path: root/texmf-dist/source/latex/acrotex/doc/aeb_man.tex
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- web={centertitlepage,designv,
- forcolorpaper,latextoc,pro},
- exerquiz={nocorrections},aebxmp,
- dljslib={ImplMulti,limitArith,nodec,satisfyEq}
-\def\AcroBlog{{Acro\!\TeX} Blog}
- \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\z@
- \addpenalty\@secpenalty
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- \setlength\@tempdima{2em}%{1.5em}%
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- \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
- \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
- \leavevmode \bfseries
- \advance\leftskip\@tempdima
- \hskip -\leftskip
- #1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
- \endgroup
- \fi}
-%\margins{.25in}{.25in}{24pt}{.25in} % left,right,top, bottom
-%\screensize{4.19in}{4.67in} % height, width
-%\margins{.5in}{.25in}{24pt}{.25in} % left,right,top, bottom
-%\screensize{4.19in}{4.92in} % height, width
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-%\LTpost=0pt %\medskipamount
-\def\AEBBook{\textsl{{Acro\!\TeX} eDucation System Tools: {\LaTeX} for interactive PDF documents}}
-%\DeclareFontShape{U}{wi}{m}{n}{<-> wingding}{}
-%\DeclareFontShape{U}{webd}{m}{n}{<-> webdings}{}
-%\font\zqacr=zqacr at 8pt
-\renewcommand\exlabelformat{{\exlabel\ \theeqexno.}}
-\renewcommand\exlabelformatwp{{\exlabel\ \theeqexno.}}
- \hspace{-\oddsidemargin}%
- \makebox[\totaltextwidth][s]{#1}\hss
-% {\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0pt}{12pt}{-3pt}{\bfseries}}
- {\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0pt}{6pt}{-3pt}
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- {\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\parindent}{6pt}{-3pt}%
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-% \if\aeb@checked*\def\aeb@marker{\textcolor{blue}{aeb}~\textcolor{red}{\ding{052}}\goodbreak}\else
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-% \marginpar{\scriptsize\aeb@marker}%
-% \else\marginpar{\scriptsize\aeb@marker\goodbreak\raggedright#1}\fi}
-\def\AcroEB{\AcroT{} eDucation Bundle}\def\cAcroEB{\textcolor{blue}{\AcroEB}}
-\def\AcroB{\AcroT{} Bundle}\def\cAcroB{\textcolor{blue}{\AcroB}}
- AcroF\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{L}\kern-.3eme\kern-.125emX}
- \ifcase #1\or
- See page~#2.\else See pages~#2.\fi
- {\list{}{\leftmargin\amtIndent}%
- \item\relax}{\endlist}
- \raisebox{.5\baselineskip+#1}{%
- \expandafter\parbox\expandafter[\parboxValign]%
- {\marginparwidth}{\aebbkFmtMp#2}}}}
- \ifusebw\color{gray}\else\color{blue}\fi
- \raggedleft\hspace{0pt}}\newcommand{\BlogArticle}{%
- \makebox[0pt][l]{\hspace{-1pt}\color{blue}\Pisymbol{webd}{254}%
- }\raisebox{.5pt}{\ifusebw\color{black}\else
- \color{red}\fi\ding{045}}}
-\def\dps{$\mbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\mbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
- \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}
- A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{M}\kern-.125emS}}
-\def\dps{$\mbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\mbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
- \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}
- The \AcroEB\space(AeB)%
- The AcroTeX eDucation Bundle for LaTeX,
- Manual of Usage%
-\author{D. P. Story}
-\subject{How to create on-line exercises and quizzes}
-%\keywords{LaTeX, hyperref, PDF, exercises, quizzes}
-\university{{\AcroT} Software Development Team}
-\revisionLabel{Distribution Dated:}
-\copyrightNotice{Copyright (C) 1999-\the\year, D. P. Story}
-\authorTitle{Head of AcroTeX Developer}
-\descriptionWriter{Senior Technical Writer of AcroTeX}
- ul=Copyright \copyright\ \webcopyrightyears,
- ur=\thewebemail,
- lr=\url{},
- raise=-25pt
- {\raisebox{-2pt}{\color{red}\href{#1#2}{{\zqacr
- b\hspace{9.5pt}}}}\enspace}\ignorespaces}
-\def\CmdLoc{\par\medskip\noindent\textbf{Command Location: }}
-\def\EnvLoc{\par\medskip\noindent\textbf{Environment Location: }}
-\def\KVP{\par\goodbreak\medskip\noindent\textbf{Key-Value Pairs: }}
-\def\PD{\par\goodbreak\medskip\noindent\textbf{Parameter Description: }}
-\def\Important{\par\medskip\noindent\textbf{Important: }}
-\def\CmdDescription{\par\medskip\noindent\textbf{Command Description: }}
-function indefCompare(a,b,c,F,G) {
- var C, eqx;
- with(Math) {
- eqx = a;
- if(isNaN(C = eval(F)-eval(G))) return -1;
- eqx = c;
- F = eval(F);
- if(isNaN(G = eval(G)));
- return abs( F - G - C );
- }
- bOnTop: false,
- cDIPath: \bgPath
-\newtopic For the past several years (this year is \the\year), I've been writing a book
-The book~\cite{book:AEBB} covers {\AEB} and {\AEBP} in \emph{great detail} and includes many
-examples to illustrate concepts and techniques. Numerous new examples are
-available on the CD-ROM that accompanies the book.
-During the time of the writing, each of the packages covered was examined,
-bugs were fixed, and many new and major features were created. Any new
-features developed in the course of writing the book are documented in the
-book; however, they are \emph{not included in this documentation}. You can
-either buy the yet-to-be-submitted book sometime in the future, or discover
-the features by studying the DTX documentation of the program files. Sorry,
-it took me three years to write the book, I don't want to spend another year
-on this documentation. \verb!:-{)!
-As noted in \textbf{\nhnameref{eq2db}} on page~\pageref{eq2db}, I've set up a
-website that highlights the server-side scripts developed for the book (and
-available on the accompanying CD-ROM). You are invited to visit them and
-comment on them, if the spirit moves.
-Dr. D. P. Story\\[3pt]
-January 5, 2016
-% ff, fi, fl, ffl
-The {\cAcroEB} (abbreviated {\cAEB} and read ``{\AcroT} Education
-Bundle'') is a collection of {\LaTeX} macro files (briefly described
-below) along with various support and sample files. The theme of {\cAEB}
-is \textit{ePublication} in the \textit{education} sector using {\LaTeX}
-as the authoring application and Adobe's Portable Document Format
-(\textsf{PDF}) as the file format of the output document. The \cAcroB{}
-should be useful to educators who want to post interactive materials for
-their students on the \textsf{WWW}.
-\newtopic Currently, there are seven components to the bundle:
-\item The \hyperref[s:web]{\pkg{web} package} is used to create an
- attractive, easy-on-the-eye page layout suitable for the \textsf{WWW}
- (or classroom/conference presentations). There is support for
- background graphics; a {\Web} document can be re-purposed for
- paper.
-\item The \hyperref[s:exerquiz]{\pkg{exerquiz} package} makes
- it very easy to create interactive exercises and quizzes. There are
- numerous options, solutions at the end of the document, solutions
- following the question, no solutions; quizzes are self marking, the
- student can get immediate feedback, or get a final assessment after
- the student finishes the quiz.
-\item The \href{eformman.pdf#eformsPkg}{\pkg{eforms} package} provides support for
- PDF form fields, and links with arbitrary actions.
-\item The \href{eformman.pdf#insdljsPkg}{\pkg{insdljs} package} allows for the automatic
- insertion of document level JavaScript. Document authors can use
- \textsf{insdljs} to customize the processing of the
- \textsf{exerquiz} quizzes. See the documentation that accompanies
- the package (\texttt{insdljs.dtx}) and see also the sample file
- \texttt{jqzspec.tex} for an extensive example of how to modify the
- \textsf{exerquiz} macros. The \textsf{insdljs} package also has an
- \texttt{execJS} environment which can be used to create executable
- and ``discardable'' JavaScript; see the DTX file for
- details.
-% and the demo file \texttt{execJStst.tex}, which features
-% an animation built completely from {\LaTeX} source lines.
- Documentation for the \pkg{insdljs} package appears in the
- \href{eformman.pdf#insdljsPkg}{\pkg{eforms}} reference manual
- (on the Web, \href{\bUrl/eformman.pdf#insdljsPkg}{eformman.pdf}).
-\item The \href{eformman.pdf#taborderPkg}{\pkg{taborder} package} supports the creation of the order
- of tabbing between Acrobat annotations (fields, links, and comments).
- See the part \textbf{Setting the Tab Order} in \href{eformman.pdf#taborderPkg}{eforms}
- reference manual (on the Web, \href{\bUrl/eformman.pdf#taborderPkg}{eformman.pdf}) for more details.
-\item The \hyperref[part:dljslib]{\pkg{dljslib} package} is used as a library of
- JavaScript functions. Some types of question require special
- processing. A JavaScript function written to process a
- particular function can be stored in the library, then
- retrieved as needed.
-% See the documentation contained in the
-% file \texttt{\href{\bUrl/dljslib.dtx}{dljslib.dtx}}.% and try
-% the test file for this package,
-% \texttt{\href{\bUrl/jslib_ex.tex}{jslib\_ex.tex}}.
-\item The \href{\bUrl/eqexam.html}{\pkg{eqexam} package} is a stand
- alone {\LaTeX} package for creating exams, quizzes, homework
- assignments. There are several options to re-purpose the source
- document to produce a document with no solutions, solutions at end,
- solutions after the questions, and solutions only. It can also be used
- to create surveys, questionnaires, teacher evaluations, etc. The
- package has an \texttt{email} mode and comes with a server-side script
- that is used to send the data entered into the form fields to the
- instructor.
-% See my \textsf{\href{\bUrl/eqexam/tex_survey.pdf}{\TeX/\LaTeX{} Survey}} for
-% a demo of this feature.
-\handpoint The \pkg{web}, \textsf{exerquiz}, \textsf{eforms}, and \textsf{insdljs}
-packages are stand alone packages, though they were designed to work
-together. The \textsf{dljslib} package is a companion package to
-\textsf{insdljs}. The \textsf{eqexam} package is stand alone, but uses
-some code from the \textsf{exerquiz} package; \textsf{exerquiz} need not
-be installed on your system to use \textsf{eqexam}, however.
-To play it safe, you should use the most recent version of
-\pkg{hyperref} by Sebastian Rahtz and Heiko Oberdiek. The
-\textsf{exerquiz} package makes extensive use of forms; Adobe
-Reader 3.0 with Forms 3.5 at least is needed, Adobe Reader 4.0 or
-above is preferred.
-\handpoint Here is an important point that should be emphasized early in this
-manual. \cAcroT{} only supports three ways of producing a
-\textsf{PDF} file: (1) the \textcolor{blue}{Adobe Acrobat
-Distiller} (version~5.0 or higher \emph{required}); (2)
-\textsf{pdftex} (including \textsf{luatex}); or (3) \textsf{dvipdfm}
-(including \textsf{dvipdfmx} and \textsf{xetex}). In the case of (1), you
-probably use \texttt{dvips} to create a postscript file before
-distilling. Some users have tried to use
-\textcolor{blue}{Ghostscript} to produce a \textsf{PDF}
-from \cAcroT; this will not work! (You will get the \textsf{PDF}
-file, but not much functionality.)
-Please contact me at \url{} should you encounter
-any problems, or have suggestions to make.
-\redpoint See Section~\ref{s:start} on `\nhnameref{s:start}' below for
-instructions on how to get up and running.
-\section{Getting Started}\label{s:start}
-The distribution for the {\cAcroB} comes in a single ZIP file
- \texttt{}. This ZIP file contains program files
- (\pkg{web}, \pkg{exerquiz}, \pkg{eforms}, \pkg{insdljs},
- \pkg{dljslib}, \pkg{taborder}, and \texttt{aeb.js}), this manual, and the
- \href{eformman.pdf}{\pkg{eforms}} reference manual
- (\texttt{\href{\bUrl/eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf}}).
-\subsection{Installing the Distribution}
-The following are the instructions for installing the \cAEB.
-\item \textbf{Placement.} The ZIP file installs in a folder called
- \texttt{acrotex}, so place the ZIP file in a directory in the search path
- of your \LaTeX{} system where you want the \texttt{acrotex} folder to
- reside. If you already have an \texttt{acrotex} folder, place the ZIP
- files so that they unzip into this \texttt{acrotex} folder, \emph{unless
- you are using MiK\TeX~2.8{} or later}.
-\item[] \textbf{MiK\TeX~2.8/2.9 Users.} {Mik\TeX}~2.8 (or later) provides
- problems for {Acro\!\TeX} installations in that it is more particular
- about where you install packages by hand. {MiK\TeX}~2.8, or later,
- requires that you install the distribution in a local root TDS tree.
- Review the {MiK\TeX} help page on this topic
- \url{}
-Create a new {MiK\TeX} root folder, in my case, I created
- \verb!C:\Users\Public\Documents\My TeX Files!
-Within the \texttt{My TeX Files} folder (you can name this folder anyway
-you wish), create a \texttt{tex} folder, within the \texttt{tex} folder,
-create a \texttt{latex} folder. Now copy the ZIP file to the
-\texttt{latex} folder, for example, copy them into
- \verb!C:\Users\Public\Documents\My TeX Files\tex\latex!\\[3pt]
-Finally, you need to register your new root folder with MiK\TeX. Open the
-{MiK\TeX} Options dialog box (accessible through the WinEdt toolbar, or
-\texttt{Start > All Programs > MiKTeX 2.8 > Maintenance > Settings}\\[3pt]\hspace*{20pt}
-\texttt{Start > All Programs > MiKTeX 2.9 > Maintenance > Settings}\\[\topsep]
-Within this dialog box, select the \textbf{Roots} tab, then press
-\textbf{Add}, and browse for your newly create \texttt{My TeX Files}. When
-finished, the dialog should look like my own dialog box, as shown
-in \hyperref[fig:rootstab]{Figure~\ref*{fig:rootstab}}, page~\pageref*{fig:rootstab}.
-\caption{Roots tab of MiK{\TeX} Options}\label{fig:rootstab}
-\item \textbf{Unzipping the Distribution.} Once you have found the
-location to unzip the ZIP file, unzip it!
-% C:\Users\Public\Documents\My TeX Files\tex\latex
-%\item Unpack the \textsf{exerquiz} package by latexing \texttt{exerquiz.ins}.
-%However, see \nameref{s:unpack} for important comments.
-\item \textbf{Unpacking the distribution.} The whole distribution can be
-unpacked by latexing \texttt{acrotex.ins}. (The other \texttt{*.ins} files
-are the installation files for the individual packages,
-\texttt{acrotex.ins} is the combined installation file.)
-\item[] {MiK\TeX} users should not forget to refresh the file name database.
-% \item Unpack \texttt{insdljs.dtx} by latexing \texttt{insdljs.ins}.
-\subsection{Installing \texttt{aeb.js}}
-The JavaScript file \texttt{aeb.js} is only needed if you use \textbf{Acrobat
-Pro 8.1} or later and \textbf{Adobe Distiller} as the PDF creator. Increased
-security in that version has made it necessary to install a folder JavaScript
-file. The JavaScript within \texttt{aeb.js} raises the ``trust'' of certain
-JavaScript methods used to import document JavaScript into the document just
-after the distillation process and the newly created PDF is opened in
-\textbf{Acrobat} for the first time. The installation of this file is not
-needed if you use \textsf{pdftex}, or \textsf{dvipdfm} (or any of their
-variations), or use a version of \textbf{Acrobat} prior to 8.1.
-The instructions for installing \texttt{aeb.js} are in the
-\texttt{\href{install_jsfiles.pdf}{install\_jsfiles.pdf}}, which resides in
-the \texttt{doc} folder of the \texttt{acrotex} installation. If you use
-\textbf{Distiller} as your PDF creator, please refer to that document.
-After you've installed the JavaScript files, as directed by the
-\texttt{\href{install_jsfiles.pdf}{install\_jsfiles.pdf}}, validate the
-installation of the JavaScript files by navigating to the \texttt{examples}
-subfolder and opening the file \texttt{test\_install.pdf} in \app{Acrobat};
-follow the directions contained on that one page document.
-\paragraph*{Acrobat Pro~8.1 or later.}
-Start \textbf{Acrobat Pro~8.1}\footnote{The file will cause no harm if you
-install it in an earlier version of Acrobat, as early as version 7.} or
-later, and open the console window \textsf{Advanced \texttt> JavaScript
-\texttt> Debugger} (\texttt{Ctrl+J} for Windows or \texttt{Cmd+J} for Mac
-OS). Copy and paste the following code into the window.
-Now, with the mouse cursor on the line containing this script, press
-the \texttt{Ctrl+Enter} key. This will execute this JavaScript. This
-JavaScript method returns the path to where \texttt{aeb.js} should
-be placed. For example, on my system, the return string is
-/C/Documents and Settings/story/
- Application Data/Adobe/Acrobat/8.0/JavaScripts
-Follow the path to this folder. If the \texttt{JavaScripts} folder
-does not exist, create it. Finally, copy \texttt{aeb.js}
-into this folder. The file is read each time Acrobat starts.
-\paragraph*{Acrobat Pro 10.1.1 for Windows only.} For this version of \textbf{Acrobat},
-things have tightened up even more. The user JavaScripts folder has moved to
-\exAeBBlogArticle{p=737}where \verb!%AppData%! is an environment variable defined by Acrobat. For details
-of how to install the folder JavaScripts in the new location, see my blog
-article \mlhref{}{Acrobat Security Changes in 10.1.1 and
-\subsection{Language Localizations}
-Should you wish to customize {\cAEB} to a language other than the ones
-already supported, open the file \texttt{template.def} and add in your
-language customizations.
-%After reading the manual you are then ready to write your own set
-%of tutorials, exams, exercises and quizzes.\enspace\dps
-\subsection{Sample Files and Articles}\label{s:samplefiles}
-Test, example, and demo files have been moved to the \href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html}{Example Files for
-AeB} web page.\footnote{\url{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html}} References seen in this manual reside on this page; each
-sample file is a PDF with the source file attached to the PDF. Files on
-the \href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html}{Example Files for AeB} web page are
-referenced with the icon \raisebox{-1.5pt}{\color{red}\zqacr b\hspace{12pt}} is the margin.
-\paragraph*{{Acro\!\TeX} Blog.} The basic examples from the distribution are also available
-from the {Acro\!\TeX| Blog, accessible from the page
-\href{}{AeB Demo Files}.\footnote{\url{}}
-There is another more recent collection of examples on
-\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog}{\AcroTeX{} Blog}, these will be referenced in the margin using the icon %\exAeBBlogPDF
- \raisebox{-2pt}{\color{red}{{\zqacr b\hspace{9.5pt}}}}}\,, whereas
-\raisebox{.5pt}{\color{red}{\ding{045}}}} refers to a written blog
-article. In all cases, the source file and any dependent resources are attached to the
-% \makebox[0pt][l]{\textcolor{blue}{\Pisymbol{webd}{254}}}%
-% \raisebox{.5pt}{\color{red}\href{#1?#2}{\ding{045}\hspace{8.5pt}}}\enspace}\ignorespaces}
-%\exPDF{indexofex} There are numerous sample/demo files that illustrate various
-%features of the {\cAcroB}. View the \textsf{PDF} file
-%\texttt{\href{indexofex.pdf}{indexofex.pdf}}, which is an ``Index of
-%{\AcroT} Examples''. This document contains a list of all
-%examples, a short description of each, and links to the \textsf{PDF}
-%file and source file.
-\subsection{Package Requirements}
-If you use the Acrobat Distiller, as I do, to create a PDF document, the {\cAcroB}
-now requires the use of version 5.0 or later. I've given up on trying to support
-prior version of Acrobat.
-\newtopic In terms of \LaTeX, the following is a listing of package requirements:
- \item The \pkg{web} Package
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \texttt{color}: \texttt{color} is distributed with \LaTeX, but {\Web}
- will use \texttt{xcolor}, if available, unless the
- \texttt{noxcolor} global option is used.
- \item \texttt{amssymb}: standard with \amslatex/
- \item \texttt{hyperref}: available from CTAN, get newer version
- \item \texttt{eso-pic} and \texttt{everyshi}: available from CTAN
- \end{itemize}
- \item The \textsf{Exerquiz} Package
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \texttt{color}: distributed with \LaTeX
- \item \texttt{verbatim}: distributed with \LaTeX
- \item \texttt{hyperref}: available from CTAN, get newer version
- \item \texttt{insdljs}: distributed with \AcroT
- \end{itemize}
- \item The \textsf{insdljs} Package
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \texttt{hyperref}: available from CTAN, get newer version
- \item \texttt{verbatim}: distributed with \LaTeX
- \item \texttt{everyshi}: available from CTAN
- \end{itemize}
- \item The \textsf{dljslib} Package
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \texttt{insdljs}: distributed with \AcroT
- \end{itemize}
-\subsection{\LaTeX ing Your First File}
-The functionality of the \texttt{shortquiz} and \texttt{quiz}
-environments depends on JavaScript code that is placed at the
-``document level'', to use Adobe's terminology. The applications
-\textsf{pdftex} and \textsf{dvipdfm} offer direct support for
-writing to this document level. For those who use the
-\textcolor{blue}{Adobe Distiller}, things aren't quite so easy.
-In this section, we describe how to insert document level
-Java\-Scripts into a \textsf{PDF} file, prepared from a
-\LaTeX{} source that uses the \texttt{exerquiz} package. Even
-though the handling and insertion of document level JavaScript is
-done with the package \textsf{insdljs}, a little care must be
-taken, at least in the Distiller case, when building your
-{\PDF} document.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} Download \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}} from the {\AcroBlog}
-website. The source file \texttt{webeqtst.tex} is attached to the PDF, save
-it to your local hard drive. \gob{\exPDF{webeqtst}}Open
-\texttt{webeqtst.tex} in your favorite text editor. The top lines read:
-\subsubsection{For Non-\textsf{dvips} Users}
-Edit the third line by inserting your driver; the choices are
-\texttt{pdftex}, \texttt{dvipdfm}, \texttt{dvipdfmx}, and \texttt{xetex}. For
-example, if you use \textsf{dvipdfm}, the lines should read:
-For \textsf{dvipdfm}, you \LaTeX{} the document, then hit it with
-\textsf{dvipdfm}, and your ready to review your \textsf{PDF} file. The
-insertion of the document level JavaScript is automatic.
-For the \textsf{pdftex} and \textsf{xetex} applications, you simply
-compile with that application, and you have your nice \textsf{PDF} file, ready for
-review. The insertion of the document level JavaScript is automatic.
-\redpoint Both the \textsf{pdftex} and \textsf{xetex} applications are
-automatically detected so there is no need to specify them in the option list
-of \pkg{web}.\endredpoint
-\subsubsection{For Distiller Users}
-If you use the distiller, as I do, the sophisticated features of
-{\AcroB} require Acrobat 5.0 or higher.
-%I've discontinued my attempt at supporting Acrobat 4.0.
-Edit the optional parameters of the \pkg{web} package by inserting your driver; the choices are
-\texttt{dvips} and \texttt{dvipsone}.\footnote{The choice of driver can be placed in he \texttt{web.cfg} configuration
-file, in which
-case, you need not specify the driver. See \Nameref{sss:driver}.} For example, if you use \textsf{dvips}, the
-lines should read:
-\noindent When you latex the source file, you create a DVI file and one or more FDF files.\footnote{The FDF files (for
-example, \texttt{exerquiz.fdf}) contain the document level JavaScript that needs to be imported into your document. They
-are imported when the newly
-created document is opened is Acrobat for the first time.}
-You then convert your \texttt{.dvi} to \texttt{.ps} using either
-\textsf{dvips} or \textsf{dvipsone}, and distill.
-\newtopic\textcolor{red}{Important:} When you distill, \emph{save the
-\emph{\texttt{.pdf}} back to the same folder} in which your source file
-(\texttt{.tex}) resides as this is where the \texttt{.fdf} files
-reside too. Insertion of document level JavaScripts automatically
-takes place when you open your newly distilled document
-in the \textsf{Acrobat} application. (It is actually
-\textsf{Acrobat} that imports the scripts, not the
-\handpoint When your document is opened in \textsf{Acrobat} for
-the first time, the Java\-Script contained in the \texttt{.fdf} files
-(for example, \texttt{exerquiz.fdf}) is imported into the document
-and is stored at the document level.
-\redpoint \textcolor{red}{Important:} \emph{Save your document}. When you
-save, the JavaScripts you just imported are also saved with the
-document. At this point you can move your \textsf{PDF} to another
-folder, or to the web. The document does not need the
-\texttt{.fdf} files any more.
-\redpoint \textbf{For Distiller~4.0--4.05 Users.} Versions prior
-to~5.0 of the Acrobat product cannot import document level
-JavaScript contained in a \texttt{.fdf} file. The JavaScript needs
-to be inserted ``by hand''.
-The procedure is as follows: Modify the preamble and insert the \texttt{acrobativ}
-option for the \textsf{exerquiz} package:
-\usepackage[acrobativ]{exerquiz} %<- acrobativ option
-\noindent This suppresses all the JavaScript code generation that is used in the case
-of \textsf{pdftex}, \textsf{dvipdfm} or \textsf{Distiller~5.0$^+$}. After that
-change, \LaTeX{} the document, and convert
-the \texttt{.dvi} file to PostScript (using \texttt{dvips} or
-\texttt{dvipsone}), and distill. Now, open the new \textsf{PDF} file
- in \textsf{Acrobat} (formerly known as
-\textsf{Exchange}). Click on \texttt{Document > Insert Pages},
-browse, and choose the \textsf{PDF} file \textsf{eq\_dljs.pdf},
-which comes with the \cAcroB. The file is now inserted. Next, click
-on \texttt{Document > Delete Pages} and delete the page you just
-inserted! \textcolor{red}{Important:} Do a ``\texttt{Save As}''; now you are done!
-The \textsf{PDF} file \textsf{eq\_dljs.pdf} contains all the
-standard JavaScript that goes in at the document level. In all
-the other situations discussed above, you can modify the
-JavaScript from the preamble, for example, in the \textsf{exerquiz}
-source code we have
-\newcommand\checkColor{["RGB", 0, .6, 0]}
-This command is expanded when the document level JavaScript is imported into the
-\textsf{PDF} file. If \cs{checkColor} has been redefined
-\renewcommand\checkColor{["RGB", 1, 0, 0]}
-it is this definition that is used in the expansion. This
-convenience is lost for $\text{4.0} \le\text{\textsf{distiller}}\le\text{4.05}$.
-You can edit \textsf{eq\_dljs.pdf} and make whatever changes you
-please to the script, in terms of changing color.
-There are several ways the Distiller workflow can be accomplished:
-% \item \textbf{Through the {\LaTeX} Editor.} Some editors, WinEdt, in particular, have toolbars that can distill
-% a PostScript file. (The default is to use Ghostscript, you'll have to change to Distiller.) From WinEdt, you
-% can latex, convert to Postscript, and distill with a few presses of toolbar buttons. Very smooth and easy.
-% \item \textbf{Do it yourself.} Some systems, most notably on Mac OS, do not have a convenient way of distilling.
-% A Mac user sent in the following steps.
-% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item Drop the \texttt{.ps} file on Distiller.
-% \item Drag the resulting .pdf file out of the folder it was
-% compiled in (for example, to the desktop)
-% \item Open the \texttt{.pdf} file in Acrobat.
-% At this stage readers will be prompted for the location of the existing .fdf file for inclusion.
-% Now, for contrast, try this:
-% 1. Drop the .ps file on Distiller.
-% 2. Open the .pdf file in Acrobat.
-% 3. Save the .pdf file.
-% 4. Drag the .pdf file out of the folder it was compiled in (for example, to the desktop)
-% 5. Open the .pdf file.
-% This will allow readers the opportunity to see what will happen if they fail to save the file before moving it
-to another location, like the web.
-% \end{enumerate}
-\newtopic For distiller users, the
-\href{}{\AEB\ Pro package}
-has many exciting features, functionality requires the document author use
-Acrobat~7.0 or higher.
-\part{The Web Package}\label{s:web}
-The purpose of the \pkg{web} package is to create a page layout
-for documents meant for screen presentation, whether over the
-\textsf{WWW} or classroom/conference presentations, in
-\textsf{PDF}. Such documents are \emph{not \emph{(necessarily)}
-intended to be printed}; consequently, the page layout is, in some
-sense, optimized for screen viewing.
-The \pkg{web} package redefines \cs{maketitle} and
-\cs{tableofcontents} in a more web friendly way; it colors the
-section headings, and inserts \cs{bullet}s ($\bullet$) at the
-\cs{subsubsection} level. This, to my eyes, is very attractive.
-Additionally, certain navigation devices (a navigation bar and
-some direction icons) are included in the package.
-There are options for a small collection of drivers:
-\texttt{dvipsone}, \texttt{dvips}. \texttt{dvipdfm} and \texttt{pdftex}. The language
-option redefines certain language dependent elements of the package
-to other languages. Currently, the following options are supported:
-\texttt{dutch} & \texttt{french} & \texttt{german}\\
-\texttt{italian} & \texttt{norsk} & \texttt{russian}\\
-\texttt{spanish} & \texttt{dansk} & \texttt{polish}\\
-\texttt{finnish} & \texttt{czech} & \texttt{catalan}\\
-\texttt{brazil} & \texttt{turkish}
-There is even an option for reformatting the \texttt{web}
-style to a print format!
-The capabilities of the \pkg{web} package and its options are
-discussed below. Any comments and suggested improvements (new
-features) would be greatly appreciated.
-\subsection{Package Requirements}
-The \pkg{web} package was designed for screen presentations
-tutorials, such as classroom or conference lectures, short technical
-articles, etc.; consequently, the \texttt{article} class of \LaTeX{}
-seems to be sufficient for these purposes. Though you can use
-\pkg{web} with any of the standard classes that define the
-\cs{section}, \cs{subsection} and \cs{subsubsection} commands, the
-package is really meant to be used with the \texttt{article}
-class. It is \textbf{strongly} suggested!
-The package heavily depends on Sebastian Rahtz' \pkg{hyperref}
-package (now maintained and developed by Heiko Oberdiek). The
-\pkg{web} package was developed using version 6.56 of
-\pkg{hyperref}. Using prior versions of \pkg{hyperref}
-\emph{may} lead to successful compilation, no guarantees offered.
-It is best to work with the most recent version of
-The \textsf{color} and \textsf{amssymb} packages are also
-required. The former is for obvious reasons, the later is to
-provide certain navigation symbols when the \texttt{navibar}
-option is invoked.
-Finally, to create quality PDF documents, type~1 fonts \emph{must}
-be used. Fortunately, type~1 fonts in the Computer Modern font set
-are freely available, and come with all the major
-freeware, shareware and commercial \TeX{} systems. If you haven't
-done so already, learn how to use the type~1 fonts.
-In this regard, I have written an article that may be of interest
-to you entitled ``\textit{Using \LaTeX{} to Create Quality PDF Documents
-for the WWW}'', see reference \cite{article:Story:LaTeX}.
-\section{Basic Package Options}
-To use the \pkg{web} package, insert into the preamble of
-your document the following:
-\noindent Replace \meta{other\_options} with any of the options recognized by
-\pkg{web}; see \hyperref[s:ListofOpts]{Section~\ref*{s:ListofOpts}}
-for a complete list of options. The first and optional argument
-\meta{driver} above defines the driver to be used; for
-\paragraph*{Driver options.}\label{para:webdrivers} Below is a list of \meta{driver} options
-for the \pkg{web} package.
-dvips dvipsone textures % !rf((DVI)-to-(PS))
-pdftex % !rf(includes the !app(lualatex) application)
-dvipdfm dvipdfmx xetex % !rf((DVI)-to-(PDF))
-Currently, the \pkg{web} package supports five drivers:
-\texttt{dvipsone}, the dvi-to-ps converter by \Y&Y, Inc.; \texttt{dvips},
-the freeware dvi-to-ps converter; \texttt{pdftex}, the
-\texttt{tex}-to-\texttt{pdf} application; \texttt{dvipdfm},
-\texttt{dvipdfmx}, and \texttt{xetex} the \texttt{dvi}-to-\texttt{pdf}
-applications by Mark Wicks and subsequent
-and the
-commercial {\TeX} system for the Mac, \texttt{textures} and
-\handpoint\textbf{Automatic driver detection.} {\AEB} now has automatic driver detection for
-\textsf{pdftex} (including \textsf{luatex}) and \textsf{xetex}. Specification of these options
-is no longer needed.
-\newtopic {\AEB} is better at passing the driver between its components.
-When the driver is specified in the \pkg{web} package, the driver is passed to
-its components (\textsf{exerquiz}, \textsf{eforms}, \textsf{insdljs}). Similarly, if \pkg{web} is not used,
-exerquiz passes the driver specified to \textsf{eforms} and \textsf{insdljs}. Finally, \textsf{eforms} passes the driver
-specified to \textsf{insdljs}.
-\paragraph*{A note on \app{xetex}.}
-The \app{xetex} application may be set to strip out named destinations that
-are not referenced within the document as a target of a `hard-wired' actions.
-\app{AeB} (in particular, \pkg{exerquiz}) sets a lot of destinations (or
-targets) but, in many instances, `dynamic' links are employed using the
-JavaScript method \texttt{\textsl{Doc}.gotoNamedDest(\anglemeta{target})}. In
-such instances, \app{xetex} may strip out these targets; the link or button
-action may not perform the jump to the destination because the destination
-does not exist. If this becomes an issue for your \app{xetex} installation,
-the \textbf{\app{Dvipdfmx} Compatibility Flags} need to be modified. Search
-for the configuration file \texttt{dvipdfmx.cfg}, open the file. Scroll down
-to the line `\texttt{\%C 0x0000}', beneath it insert `\texttt{C 0x0010}',
-save and close the file.\footnote{MiK\TeX{} discourages the direct editing of
-the file \texttt{dvipdfmx.cfg}, instead, on the command-line prompt type and
-execute `\texttt{initexmf -{}-edit-config-file dvipdfmx}' enabling you to
-edit a local version of the configuration file as described above;
-just enter the line `\texttt{C 0x0010}', save and close.} The documentation
-for this bit field is just above the referenced line and an explanation of
-the `\texttt{C 0x0010}' setting is given.
-\redpoint The package has been tested using
-\verb+\documentclass{article}+ and it is \emph{strongly}
-recommended that this class be used; however, {\Web} does support the
-\texttt{book} class as well.\endredpoint
-%\redpoint The default paper setting for \textsf{dvips} is
-%\texttt{A4}, but the cropping parameters assumes \texttt{letter}
-%paper size. To get the cropping of the page correct, there are
-%several procedures you can follow.
-%\item Use the command line switch \texttt{-t letter}.
-%For example,
-%dvips.exe -j0 -Pcm -Pams -t letter -o <foo>.ps <foo>.dvi
-%\item Change the default paper setting of \textsf{dvips} to
-%\texttt{letter} by placing the paper size for \texttt{letter}
-%first in the \texttt{} file of \textsf{dvips}:
-%Change these lines \dots
-%@ A4size 210mm 297mm
-%@+ %%PaperSize: A4
-%@ letterSize 8.5in 11in
-%@ letter 8.5in 11in
-%@+ %%BeginPaperSize: Letter
-%@+ letter
-%@+ %%EndPaperSize
-%\dots to these.
-%@ letter 8.5in 11in
-%@+ %%BeginPaperSize: Letter
-%@+ letter
-%@+ %%EndPaperSize
-%@ A4size 210mm 297mm
-%@+ %%PaperSize: A4
-%@ letterSize 8.5in 11in
-% If you find changing the command line inconvenient, you can
-%include the command
-% \hypersetup{pdfpagescrop=53 486 389 754}
-%in the preamble of your document.
-%\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{}{\textbullet\space}Setting the Driver Option}
-\subsection{Setting the Driver Option}\label{sss:driver}
-You can set your driver option in one of three ways:
- \item Pass as a local option: %\\ %[3pt]
- \cs{usepackage[\meta{driver}]\darg{web}}
- \item Pass as a global option: %\\ %[3pt]
- \cs{documentclass[\meta{driver}]\darg{article}}
- \item Create the file \texttt{web.cfg} with the single command
- in it:%\\ %[3pt]
- \cs{ExecuteOptions\darg{\meta{driver}}}
- Place the file \texttt{web.cfg} in any folder where \LaTeX\
- looks for input files. Then, you need only type
- \verb+\usepackage{web}+.
-Where \meta{driver} is any of the following options listed in
-the paragraph \textbf{\nameref{para:webdrivers}} on page~\pageref{para:webdrivers}.
-The macros of the \pkg{web} package have been extensively
-tested using the \Y&Y\ \TeX\ System for the
-\texttt{dvipsone} option and a MiK\TeX\ System
-(\url{}) for the \texttt{dvips}, \texttt{pdftex} (which includes lua(la)tex),
-\texttt{dvipdfm}, \texttt{dvipdfmx}, and \texttt{xetex}
-%\subsubsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\texttt{pdftex}}{pdftex} Option}
-%The \texttt{pdftex} option requires \pkg{hyperref} version 6.60
-%or greater. (The most recent version is preferred.) The
-%\pkg{web} and \textsf{exerquiz} packages will probably run
-%correctly with slightly earlier versions, but you may see
-%`underfull hbox' error messages.
-%The \pkg{web} package uses the AMS Font set for the
-%black triangle that appears in the navigation bar, see
-%The AMS Font sets comes with Mik\TeX, if you don't have
-%\textsf{pdftex} configured the use them, here are some
-%instructions that work for the Mik\TeX{} system.
-%\item Copy the file \texttt{} from the folder
-%\texttt{texmf/dvips/ams} to the folder \texttt{texmf/pdftex/base}.
-%(Mik\TeX{} may have restructured the directory tree since the time
-%of this documentation.)
-%\item Edit the file \texttt{pdftex.cfg} to include the lines:
-%map % to get AMSFonts
-%map % to get dings
-%\item The \texttt{pdftex.cfg} file now looks like this:
-%output_format 1
-%compress_level 9
-%decimal_digits 2
-%page_width 210mm
-%page_height 297mm
-%horigin 1in % <-- important, see 4.
-%vorigin 1in % <-- important, see 4.
-%\item Take note of the settings of \texttt{horigin} and
-%\texttt{vorigin}. Set these two to 1\,in\@. This will align the
-%text on the page where the cropping numbers expects the text to
-%be; the result will be a properly cropped page.
-\subsection{The \texttt{tight} Option}\label{sss:webtight}
-In an effort to compact more material per page, I've introduced a
-\texttt{tight} option. When this option is used, many of the list
-parameters are redefined so that there is not so much space around these
-environments, and between items.
-\subsection{The \texttt{usesf} Option}\label{usesf}
-For presentations, some people like a sans serif font. Using this option
-make san serif the default font style.
-\subsection{The \texttt{draft} Option}\label{draft}
-When you take this option, graphic overlays are not allowed. This
-is useful when you rely heavily on graphic overlays, but during the
-development phase, don't need to read and re-read your overlays. The
-defined background colors will be used instead. Remove this option
-to build the final version of your document.
-\subsection{The \texttt{nobullets} Option}\label{nobullets}
-Traditionally, the subsubsections have been denoted by a bullet, by
-using this option, you can force the use of numbers for the
-subsubsections, This option automatically executes the
-\texttt{latextoc} option.
-There is another option \texttt{forceSubSubNumbers}, which does the same thing
-as nobullets. This option is included for compatibility with the {\AcroT}
-Presentation Bundle (\textsf{APB}).
-\subsection{The \texttt{unicode} Option}\label{web:unicode}
-This option is passed to \pkg{hyperref}, and is placed in {\Web} as a
-convenience. If \textsf{eforms} is subsequently loaded, \textsf{eforms} (and
-\textsf{exerquiz}) will accept {\LaTeX} markup in the optional argument
-of the form fields. See the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms manual}
-for details.
-\subsection{The \texttt{useui} Option}\label{web:useui}
-This option is passed to \textsf{eforms}, and is placed in {\Web} as
-a convenience. If \textsf{eforms} is subsequently loaded,
-\textsf{eforms} loads the \textsf{xkeyval} package, and key-value pairs are
-defined for use in the optional argument of form and link commands.
-See the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms manual} for details.
-\subsection{The \texttt{xhyperref} Option}\label{web:xhyperref}
-The \pkg{web} package requires \pkg{hyperref} and calls it with a particular
-set of options, given below.
- !ameta(driver),
- bookmarks,bookmarksnumbered,bookmarksopen,%
- colorlinks,\aeb@useunicode,linkcolor=webgreen,%
- filecolor=webbrown,citecolor=webgreen,%
- urlcolor=webbrown,pagebackref,pdfpagemode=UseNone,%
- pdfstartview=Fit,pdfpagelayout=SinglePage,%
- !ameta(addtoHyOpts)}
-These option choices may be overridden using the \opt{addtoHyOpts} or
-\opt{addtoHyOpts*} option, described in Section~\ref*{web:addtoHyOpts} below.
-Now, if this \opt{xhyperref} option is used, the \pkg{hyperref} package is
-\emph{not automatically} included by the \pkg{web} package. It is assumed
-that \pkg{hyperref} will be included in the document prior to \pkg{web}. Use
-the \opt{xhyperref} option if you want to completely revamp the look of a
-\pkg{web} document by custom choices of the \pkg{hyperref} options.
-This avoids possible ``option clashes'' when your choices conflict with those of \pkg{web}.
-\subsection{The \texttt{addtoHyOpts} and \texttt{addtoHyOpts*} Options}\label{web:addtoHyOpts}
-To maximize the convenience of passing options to \pkg{hyperref}, the \pkg{web} package
-provides the \opt{addtoHyOpts} option.
-\eVerb The value of \opt{addtoHyOpts} is any combination of key-values that
-\pkg{hyperref} offers as package options. For example,
-The \texttt{pdfencoding=auto} is useful for authors writing in the latin1 character set. The
-value of \texttt{pdfencoding}, by the way, overrides the \opt{unicode} option.
-There is another option that passes its value to the \cs{hypersetup} command.
-\eVerb The value of \opt{addtoHyOpts*} is any combination of key-values that
-\pkg{hyperref} offers as package options. For example,
-The \opt{addtoHyOpts} adds its value to the option list of \pkg{hyperref}, as
-built by \pkg{web}, whereas \opt{addtoHyOpts*} passes its value to the
-\cs{hypersetup} command. Both options \opt{addtoHyOpts} and
-\opt{addtoHyOpts*} may appear in the option list of \pkg{web} at the same
-\section{Setting Screen Size}\label{s:setscreensize}
-Beginning with version 2.0, the screen size can be set by the
-author. There are two ways to do this: (1) use the macros
-\cs{screensize} and \cs{margins} (These are the same
-macros, slightly redefined, for setting the screen size used by
-Radhakrishnan in his fine screen package \textsf{pdfscreen}.); or (2) use
-a screen design option. The next two sections address each of
-these in turn.
-\subsection{Custom Design}\label{cusDesign}
-There are six dimensions that need to be specified. As with
-\textsf{pdfscreen}, the two commands \cs{screensize} and
-\cs{margins} are used for doing so.
-The command \cs{screensize} takes two length parameters:
-\noindent The \ameta{width} and \ameta{height} parameters are the desired
-screen size of the page. The screen version of this manual uses
-\noindent The other command, \cs{margins}, which determines the desired
-margins, takes four length parameters:
-\newtopic The values of \cs{textheight} and \cs{textwidth} are computed
-based on the screen size and the margins. The margin settings for
-this document are given below:
-\newtopic The optional first parameter \ameta{panel\_width} is used to set
-the width of the panel, if there is one. The default is \texttt{1in}.
-An important comment about the third parameter
-\ameta{top} is the following: as with \textsf{pdfscreen}, we put
-\cs{@Topmargin=\ameta{top}}. The running header fits within the top
-margin (this varies from standard \LaTeX{} practice). The
-\pkg{web} package dimension \cs{web@Topmargin} is the distance
-from the top of the screen down to the top of the running header. Thus,
-\@Topmargin = \web@Topmargin + \headheight + \headsep
-\noindent Also, \cs{web@Topmargin} can be used to adjust the
-positioning of a running header, which is specified in the
-\cs{margins} command. The default value of \cs{headheight} is
-\texttt{8pt}, so the value of \cs{headsep} is determined by the
-above equation. See the \textsf{web.dtx} file for more details.
-\subsection{Screen Design Options}\label{sss:designoptions}
-For your convenience, I've included nine options, \texttt{designi},
-\texttt{designii},\dots \texttt{designix}. The first one roughly
-corresponds to the original screen dimensions of \pkg{web}. The
-dimensions of these designs options are\medskip
-\multicolumn{1}{c}{Design Option}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{width $\times$ height}&\multicolumn{1}{c|}{AR}&%
-\multicolumn{1}{c}{Design Option}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{width $\times$ height}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{AR}\\\hline
-designi & {4.67in} $\times$ {3.736in}&5:4&designv &{6in} $\times$ {4.5in}&4:3\\
-designii &{5in} $\times$ {4.5in}&10:9&designvi &{4.67in} $\times$ {4.17in}&28:25\\
-designiii &{6in} $\times$ {5in}&6:5&designvii &{10in} $\times$ {7.5in}&4:3\\
-designiv &{5in} $\times$ {4in}&5:4&designviii&{6.67in} $\times$ {3.75in}&16:9\\
-&&&designix&3.75in $\times$ 6in&16:10
-\newtopic Most of these design values were chosen for their visual appeal, or for some particular need.
-The designs \texttt{designv} and \texttt{designvii} have an aspect ratio of 4:3, this is a standard for video displays,
-while \texttt{designviii} is another one with a standard aspect ratio for wide screen computer monitors.
-\newtopic To select a particular design for your document, simply include its name amongst the option
-list for the \pkg{web} package; for example,
-creates a document with dimensions of \texttt{designv}, $6\,\text{in} \times 4.5\,\text{in}$.
-\redpoint When you specify a screen design, the macros
-\cs{screensize} and \cs{margins} are redefined to gobble up
-their parameters. To define a custom screen size, therefore, do
-not specify a screen design option for \pkg{web}.\endredpoint
-If a design is \emph{not specified} in the option list of \Web, you
-can use a graphic to set the screen size with
-\Com{setScreensizeFromGraphic}. The command takes two parameters
-that correspond to the parameters of \cs{includegraphics}, and are
-just passed to \cs{includegraphics}. This is useful if you have a
-graphic to be used for a template but cannot be deformed to fit one
-of the standard designs. The solution is to create a screen size
-matching the graphic, then using that graphic as a template. Example
-It may become necessary with some graphics to use the
-\texttt{hiresbb} option for the command \cs{includegraphics}, both in
-\cs{setScreensizeFromGraphic} and \cs{template} like so,
-\newtopic This command should not be used with a panel option for the text screen
-size will be adjusted for the panel, and the graphic will be
-re-scaled appropriately.
-\subsection{Using \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{addtoWebHeight} and \protect\cs{addtoWebWidth}}
-{\CMD{addtoWebHeight} and \CMD{addtoWebWidth}}}
-There may be an occasion when you've chosen your design dimensions
-(\texttt{designi}, \texttt{designii}, etc.), but you have determined the
-dimensions provided by the selected design are not quite \emph{wide} or \emph{high} enough.
-You can make adjustments to the width and height without explicitly specifying
-the commands \cs{margins} and \cs{screensize} by using \cs{addtoWebHeight} and/or
-\cs{addtoWebWidth}. The syntax for each is
-These two can only be executed in the preamble, and they add (or subtract)
-the specified \ameta{length} to the height and width of the page. For example,
-adds one inch to the height of the page. This
-command is roughly equivalent to executing,
-\subsection{Using a panel option}
-When the \texttt{rightpanel} or \texttt{leftpanel} option is used
-the page is divided into the text screen and a panel (either on the
-left or right of the page). The default width of the panel is 1in
-and the minimum width of the panel is 1in.
-When designing the screen using \cs{screensize} and \cs{margins},
-the panel width of the panel can be set by the first optional
-parameter of \cs{screensize}, as described in
-section~\ref{cusDesign}, page~\pageref*{cusDesign}. When using one
-of the standard design options, the panel width is set to the
-default value of 1in. To set the panel width to another value, use
-\cs{panelwidth} in the preamble. \verb!\panelwidth{1.25in}! sets the
-panel width to 1.25 inches.
-If you set the panel width to a length less than the minimal panel
-width, the minimal panel width (1in) will be used. You can reset the
-minimal panel width using \Com{minPanelWidth}. See
-page~\pageref*{panelscreentemplate}, for more details on this command.
-\section{Hyperref Options}
-The \pkg{web} package loads \pkg{hyperref} into the document
-and sets some selected options of that package; therefore,
-including the \pkg{hyperref} package is not needed in the
-preamble of your own document.
-Any additional \pkg{hyperref} options that are needed can be
-introduced into the package using \pkg{hyperref}'s
-\cs{hypersetup} macro, for example,
-% Declare additional hyperref options using \hypersetup
-An alternate approach is to use the \opt{addtoHyOpts} option of \pkg{web}:
- bookmarksopen=false}]{web}
-The \opt{addtoHyOpts*} option of \pkg{web} may also be used:
- bookmarksopen=false}]{web}
-The \opt{addtoHyOpts} option adds its value to the \pkg{hyperref} option of
-as built by \pkg{web}, whereas, \opt{addtoHyOpts*} passes its value to the
-argument of a \cs{hypersetup} command.
-\noindent Documentation of the options that \pkg{hyperref}
-recognizes can be had by either \LaTeX ing the file
-\texttt{hyperref.dtx}, or by getting a copy of the \textsl{The
-\LaTeX\ Web Companion} \cite{book:Goossens3} by Michel Goossens,
-{\textsl{et al}}.
-\redpoint The \pkg{web} option \texttt{xhyperref} bypasses the inclusion
-of the \pkg{hyperref} package. It is expected that the document author inputs
-\pkg{hyperref} prior to \pkg{web}.
-\section{Running Headers and Footers}
-There are convenience commands setting the running headers and
-footers; they are \cs{lheader}, \cs{cheader}, \cs{rheader},
-\cs{lfooter}, \cs{cfooter}, and \cs{rfooter}. Each of these takes a
-single argument, which is the text for the header or footer in the
-position desired. In the standard setup for {\Web}, \cs{lheader},
-\cs{rheader} and \cs{cfooter} are used for, respectively, the
-current section title, the current page and the navigation bar (if
-You can set some basic formatting styles for the header and footer using
-\Com{header\-format} and \cs{footerformat}. For example, executing
-causes the running header to appear in bold red color.
-There are a couple of hooks for the header and footers, these are
-\Com{webheadwrapper} and \Com{webfootwrapper}. These commands can be
-use to stylize the entire header or footer. They can be defined to have
-one argument. The argument is the content of the header or footer. For example,
- \makebox[\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule][s]{#1}}}
- \makebox[\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule][s]{#1}}}
-\newtopic Lines~(1) and~(2) makes declares bold font for the header and footer.
-Lines~(3) and~(4) defines a \cs{fcolorbox} with hideous red and yellow colors;
-lines~(5) and~(6). Note that adjustment in the width to account for the \cs{fcolorbox}
-rule width and the space surrounding the text in the \cs{fcolorbox}.
-\newtopic On occasion you may want to have no running headers at all, this can
-be accomplished by saying in the preamble, or anywhere,
-\verb!\lheader{}!, \verb!\cheader{}!, and/or \verb!\rheader{}!.
-Another solution is to use the commands \cs{clearHeaders} and
-\cs{restoreHeaders}. The command \cs{clearHeaders} first saves the current
-definitions of the headers then sets the headers to the empty
-header. The command \cs{restoreHeaders} restores the definitions that were in
-effect when the last \cs{clearHeaders} was executed.
-\newtopic\textbf{No running headers on section pages.}
-One user did not like a running header that includes a section title
-on the same page where the section begins. The default behavior is
-to create a running header where the section title does not appear
-in the header on the same page as the section is inserted, on
-subsequent pages, the section head appears, I hope.
-The two commands control this behavior, the default is \emph{to not
-show} the section heading (\cs{lheader}) on the page where the
-section begins. Use \Com{headersOnSectionPage} to place headers on
-the same page as the beginning of a section. You can also change back to
-the default behavior using \Com{noHeadersOnSectionPage} (the default).
-\section{The Title Page and TOC}
-The title page is constructed from the values of the macros:
-\cs{title}, \cs{author}, \cs{uni\-ver\-sity}, \cs{email}, and
-\cs{version}. The values of some of the macros \cs{title} and
-\cs{author} are also transferred to the PDFDocInfo section of the
-Acrobat/Adobe Reader. (Press \texttt{Ctrl+D} while viewing a \PDF{} document
-to see this information.)
-Additionally, the values of \cs{subject} and \cs{keywords}---which
-do not appear on the title page---are inserted into the PDFDocInfo
-\newtopic The colors of the text corresponding to \cs{title}, \cs{author} and \cs{university} on the title
-page can be set by using \cs{titleColor}, \cs{authorColor} and \cs{universityColor}.
-Each takes a single argument, a named color. The defaults are
-For more information on defining named \textsf{colors}, see the documentation
-of the color or \textsf{xcolor} packages. A simple example would be
-\redpoint When the \texttt{extended} option is used, all colors can be
-specified with \cs{selectColors}, see
-\subsection{Basic Information Commands}\label{ss:BIM}
-The basic information commands allows you a convenient way to enter the title and author
-of the document, as well as other information. To enter this basic information,
-just fill in the values of all the basic macros briefly described below.
-For example, the following is a copy of the title information for this document:
-% \title,\author,\subject,\keywords are sent to DocInfo
-\title{The Web and Exerquiz Packages Manual of Usage}
-\author{D. P. Story}
-\subject{How to create on-line exercises and quizzes}
-% \university,\email,\version are used only on title page
-\university{Northwest Florida State College\\
- Department of Mathematics}
-You can optionally specify the \cs{date}. The web packages uses the value of \cs{date}
-at the bottom of the title page. There is says, ``Last Revision Date: \ameta{date}''. If
-the \cs{date} command is not used, the current date is used.
