path: root/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib')
-rw-r--r--texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/oshima/os_muldif.pdfbin2278676 -> 0 bytes
26 files changed, 0 insertions, 72600 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dhelpE.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dhelpE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 27b40955..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dhelpE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-//help:Changstyle3d*(change the attribute of 3d plot data);
-//help:Findangle*(specify the angles theta and phi);
-//help:Cancoordpara*(specify the coordinate with respect to canonical coordinate);
-//help:Projcoordpara*(specify the coordinate of projected image);
-//help:Parapt*(the coordinate of the point in the projected plane);
-//help:Spaceline*(generate the plot data of 3d segments);
-//help:Spacecurve*(generate the plot data of 3d curve);
-//help:Xyzax3data*(generate the plot data of coordinate axes);
-//help:Datalist3d*(list of plot data of the all objects on the screen. Both 2d and 3d values are returned);
-//help:Skeletonparadata*(generate the plot data of the objects with hidden line elimination);
-//help:Embed*(generate the embedded plot data);
-//help:Rotate3pt*(rotate the point);
-//help:Rotate3data*(rotate 3d plot data);
-//help:Translate3pt*(parallelly transport the point);
-//help:Translate3data*(parallelly transport the plot data);
-//help:Reflect3point*(reflect the point);
-//help:Xyzcoord*(coordinate of a point determined with respect to main screen and sub screen);
-//help:PutonCurve3d*(put a point on the 3d curve);
-//help:Ptsegdata*(generate the 3d plot data of point and segment derived from those on 2d screen);
-//help:Putpoint3d*(put a specific point);
-//help:Perppt*(the foot of the perpendicular on the plane);
-//help:Perpplane*(a fiducial point of a plane with specific point on it and with specific normal vector);
-//help:Drawpoint3d*(draw a specific point);
-//help:Putaxes3d*(take a point with specific coordinates as geometric one);
-//help:IntersectsgpL*(intersection between line and plane);
-//help:Bezier3*(draw 3d Bezier curve);
-//help:Mkbezierptcrv3*(draw 3d Bezier curve by automatically taking controll points);
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dhelpJ.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dhelpJ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bd29d25f..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dhelpJ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-//追加オプション : "Hidden=線種");
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dlogr.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dlogr.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b2fc71..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dlogr.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// 2018.03.27
-// Start3d changed (for C)
-// 2018.02.27
-// Sfbdpara,... changed ("Res=" made from fname)
-// 2018.02.26
-// Sfcutparadata (renamed from Sfcutdata) changed
-// 2018.02.24
-// Sfcutdata added
-// 2018.02.23
-// Crvonsfparadata added
-// Wireparadata added
-// Skeletonparadata rechanged to old version
-// 2018.02.22
-// Intersectcrvsf added (changed to R)
-// Sdbdpradata,Crvsfparadata,Intersectcrvsf changed (title printing)
-// 2018.02.20
-// Addpoints added
-// PthiddenQ,Meetpoints debugged
-// 2018.02.18
-// Sfbdparadata debuggded (OTHERPARTITION )
-// 2018.02.11
-// Sfbdparadata added
-// 2018.01.04
-// Skeletonparadata(Skeletondatacindy) majorly changed
-// 2017.10.23
-// Rotatedata3d, Translatedata3d debugged ([])
-// 2017.10.08
-// Bezier3,Putbezier3data,Mkbezierptcrv3d greatly changed
-// 2017.10.07
-// Mkpointlist debugged
-// Start3d,Ptseg3d, Setangle, Mkpointlist, Mkseq3d, Putpoint3d Skeleton..,Putbezier..
-// changed ( "=" removed from VLIST)
-// 2017.09.18
-// SCIWR,SCIRE removed
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dr.cs b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dr.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index ce7a65f1..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylib3dr.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4503 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
-//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>
-println("ketcindylib3d(20180327) loaded");
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=round(4*SW.y)/4;
-// Ketinit3d(sf,[round(SW.x)+1,tmp-0.5,tmp-1]);
- Ketinit3d(sf,[-5,tmp-0.5,tmp-1]);
- regional(ctr,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,xPos,yTh,yPh);
-// println("KETCindy3d V.2.3.5(2016.02.03)");
- BezierNumber3=1; //15.02.28
- if(!islist(BZLIST3),
- BZLIST3=[]; //15.02.28
- ,
- tmp=apply(allpoints(),text(#));
- tmp1=select(tmp,substring(#,length(#)-1,length(#))=="p");
- tmp2=[];
- forall(tmp1,ctr,
- tmp=substring(ctr,0,length(ctr)-1);
- tmp=select(BZLIST3,#_1==tmp);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp_1);
- );
- );
- BZLIST3=tmp2;
- );
- SUBSCR=subflg;
- Setwindow("Msg=no");
- if(length(position)>2,
- xPos=position_1;
- yTh=position_2;
- yPh=position_3;
- ,
- xPos=0;
- yTh=position_1;
- yPh=position_2;
- );
-// THETA=60*pi/180;
-// PHI=30*pi/180;
- FocusPoint=[0,0,0];
- EyePoint=[5,5,5];
- Listplot("th",[[xPos,yTh],[xPos+9,yTh]],["notex","linecolor->[0,1,0]","Msg=no"]);
- Listplot("ph",[[xPos,yPh],[xPos+9,yPh]],["notex","linecolor->[0,1,0]","Msg=no"]);
- //16.02.10
- PutonCurve("TH",sgth,[xPos,xPos+9,"Msg=no"]);
- PutonCurve("FI",sgph,[xPos,xPos+9,"Msg=no"]);
- THETA=(TH.x-xPos)*20*pi/180;
- PHI=(FI.x-xPos)*40*pi/180;
-// Defvar("THETA",THETA); // 16.06.20
-// Defvar("PHI",PHI); // 16.06.20
- drawtext([xPos-0.8,yTh-0.1],Sprintf((TH.x-xPos)*20,2),align->"right"); //17.05.02
- drawtext([xPos-0.8,yPh-0.1],Sprintf((FI.x-xPos)*40,2),align->"right"); //17.05.02
- tmp="Setangle("+text((TH.x-xPos)*20)+","+text((FI.x-xPos)*40)+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- Addax(0);
- TSIZE=10;
- TSIZEZ=10;
- ErrFlg=0;
- regional(xmn,xMx,ymn,yMx,pt,pt3,pt2,
- xPos,yTh,yPh,Eps,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
- ConstantListC=[[50,50],[5000,1500,500,200],[0.00001,0.01,0.1]];
- FuncListC=[];
- CommandListC=[];
- GCLIST=[];
- GLIST=[];
- COM0thlist=[];
- COM1stlist=[];
- COM2ndlist=[];
- SEG3dlist=[];
- OutFileList=[];
- FigPdfList=[]; // 16.04.08
- ErrFlag=0;
- OBJCMD=[]; // 16.11.29from
- OCNAME=Fhead;
- OCOPTION=["m","v"];// 16.11.29until
- ArrowlineNumber=1; // 16.01.31
- ArrowheadNumber=1;
- BezierNumber=1; //16.01.31
- BezierNumber3=1; //16.08.19
- Fnametex=Fhead+".tex"; // 15.04.06
- FnameR=Fhead+".r";
- FnameRbody=Fhead+"body.r";
- Fnameout=Fhead+".txt";
-// Ketinit3d(SUBSCR); // 16.06.20
- Setwindow("Msg=no"); // 16.06.20from
- tmp=round(4*SW.y)/4;
- xPos=-5;yTh=tmp-0.5;yPh=tmp-1;
- Listplot("th",[[xPos,yTh],[xPos+9,yTh]],
- ["notex","linecolor->[0,1,0]","Msg=no"]);
- Listplot("ph",[[xPos,yPh],[xPos+9,yPh]],
- ["notex","linecolor->[0,1,0]","Msg=no"]);
- //16.02.10
- PutonCurve("TH",sgth,[xPos,xPos+9,"Msg=no"]);
- PutonCurve("FI",sgph,[xPos,xPos+9,"Msg=no"]);
- drawtext([xPos-0.8,yTh-0.1],Sprintf((TH.x-xPos)*20,2),align->"right"); //17.05.02
- drawtext([xPos-0.8,yPh-0.1],Sprintf((FI.x-xPos)*40,2),align->"right"); //17.05.02
- tmp="Setangle("
- +format((TH.x-xPos)*20,5)+","
- +format((FI.x-xPos)*40,5)+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- THETA=(TH.x-xPos)*20*pi/180;
- PHI=(FI.x-xPos)*40*pi/180; // 16.06.20until
- if(isselected(TH) % isselected(FI), // 17.05.18from
- if(length(Ch)>0,
- ChNum=Ch_(length(Ch));
- if(ChNum==0, ChNum=1);
- ,
- ChNum=1;
- );
- Ch=[0];
- );// 17.05.18until
- if(length(VLIST)==0, // 16.06.20
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI,O,X,Y,Z]);//17.06.02
- tmp4=remove(tmp,ptexception);
- forall(tmp4,pt,
- tmp1=text(pt);
- tmp=substring(tmp1,length(tmp1)-1,length(tmp1));
- if(tmp!="z",
- tmp=parse(tmp1+"z.y");
- pt3=Xyzcoord(pt.x,pt.y,tmp);
- Defvar(tmp1+"3d",pt3);
- pt2=Parapt(pt3); // 16.05.28from
- Defvar(tmp1+"2d",pt2); // 16.05.28until
- );
- );
- ,
- if(isselected(NE) % isselected(SW),
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
- tmp4=remove(tmp,ptexception);
- forall(tmp4,pt,
- tmp1=text(pt);
- tmp=substring(tmp1,length(tmp1)-1,length(tmp1));
- if(tmp!="z",
- tmp=select(VLIST,#_1==tmp1+"3d"); //17.10.07
- pt3=tmp_1_2;
- tmp=tmp1+".xy=Parapt("+pt3+")_[1,2];";
- parse(tmp);
-// if(SUBSCR==1,
-// tmp=tmp1+"z"+".x=NE.x-SW.x+"+tmp1+".x";
-// parse(tmp);
-// );
- );
- );
- ,
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
- tmp4=remove(tmp,ptexception);
- forall(tmp4,pt,
- tmp1=text(pt);
- tmp=substring(tmp1,length(tmp1)-1,length(tmp1));
- if(tmp!="z",
- tmp2=parse(tmp1+"z");
- if(isselected(pt) % isselected(tmp2),
- Defvar(tmp1+"2d",pt.xy);
- tmp=parse(tmp1+"z.y");
- tmp=Xyzcoord(pt.x,pt.y,tmp);
- Defvar(tmp1+"3d",tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(SUBSCR==1,
- xmn=SW.x+NE.x-SW.x;
- xMx=NE.x+NE.x-SW.x;
- ymn=SW.y;
- yMx=NE.y;
- drawpoly([[xMx,yMx],[xmn,yMx],
- [xmn,ymn],[xMx,ymn]],color->[1,1,1]);
- connect([[NE.x-SW.x,yMx],[NE.x-SW.x,ymn]],
- color->[0.5,0.5,0.5]);
- );
- // for Presentation //17.07.01from
- letterc=[0.98,0.13,0,0.43]; boxc=[0,0.32,0.52,0];
- shadowc=[0,0,0,0.5]; mboxc="yellow"; //17.03.02 regional debugged
- SlideColorList=[letterc,boxc,boxc,boxc,shadowc,shadowc,6,1.3,
- letterc,mboxc,mboxc,mboxc,62,2,letterc];
- ThinDense=0.1; //17.07.01until
- Ptseg3data(ptexception); //16.08.23
-Setangle(theta,phi):=( //16.12.24
- regional(xmn,xMx,ymn,yMx,pt,pt3,pt2,
- xPos,yTh,yPh,Eps,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
- tmp=round(4*SW.y)/4;
- xPos=-5;yTh=tmp-0.5;yPh=tmp-1;
- if(theta=="",theta=THETA*180/pi); // 17.01.19
- if(phi=="",phi=PHI*180/pi);
- THETA=theta*pi/180;
- TH.x=theta/20+xPos;
- PHI=phi*pi/180;
- FI.x=phi/40+xPos;
-// drawtext([xPos-0.8,yTh-0.1],text(theta)); //17.05.05
-// drawtext([xPos-0.8,yPh-0.1],text(phi));
- tmp="Setangle("
- +format(theta,5)+","+format(phi,5)+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- if(length(VLIST)==0, // 16.06.20
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
- tmp4=remove(tmp,ptexception);
- forall(tmp4,pt,
- tmp1=text(pt);
- tmp=substring(tmp1,length(tmp1)-1,length(tmp1));
- if(tmp!="z",
- tmp=parse(tmp1+"z.y");
- pt3=Xyzcoord(pt.x,pt.y,tmp);
- Defvar(tmp1+"3d",pt3);
- pt2=Parapt(pt3); // 16.05.28from
- Defvar(tmp1+"2d",pt2); // 16.05.28until
- );
- );
- ,
- if(isselected(NE) % isselected(SW),
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
- tmp4=remove(tmp,ptexception);
- forall(tmp4,pt,
- tmp1=text(pt);
- tmp=substring(tmp1,length(tmp1)-1,length(tmp1));
- if(tmp!="z",
- tmp=select(VLIST,#_1==tmp1+"3d");
- pt3=tmp_1_2;
- tmp=tmp1+".xy=Parapt("+pt3+")_[1,2];";
- parse(tmp);
- );
- );
- ,
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
- tmp4=remove(tmp,ptexception);
- forall(tmp4,pt,
- tmp1=text(pt);
- tmp=substring(tmp1,length(tmp1)-1,length(tmp1));
- if(tmp!="z",
- tmp2=parse(tmp1+"z");
- if(isselected(pt) % isselected(tmp2),
- Defvar(tmp1+"2d",pt.xy);
- tmp=parse(tmp1+"z.y");
- tmp=Xyzcoord(pt.x,pt.y,tmp);
- Defvar(tmp1+"3d",tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- forall(Datalist3d(),#,
- tmp1=replace(#,"3d","2d");
- tmp2=Projpara(#,["nodata"]);
- tmp=tmp1+"="+textformat(tmp2,5);
- parse(tmp);
- );
- Ptseg3data(ptexception);
- regional(nmL,name,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(islist(nameL),nmL=nameL,nmL=[nameL]);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(nmL,name,
- tmp=parse(name);
- if(isstring(tmp_1),
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,tmp);
- ,
- tmp1=append(tmp1,name);
- );
- tmp=apply(tmp1,replace(#,"3d","2d"));
- Changestyle(tmp,style);
- tmp=apply(tmp,"sub"+#); // 15.05.24
- Changestyle(tmp,style);
- );
- regional(p1,p2);
- if(islist(pt1),
- p1=pt1;
- ,
- if(ispoint(pt1),p1=text(pt1),p1=pt1);
- p1=parse(p1+"3d");
- );
- if(islist(pt2),
- p2=pt2;
- ,
- if(ispoint(pt2),p2=text(pt2),p2=pt2);
- p2=parse(p2+"3d");
- );
- sqrt((p2-p1)*(p2-p1));
- regional(vec3,vec2,Eps,th,ph,tmp);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- vec3=vec_(1..3);
- vec2=vec_(1..2);
- th=arccos(vec_3/|vec3|);
- if(|vec2|>Eps,
- ph=arccos(vec_1/|vec2|);
- if(vec_2<0,
- ph=2*pi-ph; // 15.03.28
- );
- ,
- if(length(vec)>3,ph=vec_4*pi/180,ph=PHI);
- );
- [th,ph];
- regional(Xz,Yz,Zz,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- Xz=pc_1; Yz=pc_2; Zz=pc_3;
- tmp1=-Xz*sin(PHI)-Yz*cos(PHI)*cos(THETA)+Zz*cos(PHI)*sin(THETA);
- tmp2=Xz*cos(PHI)-Yz*sin(PHI)*cos(THETA)+Zz*sin(PHI)*sin(THETA);
- tmp3=Yz*sin(THETA)+Zz*cos(THETA);
- [tmp1,tmp2,tmp3];
- regional(x,y,z);
- x=cc_1; y=cc_2; z=cc_3;
- x*cos(PHI)*sin(THETA)+y*sin(PHI)*sin(THETA)+z*cos(THETA);
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=Parapt(cc);
- [tmp_1,tmp_2,Zparapt(cc)];
- regional(Xz,Yz);
- Xz=-pt_1*sin(PHI)+pt_2*cos(PHI);
- Yz=-pt_1*cos(PHI)*cos(THETA)-pt_2*sin(PHI)*cos(THETA)+pt_3*sin(THETA);
- [Xz,Yz];
- regional(CurveL,Curve,Eps,AnsL,Out,sp,cp,st,,ct,ii,pt,
- Xz,Yz,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Eps=10^(-6);
- sp=sin(PHI); cp=cos(PHI);
- st=sin(THETA); ct=cos(THETA);
- if(isstring(crv),CurveL=parse(crv),CurveL=crv);
- if(MeasureDepth(CurveL)==1,CurveL=[CurveL]);
- Out=[];
- forall(CurveL,Curve,
- AnsL=[];
- forall(1..length(Curve),ii,
- pt=Curve_ii;
- if(pt_1!="inf",
- Xz=-pt_1*sp+pt_2*cp;
- Yz=-pt_1*cp*ct-pt_2*sp*ct+pt_3*st;
- tmp=[Xz,Yz];
- if(ii==1,
- AnsL=[tmp];
- ,
- tmp1=AnsL_(length(AnsL));
- if(tmp1_1=="inf" % |tmp-tmp1|>Eps,
- AnsL=append(AnsL,tmp);
- );
- );
- ,
- AnsL=append(AnsL,["inf"]);
- );
- );
- tmp1=[];
- tmp2=select(1..length(AnsL),AnsL_#==["inf"]);
- tmp=1;
- forall(tmp2,
- if(#>tmp,
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[AnsL_(tmp..(#-1))])
- );
- tmp=#+1;
- );
- if(tmp<length(AnsL),
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[AnsL_(tmp..length(AnsL))]);
- );
- AnsL=tmp1;
- if(length(AnsL)==1,AnsL=AnsL_1);
- Out=append(Out,AnsL);
- );
- if(length(Out)==1,
- Out=Out_1;
- );
- Out;
- regional(name2,name3,Ltype,Noflg,opcindy,dtL,ptL,tmp,Out);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- if(islist(ptdata),dtL=ptdata,dtL=[ptdata]);
- Out=[];
- forall(dtL,name3,
-// name3=#;
- if(indexof(name3,"3d")>0, //17.05.24
- name2=replace(name3,"3d","2d");
- ,
- name2="para"+name3;
- );
- ptL=Projcurve(name3);
- ptL=select(ptL,length(#)>1);//17.06.02
- if(length(ptL)==1,
- ptL=ptL_1;
- );
- Out=append(Out,ptL);
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate projparadata "+name2);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(ptL,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
- if(length(Out)==1,Out=Out_1);
-// Out=Flattenlist(Out);
- if(length(Out)==1,Out=Out_1); // 15.02.24
- tmp=[];
- forall(Out,
- if(length(#)>0,tmp=append(tmp,#));
- );
- Out=tmp;
- Out;
- regional(Eps,fk,nfk,ph,fh,ah,bh,ak,bk,v1,v2,
- nn,s0,t2,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- if(isstring(pd),
- fk=pd;
- ,
- fk=textformat(pd,5);
- );
- nfk=Numptcrv(parse(fk));
- flg=0;
- tmp=pt;
- if(length(tmp)==1,
- ph=tmp;
- fh=pd;
- ,
- fh=Projpara(fk,["nodata"]);
- if(nfk>2,
- tmp1=Nearestpt(tmp,fh);
- ph=tmp1_2;
- ,
- ah=Ptcrv(1,fh); bh=Ptcrv(2,fh);
- v1=tmp-ah; v2=bh-ah;
- tmp1=Crossprod(v1,v2);
- if(abs(tmp1)>Eps,
- println(" Not on the line");
- out=[];
- flg=1;
- ,
- ph=Dotprod(v1,v2)/|v2|^2+1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(nfk>2,
- nn=floor(ph);
- s0=ph-nn;
- if(ph>Numptcrv(fh)-Eps,
- out=[Ptend(fk),Numptcrv(fh)];
- flg=1;
- );
- ,
- nn=1;
- s0=ph-1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- ak=Ptcrv(nn,fk); bk=Ptcrv(nn+1,fk);
- ah=Ptcrv(nn,fh); bh=Ptcrv(nn+1,fh);
- ph=(1-s0)*ah+a0*bh;
- t2=s0;
- pk=(1-t2)*ak+t2*bk;
- out=[pk,nn+t2];
- );
- out;
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=InvparaptPp(pt,pd);
- tmp_1;
- regional(tht,tmp,tmp1);
- tht=THETA; THETA=pi/2;
- tmp=Projpara(name3,["nodata"]);
- if(length(tmp)>0, //15.08.17
- tmp=Translatedata("",[tmp],[NE.x-SW.x,0],["nodata"]);
- tmp1=replace("sub"+name,"3d","2d");
- tmp=tmp1+"="+Textformat(tmp,5);
- parse(tmp);
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[tmp1,0,opcindy]);
- );
- THETA=tht; // 15.11.03
-Spaceline(ptlist):=Spaceline(ptlist,[]); // 16.02.22 from
- regional(name,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- Spaceline(Arg1,Arg2,[]);
- ,
- tmp=text(Arg1);
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- name="-"+replace(tmp,",","");
- Spaceline(name,Arg1,Arg2);
- );
-); // 16.02.22 until
- regional(name2,name3,options,Out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,
- opstr,opcindy,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,ptlist, Msg);
- ptlist=apply(ptlistorg,if(ispoint(#),parse(text(#)+"3d"),#)); // 16.02.10
- if(substring(nm,0,2)=="bz",
- name2=replace(nm,"bz","bz2d");
- name3=replace(nm,"bz","bz3d");
- ,
- if(substring(nm,0,1)=="-",
- tmp=substring(nm,1,length(nm));
- if(indexof(tmp,"3d")>0,name3=tmp,name3=tmp+"3d");
- name2=replace(name3,"3d","2d");
- ,
- name2="sl2d"+nm;
- name3="sl3d"+nm;
- );
- );
- options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0); // 160415
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Msg=1;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=substring(#,0,1);
- if(Toupper(tmp)=="M",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1);
- if(Toupper(tmp1)=="N",
- Msg=0;
- );
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- if(Msg==1,
- println("generate Spaceline "+name3);
- );
- tmp=name3+"="+ptlist;
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Projpara(name3,["nodata"]);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp="[";
- forall(ptlist, //17.07.13from
- if(isstring(#),
- tmp=tmp+#+",";
- ,
- tmp=tmp+textformat(#,5)+",";
- );
- );
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"]";
- tmp=name3+"=Spaceline("+tmp+")"; //17.07.13until
-// tmp=name3+"=Spaceline("+textformat(ptlist,5)+")"; //17.05.24
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1, // 15.02.11
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- );
- );
- ptlist;
- regional(name2,name3,options,Out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,vname,tmpfn,str,Rng,Num,Msg,
- Ec,Exfun,Dc,opstr,opcindy,Fntmp,Vatmp,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,t1,t2,dt,tt,pa,ke);
- if(substring(nm,0,2)=="bz",
- name2=replace(nm,"bz","bz2d");
- name3=replace(nm,"bz","bz3d");
- ,
- name2="sc2d"+nm;
- name3="sc3d"+nm;
- );
- Eps=10^(-4);
- Num=50;
- Ec=[];
- Exfun="";
- Dc=1000;
- options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0); // 160415
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Msg=1;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=substring(#,0,1);
- if(Toupper(tmp)=="M",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,tmp+2);
- if(Toupper(tmp1)=="NO",
- Msg=0;
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(#,"N=");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp+1,length(#));
- Num=parse(tmp1);
- opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
- );
- tmp=indexof(#,"Num=");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp+3,length(#));
- Num=parse(tmp1);
- opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
- );
- tmp=indexof(#,"E=");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp+1,length(#));
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
- Ec=parse(tmp1);
- ,
- Exfun=tmp1;
- );
- opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
- );
- tmp=indexof(#,"Exc=");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp+3,length(#));
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
- Ec=parse(tmp1);
- ,
- Exfun=tmp1;
- );
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(variable,"=");
- vname=substring(variable,0,tmp-1);
- str=substring(variable,tmp,length(variable));
- Rng=parse(str);
- t1=Rng_1; t2=Rng_2;
- dt=(t2-t1)/Num; // differ from Scilab
- tmp="tmpfn("+vname+"):="+funstr+";";
- parse(tmp);
- Out=[];
- Ec=append(sort(Ec),10000);
- ke=1;
- forall(0..Num,
- pt=[];
- tt=Rng_1+#*dt;
- if(tt-Ec_ke<-Eps,
- pa=tmpfn(tt);
- );
- if(abs(tt-Ec_ke)<=Eps,
- if(length(Out)>0,
- if(Out_(length(Out))_1!="inf",
- pa=["inf"];
- );
- );
- );
- if(tt-Ec_ke>Eps,
- pa=tmpfn(tt);
- ke=ke+1;
- );
- if(length(pa)>0,
- if(pa_1=="inf",
- Out=append(Out,pa);
- ,
- if(length(Out)==0,
- Out=[pa];
- ,
- tmp=Out_(length(Out));
- if(tmp_1=="inf",
- Out=append(Out,pa);
- ,
- if(|tmp-pa|<Dc,
- Out=append(Out,pa);
- ,
- Out=concat(Out,[["inf"],pa]);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- tmp1=[];
- tmp2=select(1..length(Out),Out_#==["inf"]);
- tmp=1;
- forall(tmp2,
- if(#>tmp,
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Out_(tmp..(#-1))])
- );
- tmp=#+1;
- );
- if(tmp<length(Out),
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Out_(tmp..length(Out))]);
- );
- if(length(Out)==1,
- Out=Out_1;
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- if(Msg==1,
- println("generate Spacecurve "+name3);
- );
- tmp=name3+"="+textformat(Out,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Projpara(name3,["nodata"]);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=name3+"=Spacecurve(Assign('"+funstr+"'),'"+variable+"'"+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1, // 15.02.11
- tmp=parse(name2); // 15.08.17
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- ); // 15.08.17
- );
- );
- Out;
- regional(p1,p2,q1,q2,dt1,dts,dt3,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(isreal(pA),
- p1=pA; q1=pA;
- ,
- if(islist(pA),
- tmp=pA;
- ,
- if(ispoint(pA),tmp=text(pA),tmp=pA);
- tmp=parse(tmp+"3d");
- );
- p1=parapt(tmp);
- q1=[p1_1,tmp_3]+[NE.x-SW.x,0];
- );
- if(isreal(pB),
- p2=pB; q2=pB;
- ,
- if(islist(pB),
- tmp=pB;
- ,
- if(ispoint(pB),tmp=text(pB),tmp=pB);
- tmp=parse(tmp+"3d");
- );
- p2=parapt(tmp);
- q2=[p2_1,tmp_3]+[NE.x-SW.x,0];
- );
- tmp=replace(PkLstr,"3d","2d");
- dt1=partcrv("",p1,p2,tmp,["nodata"]);
- dts=partcrv("",q1,q2,"sub"+tmp,["nodata"]);
- dt=apply(1..length(dt1),
- Xyzcoord(dt1_#_1,dt1_#_2,dts_#_2));
- Spaceline("-part3d"+nm,dt,options);
- regional(PtL,Eps,QdL,Flg,Ni,Qd,pP,pS,pQ,pR,rMN,
- opcindy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,str,name2,name3,Ltype,Noflg);
- name2="join2d"+nm;
- name3="join3d"+nm;
- QdL=[];
- forall(plotstrL,str,
- if(isstring(str),
- tmp=parse(str);
- ,
- tmp=str;
- );
- QdL=append(QdL,tmp);
- );
- Eps=10^(-4);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,Eps=tmp1_1);
- Flg=0;
- if(length(QdL)==0,
- PtL=[];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- PtL=QdL_1;
- forall(2..length(QdL),Ni,
- Qd=QdL_Ni;
- if(length(Qd)>1,
- pP=PtL_1;
- pS=PtL_(length(PtL));
- pQ=Qd_1;
- pR=Qd_(length(Qd));
- rMN=min([norm(pP-pQ),norm(pP-pR),
- norm(pS-pQ),norm(pS-pR)]);
- if(rMN==norm(pP-pR),
- Qd=reverse(Qd);
- ,
- if(rMN==norm(pS-pQ),
- PtL=reverse(PtL);
- ,
- if(rMN==norm(pS-pR),
- PtL=reverse(PtL);
- Qd=reverse(Qd);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(rMN>Eps,
- PtL=concat(PtL,Qd);
- ,
- PtL=concat(PtL,Qd_(2..length(Qd)));
- );
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Joincurves3d "+name3);
- tmp=name3+"="+textformat(PtL,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Projpara(name3,["nodata"]);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=text(plotstrL);
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- tmp=name3+"=Joincrvs("+tmp+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1, // 15.02.11
- tmp=parse(name2); // 15.08.17
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- ); // 15.08.17
- );
- );
- PtL;
- Xyzax3data(nm,Xrange,Yrange,Zrange,[]);
- regional(name2,name3,Out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,reL,strL,
- opstr,opcindy,Ltype,Noflg,Axname,Arrow,Origin);
- name2="ax2d"+nm;
- name3="ax3d"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Axname=1;
- Arrow=0; // 16.08.14
- Origin=""; // 16.08.14
- if(length(reL)>0,
- Axname=reL_1;
- );
- forall(strL, // 16.08.14from
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp1=="A",
- tmp=substring(#,1,length(#));
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- Arrow=parse(tmp);
- ,
- Arrow=1;
- );
- );
- if(tmp1=="O",
- tmp=indexof(#,",");
- if(tmp>0,
- Origin=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- ,
- tmp=substring(#,1,length(#));
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- Origin=tmp;
- ,
- Origin="sw";
- );
- );
- );
- ); // 16.08.14until
- tmp1=indexof(Xrange,"=");
- tmp=parse(substring(Xrange,tmp1,length(Xrange)));
- Px=[tmp_1,0,0]; Qx=[tmp_2,0,0];
- tmp1=indexof(Yrange,"=");
- tmp=parse(substring(Yrange,tmp1,length(Yrange)));
- Py=[0,tmp_1,0]; Qy=[0,tmp_2,0];
- tmp1=indexof(Zrange,"=");
- tmp=parse(substring(Zrange,tmp1,length(Zrange)));
- Pz=[0,0,tmp_1]; Qz=[0,0,tmp_2];
- Out=[[Px,Qx],[Py,Qy],[Pz,Qz]];
- if(Axname>0,
- Xyzaxparaname(Xrange,Yrange,Zrange,[Axname]);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate axes "+name3);
- tmp=name3+"="+textformat(Out,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Projpara([name3],["nodata"]);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=name3+"=Xyzax3data("+
- Dq+Xrange+Dq+","+Dq+Yrange+Dq+","+Dq+Zrange+Dq+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(Noflg<1, // 16.08.14from
- if(Arrow>0,
- tmp1=Parapt(Px); tmp2=Parapt(Qx);
- Arrowhead(tmp2,tmp2-tmp1,[Arrow]);
- tmp1=Parapt(Py); tmp2=Parapt(Qy);
- Arrowhead(tmp2,tmp2-tmp1,[Arrow]);
- tmp1=Parapt(Pz); tmp2=Parapt(Qz);
- Arrowhead(tmp2,tmp2-tmp1,[Arrow]);
- );
- if(length(Origin)>0,
- Letter([Parapt([0,0,0]),Origin,"O"]);
- );
- ); // 16.08.14until
- if(SUBSCR==1, // 15.02.11
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- );
- );
- Out;
- Xyzaxparaname(Xrange,Yrange,Zrange,[]);
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Eps,Dr,Noflg,Xname,Yname,Zname,
- px,qx,py,qy,pz,qz,ph,qh,rr,ch);
- Eps=10.0^(-6);
- Dr=0.19*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- Noflg=0;
- forall(options,
- if(isreal(#),Dr=Dr*#);
- );
- tmp=indexof(Xrange,"=");
- Xname=substring(Xrange,0,tmp-1);
- tmp=parse(substring(Xrange,tmp,length(Xrange)));
- px=[tmp_1,0,0]; qx=[tmp_2,0,0];
- tmp=indexof(Yrange,"=");
- Yname=substring(Yrange,0,tmp-1);
- tmp=parse(substring(Yrange,tmp,length(Yrange)));
- py=[0,tmp_1,0]; qy=[0,tmp_2,0];
- tmp=indexof(Zrange,"=");
- Zname=substring(Zrange,0,tmp-1);
- tmp=parse(substring(Zrange,tmp,length(Zrange)));
- pz=[0,0,tmp_1]; qz=[0,0,tmp_2];
- ph=Parapt(px); qh=Parapt(qx); rr=|ph-qh|;
- if(rr>Eps,
- ch=qh+Dr/rr*(qh-ph);
- Expr(ch,"c",Xname);
- );
- ph=Parapt(py); qh=Parapt(qy); rr=|ph-qh|;
- if(rr>Eps,
- ch=qh+Dr/rr*(qh-ph);
- Expr(ch,"c",Yname);
- );
- ph=Parapt(pz); qh=Parapt(qz); rr=|ph-qh|;
- if(rr>Eps,
- ch=qh+Dr/rr*(qh-ph);
- Expr(ch,"c",Zname);
- );
- regional(out,tmp,tmp2,tmp3);
- tmp=apply(GCLIST,#_1);
- tmp=select(tmp,indexof(#,"2d")>0);
- tmp2=select(tmp,indexof(#,"sub")==0);
- tmp3=apply(tmp2,replace(#,"2d","3d"));
- out=tmp3;
- regional(out,tmp,tmp2,tmp3);
- tmp=apply(GCLIST,#_1);
- tmp=select(tmp,indexof(#,"2d")>0);
- tmp2=select(tmp,indexof(#,"sub")==0);
-// tmp3=apply(tmp2,replace(#,"2d","3d"));
- out=tmp2;
- Embed(nm,Pd2str,funstr,varstr,[]);
- regional(name2,name3,Pd2L,Pd2,tmp,tmp1,xstr,ystr,
- Ltype,Noflg,opstr,opcindy,Out);
- name2="em2d"+nm;
- name3="em3d"+nm;
- if(!islist(Pd2str),Pd2L=[Pd2str],Pd2L=Pd2str); // 15.03.06
- tmp1=[]; // 15.10.31
- forall(Pd2L,
- if(isstring(#),tmp=parse(#),tmp=#);
- if(MeasureDepth(tmp)==2,
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- if(MeasureDepth(tmp)==1,
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- );
- Pd2L=tmp1;
- tmp=substring(varstr,0,1);
- if(tmp=="[" % tmp=="(",
- tmp1=substring(varstr,1,length(varstr)-1);
- ,
- tmp1=varstr;
- );
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,",");
- xstr=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
- ystr=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Out=[];
- forall(Pd2L,Pd2,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(Pd2,
- tmp=Assign(funstr,xstr,"("+textformat(#_1,5)+")");
- tmp=Assign(tmp,ystr,"("+textformat(#_2,5)+")");
- tmp=parse(tmp);
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- Out=append(Out,tmp1);
- );
- if(length(Out)==1,
- Out=Out_1;
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Embed "+name3);
- if(length(Out)>0,
- tmp=name3+"="+textformat(Out,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Projpara(name3,["nodata"]);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- );
- if(!islist(Pd2str),
- tmp=Pd2str;
- ,
- tmp=text(Pd2str);
- tmp="list("+substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1)+")";
- );
- tmp=name3+"=Embed("+tmp+",'"+funstr+"','"+varstr+"'"+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- if(length(Out)>0,
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1, // 15.02.11
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- );
- );
- );
- Out;
- regional(Eps,ct,st,v3,v1,v2,Ans,ns,PtL,num,
- pt,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Retflg,x,y,z,xx,yy,zz,flg);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- Retflg=0;
- if(length(w2)==1,
- ct=cos(w2);
- st=sin(w2);
- v3=1/|w1|*w1;
- if(v3_1==0,
- tmp=[1,0,0];
- ,
- tmp=[0,1,0];
- );
- w1=[tmp_2*v3_3-tmp_3*v3_2,
- tmp_3*v3_1-tmp_1*v3_3,
- tmp_1*v3_2-tmp_2*v3_1];
- v1=1/|w1|*w1;
- v2=[v3_2*v1_3-v3_3*v1_2,
- v3_3*v1_1-v3_1*v1_3,
- v3_1*v1_2-v3_2*v1_1];
- ,
- tmp=[w1_2*w2_3-w1_3*w2_2,
- w1_3*w2_1-w1_1*w2_3,
- w1_1*w2_2-w1_2*w2_1];
- if(|tmp|<Eps,
- Ans=point;
- Retflg=1;
- );
- if(Retflg==0,
- v1=1/|w1|*w1;
- ns=v1_1*w2_1+v1_2*w2_2+v1_3*w2_3;
- tmp=w2-ns*v1;
- v2=1/|tmp|*tmp;
- tmp=[v1_2*v2_3-v1_3*v2_2,
- v1_3*v2_1-v1_1*v2_3,
- v1_1*v2_2-v1_2*v2_1];
- v3=1/|tmp|*tmp;
- ct=ns/|w2|;
- st=sqrt(1-ct^2);
- );
- );
- if(Retflg==0,
- if(|tmp|<Eps,
- Ans=point;
- Retflg=1;
- );
- );
- if(Retflg==0,
- if(MeasureDepth(point)>0,
- PtL=point;
- ,
- PtL=[point];
- );
- Ans=[];
- flg=0;
- forall(1..length(PtL),num,
- pt=PtL_num;
- if(pt_1=="inf",
- Ans=append(Ans,["inf"]);
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0,
- x=pt_1-center_1; y=pt_2-center_2; z=pt_3-center_3;
- xx=((v1_1*ct+v2_1*st)*v1_1+ (-v1_1*st+v2_1*ct)*v2_1+v3_1^2)*x
- +((v1_1*ct+v2_1*st)*v1_2+(-v1_1*st+v2_1*ct)*v2_2+v3_1*v3_2)*y
- +((v1_1*ct+v2_1*st)*v1_3+(-v1_1*st+v2_1*ct)*v2_3+v3_1*v3_3)*z;
- yy=((v1_2*ct+v2_2*st)*v1_1+(-v1_2*st+v2_2*ct)*v2_1+v3_1*v3_2)*x
- +((v1_2*ct+v2_2*st)*v1_2+(-v1_2*st+v2_2*ct)*v2_2+v3_2^2)*y
- +((v1_2*ct+v2_2*st)*v1_3+(-v1_2*st+v2_2*ct)*v2_3+v3_2*v3_3)*z;
- zz=((v1_3*ct+v2_3*st)*v1_1+(-v1_3*st+v2_3*ct)*v2_1+v3_1*v3_3)*x
- +((v1_3*ct+v2_3*st)*v1_2+(-v1_3*st+v2_3*ct)*v2_2+v3_2*v3_3)*y
- +((v1_3*ct+v2_3*st)*v1_3+(-v1_3*st+v2_3*ct)*v2_3+v3_3^2)*z;
- Ans=append(Ans,center+[xx,yy,zz]);
- );
- );
- if(length(Ans)==1,
- Ans=Ans_1;
- );
- );
- Ans;
- Rotate3data(nm,P3data,w1,w2,options);
- regional(name3,name2,center,pdata,Pd3,Pd,Out,tmp,tmp1,
- Ltype,Noflg,opcindy,opstr);
- name3="rot3d"+nm;
- name2="rot2d"+nm;
- center=[0,0,0];
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- center=tmp1_1;
- );
- if(islist(P3data) & isstring(P3data_1),Pd3=P3data,Pd3=[P3data]);
- Out=[];
- forall(Pd3,Pd,
- if(isstring(Pd),Pd=parse(Pd));
- if(MeasureDepth(Pd)==1,Pd=[Pd]);
- Ans=[];
- forall(Pd,
- tmp=Rotate3pt(#,w1,w2,center);
- Ans=append(Ans,tmp);
- );
- Out=append(Out,Ans);
- );
- Out=Flattenlist(Out);
- if(length(Out)==1,Out=Out_1);
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Rotate3data "+name3);
- tmp=name3+"="+textformat(Out,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Projpara(name3,["nodata"]);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=textformat(P3data,5); // 17.12.23
- tmp=RSform(tmp); // 17.12.23
-// tmp=replace(tmp,"[","list(");
-// tmp=replace(tmp,"]",")");
- tmp=name3+"=Rotate3data("+tmp+","
- +textformat(w1,5)+","+textformat(w2,5)+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1, // 15.02.11
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- );
- );
- Out;
- regional(Eps,Ans,PtL,pt,num,xx,yy,zz,flg);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- if(MeasureDepth(point)>0,
- PtL=point;
- ,
- PtL=[point];
- );
- Ans=[];
- flg=0;
- forall(1..length(PtL),num,
- pt=PtL_num;
- if(pt_1=="inf",
- Ans=append(Ans,["inf"]);
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0,
- xx=pt_1+w1_1; yy=pt_2+w1_2; zz=pt_3+w1_3;
- Ans=append(Ans,[xx,yy,zz]);
- );
- );
- if(length(Ans)==1,
- Ans=Ans_1;
- );
- Ans;
- Translate3data(nm,P3data,w1,options);
- regional(name3,name2,pdata,Pd3,Pd,Out,tmp,tmp1,
- Ltype,Noflg,opcindy);
- name3="tra3d"+nm;
- name2="tra2d"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- if(islist(P3data) & isstring(P3data_1),Pd3=P3data,Pd3=[P3data]);
- Out=[];
- forall(Pd3,Pd,
- if(isstring(Pd),Pd=parse(Pd));
- if(MeasureDepth(Pd)==1,Pd=[Pd]);
- Ans=[];
- forall(Pd,
- tmp=Translate3pt(#,w1);
- Ans=append(Ans,tmp);
- );
- Out=append(Out,Ans);
- );
- Out=Flattenlist(Out);
- if(length(Out)==1,Out=Out_1);
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Translate3data "+name3);
- tmp=name3+"="+textformat(Out,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Projpara(name3,["nodata"]);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=textformat(P3data,5); // 17.12.23
- tmp=RSform(tmp); // 17.12.23
-// tmp=text(P3data);
-// tmp=replace(tmp,"[","list(");
-// tmp=replace(tmp,"]",")");
- tmp=name3+"=Translate3data("+tmp+","+textformat(w1,5)+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1, // 15.02.11
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- );
- );
- Out;
- regional(ans,v1,v2,v3,tmp,tmp1);
- if(length(vecL)==1,
- v1=vecL_1;
- ans=2*v1-point;
- );
- if(length(vecL)==2,
- v1=vecL_1;
- v2=vecL_2;
- v3=(v2-v1)/|v2-v1|;
- tmp=v1+Dotprod(point-v1,v3)*v3;
- ans=2*tmp-point;
- );
- if(length(vecL)==3,
- v1=vecL_1;
- v2=vecL_2;
- v3=vecL_3;
- tmp=Crossprod(v2-v1,v3-v1);
- tmp1=point-Dotprod(tmp,point-v1)/|tmp|^2*tmp;
- ans=2*tmp1-point;
- );
- ans;
- regional(Eps,x3d,y3d,z3d);
- x3d=(-X*sin(PHI)*cos(THETA)-Y*cos(PHI)+z*cos(PHI)*sin(THETA))/cos(THETA);
- y3d=(X*cos(PHI)*cos(THETA)-Y*sin(PHI)+z*sin(PHI)*sin(THETA))/cos(THETA);
- z3d=z;
- [x3d,y3d,z3d];
- regional(pt,pd2str,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- pd2str=replace(pdstr,"3d","2d");
- PutonCurve(name,pd2str);
- pt=parse(name+".xy");
- tmp=Nearestpt(pt,pd2str); // 15.03.13
- tmp1=ParamonCurve(tmp_1,tmp_2,pd2str);
- tmp="sub"+pd2str;
- tmp2=PointonCurve(tmp1,tmp);
- pt=append(pt,tmp2_2);
- pt=Xyzcoord(pt_1,pt_2,pt_3); // 15.03.13
- tmp=name+"z.xy="+textformat(tmp2,5);
- parse(tmp);
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=name+"3d");
- Defvar(name+"3d",pt);
-Mkpointlist():=Mkpointlist([]); //16.11.12
-Mkpointlist(options):=( //16.11.12
- regional(Eps,pos,ptL,plist,ilist,plistrest,
- inforest,free,pt,pt3,ptz,par,vlistpre,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,p1,p2,flg);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- tmp=Finddef(NE);
- free=tmp_1;
- pos=[NE.x+1,NE.y];
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
- tmp=remove(tmp,options); //16.11.12
- plist=select(tmp,
- substring(text(#),length(text(#))-1,length(text(#)))!="z"
- );
- if(SUBSCR==0,plist=[]);
- ptL=[];
- plistrest=[];
- inforest=[];
- forall(plist,pt,
- inspect(pt,"ptsize",3);
- inspect(pt,"color",2);
- inspect(pt,"textsize",TSIZE);
- ptz=text(pt)+"z";
- tmp=Finddef(pt);
- if(indexof(tmp_1,free)>0, // free point
- tmp=select(VLIST,#_1==text(pt)+"3d");
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- tmp=pt.x+NE.x-SW.x;
- Putpoint(ptz,[tmp,0],[tmp,parse(ptz+".y")]);
- pt3=Xyzcoord(pt.x,pt.y,parse(text(ptz)+".y"));
- Defvar(text(pt)+"3d",pt3);
- Defvar(text(pt)+"fix",0);
- vlistpre=VLIST; //16.08.20
- );
- flg=0;
- if(isselected(pt),
- if(parse(text(pt)+"fix")!=1, // 15.03.01
- tmp=pt.x+NE.x-SW.x;
- Putpoint(ptz,[tmp,0],[tmp,parse(ptz+".y")]);
- pt3=Xyzcoord(pt.x,pt.y,parse(text(ptz)+".y"));
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=text(pt)+"3d");
- Defvar(text(pt)+"3d",pt3);
- vlistpre=VLIST; //16.08.20
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- inspect(parse(ptz),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(ptz),"color",3);
- inspect(parse(ptz),"textsize",TSIZEZ);
- if(isselected(parse(ptz)),
- if(parse(ptz+"fix")!=1, // 15.03.01
- tmp=select(vlistpre,#_1==text(pt)+"3d"); //16.08.20
- pt3=tmp_1_2;
- pt3_3=parse(ptz+".y");
- pt.xy=Parapt(pt3);
- tmp=ptz+".x=pt.x+NE.x-SW.x";
- parse(tmp);
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=text(pt)+"3d");
- Defvar(text(pt)+"3d",pt3);
- flg=2;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=select(VLIST,#_1==text(pt)+"3d");
- if(length(tmp)>0, //17.10.07
- pt3=tmp_1_2;
- pt.xy=Parapt(pt3);
- tmp=ptz+".x=pt.x+NE.x-SW.x";
- parse(tmp);
- ); //17.10.07
- );
- if(isselected(pt) % isselected(parse(ptz)),
- drawtext(pos,text(pt3));
- );
- if(!contains(["p","q"],text(pt)),
- ptL=append(ptL,pt);
- );
- ,
- tmp=Findgeoinfo(pt);
- tmp1=[parse(tmp_1),parse(tmp_2),parse(tmp_3)];
- plistrest=append(plistrest,pt);
- inforest=append(inforest,tmp);
- );
- );
- if(length(plistrest)>0,
- tmp=Sortpointlist([plistrest,inforest]);
- plist=tmp_1;
- ilist=tmp_2;
- forall(1..length(plist),
- pt=plist_#;
- ptz=text(pt)+"z";
- tmp=ilist_#;
- p1=parse(tmp_3);
- p2=p1+parse(tmp_2)-parse(tmp_1);
- tmp1=p2-p1;
- tmp2=pt-p1;
- if(abs(tmp1_1)>abs(tmp1_2),
- par=tmp2_1/tmp1_1;
- ,
- par=tmp2_2/tmp1_2;
- );
- tmp=ilist_#;
- tmp1=parse(tmp_1+"3d");
- tmp2=parse(tmp_2+"3d");
- tmp3=parse(tmp_3+"3d");
- tmp1=(1-par)*tmp3+par*(tmp3+tmp2-tmp1);
- Putpoint(ptz,[pt.x+NE.x-SW.x,tmp1_3]);
- inspect(parse(ptz),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(ptz),"color",3);
- inspect(parse(ptz),"textsize",TSIZEZ);
- pt3=Xyzcoord(pt.x,pt.y,parse(text(ptz)+".y"));
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=tmp1+"3d");
- Defvar(text(pt)+"3d",pt3);
- vlistpre=VLIST; //16.08.20
- if(isselected(pt) % isselected(parse(ptz)),
- drawtext(pos,text(pt3));
- );
- if(!contains(["p","q"],text(pt)),
- ptL=append(ptL,pt);
- );
- );
- );
- ptL;
- regional(seg,nmseg,def,ptA,ptB,segL,opstr,opcindy,
- name,strg,Ltype,Noflg,tht,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- name="geoseg3d";
- strg=name+"=list(";
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- segL=[];
- forall(allsegments(),seg,
- inspect(seg,"labeled",false);
- tmp=Finddef(seg);
- def=tmp_1;
- ptA=tmp_2;
- ptB=tmp_3;
- if(ispoint(parse(ptA)) & ispoint(parse(ptB)),
- tmp1=select(VLIST,indexof(#_1,ptA+"3d")>0);
- tmp2=select(VLIST,indexof(#_1,ptB+"3d")>0);
- if(length(tmp1)>0 & length(tmp2)>0,
- tmp1="["+ptA+"3d,"+ptB+"3d]";
- nmseg=ptA+ptB;
-// Spaceline(nmseg,parse(tmp1),append(options,"Msg=nodisp")); //15.06.15
- Spaceline("-"+nmseg+"3d",[ptA+"3d",ptB+"3d"], // 16.04.07
- append(options,"Msg=nodisp")); //15.06.15
- segL=append(segL,nmseg+"3d");// 16.04.07
- strg=strg+nmseg+"3d,";// 16.04.07
- );
- );
- );
- println("generate totally "+name);
- if(length(segL)>0, // 15.03.06
- strg=substring(strg,0,length(strg)-1)+")";
- if(Noflg<3,
- GLIST=append(GLIST,strg);
- );
- tmp1=apply(segL,Dq+#+Dq); //15.03.02
- tmp=name+"="+text(tmp1);
- parse(tmp);
- );
- segL;
- regional(pt,pt3,plist,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(isselected(TH) % isselected(FI),
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
- tmp=remove(tmp,options); //16.11.12
- tmp=apply(tmp,text(#));
- plist=select(tmp,substring(#,length(#)-1,length(#))!="z");
- forall(plist,pt,
- tmp1=text(pt);
- tmp=select(VLIST,#_1==tmp1+"3d"); //17.10.07
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- pt3=tmp_1_2;
- tmp=tmp1+".xy=Parapt("+pt3+")_[1,2];";
- parse(tmp);
- if(SUBSCR==1,
- tmp=tmp1+"z"+".x=NE.x-SW.x+"+tmp1+".x";
- parse(tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- ,
- Mkpointlist(options); // 16.12.18
- );
- forall(alllines(),
- #.color=[0.5,0.5,1];
- );
- SEG3dlist=Mkseg3d(options);
- SEG3dlist;
- if(islist(Arg1),
- Putonseg3d(name,Arg1_1,Arg1_2,Arg2);
- ,
- Putonseg3d(name,Arg1,Arg2,[]);
- );
- regional(par,pn1,pn2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- par=0.5;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- if(length(tmp_6)>0,
- par=tmp_6_1;
- );
- Putonseg(name,pt1,pt2,[par]);
- inspect(parse(name),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(name),"color",2);
- inspect(parse(name),"textsize",TSIZEZ);
- Putpoint(name+"z",[parse(name+".x"),0]);
- inspect(parse(name+"z"),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(name+"z"),"color",3);
- inspect(parse(name+"z"),"textsize",TSIZEZ);
- pn1=text(pt1);
- pn2=text(pt2);
- tmp1=replace("PTCz.y=PTAz.y+|PTC-PTA|/|PTB-PTA|*(PTBz.y-PTAz.y)","PTC",name);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"PTA",pn1);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"PTB",pn2);
- tmp2=replace("PTCz.x=PTAz.x+|PTC-PTA|/|PTB-PTA|*(PTBz.x-PTAz.x)","PTC",name);
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"PTA",pn1);
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"PTB",pn2);
- parse(tmp2);
- parse(tmp1);
- tmp1=parse(name+".x");
- tmp2=parse(name+".y");
- tmp3=parse(name+"z.y");
- tmp=Xyzcoord(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- Defvar(name+"3d",tmp);
-Putpoint3d(Arg1,Arg2):=( // 16.03.02 from
- if(islist(Arg1),
- Putpoint3d(Arg1,Arg2,0);
- ,
- Putpoint3d(Arg1,Arg2,"fix");
- );
- regional(nn,kk,pt,pt3,ptslist,fixstr,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3); //16.08.19
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- ptslist=[Arg1,Arg2];
- fixstr=Arg3;
- ,
- ptslist=Arg1;
- fixstr=Arg2;
- );
- if(islist(fixstr),fixstr=fixstr_1);// 16.03.02 until
- nn=length(ptslist)/2;
- forall(1..nn,kk, // 16.08.19from
- tmp1=ptslist_(2*kk-1);
- pt3=ptslist_(2*kk); // 16.08.19until
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=tmp1+"3d");
- tmp2=parse(tmp1);
- if(ispoint(tmp2), // 16.05.26from
- if(islist(fixstr),tmp=fixstr_1,tmp=fixstr);
- tmp=Toupper(tmp);
- if(tmp!="FIX",
- tmp=Xyzcoord(tmp2.x,tmp2.y,parse(tmp1+"z").y);
- ,
- tmp=pt3;
- );
- Defvar(tmp1+"3d",tmp);
- ,
- Defvar(tmp1+"3d",pt3);
- ); // 16.05.26until
- Defvar(tmp1+"fix",0);
- pt=Parapt(pt3);
- Putpoint(tmp1,pt,parse(tmp1+".xy"));
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"color",2);
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"textsize",TSIZE);
- if(SUBSCR==1,
- tmp2=tmp1+"z";
- tmp=[pt.x+NE.x-SW.x,pt3_3];
- tmp1="[NE.x-SW.x+"+tmp1+".x,"+tmp2+"y]";
- Putpoint(tmp2,tmp,parse(tmp1));
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"color",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"textsize",TSIZEZ);
- );
- );
- if(islist(fixstr),tmp=fixstr_1,tmp=fixstr);
- if(tmp=="fix" % tmp=="Fix",
- Fixpoint3d(ptslist);
- );
-// help:Fixpoint3d(["O",[0,0,0],"X",[1,0,0]]);
- regional(name,pt3,pt2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- forall(1..(length(ptlist)/2),
- name=ptlist_(2*#-1);
- Defvar(name+"fix",1);
- pt3=ptlist_(2*#);
- pt2=Parapt(pt3);
- tmp1=textformat(pt2_1,5);
- tmp2=textformat(pt2_2,5);
- tmp=name+".xy=["+tmp1+","+tmp2+"]";
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=name+".x+NE.x-SW.x";
- tmp2=textformat(pt3_3,5);
- tmp=name+"z.xy=["+tmp1+","+tmp2+"];";
- parse(tmp);
- );
- regional(out,Eps,N3d,sgstr,pP,pA,pB,pC,tmp,tmp1,flgpL);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- pP=parse(ptstr+"3d");
- tmp=indexof(pLstr,"-");
- pA=parse(substring(pLstr,0,tmp-1)+"3d");
- tmp1=substring(pLstr,tmp,length(pLstr));
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"-");
- if(tmp>0,
