcessMultiSelection(key,letterresp,probno,%
+quizno,qtfield,pts,ppts) {
+ var f = this.getField("mck."+qtfield+"."+probno);
+ if ( typeof ProbValue[probno] == "undefined" ) {
+ var g = f.getArray();
+ var nTotalCorrect = 0;
+ for ( var i=0; i<g.length; i++ )
+ nTotalCorrect += (1*g[i].exportValues[0].charAt(0));
+ ProbValue[probno] = new Array();
+ RightWrong[probno] = new Array();
+ ProbValue[probno] = [nTotalCorrect,pts,[]];
+ RightWrong[probno][2] = new Array();
+ } else var nTotalCorrect = ProbValue[probno][0];
+ var fck = this.getField("mck."+qtfield+"."+probno+"."+quizno);
+ if ( fck.isBoxChecked(0) ) {
+ ProbValue[probno][2][quizno] = ppts;
+ RightWrong[probno][2][quizno] = key;
+ } else {
+ ProbValue[probno][2][quizno] = undefined;
+ }
+ var pointsThisProblem=0;
+ var scoreThisProblem = 0;
+ var letterResponses = new Array();
+ var areAllCorrect=1;
+ var numCorrect=0;
+ for ( var i=1; i< ProbValue[probno][2].length; i++ ) {
+ if ( typeof ProbValue[probno][2][i] != "undefined" )
+ letterResponses[i] = (String.fromCharCode(96+i));
+ pointsThisProblem += ( ( typeof ProbValue[probno][2][i]==%
+"undefined" )?0:ProbValue[probno][2][i]);
+ if ( typeof ProbValue[probno][2][i]!="undefined" ) {
+ areAllCorrect *= (1*RightWrong[probno][2][i]);
+ numCorrect +=(1*RightWrong[probno][2][i]);
+ }
+ }
+ scoreThisProblem = areAllCorrect*numCorrect;
+ var scoreThisProblem = Number( scoreThisProblem == nTotalCorrect );
+ if (scoreThisProblem==1 && pointsThisProblem==0 )
+ pointsThisProblem=pts;
+ ProbValue[probno][1] =
+ ( (ProbValue[probno][1] == 0) && (scoreThisProblem == 1) )
+ ? pts : pointsThisProblem;
+ var passKey = ( pointsThisProblem > 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
+ var retn = [ [ scoreThisProblem, passKey ], letterResponses ] ;
+ return retn;
+function LimitSelection(n,fname,k) {
+ var f = this.getField(fname);
+ var g = f.getArray();
+ var total=0;
+ for (var i=0; i<g.length; i++) {
+ total+=( g[i].isBoxChecked(0) );
+ }
+ if (total > n) {
+ eqAppAlert(\limSelWarningMsg,3);
+ f=this.getField(fname+"."+k);
+ f.checkThisBox(0,false);
+ return false
+ } else return true;
+\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Miscellaneous JS}
+function chooseJSColor( b, c1, c2 ) {
+ return ( b ) ? c1 : c2;
+function notifyField(success, flag, fieldname) {
+ if ( flag != 0 )
+ return (success)?true:false;
+ var f = this.getField(fieldname);
+ var re=/^(obj|grpobj)\./;
+ var gname=fieldname.replace(re,"rbmarkup\.");
+ var g =this.getField(gname);
+ var isthereRBUP = ( g !=null );
+ var h = fieldname.replace(re,"");
+ var index=h.indexOf(".");
+ var oQName = eval(h.substring(0,index));
+ var rightColor=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var rightSymb=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var wrongColor=(typeof oQName.WrongColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var wrongSymb=(typeof oQName.WrongAnsSymbJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ if (success) {
+ f.strokeColor = rightColor;
+ if (isthereRBUP) {
+ = rightSymb;
+ g.textColor=rightColor;
+ g.display=display.visible;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ updateTally.downState=false;
+ updateTally(fieldname);
+ f.strokeColor = wrongColor;
+if (isthereRBUP) {
+ b2 = ( typeof oQName.WrongAnsSymbJSLoc == "undefined" );
+ = wrongSymb;
+ g.textColor=wrongColor;
+ g.display=display.visible;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+// return null; // remove ?