-\redpoint The \cs{title}, \cs{author}, \cs{subject}, \cs{keywords}
-are a convenient way of entering information in the Document
-Information fields---see
-\texttt{File > Document Info > General... (Ctrl+D)}
-in the Acrobat/Adobe Reader.\endredpoint
-\newtopic\indent If \cs{title} contains control sequences that do not expand to the
-Standard PDFDocEncoding character set, Distiller will be thrown
-into a tailspin; \pkg{hyperref} defines the \cs{texorpdfstring}
-macro\footnote{The code for handling PDFDocEncoding for
-\pkg{hyperref} is due to Heiko Oberdiek} to avoid these kinds
-of problems. For example,
-\title{The \texorpdfstring{$e^x$}{EXP} Function}
-\noindent The first argument is the one that is typeset (on the title page,
-the title of the document will be `The $e^x$ Function'); the
-second argument is the one that is sent to the title field of
-DocInfo in the Adobe Reader (and will read `The EXP Function').
-Of all the \nameref{ss:BIM}, as listed on page~\pageref*{ss:BIM},
-use \cs{texorpdfstring} only with the \cs{title} and \cs{author};
-these are the only two that are both typeset and placed in the
-DocInfo field of the Adobe Reader.
-\redpoint \cs{texorpdfstring} works for \cs{section},
-\cs{subsection}, etc\@. as well.\par\medskip
-\newtopic Having entered the values of the basic information
-commands, you can now type the standard sort of \LaTeX\ commands of
-\cs{maketitle} and \cs{tableofcontents}:
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803}\gob{\exPDF{webeqtst}} Use the source file for
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}} as a prototype or
-template for your own document.
-\redpoint When the \texttt{extended} option is in effect, the basic document
-information just described can be entered through the
-\cs{DeclareDocInfo} command, see page~\pageref{docinfo}.\endredpoint
-\subsection{Title Page Structure}
-The title page is divided into three parts: top, middle and bottom.
-\item \textbf{Title Top:} The content of the top is determined by the \Com{top\-Titl\-ePage}
-command. (This command can be redefined, but it is not recommended.) The
-\cs{topTitlePage} command expands to three elements: the university (affiliation), the title,
-and the author(s), in that order vertically. These are the values of the commands \cs{university},
-\cs{title} and \cs{author} discussed in the previous section.
-\item \textbf{Title Middle:} The \Com{optionalPageMatter} command
-is used to enter content into this part of the title page. This
-middle part is optional; if \cs{optionalPageMatter} does
-not appear in the preamble, this part of the title page is
-empty. Here is an example of usage:
- \begin{center}
- \fcolorbox{blue}{webyellow}{
- \begin{minipage}{.67\linewidth}
- \noindent\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Abstract:}} This
- file attempts to teach you how to create a simple
- \LaTeX\ document.
- \end{minipage}}
- \end{center}}
-The above definition will create the framed box seen below.
- \begin{center}
- \fcolorbox{blue}{webyellow}{
- \begin{minipage}{.67\linewidth}
- \noindent\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Abstract:}} This file
- attempts to teach you how to create a simple \LaTeX\ document.
- \end{minipage}}
- \end{center}
-The \cs{optionalPageMatter} appears just below the \cs{webauthor}
-and above the directory listing if there is any.
-The syntax \cs{optionalPageMatter} is\dots
-\eVerb where \ameta{content} content to be displayed in middle title region, and
-\texttt{[\ameta{vspace}]} consists of one (or more) \cs{vspace} commands. The default
-The command \cs{minimumskip} expands to \cs{medskip}.
-\item \textbf{Title Bottom:} Bottom of the title page is controlled
-by the contents of the command \cs{titlepageTrailer} and consists of
-the values of the commands \cs{email}, \cs{version}, \texttt{copyrightyears}
-Below is a rough figure depicting the location of the elements found
-in the title page trailer.
-\anglemeta{copyright notice} & \cs{thewebemail}\\
-\anglemeta{revision} & \cs{webversion}
-\newtopic The definition of these elements are as follows:
-\def\maketitle@trailer@ul{\web@copyright\ \web@copyright@symbol\
- \webcopyrightyears}
-\def\maketitle@trailer@ll{\web@revision\ \@date}
-% ?? The ul corner not accurate, need to address this.
-\item The \texttt{ul} corner: The macro \cs{web@copyright} expands to `Copyright', it can be redefined, or removed by
- executing \Com{nocopyright}. \cs{webcopyrightyears} expands to the argument of \cs{copyrightyears}.
-%the final element in the upper left is the email address.
-%To make everything go away except for the email address, executed \Com{nocopyrightNotice}.
-\item The \texttt{ll} corner: The \anglemeta{revision} expands to
-\cs{web@revision} followed by \cs{@date}. The \cs{web@revision} expands to
-``Last Revision Date:'', and can be changed by using \cs{revisionLabel}
-(for example \verb!\revisionLabel{Published:}!). The \cs{@date} expands to
-the argument of the \cs{date} command, or if this was not used, expands
-to the current date.
-\item The \texttt{ur} corner: The upper-right corner goes the email address, as enter through
-the \cs{email} command.
-\item The \texttt{lr} corner: The \cs{webversion} command goes into the
- lower-right corner. It expands to
- \cs{web@versionlabel\;\anglemeta{version\_number}}, while, in turn,
- the command \cs{web@versionlabel} expands to ``Version''. This label can be
- changed by using \Com{versionLabel} (for example,
- \verb!versionLabel{Attempt}!). Finally, the variable
- \anglemeta{version\_number} is the number entered through the
- \cs{version} command.
-\newtopic The font size of the title page trailer
- is set by the command \cs{trailerFontSize}, the default is
-\cs{footnotesize}. This command must be re-defined in the usual
-way: for example, \verb!\renewcommand{\trailerFontSize}{\small}!.
-\redpoint When using the pro option, the elements of the title page trailer
-can be entered by using \Com{DesignTitlePageTrailer}, see
-\texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{maketitle}}{\textbackslash maketitle}}
-The arguments of the \Nameref{ss:BIM} macros, as just discussed,
-are used to define text macros with no parameters; for example,
-when you type \verb+\title{Web Package}+, the macro \cs{title}
-takes its argument and defines a macro \cs{webtitle} that expands
-to `Web Package'.
-You can redesign the title page to suit your needs simply by
-redefining \cs{maketitle}: rearrange the macros listed in the
-second column of \hyperref[table:BIM]{Table~\ref*{table:BIM}} on
-the page, or include a graphic, or change the background color.
-To redefine \cs{maketitle}, use the commands:
-\renewcommand\maketitle{...your design...}
-\noindent See the definition of \cs{maketitle} in the \texttt{web.sty} file
-for an example.
-\multicolumn1{|l|}{This macro} &
-\multicolumn1{l|}{defines this macro} \\
-\cs{title} & \cs{webtitle} \\
-\cs{author} & \cs{webauthor} \\
-\cs{subject} & \cs{websubject} \\
-\cs{keywords} & \cs{webkeywords}\\
-\cs{university} & \cs{webuniversity} \\
-\cs{email} & \cs{webemail} \\
-\cs{version} & \cs{webversion} \\
-\cs{copyrightyears} & \cs{webcopyrightyears} \\
-\caption{The Basic Information Macros}\label{table:BIM}
-When making the design, it is useful to know that the {\Web}
-package uses the command \cs{hypertarget} to create a named destination,
-`\texttt{webtoc}', in the table of contents. Use this
-\texttt{webtoc} to jump to the table of contents using
-the macro \cs{hyperlink}.
-\redpoint When the \texttt{extended} option is in effect, a slight redefinition
-of \cs{maketitle} occurs. See the details in section~\ref{maketitlepro},
-\subsection{The Title Page Directory}\label{titlepagedir}
-When the \texttt{usedirectory} option is taken, a directory listing
-appears on the title page. The default structure of the directory is
- \vbox{\begin{flushleft}{\web@formatWordDirectory\web@directory}%
- \vspace{-3pt}%
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{-3pt}\web@formatDirectoryItems
- \if\web@removeDirTOC y\else\item\relax\dirTOCItem\fi
- \if\web@removeDirArticle y\else\item\relax\dirArticleItem\fi
- \web@addtoDirList
- \end{itemize}
- \end{flushleft}}
-There are several commands that can be used to modify the directory.
-\settowidth{\aebdimen}{\cs{dirContentLink\darg{Begin \string\hyperlink\darg{\string\web@Start.1}\darg{Article}}}}
-\tocName{Table of Contents}
-\dirContentLink{Begin \hyperlink{\web@Start.1}{Article}}
-\newtopic These three define the default text strings
-that appear. In the case of \cs{dirContentLink},
-there is a built-in \cs{hyperlink} to the start of
-the article.
-\newtopic The formatting of the \cs{directoryName} can be set by \cs{formatWordDirectory},
-the default definition is given above. The (global) formatting for the listing of the
-items can be set using \cs{formatDirectoryItems}, the default is shown above.
-\newtopic These two commands remove the ``Table of Contents'' and
-the ``Begin Article'' items from the list, respectively.
-\newtopic To add a new item to the end of the directory list, use \cs{addtoDirList}, the argument
-is the new item. The other two commands \cs{dirTOCItem} and \cs{dirArticleItem} are commands
-representing the first two default items. For example, typing
-\addtoDirList{My home page is \url{}}
-in the preamble, adds this item to the end of the list. Should you want your home page listed first, you could do the
-\addtoDirList{My home page is \url{}}
-\newtopic The following are for creating some special effects around the directory,
-such as putting the directory into a multicolumn format.
-Below is a partial listing of the definition of \cs{webdirectory}, the internal name
-for the directory. We present the code so you can see where the prior/after commands
-write to.
- !anglemeta(directory listing)
-\newtopic Contained within the code is another command, \Com{vspaceAfterDirName}, not mentioned before.
-It is used to adjust vertical spacing after the directory name and
-the beginning of the itemize list.
-A final command that may be useful is \Com{directoryhook}. It is used for manipulating
-the directory as a whole.
-\bgroup\obeyspaces %
-\settowidth{\aebdimen}{\ttfamily{ \anglemeta{code that manipulates \#1}}}%
- !anglemeta(code that manipulates #1)
-\newtopic The argument of \cs{directoryhook} is some \LaTeX{} code that manipulates \texttt{\#1}, within
-the argument \texttt{\#1} refers to \cs{webdirectory}, the internal name of the directory.
-The following example places a colored box around the directory, and centers it on the title page.
- \begin{center}
- \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}%
- \fcolorbox{red}{webyellow}{%
- \parbox{.4\linewidth}{#1}}%
- \end{center}
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=283} See the file
-for examples of many of these commands. This file is posted on the
-\subsection{The TOC for Web}
-The \pkg{web} style comes with its own table of contents format,
-as seen in the table of contents for the screen version of this document.
-The amount of indentation can be adjusted using \cs{tocindent}. The default is
-There is another relevant parameter, \cs{widestNumber}. The value of the
-argument of this command declaration sets the amount of indentation for the
-subsection numbers. The default is
-This is a template for the subsection numbers, the default is a one digit
-section number and a one digit subsection number. In the preamble of this
-document, I've set \cs{widestNumber\darg{0.00.}}, since some subsection
-numbers have two digits.
-\newtopic The color of the heading of the table of contents is set through
-Specifying a color through this command at any time before the creation of the table of contents
-will change the color of the heading. The default is blue.
-\redpoint If you prefer the standard {\LaTeX}, the
-\texttt{\hyperref[sss:latextoc]{latextoc}} option can be used.\endredpoint
-When the \texttt{usedirectory} option is specified, a short
-directory appears on the first page, see \Nameref{titlepagedir} for
-more details.
-\redpoint \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Important Note:}} In previous versions
-of {\Web}, the directory automatically appeared, and there was a
-\texttt{nodirectory} option to make it go away. Now, the directory
-does not appear by default, and the option \texttt{usedirectory}
-makes it appear. The \texttt{nodirectory} option is still defined,
-but does nothing.\endredpoint
-\subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\texttt{latextoc}}{latextoc}
-If you don't like the default design for the table of contents,
-you can always recover the standard \LaTeX\ table of contents by
-using the \texttt{latextoc} option with the \pkg{web}
-\noindent Should you want to go with this option, you might consider
-\noindent Look at the table of contents with and without this
-\pkg{hyperref} option to decide which you prefer.
-\subsection{The \texttt{centertitlepage} Option}\label{centertitle}
-Beginning with version 5.0, there is a \texttt{centertitlepage} option
-that attempts to center the title page better when the \texttt{forpaper} option
-is taken. The \cs{textwidth} of the document is preserved.
-\subsection{The \texttt{centertitlepagefull} Option}\label{centertitlefull}
-When the \texttt{centertitlepagefull} option is used, the content of the title
-page is centered on the page when the \texttt{forpaper} option
-is taken. The \cs{textwidth} is \cs{paperwidth} minus \texttt{2\cs{coverpagemargin}}.
-The default value of the \emph{command} \cs{coverpagemargin} is \texttt{1\,in}.
-\subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{makeinlinetitle}}{\CMD{makeinlinetitle}} Command}\label{inlinetitle}
- \aebCng[makeinlinetitle]
-For some short documents,\footnote{Short documents such as white
-papers, homework assignments, for example.} a formal title page may
-not be needed or desirable. In this case, use \cs{makeinlinetitle},
-the ``in-line'' title.
-\newtopic The command, which can be redefined to your needs, has the following design:
- & \cs{webtitle} &\\
-\cs{webuniversity} & \cs{webauthor} & \cs{webemail}\\
-\texttt{date} & & \cs{webversion}
-The table above extends the entire \cs{linewidth}. The values of \cs{webtitle},
-\cs{web\-uni\-ver\-sity}, \cs{webauthor}, \cs{webmail} and \cs{web\-ver\-sion}
-are populated by their command counterparts, see \hyperref[table:BIM]
-{Table~\ref*{table:BIM}}, page~\pageref*{table:BIM}. The \texttt{date},
-as appears in the lower left row, will expand to the current date,
-or the value specified by the \cs{date} command.
-\newtopic Below are notes in the case the \texttt{extended} option is in effect:
- \item The basic information above can be entered through
- \cs{DeclareDocInfo} command as described in
- section~\ref*{docinfo}, entitled \Nameref{docinfo}.
- \item If the value of the \texttt{prepared} key is not specified, then
- \texttt{date} is the current date, otherwise, \texttt{date} is the one specified
- as the value of the \texttt{prepared} key.
- \item If the value of the \texttt{talksite} key is not specified, then
- \cs{webversion} is used; but if \texttt{talksite} is specified, the value of this
- key is used instead of \cs{webversion}.
-\section{Template Options}\label{ss:templates}
-The \pkg{web} Package has three options (and supporting
-commands) for creating colored backgrounds, graphics backgrounds,
-and various overlays.
-\subsection{The \texttt{usetemplates} Option}
-The \texttt{usetemplates} option activates the mechanism for
-creating colored backgrounds and graphic overlays. A complete
-discussion of the commands related to this option can be found
-in the section entitled \Nameref{ss:templagemagement}.
-\redpoint See the demo file \texttt{bgtest.tex} for examples.
-\subsection{The \texttt{leftpanel} and \texttt{right\-panel} Options}\label{ss:lrpanel}
-When either of these two options is specified, a vertical panel
-is created. See the section entitled \Nameref{ss:templagemagement}
-for a complete discussion of the commands related to these options.
-\redpoint See the demo file \texttt{bgtest.tex} for examples.
-\subsection{The \texttt{leftpanelprt} and \texttt{right\-panelprt} Options}\label{ss:lrpanelprt}
-These two options are the same as \texttt{leftpanel} and
-\texttt{right\-panel} \emph{when there is no paper option} (\texttt{forpaper},
-\texttt{forcolorpaper}). When a paper option is taken, these options do
-nothing. The options are useful for creating a paneled PDF for the
-screen, but the paper version that has no panel.
-\section{Navigation Aids}\label{ss:naviaids}
-The \pkg{web} package offers a couple of navigation aids to
-help you move around: the \texttt{navibar} Option, and some
-\hyperref[sss:diricons]{direction icons}.
-\subsection{A Navigation Bar}\label{sss:navibar}
-Use the \texttt{navibar} option of \pkg{web} to add a
-navigation toolbar, as seen at the bottom of this page.
-The result is the navigation bar you see at the bottom of the
-\redpoint Here is (almost) the preamble of this document.
-\usepackage[dvipsone,navibar]{web} % <- navibar option
-\title{The Web and Exerquiz Packages Manual of Usage}
-\author{D. P. Story}
-\subject{How to create on-line exercises and quizzes}
-\keywords{LaTeX, hyperref, PDF, exercises, quizzes}
- Mathematics and Computer Science}
-\redpoint The toolbar can be turned on or off by the following
-commands: \cs{Navi\-Bar\-On}\sCom{NaviBarOn} and
-\cs{Navi\-Bar\-Off}\sCom{NaviBarOff}. The navigation toolbar at
-the bottom of the page was generated by the \cs{NaviBarOn}.
-\cs{NaviBarOff} was placed on the next page to turn off the bar. The
-exact code used on this page is
-\newtopic The colors for the navigation bar can be set with commands
-\Com{navibarTextColor} and \Com{navibarBgColor}. Each take a single
-argument, a named color. The default colors are \texttt{webblue} and
-\texttt{webgray}, respectively.
- {\textbackslash newNaviIcon}}\label{ss:newnaviicon}
-The \cs{newNaviIcon} can be used to define a navigation icon.
-The action of the icon can be to execute a menu item, perform a
-hyper-jump, or execute the JavaScript code. It takes six
-\medskip\noindent Parameters
-#1 = m, j, or l
-#2 = command name of the new navigation icon
-#3 = width of icon
-#4 = height of icon
-#5 = text to appear in the center of the icon.
-#6 = if m: named menu action, e.g., NextPage, PrevPage, etc.
- if j: execute JavaScript
- if l: \hyperlink{arg} or \href{arg}
-\noindent Once the \cs{newNaviIcon} command is executed, a new icon is
-defined. The name of this new icon is the value of parameter \#2.
-\redpoint \textcolor{blue}{Example:}
-\newNaviIcon[j]{\jsWarning}{34pt}{10pt}{Hi}{app.alert("Hi there")}
-\newNaviIcon[j]{\jsWarning}{34pt}{10pt}{Hi}{app.alert("Hi there")}
-\noindent By typing \verb+\myNext\ \jsWarning\ \linkJump+, we get
- \myNext\ \jsWarning\ \linkJump
-The colors for the navigation bar can be set with commands
-\cs{navibarTextColor} and \cs{navibarBgColor}.
-\subsection{Direction Icons}\label{sss:diricons}
-The up arrow you see in the upper right-hand corner was
-constructed using colored rules and the AMS symbol font,
-\texttt{amssymb}. The uparrow icon was produced by the command:
-The definition of \cs{ArrowUp}, which be found in the \textsf{web.dtx} file is
- \setlength{\fboxsep}{6pt}\normalsize
- \raisebox{-\depth}[0pt][0pt]{%
- #1{\web@colorbox@w@transparency{\web@directionIconBgColor}%
- {\textcolor{\web@directionIconTextColor}{$\bigl\Uparrow$}}}}%
-\noindent Or, more generally,
-\noindent This will insert direction icons on the current page (I
-If you want a running direction icon you can use
-\noindent or
-\redpoint To discontinue a running arrow icon type
-on the page you want the arrow(s) to disappear.
-\newtopic The colors of the direction icons by using
-the commands \Com{directionIconTextColor} and
-\Com{directionIconBgColor}. Each command takes a named color as its argument;
-the default values are \texttt{webblue} and \texttt{webgray}, respectively.
- {\textbackslash panelNaviGroup}}\label{ss:panelnavigroup}
-When the \texttt{\hyperref[ss:lrpanel]{leftpanel}} or
-\texttt{\hyperref[ss:lrpanel]{rightpanel}} options are chosen, a
-(navigation) panel is created. The command \cs{panelNaviGroup}
-can be used to create the standard navigation panel.
-%\exPDF{bgtest} See the sample file \texttt{bgtest.tex} for an example of usage.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=877} See the file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=877}{bgtest.pdf}}.
-The source file \texttt{bgtest.tex}, attached to the PDF, offers an example
-of \cs{panelNaviGroup}. This article is posted on the
-\section{The Language Options}\label{web:langopts}
-The language options redefine all of the language dependent text
-macros that appear on the title page, in the table of contents, and
-in the running headers. Invoke these options in the usual
-Here, \texttt{\meta{lang\_opt}} is one of the following values:
-\texttt{dutch} & \texttt{french} & \texttt{german}\\
-\texttt{italian} & \texttt{norsk} & \texttt{russian}\\
-\texttt{spanish} & \texttt{dansk} & \texttt{polish}\\
-\texttt{finnish} & \texttt{czech} & \texttt{catalan}\\
-\texttt{brazil} & \texttt{turkish}
-The \pkg{web} and \textsf{exerquiz} packages seem to be
-compatible with the \textsf{babel} package; you can use
-subject to the usual restrictions on these language packages.
-(Don't use characters declared active by these languages within a
-\cs{label}, or as a field name for a quiz.)
-\section{Paper Related Options and Commands}\label{paperoptions}
-In this section, several paper options are discussed, and one command.
-Some people may want to create exercises using the
-\texttt{exercise} environment for a paper document. The
-\texttt{forpaper} option can be used to remove the color from the
-document, and to restore the standard \cs{textheight} of a standard
-\texttt{article} class \LaTeX{} document.
-The \cs{textwidth} is determined from the \cs{screensize} and
-\cs{margins} parameters or by the design option (see
-\nameref{sss:designoptions}), \emph{if any are given}; consequently,
-the line breaks are the same for the ``web'' version and the
-``print'' version. If the screen dimensions are not set (by a design
-option or by the \cs{screensize} and \cs{margins} commands) when
-using the \texttt{forpaper} option, the standard {\LaTeX} page
-layout dimensions are used for the class.
-Using the \texttt{forpaper} option with the \texttt{latexlayout}
-option will give you the standard \LaTeX{} \cs{textwidth}.
-The \texttt{forpaper} option also changes the \cs{newpage} command
-to \cs{par}\cs{medskip} at the end of each solution---we don't
-want to waste paper now, do we?
-Finally, there is a Boolean switch \verb+\ifeqforpaper+, which you
-are free to use to refine the look your \texttt{forpaper} version.
-Same as the \hyperref[sss:webforpaper]{\texttt{forpaper}} option,
-but the color operators are not turned off.
-For those who want to go ``totally native,'' use the
-\texttt{latexlayout} and \texttt{forpaper} options together. When the
-\texttt{latexlayout} option is used, the page layout redefinitions of
-\pkg{web} are bypassed, leaving the original layout values of the
-\texttt{article} class of \LaTeX.
-\redpoint If the \texttt{latexlayout} option is taken, all templates
-are turned off, and the \texttt{for\-color\-option} is executed. To remove
-color, you need to explicitly take the \texttt{forpaper} option.
-and \texorpdfstring{\protect\texttt{uselatexchapters}}{uselatexchapters}
-As described in \hyperref[partsChaptersDots]{section~\ref*{partsChaptersDots}},
-page~\pageref*{partsChaptersDots}, the {\Web} package redefines the \cs{part}
-and \cs{chapter} commands for the purpose of allowing easier access to redefining
-how these section elements are to appear in the document and in the table of contents.
-You can bypass these definitions by using \texttt{uselatexparts} and
-the \texttt{uselatexchapters} options. This may be useful if you want to use AeB
-to create a paper document and you want to use that standard definitions, or perhaps
-want to use another package to define the look of the table of contents or
-of the \cs{part} and \cs{chapter} commands. (The other sectioning comments can be overridden
-as well, but any controls provided by the \texttt{extended} option will be lost.)
-\subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{useFullWidthForPaper}}
- {\CMD{useFullWidthForPaper}} Command}
-We introduce a command of resetting the page layout paper \emph{when
-the \emph{\texttt{forpaper}} option is in effect}. The primary use
-is to create standard documents for academics such as homeworks,
-syllabuses or any handout to the student.
-This command is used to set the page layout to its maximum width, given
-a 1 inch margin. The height is maximized after taking into account
-other page parameters that effect it. The parameters \cs{marginparwidth}
-and \cs{marginparsep} are set to zero; for this layout, there are no
-marginal comments. The command may be redefined as desired.
-\newtopic The command should be used in the preamble, otherwise, it
-has no effect.
-\section{Formatting for screen and paper}
-As we learned in \hyperref[paperoptions]
-{Section~\ref*{paperoptions}}, {\Web} can format a document in a for
-screen or for paper. The {\Web} package provides several commands and
-environments for changing content as needed.
-When the \texttt{forpaper} option is used, the switch
-\cs{ifeqforpaper}\sCom{ifeqforpaper} is set to true. You can use
-this switch, to get different content for the printed page or the
-screen page, or you can use the convenience command \cs{prtscr}:
-\CmdDescription This command expands to \meta{print\_text} if the \texttt{forpaper} option
-is taken and to \meta{screen\_text} if not.
-The \cs{prtscr} command is useful for small changes in content, not
-involving verbatim text or paragraph breaks. {\Web} defines two additional environments,
-\texttt{forpaper} and \texttt{forscreen}.
-\EnvLoc Anywhere.
-\newtopic Use the \texttt{forscreen} environment to insert commands or content meant only for
-the screen.
-\EnvLoc Anywhere.
-\newtopic Use the \texttt{forpaper} environment to insert commands
-or content meant only for the paper document.
-\newtopic Another command, \cs{NewPage}, is useful for formatting
-the same document for print as well as screen
-\CmdLoc Anywhere.
-\CmdDescription This command expands to \cs{newpage} if the
-\texttt{forpaper} option is \emph{not taken}, and does nothing,
-otherwise. Useful for inserting page breaks in the screen version
-that are not needed in the paper version.
-\section{Template Building and Management}\label{ss:templagemagement}
-The {\Web} package has a template building capability.
-You can conveniently create backgrounds for your page, insert an
-arbitrary number of graphic overlays, create a left or right
-(navigation) side panel, define your own navigation icons that
-appear in the panel, and write material that will appear in a
-%\exPDF{bgtest} The demo file for the template feature is \texttt{bgtest.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=877} See the file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=877}{bgtest.pdf}}.
-The source file \texttt{bgtest.tex}, attached to the PDF,
-is demo file for the template feature. This article
-is posted on the \href{\urlAcroTeXBlog}{\AcroBlog}.
-\subsection{Template options}
-As with pdfscreen by Radhakrishnan C. V., we shall have the two
-options, \texttt{leftpanel} and \texttt{rightpanel}. In addition to
-these two, there is the \texttt{usetemplates} option. Use the
-option \texttt{usetemplates} if you want to use colored backgrounds
-or overlays without a left or right panel.
-The template, or overlay, capability of the \textsf{Web Package}
-requires the use of two \LaTeX{} Packages: \texttt{everyshi.dtx},
-by Martin Schr\"oder, and \texttt{eso-pic.dtx}, by Rolf
-Niepraschk. If any of the three template options
-(\texttt{usetemplates}, \texttt{leftpanel} or
-\texttt{rightpanel}) are used, the \textsf{eso-pic package} is
-automatically included by \pkg{web}. The \textsf{eso-pic
-package}, in turn, inputs the \textsf{everyshi} package. These two
-packages need to be present on your system, unpacked, and in the
-search path of \LaTeX.
-Templates, or overlays, are available for the all driver options.
-\subsection{Text Screen Template}
-You can specify a graphic that will be overlaid onto the text
-screen, that portion of the screen to which {\LaTeX} content is
-written. If a panel option has not been specified, this is the
-whole screen; otherwise, it is that portion of the screen outside
-the panel.
-If one of the options \texttt{usetemplates}, \texttt{leftpanel} or
-\texttt{rightpanel} is specified, the commands
-insert a background graphic and a background color,
-respectively, onto the text screen region. The \cs{template} command
-will rescale the graphic to cover the entire text screen region.
-Additional graphics can be overlayed with the \cs{AddToTemplate}
-The command takes one argument, the \meta{template\_name}.
-Define an overlay,
- !anglemeta(commands to insert an overlay)
-\noindent the \meta{template\_name} for this template is \texttt{myTemplate}. (Note that there
-is no backslash.) To add this template to the list graphics to be overlayed onto the page,
-we would type
-\redpoint \textcolor{blue}{Example:} Insert the ``\AcroT'' logo in lower-left corner, offset by~36pt
-in the $x$ and $y$ directions.
- \put(36,36){\includegraphics{acrotexlogo}}%
-\noindent Because the \textsf{Web Package} uses \textsf{eso-pic}, the
-commands will be executed within a \texttt{picture} environment.
-Within the \texttt{picture} environment, the reference point of the text
-screen is the lower-left corner. The above code puts the
-``\AcroT'' logo at coordinates of \texttt{(36,36)} relative to the
-lower-left corner. The units are measured in (\TeX) points.
-\redpoint \textcolor{blue}{Example:} Center the logo within the text screen region.
- \ifnum\arabic{page}>1\relax
- \parbox[b][\paperheight][c]{\textscreenwidth}
- {\centering\includegraphics{acrotexlogo}}%
- \fi
-See the section titled \Nameref{sss:templatemanage} for details of
-how to manage your templates.
-\subsection{Panel Screen Template}\label{panelscreentemplate}
-When the \texttt{leftpanel} or \texttt{rightpanel}
-option is specified, a (navigation/logo) panel is created. The commands
-\noindent set the overlay graphic and the background color, respectively.
-The graphic is rescaled to fit the panel region.
-Once the panel and its background have been defined, contents and
-form elements can be placed on top of the panel. The command \cs{buildpanel} can
-be used for this purpose. For example, from the sample file
- \href{}
- {\includegraphics[scale=.4]{uakron}}
- \par\vspace{\stretch{1}}
- \href{}
- {\rotatebox{-90}{\aebLogo}}
- \par\vspace{\stretch{1}}
- \panelNaviGroup % defined in web
-\noindent The content of the panel is stacked from top to bottom.\footnote{The command \cs{aebLogo}
-is defined in the file, \texttt{bgtest.tex}.}
-\redpoint Additional overlays can be added with
-\cs{AddToPanelTemplate}. The command may not be as useful as the panel overlay can
-always be rebuilt using \cs{buildpanel}.\endredpoint
-\newtopic The minimal width for the panel is set through the \aebCng[minPanelWidth]
-\Com{minPanelWidth} command, the default size is 1in; that is,
-\verb!\minPanelWidth{1in}! is executed by the package at start up.
-\CmdLoc You can reset the minimal width by executing the
-command in the preamble before the \cs{screenwidth} and \cs{margins}
-commands. Or, place it in the \texttt{web.cfg}.
-\subsection{Template Management}\label{sss:templatemanage}
-In order to change backgrounds or templates, on any page, re-issue
-any one of the commands \cs{template} or \cs{textBgColor} (for the
-screen text region), or \cs{paneltemplate} or \cs{textBgColor}
-(for the panel region).
-The panel overlay can be redesigned with \cs{buildpanel}, or some of the
-command components that make up the panel overlay can be redefined.
-Templates that are inserted into the output stream using
-either \cs{AddToTemplate} or \cs{AddToPanelTemplate} can also be
-redefined on any page.
-Templates, created by either \cs{AddToTemplate} or
-\cs{AddTo\-Panel\-Template}, can also be \emph{disabled} or \emph{enabled}
-individually. For example, if the \texttt{AEBLogoCenter} template
-has been overlayed using the command
-\noindent the template can be disabled (turned off) by typing
-\noindent on any page. (\textcolor{red}{Note:} The effects of this command
-may be not be seen until the following page.) Turn the template
-on by typing
-\noindent on any page.
-For the panel region, there are commands for \emph{disabling}
-(\cs{disablePanelTemplate}) and \emph{enabling} (\cs{enablePanelTemplate}) as
-well. Each of these takes a \meta{template\_name} as an argument.
-There are a number of commands for \emph{clearing} backgrounds and
-\noindent These two clear background colors and background graphics.
-\noindent This command will clear the build panel as well as the graphics
-and field elements that lay on top of the panel created by the
-\cs{buildpanel} command.
-\noindent The command \cs{ClearAllTemplates} is equivalent to executing \cs{ClearTextTemplate} and
-\noindent The commands will clear all overlays, including overlays created by
-\cs{Add\-To\-Template} and \cs{Add\-To\-Panel\-Template}.
-\redpoint See the documentation file, \texttt{web.dtx}, for exact definitions of the
-commands in this section.
-% \subsubsection{Parameters used in Template Building}\label{sss:partemp}
-\section{The \texttt{extended} or \texttt{pro} Option}\label{webpro}
-Version 5.0 of {\Web} introduces the \texttt{pro}, which encompasses many new
-features. The \opt{pro} option has a preferred alias of \opt{extended}. The
-\opt{extended} option uses the very fine package \texttt{xkeyval} by
-Hendri Adriaens, which enables developers to create commands with key-value
-\newtopic The following new features are provided by the \texttt{extended} option:
- \item \cs{DeclareDocInfo}: A data structure for setting various document properties.
- \item A slightly re-designed \cs{maketitle}. Also, increased control over
- the placement of the elements of the title page.
- \item Extensive control over the display of \cs{section}, \cs{subsection},
- \cs{subsubsection} headings. Now color, fonts, size and so on can easily
- be set.
- \item A choice of using section numbers (the default) or no sections, or dings.
- \item A single data structure to set virtually all colors.
-Details provided in subsequent sections.
-The preamble of your document should contain a number of keys that
-identify the document, including the title and author of the
-document. Some of this information is used to construct the
-title page, some is placed in the {\PDF}, to be displayed in the
-`Description' tab of the \textbf{Document Properties} dialog box, which
-is accessed through the \texttt{Ctrl+D} accelerator key, or through
-the menu system \texttt{File > Document Properties...} (for version 8,
-this is \texttt{File > Properties...}).
-Information is passed through the \cs{DeclareDocInfo} command which
-takes a number of key-value pairs. This is a simple \textsf{xkeyval}
-interface to many of the text macros that are defined in \Web.
-\CmdLoc Place in the preamble.
-\KVP The following is a description of the key value pairs.
- \item \texttt{title}: The title of the document.
- \item \texttt{author}: The author or authors of the document.
- \item \texttt{subject}: The subject of the presentation. Optional, this appears only in the
- `Description' tab of the \textbf{Document Properties}.
- \item \texttt{keywords}: A list of keywords that describe your document. Optional, this appears only in the
- `Description' tab of the \textbf{Document Properties}. Some search engines use this field.
- \item \texttt{university}: The university or company the author represents.
- \item \texttt{email}: The email address of the author. This appears on the title page, and becomes
- an email link.
- \item \texttt{version}: The version number of the document.
- \item \texttt{versionLabel}: Text that precedes the version number. The default is \texttt{Version}.
- \item \texttt{talkdate}: Date of the presentation.
- The fields \texttt{version} and \texttt{talkdate} occupy the
- same position on the title page. If the \texttt{talkdate} is
- specified, then the talk date will appear on the title page, if
- \texttt{talkdate} is not specified, then \texttt{version} will
- appear. Both \texttt{version} and \texttt{talkdate} can be
- specified, but in this case, it is \texttt{talkdate} that will
- appear. The \texttt{version} can be used for version
- management.
- \item \texttt{talkdateLabel}: Text that precedes the date of the document. The default text for the talkdate label
- is \texttt{Presented:}.
- \item \texttt{talksite}: Site of the presentation. This field can be used for generally anything, for
- example, you could specify your web site.
- \item \texttt{copyrightyears}: Year(s) of the copyright of this publication, defaults to this year.
- \item \texttt{prepared}: The date of preparation of the
- document, defaults to the day the file was compiled (\LaTeX ed).
- This was formerly the last revision date.
- \item \texttt{preparedLabel}: The label that precedes the date \texttt{prepared}. The default string
- value is \texttt{Prepared:}. The old default was \texttt{Last Revision Date:}, and will remain so
- if the \texttt{extended} option is not taken.
- \item \texttt{copyrightStatus}: If the \textsf{aebxmp} package is loaded for advanced metadata,
- this key allows you to set the copyright status. Possible
- values \texttt{True}, \texttt{False}, or blank (no value, or the key not listed at all)
- corresponding to \textsf{Copyrighted}, \textsf{Public Domain} and
- \textsf{Unknown}, respectively. The values of this key are case sensitive, so you must enter
- \texttt{True} and \texttt{False}, with the first letter capitalized. If \textsf{aebxmp} is
- not loaded, specifying this key does nothing.
- \item \texttt{copyrightNotice}: If the \textsf{aebxmp} package is loaded for advanced metadata,
- this key allows you to set copyright notice, short text describing the copyright, perhaps,
-copyrightNotice={Copyright D. P. Story, 2009--2012}
- If \textsf{aebxmp} is not loaded, specifying this key does nothing.
- \item \texttt{copyrightInfoURL}: If the \textsf{aebxmp} package is loaded for advanced metadata,
- this key allows you to set the copyright info url, a url to
- a page on the web containing a more detailed description of the copyright. If \textsf{aebxmp} is
- not loaded, specifying this key does nothing.
- \item \texttt{authors}: A list of authors, \emph{each enclosed in braces}.
- Names of individual authors can be accessed using the JavaScript \texttt{info.Authors}
- property: the first author is \texttt{info.Authors[0]}; the second
- author is \texttt{info.Authors[1]}, etc.
-authors={D. P. Story}{J\u00FCrgen Gilg}
-Notice the use of unicode to create a u-umlaut (\"{u}).
- \item \texttt{Keywords}: Similar to keywords, but note the capital `K'. Then
- \texttt{Keywords} is used to list the keywords, they are inserted into the
- metadata as an array. The individual keywords can be accessed through a special
- JS function, \texttt{aKeywords()}, defined by the \textsf{aebxmp} package. The syntax
- is the same as \texttt{keywords}:
-Keywords={AcroTeX.Net,XMP,E4X,Adobe Acrobat,JavaScript}
-If you execute \texttt{aKeywords(0)}, the string \texttt{"AcroTeX.Net"} is returned.
-Executing \texttt{aKeywords(4)} returns \texttt{"JavaScript"}, while executing
-\texttt{aKeywords(5)} returns \texttt{undefined}.
- \item \texttt{authortitle}: The \texttt{authortitle} is a field that appears
- on the \textsf{Additional Metadata} dialog box. It can be used for whatever purpose you wish.
-authortitle={Programming and Development, AcroTeX.Net}
- \item \texttt{descriptionwriter}: This key fills a field on the
-descriptionwriter={A good, well-liked guy}
- \textsf{Additional Metadata} dialog box. For example
- \item \texttt{customProperties}: Acrobat allows for the creation of
- custom properties which are accessible through the \texttt{info}
- object. The value of this key consists of one or more property
- definition(s) enclosed in braces. Each property definition has two
- required key-value pairs, \texttt{name} and \texttt{value}. The
- \texttt{name} needs to be a simple name consisting of letters and
- numbers (not starting with a number). The \texttt{value} string
- can be any string. See the example following:
-customProperties={name=Developer,value={D. P. Story, Esq.}}
- {name=Motivator,value=J\u00FCrgen Gilg}
-Executing \texttt{} returns the value of
-\texttt{"D. P. Story, Esq."}, while, \texttt{} returns
-\texttt{"J\"{u}rgen Gilg"}.
-\Ex\label{exDeclareDocInfo} Example of usage of \Com{DeclareDocInfo} can
-be found in
-\paragraph*{Discussion of \texttt{keywords} versus \texttt{Keywords}.} \texttt{Keywords} will overwrite
-\texttt{keywords}; the value of \texttt{keywords} is passed to
-\pkg{hyperref} which enters them as a single string, while
-\texttt{Keywords} enters the keywords. as an array. There is no need to
-have both \texttt{keywords} and \texttt{Keywords}.
-\paragraph*{Discussion of \texttt{author} versus \texttt{authors}.} Similarly,
-\texttt{authors} overwrites \texttt{author}, individual authors names can
-be accessed; however, unlike \texttt{keywords}/\texttt{Keywords}, it may
-make sense to use both \texttt{author} and \texttt{authors}. The
-\pkg{web} package takes a copy of the value of \texttt{author} and uses
-it in the title page. It is possible to have two versions of the author's
-names, one for presentation and one for the PDF info.
-author={Dr. D. P. Story, Herr J. Gilg},
-authors={D. Story,J. Gilg},
-You can do the same thing, with the \texttt{author} key only by using
-the \cs{texorpdfstring} command of \texttt{hyperref}:
-author={\texorpdfstring{Dr. D. P. Story, Herr J. Gilg}
- {D. Story,J. Gilg}},
-The difference is that with \texttt{authors}, individual authors are accessible
-through the JavaScript command \texttt{}.
- title=My First Presentation,
- author=D. P. Speaker,
- university=My University,
- talkdate={Dec.\ 17, \the\year},
- talksite=The Talking University,
- subject=On the Theory of AcroTeX,
- keywords={AcroTeX.Net,XMP,E4X,Adobe Acrobat,JavaScript},
- copyrightStatus=False,
- copyrightNotice={Copyright D. P. Story, 2009--\the\year},
- copyrightInfoURL=,
- authors={D. P. Story}{J\u00FCrgen Gilg},
- Keywords={AcroTeX.Net,XMP,E4X,Adobe Acrobat,JavaScript},
- authortitle={Programming and Development, AcroTeX.Net},
- descriptionwriter={A good, well-liked guy},
- customProperties={name=Developer,value={D. P. Story, Esq.}}
- {name=Motivator,value=J\u00FCrgen Gilg}
-\caption{The \protect\cs{DeclareDocInfo} Command}\label{fig:declaredocinfo}
-\handpoint \textbf{Two tricks of importance:} When the value contains a
-comma, then the whole value should be delimited by matching braces,
-as in the \texttt{talkdate} key-value in the
-\textbf{Example~\ref*{exDeclareDocInfo}} above. The \pkg{hyperref}
-command \Com{texorpdfstring} is handy for giving alternate wording, when
-some of the {\LaTeX} commands do not transfer to the {\PDF}'s \textbf{Document Properties}.
-For example, the title might have been ``A Discussion of $e^x$''; this title should appear
-in \cs{DeclareDocInfo} as follows:
-title=A Discussion of \texorpdfstring{$e^x$}{exp(x)},
-\noindent Now the phrase, ``A Discussion of exp(x)'' will appear in
-the `Title' field of the \textbf{Document Properties}.
-%\exPDF{web_pro} The demo file \texttt{web\_pro} illustrates this command.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1112} Download \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1112}{web\_pro.pdf}}
-from the {\AcroBlog} website. The source file \texttt{web\_pro.tex} is
-attached to the PDF, illustrates this command.
-The \Com{DeclarePageLayout} command gathers together many page
-layout parameters, both for {\LaTeX} and for {\Web}, into one
-convenient package of key-value pairs.
-\CmdLoc Place in the preamble.
-\KVP The following is a description of the key value pairs.
-\item \texttt{design}: This key sets the \texttt{screensize}
- according to preset dimensions, permissible values are
- \texttt{designi}, \texttt{designii}, \texttt{designiii},
- \texttt{designiv}, \texttt{designv}, \texttt{designvi},
- \texttt{designvii}, \texttt{designviii}, and \texttt{designix}. These correspond to the
- package options of the same names. This key is ignored if one of the
- design options was taken as a {\Web} option. This key sets both the
- \cs{screensize} and \cs{margins} commands.
-\item \texttt{screensizeOf}: This key sets the \texttt{screensize}
- only (does not change the margins), possible values are
- \texttt{designi}, \texttt{designii}, \texttt{designiii},
- \texttt{designiv}, \texttt{designv}, \texttt{designvi},
- \texttt{designvii}, \texttt{designviii}, and \texttt{designix}. Use this key, in
- combination with the \texttt{margins} key, to use a standard design
- \texttt{screensize}, but with different margins.
-\item \texttt{screensize}: Sets the \texttt{screensize} by executing
- the \cs{screensize} command. The key takes two dimensions as
- parameters:
-The \texttt{screensize} key sets the screen to a height of
-\meta{height} and a width of \meta{width}. This key is
-ignored if a design option has been taken in the {\Web} option list,
-or if the \cs{screensize} command has already been executed.
-\item \texttt{margins}: Sets the dimensions of the margins of the
- screen page. The key takes four dimensions as parameters:
-Here \meta{left}, \meta{right}, \meta{top}, and
-\meta{bottom} are the dimensions of the margins of the screen
-page. These are the same arguments as the \cs{margins} command. This
-key is ignored if a design option has been taken in the {\Web}
-option list, or if the \cs{margins} command has already been
-\item \texttt{headheight}: Sets the standard page layout parameter
- \cs{headheight}. The default is \texttt{8pt}.
-\item \texttt{topmargin}: Sets the position of the running header.
- The default is 8pt for screen sizes, and the {\LaTeX} default is the
- \texttt{forpaper} option is taken. You can say
-To get a \texttt{topmargin} value that works for paper and screen.
-(Perhaps you have a border running around the page, and you need to
-reposition the header below the border.) This repositioning differs
-depending on whether you compile with the \texttt{forpaper} option,
-or not.
-\item \texttt{additionalheadsep}: Additional separation between the
- running header and the beginning of the text. This parameter
- modifies \cs{headsep}, which is computed automatically by the
- \pkg{web} package. Use \texttt{additionalheadsep} to add in a
- little bit more, if the calculation does not yield good results. The default
- value is 0pt.
-\item \texttt{marginparsep}: The horizontal distance between body and
- marginal notes. The default is 11pt. When the page size is designed for
- viewing on a computer, the margins are often times quite small, and
- marginal notes are typically not used. You can use a conditional to give
- two values one for screen and one for paper. See the \texttt{topmargin}
- key.
-\item \texttt{marginparwidth}: The width of marginal notes. The default is .25in.
- When the page size is designed for viewing on a computer,
- the margins are often times quite small, and marginal notes are typically not used.
- You can use a conditional to give two values one for screen and one for paper.
- See the \texttt{topmargin} key.
-\item \texttt{marginparpush}: The minimal vertical space between
- successive marginal notes. The default is 5pt.
-\item \texttt{footskip}: Vertical distance separating the baseline
- of the last line and the baseline of the footer. The default is
- 30pt.
-\item \texttt{webfootskip}: Same as \texttt{footskip}, but the
- \texttt{webfootskip} is measured up from the bottom edge of the
- document. The default is 4pt.
-\item \texttt{panelwidth}: Sets the panel width. If not specified,
- the minimal panel width of 1in is used. Panels appear when either
- \texttt{leftpanel} or \texttt{rightpanel} is taken in the option
- list of \Web. This key executes the \cs{panelwidth} command.
-\item \texttt{panelsep}: Sets the separation between the text screen
- and the panel. The default is 10pt.
-\subsection{The Title Page:
- \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{maketitle}}{\CMD{maketitle}}}\label{maketitlepro}
-In this section, we described the enhanced features for controlling the title page.
-\subsubsection{The Title Page Structure}
-The title page is divided into three parts: top, middle and bottom.
-\item \textbf{Title Top:} The content of the top is determined by the \Com{top\-Titl\-ePage}
-command. (This command can be redefined, but it is not recommended.) The
-\cs{topTitlePage} command expands to three elements: the university (affiliation), the title,
-and the author(s), in that order vertically. These are the values of the keys \texttt{university},
-\texttt{title} and \texttt{author} that appear in the \cs{Declare\-Doc\-Info} command.
-\item \textbf{Title Middle:} The \Com{optionalPageMatter} command
-is used to enter content into this part of the title page. This middle
-part is optional; if \cs{optionalPageMatter} does not
-appear in the preamble, then this part of the title page is empty.
-\item \textbf{Title Bottom:} Bottom of the title page is controlled by the contents
-of the command \cs{titlepageTrailer} and consists of some of the
-document information entered in the \cs{Declare\-DocInfo} command.
-By default, \cs{titlepageTrailer} lists the values of the
-\cs{DeclareDocInfo} keys \texttt{email}, \texttt{talkdate},
-\texttt{talksite}, and \texttt{copy\-right\-years}, as described above. The
-font size of this bottom part is set by the command \cs{trailerFontSize}, the
-default is \cs{footnotesize}. This command can be re-defined in the
-usual way, for example,
-\newtopic \hyperref[fig:titlepage]{Figure~\ref*{fig:titlepage}}, page~\pageref*{fig:titlepage}, shows the basic
-composition of the title page of an {\AEB} document. The title page elements are described as they relate to the
-key-values of \nameref{docinfo}, described on page~\pageref{docinfo}.
- \item At the very top is the value of the \Indextt{university} key. The color of this
- element can be set using the \Indextt{universityColor} key of \hyperref[designColor]{\Com{selectColors}},
- page~\pageref{designColor}.
- \item Next comes the value of \Indextt{title}, its color is controlled using the \Indextt{titleColor}
- key of \hyperref[designColor]{\cs{selectColors}}.
- \item The author follows, which is the value of \Indextt{author}. The color is set by
- \Indextt{authorColor} of \hyperref[designColor]{\cs{selectColors}}.
- \item The {\AEB} logo is inserted using \Com{optionalPageMatter}. Normally,
- this macro does nothing unless it is defined. In this example, we have
- \begin{center}
- \begin{minipage}{.67\linewidth}
- \centering\includegraphics[scale=.5]{AeB_Logo}
- \end{minipage}
- \end{center}
- \item Finally comes the \Com{titlepageTrailer}, a macro that can
- be redefined (see the package file \texttt{web.dtx} for its definition. This
- macro places the other elements at the bottom of the page:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The copyright year and email address, as given by
- \Com{email}. The color of the email address is set by
- \Indextt{urlColor} through the command
- \hyperref[designColor]{\cs{selectColors}}. This color
- actually sets the color of all external \textsf{URL}s.
- \item To the right, on the first line of the title page trailer is the value of \Com{talksite}.
- The color is the default color for text.
- \item In the lower left is the date of the last revision of the document. The color is the default color for
- text.
- \item In the lower right is the date the talk was given. The color is the default color for text.
- \end{itemize}
-Not shown in Figure~\ref*{fig:titlepage} is the title page directory, which is turned off by default.
-\caption{The Title Page}\label{fig:titlepage}
-\newtopic The title page layout is, of course, defined by the standard
-\Com{maketitle} command, which has been redefined by the \texttt{extended} option.
-In {\Web}, the \cs{maketitle} has different behaviors, one for screen and one for paper.
-\subsubsection{Greater Control of the Top Title Page}\label{top}
-The three elements of the top title page are the values of the keys
-\texttt{university}, \texttt{title} and \texttt{author}. Values of these keys
-are declared in the command \cs{DeclareDocInfo}. The \texttt{extended} option
-defines three commands \cs{universityLayout}, \cs{titleLayout}, and
-\cs{authorLayout}, to format these three keys in a variety of ways.
-%\handpoint A working example of the commands that follow can be found in \texttt{aebpro\_ex2.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1242} See the file
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1242}{aebpro\_ex2.pdf}}. The source file
-\texttt{aebpro\_ex2.tex}, attached to the PDF, is a working example of the
-commands that follow.
-\CmdLoc Place these optional commands in the preamble.
-\KVP Each of these commands have a number of key-value pairs. The
-first thirteen are the same that appear in the description of
-\cs{sectionLayout}, \mlNameref{secHead}. The rest are unique to
-these three commands. In the descriptions below, the word `element'
-refers to the values of the keys \texttt{university},
-\texttt{title} and \texttt{author}.
-\item \texttt{fontfamily}: Font family to use with this element,
- permitted values are \texttt{rmfamily}, \texttt{sffamily}, \texttt{ttfamily}.
-\item \texttt{fontseries}: Font series to use, possible values are \texttt{bfseries} and \texttt{mdseries}.
-\item \texttt{fontshape}: Font shape to use: \texttt{upshape}, \texttt{itshape}, \texttt{scshape}, \texttt{slshape}.
-\item \texttt{fontsize}: Font size to use with this element, recognized values are \texttt{tiny},
- \texttt{script\-size},
-\texttt{footnotesize}, \texttt{small}, \texttt{normalsize},
- \texttt{large}, \texttt{Large}, \texttt{LARGE}, \texttt{huge}, \texttt{Huge}.
-\item \texttt{halign}: Alignment of this element within its enclosing \cs{parbox}, permissible
- values are \texttt{l} (left aligned), \texttt{c} (centered), \texttt{r} (right aligned). See \hyperref[tutex17]
- {Example~\ref*{tutex17}} for a visualization of the effects of the \texttt{halign} key.
-\item \texttt{color}: The color of the section title, this can be any named color. The default is blue
-for \texttt{title}, and black otherwise.
-\item \texttt{special}: Through this key, you can a specify predefined layout for the title elements. Permissible
- values are \texttt{shadow}, \texttt{framebox}, \texttt{colorbox}, \texttt{fcolorbox},
- \texttt{frame\-box\-fit}, \texttt{color\-box\-fit}, \texttt{fcolor\-box\-fit}, \texttt{custom}, \texttt{default}.
-\item[] Custom titles can be created by specifying a value of
- \texttt{custom}. In this case, {\Web} uses
- \Com{customUniversity}, \Com{customTitle} and \Com{customAuthor}.
- These are macros that take one argument, the code for designing the
- title. The title is referred to as \texttt{\#1}. Depending on how
- these custom titles are defined, the other keys may not be
- obeyed.
-\item \texttt{framecolor}: The color of the frame surrounding the subject when the \texttt{special}
- key has a value of \texttt{framebox}, \texttt{fcolorbox} \texttt{frameboxfit} or \texttt{fcolorboxfit}.
-\item \texttt{bgcolor}: The background (fill color) of the box enclosing this element, when
- \texttt{special} has a value of \texttt{colorbox}, \texttt{fcolorbox}, \texttt{colorboxfit}
- or \texttt{fcolorboxfit}.
-\item \texttt{shadowcolor}: The color of the shadow, when \texttt{special} has a value of \texttt{shadow}.
-\item \texttt{beforeskip}: The amount of skip before the title element.