- pB=parse(substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1)+"3d");
- pC=parse(substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1))+"3d");
- flgpL=1;
- ,
- pB=parse(tmp1+"3d");
- flgpL=0;
- );
- if(flgpL==1,
- tmp=Crossprod(pB-pA,pC-pA);
- if(abs(tmp)<Eps,
- err("not a plane");
- ,
- tmp=tmp/|tmp|;
- N3d=pP+tmp;
- Defvar("tmp3d",N3d); // temporary
- sgstr=ptstr+"-tmp";
- tmp=IntersectsgpL(name,sgstr,pLstr,"none");
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!="tmp3d");
- out=tmp_1;
- Defvar(name+"3d",tmp_1);
- );
- ,
- if(|pB-pA|<Eps,
- err("on the line");
- ,
- tmp1=(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|;
- tmp=Dotprod(pP-pA,tmp1);
- out=pA+tmp*tmp1;
- Defvar(name+"3d",out);
- );
- );
- if(islist(option),tmp=option_1,tmp=option);
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,1);
- if(tmp=="P" % tmp=="p",
- Putpoint3d([name,out]);
- Fixpoint3d([name,out]);
- );
- if(tmp=="D" % tmp=="d",
- Drawpoint3d(out);
- );
- out;
- Perpplane(name,ptstr,nvec,"draw");
- regional(Eps,nvec,sgstr,pP,v1,v2,v3,
- th,ph,pA,pB,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- if(isstring(nstr),nvec=parse(nstr+"3d"),nvec=nstr);
- pP=parse(ptstr+"3d");
- v3=nvec/|nvec|;
- th=THETA; ph=PHI;
- tmp=findangle(v3);
- THETA=tmp_1; PHI=tmp_2;
- v1=Cancoordpara([1,0,0]);
- v2=Cancoordpara([0,1,0]);
- THETA=th; PHI=ph;
- tmp=indexof(pLstr,"-");
- pA=pP+v1;
- pB=pP+v2;
- if(islist(option),tmp=option_1,tmp=option);
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp,0,1)); // 16.06.19
- if(tmp=="P",
- tmp=indexof(name,"-");
- tmp1=substring(name,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(name,tmp,length(name));
- Putpoint3d([tmp1,pA,tmp2,pB],["fix"]);
- );
- if(tmp=="D",
- Drawpoint3d(pA);
- Drawpoint3d(pB);
- );
- [pA,pB];
- regional(ptL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(MeasureDepth(pt3)==0,ptL=[pt3],ptL=pt3);
- forall(ptL,
- tmp=parapt(#);
- draw(tmp_(1..2));
- if(SUBSCR==1,
- draw([tmp_1+NE.x-SW.x, #_3]);
- );
- );
- regional(sL);
- if(islist(size),sL=size,sL=[size,size,size]);
- Putpoint3d(["O",[0,0,0]],"fix"); //17.06.02from
- Putpoint3d(["X",[sL_1,0,0]],"fix");
- Putpoint3d(["Y",[0,sL_2,0]],"fix");
- Putpoint3d(["Z",[0,0,sL_3]],"fix");
-// Fixpoint3d(["O",[0,0,0]]);
-// Fixpoint3d(["X",[sL_1,0,0],"Y",[0,sL_2,0],"Z",[0,0,sL_3]]);//17.06.02funtil
- IntersectsgpL(name,sgstr,pLstr,"draw");
-//// help:IntersectsgpL("","P-Q","A-B-C","none");
- regional(opstr,out,pP,pQ,pA,pB,pC,pH,pK,pR,tseg,tt,ss,Eps,flg,
- nvec,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
- if(islist(option),opstr=option_1,opstr=option);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- flg=0;
- if(!isstring(sgstr), // 15.05.29
- pP=sgstr_1;
- pQ=sgstr_2;
- ,
- tmp=indexof(sgstr,"-");
- if(tmp>0, // 15.05.28
- pP=parse(substring(sgstr,0,tmp-1)+"3d");
- pQ=parse(substring(sgstr,tmp,length(sgstr))+"3d");
- ,
- tmp1=parse(sgstr);
- pP=tmp1_1;
- pQ=tmp1_2;
- );
- );
- if(!isstring(pLstr), // 16.02.02
- pA=pLstr_1;
- pB=pLstr_2;
- pC=pLstr_3;
- ,
- tmp=indexof(pLstr,"-");
- pA=parse(substring(pLstr,0,tmp-1)+"3d");
- tmp1=substring(pLstr,tmp,length(pLstr));
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"-");
- pB=parse(substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1)+"3d");
- pC=parse(substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1))+"3d");
- );
- nvec=Crossprod(pB-pA,pC-pA);
- if(abs(Dotprod(nvec,pQ-pP))>Eps,
- pH=(Reflect3point(pP,[pA,pB,pC])+pP)/2;
- pK=(Reflect3point(pQ,[pA,pB,pC])+pQ)/2;
- tmp1=pP-pH;
- tmp2=tmp1+pK-pQ;
- tmp=select(tmp2,abs(#)==max(apply(tmp2,abs(#))));
- tmp=select(1..3,tmp2_#==tmp_1);
- tmp=tmp_1;
- tseg=tmp1_tmp/tmp2_tmp;
- pR=(1-tseg)*pH+tseg*pK;
- tmp=substring(opstr,0,1);
- if(Toupper(tmp)=="P",
- Putpoint3d([name,pR]);
- Fixpoint3d([name,pR]);
- );
- if(Toupper(tmp)=="D",
- Drawpoint3d(pR);
- );
- tmp=Dotprod(pB-pA,pC-pA);
- tmp1=Dotprod(pB-pA,pB-pA);
- tmp2=Dotprod(pC-pA,pC-pA);
- tmp3=Dotprod(pR-pA,pB-pA);
- tmp4=Dotprod(pR-pA,pC-pA);
- ss=-(tmp*tmp4-tmp3*tmp2)/(tmp1*tmp2-tmp^2);
- tt=(tmp1*tmp4-tmp*tmp3)/(tmp1*tmp2-tmp^2);
- out=[pR,tseg,ss,tt];
- ,
- if(Toupper(substring(opstr,0,1))!="N",
- println(" "+sgstr+","+pLstr+" are parallel");
- );
- out=[];
- );
- out;
- Bezier3(nm,ptlistorg,ctrlistorg,options);
- if(MeasureDepth(Ag1)==0,
- Bezier3(nm,Ag1,Ag2,[]);
- ,
- if(MeasureDepth(Ag1)>1,
- Bezier3(nm,Ag1_1,Ag1_2,Ag2);
- ,
- if(isstring(Ag_1_1),
- Bezier3(nm,Ag1,Ag2,[]);
- ,
- Bezier3(nm,Ag1_1,Ag1_2,Ag2);
- );
- );
- );
-Bezier3(nm,ptlistorg,ctrlistorg,options):=( //17.10.08 greatly changed
- regional(name,name3,name2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,
- Ltype,Noflg,opstr,eqL,Num,ii,knt,ctr,out);
- name="bz"+nm;
- name3="bz3d"+nm;
- name2="bz2d"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Num=20;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="N",
- Num=parse(tmp2);
- );
- );
- ptlist=ptlistorg;
- if(isstring(ptlistorg_1),ptlist=apply(ptlistorg,parse(#+"3d")));
- ctrlist=ctrlistorg;
- if(isstring(ctrlistorg_1),ctrlist=apply(ctrlistorg,parse(#+"3d")));
- out=[];
- forall(1..(length(ptlist)-1),ii,
- knt=[ptlist_ii,ptlist_(ii+1)];
- ctr=[ctrlist_(2*ii-1),ctrlist_(2*ii)];
- tmp="Bezierpt(T,ptlist,ctrlist)";//17.01.04
- tmp=Assign(tmp,"ptlist",knt);
- tmp=Assign(tmp,"ctrlist",ctr);
- Spacecurve(name+text(ii),tmp,"T=[0,1]",append(eqL,"nodisp"));
- GLIST=GLIST_(1..(length(GLIST)-2));
- out=append(out,name3+text(ii));
- );
- tmp1=[];
- forall(1..length(out),
- tmp=parse(out_#);
- if(#==1,tmp1=tmp,tmp1=concat(tmp1,tmp_(2..length(tmp))));
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Beziercurve "+name3);
- tmp=name3+"="+tmp1;
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Projpara(name3,["nodata"]);
- tmp=name2+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- ptlist=apply(ptlistorg,#+"3d");
- ptlist=RSform(text(ptlist),1);
- ctrlist=[];
- forall(1..(length(ctrlistorg)/2),
- tmp=[ctrlistorg_(2*#-1),ctrlistorg_(2*#)];
- tmp=apply(tmp,#+"3d");
- ctrlist=append(ctrlist,tmp);
- );
- ctrlist=RSform(text(ctrlist),0);
- tmp=name3+"=Bezier("+ptlist+","+ctrlist+","+Dq+"Num="+text(Num)+Dq+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1, // 15.02.11
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- );
- );
- out;
-Putbezier3data(name,pt3Lorg,options):=( // 17.10.08 greatly changed
- regional(pt3L,psize,Deg,nn,numstr,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,pts,ctrpts);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Deg=3;
- tmp1=tmp_5;
- forall(tmp1,
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="D",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- Deg=parse(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
- );
- );
- pt3L=pt3Lorg;
- if(isstring(pt3L_1),pt3L=apply(pt3L,parse(#+"3d")));
- ctrpts=[];
- forall(2..length(pt3L),nn, // 16.08.19from
- numstr=text(nn-1); // 16.08.19
- if(Deg==3,
- tmp1=name+numstr+"p";
- tmp2=(2*pt3L_(nn-1)+pt3L_(nn))/3;
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=tmp1+"3d"); // 16.08.19from
- Putpoint3d([tmp1,tmp2]);
- ctrpts=append(ctrpts,tmp1);
- tmp1=name+numstr+"q";
- tmp3=(pt3L_(nn-1)+2*pt3L_nn)/3;
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=tmp1+"3d");
- Putpoint3d([tmp1,tmp3]);
- ctrpts=append(ctrpts,tmp1);
- ,
- tmp1=name+numstr+"p";
- tmp2=(pt3L_(nn-1)+pt3L_nn)/2;
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=tmp1+"3d"); // 16.08.19until
- Putpoint3d([tmp1,tmp2]);
- ctrpts=append(ctrpts,tmp1);
- );
- );
- ctrpts;
-Mkbezierptcrv3(ptdata,options):=( //17.10.08 greatly changed
- regional(Eps,name,bz,pt,p1,p2,p13d,p23d,pt3,
- Out,tt,pos,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- pos=[NE.x+1,NE.y];
- Out=[];
- tmp=floor((BezierNumber3-1)/26);// 15.02.23 from
- if(tmp==0,tmp="",tmp=text(tmp));
- tmp2=mod(BezierNumber3,26);
- if(tmp2==0,tmp2=26);
- name=unicode(text(96+tmp2),base->10)+tmp;
- tmp2=Putbezier3data(name,ptdata,options);
- Bezier3(name,ptdata,tmp2,options);
- Out=append(Out,tmp2);
- BezierNumber3=BezierNumber3+1;
- Out;
- regional(eqL,size,vL,fnL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- size=1;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="S",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- size=parse(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
- );
- );
- tmp=load(filename);
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,"v");
- tmp1=tmp_(2..(length(tmp)-1));
- tmp2=tmp_(length(tmp));
- tmp2=tokenize(tmp2,"f");
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp2_1);
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,Removespace(#));
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,replace(#," "," "));
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,"["+replace(#," ",",")+"]");
- vL=apply(tmp1,size*parse(#));
- tmp2=tmp2_(2..(length(tmp2)));
- tmp2=apply(tmp2,Removespace(#));
- tmp2=apply(tmp2,replace(#," "," "));
- tmp2=apply(tmp2,"["+replace(#," ",",")+"]");
- fnL=apply(tmp2,parse(#));
- [vL,fnL];
- regional(eqL,size,vL,fnL,dtL,numer,flg,flg2,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5);
- size=1;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="S",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- size=parse(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
- );
- );
- numer="-0123456789";
- tmp=load(filename);
- dtL=tokenize(tmp,"v ");
- vL=[];
- fnL=[];
- flg=0;
- flg2=0;
- forall(dtL,dt,
- tmp1=Removespace(dt);
- if(indexof(numer,substring(tmp1,0,1))>0,
- tmp2="";
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"f");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp2=substring(tmp1,tmp-1,length(tmp1));
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
- if(substring(tmp1,length(tmp1)-1,length(tmp1))=="#",
- tmp2="#"+tmp2;
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- );
-// tmp=indexof(tmp2,"#");
-// if(tmp>0,
-// tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,tmp-1);
-// );
- );
- if(flg==1,
- tmp1="";
- flg=0;
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"#");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
- flg=1;
- );
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"vt");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
- );
- tmp1=replace(tmp1," ",",");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1," ",",");
- tmp1="["+tmp1+"]";
- tmp1=size*parse(tmp1);
- vL=append(vL,tmp1);
- );
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- tmp2=tokenize(tmp2,"f");
- if(length(tmp2_1)==0,
- tmp2=tmp2_(2..length(tmp2));
- // ,
- // if(tmp2_1=="#",
-// tmp2=tmp2_(2..length(tmp2));
-// tmp2_1="#"+tmp2_1;
-// );
- );
- forall(1..length(tmp2),tmp3,
- tmp=tmp2_tmp3;
- if(substring(tmp,length(tmp)-1,length(tmp))=="#",
- tmp2_(tmp3+1)="#"+Removespace(tmp2_(tmp3+1));
- tmp2_tmp3=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1);
- );
- tmp5="";
- if(length(tmp2_tmp3)>0,
- tmp4=tokenize(tmp2_tmp3," ");
- forall(tmp4,
- if(length(text(#))>0,
- if(indexof(text(#),"/")==0,
- tmp=text(#);
- ,
- tmp=tokenize(text(#),"/");
- tmp=tmp_1;
- );
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp5=tmp5+tmp+",";
- );
- );
- );
- tmp5=substring(tmp5,0,length(tmp5)-1);
- if(length(tmp5)>0,
- if(substring(tmp5,0,1)!="#",
- tmp5="["+tmp5+"]";
- fnL=append(fnL,parse(tmp5));
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- [vL,fnL];
- regional(obj,vL,fL,vadd,vtx,faces,fnew,face,jj,kk,vctr,eps,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,eqL,rmf);
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- rmf="y"; // 16.08.19
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
- if(tmp1=="R",
- if(tmp2=="Y",rmf="y"); // 16.08.14
- );
- );
- eps=10^(-4);
- vL=[];
- fL=[];
- vctr=0;
- forall(objL,obj,
- if(isstring(obj),
- tmp1=parse(obj);
- ,
- tmp1=obj;
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>2, // 16.02.28
- tmp=1..length(tmp1);
- tmp1=[tmp1,[tmp]];
- );
- vtx=tmp1_1; // 16.02.11 from
- faces=tmp1_2;
- fnew=faces;
- vctr=0;
- vadd=[];
- forall(1..length(vtx),jj,
- tmp1=vtx_jj;
- tmp=select(1..length(vL),dist3d(vL_#,tmp1)<eps);
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- vadd=append(vadd,tmp1);
- vctr=vctr+1;
- tmp2=length(vL)+vctr;
- ,
- tmp2=tmp_1;
- );
- forall(1..length(faces),kk,
- face=faces_kk;
- tmp=select(1..length(face),face_#==jj);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp1=tmp_1;
- fnew_kk_tmp1=tmp2;
- );
- );
- );
- vL=concat(vL,vadd);
- fL=concat(fL,fnew); // 16.02.11 until
- );
- tmp2=apply(1..length(fL),1);
- if(rmf=="y",
- forall(1..length(fL),jj,
- tmp=fL_jj;
- tmp1=select((jj+1)..length(fL),fL_#==tmp);
- forall(tmp1,tmp2_#=0);
- );
- tmp=select(1..length(tmp2),tmp2_#==1);
- fL=fL_tmp;
- );
- [vL,fL];
- regional(fname,obj,vtx,face,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- fname=fnameorg;
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,fname=fname+".obj");
- vtx=objL_1;
- face=objL_2;
- setdirectory(path);
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(fname);
- forall(vtx,tmp1,
- tmp2=tmp1;
- if(ispoint(tmp1),
- tmp2=parse(text(tmp1)+"3d");
- );
- tmp="v "+format(tmp2_1,5)+" "+format(tmp2_2,5)+" "+format(tmp2_3,5);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- forall(face,tmp1,
- tmp="f";
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp=tmp+" "+text(#);
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
-VertexEdgeFace(nm,vfnL):=VertexEdgeFace(nm,vfnL,[]); // 16.02.10
- regional(name3,namev,namee,namef,vfnL,options,Noflg,eqL,strL,
- vL,eL,enL,face,edge,vtx,vname,fixflg,edgflg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name3="phvef"+nm;
- namev="phv3d"+nm;
- namee="phe3d"+nm;
- namef="phf3d"+nm;
- options=optionorg;
- vfnL=vfnLorg; // 16.06.19from
- if(length(vfnL)>2,
- vfnL=[vfnL,[1..length(vfnL)]];
- );
- if(length(vfnL)==1,
- vfnL=[vfnL_1,[1..length(vfnL_1)]];
- ); // 16.06.19until
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- fixflg=1;
- edgflg=1;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
- if(tmp1=="P",
- if(tmp2=="FREE", fixflg=0);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="E",
- if(substring(tmp2,0,1)=="N", edgflg=0);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- forall(strL,
- if(Toupper(#)=="FREE",
- fixflg=0;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- vL=[];
- forall(1..length(vfnL_1),
- vtx=vfnL_1_#; // 16.02.10 from
- if(isstring(vtx),vtx=parse(vtx)); // 16.06.19
- if(ispoint(vtx),
- tmp=parse(text(vtx)+"3d");
- vname=text(vtx);
-// tmp=parse(text(vtx)+"3d");
-// tmp="v"+text(#)+"3d="+textformat(tmp,5);
-// parse(tmp);
- ,
- vname="v"+text(#);
- if(fixflg==1,
- Putpoint3d(["v"+text(#),vtx],"fix");
- );
- );
- vL=append(vL,vname); // 16.02.10 until
- );
- eL=[];
- forall(vfnL_2,face,
- forall(1..length(face),
- tmp1=face_#;
- if(#<length(face),
- tmp2=face_(#+1);
- ,
- tmp2=face_1;
- );
- if(tmp2<tmp1,
- tmp=tmp2; tmp2=tmp1; tmp1=tmp;
- );
-// tmp1="v"+text(tmp1)+"3d";
-// tmp2="v"+text(tmp2)+"3d";
- tmp1=vL_tmp1+"3d";
- tmp2=vL_tmp2+"3d";
- tmp=select(eL,#==[tmp1,tmp2] % #==[tmp2,tmp1]);
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- eL=append(eL,[tmp1,tmp2]);
- );
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- enL=[];
- forall(eL,edge,
- if(edgflg==0,
- if(Noflg<2,
- tmp1=edge_1;//parse(edge_1);
- tmp2=edge_2;//parse(edge_2);
- tmp="sl3d"+edge_1+edge_2;
- if(islist(parse(tmp)),
- Changestyle3d([tmp],["nodisp"]);
- );
- tmp="sl3d"+edge_2+edge_1;
- if(islist(parse(tmp)),
- Changestyle3d([tmp],["nodisp"]);
- );
- tmp=replace(edge_1+edge_2,"3d","");
- options=append(options,"Msg=no");
- Spaceline("-"+tmp,[tmp1,tmp2],options); //16.02.28
- );
- enL=append(enL,tmp+"3d"); //16.02.29
- ,
- tmp1=replace(edge_1,"3d","");
- tmp2=replace(edge_2,"3d","");
- tmp=tmp1+tmp2;
- create([tmp],"Segment",[parse(tmp1),parse(tmp2)]);
- enL=append(enL,tmp+"3d");//16.02.29
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- println("generate "+name3);
- println(" generate totally "+namee);
- println(" generate vertexes "+namev);
- println(" generate faces "+namef);
- );
- tmp1="";
- forall(enL,
- tmp1=tmp1+Dq+#+Dq+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- tmp=namee+"=["+tmp1+"]";
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=namee+"=list("+tmp1+")";
- tmp=replace(tmp,Dq,"");
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp1=apply(vL,Dq+#+"3d"+Dq);
- tmp1=text(tmp1);
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
- tmp=namev+"=["+tmp1+"]";
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,Dq,"");
- tmp=namev+"=list("+tmp1+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp1=text(vfnL_2);
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
- tmp=namef+"=["+tmp1+"]";
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=namef+"=list("+tmp1+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- [namev,namee,namef];
- regional(tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp1=parse("phv3d"+nmvf);
- tmp2=parse("phf3d"+nmvf);
- Phparadata(nm,nmvf,[tmp1,tmp2]);
- regional(vfL,options,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(islist(Arg1) & !islist(Arg1_1),
- tmp1=parse("phv3d"+nmvf);
- tmp2=parse("phf3d"+nmvf);
- vfL=[tmp1,tmp2];
- options=Arg1;
- ,
- vfL=Arg1;
- options=[];
- );
- Phparadata(nm,nmvf,vfL,options);
- regional(name2,name3,nameh2,nameh3,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,Hidden,
- opstr,opcindy,Outflg,Inflg,pdata1,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name2="php2d"+nm;
- name3="php3d"+nm;
- nameh2="phh2d"+nm;
- nameh3="phh3d"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- Inflg=tmp_3;
- Outflg=tmp_4;
- if(Inflg==0 & Outflg==0, Inflg=1;Outflg=1); // 15.05.15
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Hidden="";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="H",
- Hidden=tmp2;
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- if(Outflg>=1,
- println("Output Phparadata "+name3);
- if(isstring(vfL_1), // 2015.05.27 from
- tmp1=vfL_1;
- ,
- tmp1="list(";
- forall(vfL_1,
- tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+")";
- );
- if(isstring(vfL_2),
- tmp2=vfL_2;
- ,
- tmp2="list(";
- forall(vfL_2,
- tmp2=tmp2+text(#)+",";
- );
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+")";
- ); // 2015.05.27 until
- tmp=name3+"=Phparadata("+tmp1+","+tmp2+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=nameh3+"=PhHiddenData()";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=nameh2+"=Projpara("+nameh3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- if(Inflg==1,
-// tmp=apply(pltdata1,replace(#,"3d","2d")); // 15.05.18 from
- Changestyle3d("phe3d"+nmvf,["nodisp"]);
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
- if(Hidden!="",
- Drawlinetype(nameh2,Hidden);
- if(Inflg==1,
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(Hidden,0,2));
- if(tmp1=="DR",Ltype=0);
- if(tmp1=="DA",Ltype=1);
- if(tmp1=="DO",Ltype=3);
- if(tmp1=="ID",Ltype=1);
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[nameh2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
-// help:Nohiddenseg("1",seg1,[0,1],["v1","v2","v3"]);
- regional(Eps,pA3,pB3,pC3,pA,pB,pC,sg1,sg2,ss1,ss2,parL,flgL,flg1,flg2,
- veB,veC,sgnoh,sghid,added,tristr,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- sgnoh=[0,1];
- pA3=if(isstring(triang_1),parse(triang_1+"3d"),triang_1); //16.06.19
- pA=Parapt(pA3);
- pB3=if(isstring(triang_2),parse(triang_2+"3d"),triang_2); //16.06.19
- pB=Parapt(pB3);
- pC3=if(isstring(triang_3),parse(triang_3+"3d"),triang_3); //16.06.19
- pC=Parapt(pC3);
- sg1=seg_1+rng_1*(seg_2-seg_1);
- sg2=seg_1+rng_2*(seg_2-seg_1);
- ss1=Parapt(sg1);
- ss2=Parapt(sg2);
- tristr=replace(text(triang),",","-");
- tristr=substring(tristr,1,length(tristr)-1);
- if(|ss2-ss1|>Eps & abs(Crossprod(pB-pA,pC-pA))>Eps,
- tmp=IntersectcrvsPp([ss1,ss2],[pA,pB,pC,pA]);
- parL=apply(tmp,#_2-1);
- parL=sort(parL);
- if(length(parL)==0,
- parL=[0,1];
- ,
- if(parL_1>Eps,parL=prepend(0,parL));
- if(parL_(length(parL))<1-Eps,parL=append(parL,1));
- );
- tmp1=Crossprod(pB3-pA3,pC3-pA3);
- if(abs(Dotprod(tmp1,sg2-sg1))>Eps,
- tmp=IntersectsgpL("",[sg1,sg2],tristr,["nodisp"]);
- if(tmp_2>-Eps & tmp_2<1+Eps,
- if(tmp_3>-Eps & tmp_4>-Eps & tmp_3+tmp_4<1+Eps,
- tmp1=select(parL,abs(tmp_2-#)<Eps);
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- parL=sort(append(parL,tmp_2));
- );
- );
- );
- );
- flgL=[];
- forall(parL,
- tmp1=sg1+#*(sg2-sg1);
- tmp=Projcoordpara(tmp1);
- tmp_3=tmp_3+1;
- tmp2=Cancoordpara(tmp);
- tmp=IntersectsgpL("",[tmp1,tmp2],tristr,["nodisp"]);
- tmp1=Projcoordpara(tmp1);
- tmp2=Projcoordpara(tmp_1);
- flg1=0;
- if(tmp1_3<tmp2_3-Eps,flg1=-1);
- if(tmp1_3>tmp2_3+Eps,flg1=1);
- flgL=append(flgL,flg1);
- );
- sgnoh=[];
- forall(2..length(flgL),
- added=[];
- flg1=flgL_(#-1);
- flg2=flgL_#;
- if(max([flg1,flg2])==1 % flg1+flg2==0,
- added=[parL_(#-1),parL_#];
- ,
- sghid=[parL_(#-1),parL_#];
- tmp1=ss1+sghid_1*(ss2-ss1);
- tmp2=ss1+sghid_2*(ss2-ss1);
- tmp=IntersectcrvsPp([tmp1,tmp2],[pA,pB,pC,pA]);
- if(length(tmp)<2,
- veB=pB-pA;
- veC=pC-pA;
- tmp3=tmp1-pA;
- tmp4=tmp2-pA;
- tmp5=Crossprod(veB,veC);
- tmp1=(tmp3_1*veC_2-tmp3_2*veC_1)/tmp5;
- tmp2=(-tmp3_1*veB_2+tmp3_2*veB_1)/tmp5;
- if(tmp1>-Eps & tmp2>-Eps & tmp1+tmp2<1+Eps,flg1=1,flg1=0);
- tmp1=(tmp4_1*veC_2-tmp4_2*veC_1)/tmp5;
- tmp2=(-tmp4_1*veB_2+tmp4_2*veB_1)/tmp5;
- if(tmp1>-Eps & tmp2>-Eps & tmp1+tmp2<1+Eps,flg2=1,flg2=0);
- if(flg1==1 & flg2==0,
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp1=tmp_1_2-1;
- tmp1=sghid_1+(sghid_2-sghid_1)*tmp1;
- ,
- tmp1=sghid_1;
- );
- added=[tmp1,sghid_2];
-// added=[tmp1+Eps,sghid_2]; // <--- USUI 2016.02.27
- );
- if(flg1==0 & flg2==1,
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp1=tmp_1_2-1;
- tmp1=sghid_1+(sghid_2-sghid_1)*tmp1;
- ,
- tmp1=sghid_2;
- );
- added=[sghid_1,tmp1];
- );
- if(flg1+flg2==0,
- added=sghid;
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp)==2,
- if(min([flg1,flg2])>=0,added=sghid,added=[]);
- );
- );
- if(length(added)>0,
- if(length(sgnoh)==0,
- sgnoh=added;
- ,
- if(sgnoh_(length(sgnoh))<added_1-Eps,
- sgnoh=concat(sgnoh,added);
- ,
- sgnoh=sgnoh_(1..(length(sgnoh)-1));
- sgnoh=concat(sgnoh,added_(2..length(added)));
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- sgnoh=apply(sgnoh,rng_1+#*(rng_2-rng_1));
- sgnoh;
- regional(Eps,rng,face,vtx,out,ra,rb,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- face=apply(faceno,vtxL_#); // 16.02.10
- rng=range;
- out=rng;
- forall(2..(length(face)-1),vtx,
- tmp1=[face_1,face_vtx,face_(vtx+1)];
- forall(1..(length(rng)/2),
- tmp=[rng_(2*#-1),rng_(2*#)];
- out=remove(out,tmp);
- tmp2=Nohiddenseg(seg,tmp,tmp1);
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- out=remove(out,tmp);
- out=concat(out,tmp2);
- );
- );
- tmp=sort(out);
- out=[];
- forall(1..(length(tmp)/2),
- ra=tmp_(2*#-1);
- rb=tmp_(2*#);
- if(ra<rb-Eps,
- if(length(out)==0,
- out=[ra,rb];
- ,
- if(out_(length(out))<ra-Eps,
- out=concat(out,[ra,rb]);
- ,
- out_(length(out))=rb;
- );
- );
- );
- );
- rng=out;
- );
- rng;
- Nohiddenbyfaces(nm,Datalist3d(),facestr,[],["do"]);
- regional(segstr,facestr,options);
- if(islist(Arg2),
- segstr=Datalist3d();
- facestr=Arg1;
- options=Arg2;
- ,
- segstr=Arg1;
- facestr=Arg2;
- options=[];
- );
- Nohiddenbyfaces(nm,segstr,facestr,options,["do"]);
- regional(segstr,facestr,options,optionsh);
- if(islist(Arg2),
- segstr=Datalist3d();
- facestr=Arg1;
- options=Arg2;
- optionsh=Arg3;
- ,
- segstr=Arg1;
- facestr=Arg2;
- options=Arg3;
- optionsh=["do"];
- );
- Nohiddenbyfaces(nm,segstr,facestr,options,optionsh); // 16.02.21
- regional(Eps,namen,nameh,options,segL,faceL,vtxL,rng,seg,face,
- flg,ctr,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,opstr,opcindy,frnL,frhL);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- namen="frn"+nm;
- nameh="frh"+nm;
- if(isstring(segstr),
-// segL=parse(segstr);
- segL=[segstr]; // 16.08.19
- ,
- segL=segstr;
- );
- tmp2=[]; // 16.02.29 from
- forall(segL,seg,
- tmp=replace(seg,"3d","2d");
- tmp1=select(GCLIST,#_1==tmp);
- tmp1=tmp1_1;
- if(tmp1_2==0,
- tmp2=append(tmp2,seg);
- );
- );
- segL=tmp2;
- Changestyle3d(segL,["nodisp"]); // 16.02.29 until
- if(islist(segL),
- if(isstring(segL_1),
- segL=apply(segL,parse(#));
- );
- );
- segL=Flattenlist(segL);
- flg=0;
- if(isstring(facestr),
- if(substring(facestr,0,3)=="phf", // 16.08.19from
- faceL=parse(facestr);
- tmp=replace(facestr,"phf","phv"); // 16.02.10 from
- tmp=parse(tmp);
- vtxL=apply(tmp,replace(#,"3d","")); // 16.02.10 until
- flg=1;
- ,
- faceL=parse(facestr);
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(length(faceL)==2, // 16.08.19until
- vtxL=facestr_1;
- faceL=facestr_2;
- ,
- vtxL=facestr;
- faceL=[1..length(vtxL)];
- );
- );
-// Hidden="";
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
-// forall(eqL,
-// tmp=indexof(#,"=");
-// tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
-// tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
-// if(tmp1=="H",
-// Hidden=tmp2;
-// );
-// );
- ctr=1;
- frnL=[];
- frhL=[];
- forall(segL,seg,
- rng=[0,1];
- forall(faceL,face,
- rng=Nohiddensegs(seg,rng,face,vtxL);
- );
- forall(1..length(rng)/2,
- tmp=rng_(2*#-1);
- tmp1=seg_1+tmp*(seg_2-seg_1);
- tmp=rng_(2*#);
- tmp2=seg_1+tmp*(seg_2-seg_1);
-// tmp=remove(options,eqL);
- tmp=append(options,"Msg=nodisp"); // 15.06.22
- Spaceline("-"+namen+"n"+text(ctr),[tmp1,tmp2],tmp);
- frnL=append(frnL,namen+"n"+text(ctr)+"3d");
- ctr=ctr+1;
- );
- if(length(rng)==0,
- rng=[0,1];
- ,
- if(rng_1>0+Eps,
- rng=prepend(0,rng);
- ,
- rng=rng_(2..length(rng));
- );
- if(rng_(length(rng))<1-Eps,
- rng=append(rng,1);
- ,
- rng=rng_(1..(length(rng)-1));
- );
- );
- forall(1..length(rng)/2,
- tmp=rng_(2*#-1);
- tmp1=seg_1+tmp*(seg_2-seg_1);
- tmp=rng_(2*#);
- tmp2=seg_1+tmp*(seg_2-seg_1);
- if(length(optionsh)>0,tmp=optionsh,tmp=["do"]);
- tmp=append(tmp,"Msg=nodisp"); // 15.06.22
- Spaceline("-"+nameh+"n"+text(ctr),[tmp1,tmp2],tmp);
- frhL=append(frhL,nameh+"n"+text(ctr)+"3d");
- ctr=ctr+1;
- );
- );
- tmp1=apply(frnL,Dq+#+Dq);
- tmp="frn3d"+nm+"="+text(tmp1);
- parse(tmp);
- println(" generate totally "+"frn3d"+nm);
- tmp1=apply(frhL,Dq+#+Dq);
- tmp="frh3d"+nm+"="+text(tmp1);
- parse(tmp);
- println(" generate totally "+"frh3d"+nm);
- regional(name2,name3,nameh2,nameh3,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,Hidden,
- opstr,opcindy,Outflg,Inflg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name2="frc2d"+nm;
- name3="frc3d"+nm;
- nameh2="frch2d"+nm;
- nameh3="frch3d"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- Inflg=tmp_3;
- Outflg=tmp_4;
- if(Inflg==0 & Outflg==0, Inflg=1;Outflg=1); // 15.05.15
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Hidden="";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="H",
- Hidden=tmp2;
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- if(Outflg>=1,
- println("Output Faceremovaldata "+name3);
- if(MeasureDepth(vfdata)==1,
- tmp1=text(apply(vfdata,#_[1,3]));
- ,
- tmp1=text([vfdata_[1,3]]);
- );
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","list(");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]",")");
- tmp2=text(crvdata);
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"[","list(");
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"]",")");
-// tmp2="Flattenlist("+tmp2+")";
- tmp=name3+"=Faceremovaldata("+tmp1+","+tmp2+opstr+","+Dq+"para"+Dq+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=nameh3+"=PhHiddenData()";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=nameh2+"=Projpara("+nameh3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- if(Inflg==1,
- if(MeasureDepth(vfdata)==1,
- tmp1=apply(vfdata,parse(#_2));
- ,
- tmp1=[parse(vfdata_2)];
- );
- forall(tmp1,
- Changestyle3d(#,["nodisp"]);
- );
- Changestyle3d(crvdata,["nodisp"]);
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
- if(Hidden!="",
- Drawlinetype(nameh2,Hidden);
- if(Inflg==1,
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(Hidden,0,2));
- if(tmp1=="DR",Ltype=0);
- if(tmp1=="DA",Ltype=1);
- if(tmp1=="DO",Ltype=3);
- if(tmp1=="ID",Ltype=1);
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[nameh2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
- regional(Out,nn,ii,Jrg,flg,Urg,Vrg,kk,Uname,
- Zf,Xname,Xf,Yname,Yf,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Out=[FdL_1];
- nn=length(FdL);
- flg=0;
- forall(1..nn,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=FdL_#;
- if(substring(tmp,length(tmp)-1,length(tmp))=="]",
- Jrg=#;
- Urg=FdL_Jrg;
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- kk=indexof(Urg,"=");
- Uname=Removespace(substring(Urg,0,kk-1));
- tmp=substring(Urg,kk,length(Urg));
- Urg=Uname+"="+tmp;
-// tmp1=parse(tmp);
-// Urg=Uname+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- Vrg=FdL_(Jrg+1);
- kk=indexof(Vrg,"=");
- Vname=Removespace(substring(Vrg,0,kk-1));
- tmp=substring(Vrg,kk,length(Vrg));
- Vrg=Vname+"="+tmp;
-// tmp1=parse(tmp);
-// Vrg=Vname+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- if(Jrg==2,
- tmp=FdL_1;
- kk=indexof(tmp,"=");
- Zf=substring(tmp,kk,length(tmp));
- tmp=[Uname,Vname,Zf,Urg,Vrg];
- Out=concat(Out,tmp);
- ,
- if(Jrg==4,
- tmp=FdL_1;
- kk=indexof(tmp,"=");
- Zf=substring(tmp,kk,length(tmp));
- tmp=FdL_2;
- kk=indexof(tmp,"=");
- Xname=Removespace(substring(tmp,0,kk-1));
- Xf=substring(tmp,kk,length(tmp));
- tmp=FdL_3;
- kk=indexof(tmp,"=");
- Yname=Removespace(substring(tmp,0,kk-1));
- Yf=substring(tmp,kk,length(tmp));
- tmp=replace(Zf,Xname,"("+Xf+")");
- Zf=replace(tmp,Yname,"("+Yf+")");
- Tmp=[Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg];
- Out=concat(Out,Tmp);
- ,
- tmp=FdL_2;
- kk=indexof(tmp,"=");
- Xf=substring(tmp,kk,length(tmp));
- tmp=FdL_3;
- kk=indexof(tmp,"=");
- Yf=substring(tmp,kk,length(tmp));
- tmp=FdL_4;
- kk=indexof(tmp,"=");
- Zf=substring(tmp,kk,length(tmp));
- tmp=[Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg];
- Out=concat(Out,tmp);
- );
- );
- DrwS="enws";
- BdyL=[];
- forall((Jrg+2)..length(FdL),ii,
- tmp=FdL_ii;
- if(isstring(tmp),
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- tmp=" ";
- );
- DrwS=tmp;
- );
- if(islist(tmp) & length(tmp_1)>1,
- BdyL=tmp;
- );
- );
- tmp=[DrwS,BdyL];
- Out=concat(Out,tmp);
- regional(name,coord,var1,var2,rng1,rng2,bdy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=Fullformfunc(Fd);
- rng1=tmp_5;
- rng2=tmp_6;
- bdy=tmp_7;
- coord="["+tmp_2+","+tmp_3+","+tmp_4+"]";
- tmp=indexof(rng1,"=");
- var1=substring(rng1,0,tmp-1);
- rng1=substring(rng1,tmp,length(rng1));
- tmp=indexof(rng2,"=");
- var2=substring(rng2,0,tmp-1);
- rng2=substring(rng2,tmp,length(rng2));
- name="Sfn"+nm+"("+var1+","+var2+")";
- Deffun(name,["regional(tmp)","tmp="+coord,"tmp"]);
- [name,var1,rng1,var2,rng2,bdy];
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=Surffun(nm,fdata);
- tmp1=tmp_2+"="+tmp_3;
- tmp2=tmp_4+"="+tmp_5;
- Sf3data(nm,tmp_1,tmp1,tmp2,optionorg);
- regional(name2,name3,var1,var2,Ltype,Noflg,opstr,opcindy,eqL,Num,
- Wire,varu,varv,rngu,rngv,sfdtuL,sfdtvL,options,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- var1=replace(var1org,"%pi","pi");
- var2=replace(var2org,"%pi","pi");
- tmp=Divoptions(optionorg);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- options=optionorg;
- Num=[25,25];
- Wire=[20,20];
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#)); // 16.05.25
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1));
- if(tmp=="N",
- tmp2=parse(tmp2);
- if(!islist(tmp2),tmp2=[tmp2,tmp2]);
- Num=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="W",
- tmp2=parse(tmp2);
- if(!islist(tmp2),tmp2=[tmp2,tmp2]);
- Wire=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(var1,"=");
- varu=substring(var1,0,tmp-1);
- rngu=parse(substring(var1,tmp,length(var1)));
- tmp=indexof(var2,"=");
- varv=substring(var2,0,tmp-1);
- rngv=parse(substring(var2,tmp,length(var2)));
- sfdtuL=[];
- forall(0..Wire_2,
- tmp=rngv_1+#/Wire_2*(rngv_2-rngv_1);
- tmp1=replace(funstr,varv,textformat(tmp,5));
- tmp="Num="+text(Num_2);
- tmp2=concat(options,["Msg=no",tmp]);
- Spacecurve(nm+"u"+#,tmp1,var1,tmp2);
- sfdtuL=append(sfdtuL,"sc3d"+nm+"u"+#);
- );
- sfdtvL=[];
- forall(0..Wire_1,
- tmp=rngu_1+#/Wire_1*(rngu_2-rngu_1);
- tmp1=replace(funstr,varu,textformat(tmp,5));
- tmp="Num="+text(Num_1);
- tmp2=concat(options,["Msg=no",tmp]);
- Spacecurve(nm+"v"+#,tmp1,var2,tmp2);
- sfdtvL=append(sfdtvL,"sc3d"+nm+"v"+#);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println(" generate totally "+"sf3d"+nm);
- tmp1="";
- forall(sfdtuL,
- tmp1=tmp1+Dq+#+Dq+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- tmp2="";
- forall(sfdtvL,
- tmp2=tmp2+Dq+#+Dq+",";
- );
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
- tmp="sf3d"+nm+"=[["+tmp1+"],["+tmp2+"]]";
- parse(tmp);
- );
- [sfdtuL,sfdtvL];
- Sfbdparadata(nm,fd,[],["nodisp"]);
- Sfbdparadata(nm,fd,options,["nodisp"]);
-//help:Sfbdparadata(options2=["Wait=60",division(c(50,50)),Eps1(c(0.01,1)), Eps2(0.05)]);
- regional(fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,waiting,
- eqL,reL,strL,fname,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg,wflg);
- name2="sfbd2d"+nm;
- name3="sfbd3d"+nm;
- name2h="sfbdh2d"+nm;
- name3h="sfbdh3d"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+"sfbd"+nm+".txt";
- tmp=apply(fdorg,if(isstring(#),"'"+#+"'",#));
- tmp=text(tmp);
- fd=RSform(tmp,2);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=120;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- tmp=["fd"+nm];
- if(length(reL)>0,
- reL=textformat(reL,4);
- reL=substring(reL,1,length(reL)-1);
- reL=Rsform(reL);
- tmp=append(tmp,reL);
- );
- tmp1=[Dqq(fname),Dqq(name3),name3,Dqq(name2),name2];
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Dqq(name3h),name3h,Dqq(name2h),name2h]);
-// tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Dqq("CUSPPT"),"CUSPPT"]);
-// tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Dqq("OTHERPARTITION"),"OTHERPARTITION"]);
- tmp2=replace(fname,".txt",".dat"); //18.02.18
- cmdL=[
- "print",[Dqq("fd"+nm)], //18.02.22
- "fd"+nm+"="+fd,[],
- name3+"=Sfbdparadata",tmp,
- name2+"=Projpara",[name3],
- name3h+"=HIDDENDATA",[],
- name2h+"=Projpara",[name3h],
- "WriteOutData",tmp1,
- "save",["CUSPPT","OTHERPARTITION","file='"+tmp2+"'"]
- ];
- tmp=replace(fname,".txt","end.txt");
- options=concat(options,["Out=no","Wait="+text(waiting),"Res="+tmp]);
- if(wflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
- if(wflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR("sfbd"+nm,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Sfbdparadata not completed");
- ,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- if(islist(parse(name2)),
- Extractdata(name2,options);
- if(length(optionsh)>0,tmp=optionsh,tmp=["nodisp"]);
- Extractdata(name2h,tmp);
- ,
- ErrFlag=1;
- );
- );
- if(isstring(ADDPOINT),
- ,
- "list()";
- );
-//help:Addpoints(list of 3d points);
- if(length(ptlist)==0,
- ADDPOINT="list()";
- ,
- ADDPOINT=Rsform(textformat(ptlist,6),2);
- );
- Wireparadata(nm,sf,fd,wr1,wr2,[],["nodisp"]);
- Wireparadata(nm,sf,fd,wr1,wr2,options,["nodisp"]);
-//help:Wireparadata(options2=[division(c(50,50)),Eps1(0.01), Eps2(0.05)]);
- regional(fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,outreg,
- eqL,reL,strL,fname,rfname,waiting,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg,wflg);
- name2="wire2d"+nm;
- name3="wiref3d"+nm;
- name2h="wireh2d"+nm;
- name3h="wireh3d"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+"wire"+nm+".txt";
- rfname=Fhead+sfstr+".txt";
- rfname=replace(rfname,"3d","");
- tmp=apply(fdorg,if(isstring(#),"'"+#+"'",#));
- tmp=text(tmp);
- fd=RSform(tmp,2);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=600;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- tmp1=textformat(wr1,6);
- tmp1=Rsform(tmp1,1);
- tmp2=textformat(wr2,6);
- tmp2=Rsform(tmp2,1);
- tmp=[sfstr,"fd"+nm,tmp1,tmp2];
- reL=RSform(text(reL),2);
- reL=substring(reL,5,length(reL)-1);
- if(length(reL)>0,
- reL=textformat(reL,4);
- reL=substring(reL,1,length(reL)-1);
- reL=Rsform(reL);
- tmp=append(tmp,reL);
- );
- tmp1=[Dqq(fname),Dqq(name3),name3,Dqq(name2),name2];
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Dqq(name3h),name3h,Dqq(name2h),name2h]);
- tmp2=replace(rfname,".txt",".dat");
- cmdL=[
- "print",[Dqq("wire"+nm)], //18.02.22
- "fd"+nm+"="+fd,[],
- "ReadOutData",[Dqq(rfname)],
- "load",[Dqq(tmp2)],
- "Addpoints",[Addpoints()],
- name3+"=Wireparadata",tmp,
- name2+"=Projpara",[name3],
- name3h+"=WIREHIDDENDATA",[],
- name2h+"=Projpara",[name3h],
- "WriteOutData",tmp1
- ];
- tmp=replace(fname,".txt","end.txt");
- options=concat(options,["Out=no","Wait="+text(waiting),"Res="+tmp]);
- if(wflg==1,options=concat(options,["m"]));
- if(wflg==-1,options=concat(options,["r"]));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR("wire"+nm,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Wireparadata not completed");
- ,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- if(islist(parse(name2)),
- Extractdata(name2,options);
- if(length(optionsh)>0,tmp=optionsh,tmp=["nodisp"]);
- Extractdata(name2h,tmp);
- ,
- ErrFlag=1;
- );
- );
- Crvsfparadata(nm,crv,sf,fd,[],["nodisp"]);
- Crvsfparadata(nm,crv,sf,fd,options,["nodisp"]);
-//help:Crvsfparadata(options2=[division(c(50,50)),Eps1(0.01), Eps2(0.05)]);
- regional(gd,out,fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,
- eqL,reL,strL,fname,rfname,waiting,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,wflg);
- tmp=replace(crvstr,"3d","2d");
- Changestyle(tmp,["nodisp"]);
- name2="crvsf2d"+nm;
- name3="crvsf3d"+nm;
- name2h="crvsfh2d"+nm;
- name3h="crvsfh3d"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+"crvsf"+nm+".txt";
- rfname=Fhead+sfstr+".txt";
- rfname=replace(rfname,"3d","");
- tmp=apply(fdorg,if(isstring(#),"'"+#+"'",#));
- tmp=text(tmp);
- fd=RSform(tmp,2);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=120;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- reL=RSform(text(reL),2);
- reL=substring(reL,5,length(reL)-1);
- tmp=[crvstr,sfstr,"fd"+nm];
- if(length(reL)>0,
- reL=textformat(reL,4);
- reL=substring(reL,1,length(reL)-1);
- reL=Rsform(reL);
- tmp=append(tmp,reL);
- );
- tmp1=[DqDq(fname),DqDq(name3),name3,DqDq(name2),name2];
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[DqDq(name3h),name3h,DqDq(name2h),name2h]);
- tmp2=replace(rfname,".txt",".dat");
- cmdL=[
- "print",[Dqq("crv"+nm)], //18.02.22
- "fd"+nm+"="+fd,[],
- "ReadOutData",[Dqq(rfname)],
- "load",[Dqq(tmp2)],
- "Addpoints",[Addpoints()]
- ];
- tmp3=select(GLIST,indexof(#,crvstr+"=")>0); //18.02.22from
- if(length(tmp3)==0,
- tmp3=Fhead+crvstr+".txt";
- tmp3=replace(tmp3,"3d","");
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- "ReadOutData",[Dqq(tmp3)]
- ]);
- ); //18.02.22until
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- name3+"=Crvsfparadata",tmp,
- name2+"=Projpara",[name3],
- name3h+"=CRVSFHIDDENDATA",[],
- name2h+"=Projpara",[name3h],
- "WriteOutData",tmp1
- ]);
- tmp=replace(fname,".txt","end.txt");
- options=concat(options,["Out=no","Wait="+text(waiting),"Res="+tmp]);
- if(wflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
- if(wflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR("crvsf"+nm,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Crvsfparadata not completed");
- ,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- if(islist(parse(name2)),
- Extractdata(name2,options);
- if(length(optionsh)>0,tmp=optionsh,tmp=["nodisp"]);
- Extractdata(name2h,tmp);
- ,
- ErrFlag=1;
- );
- );
- Crvsonfparadata(nm,crv2d,sf,fd,[],["nodisp"]);
- Crvonsfparadata(nm,crv2d,sf,fd,options,["nodisp"]);
-//help:Crvonsfparadata(options2=[division(c(50,50)),Eps1(0.01), Eps2(0.05)]);
- regional(gd,out,fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,
- eqL,reL,strL,fname,rfname,waiting,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,wflg);
- name2="crvonsf2d"+nm;
- name3="crvonsf3d"+nm;
- name2h="crvonsfh2d"+nm;
- name3h="crvonsfh3d"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+"crvonsf"+nm+".txt";
- rfname=Fhead+sfstr+".txt";
- rfname=replace(rfname,"3d","");
- tmp=apply(fdorg,if(isstring(#),Dqq(#),#));
- tmp=text(tmp);
- fd=RSform(tmp,2);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=120;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(isstring(crv2dstr),
- crv=Rsform(crv2dstr);
- ,
- crv=apply(crv2dstr,Dqq(#));
- crv=Rsform(text(crv));
- crv="Paramplot"+substring(crv,1,length(crv));
- );
- reL=RSform(text(reL),2);
- reL=substring(reL,5,length(reL)-1);
- tmp=["crv",sfstr,"fd"+nm];
- if(length(reL)>0,
- reL=textformat(reL,4);
- reL=substring(reL,1,length(reL)-1);
- reL=Rsform(reL);
- tmp=append(tmp,reL);
- );
- tmp1=[Dqq(fname),Dqq(name3),name3,Dqq(name2),name2];
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Dqq(name3h),name3h,Dqq(name2h),name2h]);
- tmp2=replace(rfname,".txt",".dat");
- cmdL=[
- "print",[Dqq("crvonsf"+nm)], //18.02.22
- "fd"+nm+"="+fd,[],
- "ReadOutData",[Dqq(rfname)],
- "load",[Dqq(tmp2)],
- "Addpoints",[Addpoints()],
- "crv="+crv,[],
- name3+"=Crvonsfparadata",tmp,
- name2+"=Projpara",[name3],
- name3h+"=HIDDENDATA",[],
- name2h+"=Projpara",[name3h],
- "WriteOutData",tmp1
- ];
- tmp=replace(fname,".txt","end.txt");
- options=concat(options,["Out=no","Wait="+text(waiting),"Res="+tmp]);
- if(wflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
- if(wflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR("crvonsf"+nm,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Crvonsfparadata not completed");
- ,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- if(islist(parse(name2)),
- Extractdata(name2,options);
- if(length(optionsh)>0,tmp=optionsh,tmp=["nodisp"]);
- Extractdata(name2h,tmp);
- ,
- ErrFlag=1;
- );
- );
- if(isstring(Arg),
- Intersectcrvsf(nm,crv,fd,Arg,[]);
- ,
- Intersectcrvsf(nm,crv,fd,"",Arg);
- );
- regional(name,crv,fd,options,reL,fname,crvfname,argR,
- waiting,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg,wflg,pts); name="crvsf"+nm;
- name="crvsf"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+name+".txt";
- crvfname=Fhead+"crv"+nm+".txt";
-// crv=parse(crvstr);
-// crv=textformat(crv,6);
-// crv=Rsform(crv,2);
- fd=apply(fdorg,if(isstring(#),Dqq(#),#));
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=120;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- tmp=apply(fdorg,if(isstring(#),"'"+#+"'",#));
- tmp=text(tmp);
- fd=RSform(tmp,2);
- tmp=textformat(reL,4);
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- tmp=Rsform(tmp);
- if(length(bdyeq)>0,
- argR=","+Dqq(bdyeq);
- ,
- argR="";
- );
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- argR=argR+","+tmp;
- );
- tmp1=[Dqq(fname),Dqq(name),"tmp"];
- cmdL=[
- "print",[Dqq("crvsf"+nm)], //18.02.22
- "crv="+crvstr,[],
- "fd="+fd,[],
- "tmp1=Intersectcrvsf(crv,fd"+argR+")",[],
- "tmp=c()",[],
- "for(j in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){",[],
- " tmp=Appendrow(tmp,tmp1[[j]])",[],
- "}",[],
- "WriteOutData",tmp1,
- "tmp",[]
- ];
- tmp=replace(fname,".txt","end.txt");
- options=concat(options,["Out=no","Wait="+text(waiting),"Res="+tmp]);
- if(wflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
- if(wflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Crvsfparadata not completed");
- ,
- CalcbyR("ans",cmdL,options);
- ReadOutData(fname);
- );
- println("generate "+name);
- parse(name);
- Sfcutparadata(nm,eqstr,sf,fd,[]);
- Sfcutparadata(nm,eqstr,sf,fd,options,["nodisp"]);
-//help:Sfcutparadata(options2=[division(c(50,50)),Eps1(0.01), Eps2(0.05)]);