+function updateTally(fieldname)
+ var objre = /^obj\./;
+ var grpre = /^grpobj\./;
+ if ( grpre.test(fieldname) ) {
+ fieldname = fieldname.replace(grpre,"");
+ var pos = fieldname.lastIndexOf(".");
+ fieldname = fieldname.substring(0,pos);
+ } else if ( objre.test(fieldname) )
+ fieldname = fieldname.replace(objre,"");
+ var f = this.getField("tally."+fieldname);
+ if ( f != null ) {
+ if (!updateTally.downState) f.value += 1;
+ return true;
+ } else return false;
+var bNoPeekWait=false;
+var oNoPeekTimer;
+function noPeek(qtfield,rtnPage)
+ if (!bNoPeekWait) {
+ if ( (typeof (aQuizControl[qtfield]) == "undefined") %
+|| (aQuizControl[qtfield] != -1) ) {
+ bNoPeekWait=true;
+ oNoPeekTimer=app.setTimeOut("bNoPeekWait=false;%
+ this.pageNum = rtnPage-1;
+ \NoPeekAlert;
+ }
+ } else this.pageNum = rtnPage-1;
+var oCB=\bcheckboxused
+function OnBlurRespBox (retn)
+ var qname = arguments[1];
+ var oQName = eval(qname);
+ var respMsg;
+ var cTitle = "AcroTeX eDucation Bundle";
+ if (retn != null) {
+ if ( typeof appAlerts[qname] == "undefined")
+ appAlerts[qname] = {bAfterValue: false, %
+cMsg: "\doNotShowAgainMsg"};
+ var respMsg = (retn) ? \eqsqrtmsg\space : \eqsqwgmsg;
+ if ( ( == this) || !oCB)
+ eqAppAlert({ cMsg: respMsg, nIcon: 3, cTitle: cTitle });
+ else {
+ if ( ! appAlerts[arguments[1]].bAfterValue )
+ eqAppAlert({ cMsg: respMsg, nIcon: 3, cTitle: cTitle, %
+oCheckbox: appAlerts[qname]});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var re=/^(obj|grpobj)\./;
+ var,"rbmarkup\.");
+ var g =this.getField(gname);
+ var isthereRBUP = ( g !=null );
+ var str =;
+ if (str.replace(/\s/g,"") == "") {
+ var defaultColor=%
+(typeof oQName.DefaultColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ if (isthereRBUP) g.display=display.hidden;
+ = defaultColor;
+ }
+ }
+function jmpToNamedDest(fName,cDest,bAlert) {
+ if ( (typeof appAlerts[fName]!="undefined" %
+&& appAlerts[fName].bAfterValue) || bAlert==0)
+ app.setTimeOut("this.gotoNamedDest(\""+cDest+"\")",500);
+ else
+ this.gotoNamedDest(cDest);
+function lowThreshold(nQuestions)
+ return true;
+function highThreshold(nQuestions)
+ var cnt=0;
+ for ( var i=0; i< Responses.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( typeof Responses[i]!="undefined") cnt++
+ }
+ if ( cnt<nQuestions )
+ eqAppAlert(\highThresholdMsg,3);
+ return (cnt >= nQuestions);
+\begin{newsegment}{Eq: Support for Grouped Questions}
+function groupEval(doc,qtfield,probno,aKey,aWeights)
+ var totalGrpPts = aWeights[0];
+ var totalWeight = aWeights[1];
+ for ( var i=1,total=0; i< aKey.length; i++ )
+ if (aKey[i] != undefined) total += aKey[i]*aWeights[i+1];
+ return total;
+function WeightedEval(doc,qtfield,probno,aKey,aWeights)
+ var f = doc.getField("grpobj." + qtfield + "." + probno);
+ var nGrpQno = f.getArray().length;
+ var totalGrpPts = aWeights[0];
+ var totalWeight = aWeights[1];
+ for ( var i=1,total=0; i < aKey.length; i++ )
+ if (aKey[i] != undefined) total += aKey[i]*aWeights[i+1];
+ total /= totalWeight;
+ total = Math.floor( total * totalGrpPts );
+ return total;
+function groupBernoulliEval(doc,qtfield,probno,aKey,aWeights)
+ var f = doc.getField("grpobj." + qtfield + "." + probno);
+ var nGrpQno = f.getArray().length;
+ var totalGrpPts = aWeights[0];
+ for ( var i=1,isCorrect=1; i<= nGrpQno; i++ )
+ isCorrect *= (aKey[i] != undefined) ? (Number(aKey[i])) : 0;
+ return (isCorrect*totalGrpPts);
+%% End of file `aebjs.def'.