-\item \texttt{afterskip}: The amount of skip after the title element.
-\item \texttt{usefont}: Through this key it is possible to specify
-an arbitrary font and font size. The key takes five parameters, for
-The first four are the arguments of the {\LaTeX}'s \cs{usefont}, encoding, family, series and shape. The last argument
-are the arguments of the {\LaTeX}'s \cs{fontsize}, size and baselineskip.
-\item[] If the fifth parameter is empty, no font size is specified, the current default sizes are used.
-%\item \texttt{reset}: This key attempts to reset changes to their defaults. Permissible values are
-% \texttt{font} (to reset the font changes only), or \texttt{all} (to reset all the keys).
-\item \texttt{hproportion}: Each of the three elements (university, title, author) lie in their own
-\cs{parbox}, the width of this box is determined by the value of this key, as a proportion of the
-total \cs{linewidth}. The default for all three is .7. This value can be set to get more or less
-``natural'' line breaks, without having to insert a new line with a `\verb!\\!'. See \hyperref[tutex17]
-{Example~\ref*{tutex17}} for a visualization of the effects of the \texttt{hproportion} key.
-\item \texttt{xhalign}: The \cs{parbox} of each of the three elements are also placed in a \cs{makebox}, additional
-control over positioning can be had by setting this key, which sets the positioning parameter of \cs{makebox}.
-The default value for \texttt{xhalign} is \texttt{c}, the element is centered. See \hyperref[tutex17]
-{Example~\ref*{tutex17}} for a visualization of the effects of the \texttt{xhalign} key.
-%\exPDF{web_pro} The demo file \texttt{web\_pro} illustrates this command.
-%\exPDF{webpro_titlepg} The file \texttt{webpro\_titlepg} shows the structure of the title page.
-\newtopic Just above the \textbf{Title Top} is a skip that can be \aebCng[aboveTopTitleSkip]
-used to push the top down. The default value of this skip is
-\texttt{0pt}, but this can be changed through
-\newtopic There is one other title page parameter that effects the layout.
-\CmdLoc Place this (optional) command in the preamble.
-\PD The top part of the title page is enclosed in a big \cs{parbox}
-with depth set to a proportion of \cs{textheight}.
-\cs{topTitlePageProportion} is used to set this proportion. The
-argument of this command should be a number between 0 and 1,
-obviously a value of 0 makes no sense. The default value is set by
-the {\Web} package to .33, i.e., the default is
-\caption{The Title Page Layout Structure}\label{fig:titlepage1}
-\Ex\label{tutex17} \hyperref[fig:titlepage1]{Figure~\ref*{fig:titlepage1}}
-gives a representation of the page layout of the title page. The
-big \cs{parbox} of depth equal to the proportion of
-\cs{textheight} set by \cs{topTitlePage\-Proportion} is
-shown as a blue box. Each of the three top title elements are
-enclosed in a \cs{makebox}, shown in yellow. Inside this
-\cs{makebox}, the top title elements are placed in a \cs{parbox},
-shown in gray. The image shown in
-\hyperref[fig:titlepage1]{Figure~\ref*{fig:titlepage1}} came about
-as a result of the following commands in the preamble:
-In \hyperref[fig:titlepage1]
-{Figure~\ref*{fig:titlepage1}}, notice that the
-\texttt{university} is left aligned within its \cs{parbox}. For
-\texttt{title}, the proportion is changed from the default of .7
-to .4, this is manifested by the shorter gray box (which
-represents the underlying \cs{parbox}); \texttt{halign} and
-\texttt{xhalign} are both set to \texttt{r}, so the title appears
-right aligned within its \cs{parbox}, and the \cs{parbox} is right
-aligned within its \cs{makebox}, understand? Finally, for the
-\texttt{author} key, we change only the color. Swave!
-\subsubsection{Greater Control over Title Page Trailer}\label{trailer} \aebCng[trailer]
-The pro option defines the command \Com{DesignTitlePageTrailer} that takes a
-number of key-value pairs to describe the title page trailer. The use of this
-command is not needed unless you want something in the trailer other than the default
-\KVP The key-value pairs are described below:
- \item \texttt{ul}: The text in the upper left corner of the trailer, the default is
-\web@copyright\ \web@copyright@symbol\
- \webcopyrightyears\ \thewebemail
- \item \texttt{ur}: The text in the upper right corner of the trailer,
- the default is \cs{aeb@talksite}, as defined by the \cs{talksite}
- command or the \texttt{talksite} key of the \cs{DeclareDoc\-Info}
- command.
- \item \texttt{ll}: The text in the lower left corner of the trailer,
- the default is \cs{aeb@Prepared}, as defined by the \cs{prepared}
- command or the \texttt{prepared} key of the \cs{De\-clare\-Doc\-Info}
- command.
- \item \texttt{lr}: The text in the lower right corner of the trailer,
- the default is \cs{webversion}, as defined by the \cs{version}
- command, by the \texttt{version} key, or by the \texttt{talkdate} key.
- If \texttt{version} and \texttt{talkdate} both have values,
- \texttt{talkdate} is used.
- \item \texttt{textColor}: The default color of the text. The default is black.
- \item \texttt{bgColor}: The background of the trailer. This is a named color. The default is there is no color.
- \item \texttt{borderColor}: The border color of the trailer. This is a named color. If specified, then
- \texttt{bgColor} must have a named color too, otherwise, this
- key does nothing. The default is that there is no border color.
- \item \texttt{fboxsep}: The previous two keys use \cs{colorbox} and \cs{fcolorbox}. You can adjust
- the parameters \cs{fboxsep} through this key. The default is 3pt.
- \item \texttt{fboxrule}: The width of the rule created when there are values for
- \texttt{bgColor} and for \texttt{borderColor}. This key sets the value of \cs{fboxrule}. The default
- is .4pt.
- \item \texttt{graphic}: The value of this key is the base name of a graphic to be used as the background
- of the trailer. The graphic is rescaled to the width and the height of the trailer. It also reduces
- \cs{linewidth} so that the text is \cs{fboxsep} from the borders. The default is no graphic.
- If the key graphic is specified, then \texttt{bgColor} and \texttt{borderColor} are ignored.
- \item[] If the \textsf{graphicxbox} package is loaded, AeB uses this package to place the graphic.
- In this case, the \texttt{borderColor} key is obeyed; whereas, it is not obeyed without the
- \textsf{graphicxbox} package.
- \item \texttt{namedgraphic}: This key requires the use of \textsf{graphicxsp}, and Acrobat Distiller.
- Use \textsf{graphicxsp} to embed a graphic and give it a symbolic name \anglemeta{mygraphic}.
- If you then say \texttt{namedgraphic=\anglemeta{mygraphic}}, the graphic is used without re-embedding the graphic.
- The advantage of this method is that the graphic can be used and re-used in the document, without
- significantly increasing file size.
- \item[] If the \textsf{graphicxbox} package is loaded, AeB uses this package to place the named graphic.
- In this case, the \texttt{borderColor} key is obeyed; whereas, it is not obeyed without the
- \textsf{graphicxbox} package.
- \item \texttt{raise}: A key that takes a dimension as its value. The trailer will be raised or
- lowered by the amount specified. For example, \texttt{raise=-10pt} lowers the trailer 10pt from its natural
- position.
- \item \texttt{fontSize}: Set the font size of the text, the default is \cs{footnotesize}. This key
- simply redefines \cs{trailerFontSize}.
- \item \texttt{formatting}: Any additional formatting you wish
- that does not cause trouble; for example,
- \verb!formatting=\bfseries!.
-%\exPDF{web_pro} The demo file \texttt{web\_pro} illustrates this command.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1112} The demo file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1112}{web\_pro.pdf}}
-illustrates this command.
-\subsection{The Table of Contents}
-The pro option also defines \Com{tocLayout} for controlling the
-title of the table of contents.
-\newtopic The key-value pairs are the same as layout commands for the section titles, see
-\CmdLoc Place this command in the preamble.
-\newtopic When the \cs{noSectionNumbers} command is used (\Nameref{secHead}), the entries in the table of
-contents have no section number. You can define a ding for each of the three
-levels of the table of contents with this command. The key-value entries in the
-\cs{selectTocDings} command are ignored if \cs{noSectionNumbers} is not in effect.
-\CmdLoc Place this (optional) command in the preamble.
-\KVP The following are the recognized key-value pairs:
-\item \texttt{dDing}: The ding for the first (section) level entry.\\Example,
-\item \texttt{ddDing}: The ding for the second (subsection) level entry.
-\item \texttt{dddDing}: The ding for the third (subsubsection) level entry.
-\item \texttt{dDingColor}: The (named) color for the ding of the first level entry. The default is red.
-\item \texttt{ddDingColor}: The (named) color for the ding of the first level entry. The default is blue.
-\item \texttt{dddDingColor}: The (named) color for the ding of the first level entry. The default is webgreen.
-%\exPDF{web_pro} The demo file \texttt{web\_pro} illustrates this command.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1112} The demo file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1112}{web\_pro.pdf}}
-illustrates this command.
-\subsection{Selecting Colors}\label{designColor}
-The \cs{selectColors} command can be used to set the color of most all elements of
-the document that have a color attribute.
-\CmdLoc There are no restrictions on this command. In the preamble,
-it will set the defaults for the entire document.
-\KVP Each of the following keys take a named color. Many of these keys have a
-command interface as well, these are also noted.
-\item \texttt{universityColor}: The color of the value of the \cs{university}
- declaration (refer to page~\pageref{docinfo}). The value of
- \cs{university} appears on the title page. The default is blue.
-\item \texttt{titleColor}: The color of the value of the \cs{title} declaration
- (see page~\pageref{docinfo}).
- The value of \cs{title} appears on the title page. The default is black.
-\item \texttt{authorColor}: The color of the value of the \cs{author} declaration
- (see page~\pageref{docinfo}).
- The value of \cs{author} appears on the title page. The default is black.
-\item \texttt{textBgColor}: The background color of the text screen. The default is white.
-\item \texttt{panelBgColor}: The background color of the navigation panel. The default is white.
-\item \texttt{urlColor}: The color of an \textsf{URL} link. The default is webbrown.
-\item \texttt{linkColor}: The color of a link. The default is webgreen.
-\item \texttt{fileColor}: The color of a link to a local file. The default is webbrown.
-There are several other colors as well, these can be set through their interface, see
-\hyperref[secHead]{Section~\ref*{secHead}}, page~\pageref*{secHead}, for a discussion of
-the commands \cs{sectionLayout}, \cs{sub\-sec\-iion\-Layout} and \cs{sub\-sub\-sec\-tion\-Layout}.
-%\exPDF{web_pro} The demo file \texttt{web\_pro} illustrates this command.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1112} The demo file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1112}{web\_pro.pdf}}
-illustrates this command.
-\subsection{Section Headings}\label{secHead}
-The {\Web} package uses the section heading commands \cs{section}, \cs{subsection}, and \cs{sub\-sub\-section}, but the
-\texttt{extended} option modifies their definitions so that the document author can easily design how the section titles
-\newtopic The command \Com{noSectionNumbers} causes {\Web} to remove the usual
-numbering system for a {\LaTeX} document. This may be useful when
-preparing a document for presentation, and a numbering system is not
-needed. The default is to use section numbers.
-\CmdLoc The use of this command is restricted to the preamble. The
-decision must be made for the whole document at the beginning of the
-\CmdLoc No restriction on the use of this command. In the preamble, you set the layout
-for sections for the whole document. In the body of the document, changes occur immediately
-starting with the next relevant section.
-\KVP Each of these takes the same key-value pairs.
-\item \texttt{fontfamily}: Font family to use for section titles,
- permitted values are \texttt{rmfamily}, \texttt{sffamily}, \texttt{ttfamily}.
-\item \texttt{fontseries}: Font series to use for the section title, values are \texttt{bfseries} and
- \texttt{mdseries}.
-\item \texttt{fontshape}: Font shapes to use for the section title, values are \texttt{upshape}, \texttt{itshape},
- \texttt{scshape}, \texttt{slshape}.
-\item \texttt{fontsize}: Font size of the section title, permissible values are \texttt{tiny}, \texttt{scriptsize},
-\texttt{foot\-note\-size}, \texttt{small}, \texttt{normalsize}.
- \texttt{large}, \texttt{Large}, \texttt{LARGE}, \texttt{huge}, \texttt{Huge}.
-\item \texttt{halign}: Alignment of the section title, permissible
- values are \texttt{l} (left aligned), \texttt{c} (centered), \texttt{r} (right aligned).
-\item \texttt{ding}: You can specify a ding to display where the section number is usually placed; e.g.,
- \verb+ding=\ding{066}+.
-\item \texttt{color}: The color of the section title, this can be any named color. The default is blue.
-\item \texttt{special}: Through this key, you can a specify predefined layout for the section titles. Permissible
- values are \texttt{shadow}, \texttt{framebox}, \texttt{colorbox}, \texttt{fcolorbox},
- \texttt{frame\-box\-fit}, \texttt{color\-box\-fit}, \texttt{fcolorbox\-fit}, \texttt{custom}, \texttt{default}.
-\item[] Custom section heads can be used by specifying a value of \texttt{custom}. In this
- case, {\Web} uses the values of \Com{customSecHead}, \Com{custom\-Sub\-sec\-Head} and
- \Com{custom\-Sub\-sub\-sec\-Head}. Each of these macros take one argument, the code for designing
- the title. The title is referred to as \texttt{\#1}. Depending on how these custom section titles
- are defined, the other keys may not be obeyed.
-% See an \hyperref[customHeadEx]
-% {Example~\ref*{customHeadEx}} below; there are other examples in the demo files.
-\item \texttt{framecolor}: The color of the frame surrounding the subject when the \texttt{special}
- key has a value of \texttt{framebox}, \texttt{fcolorbox} \texttt{frameboxfit} or \texttt{fcolorboxfit}.
-\item \texttt{bgcolor}: The background (fill color) of the box enclosing the section title, when
- \texttt{special} has a value of \texttt{colorbox}, \texttt{fcolorbox}, \texttt{colorboxfit}
- or \texttt{fcolorboxfit}.
-\item \texttt{shadowcolor}: The color of the shadow, when \texttt{special} has a value of \texttt{shadow}.
-\item \texttt{beforeskip}: The amount of skip before the section title.
-\item \texttt{afterskip}: The amount of skip after the section title.
-\item \texttt{usefont}: Through this key it is possible to specify
-an arbitrary font and font size. The key takes five parameters, for
-The first
-four are the arguments of the {\LaTeX}'s \cs{usefont}, encoding,
-family, series and shape. The last argument are the arguments of the
-{\LaTeX}'s \cs{fontsize}, size and baselineskip.
-\item[] If the fifth parameter is empty, no font size is specified, the current default sizes are used.
-\item \texttt{numdingcolor}: The color of the section number or ding, if defined. The default is blue.
-\item \texttt{reset}: This key attempts to reset changes to their defaults. Permissible values are
- \texttt{font} (to reset the font changes only), or \texttt{all} (to reset all the keys).
-\Ex\label{tutex7} The following example sets the section
-title with shadows: text is red and shadow is blue. We center the
-title horizontally, and specify an after skip of \texttt{12pt}.
- afterskip=12pt,
- halign=c,
- color=red,
- shadowcolor=blue,
- special=shadow
-\noindent Similarly for \Com{subsectionLayout} and \Com{subsubsectionLayout}.
-% \expoint{ex7} Use \texttt{apb\_ex7.tex} to explore the section layout commands.
-\newtopic When \texttt{$\text{special} = \text{shadow}$}, shadowing is
-obtained by typesetting the text twice with different colors. The
-amount of horizontal and vertical offset are controlled by these two
-commands. The defaults are \verb!\shadowhoffset{.2ex}! and
-\newtopic The interface for writing custom section layouts are the following three
-\CmdLoc Use in the preamble or before a section head.
-\PD These three commands are used to write custom section,
-subsection and subsubsection layouts. Here, the parameter \anglemeta{tex\_code} is
-{\TeX} code for laying out the section titles, and should use
-\texttt{\#1} to represent the section title.
-\Ex\label{customHeadEx} The following definitions can appear
-anywhere, they are global unless appearing in a group.
-This puts a colored box around the section title, which
-is assumed to appear in one line. We use the internal color names
-for the \texttt{color} (\cs{aeb@sectioncolor}) and \texttt{bgcolor}
-(\cs{aeb@sectionbgcolor}) keys, in this way, the title will obey the
-values of these keys. This particular custom head obeys the
-\texttt{halign} key as well.
- {\color{\aeb@sectioncolor}#1}}}
- special=custom,
- halign=l,
- bgcolor=red,
- color=white
-\noindent The above code is a simplified version of the \texttt{colorboxfit},
-a value of the \texttt{special} key.
-%\exPDF{web_pro} The demo file \texttt{web\_pro} illustrates these commands.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1112} The demo file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1112}{web\_pro.pdf}}
-illustrates these commands.
-%\expoint{ex7} See \texttt{apb\_ex7.tex} for a working example of custom section
-%head layout.
-%\Important It is important to remark that between slides \texttt{@}
-%is made into a `letter', and reset to `other' at the beginning of
-%the next slide. This makes it convenient to make these definitions
-%between slides. In the preamble, however, such a definition must be
-%between \cs{makeatletter} and \cs{makeatother}.
-\section{On Parts, Chapters, and Final Dots}\label{partsChaptersDots}
-The {\Web} package has several commands for customizing the \cs{part} and
-\cs{chapter} commands.
-\subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{part}}{\CMD{part}} command}
-The appearance of the part title can be controlled by \cs{formatPartTitle}.
-\newtopic The argument of \anglemeta{tex\_code} consists of formatting commands; within the
-argument \texttt{\#1} represents the title. The command \cs{noPartNumbers}
-is a convenience macro to turn off all part number, if you want to create
-a document that has no part numbers, such as this document.
-The default argument for \cs{formatPartTitle}
- \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
- \partname~\thepart:\space
-\newtopic This typesets as {\large\bfseries Part I: The Web Package}, for example. You can
-modify the basic definition to introduce colors, fonts, sizes of your choice, and
-even special effects; for example, the declaration
- \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
- \partname~\thepart:\space
-gives a part title like this, {\large\bfseries\fbox{Part I: The Web Package}}
-A companion comment for changing the format of a part title, is \cs{tocPartTitle},
-which modifies how the part title appears in the table of contents.
-\newtopic Again, within the argument of \cs{tocPartTitle}, \texttt{\#1} refers to the
-text of the part title. The default definition is given above also.
-\redpoint Finer control over the formatting of the \cs{part} command can be obtained by redefining
-\cs{web@makeparthead} or \cs{web@makesparthead}, the latter one for \cs{part*}.\endredpoint
-\subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{chapter}}{\CMD{chapter}} command}
-The \cs{chapter} command is available in the \texttt{book} and \texttt{report} classes.
-There are several defined in the {\Web} package for getting a little control over these.
- \@chapapp\space\thechapter\par\nobreak}
- \interlinepenalty\@M
- \noindent\hspace{1em}\large\bfseries#1\par\nobreak
-\newtopic The argument of \ameta{tex\_code} consists of formatting commands; within the
-argument \texttt{\#1} represents the title.
-The default definitions for these are
- \@chapapp\space\thechapter\par\nobreak}
- \interlinepenalty\@M
- \noindent\hspace{1em}\large\bfseries#1\par\nobreak
-\newtopic These are slighly modified versions of what is found in \texttt{book.cls}.
-\redpoint A finer control can be obtained over the \cs{chapter} command
-formatting by redefining \cs{web@makechapterhead} or
-\cs{web@makeschapterhead}, the latter one is used for \cs{chapter*}.\endredpoint
-\subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{noFinalDot}}{\CMD{noFinalDot}} Command}\label{nofinaldot}
-The default behavior for the {\Web} package is to place a dot (.) at the end of the section
-number in both the body of the document and in the table of contents. Thus,
-this section is numbered as \textcolor{blue}{\ref*{nofinaldot}.} (note the final dot following
-the section number). This section will appear in the table of contents the same way. The default
-behavior of all (that I know of) standard {\LaTeX} classes is not to place this final
-dot (.) at the end of the section number. To revert to this behavior, use the
-\Com{noFinalDot} command in the preamble.
-%---------------------- Exerquiz -----------------------------------%
- \par\vskip6pt\vskip0pt plus .25\vsize\penalty-1000 \vskip0pt plus-.25\vsize}
-\part{The Exerquiz Package}\label{s:exerquiz}
-%The \textsf{exerquiz} package contains a series of macros for
-%creating on-line exercises, short quizzes (with or without
-%solutions), and longer quizzes that are graded using JavaScript.
-The \textsf{exerquiz} package provides environments for creating
-the following interactive elements in a \textsf{PDF} file.
-\def\mylabel#1{\hfil\hyperref[#1]{\large$\bullet$}\ }
-\settowidth{\labelwidth}{\normalfont\bfseries00.\ }%
-\item[ss:online] \begin{NoHyper}\nameref{ss:online}\end{NoHyper}:
-Macros for creating on-line exercises.
-\item[ss:QuizIR] \begin{NoHyper}\nameref{ss:QuizIR}\end{NoHyper}:
-Macros for creating interactive quizzes with immediate feedback.
-%\item[ss:QuizS] \begin{NoHyper}\nameref{ss:QuizS}\end{NoHyper}:
-%Macros for creating quizzes with immediate feedback
-%and a link to the solutions to the quizzes.
-Macros for creating quizzes graded by Java\-Script, with an option
-to have the quizzes corrected using JavaScript.
-\noindent In each of the quiz environments, you can pose multiple
-choice, math fill-in, or text fill-in questions.
-The \textsf{exerquiz} provides the above listed environments for
-the \texttt{dvips\-one}, \texttt{dvips}, \texttt{textures}, \texttt{pdftex} (including
-lua(la)tex), \texttt{dvipdfm}, \texttt{dvipdfmx}, and \texttt{xetex} options. The package
-automatically detects \textsf{pdftex} and \textsf{xetex}, and passes the driver name to
-all subordinate packages, \textsf{eforms} and \textsf{insdljs}.
-There are options for reformatting the exercises to a print
-format, for excluding the solutions to the exercises, for writing
-the solutions to the exercises so they follow the question, and
-for different languages, and much more.
-The \textsf{exerquiz} also allows you to rearrange the order and
-location of the solutions to the exercises and quizzes, to
-redefine many running headers, to customize the exercises and
-quizzes, and to use the \texttt{exercise} environment to create
-a new environment with its own counter, or with no counter at all.
-All the above mentioned macros and the options of the package are
-discussed in this section.
-\section{\protect\textsf{Exerquiz} and Acrobat JavaScript}
-\textsf{Exerquiz} now uses the \textsf{insdljs} Package to insert
-Document level Java\-Scripts into the \textsf{PDF} file. The quizzes
-created using the \texttt{shortquiz} or \texttt{quiz} environment are
-graded, marked and scored using these inserted JavaScript functions.
-Because the package \textsf{insdljs} is already loaded, it is easy
-for the document author to develop JavaScripts that can be called
-from the standard \textsf{Exerquiz} commands. The ability to write
-JavaScript, therefore, right in the \LaTeX{} document gives a
-unique programming flair to \textsf{Exerquiz}.
-\section{Package Requirements}
-The \textsf{exerquiz} package is independent of the \pkg{web}
-package; however, \textsf{exerquiz} utilizes \pkg{hyperref}
-just as \pkg{web} does. Use the latest version of
-\pkg{hyperref}. In addition to the \textsf{color} package,
-also used by \pkg{web}, \textsf{exerquiz} also uses the
-\textsf{verbatim} package. This is used to write verbatim
-solutions to exercises and quizzes to certain auxiliary files.
-Results from the quizzes created by the \texttt{shortquiz} and
-\texttt{quiz} environments are evaluated using document level
-JavaScripts. These JavaScripts are inserted into the final
-\textsf{PDF} file using the \textsf{insdljs} package. This package
-makes it easy for the package writer or document author to write
-The \textsf{exerquiz} package uses \emph{form features} of
-\textsf{PDF} that \pkg{web} does not use. For the interactive
-features to properly work, use \textcolor{blue}{Adobe Reader
-5.0} or higher.
-\section{Basic Package Options}\label{ss:exbasicusage}
-Place in the preamble of your document
-\redpoint to use \textsf{exerquiz} with the \pkg{web} package, specify,
-A complete list of the options recognized by \textsf{exerquiz} can be
-found in \hyperref[s:ListofOpts]{Section~\ref*{s:ListofOpts}}, page~\pageref*{s:ListofOpts}; they are
-also discussed below.
-The driver options for the \pkg{web} package are \texttt{dvipsone},
-\texttt{dvips}, \texttt{pdftex}, \texttt{dvipdfm} and \texttt{textures}.
-No driver option with \textsf{exerquiz} is needed if you are using the
-\pkg{web} package, \textsf{exerquiz} inherits the driver option from
-the \pkg{web} package.
-For the \texttt{dvipdfm} option to work properly you
-will need \textsf{dvipdfm}, version 0.12.7b or later, and
-\pkg{hyperref}, version 6.68a or later.
-\redpoint To use \pkg{hyperref} and \textsf{exerquiz} with
-\texttt{dvips}, specify,
-\redpoint To use \pkg{hyperref} and \textsf{exerquiz} with
-\texttt{pdftex} or \texttt{xetex}, specify,
-Both \pkg{hyperref} and \pkg{exerquiz} automatically detect the \app{pdflatex}
-and \app{xelatex} applications so specification of the driver is not required.
-\redpoint To use \pkg{hyperref} and \textsf{exerquiz} with
-any other driver, specify,
-the \meta{driver} for both \pkg{hyperref} and \pkg{exerquiz}.
-\redpoint To use \pkg{hyperref} and \textsf{exerquiz}, specify,
- b\hspace{9.5pt}}}}\enspace}\ignorespaces
-See the sample file \texttt{eq\_pdfs.tex} already set up for use
-with \textsf{pdfscreen}, obtained by downloading the zipped file
-\paragraph*{Some \app{xetex} issues.}
-In recent versions of \app{xetex}, the application may be set to strip out
-named destinations that are not referenced within the document as a target of
-a `hard-wired' link; this is an optimization feature. The \pkg{exerquiz}
-package sets a lot of destinations (or targets) but, in some instances,
-`dynamic' links are employed using the JavaScript method
-\texttt{\textsl{Doc}.gotoNamedDest(\anglemeta{target})}. In such instances,
-\app{xetex} may strip out these targets; the link or button action may not
-perform the jump to the destination because the destination does not exist.
-If this becomes an issue for your \app{xetex} installation, the
-\textbf{\app{Dvipdfmx} Compatibility Flags} needs to be modified. Search for
-the configuration file \texttt{dvipdfmx.cfg} and open the file. Scroll down
-to the line `\texttt{\%C 0x0000}', beneath it insert `\texttt{C 0x0010}',
-save and close the file.\footnote{MiK\TeX{} discourages the direct editing of
-the file \texttt{dvipdfmx.cfg}, instead, execute the line of code
-`\texttt{initexmf -{}-edit-config-file dvipdfmx}' at the \app{Windows}
-command-line prompt, and edit a local version of the configuration file as
-described above.} The documentation for this bit field is just above the
-referenced line and an explanation of the `\texttt{C 0x0010}' setting is
-\subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\texttt{pdftex}}{pdftex}
-The \textsf{exerquiz} package is independent of the \pkg{web}
-package. Therefore, you can create your own page layout package
-and use \textsf{exerquiz} to help you create exercises and
-quizzes. Of course, \pkg{hyperref} must be used.
-%\redpoint Using \textsf{exerquiz} with \pkg{hyperref} or
-Should you want to use the \textsf{exerquiz} package using
-\textsf{pdftex} without the \pkg{web} package, use the
-\texttt{pdftex} option:
-\usepackage[pdftex,<more options>]{hyperref}
-\noindent In particular,
-a screen design package written for \textsf{pdftex} by C. V.
-Radhakrishnan, has been tested and works correctly with
-\textsf{exerquiz}. For example,
-\noindent See the sample file \texttt{eq\_pdfs.tex} already set up for use
-with \textsf{pdfscreen}, obtained by downloading the zipped file
-\subsection{The \texttt{dvipdfm} Option}\label{ss:dvipdfm}
-Should you want to use the \textsf{exerquiz} package without
-the \pkg{web} package, in this case, the usage is
-%\subsection{The \texttt{dvi\-windo} Option}\label{ss:dviwindo}
-%Beginning with version 1.3 of \pkg{web} and \textsf{exerquiz},
-%\textsf{dviwindo} (the \texttt{.dvi} previewer by
-%\href{}{\Y&Y, Inc.}) is supported. This
-%means that hypertext links will be active from within the
-%\textsf{dviwindo} previewer---as well as from within the Adobe
-%Reader after the file has been converted to \textsf{pdf}.
-%Should you want to use the \textsf{exerquiz} package without
-%the \pkg{web} package, in this case, the usage is
-% \usepackage[dviwindo,<more_options>]{hyperref}
-% \usepackage[dviwindo]{exerquiz}
-\redpoint \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Important Note:}} \emph{Only}
-the \texttt{exercise} environment (this is the material described in
-\hyperref[ss:online]{Section~\ref*{ss:online}}) is supported by
-these two options. None of the quiz environments can be used with
-these two options at this time. \Y&Y{} users need to use the
-\texttt{dvipsone} option if the quiz environment is needed.
-\subsection{The Language Option}\label{sss:exerquizlangopts}
-The \hyperref[web:langopts]{language option}, available in the
-\pkg{web} package, can be invoked even when the \pkg{web} package is
-not used.\footnote{Otherwise, the language option is introduced as an
-option of the \pkg{web} package.} Currently, language options supported are
-\texttt{dutch} & \texttt{french} & \texttt{german}\\
-\texttt{italian} & \texttt{norsk} & \texttt{russian}\\
-\texttt{spanish} & \texttt{dansk} & \texttt{polish}\\
-\texttt{finnish} & \texttt{czech} & \texttt{catalan}\\
-\texttt{brazil} & \texttt{turkish}
-For example, with \pkg{hyperref}, you could use:
-\meta{driver} is any of the supported drivers.
-\redpoint\textbf{\textcolor{red}{Unicode required for \texttt{turkish} and \texttt{russian} options:}} When using the
-\texttt{turkish} or the \texttt{russian} option, without using the \pkg{web}
-package, use the \texttt{unicode} option for \pkg{hyperref}, like so,\footnote{The
-\pkg{web} package passes the \texttt{unicode} option to
-\pkg{hyperref} when using the \texttt{turkish} or \texttt{russian} option through the \pkg{web}
-option list so there is no need to explicitly use the \texttt{unicode}
-%\noindent This is because the word for ``Table of Contents'' is ``{\.I}{\c
-%c}indekiler'' in Turkish. For {\.I}\c{c}indekiler to appear
-%correctly in the bookmarks, hyperref needs the \texttt{unicode}
-%option.\footnote{The glyph {\.I} (latin capital letter I with dot above) is in the Latin Extended-A group,
-%unicode \texttt{U+0130}.}
-\texorpdfstring{\protect\texttt{forpaper{\protect\normalfont\protect\space and }forcolorpaper}}{forpaper and
- Options}\label{sss:exquizforpaper}
-The \texttt{forpaper} or \texttt{forcolorpaper} option, also available in the
-\textsf{\hyperref[sss:webforpaper]{web}} package, is needed in the
-\textsf{exerquiz} package if you are are using \textsf{exerquiz}
-without \pkg{web}. The option is invoked in the usual way.
-\noindent See the discussion of the \texttt{\hyperref[sss:webforpaper]{forpaper}} on
-page~\pageref{sss:webforpaper} given earlier.
-\subsection{The \texttt{preview} Option}\label{sss:preview}
-The \textsf{exerquiz} package can generate a large number of form
-fields: buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, and text fields. These
-are PDF objects and cannot be seen in a dvi previewer. By using
-the \texttt{preview} option, the bounding rectangles of the form
-objects are surrounded with rules, which outline the form fields
-and make their positions visible.
-This option may help you to fine tune the positions of the form
-fields. The option is for developmental use only. When you are
-satisfied with the positioning and are ready to publish, remove
-this option.
-\redpoint This option is not useful with the \texttt{pdftex} option, as
-\textsf{pdftex} does not (normally) produce a dvi file.
-\subsection{The \texttt{nodljs} Option}\label{sss:nodljs}
-If you are creating a document that is meant to be printed or your
-document only has exercises and solutions in it (which do not
-require JavaScript), the size of the document can be reduced
-significantly by using the \texttt{nodljs} option. This option is
-just passed on to the \textsf{insdljs} package.
-% \subsubsection{The \texttt{acrobativ} Option}\label{sss:acrobativ}
-% If the document author is using the \texttt{dvips} or the \texttt{dvipsone} option
-% but has only Acrobat~4.0 or~4.05, then the document level JavaScripts need
-% to be inserted manually. Therefore, we need to turn off the automatic inclusion of JavaScript.
-% This option does exactly that; it is equivalent to the \texttt{nodljs} option.
-\subsection{The \texttt{exercisesonly} Option}\label{sss:noquizzes}
-If the document author only uses the \texttt{exercise} environment, then all
-the document level JavaScripts of \texttt{exerquiz} are not needed. Use either
-one of these two equivalent options to exclude the insertion of the JavaScripts.
-This is a convenience option that simply calls the \texttt{nodljs} option described above.
-\subsection{The \texttt{de\-bug} Option}\label{sss:debug}
-Developing JavaScript functions can be tricky. Quite often, it is
-useful to insert some code lines that will help you in debugging a
-particular function or a set of functions. For example, you might
-want to verify that the parameters being passed to a function are
-the correct ones, or that the return value is correct. You can
-have Acrobat write the values to its console like so:
-console.println("Function myFunc");
-console.println("Parameters: x = " x + ", y = " + y );
-console.println("Return Value: retnValue = " + retnValue);
-\noindent In the above code, I have used the
-\texttt{console.println()} method, which is only available in the
-Acrobat application, not the Reader. For the Reader, one could
-use \texttt{app.alert()}, but this method is not well-suited for
-monitoring values of a large number variables as the script
-executes. If you don't have the full Acrobat, the \texttt{debug}
-option will not be useful.
-\textsf{Exerquiz} just passes this option on to the
-\textsf{insdljs} package. Additional details on the debug option
-can be found there. Within the \texttt{insDLJS} environment, you
-can place debugging code lines as follows:
-function myFunc(x,y)
- retnValue = x + y;
-\db console.println("Function myFunc");\db%
-\db console.println("Parameters: x = " x + ", y = " + y );\db%
-\db console.println("Return Value: retnValue = " + retnValue);\db%
- return retnValue;
-\noindent Any line that begins with \cs{db} and ends with \cs{db} is a
-debugging line. These lines will be included if the \texttt{debug} option
-is taken; otherwise they are removed. The `\texttt{\%}', is
-the comment character within the \texttt{insDLJS} environment, and prevents,
-in this case, the introduction of a carriage return.
-\subsection{The \texttt{allowrandomize} Option}\label{ss:allowrandomize}
-Use this option to load in the macros to randomize the choices
-of a multiple choice question. See \hyperref[s:random]{Section~\ref*{s:random}},
-\Nameref{s:random} for details.
-\subsection{The \texttt{unicode} Option}\label{eq:unicode}
-This option is passed to \pkg{hyperref}, and is placed in {\Web} as a
-convenience. If \textsf{eforms} is subsequently loaded, \textsf{eforms} (and
-\textsf{exerquiz}) will accept {\LaTeX} markup in the optional argument
-of the form fields. See the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms manual}
-for details.\footnote{eforms manual on Web: \url{\bUrl/eformman.pdf}}\edef\fnEForms{\thefootnote}
-\subsection{The \texttt{useui} Option}\label{eq:useui}
-This option is passed to \textsf{eforms}, and is placed in {\Web} as
-a convenience. If \textsf{eforms} is subsequently loaded,
-\textsf{eforms} loads the \pkg{xkeyval} package, and key-value pairs are
-defined for use in the optional argument of form and link commands.
-See the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms manual} for details.${}^\text{\fnEForms}$
-\subsection{The \texttt{usesumrytbls} Option}\label{eq:usesumrytbls}
-When this option is taken, the code for creating quiz summary tables is input.
-See \hyperref[s:sumrytbl]{Section~\ref*{s:sumrytbl}}, page~\pageref*{s:sumrytbl} for details.
-\subsection{The \texttt{contsolns} Option}\label{eq:contsolns}
-When this option is taken, a message appears in the right running footer
-that a solution has crossed the page boundary and that the solution
-continues on the next page. Further documentation can be found in
-\texttt{contsolns.pdf} in the \texttt{doc} folder, the demo file for this
-feature is \texttt{contsolns\_ex.tex}, found in the \texttt{examples}
-\section{The \texttt{exercise} Environment}\label{ss:online}
-The \textsf{exerquiz} package defines \texttt{exercise} and
-\texttt{solution} environments, the latter being nested inside the
-former. With these environments, you can create questions
-(exercises) with solutions. Solutions are written
-\texttt{verbatim} to the auxiliary file \cs{jobname.sol}, then
-input back in near the end of the document. A hypertext link is
-created to connect the exercise with the solution.
-An exercise with \hyperref[sss:exwparts]{multiple parts} can also
-be defined, with hypertext links to the solutions of the
-individual parts of the exercise.
-The \texttt{exercise} environment has its own counter
-(\texttt{eqexno}), but there is an \hyperref[sss:eqexno]{option}
-for using another counter, or no counter at all. This may be
-useful for creating a numbered example environment.
-There is an option for placing the
-\hyperref[sss:solutionsafter]{solutions immediately after} the
-statement of the problem. This, again, may be useful for an
-example environment where you want the solution to the example to
-follow the statement, rather than being hypertext-linked to the
-Finally, there is an option for \hyperref[sss:hide]{hiding
-solutions}, in the following sense: When the hidden option is
-used, the solutions are commented out rather then being written to
-the \verb+\jobname.sol+ file. Additionally, there is a global
-option, \texttt{nohiddensolutions}; in this case, when you
-re-\LaTeX, the solutions are written to \verb+\jobname.sol+, and
-input back into the document.
-\subsection{Basic Usage}\label{ss:basicexer}
-The syntax for the \texttt{exercise} and \texttt{solution}
-environments is as follows:
-Your Question.
-The Solution to Your Question
-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-\noindent Here is an example of the usage.
-Evaluate the integral \(\displaystyle\int x^2 e^{2x}\,dx\).
-We evaluate by \textit{integration by parts}:
- \int x^2 e^{2x}\,dx &
- = \frac12 x^2 e^{2x} - \int x e^{2x}\,dx &&\quad
- \text{$u=x^2$, $dv=e^{2x}\,dx$}\\&
- = \frac12 x^2 e^{2x} -
- \left[\frac12 x e^{2x}-\int \frac12 e^{2x}\,dx\right] &&\quad
- \text{integration by parts}\\&
- = \frac12 x^2 e^{2x} - \frac12 x e^{2x} + \frac12\int e^{2x}\,dx &&\quad
- \text{$u=x^2$, $dv=e^{2x}\,dx$}\\&
- = \frac12 x^2 e^{2x} - \frac12 x e^{2x} + \frac14 e^{2x} &&\quad
- \text{integration by parts}\\&
- = \frac14(2x^2-2x+1)e^{2x} &&\quad
- \text{simplify!}
-The code for this is
-Evaluate the integral \(\displaystyle\int x^2 e^{2x}\,dx\).
-We evaluate by \texttt{integration by parts}:
- \int x^2 e^{2x}\,dx &
- = \frac12 x^2 e^{2x} - \int x e^{2x}\,dx &&\quad
- \text{$u=x^2$, $dv=e^{2x}\,dx$}\\&
-... lines removed ...
- = \frac14(2x^2-2x+1)e^{2x} &&\quad
- \text{simplify!}
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} See the source file for the PDF
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}} for a complete
-listing of this exercise.
-%\noindent See the demo file \textsf{webeqtst.tex} for a complete listing of this exercise.
-\redpoint Questions and solutions are kept together \textit{\`a la
-Knuth}. The solutions are written to the file
-\cs{jobname.sol} verbatim then input back using
-\redpoint You can redefine the counter to include the section
-number. For example, the code
-\noindent can be placed in the preamble of your document. In this
-case, the above exercise would appear as
-\redpoint The usual cross-referencing mechanisms for \LaTeX, i.e.,
-using \cs{ref} and \cs{pageref}, work as expected.
-For example, the label `\verb+\label{ex:int}+' was placed
-just after the \verb+\begin{exercise}+ on the previous page. Let us now
-reference Exercise~\ref{ex:int}, on page~\pageref{ex:int}.
-let us now reference Exercise~\ref{ex:int},
-\noindent Of course, the nicer looking variations can be done as well.
-For example, see \hyperref[ex:int]{\textsf{Exercise~\ref*{ex:int}}}.
-\noindent The \texttt*-form of \cs{ref} was used to turn off the
-redundant link creation. (\pkg{hyperref} would normally make
-the \cs{ref} macro into a link.)
-\redpoint An `\textsf{Exercise}' that is also a hypertext link
-appears in the default color \textcolor{webgreen}{green}; if an
-`\textsf{Exercise}' is not a link, it appears in \textcolor{blue}
-{blue}. (The word `\textsf{Exercise}' is not a link if it is an
-\hyperref[sss:exwparts]{exercise with parts}, or if the
-\texttt{\hyperref[sss:nosolutions]{nosolutions}} option is used.
-Finally, if the \texttt{web} option
-\texttt{\hyperref[sss:webforpaper]{forpaper}} is used, color is
-turned off and `\textsf{Exercise}' appears in black.
-\redpoint\textbf{\textcolor{red}{Caveat:}} There is one problem
-you might watch for. There is an optional argument to the
-\texttt{solution} environment. When \LaTeX{} searches the source
-looking for the optional parameter, which may not exist, it expands
-macros looking for a `\texttt['. This causes problem when you have
-a solution that begins with a math display environment and \LaTeX{}
-prematurely expands such an environment.
-Write an equation of a line that crosses the $x$- and $y$-axes at 1.
-\noindent To prevent \LaTeX{} errors that will stop the compilation,
-just place the empty optional argument `\texttt{[]}' prior to the math environment. The code for
-the previous exercise is
-Write an equation of a line that crosses
-the $x$- and $y$-axes at 1.
-\noindent This is only necessary if the solution \textbf{does not} begin with text.
-\subsubsection{Exercises with Parts: The \texttt{exercise*} Environment}\label{sss:exwparts}
-Beginning with version 6.07, the \texttt{exercise*} environment is used to create exercises with multiple
-parts.\footnote{For users of exerquiz, this is equivalent
-to the \texttt*-option with the \texttt{exercise} environment. The \texttt{exercise*} environment is the preferred form
-but the \texttt*-option works as before.}
-A companion environment to \texttt{exercise*} is the
-\texttt{parts} environment, used to enclose the multiple parts of
-the question. The \texttt{parts} environment takes one optional
-argument, the number of columns to be used. The argument must be a
-positive integer greater than 1, in this case, a tabular
-environment is used, with the number of columns equal to the
-specified argument. If no optional parameter is given, then a list
-environment is used.
-Preamble for your multi-parted question.
-\begin{parts} % begin listing of the parts
-\item First question.
-Solution to first question.
-\item Final question.
-Solution to the final question.
-\end{parts} % end listing of parts
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} The following exercise illustrates this option.
-This example appears in \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}}.
-%\noindent The following exercise illustrates this option. \texttt{\href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#webeqtst}{webeqtst.tex}}.
-Suppose a particle is moving along the $s$-axis, and that its position
-at any time $t$ is given by $s=t^2 - 5t + 1$.
-\item Find the velocity, $v$, of the particle at any time
-Velocity is the rate of change of position with respect to time. In
- v = \frac{ds}{dt}
-For our problem, we have
- v = \frac{ds}{dt} =\frac d{dt}(t^2 - 5t + 1) = 2t-5.
-The velocity at time $t$ is given by $\boxed{v=2t-5}$.
-\item Find the acceleration, $a$, of the particle at any time $t$.
-Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.
- a = \frac{dv}{dt}
-For our problem, we have
- a = \frac{dv}{dt} =\frac d{dt}(2t-5)=2.
-The acceleration at time $t$ is constant: $\boxed{a=2}$.
-\noindent There is also an option for listing multi-parts questions in tabular form.
-% {\let\save@@xtabularcr\@xtabularcr}
-% {\eqe@tab@parts@rowsep}}%
-% \noalign{\expandafter\kern\eqparts@tabrowsep}}%
-Simplify each of the following expressions in the complex number system.
-\textit{Note}: $\bar z$ is the conjugate of $z$; $\operatorname{Re} z$ is the real
-part of $z$ and $\operatorname{Im} z$ is the imaginary part of $z$.
-\item $i^2$
-$i^2 = -1$
-\item $i^3$
-$i^3 = i i^2 = -i$
-\item $z+\bar z$
-$z+\bar z=\operatorname{Re} z$
-\item $1/z$
- =\frac{\bar{z}}{z\bar{z}}=\frac{\bar{z}}{|z|^2}$
-\noindent The syntax is the same as an exercise with multiparts.
-\begin{exercise*} % <- star indicates multipart
-Simplify each...
-\begin{parts}[2] % <- optional argument indicates tabular
-\item $i^2$
-\begin{solution}[] $i^2 = -1$ \end{solution}
-\item $i^3$ \begin{solution}[] $i^3 = i i^2 = -i$\end{solution}
-\item $z+\bar z$
-\begin{solution}[] $z+\bar z=\operatorname{Re} z$\end{solution}
-\redpoint This problem style does not obey the
-\texttt{solutionsafter} option. (See the section entitled
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} The demo PDF
-contains this particular example.
-%\exPDF{webeqtst} The sample file
-%contains this particular example.
-\subsection{Options of the \texttt{exercise} Environment}
-\subsubsection{Leaving Vertical Space instead of a
-The \texttt{exercise} environment can be used for test
-construction. Initially, you may want to pose a questions and
-leave space beneath for the student to write in an answer.
-\newtopic The \texttt{solutions} environment has an optional parameter for
-inserting a vertical space.
-This is the question.
-\begin{solution}[1in] % <-- optional vertical skip
-This is the solution.
-\noindent This vertical space only appears when the
-\texttt{\hyperref[sss:nosolutions] {nosolutions}} option is in
-Within the context of test construction, write the test (including
-the solutions), then publish it with the \texttt{nosolutions}
-option (leaving vertical spaces as appropriate), then publish the
-key with the \texttt{\hyperref[sss:solutionsafter]
-{solutionsafter}} option.\footnote{If \texttt{solutionsafter} and
-\texttt{nosolutions} both appear in the option list,
-\texttt{solutionsafter} overrides \texttt{nosolutions}.}
-\redpoint The optional parameter for the solution is ignored for
-exercises with parts having a tabular format
-(\hyperref[ex:tabular]{Example~\ref{ex:tabular}} is an example of
-a tabular multipart exercise).
-\subsubsection{Hiding some Solutions}\label{sss:hide}
-A subset of the solutions can be hidden by using the `\texttt{h}'
-option. This option is an option of the \texttt{exercise}
-environment, as well as an option of \cs{item}, when there is an
-exercise with parts. For example, the following code
-\begin{exercise}[h] % <- hide solution
-Give an example of a set that is \textit{clopen}.
-The real number line is both closed and open in the
-usual topology of the real line.
-yields the following exercise.
-\begin{exercise}[h] % <- hide solution
-Give an example of a set that is \textit{clopen}.
-The real number line is both closed and open in the
-usual topology of the real line.
-Notice that there is no hypertext link to the solution; indeed,
-the solution was not even written to the \cs{jobname.sol} file.
-The `\texttt{h}' option works with exercises with parts as well.
-Just apply the `\texttt{h}' option to the \cs{item}:
-A particle has position $s=t^2 - 5t + 1$ at time $t$.
-\item Find the velocity, $v$, at time $t$.
-$v = 2t-5$.
-% This solution will not be included in the solutions
-% section at the end of the document.
-\item[h] Find the acceleration, $a$, at time $t$.
-$a = 2$.
-\noindent The results of this code follow:
-A particle has position $s=t^2 - 5t + 1$ at time $t$.
-\item Find the velocity, $v$, at time $t$.
-$v = 2t-5$.
-\item[h] Find the acceleration, $a$, at time $t$.
-$a = 2$.
-Part (a) is hypertext linked to its solution, whereas part (b) is
-blue, indicating there is no link there.
-\redpoint Multipart exercises in the tabular format behave the same way; use
-\cs{item[h]} to ``hide'' a solution.
-\redpoint There is also an `\texttt{H}' option as well. Specifying
-`\texttt{H}' also hides the solutions. See the next two sections for a discussion
-of revealing the solutions marked by either `\texttt{h}' or `\texttt{H}' to understand
-the distinction between the two.
-\subsubsection{The \texttt{nohiddensolutions} Option}\label{sss:nohideopt}
-Hidden solutions can be included in the document by either
-removing the `\texttt{h}' option everywhere and re-\LaTeX ing, or
-by simply using the \texttt{nohiddensolutions} of
-\noindent This option overrides the local `\texttt{h}' option throughout the
-\redpoint When the \texttt{solutionsafter} option of \textsf{exerquiz} is invoked,
-the hidden solutions are also revealed. To keep the solutions hidden, in this case,
-you should use `\texttt{H}' option instead of `\texttt{h}'. See the next section.
-\subsubsection{The \texttt{noHiddensolutions} Option}\label{sss:noHideopt}
-In addition to the `\texttt{h}', you can also use the `\texttt{H}'
-option with exercises. The solution will be hidden with
-`\texttt{H}', but will not be revealed when either the
-\texttt{nohiddensolutions} or the \texttt{solutionsafter}
-options are used.
-The `\texttt{H}' option can be overridden by using the
-\texttt{noHiddensolutions} of \textsf{exerquiz}.
-This option overrides the `\texttt{H}' and `\texttt{h}' options throughout
-the document.
-\subsubsection{The \protect\texttt{exercise} environment Counter}\label{sss:eqexno}
-The counter for the \texttt{exercise} environment is \texttt{eqexno},
-and will number your exercises consecutively throughout the
-document. Should you want the counter to be reset after each
-\texttt{section}, place in the preamble of your document
-the following lines:
-Some educators may initially want to post a series of exercises on the
-Web without the solutions. Then, at a later date, repost the
-exercises with the solutions included. For this application there
-is the \texttt{nosolutions} option for the \textsf{exerquiz}
-\usepackage[pdftex]{web} % dvipsone, dvips or dvipdfm
-\noindent For this kind of application, it might make sense to publish the exercises
-with the \texttt{forpaper} option.
-For additional flexibility with how you want the solutions to the
-exercises presented, there is a \texttt{sol\-u\-tions\-af\-ter} option
-with \textsf{exerquiz}. Should you invoke this option,
-\usepackage[dvipsone]{web} % dvips or pdftex
-\noindent the solutions to the exercises appear just \emph{after} the
-exercise question. For example,
-Let $V$ be a vector space, show that the zero vector, $\mathbf 0$, is
-Let $\mathbf 0'$ be a vector that satisfies the axiom of being a
-zero of the vector space $V$. We want to show $\mathbf 0=\mathbf
-0'$. Since $\mathbf 0$ is a zero, we have $\mathbf 0 + \mathbf 0'=\mathbf
-0'$. But we are assuming $\mathbf 0'$ is a zero vector as well,
-hence, $\mathbf 0' + \mathbf 0=\mathbf 0$. Finally,
- \mathbf0' = \mathbf0 + \mathbf0' = \mathbf0' + \mathbf0 = \mathbf0
-and this completes the proof.
-As you can see in the above example, the word \textit{Solution:} is typeset
-at the beginning of the solutions. The command \Com{renameSolnAfterTo} can be used
-for conveniently changing the solution after label, for example,
-\verb!\renameSolnAfterTo{\textbf{Proof:}}! changes the label to \textbf{Proof:},
-and \verb!\renameSolnAfterTo{}! produces no label. These changes will be local
-to the group in which they are made, or global of there they are not made in a group.
-The command \cs{resetSolnAfterToDefault} sets the label text back to
-the default. The default label is
-\newtopic The option \texttt{solutionsafter} is global; all exercises are
-typeset this way---unless you change it within the document using
-the macros \cs{SolutionsAfter} and \cs{Solutions\-At\-End}. This
-manual was typeset without the \texttt{solutionsafter} option. The
-above example was typeset as follows:
-\SolutionsAfter % show solution following exercise
-Let $V$ be a vector space, show ...
-\SolutionsAtEnd % turn back on solutions at end of document
-\noindent Normally, a typical document might have all solutions at the end
-of the document (the default behavior), or all solutions following
-each exercise (\texttt{solutionsafter} option). Mixtures of these two
-types can be obtained by using the two commands
-\cs{Solutions\-After} and \cs{Solutions\-At\-End}.
-\newtopic This feature might be an easy way of typsetting examples. See the example
-in the section entitled \Nameref{sss:redesignex}.
-\redpoint The \texttt{solutionsafter} option has no effect on
-multipart exercises in \textit{tabular form}; I haven't been
-able to find a convenient way of displaying the solutions after
-the questions when the questions are in tabular form.\endredpoint
-%\exPDF{webeqtst} See the file \texttt{\href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#webeqtst}{webeqtst.pdf}} for examples.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} See the file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}} from the {\AcroBlog}
-website for examples.
-\subsubsection{Moving the Solution Set}
-The solution set, by default, comes last in the file. You can
-move its positioning by including the command
-\cs{includeexersolutions} at any point \emph{after} the last
-exercise. You'll note that I have moved the solutions in this
-file \emph{before} the \nameref{references} section, as indicated, for
-example, by its position in the table of contents.
-\subsubsection{Grouping the solutions at end}\label{ss:grpEx}
-Historically, solutions to exercises appearing at the end of the file
-\emph{are not grouped}. This means that a color change or a definition made
-in one solution, for example, may affect all subsequent solutions.
-You can now declare \cs{makeExSolnsLocalOn} or \cs{makeExSolnsLocalOff}
-anywhere in the document to turn on grouping for all exercises that follow,
-or to turn off this feature again. The default is \cs{makeExSolnsLocalOff}.