- regional(gd,out,fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,
- eqL,reL,strL,fname,rfname,waiting,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,wflg);
- tmp=replace(sfcut,"3d","2d");
- Changestyle(tmp,["nodisp"]);
- name2="sfcut2d"+nm;
- name3="sfcut3d"+nm;
- name2h="sfcuth2d"+nm;
- name3h="sfcuth3d"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+"sfcut"+nm+".txt";
- rfname=Fhead+sf+".txt";
- rfname=replace(rfname,"3d","");
- tmp=apply(fdorg,if(isstring(#),"'"+#+"'",#));
- tmp=text(tmp);
- fd=RSform(tmp,2);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=120;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- reL=RSform(text(reL),2);
- reL=substring(reL,5,length(reL)-1);
- tmp=[Dqq(eqstr),sf,"fd"+nm];
- if(length(reL)>0,
- reL=textformat(reL,4);
- reL=substring(reL,1,length(reL)-1);
- reL=Rsform(reL);
- tmp=append(tmp,reL);
- );
- tmp1=[DqDq(fname),DqDq(name3),name3,DqDq(name2),name2];
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[DqDq(name3h),name3h,DqDq(name2h),name2h]);
- tmp2=replace(rfname,".txt",".dat");
- cmdL=[
- "print",[Dqq("sfcut"+nm)], //18.02.22
- "fd"+nm+"="+fd,[],
- "ReadOutData",[Dqq(rfname)],
- "load",[Dqq(tmp2)],
- name3+"=Sfcutparadata",tmp,
- name2+"=Projpara",[name3],
- name2h+"=Projpara",[name3h],
- "WriteOutData",tmp1
- ];
- tmp=replace(fname,".txt","end.txt");
- options=concat(options,["Out=no","Wait="+text(waiting),"Res="+tmp]);
- if(wflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
- if(wflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR("sfcut"+nm,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Sfcutparadata not completed");
- ,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- if(islist(parse(name2)),
- Extractdata(name2,options);
- if(length(optionsh)>0,tmp=optionsh,tmp=["nodisp"]);
- Extractdata(name2h,tmp);
- ,
- ErrFlag=1;
- );
- );
- Skeletondatacindy(nm,pltdata1org,pltdata2org,options);
-////////////// new skeleton 2018.01.04 not completed and slow////////////////
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=Datalist3d();
- Skeletondatacindy(nm,tmp,tmp,options);
- Skeletondatacindy(nm,pltdata1,pltdata2,[]);
- regional(Eps,Eps2,name2,name3,Ltype,Noflg,reL,opcindy,
- Data,Out,ObjL,Plt3L,Rr,pltdata1,pltdata2,Plt2L,ObjL,ii,Data,
- Obj3,jj,Gd,PtD,size,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name2="sk2d"+nm;
- name3="sk3d"+nm;
- pltdata1=[];// 16.01.31
- forall(pltdata1org,tmp1,
- tmp=parse(tmp1);
- pltdata1=append(pltdata1,tmp);
- );
- pltdata2=[];// 16.01.31
- forall(pltdata2org,tmp1,
- tmp=parse(tmp1);
- pltdata2=append(pltdata2,tmp);
- );
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- reL=tmp_6; //16.02.28
- opcindy=tmp_9;
- Rr=0.15*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- size=1;
- Eps2=0.05;
- if(length(reL)>0, //16.02.28
- size=reL_1;
- Rr=size*Rr;
- if(length(reL)>1,Eps2=reL_2);
- );
- Eps=10^(-4);
- ObjL=Flattenlist(pltdata1);
- PltL=Flattenlist(pltdata2);
- Data=Makeskeletondata(ObjL,PltL,Rr);
- Out=select(Data,length(Projcurve(#))>0);
- Out=Flattenlist(Out);
- tmp1=apply(Out,textformat(#,5));
- tmp=name3+"="+tmp1;
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projcurve("+name3+");";
- parse(tmp);
- Changestyle3d(pltdata1org,["nodisp"]);
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate skeleton :"+name3);
- tmp1=text(pltdata1org);
- tmp1="list("+substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1)+")";
- tmp2=text(pltdata2org);
- tmp2="list("+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)-1)+")";
- tmp=name3+"=Skeletonpara3data("+tmp1+","+tmp2+",";
- tmp=tmp+text(size)+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1,
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- );
- );
- Out;
- regional(Allres,res,Eps1,obj,plt,obj2,remov,flg,koc,z1,z2,Rr,str,
- mm,nn,kk,ptk,pL,pt,ptL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp3d);
- Eps1=10.0^(-2);
- Allres=[];
- forall(1..(length(ObjL)),mm,
- obj=ObjL_mm;
- remov=[];
- obj2=Projcurve(obj);
- forall(1..(length(PltL)),nn,
- plt=PltL_nn;
- tmp=Projcurve(plt);
- koc=IntersectcurvesPp(obj2,tmp);
- forall(1..(length(koc)),kk,
- ptk=koc_kk;
- tmp=PointonCurve(ptk_2,obj);
- z1=Zparapt(tmp);
- tmp=PointonCurve(ptk_3,plt);
- z2=Zparapt(tmp);
- if(z1<z2-Eps1,
- tmp=max([sqrt(1-(ptk_5)^2),0.75]);
- Rr=R0/tmp;
- tmp2=[];
- flg=0;
- tmp=reverse(1..(floor(ptk_2)));
- forall(tmp,
- if(flg==0,
- if(|obj2_#-ptk_1|>Rr,
- tmp2=[#];
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp2)==0,tmp2=[1]);
- flg=0;
- tmp=(ceil(ptk_2))..(length(obj2));
- forall(tmp,
- if(flg==0,
- if(|obj2_#-ptk_1|>Rr,
- tmp2=append(tmp2,#);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,length(obj2)));
- tmp=obj2_((tmp2_1)..(tmp2_2));
- tmp1=Circledata("",[ptk_1,ptk_1+[Rr,0]],["Num=8","nodata"]);
- tmp1=Intersectcurves(tmp,tmp1);
- if(length(tmp1)==2,
- tmp=sort([tmp1_1_2,tmp1_2_2]);
- tmp=[[tmp2_1-1+tmp_1,1],[tmp2_1-1+tmp_2,-1]];
- remov=concat(remov,tmp);
- );
- if(length(tmp1)==1,
- if(tmp2_1==1,
- tmp=[[1,1],[tmp2_1-1+tmp1_1_2,-1]];
- ,
- tmp=[[tmp2_1-1+tmp1_1_2,1],[length(obj2),-1]];
- );
- remov=concat(remov,tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(remov)==0,
- res=obj;
- ,
- res=[];
- remov=sort(remov,[#_1,#_2]);
- tmp=select(remov,#_1<1-Eps1);
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- flg=0;
- res=[1];
- ,
- flg=length(tmp);
- res=[];
- );
- forall(remov,
- tmp=flg;
- if(#_2==-1,
- flg=flg-1;
- if(flg==0,res=append(res,#_1));
- );
- if(#_2==1,
- flg=flg+1;
- if(tmp==0,res=append(res,#_1));
- );
- );
- if((flg==0)&(res_(length(res))<length(obj)),
- res=append(res,length(obj));
- );
- tmp=res;
- res=[];
- forall(1..(length(tmp)/2),nn,
- tmp1=tmp_(2*nn-1);
- tmp2=tmp_(2*nn);
- pL=(ceil(tmp1))..(floor(tmp2));
- if(tmp1<ceil(tmp1)-Eps1,pL=prepend(tmp1,pL));
- if(tmp2>floor(tmp2)+Eps1,pL=append(pL,tmp2));
- ptL=[];
- forall(pL,
- pt=PointonCurve(#,obj);
- ptL=append(ptL,pt);
- );
- res=append(res,ptL);
- );
- );
- Allres=append(Allres,res);
- );
- Allres;
-////////////// current skeleton 2018.01.04 ////////////////
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=Datalist3d();
- Skeletondatacindy(nm,tmp,tmp,options);
- Skeletondatacindy(nm,pltdata1,pltdata2,[]);
- regional(Eps,Eps2,name2,name3,Ltype,Noflg,reL,opcindy,
- Out,ObjL,Plt3L,Rr,pltdata1,pltdata2,Plt2L,ObjL,ii,Data,
- Obj3,jj,Gd,PtD,size,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name2="sk2d"+nm;
- name3="sk3d"+nm;
- pltdata1=[];// 16.01.31
- forall(pltdata1org,tmp1,
- tmp=parse(tmp1);
- pltdata1=append(pltdata1,tmp);
- );
- pltdata2=[];// 16.01.31
- forall(pltdata2org,tmp1,
- tmp=parse(tmp1);
- pltdata2=append(pltdata2,tmp);
- );
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- reL=tmp_6; //16.02.28
- opcindy=tmp_9;
- Rr=0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- size=1;
- Eps2=0.05;
- if(length(reL)>0, //16.02.28
- size=reL_1;
- Rr=size*Rr;
- if(length(reL)>1,Eps2=reL_2);
- );
- Eps=10^(-4);
- ObjL=Flattenlist(pltdata1);
- Plt3L=Flattenlist(pltdata2);
- tmp=apply(Plt3L,ProjcoordCurve(#));
- Plt2L=Flattenlist(tmp);
-/////////// tmp=apply(pltdata1,replace(#,"3d","2d"));
- Out=[];
- forall(1..(length(ObjL)),ii,
- Obj3=ObjL_ii;
- tmp=ProjcoordCurve(Obj3);
- Data=Makeskeletondata([tmp],Plt2L,Rr,Eps2);
- forall(1..(length(Data)),jj,
- Gd=Data_jj;
- if((length(Gd)>1)
- & (norm(Ptcrv(1,Gd)-Ptcrv(2,Gd))>Eps),
- PtD=[];
- forall(1..(length(Gd)),
- tmp=Gd_#;
- tmp1=Invparapt(tmp,Obj3);
- PtD=append(PtD,tmp1);
- );
- Out=append(Out,PtD);
- );
- );
- );
- Out=select(Out,length(Projcurve(#))>0); // 16.12.19
- tmp1=apply(Out,textformat(#,5));
- tmp=name3+"="+tmp1;
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projcurve("+tmp1+");";
- parse(tmp);
- Changestyle3d(pltdata1org,["nodisp"]);
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate skeleton :"+name3);
- tmp1=text(pltdata1org);
- tmp1="list("+substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1)+")";
- tmp2=text(pltdata2org);
- tmp2="list("+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)-1)+")";
- tmp=name3+"=Skeletonpara3data("+tmp1+","+tmp2+",";
- tmp=tmp+text(size)+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp=name2+"=Projpara("+name3+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name2);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name2,Ltype,opcindy]);
- if(SUBSCR==1,
- Subgraph(name3,opcindy);
- );
- );
- Out;
- regional(Allres,Eps,Dmat,Dind,ii,Dt,nn1,nn2,Nind,Nobj,
- Plt2,PhL,ClipL,ns,pt1,pt2,pt,pta,ptb,za,zb,z1,z2,t1,t2,te,
- koc,KukanL,nn,tt,Rr,Flg,ii,jj,ptq,hh,Ku,Res,contflg,breakflg);
- Eps=10.0^(-4);
- Dmat=[];
- Dind=[];
- forall(1..(length(Plt2L)),ii,
- Dt=Plt2L_ii;
- nn1=length(Dmat)+1;
- Dmat=concat(Dmat,Dt);
- nn2=length(Dmat);
- Dind=append(Dind,[nn1,nn2]);
- );
- Nind=length(Dind);
- Allres=[];
- forall(1..(length(Obj2L)),Nobj,
- Plt2=Obj2L_Nobj;
- PhL=Columnlist(Plt2,1..2);
- ClipL=[];
- forall(1..(length(PhL)-1),ns,
- pt1=PhL_(ns..(ns+1));
- forall(1..(length(Dind)),ii,
- tmp=Dind_ii;
- tmp=Dmat_(Dind_ii_1..Dind_ii_2);
- pt2=Columnlist(tmp,1..2);
- koc=IntersectcrvsPp(pt1,pt2,[Eps]);
- if(length(koc)>0,
- breakflg=0;
- forall(1..(length(koc)),jj,
- contflg=0;
- if(breakflg==0,
- pt=Op(1,Op(jj,koc));
- tmp=Op(2,Op(jj,koc));
- if((tmp<1+Eps) & (ns==1),
- contflg=1;
- );
- if(contflg==0,
- if((tmp>length(pt1)-Eps)
- & (ns==length(PhL)-1),
- contflg=1;
- );
- );
- if(contflg==0,
- nn1=ns;
- nn2=Op(3,Op(jj,koc));
- tmp=Plt2_nn1;
- pta=tmp_(1..2);
- za=tmp_3;
- tmp=Plt2_(nn1+1);
- ptb=tmp_(1..2);
- zb=tmp_3;
- if(norm(pta-ptb)<Eps,
- contflg=1;
- );
- );
- if(contflg==0,
- t1=norm(pta-pt)/norm(pta-ptb);
- z1=(1-t1)*za+t1*zb;
- tmp=Dmat_(Dind_ii_1..Dind_ii_2);
- tmp1=tmp_nn2;
- pta=tmp1_(1..2);
- za=tmp1_3;
- tmp2=tmp_(nn2+1);
- ptb=tmp2_(1..2);
- zb=tmp2_3;
- if(norm(pta-ptb)<Eps,
- contflg=1;
- );
- );
- if(contflg==0,
- t2=norm(pta-pt)/norm(pta-ptb);
- z2=(1-t2)*za+t2*zb;
- if(z1<z2-Eps2,
- if(length(ClipL)==0,
- tmp=1;
- ,
- tmp1=column(ClipL,1);
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,#-pt_1);
- tmp2=column(ClipL,2);
- tmp2=apply(tmp2,#-pt_2);
- tmp3=apply(tmp1,#^2)+apply(tmp2,#^2);
- tmp=min(tmp3);
- );
- if(tmp>Eps^2,
- tmp1=pt1_2-pt1_1;
- tmp2=ptb-pta;
- tmp3=Dotprod(tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp3=tmp3/norm(tmp1)/norm(tmp2);
- tmp=1-0.5*tmp3^2;
- tmp1=concat(pt,[nn1,t1,R0/tmp]);
- ClipL=append(ClipL,tmp1);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- te=length(Plt2);
- KukanL=[[1.0,te]];
- pt1=PhL;
- if(length(ClipL)>0,
- forall(1..(length(ClipL)),ii,
- tmp=ClipL_ii;
- pt=tmp_(1..2);
- nn=tmp_3;
- tt=nn+tmp_4;
- Rr=tmp_5;
- Flg=0;
- breakflg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..nn),jj,
- contflg=0;
- if(breakflg==0,
- ptq=PointonCurve(jj,pt1);
- if(norm(pt-ptq)<Rr,
- contflg=1;
- );
- if(contflg==0,
- Flg=jj;
- breakflg=1;
- contflg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- t1=1;
- ,
- t1=Flg; t2=tt;
- hh=t2-t1;
- forall(1..10,
- hh=hh*0.5;
- ptq=PointonCurve(t1+hh,pt1);
- if(norm(pt-ptq)<Rr,
- t2=t2-hh;
- ,
- t1=t1+hh;
- );
- );
- );
- Ku=[t1];
- Flg=0;
- breakflg=0;
- forall((nn+1)..te,jj,
- contflg=0;
- if(breakflg==0,
- ptq=PointonCurve(jj,pt1);
- if(norm(pt-ptq)<Rr,
- contflg=1;
- );
- if(contflg==0,
- Flg=jj;
- breakflg=1;
- contflg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- t2=te;
- ,
- t1=tt; t2=Flg;
- hh=t2-t1;
- forall(1..10,
- hh=hh*0.5;
- ptq=PointonCurve(t1+hh,pt1);
- if(norm(pt-ptq)<Rr,
- t1=t1+hh;
- ,
- t2=t2-hh;
- );
- );
- );
- Ku=append(Ku,t2);
- KukanL=Kukannozoku(Ku,KukanL);
- );
- );
- Res=[];
- forall(1..(length(KukanL)),ii,
- tmp=KukanL_ii;
- t1=tmp_1; nn1=floor(t1);
- t2=tmp_2; nn2=floor(t2);
- PtL=[];
- if(t1-nn1<1-Eps,
- tmp=PointonCurve(t1,pt1);
- PtL=[tmp];
- );
- forall((nn1+1)..nn2,jj,
- tmp=PointonCurve(jj,pt1);
- PtL=append(PtL,tmp);
- );
- if(t2-nn2>Eps,
- tmp=PointonCurve(t2,pt1);
- PtL=append(PtL,tmp);
- );
- tmp=Listplot("",PtL,["nodata"]);
- Res=append(Res,tmp);
- );
- Allres=concat(Allres,Res);
- );
- Allres;
- regional(Res,Eps,nn,ii,t1,t2,Ku,Flg,contflg,tmp,tmp1);
- Eps=10^(-6);
- nn=length(KukanL);
- t1=Jokyo_1; t2=Jokyo_2;
- tmp=KukanL_1;
- t1=max(t1,tmp_1);
- tmp=KukanL_nn;
- t2=min(t2,tmp_2);
- Res=[];
- Flg=0;
- contflg=0;
- forall(1..nn,ii,
- if(contflg==0,
- Ku=KukanL_ii;
- if(Flg==0,
- if(Ku_2<t1,
- Res=append(Res,Ku);
- ,
- Flg=1;
- if(Ku_1<t1-Eps,
- tmp=[Ku_1,t1];
- Res=append(Res,tmp);
- );
- if(Ku_2>t2+Eps,
- tmp=[t2,Ku_2];
- Res=append(Res,tmp);
- );
- );
- ,
- if(Flg==1,
- if(Ku_2<t2,
- contflg=1;
- ,
- if(contflg==0,
- Flg=2;
- if(Ku_1<t2-Eps,
- Ku=[t2,Ku_2];
- );
- Res=append(Res,Ku);
- );
- );
- ,
- if(contflg==0,
- Res=append(Res,Ku);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- Res;
-////////////////// end of current skeleton//////////////
- regional(SP,CP,ST,CT,Out,jj,pt,x,y,z,xz,yz,zz);
- SP=sin(PHI); CP=cos(PHI);
- ST=sin(THETA); CT=cos(THETA);
- Out=[];
- forall(1..(length(Curve)),jj,
- pt=Curve_jj;
- x=pt_1; y=pt_2; z=pt_3;
- xz=-x*SP+y*CP;
- yz=-x*CP*CT-y*SP*CT+z*ST;
- zz=x*CP*ST+y*SP*ST+z*CT;
- Out=append(Out,[xz,yz,zz]);
- );
- Out;
- regional(name,dt3d,options,pvec,disp,nohid,hid,flg,tmp,tmp1,eqL);
- name="nh"+nm;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- disp="Y";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="D",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- disp=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(isstring(dt3dorg),dt3d=parse(dt3dorg),dt3d=dt3dorg);
- pvec=[sin(THETA)*cos(PHI),sin(THETA)*sin(PHI),cos(THETA)];
- nohid=[];
- hid=[];
- flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(dt3d)-1),
- p1=dt3d_#;
- p2=dt3d_(#+1);
- tmp=assign(nvec,["x",p1_1,"y",p1_2,"z",p1_3]);
- tmp=parse(tmp);
- if(Dotprod(tmp,pvec)>0,
- if(flg==0 % flg==-1,
- nohid=append(nohid,[p1,p2]);
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==1,
- nohid_(length(nohid))=append(nohid_(length(nohid)),p2);
- );
- ,
- if(flg==0 % flg==1,
- hid=append(hid,[p1,p2]);
- flg=-1;
- );
- if(flg==-1,
- hid_(length(hid))=append(hid_(length(hid)),p2);
- );
- );
- );
- if(disp=="Y",
- Changestyle3d([dt3dorg],["nodisp"]);
- forall(1..length(nohid),
- Spaceline(name+"nh"+text(#),nohid_#,options);
- );
- forall(1..length(hid),
- Spaceline(name+"h"+text(#),hid_#,options2);
- );
- );
- tmp1="[";
- forall(nohid,tmp1=tmp1+textformat(#,5)+",");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
- parse(name+"nh="+tmp1);
- tmp1="[";
- forall(hid,tmp1=tmp1+textformat(#,5)+",");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
- parse(name+"h="+tmp1);
- [nohid,hid];
- regional(p3dL,ptlistx,ptlilsty,ptlistz);
- factorial(n):=(
- regional(out);
- out=1;
- forall(1..n,
- out=out*#;
- );
- out;
- );
- Deffun("Comb(n,r)",[
- "regional(y)",
- "y=factorial(n)/(factorial(r)*factorial(n-r))",
- "y"
- ]);
- Deffun("Bterm(u,v,m,n,i,j)",[
- "regional(y)",
- "y=Comb(m,i)*u^i*(1-u)^(m-i)",
- "y=y*Comb(n,j)*v^j*(1-v)^(n-j)",
- "y"
- ]);
- Deffun("Ball(u,v,m,n,pL)",[
- "regional(y,ii,jj,tmp,tmp1)",
- "y=0",
- "forall(0..m,ii,
- forall(0..n,jj,
- tmp=(n+1)*ii+jj+1;
- tmp1=Op(tmp,pL);
- tmp1=tmp1*Bterm(u,v,m,n,ii,jj);
- y=y+tmp1;
- )
- )",
- "y"
- ]);
- if(ispoint(pL_1),
- p3dL=apply(pL,parse(text(#)+"3d"));
- ,
- p3dL=apply(pL,parse(#+"3d"));
- );
- ptlistx=apply(p3dL,#_1);
- ptlisty=apply(p3dL,#_2);
- ptlistz=apply(p3dL,#_3);
- Defvar(nm+"x",ptlistx);
- Defvar(nm+"y",ptlisty);
- Defvar(nm+"z",ptlistz);
- tmp=[
- "p",
- "x=Ball(U,V,2,2,"+nm+"x)",
- "y=Ball(U,V,2,2,"+nm+"y)",
- "z=Ball(U,V,2,2,"+nm+"z)",
- "U=[0,1]",
- "V=[0,1]"
- ];
- tmp;
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1logr.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1logr.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d815618a..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1logr.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Divoptions changed ( to remove null string )
-// Changework changed (nkfwin)
-// Hyperbolaplot debugged
-// Derivative debugged
-// Ketinit changed (order of changesettiing, Dircdy)
-// Implicitplot, Connectseg added
-// Ketinit changed (changing of Dircdy)
-// Changesetting added
-// Derivative changed ( Numerical method supportted )
-// Cindyname (=Cdyname ) added
-// Cindyfile,Cindypath deleted
-// IntersectcurvesPp changed
-// Collectsameseg added, Collectnear commented out
-// 2018.02.11
-// Dqq added ( = DqDq)
-// 2018.02.06
-// Intersectpartseg debugged
-// 2018.02.02
-// Enclosing2 changed (for distanted curves, startpt option removed )
-// 2018.02.01
-// Makehatch changed ( in accordance with Intersectseg )
-// 2018.01.30
-// Intersectseg changed ( for the case of no intersect )
-// 2018.01.29
-// Intersectpartseg changed ( for the case curves are strings )
-// Textformat changed ( for null list )
-// 2018.01.26
-// Enclosing2 (new enclosing ), Makehatch, Hatchdatacindy added
-// 2018.01.15
-// Setunitlen changed ( as R )
-// Ketinit changed (Marklennow,... added as R )
-// 2018.01.07
-// Collectnear added
-// Intersectcurves changed (Collectnear used)
-// 2018.01.05
-// Intersectcurves changed (LLcrd)
-// Intersectcurvespt added
-// Intersectpartseg debugged
-// Intersectline changed
-// s:2018.01.04
-// PointonCurve debugged ( t >=1, t<=length(g) )
-// Intersectcurves.... added
-// s:2017.12.27
-// Getcdyname(Cdyname) changed
-// s:2017.12.03
-// Ketinit changed (definition of LibnameS )
-// s:2017.12.01
-// Ketinit changed (to modify Dircdy )
-// s:2017.11.27
-// Setparent added ( for Texparent)
-// Getcdyname added ( name of the current cdy file)
-// s:2017.11.24
-// Changework changed ( for the case of double pathsep() in dir, subdir )
-// s:2017.11.20
-// Changework changed ( for the case of (ex) dir=".../" )
-// s:2017.11.12
-// Ketinit debugged (Fhead)
-// s:2017.10.24
-// Ketinit changed (Slidename added)
-// s:2017.10.23
-// Pointdata changed (for string )
-// s:2017.10.14
-// Ketinit() changed (Fhead)
-// s:2017.10.13
-// Ketinit() changed (definition of Shellparent,Shellchild)
-// s:2017.10.07
-// Pointdata debugged
-// s:2017.10.07
-// Setcolor debugged ( \ => \\ )
-// s:2017.10.06
-// Deqplot changed
-// s:2017.08.29
-// Ketinit changed (LibnameS)
-// Texcom debugged
-// Setcolor changed ( Texcom used )
-// SCIWR,SCIRE removed
-// 2017.09.17
-// Ketinit changed ( PathS=6... removed )
-// 2017.09.13
-// Changed to FnameR
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1r.cs b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1r.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f45ffee8..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1r.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5932 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
-//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>
-println("KETCindy V.3.2.0(20180409)");
-println("ketcindylibbasic1(20180408) loaded");
-Ch=[0]; ChNum=1;
- regional(pt,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,letterc,boxc,shadowc,mboxc);
- PenThickInit=8;
- ULEN="1cm";
- MEMORI=0.05;//18.01.15from
- MARKLEN=0.05;
- GENTEN=[0,0];//18.01.15until
- MilliIn=1/2.54*1000;
- PenThick=round(MilliIn*0.02);
- PenThickInit=PenThick;
- TenSizeInit=0.02;
- TenSize=TenSizeInit;
- YaSize=1; YaAngle=18; YaPosition=1;
- YaThick=1; YaStyle='tf';
- KCOLOR=[0,0,0];
- GLIST=[];
- GCLIST=[];
- VLIST=[];
- LETTERlist=[];
- COM0thlist=[];
- COM1stlist=[];
- COM2ndlist=[];
- ADDAXES="1";
- LFmark=unicode("000a");
- CRmark=unicode("000d");//16.12.13
- Dq=unicode("0022");
- WaitUnit=10;
- OutComList=[];
- OutFileLIst=[]; // 15.10.22
- FigPdfList=[]; // 16.04.08
- ADDPACK=[]; // 16.05.16
- ErrFlag=0;
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- if(!isstring(Fhead), // 17.10.13from, 17.11.12
- Fhead=text(curkernel());
- Fhead=replace(Fhead,".cdy","");
- Slidename=Fhead; //17.10.24
- );//17.11.12
- Dircdy=replace(Dircdy,"%E3%80%80"," ");//180405
- tmp1=Indexall(Dircdy,"%"); //180329from
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- tmp1=append(tmp1,length(Dircdy));
- tmp2=substring(Dircdy,0,tmp1_1-1);
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)-1),
- tmp=substring(Dircdy,tmp1_#,tmp1_#+2);
- tmp2=tmp2+unicode(tmp);
- tmp2=tmp2+substring(Dircdy,tmp1_#+2,tmp1_(#+1)-1);
- );
- Dircdy=tmp2;
- ); //180329to
- if(iswindows(), //17.12.01
- Dircdy=replace(Dircdy,"/",pathsep());
- if(substring(Dircdy,0,1)==pathsep(),
- Dircdy=substring(Dircdy,1,length(Dircdy));
- );
- Changesetting([gethome(), gethome()+"\Desktop","C:"]); //180405
- ,
- Changesetting([gethome(),gethome()+"/Desktop"]);
- );
- Changework(Dircdy+pathsep()+"fig"); //180329to
- Fnametex=Fhead+".tex";
- FnameR=Fhead+".r";
- FnamebodyR=Fhead+"body.r";
- Fnameout=Fhead+".txt"; // 17.10.13until
- if(!isstring(Mackc),// 16.06.07
- Mackc="sh";
- );
- if(iswindows(),
- Batparent="\kc.bat";
- ,
- Shellparent="/";
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,""),
- println(Dirwork+" not exists");
- ,
- if(!iskcexists(Dirwork),
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(Shellparent);
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(Shellparent+" generated");
- );
- println(setexec(Dirwork,Shellparent));
- );
- );
- ArrowlineNumber=1; // 15.01.05
- ArrowheadNumber=1;
- BezierNumber=1; //15.01.03
- SCALEY=sy;
-// Setscaling(sy);
- XMIN=rangex_1/SCALEX;
- XMAX=rangex_2/SCALEX;
- YMIN=rangey_1/SCALEY;
- YMAX=rangey_2/SCALEY;
- Setwindow("Msg=n"); // 16.05.31
- // for Presentation
- letterc=[0.98,0.13,0,0.43]; boxc=[0,0.32,0.52,0];
- shadowc=[0,0,0,0.5]; mboxc="yellow"; //17.03.02 regional debugged
- SlideColorList=[letterc,boxc,boxc,boxc,shadowc,shadowc,6,1.3,
- letterc,mboxc,mboxc,mboxc,62,2,letterc];
- ThinDense=0.1;//17.01.08
- if(indexof(PathS,"-5.")>0,//17.12.03from
- LibnameS=Dirlib+pathsep()+"ketpicsciL5";
- ,
- LibnameS=Dirlib+pathsep()+"ketpicscifiles6";
- );
- if(indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")+indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0,
- LibnameS=replace(LibnameS,"ketpic","ketpic2e");
- );//17.12.03until
-Changesetting(dirL):=( //180329
- regional(fname,tmp1,flg);
- fname="changesetting.txt";
- tmp1=apply(dirL,#+pathsep()+"ketcindy");
- tmp1=prepend(Dircdy,tmp1);
- flg=0;
- forall(tmp1,
- if(flg==0,
- if(isexists(#,fname),
- setdirectory(#);
- import(fname);
- println(fname+" imported from "+#);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- println(fname+" not exists in "+text(tmp1));
- println(" Put "+fname+" in one of folders above");
- );
-Getcdyname():=( //17.12.27
- regional(out);
- out=text(curkernel());
- out=replace(out,".cdy","");
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,msg);
- msg="y";
- tmp=indexof(str,"="); // 16.02.10
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(str,tmp,tmp+1));
- if(tmp1=="N",msg="n");
- if((ispoint(SW) & ispoint(NE)),
- tmp1=Lcrd(SW);
- tmp2=Lcrd(NE);
- XMIN=tmp1_1; XMAX=tmp2_1;
- YMIN=tmp1_2; YMAX=tmp2_2;
- ,
-// XMIN=-5; XMAX=5;
-// YMIN=Lcrdy(-5); YMAX=Lcrdy(5);
-// createpoint("SW",Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]));
-// createpoint("NE", Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]));
- Putpoint("SW",Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]));
- Putpoint("NE", Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]));
- );
- if(msg=="y",
- println("Setwindow(["+XMIN+","+XMAX+"],["+YMIN+","+YMAX+"])");
- );
- autoclearlayer(KETPICLAYER,true);
- drawpoly([Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]), Pcrd([XMAX,YMIN]),
- Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]),Pcrd([XMIN,YMAX])],color->[1,1,1]);
- XMIN=xrange_1;
- XMAX=xrange_2;
- YMIN=yrange_1;
- YMAX=yrange_2;
- Putpoint("SW",Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]));//17.05.30
- Putpoint("NE",Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]));//17.05.30
-// Ketinit();
-Setfiles(file):=( // 17.01.16
- Fhead=file;
- Fnametex=Fhead+".tex";
- FnameR=Fhead+".r"; //17.10.14
- FnamebodyR=Fhead+"body.sce";
- Fnameout=Fhead+".txt";
-Setparent(file):=( // 17.11.27
- Texparent=file;
-Dqq(str):=DqDq(str); //18.02.11
-//help(Dqq("ab"); => Dq+"ab"+Dq)
- unicode("0022")+str+unicode("0022");
- regional(dtstr,dtall,dt,rep,out,crm,lfm,htm,first,eqL,sep,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- crm=unicode("000d");
- lfm=unicode("000a");
- htm=unicode("0009");
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- rep="";
- sep=htm;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="B",
- tmp1="0123456789+-."; // 16.09.28from
- tmp=substring(tmp2,0,1);
- if(indexof(tmp1,tmp)>0,rep=parse(tmp2),rep=tmp2); // 16.09.28until
- );
- if(tmp1=="S", // 16.12.04
- if(tmp2!="tab",sep=tmp2);
- );
- );
- first=lfm; // 16.09.05from
- if(indexof(dtstr,crm)>0,
- first=crm;
- if(indexof(dtstr,crm+lfm)>0,
- first=first+lfm;
- ); // 16.09.05until
- );
- dtstr=dtstrorg;// 16.09.19from
- tmp=substring(dtstr,length( dtstr)-1,length(dtstr));
- if(tmp!=lfm,
- dtstr=dtstr+first;
- );// 16.09.19until
- tmp1=Indexall(dtstr,first);
- tmp1=prepend(0,tmp1);
- tmp1=append(tmp1,length(dtstr));
- dtall=[];
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)-1),
- tmp=substring(dtstr,tmp1_#,tmp1_(#+1)-1);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- dtall=append(dtall,tmp);
- );
- );
- out=[];
- forall(dtall,dt,
- tmp1=tokenize(dt,sep); //16.12.04
- tmp2=[];
- forall(tmp1,
- if(isstring(#),tmp=parse(#),tmp=#);
- if(!isreal(tmp),
- if(length(#)>0,tmp=#,tmp=rep);
- );
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- out=append(out,tmp2);
- );
- out;
-Columnlist(dt,list):=( // 16.09.04
- apply(dt,#_list);
-Dispmat(dt):=( // 16.09.16
- regional(htm,crm,lfm,row,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- htm=unicode("0009");
- crm=unicode("000d");
- lfm=unicode("000a");
- tmp2="";
- forall(dt,row,
- tmp1="";
- forall(row,
- if(isstring(#),
- tmp1=tmp1+#+htm;
- ,
- tmp1=tmp1+text(#)+htm;
- );
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- tmp1=tmp1+lfm;
- tmp2=tmp2+tmp1;
- );
- print(tmp2);
- println();
-Sep1000(va):=( //17.07.18
- regional(str,nall,out);
- if(islist(va),
- out=apply(va,Sep1000(#));
- ,
- str=text(va);
- nall=length(str);
- out="";
- forall(1..nall,
- out=str_(nall+1-#)+out;
- if((#<nall)&(mod(#,3)==0),
- out=","+out;
- );
- );
- );
- out;
- regional(out);
- out=1;
- forall(1..n,
- out=out*#;
- );
- out;
-norm(v1):=( // 16.09.01
- regional(out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- out=0;
- forall(1..(length(v1)),
- out=out+(v1_#)^2;
- );
- out=sqrt(out);
- out;
- norm(v2-v1);
-// 16.03.28
-//help:Removespace(" a b c ");
- regional(tmp,flg,out);
- tmp=length(str)+1;
- flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(str)),
- if(flg==0,
- if((str_#)!=" ",
- tmp=#;
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- out=substring(str,tmp-1,length(str));
- flg=0;
- tmp=0;
- forall(reverse(1..(length(out))),
- if(flg==0,
- if((out_#)!=" ",
- tmp=#;
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- out=substring(out,0,tmp);
- regional(rest,out,flg,tmp,tmp1,);
- out=[];
- rest=str;
- flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(str)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=indexof(rest,key);
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=tmp+length(str)-length(rest);
- out=append(out,tmp1);
- rest=substring(rest,tmp,length(rest));
- ,
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- out;
-Parlevel(str):=Bracket(str); // 16.05.22from
- regional(ph,pt,out,noL,ncL,nall,level,tmp);
- ph=substring(br,0,1);
- pt=substring(br,1,2);
- noL=Indexall(str,ph);
- ncL=Indexall(str,pt); // 16.05.22until
- nall=sort(concat(noL,ncL));
- level=0;
- out=[];
- forall(nall,
- if(contains(noL,#),
- level=level+1;
- tmp=[#,level];
- ,
- tmp=[#,-level];
- level=level-1;
- );
- out=append(out,tmp);
- );
- out;
- regional(reL,eqL,len,disp,scheme,bra,nn,sta,out,
- opos,cpos,all,dx,dh,mxh,start,nn,p1,p2,p3,p4,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- len=20;
- disp=1;
- scheme=1;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
- if(tmp1=="D",
- if(tmp2=="N" % tmp2=="F",disp=0);
- );
- if(tmp1=="F",
- if(tmp2=="N" % tmp2=="F",scheme=0);
- );
- );
- forall(reL,
- len=#;
- );
- bra=Bracket(str);
- tmp1=select(bra,#_2>0);
- tmp2=select(bra,#_2<0);
- out=[];
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),nn,
- sta=tmp1_nn;
- tmp=select(tmp2,#_2==-sta_2 & #_1>sta_1);
- tmp=tmp_1;
- out=append(out, [substring(str,sta_1-1,tmp_1),
- nn,sta_2,sta_1,tmp_1,
- substring(str,sta_1-1,sta_1+len-1),
- substring(str,tmp_1-len,tmp_1)] );
- );
- if(disp==1,
- println("Printing from 2 to 7. (Extract full string using _1)");
- apply(out,println(#_(2..7)));
- );
- if(scheme==1,
- opos=sort(apply(out,#_4));
- cpos=sort(apply(out,#_5));
- tmp=concat(opos,cpos);
- all=sort(tmp);
- mxh=max(apply(out,#_3));
- dx=1;
- dh=1;
- start=[-5,5];
- forall(1..(length(all)),nn,
- tmp=select(out,#_4==all_nn);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp1=tmp_1_3;
- tmp2=tmp_1_4;
- tmp3=tmp_1_5;
- tmp=select(1..(length(all)),all_#==tmp3);
- tmp4=tmp_1;
- p1=start+[(nn-1)*dx,-0.5];
- p2=p1+[0,(tmp1-mxh-1)*dh];
- p3=p2+[(tmp4-nn)*dx,0];
- p4=p3+[0,(mxh+1-tmp1)*dh];
- Listplot("ch"+text(nn),[p1,p2,p3,p4],["Message=n"]);
- Letter([p2,"s",text(tmp2),p3,"s",text(tmp3)]);
- tmp=select(1..(length(opos)),opos_#==tmp2);
- tmp=tmp_1;
- if(tmp==1,
- tmp=substring(str,tmp2-1,tmp2);
- ,
- if(opos_(tmp-1)==opos_tmp-1,
- tmp=substring(str,tmp2-1,tmp2);
- ,
- tmp=substring(str,tmp2-2,tmp2);
- );
- );
- tmp=replace(tmp,"^","**");
- Expr(p1,"n",tmp);
- tmp=select(1..(length(cpos)),cpos_#==tmp3);
- tmp=tmp_1;
- if(tmp==length(cpos),
- tmp=substring(str,tmp3-1,tmp3);
- ,
- if(cpos_(tmp+1)==cpos_tmp+1,
- tmp=substring(str,tmp3-1,tmp3);
- ,
- tmp=substring(str,tmp3-1,tmp3+1);
- );
- );
- tmp=replace(tmp,"^","**");
- Expr(p4,"n",tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- out;
-Changework(dirorg):=( //16.10.21
- regional(dir,subdir,tmp);
- dir=replace(dirorg,"/",pathsep());//17.11.20from
- dir=replace(dir,"\",pathsep());
- dir=replace(dir,pathsep()+pathsep(),pathsep());//17.11.24
- tmp=length(dir);
- if(substring(dir,tmp-1,tmp)==pathsep(),
- dir=substring(dir,0,tmp-1);
- );//17.11.20until
- tmp=Indexall(dir,pathsep()); //17.11.24from
- subdir="";
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp=tmp_(length(tmp));
- subdir=substring(dir,tmp,length(dir));
- dir=substring(dir,0,tmp-1);
- ); //17.11.24until
- if(dir=="" % !isexists(dir,""),
- println("Directory "+dir+" not exist, so set to "+Dirwork);
- ErrFlag=-1;
- ,
- if(length(subdir)>0, //17.11.24from
- println(makedir(dir,subdir));
- Dirwork=dir+pathsep()+subdir;
- ,
- Dirwork=dir;
- ); //17.11.24until
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- if(!iswindows(), //17.04.11
- if(!iskcexists(Dirwork),
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("/");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(setexec(Dirwork,"/"));
- );
- ,
- if(isincludefull(Dirwork),//180408from
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("utf8.txt");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"tmp="+Dqq(Dirwork)+";");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- nkfwin("C:",Dirwork,"utf8.txt","sjis.txt");//180408to
- );
- );
- );
- regional(nmL,name,Ltype,Ltypeorg,Noflg,opcindy,tmp);
- tmp=Divoptions(style);
- Ltypeorg=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- if(islist(nameL),nmL=nameL,nmL=[nameL]);
- forall(nmL,name,
- Ltype=Ltypeorg;
- GCLIST=select(GCLIST,#_1!=name);
- COM2ndlist=select(COM2ndlist,
- (indexof(#,"("+name)==0)%(indexof(#,"Shade")>0)); // 15.05.23,16.12.13
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
-Op(n,object):=( // 16.05.25
- regional(out);
- if(islist(object),
- out=object_n;
- ,
- if(isstring(object),
- out=substring(object,n-1,n);
- );
- );
- out;
- regional(def,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- if(isstring(G),tmp=parse(G),tmp=G);
- def=text(inspect(tmp,"definition"));
- tmp1=indexof(def,"(");
- tmp2=indexof(def,";");
- tmp3=indexof(def,")");
- tmp=[substring(def,0,tmp1-1)];
- if(tmp2>0,
- tmp=append(tmp,substring(def,tmp1,tmp2-1));
- if(indexof(def,")",tmp3+1)==0,
- tmp=append(tmp,substring(def,tmp2,tmp3-1));
- ,
- tmp=append(tmp,substring(def,tmp2,tmp3));
- );
- ,
- tmp=append(tmp,substring(def,tmp1-1,tmp3));
- );
- tmp;
- regional(out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=Finddef(geo);
- if(ispoint(parse(tmp_2)),
- out=[tmp_2,tmp_3];
- ,
- tmp1=Findgeoinfo(parse(tmp_2));
- if(ispoint(parse(tmp1_1)),
- out=[tmp1_1,tmp1_2];
- ,
- tmp2=Findgeoinfo(parse(tmp1_2));
- out=[tmp2_1,tmp2_2];
- );
- );
- if(ispoint(geo),
- if(!ispoint(parse(tmp_2)),
- tmp1=Finddef(parse(tmp_2));
- ,
- tmp1=tmp;
- );
- out=append(out,tmp1_3);
- ,
- out=append(out,tmp_3);
- );
- out;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,out);
- tmp=Finddef(geo);
- if(!iscircle(geo),
- out=[text(geo)];
- ,
- out=[geo];
- );
- if(length(tmp)<3,
- out=concat(out,[tmp_1,[]]);
- ,
- out=concat(out,[tmp_1]);
- tmp1=[tmp_2,tmp_3];
- tmp=parse(tmp1_2);
- if(islist(tmp) % isreal(tmp),
- tmp1=[tmp1_1];
- );
- out=append(out,tmp1);
- );
- out;
- regional(All,added,remain,out,flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
- tmp1=select(tmp,
- substring(text(#),length(text(#))-1,length(text(#)))!="z");
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,alllines());
-// tmp1=concat(tmp1,allcircles());
- All=apply(tmp1,Dependgeo(#));
- added=select(All,length(#_3)==0);
- out=sort(apply(added,#_1));
- remain=remove(All,added);
- flg=0;
- repeat(nn,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=select(remain,remove(#_3,out)==[]);
- tmp2=sort(apply(tmp1,#_1));
- out=concat(out,tmp2);
- remain=remove(remain,tmp1);
- if(length(remain)==0,flg=1);
- );
- );
- println("Process of drawing");
- forall(out,
- println(Dependgeo(parse(#)));
- );
- out;
- regional(plist,ilist,jj,kk,flg,p1,p2,in1,in2,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,out);
- out=list;
- plist=list_1;
- ilist=list_2;
- flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(plist)),jj,
- p1=plist_jj;
- in1=ilist_jj;
- forall((jj+1)..(length(plist)),kk,
- if(flg==0,
- p2=plist_kk;
- in2=ilist_kk;
- if(contains(in1,p2),
- tmp1=plist_(1..(jj-1));
- tmp1=append(tmp1,p2);
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,plist_((jj+1)..(kk-1)));
- tmp1=append(tmp1,p1);
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,plist_((kk+1)..(length(plist))));
- tmp2=ilist_(1..(jj-1));
- tmp2=append(tmp2,in2);
- tmp2=concat(tmp2,ilist_((jj+1)..(kk-1)));
- tmp2=append(tmp2,in1);
- tmp2=concat(tmp2,ilist_((kk+1)..(length(plist))));
- out=Sortpointlist([tmp1,tmp2]);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- );
- out;
- regional(alphabet,out,tmp,tmp1);
- alphabet="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- out="";
- forall(1..(length(str)),
- tmp=substring(str,#-1,#);
- tmp1=indexof(alphabet,tmp);
- if(tmp1>0,
- out=out+unicode(text(tmp1+64),base->10);
- ,
- out=out+tmp;
- );
- );
- out;
- regional(vv,tmp,tmp1);
- if(islist(value),
- tmp1="[";
- forall(value,
- tmp1=tmp1+Textformat(#,dig)+",";
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>1, //18.01.29from
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- );
- tmp1=tmp1+"]"; //18.01.29until
- ,
- if(ispoint(value) % isstring(value),
-// vv=Lcrd(value);
-// tmp1=Textformat(vv,dig);
-// tmp1=text(value); // 15.04.07
- if(isstring(value),tmp1=Dq+value+Dq,tmp1=text(value)); // 15.10.02
- ,
- tmp1=format(value,dig);
- );
- );
- tmp1;
- regional(vv,tmp,tmp1);
- if(!islist(value), // 17.03.12from
- if(isstring(value),
- vv=value;
- ,
- vv=Textformat(value,dig);
- ); // 17.03.12from
- if(indexof(vv,".")==0,vv=vv+".");
- vv=vv+"0000000000000000";
- tmp=indexof(vv,".")+dig;
- vv=substring(vv,0,tmp);
- ,
- vv=apply(value,Sprintf(#,dig));
- );
- vv;
-Assign(str):=( // old
- regional(out);
- out=str;
- forall(VLIST,
- tmp=substring(#_1,0,length(#_1)-1);
- out=replace(out,tmp,"("+#_2+")");
- );
- out;
- regional(nn,out,tmp,tmp1);
- nn=length(vrL)/2;
- out=funstr;
- forall(1..nn,
- out=Assign(out,vrL_(2*#-1),vrL_(2*#));
- );
- out;
- regional(repstr,ii,jj,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Notvar,Flg);
- if(isstring(rep),repstr=rep,repstr="("+Textformat(rep,6)+")");
- // 15.02.09, 07.06,17.08.24
- tmp=[46]; // 12.20
- tmp=concat(tmp,48..57);
- tmp=concat(tmp,65..90);
- tmp=concat(tmp,97..122);
- Notvar=apply(tmp,unicode(text(#),base->10));
- tmp2="";
- forall(1..100,
- ii=indexof(funstr,varname);
- if(ii>0,
- Flg=0;
- if(ii>1,
- tmp=substring(funstr,ii-2,ii-1);
- if(contains(Notvar,tmp),
- tmp2=tmp2+substring(funstr,0,ii);
- funstr=substring(funstr,ii,length(funstr));
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- jj=ii-1+length(varname);
- if(jj<length(funstr),
- tmp=substring(funstr,jj,jj+1));
- if(contains(Notvar,tmp),
- tmp2=tmp2+substring(funstr,0,jj);
- funstr=substring(funstr,jj,length(funstr));
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- tmp2=tmp2+substring(funstr,0,ii-1)+repstr;
- funstr=substring(funstr,jj,length(funstr));
- );
- );
- );
- funstr=tmp2+funstr;
- funstr;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,Depth,Flg);
- Flg=0;
- Depth=0;
- if(ispoint(list), // 15.01.22
- Depth=0;
- Flg=1;
- ,
- tmp1=select(1..(length(list)),length(list_#)>0);//17.05.21from
- tmp=list_(tmp1_1);//17.05.21until
- );
- repeat(4,
- if(Flg==0,
- if(islist(tmp),
- tmp=tmp_1;
- Depth=Depth+1;
- ,
- if(ispoint(tmp),Depth=Depth+1);
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- Depth;
- regional(Out,nn,Dt,ii,tmp,flg);
- Out=[];
- if(MeasureDepth(pltlist)==1,
- Out=[pltlist];
- ,
- forall(1..(length(pltlist)),nn,
- Dt=pltlist_nn;
- if(MeasureDepth(Dt)<2,
- Out=append(Out,Dt);
- ,
- forall(1..(length(Dt)),ii,
- tmp=Flattenlist(Dt_ii);
- Out=concat(Out,tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- Out;
- regional(Ltype,Noflg,Inflg,Outflg,eqL,realL,strL,opstr,opcindy,flg,tmp,tmp1);
- Ltype="dr"; // 2015.01.13
- Noflg=0;
- Inflg=0;
- Outflg=0;
- eqL=[];
- realL=[];
- strL=[];
- opstr="";
- opcindy="";
- forall(options,
- flg=0;
- if(flg==0,
- if(isreal(#) % ispoint(#) % islist(#),
- realL=append(realL,#);
- opstr=opstr+","+text(#);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(indexof(#,"=")>0,
- eqL=append(eqL,#);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(indexof(#,"no")+indexof(#,"No")>0,
- if(indexof(#,"tex")>0,Noflg=1);
- if(indexof(#,"disp")>0,Noflg=2);
- if(indexof(#,"data")>0,Noflg=3);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(indexof(#,"->")>0,
- opcindy=opcindy+","+#;
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(indexof(#,"out")+indexof(#,"Out")>0,
- if(indexof(#,"-")==0,
- Outflg=1;
- ,
- Outflg=2;
- );
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(indexof(#,"in")+indexof(#,"In")>0,
- if(indexof(#,"-")==0,
- Inflg=1;
- ,
- Inflg=2;
- );
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(#,0,2);
- tmp1=indexof(tmp,"dr")+indexof(tmp,"Dr");
- tmp1=tmp1+indexof(tmp,"da")+indexof(tmp,"Da");
- tmp1=tmp1+indexof(tmp,"id")+indexof(tmp,"Id");
- tmp1=tmp1+indexof(tmp,"do")+indexof(tmp,"Do");
- tmp1=tmp1+indexof(tmp,"dp")+indexof(tmp,"Dp");
- if(tmp1>0,
- Ltype=#;
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(length(#)>0, //180408
- strL=append(strL,#);
- opstr=opstr+","+Dq+#+Dq;
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(indexof(opcindy,"color->")==0,// 16.10.07from
- opcindy=opcindy+",color->[0,0,0]";
- );
- [Ltype,Noflg,Inflg,Outflg,eqL,realL,strL,opstr,opcindy];
- regional(v1,v2,tmp);
- if(ispoint(vec1),v1=vec1.xy,v1=vec1);
- if(ispoint(vec2),v2=vec2.xy,v2=vec2);
- v1*v2;
- regional(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Out);
- if(length(a)==3,
- tmp1=a_2*b_3-a_3*b_2;
- tmp2=a_3*b_1-a_1*b_3;
- tmp3=a_1*b_2-a_2*b_1;
- Out=[tmp1,tmp2,tmp3];
- ,
- Out=a_1*b_2-a_2*b_1;
- );
- Out;
- regional(tmp);
- if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig); // 16.01.21
- tmp_1;
- regional(tmp);
- if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig);
- tmp_(length(tmp)); // 15.04.12
- regional(tmp);
- if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig); // 15.12.23
- length(tmp);
- regional(tmp);
- if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig);
- tmp_Num;
- regional(tmp);
- if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig); // 16.01.27
- reverse(tmp);
-Invert(nm,Fig):=Invert(nm,Fig,["nodisp"]); // from 16.01.27
- regional(name,tmp);
- name="-inv"+nm;
- tmp=Invert(Fig);
- Listplot(name,tmp,options);
-);// until 16.01.27
- regional(Tmp,PtL);
-// Eps=10^(-8);
- if(isstring(Gdata),PtL=parse(Gdata),PtL=Gdata);
- Tmp=Nearestpt(pP,PtL);
- Tmp_2;
- regional(PtL,Out,Pa,Pb,vV,vW,sS);
- if(isstring(plist),PtL=parse(plist),PtL=plist);
- PtL=apply(PtL,LLcrd(#));//16.10.16
- if(nN==length(PtL),
- Out=nN;
- ,
- Pa=PtL_nN;
- Pb=PtL_(nN+1);
- vV=Pb-Pa;
- vW=pP-Pa;
- sS=vV*vW/|vV|^2;
- sS=min([max([sS,0]),1]);
- Out=nN+sS;
- );
- Out;
- regional(tT,Out,Eps,nN,sS,Pa,Pb,PtL);
- if(isstring(Gdata),PtL=parse(Gdata),PtL=Gdata);
- if(length(PtL)==1,PtL=PtL_1);
- tT=max([tTorg,1]); //18.01.04
- tT=min([tT,length(PtL)]); //18.01.04
- Eps=10^(-5); //18.01.04
- nN=floor(tT+Eps);
- sS=max([tT-nN,0]);
- if(nN==length(PtL),
- Out=PtL_nN;
- ,
- Pa=PtL_nN;
- Pb=PtL_(nN+1);
- Out=(1-sS)*Pa+sS*Pb;
- );
- Out;
- regional(Eps0,Eps,Eps2,pV,Sv2,Out,pP,pQ,Flg,p1,p2,q1,q2,
- em1,eM1,em2,eM2,rT,Tmp1,Tmp2);
- Eps0=10^(-4);
- pV=pB-pA;
- Sv2=|pV|;
- pP=pC-pA; pQ=pD-pA;
- Eps=10^(-3);
- Eps2=0.2;
- Tmp1=0;
- forall(options,
- if(Tmp1==0,
- Eps=#;
- Tmp1=1;
- ,
- Eps2=#;
- );
- );
- Flg=0;
- if(Sv2<10^(-3),
- Out=["inf","inf"];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- Eps=min([Eps2,Eps/Sv2]);
- p1=pP*pV/Sv2^2;
- p2=[pP_2,-pP_1]*pV/Sv2^2;
- q1=pQ*pV/Sv2^2;
- q2=[pQ_2,-pQ_1]*pV/Sv2^2;
- em1=-Eps; eM1=1+Eps;
- em2=-Eps; eM2=Eps;
- if(max([p1,q1])<em1 % min([p1,q1])>eM1,
- Out=["inf","inf"];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(max([p2,q2])<em2 % min([p2,q2])>eM2,
- Out=["inf","inf"];
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0 & p2*q2<0,
- rT=p1-(q1-p1)/(q2-p2)*p2;
- if(rT>em1 & rT<eM1,
- if(rT>-Eps0 & rT<1+Eps0,
- Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
- Tmp2=min([max([rT,0]),1]);
- Out=[Tmp1,Tmp2,0];
- ,
- Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
- Tmp2=min([max([rT,0]),1]);
- Out=[Tmp1,Tmp2,1];
- );
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0 & (p1<em1 % p1>eM1 % p2<em2 % p2>eM2),
- if(q1<em1 % q1>eM1 % q2<em2 % q2>eM2,
- Out=["inf","inf"];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- rT=min([max([p1,0]),1]);
- Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
- Out=[Tmp1,rT,1];
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0 & (p1 > -Eps0 & p1 < 1 + Eps0 & p2 > -Eps0 & p2 < Eps0),
- rT= p1;
- Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
- Out= [Tmp1, rT, 0];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0 & (q1 > -Eps0 & q1 < 1 + Eps0 & q2 > -Eps0 & q2 < Eps0),
- rT= q1;
- Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
- Out=[Tmp1,rT,0];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0 & (p1<em1 % p1>eM1 % p2<em2 % p2>eM2),
- if(q1<em1 % q1>eM1 % q2<em2 % q2>eM2,
- Out=["inf","inf"];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- rT=min([max([q1,0]),1]);
- Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
- Out=[Tmp1,rT,1];
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0 & (q1<em1 % q1>eM1% q2<em2 % q2>eM2),
- rT=min([max([p1,0]),1]);
- Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
- Out=[Tmp1,rT,1];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- if(abs(p2)<abs(q2),
