path: root/texmf-dist/scripts/ketpic/ketlib/ketpic2escifiles6/Openfile.sci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/scripts/ketpic/ketlib/ketpic2escifiles6/Openfile.sci')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketpic/ketlib/ketpic2escifiles6/Openfile.sci b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketpic/ketlib/ketpic2escifiles6/Openfile.sci
deleted file mode 100755
index 4007e1b3..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketpic/ketlib/ketpic2escifiles6/Openfile.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// 10.01.10 filename written
-// 13.05.20 openfile error tackled
-// creator and date recorded
-// 13.11.01 Beginpicture joined optionally
-function Openfile(varargin)
- global Wfile FID;
- function Out=Datecount(F)
- Tmp1=fileinfo(F);
- Tmp=getdate(Tmp1(7));
- Year=Tmp(1);
- Sec=((Tmp(4)-1)*24+Tmp(7))*3600+Tmp(8)*60+Tmp(9);
- Out=[Year,Sec];
- endfunction
- function Out=Datestr(F)
- if F~="" then
- Tmp1=fileinfo(F);
- Tmp=getdate(Tmp1(7));
- else
- Tmp=getdate();
- end;
- Year=Tmp(1);
- Month=Tmp(2);
- Day=Tmp(6);
- Hour=Tmp(7);
- Min=Tmp(8);
- D=string(Year)+"-"+string(Month)+"-"+string(Day);
- T=string(Hour)+":"+string(Min);
- Out=D+" "+T;
- endfunction
- File=varargin(1);
- Bflg=0;
- Creator='';
- Cflg=0;
- Nargs=length(varargin);
- for N=2:Nargs
- Tmp=varargin(N);
- K=mtlb_findstr(Tmp,"=");
- if length(K)>0 then
- Creator=part(Tmp,(K+1):length(Tmp));
- Cflg=1;
- else
- Bflg=1;
- Unitstr=Tmp
- end
- end;
- Recentf='';
- Tmp1=dir("*.sce");
- Files=Tmp1(2);
- if size(Files,1)>0 then
- Recentf=Files(1,:);
- Dt=Datecount(Recentf);
- for J=2:size(Files,1)
- F=Files(J,:);
- D=Datecount(F);
- if D(1)~=Dt(1) then
- if D(1)>Dt(1) then
- Recentf=F;
- Dt=D;
- end
- continue
- end
- if D(2)>Dt(2) then
- Recentf=F;
- Dt=D;
- end
- end;
- end;
- StrW="%%% "+File+" "+Datestr("")
- StrC="%%% "+Creator;
- if Cflg==0 then
- if Recentf~="" then
- StrC=StrC+Recentf+" "+Datestr(Recentf);
- end
- end
- if File =='' then
- Wfile='default';
- else
-// errcatch(4,"continue"); // 2017.02.18 from
-// Tmp=FID;
-// if iserror(4) then
-// FID=[];
-// errclear(4);
-// end;
-// if FID~=[] then
-// mclose(FID);
-// FID=[];
-// end
-// errcatch(4,"kill"); // 2017.02.18 upto
- FID=mopen(File,'w');
- Wfile=File;
- end
- if Wfile=='default'
- mprintf('%s\n%s\n',StrW,StrC);
- else
- mfprintf(FID,'%s\n%s\n',StrW,StrC);
- end
- if Bflg==1 then
- Beginpicture(Unitstr)
- end