-\subsection{Redesigning the
-You can customize the \texttt{exercise} environment to suit your
-own needs. To customize, you need to change some or all of the
-following six commands. In the listing below, the \LaTeX{} definition
-of each follows a short description.
- \item \cs{exlabel}: This command expands to the name of the exercise label,
- the default string is `Exercise'.
- \item \cs{exlabelformat}: Typesets the exercise
- label; use it to introduce additional type style such as
- boldface, italic, small caps, etc.
- {\scshape\exlabel\ \theeqexno.}}
- \item \cs{exlabelsol}: Expands to the name of the exercise
- label in the solutions section. Usually its value is the same
- as \cs{exlabel}.
- \item \cs{exsllabelformat}: The format of the solutions label,
- \verb+\bfseries\exlabel+ is the default.
- {\noexpand\textbf{\exlabelsol\ \theeqexno.}}
- \item \cs{exrtnlabelformat}: This is the label you click on to
- return from the solution of the exercise.
-\newcommand\exrtnlabelformat{\exlabelsol\ \theeqexno}
- \item \cs{exsectitle}: The section title of the solutions to
- the exercises.
-\newcommand\exsectitle{Solutions to \exlabel s}
- \item \cs{exsecrunhead}: The running header for the solution
- section for the exercises.
-\redpoint The counter \texttt{eqexno} is used to count exercises.
-When an \texttt{exercise} environment starts, this counter is
-incremented. The value of this counter is used in
-the definitions of \cs{exlabelformat}, \cs{exsllabelformat} and
-\cs{exrtnlabelformat}. Still, the use of \texttt{eqexno} is
-optional; for example, you might want to state a problem just as `Special
-Exercise', without an associated exercise number.
-Below is an example of redefining the \texttt{exercise}
-environment. We define a \texttt{problem} environment based on
-the \texttt{exercise} environment.
-\renewcommand\exlabelformat{\textbf{\exlabel\ \theeqexno.}}
- {\noexpand\textbf{\exlabel\ \theeqexno}}
-\renewcommand\exlabelformat{\textbf{\exlabel\ \theeqexno.}}
- {\noexpand\textbf{\exlabel\ \theeqexno.}}
-\renewcommand\exsecrunhead{Solutions to Problems}
-\noindent See any standard \LaTeX{} reference on how to define a new
-environment, for example \cite{book:Goossens1}.
-\newtopic Here is an example of the new \texttt{problem} environment:\medskip
-This is a question.
-This is the solution.
-The code for this problem was simply:
-This is a question.
-This is the solution.
-\redpoint Two of these commands, \cs{exsllabelformat} and
-\cs{exrtnlabelformat}, must be handled with special care. Formatting such
-as \cs{textbf} or \cs{scseries} must be preceded by a \cs{noexpand}. These
-commands are written to a file, and must be prevented from expanding.
-When you use the \texttt{exercise} environment, the counter
-\texttt{eqexno} is automatically incremented by default. The
-\texttt{exercise} does have an optional argument for inserting
-your own counter.
-\noindent Where \ameta{ctr} is a counter already defined. This option is
-useful if you want to use the \texttt{exercise} environment to
-create a new environment with its own numbering scheme, as the
-following example illustrates.
-This example demonstrates how to define an \texttt{example}
-environment with its own counter. For examples, we don't want the
-solutions to appear at the end of the file, so we'll use
-the commands \cs{SolutionsAfter} and \cs{SolutionsAtEnd}. All changes are
-% put a counter in preamble
- {\textbf{\exlabel\ \theexampleno.}}
-\renewcommand\exlabelformat{\textbf{\exlabel\ \theexampleno.}}
-\noindent Now we simply type
-What is $2+2$?
-It is well known that $2+2=4$.
-\newtopic to obtain
-What is $2+2$?
-It is well known that $2+2=4$.
-\noindent The changes are local to the new \texttt{example} environment. If
-we have another exercise, we get a correctly numbered exercise.
-What is $2+2$?
-It is well known that $2+2=4$.
-\redpoint The command \cs{exsolafter} typesets the solution label
-to the exercise in the case the \texttt{solutionsafter} option is in effect.
-The default definition of \cs{exsolafter} is `\verb+\textit{Solution}:+'.
-You can redefine it as follows:
-\noindent The command \cs{renameSolnAfterTo} is a convenience macro for changing this label.
-We can redefine the label above like so:
-This redefinition yields:
-\renewcommand\exlabelformat{\textbf{\exlabel\ \theexampleno. }}
-What is $2+2$?
-It is well known that $2+2=4$.
-\redpoint There is a special option to the \texttt{exercise}
-environment as well,
-When the optional argument is \texttt{0} rather than a counter. In
-this case, no counter is associated with the environment. For
-\renewcommand\exlabelformat{\textbf{\exlabel. }}
- {\noexpand\textbf{\exlabel\ Hint:}}
-\renewcommand\exlabelformat{\textbf{\exlabel. }}
- {\noexpand\textbf{\exlabel\ Hint:}}
-\renewcommand\exsecrunhead{Hints to Projects}
-\noindent Thus, we obtain,
-Find a shorter proof of \textsf{Fermat's Last Theorem}. Do not
-look at the project hints until you have finished the
-There, you didn't need my help after all.
-\noindent The code:
-Find a shorter proof of \textsf{Fermat's Last Theorem}. Do not
-look at the project hints until you have finished the project.
-There, you didn't need my help after all.
-\noindent Note that the solutions are typeset at the end of the file in the
-`Solutions to Exercises' section. At this time, there is no
-feature for sorting out these different types of environments;
-they are all \texttt{exercise} environments, which is what they are.
-\section{The \texttt{shortquiz} Environment}\label{ss:QuizIR}
-The \texttt{shortquiz} environment is used to create multiple
-choice question and math/text fill-in questions with immediate
-response. The discussion of math and text fill-in questions is
-post-phoned to \hyperref[s:oQ]{Section~\ref*{s:oQ}}, entitled
-\nameref{s:oQ}. The environment allows redefinition to customize
-the look of your quizzes. (See
-% The presentation of the answers will either be in a \texttt{list}
-% or a \texttt{tabular} environment, depending on the parameter
-% \texttt{num\_cols}. (A \texttt{list} is used if \texttt{num\_col}
-% is set to~1.)
-\subsection{Basic Usage}\label{BasicUsage}
-The syntax for the environment (\texttt{tabular} version) is as
-\def\T#1{\makebox[0pt][l]{\hspace*{200pt}\% #1}}
-\def\1{\T{begin shortquiz}}
-\def\2{\T{begin proposed answers}}
-\def\3{\T{a wrong answer}}
-\def\4{\T{the right answer}}
-\def\5{\T{end listing of answers}}
-\def\6{\T{end shortquiz}}
-...Question goes here...
-!3\Ans0 !anglemeta(an incorrect answer) &
-!4\Ans1 !anglemeta(a correct answer) &
-The optional \meta{base\_name} is used to build names of the form fields associated with
-this quiz; if one is not provided, a \meta{base\_name} is automatically created. The name
-must be unique to the entire document.
-The parameter \meta{num\_cols} is the number of
-columns you want to typeset for your multiple choice responses. The
-environment sets up a \texttt{tabular} environment if
-\meta{num\_cols} is greater than~1, and a \texttt{list}
-environment if \texttt{num\_cols} is~1.
-This type of quiz is suitable for asking a short series of
-question of the reader, perhaps after explaining some concept.
-Quizzes can be used to direct the reader's attention to an
-important point.
-\redpoint Here is an example of the \texttt{shortquiz}
-environment. Responses are graded without comment using
-Which of the following is the $\dfrac{d}{dx}{\sin(x^3)}$?
-\Ans0 $\sin(3x^2)$ & \Ans0 $\cos(x^3)$ & \Ans1 $3x^2\cos(x^3)$ &
-\Ans0 $3x^2\cos(3x^2)$ \\
-\noindent The verbatim listing follows:
-\begin{shortquiz} % begin shortquiz environment
-Which of the following is the $\dfrac{d}{dx}{\sin(x^3)}$?
-\begin{answers}{4} % 4 columns of answers
- \Ans0 $\sin(3x^2)$ & % \Ans0 is a false answer
- \Ans0 $\cos(x^3)$ &
- \Ans1 $3x^2\cos(x^3)$ & % \Ans1 is the correct answer
- \Ans0 $3x^2\cos(3x^2)$
-\end{answers} % end answers environment
-\end{shortquiz} % end shortquiz environment
-If \texttt{num\_cols} is greater than 1, the
-\texttt{answers} sets up a \texttt{tabular} environment,
-\texttt{p\darg{\meta{width}}} to sets up the column widths. The \cs{parbox}es are
-typeset ragged right.
-\redpoint Below is a two-column example in which the posed
-alternatives are rather long. The \texttt{answers} environment
-produces is a nicely aligned set of paragraphs.
-Which of the following best describes Augustin Cauchy?
-\Ans0 He developed the Calculus while his University was closed
-for the plague. & % Newton
-\Ans0 Given credit for first using the functional notation
-$f(x)$.\\ % Euler
-\Ans0 He created the ``bell-shaped curve'' and first used the
-method of
-least squares. & % Guass
-\Ans1 He first formulated a precise
-definition of the limit and continuity of a function. \\ % Cauchy
-\Ans0 Gave a rigorous definition of the definite integral---an
-that now bears his name. & % Riemann
-\Ans0 His notation for the derivative and the integral is used
-even to this day. % Leibniz
-\noindent Here is the same example in which the \texttt{num\_cols} is set
-to~1; in this case, a \texttt{list} environment is used.
-Which of the following best describes Augustin Cauchy?
-\Ans0 He developed the Calculus while his University was closed
-for the plague. % Newton
-\Ans0 Given credit for first using the functional notation
-$f(x)$. % Euler
-\Ans0 He created the ``bell-shaped curve'' and first used the
-method of
-least squares. % Guass
-\Ans1 He first formulated a precise
-definition of the limit and continuity of a function. % Cauchy
-\Ans0 Gave a rigorous definition of the definite integral---an
-that now bears his name. % Riemann
-\Ans0 His notation for the derivative and the integral is used
-even to this day. % Leibniz
-%\exPDF{webeqtst} See the sample file
-%\texttt{\href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#webeqtst} {webeqtst.tex}} for
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} See the file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}} from the {\AcroBlog}
-website for examples.
-\newtopic\indent The space between the label and the text of a multiple
-choice question change be adjusted using two commands,
-\Com{setMClabelsep} and \Com{resetMClabelsep}. The default
-horizontal space between the label and text is a hard space `\verb!\ !'.
-The first command takes as its argument
-anything that creates a horizontal white space, for example,
-\verb!\setMClabelsep{\quad}! or \verb!\setMClabelsep{\kern20pt}!. If
-\cs{setMClabelsep} is set in a group, its value will revert to the
-default on exit from the group. The second command
-\cs{resetMClabelsep} resets the space back to its default `\verb!\ !'.
-The space above the beginning of the \texttt{answer} environment can be
-adjusted using the length \Com{aboveanswersSkip}. The default value for
-this is
-and this can be reset to any desired vertical skip.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{shortquiz} with Radio Buttons}\label{sqwRadio}
-The short quizzes (with multiple choices) can also be laid out using
-radio buttons rather than typeset lettering. Use a
-\texttt{shortquiz*} environment, with an optional argument the value
-of which is a unique name (which will be used to construct the
-titles of the radio buttons).\footnote{In previous versions of \textsf{exerquiz}, there was a
-\texttt*-option that was use to signal the use of radio buttons. This option is still
-available, but the shortquiz* environment is preferred.} If you do not provide an optional
-argument name, one will programmatically be provided for you.
-\newtopic For example, the following code
-Was it in Xanadu did Kubla Kahn a stately pleasure dome decree?
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False
-\noindent yields the following question:
-Was it in Xanadu did Kubla Kahn a stately pleasure dome decree?
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False
-\noindent Check the functionality of this question, and contrast it with
-the same question.
-\sqTurnOffAlerts \sqCorrections
-Was it in Xanadu did Kubla Kahn a stately pleasure dome decree?
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False
-\noindent We have inserted two new commands prior to this last
-short quiz \cs{sqTurnOffAlerts} and \cs{sqCorrections} to change
-response feedback. The former turns off the alerts and the latter
-turns on the corrections: check for a correct answer and an cross
-for an incorrect answer. (It doesn't make sense to
-\cs{sqTurnOffAlerts} without \cs{sqCorrections};
-\cs{sqCorrections} can be used without turning off the alerts.)
-\redpoint These two commands only apply to a short quiz that uses radio buttons.
-You can reverse these two commands with \cs{sqTurnOnAlerts} and
-\cs{sqNoCorrections}, respectively. These settings are the
-defaults of the \texttt{shortquiz} with check boxes.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{shortquiz} with Solutions}\label{ss:QuizS}
-Another type of quiz that is easy to implement in PDF is the
-multiple choice quiz with immediate response with solution given.
-This too is a \texttt{shortquiz} environment:
-...Question goes here...
-\Ans0 !anglemeta(an incorrect answer) &
-\Ans1 !anglemeta(a correct answer) &
- !anglemeta(solution to correct answer)
-\newtopic The \anglemeta{name} takes on two forms, in either case, it is used to create a hypertext jump to
-the solution. The first form of \anglemeta{name} is an explicit named
-definition `\texttt{[\meta{named\_dest}]}', where \meta{named\_dest} is a
-word selected by the document author for a ``named destination.'' The other
-form is the star-form `\texttt{*}', when the star-form is used,
-\textsf{exerquiz} automatically generates the name. Use the
-`[\meta{named\_dest}]' form when you want to refer to a solution in another
-part of the document; otherwise, use `\texttt{*}' for convenience.
-\newtopic As before, \meta{num\_cols} is the number of columns to
-typeset the answers in.
-\newtopic The following example illustrates the quiz with
-%\renewcommand\sqslrtnlabel{\string\raisebox{1pt}{$\blacktriangleleft$}Return to Quiz}
-Define a function $f(s)=4s^3$ and another function
-$F(t)=t^4$. Is $F$ an antiderivative of $f$?
-\Ans1 Yes &\Ans0 No
-The answer is `Yes'. The definition requires that
- F'(x) = f(x) \quad\text{for all $x$,}
-well, let's check it out.
-The definition of $f$ is $f(s)=4s^3$ and so $f(x)=4x^3$.
-The definition of $F$ is $F(t)=t^4$ and so, by the rules of
-differentiation, $F'(t)=4t^3$. Thus, $F'(x)=4x^3$. Therefore,
- F'(x) = 4x^3 = f(x)\quad\text{for all $x$,}
-as required by the definition.
-\newtopic The verbatim listing that uses the explicit form of the destination, shown
-in bold font.
-Define a function $f(s)=4s^3$ and another
-function $F(t)=t^4$. Is $F$ an antiderivative of $f$?
-\Ans1 Yes &\Ans0 No
-...solution not shown...
-\newtopic Here is a listing of the same quiz using the \texttt{*} to
-automatically assign a destination label.
-Define a function $f(s)=4s^3$ and another
-function $F(t)=t^4$. Is $F$ an antiderivative of $f$?
-\Ans1 Yes &\Ans0 No
-...solution not shown...
-\subsubsection{The \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{bChoices}/\-\protect\cs{eChoices}}
- {\textbackslash bChoices/\textbackslash eChoices} Commands}\label{bChoices}
-Beginning with \textsf{exerquiz} version~6.03, the command pair
-\cs{bChoices} and \cs{eChoices} are defined to help lay out
-the list of choices for a multiple choice question. This pair of
-macros is not really an environment, the \cs{eChoices} really
-does nothing other than to act as an ending marker. The idea
-behind this pair of macros is twofold:
-\item To provide a convenient way of listing alternate choices for
-a multiple choice questions, the ``environment'' makes it easy to
-change the number of columns, or to change from tabular to list
-(or visa-versa);
-\item To lay out the alternatives in a uniform manner, which will
-make it easy to develop techniques of randomizing the
-Here is an example of usage:
-\begin{answers}{4} %<- 4 columns
-\bChoices[2] %<- use only first 2 columns
- \Ans0 a choice\eAns %<- choices delimited by
- \Ans1 another choice\eAns % \Ans...\eAns
- \Ans0 still another choice\eAns
- \Ans0 another\eAns
- \Ans0 incoming\eAns
- \Ans0 more choices\eAns
- \Ans0 another still\eAns
- \Ans0 too many\eAns
- \Ans0 choices\eAns
-\noindent Note that the choices begin with the \cs{Ans} macro
-followed by a 0 or 1, as described in the previous pages. The
-end of the choice is delimited by the \cs{eAns} command (which is
-undefined, but is used as a argument delimiter). Note that it is
-not necessary (and would be a mistake) to place the column
-delimiter~`\texttt\&', or the end of line
-command~`\texttt{\string\\}', this is done by the \cs{bChoices}
-The commands \cs{bChoices} and \cs{eChoices} can be used within
-the \texttt{answers} environment as part of a \texttt{shortquiz} or a
-\texttt{\hyperref[ss:GradedQuizzes]{quiz}} environment.
-Concerning the example above, the argument of the \texttt{answers}
-environment is 4 which means we are going to use the tabular
-environment with 4 columns. Now within those 4 columns we are
-going to only use the first 2 columns (this is the optional
-argument of \cs{bChoices}). If the optional argument is removed
-from \cs{bChoices}, the choices are typeset in the with 4
-If the argument of \texttt{answers} or \texttt{manswers} is changed to 1, the
-optional argument of \cs{bChoices} is ignored, and the
-alternatives are typeset in a one column list environment.
-By changing the two parameters (the one for \cs{answers} and the
-one for \cs{bChoices}) you can easily modify how the
-alternatives are typeset.
-\redpoint \cs{rowsep}: Space between rows (or items in list environment)
-can be adjusted with the \cs{rowsep} command. If you
-say \verb+\rowsep{3pt}+, an additional \texttt{3pt} space is added
-between rows or items in a list environment. The default is \texttt{0pt}. The default is
-controlled through the command \cs{rowsepDefault}, like so,
-\noindent For example,
- \Ans0 a choice\eAns
- \Ans1 another choice\eAns
- \Ans0 still another choice\eAns
- \Ans0 another\eAns
- \Ans0 incoming\eAns
-\noindent Do not place this command inside the
-\cs{bChoices}/\cs{eChoices} pair, the above example shows
-the optimal placement, just before \cs{bChoices}. This
-separation {\cs{rowsep}} is reset to the default at the end of the
-listing. To get a uniform separation between rows across the
-document, redefine \cs{rowsepDefault} in the preamble, like so,
-\redpoint No commands should appear \textit{between} the pair
-\cs{bChoices} and \cs{eChoices} and \textit{outside} an
-\cs{Ans} and \cs{eAns} pair. All such tokens are gobbled up.
-\newtopic\textcolor{red}{Limitations:} The command \cs{eAns} acts as
-a macro parameter delimiter: Everything between \cs{Ans} and \cs{eAns}
-is taken in as the argument of a macro; therefore, verbatim content
-generated by \cs{verb} is not permitted by {\LaTeX}. If you want
-your choices to contain verbatim text, use the style as described in
-\texorpdfstring{\protect\texttt{questions}}{questions} Environment}
-The \texttt{questions} environment was designed to work with the
-\texttt{quiz} environment---taken up in
-below---but it works equally well with \texttt{shortquiz}.
-Using the \texttt{questions} environment, quizzes defined by
-\texttt{shortquiz}, with/without solutions, can be
-mixed together and combined to make a ``mini-quiz''. For example,
-\begin{shortquiz} Determine the LCD for each of the following.
-\item $\dfrac{3x}{2y^2z^3}-\dfrac2{xy^3 z^2}$.
- \Ans0 $\text{LCD}=2xy^5z^5$\eAns
- \Ans0 $\text{LCD}=2y^3 z^3$\eAns
- \Ans1 $\text{LCD}=2x y^3 z^3$\eAns
- \Ans0 $\text{LCD}=2 x y^3 z^5$\eAns
-\item $\dfrac{x+y}{3 x^{3/2}y^2}-\dfrac{x^2+y^2}{6 x y^4}$.
- \Ans0 $\text{LCD}=18 x^{3/2}y^4$\eAns
- \Ans1 $\text{LCD}=6x^{3/2}y^4$\eAns
- \Ans0 $\text{LCD}=18 x y^4$\eAns
- \Ans0 $\text{LCD}=6 x y^4$\eAns
-If you erred on this one, more than likely it was on the
-appropriate multiplicative constant: 6 not 18. At least
-that's what I'm betting on.
-The instructions of the LCD Algorithm said to \textit{completely
-factor the denominator}. Here's a list of the factors
-\[\def\us#1#2{\underbrace{#2}_{\text{#1 term}}}
- \us{first}{3, x^{3/2}, y^2}\,,\,\us{second}{2, 3, x, y^4}
-Let's rearrange them
- 2, 3, 3, x, x^{3/2}, y^2, y^4
-Now drop duplicate factors---that's the 3. Oops! I did mention
-dropping identical factors, didn't I?
- 2, 3, x, x^{3/2}, y^2, y^4
-Now, group together all terms which have the same base, then drop,
-from each of these groups all terms but the one with the highest
-power. We obtain then,
- 2, 3, x^{3/2}, y^4
-The LCD is the product of same:
- \text{LCD}=(2)(3) x^{3/2} y^4 = 6 x^{3/2} y^4.
-{\it Solution Notes\/}: Alternative (a) will work as a common
-denominator, but it is not the least common denominator. If you
-use (a), you will be working with larger numbers than is really
-\noindent The first question is given without a solution, the second has a
-solution attached to it. An abbreviated verbatim listing follows.
-Determine the LCD for each of the following.
-\item $\dfrac{3x}{2y^2z^3}-\dfrac2{xy^3 z^2}$.
-\item $\dfrac{x+y}{3 x^{3/2}y^2}
- -\dfrac{x^2+y^2}{6 x y^4}$.
-If you erred on this one, ... ...
-\Important The questions environment can be nested three deep.
-\newtopic Between items, you can say \Com{pushquestions}, make a comment, to continue
-with more questions, type \Com{popquestions}. Here is an example without using \texttt{shortquiz} environment.
- \item This is my first question.
- \item This is my second question.
-We now begin a multipart question.
- \item Answer each of the following:
- \begin{questions}
- \item First part of the question.
-Be sure to concentrate on this next question, its a hard one; recall that $1+1=2$.
- \item Second part of the question.
- \begin{questions}
- \item This is a subpart of this part.
-The questions environment can be nested up to three deep.
- \item This is a second subpart of this part.
- \end{questions}
- \end{questions}
- \item This is the fourth question.
-The color of the item labels is set by the command \cs{quesNumColor}. The command take one
-argument, a named color. The default is \verb!\quesNumColor{blue}!.
-\newtopic A partial listing of the above environment is presented below.
- \item This is my first question.
- \item This is my second question.
-We now begin a multipart question.
- \item Answer each of the following:
-\subsection{Options of the \texttt{shortquiz} Environment}\label{sq:opts}
-\texorpdfstring{\protect\texttt{forpaper}}{forpaper} Option}
-The \texttt{forpaper} option has already been described. The
-solutions to \texttt{short\-quiz} questions are not typeset on
-separate pages, but are separated by a \cs{medskip}.
-Following up on the pre-test angle discussed in
-``\mlnameref{sss:redefinesq}'', page~\pageref*{sss:redefinesq}, a single
-document can be constructed that can be published on-line, or
-published for paper distribution. This feature may be useful to
-some educators.
-\subsubsection{The \texttt{solutionsafter} Option}
-The \texttt{solutionsafter} option works as described for the
-\texttt{exercise} environment. The option just sets a Boolean
-switch. This switch can be controlled with
-\cs{Solutions\-After} and \cs{SolutionsAtEnd}. Here is a simple
-In what year did Columbus sail the ocean blue?
-\Ans0 1490 &\Ans0 1491 &\Ans1 1492 &\Ans0 1493
-Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. Some say he discovered
-San Salvatore, others say he first sited Cat Island in the
-In the example above, \cs{SolutionsAfter} was placed before the \texttt{shortquiz} environment and
-the \cs{SolutionsAtEnd} was placed just after.
-This option may be useful in publishing an answer key to a multiple
-choice quiz. The quiz and solutions can be created together. The
-quiz can be published, then later, the quiz with complete
-\subsubsection{The \texorpdfstring{\texttt{proof\-ing}}{proofing}
-For proofreading, use the \texttt{proofing} option of
-\noindent When used, a symbol, defined by the command \cs{proofingsymbol},
-will mark the correct answers, as defined in your source file. The
-command \cs{proofingsymbol} may be redefined, its definition is
-This option works for the
-\texttt{\hyperref[ss:GradedQuizzes]{quiz}} environment defined
-as well.
-\subsubsection{The \texttt{showgrayletters} Option}\label{showgraylettersOpt} \aebCng[showgrayletters]
-When \texttt{showgrayletters} is used, the form field check boxes
-that appear in a \texttt{quiz} or in a \texttt{shortquiz} will have a gray capital letter
-\texttt{A}, \texttt{B}, \texttt{C}, etc. underneath it. This letter
-can then be referred to in the text or the solution.
-This option is global and is controlled by a switch, \cs{ifaebshowgrayletters}. The gray letter feature can be turned on
-and off locally: To turn on this feature, insert the command \Com{graylettersOn} at some appropriately chosen point in
-the document; to turn off the gray letter feature insert \Com{graylettersOff}.
-\newtopic In support of the \texttt{showgrayletters} option is a new command \Com{REF}.
-\cs{REF} acts like the {\LaTeX} command \cs{ref} with the hyperref modifications, but it converts
-the reference to uppercase. When \cs{ref} would typeset the letter `a', for example, \cs{REF}
-would typeset the letter `A'. \cs{REF}, like \cs{ref}, typesets a hyperref link. Hyperref defines a
-\texttt{*} version of \cs{ref}; \cs{ref*} typesets the reference, but does not create a link;
-\cs{REF*} does the same. When \cs{aebshowgraylettersfalse} is in effect, \cs{REF} does not capitalize
-the reference.
-The \texttt{showgrayletters} feature and the \cs{REF} command work equally
-well for the \texttt{quiz} environment.
-\redpoint Below is an example of this.
-Answer this if you can!
- \Ans0\label{testsqFirst} This is a possible answer.\eAns
- \Ans1\label{testsqSecond} Try this one (the correct one)\eAns
- \Ans0 This is an answer.\eAns
- \Ans0 Another alternative.\eAns
-\noindent Reference both (\REF{testsqFirst}) and (\REF*{testsqSecond}).
-\newtopic The code is
-Answer this if you can!
- \Ans0\label{testsqFirst} This is a possible answer.\eAns
- \Ans1\label{testsqSecond} Try this one (the correct one).\eAns
- \Ans0 This is an answer.\eAns
- \Ans0 Another alternative.\eAns
-\noindent Reference both (\REF{testsqFirst}) and (\REF*{testsqSecond}).
-\newtopic Notice that the gray letters was not turned to off
-until after the usage of \cs{REF}.
-\textcolor{red}{\Important} The gray letters are typeset into the document. Do not
-use a background color for the checkboxes as this color will cover
-up the gray letters. The default background color checkboxes is
-transparent, keep it that way.
-\newtopic The command \Com{insertGrayLetters} is used to insert the gray letters;
-this command can be redefined as desired. See the source file \texttt{exerquiz.dtx}.
-Also see the definition of \Com{bottomOfAnsfStack}.
-\subsubsection{Moving the Solution Set}
-The solution set, by default, comes last in the file. You can move
-its positioning by including the command \cs{includequizsolutions}
-at any point \emph{after} the last quiz (created by the \texttt{shortquiz} and \texttt{quiz} environments). You'll note
-that I
-have moved the solutions in this file before the
-\nameref{references} section, as indicated, for example, by its
-position in the table of contents.
-\subsubsection{Grouping the solutions at end}\label{ss:grpQzs}
-Historically, solutions to quizzes (created by the \env{shortquiz} and
-\env{quiz} environments) appearing at the end of the file \emph{are not
-grouped}. This means that a color change or a definition made in one solution
-may affect all subsequent solutions.
-You can now declare \cs{makeQzSolnsLocalOn} or \cs{makeQzSolnsLocalOff}
-anywhere in the document to turn on grouping for all quizzes that follow, or
-to turn off this feature again. The default is \cs{makeQzSolnsLocalOff}.
-\subsection{Redesigning the
-The \texttt{shortquiz} environment can be redesigned to better suit
-your needs. In the paragraphs below, we describe how you can change
-titles and form elements.
-\subsubsection{Changing Titles}
-You can temporarily change the title for the \texttt{shortquiz}
-environment by redefining the macro \cs{sqlabel}; for example, the
-default definition of this macro is
-\noindent The syntax for redefining \cs{sqlabel} is
-\renewcommand\sqlabel{ code goes here...}
-\noindent You can redefine the \textit{default} label as well; the
-default label is the title label that \texttt{short\-quiz} uses when
-\cs{sqlabel} is \textit{not present}. The default label is
-\verb+\eq@sqlabel+ and must be redefined using the macro
-\cs{renewcommand}. The best place for this to be done is the
-preamble. The syntax:
-\makeatletter % make `at'=@ a normal letter
-\renewcommand\eq@sqlabel{ code goes here...}
-\makeatother % make `at'=@ something special(other)
-\noindent To change the entire document to use `Exam' instead of `Quiz',
-make the following changes in the preamble:
-% change default quiz title to 'Exam'
-% change quiz solutions return label
-\renewcommand\eq@sqslrtnlabel{End Soln}
-% change solutions label
- \string\textbf{Solution to Exam:}}
-\renewcommand\eq@sqslsectitle{Solutions to Exams}
-% change default running header for solutions
-\renewcommand\eq@sqslsecrunhead{Solutions to Exams}
-% ?? Did not document \sqsolafter
-\redpoint The above commands are `global'---they are in effect
-throughout the entire document. You can temporarily change these
-labels using the \cs{sqlabel}, \cs{sqslrtnlabel}, \cs{sqsllabel} and
-\cs{sqslsectitle}. Note that you cannot temporarily change the running label
-\cs{eq@qslsecrunhead}, this should be set in the
-Should you want to make a series of multiple choice questions
-(using the \texttt{questions} environment) and combine them into a
-sort of review or pretest, a useful idea would be to number the
-solutions. The counter that maintains the question number is
-called \texttt{questionno}. You can then, for example, define
- \string\textbf{Solution to Question \thequestionno:}}
-%\exPDF{webeqtst} See the sample file
-%for examples.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} See the file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}} from the {\AcroBlog}
-website for examples.
-\subsubsection{Modifying Form Elements}\label{sqMFE1}
-For quizzes that use radio buttons (see page~\pageref{sqwRadio}
-above), the appearance of the radio buttons can be controlled
-using the ``every'' mechanism as described in the document
-\href{eformman.pdf}{eFormMan.pdf} on
-\textit{\href{eformman.pdf}{eForm Support}} for the \cAcroB.
-The radio buttons can be modified using the command \cs{everysqRadioButton}.
-Prior to the short quiz below, the following command was executed
-\everysqRadioButton{\BC{.690 .769 .871}\BG{.941 1 .941}}
-\sqTurnOffAlerts \sqCorrections
-\everysqRadioButton{\BC{.690 .769 .871}\BG{.941 1 .941}}
-Was it in Xanadu did Kubla Kahn a stately pleasure dome decree?
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False
-\noindent Return to the defaults, if desired, by then emitting
-\redpoint The short quiz can also have fill-in questions and
-various other controls, these are described in
-Section~\ref{s:oQsq}, \nameref{s:oQsq}. There too, methods of
-modifying the appearance of the form elements are discussed.
- and \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{fancyQuizHeaders}}{\CMD{fancyQuizHeaders}}}\label{titleQuizSQ}
-%\exPDF{title_quiz}The demo file for these features is \texttt{title\_quiz.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=908} See the file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=908}{title\_quiz.pdf}} from the {\AcroBlog}
-website for examples.
-To assign a title to your short quiz use \Com{titleQuiz}. This title
-appears just after the typeset word ``Quiz''.
-\titleQuiz{Two Question MC}
-Answer each of these to the best of your ability.
-\item Math is fun.
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False\\
- The answer is true, of course, math is fun!
-\item Statistics is fun.
-\Ans0 True & \Ans1 False\\
- The answer is false, statistics is interesting but not fun.
-\noindent The partial verbatim code for the above quiz follows:
-\titleQuiz{Two Question MC}
-Answer each of these to the best of your ability.
-\noindent The format of the title is controlled by the command \Com{titleQuizfmt},
-the default definition is \verb!\newcommand\titleQuizfmt{\bfseries}!. The value
-of the \cs{titleQuiz} command can act as an argument for \cs{titleQuizfmt} if you redefine
-\cs{titleQuizfmt} to have an argument. For example,
-Now, the title will appear in a set of parentheses. The title and formatting are enclosed
-in a \cs{mbox}, so font and style changes are localized to that \cs{mbox}.
-\newtopic If a quiz does not have a title, as defined by \cs{titleQuiz}, the title defaults to
-an empty title.
-\newtopic The definition of \cs{titleQuiz} is such that the command \cs{makeatletter} is executed
-before the argument for \cs{titleQuiz} is read. This means that the special character
-`\texttt{@}' can be used within the argument of \cs{titleQuiz}. For example, the \texttt{shortquiz}
-environment maintains a text macro \cs{@shortquizCnt} which contains the current short quiz
-count number. Thus you can say \verb!\titleQuiz{Short Quiz \@shortquizCnt}!, the title of
-the short quiz will include a short quiz number as well.
-The \cs{titleQuiz} is used for quizzes as well as with short quizzes. It is possible to have
-different formatting for each of these two environments by using the \Com{ifQuizType}
-command. The command takes two arguments:
-For example, we could define \cs{titleQuizfmt} as follows:
-or with an argument, as mentioned above, you could define \cs{titleQuizfmt} with an argument,
-like so,
- \ifQuizType{\bfseries(#1)}{\slshape[#1]}}
-For \texttt{shortquiz} environment---not for the \texttt{quiz}
-environment---there is a `\texttt*' optional first parameter. When
-the `\texttt*' option is taken, the quiz label (\cs{sqlabel}) is
-redefined to be the title of the quiz text.
-%\exPDF{title_quiz} The \texttt{title\_quiz.tex} demo file illustrates the `\texttt{*}' option.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=908} See
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=908}{title\_quiz.pdf}} demo file illustrates
-the `\texttt{*}' option.
-\newtopic Thus, if we title a quiz with the `\texttt{*}', we get
-\titleQuiz*{My Cool Quiz}
-Answer each of these to the best of your ability.
-\item Math is fun.
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False\\
-\item Statistics is fun.
-\Ans0 True & \Ans1 False\\
-The formatting is that defined by the \cs{titleQuizfmt}, which is \cs{bfseries}. In addition
-to the \Com{ifQuizType} command, there is also the \cs{ifstaroption} command. It takes two
-\ifstaroption{!ameta(code if \titleQuiz*)}{!ameta(otherwise)}
-This allows us to not only format for quizzes, but for short quizzes, with or without
-the `\texttt*' option. If we redefine \cs{titleQuizfmt} to be
- {\ifstaroption{\color{red}}{\bfseries}}}
-we format the quiz title as \cs{bfseries} is either a quiz or a
-short quiz without `\texttt*' option, and as \verb!\color{red}! with
-a short quiz with the `\texttt*' option. The results are seen in the next quiz,
-with this redefinition:
- {\ifstaroption{\color{red}}{\bfseries}}}
-\titleQuiz*{My Swave Quiz}
-Answer each of these to the best of your ability.
-\item Math is fun.
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False\\
-\item Statistics is fun.
-\Ans0 True & \Ans1 False\\
-Quizzes and shortquizzes conform to the cross-referencing system of
-{\LaTeX}. For example, we used the label \verb!\label{myCoolSQ}! in the
-last quiz, the one on page~\pageref{myCoolSQ}. The title of the quiz is
-\nameref{myCoolSQ}. The code for the past two sentences is
-For example, we used the label \verb!\label{myCoolSQ}! in the
-last quiz, the one on page~\pageref{myCoolSQ}. The title of
-the quiz is \nameref{myCoolSQ}.
-%\noindent If the shortquiz does not have a title, as defined by the \cs{titleQuiz} command, a generic label of
-%`Quiz' is generated. The default label name is
-% \newcommand\eq@defaultShortQuizLableName{Quiz}
-%\noindent This definition can be change using \cs{renewcommand}.
-The \Com{fancyQuizHeaders} command, a companion feature to \Com{titleQuiz}, enhances
-the labeling of the quiz in the solutions section of the document. If
-\cs{fancyQuizHeaders} is executed in the preamble, or prior to a quiz, the solution header has the
-following default format:
-\newtopic{\color{blue}Two Question MC: Question 1.} The answer is true, of course, math is fun!
-\newtopic The above assumes the title of the quiz is the one given in the previous section.
-\newtopic When a quiz has no title, the header reverts to
-\textcolor{blue}{Solution to Quiz:} followed by the question number.
-\redpoint You can turn off fancy quiz headers by using
-\newtopic You can modify the fancy headers with a combination of setting \Com{setsolnspace}
-and/or redefining the command \Com{eq@fancyQuizHeadersfmt}. First
-\cs{setsolnspace}: This is a hook into the space immediately
-following the header. To insert a \cs{medskip} after the header, for example, you
-can say \verb!\setsolnspace{\par\medskip\noindent}! a
-\cs{medskip} is created after the solution header and the solution
-above appears as
-\newtopic{\color{blue}Two Question MC: Question 1.}\par\medskip\noindent The answer is true, of course, math is fun!
-\newtopic The definition of \cs{eq@fancyQuizHeadersfmt} is
-The \Com{eq@fancyQuizHeadersfmt} is the \texttt{quiz} counterpart to
-this \texttt{shortquiz} construct. The fancy short quiz solutions header
-defaults to the same header used for a quiz. You can copy
-and paste the definition of \cs{eq@fancyQuizHeadersfmt} into the definition
-of the command \cs{eq@fancyShrtQuizHeadersfmt}, then modify as described in
-%See the section \Nameref{fancyQuizHeadersQ} for a full discussion of this topic.
-% \subsection{Graded Quizzes using JavaScript}
-\section{The \texttt{quiz} Environment}\label{ss:GradedQuizzes}
-Use the \texttt{quiz} environment to create graded quizzes. In
-this case, several (many) questions are bundled together. The
-student takes the quiz and responses are recorded by
-JavaScript. Upon completion of the quiz, the total score is
-reported to the student.
-The \texttt{quiz} environment can generate multiple choice
-questions and math/text fill-in questions. The discussion of math
-and text fill-in questions is postponed to \hyperref[s:oQ]
-{Section~\ref*{s:oQ}} on page~\pageref*{s:oQ}
-There are two types of quizzes, the
-\hyperref[sss:QuizwLinks]{link-style} and
-In \hyperref[ss:correct]{Section~\ref*{ss:correct}}, we see that
-the \texttt{quiz} environment can also correct the quizzes.
-The quiz environment takes one required parameter, the
-\meta{base\_name}, which is a string.
-\textcolor{red}{\Important} The \pkg{exerquiz} package uses the
-\meta{base\_name} to build Acrobat form fields, and also JavaScript
-variables; therefore, there are restrictions on the choice of the
-name. The name must be a (JavaScript) \emph{identifier}, the rules to
-be an identifier are these.
-The first character shall be a letter, an underscore (\texttt{\_}),
-or a dollar sign (\texttt{\$}); subsequent characters may be any
-letter or digit, or an underscore or a dollar sign.
-Do not use other symbols, like a colon (\texttt{\:}) or a period as part of the field name,
-these will confuse the JavaScript interpreter, and may cause the quiz not to function as
-The \texttt{quiz} environment consists of a series of nested
-environments. Inside the \texttt{quiz} environment is the
-\texttt{questions} environment (an enumerated list), and within
-that environment is the \texttt{answers} environment.
-Symbolically, we can express this as
- \mbox{\texttt{quiz}} \supseteq
- \mbox{\texttt{questions}} \supseteq
- \mbox{\texttt{answers}}
-The term `answers' is, perhaps, not sufficiently descriptive;
-`alternatives' would be more appropriate, but it requires more
-typing. \verb!{:-{)!
-\redpoint The \texttt{answers} environment requires one parameter,
-the \texttt{num\_cols}. If \texttt{num\_cols} is~1, a
-\texttt{list} environment is created; otherwise, a
-\texttt{tabular} environment is used.
-This (\texttt{tabular}) environment has the following syntax:
-The preamble to the questions goes here.
-\item State first question....
-\begin{answers}{4} % <- num_cols = 4
-\Ans0 ... &\Ans1 ... &\Ans0 ... &\Ans0 ...
-\item n th question....
-\begin{answers}{4} % <- 4 column format
-\Ans0 ... &\Ans1 ... &\Ans0 ... &\Ans0 ...
-\redpoint Following the quiz, or anywhere in the document, place
-the macro \cs{ScoreField}, defined in \textsf{exerquiz}, to
-display the results of the quiz:
-\noindent\textcolor{red}{\bfseries Important.} The value of the parameter of
-the macro \cs{ScoreField} must match the \meta{base\_name}
-defined in the argument of the \texttt{quiz} environment.
-\redpoint There is a convenience macro, \cs{currQuiz}, that holds the name
-of the current quiz. Thus, we could have instead typed:
-\noindent Read the paragraph entitled \Nameref{sss:scorefield} for more
-details on this macro.
-%An alternative to \cs{ScoreField} is to use \cs{TextField}.
-%a macro defined by \pkg{hyperref}. See more details later. %??
-The \textsf{exerquiz} macro \cs{eqScore} is a text macro that
-expands to the phrase `Score:'. (It expands to `Punkte:' with the
-\texttt{german} language option and `Score :' with the
-The \cs{TextField} macro takes two arguments, we need only the
-first---the second is left empty. This \cs{TextField} can be
-modified by changing the options; the layout of the field can be
-changed as well using the \cs{LayoutTextField}. For more
-information see the paragraphs on \nameref{ss:modoutputfield}
-beginning on page~\pageref{ss:modoutputfield}. There are
-extensive examples on how to set up the \cs{TextField} in the
-paragraph \nameref{sss:modtextfield} on
-page~\pageref{sss:modtextfield}, with examples following on
-\subsection{Options of the \texttt{quiz} Environment}
-In addition to the options listed in the section \ref{sq:opts}, page \pageref*{sq:opts}, the following is
-designed for quizzes.
-\subsubsection{The option
-For online quizzing, where results are stored in some way (database,
-e-mail, text file) the presence of the solutions in the same file as the
-questions is a breach in security of the quiz. Using the
-\texttt{noquizsolutions} removes the solutions to a \texttt{quiz} and
-\texttt{shortquiz} from the document under construction.
-\subsection{The \texttt{answers} Environment}\label{answersQuiz}
-The simplest type of question that can be posed is the multiple choice question.
-For this question type, the \texttt{answers} environment is used. The basic syntax
-\item A question
-\newtopic The \anglemeta{dest}, an optional argument, is a name used to create a hypertext jump to
-the solution; it has two forms: \texttt{[\meta{named\_dest}]}, an explicit
-``named destination.''; and the \texttt{*}-form, \textsf{exerquiz} automatically
-generates the name. Use \meta{named\_dest} when you want to refer to a solution
-in another part of the document; otherwise, use \texttt{*}, for convenience.
-If either the \texttt{[\meta{named\_dest}]} or \texttt{*} is used, a
-\texttt{solution} environment should follow.
-\newtopic The \meta{num\_cols} is the number of columns to
-typeset the answers in. When \meta{num\_cols} is 1, the answers are set
-in a list environment; otherwise, a tabular environment is used. In the latter case,
-the usual table syntax is used. (Use \texttt{\&} to separate columns, and \verb!\\! to
-terminate a row.)
-\newtopic The \cs{Ans} command has one required argument, a 1 to mark that this
-answer is a correct answer, and a 0 to mark that this answer is not true. \cs{Ans}
-also has an optional argument to pass partial points rewarded for a wrong answer.
-\newtopic This environment is illustrated extensively in this section. See also the
-\texttt{manswers} environment, \Nameref{manswersQuiz}, for posting questions with multiple
-correct answers.
-\subsection{Basic Usage}
-In this section we discuss the two \texttt{quiz} styles:
-\nameref{sss:QuizwLinks} and \nameref{sss:QuizwChecks}.
-A paragraph is devoted to some modifications that can be made at
-the beginning and end of the quiz. In addition, a
-\texttt{\hyperref[sss:proofing]{proofing}} option is also
-\subsubsection{Link-Style Quiz}\label{sss:QuizwLinks}
-%\renewcommand\bqlabel{Begin Exam}
-%\renewcommand\eqlabel{End Exam}
-%There are actually two variations on this type of quiz, one uses
-%links, the other uses radio button fields.
-This style uses links to record the choices to the alternatives.
-The link method takes up less space in the pdf file than does the
-Below is an example of a link-style quiz. Instructions should be
-given to guide the student in operating the quiz correctly.
-\medskip\noindent\textcolor{red}{Instructions.} You must click on
-`Begin Quiz' to initialize the quiz. Not doing so brings forth
-an error message. When finished, click on `End Quiz'.
-Using the discriminant, $b^2-4ac$, respond to each of the
-following questions.
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $x^2-4x + 3$ irreducible?
-\Ans0 Yes &\Ans1 No
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $2x^2 - 4x + 3 $ irreducible?
-\Ans1 Yes &\Ans0 No
-\item How many solutions does the equation $2x^2 - 3x - 2= 0$ have?
-\Ans0 none &\Ans0 one &\Ans1 two
-\redpoint While you are taking the test, and before you click on
-`End Quiz', you can change your answers.
-%A message box comes out,
-%gives you your original choice, and asks you whether you really
-%want to change your answer.
-\begin{quiz}{qzdiscrl} % qzdiscrl=base_name
-Using the discriminant, $b^2-4ac$, respond to each of the
-following questions.
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $x^2-4x + 3$ irreducible?
-\Ans0 Yes &\Ans1 No
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $2x^2-4x+3$ irreducible?
-\Ans1 Yes &\Ans0 No
-\item How many solutions does the equation $2x^2-3x-2=0$ have?
-\Ans0 none &\Ans0 one &\Ans1 two
-\ScoreField\currQuiz % matching quiz field name
-\redpoint The convenience text macro, \cs{currQuiz}, contains the name
-of the current quiz. This macro can be used as the argument of
-\subsubsection{Form-Style Quiz}\label{sss:QuizwChecks}
-You may be thinking that such a quiz format---one in which the
-student cannot see the choices made---is not very good. It is
-perhaps adequate for two or three quick questions. For a longer
-quiz format, one would like to see a ``checkbox'' format.
-A quiz with a checkbox format can be obtained using the
-\texttt{quiz*} environment:\footnote{In previous versions of \textsf{exerquiz}, there was a \texttt*-option
-for this purpose. The \texttt{quiz*} has replaced the \texttt*-option and is the preferred method, though
-the \texttt*-option is still defined so as not to break previous code.}
-...same format as before...
-\noindent Here is the same sample quiz with the form-style option. The only
-change in the code is the insertion of the \texttt*-option.
-\medskip\noindent\textcolor{red}{Instructions.} You must click on
-`Begin Quiz' to initialize the quiz. Not doing so, brings forth
-an error message. When finished, click on `End Quiz'.
-Using the discriminant, $b^2-4ac$, respond to each of the
-following questions.
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $x^2-4x + 3$ irreducible?
-\Ans0 Yes &\Ans1 No
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $2x^2 - 4x + 3 $ irreducible?
-\Ans1 Yes &\Ans0 No
-\item How many solutions does the equation $2x^2 - 3x - 2= 0$ have?
-\Ans0 none &\Ans0 one &\Ans1 two
-\redpoint Before completing the quiz, a student can easily change
-\redpoint This type is more suitable for longer quizzes. The
-choices the student makes are visually recorded for the student to
-review and change before clicking on `End Quiz'. A partial
-verbatim listing:
-Using the discriminant, $b^2-4ac$, respond to each of the
-following questions.
-%\exPDF{webeqtst} See the sample file
-%\texttt{\href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#webeqtst} {webeqtst.tex}}
-%and for examples.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} See the file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}} from the {\AcroBlog}
-website for examples.
-\subsubsection{Using Circular Radio Buttons with MC Questions}
-As seen with the examples of the previous section, the form-type quizzes
-have a rectangular check box for the user to make his selection. Acrobat also
-offers a circular radio button that can be used to make a multiple choice.
-To create circular radio buttons for a MC question execute \Com{useMCCircles} before
-the quiz, or, perhaps, in the preamble of your document.
-To return to the default rectangular choice boxes, execute \Com{useMCCRects}. This
-setting is the default, there is no need to executed it unless
-\cs{useMCCircles} has already been executed.
-Executing \cs{useMCCircles} does not affect the \texttt{manswers}
-environment, page~\pageref*{manswersQuiz}), so you can have circular radio
-buttons for multiple choice, and rectangular choice boxes for multiple
-selection problems.
-%\exPDF{quiz_w_circ} The sample file \texttt{quiz\_w\_circ.tex} illustrates these two commands.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=914} The demo file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=914}{quiz\_w\_circ.pdf}}
-illustrates these two commands.
-\subsubsection{Overriding the `quiztype' Parameter}
-You can globally declare that all quizzes to be a link-type or
-form-type by using the command \Com{quiztype}. Placing
-\verb+\quiztype{f}+ in the preamble (or prior to any quiz) will
-cause all quizzes following that command to be form-type quizzes.
-Similarly, executing \verb+\quiztype{l}+ will produce all link-type quizzes.
-You can make the environments revert back to their normal behavior by using
-the command \Com{defaultquiztype}, which cancels out the \cs{quiztype} command.
-%\exPDF{quizpts} The sample file \texttt{\href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#quizpts}
-%{quizpts.tex}} illustrates these collections of commands.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1054} The demo file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1054}{quizpts.pdf}}
-illustrates these collections of commands.
-\newtopic \emph{Within a quiz}, you can say \Com{useForms}, to change the style to a visible checkbox
-for multiple choice or multiple selection questions; use \Com{useLinks} to change
-the style to links with alphabetized alternatives. Using \cs{restoreFLTypeDefault}
-restores the next multiple choice/selection question back to the default determined
-by the quiz environment (\texttt{quiz} versus \texttt{quiz*}), or as set by the
-\cs{quiztype} command.
-\subsubsection{The BeginQuiz and EndQuiz Form Buttons}\label{sss:FormButton}
-The default setup the \texttt{quiz} environment is to have
-hypertext links for the `Begin Quiz' and `End Quiz'. You can also
-redefine this linking and use a form button instead
-Prior to your quiz, use the following code, if desired.
-\begin{quiz}{qzTeXf} Answer each of the following. Passing
-is 100\%.
-\item Who created \TeX?
-\Ans1 Knuth &\Ans0 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-\item Who originally wrote \LaTeX?
-\Ans0 Knuth &\Ans1 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-\noindent Revert back to link-style as follows:
-\noindent The commands \cs{useBeginQuizButton} and \cs{useEndQuizButton} each
-have an optional argument that can be used to modify the appearance
-of the buttons.
-\useBeginQuizButton[\textColor{0 0 1}]
-\noindent would create a `Begin Quiz' button with blue text for the button label.
-\subsubsection{The \texorpdfstring{\texttt{proof\-ing}}{proofing}
-For proofreading, use the \texttt{proofing} option of
-\noindent When used, a symbol, defined by the command \cs{proofingsymbol},
-will mark the correct answers, as defined in your source file. The
-command \cs{proofingsymbol} can be redefined, its definition is
-This option works for the \texttt{\hyperref[ss:QuizIR]{shortquiz}}
-environments defined above
-(\hyperref[ss:QuizIR]{page~\pageref*{ss:QuizIR}}), as well.
-\subsubsection{The \texttt{showgrayletters} Option} \aebCng[showgrayletters]
-The showgrayletters option is valid for the \texttt{quiz} and \texttt{shortquiz} environments.
-See the section entitled \Nameref{showgraylettersOpt} for a detailed explanation
-of this option.
-\subsubsection{Setting the Threshold}\label{threshold}
-The default behavior of the \texttt{quiz} environment is that a
-student can begin the quiz and finish the quiz without answering
-any or all of the questions. This is called a \texttt{lowThreshold}
-and is the default behavior.
-The document author can set a \texttt{highThreshold} by re-defining
-the \cs{minQuizResp} macro. The default definition is
-\noindent However, if you make the definition
-\noindent the student is required to answer all the questions of a
-Actually, \texttt{lowThreshold} and \texttt{highThreshold} are
-JavaScript functions that are called when the ``End
-Quiz'' button is clicked. If the threshold is not met, an alert box
-appears informing the user of this.
-The document author can write a custom threshold function and place
-its name in the \cs{minQuizResp} macro. See the \textsf{exerquiz}
-source code---in either \textsf{exerquiz.dtx} or
-\textsf{exerquiz.sty}---for the \texttt{highThreshold()} function
-for an example of how to do this.
-\subsection{The \texttt{manswers} Environment}\label{manswersQuiz}
-Beginning with \textsf{Exerquiz} v.6.2, the \texttt{manswers}
-environment is defined to support multiple selection questions.
-(\texttt{manswers} stands for multiple answers). This is in contrast
-with the \texttt{answers} environment in which there is only one
-correct answer; for \texttt{manswers}, there are several correct
-%\exPDF{manswers} See the example file for this feature is \texttt{manswers.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=903} See the example file for this feature is \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=903}{manswers.pdf}}.
-\newtopic\indent The syntax is the same as that of the \texttt{answers} environment,
-\mlNameref{answersQuiz}. Below is example fragment, taken from \texttt{manswers.tex}
-\item\PTs{5} Select which people were the President
- of the United States.