- rT=min([max([p1,0]),1]);
- ,
- rT=min([max([q1,0]),1]);
- );
- Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
- Out=[Tmp1,rT,1];
- );
- Out;
-///////// Start of old Intersect ////////////
- regional(Out,Eps,Eps2,Eps0,Flg,Data1,Data2,
- Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3,Tmp,KL1,KL2,pA,pB,Ni,Nj,
- pP,pQ,rT,Flg,eqL,realL,opstr,Dif);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- Eps2=0.1;
- Dif=0.05; // 2015.05.31
- Flg=0;
- Tmp1=Divoptions(options); //
- eqL=Tmp1_5;
- realL=Tmp1_6;
- opstr=Tmp1_(length(Tmp1));
- forall(eqL,
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="D",
- Tmp1=indexof(#,"=");
- Dif=parse(substring(#,Tmp1,length(#)));
- );
- );
- Tmp1=length(realL);
- if(Tmp1>0,
- Eps=realL_1;
- if(Tmp1>1,
- Eps2=realL_2;
- );
- );
- Flg=0;
- if(isstring(Gr1),Data1=parse(Gr1),Data1=Gr1);
- if(isstring(Gr2),Data2=parse(Gr2),Data2=Gr2);
- if(MeasureDepth(Data1)==2,Data1=Data1_1);
- if(MeasureDepth(Data2)==2,Data2=Data2_1);
- Data1=apply(Data1,LLcrd(#));
- Data2=apply(Data2,LLcrd(#));
- if(length(Data1)==length(Data2),
- Tmp1=Reverse(Data2);
- Eps0=10^(-6);
- Tmp2=0;
- forall(1..(length(Data1)),
- Tmp2=Tmp2+abs(Data1_#-Data2_#);
- );
- Tmp3=0;
- forall(1..(length(Data1)),
- Tmp3=Tmp3+abs(Data1_#-Tmp1_#);
- );
- if(Tmp2<Eps0 % Tmp3<Eps0,
- Out=[];
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- KL1=[];
- KL2=[];
- forall(1..(length(Data1)-1),Ni,
- pA=Data1_Ni;
- pB=Data1_(Ni+1);
- forall(1..(length(Data2)-1),
- pP=Data2_#; pQ=Data2_(#+1);
- Tmp=Koutenseg(pA,pB,pP,pQ,[Eps,Eps2]);
- if(Tmp!=["inf","inf"],
- if(Tmp_3==0,
- Tmp1=[Tmp_1,Tmp_2,Ni,#];
- KL1=concat(KL1,[Tmp1]);
- ,
- Tmp2=[Tmp_1,Tmp_2,Ni,#];
- KL2=concat(KL2,[Tmp2]);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- Out=[];
- if(length(KL1)>0,
- Tmp=KL1_1;
- pP=Tmp_1;
- rT=Tmp_2;
- Ni=Tmp_3;
- Nj=Tmp_4;
- Tmp=[pP,Ni+rT,Nj];
- Out=[Tmp];
- );
- forall(2..(length(KL1)),Ni,
- Tmp=KL1_Ni;
- pP=Tmp_1;
- Tmp2=0;
- Flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(Out)),Nj,
- if(Flg==0,
- Tmp=Out_Nj;
- if(|pP-Tmp_1|<Eps,
- Tmp2=1;
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(Tmp2==0,
- Tmp=KL1_Ni;
- pP=Tmp_1;
- rT=Tmp_2;
- Tmp1=Tmp_3;
- Tmp2=Tmp_4;
- Tmp=[pP,Tmp1+rT,Tmp2];
- Out=concat(Out,[Tmp]);
- );
- );
- forall(1..(length(KL2)),Ni,
- Tmp=KL2_Ni; // 15.11.21 Usui
- pP=Tmp_1;
- Tmp2=0;
- Flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(Out)),Nj,
- if(Flg==0,
- Tmp=Out_Nj;
- if(|pP-Tmp_1|<Eps,
- Tmp2=1;
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(Tmp2==0,
- Tmp=KL2_Ni;
- rT=Tmp_2;
- rT=min([max([rT,0]),1]); // 15.11.21 Usui
- Tmp=[pP,Tmp_3+rT,Tmp_4];
- Out=concat(Out,[Tmp]);
- );
- );
- );
- Tmp1=Out; // 15.04.06 from
- Out=[];
- forall(Tmp1,Tmp2,
- Tmp3=select(1..(length(Out)),//16.11.27,
- |Out_#_1-Tmp2_1|<Dif & |Out_#_2-Tmp2_2|<=1& |Out_#_3-Tmp2_3|<=1);
- //17.04.13
- if(length(Tmp3)==0,
- Out=append(Out,Tmp2);
- ,
- forall(Tmp3, //16.11.27
- Out_#_1=(Out_#_1+Tmp2_1)/2;//17.04.14
- );
- );
- ); // 15.04.06 until
- Out;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp1=IntersectcrvsPp(Gr1,Gr2,options);
- apply(tmp1,#_1);
-///////// End of old Intersect ////////////
-/////////// Start of new Intersect //////////////
- regional(Eps,d,dt,ds,t,s,pt,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- Eps=10^(-5);
- out=[];
- tmp=Dotprod(v1,v2);
- tmp1=[tmp,|v1|^2];
- tmp2=[-|v2|^2,-tmp];
- tmp3=[Dotprod(p2-p1,v2),Dotprod(p2-p1,v1)];
- d=Crossprod(tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=abs(Crossprod(v1,v2));
- if(tmp>Eps,
- dt=Crossprod(tmp3,tmp2);
- ds=Crossprod(tmp1,tmp3);
- t=dt/d;
- s=ds/d;
- pt=p1+v1*t;
- out=[pt,t,s];
- ,
- tmp1=Crossprod(p2-p1,v1)/|v1|; //18.01.05
- out=[abs(tmp1)]; //18.01.05
- );
- out;
- regional(Eps,seg1,seg2,p1,p2,q1,q2,t,s,pt,n,pts,out,dist,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- //Eps1=0.01;
- seg1=seg1org;
- seg2=seg2org;
- if(isstring(seg1),seg1=parse(seg1));
- if(isstring(seg2),seg2=parse(seg2));
- out=[];
- p1=seg1_1; q1=seg1_2;
- p2=seg2_1; q2=seg2_2;
- if((|q1-p1|<Eps)%(|q2-p2|<Eps),
- out=[-1];
- ,
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,q1-p1,p2,q2-p2);
- if(islist(tmp_1),
- pt=tmp_1; t=tmp_2; s=tmp_3;
- if((t*(t-1)<Eps)&(s*(s-1)<Eps),
- out=[0,pt,t,s];
- ,
- t=min([max([t,0]),1]);
- s=min([max([s,0]),1]);
- tmp3=[|p1-p2|,|p1-q2|,|q1-p2|,|q1-q2|]; //18.01.30from
- tmp1=[Op(2,q2-p2),-Op(1,q2-p2)];
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,tmp1,p2,q2-p2);
- if(islist(tmp_1),
- if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
- tmp3=append(tmp3,|tmp_1-p1|);
- );
- );
- tmp=Intersectline(q1,tmp1,p2,q2-p2);
- if(islist(tmp_1),
- if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
- tmp3=append(tmp3,|tmp_1-q1|);
- );
- );
- tmp1=[Op(2,q1-p1),-Op(1,q1-p1)];
- tmp=Intersectline(p2,tmp1,p1,q1-p1);
- if(islist(tmp_1),
- if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
- tmp3=append(tmp3,|tmp_1-p2|);
- );
- );
- tmp=Intersectline(q2,tmp1,p1,q1-p1);
- if(islist(tmp_1),
- if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
- tmp3=append(tmp3,|tmp_1-q2|);
- );
- );
- out=[min(tmp3),pt,t,s]; //18.01.30until
- );
- ,
- dist=tmp_1;
- tmp1=q1-p1;
- n=[tmp1_2,-tmp1_1]/|tmp1|;
- pts=[];
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,n,p2,q2-p2);
- if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
- tmp1=(1-tmp_3)*p2+tmp_3*q2;
- pts=append(pts,[tmp1,0,tmp_3]);
- );
- tmp=Intersectline(q1,n,p2,q2-p2);
- if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
- tmp1=(1-tmp_3)*p2+tmp_3*q2;
- pts=append(pts,[tmp1,1,tmp_3]);
- );
- tmp=Intersectline(p2,n,p1,q1-p1);
- if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
- tmp1=(1-tmp_3)*p1+tmp_3*q1;
- pts=append(pts,[tmp1,tmp_3,0]);
- );
- tmp=Intersectline(q2,n,p1,q1-p1);
- if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
- tmp1=(1-tmp_3)*p1+tmp_3*q1;
- pts=append(pts,[tmp1,tmp_3,2]);
- );
- if(length(pts)==0,
- tmp1=min([|p2-p1|,|q2-p1|,|p2-q1|,|q2-q1|]);
- out=[tmp1];
- ,
- if(dist>Eps1,
- out=[dist];
- ,
- tmp=apply(pts,#_1_1);
- tmp1=sum(tmp)/(length(pts));
- tmp=apply(pts,#_1_2);
- tmp2=sum(tmp)/(length(pts));
- tmp3=[tmp1,tmp2];
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp3,seg1);
- tmp1=tmp_2;
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp3,seg2);
- tmp2=tmp_2;
- out=[dist,tmp3,tmp1,tmp2];
- );
- );
- );
- );
- out;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,list,ptL,ctrL,Eps,Eps0,
- p0,p1,p2,p3,pQ,pR,cc,p01,p02,p11,p12,p21,p22,p31,p32,out);
- Eps=10^(-2);
- Eps0=10^(-6);
- if(isstring(ptlist),list=parse(ptlist),list=ptlist);
- p0=list_1; p1=list_2; p2=list_3; p3=list_4;
- tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/|p2-p0|/|p3-p1|)/2);
- cc=4*|p2-p1|/3/(|p2-p0|+|p3-p1|)/tmp;
- pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0); // 15.09.21 // 16.08.16
- pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3); // 16.08.16
- ctrL=[pQ,pR];
- options=optionorg;
- options=concat(options,["Num=20","nodata"]);
- out=Bezier("",[p1,p2],ctrL,options);
- out;
- Intersectpartseg(crv1,crv2,ii,jj,Eps1,Eps2,10*Eps2);
- regional(crv1,crv2,Eps,dst,kk,ll,seg1,seg2,snang,
- p0,p1,p2,p3,os1,os2,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg);
- crv1=crv1org; crv2=crv2org;
- if(isstring(crv1),crv1=parse(crv1));
- if(isstring(crv2),crv2=parse(crv2));
- Eps=10^(-4);
-// Eps1=0.01;
-// Eps2=0.1;
-// Dist=10*Eps2;
- out=[];
- seg1=[crv1_ii,crv1_(ii+1)];
- seg2=[crv2_jj,crv2_(jj+1)];
- tmp1=seg1_2-seg1_1;
- tmp2=seg2_2-seg2_1;
- snang=abs(Crossprod(tmp1,tmp2))/(norm(tmp1)*norm(tmp2));
- tmp=Intersectseg(seg1,seg2,Eps1);
- dst=tmp_1;
- if(dst<Eps,
- out=[tmp_2,ii+tmp_3,jj+tmp_4,dst,snang];
- ,
- if(dst<Eps2,
- if((length(crv1)==2)%(|seg1_2-seg1_1|>Dist-Eps),
- os1=seg1;
- ,
- p1=seg1_1; p2=seg1_2;
- if(ii==1,
- p3=crv1_3;
- tmp=p2-p1;
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+[tmp_2,-tmp_1];
- p0=Reflectpoint(p3,[(p1+p2)/2,tmp]);
- ,
- if(ii==length(crv1)-1,
- p0=crv1_(ii-1);
- tmp=p2-p1;
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+[tmp_2,-tmp_1];
- p3=Reflectpoint(p0,[(p1+p2)/2,tmp]);
- ,
- p0=crv1_(ii-1); p3=crv1_(ii+2);
- );
- );
- os1=Osplineseg([p0,p1,p2,p3]);
- );
- if((length(crv2)==2)%(|seg2_2-seg2_1|>Dist-Eps), //18.01.05
- os2=seg2;
- ,
- p1=seg2_1; p2=seg2_2;
- if(jj==1,
- p3=crv2_3;
- tmp=p2-p1;
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+[tmp_2,-tmp_1];
- p0=Reflectpoint(p3,[(p1+p2)/2,tmp]);
- ,
- if(jj==length(crv2)-1,
- p0=crv2_(jj-1);
- tmp=p2-p1;
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+[tmp_2,-tmp_1];
- p3=Reflectpoint(p0,[(p1+p2)/2,tmp]);
- ,
- p0=crv2_(jj-1); p3=crv2_(jj+2);
- );
- );
- os2=Osplineseg([p0,p1,p2,p3]);
- );
- tmp2=[];
- forall(1..(length(os1)-1),kk,
- forall(1..(length(os2)-1),ll,
- seg1=[os1_kk,os1_(kk+1)];
- seg2=[os2_ll,os2_(ll+1)];
- tmp=Intersectseg(seg1,seg2,Eps1);
- if((tmp_1<Eps1)&(length(tmp)>1), //18.02.06
- if(tmp_1<dst+Eps,
- dst=tmp_1;
- tmp2=select(tmp2,#_1<dst);
- tmp2=append(tmp2,[dst,tmp_2]);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- tmp=apply(tmp2,#_2_1);
- tmp1=[sum(tmp)/length(tmp2)];
- tmp=apply(tmp2,#_2_2);
- tmp1=append(tmp1,sum(tmp)/length(tmp2));
- out=[tmp1];
- p1=crv1_ii; p2=crv1_(ii+1);
- tmp=[Op(2,p2-p1),-Op(1,p2-p1)];
- tmp=Intersectline(out_1,tmp,p1,p2-p1);
- tmp=min([max([tmp_3,0]),1]);
- out=[tmp1,ii+tmp];
- p1=crv2_jj; p2=crv2_(jj+1);
- tmp=[Op(2,p2-p1),-Op(1,p2-p1)];
- tmp=Intersectline(out_1,tmp,p1,p2-p1);
- tmp=min([max([tmp_3,0]),1]);
- out=concat(out,[jj+tmp,dst,snang]);
- );
- );
- );
- out;
- regional(Eps,gL,rL,numL,ii,jj,flg,tmp,tmp1);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- gL=[ptdL_1];
- rL=ptdL_(2..(length(ptdL)));
- flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(ptdL)-1),ii,
- if(flg==0,
- numL=[];
- forall(1..(length(rL)),jj,
- tmp1=100;
- forall(gL,
- tmp=|#_1-rL_jj_1|;
- if(tmp<tmp1,tmp1=tmp);
- );
- if(tmp1<Eps2,numL=append(numL,jj));
- );
- if(length(numL)==0,
- flg=1;
- ,
- gL=concat(gL,rL_(numL));
- rL=remove(rL,rL_(numL));
- );
- );
- );
- [gL,rL];
- regional(Eps,gL,rL,numL,ii,jj,flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp1md,
- dst,kk,s1,e1,s2,e2);
- Eps00=10^(-8);
- if(length(ptdL)==0,
- gL=[];rL=[];
- ,
- tmp1md=[ptdL_1];
- rL=ptdL_(2..(length(ptdL)));
- tmp1=tmp1md_1;
- kk=floor(tmp1_2);
- if(tmp1_2<kk+Eps00,
- s1=kk-1-Eps00; e1=s1+2+2*Eps00;
- ,
- s1=kk-Eps00; e1=s1+1+2*Eps00;
- );
- kk=floor(tmp1_3);
- if(tmp1_3<kk+Eps00,
- s2=kk-1-Eps00; e2=s2+2+2*Eps00;
- ,
- s2=kk-Eps00; e2=s2+1+2*Eps00;
- );
- numL=[];
- forall(1..(length(rL)),ii,
- tmp=rL_ii;
- tmp1=tmp_2;tmp2=tmp_3;
- if((tmp1>s1)&(tmp1<e1)&(tmp2>s2)&(tmp2<e2),
- tmp1md=append(tmp1md,tmp);
- numL=append(numL,ii);
- );
- );
- gL=[];
- tmp=apply(tmp1md,#_4);
- dst=min(tmp);
- forall(tmp1md,
- if(#_4<dst+Eps00,
- gL=append(gL,#);
- );
- );
- rL=remove(rL,rL_(numL));
- );
- [gL,rL];
- regional(Eps,Eps1,Eps2,Dist,crv1,crv2,ii,jj,seg1,seg2,self,loopL,out,
- flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- Eps1=0.01;
- Eps2=0.1;
- Dist=10*Eps2;
- if(length(options)>0,
- Eps1=options_1;
- if(length(options)>1,
- Eps2=options_2;
- Dist=10*Eps2;
- if(length(options)>2,
- Dist=options_3;
- );
- );
- );
- if(isstring(crv1org),tmp1=parse(crv1org),tmp1=crv1org);//18.01.05from
- if(isstring(crv2org),tmp2=parse(crv2org),tmp2=crv2org);
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,LLcrd(#));
- tmp2=apply(tmp2,LLcrd(#));
- crv1=[tmp1_1];
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp=crv1_(length(crv1));
- if(|tmp-#|>Eps,
- crv1=append(crv1,#);
- );
- );
- crv2=[tmp2_1];
- forall(tmp2,
- tmp=crv2_(length(crv2));
- if(|tmp-#|>Eps,
- crv2=append(crv2,#);
- );
- );//18.01.05until
- if(crv1==crv2,
- self=1;
- ,
- self=0;
- );
- out=[];
- forall(1..(length(crv1)-1),ii,
- if(self==0,
- loopL=1..(length(crv2)-1);
- ,
- loopL=(ii+2)..(length(crv2)-1);
- );
- forall(loopL,jj,
- tmp=Intersectpartseg(crv1,crv2,ii,jj,Eps1,Eps2,Dist);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- if(length(out)==0,
- out=[tmp];
- ,
- tmp1=out_(length(out));
- if(|tmp1_1-tmp_1|>Eps1,
- out=append(out,tmp);
- );
- );
- if(self==1,
- tmp=[tmp_1,tmp_3,tmp_2,tmp_4,tmp_5];
- out=append(out,tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- tmp2=out;
- out=[];
- tmp1=tmp2;
- flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(tmp2)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=Collectsameseg(tmp1);
- out=append(out,tmp_1);
- if(length(tmp_2)==0,
- flg=1;
- ,
- tmp1=tmp_2;
- );
- );
- );
- forall(1..(length(out)),ii,
- tmp1=out_ii;
- if(length(tmp1)==1,
- out_ii=tmp1_1;
- ,
- tmp=apply(tmp1,#_4);
- dst=min(tmp);
- tmp1=select(tmp1,#_4<dst+Eps);
- tmp=apply(tmp1,#_1);
- tmp=sum(tmp)/length(tmp);
- tmp2=[tmp];
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp2_1,crv1org);
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp_2);
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp2_1,crv2org);
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp_2);
- tmp2=concat(tmp2,[dst,tmp1_1_5]);
- out_ii=tmp2;
- );
- );
- out;
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=IntersectcurvesPp(crv1org,crv2org,options);
- tmp=apply(tmp,#_1);
-///////////End of new Intersect //////////////
- regional(tmp,pP,plist);
- pP=Pcrd(point);
- if(isstring(PL),plist=parse(PL),plist=PL);
- if(MeasureDepth(plist)==2,plist=plist_1);
- plist=apply(plist,#); // 14.12.18
- tmp=Nearestpt(pP,plist);
- tmp=tmp_1;
- [tmp_1/SCALEX,tmp_2/SCALEY];
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=Nearestpt(point,plist);
- tmp_1;
- regional(PL1,PL,Ans,Flg,Eps,pA,Pm,Im,Sm,Nn,Ni,
- a1,b1,a2,b2,v1,v2,x1,x2,Tmp,rT,pP,sS,Lm,Pm,Sm,Flg);
- if(isstring(point),PL1=parse(point),PL1=point);
- if(MeasureDepth(PL1)==2,PL1=PL1_1);
- if(!islist(PL1_1),
- PL1=[PL1];
- Flg=0;
- ,
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(isstring(PL2),PL=parse(PL2),PL=PL2);
- if(MeasureDepth(PL)==2,PL=PL_1);
- Eps=10^(-6);
- Ans=[PL1_1,1,PL_1,1,|PL1_1-PL_1|];
- forall(1..(length(PL1)),Nn, // 16.05.04
- pA=PL1_Nn;
- Pm=PL_1;
- Im=1;
- Sm=|Pm-pA|;
- forall(1..(length(PL)-1),Ni,
- a1=PL_Ni_1; a2=PL_Ni_2;
- b1=PL_(Ni+1)_1; b2=PL_(Ni+1)_2;
- v1=b1-a1; v2=b2-a2;
- x1=pA_1; x2=pA_2;
- Tmp=v2^2+v1^2;
- if(abs(Tmp)>Eps,
- rT=(-a2*v2-v1*a1+v1*x1+x2*v2)/Tmp;
- if(rT<-Eps,
- pP=[a1,a2];
- ,
- if(rT>1+Eps,
- pP=[b1,b2];
- ,
- pP=[a1+rT*v1,a2+rT*v2];
- );
- );
- sS=|pP-pA|;
- if(sS<Sm-Eps,
- Tmp=ParamonCurve(pP,Ni,PL);
- Pm=pP; Lm=Tmp; Sm=sS;
- );
- );
- if(Sm<Ans_5, // 16.05.03from
- Ans=[pA,Nn,Pm,Lm,Sm];
- );
- ); // 16.05.03until
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- Ans=Ans_(3..5);
- );
- Ans;
- regional(eqL,method,eps,str,x1,x2,y1,y2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- method="N";
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=substring(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1);
- if(tmp1=="M",
- method=Toupper(tmp2);
- );
- );
- if(method=="D",
- str="d(";
- str=str+replace(fun,var,"#")+",";
- str=str+value+")";
- tmp=Pcrd([1,parse(str)]); // 14.11.08
- tmp_2;
- );
- if(method=="N",
- eps=10^(-6);
- x1=max(XMIN,value-eps);
- x2=min(XMAX,value+eps);
- tmp=Assign(fun,[var,"("+format(x1,6)+")"]);//180408
- y1=parse(tmp);
- tmp=Assign(fun,[var,"("+format(x2,6)+")"]);//180408
- y2=parse(tmp);
- (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
- );
- regional(pltdata,range,options,fnstr,vartr);
- if(islist(Arg2),
- pltdata=Arg1;
- range=Arg2;
- options=Arg3;
- Integrate(pltdata,range,options);
- ,
- fnstr=Arg1;
- vastr=Arg2;
- range=Arg3;
- Integrate(fnstr,vastr,range,[]);
- );
- regional(tmp,tmp1,eqL,Rule,pdata,Sm,ptP,ptQ,list,va1,va2);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- Rule="o";
- forall(eqL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- Rule=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1);
- );
- );
- if(Rule=="o",
- Sm= IntegrateO(pltdata,range);
- ,
- if(isstring(pltdata),pdata=parse(pltdata),pdata=pltdata);
- if(MeasureDepth(pdata)==2,pdata=pdata_1);
- va1=MeetCurve(pdata,range_1,0);
- va2=MeetCurve(pdata,range_2,0);
- list=select(pdata,(#_1>range_1 & #_1<range_2));
- list=apply(list,LLcrd(#)); // 15.09.14
- list=concat([va1],list);
- list=concat(list,[va2]);
- Sm=0;
- forall(1..(length(list)-1),
- ptP=list_#; // 15.09.14
- ptQ=list_(#+1);
- Sm=Sm+(ptP_2+ptQ_2)*(ptQ_1-ptP_1)/2;
- );
- Sm;
- );
- regional(tmp,tmp1,Sm,Lx,Rx,va1,va2,Num,Waysx,ex,dx,xn,yn,x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2);
- Num=100;
- Way="t";
- forall(options,
- if(indexof(#,"=")>0,
- if(indexof(#,"N=")>0,
- Num=parse(substring(#,indexof(#,"="),length(#)));
- );
- if(indexof(#,"Num=")>0,
- Num=parse(substring(#,indexof(#,"="),length(#)));
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- Way=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1);
- );
- );
- );
- Sm=0;
- if(Way=="t",
- forall(1..Num,
- Lx=range_1+(range_2-range_1)*(#-1)/Num;
- Rx=range_1+(range_2-range_1)*#/Num;
- va1=parse(replace(fnstr,vastr,textformat(Lx,5)));
- va2=parse(replace(fnstr,vastr,textformat(Rx,5)));
- Sm=Sm+(va1+va2)*(Rx-Lx)/2;
- );
- ,
- sx=range_1;
- ex=range_2;
- dx=(ex-sx)/Num;
- xn=apply(0..Num,sx+#*dx);
- yn=apply(xn,parse(replace(fnstr,vastr,textformat(#,5))));
- dx=dx/2;
- repeat(Num,s,
- x0=xn_s;
- x1=(xn_s+xn_(s+1))/2;
- x2=xn_(s+1);
- y0=yn_s;
- y1=parse(replace(fnstr,vastr,textformat(x1,5)));
- y2=yn_(s+1);
- Sm=Sm+dx*(y0+4*y1+y2)/3;
- );
- );
- Sm;
- regional(p0,p1,p2,p3,pQ,pR,cc,p01,p02,
- p11,p12,p21,p22,p31,p32, tmp);
- if(ispoint(p0org),p0=p0org.xy,p0=p0org); // 16.03.10
- if(ispoint(p1org),p1=p1org.xy,p1=p1org); // 16.03.16
- if(ispoint(p2org),p2=p2org.xy,p2=p2org);
- if(ispoint(p3org),p3=p3org.xy,p3=p3org);
- tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/|p2-p0|/|p3-p1|)/2);
- cc=4*|p2-p1|/3/(|p2-p0|+|p3-p1|)/tmp;
- pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0);
- pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3);
- p01=p1_1; p02=p1_2;
- p31=p2_1; p32=p2_2;
- p11=pQ_1; p12=pQ_2;
- p21=pR_1; p22=pR_2;
- tmp=-6*p12*p01+3*p12*p21+3*p12*p31+6*p02*p11-
- 10*p02*p01+3*p02*p21+p02*p31-3*p22*p11-
- 3*p22*p01+6*p22*p31-3*p32*p11-p32*p01-
- 6*p32*p21+10*p32*p31;
- tmp=tmp/20;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,pdata,va1,va2,list,Bzk,Bzc,range,pmflg,
- Sm,p0,p1,p2,p3,pQ,pR,cc,p01,p02,p11,p12,p21,p22,p31,p32);
- if(isstring(pltdata),
- pdata=parse(pltdata);
- ,
- pdata=pltdata;
- );
- if(MeasureDepth(pdata)==2,pdata=pdata_1);
- range=rangeorg;
- pmflg=1;
- if(range_2<range_1,
- range=reverse(range);
- pmflg=-1;
- );
- va1=MeetCurve(pdata,range_1,0);
- va2=MeetCurve(pdata,range_2,0);
- list=select(pdata,(#_1>range_1 & #_1<range_2));
- if(length(list)>0, // 16.09.25
- if(list_1_1>list_(length(list))_1, //16.11.03
- list=reverse(list);
-// pmflg=pmflg*(-1);
- );
- );
- list=apply(list,LLcrd(#));
- list=concat([va1],list);
- list=concat(list,[va2]);
- Sm=0;
- forall(1..(length(list)-1),
- p1=list_#;
- p2=list_(#+1);
- if(#==1 % #==length(list)-1,
- tmp1=(p1_2+p2_2)*(p2_1-p1_1)/2;
- Sm=Sm+tmp1;
- ,
- p0=list_(#-1);
- p3=list_(#+2);
- tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/|p2-p0|/|p3-p1|)/2);
- cc=4*|p2-p1|/3/(|p2-p0|+|p3-p1|)/tmp;
- pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0);
- pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3);
- p01=p1_1; p02=p1_2;
- p31=p2_1; p32=p2_2;
- p11=pQ_1; p12=pQ_2;
- p21=pR_1; p22=pR_2;
- tmp1=-6*p12*p01+3*p12*p21+3*p12*p31+6*p02*p11-
- 10*p02*p01+3*p02*p21+p02*p31-3*p22*p11-
- 3*p22*p01+6*p22*p31-3*p32*p11-p32*p01-
- 6*p32*p21+10*p32*p31;
- tmp1=tmp1/20;
- Sm=Sm+tmp1;
- );
- );
- if(pmflg==-1,
- Sm=-Sm;
- );
- Sm;
- regional(pd,p1,p2,s,tmp);
- if(isstring(pdstr),pd=parse(pdstr),pd=pdstr);
- s=0;
- forall(1..(length(pd)-1),
- p1=Lcrd(pd_#);
- p2=Lcrd(pd_(#+1));
- tmp=(p1_2+p2_2)*(p2_1-p1_1)/2;
- s=s+tmp;
- );
- if(s<0,s=-s);
- s;
-Findarea(pdstr):=( // 15.11.27
- regional(pd,p0,p1,p2,p3,s,tmp);
- if(isstring(pdstr),pd=parse(pdstr),pd=pdstr);
- s=0;
- forall(1..(length(pd)-1),
- p1=pd_#;
- p2=pd_(#+1);
- if(#==1,p0=pd_(length(pd)-1),p0=pd_(#-1));
- if(#==length(pd)-1,p3=pd_2,p3=pd_(#+2));
- tmp=IntegrateO(p0,p1,p2,p3);
- s=s+tmp;
- );
- if(s<0,s=-s);
- s;
- regional(pd,p1,p2,s,tmp);
- if(isstring(pdstr),pd=parse(pdstr),pd=pdstr);
- s=0;
- forall(1..(length(pd)-1),
- p1=Lcrd(pd_#);
- p2=Lcrd(pd_(#+1));
- tmp=|p2-p1|;
- s=s+tmp;
- );
- s;
- regional(tmp,varstr,range,x1,x2,x3,va1,va2);
- tmp=indexof(rngstr,"=");
- varstr=substring(rngstr,0,tmp-1);
- range=parse(substring(rngstr,tmp,length(rngstr)));
- x1=range_1; x2=range_2;
- repeat(15,
- x3=(x1+x2)/2;
- va1=parse(replace(fnstr,varstr,textformat(x1,5)));
- va2=parse(replace(fnstr,varstr,textformat(x3,5)));
- if((va1>value & va2>value) % (va1<value & va2<value),
- x1=x3;
- ,
- x2=x3;
- );
- );
- va1=parse(replace(fnstr,varstr,textformat(x1,5)))-value;
- va2=parse(replace(fnstr,varstr,textformat(x2,5)))-value;
- if(x1==range_1 % x2==range_2,
- println("not found in ("+textformat(range_1,5)
- +","+textformat(range_2,5)+")");
- );
- if(abs(va1)<=abs(va2),x1,x2);
- regional(str);
- str=replace(String,LFmark,"");
- COM0thlist=append(COM0thlist,str);
- regional(str);
- str=replace(String,LFmark,"");
- GLIST=append(GLIST,str); // 15.05.27
-// COM1stlist=append(COM1stlist,str);
-// help:Com2nd("");
- regional(str);
- str=replace(String,LFmark,"");
- COM2ndlist=append(COM2ndlist,str);
- regional(str);
- str=replace(String,LFmark,"");
- COM2ndlist=prepend(str,COM2ndlist);
-Texcom(strorg):=( //17.09.22
- regional(str);
- str=replace(strorg,"\","\\");
- str=replace(str,"\\\\","\\");
- str="Texcom("+Dq+str+Dq+")";
- Com2nd(str);
- Com2nd("Texcom("+Dq+"\def\ketcindy{{K\kern-.20em
- \lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em{TCindy}}}"+Dq+")");
- Com2nd("Drwline("+gstr+")");
- Com2nd("Dashline("+gstr+")");
- Com2nd("Invdashline("+gstr+")");
- Com2nd("Dottedline("+gstr+")");
- Com0th("setlanguage('en')");
- regional(Dop,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Dop="";
- tmp1=indexof(type,",");
- if(tmp1>0,
- Dop=","+substring(type,tmp1,length(type));
- );
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(type,0,3));
- if(tmp1=="DR",
- Drwline(name+Dop);
- );
- if(tmp1=="DA",
- Dashline(name+Dop);
- );
- if(tmp1=="ID",
- Invdashline(name+Dop);
- );
- if(tmp1=="DO",
- Dottedline(name+Dop);
- );
- println(ULEN);
- regional(Dx,Dy,Sym,SL,OL,Is,VL,Ucode,ii,cha,
- str,Unit,Valu,flg,tmp);
- Sym=".0123456789 +-*/";
- SL=Sym;
- OL="+-*/";
- if(length(UI)>0,
- GLIST=append(GLIST,"Setunitlen("+Dq+string+Dq+")");
- );
- Is=1;
- VL="";
- Ucode=ULEN;
- flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(Ucode)),ii,
- if(flg==0,
- cha=substring(Ucode,ii-1,ii);
- if(indexof(SL,cha)>0,
- if(indexof(OL,cha)>0,
- tmp=substring(Ucode,Is-1,ii);
- str=VL+tmp+cha;
- VL=str;
- Is=ii+1;
- );
- ,
- Unit=substring(Ucode,ii-1,ii+1);
- str=substring(Ucode,Is-1,ii-1);
- VL=VL+str;
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- Valu=parse(VL);
- str=format(Valu,6);
- ULEN=str+Unit;
- if(Unit=="cm",MilliIn=1000/2.54*Valu);
- if(Unit=="mm",MilliIn=1000/2.54*Valu/10);
- if(Unit=="in",MilliIn=1000*Valu);
- if(Unit=="pt",MilliIn=1000/72.27*Valu);
- if(Unit=="pc",MilliIn=000/6.022*Valu);
- if(Unit=="bp",MilliIn=1000/72*Valu);
- if(Unit=="dd2",MilliIn=1000/1238/1157/72.27*Valu);
- if(Unit=="cc",MilliIn=1000/1238/1157/72.27*12*Valu);
- if(Unit=="sp",MilliIn=1000/72.27/65536*Valu/10);
- MARKLEN=MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- MEMORI=MEMORINow*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- MARKLEN=ratio*0.2;//16.11.01
- Com2nd("Setmarklen("+textformat(ratio,5)+")");
- Com2nd("Setorigin("+textformat(point,5)+")");
- Com2nd("Fontsize('"+sizestr+"')");
- PenThick=PenThickInit*width; // 16.04.09
- Com2nd("Setpen("+text(width)+")");
- regional(tmp);
- if(ispoint(pt),
- tmp=[pt.x/SCALEX,pt.y/SCALEY];
- ,
- tmp=pt;
- );
- tmp;
- regional(tmp);
- if(ispoint(pt),
- tmp=re(pt.xy); // 15.07.24
- ,
- tmp=[pt_1*SCALEX,pt_2*SCALEY];
- );
- tmp;
- regional(tmp);
- if(ispoint(pt),
- tmp=pt.xy
- ,
- tmp=pt;
- );
- tmp=[tmp_1/SCALEX,tmp_2/SCALEY];
- tmp;
- regional(Level,Out,gL,gr,tmp);
- if(ispoint(pltdata) % isreal(pltdata_1),
- gL=[[pltdata]];
- Level=0;
- ,
- if(ispoint(pltdata_1) % isreal(pltdata_1_1),
- gL=[pltdata];
- Level=1;
- ,
- gL=pltdata;
- Level=2;
- );
- );
- Out=[];
- forall(gL,gr,
- tmp=apply(gr,Lcrd(#));
- tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
- Out=concat(Out,[tmp]);
- );
- if(Level==0,
- Out=Out_1_1;
- );
- if(Level==1,
- Out=Out_1;
- );
- Out;
- regional(Level,Out,gL,gr,tmp);
- if(ispoint(pltdata) % isreal(pltdata_1),
- gL=[[pltdata]];
- Level=0;
- ,
- if(ispoint(pltdata_1) % isreal(pltdata_1_1),
- gL=[pltdata];
- Level=1;
- ,
- gL=pltdata;
- Level=2;
- );
- );
- Out=[];
- forall(gL,gr,
- tmp=apply(gr,Lcrd(#));
- tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
- Out=concat(Out,[tmp]);
- );
- if(Level==0,
- Out=Out_1_1;
- );
- if(Level==1,
- Out=Out_1;
- );
- Out;
- println("Setpt("+text(n)+")");
- TenSize=TenSizeInit*n;
- Com2nd("Setpt("+text(n)+")"); // 14.01.19
- regional(type,tmp);
- if(length(data)>3,type="cmyk",type="rgb");
- tmp=text(data);
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- tmp="\definecolor{"+name+"}{"+type+"}{"+tmp+"}";
- Texcom(tmp);
- if(islist(Par),
- if(length(Par)==3,
- Setcolorrgb(Par); // 2015.04.28
-// KCOLOR=Par;
- );
- if(length(Par)==4,
- Setcolor(Par,[]);
- );
- ,
- Setcolor(Par,[]);
- );
- regional(tmp);
- if(isstring(colorname),
- tmp="Setcolor("+Dq+colorname+Dq;
- if(length(options)>0,
- tmp=tmp+","+text(options_1);
- );
- Com2nd(tmp+")");
- );
- if(islist(colorname),
- tmp=text(colorname);
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- Texcom("\color[cmyk]{"+tmp+"}"); //17.09.22
- );
-// help:Setcolorrgb([0.5,0.3,0.4]);
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=text(colorlist);
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- tmp="Texcom("+Dq+"\\color[rgb]{"+tmp+"}"+Dq+")"; //17.10.07
- Com2nd(tmp);
-// help:ColorRgb([0.2,0.5,0.1]);
- regional(clrnew,tmp,black);
- tmp=apply(clr,1-#);
- black=min(tmp);
- tmp=apply(clr,(1-#-black)/(1-black));
- clrnew=append(tmp,black);
- clrnew;
-// help:ColorRgb([0.2,0.5,0.1,0.2]);
- regional(clrnew,tmp,black);
- black=clr_4;
- tmp=apply(clr,1-min(1,#*(1-black)+black));
- clrnew=tmp_(1..3);
- clrnew;
- regional(varR,varG,varB,varMin,varMax,delMax,hh,ss,vv,delR,delG,delB);
- varR = rgb_1;
- varG = rgb_2;
- varB = rgb_3;
- varMin = min( [varR, varG, varB] );
- varMax = max( [varR, varG, varB] );
- delMax = varMax - varMin ;
- vv = varMax;
- if ( delMax == 0 ,
- hh = 0 ;
- ss = 0 ;
- ,
- ss = delMax / varMax;
- delR = ( ( ( varMax - varR ) / 6 ) + ( delMax / 2 ) ) / delMax;
- delG = ( ( ( varMax - varG ) / 6 ) + ( delMax / 2 ) ) / delMax;
- delB = ( ( ( varMax - varB ) / 6 ) + ( delMax / 2 ) ) / delMax;
- if( varR == varMax ,
- hh = delB - delG;
- ,
- if ( varG == varMax,
- hh = ( 1 / 3 ) + delR - delB;
- ,
- if ( varB == varMax ,
- hh = ( 2 / 3 ) + delG - delR;
- );
- );
- );
- if ( hh < 0 ,hh = hh+1);
- if ( hh > 1 ,hh = hh-1);
- );
- [hh*360,ss,vv];
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,hi,ff,dL);
- tmp=[sL_1/60,sL_2,sL_3];
- hi=mod(floor(tmp_1),6);
- ff=tmp_1-floor(tmp_1);
- tmp2=tmp_3*[1-tmp_2,1-tmp_2*ff,1-tmp_2*(1-ff)];
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp_3);
- if(hi==0,dL=tmp2_[4,3,1]);
- if(hi==1,dL=tmp2_[2,4,1]);
- if(hi==2,dL=tmp2_[1,4,3]);
- if(hi==3,dL=tmp2_[1,2,4]);
- if(hi==4,dL=tmp2_[3,1,4]);
- if(hi==5,dL=tmp2_[4,1,2]);
- dL;
- regional(rr,gg,bb,mn,mx,delta,deltaR,deltaG,deltaB,hh,ss,ll);
- rr = rgb_1 ;
- gg = rgb_2 ;
- bb = rgb_3 ;
- mn = min([rr, gg, bb]);
- mx = max([rr, gg, bb]);
- delta = mx - mn;
- ll = (mx + mn) / 2;
- if (delta == 0,
- hh=0;
- ss=0;
- ,
- if (ll < 0.5,
- ss = delta/ (mx + mn);
- ,
- ss = delta / (2 - mx - mn);
- );
- deltaR = (((mx - rr) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- deltaG = (((mx - gg) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- deltaB = (((mx - bb) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- if (rr == mx,
- hh = deltaB - deltaG;
- ,
- if (gg == mx,
- hh = (1 / 3) + deltaR - deltaB;
- ,
- if (bb == mx,
- hh = (2 / 3) + deltaG - deltaR;
- );
- );
- );
- if ( hh < 0, hh = hh+1);
- if ( hh > 1, hh = hh-1);
- );
- [hh*360,ss,ll];
- regional(hh,ss,ll,rr,gg,bb,var1,var2);
- hh=hsl_1/360;
- ss=hsl_2;
- ll=hsl_3;
- if ( ss == 0.0,
- rr = ll ;
- gg = ll ;
- bb = ll ;
- ,
- if ( ll < 0.5 ,
- var2 = ll * ( 1.0 + ss );
- ,
- var2 = ( ll + ss ) - ( ss * ll );
- );
- var1 = 2.0 * ll - var2;
- rr = hue2rgb( var1, var2, hh + ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) );
- gg = hue2rgb( var1, var2, hh );
- bb = hue2rgb( var1, var2, hh - ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) );
- );
- [rr,gg,bb];
- regional(out);
- if ( vh < 0.0 ,vh =vh+1);
- if ( vh > 1.0 ,vh =vh-1);
- if ( 6.0*vh < 1.0 ,
- out = vv1 + ( vv2 - vv1 ) * 6.0 * vh ;
- ,
- if( 2.0*vh < 1.0 ,
- out = vv2;
- ,
- if ( 3.0*vh < 2.0 ,
- out = vv1 + ( vv2 - vv1 ) * ( ( 2.0 / 3.0 ) - vh ) * 6.0 ;
- ,
- out= vv1 ;
- );
- );
- );
- out;
- regional(dl1,dl2,dl3);
- dl1 = Colorrgbhsl(sL)_1;//Colorcode("rgb","hsl",sL)_1;
- dl2 = min(sL);
- dl3 = 1 - max(sL);
- dL= [dl1, dl2 , dl3 ];
- regional(sL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,ratio,ff,ii,vv,nn,dL,flg);
- sL=sLorg;
- sL=[sL_1/360,sL_2,sL_3];
- ratio = sL_2 + sL_3;
- // sL_2 + sL_3 cant be > 1
- if (ratio > 1.,
- sL_2 =sL_2 / ratio;
- sL_3 = sL_3 / ratio;
- );
- ii = floor(6 * sL_1);
- vv = 1 - sL_3;
- ff = 6 * sL_1 - ii;
- if(mod(ii,2)==1,ff = 1 - ff);
- nn = sL_2 + ff * (vv - sL_2); // linear interpolation
- tmp=[[vv,nn,sL_2],[nn,vv,sL_2],[sL_2,vv,nn],
- [sL_2,nn,vv],[nn,sL_2,vv],[vv,sL_2,nn],[vv,nn,sL_2]];
- flg=0;
- forall(0..6,
- if(flg==0 & ii == # ,
- dL=tmp_(#+1);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- dL;
- regional(dl1,dl2,dl3,dL);
- dl1=sL_1;
- if(sL_3 == 0,
- // no need to do calc on black
- // also avoids divide by 0 error
- dL= [0, 0, 0];
- ,
- sL_3 = sL_3 * 2;
- if(sL_3 <= 1,sL_2 = sL_2 * sL_3,sL_2 = sL_2 * (2 - sL_3));
- dl3 = (sL_3 + sL_2) / 2;
- dl2 = (2 * sL_2) / (sL_3 + sL_2);
- dL = [dl1, dl2, dl3];
- );
- dL;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,mn,mx,delta,black,dL,flg);
- regional(dl1,dl2,dl3);
- if(src=="rgb" & dest=="hsv", dL=Colorrgbhsv(sL));
- if(src=="hsv" & dest=="rgb", dL=Colorhsvrgb(sL));
- if(src=="rgb" & dest=="hsl", dL=Colorrgbhsl(sL));
- if(src=="hsl" & dest=="rgb", dL=Colorhslrgb(sL));
- if(src=="rgb" & dest=="hwb", dL=Colorrgbhwb(sL));
- if(src=="hwb" & dest=="rgb", dL=Colorhwbrgb(sL));
- if(src=="hsl" & dest=="hsv", dL=Colorhslhsv(sL));
- if(src=="hsv" & dest=="hsl",
- dl1 = sL_1;
- dl3 = (2 - sL_2) * sL_3;
- dl2 = sL_2 * sL_3;
- if(dl3 <= 1,dl2 = dl2/dl3,dl2=dl2/(2 - dl3));
- dl3 =d l3/ 2;
- dL = [dl1, dl2 , dl3 ];
- );
- if(src=="rgb" & dest=="cmyk",
- tmp=apply(sL,1-#);
- black=min(tmp);
- tmp=apply(sL,(1-#-black)/(1-black));
- dL=append(tmp,black);
- );
- if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="rgb",
- black=sL_4;
- tmp=apply(sL,1-min(1,#*(1-black)+black));
- dL=tmp_(1..3);
- );
- if(src=="hsv" & dest=="cmyk",
- tmp=Colorcode("hsv","rgb",sL);
- dL=Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="hsv",
- tmp=Colorcode("cmyk","rgb",sL);
- dL=Colorcode("rgb","hsv",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="hsv" & dest=="hwb",
- tmp = Colorcode("hsv","rgb",sL);
- dL = Colorcode("rgb","hwb",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="hwb" & dest=="hsv",
- tmp = Colorcode("hwb","rgb",sL);
- dL = Colorcode("rgb","hsv",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="hsl" & dest=="hwb",
- tmp = Colorcode("hsl","rgb",sL);
- dL = Colorcode("rgb","hwb",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="hwb" & dest=="hsl",
- tmp = Colorcode("hwb","rgb",sL);
- dL = Colorcode("rgb","hsl",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="hsl" & dest=="cmyk",
- tmp = Colorcode("hsl","rgb",sL);
- dL = Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="hwb" & dest=="cmyk",
- tmp = Colorcode("hwb","rgb",sL);
- dL = Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="hsl",
- tmp = Colorcode("cmyk","rgb",sL);
- dL = Colorcode("rgb","hsl",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="hwb",
- tmp = Colorcode("cmyk","rgb",sL);
- dL = Colorcode("rgb","hwb",tmp);
- );
- if(src=="hsb" & dest=="rgb",dL=Colorcode("hsv","rgb",sL));
- if(src=="rgb" & dest=="hsb",dL=Colorcode("rgb","hsv",sL));
- if(src=="hsb" & dest=="hsl",dL=Colorcode("hsv","hsl",sL));
- if(src=="hsl" & dest=="hsb",dL=Colorcode("hsl","hsv",sL));
- if(src=="hsb" & dest=="hwb",dL=Colorcode("hsv","hwb",sL));
- if(src=="hwb" & dest=="hsb",dL=Colorcode("hwb","hsv",sL));
- if(src=="hsb" & dest=="cmyk",dL=Colorcode("hsv","cmyk",sL));
- if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="hsb",dL=Colorcode("cmyk","hsv",sL));
- dL;
- regional(rgb,cmyk,cmd,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
- cmd=replace(cmdorg,"'",Dq);
- if(length(list)==3,
- rgb=list;
- cmyk=Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",list);
- ,
- cmyk=list;
- rgb=Colorcode("cmyk","rgb",list);
- );
- tmp1="color->"+text(rgb);
- tmp2="Setcolor("+text(cmyk)+");";
- tmp3=substring(cmd,0,length(cmd)-2);
- tmp=substring(tmp3,length(tmp3)-1,length(tmp3));
- if(tmp!="[",
- tmp3=tmp3+",";
- );
- tmp3=tmp3+Dq+tmp1+Dq+"])";
- parse(tmp2);
- parse(tmp3);
- Setcolor("black");
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,head,cstrL,chstrL,head,body);
- if(length(clrf_1)==3,
- head="[rgb]{";
- ,
- head="[cmyk]{";
- );
- tmp=apply(clrf,text(#));
- cstrL=apply(tmp,head+substring(#,1,length(#)-1)+"}");
- if(length(clrt_1)==3,
- head="[rgb]{";
- ,
- head="[cmyk]{";
- );
- tmp=apply(clrt,text(#));
- chstrL=apply(tmp,head+substring(#,1,length(#)-1)+"}");
- tmp1=load(filename);
- tmp=tokenize(tmp1,"{\unitlength");
- head=tokenize(tmp_1,"%%%");
- head=head_(2..(length(head)));
- head=apply(head,"%%%"+#);
- tmp2=tmp_2;
- forall(1..5,
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,cstrL_#,chstrL_#);
- );
- body=tokenize(tmp2,"%");
- body_1="{\unitlength"+body_1;
- body=apply(body,#+"%");
- body=body_(1..(length(body)-1));
- tmp=replace(filename,".tex","new.tex");
- SCEOUT=openfile(tmp);
- forall(head,
- println(SCEOUT,#);
- );
- forall(1..(length(body)),
- tmp=body_#;
- if(#<length(body),
- println(SCEOUT,tmp);
- ,
- print(SCEOUT,tmp)
- );
- );
- closefile(SCEOUT);
- regional(noflg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Dop,Ltype,subflg);
- Ltype=-1;
- Dop="";
- tmp1=indexof(str,",");
- if(tmp1>0,
- Dop=","+substring(str,tmp1,length(str));
- );
- noflg=parse(substring(str,0,1));
- if(substring(name,0,3)=="sub",subflg=1,subflg=0); // 16.02.29
- tmp1=substring(str,1,3);
- if(tmp1=="dr" % tmp1=="Dr",
- Ltype=0;
- if(noflg==0 & subflg==0, // 16.02.29
- Drwline(name+Dop);
- );
- );
- if(tmp1=="da" % tmp1=="Da",
- Ltype=1;
- if(noflg==0 & subflg==0, // 16.02.29
- Dashline(name+Dop);
- );
- );
- if(tmp1=="id" % tmp1=="Id",
- Ltype=2; // 15.11.09
- if(noflg==0 & subflg==0, // 16.02.29
- Invdashline(name+Dop);
- );
- );
- if(tmp1=="do" % tmp1=="Do",
- Ltype=3;
- if(noflg==0 & subflg==0, // 16.02.29
- Dottedline(name+Dop);
- );
- );
- if(tmp1=="dp" % tmp1=="Dp",
- Ltype=0;
- tmp1=parse(name);
- tmp2="";
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp2=tmp2+textformat(#_1,5)+",";
- );
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
- if(noflg==0,
- Drwpt(tmp2+Dop);
- );
- );
- if(tmp1=="no" % tmp1=="No",
- Ltype=10;
- );
- Ltype;
- regional(flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- if(indexof(str,"]")>0,
- tmp1=replace(str,"]",",]");
- ,
- tmp1=str+",";
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp2=[];
- tmp3=0;
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(tmp1,tmp3,length(tmp1));
- tmp=indexof(tmp,"_");
- if(tmp==0,
- flg=1;
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp;
- tmp=substring(tmp1,tmp3,length(tmp1));
- tmp=indexof(tmp,",")-1;
- tmp=substring(tmp1,tmp3,tmp3+tmp);
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- forall(tmp2,
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"_"+#,"("+#+")");
- );
- if(indexof(str,"]")>0,
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,",]",")");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","list(");
- ,
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- );
- tmp1;
-// if(isstring(Arg2),
-// AddGraph(Arg1,Arg2,[]);
-// ,
-// if(MeasureDepth(Arg2)>0,
-// Addgraph(Arg1,Arg2,[]);
-// ,
-// Addgraph("-"+Arg1,Arg1,Arg2);
-// );
-// );
-//help:AddGraph("1","imp1"); // 16.04.04
- regional(name,Ltype,Noflg,opcindy,pdata,fname,flg,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- if(substring(nm,0,1)=="-",
- name=substring(nm,1,length(nm));
- ,
- name="ad"+nm;
- );
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_9;
- if(isstring(pltdata),
- pdata=parse(pltdata)
- ,
- if(!islist(pltdata),pdata=[pltdata],pdata=pltdata);
- pdata=apply(pdata,parse(#));
- ); // 15.01.22
- pdata=Flattenlist(pdata);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(pdata,tmp2,
- tmp=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- if(length(tmp1)==1,tmp1=tmp1_1);
- pdata=tmp1;
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate addgraph "+name);
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(pdata,5);
- parse(tmp);
- if(isstring(pltdata), // 16.04.04 from
- if(indexof(pltdata,"]")>0,
- tmp1="list(Listplot("+substring(pltdata,1,length(pltdata));
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]",",]");
- ,
- tmp1="Listplot("+substring(pltdata,0,length(pltdata))+",]";
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp2=[];
- tmp3=0;
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=indexof(substring(tmp1,tmp3,length(tmp1)),"_");
- if(tmp==0,
- flg=1;
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp;
- tmp=indexof(substring(tmp1,tmp3,length(tmp1)),",")-1;
- tmp=substring(tmp1,tmp3,tmp3+tmp);
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- forall(tmp2,
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"_"+#,"("+#+")");
- );
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,",]",")");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,",","),Listplot(");
- if(indexof(pltdata,"[")>0,
- tmp1=tmp1+")";
- );
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"="+tmp1);
- ,
- if(MeasureDepth(pdata)==1,
- tmp1=name+"=Listplot("+textformat(pdata,5)+")";
- ,
- tmp1="list(";
- forall(1..(length(pdata)),
- tmp=name+"p"+textformat(#,5)+"=";
- if(length(pdata_#)>1, // 15.01.22
- tmp=tmp+"Listplot("+textformat(pdata_#,5)+")";
- ,
- tmp=tmp+"Pointdata("+textformat(pdata_#_1,5)+")";
- );
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- tmp1=tmp1+name+"p"+textformat(#,5)+",";
- );
- tmp1=name+"="+substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+")";
- );
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp1);
- );
- ); // 16.04.04 until
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- regional(plotlist,PtL,Eps,QdL,Flg,Ni,Qd,pP,pS,pQ,pR,rMN,
- opcindy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,str,name,Ltype,Noflg);
- name="join"+nm;
- plotlist=[];
- forall(plotstrL,str,
- if(isstring(str),
- tmp=parse(str);
- tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
- ,
- tmp=str;
- );
- plotlist=append(plotlist,tmp);
- );
- Eps=10^(-4);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,Eps=tmp1_1);
- QdL=[];
- forall(plotlist,Qd,
- if(ispoint(Qd_1) % !islist(Qd_1_1),
- QdL=concat(QdL,[Qd]);
- ,
- forall(Qd,
- QdL=concat(QdL,[#]);
- );
- );
- );
- Flg=0;
- if(length(QdL)==0,
- PtL=[];
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- PtL=QdL_1;
- forall(2..(length(QdL)),Ni,
- Qd=QdL_Ni;
- if(Numptcrv(Qd)>1,
- pP=Ptend(PtL);
- pS=Ptstart(PtL);
- pQ=Ptstart(Qd);
- pR=Ptend(Qd);
- rMN=min([|pP-pQ|,|pP-pR|,|pS-pQ|,|pS-pR|]);
- if(rMN==|pP-pR|,
- Qd=reverse(Qd);
- ,
- if(rMN==|pS-pQ|,
- PtL=reverse(PtL);
- ,
- if(rMN==|pS-pR|,
- PtL=reverse(PtL);
- Qd=reverse(Qd);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(rMN>Eps,
- PtL=concat(PtL,Qd);
- ,
- PtL=concat(PtL,Qd_(2..(length(Qd))));
- );
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate joincurve "+name);
- tmp1=apply(PtL,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1="";
- forall(plotstrL,
- tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Joincrvs("+tmp1+")");
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- PtL;
- regional(PkL,Ans,Eps,Npt,Out1,Out2,tmp,tmp1,Flg,nS,nE,PPL,pP,
- opcindy,Ta,Tb,name,Ltype,Noflg,DepthFlg);
- name="part"+nm;
- if(isstring(PkLstr),PkL=parse(PkLstr),PkL=PkLstr);
- DepthFlg=0;
- if(MeasureDepth(PkL)==2,
- PkL=PkL_1;
- DepthFlg=1;
- );
- PkL=apply(PkL,LLcrd(#));
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Eps=10^(-3);
- Flg=0;
- if(isreal(pA),
- if(pA>pB+Eps,
- Npt=Numptcrv(PkL);
- Out1=Partcrv("",pA,Npt,PkLstr,["nodata"]);
- Out2=Partcrv("",1,pB,PkLstr,["nodata"]);
- tmp=Ptstart(PkL)-Ptend(PkL);
- if(|tmp|<Eps,
- Ans=Joincrvs("",[Out1,Out2],["nodata"]);
- ,
- Ans=[apply(Out1,Pcrd(#)),apply(Out2,Pcrd(#))];
- );
- Flg=1;
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- nS=ceil(pA);
- nE=floor(pB);
- PPL=[];
- if(pA<nS-Eps,
- pP=(nS-pA)*PkL_(nS-1)+(1-nS+pA)*PkL_nS;
- PPL=[pP];
- );
- PPL=concat(PPL,PkL_(nS..nE));
- if(pB>nE+Eps,
- pP=(1-pB+nE)*PkL_nE+(pB-nE)*PkL_(nE+1);
- PPL=concat(PPL,[pP]);
- );
- Ans=PPL;
- Flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(Flg==0,
- tmp=Nearestpt(LLcrd(Pcrd(pA)),PkL);
- Ta=tmp_2;
- tmp=Nearestpt(LLcrd(Pcrd(pB)),PkL); // 15.09.12
- Tb=tmp_2;
- Ans=Partcrv("",Ta,Tb,PkL,["nodata"] );
- Ans=apply(Ans,Pcrd(#));
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate partcrv "+name);
- tmp1=apply(Ans,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
-// GLIST=append(GLIST, // 16.04.03
- if(DepthFlg==0,
- tmp=PkLstr;
- ,
- tmp=PkLstr+"(1)";
- );
- tmp1=name+"=Partcrv("+textformat(Lcrd(pA),5)
- +","+textformat(Lcrd(pB),5)+","+tmp+")"; // 16.04.03
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp1);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- Ans;
- //help:Subgraph(2,"grfs");
- regional(name,tmp,tmp1);
- name="-"+Fig+text(num);
- tmp=Fig+"_"+text(num);
- tmp1=parse(tmp);
- Listplot(name,tmp1,options);
- regional(list,name,nameL,ptlist,opstr,opcindy,
- eqL,size,thick,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Ltype,Noflg);
- name="pt"+nm;
- nameL=name+"L";
- println("generate pointdata "+name);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- size="";
- eqL=tmp_5;
- if(length(eqL)>0,
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=substring(#,0,1);
- if(tmp=="s" % tmp=="S",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- size=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- );
- );
- );
- if(isstring(listorg),list=parse(listorg),list=listorg); //17.10.23
- tmp=MeasureDepth(list);
- if(tmp>0, // 2015.02.21
- if(tmp==1,ptlist=list,ptlist=list_1);
- tmp=apply(ptlist,[textformat(Pcrd(#),5)]);
- tmp1=text(tmp);
- tmp2=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
- tmp3=tmp1;
- ,
- ptlist=list;
- tmp1=textformat(Pcrd(ptlist),5);
- tmp2=tmp1;
- tmp3="["+tmp1+"]";
- );
- tmp=name+"="+tmp1;
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=nameL+"="+tmp3;
- parse(tmp);
- if(Noflg<3,
- if(isstring(listorg), //17.10.23
- tmp2=listorg;
- ,
- tmp2="list("; //17.10.10from
- forall(list,
- if(isstring(#),
- tmp=#;
- ,
- if(ispoint(#),tmp=text(#),tmp=textformat(#,6));
- );