- \bChoices[2]
- \Ans[-1]{0} Henry Clay\eAns
- \Ans[-1]{0} Ben Franklin\eAns
- \Ans[1.5]{1} Andrew Jackson\eAns
- \Ans[1.5]{1} Ronald Reagan\eAns
- \Ans[-1]{0} George Meade\eAns
- \Ans[2]{1} Grover Cleveland\eAns
- \Ans[-1]{0} John Jay\eAns
- \Ans[-1]{0} Paul Revere\eAns
- \eChoices
-\newtopic The arguments of the \cs{Ans} command is the same as
-those of \cs{Ans} in the \texttt{answers} environment.
-\newtopic When the \cs{ScoreField} is used to display results, a manswers
-question is correct if and only if all correct answers are checked, and none
-of the incorrect answers are checked.
-When the \cs{PointsField} is used (see \Nameref{sss:asignPts}), and
-points are assigned, as in the above code fragment, the optional
-argument of \cs{Ans} is used to assign points for each response (if
-there is no optional argument, it defaults to 0). When a student
-selects a choice, the point value in the optional argument is added
-to the point score. In the case of choosing \texttt{Ronald Reagan},
-1.5 points are added to the point score, while -1 point is added to
-the point score for choosing \texttt{John Jay}. The minimal point
-score for each question is zero, unless \cs{negPointsAllowed} command
-is executed in the preamble, see \Nameref{negPtsAllowed}.
-\subsection{Correcting the Quizzes with JavaScript}\label{ss:correct}
-Beginning with \textsf{exerquiz}, version 1.2, you can now correct
-quizzes created by the \texttt{quiz} environment. To correct the
-quizzes, simply include an additional element into your quiz, a
-correction button. The correction button with
-\redpoint The following is a link-style quiz.
-% \begin{center}
-% \noindent\fcolorbox{blue}{webyellow}{%
-% \begin{minipage}{.965\linewidth}%
-% \noindent\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Instructions:}} Click on
-% `\textcolor{webgreen}{Begin Quiz}' to initialize the quiz.
-% When finished, click on `\textcolor{webgreen}{End Quiz}'.
-% Then, click on the `Correct' button.
-% % To grade your quiz, press the `Correct' button.
-% \end{minipage}
-% }%
-% \end{center}
-\begin{quiz}{qzdiscr1l} Using the discriminant, $b^2-4ac$,
-respond to each of the following questions.
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $x^2-4x + 3$ irreducible?
-\Ans0 Yes &\Ans1 No
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $2x^2 - 4x + 3 $ irreducible?
-\Ans1 Yes &\Ans0 No
-\item How many solutions does the equation $2x^2 - 3x - 2= 0$ have?
-\Ans0 none &\Ans0 one &\Ans1 two
-% \begin{minipage}{.975\linewidth}%
- \noindent\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Legend:}}
- A \textcolor{webgreen}{\ding{52}} indicates a
- correct response; a \textcolor{red}{\ding{56}}, indicates an
- incorrect response, in this case, the correct answer is marked
- with a \textcolor{webgreen} {\ding{108}}.
-% \end{minipage}}
- \begin{center}
- \fcolorbox{blue}{webyellow}{%
- \begin{minipage}{.95\linewidth}
- \noindent\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Legend:}}
- A \textcolor{red}{\ding{52}} indicates that the student gave the
- correct response; a \textcolor{red}{\ding{56}}, indicates an
- incorrect response, in this case, the correct answer is marked
- with a \textcolor{webgreen} {\ding{108}}.
- \end{minipage}}
- \end{center}
-A partial verbatim listing of this quiz follows:
-\begin{quiz}{qzdiscr1l} Using the discriminant, $b^2-4ac$,
-respond to each of the following questions.
-\redpoint The macro \cs{CorrButton} is used to create a nice
-``correction'' button. JavaScript is used to correct the quiz.
-The only required argument is the field label that uniquely
-defines the field in which the total score is placed. See the
-section entitled \mlNameref{sss:CorrButton} for more details on how
-to use this macro.
-\redpoint The \cs{CorrButton} will not work until the user has
-clicked on `End Quiz'. The user can re-take the quiz simply by
-clicking on `Begin Quiz', the form fields and JavaScript variables
-will be cleared.
-\redpoint It is possible to take this form data and submit it to a
-CGI script for processing. (The data can be saved to a database,
-for example.) However, there is no built-in capability for this
-in the \textsf{exerquiz} package.
-\noindent The same quiz can be written in form-style simply by inserting the
-\medskip\noindent\textcolor{red}{Instructions.} You must click on
-`Begin Quiz' to initialize the quiz. Not doing so, brings forth
-an error message. When finished, click on `End Quiz'.
-\begin{quiz*}{qzdiscr1f} Using the discriminant, $b^2-4ac$,
-respond to each of the following questions.
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $x^2-4x + 3$ irreducible?
-\Ans0 Yes &\Ans1 No
-\item Is the quadratic polynomial $2x^2 - 4x + 3 $ irreducible?
-\Ans1 Yes &\Ans0 No
-\item How many solutions does the equation $2x^2 - 3x - 2= 0$ have?
-\Ans0 none &\Ans0 one &\Ans1 two
-\redpoint In the partial verbatim listing that follows, notice the field
-name has been changed from \texttt{qzdiscr1l}, which is the name of the
-quiz previous to his one, to \texttt{qzdiscr1f}. Different quizzes must
-have unique field names.
-\begin{quiz*}{qzdiscr1f} Using the discriminant, $b^2-4ac$,
-respond to each of the following questions.
-\redpoint Notice that in this example, the \cs{ScoreField} and the
-\cs{CorrButton} are positioned following the `End Quiz'; this makes
-the design more compact and nicer looking.
-Including the corrections adds quite a bit more JavaScript code to
-the \texttt{.pdf} document, this feature is `on' by default. If
-you have a document in which you do not want to have the option of
-offering corrected quizzes, then just specify
-\texttt{nocorrections} in the option list of \textsf{exerquiz}.
-There are also a couple of macros you can use to override the option switch, they are
-\cs{CorrectionsOn} and \cs{CorrectionsOff}. Each remains in
-effect until the other is invoked.
-\redpoint If the \texttt{nocorrections} option is taken, then the \cs{CorrButton}
-does not appear for a quiz.
-\subsubsection{Showing Partial Credit Markup}\label{showcreditmarkup}
-When a quiz is corrected, it is possible to show how much credit was given.
-%\exPDF{pc_test} The demo file for this feature is \texttt{pc\_test.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=881} The demo file for this feature is
-%\exPDF{pc_test1} The example file \texttt{pc\_test1.tex} illustrates
-%how to have a multiple selection problem and a grouped problem with
-%no partial credit. The student must get all parts correct to get
-%full credit for that problem, otherwise, no credit is assigned.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=884} The example file
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=884}{pc\_test1.pdf}} illustrates
-how to have a multiple selection problem and a grouped problem with
-no partial credit. The student must get all parts correct to get
-full credit for that problem, otherwise, no credit is assigned.
-\newtopic Place the command \Com{showCreditMarkup} before a quiz you want the
-partial credit markup. The command \Com{hideCreditMarkup} hides this
-markup (it switches off the previous \cs{show\-Credit\-Mark\-up}); place
-this command before a quiz for which you don't want the markup. The
-default is not to show any partial credit markup.
-When a question item introduces a series of question, but poses no question itself,
-place \Com{multipartquestion} prior to that item, for example
-\item\PTs{6} Answer each of these questions
- \item\PTs{3} Answer this
- \item\PTs{3} Answer that
-Other relevant commands are \cs{aeb@creditmarkup} and
-\cs{aeb@creditmarkupfmt}; the first one defines a little text field to
-hold the partial-credit data and the second one sets the placement of the
-text field. These can be redefined if the default definitions are not to
-your liking. The markup in red that appears in the left margin shows the
-number of points the student received for that problem, for example
-\texttt{\textcolor{red}{3\,pts}}. The string \texttt{pts} (and its singular
-counterpart, \texttt{pt}) is language dependent, in English it refers to
-``points'' (or ``point''). You can change this string to an abbreviation
-of points (point) using the commands commands \Com{ptsLabel} and
-\Com{ptLabel}. The default definitions are \verb!\ptsLabel{pts}! and
-\verb!\ptLabel{pt}!, respectively.
-\newtopic\textbf{\textcolor{red}{Important:}} Adobe Reader 5.0 or
-later is required for this feature.
-\subsection{Quizzes with Solutions}
-In addition to scoring and marking the quizzes, you can also
-(optionally) provide solutions as well. To enter a solution to a
-multiple choice question, use a \texttt{solution} environment, and
-attach a named destination to the \texttt{answers} environment.
-A partial verbatim listing follows the next example.
-\begin{quiz*}{qzTeXl} Answer each of the following. Passing
-is 100\%.
-\item Who created \TeX?
-\Ans1 Knuth &\Ans0 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-Yes, Donald Knuth was the creator of \TeX.
-\item Who originally wrote \LaTeX?
-\Ans0 Knuth &\Ans1 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-Yes, Leslie Lamport was the creator of \LaTeX.
-After the quiz is completed and the corrections button is pressed,
-the corrections appear. The correct answer has a green filled
-circle or a green check; this circle is now outlined by a green
-rectangle to indicate that this is a link to the solution. Click on
-the green dot and jump to the solution!
-Solutions do not have to appear. Some problems can have solutions,
-while others do not. The ones with the solutions have the green
-boundary to indicate a link to the solution.
-Here is a partial listing of the above example.
-\begin{quiz*}{qzTeXl} Answer each of the following.
-Passing is 100\%.
-\item Who created \TeX?
-\Ans1 Knuth &\Ans0 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-Yes, Donald Knuth was the creator of \TeX.
-\redpoint Notice that in the \texttt{answers} environment, an
-optional parameter \texttt{[knuth]} appears. The value of this
-parameter is a unique name for the solution to the quiz. Notice as well that
-the \texttt{solution} environment follows, and is not nested
-within the \texttt{answers} environment.
-\subsection{How to Modify the \texttt{quiz} Environment}
-There are four ways the appearance of the quizzes can change:
-\def\mylabel#1{\hfil\hyperref[#1]{\large$\bullet$}\ }
-%{\normalfont\bfseries\arabic{questionno}.\ }%
-\settowidth{\labelwidth}{\normalfont\bfseries00.\ }%
-\item[sss:quiztitles] change the titles
-\item[sss:ckappear] change the `check' appearance
-\item[sss:scorefield] change the text field in which the score appears,
-\item[sss:CorrButton] change the appearance of the `Correction' button.
-\noindent This section discusses each of these four in turn.
-\subsubsection{The Quiz Titles}\label{sss:quiztitles}
-It is possible to redefine the quiz titles and other labels if
-\redpoint Locally:
-\renewcommand\bqlabel{Begin Exam}
-\renewcommand\eqlabel{End Exam}
-\redpoint Globally:
-\renewcommand\eq@bqlabel{Begin Exam}
-\renewcommand\eq@eqlabel{End Exam}
-\subsubsection{The check appearance}\label{sss:ckappear}
-The appearance of the `check' can be chosen using the
-\cs{symbolchoice} macro of the \textsf{exerquiz} package. The
-permissible values for the argument of \cs{symbolchoice} are
-\texttt{check} (the default), \texttt{circle}, \texttt{cross},
-\texttt{diamond}, \texttt{square}, and \texttt{star}.
-This quiz was generated by inserting
-\verb+\symbolchoice{diamond}+ before the quiz. The multiple choice field
-is actually a radio button field. The appearance of these radio buttons can
-be modified using the command \cs{everyqRadioButton}.
-\everyqRadioButton{\textColor{0 0 1}
- \BC{.690 .769 .871}\BG{.941 1 .941}}
-\everyqRadioButton{\symbolchoice{diamond}\textColor{0 0 1}\BC{.690 .769 .871}\BG{.941 1 .941}}
-\begin{quiz*}{qzTeX} Answer each of the following. Passing
-is 100\%.
-\item Who created \TeX?
-\Ans1 Knuth &\Ans0 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-\item Who originally wrote \LaTeX?
-\Ans0 Knuth &\Ans1 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-\noindent If desired, we can return to the defaults:
-\symbolchoice{check} % restore the default
-\symbolchoice{check} % restore the default
-\redpoint The \cs{symbolchoice} can also be introduced into the flow of the code through
-the \cs{every\-qRadio\-Button}:
-\everyqRadioButton{\symbolchoice{diamond}\textColor{0 0 1}
- \BC{.690 .769 .871}\BG{.941 1 .941}}
-\noindent After the quiz, we could return to the defaults by
-\redpoint See the document \texttt{\href{eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf}} for complete
-documentation on how to modify a field using the optional first argument, and
-how to use the ``every'' command.\footnote{eforms manual on Web:
-\subsubsection{Change color of Correction Marks}
-The colors used to mark the quiz can be changed by redefining the
-commands \cs{check\-Color}, \cs{crossColor} and \cs{correctColor} in
-the \textit{preamble} or before. Below are the
-\renewcommand\checkColor{["RGB", 0, .6, 0]}
-\renewcommand\correctColor{["RGB", 0, .6, 0]} % webgreen
-\noindent The colors are inserted into the field using JavaScript, so the color definitions
-are in the color space of the JavaScript object model.
-\subsubsection{The `Correction' Button}\label{sss:CorrButton}
-The `Correction' button is defined by the \cs{CorrButton} has two
-The second parameter is the field name that contains the total score for the
-quiz (see the above examples). It also has one optional argument that can be
-used to modify the appearance of the button.
-Also defined is the \cs{eqButton} command, which performs the same function as
-\cs{CorrButton}; use of \cs{eqButton} is discouraged in favor of \cs{CorrButton}.
-In addition to the optional parameter to modify the appearance of
-\cs{CorrButton}, there is also a ``global'' mechanism for modifying the
-appearance of the button field. These are
-\paragraph*{Global Modification:} \cs{everyButtonField} and \cs{everyCorrButton}
-\newtopic The first one modifies the appearance of every quiz button field, the second can be used
-to modify all \cs{CorrButton}s.
-\redpoint See the document \texttt{\href{eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf}} for complete
-documentation on how to modify a field using the optional first argument, and
-how to use the ``every'' command.${}^{\text{\fnEFormi}}$\def\fnEFormi{\thefootnote}
-% \begin{table}[hbt]
-% \setlength{\extrarowheight}{1mm}
-% \setlength{\tabcolsep}{2mm}
-% \begin{center}
-% \makeatletter
-% \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}
-% \hline
-% \multicolumn1{|l|}{Local} &
-% \multicolumn1{l|}{Global} &
-% \multicolumn1{l|}{Default} &
-% \multicolumn1{l|}{Description}\\
-% \hline
-% \cs{BC} &\cs{eq@BC} & 1 0 0 & border color\\
-% \cs{BG} &\cs{eq@BG} & .7529 .7529 .7529 & face color\\
-% \cs{CA} &\cs{eq@CA} & Correct & button text\\
-% \cs{RC} &\cs{eq@RC} & My Answers! & rollover\\
-% \cs{AC} &\cs{eq@AC} & Please! & pushed text \\
-% \cs{DA} &\cs{eq@DA} & /Helv 10 Tf 0 g & text format\\
-% \cs{BS} &\cs{eq@BS} & /W 1 /S /B & button spec\\
-% \hline
-% \end{tabular}
-% \caption{\protect\cs{CorrButton} Parameters}\label{table:CorrButton}
-% \end{center}
-% \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-% \end{table}
-% The macros listed in the first column of \autoref{table:CorrButton}
-% are permitted in the optional parameter field of
-% \cs{CorrButton}---there is not parameter checking, \TeX\ or
-% Distiller/Reader will find the errors.
-% The meaning of these values is beyond the scope of this manual.
-% Refer to the internet article ``Pdfmarks: Links and Forms'',
-% \cite{article:Story:Pdfmarks}, for details; in particular, see the
-% ``Forms'' article.
-\subsubsection{The Score Field}\label{sss:scorefield}
-The score field is the text field to which the quiz (and its
-underlying JavaScript) reports the score. This field can be
-constructed using the \cs{ScoreField} macro
-\noindent In the simplest case, \cs{ScoreField} takes one argument, as above,
-the \texttt{field\_name} of the associated quiz. The expansion of \cs{ScoreField}
-produces a \texttt{read-only} text field that is 1.5 inches in
-width with a red border. The initial text that appears in the
-field is the expansion of the macro \cs{eqScore}. The expansion of
-\cs{eqScore} depends on the language option: \cs{eqScore} expands
-to `Score:' by default, to `Punkte:' for the \texttt{german}
-option and to `Score :' for the \texttt{french} option.
-The macro \cs{ScoreField} also has an optional parameter that can
-be used to modify the appearance of the text field. Should the
-document author want to change the basic look of the text field produced
-by \cs{ScoreField}, just introduce the changes through this
-optional parameter.
-In addition to the optional parameter for modifying the appearance of
-the text field, \cs{Score\-Field}, there is also a ``global'' mechanism for
-modifying the appearance of the button field. These are
-\newtopic\textbf{Global Modification:} \cs{everyeqTextField} and \cs{everyScoreField}
-\newtopic The first one modifies the appearance of every quiz text field, the second can be used
-to modify all \cs{ScoreField}s.
-\redpoint See the document \texttt{\href{eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf}} for complete
-documentation on how to modify a field using the optional first argument, and
-how to use the ``every'' command.${}^{\text{\fnEFormi}}$\def\fnEFormi{\thefootnote}
-\begin{quiz*}{qzTeXc} Answer each of the following. Passing
-is 100\%.
-\item What \TeX\ System does Thomas Esser maintain?
-\Ans0 MiK\TeX &\Ans0 cs\TeX &\Ans1 te\TeX &\Ans0 fp\TeX
-\item What \TeX\ System does Fabrice Popineau maintain?
-\Ans0 MiK\TeX &\Ans0 cs\TeX &\Ans0 te\TeX &\Ans1 fp\TeX
-\item What \TeX\ System does Christian Schenk maintain?
-\Ans1 MiK\TeX &\Ans0 cs\TeX &\Ans0 te\TeX &\Ans0 fp\TeX
-\ScoreField[\BC{0 0 1}]{qzTeXc}%
- \CorrButton[\BC{0 0 1}% blue border color
- \CA{TeX}% Button text
- \RC{Users}% rollover text
- \AC{Group}% pushed text
- \textFont{TiRo}% text font: Times Roman
- \textSize{10}% text size: 10 point
- \textColor{0 0 1}% times roman, 10 pt, blue text
- \W{1}\S{I}% border width 1, inset button
- ]{qzTeXc}
-\noindent The new part is the customized scoring and correction button. Here
-is a verbatim listing of the \cs{ScoreField} and \cs{CorrButton}
-\ScoreField[\BC{0 0 1}]{qz:TeXc}%
- \CorrButton[\BC{0 0 1} % blue border color
- \CA{TeX} % Button text
- \RC{Users} % rollover text
- \AC{Group} % pushed text
- \textFont{TiRo} % text font: Times Roman
- \textSize{10} % text size: 10 point
- \textColor{0 0 1} % blue text
- \W{1}\S{I} % border width 1, inset button
- ]{qz:TeXc}
-%\exPDF{webeqtst} This example---as well as others---appears in
-%\texttt{\href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#webeqtst}{webeqtst.tex}}, a
-%test file that accompanies the \cAcroB.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=803} This example---as well as others---appears in
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=803}{webeqtst.pdf}}, a demo file from the
- and \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{fancyQuizHeaders}}{\CMD{fancyQuizHeaders}}}\label{titleQuiz}
-%\exPDF{title_quiz} The demo file for these features is \texttt{title\_quiz.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=908} The demo file for these features is
-To assign a title to your quiz use \Com{titleQuiz}. This title appears just after
-the `Begin Quiz' button
-\titleQuiz{Two Question MC}
-Answer each of these to the best of your ability.
-\item Math is fun.
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False\\
- The answer is true, of course, math is fun!
-\item Statistics is fun.
-\Ans0 True & \Ans1 False\\
- The answer is false, statistics is interesting but not fun.
-\noindent The partial verbatim code for the above quiz follows:
-\titleQuiz{Two Question MC}
-Answer each of these to the best of your ability.
-\noindent The format of the title is controlled by the command \Com{titleQuizfmt},
-the default definition is \verb!\newcommand\titleQuizfmt{\bfseries}!. The value
-of the \cs{titleQuiz} command can act as an argument for \cs{titleQuizfmt} if you redefine
-\cs{titleQuizfmt} to have an argument. For example,
-Now, the title will appear in a set of parentheses. The title and formatting are enclosed
-in a \cs{mbox}, so font and style changes are localized to that \cs{mbox}.
-\newtopic If a quiz does not have a title, as defined by \cs{titleQuiz}, the title defaults to
-an empty title.
-\newtopic The definition of \cs{titleQuiz} is such that the command \cs{makeatletter} is executed
-before the argument for \cs{titleQuiz} is read. This means that the special character
-`\texttt{@}' can be used within the argument of \cs{titleQuiz}. For example, the \texttt{quiz}
-environment maintains a text macro \cs{\@quizCnt} which contains the current quiz
-count number. Thus you can say \verb!\titleQuiz{Quiz \@quizCnt}!, the title of
-the quiz will include a short quiz number as well.
-\newtopic The \cs{titleQuiz} is used for short quizzes as well as
-with quizzes. It is possible to have different formatting for each
-of these two environments by using the \Com{ifQuizType} command. The
-command takes two arguments:
-For example, we could define \cs{titleQuizfmt} as follows:
-or with an argument, as mentioned above, you could define \cs{titleQuizfmt} with an argument,
-like so,
- \ifQuizType{\bfseries(#1)}{\slshape[#1]}}
-Quizzes and short-quizzes conform to the cross-referencing system
-of {\LaTeX}. For example, we used the label \verb!\label{MyMCQuiz}! in the last quiz, the one
-on page~\pageref{MyMCQuiz}. The title of the quiz is \nameref{MyMCQuiz}. The code for the past
-two sentences is
-For example, we used the label \verb!\label{MyMCQuiz}! in the
-last quiz, the one on page~\pageref{MyMCQuiz}. The title of the
-quiz is \nameref{MyMCQuiz}.
-\noindent If the quiz does not have a title, as defined by the \cs{titleQuiz} command, a generic label of
-`Quiz' is generated. The default label name is
-\noindent This definition can be change using \cs{renewcommand}.
-The \Com{fancyQuizHeaders} command, a companion feature to \Com{titleQuiz}, enhances
-the labeling of the quiz in the solutions section of the document. If
-\cs{fancyQuizHeaders} is executed in the preamble, or prior to a quiz, the solution header has the
-following default format:
-\newtopic{\color{blue}Two Question MC: Question 1.} The answer is true, of course, math is fun!
-\newtopic The above assumes the title of the quiz is the one given in the previous section.
-\newtopic When a quiz has no title, the header reverts to
-\textcolor{blue}{Solution to Quiz:} followed by the question number.
-\redpoint You can turn off fancy quiz headers by using
-\newtopic You can modify the fancy headers with a combination of setting \Com{setsolnspace}
-and/or redefining the command \Com{eq@fancyQuizHeadersfmt}. First
-\cs{setsolnspace}: This is a hook into the space immediately
-following the header. To insert a \cs{medskip} after the header, for example, you
-can say \verb!\setsolnspace{\par\medskip\noindent}! a
-\cs{medskip} is created after the solution header and the solution
-above appears as
-\newtopic{\color{blue}Two Question MC: Question 1.}\par\medskip\noindent The answer is true, of course, math is fun!
-\newtopic The definition of \cs{eq@fancyQuizHeadersfmt} is
- \textbf{\ifx\aebTitleQuiz\@empty\ifnum\@eqquestiondepth>0
- Solution to Quiz:\fi\else
- \aebTitleQuiz:\protect\
- \ifnum\@eqquestiondepth=0\else
- Question\fi
- \fi\space
- \ifcase\@eqquestiondepth
- \ifx\aebTitleQuiz\@empty Solution to Quiz:\fi\or
- \arabic{eqquestionnoi}.\or
- \arabic{eqquestionnoi}(\alph{eqquestionnoii})\or
- \arabic{eqquestionnoi}(\alph{eqquestionnoii})%
- (\roman{eqquestionnoiii})%
- \fi}}%
-Ugly isn't it. We need to set the header in all cases: with or without a title;
-multiple questions within a \texttt{questions} environment, or a single question
-with no \texttt{questions} environment.
-\newtopic A simple re-definition might be
- \textbf{\ifx\aebTitleQuiz\@empty
- \ifnum\@eqquestiondepth>0
- Solution to Quiz\fi\else
- \aebTitleQuiz\protect\
- \ifnum\@eqquestiondepth=0\else\\Question%
- \fi\fi\space
- \ifcase\@eqquestiondepth
- \ifx\aebTitleQuiz\@empty Solution to Quiz\fi
- \or\arabic{eqquestionnoi}.\or
- \arabic{eqquestionnoi}(\alph{eqquestionnoii})\or
- \arabic{eqquestionnoi}(\alph{eqquestionnoii})%
- (\roman{eqquestionnoiii})%
- \fi}}%
-\noindent The colons (\texttt{:}) are removed and a \verb!\\! inserted in the fourth
-line; that line now reads, in part, \verb!\else\\Question\fi!, instead of
-\verb!\else Question\fi!.
-\newtopic The results of these changes, in combination with the earlier
-change of
-\noindent are
-\newtopic{\color{blue}Two Question MC\\Question 1.}\par\medskip\noindent The answer is true, of course, math is fun!
-\newtopic Other (minor) changes such as color, style, font can be done in this way.
-\newtopic As a reminder, you can use the web package's switch, \Com{ifeqforpaper} to further
-refine these headers. You can have one style of solution headers for paper, and another
-style for the screen.
-\subsection{Adding Points to a Quiz}\label{sss:asignPts}
-%The discussion of this topic can be found in \Nameref{sss:asignPts}.
-%\subsubsection{Assigning Points}\label{sss:asignPts}
-The questions on a quiz, especially a quiz meant for credit, may
-not have the same weight. A point scheme, therefore, has been
-created; several additional text fields in support have also been
-Here is a simple two question example to illustrate:
-\begin{quiz*}{mathquiz} Answer each of the following. Passing
-is 100\%.\hfill\smash{\GradeField[\rectH{30bp}\rectW{30bp}\textSize{0}]\currQuiz}
-\item\PTs{4} If $\lim_{x\to a} f(x) = f(a)$, then we say that $f$ is\dots
-\Ans0 differentiable &\Ans1 continuous &\Ans0 integrable
-\item\PTs{6} Name \emph{one} of the two people recognized as a founder of
-\RespBoxTxt{0}{0}{4}{Isaac Newton}{Newton}{Gottfried Leibniz}{Leibniz}%
-\CorrAnsButton{Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz}
-Answers: \AnswerField\currQuiz
-Points: \PointsField\currQuiz\ Percent: \PercentField\currQuiz
-%\exPDF{quizpts} See the sample file
-%\href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#quizpts}{quizpts.tex} for a more
-%elaborate version of this question, as well as the source code.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1054} See source file for the PDF
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1054}{quizpts.pdf}} for a more elaborate
-version of this question, as well as the source code.
-\item \verb+\PTs#1+: This macro takes one argument, the number of
-points to be assigned to the current problem. Place this command
-immediately after the \cs{item} in the \textsf{questions} environment.
-For example, in the above quiz we had
-\item\PTs{6} Name \emph{one} of the two people recognized
- as a founder of Calculus.
-\item \verb+\PTsHook#1+: This macro, which takes one argument, can
-be used to typeset the points assigned. and is called by
-\cs{PTs}. The argument is what is to be typeset. The value
-assigned the current problem by \cs{PTs} is contained within the
-macro \cs{eqPTs}. In the quiz above, we had
-\item There are three other commands that create text fields to
-display results from a quiz with points assigned:
- \item \verb+\PointsField[#1]#2+: The number of points earned for the quiz, the
- total points are also reported. The parameter \texttt{\#2} is the base name
- of the quiz.
- \item \verb+\PercentField[#1]#2+: The percentage score for the
- quiz. The parameter \texttt{\#1} is the base name of the quiz.
- \item \verb+\GradeField[#1]#2+: The letter grade of the
- performance on the quiz. The parameter \texttt{\#2} is the
- base name of the quiz. The values placed in this field are determined
- by the macro \cs{eqGradeScale}.
-\item \cs{eqGradeScale}: This macro sets the grade scale of a quiz, the default
-definition is
-\newcommand\eqGradeScale{"A",[90, 100],"B",[80,90],
- "C",[70,80],"D",[60,70],"F",[0,60]}
-\noindent The ways things are defined now, there can be only one grade scale
-per document. The value of \cs{eqGradeScale} is a matrix with an
-even number of elements. The odd numbered elements are the grades;
-the even number elements are intervals of percentages (percentages
-of the total number of points on the quiz). If the percentage of
-the score falls into a particular range, the corresponding grade
-is assigned.
-\item[] Note, obviously, you can redefine this command. The
-letter grades do not actually have to be grades, they can be little
-messages to the student upon completion of the quiz.
- "Excellent Work.",[90, 100],
- "Solid Effort.",[80,90],
- "Fair.",[70,80],
- "Needs improvement, better work expected.",[60,70],
- "Learning still in progress.",[0,60]
-The \texttt{answers} and \texttt{manswers} environments allow for partial credit,
-and even assigning of negative points for wrong answers (see \Nameref{manswersQuiz});
-consequently, it is possible for a student taking a quiz to get a
-negative points for the quiz. By default \textsf{exerquiz} reports a point score of zero
-to \cs{PointsField} if the points are negative.
-If you want exerquiz to report the true point score, use the command
-\cs{neg\-Points\-Allowed} in the preamble. This will allow the reporting
-of a negative point total.
-%\exPDF{manswers} See the example file for this feature \texttt{manswers.tex}.
-%Compare the results of when the default behavior is used, versus
-%the results when \cs{negPointsAllowed} is used in the preamble.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=903} See the source file for the PDF \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=903}{manswers.pdf}}.
-Compare the results of when the default behavior is used, versus
-the results when \cs{negPointsAllowed} is used in the preamble.
-\subsection{Floating a Quiz}\label{floatQuiz}
-The quiz structure is to have a `Begin Quiz' button or link at the
-beginning of the quiz and an `End Quiz' button or link at the end.
-In some settings, you might want to place the `Begin Quiz' button on
-another page, with, perhaps, some instructions. For this purpose
-\textsf{exerquiz} defines five commands \Com{DeclareQuiz},
-\Com{floatQuiz}, \Com{startQuizHere}, \Com{endQuizHere} and
-The \cs{DeclareQuiz} command takes one argument, which is the name
-of the quiz, for example \verb!\DeclareQuiz{myQuiz}!. This command
-takes it argument and creates a text macro \cs{currQuiz}, which
-expands to the quiz name. \cs{currQuiz} can then be used in the
-\texttt{quiz} environment command argument for the quiz name. This
-makes it easy to change the names without having to search through
-and make all changes.
-The command \cs{floatQuiz} declares the current quiz, as set by the
-\cs{DeclareQuiz} command, is floating, which means the `Begin Quiz' and
-`End Quiz' link-text or buttons are separated from their usual placement
-and are allowed to ``float.'' The third command \cs{startQuizHere}
-inserts the `Begin Quiz' link text or form button, while the
-\cs{endQuizHere} command inserts the `End Quiz' link or form button.
-\newtopic For example,
-Solve each of the following problems. To begin the quiz,
-click on the \startQuizHere\space button.
-Answer these questions truthfully.
- \item Do you understanding the concept of \cs{floatQuiz}?
- \begin{answers}{4}
- \Ans1 Yes & \Ans0 No
- \end{answers}
- \item Do you understanding the concept of \cs{dockQuiz}?
- \begin{answers}*{4}
- \Ans0 Yes & \Ans1 No
- \begin{solution}
- You can't understand it until I explain it!
- \end{solution}
- \end{answers}
-After you have finished the quiz, click on the
-\endQuizHere\space button. Click the\ \smash[b]{\CorrButton[\CA{Correct}\RC{the}\AC{Quiz}\S{S}\BC{}\W0]\currQuiz}\ button
-if you
-wish and your quiz will be marked. Click on the choice with
-the green border to jump to the solution.
-\newtopic To return to the default behavior of the quiz environment
-place \cs{dockQuiz} following the quiz. Quizzes that come
-after the \cs{dockQuiz} will then have the standard quiz format.
-%\exPDF{floatquiz} See the example file \texttt{floatquiz.tex} for the {\LaTeX} code of the above example.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=897} See the source file for the PDF
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=897}{floatquiz.pdf}} for the {\LaTeX} code
-of the above example.
-\section{Objective Style Questions}\label{s:oQ}
-Beginning with version~2.0 of \textsf{exerquiz}, objective style
-questions can be posed. Single questions can be posed in the
-\texttt{\hyperref[ss:oquestion]{oQuestion}} environment,
-multiple questions can be placed in either the \texttt{shortquiz}
-or the \texttt{quiz} environments. This section discusses this
-type of question and all of its supporting commands.
-\subsection{Math and Text Questions}
-\textsf{Exerquiz} distinguishes between two types of open ended or objective
-\item A mathematical question that requires a mathematical expression
-as the answer.
-\item A question that requires a text answer.
-\redpoint The demo file \texttt{jquiztst.tex} is an important
-source of examples and instruction for the mathematical type
-question; additionally, the file \texttt{jtxttst.tex} has many
-examples for the text type question.
-\subsubsection{The Mathematical Question}
-At this stage in the development of \textsf{exerquiz}, a
-(mathematical) question can be posed that requires an answer that
-is a function of one or more declared variables $x$, $y$, $z$, etc.
-Thus, when the declared variables $x$, $y$, $z$ are given a value,
-the answer is reduced to a number.
-%\item A question that has a numerical value.
-%\item A question that has a symbolic answer in one variable, $x$.
-%The symbolic answer must reduce, however, to a numerical value
-%when $x$ is given a numerical value.
-%Thus, only questions whose answers can be reduced to numerical
-%values can be posed.
-For example, the answer to the question ``Differentiate $\frac
-d{dx} \sin^2(x)$'', is a function in one variable $x$, it can be
-evaluated numerically and can, therefore, be posed:
-\redpoint Differentiate $\dfrac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =
-See \Nameref{ss:respbox} for details.
-In contrast, consider the question: ``Name the probability
-distribution popularly referred to as the `bell-shaped curve' ''.
-The answer to this question cannot be reduced to a numerical
-value. This question can be posed as an \hyperref[sss:oTxtQ]{text
-objective question}, or, it does lend itself to a multiple choice
-question, however.
-\subsubsection{The Text Question}\label{sss:oTxtQ}
-You can also pose questions that require a text answer:
-Name the probability
-distribution popularly referred to as the ``bell-shaped curve''.\\
-\RespBoxTxt{0}{0}{4}{Normal}{Normal Distribution}{Gaussian}{Gaussian Distribution}
-See \Nameref{ss:respboxtxt} for details.
-\subsection{The \texttt{oQuestion} Environment}\label{ss:oquestion}
-The \texttt{oQuestion} environment is a very simple environment
-for posing a \textit{single} question and will be used in this
-section to discuss in detail the macros for posing mathematical
-and text open questions.
-The syntax for the \texttt{oQuestion} environment is
- !ameta(A math or text open ended question.)
-\noindent The environment takes one required argument, a unique name for the question.
-This name, \texttt{field\_name}, is used by other supporting
-{\textbackslash RespBoxMath}: The Math Question}\label{ss:respbox}
-%\protect\cs{Resp\-BoxNT}}{\textbackslash RespBox, \textbackslash
-The \cs{RespBoxMath} command is used for posing an objective
-question. This command must appear in the \texttt{oQuestion},
-\texttt{short\-quiz} or \texttt{quiz} environments. In this
-section we discuss only the \texttt{oQuestion} environment.
-The following is a \hypertarget{minExample}{minimal example}.
-Additional enhancements will be discussed in subsequent sections.
-\redpoint Differentiate $\dfrac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =
-The code for the above example is
-\redpoint Differentiate $\dfrac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =
-\noindent The \cs{RespBoxMath} need not appear in math mode. The definition
-of the \cs{redpoint} command, a command written for this document follows.
- \noindent\makebox[\parindent][l]{\large
- \color{red}$\blacktriangleright$}}
-\newtopic You can also pose multivariate questions as well, for example
-\redpoint $\dfrac{\partial}{\partial y} {4 x^2 y^3 }
- = \RespBoxMath{12*x^2*y^2}(xy){4}{.0001}{[0,1]x[0,1]}$
-The code for the above example is
-\redpoint $\dfrac{\partial}{\partial y} {4 x^2 y^3 }
- = \RespBoxMath{12*x^2*y^2}(xy){4}{.0001}{[0,1]x[0,1]}$
-\noindent See the file \texttt{multivar.tex} for more examples
-quizzes involving multivariate problems.
-The algorithm used for determining the correctness of the answer
-entered by the user is very simple: The user's answer and the
-correct answer are evaluated at randomly selected points in an
-interval, then compared. If any of the comparisons differ by more
-than a pre-selected amount, an $\epsilon$ value, if you will, the
-user's answer is declared incorrect; otherwise, it is considered
-correct.\footnote{The idea for evaluating user input in this way
-comes from Drs.\ Wlodzimierz Bryc and Stephan Pelikan of The
-University of Cincinnati.}
-\newtopic The command \cs{RespBoxMath} takes ten parameters,
-five optional and five required:%\hypertarget{respboxargs}{}
-\item[\ttfamily\#1 :] Optional parameter used to modify the appearance of the
- text field. See the section entitled \nameref{sss:CorrButton} for examples, and \textsf{exerquiz.dtx}
- for a listing of all controlling macros.
-\item[\ttfamily\#2 :] The correct answer to the question.
- This must be a numerical value, or a function of one or more variable(s).
-\item[\ttfamily\hypertarget{paraRespBoxThree}{\#3} :] An optional parameter, \textit{delimited by
-parentheses}, that defines the independent variable; \texttt{x},
-is the default value. Note that this parameter is set off by
-parentheses. For a multivariate question, just list the variables
-in juxtaposition, \texttt{(xyz)}.
-Beginning with version 5.5 of \textsf{exerquiz}, an alternate
-method is to delimit with commas \texttt{(x,y,n)} and include the
-type of the variables \texttt{(r:x,r:y,i:n)}, where \texttt{"r"}
-means a real variable and \texttt{"i"} means an integer variable.
-When a type is not specified explicitly, \texttt{"r"} is assumed.
-The variables must be either of the old style (no commas, no
-typing) or the new style. Do not mix the styles.
-See the \hyperlink{exofT}{example} in \Nameref{enhancements}
-of the section below and see the demo file \texttt{integer\_test.tex} to
-demonstrate the new method for specifying variables, found in the
-\texttt{dljslib\_examples} folder.
-\textbf{Multi-letter variables.} Beginning with v8.0 (2017/08/08) support for
-multi-letter variables and appearance replacement is added. Within the
-\texttt{\#3}, use the following notation:
-This declares three variables, \texttt{x}, \texttt{alpha}, and \texttt{z}.
-What in fact is taking place is that \texttt{alpha} is replaced by \texttt{y}
-and processing continues from there.
-\textbf{Alternate appearances.} Additionally, there is now a scheme for
-replacing the variables with alternate appearances.
-The arrow notation (\texttt{->}) tells \pkg{exerquiz} to replace
-\texttt{alpha} with the unicode character \verb~\u03B1~ (note the double
-backslash above), which is the Greek letter alpha ($\alpha$). You can
-separate the variables with commas and use the type specification as well.
-But as noted above, use either the old style (no commas) or the new style
-(with commas), \emph{never mix the two together in one argument.}
-Below is a simple example of multi-letter variables with appearance replacement. Enter
-\texttt{alpha} for $\alpha$ and \texttt{theta} for $\theta$.
- \dfrac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\alpha \sin(\theta)=
- \RespBoxMath[\rectW{1.5in}]{alpha cos(theta)}(\rpl{alpha->\\u03B1}{x}\rpl{theta->\\u03B8}{y})
- {3}{0.0001}{[0,3.14]x[0,3.14]}
-The verbatim listing for this question follows:
- \dfrac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\alpha \sin(\theta)=
- \RespBoxMath[\rectW{1.5in}]
- {alpha cos(theta)}
- (\rpl{alpha->\\u03B1}{x}\rpl{theta->\\u03B8}{y})
- {3}{0.0001}{[0,3.14]*2}
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1330} See the file
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1330}{ml-vars.pdf}} for a demonstration of
-multi-letter variables and alternate appearances.
-\item[\ttfamily\#4 :] Optional, a named destination to the solution to the
- question. There are two forms: the \texttt{[mydest]} an explicit
- destination for the solution to the problem, or a `\texttt*', in which
- case, the name is \texttt{[\string\curr@quiz.\string\thequestionno]} is
- automatically assigned.
-If this parameter appears, a solution must follow the
-question, enclosed in a \texttt{solution} environment.
-\item[\ttfamily\#5 :] The number of samples points to be used, usually 3 or 4 is
-\item[\ttfamily\#6 :] Precision required, a \emph{non-negative}
- ``$\epsilon$'' value, if you will. If the precision is set to zero,
- \texttt{reldiffCompare} is used as the default compare, and the precision
- is set to a small positive value, \text{1E-14}, by default. The small
- value is may reset with \cs{defaultRDPrecision}. The default definition,
- \verb!\defaultRDPrecision{1E-14}!.
-\item[\ttfamily\#7 :] Parameters \#7 and \#8 are used to define the interval
- from which to draw the sample points. There are two forms: (1) \#7 is the
- left-hand endpoint of the interval and \#8 is the right-hand endpoint
- (the use of \#7 and \#8 in this form is deprecated); (2) the interval is
- defined by standard interval notation, \texttt{[a,b]}. For a multivariate
- question---one where parameter \#2 lists more than one variable---separate
- the intervals for each variable by a `\texttt{x}',
- \texttt{[0,2]x[1,2]x[3,4]}.
-\textbf{Interval repetition.} Beginning with v8.0 (2017/08/08),
-\pkg{exerquiz} allows \emph{interval repetition}. It is not unusual that the
-cartesian product of the same interval is needed, eg,
-\texttt{[0,1]x[0,1]x[0,1]}; rather than typing those repetitive interval
-specifications, you can simple use the notation \texttt{[0,1]*3}. The general
-syntax for an interval is now \texttt{\ameta{interval}*\ameta{num}}; the
-`\texttt{*\ameta{num}}' portion is optional, \ameta{num} is an positive
-integer. Note that `\texttt{*\ameta{num}}' follows the interval
-specification, this is \emph{vitally important} for the correct parsing of
-the expression.
-The notation may be mixed in with additional interval
- specifications; thus, for example, `\texttt{[0,1]*3x[1,2]x[2,3]*2}' expands to
- `\texttt{[0,1]x[0,1]x[0,1]x[1,2]\penalty0x\penalty0[2,3]x[2,3]}'.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1330} See the file
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1330}{ml-vars.pdf}} for a demonstration of
-interval repetition.
-\item[\ttfamily\#8 :] (1) \#8 is the right-hand endpoint of the interval (the
- use of this parameter is deprecated); (2) in the second case, \#8 is not
- used.
-\item[\ttfamily\#9 :]\label{paraRespBoxNine} This optional parameter is the name of a customized
-comparison function.
-Beginning with version 5.5 of \textsf{exerquiz}, this argument can also be
-a JavaScript object with at most two properties: \texttt{priorParse} and
-\texttt{comp}. \texttt{priorParse} is used to insert additional JavaScript
-into \texttt{ProcResp} prior to processing the user's answer; this allows
-additional ``filtering'' of the user's response. The value of
-\texttt{priorParse} can either be a single function, or an array of
-functions. These functions take \texttt{UserAns} as its argument and
-return either \texttt{null}, if \texttt{UserAns} is not acceptable, or
-\texttt{true}, if it is ok for processing. The value of \texttt{comp} is
-the name of the function to be used to compare answers.
-See the demo file \texttt{integer\_tst.tex} for examples of usage.
-%There is a built-in filter function, \texttt{requireForm}, that may be quite useful
-%for filtering out responses that that are not of a specified form. See
-\item[\ttfamily\#10:] (Only detected if following an asterisk, `\texttt*')
-The name of a JavaScript function that is to be used to process the user input.
-\redpoint For the above example,
-\noindent no optional parameter is specified. The correct answer written in
-valid JavaScript is given by \verb+2*sin(x)*cos(x)+; evaluation of the
-user's answer is done by randomly selecting 4 points from the
-interval $[\,0,1\,]$; if the evaluation at any of the 4 points
-differs from the evaluation of the correct answer at the same
-point by more than $\epsilon=0.0001$, the user's answer is
-considered wrong.
-Once you choose the question to ask, you must then select the
-values of the parameters for \cs{RespBoxMath}.
-\noindent\redpoint \textbf{Some Comments}:
-\item The correct answer can be written either with valid JavaScript,
-or in the same syntax a user would enter the answer with. The
-functions and operators are pretty much as expected. See the
-demo file \textsf{jquiztst.tex} for some discussion how authors
-and users should enter their answers.
-\item The interval from which the sample points are taken
-needs to be chosen with care. The interval must, obviously, be a
-subset of the domain of the answer function. Choose an interval
-away from any singularities the answer may have.
-%\item The JavaScript of Acrobat 5.0 does have exception
-%handling, but this has not been incorporated into the code yet.
-%Taking advantage of this new capability will be my next project.
-%Exception handling will give the code protection against user's
-%entering spurious answers. For example, based on the correct
-%answer, the author chooses the interval $[\,0,1\,]$, but the user
-%enters a function whose domain does not contain the interval, such
-%as \verb=(x-1)^(1/2)=.
-%\exPDF{jquiztst} See the file \href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#jquiztst}
-%{jquiztst.pdf} for various examples of the math questions.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=810} See the PDF file
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=810}{jquiztst.pdf}} for various examples of
-the math questions.
-By using the optional first parameter, you can modify the appearance
-of the field ``locally.'' There is also a ``global'' mechanism as well:
-\newtopic\textbf{Global Modification:} \cs{everyeqTextField}, \cs{everyRespBoxMath}
-\newtopic The first one modifies the appearance of every quiz text field,
-and the second can be used to modify all fields created using
-\redpoint See the document \href{eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf} for complete
-documentation on how to modify a field using the optional first
-argument, and how to use the ``every'' command.\footnote{eforms manual on Web: \url{\bUrl/eformman.pdf}}
- {\textbackslash RespBoxTxt}: The Text Question}\label{ss:respboxtxt}
-You can also pose a question that takes a simple text response. The
-basic command for posing this type of question is
-\cs{RespBoxTxt}. Consider the example given
-\redpoint Name the probability
-distribution popularly referred to as the ``bell-shaped curve''.\\
-\mbox{\strut\RespBoxTxt{0}{0}{4}{Normal}{Normal Distribution}%
-{Gaussian}{Gaussian Distribution}}
-%\raisebox{-3bp}{\RespBoxTxt{0}{0}{4}{Normal}{Normal Distribution}%
-%{Gaussian}{Gaussian Distribution}}
-The underlying JavaScript compares the user's response against
-acceptable alternatives, as supplied by the author of the
-question. If there is a match, the response is deemed correct.
-The code for this example is
-\redpoint Name the probability distribution popularly
-referred to as the ``bell-shaped curve''.\\
-\RespBoxTxt{0}{0}{4}{Normal}{Normal Distribution}%
-{Gaussian}{Gaussian Distribution}
-\noindent The command \cs{RespBoxTxt} takes five or more parameters.
-\RespBoxTxt[#1]#2#3[#4]#5!ameta(list of alternatives)
-\item[\ttfamily\#1 :] Optional parameter used to modify the appearance of the
- text field. See the section entitled \nameref{sss:CorrButton},
- page~\pageref*{sss:CorrButton} for examples, and
- \textsf{exerquiz.dtx} for a listing of all controlling macros.
-\item[\ttfamily\#2 :] This required parameter is a number that indicates
-the filtering method to be used. Permissible values of this parameter are
- \item[\ttfamily -1: ] (The default) The author's and user's answers are not filtered
- in any way. (Spaces, case, and punctuation are preserved.)
- \item[\ttfamily 0: ] The author's and user's answers are converted to
- lower case, any white space and non-word characters are removed.
- \item[\ttfamily 1: ] The author's and user's answers are converted to
- lower case, any white space is removed.
- \item[\ttfamily 2: ] The author's and user's answers are stripped of any
- white space.
-See the JavaScript function \texttt{eqFilter} in \texttt{exerquiz.dtx} for the
-program code details. Additional filtering options may be added.
-\item[\ttfamily\#3 :] This parameter a number that indicates the compare
-method to be used. Permissible values of this parameter are
- \item[\ttfamily 0: ] (The default) The author's and user's answers are
- compared for an exact match. (These answers are filtered before they are
- compared.)
- \item[\ttfamily 1: ] The user's response is searched in an attempt to
- get a substring match with the author's alternatives. Additional comparison
- methods may be added.
-See the JavaScript function \texttt{compareTxt} in \texttt{exerquiz.dtx} for the
-program code details.
-\item[\ttfamily\#4 :] Optional, a named destination to the solution
-to the question. If this parameter appears, then a solution must
-follow the question, enclosed in a \texttt{solution} environment. If
-the fourth parameter is a `\texttt*', then an automatic naming scheme
-is used instead.
-\item[\ttfamily\#5 :] This required parameter is the number of alternative
-answers that are acceptable. The alternative answers are listed
-immediately after this parameter. (The example above specified
-that 4 alternatives follow.)
-%\exPDF{jtxttst} See the file \href{\bUrl/webeq_ex.html\#jtxttst}
-%{jtxttst.pdf} for examples of the differences between various combinations
-%of filtering rules and comparison methods.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=813} See the PDF file
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=813}{jtxttst.pdf}} for examples of the
-differences between various combinations of filtering rules and comparison
-\newtopic By using the optional first parameter, you can modify the appearance
-of the field ``locally''. There is also a ``global'' mechanism as well:
-\newtopic\textbf{Global Modification:} \cs{everyeqTextField} and \cs{everyRespBoxTxt}
-\newtopic The first mechanism modifies the appearance of every quiz text
-field, the second can be used to modify all fields created using
-\redpoint See the document \href{eformman.pdf}{eFormMan.pdf} on
-\textit{\href{eformman.pdf}{eForm Support}} for complete
-documentation on how to modify a field using the optional first
-argument, and how to use the ``every'' command.\footnote{eforms manual on Web: \url{\bUrl/eformman.pdf}}
- {\textbackslash RespBoxTxtPC}: The Text Question with Partial Credit}\label{ss:respboxtxtpc}
-\textsf{Exerquiz} can now create text fill-in questions that awards
-credit each time one of the key words are found in the student's input string.
-\newtopic The command \cs{RespBoxTxtPC} is the one that creates a text fill-in question. Its
-syntax is
-The new command \cs{RespBoxTxtPC} behaves differently than \cs{RespBoxTxt}.
-JavaScript performs a regular expression search for each word listed (the word,
-can be a regular expression), if the word is found (the search is successful), the total credit
-for this problem is incremented by the amount associated with the word.
-\item[\ttfamily\#1:]Optional parameter used to modify the appearance of the
- text field.
-\item[\ttfamily\#2:]This required parameter is a number indicating
-the filtering method to be used. Permissible values of this parameter are
- \item[\ttfamily-1:] (The default) The author's and user's answers are not filtered
- in any way. (Spaces, case, and punctuation are preserved.)
- \item[\ttfamily0:] The author's and user's answers are converted to
- lower case, any white space and non-word characters are removed.
- \item[\ttfamily1:] The author's and user's answers are converted to
- lower case, any white space is removed.
- \item[\ttfamily2:] The author's and user's answers are stripped of
- white space.
- \item[\ttfamily 3:] Same as -1, but a case insensitive search is performed.
- \emph{This is the recommended value for this function.}
-See the JavaScript function \texttt{eqFilter} in \texttt{exerquiz.dtx} for
-program code details. Additional filtering options may be added.
-\textbf{Recommendation:} For \cs{RespBoxTxtPC}, use either~-1
-(case sensitive search) or~3 (case insensitive search).
-\item[\ttfamily\#3:] Optional, a named destination to the
-solution to the question. If this parameter appears, then a
-solution must follow the question, enclosed in a \texttt{solution}
-environment. If the third parameter is a `\texttt*', then an automatic
-naming scheme is used instead.
-\item[\ttfamily\#4:] This required parameter is the
-number of alternative answers that are acceptable. The alternative
-answers are listed immediately after this parameter.
-\item[]The parameters that follow \texttt{\#4} are of the form
-\texttt{[\meta{num}]\darg{\meta{word}}}. The \texttt{[\meta{num}]} is the amount of credit
-the user gets if his answer contains \meta{word}. Actually,
-\texttt{\meta{word}} can be a regular expression so that a more sophisticated
-search criteria can be set up. This is illustrated in the examples above,
-and explained below.
-A \cs{RespBoxTxtPC} question is deemed correct (and marked with a green rectangle,
-in the case of a quiz) if at least one of the words is found.
-If a word does not have a partial credit \texttt{[\meta{num}]} before it, that word has a partial
-credit of zero, and may as well not be included in the list of words.
-%\exPDF{jtxttst_pc} The demo file for this section is \texttt{jtxttst\_pc.tex}.
-%The file contains extensive examples, and discusses techniques of searching
-%using regular expressions.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=296} The demo file for this section is
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=296}{jtxttst\_pc.pdf}}. The file contains
-extensive examples, and discusses techniques of searching using regular
-\subsection{Some Enhancements}\label{enhancements}
-There are several enhancements to the math (using \cs{RespBoxMath})
-and text (using \cs{Resp\-Box\-Txt}) open-ended question beyond the
-minimal examples given earlier. These enhancements can be used
-within the \texttt{oQuestion}, the \texttt{shortquiz}, and the
-\texttt{quiz} environments.
-\subsubsection{Including an Answer Key with \texorpdfstring
-{\protect\cs{CorrAnsButton}}{\textbackslash CorrAnsButton}}
-The correct solution can be included in the question as well; just include
-the command \cs{Corr\-Ans\-Button}. This command takes one parameter, the correct
-answer that will be viewed when the user clicks on the button.
-The example below also illustrates the (optional) third parameter of
-\cs{RespBoxMath}. Here we pose the question in the variable $t$ rather
-than the default variable of $x$.
-\redpoint Differentiate\\[1ex]
-$\dfrac d{dt} \sin^2(t) =$
-The listing follows:
-\redpoint Differentiate $\dfrac d{dt} \sin^2(t) =$
-\noindent The \cs{CorrAnsButton} takes one parameter, the correct answer.
-This answer is (usually) the same as the one given as the second
-argument (the optional argument is the first) in the \cs{RespBoxMath}
-\redpoint The \cs{CorrAnsButton} also controls access to the (optional) solution, see
-the next section.
-\subsubsection{Including a Solution}\label{inclsoln}
-In addition to a correct answer, you can also include a solution
-to the question. Insert the optional fourth parameter---fourth for both
-\cs{RespBoxMath} and \cs{RespBoxTxt}---into the parameter list giving the name of
-the destination to the solution. Follow the question by a \texttt{solution}
-environment containing the solution.
-The user \texttt{Shift-Click}s on the \cs{CorrAnsButton} button to jump
-to the solution.
-\redpoint Differentiate\\[1ex]
-$\dfrac d{dt} \sin^2(t) =$
- \frac d{dx}\sin^2(x) = 2\sin(x)\cos(x) = \sin(2x)
-The listing follows:
-\redpoint Differentiate $\dfrac d{dt} \sin^2(t) =$
- \frac d{dx}\sin^2(x) = 2\sin(x)\cos(x) = \sin(2x)
-\redpoint The \cs{CorrAnsButton} works the same way for the \texttt{shortquiz} and
-the \texttt{quiz} environments.
-\newtopic Actually, \cs{CorrAnsButton} has an optional argument. The full syntax is
-\newtopic When the \texttt* is detected following the \meta{display\_answer}, the \meta{JS\_function}
-is used to evaluate \meta{display\_answer}, before displaying it. There is
-one built-in function called \texttt{EvalCorrAnsButton}, the definition of
-which is
-function EvalCorrAnsButton(fieldname,theanswer)
- theanswer = eval(theanswer);
- DisplayAnswer(fieldname,theanswer);
-Other JavaScript functions may be defined using the \texttt{insDLJS} environment, then
-passed to \cs{CorrAnsButton} with the optional argument.
-An example of this optional parameter is
-\redpoint Perform the indicated operation, and enter
-result into the box.\\[1ex]
-$ \text{9} + \text{8} =$
-\RespBoxMath{9 + 8}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}\kern1bp\CorrAnsButton{9 + 8}*{EvalCorrAnsButton}\kern1bp
-The listing follows:
-\redpoint Perform the indicated operation, and enter
-result into the box.\\[1ex]
-$ 9 + 8 = $
-\RespBoxMath{9 + 8}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}\kern1bp
- \CorrAnsButton{9 + 8}*{EvalCorrAnsButton}\kern1bp
-\subsubsection{Including a Tally Box}
-The macro \cs{sqTallyBox} is used to keep a running total of the
-number of wrong answers a user has entered into the response box.
-For example,
-\redpoint \hypertarget{exofT}{Differentiate}\\[1ex]
-$\dfrac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =$
-The listing follows:
-\redpoint Differentiate\\[1ex]
-$\dfrac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =$
-\redpoint The tally box can be used within the \texttt{oQuestion}
-and \texttt{shortquiz} environments; in the \texttt{quiz}
-environment, no tally box is used.
-\subsubsection{Clearing the Fields}
-For the \texttt{oQuestion} and the \texttt{shortquiz}
-environments, you can clear the response box fields by placing
-insert \cs{sqClearButton}.
-\redpoint Differentiate\\[1ex]
-$\dfrac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =$
-The listing follows:
-\redpoint Differentiate\\[1ex]
-$\dfrac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =$
-\newtopic Notice that I've inserted a \cs{kern1bp} to separate the
-two fields \cs{sqTallyBox} and \cs{sq\-Clear\-Button}. This is to keep
-their borders from overlapping.
-\subsection{More on Math Fill-in Questions}\label{s:moremath}
-This section covers rules for author and user input into a math fill-in question.
-\subsubsection{Comments on Authoring}\label{s:mathauthoring}
-When authoring a math fill-in, that is, when using \cs{RespBoxMath} to
-construct a question, several things must be kept in mind.
- \item The \hyperref[paraRespBox]{second parameter} of \cs{RespBoxMath},
- is the correct answer parameter. You need not compute the
- correct answer, you can let the JavaScript of exerquiz do that.
- For example, if the answer is $\sqrt{2}$ you can enter
- \texttt{sqrt(2)}. All the rules of entering user input outlined
- in the next section on
- \begin{NoHyper}`\nameref{ss:userinput}'\end{NoHyper} holds for
- this second parameter as well.
- \item[] If you choose to restrict user input in some way, perhaps using the \texttt{limitArith}
- option of \textsf{dljslib}, these limitations only apply to the user input, not to the author's
- input in parameter \texttt{\#2}. See \Nameref{limitArith} for more information on how to limit
- arithmetic operations.
- \item The question must posed so as to make it clear to the student what is expected
- by way of input into the text field, an expression, an equation, and so on.
-\subsubsection{Comments on User Input}\label{ss:userinput}
-When responding to a Math Fill-in question, the student responds by typing
-in an answer. The following notation is expected by \textsf{exerquiz}.
-\item Use \texttt{*} to indicate multiplication: Type \texttt{4*x} for $4x$.
-\item[] If the \texttt{ImplMulti} option of the \textsf{dljslib} package is taken, then the
- student need only type in \texttt{4x} for $4x$. Exerquiz attempts to
- insert the multiplication symbol \texttt{*} by parsing the user input.
- For information on, see the section on \Nameref{ImplMulti}.
-\item Use \verb|^| to indicate powers: Type \verb|4*x^3| for
-$4x^3$; \verb|12*x^-6| for $12x^{-6}$. Again, if the \texttt{ImplMulti} option is taken,
-entering \verb|12x^-6| is sufficient.
-\item Use parentheses to delimit the argument of a function; that is, type
-\texttt{sin(x)}, rather than \texttt{sin~x}.
-\item Use parentheses to define the \textit{scope} of an operation: Type \verb|4*x*(x^2+1)^3| for $4x(x^2+1)^3$;
- \verb|4^(2*x+1)| for $4^{2x+1}$; \verb|(sin(x))^2| for $(\sin(x))^2$. \textit{Do not} type an expression like
- \verb|sin^2(x)| for $\sin^2(x)$, type \verb|(sin(x))^2| instead.
-\item[] If the \texttt{ImplMulti} option of the \textsf{dljslib} package is taken,
- the use of \texttt{*} is unnecessary, but also the simplified notation for powers
- of functions is supported, now you can type \verb|sin^2(x)| for $\sin^2(x)$.
-\item Brackets \texttt{[ ]} or braces \texttt{\{ \}} can be used
-to delimit mathematical expressions.
-\item Functions that are recognized:
- \item Trig: \texttt{sin}, \texttt{cos}, \texttt{tan}, \texttt{cot}, \texttt{sec}, \texttt{csc}.
- \item Inverse Trig: \texttt{arcsin} (or \texttt{asin}) , \texttt{arccos} (or \texttt{acos}),
- \texttt{arctan} (or \texttt{atan}).
- \item Logarithms: \texttt{ln} for natural logs, and \texttt{log} for common logs.
- For example, \texttt{ln(x)} or \texttt{log(x)}.
- \item Exponential: The natural exponential function, $e^x$,
- can be entered as \texttt{exp(x)} or as \verb|e^x|.
- \item The absolute function, \texttt{abs($\cdot$)} can also be written
- in the usual way \texttt{|$\cdot$|}; thus, you can type either
- \texttt{abs(x)} or \texttt{|x|}.
- \item Misc.: \texttt{sqrt}, usage \texttt{sqrt(x)} for $\sqrt{x}$ (or, use
- exponential notation: \verb|x^(1/2)|).
- \item[] When the \texttt{combinatorics} option of \textsf{dljslib} is taken, the binomial coefficient function
- \texttt{C(n,r)}, the permutation function \texttt{P(n,r)}, and the factorial function
- \texttt{fact}, are defined. See \Nameref{combinatorics} for additional details.
-A variation of these listings should appear as instructions to the student on how to enter
-math fill-in questions.
-\newtopic When a user enters a response, some attempt is made to
-determine whether the response is a valid mathematical expression.
-For example, if \texttt{san(x)} is entered, the function `\texttt{san}' will
-not be recognized as a valid mathematical function; an error
-message is generated, and the user is not penalized for a possible
-typing error. The JavaScript routines will also check for
-unbalanced parentheses; thus, \verb|((x^4+1) + sin(x)^2| will be
-flagged as a syntax error.
-\Important The student must use the variables declared for the
-problem when entering mathematical expressions. If the problem
-statement involves the variable $x$, then \texttt{x} must be used;
-if the problem statement uses $t$, then \texttt{t} must be used.
-To enter an expression using $t$ when an expression with variable $x$ is expected will,
-no doubt, result in missed problem.
-\subsection{The \texttt{shortquiz} Environment}\label{s:oQsq}
-The objective question (with or without the presence of a
-correction box, \cs{corr\-Ans\-Button} or a tally box \cs{sqTallyBox})
-can be mixed in with multiple choice questions.
-Solutions to the questions can also be included using a
-\texttt{solution} environment. Click on the ``Ans'' button to get
-the answer to a question; shift-click on the ``Ans'' button to get
-the solution.
-Answer each of the following. Passing is 100\%.
-\item If $f$ is differentiable, then $f$ is continuous.
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False
-\item $\displaystyle\frac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =$
- \frac d{dx}\sin^2(x) = 2\sin(x)\cos(x) = \sin(2x)
-\item Name \emph{one} of the two people recognized as a founder of
-{Isaac Newton}{Newton}{I. Newton}{Gottfried Leibniz}{Leibniz}\hfill
-\CorrAnsButton{Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz}\kern1bp\sqTallyBox
-Yes, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz are considered founders of
-\redpoint When using objective questions within a
-\texttt{shortquiz} environment, you must give a unique field name
-as an optional argument of the environment. The listing of this
-example follows:
-\begin{shortquiz}[oQsq] % <-- unique field name
-Answer each of the following. Passing is 100\%.
-\item If $f$ is differentiable, then $f$ is continuous.
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False
-\item $\displaystyle\frac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =$
- \frac d{dx}\sin^2(x) = 2\sin(x)\cos(x) = \sin(2x)
-\item Name \emph{one} of the two people recognized
-as a founder of Calculus.\vadjust{\kern3pt}\newline
-\RespBoxTxt{2}{0}[newton]{5}{Isaac Newton}{Newton}{I. Newton}%
-{Gottfried Leibniz}{Leibniz}\hfill
-\CorrAnsButton{Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz}%
-Yes, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz are considered
-founders of Calculus.
-\sqClearButton\kern1bp\sqTallyTotal %<-- total tally
-\noindent\textbf{Example Notes:}
-\item Note the optional argument gives this collection of
-questions a common base name. All supporting macros use this name.
-\item The named destination to the solution is entered with parameter
-\texttt{\#5} of the command \hyperref[paraRespBox]{\cs{RespBoxMath}}, and with parameter
-\texttt{\#4} of \hyperlink{paraRespBoxTxt}{\cs{RespBoxTxt}}.
-\item In this example, another built-in macro,
-\cs{sqTallyTotal} was used. This macro creates a text field that
-accumulates the totals of all the tally boxes.
-\redpoint The \texttt{shortquiz} environment can also be used for
-a single objective question. Just don't use the
-\texttt{questions} environment within.
- !ameta(an objective style question)
-\subsection{The \texttt{quiz} Environment}\label{s:oQquiz}
-Objective questions can be mixed in with multiple choice questions
-within the \texttt{quiz} environment. When posing an objective
-style question in the \texttt{quiz} environment, use
-\cs{RespBoxMath} and \cs{RespBoxTxt}, and optionally include
-the \cs{CorrAnsButton} button and the \cs{AnswerField} text field.
-Since the evaluation of the quiz is delayed until the user has
-finished the quiz, the \cs{sqTally\-Box} macro is not applicable here.
-Answer each of the following. Passing is 100\%.
-\item If $f$ is differentiable, then $f$ is continuous.
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False
-\item $\displaystyle\frac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =$
- \frac d{dx}\sin^2(x) = 2\sin(x)\cos(x) = \sin(2x)
-\item Name \emph{one} of the two people recognized as a founder of
-\RespBoxTxt{2}{0}[leibniz]{5}{Isaac Newton}{Newton}{I. Newton}{Gottfried Leibniz}{Leibniz}\hfill
-\CorrAnsButton{Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz}
-Yes, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz are considered
-founders of Calculus.
-\noindent Answers: \AnswerField{oQq}
-\redpoint The buttons created by \cs{CorrAnsButton} are hidden
-until the user ends the quiz (and gets scored) and clicks on the
-corrections button (\cs{CorrButton}). The \cs{Corr\-Ans\-Button} should
-not be included if there is no \cs{CorrButton}.
-\redpoint Pressing on the ``Ans'' button populates the text
-field created by \cs{AnswerField} with the author's correct answer.
-If there is a solution to the problem, the ``Ans'' button
-is outlined in green. Shift-click on the ``Ans'' button to jump to
-the solution.
-\redpoint The \texttt{quiz} environment requires a field name.
-This same name is used by the objective style question as well.
-The listing for the above example follows.
-Answer each of the following. Passing is 100\%.
-\item If $f$ is differentiable, then $f$ is continuous.
-\Ans1 True & \Ans0 False
-\item $\displaystyle\frac d{dx} \sin^2(x) =$
-\item Name \emph{one} of the two people recognized
-as a founder of Calculus.\vadjust{\kern3pt}\newline
-\RespBoxTxt{2}{0}[leibniz]{5}{Isaac Newton}{Newton}{I. Newton}%
-{Gottfried Leibniz}{Leibniz}\hfill
-\CorrAnsButton{Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz}
-Yes, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz are considered
-founders of Calculus.
-\noindent Answers: \AnswerField{oQq}
-\noindent The \cs{AnswerField} has the following syntax:
-\noindent The parameter \anglemeta{field\_opts} is the typical optional
-parameter for all \textsf{eform} fields; it is used to change the appearance
-of the field. The parameter \meta{base\_name} is the (base) name of the quiz
-this field will hold the answers for.
-You may have \cs{AnswerField} commands on several pages---possibly for
-different quizzes. By using the command \cs{resetAnsFieldOnClose}, the
-answer field for the current quiz will be cleared when the page containing
-it closes. You can revert back to the default behavior (answer fields not cleared) by executing
-\redpoint There are some additional grade reporting and statistical fields
-defined: \textsf{exerquiz} defines \cs{PointsField}, \cs{PercentField}, and \cs{GradeField}.
-The demo file \texttt{quizpts.tex} illustrates these commands; see also
-the section below entitled \nameref{sss:asignPts}.
-\subsubsection{The Prompt Button}
-In addition to the \cs{CorrAnsButton}, the document author can
-provide a prompt button (probably not the best descriptive term).
-For some quizzes, the author might want to ask a series of
-questions where the answer to one question depends on the correct
-answer of a previous question. In this situation, you'd like to
-provide the correct answer so the student can make a good run at
-the next question. The \cs{@PromptButton} not only provides the
-answer to the question but it also makes the corresponding math
-fill-in read only, so that the student cannot change the answer
-already provided.
-Ideally, the student first enters an answer, and once satisfied
-with the answer, can then get the correct answer for future
-%\redpoint See the demo file \texttt{prompt\_tst.tex} for an example of usage.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=888} See the demo file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=888}{prompt\_tst.pdf}} from the {\AcroBlog}
-for an example of usage.
-\subsubsection{Grouped Math/Text Fill-in Questions}\label{grouped}
-\textsf{Exerquiz} defines a grouping environment, \texttt{mathGrp},
-for math fill-in and \emph{text fill-in} questions where the response to the question
-might require entering text into multiple math fill-in fields.
-When you use the \texttt{mathGrp} environment to enclose a set of
-related math questions, you need to use the \cs{CorrAnsButtonGrp}
-button, instead of the \cs{CorrAnsButton} button. The required
-argument for this button is a comma delimited list of the answers
-that appear within the grouped questions. The answers should be
-listed in the same order {\TeX} processes the math (or text)
-questions. The group of questions is processed as if it were a
-single question.
-\redpoint For example\dots
-\noindent \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
-\useBeginQuizButton[\textColor{0 0 1}\CA{Begin}\AC{}\RC{}\rectW{}]
-\useEndQuizButton[\textColor{0 0 1}\CA{End}\AC{}\RC{}\rectW{}]
-Compute the following cross product:
- (3\vec i - 2\vec j) \times (\vec i + 5\vec k) = \begin{mathGrp}\PTs*{1}
- \vi{-10}\,\vec i + \vi{-15}\, \vec j + \vi{2}\,\vec k
- \end{mathGrp}\tag*{\CorrAnsButtonGrp{-10,-15,2}}
-\end{quiz*}\ $\underset{\text{ScoreField}}{\underbrace{\ScoreField[\DV{}\V{}\rectW{1in}]\currQuiz}}$%
- \kern1bp$\underset{\text{PointsField}}{\underbrace{\PointsField[\rectW{1in}]\currQuiz}}$\CorrButton[\CA{Correct}\AC{}\RC{}]\currQuiz
- \hfill Ans: \AnswerField[\rectW{.5in}]\currQuiz
-\item[\color{blue}\ding{042}] If you miss any one of the three
-answers, the \texttt{ScoreField} reports back `\texttt{Score: 0
-out of 1}'. There is only one question there, to get it correct,
-you must answer all three inputs correctly.
-\item[\color{blue}\ding{042}] Points can be assigned to the individual
- responses and a score is given based on the validity of the inputs and
- the corresponding points. There is a default JavaScript function that
- scores the results. The author can define a custom JavaScript function
- to have a more ``exotic'' method of evaluating the group. See the
- test file \texttt{grp\_test.tex} for details.
-\item[\color{blue}\ding{042}]Notice that after you take the quiz
-and click on ``Correct'' button, the ``Ans'' button appears (as
-usual). If you click repeatedly on this ``Ans'' button, you can
-cycle through all answers to this question; the response box is
-highlighted (or put in focus) and the answer appears in the answer
-field provided.
-\redpoint See the demo file \texttt{grp\_test.tex} for the source
-code of this example, as well as more technical details of the
-\texttt{mathGrp} environment.
-\subsection{Modifying Form Elements}
-All form elements have a first optional parameter for modifying their appearance,
-and they have an associated ``every'' command for global modifications as well.
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{\bfseries Global Modification Commands} \\
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{\bfseries Global Modification Commands} \\
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{For the \texttt{shortquiz} Environment} \\
-\cs{Ans} & \cs{everysqRadioButton}\\
-\cs{sqTallyBox} &\cs{everysqTallyBox}\\
-\cs{sqTallyTotal}& \cs{everysqTallyTotal}\\
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{For the \texttt{quiz} Environment} \\ \hline
-\cs{Ans} & \cs{everyqRadioButton}\\
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{For Both Environments} \\ \hline
-\handpoint In additional to these, there are other ``every'' commands that effect
-the appearance of the various buttons and text fields. The two commands
-\cs{everyCorrButtonField} and \cs{every\-eqText\-Field} are executed before every
-\texttt{exerquiz} button and text field (respectfully). These can be used to give
-a general uniform appearance for all the short quiz or quiz form elements; use
-the more specific version, as listed in the above table, to make additional refinements
-in appearance.
-\redpoint See the document \href{eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf} (relative link
-\href{eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf}) for complete documentation on how to
-modify a field using the optional first argument, and how to use the
-``every'' mechanism.
-\subsection{Inserting additional action and format scripts}\label{ss:AddActScripts}
-Global changes in \emph{appearance}, as just discussed, is accomplished using
-any of the \cs{every\ameta{cmdname}} family of commands; however, that device
-cannot, by design, change any of the actions \pkg{exerquiz} has defined.
-S everal key-value pairs are used to insert JavaScript code into response
-boxes, multiple choice, and multiple selection fields.
-The command \cs{setActionKeys} is a special command used to process the
-KV-pairs of the \pkg{eforms} package. It only accepts these four keys:
-\cs{AddAAFormat}, \cs{AddAAKeystroke}, \cs{AddAAMouseUpMC}, and
- \item[\cs{AddAAFormat\darg{\ameta{code}}}] This is an \pkg{eforms} KV,
- discussed an some detail on page~\pageref{para:ProcRespSetNum} that can be
- specified in the optional argument of any response boxes to affect the
- field locally, or globally through the \cs{setActionKeys} command.
- \item[\cs{AddAAKeystroke\darg{\ameta{code}}}] Text fields have a keystroke
- event (or trigger) that executes JavaScript each time a keystroke is
- made into the field. The \pkg{exerquiz} key \cs{AddAAKeystroke} adds
- its argument (\ameta{code}) to the keystroke event of all response boxes
- (\cs{RespBoxMath}, \cs{RespBoxTxt}, and \cs{RespBoxTxtPC}).
- To distinguish between \env{shortquiz} (and \env{oQuestions}) and
- \env{quiz} environments, use the methods explained below in the
- description of the \cs{AddAAMouseUpMC} key.
- Should you want code that is specialized to these individual types, you can use
- some internal macros to distinguish these three cases.
- \ifx\annot@subtype\annot@subtype@rbm!ameta(rbm-code)\else
- \ifx\annot@subtype\annot@subtype@rbt!ameta(rbt-code)\else
- \ifx\annot@subtype\annot@subtype@rbtpc!ameta(rbtpc-code)\fi
- \fi\fi}}
- Within the argument of \cs{setActionKeys} the character `\texttt{@}' is an ordinary letter,
- so it can be used freely.
- Within this keystroke event, script executed prior this additional
- \ameta{code} defines a JavaScript variable \texttt{retn}, which has a value
- of \texttt{true} (if the response is judged correct), \texttt{false} (if
- the response is judged incorrect), or \texttt{null} (if there is a syntax
- error). The \ameta{code} may use this variable.
- \item[\cs{AddAAMouseUpMC\darg{\ameta{code}}}] This key adds its
- \ameta{code} to the mouse up event of items (\cs{Ans}) of a multiple
- choice (MC) question. Both \env{shortquiz} and \env{quiz} environments
- are affected.
- You can distinguish between the \env{shortquiz} and \env{quiz}
- environments by comparing \cs{eqQuizType} with \cs{isSQZ} or \cs{isQZ}.
- For example,
- \if\eqQuizType\isQZ!ameta(qz-code)\else!ameta(sqz-code)\fi}}
- \item[\cs{AddAAMouseUpMS\darg{\ameta{code}}}] This key adds its
- \ameta{code} to the mouse up event of items (\cs{Ans}) of a multiple
- selection (MS) question. Both \env{shortquiz} and \env{quiz}
- environments are affected. As with \cs{AddAAMouseUpMC}, distinguish
- between the environments \env{shortquiz} and \env{quiz} by comparing
- \cs{eqQuizType} with \cs{isSQZ} or \cs{isQZ}, as shown above.
- In the case of both \cs{AddAAMouseUpMC} and \cs{AddAAMouseUpMS}, you
- can distinguish between a correct response and an incorrect response
- using the command \cs{Ans@choice}, which expands to 1 when correct
- alternative (radio button or check box) is pressed, and expands to 0
- otherwise. For example,
- \if\Ans@choice1!ameta(true-code)\else!ameta(false-code)\fi}}
-\cs{AddAAKeystroke}, \cs{AddAAMouseUpMC}, and \cs{AddAAMouseUpMC} don't work
-as local arguments of \cs{RespBoxMath}, \cs{RespBoxTxt}, and
-\cs{RespBoxTxtPC}; however, \cs{AddAAFormat} can be passed within the option
-list of these response box commands, the local option command over rights the
-global command.
-Remove any of the actions earlier declared by passing the empty argument,
-Now, there is no added code to the mouse up action of the multiple choice
-fields that appear afterwards.
-The only command yet to be discussed is \cs{addToAction*}. Suppose we earlier
-and later in the document we want to \emph{append}
-additional script (\ameta{code\SUB2}). To accomplish this, expand the command,
-Now the code executed for each response box
-is \ameta{code\SUB1}\ameta{code\SUB2}. However, if you wish to \emph{prepend} the \ameta{code\SUB2}, then
-expand \cs{addToAction} using the star-option,
-The code executed for any response box is \ameta{code\SUB2}\ameta{code\SUB1}.
-It should ever be kept in mind that changing the value of a key with
-\cs{setActionKeys} is \cs{addToAction} affects all response boxes thereafter,
-\emph{unless these changes occur in a group}. Thus, the following change,
-It is well known that
- $ 1 + 16 = \RespBoxMath{17}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}$
-only affects that problem, and none other.
-\textbf{Important/A little beg.} Any changes to the action script passed to
-the component elements of the \env{oQuestion}, \env{shortquiz}, and
-\env{quiz} environments \emph{should not impact} the basic functionality of the
-\subsection{The correct-type math problem}
-The traditional way of posing a mathematical objective-style question is to use
-the \cs{RespBoxMath} command, which presents an empty text field for the student to enter
-the answer. However, an alternate approach is to pre-populate the field and ask the student
-to edit the expression provided to obtain a correct answer.
- {4xcos(2x^2)}{2}{.001}{[0,1]}
-Edit the expression to obtain the correct answer:
- &\dfrac{d}{dx}\sin(2x^2)=\RespBoxMath[\DV{cos(4x)}\V{cos(4x)}]{4xcos(2x\string^2)}{2}{.001}{[0,1]}\\[3pt]
- &\usebox{\aebbox}
-The field is initially populated by an incorrect answer (a very common mistake), the student needs to
-correct the answer.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1335} Refer to the {\AcroTeX} Blog article
-\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1335}{Correcting a math problem} for additional
-examples. The article also discusses the use of multi-letter variables in
-this context of a correct-type question.
-\subsection{Evaluating Equivalent Expressions}
-The \hypertarget{EquivExpr}{\cs{RespBoxMath}} macro, and its underlying JavaScript code, is designed to
-determine the correctness of an answer, numerical or symbolic. We can pose
-such questions as ``find the derivative'' of this function or ``find the (definite or
-indefinite) integral'' of that function, and so on. This is all accomplished
-by randomly choosing numbers from a specified interval and evaluating both
-the user's and author's answer to the question; if they are close to each
-other, then the user's answer is called correct. The system works pretty well.
-The \textsf{exerquiz} scheme does not perform well with such questions as
-``fully simplify the radical \verb!sqrt(72)!,'' or ``factor the polynomial
-\verb!2x^2-4x+2!;'' in both cases, the student can simply type in
-the given expression and \textsf{exerquiz} will call them equal. Indeed
-it is true that \verb!sqrt(72)! equates to \verb!sqrt(72)! and the polynomial \verb!2x^2-4x+2!
-equates to \verb!2x^2-4x+2!, as is shown by evaluating randomly
-selected numbers from an interval, \textsf{exerquiz}-style!
-\newtopic To illustrate, we use the problem of simplifying
-Simplify the following radial expression by factoring out all perfect squares.
-\newcommand{\Msgi}{"We are expecting a simplification of the radical."}
-\newcommand{\Msgii}{"Write the simplification in standard form, numerical constants first."}
-\item Simplify $\sqrt{72}$ by factoring out all perfect squares.
- \sqrt{72} = \RespBoxMath{6sqrt(2)}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}[{%
- priorParse:\Array(nodec,%
- \preDenyForm(%
- /sqrt\refac{\reany+}\redigit+/,\Msgii),%
- \preReqForm(%
- /\rechrclass{+-}*\redigit+sqrt\refac{\reany+}/,\Msgi)%
- ),%
- postParse:\Array(\postDenyForm(/sqrt(\refac{72}|\refac{8})/)%
- )%
- }]\CorrAnsButton{6sqrt(2)}\kern1bp\sqTallyBox
-\noindent\texttt{Exerquiz} performs its magic by a combination of the
-usual \textsf{exerquiz} processing and new pre- and post-parsing
-techniques, where appropriate code is passed through of the ninth
-parameter of \cs{RespBoxMath}.
-\newtopic The verbatim listing follows.\label{verbReqForm}
-\item Simplify $\sqrt{72}$ by factoring out all perfect squares.
- \sqrt{72} = \RespBoxMath{6sqrt(2)}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}[{%
- priorParse:\Array(nodec,%
- \preDenyForm(%
- /sqrt\refac{\reany+}\redigit+/,\Msgii),%
- \preReqForm(%
- /\rechrclass{+-}*\redigit+sqrt\refac{\reany+}/,\Msgi)%
- ),%
- postParse:\Array(\postDenyForm(/sqrt(\refac{72}|\refac{8})/))%
- }]\CorrAnsButton{6sqrt(2)}\kern1bp\sqTallyBox
-It becomes a bit complicated here. \verb!:-)! The ninth parameter can take a
-JavaScript object as its value (The object is opened on line~(3) with a left
-brace (\verb!{!) and is closed in line~(11) with a right brace (\verb!}!).
-This object has three properties: \texttt{comp} for defining the compare function
-(not used in this example); \texttt{priorParse}, which is used to inspect the
-user's input to filter out unwanted responses prior to evaluation; \texttt{postParse} is used
-to look at the user's answer \emph{after} the \textsf{exerquiz}
-evaluation of random points stage. At the \texttt{postParse} stage, it has already
-been determined if the user's answer is correct or incorrect, \texttt{postParse} only applies
-to answers that are \emph{correct}.
-\paragraph*{The \texttt{priorParse} property.} See also the (brief) description
-of \texttt{priorParse} as part of the \hyperref[paraRespBoxNine]{ninth parameter},
-page~\pageref*{paraRespBoxNine}. There are new two built-in filter functions which
-are accessed through the helper commands \cs{preDenyForm} and \cs{preReqForm}. As shown
-in the verbatim text, they are both enclosed in \cs{Array()}.
- \item \cs{preDenyForm}: The idea behind this filter function is to define regular expressions
- which if the pattern is present, processing would stop for the user input, and an alert
- message would appear; that is, we \emph{deny} the user the use of certain defined patterns.
- There is no penalty, the user has a chance to change his/her
- answer. \cs{preDenyForm} takes up to two arguments, enclosed in parentheses:
-\preDenyForm(regexp|array_regexps, cMsg)
-The first argument is a regular expression or an array of regular expressions.
-The second argument, \texttt{cMsg}, is a string that will be displayed in the alert
-box if the pattern or patterns appear in the user's answer.
-When the first argument is an array of regular expressions, the same
-message (\texttt{cMsg}) will appear if any one of the patterns is present.
-The command may be repeated using additional regular expressions with different
-warning messages.
-Let's have a look at the above example,
- \preDenyForm(%
- /sqrt\refac{\reany+}\redigit+/,\Msgii),%
- \preReqForm(%
- /\rechrclass{+-}*\redigit+sqrt\refac{\reany+}/,\Msgi)%
-In line~~(4) we begin with \cs{Array} followed by \textsf{dljslib} filter function
-\texttt{nodec}, this function denies the use of decimal numbers, it is important
-in this problem but not our central focus. In line~(5) we begin with \cs{preDenyForm},
-the arguments are on line~(6). The correct answer is \texttt{6sqrt(2)}, we want
-to force the student write the answer in this form, not, for example, as
-\texttt{sqrt(2)6} or \texttt{sqrt(2)*6}, while correct, it bad form. (We will deny them bad form!)
-This will deny them even if not correct, for example, if the student enters
-To make it easier on the document author, I've defined a series of ``helper commands,''
-and oh, by the way, you should know how to use regular expressions. Let's now examine
-line~(6). First argument is a single regular expression, the second is a command that defines
-the string message to be exhibited if this pattern is found (try it on the working example above
-to see what the message is).
-Let's now look at the regular expression (\texttt{/.../} in line~(6).
-We take each in turn.
- \item \texttt{sqrt\cs{refac(\cs{reany+)}}}: we search for the string \texttt{sqrt}
- followed by the pattern \cs{refac(\cs{reany+)}}. \cs{refac} defines literal parentheses, within
- these parentheses can by anything \cs{reany+}. The whole sequence expands
- to the pattern `{\def\\{\eqbs\eqbs}\texttt{sqrt\refac{\reany+}}}'.
- \item \cs{redigit+}: This command is a macro for one or more digits, it expands
- to `{\def\\{\eqbs\eqbs}\texttt{\redigit+}}'.
- \item Summarizing, we deny the student from typing in a square root of
- anything followed by one or more digits.
-\item \cs{preReqForm}: This is the positive version of \cs{preDenyForm}. It uses
-the same syntax
-\preReqForm(regexp|array_regexps, cMsg)
-The first argument is a regular expression or an array of regular expressions, the patterns
-are ones that we wish to see in the user's answer. If the user's answer does not
-fit into any of the patterns, an alert is emitted using the optional string
-declared in the second argument, \texttt{cMsg}. The second argument is option, there
-is a default, generic string message that will be shown.
-As with \cs{preDenyForm}, let's take a close look at the regular expression.
- \item \cs{rechrclass(+-)*} defines a character class consisting of the characters
- `\texttt{+-}' the \texttt{*} means zero or more occurrences. (Probably I should use \texttt{?} instead of
- \texttt{*},
- meaning 0 or 1 occurrences.) It expands to
- `{\def\\{\eqbs\eqbs}\texttt{\rechrclass{+-}*}}'.
- \item \cs{redigit+} describes one or more digits, this would expand to
- `{\def\\{\eqbs\eqbs}\texttt{\redigit+}}'.
- \item sqrt\cs{refac(\cs{reany+)}} is the same as before, it describes
- the square root of anything expression.
-\item[] The \cs{preReqForm} only searches for the specified patterns. For example,
-the responses \texttt{sin(PI/2)6sqrt(2)} and \texttt{6sqrt(2)x} pass both the
-\cs{preDenyForm} (no digits follow the square root),
-and pass the \cs{preReqForm} because both answers have (or do not have) the patterns;
-in the former case, the answer is judged correct, and in the latter case, incorrect.
-You can try to improve the pattern like so
-The \cs{rebstr} (begin string anchor) expands to `\texttt{\^}' and
-represents the beginning of the line, while \cs{reestr} (end string anchor)
-expands to `\texttt{\$}' represents the end of the line. In this case, the user's answer
-is required to begin with an optional plus or minus, followed by one or
-more digits, followed by a square root, followed by the end of the line.
-\newtopic Here is that same short quiz with the above changes (and \texttt{*} replaced by
-Simplify the following radial expression by factoring out all perfect squares.
-\newcommand{\Msgi}{"We are expecting a simplification of the radical."}
-\newcommand{\Msgii}{"Write the simplification in standard form, numerical constants first."}
-\item $\sqrt{72}$
- \sqrt{72} = \RespBoxMath{6sqrt(2)}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}[{%
- priorParse:\Array(nodec,%
- \preDenyForm(%
- /sqrt\refac{\reany+}\redigit+/,\Msgii),%
- \preReqForm(%
- /\rebstr\rechrclass{+-}?\redigit+sqrt\refac{\reany+}\reestr/,\Msgi)%
- ),%
- postParse:\Array(\postDenyForm(/sqrt(\refac{72}|\refac{8})/)%
- )%
- }]\CorrAnsButton{6sqrt(2)}\kern1bp\sqTallyBox
-Now try \texttt{sin(PI/2)6sqrt(2)} or \texttt{6sqrt(2)x}, and other aberrant variations.
-\paragraph*{The \texttt{postParse} property.} After the
-\texttt{priorParse} stage, \texttt{exerquiz} checks the answer for correctness,
-against the author's answer, using randomly selected numbers. After that comes
-the \texttt{postParse} event. The syntax is the same except there is no warning
-If the user's \emph{answer is correct} at this stage \textit{and} fits
-into one of the patterns as defined by the regular expressions, the answer
-will then be marked wrong.
-Let's look at the post parse code for this example, from line~(10)
-on page~\pageref*{verbReqForm}, we see,
-Even though there is not an array of filter functions, a filter function
-with arguments must always be enclosed in an array.
-Within the array, we execute our \cs{postDenyForm}, it has only one
-argument, a single regular expression:
-\verb!/sqrt(\refac{72}|\refac{8})/!.\footnote{The use of alternation here is
-not needed, an answer involving \texttt{sqrt(72)} would have been filtered out by the
-\cs{preReqForm} filter, do you know why?} There are three ``correct
-answers'' to this problem, they are \texttt{sqrt(72)}, \texttt{3sqrt(8)},
-and \texttt{6sqrt(2)}, this latter one being the only correct answer to
-this question, for the instructions were to factor out \emph{all} perfect
-squares. The regular expression here catches any answer containing
-\texttt{sqrt(72)} or \texttt{3sqrt(8)} and marks it wrong. \verb!:-(!
-\paragraph*{List of RegExp helper macros.}
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1020} Refer to the source file of
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=1020}{equiv\_expr.pdf}} for working
-examples. Additional examples will (eventually) appear on the
-\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog}{\AcroTeX{} Blog}.
-\section{Randomizing the Multiple Choices}\label{s:random}
-Beginning with version~6.1 of \textsf{exerquiz}, the choices of a
-multiple choice question can be randomized. The \texttt{random.tex}
-macro file by Donald Arseneau is used for this purpose.
-%\exPDF{randomize} The demo file for this section is \texttt{randomize.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=901} The demo file for this section is
-\newtopic The randomization is only allowed if the \texttt{allowrandomize}
-option of \textsf{exerquiz} is used; otherwise, no randomization
-can occur.
-The randomization is only defined for choices listed between the
-pair \cs{bChoices} and \cs{eChoices} (see \Nameref{bChoices}). The
-command \cs{bChoices} now takes two optional key-value arguments:
- \item \texttt{nCols=\anglemeta{num}}: The number of columns to create, as described
- on page~\pageref{bChoices}. You can also use the old style by specifying just
- \anglemeta{num}. Thus, \cs{bChoices[nCols=2]} and \cs{bChoices[2]}
- are equivalent.
- \item \texttt{random=\anglemeta{\upshape true|false}}: Specify this option to randomize choices.
- You can use the key word \texttt{random} instead of
- \texttt{random=true}. For example, the following commands will randomize the
- choices, \cs{bChoices[random]}, \cs{bChoices[nCols=2,random]}, or
- \cs{bChoices[2,random]}. The default is to not randomize the
- choices.
-\newtopic The following is an example of the \texttt{random} option of \cs{bChoices}.
-This is a quiz.
- \item Try to guess the correct answer.
- \begin{answers}{3}
- \bChoices[nCols=2,random]
- \Ans0 1 a choice\eAns
- \Ans1\label{eq} 2 another choice\eAns
- \Ans0 3 still another choice\eAns
- \Ans0 4 another\eAns
- \Ans0 5 incoming\eAns
- \Ans0 6 more choices\eAns
- \Ans0 7 another still\eAns
- \Ans0 8 too many\eAns
- \Ans0 9 choices\eAns
- \eFreeze
- \Ans0 10 None of these\eAns
- \eChoices
- \end{answers}
-\newtopic Note the presence of the command \Com{eFreeze}. Any of
-the items listed after \cs{eFreeze} are not randomized, and are
-placed at the end of the list. So, for the example above, the first
-nine items will be randomized, whereas, the last item (None of
-these) will placed at the end of the list.
-\newtopic Additional, there are five other commands that support the
-randomization feature.\settowidth{\aebdimen}{\ttfamily\string\saveRandomSeed\quad\string\inputRandomSeed}%
-\newtopic A pseudo-random sequence of numbers requires an initial \emph{seed
-value}. The example file \texttt{random.tex} creates, by default, a
-seed value based on the date and time (the number of minutes since
-midnight); consequently, after every minute, the random sequence
-will change. By setting the value of the count register \cs{randomi},
-the document author can also set the initial seed of the pseudo-random
-The command \cs{saveRandomSeed} will write the last seed used in the
-source file to an auxiliary file (\cs{jobname\_rt.sav}), while the
-command \cs{inputRandomSeed} inputs the seed stored in the
-\cs{jobname\_rt.sav} back into the beginning of the source file.
-These two commands should be placed in the preamble.
-By invoking both of these commands, a new pseudo-random sequence will be generated
-each time the source file is compiled.
-Assuming a \cs{jobname\_rt.sav} has already been created, by
-invoking the command \cs{inputRandomSeed} only (and not
-\cs{saveRandomSeed}), the seed already saved will be used for every
-subsequent compiling of the source document. Using the same seed is
-necessary in two situations:
- \item When the quiz contains one or more \cs{label} commands, using the same
- seed gives you the same sequence every time you latex the document. This will
- give the auxiliary files a chance to come up to date so that any referencing of the label
- will be accurate.
- \item When creating an online (or paper) quiz with randomization, which later you publish
- the solutions to, it is important that the randomization for the
- quiz document is the same as that for the solution document. By
- using \cs{inputRandomSeed} (rather than \cs{save\-Ran\-dom\-Seed}), you
- get the same sequence for the solution document (unless you modify the
- source file, adding or removing questions that have randomization).
-\newtopic\textcolor{red}{Things to look for:} If \textsf{exerquiz} is not rearranging the order
-of the choices as you expect it to, it could be that
-\textsf{exerquiz} is reading an old \texttt{.sav} file. Either delete that file
-in your source folder, or comment out \cs{inputRandomSeed} in your document.
-\newtopic\indent You may have several sections of the same class take a quiz with the
-questions rearranged for each. Save the seed value used by
-\textsf{exerquiz} to randomize the choices for the class by opening the
-\texttt{.sav} and by copying and pasting the line you see into your document;
-for example, it could read \cs{randomi=132088850}, then use
-\cs{useRandomSeed} with that seed value for that class as follows:
-\useRandomSeed{132088850} % 11:00 class
-% \useRandomSeed{634952429} % 12:30 class
-Of course comment out \cs{inputRandomSeed}.
-\newtopic\indent The command \cs{turnOnRandomize} overrides all local settings of \cs{bChoices}
-and causes all choice lists to be randomized. While \cs{obeyLocalRandomize}
-returns control to the local settings. For example,
- \Ans...\eAns
- \Ans...\eAns
- ...
-will cause the choice list to be randomized, even though the
-\texttt{random} option was not specified. Whereas, in this code
- \Ans...\eAns
- \Ans...\eAns
- ...
-the choices will not be randomized, because the \texttt{random}
-option was not specified; or they will be randomized if the
-\texttt{random} option is used.
-\newtopic\textcolor{red}{Limitations:} There are natural limitations on the use
-of \cs{bChoices} and \cs{eChoices} and consequently, there are
-limitations on the randomization. The content between \cs{Ans} and
-\cs{eAns} cannot have any verbatim text. This is usually not a
-problem for mathematical content, but could be a limitation for
-computer science where questions about syntax may be posed. I have
-in mind a work-around, but haven't pursued the problem as of yet.
-\section{Creating a Quiz Summary Table}\label{s:sumrytbl}
-This feature is designed for a \texttt{quiz} (as opposed to a
-\texttt{shortquiz}) and is probably most useful for a long quiz, spanning
-several pages. The \cs{displaySumryTbl} command creates a table that summarizes
-the user's effort for the quiz; \cs{displaySumryTbl} must follow the final
-\verb!\end{questions}! and \emph{must be on a separate page} from the last question of the quiz.
-An example of the generated table is shown below in \hyperref[fig:qzSumryTbl]{Figure~\ref*{fig:qzSumryTbl}}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=377} The demo file for this section is
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=377}{sumry\_tbl.pdf}}, found
-at the \href{\urlAcroTeXBlog}{\AcroTeX{} Blog}.
-\Important The code for these commands are only input when the \textsf{exerquiz} option
-\texttt{usesumrytbls} is taken.
-Solve each of the following.
-\newpage %<--start new page
-Before you complete your quiz by pressing `End Quiz', review the
-list below. A check mark indicates that you responded to that
-question; otherwise, you did not respond to the question.
-If you are satisfied with your answers, press `End Quiz' to
-complete the quiz.\medskip
-\caption{Quiz Summary Table}\label{fig:qzSumryTbl}
-The table (as seen in \hyperref[fig:qzSumryTbl]{Figure~\ref*{fig:qzSumryTbl}}) shows a check mark for each question to
-which the student gave a response. The student
-can review the table, and optionally return to questions that had no response.
-\newtopic\textbf{Parameter Description:} The second parameter is the quiz name of the quiz this table represents,
-in most cases, \cs{currQuiz} is used. The first parameter consists of key-value pairs, these
-are described below.
-\KVP The first parameter takes key-value pairs
- \item\texttt{ntables} is a key that has a value of 1 or 2, the
- default is determined by command \cs{smrytbl@ntables}, which is set to 2 in
- this package. If \texttt{ntables=1} only one table is created, and
- if \texttt{ntables=2} two tables are created, each containing half
- the information, as seen in \hyperref[fig:qzSumryTbl]{Figure~\ref*{fig:qzSumryTbl}}.
- \item \texttt{showmarkup}: If this switch is true, then markup fields are
- created that will hold the number of points the student received for
- each problem. The default is that there is no markup. Entering
- \texttt{showmarkup} in the option list will generate the markup fields.
- The code
- produces a single table with the points markup.
- \item \texttt{nocorrections}: If this switch is true, corrections will not
- be shown when the user presses the `End Quiz' button. Because of the
- way this key is implemented, if \texttt{nocorrections} is true, then
- it will be true for any ``duplicate table,'' that is, any table that
- references the same quiz.
-\newtopic When the user presses the `Corrections' button, the borders of the checkboxes
-are colored, and if \texttt{showmarkup} is used, the points earned for each
-problem are shown as well.
-When corrections are made, a red border indicates the answer is
-wrong, a green border means the answer is correct, and a
-blue border the question was answered incorrectly, but partial credit was
-given. The colors are determined by the commands \cs{correctColor}, \cs{wrongColor},
-and \cs{partialColor}. These are ``global color'' that need to set in the preamble;
-the quiz and shortquiz system uses the first two, change them will yield changes everywhere.
-However, you can change the \cs{partialColor} as this is the only place it is used.
-This is a JavaScript color, if you redefined it to be a nonstandard color, for example,
-this redefinition makes the partial credit color yellow.
-\renewcommand\partialColor{["RGB", 1, 1, 0]}
-\Important The table must be on a different page from the questions
-because there is an open page action that activates and populates the table
-based on the user's responses.
-\newtopic Other related commands are
-The above three commands form the column titles of the table.
-Sets the separation between the tables, in the case that two tables are generated.
-The above command sets the {\LaTeX} formatting of the problems, the
-default is bold and blue, but may be redefined.
-\subsection{Placing the Quiz Summary Table Elsewhere}
-You may want the Quiz Summary Table in a
-place other than the default location (after the final
-\verb!\end{questions}! and before the `End Quiz'). There is no problem
-putting it after the quiz and\emph{ before the next quiz};
-however, if you want to put the table up front (that is, in front of the quiz) for
-whatever reasons, you need additional commands.
-\newtopic In the area just after \cs{end\darg{questions}} and before `End
-Quiz,' place the command
-\newtopic\indent This command saves to the auxiliary file the two pieces of information the
-\cs{dis\-playSumryTbl} needs to build the table. Then, in the location of
-your choice---usually outside of any quiz environment---enclose
-\cs{displaySumryTbl} in the \texttt{sumryTblAux} environment.
-\newtopic\indent Here, \ameta{quiz\_name} is the name of the quiz that this table represents. An example
-of this environment follows.
-\begin{sumryTblAux}{\currQuiz}\small %<--make a little smaller
-\renewcommand{\sumryTblQ}{\sffamily\bfseries Question}
-\renewcommand{\sumryTblR}{\sffamily\bfseries Answered}
-\renewcommand{\sumryTblP}{\sffamily\bfseries Page}
- {\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries Quiz Summary Table}\\[3pt]
- \displaySumryTbl[showmarkup]{\currQuiz}
-\section{Bookmarking Exercises and Quizzes}\label{bmExQz}
-It is unlikely that anyone would use this feature: Bookmarking exercises
-and quizzes.
-%\exPDF{bkmrk_eq} The demo file for this feature is \texttt{bkmrk\_eq.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=906} The demo file for this feature is
-\subsection{For Exercises}
-This ``intelligent'' bookmarking system requires
-the minimum of effort to use. For exercises, the command for bookmarking
-is \Com{expdfbookmark},
-\newtopic and should be placed immediately following the beginning of an
-exercise environment, like so,\def\OR{\hspace*{-\amtIndent}\normalfont or,}
-or, in the case of exercises with parts, and you want to bookmark an
-individual part to a question, place \cs{expdfbookmark} immediately
-after the \cs{item}, like so
-\newtopic Every bookmark title, \ameta{bookmark\_title}, has a
-suffix defined with \Com{exbookmarkfmt} or
-\Com{partbookmarkfmt}, depending on whether
-the entry is for the top-level exercise, or one of its parts.
-The default definitions are
-The command \cs{exlabel} expands to the language
-dependent word for `Exercise', while \cs{theeqexno} expands to
-the exercise number, and \cs{thepartno} to the part
-letter. These commands can be redefined.
-\subsection{For Quizzes}
-To bookmark a \texttt{shortquiz} or \texttt{quiz}, use \Com{quizpdfbookmark}.
-\newtopic\indent It should be placed immediately following the beginning of the environments,
-\def\OR{\hspace*{-\amtIndent}\normalfont or,}
-\redpoint Unlike bookmarking for exercises, the bookmark command for quizzes does not
-support bookmarking individual questions within the quiz.
-\newtopic Every bookmark title, \meta{bookmark\_title}, for a
-\texttt{shortquiz} environment has a suffix defined with the
-\Com{sqbookmarkfmt} command, the default definition is
-\newcommand{\sqbookmarkfmt}{Short Quiz \@shortquizCnt.\space}
-\newtopic The command \cs{@shortquizCnt} is a macro (not a counter)
-that contains the current short quiz count. This command can be redefined.
-\newtopic Every bookmark title, \ameta{bookmark\_title}, for a \texttt{quiz} environment has a
-suffix defined with the \Com{qzbookmarkfmt} command, the
-default definition is
-\newcommand{\qzbookmarkfmt}{Quiz \@quizCnt.\space}
-\newtopic The command \cs{@quizCnt} is a macro (not a counter)
-that contains the current quiz count. This command can be redefined.
-\redpoint \cs{quizpdfbookmark} interacts with the command \Com{titleQuiz}.
-(for more information on this, see \hyperref[titleQuiz]{Section~\ref*{titleQuiz}}
-and \hyperref[titleQuizSQ]{Section~\ref*{titleQuizSQ}}, pages~\pageref*{titleQuiz}
-and~\pageref*{titleQuizSQ}, to learn about \cs{title\-Quiz} for quizzes and short quizzes, respectively.) When a quiz has
-a defined title, as defined
-by the \cs{titleQuiz}, and the argument of \cs{quizpdfbookmark} is left empty,
-the value passed to \cs{titleQuiz} is used as the bookmark text. Thus, the code
-\titleQuiz{Differentiation Quiz}
-will bookmark the quiz under the name ``Differentiation Quiz.''
-\subsection{Final Note}
-If the bookmarks for exercises, or parts of the exercises, or quizzes do not appear,
-you may have to increase the \texttt{tocdepth}. Exerquiz sets this at
-\section{Extending \AcroT{} with \texttt{dljslib} and \texttt{insdljs}}
-The \textsf{exerquiz} Package, especially the math fill-in question, is quite
-programmable. In this section, we discuss two methods of extending the
-capabilities of the \AcroB: (1) through the use of the package \texttt{dljslib},
-which is a JavaScript library of extensions; (2) by writing your own custom
-extensions using the \texttt{insdljs} package for inserting JavaScripts into the
-PDF document.
-\subsection{Using the \texttt{dljslib} Package}\label{sss:dljslib}
-The \texttt{dljslib} Package is actually a ``library'' of JavaScript
-functions. At the time of this writing, the library has JavaScripts that can
-process answers to math fill-in questions where an \textit{equation}
-or a \textit{vector} answer is expected. There is also a JavaScript compare
-function that properly evaluates an answer when an indefinite integral is
-expected. See the documentation that accompanies the package (by latexing
-\texttt{dljslib.dtx}) for details of how to use the library.
-\redpoint For full documentation of \textsf{dljslib} package, see \Nameref{part:dljslib}.
-%\redpoint \textbf{Equation handling.} See the sample file \texttt{jqzequat.tex} for examples
-%of posing and evaluating questions that expect an equation as the response. Below is
-%a portion of the preamble of that file; basically, to use one or more of the JavaScripts in
-%the JavaScript library, you specify that option \cs{usepackage} command for \texttt{dljslib}
-%package. In this case, we want to process equations so type\dots
-%\usepackage[equations]{dljslib} % <--choose equations
-%\redpoint \textbf{Vector Handling} There are also JavaScript functions for processing
-%vector answers. See the sample file \texttt{jqzspec.tex}. Actually this file does not
-%use the JavaScript library, but is more of a tutorial on how to use \cs{insdljs} to
-%write custom JavaScripts to process \textsf{exerquiz} math fill-in questions.
-%The preamble of that document could actually be replaced with\dots
-%\noindent The \texttt{vectors} option specifies JavaScripts for processing
-%vector questions. The option \texttt{in\-def\-In\-te\-gral} is also
-%specified. This is because that in the file \texttt{jqzspec.tex} a
-%comparison function is developed for properly evaluating questions
-%in which an indefinite integral is expected.
-%\redpoint \textbf{Comma Delimited Answers and Sets} The
-%\texttt{setSupport} option of the \textsf{dljslib} Package
-%provides basic support for math fill-in questions requiring a
-%(unordered) list of comma delimited numerical or symbolic answers,
-%or for a set. The demo and tutorial file is
-%\texttt{set\_test.tex}. See that file for more details.
-%\redpoint In addition to the two above mentioned sets of JavaScripts there are
-%a couple of comparison functions, one for processing indefinite integrals (see
-%\texttt{dljs\_ex.tex}), and the other for using relative absolute error rather
-%than absolute error. Again, see the documentation of \texttt{dljslib.dtx} and
-%the sample file \texttt{jqzspec.tex}.