- tmp2=tmp2+tmp+",";
- );
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+")"; //17.10.10until
- );
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Pointdata("+tmp2+")");
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- tmp=[nameL,0,opcindy];
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,tmp);
- if(Noflg==0,
- if(length(size)>0,
- Com2nd("Setpt("+size+")");
- );
- thick=PenThick/PenThickInit; // 16.04.09 from
- if(length(size)>0,tmp1=parse(size),tmp1=1);
- tmp1=max(tmp1,1)/8;
- Setpen(tmp1); // 16.04.09 until
- Com2nd("Drwpt(list("+name+")"+opstr+")");
- Setpen(thick); // 16.04.09
- if(length(size)>0,
- Com2nd("Setpt("+textformat(TenSize/TenSizeInit,1)+")");
- );
- );
- );
- ptlist;
-// help:Listplot(["A","B"]);
- regional(name,tmp,tmp1,ptlist,Ltype,opcindy,Noflg,eqL,Msg);
- if(substring(nm,0,1)=="-", // 16.01.27 from
- name=substring(nm,1,length(nm));
- ,
- name="sg"+nm;
- ); // until
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Msg=1; // 15.09.17
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=substring(#,0,1);
- if(Toupper(tmp)=="M",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1); // 16.06.28
- if(Toupper(tmp1)=="N", // 16.06.28
- Msg=0;
- );
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- if(Msg==1,
- println("generate Listplot "+name);
- );
- if(isstring(list_1),tmp=apply(list,parse(#)),tmp=list); // 15.03.24
- ptlist=apply(tmp,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(ptlist,5);
- parse(tmp);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Listplot("+textformat(list,5)+")"); // 15.12.23
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- tmp1=apply(list,Lcrd(#));
- tmp1;
- regional(name,list,options,str);
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- name=Arg1;
- list=Arg2;
- Listplot(name,list,[]);
- ,
- list=Arg1;
- options=Arg2;
- name="";
- forall(list, // 16.10.07from
- );// 16.10.07until
- Listplot(name,list,options);
- );
- regional(name,Out,tmp,tmp1,opstr,opcindy,Mag,Semi,
- Vec,pA,pB,Ltype,Noflg);
- name="ln"+nm;
- Mag=100;
- Semi="";
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,Mag=tmp1_1);
- tmp1=tmp_7;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,Semi=tmp1_1);
- pA=Lcrd(list_1); pB=Lcrd(list_2);
- Vec= Mag/dist(pA,pB)*(pB-pA);
- if(length(Semi)==0,
- Out=[pA-Vec,pA+Vec];
- ,
- if(Semi=="+",
- Out=[pA,pA+Vec];
- ,
- Out=[pA-Vec,pA];
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Lineplot "+name);
- tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Lineplot("+textformat(list,5)+opstr+")");
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- Out;
- regional(name,list,options,str);
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- name=Arg1;
- list=Arg2;
- Lineplot(name,list,[]);
- ,
- list=Arg1;
- options=Arg2;
- name="";
- forall(list, // 16.10.07from
- );// 16.10.07until
- Lineplot(name,list,options);
- );
- regional(Fn,Va,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,name,Vname,x1,x2,dx,
- PdL,QdL,Num,Ec,Dc,Fun,Exfun,x,Ke,Eps,Pa,
- Ltype,Noflg,Inflg,Outflg,opstr,opcindy);
- name="gr"+name1;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- Inflg=tmp_3;
- Outflg=tmp_4;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- eqL=tmp_5;
- Num=50;
- Ec=[];
- Exfun="";
- Dc=1000;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
- Num=parse(tmp1);
- );
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="E",
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
- Ec=parse(tmp1);
- ,
- Exfun=tmp1;
- );
- );
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="D",
- Dc=parse(tmp1);
- );
- );
- if(Inflg==0 & Outflg==0,
- Eps=10^(-3);
- tmp=replace(func,LFmark,"");
- tmp=tokenize(variable,"=");
- Vname=tmp_1;
- if(length(tmp)>1,
- tmp=tmp_2;
- tmp=parse(tmp);
- x1=tmp_1;
- x2=tmp_2;
- ,
- x1=XMIN;
- x2=XMAX;
- );
- // dx=(x2-x2)/Num;
- Ec=append(sort(Ec),10000);
- Fun=Assign(func,Vname, "xx");
- Exfun=Assign(Exfun,Vname, "xx");
- PdL=[];
- Ke=1;
- forall(0..Num,
- xx=x1+#*(x2-x1)/Num; // differs from Scilab ( / Num-1)
- if(length(Exfun)>0,
- tmp=parse(Exfun);
- if(abs(tmp)<Eps,
- if(length(Pdt)>0,
- PdL=concat(PdL,["inf"]);
- );
- );
- ,
- Pa=[];
- if(xx-Ec_Ke<-Eps,
- Pa=[xx,parse(Fun)];
- );
- if(abs(xx-Ec_Ke)<=Eps,
- if(length(PdL)>0,
- if(PdL_(length(PdL))_1!="inf",
- Pa=["inf"];
- );
- );
- );
- if(xx-Ec_Ke>Eps,
- Pa=[xx,parse(Fun)];
- Ke=Ke+1;
- );
- if(length(Pa)>0,
- if(Pa_1=="inf",
- PdL=concat(PdL,[Pa]);
- ,
- if(length(PdL)==0,
- PdL=[Pa];
- ,
- tmp=PdL_(length(PdL));
- if(tmp_1=="inf",
- PdL=concat(PdL,[Pa]);
- ,
- if(dist(tmp,Pa)<Dc,
- PdL=concat(PdL,[Pa]);
- ,
- PdL=concat(PdL,[["inf"],Pa]);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- tmp1=[];
- tmp2=select(1..(length(PdL)),PdL_#==["inf"]);
- tmp=1;
- forall(tmp2,
- if(#>tmp,
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[PdL_(tmp..(#-1))])
- );
- tmp=#+1;
- );
- if(tmp<length(PdL),
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[PdL_(tmp..(length(PdL)))]);
- );
- PdL=tmp1;
- if(length(PdL)==1,
- PdL=PdL_1;
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Plotdata "+name);
- if(MeasureDepth(PdL)==1,
- tmp1=apply(PdL,Pcrd(#));
- ,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(PdL,tmp2,
- tmp1=append(tmp1,apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#)));
- );
- );
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=replace(func,LFmark,"");
- tmp2=replace(variable,LFmark,"");
- tmp=name+"=Plotdata('"+tmp1+"','"+tmp2+"'"+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- PdL;
- ,
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- if(Inflg==1,
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
- );
- regional(name,Out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,vname,func,str,Rng,Num,
- Ec,Exfun,Dc,eqL,Fntmp,Vatmp,t1,t2,dt,tt,pa,ke,
- Ltype,Noflg,Inflg,Outflg,opstr,opcindy);
- name="gp"+name1;
- Eps=10^(-4);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- Inflg=tmp_3;
- Outflg=tmp_4;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- eqL=tmp_5;
- Num=50;
- Ec=[];
- Exfun="";
- Dc=1000;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
- Num=parse(tmp1);
- );
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="E",
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
- Ec=parse(tmp1);
- ,
- Exfun=tmp1;
- );
- );
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="D",
- Dc=parse(tmp1);
- );
- );
- if(Inflg==0 & Outflg==0,
- tmp=indexof(variable,"=");
- vname=substring(variable,0,tmp-1);
- str=substring(variable,tmp,length(variable));
- Rng=parse(str);
- t1=Rng_1; t2=Rng_2;
- dt=(t2-t1)/Num;// differs from Scilab ( / Num-1)
- func=Assign(funstr,vname,"tt");
- Out=[];
- Ec=append(sort(Ec),10000);
- ke=1;
- forall(0..Num,
- pt=[];
- tt=Rng_1+#*dt;
- if(tt-Ec_ke<-Eps,
- pa=parse(func);
- );
- if(abs(tt-Ec_ke)<=Eps,
- if(length(Out)>0,
- if(Out_(length(Out))_1!="inf",
- pa=["inf"];
- );
- );
- );
- if(tt-Ec_ke>Eps,
- pa=parse(func);
- ke=ke+1;
- );
- if(length(pa)>0,
- if(pa_1=="inf",
- Out=append(Out,pa);
- ,
- if(length(Out)==0,
- Out=[pa];
- ,
- tmp=Out_(length(Out));
- if(tmp_1=="inf",
- Out=append(Out,pa);
- ,
- if(|tmp-pa|<Dc,
- Out=append(Out,pa);
- ,
- Out=concat(Out,[["inf"],pa]);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- tmp1=[];
- tmp2=select(1..(length(Out)),Out_#==["inf"]);
- tmp=1;
- forall(tmp2,
- if(#>tmp,
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Out_(tmp..(#-1))])
- );
- tmp=#+1;
- );
- if(tmp<length(Out),
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Out_(tmp..(length(Out)))]);
- );
- Out=tmp1;
- if(length(Out)==1,
- Out=Out_1;
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Paramplot "+name);
- if(MeasureDepth(Out)==1,
- tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
- ,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(Out,tmp2,
- tmp1=append(tmp1,apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#)));
- );
- );
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=replace(funstr,LFmark,""); // 15.11.13
- tmp2=replace(variable,LFmark,"");
- tmp=name+"=Paramplot('"+tmp1+"','"+tmp2+"'"+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- Out;
- ,
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- if(Inflg==1,
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
- );
- regional(Eps,PlotL,vL,ctr,qd,ah,ao,flg,jj,
- pp,qq,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Eps=10^(-4);
- PlotL=[Pdata_1];
- vL=2..(length(Pdata));
- ctr=0;
- while((length(vL)>0)&(ctr<1000),
- ctr=ctr+1;
- qd=PlotL_(length(PlotL));
- ah=qd_1; ao=qd_(length(qd));
- flg=0;
- forall(1..(length(vL)),jj,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=Pdata_(vL_jj);
- pp=tmp1_1; qq=tmp1_(length(tmp1));
- if(Norm(pp-ao)<Eps,
- tmp=tmp1_(2..(length(tmp1)));
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- qd=concat(qd,tmp);
- );
- PlotL_(length(PlotL))=qd;
- vL=remove(vL,[vL_jj]);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(Norm(qq-ao)<Eps,
- tmp=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- tmp=reverse(tmp);
- qd=concat(qd,tmp);
- PlotL_(length(PlotL))=qd;
- vL=remove(vL,[vL_jj]);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(Norm(pp-ah)<Eps,
- tmp=tmp1_(2..(length(tmp1)));
- qd=concat(tmp,qd);
- PlotL_(length(PlotL))=qd;
- vL=remove(vL,[vL_jj]);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(Norm(qq-ah)<Eps,
- tmp=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- tmp=reverse(tmp);
- qd=concat(tmp,qd);
- PlotL_(length(PlotL))=qd;
- vL=remove(vL,[vL_jj]);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- PlotL=concat(PlotL,Pdata_(vL_1));
- vL=remove(vL,[vL_1]);
- );
- );
- PlotL;
- regional(name,Fn,varx,vary,rngx,rngy,Mdv,Ndv,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,
- Eps,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,opsr,opcindy,dx,dy,out,jj,ii,kk,
- yval1,yval2,xval1,xval2,eval11,eva12,eval21,eval22,pL,vL,qL);
- name="imp"+name1;
- Eps=10^(-4);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Mdv=50;Ndv=50;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,tmp-1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
- Mdv=parse(tmp2);
- if(!islist(Mdv),
- Ndv=Mdv;
- ,
- Ndv=Mdv_2;
- Mdv=Mdv_1;
- );
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(func,"=");
- if(tmp==0,
- Fn=func;
- ,
- tmp1=substring(func,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(func,tmp,length(func));
- Fn=tmp1+"-("+tmp2+")";
- );
- tmp=indexof(xrng,"=");
- varx=substring(xrng,0,tmp-1);
- rngx=parse(substring(xrng,tmp,length(xrng)));
- tmp=indexof(yrng,"=");
- vary=substring(yrng,0,tmp-1);
- rngy=parse(substring(yrng,tmp,length(yrng)));
- tmp="Impfun("+varx+","+vary+"):="+Fn;
- parse(tmp);
- dx=(rngx_2-rngx_1)/Mdv;
- dy=(rngy_2-rngy_1)/Ndv;
- out=[];
- forall(1..Ndv,jj,
- yval1=rngy_1+(jj-1)*dy;
- yval2=rngy_1+jj*dy;
- xval1=rngx_1;
- eval11=Impfun(xval1,yval1);
- eval12=Impfun(xval1,yval2);
- forall(1..Mdv,ii,
- xval2=rngx_1+ii*dx;
- eval21=Impfun(xval2,yval1);
- eval22=Impfun(xval2,yval2);
- pL=[[xval1,yval1]];vL=[eval11];
- pL=append(pL,[xval2,yval1]);vL=append(vL,eval21);
- pL=append(pL,[xval2,yval2]);vL=append(vL,eval22);
- pL=append(pL,[xval1,yval2]);vL=append(vL,eval12);
- pL=append(pL,[xval1,yval1]);vL=append(vL,eval11);
- qL=[];
- forall(1..4,kk,
- if(abs(vL_kk)<=Eps,
- qL=append(qL,pL_kk);
- ,
- if(vL_kk>Eps,
- if(vL_(kk+1)< -Eps,
- tmp=1/(vL_kk-vL_(kk+1))*
- (-vL_(kk+1)*pL_kk+vL_kk*pL_(kk+1));
- qL=append(qL,tmp);
- );
- ,
- if(vL_(kk+1)>Eps,
- tmp=1/(-vL_kk+vL_(kk+1))*
- (vL_(kk+1)*pL_kk-vL_kk*pL_(kk+1));
- qL=append(qL,tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- xval1=xval2;
- eval11=eval21;
- eval12=eval22;
- if(length(qL)==2,
- out=append(out,qL);
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(out)>0,
- out=Connectseg(out);
- );
- if(length(out)==1,
- out=out_1;
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Implicitplotdata "+name);
- if(MeasureDepth(out)==1,
- tmp1=apply(out,Pcrd(#));
- ,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(out,tmp2,
- tmp1=append(tmp1,apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#)));
- );
- );
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=name+"=Implicitplot('"+func+"','"+xrng+"','"+yrng+"'"+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- out;
- regional(name,cenrad,options,str,n);
- if(isstring(para1),
- name=para1;
- cenrad=para2;
- options=[];
- ,
- cenrad=para1;
- options=para2;
- name="";// 16.10.07from
- forall(cenrad,
- );// 16.10.07until
- );
- Circledata(name,cenrad,options);
- regional(name,Out,Ctr,Ptcir,ra,Num,Rg,opstr,opcindy,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp1,Th,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,pA,pB,pC,d1,d2,Eps);
- name="cr"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- eqL=tmp_5;
- Num=50;
- Rg=[0,2*pi];
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
- Num=parse(tmp1);
- );
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="R",
- Rg=parse(tmp1);
- );
- );
- if(length(cenrad)==2,
- Ctr=Lcrd(cenrad_1);
- Ptcir=Lcrd(cenrad_2);
- ra=dist(Ctr,Ptcir);
- ,
- Eps=10^(-1);
- pA=Lcrd(cenrad_1);
- pB=Lcrd(cenrad_2);
- pC=Lcrd(cenrad_3);
- tmp=pB-pA;
- tmp1=(tmp_2,-tmp_1);
- tmp=pC-pB;
- tmp2=(tmp_2,-tmp_1);
- d1=det([tmp1,tmp2]);
- d2=det([pC-pA,tmp2]);
- if(abs(d1)<Eps & abs(d2)>10*Eps,
- println("points are in a line");
- ra=0;
- ,
- Ctr=1/2*(pA+pB)+1/2*d2/d1*tmp1;
- ra=|pA-Ctr|;
- tmp=name+"center="+Ctr;
- parse(tmp);
- Defvar(name+"center",Ctr);
- );
- );
- if(ra>0,
- Out=[];
- forall(0..Num,
- Th=Rg_1+#*(Rg_2-Rg_1)/Num;
- Out=append(Out,Ctr+ra*[cos(Th),sin(Th)]);
- );
- ,
- Out=Lineplot("1",[pA,pB],["nodata"]);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Circledata "+name);
- tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- if(length(cenrad)==2,
- tmp=name+"=Circledata("+cenrad+opstr+")";
- ,
- if(ra>0,
- tmp=name+"=Circledata(["+Ctr+","+cenrad_1+"]"+opstr+")";
- ,
- tmp=name+"=Lineplot("+cenrad_1+","+cenrad_2+")";
- );
- );
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- Out;
- regional(pA,pB);
- if(MeasureDepth(list)==0,
- pA=LLcrd((SW+NE)/2); // 15.09.17
- pB=LLcrd(NE);
- Framedata("win",[pA,pB],list);
- ,
- Framedata(list,[]);
- );
- regional(name,list,options,str);
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- name=Arg1;
- list=Arg2;
- Framedata(name,list,[]);
- ,
- list=Arg1;
- options=Arg2;
- name="";// 16.10.07from
- forall(list,
- );// 16.10.07until
- Framedata(name,list,options);
- );
- regional(name,Out,tmp,tmp1,pB,x1,x2,y1,y2,dx,dy,
- opcindy,Ltype,Noflg,cent,dx,dy);
- name="fr"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- if(length(list)==2, // 15.05.12
- pA=Lcrd(list_1); pB=Lcrd(list_2);
- dx=abs(pB_1-pA_1); dy=abs(pB_2-pA_2);
- ,
- pA=Lcrd(list_1);
- dx=list_2; dy=list_3;
- );
- x1=pA_1-dx; x2=pA_1+dx;
- y1=pA_2-dy; y2=pA_2+dy;
- Out=[[x1,y1],[x2,y1],[x2,y2],[x1,y2],[x1,y1]];
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Framedata "+name);
- tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Framedata("+pA+","+dx+","+dy+")");
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- Out;
- regional(name,Out,tmp,tmp1,x1,y1,x2,y2,Ltype,opcindy,Noflg);
- name="fr"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- x1=cent.x-dx; x2=cent.x+dx;
- y1=cent.y-dy; y2=cent.y+dy;
- Out=[[x1,y1],[x2,y1],[x2,y2],[x1,y2],[x1,y1]];
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Framedata "+name);
- tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Framedata("+cent.xy+","+dx+","+dy+")");
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- Out;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,pC,pB);
- pC=(Lcrd(list_1)+Lcrd(list_2))/2;
- pB=Lcrd(list_2);
- Framedata(nm,[pC,pB],options);
- regional(name,Graph,Ctr,Dx,Dy,Rc,Out,Point,Graph,
- opstr,opcindy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Ltype,Noflg);
- name="ov"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- Rc=0.2;
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,Rc=tmp1_1*Rc);
-// if(length(tmp1)>0,Rc=tmp1_1); //15.11.15
- Ctr=Lcrd(Pdata_1);
- if(ispoint(Pdata_2) % islist(Pdata_2),
- tmp1=Lcrd(Pdata_2);
- Dx=abs(tmp1_1-Ctr_1);
- Dy=abs(tmp1_2-Ctr_2);
- ,
- Dx=Pdata_2;
- Dy=Pdata_3;
- );
- Point=Ctr+[Dx-Rc,Dy-Rc];
- tmp1=Circledata("1",[Point,Point+[Rc,0]],
- ["Rng=[0,pi/2]","Num=10","nodata"]);
- tmp2=Listplot("1",[Ctr+[Dx-Rc,Dy],Ctr+[0,Dy]],
- ["nodata"]);
- tmp3=Listplot("2",[Ctr+[Dx,0],Ctr+[Dx,Dy-Rc]],
- ["nodata"]);
- Graph=Joincrvs("1",[tmp3,tmp1,tmp2],["nodata"]);
- tmp1=Reflectdata("1",[Graph],[Ctr,Ctr+[0,1]],["nodata"]);
- Graph=Joincrvs("1",[Graph,tmp1],["nodata"]);
- tmp2=Reflectdata("2",[Graph],[Ctr,Ctr+[1,0]],
- ["nodata"]);
- Graph=Joincrvs("2",[Graph,tmp2],["nodata"]);
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Ovaldata "+name);
- tmp1=apply(Graph,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,
- name+"=Ovaldata("+Ctr+","+Dx+","+Dy+opstr+")");//16.01.30
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- tmp1=apply(Graph,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=textformat(Ctr,5)+","+textformat(Dx,5)+","+textformat(Dy,5);
- );
- Graph;
- regional(name,pA,pB,wid,mid,size,tp,dir,nor,eqL,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name="mrk"+nm;
- pA=ptlist_1;
- pB=ptlist_2;
- size=0.15;
- wid=0.05;
- tp=1;
- tmp1=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp1_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- tmp1=parse(tmp1);
- tmp=substring(#,0,1);
- if(tmp=="S" % tmp=="s",
- size=size*tmp1;
- );
- if(tmp=="W" % tmp=="w",
- wid=wid*tmp1;
- );
- if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="t",
- tp=tmp1;
- );
- );
- mid=(pA+pB)/2;
- dir=(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|;
- nor=[-dir_2,dir_1];
-// nor=nor/|nor|;
- if(tp==1,
- tmp1=mid+size*nor;
- tmp2=mid-size*nor;
- Listplot(name,[tmp1,tmp2]);
- );
- if(tp==2,
- tmp1=mid+wid*dir+size*nor;
- tmp2=mid+wid*dir-size*nor;
- Listplot(name+"r",[tmp1,tmp2]);
- tmp1=mid-wid*dir+size*nor;
- tmp2=mid-wid*dir-size*nor;
- Listplot(name+"l",[tmp1,tmp2]);
- );
- if(tp==3,
- tmp1=mid;
- tmp2=mid+size*dir;
- Circledata(name,[tmp1,tmp2]);
- );
- if(tp==4,
- tmp=mid+size*2/sqrt(3)*nor;
- tmp1=mid+size*dir-size/sqrt(3)*nor;
- tmp2=mid-size*dir-size/sqrt(3)*nor;
- Listplot(name,[tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp]);
- );
- regional(rng,options);
- if(isstring(Arg),
- rng=Arg;
- options=[];
- ,
- rng="[-5,5]";
- options=Arg;
- );
- Parabolaplot(nm,ptlist,rng,options);
- regional(pA,pB,pC,angle,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp1=Lcrd(ptlist_1);
- tmp2=Lcrd(ptlist_3);
- pB=Lcrd(ptlist_2);
- tmp=(tmp2-pB)/|tmp2-pB|;
- if(tmp_2>=0,
- angle=arccos(tmp_1);
- ,
- if(tmp_1>=0,
- angle=arcsin(tmp_2);
- ,
- angle=-arccos(tmp_1);
- );
- );
- pA=Rotatepoint(tmp1,-angle,pB);
- pC=Rotatepoint(tmp2,-angle,pB);
- tmp1=1/(2*(pA_2-pB_2));
- tmp2=1/2*(pA_2+pB_2);
- tmp="("+format(tmp1,5)+")*(x-("+format(pA_1,5)+"))^2";
- tmp=tmp+"+("+format(tmp2,5)+")";
- tmp1=parse(rng);
- tmp1=[pA_1-(tmp1_2-tmp1_1)/2,pA_1+(tmp1_2-tmp1_1)/2];
- tmp2="x="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- Plotdata(nm+"para",tmp,tmp2,append(options,"nodisp"));
- Rotatedata(nm+"para","gr"+nm+"para",angle,append(options,pB));
- regional(rng,options);
- if(isstring(Arg),
- rng=Arg;
- options=[];
- ,
- rng="[0,2*pi]";
- options=Arg;
- );
- Ellipseplot(nm,ptlist,rng,options);
- regional(pA,pB,d,angle,f,a,b,pM,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- pA=Lcrd(ptlist_1);
- tmp1=Lcrd(ptlist_2);
- if(ispoint(ptlist_3),
- tmp2=Lcrd(ptlist_3);
- d=|tmp2-pA|+|tmp2-tmp1|;
- ,
- d=ptlist_3;
- );
- tmp=(tmp1-pA)/|tmp1-pA|;
- if(tmp_2>=0,
- angle=arccos(tmp_1);
- ,
- if(tmp_1>=0,
- angle=arcsin(tmp_2);
- ,
- angle=-arccos(tmp_1);
- );
- );
- pB=Rotatepoint(tmp1,-angle,pA);
- f=|pB_1-pA_1|/2;
- a=d/2;
- b=sqrt(d^2/4-f^2);
- pM=(pA+pB)/2;
- tmp="["+format(pM_1,5)+","+format(pM_2,5)+"]";
- tmp=tmp+"+["+format(a,5)+"*cos(t),"+format(b,5)+"*sin(t)]";
- Paramplot(nm+"elp",tmp,"t="+rng,append(options,"nodisp"));
- Rotatedata(nm+"elp","gp"+nm+"elp",angle,append(options,pA));
- regional(rng,options);
- if(isstring(Arg),
- rng=Arg;
- options=[];
- ,
- rng="[-5/2,5/2]";
- options=Arg;
- );
- Hyperbolaplot(nm,ptlist,rng,options);
- regional(pA,pB,d,angle,f,a,b,pM,eqL,options,opasy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=Divoptions(optionsorg);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- options=optionsorg;
- opasy=[];
- forall(eqL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="A",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- opasy=[substring(#,tmp,length(#))];
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- pA=Lcrd(ptlist_1);
- tmp1=Lcrd(ptlist_2);
- if(ispoint(ptlist_3),
- tmp2=Lcrd(ptlist_3);
- d=abs(|tmp2-pA|-|tmp2-tmp1|);
- ,
- d=ptlist_3;
- );
- tmp=(tmp1-pA)/|tmp1-pA|;
- if(tmp_2>=0,
- angle=arccos(tmp_1);
- ,
- if(tmp_1>=0,
- angle=arcsin(tmp_2);
- ,
- angle=-arccos(tmp_1);
- );
- );
- pB=Rotatepoint(tmp1,-angle,pA);
- f=|pB_1-pA_1|/2;
- a=d/2;
- b=sqrt(f^2-d^2/4);
- pM=(pA+pB)/2;
- tmp="["+format(pM_1,5)+"+"+format(a,5)+"*(exp(t)+exp(-t))/2,";
- tmp=tmp+format(pM_2,5)+"+"+format(b,5)+"*(exp(t)-exp(-t))/2]";
- Paramplot(nm+"hyp1",tmp,"t="+rng,append(options,"nodisp"));
- tmp="["+format(pM_1,5)+"-"+format(a,5)+"*(exp(t)+exp(-t))/2,";
- tmp=tmp+format(pM_2,5)+"+"+format(b,5)+"*(exp(t)-exp(-t))/2]";
- Paramplot(nm+"hyp2",tmp,"t="+rng,append(options,"nodisp"));
- Rotatedata(nm+"hyp1","gp"+nm+"hyp1",angle,append(options,pA));//180408
- Rotatedata(nm+"hyp2","gp"+nm+"hyp2",angle,append(options,pA));//180408
- if(length(opasy)>0,
- Lineplot(nm+"asy1",[pM+[a,b],pM+[-a,-b]],["nodisp"]);
- Lineplot(nm+"asy2",[pM+[-a,b],pM+[a,-b]],["nodisp"]);
- Rotatedata(nm+"asy1","ln"+nm+"asy1",angle,append(opasy,pA));//180408
- Rotatedata(nm+"asy2","ln"+nm+"asy2",angle,append(opasy,pA));//180408
- );
- regional(rr,pA,pB,ptL,angle,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- pA=Lcrd(ptlist_1);
- pB=Lcrd(ptlist_2);
- rr=|pB-pA|;
- tmp=(pB-pA)/rr;
- if(tmp_2>=0,
- angle=arccos(tmp_1);
- ,
- if(tmp_1>=0,
- angle=arcsin(tmp_2);
- ,
- angle=-arccos(tmp_1);
- );
- );
- ptL=[];
- forall(0..number,
- tmp=angle+#*2*pi/number;
- tmp1=pA+rr*[cos(tmp),sin(tmp)];
- if(#>0 & #<number,
- Putpoint((ptlist_2).name+text(#),tmp1);//16.10.07
- //Pointdata(nm,ptL);
- );
- tmp2=tmp1;
- ptL=append(ptL,tmp1);
- );
- Listplot(nm+"ply",ptL,options);
- regional(pd1,pd2,tmp);
- if(isstring(pdata1),pd1=parse(pdata1),pd1=pdata1);
- if(isstring(pdata2),pd2=parse(pdata2),pd2=pdata2);
- tmp=Intersectcrvs(pd1,pd2);
- if(length(tmp)==1,
- Putpoint(nm,tmp_1);
- ,
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- err("No intersect point");
- ,
- err("Multiple intersect points");
- println(tmp);
- err("Choose point number");
- );
- );
- regional(pd1,pd2,tmp);
- if(isstring(pdata1),pd1=parse(pdata1),pd1=pdata1);
- if(isstring(pdata2),pd2=parse(pdata2),pd2=pdata2);
- tmp=Intersectcrvs(pd1,pd2);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- Putpoint(nm,tmp_ptno);
- ,
- err("No intersect point");
- );
- regional(list,Ookisa,Hiraki,Futosa,Houkou,Str,Flg,tmp,Ev,Nv,pA,pB,
- pP,rF,gG,Flg,Nj,Eps,tmp1,scx,scy);
- Eps=10^(-3);
- pP=point;
- Ookisa=0.2*YaSize;
- Hiraki=YaAngle;
- Futosa=0;
- Str=YaStyle;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,Ookisa=Ookisa*tmp1_1);
- if(length(tmp1)>1,
- tmp=tmp1_2;
- if(tmp<5,
- Hiraki=Hiraki*tmp;
- ,
- Hiraki=tmp;
- );
- );
- Flg=0;
- Hiraki=Hiraki*pi/180;
- if(isstring(direction),Houkou=parse(direction),Houkou=direction);
- if(MeasureDepth(Houkou)==2,Houkou=Houkou_1);
- if(islist(Houkou_1),
-// pP=Lcrd(pP);
-// pP=Doscaling(pP);
-// Houkou=Dosscaling(Houkou);
- pP=Pcrd(pP);
- scy=SCALEY;
- tmp=Nearestpt(pP,Houkou);
- pA=tmp_1;
- rF=floor(tmp_2);
- if(rF==1,
- if(|Ptend(Houkou)-Ptstart(Houkou)|<Eps,
- rF=Numptcrv(Houkou);
- );
- );
- gG=apply(0..10,pP+Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*[cos(2*pi/10*#),sin(2*pi/10*#)]);
- Flg=0;
- forall(1..rF,Nj,
- if(Flg==0,
- pB=Ptcrv(rF+1-Nj,Houkou);
- tmp=IntersectcrvsPp([pA,pB],gG);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- Houkou=pP-tmp_1_1;
- Flg=1;
- );
- pA=pB;
- );
- );
- SCALEY=scy;
- if(Flg==0,
- println("Arrowhead may be too large (no intersect)");
- Flg=2;
- );
- if(Flg==1,
- Houkou=Unscaling(Houkou);
- pP=Unscaling(pP);
- );
- );
- if(Flg<2,
-// pP=Doscaling(pP);
-// Houkou=Doscaling(Houkou);
- pP=Pcrd(pP);
- if(!ispoint(point),
- Houkou=Pcrd(Houkou);
- );
-// if(MeasureDepth(Houkou)==0,Houkou=Pcrd(Houkou));
- Ev=-1/|Houkou|*Houkou;
- Ev=Lcrd(Ev);
- Nv=[-Ev_2, Ev_1];
- if(indexof(Str,"c")>0,
- pP=pP-0.5*Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*Ev;
- );
- if(indexof(Str,"b")>0,
- pP=pP-Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*Ev;
- );
- pA=pP+Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*Ev+Ookisa*sin(Hiraki)*Nv;
- pB=pP+Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*Ev-Ookisa*sin(Hiraki)*Nv;
- list=[pA,pP,pB];
- list=apply(list,LLcrd(#));
-// Out=Unscaling(Out);
- list;
- );
- // global ArrowheadNumber
- regional(name,Ltype,Noflg,reL,opstr,opcindy,ptstr,hostr,tmp,tmp1,list);
- name="arh"+text(ArrowheadNumber);
- ArrowheadNumber=ArrowheadNumber+1;
- ptstr=textformat(point,5);
- if(isstring(Houkou), // 15.01.11
- tmp=parse(Houkou);
- if(MeasureDepth(tmp)<2,
- hostr=Houkou;
- ,
- hostr=Houkou+"(1)";
- );
- ,
- if(ispoint(point),
- hostr=textformat(LLcrd(Houkou),5);
- ,
- hostr=textformat(Houkou,5);
- );
- );
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- reL=tmp_6;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- list=Arrowheaddata(point,Houkou,options);
- if(Noflg<3,
-// println("generate Arrowhead "+name);
- tmp1=apply(list,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
-// GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Listplot("+list+")");
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(1)+Ltype,name);
- ,
-// if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- Ltype=0;
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- if(Noflg==0,
- if(length(reL)<3, // 16.04.09 from
- forall(1..(2-length(reL)),
- opstr=opstr+",1";
- );
- tmp=PenThick/PenThickInit;
- opstr=opstr+","+text(tmp);
- ); // 16.04.09 until
- Com2nd("Arrowhead("+ptstr+","+hostr+opstr+")");
- );
- regional(tmp,nm,ptlist,flg,pA,pB,options);
- flg=0;
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- nm=Arg1;
- ptlist=Arg2;
- Arrowdata(nm,ptlist,[]);
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=MeasureDepth(Arg1);
- if(tmp==0,
- pA=Arg1;
- pB=Arg2;
- Arrowdata(pA,pB,[]);
- ,
- ptlist=Arg1;
- options=Arg2;
- nm=text(ArrowlineNumber);
- ArrowlineNumber=ArrowlineNumber+1;
- Arrowdata(nm,ptlist,options);
- );
- );
- regional(Retflg,nm,ptlist,name,opstr,opcindy,realL,strL,size,
- flg,Ltype,Noflg,lineflg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,pA,pB,segpos);
- Retflg=0;
- Noflg=0;
- Ltype=0;
- if(!isstring(Arg1),
- pA=Arg1;
- pB=Arg2;
- Arrowdata(pA,pB,options,"old");
- Retflg=1;
- ptlist=[pA,pB];
- );
- if(Retflg==0,
- nm=Arg1;
- ptlist=Arg2;
- name="ar"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- realL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- size=1; // 15.06.11
- if(length(realL)>0,
- size=realL_1;
- );
- tmp2=select(strL,indexof(#,"l")>0); // 16.04.09
- if(length(tmp2)>0,lineflg=1,lineflg=0); // 16.04.09
- segpos=1;
- tmp1=tmp_5;
- if(length(tmp1)>2,
- segpos=tmp1_3;
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
-// println("generate Arrowdata "+name);
- tmp1=apply(ptlist,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=Pcrd(ptlist_1);//16.10.20
- tmp2=Pcrd(ptlist_2);//16.10.20
- if(lineflg==0, // 16.04.09 from
- tmp=tmp2-0.2*size/2*(tmp2-tmp1)/|tmp2-tmp1|; // 15.06.11
- ,
- tmp=tmp2;
- ); // 16.04.09 until
- tmp=[LLcrd(tmp1),LLcrd(tmp)];//16.10.20
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Listplot("+textformat(tmp,5)+")");
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- tmp=textformat(ptlist,5);
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- tmp1=indexof(tmp,"],[");
- if(tmp1>0,
- pA=substring(tmp,0,tmp1);
- pB=substring(tmp,tmp1+1,length(tmp));
- ,
- tmp1=indexof(tmp,",");
- pA=substring(tmp,0,tmp1-1);
- pB=substring(tmp,tmp1,length(tmp));
- );
- tmp1="Lcrd("+pA+")+"
- +textformat(segpos,5)+"*(Lcrd("+pB+")-"+"Lcrd("+pA+"))";
- tmp1=parse(tmp1);
- tmp2="Lcrd("+pB+")-Lcrd("+pA+")";
- tmp2=parse(tmp2);
- Arrowhead(tmp1,tmp2,options);
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
- ptlist;
- regional(ptA,ptB,opstr,Astr,Bstr,name,tmp,opcindy);
- Astr=textformat(pA,5);
- Bstr=textformat(pB,5);
- name="ar";
- println("generate Arrow "+name);
- opstr="";
- opcindy="";
- forall(options,
- if(isstring(#),
- if(indexof(#,"->")>0,
- opcindy=opcindy+","+#;
- ,
- tmp="'"+#+"'";
- );
- ,
- tmp=text(#);
- );
- opstr=opstr+","+tmp;
- );
- ptA=Lcrd(pA);
- ptB=Lcrd(pB);
- Arrowheaddata(ptB,ptB-ptA,options);
- tmp="connect("+textformat([ptA,ptB],5)
- +",linecolor->"+text(KCOLOR)+opcindy+");";
- parse(tmp); // 14.11.17
- Com2nd("Arrowline("+Astr+","+Bstr+opstr+")"); // 14.10.04
-Anglemark(Arg1,Arg2):=( // 2015.04.28 from
- regional(nm,plist,options,tmp);
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- nm=Arg1;
- plist=Arg2;
- Anglemark(nm,plist,[]);
- ,
- plist=Arg1;
- options=Arg2;
- tmp=textformat(plist,5);
- tmp=replace(tmp,",","");
- nm=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- Anglemark(nm,plist,options);
- );
-); // until
- regional(name,Out,pB,pA,pC,Ctr,ra,sab,sac,ratio,opstr,Bname,Bpos,
- Brat,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Num,opcindy,Ltype,eqL,realL,Rg,Th,Noflg);
- name="ag"+nm;
- Bpos="md"+name;
- ra=0.5;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- Bname="";
- Brat=1.5;
- Num=20;
- if(length(realL)>0,
- ra=realL_1*ra;
- opstr=opstr+","+text(realL_1);
- );
- forall(eqL,
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="L",Bname="Letter(");
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="E",Bname="Expr(");
- Bname=Bname+Bpos+","+Dq+"c"+Dq+","+Dq;//16.10.29
- tmp=substring(#,indexof(#,"="),length(#));
- tmp1=indexof(tmp,",");
- Bname=Bname+substring(tmp,tmp1,length(tmp))+Dq+")";
- if(tmp1>0,
- Brat=parse(substring(tmp,0,tmp1-1));
- );
- );
- pB=Lcrd(plist_1); pA=Lcrd(plist_2); pC=Lcrd(plist_3);
- Ctr=Lcrd(pA);
- sab=pB-pA;
- sac=pC-pA;
- Rg=[arctan2(sab)+0,arctan2(sac)+0];
- if(Rg_2<Rg_1,Rg_2=Rg_2+2*pi);
- Out=[];
- if(ra>min(|sab|,|sac|), // 16.12.29
- println(" segments too short");
- ,
- forall(0..Num,
- Th=Rg_1+#*(Rg_2-Rg_1)/Num;
- Out=append(Out,Ctr+ra*[cos(Th),sin(Th)]);
- );
- Th=(Rg_1+Rg_2)/2; //16.10.31from(moved)
- tmp1=Ctr+Brat*ra*[cos(Th),sin(Th)];
- tmp="Defvar("+Dq+Bpos+"=";
- tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp1,5)+Dq+");";
- parse(tmp);//16.10.31until(moved)
- if(length(Bname)>0,
- parse(Bname);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate anglemark "+name+" and "+Bpos);
- tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=textformat(plist,5);
- tmp1=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- tmp=name+"=Anglemark("+tmp1+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- );
- Out;
-Paramark(Arg1,Arg2):=( // 17.03.27 from
- regional(nm,plist,options,tmp);
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- nm=Arg1;
- plist=Arg2;
- Paramark(nm,plist,[]);
- ,
- plist=Arg1;
- options=Arg2;
- tmp=textformat(plist,5);
- tmp=replace(tmp,",","");
- nm=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- Paramark(nm,plist,options);
- );
-);// until
- regional(name,Out,pB,pA,pC,ra,sab,sac,ratio,opstr,Bname,Bpos,
- Brat,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,realL,opcindy);
- name="pm"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- ra=0.5;
- Bname="";
- Brat=1.2;
- if(length(realL)>0,
- tmp=realL_1;
- ra=tmp*ra;
- opstr=opstr+","+text(tmp);
- );
- forall(eqL,
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="L",Bname="Letter(");
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="E",Bname="Expr(");
- Bpos="md"+name;
- Bname=Bname+Dq+Bpos+Dq+","+Dq+"c"+Dq+","+Dq;
- tmp=substring(#,indexof(#,"="),length(#));
- tmp1=indexof(tmp,",");
- Bname=Bname+substring(tmp,tmp1,length(tmp))+Dq+")";
- if(tmp1>0,
- Brat=parse(substring(tmp,0,tmp1-1));
- );
- );
- pB=Lcrd(plist_1); pA=Lcrd(plist_2); pC=Lcrd(plist_3);
- Ctr=Lcrd(pA);
- Out=[];
- Out=append(Out,pA+ra*(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|);
- Out=append(Out,pA+ra*(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|+ra*(pC-pA)/|pC-pA|);
- Out=append(Out,pA+ra*(pC-pA)/|pC-pA|);
- if(length(Bname)>0,
- tmp1=pA+Brat*ra*(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|+Brat*ra*(pC-pA)/|pC-pA|;
- tmp="Defvar("+Dq+Bpos+"="+textformat(tmp1,5)+Dq+");";
- parse(tmp);
- parse(Bname);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate paramark "+name);
- tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=substring(textformat(plist,5),1,length(textformat(plist,5))-1);
- tmp=name+"=Paramark("+tmp1+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- Out;
- regional(angle,pB2,pH2,pC2,pC,tmp,Th1,Th2,ra,dMA);
- angle=arctan2(pB-pA)+0;
- pB2=Rotatepoint(pB,-angle,pA);
- tmp=Lcrd(pA);
- pH2=[(tmp_1+pB2_1)/2,tmp_2-Hgt];
- dMA=|tmp-pB2|/2;
- ra=(dMA^2+Hgt^2)/(2*Hgt);
- pC2=[pH2_1,pB2_2+(ra-Hgt)];
- pC=Rotatepoint(pC2,angle,pA);
- Th1=arctan2(pA-pC2)+angle;
- Th2=arctan2(pB2-pC2)+angle;
- [pC,ra,Th1,Th2];
- regional(nm,tmp);
- if(islist(plist), // 16.12.04from
- tmp=textformat(plist,5);
- tmp=replace(tmp,",","");
- nm=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- Bowdata(nm,plist,options);
- ,
- nm=plist;
- tmp=options;
- Bowdata(nm,tmp,[]);
- ); // 16.12.04until
- regional(name,Out,pB,pA,pC,ra,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Ltype,eqL,realL,
- Bname,Bpos,Th,Cut,Num,Hgt,opstr,opcindy,Ydata,pC,
- Th1,Th2,Noflg,Bops,Bmov,Tmov,Nmov,rev);
- name="bw"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- pA=Lcrd(plist_1); pB=Lcrd(plist_2);
- Hgt=1/2*|pB-pA|*0.2;
- Cut=0;
- Num=24;
- Bname="";
- Tmov=0;//16.11.01from
- Nmov=0;
- Bmov="";
- rev=0;//16.11.01until
- if(length(realL)>0,
- Hgt=realL_1*Hgt; // 15.04.12
- if(length(realL)>1,Cut=realL_2);
- );
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=substring(#,0,1);
- if(tmp=="L" % tmp=="l",
- if(indexof(#,"rot")>0,
- Bname="Letterrot(";
- ,
- Bname="Letter(";
- );
- );
- if(tmp=="E" % tmp=="e",
- if(indexof(#,"rot")>0,
- Bname="Exprrot(";
- ,
- Bname="Expr(";
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- Bops=substring(#,tmp,length(#)); // 16.11.01
- );
- Ydata=MakeBowdata(pA,pB,Hgt);
- pC=Ydata_1;
- ra=Ydata_2;
- Th=(Ydata_3+Ydata_4)*0.5;
- BOWMIDDLE=[pC_1+ra*cos(Th),pC_2+ra*sin(Th)];
- Bpos="md"+name; // 16.10.31from(moved)
- tmp="Defvar("+Dq+Bpos+"="+textformat(BOWMIDDLE,5)+Dq+");";
- parse(tmp);// 16.10.31until(moved)
- if(length(Bname)>0, //16.11.01from
- tmp=indexof(Bops,",");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(Bops,0,tmp-1);
- if(length(tmp1)>=4 & substring(tmp1,0,1)=="t" & indexof(tmp1,"n")>0,
- Bmov=tmp1;
- Bops=substring(Bops,tmp,length(Bops));
- );
- );
- if(length(Bmov)>0,
- tmp=indexof(Bmov,"t");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=indexof(Bmov,"n");
- Tmov=parse(substring(Bmov,tmp,tmp1-1));
- tmp=indexof(Bmov,"r");
- if(tmp>0,
- Nmov=parse(substring(Bmov,tmp1,tmp-1));
- rev=1;
- ,
- Nmov=parse(substring(Bmov,tmp1,length(Bmov)));
- );
- );
- );
- Bname=Bname+Bpos;//16.11.01
- if(abs(Tmov)+abs(Nmov)>0,
- tmp=Pcrd(pA)-Pcrd(pB);
- tmp1=1/norm(tmp)*tmp;
- tmp2=[-tmp1_2,tmp1_1];
- tmp=MARKLEN*(Tmov*tmp1+Nmov*tmp2);
- tmp=LLcrd(tmp);
- Bname=Bname+"+"+text(tmp);
- );
- Bname=Bname+",";
- if(indexof(Bname,"rot")>0,
- if(rev==1,tmp=pB-pA,tmp=pA-pB);
- Bname=Bname+textformat(tmp,5)+",";
- ,
- Bname=Bname+Dq+"c"+Dq+",";
- );
- Bname=Bname+Dq+Bops+Dq+")";
- parse(Bname);
- );//16.11.01until
- if(Cut==0,
- Th1=Ydata_3;
- Th2=Ydata_4;
- Out=[];
- forall(0..Num,
- tmp=Th1+#*(Th2-Th1)/Num;
- Out=append(Out,pC+ra*[cos(tmp),sin(tmp)]);
- );
- ,
- Th1=Ydata_3;
- Th2=Th-Cut/(2*ra);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(0..Num/2,
- tmp=Th1+#*(Th2-Th1)/(Num/2);
- tmp1=append(tmp1,pC+ra*[cos(tmp),sin(tmp)]);
- );
- Th1=Th+Cut/(2*ra);
- Th2=Ydata_4;
- tmp2=[];
- forall(0..Num/2,
- tmp=Th1+#*(Th2-Th1)/(Num/2);
- tmp2=append(tmp2,pC+ra*[cos(tmp),sin(tmp)]);
- );
- Out=[tmp1,tmp2];
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate bowdata "+name+" and "+Bpos);//16.10.31
- if(MeasureDepth(Out)==1,Out=[Out]);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(Out,tmp2,
- tmp=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=substring(textformat(plist,5),1,length(textformat(plist,5))-1);
- tmp=name+"=Bowdata("+tmp1+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- Expr([BOWMIDDLE,dir,str]);
- regional(bdata,tmp);
- tmp=MeasureDepth(bwdata);
- if(tmp==1,bdata=[bwdata],bdata=bwdata);
- if(length(bdata)>1,
- tmp=Ptend(bdata_2)-Ptstart(bdata_1);
- ,
- tmp=Ptend(bdata_1)-Ptstart(bdata_1);
- );
- if(updown<0,tmp=-tmp);
- Exprrot(BOWMIDDLE,tmp,tmov,nmov,str);
-Deqdata(deq,rng,initt,initf,Num):=( //17.10.04
-// Deqdata("[x1,...xn]`=[f1,...fn]","t=[0,20]",0,[...],50);
- regional(Eps,Inf,tname,Xname,func,t1,t2,dt,tt,X0,flg,
- kl1,kl2,kl3,kl4,pdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Eps=10^(-3);
- Inf=10^3;
- tmp=tokenize(deq,"=");
- tmp1=replace(tmp_1,"`","");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
- Xname=tokenize(tmp1,",");
- func=tmp_2;
- forall(1..(length(Xname)),
- func=replace(func,Xname_#,"X_"+text(#));
- );
- tmp=tokenize(rng,"=");
- tname=tmp_1;
- tmp=parse(tmp_2);
- t1=tmp_1;
- t2=tmp_2;
- tmp="funP("+tname+",X):="+func+";";
- parse(tmp);
- tmp="funN("+tname+",X):=-"+func+";";
- parse(tmp);
- dt=(t2-t1)/Num;
- tt=initt;
- X0=Lcrd(initf);
- pdL=[flatten([tt,X0])];
- flg=0;
- forall(1..floor((t2-initt)/dt),
- if(flg==0,
- kl1=dt*funP(tt,X0);
- kl2=dt*funP(tt+dt/2,X0+kl1/2);
- kl3=dt*funP(tt+dt/2,X0+kl2/2);
- kl4=dt*funP(tt+dt,X0+kl3);
- X0=X0+(kl1+2*kl2+2*kl3+kl4)/6;
- tt=initt+#*dt;
- tmp=flatten([tt,X0]);
- pdL=append(pdL,tmp);
- if(|tmp|>Inf,flg=1);
- );
- );
- tt=initt;
- X0=Lcrd(initf);
- flg=0;
- forall(1..floor((initt-t1)/dt),
- if(flg==0,
- kl1=dt*funN(tt,X0);
- kl2=dt*funN(tt+dt/2,X0+kl1/2);
- kl3=dt*funN(tt+dt/2,X0+kl2/2);
- kl4=dt*funN(tt+dt,X0+kl3);
- X0=X0+(kl1+2*kl2+2*kl3+kl4)/6;
- tt=initt-#*dt;
- tmp=flatten([tt,X0]);
- pdL=prepend(tmp,pdL);
- if(|tmp1|>Inf,flg=1);
- );
- );
- pdL;
- regional(initt,initf,options);
- if(isreal(Arg1) & !islist(Arg1),
- initt=Arg1;
- initf=Arg2;
- options=[];
- ,
- initf=Lcrd(Arg1);
- initt=initf_1;
- options=Arg2;
- );
- Deqplot(nm,deq,rng,initt,initf,options);
-Deqplot(nm,deqorg,rngorg,initt,initf,options):=( //17.10.06
-//help:Deqplot("2","y`=y*(1-y)","x",0, 0.5,["Num=100"]);
-//help:Deqplot("1","y``=-y","x",0, [1,0]);
- regional(deq,rng,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,opcindy,Num,name,nn,pdL,phase,
- sel,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name="de"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Num=50;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp2=substring(#,0,1);
- tmp2=Toupper(tmp2);
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="N",
- Num=parse(tmp1);
- );
- );
- rng=rngorg;
- if(indexof(rng,"=")==0,
- rng=rng+"="+textformat([XMIN,XMAX],6);
- );
- deq=deqorg;
- tmp=indexof(deq,"=");
- tmp1=substring(deq,0,tmp-1);
- if(indexof(tmp1,"[")==0,
- phase=0;
- sel=[1,2];
- ,
- phase=1;
- sel=[2,3];
- );
- tmp2=substring(deq,tmp,length(deq));
- nn=length(Indexall(tmp1,"`"));
- if(nn==1,
- if(indexof(tmp1,"[")==0,
- tmp1="["+replace(tmp1,"`","]`");
- deq=tmp1+"="+tmp2;
- );
- ,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"`");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
- deq="[";
- forall(1..nn,
- deq=deq+tmp1+"N"+text(#)+",";
- );
- deq=substring(deq,0,length(deq)-1)+"]`=[";
- forall(1..(nn-1),
- deq=deq+tmp1+"N"+text(#+1)+",";
- );
- forall(reverse(1..(nn)),jj,
- tmp=tmp1;
- forall(1..jj,
- tmp=tmp+"`";
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,tmp,tmp1+"N"+text(#+1));
- );
- );
- tmp2=tmp2+"]";
- forall(1..(length(tmp2)-1),
- tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
- if(tmp!=tmp1,
- deq=deq+tmp;
- ,
- tmp=substring(tmp2,#,#+1);
- if(tmp=="N",
- deq=deq+tmp1;
- ,
- deq=deq+tmp1+"N1"
- );
- );
- );
- deq=deq+"]";
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- pdL=deqdata(deq,rng,initt,initf,Num);
- if(phase==1,
- pdL=apply(pdL,#_(2..3));
- );
- tmp1=apply(pdL,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<1,
- tmp=Assign(deq);
- tmp=replace(deq,"'","`");
- tmp=name+"=Deqplot('"+tmp+"','"+rng+"',";
- tmp=tmp+format(initt,6)+","+textformat(initf,6);
- tmp=tmp+","+text(sel)+",'Num="+text(Num)+"')";
- tmp=RSform(tmp);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
-////////// old enclosing ///////////////
- regional(name,AnsL,Start,Eps,EEps,S,Flg,Fdata,Gdata,KL,pt,qt,
- t1,t2,t3,ii,nn,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Ltype,Noflg,realL,eqL,opstr,opcindy);
- name="en"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Eps=10^(-5); // 16.12.05
- EEps=0.05;
- Start=[];
- Flg=0;
- forall(realL,
- if(isList(#) % ispoint(#),
- Start=Lcrd(#); // 15.09.12
- ,
- Flg=Flg+1;
- if(Flg==1,Eps=#);
- if(Flg==2,EEps=#);
- );
- );
-// tmp1=concat([Eps,EEps],eqL); // 15.04.06
- Fdata=plist_1;
- Gdata=plist_(length(plist));
- KL=IntersectcrvsPp(Fdata,Gdata);
- if(length(KL)==1,
- pt=KL_1_1;
- t1=KL_1_2;
- );
- if(length(KL)==0,
- if(Numptcrv(Fdata)>Numptcrv(Gdata),
- tmp=Nearestpt(Fdata,Gdata);
- pt=tmp_1;
- t1=tmp_2;
- ,
- tmp=Nearestpt(Gdata,Fdata);
- pt=tmp_3;
- t1=tmp_4;
- );
- );
- if(length(KL)>1,
- if(Start==[],
- err("No Start Point");
- ,
- pt=KL_1_1;
- t1=KL_1_2;
- tmp=|pt-Start|;
- forall(2..(length(KL)),ii, // 15.04.20
- tmp1=KL_ii_1;
- tmp2=|tmp1-Start|; // 15.04.20
- if(tmp2<tmp,
- pt=tmp1;
- t1=KL_ii_2;
- tmp=tmp2;
- );
- );
- );
- );
-// pt=Pcrd(pt); // 15.09.12
- Start=pt;
- AnsL=[];
- forall(1..(length(plist)),nn,
- Fdata=plist_nn;
- if(nn>1, pt=qt);
- if(nn==length(plist),
- qt=Start;
- ,
- Flg=0;
- Gdata=plist_(nn+1);
-// tmp1=concat([Eps,EEps],eqL); // 15.04.06
- KL=IntersectcrvsPp(Gdata,Fdata);
- if(length(KL)==1,
- tmp=KL_1;
- qt=KL_1_1;
- t3=KL_1_2;
- Flg=10;
- );
- if(length(KL)==0,Flg=1);
- if(length(KL)>1,
- tmp1=KL_1_1;
- tmp2=KL_2_1;
- tmp=|tmp1-tmp2|;
- if(tmp<Eps*10, Flg=1);
- );
- if(Flg==1,
- if(Numptcrv(Fdata)>Numptcrv(Gdata),
- tmp=Nearestpt(Fdata,Gdata);
- qt=tmp_1;
- t3=tmp_4;
- Flg=10;
- ,
- tmp=Nearestpt(Gdata,Fdata);
- qt=tmp_3;
- t3=tmp_2;
- Flg=10;
- );
- );
- if(Flg<10,
- t2=10^6; //%inf;
- forall(1..(length(KL)),ii,
- tmp1=KL_ii_1;
- tmp=KL_ii_3;
- tmp2=ParamonCurve(tmp1,tmp,Fdata);
- tmp3=KL_ii_2;
- if(tmp2>t1+Eps & tmp2<t2+Eps,
- qt=tmp1;
- t2=tmp2;
- t3=tmp3;
- );
- );
- );
- );
- tmp=Partcrv("",pt,qt,Fdata,["nodata"]);
- t1=t3;
- if(nn==1,
- AnsL=tmp;
- ,
- AnsL=concat(AnsL,tmp_(2..(length(tmp))));
- );
- );
- AnsL=apply(AnsL,Pcrd(#)); // 15.09.12
- AnsL_(length(AnsL))=AnsL_1;//16.10.20
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Enclosing "+name);
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(AnsL,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=name+"=Enclosing(";//16.11.07from
- tmp1="list(";
- forall(plist,
- tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
- );
- tmp=tmp+substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+")"+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);//16.11.07until