-\subsection{Using the \texttt{insdljs} Package}
-With the \texttt{insdljs} package you can write your own JavaScript functions
-right in the \LaTeX{} source file. These custom JavaScripts are then inserted
-into the section of the PDF document where the document level JavaScripts
-reside. This package is a stand-alone package, and does not need \textsf{exerquiz},
-though \textsf{exerquiz} now uses this package to insert its JavaScripts into
-the document.
-\redpoint Refer to \href{\bUrl/eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf}
-(relative link \href{eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf}) for the \textsf{insdljs} and the \textsf{eforms}
-documentation. Also, see the sample file \texttt{insdljs\_ex.tex}
-for examples that do not use \textsf{exerquiz}, and the file
-\texttt{jqzspec.tex}, for examples that does use \textsf{exerquiz}.
-\section{Submitting a \protect\texttt{quiz} to a Web Server}
-Quizzes created by the \texttt{quiz} environment are entirely self-contained.
-They function within the Web browser (or from within the Adobe Reader) and
-do not communicate with any server. This kind of quiz is ideal for a
-do-it-yourself tutorial system, read by a well-motivated student who has the
-discipline to read the material and to take the quizzes in the spirit in which
-they are given.
-However, some educators, myself included, may wish to use the quizzes created
-by the \texttt{quiz} environment for classroom credit. It is necessary,
-therefore, for the student to be able to submit quiz results to a Web server
-which, in turn, should store the results to a database.
-In this section we discuss techniques of turning the quiz into something that
-can be submitted to a server.
-\redpoint I have released the \textsf{eq2db} Package, a {\LaTeX} macro package and
-server-side script to process \textsf{exerquiz} quizzes. See \Nameref{eq2db}.
-\subsection{Technical Info for ``Do It Yourself''}\label{DIY}
-All one really has to do is to redefine the `End Quiz' link or button to
-submit the results of the quiz to the Web server and CGI of your choice. Since
-the quiz itself is scored, (optionally) marked, with (optional) answers and
-solutions provided, the CGI simply stores the quiz results to a database.
-\subsubsection{Redefining `End Quiz'}
-I've written the `End Quiz' link (button) to have various
-programming hooks available to the developer.
-The following code is common to both \cs{eq@EndQuizLink} and
-\cs{eq@EndQuizButton}, the macros that control the action of
-the end quiz link and button, respectively.
-if (\minQuizResp(\thequestionno)) {\r\t
- var f = this.getField("ScoreField.\curr@quiz");\r\t\t
- if ( f != null )\r\t\t\t
- this.getField("ScoreField.\curr@quiz").value
- =(\eq@QuizTotalMsg);\r\t\t
- \eq@submitURL
- resetQuiz("\curr@quiz")\r\t
-\redpoint The code is a mixture of \LaTeX{} macros and JavaScript.
-You can see from this code, that there is a submit hook macro
-provided, \cs{eq@submitURL}. Normally, this macro has a definition
-of \cs{@empty}. A developer needs only redefine this macro
-accordingly; one would use the Acrobat JavaScript method
-\texttt{this.submitForm()} to do this. See the \textit{Acrobat JavaScript
-Scripting Reference} \cite{tech:AcroJS} for more detail about this
-\redpoint The code flow above is as follows: (1) Execute this code if the
-threshold has been met. (See \nameref{threshold}.) The text macro
-\cs{curr@quiz} holds the base name of the current quiz.
-(2) If the field \texttt{"ScoreField.\cs{curr@quiz}"} exists, then
-write the student's score to that field. (This is the ``Score: 2
-out of 3'' that you see in the demo quizzes.)
-(3) We then submit with the macro \cs{eq@submitURL}. (This would
-do nothing if its value is \cs{empty}, the default value.) At this
-point we call a \texttt{resetQuiz("\cs{curr@quiz}")} which
-sets some values in an array to indicate the state of this quiz.
-\subsubsection{Gathering ID Information with
-\texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{textField}}{\textbackslash textField}}
-\redpoint What kind of information would one submit to a CGI?
-Well, there is the usual information concerning the identity of
-the student (Name, SSN, etc.) and the course, section and so on.
-This basic information can be gathered from the student by
-inserting text fields into the document to be filled in. \textsf{Exerquiz}
-provides the macro \cs{textField}\footnote{You can also use hyperref's
-\cs{TextField} command for this purpose as well.} for this purpose.
-For example,
- [\DV{First Name}\textFont{TiRo}\textSize{10}\textColor{0 0 1}]
- {IdInfo.Name.First}{#1}{#2}}
-\noindent This defines a text field with a name of \texttt{"IdInfo.Name.First"}, the two
-arguments are the width and height of the field that you want to create. E.g.,
-\noindent creates a text field 100pt wide and 10pt high.
-The \cs{textField} macro takes four parameters.
-\noindent The first (optional) parameter can be used to custom
-design the field; the second is the name of the field; the third
-and fourth are the width and height of the field desired.
-\redpoint See the file \texttt{eqformman.tex} on {\cAcroT} \textsf{eForm}
-support for complete documentation on
-\subsubsection{Gathering Quiz Specific Information with
-\texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{eqSubmit}}{\textbackslash eqSubmit}}
-In addition to ID information on the one taking the quiz,
-specific information about what quiz is being taken and where the
-results of the quiz are to be stored are needed as well.
-\textsf{Exerquiz} provides a basic macro, called \cs{eqSubmit}
-that can be used to gather basic formation of this type. The definition
-of it and related commands are given below:
- {\eqCGI{"#1"}\databaseName{#2}\tableName{#3}}
-\noindent The meaning of the parameters are self-explanatory.
-Just prior to the quiz you can type:
- {CalcIII}{Quizzes}
-\begin{quiz*}{Quiz3} Answer each of the following.
-Answers: \AnswerField\currQuiz
-\redpoint Any redefinition of \cs{eq@submitURL} would then
-include the values of some or all of these text parameters:
-\eq@CGI, \db@Name, \db@Table, \curr@quiz
-\noindent The last text macro is not gathered by \cs{eqSubmit}, it
-is known, however, at the time \cs{eq@submit\-URL} is expanded.
-\subsubsection{Some Variables to Submit}
-When you submit a quiz to a server, the values of \textit{all}
-fields are also submitted, unless you define specifically which
-fields are to be submitted.
-In addition to the ID info, you would like also to submit the results
-of the quiz itself. The relevant variables are as follows:
- \item The JavaScript variable \texttt{Score} has the number of
- correct responses as its value.
- \item The \LaTeX{} counter variable \cs{thequestionno} has the count
- of the total number of questions in the quiz.
- \item The JavaScript array \texttt{Responses} contains the responses of
- the student: multiple choice and fill-in responses. The contents of this
- array can be converted to a comma-delimited string by using the
- \texttt{toString()} method, \texttt{Responses.toString()}.
-\noindent Now, how does one submit these values? The \cs{eq@submitURL}
-command can be used not only to submit the data, but to also
-populate certain \textit{hidden} fields with this information. The
-hidden data is submitted along with the ID info to be processed.
-You can use the \cs{textField} to create hidden text fields for
-this purpose. See the next section for a discussion of how to create
-hidden text fields.
-\subsection{Features \protect\textit{apropos} to Submitting}
-%{\textbackslash RespBoxEssay}: The Essay Question}
-%Some disciplines make heavy use of the essay question. In an effort to
-%expand \textsf{exerquiz} to this question type, the \cs{RespBoxEssay}
-%question has been defined.
-%The syntax is
-%\RespBoxEssay[<commands to modify the appearance>]
-%The default width of is \cs{linewidth} and the default height is
-%\verb+6\baselineskip+. For example,
-%\redpoint Sketch the biography of Isaac Newton:\par
-%This type of question is not evaluated by JavaScript, but is meant
-%to be submitted to a CGI for storage in a database. Later, the
-%instructor can review the essay answer.
-\subsubsection{Assigning Points}
-See \Nameref{sss:asignPts} for information on this subject.
-{\textbackslash NoPeeking}}\label{sss:nopeek}
-If you execute the command \cs{NoPeeking} in the preamble of your
-document, or prior to a \texttt{quiz}, then any quiz question with
-solution will be protected somewhat from prying eyes.
-In this case, an open page action is placed on the first page of
-each solution. If the user (student) tries to view a quiz solution
-before doing the quiz, the \textcolor{blue}{Adobe Reader} will
-automatically change the page to the page containing the quiz and
-place an alert box on the screen saying that viewing the solution
-before taking the quiz is not permitted.
-To resort to the default behavior, use the \cs{AllowPeeking}
-The previous \texttt{quiz} has been surrounded with a
-\cs{NoPeeking}/\-\cs{AllowPeeking} pair. If you go to one
-of the \hyperlink{knuth}{solutions} to that quiz, you will see
-what happens. If nothing interesting happens, read the next
-red point.
-\redpoint Protection is removed when you click on `End Quiz' and
-restored when you click on some `Begin Quiz'.
-\section{Functions and Syntax supported by \textsf{Exerquiz}}
-In addition to the JavaScript built in math functions, exerquiz defines a number
-of other functions useful in mathematical work. These functions are typically input
-in a math question created by \cs{RespBoxMath}, for example, or in the function input
-field of an {\AcroFLeX} document.\footnote{The {\AcroFLeX} Graphing Bundle,
-Exerquiz also has its own syntax for entering algebraic expression in the
-\cs{Resp\-Box\-Math} field, these are document here as well.
-\subsection{Functions supported by \textsf{Exerquiz}}
-The following functions are built-in to JavaScript:
-abs\textrm{, }|$\cdot$| & absolute value function, preferred form, \texttt{|$\cdot$|} & \texttt{|-3|=3}, \texttt{|x|}\\
-sin & the sine function & \texttt{sin(pi/2)=1}, see the definition of \texttt{pi} below\\
-cos & the cosine function & \texttt{cos(1.5)}, \texttt{cos(2*x)}\\
-tan & the tangent function & \texttt{tan(pi/4)=1}\\
-asin& inverse sine function & \texttt{asin(x)}\\
-acos& inverse cosine function & \texttt{acos(.2)}\\
-atan& inverse tangent function& \texttt{atan(-4)}\\
-exp & the natural exponential function, this function is also implemented as a \verb!e^x!,
- where \texttt{e} is the natural number & \texttt{exp(-.5)}, \texttt{exp(-x\string^2)}\\
-log & the common logarithm. In JavaScript log is the natural logarithm, \textsf{exerquiz}
- redefines this to be the common logarithm, use \texttt{ln} for natural logarithm & \texttt{log(10)=1}\\
-sqrt & the square root function & \texttt{sqrt(4.5)}\\
-ceil & the \texttt{ceil} function, \texttt{ceil(x)} is the smallest integer greater than or equal to \texttt{x} &
-floor&the \texttt{floor} function, where \texttt{floor(x)} is the largest integer less than or equal to \texttt{x} &
-max & the maximum between two numbers & \texttt{max(2, 3.4) = 3.4}\\
-min & the minimum between two numbers & \texttt{max(2, 3.4) = 2}\\
-random & a pseudo-random number generator, this function is used internally by \textsf{exerquiz}, and is
- available to users, \texttt{random()} returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0 & \texttt{random()}\\
-round & a rounding function, rounds a number to the nearest integer
- & \texttt{round(4.5)= 5}, \texttt{round(-3.3)=-3}
-\newtopic The next set of functions are defined by \textsf{exerquiz}.
-cot & the \texttt{cotangent} function & \texttt{cot(1)}\\
-sec & the secant function & \texttt{sec(2)}\\
-csc & the \texttt{cosecant} function & \texttt{csc(2)}\\
-arcsin & the inverse sine function, same as \texttt{asin} & \texttt{arcsin(.5)}\\
-arccos & the inverse cosine function, same as \texttt{acos} & \texttt{arccos(-.5)}\\
-arctan & the inverse tangent function, same as \texttt{atan} & \texttt{arctan(1)}\\
-ln & the natural logarithm & \texttt{ln(3.4)}\\
-sinh & the hyperbolic sine function & \texttt{sinh(0)}, \texttt{sinh(x)}\\
-cosh & the hyperbolic cosine function & \texttt{cosh(0)}, \texttt{cosh(x)}\\
-tanh & the hyperbolic tangent function & \texttt{tanh(x)}\\
-coth & the hyperbolic cotangent function & \texttt{coth(x)}\\
-sech & the hyperbolic secant function & \texttt{sech(x)}\\
-csch & the hyperbolic cosecant function & \texttt{csch(x)}\\
-asinh & the inverse hyperbolic sine function & \texttt{asinh(0)}, \texttt{asinh(x)}\\
-acosh & the inverse hyperbolic cosine function & \texttt{acosh(0)}, \texttt{acosh(x)}\\
-atanh & the inverse hyperbolic tangent function & \texttt{atanh(x)}\\
-acoth & the inverse hyperbolic cotangent function & \texttt{acoth(x)}\\
-asech & the inverse hyperbolic secant function & \texttt{asech(x)}\\
-acsch & the inverse hyperbolic cosecant function & \texttt{acsch(x)}\\
-sgn & the sign function, \texttt{sgn(x)} is -1 if \texttt{x} is negative, 1 if \texttt{x} is positive, and 0 of
-\texttt{x} is zero
- & \texttt{sgn(-3.2) = -1} \\
-cis & the polar representation of a complex number,
- $\operatorname{cis}(\theta)=\cos(\theta)+\imath\sin(\theta)$. This function
- is only defined if the \texttt{complex} option of \textsf{dljslib} is used.
- & \texttt{cis(pi/3)}
-\newtopic There are several other \textsf{exerquiz}-defined
-functions that are available through options of the
-\textsf{dljslib}, these are \texttt{C} (combinations), \texttt{P}
-(permutations), and \texttt{fact} (permutations). See the section
-titled \Nameref{extNumerFuncs} for details.
-\paragraph*{Recognized Constants.} \textsf{Exerquiz} recognizes
-\texttt{PI} and \texttt{pi} as symbols for the mathematical constant
-$\pi\approx \text{3.14159}$. The letter \texttt{e} is recognized as
-the natural number, which is approximately 2.7182818285.
-\subsection{Syntax supported by \textsf{Exerquiz}}
-\textsf{Exerquiz} attempts to make entering mathematics as easy and
-as natural as using a modern calculator. The following paragraphs
-outline the syntax of \textsf{exerquiz}. Authors should reproduce
-some form of these rules to their students, and perhaps some
-practice documents for them to test themselves with.
-\paragraph*{Grouping.} Algebraic expressions are grouped with
-matching parentheses~\texttt{(\,)}, brackets~\texttt{[\,]}, or
-\paragraph*{Spaces.} When the user enters a math expression, all
-spaces are removed before parsing of the expression begins.
-Students can write \texttt{1+(2+3)} or \texttt{1 + ( 2 + 3 )}, these
-are the same.
-\paragraph*{Addition and Subtraction.} These operations are
-performed using \texttt{+} and \texttt{-}, as expected. For example,
-\texttt{(x+1)-(x-2)}, \texttt{x+sin(x-pi)}
-\paragraph*{Multiplication and Division.} These operations are
-performed using \texttt{*} and \texttt{/}, as expected. For example,
-\texttt{2*x*(3*x+1)} and \texttt{(2*x-1)/(2*x+1)}.
-The use of the multiplication (\texttt{*}), is required, by default,
-and its use can be very tedious to the student. If you include the
-\textsf{dljslib} package with the \texttt{ImplMulti} option,
-\texttt{exerquiz} automatically inserts the multiplication symbol
-(\texttt{*}). The examples above, can be written as
-\texttt{2x(3x+1)} and \texttt{(2x-1)/(2x+1)}; it is recommended,
-therefore, that the \texttt{ImplMulti} option should normally be
-used. (Note: The use of \texttt{*} is still correct even when
-\texttt{ImplMulti} option is in effect.)
-\paragraph*{Powers and Exponents.} \textsf{Exerquiz} uses
-\texttt{\string^} to indicate exponents, for example,
-\texttt{x\string^2} means $x^2$. Other examples are \verb!17^(x+1)!,
-\verb!(x^2+1)^3!, \verb!(sin(x))^3!, and \verb!(x+1)^(2x+1)!.
-Recall that the letter \texttt{e} is recognized as the natural
-number, so \verb!e^{-x^2}! is the same as \verb!exp(-x^2)!.
-Normally, the use of \texttt{e} is preferred by students over the
-use of \texttt{exp}. For work in elementary mathematics, the
-existence of \texttt{exp} need not be even mentioned to the
-The difficulty of entering powers of functions is another issue for
-students. As illustrated above, in entering \verb!(sin(x))^3! or
-more complex expression, students find a source of difficulty, pain,
-and anguish. \textsf{Exerquiz} allows entering powers in the
-calculator style, the student can enter \verb!sin(x)^3! for
-$(\sin(x))^3$ (often written as $\sin^3(x)$) or \verb!3^sin(x)! to
-mean $3^{\sin(x)}$. Expressions like \verb!2^2^3! are interpreted as
-\verb!(2^2)^3! (the typeset version is $(2^2)^3$), which evaluates
-to 64. The use of parentheses is needed if the desired expression is
-$2^{2^3}$; this expression needs to be typed as \verb!2^(2^3)!,
-which evaluates to 256.
-If the \texttt{ImplMulti} option of the \texttt{dljslib} package is
-in effect, powers of functions can be entered in a more
-mathematically traditional, for example \verb!sin^2(x)! is
-recognized as the same as \verb!sin(x)^2!, or \verb!(sin(x))^2!;
-consequently, \verb!sin^2(x)^2! is the same as \verb!sin(x)^4!!
-\part{The \protect\textsf{eq2db} Package}\chgCurrLblName{The \textsf{eq2db} Package}\label{eq2db}
-As the name suggests, Converts a self-contained exerquiz quiz to one that is
-submitted to a server-side script. The {\LaTeX} package itself does very
-little other than to define some useful commands that make it easy to convert
-a self-contained quiz into one that is submitted to server-side script.
-The \texttt{eq2db} currently has several options, including \texttt{eqRecord}, \opt{eqText},
-\opt{eqEmail}, and \opt{submitAs}.
-The option \texttt{eqText} and \texttt{submitAs=FDF} sets up the quiz to use
-an ASP (Active Server Page) that I have written. This ASP, named naturally,
-\texttt{eqRecord.asp}, takes the data and stores it to a database, such as
-Microsoft Access.
-%You can also submit your form data as HTML, as the two websites
-%demonstrate.\footnote{These websites were prepared as a script demonstration
-%site that is referenced in my yet-to-be submitted book \AEBBook~\cite{book:AEBB}.}
-%The above web page is on a \app{Windows} server hosted by Northwest Florida State
-%College (NWFSC). The server-side
-%script is written as ASP pages using VBScript.
-There is a website that you can experience submitting form data from a
-PDF.\footnote{This website was prepared as a script demonstration site that
-is referenced in my yet-to-be submitted book \AEBBook~\cite{book:AEBB}.}
-This web page is on a \app{Linux} server hosted by {\AcroTeX.Net}. The
-server-side script is written with PHP.
-\redpoint In recent years, the browser technology has evolved in an unwelcome
-direction. Most web browsers do not support the Adobe Reader plug-in, hence,
-Reader no longer appears in the browser window, so essential for a good user
-experience. Most browsers use their own `native' PDF viewer, which does
-respond to links, but knows nothing about JavaScript. The only browser, as of
-this writing, that still supports the Adobe Reader plug-in (or ActiveX) is
-Microsoft Internet Explorer~11. For online, interactive work with PDF, the
-document consumer must use Microsoft Internet Explorer~11.
-\redpoint For more details, see the package documentation,
-\texttt{eq2dbman.pdf}.\footnote{The absolute URL is
-\url{\bUrl/acrotex/eq2dbman.pdf}} The \textsf{eq2db} package is available
-from CTAN (\url{}).\endredpoint
-\part{{\AcroT} \protect\textsf{eForm} Support}
-In this document, we describe the support for form elements in an
-{\cAcroT} document. The PDF Specifications indicate there are four
-different categories of fields for a total of seven types of
-\def\I#1{\makebox[\wd0]{\color{blue}(\hfil#1\hfil)}\ }
- \item \textbf{Button Fields}
- \begin{description}
- \item[\I{a}] \textbf{Push Button}
- \item[\I{b}] \textbf{Check Box}
- \item[\I{c}] \textbf{Radio Button}
- \end{description}
- \item \textbf{Choice Fields}
- \begin{description}
- \item[\I{a}] \textbf{List Box}
- \item[\I{b}] \textbf{Combo Box}
- \end{description}
- \item \textbf{Text Fields}
- \item \textbf{Signature Fields}
-The {\cAcroB} does not support \textit{signature fields}, this
-leaves six types of fields. Commands for creating each of the
-remaining six types will be discussed.
-The \pkg{hyperref} Package (Rahtz, Oberdiek \textit{et al})
-provides support for the same set of form fields; however, not all
-features of these fields can be accessed through the
-\pkg{hyperref} commands. I was determined to write my own set
-of commands which would be sufficiently comprehensive and
-extendable to suit all the needs of the \cAcroB. All the quiz
-environments have been modified to use this new set of form
-commands, in this way, there is a uniform treatment of all form
-fields in \cAcroB.
-\redpoint The documentation for \textsf{eForm} support is too voluminous
-to include in this already voluminous document. See
-\href{\bUrl/eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf} (relative link
-\href{eformman.pdf}{eformman.pdf}) for complete details.
-\part{The AeB JavaScript Library}\label{part:dljslib}
-The \textsf{dljslib} package---document level JavaScript
-library---is a companion to \textsf{exerquiz} and utilizes
-\textsf{insdljs} package. It is a library of JavaScript code that
-can be referenced in the preamble of a {\LaTeX} document, the code
-is then extracted from the package files, and inserted into the {\LaTeX}
-source using the \texttt{insDLJS} environment.
-The code belonging to the library supports the processing
-of the quizzes and short quizzes produced by \textsf{exerquiz}; they
-extend the capabilities of the core features of the
-\textsf{exerquiz} quizzes. Many of the JavaScript functions in the
-library were contributed by users of AeB.
-\newtopic My deep appreciation goes out to the contributors to the AeB JavaScript library.
- \item The options \texttt{unordered}, \texttt{factors},
- \texttt{point} and \texttt{intervals} were written by Dr. Bruce Wagner
- for an online grading system developed by Drs.\ Bruce Wagner and David
- Arnold, and Mr.~Jacob Miles-Prystowsky. Dr. Robert Marik contributed to the \texttt{intervals} option, as well.
- \item The options \texttt{nodec}, \texttt{noBinFact} and \texttt{combinatorics} were contributed by
- Ross Moore and Frances Griffin, and were developed for their
- \href{}{MacQ\TeX}
- online testing system.\footnote{\url{}}
-The AeB JavaScript library continues to accept contributions from AeB developers.
-\section{Usage and Options}
-As with all {\LaTeX} package, you use \textsf{dljslib} as follows,
-where \ameta{options} is a comma-delimited list of options. With each of the
-\ameta{options}, the associated JavaScript code is brought into the {\LaTeX}
-source document. The JavaScript functions, then, are available to your
-\textsf{exerquiz} quizzes.
-A list of the \ameta{options} of the \textsf{dljslib} package are listed below,
-and each are described in detail in the sections that follow.
-\item \texttt{ImplMulti}: Use this option to allow implied multiplication, e.g., the user can input
- \texttt{2xsin(x)} instead of \texttt{2*x*sin(x)}. See \Nameref{ImplMulti}.
-\item \texttt{equations}: Use this option to process questions that take an equation as an answer.
- See \Nameref{equations}.
-\item \texttt{vectors}: Use this option to process questions that take a vector as an answer.
- See \Nameref{vectors}.
-\item \texttt{setSupport}: Use this option to process questions that take a set as an answer.
- See \Nameref{setSupport}.
-\item \texttt{unordered}: Use this option to process questions that take an unordered list as an answer.
- See \Nameref{unordered}.
-\item \texttt{factors}: Use this option to process questions that take a factored form of a polynomial.
- See \Nameref{factors}.
-\item \texttt{point}: Use this option to process questions that take an ordered pair $(x,y)$ as an answer.
- See \Nameref{point}.
-\item \texttt{intervals}: Use this option to process questions that take an interval, or a union of intervals
- as an answer. See \Nameref{intervals}.
-\item \texttt{indefIntegral}: Use this compare function when evaluating the response to an indefinite integral.
- See \Nameref{indefIntegral}.
-\item \texttt{nodec}: Use this filter function to deny the use of decimal numbers in an answer.
- See \Nameref{nodec}.
-\item \texttt{noBinFac}: User this filter function to deny the use of \texttt{combinatorial} functions.
- See \Nameref{noBinFac}.
-\item \texttt{limitArith}: Use any of this collection of filter functions to limit the use of arithmetic operations
- in an answer. See \Nameref{limitArith}.
-\item \texttt{combinatorics}: Use this option to add combinatorial functions. The user may use these in an answer,
- unless denied by the \texttt{noBinFact} filter.
- See \Nameref{combinatorics}.
-\newtopic For a document author that is building a system of quizzes and who regularly
-uses a subset of these options, sets of options can be grouped
-together into a custom option. Use the \texttt{libcusopt.opt} file
-to declare your own sets of options. These declarations should be a
-combination of existing options. For example, The declarations in the
-\texttt{libcusopt.opt} file
- vectors,setSupport,equations,intervals,limitArith,%
- unordered,point,factors,ImplMulti}
-creates a new option for \textsf{dljslib} called
-\texttt{procrespgrp} which bundles together all frequently used
-options. The file \texttt{libcusopt.opt} can be placed in the
-{\LaTeX} search path, but it's perhaps best to put it in your source
-file, so that the options are local to that folder. The command
-\cs{includeOptions} is defined in the \textsf{insdljs} package.
-%\exPDF{dljslib_apw} A sample \texttt{libcusopt.opt} is distributed with the {\AEB},
-%this sample file consists of the example given above, and is used
-%by the sample file \texttt{dljslib\_apw.tex}, which can be found in the folder \texttt{dljslib\_examples}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=959} A sample \texttt{libcusopt.opt} is distributed with the
-{\AEB}, this sample file consists of the example given above, and is used by
-the sample file \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=959}{dljslib\_apw.pdf}}.
-\newtopic The JavaScript functions are organized into five categories:
- \item \nameref{piExt} are support functions whose capabilities are built
- into the core \textsf{exerquiz} package. When \textsf{exerquiz} detects the presence of these
- support functions, it utilizes them seamlessly.
- \item \nameref{respfunc} are functions the take over the task of processing the user input. Discussion
- of these functions begins on page~\pageref*{respfunc}.
- \item \nameref{compareFuncs} are functions that perform the comparison between the author's answer
- and the student's answer. Based on this comparison, the student's answer is judged correct or not.
- Refer to page~\pageref*{compareFuncs} for the compare functions.
- \item \nameref{filterUserResp} are functions that are called immediately after the user
- commits the response. A filter function can examine the response before passing it on to
- the response function. The filter function can cancel the user input if the input does not
- meet certain criterion. The filter functions begin on page~\pageref*{filterUserResp}.
- \item \nameref{extNumerFuncs} extend the collection of built-in functions that perform
- numerical calculations. These numerical functions are discussed beginning on page~\pageref*{extNumerFuncs}.
-\subsection{Parse Input Extensions}\label{piExt}
-This type of JavaScript functions are support functions whose
-capabilities are built into the core \textsf{exerquiz} package.
-When \textsf{exerquiz} detects the presence of these support
-functions, it utilizes them seamlessly.
-The default behavior for processing a math fill-in question is to
-require the student to insert `\texttt*' for multiplication and to
-enclose any function being raised to a power in parentheses, e.g.
-\verb+x*(sin(x))^2+. This becomes quite tiresome if the expression to be entered
-is complicated. The \texttt{ImplMulti} option enables the student to use
-\emph{implied multiplication} and \emph{simplified exponentiation}.
-The \texttt{ImplMulti} option loads two JavaScript functions, \texttt{Ck4Products}
-and \texttt{Ck4Expo\-nents}. The latter implements the notation, \verb+sin^2(x)+
-for $\sin^2(x)$, and is equivalent to $(\sin(x))^2$. A more complex exponent must be enclosed enclosed
-in parentheses, for example \verb-ln^(x+1)(x)-. The former function, \texttt{Ck4Products},
-inserts the multiplication symbol, `\texttt{*}', wherever multiplication is implied. For example,
-\verb+xysin(xy)+ becomes \verb+x*y*sin(x*y)+.
-\newtopic\textcolor{red}{Important:} If loaded, \texttt{exerquiz}
-will automatically use these two functions in any math fill-in question, no further action is needed.
-%\exPDF{jquiztst} Many of the demo files that come with AeB use the \texttt{ImplMulti} option, one such
-%representative file is \texttt{jquiztst.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=810} Many of the demo files that come with AeB use the \texttt{ImplMulti} option, one such
-representative file is \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=810}{jquiztst.pdf}}.
-\subsection{Response Functions} \label{respfunc}
-For fill-in questions, a response function is one that is called immediately after the user
-enters and commits an answer. The default response function that processes the user's response
-is \texttt{ProcResp}. The $\text{10}^{\text{th}}$ argument of the \cs{RespBoxMath} command,
- \text{\respBoxPara}
-is used to specify another response function. This section discusses the alternate
-response functions available in the library, and gives examples of each.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{equations}} \label{equations}
-Use this option to process questions for which an equation is the
-expected answer. This option defines the JavaScript function
-\texttt{ProcRespEq}. When using a math fill-in question (the
-\cs{RespBoxMath} command), this function is placed in the optional
-$\text{10}^{\text{th}}$ argument, the one that follows \texttt{*}.
-See \Nameref{ss:respbox} for a description of the parameters of
-\newtopic The following question goes inside a \texttt{quiz} or
-\texttt{shortquiz} environment.
-\RespBoxMath{y = 4 * x - 3}(xy){4}{.0001}{[0,1]x[0,1]}*{ProcRespEq}
-%\exPDF{jqzequat} The demo file \texttt{jqzequat.tex} includes the
-%above example as well as other in the context of a working
-%\texttt{shortquiz}, found in the \texttt{dljslib\_examples} folder.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=951} The demo file
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=951}{jqzequat.pdf}} includes the above
-example as well as other in the context of a working \texttt{shortquiz}.
-\newtopic Alert box message: May be redefined.
-\newcommand\equationsAlertMsg{"An equation is expected"}
-Use this option to process questions for which a vector is the
-expected answer. This option defines the JavaScript function
-\texttt{ProcVec}. When using a math fill-in question (the
-\cs{RespBoxMath} command), this function is placed in the optional
-$\text{10}^{\text{th}}$ argument,
-the one that follows \texttt{*}. See \Nameref{ss:respbox} for a
-description of the parameters of \cs{RespBoxMath}.
-\newtopic The following question goes inside a \texttt{quiz} or
-\texttt{shortquiz} environment. The premise of these two questions
-is that the definitions of $\vec a$, $\vec b$ and $f(t)$ are given:
-\item $\vec a + \vec b =
- \RespBoxMath{<4, 4, 4>}{1}{.0001}{[2,4]}*{ProcVec}$
-\item $\vec f'(t) =
- \RespBoxMath{<e^t, 2*t, cos(t)>}(t){3}{.0001}{[0,1]}*{ProcVec}$
-The first question takes a three component vector of numerical values, the second
-takes a three component vector of function values.
-%\exPDF{jqzvector} These two examples were taken from the demo file \texttt{jqzvector.tex},
-%which includes both \texttt{quiz} and \texttt{shortquiz} environments, found in the \texttt{dljslib\_examples} folder.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=949} These two examples were taken from the demo file
-which includes both \texttt{quiz} and \texttt{shortquiz} environments.
-\newtopic Alert box messages: May be redefined.
-\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgi{"I'm looking for a vector.
- You need to use proper vector notation,
- try using angle brackets <....>."}
-\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgii{"Angle brackets are not balanced.
- Check the expression you typed in."}
-\newcommand\vectorsErrorMsgiii{"Incorrect number of components.
- The answer requires " + aCorrAns.length + " components."}
-\subsubsection{\texttt{setSupport}} \label{setSupport}
-We introduce three JavaScript (response) functions
-for handling a set of answers or a comma delimited list of answers, these
-are \texttt{ProcRespSetNum}, \texttt{ProcRespSetSym}, and
-\texttt{ProcRespListFormula}. The first function is for numerical
-answers, the second for simple symbolic answers. These JavaScript response
-functions are passed to \cs{RespBoxMath} as the $\text{10}^{\text{th}}$ argument.
-%\exPDF{set_test} The demo file for these three
-%response functions is \texttt{set\_test.tex}; the examples below
-%were taken from that file, found in the \texttt{dljslib\_examples}
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=953} The demo file for these three
-response functions is \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=953}{set\_test.pdf}}.
-\newtopic\indent The functions \texttt{ProcRespSetNum}, \texttt{ProcRespSetSym} can
-handle (math fill-in) questions whose answers are a \textit{set of
-numbers (symbols)} or a comma delimited \emph{list of numbers
-\paragraph*{ProcRespSetNum:}\label{para:ProcRespSetNum} The function can handle (math fill-in)
-questions whose answers are a \textit{set of numbers} or a
-comma delimited \textit{list of numbers}.
-\newtopic This example takes a comma-delimited
-list as its expected response. After the student enters the
-response, the answer is formatted as a set, with enclosing braces,
-like so \verb!{ ... }!. The student does not enter the braces, the
-JavaScript does after the comma-delimited list is entered and
-$(x+1)^2 (x+3) = 0$, $S = \RespBoxMath[\AddAAFormat{\formatAsSet}
- \rectW{.75in}\textSize{0}]{-1,-3}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}*{ProcRespSetNum}$
-\noindent The formatting of answer is accomplished by passing
-\verb!\AddAAFormat{\formatAsSet}! as an optional argument of
-\cs{RespBoxMath}. The command \cs{formatAsSet} expands to a
-JavaScript function that is defined when the \texttt{setSupport}
-option is taken. The little-known key \cs{AddAAFormat} is
-defined in \textsf{exerquiz} and is specifically designed for inserting
-special formatting into a math fill-in response. The use of the set
-formatting is optional.
-\newtopic This next example again uses \texttt{ProcRespSetNum}. The
-equation has repeated roots. To require the student to enter the
-repeated roots, just list them as part of the answer argument.
-%Here,the set notation is not used (since it would be incorrect
-%\verb~{-1, 1/2, 2, 2, 2} = {-1, 1/2, 2}~).
-$(x+1)(2x-1)(x-2)^3 = 0$, $x = \RespBoxMath[\rectW{.75in}\textSize{0}]
- {-1, 1/2, 2, 2, 2}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}*{ProcRespSetNum}$
-\paragraph*{ProcRespSetSym:} The function can handle (math fill-in)
-questions whose answers are a \textit{set of symbols}.
-This function can handle simple symbolic answers. The variable list should
-be the ``universal set'' of the problem.
-\def\U{a,b,c,d,e,f,g} % define a universal set
-$A \cap B = \RespBoxMath[\AddAAFormat{\formatAsSet}
- \rectW{.75in}\textSize{0}]{c,d}(\U){1}{.0001}{[0,1]}*{ProcRespSetSym}$
-\paragraph*{ProcRespListFormula:} This function can handle a (math fill-in)
-question whose answer is a comma-delimited list of expressions. Similar to
-\texttt{ProcVec}, but the angle brackets are not used to specify the vector.
-\newtopic In this example, taken from \texttt{set\_test.tex}, a
-vector response is required, but without the enclosing angle
-$\vec f'(t) = \RespBoxMath{e^t, 2*t,cos(t)}(t){3}
- {.0001}{0}{1}*{ProcRespListFormula}$
-You can also define your own formatting function, to format
-the input.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{unordered}} \label{unordered}
-This option defines the JavaScript (response) function
-\texttt{ProcRespSetFormula} that will grade an \emph{unordered list} of
-formulas, such as \texttt{x}, \verb!x^2!, \verb!x^3!. For example,
-Some question requiring an unordered list of responses.
-A correct answer is a list of the monomials \verb!x!,\verb!x^2!,\verb!x^3! in any order.
-As usual, this JavaScript response function is passed to
-\cs{RespBoxMath} as the $\text{10}^{\text{th}}$ argument.
-%\exPDF{dljslib_apw} The demo file that uses the \texttt{unordered} option is
-%\texttt{dljslib\_apw.tex}, which can be found in the \texttt{dljslib\_examples} folder
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=959} The demo file that uses the \texttt{unordered} option is
-\subsubsection{\texttt{factors}} \label{factors}
-The factors option defines \texttt{ProcRespFactors}, passed to
-\cs{RespBoxMath} as the $\text{10}^{\text{th}}$ argument. The
-response function \texttt{ProcRespFactors} is used for grading
-polynomial factoring questions. For example, if a polynomial factors
-as \verb!-5x^2(x-4)(x+2)!, then the answer is only unique up to the
-order of factors and a change of sign on an even number of factors.
-The student could respond with \verb!-5x^2(x+2)(x-4)! or
-\verb!5x^2(-x+4)(x+2)! or \verb!-5(x-4)(x+2)x^2!. The function
-should grade all of these variations correctly; however, it will not
-grade \verb!-(x-4)(x+2)5x^2! as correct. The leading coefficient, if
-there is one, must be placed at the beginning, which conforms to our
-usual conventions.
-Completely factor the polynomial $x^3-4x^2 + 2x - 8$.
-Note that \texttt{ProcRespFactors} is passed to
-\cs{RespBoxMath} as the $\text{10}^{\text{th}}$ argument.
-%\exPDF{dljslib_apw} The demo file that uses the \texttt{factors} option is
-%\texttt{dljslib\_apw.tex}, which can be found in the \texttt{dljslib\_examples} folder
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=959} The demo file that uses the \texttt{factors} option is
-\subsubsection{\texttt{point}} \label{point}
-The response function \texttt{ProcPoint} is an almost exact copy of your
-\texttt{ProcVec}, but uses parentheses instead of angle brackets as
-delimiters. Used with questions that have a point $(x,y)$ as the
-Calculate the derivative of $\vec f(t) = (e^t,e^(t^2))$.
-\texttt{ProcPoint} is passed to
-\cs{RespBoxMath} as the $\text{10}^{\text{th}}$ argument.
-%\exPDF{dljslib_apw}The demo file that uses the \texttt{point} option is
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=959} The demo file that uses the \texttt{point} option is
-\newtopic Alert box messages: May be redefined.
-\newcommand\pointErrorMsgi{"I'm looking for a point.
- You need to use proper point notation."}
-\newcommand\pointErrorMsgii{"Parentheses are not balanced."}
-\newcommand\pointErrorMsgiii{"Incorrect number of components.
- The answer requires " + aCorrAns.length+" components."}
-\subsubsection{\texttt{intervals}} \label{intervals}
-\texttt{ProcRespIntervals} is for grading questions that have an
-interval or union of intervals as the answer. Examples of answers
-supported by this function are listed below:
-Here \texttt{inf} for infinity and the capital letter \texttt{U} for
-the union symbol. Note also that intervals in a union can appear
-in any order.
-The \texttt{ProcRespIntervals} function has been modified by Robert Marik
-to allow intervals with end points \texttt{ln(2)}, \texttt{exp(4)} or \texttt{sqrt(3)}.
-Thus, intervals of the form
-are recognized by this procedure.
- {.0001}{\viidna}*{ProcRespIntervals}
-\Important Problems with unbalanced parentheses while
-authoring and building the PDF file. The code below
-the right parenthesis of the second interval does not have a
-matching left parenthesis. This causes problems with Acrobat
-Distiller. As a work around, escape the odd parenthesis (using
-\cs{eqbs}), like so \verb!\intervalbox{(-inf,4)U[5,inf\eqbs)}!,
- where \cs{eqbs} is defined in the \textsf{insdljs} package.
-%\exPDF{dljslib_apw}The demo file that uses the \texttt{factors} option is
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=959} The demo file that uses the \texttt{factors} option is
-This option extends the ability of \textsf{exerquiz} to process questions
-that are expecting a complex number as an answer.
-\paragraph*{ProcRespComplex:} The \texttt{complex} option defines
-the function \texttt{ProcRespComplex}, which is specified in the usual way, as seen below.
-$(3+3i)+(4+5i) = \RespBoxMath{7+8i}{3}{0.0001}{[0,1]}*{ProcRespComplex}$
-The \texttt{complex} option also defines the \texttt{cis} function,
-the definition of which is
-$\operatorname{cis}(x)=\cos(x)+\imath\sin(x)$. When \texttt{complex}
-is not loaded, this function is undefined, and will be caught by the
-parser of exerquiz as a syntax error. If \texttt{complex} is loaded
-and the user enters the \texttt{cis} function in a non-complex
-problem, the user's answer is not flagged as a syntax error and will
-most probably be scored as \emph{wrong}. The exerquiz implementation of the \texttt{cis}
-function, does not, at this time, support powers of the \texttt{cis} function, the parser
-attempts to find expressions of the form \texttt{cis\string^}, flag it, and emit
-an alert message, see below. This implementation does not detect powers of the form
-\texttt{(cis(x))\string^2}, however.
-The next two functions are due to Bruce Wagner, with modifications by D. P. Story.
-\paragraph*{ProcRespListComplex:} This response function evaluates an \emph{ordered} list
-of comma-delimited complex numbers. For example,
-If $z=4(\cos x+i\sin x)$, compute $z^2$ and $z^3$, in that order.
- {[0,1]}*{ProcRespListComplex}
-\paragraph*{ProcRespSetComplex:} This response function evaluates an \emph{unordered} list
-of comma-delimited complex numbers. For example,
- Find all real and complex solutions of the equation $x^2=-9$.
- Express your answer(s) in rectangular form $a+bi$.
- \RespBoxMath{3i,-3i}{4}{0.0001}{[0,1]}*{ProcRespSetComplex}
-%\exPDF{dljslib_complex}The demo file that uses the \texttt{complex} option is
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=1129} The demo file that uses the \texttt{complex} option is
-\newtopic Alert box messages: May be redefined.
- "Powers of i (for example, i^2, i^3) are not supported,
- replace powers of i with their complex equivalents."
- "The cis function does not support exponents. Write,
- for example, cis^3(x) as cis(3*x), instead."}
- "The expression is not in the form of a complex
- number, a+bi"}
- "You entered nothing for the component "
- +(#1+1)+" of your answer. Please enter a complex number."
-The latter definition takes a delimited argument, necessary since it executes
-within a verbatim environment where braces \texttt{\{} and \texttt{\}} are
-not grouping delimiters.
-\subsection{Compare Functions} \label{compareFuncs}
-Compare functions are used to compare the author's answer with the
-student's answer. Based on the comparison, the student's answer is
-judged correct, or not. The \textsf{exerquiz} package has two
-built-in compare functions: \texttt{diffCompare} (the default) and
-\texttt{reldiffCompare}. The former makes the comparison based on absolute differences
- \texttt{diffCompare} = |\,\text{Author Ans} - \text{Student Ans}\,|
-while the latter uses absolute relative differences to make the comparison
- \texttt{reldiffCompare} = \frac{|\,\text{Author Ans} - \text{Student Ans}\,|}
- {|\text{Author Ans}|}
-Comparison functions are passed through the $\text{9}^{\text{th}}$ argument of \cs{RespBoxMath},
-if no such argument is passed, \texttt{diffCompare} is used.
-The answer to an indefinite integral is non-unique; however all
-answers differ by a constant. This compare function is used with
-indefinite integrals. Note the name of the function is
-\texttt{indef\-Com\-pare}, this is the name you use to call the
-function. To use this compare function, insert its name in optional
-$\text{9}^{\text{th}}$ argument,
- \text{\respBoxPara}
-that's the argument that follows the interval specification.
-An example of usage of this function is found in the sample file
-\texttt{dljslib\_ex.tex}, referenced below; from that file we have:
-$\displaystyle\int\sin(x)\,dx =
- \RespBoxMath{-cos(x)}{4}{.0001}{[0,1]}[indefCompare]$
-%\exPDF{dljslib_ex} See the demo file
-%\texttt{dljslib\_ex.tex} for an example of indefinite integration
-%comparison. Numerous other files use indefinite integration as well.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=961} See the demo file
-\texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=961}{dljslib\_ex.pdf}} for an example of
-indefinite integration comparison.
-The \texttt{satisfyEq} library of procedures supports the type of question where
-the student is asked to enter one or more points that satisfy an equation.
-We pose a problem where the student is asked to enter an order pair or triple
-that satisfies an equation. For example
-Enter a point that lies on the line $2x+3y=6$, the answer is an
-ordered pair of numbers, for example $(1,2)$.
- \text{A point is }\RespBoxMath[%
- \rectW{1.5in}\textSize{0}]{2x+3y-6}(xy){1}{.0001}{\viidna}*{ProcRespEvalEq}\kern1bp
- \CorrAnsButton{various, such as (0,2)}
-The verbatim listing follows:
- {.0001}{\viidna}*{ProcRespEvalEq}\kern1bp
- \CorrAnsButton{various, such as (0,2)}
-Line~(2) shows the placement of one of the procedures, \texttt{ProcRespEvalEq},
-that is part of \texttt{satisfyEq}.
-\newtopic There are four procedures in this set:
- \item \texttt{ProcRespEvalEq}: Supports a single equation, the answer
- is a single ordered $n$-tuple, the entries are allowed to be zero.
- \item \texttt{ProcRespEvalEqNonZero}: Supports a single equation, the
- answer is a single ordered n-tuple, the entries are \emph{not
- allowed} to be zero.
- \item \texttt{ProcRespEvalEqList}: Supports a single equation, the
- answer consists of $k$, $n$-tuples, the components of the
- $n$-tuples are allowed to be zero. Each $n$-tuple is separated
- by a semi-colon (;).
- \item \texttt{ProcRespEvalEqListNonZero}: Supports a single equation,
- the answer consists of $k$, ordered $n$-tuples, the components of the
- $n$-tuples are \emph{not allowed} to be zero. Each $n$-tuple is separated
- by a semi-colon (;).
-\paragraph*{Some Technical Details.} Recall the parameter list for
- \text{\respBoxPara}
-\noindent\texttt{ProcRespEvalEq}, \textsl{et al}, are not based on random
-point generation, as are all the other \textsf{exerquiz} functions. Here,
-the user enters numerical data, the function then verifies the data
-entered satisfies the given equation. The role of one of the parameters
-has changed, others are ignored:
- \item The role of parameter \texttt{\#2} (the correct answer) has
- changed. Suppose the equation presented to the user is $ F = G $.
- \begin{itemize}
- \item For \texttt{ProcRespEvalEq} and \texttt{ProcRespEvalEqNonZero},
- pass \texttt{F - G} as parameter \texttt{\#2}.
- \item For \texttt{ProcRespEvalEqList} and \texttt{ProcRespEvalEqListNonZero},
- pass \texttt{k;F-G} as the parameter \texttt{\#2}. For this type of
- problem, the author is asking the user to enter \texttt{k}, $n$-tuples
- that satisfy the equation. Note \texttt{k} and \texttt{F-G} are delimited
- by a semicolon (\texttt{;}).
- \end{itemize}
- \item The value of \texttt{epsilon} (parameter \texttt{\#6}) is obeyed.
- \item Parameter \texttt{\#5}, the number of iterations, is not used.
- Though this parameter is not used, \texttt{\#5} is required by the
- macro, so just use \texttt{1} as the number of iterations.
- \item Parameter \texttt{\#7}, the domain of the variables, is not
- used. Again, since this is a required parameter, use \cs{viidna};
- \cs{viidna} is a special command that can be used for this
- parameter, in this context only.
- \item The optional parameter \texttt{\#9} is not used and is ignored if present.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=} Additional examples will (eventually) appear
-on the \href{\urlAcroTeXBlog}{\AcroTeX{} Blog}.
-\subsection{Filter User's Responses} \label{filterUserResp}
-Filters are JavaScript functions that process the user input before being passed to the response function.
-Filters are passed to \cs{RespBoxMath} through the $\text{9}^{\text{th}}$ argument,
-$\displaystyle\int\sin(x)\,dx =
- \RespBoxMath{-cos(x)}{4}{.0001}{[0,1]}[indefCompare]$
-This $\text{9}^{\text{th}}$ argument can take on two formats: (1) the name of the compare function,
-as illustrated in `\nameref{indefIntegral}' above; (2) a JavaScript object. Use a JavaScript object
-as the $\text{9}^{\text{th}}$ argument to specify a filter.
-The JavaScript object that can be passed in the $\text{9}^{\text{th}}$ argument has two properties
-\texttt{comp} and \texttt{priorParse}. The object has the form
-{ comp: !ameta(compare), priorParse: !ameta(JS_func) | !ameta(array_JS_funcs) }
-The first property is used to specify a compare function, the second
-property specifies a filter or filters. The value of
-\texttt{priorParse} may be a JavaScript function to filter the
-user's response, or an array of JavaScript functions to filter the
-user input. (The array must be specified using the \Com{Array}
-command, illustrated below, see the paragraph
-`\nameref{NoProducts}', on page~\pageref*{NoProducts}.)
-\subsubsection{\texttt{nodec}} \label{nodec}
-The \texttt{nodec} option defines the JavaScript function
-\texttt{nodec} that attempts to prohibit the use of decimal numbers
-in the response. The function simply searches the user response for
-any occurrence of the decimal point. (The German language uses
-the comma as a decimal point, you can set the decimal point to some
-other symbol that \texttt{nodec} searches for through the command
-\Com{setdecimalpoint}, the default definition is
-$ 0.75 = \RespBoxMath{3/4}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}[{priorParse: nodec }] $
-\newtopic Alert box message: May be redefined.
- "A decimal answer is not acceptable here
- Please express your answer using fractions, square roots,
- e, log, etc."}
-\subsubsection{\texttt{noBinFac}} \label{noBinFac}
-The \texttt{noBinFac} option defines the JavaScript filter function
-\texttt{noBinFac}, that disallows binomial coefficients and
-factorials in math fill-in questions. Binomial and factorial
-functions are defined through the \texttt{combinatorics} option,
-The number of ways to choose four object from a set of ten is
- \RespBoxMath{C(10,4)}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}[{priorParse: noBinFac}]
- \CorrAnsButton{C(10,4)}*{EvalCorrAnsButton}
-The \texttt{noBinFac} filter is used, so the student is not allowed
-to enter binomial coefficients; however, the document author can use
-binomial coefficients, note the use in the answer (first argument)
-and in the \cs{CorrAnsButton}. The special syntax used for
-\cs{CorrAnsButton}, \Nameref{inclsoln}.
-%\exPDF{dljs_comb} Illustrations of this filter can be
-%found in the \texttt{dljs\_comb.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=963} Illustrations of this filter can be found in
-\newtopic Alert box messages: May be redefined.
- "You may not use this notation here.
- Please evaluate the binomial coefficient.
- You may present your answer as a product rather
- than calculating a very large number."}
- "You may not use this notation here.
- Please evaluate the permutation.
- You may present your answer as a product rather
- than calculating a very large number."}
- "You may not use this notation here.
- Please evaluate the factorial.
- You may present your answer as a product rather
- than calculating a very large number."}
-\subsubsection{\texttt{limitArith}} \label{limitArith}
-The \texttt{limitArith} option defines a number of filter functions:
-DecimalsOnly, NoProducts, NoDivision, NoAddOrSub,
-NoArithAllowed,NoExpAllowed,NoTrigAllowed, NoTrigLogAllowed
-%\exPDF{limarth} Examples of these filtering functions
-%can be found in the demo file \texttt{limarth.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=947} Examples of these filtering functions
-can be found in the demo file
-\paragraph*{DecimalsOnly} The \texttt{DecimalsOnly} is a function
-that takes only numbers, either integer or decimal. Usage
- $ 2.3 + 4.5 = \RespBoxMath{6.8}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}
- [{priorParse: DecimalsOnly }]$
-\paragraph*{NoProducts}\label{NoProducts} The function
-\texttt{NoProducts} requires that \texttt{ImplMulti} is taken. An
-example of usage is
-$ 3/4 = \RespBoxMath{.75}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}
- [{priorParse: \Array(NoDivision, NoProducts) }]$
-In the above example, we first call \texttt{NoDivision} then \texttt{NoProducts}. Several
-filtering functions can be executed by putting them into an array, using the \cs{Array}
-command.\footnote{The \cs{Array} command was originally named \cs{array}, it has been renamed
-to avoid clashing with the \texttt{amsmath} package.}
-\paragraph*{NoAddOrSub} This function, as the name implies, denies the use of both addition and subtraction.
-The algorithm I use here is that if a plus or minus follows anything but a left parenthesis,
-we assume it is a binary operation of addition or subtraction, respectively.
-$ 5.1 - 3.2 =
- \RespBoxMath{1.9}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}[{priorParse: NoAddOrSub}]$
-\paragraph*{NoArithAllowed} Deny user the use of all arithmetic functions, including exponents.
-$ 6/5 = \RespBoxMath{1.25}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}
- [{priorParse: NoArithAllowed}]$
-\paragraph*{NoExpAllowed} Deny user the use of exponents.
-$ 25^2 = \RespBoxMath{625}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}
- [{priorParse: NoExpAllowed}]
-\paragraph*{NoTrigAllowed} Deny user the use all trig functions, as
-well as the constants \texttt{PI} and \texttt{pi}, which are aliases
-for $\pi$. Example:
-$ \sin(\pi/4) = \RespBoxMath{sqrt(2)/2}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}
- [{priorParse: NoTrigAllowed }]$
-\paragraph*{NoTrigLogAllowed} Deny the use of trig and log functions.
-$ \ln(e^2)\sin(\pi/4) = \RespBoxMath{sqrt(2)}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}
- [{priorParse: NoTrigLogAllowed }]\CorrAnsButton{sqrt(2)}$
-\paragraph*{sciNotResp} Allow only a response in \emph{normalized} scientific notation:
-\texttt{aE([+]|-)d}, where $1\le|\texttt{a}|\le9$, and \texttt{d} is one or more digits
-(0-9) prefixed by a \texttt{-}, or an optional \texttt{+}.