- // GLIST=append(GLIST,"Tmp=[]"); // 16.11.05from
-// nn=floor(length(AnsL)/20);
-// forall(1..nn,ii,
-// tmp=AnsL_(((ii-1)*20+1)..(ii*20));
-// tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
-// tmp="Tmp=[Tmp,"+textformat(tmp,5)+"]";
-// GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
-// );
-// if(length(AnsL)>nn*20,
-// tmp=AnsL_((nn*20+1)..(length(AnsL)));
-// tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
-// tmp="Tmp=[Tmp,"+textformat(tmp,5)+"]";
-// GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
-// );
-// GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Listplot(Tmp)"); // 16.11.05until
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- tmp=apply(AnsL,LLcrd(#));//16.10.20
- tmp;
-/////////// new enclosing ///////////
- regional(name,plist,AnsL,Start,Eps,Eps1,Eps2,flg,Fdata,Gdata,KL,
- t1,t2,tst,ss,ii,nn,nxtno,Ltype,Noflg,realL,eqL,opstr,opcindy,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name="en"+nm;
- plist=plistorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Eps=10^(-5); // 16.12.05
- Eps1=0.01;
- Eps2=0.1;
- Start=[];
- flg=0;
- forall(realL,
- if(isList(#) % ispoint(#),
-// Start=Lcrd(#); // 18.02.02
- ,
- if(flg==0,Eps1=#);
- if(flg==1,Eps2=#);
- flg=flg+1;
- );
- );
- flg=0;
- AnsL=[];
- if(length(plist)==1,
- Fdata=parse(plist_1);
- tmp1=Fdata_1;
- tmp2=Fdata_(length(Fdata));
- if(|tmp1-tmp2|<Eps,
- AnsL=Fdata;
- ,
- AnsL=append(Fdata,tmp1);
- );
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0,
- Fdata=plist_1;
- Gdata=plist_(length(plist));
- KL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fdata,Gdata);
- if(length(KL)==0,
- tmp=parse(Gdata);
- tmp1=LLcrd(Op(length(tmp),tmp)); //18.02.02from
- tmp=parse(Fdata);
- tmp2=LLcrd(Op(1,tmp));
- tmp=Listplot(name,[tmp1,tmp2],["nodisp"]);
- plist=append(plist,"sg"+name);
- Start=tmp2;
- tst=1; //18.02.02until
- ,
- if(length(KL)==1,
- tst=KL_1_2;
- Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata);
- );
- if(length(KL)>1,
- KL=sort(KL,[#_2]);
- if(Start==[],
- tst=KL_1_2;
- Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata);
- ,
- tmp=apply(KL,|#_1-Start|);
- tmp=min(tmp);
- tmp1=select(KL,|#_1-Start|==tmp);
- tst=tmp1_1_2;
- Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- t1=tst;
- println("Start point of enclosing is "+text(Start));
- forall(1..(length(plist)),nn,
- Fdata=plist_nn;
- if(nn==length(plist),nxtno=1,nxtno=nn+1);
- Gdata=plist_nxtno;
- KL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fdata,Gdata);
- if(length(KL)==0,
- tmp1=parse(Fdata); //18.02.02from
- tmp2=parse(Gdata);
- tmp2=Prepend(Op(length(tmp1),tmp),tmp2);
- Gdata=replace(Gdata,"(","");
- Gdata=replace(Gdata,")","");
- tmp=Gdata+"="+textformat(tmp2,6);
- parse(tmp);
- plist_nxtno=Gdata;
- t2=Length(tmp1);
- ss=1; //18.02.02until
- ,
- t2=KL_1_2;
- ss=KL_1_3;
- if(abs(t2-t1)<Eps,
- if(length(KL)>1,
- t2=KL_2_2;
- ss=KL_2_3;
- ,
- println(text(nn)+" and "+text(nxtno)+" not intersect");
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=Partcrv("",t1,t2,Fdata,["nodata"]);
- if(nn==1,
- AnsL=tmp;
- ,
- AnsL=concat(AnsL,tmp_(2..(length(tmp))));
- );
- t1=ss;
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- AnsL=apply(AnsL,Pcrd(#));
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Enclosing "+name);
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(AnsL,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=name+"=Enclosing2(";//16.11.07from
- tmp1="list(";
- forall(plistorg, //18.02.02
- tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
- );
- tmp=tmp+substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"))";//18.02.02
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);//16.11.07until
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- tmp=apply(AnsL,LLcrd(#));//16.10.20
- tmp;
-/////////// end of new enclosing ///////////
-/////////// new Hatchdata(cindy) ///////////
- regional(Eps,iolist,sg,bdy,out,nb,tenL,ns,ne,ioL,
- ii,jj,kk,nvec,nbdy,sgn1,sgn2,flg,rmL,p0,p1,p2,pL,
- Scalebkup,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Eps=10^(-6);
- nvec=[-vec_2,vec_1];
- nvec=nvec/|nvec|;
- if(!islist(iolistorg),iolist=[iolistorg],iolist=iolistorg);
- forall(1..(length(iolist)),
- tmp=replace(iolist_#,"i","1,");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"o","0,");
- tmp="["+substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"]";
- iolist_#=parse(tmp);
- );
- Scalebkup=SCALEY;
- sg=Lineplot("",[pt,pt+vec],["nodata"]);
- nb=length(bdylist);
- if(nb>0,
- tenL=[];
- forall(1..nb,ii,
- rmL=[];
- bdy=bdylist_ii;
- nbdy=length(bdy)-1;
- pL=[];
- forall(1..nbdy,jj,
- p1=bdy_jj;
- p2=bdy_(mod(jj+1-1,nbdy)+1);
- tmp=Intersectseg(sg,[p1,p2],Eps);
- if(abs(tmp_1)<Eps, //18.02.01
- p0=tmp_2; t=tmp_3; s=tmp_4;
- pL=append(pL,[p0,t,s,ii]);
- );
- );
- if(length(pL)>0,
- pL=sort(pL,[#_2]);
- pL=apply(1..(length(pL)),append(pL_#,mod(#,2)));
- tenL=concat(tenL,pL);
- );
- );
- tenL=sort(tenL,[#_2]);
- ioL=apply(1..nb,0);
- ns=1;
- ne=length(tenL);
- if(ne>0,tmp=tenL_1_1,tmp=sg_2);
- if(|sg_1-tmp|>Eps,
- tmp=[sg_1,-1,1,ioL];
- tenL=prepend(tmp,tenL);
- ns=ns+1;
- ne=ne+1;
- );
- if(|sg_2-tenL_(length(tenL))_1|>Eps,
- tmp=[sg_2,-1,2,ioL];
- tenL=append(tenL,tmp);
- );
- forall(,ii,
- tmp=tenL_ii;
- tmp1=tmp_4;
- tmp2=tmp_5;
- ioL_tmp1=tmp2;
- tmp=[tmp_1,tmp_2,tmp_4,ioL];
- tenL_ii=tmp;
- );
- out=[];
- forall(1..(length(tenL)-1),ii,
- tmp1=tenL_ii;
- if(contains(iolist,tmp1_4),
- tmp2=tenL_(ii+1);
- tmp=Listplot("",[tmp1_1,tmp2_1],["nodata"]);
- out=append(out,tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- SCALEY=Scalebkup;
- out;
- regional(name,bdylist,bdynameL,bname,Ltype,Noflg,opstr,opcindy,reL,startP,angle,
- interval,vec,nvec,flg,pt,kk,delta,sha,AnsL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- name="ha"+nm;
- bdylist=[];
- bdynameL=[];
- forall(1..(length(bdylistorg)),kk,
- tmp1=bdylistorg_kk;
- if(length(tmp1)==1,
- bname=tmp1_1;
- ,
- tmp=tmp1_(length(tmp1));
- if(contains(["n","s","e","w"],tmp),
- tmp2=parse(tmp1_1);
- if(tmp=="s",
- Listplot(name,[LLcrd(tmp2_1),[tmp2_1_1,YMIN],
- [tmp2_(length(tmp2))_1,YMIN],LLcrd(tmp2_(length(tmp2)))],["nodisp"]);
- Joincrvs(text(kk)+name,[tmp1_1,"sg"+name],["nodisp"]);
- bname="join"+text(kk)+name;
- );
- if(tmp=="n",
- Listplot(name,[LLcrd(tmp2_1),[tmp2_1_1,YMAX],
- [tmp2_(length(tmp2))_1,YMAX],LLcrd(tmp2_(length(tmp2)))],["nodisp"]);
- Joincrvs(text(kk)+name,[tmp1_1,"sg"+name],["nodisp"]);
- bname="join"+text(kk)+name;
- );
- if(tmp=="e",
- Listplot(name,apply([tmp2_1,[XMAX,tmp2_1_2],
- [XMAX,tmp2_(length(tmp2))_2],tmp2_(length(tmp2))],LLcrd(#)),["nodisp"]);
- Joincrvs(text(kk)+name,[tmp1_1,"sg"+name],["nodisp"]);
- bname="join"+text(kk)+name;
- );
- if(tmp=="w",
- Listplot(name,apply( [tmp2_1,[XMIN,tmp2_1_2],
- [XMIN,tmp2_(length(tmp2))_2],tmp2_(length(tmp2))],LLcrd(#)),["nodisp"]);
- Joincrvs(text(kk)+name,[tmp1_1,"sg"+name],["nodisp"]);
- bname="join"+text(kk)+name;
- );
- ,
- Enclosing2(text(#)+name,tmp,["nodisp"]);
- bname="en"+text(#)+name;
- );
- );
- bdylist=append(bdylist,parse(bname));
- bdynameL=append(bdynameL,bname);
- );
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- reL=tmp_6;
- angle=45;
- interval=0.125*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- startP=[(XMIN+XMAX)/2, (YMIN+YMAX)/2];
- tmp1=1;
- forall(reL,
- if(islist(#),
- startP=#;
- ,
- if(tmp1==1,
- angle=#;
- tmp1=tmp1+1;
- ,
- interval= interval*#;
- );
- );
- );
- angle=angle*pi/180;
- vec=[cos(angle),sin(angle)];
- nvec=[-sin(angle),cos(angle)];
- AnsL=[];
- flg=0;
- forall(0..100,kk,
- pt=startP+kk*interval*nvec;
- if(flg==0,
- sha=Makehatch(iostr,pt,vec,bdylist);
- if((sha==-1)%(length(sha)==0),
-// flg=1;
- ,
- AnsL=concat(AnsL,sha);
- );
- );
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(1..100,kk,
- pt=startP-kk*interval*nvec;
- if(flg==0,
- sha=Makehatch(iostr,pt,vec,bdylist);
- if((sha==-1)%(length(sha)==0),
-// flg=1;
- ,
- AnsL=concat(AnsL,sha);
- );
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Hatchdata "+name);
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(AnsL,5);
- parse(tmp);
- if(!islist(iostr),tmp1=[iostr],tmp1=iostr);
- tmp="c(";
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp=tmp+Dq+#+Dq+",";
- );
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+")";
- tmp2=name+"=Hatchdata("+tmp;
- forall(bdynameL,
- tmp2=tmp2+",list("+#+")";
- );
- tmp2=tmp2+opstr+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp2);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- tmp2=[];
- forall(AnsL,tmp1,
- tmp=apply(tmp1,LLcrd(#));
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- tmp2;
-/////////// end of new Hatchdata(cindy) ///////////
-//help:Shade(["gr2","sg1"],["red" /pict2e]);
-//help:Shade(["gr2","sg1"],[[0,0,0,0.5] /pict2e]);
-//help:Shade(["gr2","sg1"],[[1,0,0] /pict2e]);
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,opstr,opcindy,Str,G2,flg);
- if(isstring(plist_1), // 16.01.24
- println("output Shade of "+plist);
- ,
- println("output Shade of lists");
- );
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- flg=0;
- forall(plist,
- if(flg==0,
- if(isstring(#),tmp=parse(#),tmp=#); // from 16.01.24
- if(!islist(tmp),flg=1); until
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,
-// err("some data not defined yet");
- ,
- G2=Joincrvs("1",plist,["nodata"]);
- G2=apply(G2,Pcrd(#));
- tmp1="fillpoly("+textformat(G2,5)+opcindy+");";
- parse(tmp1);
- );
- Str="Shade(";
- tmp1="list(";
- forall(plist,
- if(isstring(#), // from 16.01.24
- if(length(#)>1,
- tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
- ,
- tmp1=tmp1+Dq+#+Dq+",";
- );
- ,
- tmp1=tmp1+"Listplot("+textformat(#,5)+"),";
- ); // until 16.01.24
- );
- Str=Str+substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+")"+opstr+")";
- Com2nd(Str);
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic2logr.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic2logr.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6510040a..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic2logr.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// WritetoRS,Makebat changed ( "shell" used )
-// WritetoRS debugged ( setwd )
-// WriteoRS,Makebat changed ( use "sjis.txt")
-// Makebat debugged
-// Tlistplot changed ("Msg");
-// WritetoRS debugged ( openfie(..,Cdy= ))
-// WritetoRS, Makebat changed (for Zenkaku)
-// Convsjiswin removed
-// Mkslidesummary debugged
-// Convsjiswin added
-// Makebat changed (for convsjis )
-// Presentation changed (for wallpaper )
-// Settitle changed (Title option )
-// Letter debugged (for ` )
-// IftoR, FortoR,Deffun rewritten
-// Bezier, Translatedata,Rotatedata,Reflectdata debugged ( [ ] )
-// RSform : help added
-// WritetoSci() added (=WritetoR(), for old Parent button )
-// Setslidehyper changed ("Size=","Pos=[]")
-// Mkslides changed (for animation)
-// MakeRarg (from Makesciarg ) added ( RSslash )
-// Setax, Htickmark, Vtickmark changed ( MakeRarg )
-// Slidework changed ( makedir)
-// Rotatedata debugged ( MeasureDepth)
-// Slidework changed ( for the case of (ex) dir="...../")
-// Figpdf debugged
-// Presentation debugged ( usepackage{ketpic} etc. )
-// Viewtex changed ( path of ketpicstyle )
-// WritetoRS changed ( generator is written )
-// Mksummary changed for R
-// Letter,Letterrot,Exprrot debugged (\ and \\)
-// Viewtex debugged ($ removed for xelatex)
-// Mkslides debugged ( line4 from last,path)
-// Makebat,Makeshell changed(flow="tt" supported)
-// Makebat,Makeshell,Mkslides debugged (Shellfile,Sehllchild removed )
-// Makeshell debugged ( Case of no "/" )
-// Mkslides debugged (Sheslide=>Shellslide )
-// WritetoRS changed (for pict2e)
-// Helplist debugged ( for r )
-// RSform debugged
-// Viewparent debugged (WritetoRS)
-// WritetoRS debugged ("\" => "/")
-// RSslash added
-// Letter changed (RSslash used)
-// Defvar changed ("=" removed)
-// WritetoRS changed (Com1st,..., VLIST )
-// Extractdata changed
-// SCIWR,SCIRE removed
-// WritetoRS added
-// Viewtex changed ( Writetosci => WritetoR )
-// RSform, Deffun, IftoR, FortoR changed( added )
-// Makeshell, Makebat changed \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic2r.cs b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic2r.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index ae40d147..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic2r.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5073 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
-//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>
-println("ketcindybasic2(20180409) loaded");
- if(islist(Ch),
- if(!isreal(ChNum),ChNum=1);
- drawtext(mouse().xy,"Ch="+text(Ch)+" N="+text(ChNum),size->24,color->[0,0,1]);
- );
- regional(names,dt,tmp);
- tmp=getdatetime();
- dt=tokenize(tmp," ");
- dt=apply(dt,if(!isstring(#),text(#),#));
- names=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun",
- "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
- tmp=select(1..12,names_#==dt_2);
- tmp=text(tmp_1);
- tmp=[dt_6+"/"+tmp+"/"+dt_3,dt_4];
- regional(X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Cx,Cy,tmp);
- tmp=Lcrd(point);
- X1=tmp_1; Y1=tmp_2;
- tmp=Lcrd(ctr);
- Cx=tmp_1; Cy=tmp_2;
- X2=Cx+(X1-Cx)*cos(Theta)-(Y1-Cy)*sin(Theta);
- Y2=Cy+(X1-Cx)*sin(Theta)+(Y1-Cy)*cos(Theta);
- [X2,Y2];
- regional(X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Cx,Cy,tmp);
- tmp=Lcrd(point);
- X1=tmp_1; Y1=tmp_2;
- tmp=Lcrd(mov);
- Cx=tmp_1; Cy=tmp_2;
- X2=X1+Cx;
- Y2=Y1+Cy;
- [X2,Y2];
- regional(X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Cx,Cy,tmp);
- tmp=Lcrd(point);
- X1=tmp_1; Y1=tmp_2;
- tmp=Lcrd(center);
- Cx=tmp_1; Cy=tmp_2;
- X2=Cx+ratio_1*(X1-Cx);
- Y2=Cy+ratio_2*(Y1-Cy);
- [X2,Y2];
- regional(X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Us,Vs,Pt1,Pt2,Cx,Cy,tmp);
- tmp=Lcrd(point);
- X1=tmp_1; Y1=tmp_2;
- Pt1=Lcrd(symL_1);
- if(length(symL)==1,
- Pt2=Pt1;
- ,
- Pt2=Lcrd(symL_2);
- );
- Us=Pt2_1-Pt1_1;
- Vs=Pt2_2-Pt1_2;
- if(Pt1==Pt2,
- X2=2*Pt1_1-X1;
- Y2=2*Pt1_2-Y1;
- ,
- X2=(Us^2-Vs^2)/(Us^2+Vs^2)*X1+2*Us*Vs/(Us^2+Vs^2)*Y1
- -2*Vs*(Us*Pt1_2-Vs*Pt1_1)/(Us^2+Vs^2);
- Y2=2*Us*Vs/(Us^2+Vs^2)*X1-(Us^2-Vs^2)/(Us^2+Vs^2)*Y1
- +2*Us*(Us*Pt1_2-Vs*Pt1_1)/(Us^2+Vs^2);
- );
- [X2,Y2];
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,pdata,Theta,Pt,Cx,Cy,PdLL,PdL,
- opcindy,Nj,Njj,Kj,Mj,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,Ltype,Noflg,name);
- name="rt"+nm;
- Pt=[0,0];
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,Pt=Lcrd(tmp1_1));
- pdata=plist;
- if(isstring(pdata),pdata=[pdata]);
- if(!isstring(pdata_1) & MeasureDepth(pdata)==1,
- pdata=[pdata];
- );
- if(isstring(angle),Theta=parse(angle),Theta=angle);
- Cx=Pt_1; Cy=Pt_2;
- PdL=[];
- forall(pdata,Njj,
- if(isstring(Njj),Kj=parse(Njj),Kj=Njj);
- if(MeasureDepth(Kj)==0,Kj=[Kj]); //17.11.24
- if(MeasureDepth(Kj)==1,Kj=[Kj]);
- tmp2=[];
- forall(Kj,Nj,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(Nj,
- tmp=LLcrd(#);
- X1=tmp_1;
- Y1=tmp_2;
- X2=Cx+(X1-Cx)*cos(Theta)-(Y1-Cy)*sin(Theta);
- Y2=Cy+(X1-Cx)*sin(Theta)+(Y1-Cy)*cos(Theta);
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[[X2,Y2]]);
- );
- tmp2=concat(tmp2,[tmp1]);
- );
- PdL=concat(PdL,tmp2);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Rotatedata "+name);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(PdL,tmp2,
- tmp=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- if(length(tmp1)==1,tmp1=tmp1_1);
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=text(plist);
- tmp1=RSform(tmp1);// 17.12.23(2lines)
- tmp=name+"=Rotatedata("+tmp1+","
- +textformat(angle,5)+","+RSform(textformat(Pt,5))+")"; //17.12.23
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- PdL;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,pdata,Cx,Cy,PdL,Nj,Njj,Kj,
- opcindy,X2,Y2,Ltype,Noflg,name);
- name="tr"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- pdata=plist;
- if(isstring(pdata),pdata=[pdata]);
- if(!isstring(pdata_1) & MeasureDepth(pdata)==1,
- pdata=[pdata];
- );
- tmp=Lcrd(mov);
- Cx=tmp_1; Cy=tmp_2;
- PdL=[];
- forall(pdata,Njj,
- if(isstring(Njj),Kj=parse(Njj),Kj=Njj);
- if(MeasureDepth(Kj)==1,Kj=[Kj]);
- tmp2=[];
- forall(Kj,Nj,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(Nj,
- tmp=LLcrd(#);
- X2=tmp_1+Cx;
- Y2=tmp_2+Cy;
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[[X2,Y2]]);
- );
- tmp2=concat(tmp2,[tmp1]);
- );
- PdL=concat(PdL,tmp2);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Translatedata "+name);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(PdL,tmp2,
- tmp=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- if(length(tmp1)==1,tmp1=tmp1_1);
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=text(plist);
- tmp1=RSform(tmp1);// 17.12.23
- tmp=name+"=Translatedata("+tmp1+","+RSform(textformat(mov,5))+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- PdL;
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=Lcrd(ratioV);
- Scaledata(nm,plist,tmp_1,tmp_2,[]);
- regional(tmp,options);
- if(islist(Arg2),
- tmp=Lcrd(Arg1);
- options=Arg2;
- Scaledata(nm,plist,tmp_1,tmp_2,options);
- ,
- Scaledata(nm,plist,Arg1,Arg2,[]);
- );
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,pdata,Theta,Pt,Cx,Cy,PdL,
- opcindy,Nj,Njj,Kj,X2,Y2,Ltype,Noflg,name);
- name="sc"+nm;
- Pt=[0,0];
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- Pt=Lcrd(tmp1_1);
- );
- pdata=plist;
- if(isstring(pdata),pdata=[pdata]);
- if(!isstring(pdata_1) & MeasureDepth(pdata)==1,
- pdata=[pdata];
- );
- Cx=Pt_1; Cy=Pt_2;
- PdL=[];
- forall(pdata,Njj,
- if(isstring(Njj),Kj=parse(Njj),Kj=Njj);
- if(MeasureDepth(Kj)==1,Kj=[Kj]);
- tmp2=[];
- forall(Kj,Nj,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(Nj,
- tmp=LLcrd(#);
- X2=Cx+rx*(tmp_1-Cx);
- Y2=Cy+ry*(tmp_2-Cy);
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[[X2,Y2]]);
- );
- tmp2=concat(tmp2,[tmp1]);
- );
- PdL=concat(PdL,tmp2);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Scaledata "+name);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(PdL,tmp2,
- tmp=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- if(length(tmp1)==1,tmp1=tmp1_1);
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=text(plist);
- tmp1=RSform(tmp1); // 17.12.23
- tmp=name+"=Scaledata("+tmp1+","
- +textformat(rx,5)+","+textformat(ry,5)+","+RSform(textformat(Pt,5))+")";
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- PdL;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,pdata,Us,Vs,Pt1,Pt2,Cx,Cy,PdL,
- opcindy,Nj,Njj,Kj,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,Ltype,Noflg,name);
- name="re"+nm;
- Pt=[0,0];
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- pdata=plist;
- if(isstring(pdata),pdata=[pdata]);
- if(!isstring(pdata_1) & MeasureDepth(pdata)==1,
- pdata=[pdata];
- );
- Pt1=Lcrd(symL_1);
- if(length(symL)==1,
- Pt2=Pt1;
- ,
- Pt2=Lcrd(symL_2);
- );
- Us=Pt2_1-Pt1_1;
- Vs=Pt2_2-Pt1_2;
- PdL=[];
- forall(pdata,Njj,
- if(isstring(Njj),Kj=parse(Njj),Kj=Njj);
- if(MeasureDepth(Kj)==1,Kj=[Kj]);
- tmp2=[];
- forall(Kj,Nj,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(Nj,
- tmp=LLcrd(#);
- X1=tmp_1;
- Y1=tmp_2;
- if(Pt1==Pt2,
- X2=2*Pt1_1-X1;
- Y2=2*Pt1_2-Y1;
- ,
- X2=(Us^2-Vs^2)/(Us^2+Vs^2)*X1+2*Us*Vs/(Us^2+Vs^2)*Y1
- -2*Vs*(Us*Pt1_2-Vs*Pt1_1)/(Us^2+Vs^2);
- Y2=2*Us*Vs/(Us^2+Vs^2)*X1-(Us^2-Vs^2)/(Us^2+Vs^2)*Y1
- +2*Us*(Us*Pt1_2-Vs*Pt1_1)/(Us^2+Vs^2);
- );
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,[[X2,Y2]]);
- );
- tmp2=concat(tmp2,[tmp1]);
- );
- PdL=concat(PdL,tmp2);
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Reflectdata "+name);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(PdL,tmp2,
- tmp=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- if(length(tmp1)==1,tmp1=tmp1_1);
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=text(plist);
- tmp1=RSform(tmp1);// 17.12.23
- tmp=name+"=Reflectdata("+tmp1+","+RSform(textformat(symL,5))+")";//17.12.23
- GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- PdL;
- regional(segstr,p,q,r,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- forall(allsegments(),seg,
- str=text(inspect(seg,"definition"));
- tmp1=indexof(str,"(");
- tmp2=indexof(str,";");
- tmp3=indexof(str,")");
- p=substring(str,tmp1,tmp2-1);
- q=substring(str,tmp2,tmp3-1);
- Listplot([parse(p),parse(q)]);
- );
- regional(seg,cir,str,p,q,r,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
- forall(allcircles(),cir,
- str=text(inspect(cir,"definition"));
- tmp1=indexof(str,"(");
- tmp2=indexof(str,";");
- tmp3=indexof(str,")");
- tmp4=indexof(str,";",tmp2+1);
- if(tmp4==0,
- p=substring(str,tmp1,tmp2-1);
- q=substring(str,tmp2,tmp3-1);
- Circledata([parse(p),parse(q)]);
- ,
- p=substring(str,tmp1,tmp2-1);
- q=substring(str,tmp2,tmp4-1);
- r=substring(str,tmp4,tmp3-1);
- Circledata([parse(p),parse(q),parse(r)]);
- );
- );
- regional(str,tmpstr);
- str="";
- forall(arglist,
- if(isstring(#),
- tmpstr=Dq+RSslash(#)+Dq;
- ,
- tmpstr=textformat(#,6);
- );
- str=str+tmpstr+",";
- );
- str=substring(str,0,length(str)-1);
- str;
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=MakeRarg(arglist);
- Com1st("Setax("+tmp+")");
- regional(tmp);
- tmp="";
- tmp=MakeRarg(arglist);
- Com2nd("Htickmark("+tmp+")");
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=MakeRarg(arglist);
- Com2nd("Vtickmark("+tmp+")");
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp="v"+text(round(py*100));
- tmp=replace(tmp,"-","m");
- tmp1=[0-len/2,py];
- tmp2=[0+len/2,py];
- Listplot(tmp,[tmp1,tmp2],options);
- regional(len,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=LLcrd([0,lenorg]);
- len=tmp_2;
- tmp="h"+text(round(px*100));
- tmp=replace(tmp,"-","m");
- tmp1=[px,0-len/2];
- tmp2=[px,0+len/2];
- Listplot(tmp,[tmp1,tmp2],options);
- Com2nd("Drwxy()");
- Addax(0); // 16.01.21
-Drwpt(ptlist,nn):=( // 16.03.05 from
- Drawpoint(ptlist,nn);
- if(isstring(pstr),
- println("Drwpt : "+pstr);
- Com2nd("Drwpt("+pstr+")");
- ,
- Drawpoint(pstr,1);
- );
- regional(ptlist,thick,tmp,tmp1);
- println("Drwpt : "+text(ptlistorg));
- if(islist(ptlistorg),
- if(MeasureDepth(ptlistorg)==1,
- ptlist=ptlistorg
- ,
- ptlist=[ptlistorg]
- );
- ,
- ptlist=[ptlistorg]
- );
- thick=PenThick/PenThickInit;// 16.04.09 from
- tmp1=max(TenSize/TenSizeInit,1)/8;
- Setpen(tmp1); // 16.04.09 until
- forall(ptlist,
- tmp=textformat(#,5)+","+text(nn);
- Com2nd("Drwpt("+tmp+")"); // 16.04.09
- );
- Setpen(thick); // 16.04.09
-);// 16.03.05 until
- ADDAXES=textformat(param,5);
-Expr(listorg,options):=( //16.10.09
- regional(list,str,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- list=listorg;
- forall(1..round(length(list)/3),
- str=list_(3*#);
- if(!isstring(str),str=format(str,5));
- str="$"+str+"$";
- list_(3*#)=str;
- );
- Letter(list,options);
-//help:Letter([C,"c","Graph of f(x)"]);
- regional(Nj,Pos,Dir,Str,Off,Dmv,Xmv,Ymv,Noflg,opcindy,
- opL,aln,sz,clr,bld,ita,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opL=select(options,indexof(#,"->")>0); //16.10.09from
- tmp=select(opL,indexof(#,"color"));
- size=12;
- clr=[0,0,0];
- bld=false;
- ita=false;
- aln="left";
- forall(opL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"->");
- tmp1=removespace(substring(#,0,tmp-1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp+1,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="size",sz=parse(tmp2));
- if(tmp1=="color",clr=parse(tmp2));
- if(tmp1=="bold",bld=parse(tmp2));
- if(tmp1=="ita",ita=parse(tmp2));
- );//16.10.09until
- Off=-4;
- Dmv=8;
- Nj=1;
- while(Nj+2<=length(list),
-// Pos=textformat(list_Nj,5);
- Pos=list_Nj;
- Dir=list_(Nj+1);
- tmp=indexof(Dir,"s")+indexof(Dir,"n");//16.10.19from
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp=indexof(Dir,"w")+indexof(Dir,"e");
- if(tmp==0,
- Dir="c"+Dir;//16.10.08
- );
- );//16.10.19until
- Str=list_(Nj+2);
- if(!isstring(Str),Str=format(Str,5)); // 16.09.30,10.09
- tmp=replace(Str,".xy","");
- tmp=replace(tmp,".x","(1)");
- Str=replace(tmp,".y","(2)");
- Str=RSslash(Str); // 17.09.24
- Str=replace(Str,"`","'");//180303
- tmp=Dq+","+Dq+Str+Dq+")";
- if(Noflg==0,
- Com2nd("Letter("+Lcrd(Pos)+","+Dq+Dir+tmp);//16.10.10
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- Xmv=0;//16.10.13
- Ymv=-4;
- if(indexof(Dir,"n")>0,
- Ymv=Dmv/2;
- );
- if(indexof(Dir,"s")>0,
- Ymv=-Dmv*3/2;//16.10.13
- );
- if(indexof(Dir,"e")>0,
- Xmv=Dmv/2;
- Off=0;
- aln="left";
- );
- if(indexof(Dir,"w")>0,
- Xmv=-Dmv/2;
- Off=0; // 16.09.30from
- aln="right";
- );
- if(indexof(Dir,"c")>0,
- Xmv=0;//16.10.13
- Off=0;
- if(Ymv==0,Ymv=-4);//16.10.08
- aln="mid"; // 16.09.30until
- );
- Str=list_(Nj+2); //17.10.17
- drawtext(Pcrd(Pos),Str,offset->[Off+Xmv,Off+Ymv],
- size->sz,color->clr,align->aln,bold->bld,italics->ita);//16.10.09
- );
- Nj=Nj+3;
- );
- regional(tmov,nmov,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp1=indexof(movstr,"t");
- tmp2=indexof(movstr,"n");
- if(tmp1>0,
- if(tmp2>0,tmp=tmp2-1,tmp=length(movstr));
- tmov=parse(substring(movstr,tmp1,tmp));
- ,
- tmov=0;
- );
- if(tmp2>0,
- nmov=parse(substring(movstr,tmp2,length(movstr)));
- ,
- nmov=0;
- );
- Letterrot(pt,dir,tmov,nmov,str);
- regional(tmp);
- Letter([pt,"c",str],["notex"]);
- tmp=replace(str,"\","\\"); //17.10.18
- Com2nd("Letterrot("+pt+","+dir+","+tmov+","+nmov+",'"+tmp+"')");
- regional(tmov,nmov,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp1=indexof(movstr,"t");
- tmp2=indexof(movstr,"n");
- if(tmp1>0,
- if(tmp2>0,tmp=tmp2-1,tmp=length(movstr));
- tmov=parse(substring(movstr,tmp1,tmp));
- ,
- tmov=0;
- );
- if(tmp2>0,
- nmov=parse(substring(movstr,tmp2,length(movstr)));
- ,
- nmov=0;
- );
- Exprrot(pt,dir,tmov,nmov,str);
- regional(tmp);
- Expr([pt,"c",str],["notex"]);
- tmp=replace(str,"\","\\"); //17.10.18
- Com2nd("Exprrot("+pt+","+dir+","+tmov+","+nmov+",'"+tmp+"')");
-Slider(ptstr,p1,p2):=( //17.04.11
- regional(pA,pB,pC,seg,sname,Alpha,tmp,tmp1);
- tmp=indexall(ptstr,"-");
- pA=substring(ptstr,0,tmp_1-1);
- pC=substring(ptstr,tmp_1,tmp_2-1);
- pB=substring(ptstr,tmp_2,length(ptstr));
- seg=pA+pB;
- sname="";
- forall(1..(length(seg)),
- tmp=substring(seg,#-1,#);
- tmp1=indexof(Alpha,tmp);
- if(tmp1>0,
- sname=sname+unicode(text(tmp1+96),base->10);
- ,
- sname=sname+tmp;
- );
- );
- Putpoint(pA,p1);
- Putpoint(pB,p2);
- Listplot([parse(pA),parse(pB)],["notex","color->[0,0.4,0.4]","size->2"]);
-// create([sname],"Segment",[parse(pA),parse(pB)]);
-// tmp2=Listplot("",[p1,p2],["nodata"]);
- Putonseg(pC,parse("sg"+pA+pB));
-// create([pC],"PointOn",[parse(sname),0.5]);
- regional(ptstr);
- ptstr=apply(allpoints(),;//16.10.06
- if(!contains(ptstr,name),
- createpoint(name,Pcrd([Ptinit_1,Ptinit_2]));
- ,
- ptstr=name+".xy="+textformat(Pcrd(Pt),5);
- parse(ptstr);
- );
- regional(flg3,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9);
- p0=ptlist_1;
- p3=ptlist_2;
- p1=ctrlist_1;
- if(length(ctrlist)==1,
- p2=p3;
- flg3=0;
- ,
- p2=ctrlist_2;
- flg3=1;
- );
- if(length(p0)<3, // 15.02.08
- p0=Lcrd(p0);
- p3=Lcrd(p3);
- p1=Lcrd(p1);
- p2=Lcrd(p2);
- );
- p4=(1-t)*p0+t*p1;
- p5=(1-t)*p1+t*p2;
- p6=(1-t)*p2+t*p3;
- p7=(1-t)*p4+t*p5;
- p8=(1-t)*p5+t*p6;
- p9=(1-t)*p7+t*p8;
- if(flg3==0,p7,p9);
- regional(name,Ltype,Noflg,opstr,opcindy,Num,
- ptlist,ctrlist,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,ii,st,out,list);
- name="bz"+nm;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- Num=10;
- tmp1=tmp_5;
- forall(tmp1, // 14.12.31
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
- tmp2=indexof(#,"=");
- Num=parse(substring(#,tmp2,length(#)));
- opstr=opstr+","+Dq+#+Dq;
- );
- );
- ptlist=apply(ptlistorg,Lcrd(#)); // 16.08.16
- ctrlist=[]; // 14.12.31
- if(length(ctrlistorg)==length(ptlist)-1,
- forall(ctrlistorg,tmp1,
- if(MeasureDepth(tmp1)==0,tmp=[tmp1],tmp=tmp1);
- tmp=apply(tmp,Lcrd(#)); // 16.08.16
- ctrlist=append(ctrlist,tmp);
- );
- ,
- forall(1..(length(ptlist)-1),ii,
- tmp=ctrlistorg_((2*ii-1)..(2*ii));
- tmp=apply(tmp,Lcrd(#)); // 16.08.16
- ctrlist=append(ctrlist,tmp);
- );
- );
- if(!islist(Num),
- Num=apply(ctrlist,Num);
- );
- list=[];
- forall(1..(length(ptlist)-1),ii,
- tmp1=ptlist_(ii..(ii+1));
- tmp2=ctrlist_ii;
- if(ii==1,st=0,st=1);
- forall(st..Num_ii,
- tmp=Bezierpt(#/Num_ii,tmp1,tmp2);
- list=append(list,tmp);
- );
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("generate Bezier "+name);
- out=apply(list,Pcrd(#));
- tmp=name+"="+textformat(out,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp1=textformat(ptlist,5);
- tmp1=RSform(tmp1,2); //17.12.23
- tmp2=textformat(ctrlist,5);
- tmp2=RSform(tmp2,3); //17.12.23
- GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Bezier("+tmp1+","+tmp2+opstr+")");
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- list;
- regional(fsc,mv,cmdall,dataL,nd,npt,ptdata,ii,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- tmp1=tmp_6;
- sc=1;//10;
- mv=[0,0];//[5,5];
- forall(tmp1,
- if(!islist(#),sc=#,mv=#);
- );
- if(indexof(fname,".")>0,
- tmp=load(fname);
- ,
- tmp=load(fname+".txt");
- );
- cmdall=tokenize(tmp,"//");
- dataL=[];
- forall(2..length(cmdall),ii,
- tmp1=parse("["+cmdall_ii+"]");
- dataL=append(dataL,tmp1);
- );
- if(length(dataL_(length(dataL)))<2,
- dataL=dataL_(1..(length(dataL)-1));
- );
- nd=length(dataL_1)/2;
- npt=length(dataL);
- ptdata=[];
- forall(1..nd,ii,
- tmp3=[];
- forall(1..npt,
- tmp1=dataL_#_(2*ii-1);
- tmp2=dataL_#_(2*ii);
- if(isreal(tmp1),
- tmp3=append(tmp3,[tmp1,tmp2]);
- );
- );
- ptdata=append(ptdata,tmp3);
- );
- tmp1=[];
- forall(ptdata,
- tmp=#/sc;
- tmp=Translatedata("1",[tmp],-mv,["nodata"]);
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- ptdata=tmp1;
- ptdata;
- regional(psize,Deg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,p1,p2,pts,ctrs);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- psize=3;
- Deg=3;
- tmp1=tmp_5;
- forall(tmp1,
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="D",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- Deg=parse(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
- );
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="S",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- psize=parse(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
- );
- );
- pts=[];
- ctrs=[];
- forall(1..length(ptL),
- p2=ptL_#; // 16.08.16
- if(ispoint(p2),
- tmp1=text(p2);
- ,
- tmp1=name+text(#);
- Putpoint(tmp1,p2,Lcrd(parse(tmp1))); // 16.08.16
- );
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"ptsize",psize);
- pts=append(pts,parse(tmp1));
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"color",4);
- if(#>1,
- p1=Lcrd(ptL_(#-1)); // 16.08.16
- p2=Lcrd(ptL_#); // 16.08.16
- if(Deg==3,
- tmp=(2*p1+p2)/3;
- tmp1=name+"p"+text(#-1);
- Putpoint(tmp1,tmp,Lcrd(parse(tmp1))); // 16.08.16
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"labeled",false); //15.01.22
- Letter([parse(tmp1),"ne",tmp1],["notex"]); //15.01.22
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"ptsize",psize);
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"color",3);
- tmp=(p1+2*p2)/3;
- tmp2=name+"q"+text(#-1);
- Putpoint(tmp2,tmp,Lcrd(parse(tmp2))); // 16.08.16
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"labeled",false); //15.01.22
- Letter([parse(tmp2),"ne",tmp2],["notex"]); //15.01.22
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"ptsize",psize);
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"color",3);
- ctrs=append(ctrs,[parse(tmp1),parse(tmp2)]);
- ,
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2;
- tmp1=name+"p"+text(#-1);
- Putpoint(tmp1,tmp,Lcrd(parse(tmp1))); // 16.08.16
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"labeled",false); //15.01.22
- Letter([parse(tmp1),"ne",tmp1],["notex"]); //15.01.22
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"ptsize",psize);
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"color",3);
- ctrs=append(ctrs,[parse(tmp1)]);
- );
- );
- );
- [pts,ctrs,name];
-Bezierstart(n):=( // 2016.02.26
- BezierNumber=n;
- //help:Mkbezierptcrv([A,B,C,D]);
- //help:Mkbezierptcrv([[A,B],[C,D]]);
- //help:Mkbezierptcrv(options=["Num=10"]);
- // global BezierNumber
- regional(ptlist,Out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(isstring(ptdata),
- ptlist=Readcsvsla(ptdata,options);
- ,
- ptlist=ptdata;
- );
- if(MeasureDepth(ptlist)==1,ptlist=[ptlist]);
- Out=[];
- forall(1..length(ptlist),
- tmp=floor((BezierNumber-1)/26);// 15.02.23
- if(tmp==0,tmp="",tmp=text(tmp));
- tmp2=mod(BezierNumber,26);
- if(tmp2==0,tmp2=26);
- tmp1=unicode(text(96+tmp2),base->10)+tmp;// 15.03.11
- tmp2=Putbezierdata(tmp1,ptlist_#,options);
- Bezier(tmp2,options);
- BezierNumber=BezierNumber+1;
- Out=append(Out,tmp2_(1..2));
- );
- Out;
- //help:Mkbeziercrv("1",[[A,B,C,D],[[P,Q],[R,S],T]]);
- regional(ptctrLL,name,ptlist,ctrlist,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(MeasureDepth(ptctrL)==2,ptctrLL=[ptctrL],ptctrLL=ptctrL);
- forall(1..length(ptctrLL),
- name=nm+text(#);
- ptlist=ptctrLL_#_1;
- ctrlist=ptctrLL_#_2;
- Bezier(nm,ptlist,ctrlist,options); // 17.01.06
- );
- regional(bz,dt,name,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- bz=select(GLIST,indexof(#,"=Bezier")>0);
- tmp1=[]; // 16.04.22from
- if(seL!="all",
- forall(1..length(seL),
- tmp=substring(seL,#-1,#);
- tmp=select(bz,indexof(#,"bz"+tmp)>0);
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- bz=tmp1;// 16.04.22until
- );
- dt=[head+"n",[[length(bz),0]]];
- forall(1..length(bz),
- tmp=indexof(bz_#,"=");
- name=substring(bz_#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp=indexof(bz_#,","+Dq);
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(bz_#,0,tmp-1)+")";
- ,
- tmp1=bz_#;
- );
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"Bezier(","[");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"list(","[");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,")","]");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,",",".xy,");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]",".xy]");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,".xy,[",",[");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"].xy","]");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,name,head+text(#));
- parse(tmp1);
- tmp=parse(head+text(#)+"_1");
- dt=concat(dt,[head+text(#)+"k",tmp]);
- tmp=parse(head+text(#)+"_2");
- dt=concat(dt,[head+text(#)+"c",tmp]);
- );
- WriteOutData(head+".txt",dt);
- dt;
- regional(nn,options,stL,geo,nc,alpha,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- stL=tmp_7;
- geo=0;
- forall(stL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="G",geo=1);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- ReadOutData(file);
- tmp=file+"n_1_1";
- nn=parse(tmp);
- out=[];
- forall(1..nn,nc,
- tmp=file+text(nc);
- tmp1=parse(tmp+"k");
- tmp2=parse(tmp+"c");
- if(MeasureDepth(tmp2)==1,tmp2=[tmp2]); // 16.04.22from
- if(geo==1,
- alpha="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- forall(1..length(tmp1),
- tmp="k"+BezierNumber+"n"+text(nc)+substring(alpha,#-1,#);
- Putpoint(tmp,tmp1_#,parse(tmp+".xy"));
- inspect(parse(tmp),"labeled",false);
- inspect(parse(tmp),"ptsize",3);
- tmp1_#=parse(tmp+".xy");
- );
- forall(1..length(tmp2),
- tmp="c"+BezierNumber+"n"+text(nc)+substring(alpha,#-1,#)+"1";
- Putpoint(tmp,tmp2_#_1,parse(tmp+".xy"));
- inspect(parse(tmp),"labeled",false);
- inspect(parse(tmp),"color",4);
- inspect(parse(tmp),"ptsize",3);
- tmp2_#_1=parse(tmp+".xy");
- tmp="c"+BezierNumber+"no"+text(nc)+substring(alpha,#-1,#)+"2";
- Putpoint(tmp,tmp2_#_2,parse(tmp+".xy"));
- inspect(parse(tmp),"labeled",false);
- inspect(parse(tmp),"color",4);
- inspect(parse(tmp),"ptsize",3);
- tmp2_#_2=parse(tmp+".xy");
- );
- BezierNumber=BezierNumber+1;
- );
- Bezier(file+text(nc),tmp1,tmp2,options);// 16.04.22until
- out=append(out,"bz"+tmp);
- );
- out;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,list,ptL,ctrL,name,closed,flg,
- p0,p1,p2,p3,pQ,pR,cc,p01,p02,p11,p12,p21,p22,p31,p32);
- name="o"+nm;
- if(isstring(ptlist),list=parse(ptlist),list=ptlist);
- if(|list_1-list_(length(list))|<10^(-6),closed=1,closed=0);
-// list=apply(list,LLcrd(#));
- ctrL=[];
- forall(1..(length(list)-1),
- flg=0;
- p1=Lcrd(list_#); // 16.08.16
- p2=Lcrd(list_(#+1)); // 16.08.16
- if(#==1 % #==length(list)-1,
- flg=1;
- if(closed==0,
- pQ=(p1+2*p2)/3; // 15.09.21 // 16.08.16
- pR=(2*p1+p2)/3; // 16.08.16
- ctrL=append(ctrL,[pQ,pR]);
- flg=2;
- ,
- if(#==1,
- p0=Lcrd(list_(length(list)-1)); // 16.08.16
- p3=Lcrd(list_(#+2)); // 16.08.16
- ,
- p0=Lcrd(list_(#-1)); // 16.08.16
- p3=Lcrd(list_2); // 16.08.16
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg<=1,
- if(flg==0,
- p0=Lcrd(list_(#-1)); // 16.08.16
- p3=Lcrd(list_(#+2)); // 16.08.16
- );
- tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/|p2-p0|/|p3-p1|)/2);
- cc=4*|p2-p1|/3/(|p2-p0|+|p3-p1|)/tmp;
- pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0); // 15.09.21 // 16.08.16
- pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3); // 16.08.16
- ctrL=append(ctrL,[pQ,pR]);
- );
- );
-// list=apply(list,LLcrd(#)); // 16.08.16
-// ctrL=apply(ctrL,LLcrd(#));
- if(closed==0, // 15.09.21
- p1=ctrL_2_1;
- p2=Lcrd(list_2); // 16.08.16
- pQ=p2+(p2-p1);
- ctrL_1=[pQ];
- tmp=length(ctrL);
- tmp1=ctrL_(tmp-1);
- p1=ctrL_(tmp-1)_2;
- p2=Lcrd(list_(tmp)); // 16.08.16
- pQ=p2+(p2-p1);
- ctrL_tmp=[pQ];
- );
- Bezier("o"+nm,list,ctrL,options);
- // Catmull-Rom spline
- regional(name,ptlist,ctrpts,eqL,opcindy,c,v,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,ctrlist,cflg);
- name="crsp"+nm;
- if(MeasureDepth(ptL)==1,tmp=[ptL],tmp=ptL);
- ptlist=tmp_1;
- if(length(tmp)==1,
- cflg=1;
- ,
- cflg=0;
- ctrpts=tmp_2;
- );
- c=1/6;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp)); // 15.03.05
- forall(eqL,
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="R",
- tmp2=indexof(#,"=");
- c=parse(substring(#,tmp2,length(#)));
- );
- );
- ptlist=apply(ptlist,Lcrd(#)); // 16.08.16
- ctrlist=[];
- forall(1..(length(ptlist)-1),
- if(#==1,
- if(cflg==0,
- tmp1=ctrpts_1;
- ,
- v=ptlist_2-ptlist_(length(ptlist)-1);
- tmp1=ptlist_#+c*v;
- );
- ,
- v=ptlist_(#+1)-ptlist_(#-1);
- tmp1=ptlist_#+c*v;
- );
- if(#==length(ptlist)-1,
- if(cflg==0,
- tmp2=ctrpts_2;
- ,
- v=ptlist_2-ptlist_#;
- tmp2=ptlist_(#+1)-c*v;
- );
- ,
- v=ptlist_(#+2)-ptlist_#;
- tmp2=ptlist_(#+1)-c*v;
- );
- tmp=select(options,indexof(text(#),"->")>0);
- tmp=append(tmp,"notex"); //15.03.05
- Pointdata(name+text(#),[tmp1,tmp2],tmp);
- ctrlist=append(ctrlist,[tmp1,tmp2]);
- );
- Bezier(nm,ptlist,ctrlist,options);
- // smooth bezier
- regional(name,Eps,ptL,pt,pt1,pt2,pt3,npt,lstr,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,cflg,ctrlist);
- name="bzsp"+nm;
- Eps=10^(-3);
- ptL=apply(ptLorg,Lcrd(#)); // 16.08.16
- if(|ptL_1-ptL_(length(ptL))|<Eps,cflg=1,cflg=0);
- forall(2..length(ptL),
- pt=ptL_#;
- pt1=ptL_(#-1);
- tmp1="C"+text(#-1)+"q";// 16.10.07
- Putpoint(tmp1,(pt1+4*pt)/5,Lcrd(parse(tmp1))); // 16.08.16
- );
- forall(2..(length(ptL)-1),
- if(#<length(ptL) % cflg==1,
- lstr="c"+text(#);
- pt=ptLorg_#; // 16.08.16
- pt1=parse("C"+text(#-1)+"q");
- create([lstr],"Join",[pt1,pt]);
- tmp2="C"+text(#)+"p";
- tmp=Append((2*pt.xy-pt1.xy),1);
- create([tmp2],"PointOnLine",[parse(lstr),tmp]);
- );
- );
- if(cflg==0,
- pt=ptL_1;
- pt1=ptL_2;
- tmp1="C1p";
- Putpoint(tmp1,(4*pt+pt1)/5,Lcrd(parse(tmp1))); // 16.08.16
- );
- if(cflg==1,
- lstr="c1";
- pt=ptLorg_1; // 16.08.16
- pt1=parse("C"+text(length(ptL)-1)+"q");
- create([lstr],"Join",[pt1,pt]);
- tmp1="C1p";
- tmp=Append((2*pt.xy-pt1.xy),1);
- create([tmp1],"PointOnLine",[parse(lstr),tmp]);
- );
- ctrlist=[];
- forall(1..(length(ptL)-1),
- if(#>1 % cflg==1,
- tmp1="c"+text(#);
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"alpha",0.3);
- );
- tmp1="C"+text(#)+"p";
- tmp2="C"+text(#)+"q";
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp1),"color",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"color",3);
- tmp=[parse(tmp1),parse(tmp2)];
- ctrlist=append(ctrlist,tmp);
- );
- Bezier(nm,ptL,ctrlist,options);
- [ptL,ctrlist];
- // smooth bezier with symmetric control points
- regional(name,Eps,ptL,pt,pt1,pt2,pt3,npt,lstr,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,cflg,ctrlist);
- name="bzssp"+nm;
- Eps=10^(-3);
- ptL=apply(ptLorg,Lcrd(#)); // 16.08.16
- if(|ptL_1-ptL_(length(ptL))|<Eps,cflg=1,cflg=0);
- forall(2..length(ptL),
- pt=ptL_#;
- pt1=ptL_(#-1);
- tmp1="C"+text(#-1)+"q";
- Putpoint(tmp1,(pt1+4*pt)/5,Lcrd(parse(tmp1)));
- );
- forall(2..(length(ptL)-1),
- if(#<length(ptL) % cflg==1,
- pt=ptL_#;
- pt1=parse("C"+text(#-1)+"q");
- tmp2="C"+text(#)+"p=2*pt-pt1";
- parse(tmp2);
- );
- );
- if(cflg==0,
- pt=ptL_1;
- pt1=ptL_2;
- Putpoint("C1p",(4*pt+pt1)/5,Lcrd(C1p)); // 16.08.16
- inspect(C1p,"ptsize",3);
- inspect(C1p,"color",3);
- );
- if(cflg==1,
- pt=ptL_1;
- pt1=Lcrd(parse("C"+text(length(ptL)-1)+"q")); // 16.08.16
- tmp1="Putpoint("+Dq+"C1p"+Dq+",2*pt-pt1)"; // 16.08.16
- parse(tmp1);
- );
- ctrlist=[];
- forall(1..(length(ptL)-1),
- tmp1="C"+text(#)+"p";
- tmp2="C"+text(#)+"q";
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp2),"color",3);
- tmp=[parse(tmp1),parse(tmp2)];
- ctrlist=append(ctrlist,tmp);
- );
- Bezier(nm,ptL,ctrlist,options);
- [ptL,ctrlist];
- regional(Eps,list,pcl,ptl,ctrl,k);
- Eps=10^(-3);
- list=apply(listorg,Lcrd(#)); // 16.08.16
- k=length(list);
- if(|list_1-list_k|>Eps,
- pcl=list;
- pcl_1=2*list_1-list_2;
- pcl_k=2*list_k-list_(k-1);
- ,
- pcl=concat(list,[list_2]);
- );
- ctrl=apply(2..(length(pcl)-1),[pcl_#]);
- ptl=apply(1..(length(pcl)-1),(pcl_#+pcl_(#+1))/2);
- [ptl,ctrl];
- regional(list,tmp);
- list=Listbspline2bz(ctrL);
- tmp=BezierCurve("b"+nm,list_1,list_2,options);
- tmp;
- regional(Cv,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,X0,Y0,x1,x2,y1,y2,Ylist,Ban,Tate);
- if(isstring(Crv),Cv=parse(Crv),Cv=Crv);
- if(MeasureDepth(Cv)==2,Cv=Cv_1);
- Cv=apply(Cv,LLcrd(#)); // 14.12.18
- while(length(Cv)==1,
- Cv=Cv_1;
- );
- Cv=apply(Cv,Lcrd(#));
- tmp1=min(apply(Cv,#_1));
- tmp2=max(apply(Cv,#_1));
- if(isstring(Xorg),X0=parse(Xorg),X0=Xorg);
- if(isstring(Yorg),Y0=parse(Yorg),Y0=Yorg);
- if(X0<tmp1,
- X0=tmp1;
- ,
- if(X0>tmp2,
- X0=tmp2;
- );
- );
- tmp1=select(
- 1..(length(Cv)-1),Cv_#_1<=X0 & X0<=Cv_(#+1)_1);
- tmp2=select(
- 1..(length(Cv)-1),Cv_#_1>=X0 & X0>=Cv_(#+1)_1);
- tmp2=remove(tmp2,common(tmp2,tmp1));
- Ban=concat(tmp1,tmp2);
- Tate=select(Ban,
- abs(Cv_#_1-Cv_(#+1)_1)<=
- 10^(-2)*abs(Cv_#_2-Cv_(#+1)_2)
- );
- Ban=remove(Ban,Tate);
- Ylist=[];
- forall(Ban,
- tmp=Cv_#;
- x1=tmp_1; y1=tmp_2;
- tmp=Cv_(#+1);
- x2=tmp_1; y2=tmp_2;
- tmp=((x2-X0)*y1+(X0-x1)*y2)/(x2-x1);
- Ylist=append(Ylist,tmp);
- );
- forall(Tate,
- tmp=Cv_#;
- x1=tmp_1; y1=tmp_2;
- tmp=Cv_(#+1);
- x2=tmp_1; y2=tmp_2;
- tmp1=min([y1,y2]);
- tmp2=max([y1,y2]);
- if(Y0<tmp1,
- tmp=tmp1;
- ,
- if(Y0>tmp2,
- tmp=tmp2;
- ,
- tmp=Y0;
- );
- );
- Ylist=append(Ylist,tmp);
- );
- tmp=sort(Ylist,abs(#_1-Y0));
- [X0,tmp_1];
- regional(par,p1,p2,dx,dy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- par=0.5;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- if(length(tmp_6)>0,
- par=tmp_6_1;
- );
- p1=Lcrd(p1org);//16.10.11from
- p2=Lcrd(p2org);
- dx=p2_1-p1_1;
- dy=p2_2-p1_2;
- tmp1=(1-par)*p1+par*p2;
- if(abs(dx)>abs(dy),
- tmp=name+".x";
- tmp2="["+tmp+",dy/dx*("+tmp+"-p1_1)+p1_2]";//16.10.11until
- Putpoint(name,tmp1,parse(tmp2));
- ,
- if(abs(dy)>0,
- tmp=name+".y";
- tmp2="[dx/dy*("+tmp+"-p1.y)+p1_1,"+tmp+"]";
- Putpoint(name,tmp1,parse(tmp2));
- ,
- tmp2=p1;//16.10.11
- Putpoint(name,tmp1,tmp2);
- );
- );
- regional(seg,p1,p2);
- if(isstring(sgstr),seg=parse(sgstr),seg=sgstr);
- PutonSeg(name,LLcrd(seg_1),LLcrd(seg_2));
- regional(par,dx,dy,p,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- par=0.5;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- if(length(tmp_6)>0,
- par=tmp_6_1;
- );
- p1=Lcrd(p1org);//16.10.11from
- p2=Lcrd(p2org);
- PutonLine(name,p1,p2,[par]);
- dx=p2_1-p1_1;
- dy=p2_2-p1_2;
- p=parse(name+".xy");
- p=LLcrd(p);
- if(abs(dx)>abs(dy) & (p_1-p1_1)*(p_1-p2_1)>0,
- if(|p-p1|<|p-p2|,
- parse(name+".xy=Pcrd(p1)");
- ,
- parse(name+".xy=Pcrd(p2)");
- );
- );
- if(abs(dx)<abs(dy) & (p_2-p1_2)*(p_2-p2_2)>0,
- if(|p-p1|<|p-p2|,
- parse(name+".xy=Pcrd(p1)");
- ,
- parse(name+".xy=Pcrd(p2)");//16.10.11until
- );
- );
- regional(Pmt,pstr,optionL,leftlim,rightlim,tmp,tmp1,Flg,Msg);
- if(!islist(options),optionL=[options],optionL=options);
- leftlim=XMIN;
- rightlim=XMAX;
- Flg=0;
- Msg="y";
- forall(optionL,
- if(isstring(#), // 16.02.10 from
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
- if(tmp1=="N", Msg="n"); // 16.02.10 until
- ,
- if(Flg==0,
- leftlim=#;
- Flg=Flg+1;
- ,
- rightlim=#;
- );
- );
- );
- Pmt=MeetCurve(crv,leftlim,0);
- pstr=apply(allpoints(),textformat(#,5)); // 15.04.07
- if(!contains(pstr,pn),
- createpoint(pn,Pcrd(Pmt));
- ,
- tmp1=parse(pn+".x");
- if(tmp1< leftlim % tmp1>rightlim,
- if(tmp1< leftlim,tmp= leftlim, tmp=rightlim);
- Pmt=MeetCurve(crv,textformat(tmp,5),pn+".y");
- ,
- Pmt=MeetCurve(crv,pn+".x",pn+".y");
- );
- ptstr=pn+".xy="+textformat(Pcrd(Pmt),5)+";";
- parse(ptstr);
- );
- if(Msg=="y",
- println("Put "+pn+" on Curve "+text(crv));
- );
- regional(Mx1,Mx2,Mx3,tmp,Crs1,Crs2,Crs3,Crs4,df1,df2);
- Mx1=range_1; Mx2=range_2;
- repeat(15,
- Mx3=(Mx1+Mx2)/2;
- Crs1=MeetCurve(Crv1,Mx1,0);
- Crs2=MeetCurve(Crv2,Mx1,0);
- Crs3=MeetCurve(Crv1,Mx3,0);
- Crs4=MeetCurve(Crv2,Mx3,0);
- df1=Crs1_2-Crs2_2;
- df2=Crs3_2-Crs4_2;
- if((df1>0 & df2>0) % (df1<0 & df2<0),
- Mx1=Mx3;
- ,
- Mx2=Mx3;
- );
- );
- Putpoint(name,Crs1);
- SCALEY=sc;
- Com0th("Setscaling("+sc+")");
- Setwindow("Msg=no");
-Periodfun(defL,rep,optionorg):=( // 16.11.24
-//help:Periodfun(["0",[-1,0],"1",1,[0,1],1],2(num of repetition),options);
-//help:Periodfun(defL=[function string, range, devision number,...]);
- regional(nn,fun,range,num,options,nr,maxfun,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,connect,minx,maxx,pdata,Eps,prept);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- connect="Y";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1);
- tmp=substring(#,0,3);
- if(Toupper(tmp)=="CON",
- connect=Toupper(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- minx=10000;
- maxx=-10000;
- mxfun="";
- pdata=[];
- forall(1..(length(defL)/3),nn,
- fun=defL_(3*nn-2);
- range=defL_(3*nn-1);
- tmp1=if(isstring(range_1),parse(range_1),range_1); //17.06.11(2lines)
- tmp2=if(isstring(range_2),parse(range_2),range_2);
- minx=min(minx,tmp1);
- maxx=max(maxx,tmp2);
- num=defL_(3*nn);
- options=append(options,"Num="+text(num));
- Plotdata("pe"+text(nn),fun,
- "x="+textformat([tmp1,tmp2],5),options);
- pdata=append(pdata,"grpe"+text(nn));
- tmp1=range_1; //17.06.11(4lines)
- if(isstring(tmp1),tmp1=replace(tmp1,"pi","%pi"),tmp1=format(tmp1,5));
- tmp2=range_2;
- if(isstring(tmp2),tmp2=replace(tmp2,"pi","%pi"),tmp2=format(tmp2,5));
- mxfun=mxfun+"elseif ("+tmp1+
- "<=x and x<"+tmp2+") then "+fun+" ";
- );
- per=maxx-minx;
- forall(1..rep,nr,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(pdata,
- Translatedata("p"+#+text(nr),#,[per*nr,0],options);
- Translatedata("m"+#+text(nr),#,[-per*nr,0],options);
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,["trp"+#+text(nr),"trm"+#+text(nr)]);
- );
- );
- pdata=concat(pdata,tmp1);
- if(connect=="Y",
- Eps=10^(-5);
- pdata=sort(pdata,[parse(#)_1_1]);
- prept=parse(pdata_1)_1;
- forall(1..(length(pdata)),
- tmp=parse(pdata_#);
- tmp1=tmp_1;
- tmp2=tmp_(length(tmp));
- if(|prept-tmp1|>Eps,
- Listplot("con"+text(#),[prept,tmp1],append(options,"da"));
- );
- prept=tmp_(length(tmp));
- );
- );
- mxfun=substring(mxfun,4,length(mxfun)-1);
- [mxfun,per];
- Fourierseries(nm,coeff,per,nterm,[]); // 16.11.24
- regional(c0,cn,sn,fs,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- c0=coeff_1;
- if(!isstring(c0),c0=format(c0,5));
- c0=replace(c0,"%pi","pi");
- cn=coeff_2;
- if(!isstring(cn),cn=format(cn,5));
- cn=replace(cn,"%pi","pi");
- sn=coeff_3;
- if(!isstring(sn),sn=format(sn,5));
- sn=replace(sn,"%pi","pi");
- fs=c0;
- forall(1..nterm,
- tmp=parse(Assign(cn,["n",#]));
- tmp1=Assign("("+format(tmp,5)+")*cos(n*2*pi/per*x)",
- ["n",#,"per",per]);
- tmp=parse(Assign(sn,["n",#]));
- tmp2=Assign("("+format(tmp,5)+")*sin(n*2*pi/per*x)",
- ["n",#,"per",per]);
- fs=fs+"+"+tmp1+"+"+tmp2;
- );
- Plotdata("four"+nm,fs,"x",options);
- regional(options,rng,name,upleft,ul,flg,tick,eqL,reL,n,m,xsize,ysize,
- rlist,clist,Tb,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Eps);
-// name="tb"+nm;
- name="tb";
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5; //16.12.16from
- reL=tmp_6;
- rng="Y";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,2));
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
- if(tmp1=="RN",
- rng=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );//16.12.16until
- tick=1;
- flg=0;
- forall(reL,
- if(flg==0,
- tick=#;
- flg=flg+1;
- ,
- upleft=tmp_6_1;
- );
- );
- tmp=sum(yLst);
- upleft=[0,tmp];
- TableOptions=options; // 16.11.28
- println("Tabledatalight "+name+" generated");
- ul=upleft/10;
- m=length(xLst);
- n=length(yLst);
- xsize=sum(xLst);
- ysize=sum(yLst);
- clist=[ul];
- rlist=[ul];
- forall(1..m,
- tmp1=clist_(#)_1+xLst_#/10;
- clist=append(clist,[tmp1,clist_1_2]);
- );
- forall(1..n,
- tmp1=rlist_(#)_2-yLst_#/10;
- rlist=append(rlist,[0,tmp1]);
- );
- Tb=[clist,rlist];
- tmp=name+"="+Tb;
- parse(tmp);
- forall(0..m,
- tmp1="c"+text(#)+"r0";
- tmp2="c"+text(#)+"r"+text(n);
- Tlistplot("c"+text(#)+"r0r"+text(n),[tmp1,tmp2],options);
- if(mod(#,tick)==0 % #==m,
- tmp=clist_(#+1);
- drawtext(clist_(#+1)-[0.04,-0.1],"c"+text(#));
- );
- );
- forall(0..n,
- tmp1="c0r"+text(#);
- tmp2="c"+text(m)+"r"+text(#);
- Tlistplot("r"+text(#)+"c0c"+text(m),[tmp1,tmp2],options);
- if(mod(#,tick)==0 % #==n,
- tmp=rlist_(#+1);
- drawtext(rlist_(#+1)-[0.4,0.1],"r"+text(#));
- );
- );
- Tsegrmv(rmvL,options);
- Addax(0);
- Eps=10^(-3);
- tmp1=clist_(length(clist));
- tmp2=rlist_1;
- tmp3=rlist_(length(rlist));
- if(rng=="Y", // 16.12.16
- Setwindow([0-Eps,tmp1_1+Eps],[tmp3_2-Eps,tmp2_2+Eps]);
- );
- Tb;
- Tabledata(nm,n,m,xsize,ysize,rmvL,[]);
- regional(Tb,name,tmp,xLst,yLst);
- name="tb"+nm;
- xLst=apply(1..n,xsize/n);
- yLst=apply(1..m,ysize/m);
- Tabledata(nm,xLst,yLst,rmvL,options)
- regional(name,options,eqL,reL,rng,upleft,ul,flg,tick,n,m,xsize,ysize,
- rlist,clist,Tb,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Eps);
-// name="tb"+nm;
- name="tb";
- tmp=sum(yLst);
- upleft=[0,tmp];
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5; //16.12.16from
- reL=tmp_6;
- rng="Y";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,2));
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
- if(tmp1=="RN",
- rng=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );//16.12.16until
- tick=1;
- flg=0;
- forall(reL,
- if(flg==0,
- tick=#;
- flg=flg+1;
- ,
- upleft=tmp_6_1;
- );
- );
- TableOptions=options; // 16.11.28
- println("Tabledata "+name+" generated");
- ul=upleft/10;
- m=length(xLst);
- n=length(yLst);
- xsize=sum(xLst);
- ysize=sum(yLst);
- clist=[ul];
- rlist=[ul];
- forall(1..m,
- tmp1=clist_(#)_1+xLst_#/10;
- clist=append(clist,[tmp1,clist_1_2]);
- );
- forall(1..n,
- tmp1=rlist_(#)_2-yLst_#/10;
- rlist=append(rlist,[0,tmp1]);
- );
- Tb=[clist,rlist];
- tmp=name+"="+Tb;
- parse(tmp);
- forall(0..m,
- tmp="C"+text(#);
- tmp1="c"+text(#)+"r0";
- if(#==0,
- Putpoint(tmp,Tgrid(tmp1));
- ,
- Putpoint(tmp,Tgrid(tmp1),[parse(tmp+".x"),C0.y]);
- clist_(#+1)=parse(tmp+".xy");
- );
- inspect(parse(tmp),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp),"labeled",false);
- if(mod(#,tick)==0 % #==m,
- tmp=clist_(#+1);
- drawtext(clist_(#+1)-[0.04,-0.1],"c"+text(#));
- );
- );
- forall(0..n,
- tmp="R"+text(#);
- tmp1="c0r"+text(#);
- if(#==0,
- Putpoint(tmp,Tgrid(tmp1));
- ,
- Putpoint(tmp,Tgrid(tmp1),[R0.x,parse(tmp+".y")]);
- rlist_(#+1)=parse(tmp+".xy");
- );
- Putpoint(tmp,Tgrid(tmp1),[R0.x,parse(tmp+".y")]);
- inspect(parse(tmp),"ptsize",3);
- inspect(parse(tmp),"labeled",false);
- if(mod(#,tick)==0 % #==n,
- tmp=rlist_(#+1);
- drawtext(rlist_(#+1)-[0.4,0.1],"r"+text(#));
- );
- );
- Tb=[clist,rlist];
- tmp=name+"="+Tb;
- parse(tmp);
- forall(0..m,
- tmp1="c"+text(#)+"r0";
- tmp2="c"+text(#)+"r"+text(n);
- Tlistplot("c"+text(#)+"r0r"+text(n),[tmp1,tmp2],options);
- if(#<m,
- tmp1=parse("C"+text(#));
- tmp2=parse("C"+text(#+1));
- tmp=(tmp1.xy+tmp2.xy)/2;
- drawtext(tmp+[-0.2,0.5],text((tmp2.x-tmp1.x)*10));
- );
- );
- forall(0..n,
- tmp1="c0r"+text(#);
- tmp2="c"+text(m)+"r"+text(#);
- Tlistplot("r"+text(#)+"c0c"+text(m),[tmp1,tmp2],options);
- if(#<n,
- tmp1=parse("R"+text(#));
- tmp2=parse("R"+text(#+1));
- tmp=(tmp1.xy+tmp2.xy)/2;
- drawtext(tmp-[1.2,0.1],text(abs(tmp1.y-tmp2.y)*10));
- );
- );
- Tsegrmv(rmvL,options);
- Addax(0);
- Eps=10^(-3);
- tmp1=clist_(length(clist));
- tmp2=rlist_1;
- tmp3=rlist_(length(rlist)); // 15.06.11
- if(rng=="Y", // 16.12.16
- Setwindow([0-Eps,tmp1_1+Eps],[tmp3_2-Eps,tmp2_2+Eps]);
- );
- Tb;
- regional(cr,tp,tpc,n1,n2,n3,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(substring(seg,0,2)=="sg",
- cr=substring(seg,2,length(seg));
- ,
- cr=seg;
- );
- tp=substring(cr,0,1);
- if(tp=="c",
- tpc="r";
- ,
- tpc="c";
- );
- tmp1=indexof(cr,tpc);
- tmp=substring(cr,tmp1,length(cr));
- tmp2=tmp1+indexof(tmp,tpc);
- n1=substring(cr,1,tmp1-1);
- n2=substring(cr,tmp1,tmp2-1);
- n3=substring(cr,tmp2,length(cr));
- [tp+n1,tpc,parse(n2),parse(n3)];
- regional(cr,gcL,flg,gc,hd,tail,tpc,m1,m2,n1,n2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- forall(rmvL,cr,
- tmp1=Tseginfo(cr);
- hd=tmp1_1;
- tpc=tmp1_2;
- m1=tmp1_3;
- m2=tmp1_4;
- gcL=select(GCLIST,Tseginfo(#_1)_1==tmp1_1);
- flg=0;
- forall(gcL,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=Tseginfo(#_1);
- n1=tmp_3;
- n2=tmp_4;
- if(m1>=n1 & m2<=n2,
- gc=#;
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,
- Changestyle([gc_1],["nodisp"]);
- tail="";
- if(indexof(hd,"r")>0,
- tail=hd; hd="";
- );
- if(n1<m1,
- tmp1=tpc+text(n1);
- tmp2=tpc+text(m1);
- tmp=hd+tail+tmp1+tmp2;
- Tlistplot(tmp,[hd+tmp1+tail,hd+tmp2+tail],options);
- );
- if(m2<n2,
- tmp1=tpc+text(m2);
- tmp2=tpc+text(n2);
- tmp=hd+tail+tmp1+tmp2;
- Tlistplot(tmp,[hd+tmp1+tail,hd+tmp2+tail],options);
- );
- );
- );
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=parse(ptstr);
- if(islist(tmp),
- tmp;
- ,
- tmp=indexof(ptstr,"r");
- tmp1=substring(ptstr,1,tmp-1);
- tmp1=parse(tmp1);
- tmp2=substring(ptstr,tmp,length(ptstr));
- tmp2=parse(tmp2);
- [tb_1_(tmp1+1)_1,tb_2_(tmp2+1)_2];
- );
- regional(nm,ptL,options);
- if(isstring(Ag1),
- nm=Ag1;
- ptL=Ag2;
- options=[];
- ,
- ptL=Ag1;
- options=Ag2;
- nm=ptL_1+ptL_2;
- );
- Tlistplot(nm,ptL,options);
- regional(tmp,tmp1);
- tmp1=divoptions(options);//180404from
- tmp1=tmp1_5;
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,Toupper(substring(#,0,1)));
- if(contains(tmp1,"M"),
- tmp1=options;
- ,
- tmp1=append(options,"Msg=n");
- );//180404to
- tmp=apply(ptL,Tgrid(#)); // 15.06.03
- Listplot(nm,tmp,tmp1);
- regional(nmL,grid,head,sb,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,
- tsg,segall,sg,str);
- if(islist(nameL),nmL=nameL,nmL=[nameL]);
- forall(nmL,grid,
- if(substring(grid,0,1)=="r",sb="c",sb="r");
- tmp=Indexall(grid,sb);
- head=substring(grid,0,tmp_1-1);
- tmp1=substring(grid,tmp_1,tmp_2-1);
- tmp2=substring(grid,tmp_2,length(grid));
- tsg=apply([tmp1,tmp2],parse(#));
- tmp1=apply(GCLIST,#_1); // 16.12.06from
- segall=[];
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp2=substring(#,2,length(#));
- tmp=indexof(tmp2,sb);
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,tmp-1);
- if(head==tmp2,segall=append(segall,#));
- );// 16.12.06until
- sg=[];
- forall(segall,
- tmp=Indexall(#,sb);
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp_1,tmp_2-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp_2,length(#));
- tmp=apply([tmp1,tmp2],parse(#));
- if((tsg_1>=tmp_1) & (tsg_2<=tmp_2),
- sg=tmp;
- Changestyle(#,["nodisp"]);
- );
- );
- if(length(sg)==0,
- println("No segment includes "+grid);
- ,
- if(sb=="c",str=sb+"no"+head,str=head+sb+"no");
- if(sg_1<tsg_1,
- tmp1=replace(str,"no",text(sg_1));
- tmp2=replace(str,"no",text(tsg_1));
- tmp=head+sb+text(sg_1)+"c"+text(tsg_1);
- Tlistplot(tmp,[tmp1,tmp2],TableOptions);
- );
- tmp1=replace(str,"no",text(tsg_1));
- tmp2=replace(str,"no",text(tsg_2));
- tmp=head+"c"+text(tsg_1)+"c"+text(tsg_2);
- Tlistplot(tmp,[tmp1,tmp2],style);
- if(tsg_2<sg_2,
- tmp1=replace(str,"no",text(tsg_2));
- tmp2=replace(str,"no",text(sg_2));
- tmp=head+"c"+text(tsg_2)+"c"+text(sg_2);
- Tlistplot(tmp,[tmp1,tmp2],TableOptions);
- );
- );
- );
- regional(tmp1,tmp2,posnw,posse,ctr,dx,dy);
- if(isstring(pos1),
- posnw=Tgrid(pos1); // 15.05.20
- posse=Tgrid(pos2);
- //posnw=parse(pos1);
- //posse=parse(pos2);
- ,
- if(islist(pos1),
- posnw=pos1;
- posse=pos2;
- ,
- tmp1="c"+text(pos1-1)+"r"+text(pos2-1);
- tmp2="c"+text(pos1)+"r"+text(pos2);
- posnw=Tgrid(tmp1);
- posse=Tgrid(tmp2);
-// posnw=parse(tmp1);
-// posse=parse(tmp2);
- );
- );
- ctr=(posnw+posse)/2;
- dx=abs(posse_1-ctr_1);
- dy=abs(posnw_2-ctr_2);
- [ctr,dx,dy];
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,posnw,posse,
- posdir,posstr,ctr,dx,dy);
- tmp=Findcell(Tbdata,pos1,pos2);
- ctr=tmp_1; dx=tmp_2; dy=tmp_3;
- posdir=ctr;
- posstr=dir;
- if(indexof(dir,"b")>0,
- posdir_2=posdir_2-dy;
- posstr=replace(posstr,"b","n");
- );
- if(indexof(dir,"t")>0,
- posdir_2=posdir_2+dy;
- posstr=replace(posstr,"t","s");
- );
- if(indexof(dir,"l")>0,
- posdir_1=posdir_1-dx;
- posstr=replace(posstr,"l","e");
- );
- if(indexof(dir,"r")>0,
- posdir_1=posdir_1+dx;
- posstr=replace(posstr,"r","w");
- );
- Letter(posdir,posstr,text(lttr));
-//help:Putcellexpr(2,3,"c","\sin x");
- Putcell(Tbdata,pos1,pos2,dir,"$"+text(ex)+"$");
- regional(tmp,tmp1,mcol);
- mcol=length(lttrL);
- forall(1..mcol,
- Putcell(Tbdata,#,nrow,dir,lttrL_#);
- );
- regional(lttrL);
- lttrL=apply(exL,"$"+#+"$");
- Putrow(Tbdata,nrow,dir,lttrL);
- regional(tmp,tmp1,nrow);
- nrow=length(lttrL);
- forall(1..nrow,
- Putcell(Tbdata,mcol,#,dir,lttrL_#);
- );
- regional(lttrL);
- lttrL=apply(exL,"$"+#+"$");
- PutcoL(Tbdata,mcol,dir,lttrL);
- SW.xy=Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]);
- NE.xy=Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]);
- drawpoly([Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]), Pcrd([XMAX,YMIN]),
- Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]),Pcrd([XMIN,YMAX])],color->[1,1,1]);
- regional(plotlist,comp,pos,out,out2,nn,strL,flg,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Nj);
- plotlist=Flatten([list]);
- out=replace(plotlist_1,".xy","");
- out=replace(out,".x","(1)");
- out=replace(out,".y","(2)");
- if(length(plotlist)==1,
- comp=[];
- forall(1..length(out),
- comp=append(comp,substring(out,#-1,#));
- );
- out="";
- pos=0;
- forall(comp,
- if(#!="'",
- out=out+#;
- ,
- if(pos==0,
- tmp=indexof(out,"Assign(");
- if(substring(out,length(out)-7,length(out))=="Assign(",
- out=out+"'";
- pos=1;
- ,
- out=out+"Assign('";
- pos=2;
- );
- ,
- if(pos==2,
- out=out+"')";
- ,
- out=out+"'";
- );
- pos=0;
- );
- );
- );
- ,
- forall(2..length(plotlist),
- comp=plotlist_#;
- if(isstring(comp),
- pos=indexof(comp,"Assign(");
- if(pos>0,
- comp=substring(comp,6,length(comp));
- );
- out=out+"Assign(";
- comp=replace(comp,".xy","");
- comp=replace(comp,".x","(1)");
- comp=replace(comp,".y","(2)");
- out=out+"'"+comp+"'";
- out=out+"),";
- );
- if(islist(comp),
- forall(comp,
- out=out+"'"+#+"',";
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(plotlist)>1,
- out=substring(out,0,length(out)-1);
- out=out+");";
- );
- );
- pos=[];
- forall(1..length(out),
- tmp=indexof(substring(out,#-1,length(out)),"Assign");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=#-1+tmp;
- if(length(pos)==0,
- pos=[tmp1];
- ,
- if(pos_(length(pos))<tmp1,
- pos=append(pos,tmp1);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(pos)>0,
- strL=[];
- Nj=0;
- forall(pos,
- tmp=substring(out,Nj,#-1);
- strL=append(strL,tmp);
- Nj=#-1;
- );
- strL=append(strL,substring(out,Nj,length(out)));
- out="";
- forall(strL,
- if(indexof(#,"Assign")==0,
- out=out+#;
- ,
- tmp=indexof(#,"('");
- tmp1=indexof(#,"')");
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp+1,tmp1-2);
- tmp3=substring(#,tmp1-2,length(#));
- if(indexof(tmp2,"=")==0,
- out=out+#;
- ,
- tmp=substring(tmp2,0,indexof(tmp2,"="));
- out=out+"'"+tmp+"'+"+"Assign('";
- tmp=substring(tmp2,indexof(tmp2,"="),length(tmp2));
- out=out+tmp+tmp3;
- );
- );
- );
- );
- out2=""; // patched 16.01.21 from
- nn=length(out);
- flg=0;
- forall(1..nn,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=indexof(out,"='+Assign('");
- if(tmp==0,
- out2=out2+out;
- flg=1;
- ,
- out2=out2+substring(out,0,tmp);
- out=substring(out,tmp+10,length(out));
- tmp=indexof(out,"'"); // 16.04.19 from
- tmp1=substring(out,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2="1234567890";
- tmp=apply(1..length(tmp1),
- indexof(tmp2,substring(tmp1,#-1,#)));
- tmp=min(tmp);
- if(tmp==0, // 16.04.19 until
- out2=out2+"'+Assign('";
- ,
- tmp=indexof(out,"'");
- out=substring(out,0,tmp)+substring(out,tmp+1,length(out));
- // 16.04.18 until
- );
- );
- );
- );
- out2=replace(out2,"Dist=","D=");
- out2=replace(out2,"Dis=","D=");
- out2;
- regional(posL,mxlv,rep1,rep2,rep3,prev,out,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- rep1="c("; rep2="c("; rep3="list(";
- if(listfrom<3,rep2="list(");
- if(listfrom==1,rep1="list(");
- posL=Bracket(str,"[]");
- tmp=apply(posL,#_2);
- mxlv=max(tmp);
- out="";
- prev=0;
- forall(posL,
- out=out+substring(str,prev,#_1-1);
- prev=#_1;
- if(#_2>0,
- tmp1=select(posL,tmp,(tmp_2<0)&(tmp_1>#_1));
- tmp1=tmp1_1_1;
- tmp=substring(str,#_1,tmp1);
- if(#_2==mxlv,out=out+rep1);
- if(#_2==mxlv-1,out=out+rep2);
- if(#_2<=mxlv-2,out=out+rep3);
- ,
- out=out+")";
- );
- );
- out=out+substring(str,prev,length(str));
- out=replace(out,".xy","");
- out=replace(out,".x","[1]");
- out=replace(out,".y","[2]");
- out=replace(out,"c(1)","[1]");//17.10.06(2lines)
- out=replace(out,"c(2)","[2]");
- out;
-RSslash(str):=( //17.09.24
- regional(tmp);
- tmp=replace(str,"\","\\");
-// tmp=replace(tmp,"\\\\","\\");
- tmp;
- regional(plotlist,comp,pos,out,strL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Nj);
- out=list;
- out=replace(out,"[[[","list([[");
- out=replace(out,"[","c(");
- out=replace(out,"]",")");
- out=replace(out,".xy","");
- out=replace(out,".x","[1]");
- out=replace(out,".y","[2]");
- out;
- regional(name,value,tmp,tmp1);
- if(isstring(varstr),
- parse(varstr);
- tmp=indexof(varstr,"=");
- name=substring(varstr,0,tmp-1);
- value=substring(varstr,tmp,length(varstr));
- value=parse(value);
- tmp1=select(1..length(VLIST),VLIST_#_1==name);
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- tmp=tmp1_1;
- VLIST_tmp=[name,value];
- ,
- VLIST=prepend([name,value],VLIST);
- );
- ,
- forall(1..(length(varstr)/2), // 16.11.16from
- name=varstr_(2*#-1);
- value=varstr_(2*#);
- Defvar(name,value);
- ); // 16.11.16until
- );
- regional(tmp,tmp1);
- if(islist(value),
- tmp1="[";
- forall(value,
- if(isstring(#), // 16.11.14
- tmp1=tmp1+Dq+#+Dq+","; // 16.11.14
- ,
- tmp1=tmp1+format(#,5)+",";
- );
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
- ,
- tmp1=format(value,5);
- );
- tmp=name+"="+tmp1; // 15.02.06
- parse(tmp);
- VLIST=select(VLIST,#_1!=name); // 15.02.08
- VLIST=prepend([name,value],VLIST);
- regional(str,pre,post,sub,ppL,ifstr,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- str=strorg;
- ifstr=indexof(str,"if(");
- if(ifstr==0,
- out=replace(str,",","}else{");
- ,
- pre=substring(str,0,ifstr-1)+"if(";
- ppL=Bracket(str,"()");
- tmp1=ifstr+2;
- tmp=select(ppL,#_1==tmp1);
- tmp=select(ppL,#_2==-tmp_1_2);
- tmp2=tmp_1_1;
- sub=substring(str,tmp1,tmp2-1);
- post="}"+substring(str,tmp2,length(str));
- tmp=indexof(sub,",");
- tmp1=substring(sub,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(sub,tmp,length(sub));
- sub=tmp1+"){"+tmp2;
- tmp=IftoR(sub);
- out=pre+tmp+"}";
- );
- out;
- regional(str,pre,post,sub,ppL,forstr,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- str=strorg;
- forstr=indexof(str,"forall(");
- if(forstr==0,
- out=str;
- ,
- pre=substring(str,0,forstr-1)+"for(";
- ppL=Bracket(str,"()");
- tmp1=forstr+6;
- tmp=select(ppL,#_1==tmp1);
- tmp=select(ppL,#_2==-tmp_1_2);
- tmp2=tmp_1_1;
- sub=substring(str,tmp1,tmp2-1);
- post="}"+substring(str,tmp2,length(str));
- tmp=indexof(sub,",");
- tmp1=substring(sub,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(sub,tmp,length(sub));
- sub=tmp1+"){"+tmp2;
- tmp1=indexof(sub,"{");
- tmp2=indexof(sub,",");
- tmp=substring(sub,tmp1,tmp2-1);
- pre=pre+tmp+" in "+substring(sub,0,tmp1-1)+"{";
- sub=substring(sub,tmp2,length(sub));
- tmp=FortoR(sub);
- out=pre+tmp+"}";
- );
- out=replace(out,"..",":");
- out;
- regional(funstr,str,Pos,nbody,bdy,ppL,bpL,excma,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- funstr=name+":=(";
- forall(bodylist,
- funstr=funstr+#+";";
- );
- funstr=funstr+");";
- parse(funstr);
- tmp=indexof(name,"(");
- str=substring(name,0,tmp-1)+"<-function(";
- str=str+substring(name,tmp,length(name))+"{";
- forall(1..(length(bodylist)-1),nbody,
- bdy=bodylist_nbody;
- Pos=indexof(bdy,"regional")+indexof(bdy,"local");
- if(Pos==0,
- bdy=replace(bdy,LFmark,"");
- bdy=replace(bdy," ","");
- ppL=Bracket(bdy,"()");
- bpL=Bracket(bdy,"[]");
- tmp1=select(bpL,#_2==1);
- tmp2=select(bpL,#_2==-1);
- excma=[];
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
- excma=append(excma,[tmp1_#_1,tmp2_#_1]);
- );
- tmp1=Indexall(bdy,",");
- forall(tmp1,cma,
- tmp=select(excma,(#_1<cma)&(cma<#_2));
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- bdy=substring(bdy,0,cma-1)+"'"+substring(bdy,cma,length(bdy));
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(bdy,"forall");
- if(tmp>0,
- bdy=FortoR(bdy);
- );
- tmp=indexof(bdy,"if(");
- if(tmp>0,
- bdy=IftoR(bdy);
- );
- bdy=RSform(replace(bdy,"'",","));
- str=str+bdy+";";
- );
- );
- str=str+"return("+bodylist_(length(bodylist))+")}";
- FUNLIST=append(FUNLIST,str);
- regional(Nj,Nk,Dt,Vj,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,opcindy);
- gsave();
- layer(KETPIClayer);
- forall(GCLIST,Nj,
- if(isstring(Nj_1),Dt=parse(Nj_1),Dt=Nj_1); // 11.17
- if(islist(Dt) & length(Dt)>0, // 12.19,12.22
- tmp=MeasureDepth(Dt);
- if(tmp==1,Dt=[Dt]);
- opcindy=Nj_3;
- if(Nj_2<0,tmp1=0,tmp1=Nj_2);
- if(tmp1<10,
- forall(Dt,Nk,
-// tmp2=apply(Nk,if(ispoint(#),Lcrd(#),#));
-// tmp2=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
- tmp2=Nk; // 14.12.04
- if(length(Nk)>1,
- tmp="connect("+textformat(tmp2,5)+
- ",dashtype->"+text(tmp1)+",linecolor->"+KCOLOR+opcindy+")";
- parse(tmp);
- ,
- if(length(Nk)==1,
- tmp="draw("+text(tmp2_1)+opcindy+")"; // 14.12.31
- parse(tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
-// if(ADDAXES=="1", // 16.10.08from
-// draw([XMIN,0],[XMAX,0],color->[0,0.2,0]);
-// draw([0,YMIIN],[0,YMAX],color->[0,0.2,0]);
-// Letter([[XMAX,0],"e","x",[0,YMAX],"n","y"]);
-// Letter([[0,0],"sw","O"]);
-// ); // 16.10.08until
- grestore();
- layer(0);
- regional(pdata,Nj,Nk,Dt,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,opcindy);
- gsave();
- layer(KETPIClayer);
- if(!islist(pltdata),tmp=[pltdata],tmp=pltdata);
- pdata=select(GCLIST,contains(tmp,#_1));
- forall(pdata,Nj,
- if(isstring(Nj_1),Dt=parse(Nj_1),Dt=Nj_1); // 11.17
- if(islist(Dt) & length(Dt)>0, // 12.19,12.22
- tmp=MeasureDepth(Dt);
- if(tmp==1,Dt=[Dt]);
- opcindy=Nj_3;
- if(Nj_2<0,tmp1=0,tmp1=Nj_2);
- if(tmp1<10,
- forall(Dt,Nk,
- tmp2=Nk; // 14.12.04
- if(length(Nk)>1,
- tmp="connect("+textformat(tmp2,5)+ // 15.05.11
- ",dashtype->"+text(tmp1)+
- ",linecolor->"+KCOLOR+opcindy+")";
- parse(tmp);
- ,
- if(length(Nk)==1,
- tmp="draw("+text(tmp2_1)+opcindy+")"; // 14.12.31
- parse(tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- grestore();
- layer(0);
-WritetoSci():=WritetoRS(); //17.12.19
-WritetoRS():=WritetoRS(FnameR);// 17.09.17from
- regional(string,filename,shch,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(isstring(Arg),
- string=Arg;
- if(indexof(string,".r")>0,
- filename=string;
- shch="";
- ,
- filename=FnameR;
- shch=string;
- );
- WritetoRS(filename,shch);
- ,
- if(Arg<=1,WritetoRS(FnameR,"all"));
- if(Arg==2,WritetoRS(FnameR,"sh"));
- );
- regional(Plist,Pos,GrL,str,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,cmd);
- println("Write to R "+filename);
- Plist=[];
- Pnamelist=[];
- forall(remove(allpoints(),[SW,NE]),
- tmp=Lcrd(#);
- tmp1=format(re(tmp_1),6);// 15.02.05
- tmp2=format(re(tmp_2),6);
- tmp=tmp+"Assignadd('""',"")";
- Plist=append(Plist,tmp);
- );
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
- tmp=Datetime();
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"# date time="+tmp_1+" "+tmp_2);
- if(isstring(CindyPathName), // 16.12.25from
- if(length(CindyPathName)>0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- "# path file="+CindyPathName+" "+CindyFileName+".cdy");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- );
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- );
- tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/");
- if((iswindows())&(indexof(tmp1,"Users")>0),
- tmp=Indexall(tmp1,"/");
- tmp2=substring(tmp1,tmp_3-1,length(tmp1));
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,tmp_3-1);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Drv=shell('echo %HOMEDRIVE%',intern=TRUE)");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Drv=Drv[length(Drv)]");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Hpath=shell('echo %HOMEPATH%',intern=TRUE)");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Hpath=Hpath[length(Hpath)]");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Rest="+Dqq(tmp2));
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Path=paste(Drv,Hpath,Rest,sep='')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"setwd(Path)");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"setwd('"+tmp1+"')");
- );//180409to
- tmp=replace(Libname,"\","/"); //17.09.24from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"source('"+tmp+".r')");//temporary
- if((indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")>0)%(indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0),
- // 17.10.07added
- tmp=replace(tmp+"_rep2e","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"source('"+tmp+".r')");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Ketinit()");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cat(ThisVersion,'\n')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Fnametex='"+Fnametex+"'");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"FnameR='"+FnameR+"'");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Fnameout='"+Fnameout+"'");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"arccos=acos; arcsin=asin; arctan=atan");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- forall(COM0thlist,
- if(indexof(#,"Texcom")==0, //17.09.22
- println(SCEOUTPUT,RSform(#));
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- "Setwindow(c("+XMIN+","+XMAX+"), c("+YMIN+","+YMAX+"))");
- forall(Plist,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- forall(VLIST,
- tmp=#_1;
- tmp1=#_2;
- if(!isstring(tmp1),
- if(islist(tmp1),
- tmp2="[";
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp2=tmp2+textformat(#,6)+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+"]";
- ,
- tmp1=format(tmp1,6);
- );
- );
- tmp1=RSform(tmp1);
- print(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+"="+tmp1+";"); //17.09.22
-// tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Assignadd('"+tmp+"',"+tmp+")");
- );
- forall(FUNLIST,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- forall(GLIST,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,RSform(#));
- );
- tmp=text(Pnamelist);
- tmp=replace(tmp,"[","list(");
- Pnamelist=replace(tmp,"]",")");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"PtL="+Pnamelist);
- tmp=select(GCLIST,#_2==-1);
- GrL=apply(tmp,#_1);
- tmp=text(GrL);
- tmp=replace(tmp,"[","list(");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"]",")");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"GrL="+tmp);
- tmp1="";
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- tmp1="WriteOutData(Fnameout"+tmp1+");";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1);
- );
- forall(COM1stlist,
- if(indexof(#,"Texcom")==0, //17.09.22
- println(SCEOUTPUT,RSform(#));
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"# Windisp(GrL)");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"if(1==1){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/"); //180408to
- if((iswindows())&(indexof(tmp1,"Users")>0),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Path=paste(Path,"+Dqq("/"+Fnametex)+",sep='')");
- tmp="Openfile(Path,'"+ULEN+"'";
- ,
- tmp="Openfile('"+tmp1+"/"+Fnametex+"','"+ULEN+"'";
- );
- tmp=tmp+",'Cdy="+Cindyname()+".cdy"; //180404
- tmp=replace(tmp,"\","\\");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+"')");
- forall(COM2ndlist,
- if(indexof(#,"Texcom")==0, //17.09.22
- println(SCEOUTPUT,RSform(#));
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- );
- if(length(GrL)>0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT," Drwline(GrL)");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Closefile('"+ADDAXES+"')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
- if(shchoice=="sh",
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"quit()");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#quit()");
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
-); //17.09.17to
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- Extractdata(1,Arg1,Arg2);
- ,
- Extractdata(Arg1,Arg2,[]);
- );
- regional(dlist,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,File,Ltype,Noflg,opstr,opcindy);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- Ltype=tmp_1;
- Noflg=tmp_2;
- opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
- opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
- tmp1=[];
- forall(1..length(GOUTLIST),
- if(contains(GOUTLIST_#_2,name),
- tmp1=append(tmp1,#);
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- println(name+" not found");
- ,
- tmp1=tmp1_number;
- tmp2=GOUTLIST_tmp1;
- tmp=remove(tmp2_2,[name]);
- GOUTLIST_tmp1=[tmp2_1,tmp];
- File=tmp2_1;
- );
- if(Noflg<3,
- println("extract outdata "+name);
- tmp1=parse(name);
- tmp3=[ //17.09.18
- "Tmpout=ReadOutData("+Dq+File+Dq+")"
- ];
- GLIST=concat(GLIST,tmp3);
- );
- if(Noflg<2,
- if(isstring(Ltype),
- Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
- ,
- if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
- );
- GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
- );
- tmp2;
- regional(name,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- forall(pltlist,name,
- tmp1=[];
- forall(GOUTLIST,
- tmp=remove(#_2,[name]);
- tmp1=append(tmp1,[#_1,tmp]);
- );
- GOUTLIST=tmp1;
- );
-ReadOutData(filename):=ReadOutData("",filename); //16.03.07
- regional(path,filename,varname,varL,ptL,pts,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,
- nmbr,cmdall,cmd,cmdorg,outdt,goutdt);
- path=pathorg; //16.03.07 from
- if(length(path)>0,
- setdirectory(path);
- if(indexof(path,"\")>0,tmp1="\",tmp1="/");
- tmp=substring(path,length(path)-1,length(path));
- if(tmp!=tmp1,path=path+tmp1);
- ); //16.03.07 until
- filename=filenameorg; // 16.04.17
- if(indexof(filename,".")==0,filename=filename+".txt");
- tmp=load(filename);
- cmdall=tokenize(tmp,"//");
- varname=cmdall_1;
- cmdall=cmdall_(2..length(cmdall));
- outdt=[];
- varL=[varname];
- ptL=[];
- forall(cmdall,cmdorg,
- cmd=replace(cmdorg,LFmark,"");
- if(length(cmd)>0,
- if(cmd=="start" % cmd=="end" % substring(cmd,0,1)=="[",
- if(cmd=="start",
- pts=[];
- );
- if(cmd=="end",
- ptL=append(ptL,pts);
- );
- if(substring(cmd,0,1)=="[",
- tmp1=parse(cmd);
- if(length(tmp1_1)==2,
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,Pcrd(#));
- );
- pts=concat(pts,tmp1);
- );
- ,
- if(length(ptL)>0,
- if(length(ptL)==1,
- ptL=ptL_1;
- tmp=apply(ptL,textformat(#,6));
- ,
- tmp="[";
- forall(ptL,tmp1,
- tmp=tmp+apply(tmp1,textformat(#,6))+",";
- );
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"]";
- );
- ,
- tmp="[]";
- );
- parse(varname+"="+tmp);
- outdt=append(outdt,ptL);
- ptL=[];
- varname=cmd;
- varL=append(varL,varname);
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(ptL)>0,
- if(length(ptL)==1,
- ptL=ptL_1;
- tmp=apply(ptL,textformat(#,6));
- ,
- tmp="[";
- forall(ptL,tmp1,
- tmp=tmp+apply(tmp1,textformat(#,6))+",";
- );
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"]";
- );
- ,
- tmp="[]";
- );
- parse(varname+"="+tmp);
- outdt=append(outdt,ptL);
- if(path=="",tmp=filename,tmp=path+filename); //16.03.07
- GOUTLIST=append(GOUTLIST,[tmp,varL]);
- if(length(path)>0, // 16.03.09
- setdirectory(Dirwork); // 16.03.07
- );
- print("readoutdata from "+tmp+" : ");
- println(varL);
- varL;
- regional(nn,Gname,Gdata,Str,Gstr,Gj,Pt,Flg,tmp,tmp1,loopend);
- Flg=0;
- if(isstring(ptlist_(length(ptlist))),
- Flg=1;
- );
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
- if(Flg==0,
- loopend=length(ptlist)/2;
- ,
- loopend=length(ptlist);
- );
- Gstr="[";
- forall(1..loopend,nn,
- if(Flg==0,
- Gname=ptlist_(2*nn-1);
- ,
- Gname=ptlist_nn;
- );
- Gstr=Gstr+Gname+",";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,Gname+"//");
- if(Flg==0,
- Gdata=ptlist_(2*nn);
- ,
- Gdata=parse(Gname);
- );
- Gdata=Flattenlist(Gdata);
- if(MeasureDepth(Gdata)==1,Gdata=[Gdata]);
- forall(Gdata,Gj,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"start//");
- Str="";
- forall(Gj,Pt,
- if(length(Str)>0,
- Str=Str+","
- );
- Str=Str+"["+format(Pt_1,5)+",";
- Str=Str+format(Pt_2,5);
- if(length(Pt)<3,
- Str=Str+"]";
- ,
- Str=Str+","+format(Pt_3,5)+"]";
- );
- if(length(Str)>80,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"["+Str+"]//");
- Str="";
- );
- );
- if(length(Str)>0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"["+Str+"]//");
- );
- if((nn==loopend) & (Gj==Gdata_(length(Gdata))),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"end////");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"end//");
- );
- );
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- Gstr=substring(Gstr,0,length(Gstr)-1)+"]";
- println("writeoutdata "+filename+":"+Gstr);
- if(length(Texmain)>0,
- Texparent=Texmain;
- );
- if(length(Texparent)>0,
- Makeshell(Texparent);
- if(length(FigPdfList)>0,
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(Texparent+".tex");
- forall(FigPdfList,println(SCEOUTPUT,#));
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- );
- ,
- Makeshell(Fhead+"main");
- );
- regional(parent,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,tex,path,shnm);
- parent=Dirwork+Shellparent; // 16.05.29
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex)); // 16.06.04,06.07
- );
- tmp1="";
-// tmp2=parent;
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(parent)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(parent,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
- tmp1=substring(parent,0,#-1);
- tmp2=substring(parent,#,length(parent));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- setdirectory(tmp1);
- );
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(tmp2);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq); // 15.07.16
- tmp1=" "+Dq+Fhead+Dq+" "+Dq+texmainfile+Dq; // 15.12.11
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(PathT)),
- if(flg==0,
- if(substring(PathT,#-1,#)=="/",
- tex=substring(PathT,#,length(PathT));
- path=substring(PathT,0,#-1);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0, // 17.10.13(Norbert)
- tex=PathT;
- path="";
- );
- if(indexof(flow,"r")>0,
- tmp=Dq+PathR+Dq+" --vanilla --slave < "+Fhead+".r";
- // 17.09.14
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- if(tex=="latex" % tex=="platex" % tex=="uplatex", //17.08.13
- tmp=Dq+PathT+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".tex";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if(indexof(flow,"tt")>0,println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp)); //17.10.14
- tmp=replace(Dq+PathT+Dq,tex,"dvipdfmx")+" "+texmainfile+".dvi";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="rm "+texmainfile+".dvi";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- if(tex=="xelatex",
- tmp="export PATH="+path+":${PATH}";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="xelatex"+" "+texmainfile+".tex";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if(indexof(flow,"tt")>0,println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp)); //17.10.14
- tmp="rm "+texmainfile+".dvi";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- if(tex=="pdflatex" % tex=="pdftex",//16.11.22from
- tmp=Dq+PathT+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".tex";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if(indexof(flow,"tt")>0,println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp)); //17.10.14
- );//16.11.22until
- if(tex=="lualatex",//16.12.16
- tmp=Dq+PathT+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".tex";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if(indexof(flow,"tt")>0,println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp)); //17.10.14
- );//16.12.16
- if(!isstring(Pathpdf),
- tmp="preview";
- ,
- tmp=Pathpdf;
- );
- if(tmp=="preview" % tmp=="skim", // 16.09.09from,16.10.20
- tmp="open -a "+Dq+tmp+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".pdf";
- ,
- tmp=Dq+tmp+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".pdf";
- );// 16.09.09until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp); // 16.07.21until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
-Convsjiswin(dir,fname,ext):=( //180401
- regional(ctr,flg,mx,tmp);
- mx=200;
- ctr=0;flg=0;
- nkfwin(dir,fname,ext);
- while((!isexists(dir,fname+".out"))&(ctr<mx),
- wait(100);ctr=ctr+1;
- );
- if(ctr==mx,flg=1);
- if(flg==0,
- wait(100);ctr=0;
- nkfcpdel(dir,fname,ext);
- while((isexists(dir,fname+".out"))&(ctr<mx),
- wait(100);ctr=ctr+1;
- );
- if(ctr==mx,flg=2);
- );
- tmp=dir+pathsep()+fname+"."+ext;
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=
- println(tmp+" converted");
- ,
- println(tmp+" not converted "+text(flg));
- );
- if(length(Texmain)>0,
- Texparent=Texmain;
- );
- if(length(Texparent)>0,
- Makebat(Texparent);
- if(length(FigPdfList)>0,
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(Texparent+".tex");
- forall(FigPdfList,println(SCEOUTPUT,#));
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- );
- ,
- Makebat(Fhead+"main");
- );
- regional(drive,fname,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,tex,path,batnm);
- drive="C:";
- fname=Dirwork+Batparent;
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex)); // 16.06.04
- );
- tmp=indexof(fname,":");
- if(tmp>0,
- drive=substring(fname,0,tmp);
- fname=substring(fname,tmp,length(fname));
- );
- tmp1="";
- tmp2=fname;
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(fname)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(fname,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
- tmp1=substring(fname,0,#-1);
- tmp2=substring(fname,#,length(fname));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- setdirectory(drive+tmp1);
- );
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(tmp2);
- fname=replace(Dirwork,"/","\");
- tmp=indexof(fname,":");
- if(tmp>0,
- drive=substring(Dirwork,0,tmp);
- fname=substring(Dirwork,tmp,length(Dirwork));
- println(SCEOUTPUT,drive);
- );
- tmp=Dirwork;//180408form
- if(iswindows(),
- if((isincludefull(Dirwork))&(isexists(Dirwork,"sjis.txt")),
- import("sjis.txt");
- );
- );
-// tmp=replace(tmp,"\","/"); //180408
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+tmp+Dq); //180408
- tmp1=indexof(fname,"Users");//180409from
- tmp2=indexof(fname,Homehead);
- if((tmp1>0)%(tmp2>0),
- if(tmp1>0,
- fname=substring(fname,tmp1+length("Users")-1,length(fname));
- ,
- fname=substring(fname,tmp2+length(Homehead)-1,length(fname));
- );
- tmp=Indexall(fname,"\");//180403from
- fname=substring(fname,tmp_2,length(fname));
- fname="%HOMEPATH%\"+fname;
- );//180403to
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+fname+Dq);//180409to
- flg=0;
- tmp=replace(PathT,"\","/");
- forall(reverse(1..length(PathT)),
- if(flg==0,
- if(substring(tmp,#-1,#)=="/",
- tex=substring(PathT,#,length(PathT));
- path=substring(PathT,0,#-1);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0, // 17.10.13(Norbert)
- tex=PathT;
- path="";
- );
- if(indexof(flow,"r")>0,
- tmp=Dq+PathR+"\R"+Dq+" --vanilla --slave < "+Fhead+".r";
- // 17.09.14
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- if(tex=="latex" % tex=="platex" % tex=="uplatex", //17.08.13
- tmp=Dq+PathT+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".tex";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if(indexof(flow,"tt")>0,println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp)); //17.10.14
- tmp=replace(Dq+PathT+Dq,tex,"dvipdfmx")+" "+texmainfile+".dvi";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="del "+texmainfile+".dvi";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- if(tex=="xelatex",
- tmp="set Path = %Path%;"+Dq+path+Dq;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if(indexof(flow,"tt")>0,println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp)); //17.10.14
- tmp="xelatex"+" "+texmainfile+".tex";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="del "+texmainfile+".dvi";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- if(tex=="pdflatex" % tex=="pdftex",//16.11.22from
- tmp=Dq+PathT+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".tex";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if(indexof(flow,"tt")>0,println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp)); //17.10.14
- );//16.11.22until
- if(tex=="lualatex",//16.12.16
- tmp=Dq+PathT+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".tex";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if(indexof(flow,"tt")>0,println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp)); //17.10.14
- );//16.12.16
- if(!isstring(Pathpdf),
- tmp=indexof(PathS,"\scilab");// 15.12.12
- tmp=substring(PathS,0,tmp-1)+"\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe";
- ,
- tmp=Pathpdf;
- );
- tmp=Dq+tmp+Dq+" "+texmainfile+".pdf";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- if(indexof(Dirwork,":")==0, // 14.01.15
- drive="C:";
- ,
- drive="";
- );
- setdirectory(drive+Dirwork);
- regional(packL,tmp);
- packL=packorg; //17.06.25from
- if(!islist(packL),packL=[packL]);
- packL=apply(packL,replace(#,"\","/"));
- forall(1..(length(packL)),
- tmp=packL_#;
- if(substring(tmp,0,11)=="ketpicstyle",
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/"+tmp,"\","/");
- );
- if(indexof(tmp,"[")==0,
- packL_#="{"+tmp+"}";
- );
- );
- ADDPACK=concat(ADDPACK,packL); //17.06.25until
- regional(texfile,tmp,tmp1,sep);
- texfile=Fhead+"main";
-// if(iswindows(),sep="\",sep="/"); // 17.04.07
-// sep="/";
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(texfile+".tex");
- tmp="\documentclass{article}"; // 16.06.09from