-Convert 123.4 to scientific notation.
- 123.4 = \RespBoxMath{1.234E+2}*{1}{0}{[0,1]}[%
- {priorParse: sciNotResp }]\CorrAnsButton{1.234E+2}
-\paragraph*{noNegExp} Does not allow negative exponents. For example,
-\item Simplify $\displaystyle\frac{4}{r^4}\cdot\frac{r^3}{12}=
- \RespBoxMath{1/(3r)}(r)*{3}{.0001}{[0,1]}[{%
- priorParse:\Array( nodec, noNegExp )
- }]\CorrAnsButton{1/(3r)}$
-\paragraph*{Alert box messages:} May be redefined.
-\newcommand\DecimalsOnlyErrorMsg{"Enter only an integer,
- e.g., 17, or a decimal number, e.g. 12.4.
- Using arithmetic operations or built in function is
- not acceptable for this problem."}
-\newcommand\NoProductsErrorMsg{"Multiplication is not allowed
- for this problem."}
-\newcommand\NoDivisionErrorMsg{"Division is not allowed
- for this problem."}
-\newcommand\NoAddOrSubErrorMsg{"Neither addition nor subtraction
- is not allowed for this problem."}
-\newcommand\NoExpAllowedErrorMsg{"The use of exponents is not
- allowed for this problem."}
-\newcommand\NoTrigAllowedErrorMsg{"The use of trig functions
- in this problem is not allowed."}
-\newcommand\NoTrigLogAllowedErrorMsg{"The use of trig and log
- functions is not allowed in this problem."}
-\newcommand{\sciNotSyntaxError}{"Enter the answer in scientific
- notation."}
-\newcommand{\sciNotNormalForm}{"The scientific notation entered
- is not in normalized form."}
-\newcommand{\NoNegExpMsg}{"No negative exponents permitted,
- keep working!"}
-\subsection{Extending Numerical Functions} \label{extNumerFuncs}
-These JavaScript functions extend the collection of built-in
-functions that perform numerical calculations.
-This option defines three JavaScript functions: a binomial
-coefficient function \texttt{ch(n,r)}; a number of permutations
-function \texttt{perm(n,r)}, and a factorial function
-\paragraph*{User Accessible Functions} The user should use the names \texttt{C}, \texttt{P} and \texttt{fact}
-to access the functions \texttt{ch}, \texttt{perm} and \texttt{fact}, respectively:
- \item $ \texttt{C(n,r)} = \texttt{ch(n,r)} = \dbinom{n}{r} = \dfrac{n\,!}{r\,!(n-r)\,!}$
- \item $ \texttt{P(n,r)} = \texttt{perm(n,r)} = n\cdot(n-1)\cdots(n-r)$
- \item $ \texttt{fact(n)} = n\cdot(n-1)\cdots3\cdot2\cdot1$
-\textbf{Note: }If you place \verb!\replaceExclPt{true}! in the preamble, the user is allowed to enter factorials using
-traditional exclamation notation: for example, \texttt{17!} is the same as fact(17), and \texttt{(17)!}, \texttt{[17]!}
-or \verb|{17}!|
-are all interpreted as \texttt{fact(17)}.
-%\exPDF{dljs_comb} Illustrations of the \texttt{combinatorics} option can be
-%found in the \texttt{dljs\_comb.tex}.
-\exAeBBlogPDF{p=963} Illustrations of the \texttt{combinatorics} option can be
-found in \texttt{\href{\urlAcroTeXBlog/?p=963}{dljs\_comb.pdf}}.
-%------------------------ List of Options ------------------------------------
-\section{List of Options}\label{s:ListofOpts}
-% \multicolumn1{|>{\bfseries\columncolor{light-blue}}c|}{Component} &
-% \multicolumn1{>{\bfseries\columncolor{light-blue}}c|}{Brief Description}\\ \hline \rowcolor[gray]{.9}
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{Options of the Web/Exerquiz Packages} \\
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{Options of the Web/Exerquiz Packages (cont.)} \\
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{Options of the Web Package} \\
-\hyperref[sss:driver]{dvipsone} & dvi-to-ps driver by {\Y&Y}, Inc. \\
-\hyperref[sss:driver]{dvips} & dvi-to-ps driver \\
-\hyperref[sss:driver]{pdftex} & tex-to-pdf application \\
-\hyperref[sss:driver]{dvipdfm} & dvi-to-pdf application \\
-\hyperref[sss:driver]{textures} & the Textures System for Mac \\
- {\parbox[t]{.75in+4pt}{designi,\newline
- designii,\newline designiii,\newline
- designiv,\newline designv}} & these set screen design parameters \\
-\hyperref[ss:templates]{usetemplates} & this option activates mechanism for
- creating colored backgrounds and overlays\\
-\hyperref[ss:templates]{leftpanel} & creates a left navigation panel\\
-\hyperref[ss:templates]{rightpanel} & creates a right navigation panel\\
-\hyperref[sss:navibar]{navibar} & inserts a menu bar at the bottom or each
- page\\
-\hyperref[sss:latextoc]{latextoc} & displays the standard toc \\
-%\hyperref[sss:nodir]{nodirectory} & eliminates the directory listing on the title page\\
-\hyperref[sss:nodir]{usedirectory} & causes the title page directory to appear on the title page\\
-\hyperref[sss:webforpaper]{forpaper} & this turns off color, and does not put solutions on
- separate pages. \\
-\hyperref[forcolorpaper]{forcolorpaper} & Same as \texttt{forpaper}, but
- does not turn off color, useful for color printers.\\
- {latexlayout} & \texttt{web} uses page
- layout for \texttt{article} class.
- For use with \texttt{forpaper}.\\
-\hyperref[sss:webtight]{tight} & Redefines list environment parameters so
- lists don't take up so much space \\
-\hyperref[webpro]{pro} & Causes web to input enhanced control
- over various web elements\\
-\hyperref[nobullets]{nobullets} & Forces the use of numbers for subsubsections, also executes the
-\texttt{latextoc} option\\
-\hyperref[usesf]{usesf} & switches to sans serif as the default font, good for presentations\\
-\hyperref[web:unicode]{unicode} & Passes the \texttt{unicode} option to \pkg{hyperref}.\\
-\hyperref[web:useui]{useui} & Passes the \texttt{useui} option to \textsf{eforms}.\\
-\hyperref[web:xhyperref]{xhyperref} & Causes web not to include the hyperref package.\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{dutch} & Dutch for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Henny Wilbrink)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{french} & French for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Jean-Michel Sarlat)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{german} & German for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Michael Wiedmann)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{italian} & Italian for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to PierLuigi Zezza)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{norsk} & Norwegian for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Hans Fredrik Nordhaug)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{russian} & Russian for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Sergei V. Znamenskii)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{spanish} & Spanish for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Pedro Luis Luque)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{polish} & Polish for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Jerzy Mycielski)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{finnish} & Finnish for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to P\"aivi Porras)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{catalan} & Catalan for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Ramon Ballester)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{czech} & Czech for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Robert Marik)\\
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{brazil} & Brazilian Portuguese for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Koichi
-\hyperref[web:langopts]{turkish} & Turkish for web, passed to exerquiz. (Thanks to Mahmut Ko\c{c}ak)\\
-\multicolumn2{|c|}{Options of the Exerquiz Package\gdef\currentPackage{Exerquiz}} \\ \hline
-%\hyperref[ss:pdftexerquiz]{pdftex} & tex-to-pdf application \\
-%\hyperref[ss:exbasicusage]{dvipdfm} & dvi-to-pdf application \\
-\hyperref[sss:nosolutions]{nosolutions} & removes the solutions to the exercises \\
- {noquizsolutions} & removes the solutions to the quizzes \\
- {nohiddensolutions} & overrides the `\texttt{h}' (hidden)
- option for the exercises.\\
- {noHiddensolutions} & overrides the `\texttt{h}' and `\texttt{H}'
- (hidden) options for the exercises.\\
- {nocorrections} & removes the ability to correct the quizzes\\
- {solutionsafter} & solutions to exercises are typeset just after the question\\
-\hyperref[sss:exquizforpaper]{forpaper} & same function as in \pkg{web}.
- Needed when \textsf{exerquiz} is not
- used with \pkg{web}\\
- {forcolorpaper} & same function as in \pkg{web}.
- Needed when \textsf{exerquiz} is not
- used with \pkg{web}\\
-\hyperref[sss:preview]{preview} & shows the outline of all form fields
- in the dvi previewer \\
-\hyperref[sss:nodljs]{nodljs} & turns off the insertion of DLJS \\
-%\hyperref[sss:acrobativ]{acrobativ} & equivalent to \texttt{nodljs}\\
-\hyperref[sss:noquizzes]{exercisesonly} & if document has only exercises, no doc level JS needed\\
-%\hyperref[sss:debug]{debug} & this option is passed on to the \texttt{insdljs} package\\
-\hyperref[sss:proofing]{proofing} & mark the correct answers for
- \texttt{shortquiz} \&
- \texttt{quiz} for
- proof reading. \\
- {showgrayletters} & Show gray letters under check boxes\\
- {allowrandomize} & Allow the randomization of choices in multiple choie questions\\
-\hyperref[eq:unicode]{unicode} & Passes the \texttt{unicode} option to \pkg{hyperref}.\\
-\hyperref[eq:useui]{useui} & Passes the \texttt{useui} option to \textsf{eforms}.\\
-\hyperref[eq:usesumrytbls]{usesumrytbls}& Inputs the code used to create quiz summary tables,
- \hyperref[s:sumrytbl]{Section~\ref*{s:sumrytbl}}, page~\pageref*{s:sumrytbl}.\\
-\hyperref[eq:contsolns]{contsolns} & Places a `continued' message in the right footer on a solution page.\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{dutch} & JavaScript messages in Dutch (Thanks to Henny Wilbrink)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{french} & JavaScript messages in French (Thanks to Jean-Michel Sarlat)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{german} & JavaScript messages in German (Thanks to Michael Wiedmann)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{italian}& JavaScript messages in Italian (Thanks to PierLuigi Zezza)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{norsk} & JavaScript messages in Noregian (Thanks to Hans Fredrik Nordhaug)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{russian}& JavaScript messages in Russian (Thanks to Sergei V. Znamenskii)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{spanish}& JavaScript messages in Spanish (Thanks to Pedro Luis Luque)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{polish} & JavaScript messages in Polish (Thanks to Jerzy Mycielski)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{finnish}& JavaScript messages in Finnish. (Thanks to P\"aivi Porras)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{catalan}& JavaScript messages in Catalan. (Thanks to Ramon Ballester)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{czech} & JavaScript messages in Czech. (Thanks to Robert Marik)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{brazil} & JavaScript messages in Brazilian Portuguese. (Thanks to Koichi Sameshima)\\
-\hyperref[sss:exerquizlangopts]{turkish}& JavaScript messages in Turkish. (Thanks to Mahmut Ko\c{c}ak)\\
-\item[] We list cited referenced documents, articles, and webpages, as well as
- recommended reading. Cited material has the page number where that entry
- was referenced.
- Acrobat JavaScript Scripting Refernce, Technical Note \#5431, Version~6.0.,
- Adobe Systems, Inc. \backrefprint
- \srtln\hfill{\small\url{}}
- Leslie Lamport, \textit{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation}
- System (2nd ed.), Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
- 1994, ISBN 0-201-52983-1. \backrefprint
- Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and Alexander
- Samarin, \textit{The \LaTeX{} Companion}, second ed., Addison-Wesley
- Publishing Company, 2004, ISBN 0-201-36299-6. \backrefprint
- Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, and Frank
- Mittelbach, \textit{The \LaTeX{} Graphics Companion},
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1997, ISBN
- 0-201-85469-4. \backrefprint
-\bibitem{book:Goossens3} Michel Goossens, and Rahtz, Sebastian,
- with Gurari, Eitan, Moore, Ross, and Sutor, Robert,
- \textit{The \LaTeX\ Web Companion},
- Addison Wesley Longman, Reading, Massachusetts, USA, 1999.
- ISBN: 0-201-43311-7. \backrefprint
- Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly, \textit{A Guide to
- \LaTeX2e} (2nd ed.), Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
- 1995, ISBN 0-201-43777-X.
- Donald E. Knuth, \textit{The \TeX book}, Addison-Wesley
- Publishing Company, 1987, ISBN 0-201-13448-9. \backrefprint
- Thomas Merz, \textit{Web Publishing with Acrobat/PDF},
- Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1998,
- ISBN 3-540-63762-1. \backrefprint
- D.P. Story, \textit{Pdfmarks: Links and Forms}, AcroTeX Web
- Site, 1998. \backrefprint
- \lngln\hfill{\small\url{}}
- D.P. Story, \textit{Using \LaTeX\ to Create Quality PDF Documents for the
- WWW}, Acro\!\TeX\ Web Site, 1998. \backrefprint
- \srtln\hfill{\small\url{}}
- D. P. Story, \textsl{\AEBBook}, in preparation. \backrefprint
-% \printindex
- \renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{}%
- \@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}%
- {-3ex\@plus -1ex \@minus-.2ex}%
- {1ex\@plus .2ex}% 6pt
- {\noindent\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\color{aeb}}}%
- \renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\textbullet\enspace}%
- \@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}%
- {-2.5ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
- {1ex \@plus .2ex}%
- {\noindent\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\color{aeb}}}
- \renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\color{aeb}\large$\bullet$\enspace}
- \@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}%
- {-2ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
- {.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
- {\noindent\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}}
-\section{What's New}
-The following is a brief enumeration of some of the major new
-features of the \pkg{web} and \textsf{exerquiz} packages.
- \item (Version 4.1) Added the option \texttt{useui}, which is passed
- \textsf{eforms}. If \textsf{eforms} is subsequently loaded,
- \textsf{eforms} loads the xkeyval package, and key-value pairs are
- defined for use in the optional argument of form and link commands.
- See the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms manual} for details.
- \item (Version 4.1) Added a unicode option. This option is passed to hyperref, if eforms
- is subsequently loaded, eforms (and exerquiz) will accept {\LaTeX} markup in the optional
- argument of the form fields. See the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms manual} for details.
- \item (Version 4.1) Added the \texttt{turkish} language option. I extend my appreciation
- to Mahmut Ko\c{c}ak for this translation.
- \item (Version 4.0g) Added the command \cs{useFullWidthForPaper}, see the discussion
- in \Nameref{paperoptions}.
- \item (Version 4.0f) Added \cs{setScreensizeFromGraphic}, see
- \hyperref[setScreensizeFromGraphic]{Section~\ref*{setScreensizeFromGraphic}},
- page~\pageref*{setScreensizeFromGraphic}.
- \item (Version 4.0d) \cs{makeinlinetitle}, see \Nameref{inlinetitle}.
- \item (Version 4.0c) Added \cs{aboveTopTitleSkip}, the amount of skip above the first
- line on the title page, so the whole title can be move downwards, if
- desired. See the section \Nameref{top}.
- \item (Version 4.0) The pro option with many user-convenient features,
- see \Nameref{webpro}.
- \item (Version 4.0) New \Web{} options of \texttt{usesf},
- \hyperref[usesf]{page~\pageref*{usesf}} and \texttt{center\-title\-page},
- \hyperref[centertitle]{page~\pageref*{centertitle}}.
-\item[] \rule[2pt]{1in}{.4pt} Older New Stuff \rule[2pt]{1in}{.4pt}
- \item (Version 3.3) Made many internal changes for my new package, the
- \textsf{\textcolor{blue}{Acro\!\TeX{} Presentation Bundle}} (\cAPB), yet
- to be released, but see \url{} for details and demos.
- \item (Version 3.3) Added some commands for running headers
- and footers, these are \cs{lheader}, \cs{cheader}, \cs{rheader},
- \cs{lfooter}, \cs{cfooter}, \cs{rfooter}, \cs{clearHeaders} and \cs{re\-store\-Head\-ers}.
- \item (Version 3.2) Added support for the Dr. Uwe Kern's \textsf{xcolor}
- package. Unrecognized options are passed to the color package,
- in particular, the \textsf{(x)color} option \texttt{dvipsnames} is passed
- from \Web{} to the color package.
- \item[] If available, \textsf{xcolor} is used, otherwise
- \pkg{web} uses the standard \textsf{color} package.
- \item[] There is a \texttt{noxcolor} which should be used as a
- global option, that is passed as an option of the class. Thus,
- will cause \pkg{web} (and other packages such as
- \textsf{PSTricks}) to use the \textsf{color} package, even
- though \textsf{xcolor} may be present.
- \item (Version 3.2) Added a \texttt{nobullets} option. When taken, the bullets
- that traditionally appear for the \cs{subsubection} now appear
- with subsubsection numbers.
- \item (Version 3.2) Added a \texttt{draft} option: When you take this option,
- graphic overlays are not allowed. This is useful when you rely
- heavily on graphic overlays, but during the development phase,
- don't need to read and re-read your overlays. The defined
- background colors will be used instead. Remove this option to
- build the final version of your document.
- \item (Version 3.2) Defined macros for conveniently
- setting the color of some of the title page elements:
- \cs{titleColor}, \cs{authorColor} and \cs{universityColor}.
- Each takes a single argument, a named color. The defaults are
- \item (Version 3.2) Changed optional argument for the template commands
- \cs{template} and \cs{panel\-template}:
- The optional argument \texttt{[<includegraphics\_opts>]} can be used
- to pass options to the underlying \cs{includegraphics} command. Do
- not use the \texttt{width} and \texttt{height} keys; probably, it is
- safest to use only the Boolean keys. The Boolean key
- \texttt{hiresbb} is quite useful when stretching a small graphic to
- fit over a larger area. The one required argument is the path to the
- graphic file.
- \item (Version 3.2) Added a number of new commands to improve template management. See
- the \texttt{web.dtx} for documentation.
- \item (Version 3.2) Added language option \texttt{czech}, the translation due
- to Robert Marik.
- \item (Version 3.2) Added language option \texttt{catalan}, the translation due
- to Ramon Ballester.
- \item (Version 3.2) Added language option \texttt{brazil}, the translation due to
- Koichi Sameshima.
- \item Added language \texttt{finnish} Options. Translation due
- to Paivi Porras.
- \item Added a \texttt{\hyperref[forcolorpaper]{forcolorpaper}} option. This is the same as \texttt{forpaper}
- but the color operators are not turned off.
- \item Added three new options for creating color backgrounds
- and overlays, \texttt{usetemplates}. \texttt{rightpanel} and
- \texttt{leftpanel}, see the section \Nameref{ss:templates}.
- The various template options requires the \textsf{eso-pic}
- package by Rolf Niepraschk and the \textsf{everyshi} package
- by Martin Schr\"oder. The \textsf{web package} supports graphics overlays
- for the \texttt{dvipsone}, \texttt{dvips}, \texttt{pdftex} and
- \texttt{dvipdfm} options.
- \item Added a command to create navigation icons,
- \nameref{ss:newnaviicon}, page~\pageref{ss:newnaviicon}.
- \item Added a \texttt{textures} option, due to Ross Moore.
- \item Made some minor changes to make \pkg{web} work better
- with the \texttt{book} document class.
- \item The introduction of the \textsf{polish} option. This
- makes a total of nine localizations of \textsf{web/exerquiz}:
- french, german, norsk, dutch, spanish, italian, russian,
- dansk and polish.
- \item Set an alias between \cs{marginsize} and \cs{margins}.
- The latter is used by pdfscreen. This will make it easier for
- people to switch between using web and pdfscreen. The use of
- \cs{marginsize} is now deprecated.
- \item (Version 6.3) Added the option \texttt{useui}, which is passed
- \textsf{eforms}. If \textsf{eforms} is subsequently loaded,
- \textsf{eforms} loads the xkeyval package, and key-value pairs are
- defined for use in the optional argument of form and link commands.
- See the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms manual} for details.
- \item (Version 6.3) Added a unicode option. This option is passed to hyperref, if eforms
- is subsequently loaded, eforms (and exerquiz) will accept {\LaTeX} markup in the optional
- argument of the form fields. See the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms manual} for details.
- \item (Version 6.3) Added the \texttt{turkish} language option. I extend my appreciation
- to Mahmut Ko\c{c}ak for this translation.
- \item (Version 6.2d) Added \cs{titleQuiz} and \cs{fancyQuizHeaders},
- see \hyperref[titleQuiz]{Section~\ref*{titleQuiz}}, page~\pageref*{titleQuiz}
- and \hyperref[titleQuizSQ]{Section~\ref*{titleQuizSQ}}, page~\pageref*{titleQuizSQ}.
- \item (Version 6.2c) Added a feature that I have used for years to \textsf{exerquiz}:
- see the section titled \Nameref{showcreditmarkup}.
- \item (Version 6.2a) Added a feature for bookmarking exercises and quizzes,
- see \hyperref[bmExQz]{Section~\ref*{bmExQz}} on page~\pageref*{bmExQz}.
- \item (Version 6.2) Added the manswers environment for multiple answer
- questions, that is, multiple choice questions that have several correct
- answers. Multiple selection is permitted. See the \Nameref{manswersQuiz}.
- \item (Version 6.1) Added the ability to randomize the multiple
- choice alternatives, see the two sections \Nameref{ss:allowrandomize} and
- \Nameref{s:random} for details.
- \item (Version 6.05f) For inputting math fill-in responses. \texttt{log} now means common log,
- and as before \texttt{ln} means natural log. Also,
- re-engineered things so that math fill-in now accepts, and
- correctly interprets, scientific notation (using E-notation)
- $\texttt{<decimal\_number>}\text{E}\texttt{<integer>}$. The
- capital letter E represents ``times ten raised to the power'',
- the lower case e is reserved for use as the natural number.
- \item (Version 6.05d) Added option \texttt{showgrayletters},
- see \Nameref{showgraylettersOpt}.
- \item (Version 6.05e) Added \cs{setMClabelsep} and
- \cs{resetMClabelsep} to adjust the horizontal distance between
- the label and text for multiple choice questions. See the
- discussion in \Nameref{BasicUsage}.
- \item (Version 6.05g) Added \cs{renameSolnAfterTo} for conveniently
- changing the solution after label, and
- \cs{resetSolnAfterToDefault} for resetting back to the default.
- These two commands are available for use in \textsf{exerquiz} or
- in \textsf{eqexam}. There is a brief discussion of these
- commands in \Nameref{sss:solutionsafter}.
- \item (Version 6.05c) Added the commands \Com{DeclareQuiz}, \Com{floatQuiz},
- \Com{startQuizHere}, \Com{endQuizHere}, and \Com{dockQuiz}. to
- start a quiz in an arbitrary place prior to the beginning of the
- quiz. See \Nameref{floatQuiz}.
-\item[] \rule[2pt]{1in}{.4pt} Older New Stuff \rule[2pt]{1in}{.4pt}
-\item (Version 6.03) Added the \hyperref[bChoices]{\cs{bChoices}}/\cs{eChoices} command
- pair, this makes it easy to lay out multiple choice alternatives.
-\item (Version 6.0) Improved the \texttt{mathGrp} environment so
- that it treats grouped question truly as a unit. Added two
- optional parameters to the environment. The document author
- can specify a JavaScript function to grade the grouped
- questions. Despite its name, \texttt{mathGrp} environment
- works for text fill-in as well as math fill-ins (but not for
- multiple choice). The \texttt{mathGrp} environment also now
- works for the \texttt{shortquiz} environment (in addition to
- the \texttt{quiz} environment). See \Nameref{grouped}.
- \item Separated the \href{eformman.pdf}{eforms} support from
- the \textsf{exerquiz} package. \textsf{eforms} is now a
- stand-alone package that can be used by people who may want to
- use PDF forms outside the context of a document that contains
- quizzes. See the demo file \texttt{eforms\_tst.tex}.
- \item \textcolor{red}{Important:} There is one required
- parameter for the \texttt{quiz} environment, a base name used
- to build the names of the form fields used in the quiz, e.g.,
- \verb+\begin{quiz}{qzQuiz1}+. Now this base name of the quiz
- should only contain ascii characters or numbers. This name is
- now used to construct a JavaScript object, so it must be a
- valid JavaScript object name. For example \texttt{qzQuiz1} is
- correct, but \texttt{qz:Quiz-1} is not.
- \item Created \cs{@PromptButton} a new correct answer button for quizzes. Quiz
- questions might have a series of parts in which the answer
- to one part depends on the answer to the previous part.
- With \cs{@PromptButton}, the answer can be optionally
- provided while the student is taking the quiz. See the section on the
- Prompt Button for details.
- \item Created a grouping environment for math fill-in questions. See the section
- entitled Grouping Math Fill-in Questions.
- \item Added a \texttt{noquizsolutions} option -- mostly for online quizzing --
- see page~\pageref{sss:noquizsolutions}.
- \item Changed the behavior of \cs{CorrButton}: If \hyperref[sss:nocorrections]{\texttt{nocorrections}}
- is used, the \cs{CorrButton} does not appear. This is reasonable,
- \cs{CorrButton} is used to display corrections to the quiz.
- \item Modified the \texttt{questions} environment so that it behaves more like
- standard {\LaTeX} list environments. You can now nest the \texttt{questions}
- environment three deep. See \texttt{pc\_test.tex} for examples.
- \item Added an optional argument to the \cs{Ans} command for multiple-choice questions
- for assigning \textit{partial credit}. See the demo file \texttt{pc\_test.tex}.
- \item Modified the behavior of the link-type multiple choice questions When you select
- an alternative, a check appears superimposed over the letter. I've removed the
- alert dialog informing the user that he has change his selection. The file
- \texttt{pc\_test.tex} illustrates this.
- \item The \hyperref[paraRespBoxNine]{ninth parameter} of \cs{RespBoxMath} has been modified to take an JS object.
- This object can have two properties:
-{ [ priorParse: <js function> | <array of js functions> ],
- [ comp: <compare function> ] }
- The \texttt{priorParse} property is used to filter the user's answer prior to be fully parsed,
- while the \texttt{comp} property is used to specify a custom compare function.
- See the demo file \texttt{integer\_tst.tex} for examples.
- \item Again for the math fill-in (\cs{RespBoxMath}), the way in which you specify variables (the
- \hyperlink{paraRespBoxThree}{third parameter})
- has changed: Specify the variables using a comma-delimited list, for example, \texttt{(r:x,i:n,y)}.
- Typing the variables has been introduced: \texttt{r:x} means that \texttt{x} is a real variable (the default)
- and \texttt{i:n} means that \texttt{n} is an integer variable. See the demo file \texttt{integer\_tst.tex}.
- \item Added complete support with \textsf{eForms}. Integrated
- this support into the quiz environments. See the \texttt{\href{eformman.pdf}{eForms Manual}}
- documentation file for complete details.
- \item Documented the use of form check boxes with the \texttt{shortquiz}
- environment and introduced the commands
- \begin{Verbatim}[xleftmargin=\amtIndent]
- \sqTurnOffAlerts,\sqTurnOnAlerts,\sqNoCorrections,\sqNoCorrections
- \end{Verbatim}
- to control response feedback.
- \item Added language \texttt{finnish} Options. Translation due
- to Paivi Porras.
- \item Eliminated the need for the \cs{ifforAcroV} switch in the
- \texttt{*.ins} files. I've written new code that detects whether Acro4 or
- Acro5 is being used; in the latter case, a \texttt{try/catch} strategy is
- used to catch exceptions.
- \item Added a \texttt{textures} option, due to Ross Moore.
- \item Wrote same JavaScripts and placed them in the \texttt{dljslib} to
- process questions in which an equation is the expected answer. See the
- sample file \texttt{jqzequat.tex}.
- \item Wrote the \texttt{dljslib} Package, this is a library of JavaScript
- functions that extends the capabilities of \textsf{exerquiz}.
- \item Extended math fill-in questions to include arbitrary multivariate
- questions. See the sample file \texttt{multivar.tex}.
- \item Added several macros: \cs{defaultquiztype} and
- \cs{quiztype}. The first command takes no arguments, the
- second on takes one: either l or f; e.g. \verb+quiztype{f}+
- (\verb+quiztype{l}+) causes the quiz environment to ignore the
- optional `quiztype' parameter (\texttt* or no \texttt*) and to
- use a form-type (resp.\ link-type). Placing
- \cs{defaultquiztype} reverts the quiz environment back to its
- default behavior (obeying the first optional parameter).
- \item Added the convenience commands for the \texttt{quiz} environment: \cs{useBeginQuizButton},
- \cs{use\-EndQuizButton}, \cs{useBeginQuizLink} and \cs{useEndQuizLink}.
- See \mlNameref{sss:FormButton} for details.\footnote{This link requires Adobe Reader 7.0 or later.}
- \item Added the \texttt{noHiddensolutions} for \textsf{exerquiz}, and
- added an `\texttt{H}' option for exercises to hide solutions, see
- \nameref{sss:hide} and \nameref{sss:noHideopt}, for details.
- \item Added a method of assigning points to a quiz question. Useful
- for submitting questions to a CGI for recording in a database.
- \item Added a \texttt{noPeeking()} JS function and supporting macros.
- When the \cs{NoPeeking} command is executed, the student cannot
- see the solutions to the quizzes (not shortquizzes) by browsing
- through the file. See \Nameref{sss:nopeek}.
- \item Added new JS functions \texttt{lowThreshold()} and
- \texttt{highThreshold()}. I modified the end of quiz macros to
- incorporate the calling of one of these two (or calling a
- document author defined routine). See \Nameref{threshold}.
- \item Added a `\texttt{debug}' option, which gets passed on
- to \texttt{insdljs} package. This can be used to write some
- debugging commands within your JS. (\Nameref{sss:debug})
- \item For math fill-ins, the author does not use the
- JavaScript syntax; the author can use simplified notation, e.g,
- \verb+2*x*e^(x^2)+ instead of \texttt{2*x*exp(pow(x,2))}.
- Author's answer now passes through the ParseInput JS routine.
- \item Now the document author can define a custom
- JS function to process an answer. Also, when writing
- Math fill-in questions, you can also define your
- own variable (no longer restricted to just `$x$').
- \item Added in a \texttt{solutions} environment to
- \texttt{quiz} environment. Added additional optional parameter
- into the \cs{RespBox}, \cs{RespBoxTxt} macros to indicate the
- presence of a solution. The solution is viewed by
- shift-clicking on the ``Ans'' Button (\cs{CorrAnsButton}). A
- button or checkbox that has a solution has a boundary color of
- \cs{solutionColor}.
- \item \texttt{Exerquiz} now uses the package \texttt{insDLSJ} to
- insert document level JavaScripts; this gives the document author
- a chance to write custom JavaScripts. I've also modified many macros
- that enable the document author to ``hook'' into.
- \item New command \cs{RespBoxEssay} that can be used to pose
- Essay-type questions. The question is not evaluated by JavaScript
- within the document; rather, this question should be submitted
- to a CGI for later review by the instructor.
- \item \cs{RespBoxMath} has been defined to be the same as
- \cs{RespBox} to give a little more consistency in naming.
- \item The use of \cs{RespBoxNT} has been deprecated. Added in
- feature to customize the comparison of two answers.
- \item Added a text fill-in question type that can be used in the
- \texttt{short\-quiz} and \texttt{quiz} environments.
- (\Nameref{sss:oTxtQ})
- \item A \texttt{preview} option has been added. When this
- option is used, the bounding rectangles of all form fields
- are framed so their positions can be seen in a dvi previewer.
- See \mlNameref{sss:preview}.\footnote{This link requires Adobe Reader 7.0 or later.}
- \end{questions}
- \subsection{insdljs}
- The \texttt{insdljs} Package is a general purpose \LaTeX{} package
- for inserting Acrobat JavaScript into the document level section
- of a PDF document. The package features the \texttt{insDLJS}
- environment. This environment typically goes in the preamble of a
- \LaTeX{} source file, or in the style files of a \LaTeX{} package.
- See the documentation contained within the \texttt{insdljs.dtx}
- file for additional details. There is a sample file,
- \texttt{insdljs\_ex.tex} that can be used as a startup test file.
- \item (Version 2.0f) Added a command \cs{previewMiKTeX} which redefines \cs{jsR} and
- \cs{jsT} that enables, I hope, the \textsf{yap} previewer to preview
- an \textsf{AeB} document.
- \item Added the \texttt{defineJS} environment. Use this environment to
- write JavaScript for buttons and other form fields.
- \item Added the \texttt{execJS} environment. Use this environment to write
- ``discardable'' JavaScript that will execute when the newly created document is opened
- in the Acrobat Viewer. (The Acrobat Viewer, not the Reader, is required.)
- See the demo file \texttt{execjstst.tex}.
-The \texttt{dljslib} Package acts as a library of JavaScript
-functions. Due to the increased programmability of
-\texttt{exerquiz} and its new-found flexibility, it is possible to
-write a number of different routines to handle various kinds of
-math fill-in questions. These JavaScript functions can be stored
-in the library and retrieved when needed. This package requires
-the \texttt{insdljs} package.
- \begin{questions}
- \item There are some major user-contributed JavaScript routines.
- The following functions, which are \texttt{ProcResp}-types, were
- written for an online grading system being developed by Drs.\
- Bruce Wagner and David Arnold, and Mr. Jacob Miles-Prystowsky.
- The descriptions given below were provided by the authors.
- I want to extend my deep thanks for their contribution! See the
- documentation of \textsf{dljslib.dtx} for extended details.
- \begin{questions}
- \item The JS function \texttt{ProcRespSetFormula} grades an
- unordered list of formulas, such as \texttt{x}, \verb!x^2!, \verb!x^3!.
- \item \texttt{ProcRespFactors} is for grading polynomial factoring
- questions. If a polynomial factors as
- \verb!-5x^2(x-4)(x+2)!, the answer is only unique
- up to the order of factors and a change of sign on an
- even number of factors. For example, it could also be
- written as \verb!-5x^2(x+2)(x-4)! or
- \verb!5x^2(-x+4)(x+2)! or \verb!-5(x-4)(x+2)x^2!, etc.
- This script should grade all of these correctly.
- \item The JS function \texttt{ProcPoint} is almost an exact copy of
- the JS function \texttt{ProcVec}, but uses parentheses instead of angle brackets as
- delimiters. This is for questions that have a point $(x,y)$ as the
- answer.
- \item \texttt{ProcRespIntervals} is for grading questions that have an
- interval or union of intervals as the answer.
- \end{questions}
- \item[] The sample file for this contribution is \texttt{dljslib\_apw.tex}.
- \item Added a feature whereby you can create a file
- \texttt{libcusopt.opt} to declare your own options for this
- package. These declarations should be a combination of existing options.
- For example,
- vectors,setSupport,equations,intervals,%
- unordered,point,factors,ImplMulti}
- creates a new option for \textsf{dljslib} called \texttt{procrespgrp} which bundles
- together all frequently used JS functions frequently used. The file
- \texttt{libcusopt.opt} can be placed in the {\LaTeX} search path, but it's perhaps
- best to put it in your source file, so that the options are local to that folder.
- The command \cs{includeOptions} is defined in \texttt{dljslit.dtx}.
- \item[] A sample \texttt{libcusopt.opt} is distributed with the
- {\AEB}, this sample file consists of the example given above,
- and is used by the sample file \texttt{dljslib\_apw.tex}.
-\item[] \rule[2pt]{1in}{.4pt} Older New Stuff \rule[2pt]{1in}{.4pt}
- \item Added an option \texttt{limitArith} to the
- \textsf{dljslib}, which limits the use of arithmetic operations
- and built-in functions. The demo file is
- \texttt{limarth.tex}, found in the \texttt{dljslib\_examples}
- folder. \item Added \texttt{setSupport} option to
- \textsf{dljslib}. This gives support to math fill-in questions
- for processing (1) a set of numerical answers or a comma
- delimited list of answers; (2) a symbolic set of answers. The
- demo file is \texttt{set\_test.tex}.
- \item Added \texttt{combinatorics}, \texttt{nodec} and
- \texttt{noBinFac} to the JavaScript library. These additions
- are due to Ross Moore and Frances Griffin and were developed
- for their
- \href{}{MacQ{\TeX}}
- online testing system. Some of the changes listed in the
- \textsf{exerquiz} section above were to accommodate these new
- functions (for example, having integer variables). Many, many
- thanks for generously sharing their JavaScript with the
- \TeX/PDF community. The test file for these features is
- \texttt{integer\_tst.tex}.
-% See the documentation contained within the \texttt{dljslib.dtx} document, and
-% see \Nameref{sss:dljslib}.
-\section{What's Old}
-\paragraph*{History.} The \pkg{web} and \textsf{exerquiz} packages were written in
-preparation for a two-day workshop on \LaTeX/PDF that I gave at
-the \textcolor{red}{College of the Redwoods}, April~30-May~1,
-1999, at the invitation of David Arnold. The workshop forced me
-to take many of the basic macros that I had developed in plain
-\TeX\ and convert them to \LaTeX.
-Significant additions to the \textsf{exerquiz} were made immediately
-following the $\text{20}^{\text{th}}$ Annual Conference of the \TeX\
-User's Group (\textsf{tug}), in August, 1999, Vancouver, British
-Columbia, which I attended.
-The \textsf{insdljs} package was written for the $\text{22}^{\text{nd}}$
-Annual Conference of the \TeX\ User's Group (\textsf{tug}), in
-August 2001, at the University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.
-The \texttt{execJS} environment was created as a result of some
-work I did for the Seybold SF Convention, 2002 (see article at
-the techniques were first presented to the PDF public at this
-convention. My complete presentation from that conference is
-again available from
-\paragraph*{Acknowledgements.} Noel Vaillant, \url{}, deserves my thanks for
-his enthusiasm for the \pkg{web} style file and his initial
-work on it inspired me to make a serious effort at writing a
-\LaTeX\ package.
-Thanks also goes out to Jean-Michel Sarlat for writing a French
-version of the \pkg{web} and \textsf{exerquiz} packages. See
-his \href{}{Syracuse} Web site. He
-urged me to include a language option. Thanks also goes to
-Michael Wiedmann who suggested a language option many months
-earlier, but I'm afraid it landed on deaf ears at the time.
-These two provided the translations for the \texttt{french} and
-\texttt{german} options. (January 1, 2000)
-My thanks to Heiko Oberdiek, who took a close look at
-\textsf{insdljs}. He made several suggestions, and urged me to
-make some significant improvements to this package.
-Now, I really must get back to retirement.\enspace\dps
- Acrobat JavaScript Scripting Refernce, Technical Note \#5431, Version~6.0.,
- Adobe Systems, Inc., 200\\ \url{}
- Leslie Lamport, \textit{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation}
- System (2nd ed.), Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
- 1994, ISBN 0-201-52983-1.
- Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and Alexander
- Samarin, \textit{The \LaTeX{} Companion}, Addison-Wesley
- Publishing Company, 1994, ISBN 0-201-54199-8.
- Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, and Frank
- Mittelbach, \textit{The \LaTeX{} Graphics Companion},
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1997, ISBN
- 0-201-85469-4.
-\bibitem{book:Goossens3} Michel Goossens, and Rahtz, Sebastian,
- with Gurari, Eitan, Moore, Ross, and Sutor, Robert,
- \textit{The \LaTeX\ Web Companion},
- Addison Wesley Longman, Reading, Massachusetts, USA, 1999.
- ISBN: 0-201-43311-7.
- Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly, \textit{A Guide to
- \LaTeX2e} (2nd ed.), Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
- 1995, ISBN 0-201-43777-X.
- Donald E. Knuth, \textit{The \TeX book}, Addison-Wesley
- Publishing Company, 1987, ISBN 0-201-13448-9.
- Thomas Merz, \textit{Web Publishing with Acrobat/PDF},
- Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1998,
- ISBN 3-540-63762-1.
- D.P. Story, \textit{Pdfmarks: Links and Forms}, AcroTeX Web
- Site, 1998,\\\url{}
- D.P. Story, \textit{Using \LaTeX\ to Create Quality PDF Documents for the
- WWW}, Acro\!\TeX\ Web Site, 1998,\\
- \url{}
-% \printindex
-I copied the file from texmf/dvips/ams
-to texmf/pdftex/base. I then edited the file
-pdftex.cfg and included the line
-map % to get dings
-output_format 1
-compress_level 9
-decimal_digits 2
-page_width 210mm
-page_height 297mm
-horigin 1in
-vorigin 1in
-% map
-% map
-% map
-% map
-% map
-% map
-% map
-% map
-\subsubsection{An Example}\label{sss:quizexample}
-%\renewcommand\bqlabel{Begin Quiz}
-%\renewcommand\eqlabel{End Quiz}
-The following example is used at the Acro\!\TeX\ Web Site in a
-demonstration program on how to use \emph{Adobe's FDF Toolkit} to
-process form data from a pdf file. (Form data exported from a pdf
-file is in the \emph{Forms Data Format}, or FDF.) The url for
-this demonstration program is \url{\bUrl/demo/quiz1_q.pdf}.
-\begin{quiz*}{QuizTotal} Answer each of the following. Passing is 100\%.
-\item Calculate the limit, if it exists, otherwise, state that it does not
-exist (d.n.e.).
- \lim_{x\to3}\frac{\sqrt{3x}(x^2-4)^2}{x^2-2x-1}.
-\Ans0 $75$ &\Ans1 $\dfrac{75}2$ &\Ans0 $25$ &\Ans0 d.n.e.
-\item Calculate the limit, if it exists, otherwise, state that it does not
-exist (d.n.e.).
- \lim_{t\to2}\frac{t^2-4}{t-2}.
-\Ans0 $2$ &\Ans0 $+\infty$ &\Ans1 4 &\Ans0 d.n.e.
-\item Calculate the limit,
-$\displaystyle\lim_{t\to2^-}\frac{t^2}{t-2}$, if it exists, otherwise,
-state that it does not exist (d.n.e.).
-\Ans1 $-\infty$ &\Ans0 $+\infty$ &\Ans0 $4$ &\Ans0 d.n.e.
-\item Using one-sided limit techniques, determine whether the limit
-$\lim_{x\to2}f(x)$ exists and state its value, where
- f(x) = \begin{cases}
- |x^2-5| & \text{for }x\le2 \\
- \dfrac{x-2}{x-2} & \text{for }x>2
- \end{cases}
-\Ans0 $-1$& \Ans0 0 &\Ans1 1 &\Ans0 d.n.e.
-\item Calculate the limit,
-if it exists, otherwise, state that it does not
-exist (d.n.e.).
-\Ans0 $\dfrac1{\sqrt6}$ &\Ans1 $\dfrac{\sqrt6}{12}$ &
- \Ans0 $\dfrac12$ &\Ans0 d.n.e.
-\item There is some function $f$ and some number $a$ in the domain of
-$f$ such that
- f'(a)=\lim_{x\to-2}\frac{\sqrt{x+8}-\sqrt6}{x+2}
-Name the function $f$ and the number $a$.
-\Ans1 \strut$f(x)=\sqrt{x+8}$; $a=-2$ &\Ans0 $f(x)=\sqrt{x}$; $a=-2$\\[3pt]
-\Ans0 \strut$f(x)=\sqrt{x+8}$; $a=0$ &\Ans0 $f(x)=\sqrt{x+8}$; $a=2$
-{\TextField[width=3in,name=QuizTotal,bordercolor=0 0 1,default=\eqScore]{}}
-The partial code for this quiz looks like this.
-\symbolchoice{diamond} % change to diamond `check'
-\begin{quiz*}{QuizTotal} Answer each of the following....
- default=\eqScore,bordercolor=0 0 1,width=3in]{}}
-\begin{quiz*}{qzTeXc} Answer each of the following. Passing
-is 100\%.
-\item What \TeX\ System does Thomas Esser maintain?
-\Ans0 MiK\TeX &\Ans0 cs\TeX &\Ans1 te\TeX &\Ans0 fp\TeX
-\item What \TeX\ System does Fabrice Popineau maintain?
-\Ans0 MiK\TeX &\Ans0 cs\TeX &\Ans0 te\TeX &\Ans1 fp\TeX
-\item What \TeX\ System does Christian Schenk maintain?
-\Ans1 MiK\TeX &\Ans0 cs\TeX &\Ans0 te\TeX &\Ans0 fp\TeX
-\raisebox{-2pt}{\renewcommand\LayoutTextField[2]{% label, field
-\TextField[name=qzTeXc,width=1.25in,align={0 /Ff 1},
- default=\eqScore]{}\raisebox{3.5pt}{%
- \CorrButton[\BC{0 0 1}% blue border color
- \CA{TeX}% Button text
- \RC{Users}% rollover text
- \AC{Group}% pushed text
- \DA{/TiRo 10 Tf 0 0 1 rg}% times roman, 10 pt, blue text
-% \W{1}\S{I}%
- \BS{/W 1 /S /I}% % border width 1, inset button
- ]{qzTeXc}}}
-\begin{quiz}*{qzTeX} Answer each of the following. Passing
-is 100\%.
-\item Who created \TeX?
-\Ans1 Knuth &\Ans0 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-\item Who originally wrote \LaTeX?
-\Ans0 Knuth &\Ans1 Lamport &\Ans0 Carlisle &\Ans0 Rahtz
-\subsection{Greater Customization with
- \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{TextField}}
- {\textbackslash TextField}}\label{ss:modoutputfield}
-The \cs{ScoreField} macro is defined as
- \TextField[name=#2,default=\eqScore,align={0 /Ff 1},#1]{}}
-\noindent You can see the command takes one required argument and one
-optional argument (the required one is label \texttt{\#2} and the
-optional one is \texttt{\#1}). The required argument becomes the
-\texttt{name} of the field, and the optional parameter is just
-added into the parameter list of \cs{TextField}. You can also see
-the \texttt{value} of the field is set to \cs{eqScore}, which
-expands to `Score:' in English.
-More sophisticated score fields can be obtained by manipulating
-\cs{TextField} directly.
-We can modify the appearance of the text field in a couple of
-ways: (1) by changing some of the options in \cs{TextField}; (2)
-changing the macro definition of \cs{LayoutTextField}.
-\subsubsection{Admissible key-value pairs of
- {\textbackslash TextField}}\label{sss:modtextfield}
-In this section we will outline methods of modifying the
-appearance of \cs{TextField} text box, which is a macro defined in
-the \pkg{hyperref} package.
-The following table lists several useful options for
-%Numerous examples on how to use these options
-%follow the table.
-\color{blue} \cs{TextField} Options: Dimension Related} \\ [3pt]
-height & dimen & & height of box \\
-width & dimen & & width of field box \\ [12pt]
-\color{blue} \cs{TextField} Options: Text Related} \\ [3pt] align
-&name &0 & $0=\text{left-aligned}$,\newline
- $1=\text{centered}$\newline
- $2=\text{right-aligned}$ \\
-charsize & dimen & 10pt & Font size of text \\ [12pt]
-\color{blue} \cs{TextField} Options: Color Related} \\ [3pt]
-backgroundcolor & RGB &1 1 1& Color of background color.\\
-bordercolor & RGB & 1 0 0 & Color of the border.\\ [12pt]
-color & RGB & 0 0 0 & Color of text within field\\
-borderstyle & name &S& S (solid), B (beveled),
- I (insert), U (underlined) \\ [12pt]
-\color{blue} \cs{TextField} Options: Style Related} \\ [3pt]
-borderwidth & number & 1 & Width of the border of the
- box (in points)\\[12pt]
-\color{blue} \cs{TextField} Options: Field Related} \\ [3pt]
-default & & & default value of the field \\
-name & name & & name of the field\\
-readonly & Boolean& false & set read-only switch
-A complete list of options comes with the \pkg{hyperref}
-documentation; or see Michel Goossens \textit{et
-al}~\cite{book:Goossens3}, entitled \textit{The \LaTeX\ Web
-We next present several examples that illustrate the use of these
-\subsubsection{Some Examples of
- {\textbackslash Textfield}}\label{sss:exampltextfield}
-\TextField[width=2in,name=QuizTotal,bordercolor=0 0 1,
- default=\eqScore]{}
- bordercolor=0 0 1,default=\eqScore]{}
-\noindent The \texttt{readonly} is an important attribute to have---the
-students cannot modify their score. Unfortunately,
-\texttt{readonly} \emph{does not work} with \pkg{hyperref}. To
-overcome this ``bug'' in \pkg{hyperref}, you have to be a
-little sneaky.
-\TextField[width=2in,name=Example,bordercolor=0 0 1,
- backgroundcolor=0.98 0.92 0.73,color=1 0 0,align={0 /Ff 1},
- default=Text Field with Various Options]{}
-\TextField[width=2in,name=Example,bordercolor=0 0 1,
- backgroundcolor=0.98 0.92 0.73,color=1 0 0,
- align={0 /Ff 1}, % realonly is /Ff 1 in pdf code
- default=Text Field with Various Options]{}
-\noindent The read only key-value (\texttt{/Ff 1}) can ``ride'' into the
-code on the ``back'' of the \texttt{align} parameter.
-(\texttt{align=0} means left-aligned in the text field.)
-\TextField[width=2in,name=Example,bordercolor=1 1 1,color=0 0 1,
- backgroundcolor=.753 .753 .753,borderstyle=B,align={1 /Ff 1},
- default=Your Score goes here]{}
-\TextField[width=1.25in,name=Example,bordercolor=1 1 1,
- backgroundcolor=.753 .753 .753,color=0 0 1,
- borderstyle=B,align={1 /Ff 1}, % /Ff 1 = readonly
- default=Your Score goes here]{}
-\texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{LayoutTextField}} {\textbackslash
-\renewcommand\LayoutTextField[2]{#1 #2}
-The macro \cs{LayoutTextField} allows you to design how your text
-box is formated by \TeX. The default definition for
-\pkg{hyperref} is
- \newcommand\LayoutTextField[2]{#1 #2}
-\noindent The first argument is the \textsf{label}, the second is the
-textfield. For example, above definition yields:\\
-\TextField[width=2.4in,name=Name]{\bfseries Enter your name: }
- \TextField[width=2.5in,name=Name]{Enter your name: }
-The \textsf{exerquiz} package redefines this to
-\renewcommand\LayoutTextField[2]{% label, field
- \medskip\noindent#2}
-Finally, the field examples given earlier had the following
-definition for \cs{LayoutTextField}:
- \makebox[\parindent][l]{\large\textcolor{red}
- {$\blacktriangleright$}}}
- \raisebox{-3pt}{#2}}
-\noindent I lowered the text field to line up better with the
-\texttt{amssymb} symbol \cs{blacktriangleright}
-($\blacktriangleright$), which is painted red. In this way we
-\TextField[width=2in,name=QuizTotal,bordercolor=0 0 1,
- default=\eqScore]{}
-\TextField[width=2in,name=QuizTotal,bordercolor=0 0 1,
- default=\eqScore]{}
-\subsubsection{Custom Comparisons}\label{cusComp}
-This section is devoted to customizing the method of comparison
-for the math type objective question using \cs{RespBoxMath} command.
-When the user enters an answer into the response box, a
-document level JavaScript function, \texttt{ProcResp}, is called.
-As discussed earlier, the value of the expression entered by the
-user is compared the corresponding value of the answer given by
-the document author. The key word in the last sentence is ``compared''. There
-is a compare function that compares the author's answer with the user's answer.
-In general, the \texttt{ProcResp} passes five parameters to a compare function.
-The compare function can be be customized by the document author; there is, however,
-a standard, or default, compare function. It is defined as follows:
-function diffCompare(a,b,c,F,G) {
- var x;
- with(Math) {
- x = c;
- F = eval(F);
- G = eval(G);
- return abs ( F - G );
- }
-\noindent The meaning of these five parameters of this comparison function are
- \item[\ttfamily a:] The left-hand endpoint of the interval.
- \item[\ttfamily b:] The right-hand endpoint of the interval.
- \item[\ttfamily c:] The point at which both the user and author answers are to
- be evaluated.
- \item[\ttfamily F:] The author's answer, a function in $x$.
- \item[\ttfamily G:] The user's answer, a function in $x$.
-The function \texttt{diffCompare} evaluates each of the two
-functions \texttt F and \texttt G at \texttt{x = c}, and returns
-the absolute difference in the two. For this simple comparison, the parameters
-\texttt a and \texttt b are not used.
-The \texttt{diffCompare} will be sufficient for most, but not
-all mathematical questions. For example, consider the following question:
-$\displaystyle\int \sin(x)\,dx = $\space
-There are infinitely many answers, all of them of the form $-\cos(x)+C$. Note that
-the only input that is marked as correct is $-\cos(x)$, the JavaScript does not judge
-$-\cos(x)+1$, to be correct, for example. The problem is, of course, the method of
-comparison, \texttt{diffCompare}, is not appropriate to this particular problem.
-The above question needs a specialized method of comparison. Consider
-the compare function:
-function indefCompare(a,b,c,F,G) {
- var C, eqx;
- with(Math) {
- eqx = a;
- C = eval(F)-eval(G);
- eqx = c;
- F = eval(F);
- G = eval(G);
- return abs( F - G - C );
- }
-\noindent This environment was placed in the preamble of this document, and uses the
-\texttt{insdljs} package, which comes with the \texttt{exerquiz} distribution.
-This will add the function \texttt{indefCompare} function to the document level
-JavaScript section of the PDF file when it is created.
-\redpoint It is \emph{important} to note that when you are writing your
-own compare functions, the independent variable must be named
-`\texttt{eqx}'. The functions \texttt F and \texttt G have been
-searched and their original independent variable has been replaced with
-`\texttt{eqx}'. To get a correct evaluation, therefore, any compare functions
-must use the `\texttt{eqx}' to evaluate the functions.
-Let's try that same question, but with this compare function instead of the
-default compare function
-$\displaystyle\int \sin(x)\,dx = $\space
-Now, if you enter $-\cos(x) + 10$, for example, that answer will be judged as
-correct by \texttt{ProcResp}.
-The code for the above response box is
-$\displaystyle\int \sin(x)\,dx = $\space
-\noindent The optional ninth parameter is present in the
-\cs{\hyperlink{paraRespBox}{RespBoxMath}}. Use this parameter to
-pass the name of the compare function that is to process the
-question. Here, we specify \texttt{indefCompare}, which was
-defined in the preamble of this document using the
-\texttt{insDLJS} environment.