- if(indexof(PathT,"platex")>0,
- tmp=replace(tmp,"article","jarticle");
- if(indexof(PathT,"uplatex")>0, //17.08.13from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"jarticle","ujarticle");
- );//17.08.13until
- ); // 16.06.09until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- if((indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")>0)%(indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0) ,
- //16.11.23,12.16
- if(indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")>0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[pdftex]{pict2e}");//16.11.24
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{pict2e}");//16.12.16
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{luatexja}");//16.12.18
- );
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/"); //17.10.30from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic2e,ketlayer2e}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic2e}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer2e}");
- );
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic,ketlayer}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer}");
- );
- );//17.10.30until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{graphicx}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{color}");
- forall(ADDPACK, // 16.05.16from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage"+#); //17.05.25
- );// 16.05.16until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"\def\ketcindy{{K\kern-.20em%"); // deleted 16.11.27,recovered11.29 redeleted17.04.07
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em{TCindy}}}");
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\setmargin{20}{20}{20}{20}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\begin{document}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\verb|"+Fhead+"| by \ketcindy");// 16.01.12, 18, 16.04.08
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"\verb|"+Fhead+"| by KeTCindy");// 16.11.29 temporarily
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\vspace{5mm}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\input{"+Fhead+".tex}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\end{document}");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- if(iswindows(),
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex)); // 16.06.04
- );
- Makebat(texfile);
- ,
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex)); // 16.06.04
- );
- Makeshell(texfile);
- );
- WritetoRS(2); //17.09.19
-Viewparent():=( //17.04.13
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,Texparent+".tex"),
- if(isstring(Texparent),
- drawtext(mouse().xy,Texparent+".tex not exist",
- size->24,color->[1,0,0]);
- ,
- drawtext(mouse().xy,"Texparent not defined",
- size->24,color->[1,0,0]);
- );
- ,
- if(iswindows(),
- Makebat();
- ,
- Makeshell();
- );
- WritetoRS(2); //17.09.29
- kc();
- );
- regional(cmdall,cmd,flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,out);
- setdirectory(Dirlib);
- tmp=load(libname+".cs");
- cmdall=tokenize(tmp,":=");
- out=[];
- forall(cmdall,cmd,
- tmp=max([0,length(cmd)-50]);
- tmp1=";"+substring(cmd,tmp,length(cmd));
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(tmp1)),
- if(flg==0,
- if(substring(tmp1,#-1,#)==";",
- tmp=substring(tmp1,#,length(tmp1));
- tmp2=substring(tmp,0,1);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- if(!contains([" ","/"],tmp2),
- out=append(out,tmp);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- tmp=length(out)-1;
- out=out_(2..tmp);
- out=sort(out);
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(cmdfile+".cs");
- forall(cmdlist,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- regional(pivot,left,right,out);
- if(length(seq)<2,
- out=seq;
- ,
- pivot = max(seq_1,seq_2);
- left = [];
- right = [];
- forall(seq,
- if(#< pivot,
- left=append(left,#);
- ,
- right=append(right,#);
- );
- );
- left = Quicksort(left);
- right = Quicksort(right);
- out=concat(left,right);
- );
- out;
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,out);
- tmp=min(length(st1),length(st2));
- flg=0;
- forall(1..tmp,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=substring(st1,#-1,#);
- tmp2=substring(st2,#-1,#);
- if(tmp1<tmp2,
- out=(1<2);
- flg=1;
- ,
- if(tmp1>tmp2,
- out=(1>2);
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- if(length(st1)<length(str2),
- out=(1<2);
- ,
- out=(1>2);
- );
- );
- out;
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- Figpdf(Arg1,[]);
- ,
- Figpdf(Texparent,Arg1);
- );
-//help:Figpdf([10,,10,,[0,2] ]);(margin(4),move)
- regional(options,fname,mar,pos,dp,sc,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,sep);
- fname=fnameorg;
- if(indexof(fnameorg,".")==0,
- fname=fnameorg+".tex";
- );
- tmp=apply(optionorg,if(isstring(#),parse("["+#+"]"),#)); // 16.04.07
- tmp=select(tmp,#!=[]);
- options=optionorg;//16.11.08from
-// mar=[5,5,5,5];
- dp=[0,-3];
- tmp=select(options,islist(#));
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- dp=tmp_1;
- options=remove(options,tmp);
- );
- tmp=4-length(options);
- tmp1=apply(1..tmp,5);
- mar=concat(options,tmp1);
- mar=apply(mar,if(length(#)==0,5,#));//16.11.08until
- pos=[mar_1+dp_1,mar_3+dp_2];
- sc=10;
- tmp=indexof(ULEN,"cm");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=Removespace(substring(ULEN,0,tmp-1));
- sc=parse(tmp1)*10;
- );
- tmp=indexof(ULEN,"mm");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=Removespace(substring(ULEN,0,tmp-1));
- sc=parse(tmp1);
- );
- tmp="\documentclass{article}"; // 16.06.09from
- if(indexof(PathT,"platex")>0,
- tmp=replace(tmp,"article","jarticle");
- if(indexof(PathT,"uplatex")>0, //17.08.13from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"jarticle","ujarticle");
- );//17.08.13until
- );
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,tmp); // 16.06.09until
- tmp1="\special{papersize=W mm,H mm}";
- tmp=(XMAX-XMIN)*sc+(mar_1+mar_2);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"W",text(tmp));
- tmp=(YMAX-YMIN)*sc+(mar_3+mar_4);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"H",text(tmp));
-// if(iswindows(),sep="\",sep="/");//17.04.08
-// sep="/";
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,tmp1);
- if(indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")+indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0, //17.11.05from
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,
- "\usepackage{pict2e}");
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,
- "\usepackage{ketpic2e,ketlayer2e}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- FigPdfList=concat(FigPdfList,
- ["\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic2e}",
- "\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer2e}"]);
- );
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,
- "\usepackage{ketpic,ketlayer}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- FigPdfList=concat(FigPdfList,
- ["\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic}",
- "\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer}"]);
- );
- );//17.11.05until
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,
- "\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,
- "\usepackage{graphicx,color}");
- forall(ADDPACK, // 16.05.16from
- tmp1="\usepackage"+#; //17.07.10
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,tmp1); // 16.09.05until
- );
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,"");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,
- "\setmargin{0}{0}{0}{0}");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,"");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,"\begin{document}");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,"");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,
- "\begin{layer}{50}{0}");
- tmp1="\putnotese{X}{Y}{\input{";
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"X",text(pos_1));
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"Y",text(pos_2));
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,tmp1+Fhead+".tex}}");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,"");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,"\end{layer}");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,"");
- FigPdfList=append(FigPdfList,"\end{document}");
- if(fnameorg!=Texparent,
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(fname);
- forall(FigPdfList,println(SCEOUTPUT,#));
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- );
- FigPdfList;
- regional(cmdall,cmd,flg,lev,tmp,tmp1,out);
- tmp=load(libname);
- cmdall=tokenize(tmp,"//help:");
- cmdall=select(cmdall,substring(#,1,3)!=");");
- flg=0;
- forall(1..3,
- if(flg==0,
- if(substring(cmdall_#,0,7)=="start()",
- cmdall=cmdall_((#+1)..length(cmdall));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp=length(cmdall);
- forall(0..2,
- if(flg==0,
- if(substring(cmdall_(tmp-#),0,5)=="end()",
- cmdall=cmdall_(1..(tmp-#-1));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- out=[];
- forall(cmdall,cmd,
- tmp1=indexof(cmd,"(");
- lev=1;
- flg=0;
- forall((tmp1+1)..length(cmd),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(cmd,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="(",lev=lev+1);
- if(tmp==")",
- lev=lev-1;
- if(lev==0,
- flg=1;
- out=append(out,substring(cmd,0,#)+";");
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- sort(out);
-// 15.05.22
- if(islist(Arg),
- Helplist(Dirlib,Arg,"helpJ"); // 15.06.20
- ,
- if(indexof(Arg,"help")>0,
- Helplist(Dirlib,["+","+3d"],Arg);
- ,
- Helplist(Arg,["+","+3d"],"helpJ");
- );
- );
- if(islist(Arg1),
- Helplist(Dirlib,Arg1,Arg2);
- ,
- if(indexof(Arg2,"help")>0,
- Helplist(Dirlib,Arg1,Arg2);
- ,
- Helplist(Arg,["+","+3d"],Arg2);
- );
- );
- regional(ketfiles,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- setdirectory(dir);
- if(contains(files,"+"),
- tmp=remove(files,["+"]);
- ketfiles=concat(["+basic1","+basic2","+out"],tmp);
- ,
- ketfiles=files;
- );
- ketfiles=apply(ketfiles,replace(#,"+","ketcindylib"));
- ketfiles=apply(ketfiles,#+"r.cs"); // 15.11.05 from
- tmp=apply(files,replace(#,"+","ketcindylib"));
-// tmp=apply(files,replace(#,"r.cs",""));
-// tmp=remove(tmp,["ketcindylibout"]);
-// tmp=apply(tmp,replace(#,"basic",""));
- tmp=apply(tmp,#+help+".txt");
- ketfiles=concat(ketfiles,tmp);// 15.11.05 until
- tmp1=[];
- forall(ketfiles,
- tmp=Makehelplist(#);
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,tmp);
- );
- if(!islist(HLIST), // 16.12.31from
- HLIST=sort(tmp1);
- ,
- HLIST=sort(concat(HLIST,tmp1));
- ); // 16.12.31until
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- forall(HLIST,
- println(#);
- );
- regional(str,sel,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg,Endflg);
- if(length(HLIST)>0,flg=0,flg=-1);
- str=replace(strorg,"'",Dq); // 15.11.25
- if(length(str)==0,
- forall(HLIST,
- if(indexof(#,"*")>0,
- println(#);
- );
- flg=1;
- );
- ,
- if(str=="*",
- sel=HLIST;
- ,
- sel=select(HLIST,substring(#,0,length(str))==str);
- );
- if(length(sel)>0,flg=1);
- forall(sel,
- tmp=indexof(#,"(");
- if(substring(#,tmp-2,tmp-1)!="*",
- println(#);
- ,
-// println(substring(#,0,tmp-1));
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#)-2);
- tmp2=indexof(tmp1,"//");
- Endflg=0;
- forall(1..4,
- if(Endflg==0,
- tmp2=indexof(tmp1,"//");
- if(tmp2==0,
- println(" "+tmp1);
- Endflg=1;
- ,
- println(" "+substring(tmp1,0,tmp2-1));
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp2+1,length(tmp1));
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==-1,println(" Help not read in"));
- if(flg==0,println(" no example"));
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp1=select(HLIST,indexof(#,str)>0);
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp=substring(#,0,indexof(#,"*")-1);
- Help(tmp);
- );
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp1=select(HLIST,indexof(#,str1)>0);
- tmp1=select(tmp1,indexof(#,str2)>0);
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp=substring(#,0,indexof(#,"*")-1);
- Help(tmp);
- );
-Slidework():=Slidework(Dirwork); // 16.06.10
- regional(dir,tmp); // 16.06.25
- dir=replace(dirorg,unicode("000a"),""); // 16.06.25
- dir=replace(dir,"/",pathsep());//17.11.20from
- dir=replace(dir,"\",pathsep());
- tmp=length(dir);
- if(substring(dir,tmp-1,tmp)==pathsep(),
- dir=substring(dir,0,tmp-1);
- );//17.11.20until
- if(isexists(dir,""), // 16.12.20
- Changework(dir);
- println(makedir(dir,"fig"));//17.11.23
- tmp=dir+pathsep()+"fig"; //17.04.16from
- Changework(tmp);// 17.02.19until
- ,
- println(dir+ " not exists");
- );
-Setslidepage():=( // 17.03.05
- regional(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- tmp1=["letterc","boxc","framec","shadowc","xpos","size"];
- tmp2=apply([1,2,4,5,7,8],SlideColorList_#);
- tmp3=apply(1..(length(tmp1)),tmp1_#+"="+tmp2_#);
- println(tmp3);
-Setslidepage(list):=( // 16.12.22
- regional(numlist,tmp,tmp1,letterc,boxc,shadowc,mboxc);
- letterc=[0.98,0.13,0,0.43]; boxc=[0,0.32,0.52,0];
- shadowc=[0,0,0,0.5]; mboxc="yellow";
- if(!islist(SlideColorList),
- SlideColorList=[letterc,boxc,boxc,boxc,shadowc,shadowc,6,1.3,
- letterc,mboxc,mboxc,mboxc,62,2,letterc];
- );
- numlist=[1,2,4,5,7,8];
- forall(1..(length(list)),
- if(length(list_#)>0,
- tmp=numlist_#;
- SlideColorList_tmp=list_#;
- );
- );
- SlideColorList_3=SlideColorList_2;
- SlideColorList_6=SlideColorList_5;
-Setslidemain():=( // 17.03.05
- regional(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- tmp1=["letterc","boxc","framec","xpos","size"];
- tmp2=apply([9,10,12,13,14],SlideColorList_#);
- tmp3=apply(1..(length(tmp1)),tmp1_#+"="+tmp2_#);
- println(tmp3);
-Setslidemain(list):=( // 16.12.22
- regional(numlist,tmp,tmp1,letterc,boxc,shadowc,mboxc);
- letterc=[0.98,0.13,0,0.43]; boxc=[0,0.32,0.52,0];
- shadowc=[0,0,0,0.5]; mboxc="yellow";
- if(!islist(SlideColorList),
- SlideColorList=[letterc,boxc,boxc,boxc,shadowc,shadowc,6,1.3,
- letterc,mboxc,mboxc,mboxc,62,2,letterc];
- );
- numlist=[9,10,12,13,14];
- forall(1..(length(list)),
- if(length(list_#)>0, //17.01.04
- tmp=numlist_#;
- SlideColorList_tmp=list_#;
- );
- );
- SlideColorList_11=SlideColorList_10;
-Setslidebody():=( // 17.03.05
- regional(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- tmp1=["letterc","style","thindense"];
- tmp2=[SlideColorList_(15),BodyStyle,ThinDense];
- tmp3=apply(1..(length(tmp1)),tmp1_#+"="+tmp2_#);
- println(tmp3);
- regional(clr,style,thin);
- if(isstring(str),
- Setslidebody(str,"\Large\bf\boldmath",0.1);
- ,
- if(length(str)==1,Setslidebody(str_1));
- if(length(str)==2,Setslidebody(str_1,str_2));
- if(length(str)==3,Setslidebody(str_1,str_2,str_3));
- );
-Setslidebody(str,Arg):=( //17.01.08
- if(isstring(Arg),
- Setslidebody(str,Arg,0.1);
- ,
- Setslidebody(str,"\Large\bf\boldmath",Arg);
- );
-Setslidebody(str,style,density):=( // 16.12.22,17.01.06,01.08
- regional(numlist,tmp,tmp1,letterc,boxc,shadowc,mboxc);
- letterc=[0.98,0.13,0,0.43]; boxc=[0,0.32,0.52,0];
- shadowc=[0,0,0,0.5]; mboxc="yellow";
- if(!islist(SlideColorList),
- SlideColorList=[letterc,boxc,boxc,boxc,shadowc,shadowc,6,1.3,
- letterc,mboxc,mboxc,mboxc,62,2,letterc];
- );
- if(length(str)>0,SlideColorList_(15)=str);
- if(length(style)>0,BodyStyle=style);
- ThinDense=density;//17.01.08
-Setslidehyper():=( 17.12.16from
- Setslidehyper(["cl=true,lc=blue,fc=blue",125,70,1]);
- if(isstring(Arg),
- Setslidehyper(Arg,["cl=true,lc=blue,fc=blue",125,70,1]);
- ,
- Setslidehyper("",Arg);
- );
- regional(driver,eqL,reL,stL,,str,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- driver=driverorg;
- if(length(driver)==0,
- if(indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")+indexof(PathT,"lualatex")==0,
- driver="dvipdfmx";
- );
- );
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- stL=tmp_7;
- if(length(stL)>0,
- str=stL_1;
- ,
- str="";
- );
- if(length(str)==0,
- str="cl=true,lc=blue,fc=blue";
- );
- if(length(driver)==0,
- tmp1="["+str+"]";
- ,
- tmp1="["+driver+","+str+"]";
- );
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"cl=","colorlinks=");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"lc=","linkcolor=");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"fc=","filecolor=");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"uc=","urlcolor=");
- ADDPACK=select(ADDPACK,indexof(#,"hyperref")==0);
- Addpackage(tmp1+"{hyperref}");
- LinkPosH=125;
- LinkPosV=70;
- LinkSize=1;
- if(length(reL)>0,
- LinkPosH=reL_1;
- if(length(reL)>1,LinkPosV=reL_2);
- if(length(reL)>2,LinkSize=max(reL_3,0.1));
- );
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- tmp2=parse(tmp2);
- if(tmp1=="P",
- LinkPosH=tmp2_1;
- LinkPosV=tmp2_2;
- );
- if(tmp1=="S",
- LinkSize=max(tmp2,0.1);
- );
- );
-); //17.12.16until
-Settitle(cmdL):=Settitle(cmdL,[]); // 180330changed
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,layery,color,size,font);
- TitleName="slide0"; //180330
- layery="0";
- color="blue";
- size="\Large";
- font="\bf";
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="L",
- layery=tmp2;
- );
- if(tmp1=="C",
- color=tmp2;
- );
- if(tmp1=="S",
- size=tmp2;
- if(substring(size,0,1)!="\",size="\"+size);
- );
- if(tmp1=="F",
- font=tmp2;
- if(substring(font,0,1)!="\",font="\"+font);
- );
- if(tmp1=="T", //180330
- TitleName=tmp2;
- );
- );
- TitleCmdL=["{"+size+font];
- if(indexof(color,"[")>0,
- tmp=replace(color,"[","{");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"]","}");
- tmp1=Indexall(tmp,",");
- if(length(tmp1)>=3,
- tmp="\color[cmyk]"+tmp;
- ,
- tmp="\color[rgb]"+tmp;
- );
- ,
- tmp="\color{"+color+"}";
- );
- TitleCmdL=append(TitleCmdL,tmp);
- TitleCmdL=concat(TitleCmdL,["","\begin{layer}{120}{"+layery+"}"]);
- forall(1..(length(cmdL)),
- tmp=cmdL_#;
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- if(#==1,
- tmp="{\Huge \putnote"+tmp+"}"
- ,
- tmp="\putnote"+tmp;
- );
- TitleCmdL=append(TitleCmdL,tmp);
- );
- );
- TitleCmdL=concat(TitleCmdL,["\end{layer}","","}"]);
- if(!isstring(TitleName), //17.04.13from
- drawtext(mouse().xy,"Settitle not defined",
- size->24,color->[1,0,0]);
- , //17.04.13until
- Maketitle(TitleName);
- );
- regional(texfile,texmain,tmp,tmp1,sep);
- texfile=name;
- texmain=name+"main";
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(texfile+".tex");
- forall(TitleCmdL,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(texmain+".tex");
- tmp="\documentclass[landscape,10pt]{article}";
- if(indexof(PathT,"platex")>0,
- tmp=replace(tmp,"article","jarticle");
- if(indexof(PathT,"uplatex")>0, //17.08.13from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"jarticle","ujarticle");
- );//17.08.13until
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="\special{papersize=\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight}";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/");//17.11.01from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic,ketlayer,ketslide}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketslide}");
- );//17.11.01until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{bm,enumerate}");
- if((indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")>0)%(indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{graphicx}");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx}");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[usenames]{xcolor}");
- forall(ADDPACK,
-// if(indexof(#,"[")==0,
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+#+"}");
-// ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage"+#); // 17.07.10
-// );
- );
- if(indexof(PathT,"platex")>0,tmp="\ketmarginJ",tmp="\ketmarginE");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\ketslideinit");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\begin{document}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\input{"+texfile+".tex}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\end{document}");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- if(iswindows(),
- Makebat(texmain,"tv");
- ,
- Makeshell(texmain,"tv");
- );
- kc();
- regional(seL,flg1,ss,nn,nrep,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,str,j,k);
- // global RepeatList, SCEOUTPUT
- nrep=length(RepeatList);
- flg1=0;
- forall(addedL,ss,
- if(repeatflg==0,
- if(substring(ss,0,1)!="%", //16.01.04
- println(SCEOUTPUT,ss);
- );//16.01.04
- ,
- forall(1..nrep,nn,
- if(sestr=="",
- RepeatList_nn=append(RepeatList_nn,ss);
- );
- );
- if(sestr=="",
- seL=[1];
- ,
- tmp1=substring(sestr,1,length(sestr)-1);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,",-",".."+text(nrep));
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"-,","1..");
- tmp1="["+tmp1+"]"; //17.01.03
- seL=flatten(parse(tmp1)); //17.01.03
- );
- if(contains(seL,1),
- if(substring(ss,0,1)!="%", //16.01.04
- println(SCEOUTPUT,ss);
- );
- seL=remove(seL,[1]);
- flg1=1;
- );
- forall(1..(length(seL)),nn,
- tmp=seL_nn;
- if(tmp<=length(RepeatList), //17.01.12from
- RepeatList_tmp=append( RepeatList_tmp,ss);
- ,
- println(" "+sestr+" : "+text(tmp)+" > "+text(length(RepeatList)));
- );
- );
- if(ThinFlg==1,//16.01.05from
- if(flg1==1,seL=append(seL,1));
- seL=remove(1..nrep,seL);
- str=ss; // 17.05.28from
- repeat(10,
- tmp1=Indexall(str,"{\color");
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- tmp2=Indexall(str,"}");
- tmp=select(tmp2,tmp1_1<#);
- tmp=substring(str,tmp1_1,tmp_1);
- str=replace(str,tmp+" ","");
- str=replace(str,tmp,"");
- );
- );//17.05.28until
- if(contains(seL,1),
- if(substring(str,0,1)!="%",
- if(NonThinFlg==0,
- if(!contains(["\begi","\end{"],substring(str,0,5)),//17.01.15
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"{\color[cmyk]{\thin,\thin,\thin,\thin}");//17.08.23
- println(SCEOUTPUT,str);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}%");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,str);
- );
- );
- if(NonThinFlg==1,
- if(!contains(["\begi","\end{"],substring(str,0,5)),//17.01.15
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"{\color[cmyk]{\thin,\thin,\thin,\thin}");//17.08.23
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,str);
- );
- if(NonThinFlg==2,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,str);
- if(!contains(["\begi","\end{"],substring(str,0,5)),//17.01.15
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}%");
- );
- );
- seL=remove(seL,[1]);
- );
- );
- if(substring(ss,0,1)!="%", //16.01.04
- forall(1..(length(seL)),nn,
- tmp=seL_nn;
- if(NonThinFlg==0,
- tmp1="{\color[cmyk]{\thin,\thin,\thin,\thin}";//17.08.23
- tmp1=[tmp1,str,"}%"];
- );
- if(NonThinFlg==1,
- tmp1="{\color[cmyk]{\thin,\thin,\thin,\thin}";//17.08.23
- tmp1=[tmp1,str];//17.01.08until
- );
- if(NonThinFlg==2,
- tmp1=[str,"}%"];
- );
- RepeatList_tmp=concat( RepeatList_tmp,tmp1);
- );
- );
- );//16.01.05until
- );
- );//16.12.05until
- regional(file,flgL,flg,verbflg,slideL,ns,slideorgL,wall,sld,slidecmd,tmp,tmp0,tmp1,
- tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5,newoption,top,repeatflg,nrep,nrepprev,,repstr,
- sestr,npara,paradt,parafiles,hyperflg,paractr,
- letterc,boxc,shadowc,mboxc,sep);
- slidecmd=["\ketcletter","\ketcbox","\ketdbox","\ketcframe",
- "\ketcshadow","\ketdshadow","\slidetitlex","\slidetitlesize",
- "\mketcletter","\mketcbox","\mketdbox","\mketcframe",
- "\mslidetitlex","\mslidetitlesize"];
- if(!isstring(BodyStyle),//17.01.06
- BodyStyle="\Large\bf\boldmath";
- );
- repeatflg=0;
- RepeatList=[];
- paractr=0; //16.12.31
- if(indexof(texfile,".")==0,file=texfile+".tex",file=texfile);
- if(indexof(txtfile,".")==0,tmp1=txtfile+".txt",tmp1=txtfile);
- tmp=load(tmp1);
- tmp=replace(tmp,"////","||||");// 16.05.11, 06.24(reactivated)
- slideL=tokenize(tmp,"//");
- slideorgL=slideL; // 16.07.11
- slideL=apply(slideL,Removespace(#));
- tmp=select(1..length(slideL),length(slideL_#)>0); // 16.07.11from
- slideL=apply(tmp,slideL_#);
- slideorgL=apply(tmp,slideorgL_#);
-// slideL=select(slideL,length(#)>0); // 16.07.11until
- flg=0; // 16.06.09from
- forall(1..10,
- if(flg==0,
- if(substring(slideL_1,0,1)!="%",
- flg=1;
- ,
- slideL=slideL_(2..length(slideL));
- slideorgL=slideorgL_(2..length(slideorgL));
- );
- );
- ); // 16.06.09until
- flgL=[];
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(file);
- tmp=tokenize(slideL_1,"::");
- tmp1=tmp_1;
- if(length(tmp)>1,
- tmp2=tmp_2;
- tmp3=tmp_(3..length(tmp));//16.06.25
- ,
- tmp2="";
- tmp3=tmp_(2..length(tmp));//16.06.25
- );
- wall=""; // 16.06.10
- if(length(tmp3)>0,//16.06.25from
- tmp=substring(tmp3_1,0,1);//180330
- if((tmp!="\")&(tmp!="%")&(indexof(tmp3_1,"=")==0), //180330
- wall=tmp3_1;
- tmp3=tmp3_(2..length(tmp3));
- );
- );//16.06.25until
- tmp="%%% "+tmp1+" "+txtfile;// 16.06.09from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="\documentclass[landscape,10pt]{article}";
- if(indexof(PathT,"platex")>0,
- tmp=replace(tmp,"article","jarticle");
- if(indexof(PathT,"uplatex")>0, //17.08.13from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"jarticle","ujarticle");
- );//17.08.13until
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);// 16.06.09from
- tmp=select(1..(length(tmp3)),indexof(tmp3_#,"\usepackage")>0);//17.06.18from
- forall(tmp,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp3_#);
- );
- tmp=remove(1..(length(tmp3)),tmp);
- tmp3=tmp3_tmp;//17.06.18until
-// if(iswindows(),sep="\",sep="/"); // 17.04.08
-// sep="/";
- if((indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")>0)%(indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0),
- if(indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{luatexja}");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{pict2e}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic2e,ketlayer2e}");// 17.04.08from
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\special{papersize=\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight}");
- );// 17.04.08until
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/");//17.11.01from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic,ketlayer}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer}");
- );
- if(length(wall)==0,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/");//17.11.01from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketslide}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketslide}");
- );
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketslide2}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketslide2}");
- );
- );//17.04.08until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{bm,enumerate}");
- if((indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")>0)%(indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{graphicx}");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx}");
- );
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[usenames]{color}");
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{color}");//17.06.14
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{xcolor}");//17.07.31
- letterc=[0.98,0.13,0,0.43]; boxc=[0,0.32,0.52,0];
- shadowc=[0,0,0,0.5]; mboxc="yellow";
-// if(!islist(SlideColorList), //17.03.02from
-// SlideColorList=[letterc,boxc,boxc,boxc,shadowc,shadowc,6,1.3,
-// letterc,mboxc,mboxc,mboxc,62,2,letterc];
-// , //17.03.02until
- tmp4="abcdefghijklmno";
- forall(1..15,
- tmp=SlideColorList_#;
- if(islist(tmp),
- tmp=text(tmp);
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
- if(length(SlideColorList_#)==4,//17.01.07from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\definecolor{slidecolor"+tmp4_#+"}{cmyk}{"+tmp+"}");
- );
- if(length(SlideColorList_#)==3,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\definecolor{slidecolor"+tmp4_#+"}{rgb}{"+tmp+"}");
- );//17.01.07until
- SlideColorList_#="slidecolor"+tmp4_#;
- );
- );
-// ); //17.03.02
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\def\setthin#1{\def\thin{#1}}");//17.08.23
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\setthin{"+text(ThinDense)+"}");//17.08.23
- forall(ADDPACK,// 16.06.09from
-// if(indexof(#,"[")==0, // 16.09.05from
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+#+"}");
-// ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage"+#); //17.07.10
-// );
- );// 16.06.09until
- tmp=select(ADDPACK,indexof(#,"{hyperref}")>0);//16.12.31from
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- hyperflg=1;
- ,
- hyperflg=0; //16.12.31until
- );
- forall(tmp3,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- if(indexof(PathT,"platex")>0,tmp="\ketmarginJ",tmp="\ketmarginE"); // 16.06.09
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\ketslideinit");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- forall(tmp, // 15.07.21
- if(substring(#,0,1)=="\", println(SCEOUTPUT,#));
- );
- if(!isstring(PageStyle),PageStyle="headings");//17.04.09
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\pagestyle{"+PageStyle+"}");//17.04.09
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\begin{document}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- if(length(wall)>0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\input{fig/"+wall+".tex}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- );
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- if(indexof(tmp2," no")==0, // 16.11.11from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\begin{layer}{120}{0}");
- if(substring(tmp2,0,1)!="\",
- tmp2="\putnotese{0}{0}{\input{fig/"+tmp2+".tex}}";//16.12.27
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp2);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\end{layer}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- ,
- tmp=indexof(tmp2,"=");
- if(tmp==0,
- top="10mm";
- ,
- top=substring(tmp2,tmp,length(tmp2));
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\vspace*{"+top+"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- ); // 16.11.11until
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\def\mainslidetitley{22}");
- forall(1..14, //16.12.22from
- tmp=SlideColorList_#;
- if(!isstring(tmp),tmp=text(tmp));
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp="\def"+slidecmd_#+"{"+tmp+"}";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- );//16.12.22until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\color{"+SlideColorList_(15)+"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,BodyStyle);//17.01.07
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\thispagestyle{empty}");//17.01.29
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\addtocounter{page}{-1}");//17.01.29
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- verbflg=0; //16.06.28
- repeatflg=0;//16.12.02
- nrep=0;//16.12.27
- nrepprev=0;//17.01.03
- npara=0;//16.12.27
- forall(2..length(slideL),ns,
- ThinFlg=0;
- NonThinFlg=0;
- flg=0;
- tmp1="";
- tmp2="";
- tmp3="";
- sld=removespace(slideL_ns); // 16.06.28
- sestr="";
- if((substring(sld,0,1)=="%") & (substring(sld,0,2)!="%%"), // 17.06.23
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,"",[slideL_ns]);
- if(repeatflg>0,
- tmp=indexof(sld,"]::");
- if(tmp>0,
- if(substring(sld,1,2)!="%",//17.05.31
- if(substring(sld,1,5)=="thin", ThinFlg=1); // 17.05.28
- sestr=substring(sld,1,tmp);
- sld=substring(sld,tmp+2,length(sld));
- tmp=indexof(sestr,"[");
- sestr=substring(sestr,tmp-1,length(sestr));//17.01.05
- );
- );
- );
- if(substring(sld,1,7)=="repeat", // 16.12.09from
- tmp=indexof(sld,"=");
- tmp5=substring(sld,tmp,length(sld));
- tmp=indexof(tmp5,",");
- if(tmp>0,//17.01.03from
- tmp5=substring(tmp5,0,tmp-1);
- );//17.01.03until
- repeatflg=1;
- if(length(tmp5)>0,
- nrep=parse(tmp5);
- tmp=[];
- if(length(wall)>0,
- tmp=["","\input{fig/"+wall+".tex}"];
- );
- tmp=concat(tmp,["","\sameslide"+NewSlideOption,"","\vspace*{18mm}",""]);
- RepeatList=apply(1..nrep,if(#==1,[],tmp));
- );
- if(sestr=="",flg=1);
- tmp=indexof(sld,",");//17.01.03from
- if(tmp>0,
- sld="%"+substring(sld,tmp,length(sld));
- if(indexof(sld,"=")==0,sld=sld+"=");
- );//17.01.03until
- );
- if(substring(sld,1,5)=="para",
- paractr=paractr+1;
- repeatflg=1;
- tmp=indexof(sld,"=");
- tmp=substring(sld,tmp,length(sld));
- if(length(tmp)==0, //17.01.03
- npara=0;
- ,
- paradt=tokenize(tmp,":");
- tmp=fileslist(Dirwork+"/fig/"+paradt_1);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- parafiles=tokenize(tmp,",");
- if(indexof(paradt_4,"input")>0,
- tmp0=indexof(paradt_4,",");//17.01.29from
- if(tmp0>0,
- paradt=append(paradt,substring(paradt_4,tmp0,length(paradt_4)));
- paradt_4=substring(paradt_4,0,tmp0-1);
- );//17.01.29until
- parafiles=select(parafiles,indexof(#,".tex")>0);
- if(indexof(paradt_4,"\input")==0,paradt_4="\"+paradt_4);//16.12.17
- );
- if(indexof(paradt_4,"include")>0,
- parafiles=select(parafiles,indexof(#,".pdf")>0);
- );
- npara=length(parafiles);
- ,
- println(Dirwork+"/fig/"+paradt_1+" not found");
- parafiles=[];
- npara=0;
- );
- if(nrep==0,
- nrep=npara;
- if(length(wall)>0,
- tmp=["","\input{fig/"+wall+".tex}"];
- );
- tmp=concat(tmp,["","\sameslide"+NewSlideOption,"","\vspace*{18mm}",""]);
- RepeatList=apply(1..nrep,if(#==1,[],tmp));
- );
- );
- forall(1..nrep, //16.12.28
- tmp4=[]; //16.12.31from
- if(hyperflg>0,
- tmp4=["\hypertarget{para"+text(paractr)+"pg"+text(#)+"}{}"];
- );//16.12.31until
- if(npara>0, //17.01.03
- tmp4=concat(tmp4,["","\begin{layer}{120}"+paradt_2]);
- if(#<=npara, //16.12.28from
- tmp=parafiles_#;
- ,
- tmp=parafiles_npara;
- );
- tmp="{"+paradt_4+"{fig/"+paradt_1+"/"+tmp+"}}";
- if(length(paradt)>=5,
- tmp="{\scalebox{"+text(paradt_5)+"}"+tmp+"}";
- );
- if(substring(paradt_3,0,1)=="\",
- tmp=paradt_3+tmp;
- ,
- tmp="\putnote"+paradt_3+tmp;
- );
- tmp4=concat(tmp4,[tmp]);//16.12.31
- ,
- tmp4=concat(tmp4,["","\begin{layer}{120}{0}"]);
- );
- if((hyperflg>0) & (LinkSize>0.15),
- tmp="{"+text(LinkPosV)+"}{\hyperlink{para"; // 17.01.12from
- tmp1=tmp+text(paractr)+"pg";
- tmp2=tmp+text(paractr-1)+"pg"+text(nrepprev);
- if(#>1,tmp=tmp1+text(1),tmp=tmp2);
- tmp3=[text(LinkPosH-29*LinkSize)+"}"+tmp+"}{\fbox{\Ctab{"
- +text(2.5*LinkSize)+"mm}{\scalebox{"+text(LinkSize)
- +"}{\scriptsize $\mathstrut|\!\lhd$}}}}}"];
- if(#>1,tmp=tmp1+text(max(#-3,1)),tmp=tmp2);
- tmp3=append(tmp3,
- text(LinkPosH-24*LinkSize)+"}"+tmp+"}{\fbox{\Ctab{"
- +text(2.5*LinkSize)+"mm}{\scalebox{"+text(LinkSize)
- +"}{\scriptsize $\mathstrut\!\! \lhd\!\!\lhd\!$}}}}}");
- if(#>1,tmp=tmp1+text(#-1),tmp=tmp2);
- tmp3=append(tmp3,
- text(LinkPosH-17*LinkSize)+"}"+tmp+"}{\fbox{\Ctab{"
- +text(4.5*LinkSize)+"mm}{\scalebox{"+text(LinkSize)
- +"}{\scriptsize $\mathstrut\!\!\lhd\!\!$}}}}}");
- tmp="{"+text(LinkPosV)+"}{\hyperlink{para";
- tmp2=tmp+text(paractr+1)+"pg"+text(1);
- if(#<nrep,tmp=tmp1+text(#+1),tmp=tmp2);
- tmp3=append(tmp3,
- text(LinkPosH-10*LinkSize)+"}"+tmp+"}{\fbox{\Ctab{"
- +text(4.5*LinkSize)+"mm}{\scalebox{"+text(LinkSize)
- +"}{\scriptsize $\mathstrut\!\rhd\!$}}}}}");
- if(#<nrep,tmp=tmp1+text(min(#+3,nrep)),tmp=tmp2);
- tmp3=append(tmp3,
- text(LinkPosH-5*LinkSize)+"}"+tmp+"}{\fbox{\Ctab{"
- +text(2.5*LinkSize)+"mm}{\scalebox{"+text(LinkSize)
- +"}{\scriptsize $\mathstrut\!\!\rhd\!\!\rhd\!$}}}}}");
- if(#<nrep,tmp=tmp1+text(nrep),tmp=tmp2);
- tmp3=append(tmp3,
- text(LinkPosH)+"}"+tmp+"}{\fbox{\Ctab{" // 17.01.19
- +text(2.5*LinkSize)+"mm}{\scalebox{"+text(LinkSize)
- +"}{\scriptsize $\mathstrut \!\rhd\!\!|$}}}}}");
- tmp3=apply(tmp3,tmp,"\putnotew{"+tmp);
- tmp4=concat(tmp4,tmp3);// 17.01.12untilr
- tmp="\putnotew{"+text(LinkPosH)+"}{"+text(LinkPosV+6)+"}";//17.10.21from
- tmp=tmp+"{\scriptsize\color{black} "+text(#)+"/"+text(nrep)+"}";
- tmp4=append(tmp4,tmp);//17.10.21until
- );
- tmp4=concat(tmp4,["\end{layer}",""]);//16.12.31until
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,text([#]),tmp4);
- );
- );
- );
- if(substring(sld,0,2)=="%%", //17.06.23from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,sld);
- flg=1;
- ); //17.06.23until
- if(flg==0,
- if(indexof(sld,"\begin{verbatim}")==1, // 16.06.28from
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,[slideL_ns]);
- verbflg=1;
- flg=1;
- ); // 16.06.28
- if(indexof(sld,"\end{verbatim}")==1,
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,[slideL_ns]);
- verbflg=0;
- flg=1;
- ); // 16.06.28until
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=replace(sld,"||||","//"); // 16.05.11
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,"::"); // 16.05.11
- tmp1=tmp_1;
- if(length(tmp)>1,tmp2=tmp_2,tmp2="");
- if(length(tmp)>2,tmp3=tmp_3,tmp3="");
- if(length(tmp)>3,tmp4=tmp_4,tmp4="");
- if(length(tmp)>4,tmp5=tmp_5,tmp5="");
- if(contains(["main","new","same"],tmp1),
- if(tmp1=="new", // 16.11.09from
- newoption="";
- if(substring(tmp2,0,1)=="[",newoption=tmp2);
- );
- if(tmp1=="same",
- if(length(tmp2)==0,tmp2=newoption);
- );// 16.11.09until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- );
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="main",
- if(repeatflg==1,
- forall(2..(length(RepeatList)),nrep,
- tmp=RepeatList_nrep;
- forall(tmp,
- if(substring(#,0,1)!="%", //16.01.04
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- repeatflg=0;RepeatList=[];
- nrepprev=nrep;//17.01.03
- nrep=0;//16.12.27
- npara=0;//16.12.27
- );
- if(length(wall)>0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\input{fig/"+wall+".tex}");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\mainslide{"+tmp2+"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- tmp2="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="new",
- if(repeatflg==1,
- forall(2..(length(RepeatList)),nrep,
- tmp=RepeatList_nrep;
- forall(tmp,
- if(substring(#,0,1)!="%", //16.01.04
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- repeatflg=0;RepeatList=[];
- nrepprev=nrep;//17.01.03
- nrep=0;
- npara=0;
- );
- if(length(wall)>0,
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\input{fig/"+wall+".tex}"]);
- );
- tmp="\newslide";
- NewSlideOption=""; //17.01.04
- if(substring(tmp2,0,1)=="[",
- NewSlideOption=tmp2; //17.01.04
- tmp=tmp+tmp2;
- tmp2=tmp3;
- tmp3=tmp4;
- tmp4=tmp5;
- );
- tmp=tmp+"{"+tmp2+"}";
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,[tmp,"","\vspace*{18mm}",""]);
- tmp2="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="same",
- if(repeatflg==1,
- forall(2..(length(RepeatList)),nrep,
- tmp=RepeatList_nrep;
- forall(tmp,
- if(substring(#,0,1)!="%", //16.01.04
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- repeatflg=0;RepeatList=[];
- nrepprev=nrep;//17.01.03
- nrep=0;
- npara=0;
- );
- if(length(wall)>0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\input{fig/"+wall+".tex}");
- );
- tmp="\sameslide"+NewSlideOption; //17.01.04;
-// if(substring(tmp2,0,1)=="[",
-// tmp=tmp+tmp2;
-// tmp2=tmp3;
-// tmp3=tmp4;
-// );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\vspace*{18mm}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- tmp4=tmp3;
- tmp3=tmp2;
- tmp2="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="itemize",
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\begin{itemize}"]);
- flgL=append(flgL,"i");
- tmp2="";
- tmp3="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="enumerate",
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\begin{enumerate}"+tmp2]);
- flgL=append(flgL,"e");
- tmp2="";
- tmp3="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="verbatim", //16.06.28from
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\begin{verbatim}"]);
- flgL=append(flgL,"v");
- tmp1="";
- tmp2="";
- tmp3="";
- verbflg=1;
- flg=1;
- ); //16.06.28until
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="layer",
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,[""]);
- tmp="\begin{layer}";
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- tmp=tmp+tmp2;
- ,
- tmp=tmp+"{120}{0}";
- );
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,[tmp]);
- flgL=append(flgL,"l");
- tmp2="";
- tmp3="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="putnote",
- tmp="\putnote"+tmp2+"{";
- if(indexof(tmp3,"include")==0,
- tmp1=indexof(tmp3,",");
- if(tmp1==0,
- tmp=tmp+"\input{fig/"+tmp3+".tex}}";
- ,
- tmp2=substring(tmp3,tmp1,length(tmp3));
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,tmp1-1);
- tmp=tmp+"\scalebox{"+tmp2+"}{\input{fig/"+tmp3+".tex}}}";
- );
- ,
- tmp2=indexof(tmp3,"[");
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,tmp2-1,length(tmp3));
- tmp=tmp+"\includegraphics"+tmp3+"{fig/"+tmp4+"}}";
- );
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,[tmp]);
- tmp2="";
- tmp3="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="item",
- NonThinFlg=1;
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\item"]);
- tmp3="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0&tmp1=="end",
- tmp=flgL_(length(flgL));
- if(tmp=="i",
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\end{itemize}"]);
- );
- if(tmp=="e",
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\end{enumerate}"]);
- );
- if(tmp=="l",
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\end{layer}",""]);
- );
- if(tmp=="v", // 16.06.28from
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\end{verbatim}",""]);
- verbflg=0;
- ); // 16.06.28until
- flgL=flgL_(1..(length(flgL)-1));
- tmp2="";
- tmp3="";
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0, // 16.06.28from
- if(verbflg==0,
- tmp2=tmp1;
- ,
- tmp2=slideorgL_ns; // 16.07.11
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"||","//"); // 16.07.10
- tmp3="";
- );
- ); // 16.06.28until
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- if(tmp2=="...", tmp2="");
- if(NonThinFlg==1,NonThinFlg=2);
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,[tmp2]);
- );
- if(length(tmp3)>0,
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,["\begin{layer}{120}{0}"]);
- if(substring(tmp3,0,1)=="{",
- tmp=tmp3;
- tmp3=tmp4;
- ,
- tmp="{60}{0}";
- );
- tmp1=indexof(tmp3,",");
- if(tmp1==0,
- tmp3="\putnotes"+tmp+"{\input{fig/"+tmp3+".tex}}";
- ,
- tmp2=substring(tmp3,tmp1,length(tmp3));
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,tmp1-1);
- tmp3="\putnotes"+tmp+"{\scalebox{"+tmp2+"}
- {\input{fig/"+tmp3+".tex}}}";
- );
- Repeatsameslide(repeatflg,sestr,[tmp3,"\end{layer}",""]);
- );
- );
- );
- if(repeatflg==1,
- forall(2..(length(RepeatList)),nrep,
- tmp=RepeatList_nrep;
- forall(tmp,
- if(substring(#,0,1)!="%", //16.01.04
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\end{document}");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- regional(sep,parent,texparentorg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,flg);
- tmp4=Fhead;
- Fhead="";
- if(!iswindows(), //17.10.13
- Dirwork=replace(Dirwork,"\",pathsep());
- parent=replace(Dirwork+Shellparent,"\",pathsep());
- ,
- Dirwork=replace(Dirwork,"/",pathsep());
- parent=replace(Dirwork+Batparent,"/",pathsep());// 16.05.29
- );
- Dirwork=replace(Dirwork,pathsep()+"fig","");
- Setdirectory(Dirwork);
- if(length(Texmain)>0, // 15.08.14 from
- Texparent=Texmain;
- );
- texparentorg=Texparent; //17.04.10from
- if(isstring(Slidename), // 15.08.14 from
- Texparent=Slidename;
- );//17.04.10until
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,Texparent+".txt"), // 17.04.12from
- drawtext(mouse().xy,Texparent+".txt not exist in "+Dirwork,
- size->24,color->[1,0,0]);
- , // 17.04.12until
- Presentation(Texparent); // 15.08.14 until
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp2=Batparent;
- parent=replace(Dirwork+Batparent,sep+"fig","");// 16.05.29
- if(indexof(Pathpdf,"Adobe")>0, //17.12.09from
- Makebat(Texparent,"ttv");
- ,
- Makebat(Texparent,"tv");
- ); //17.12.09until
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(parent,Dirlib,Fnametex)); // 16.06.10, 17.02.19
- );
- kc();
- Batparent=tmp2;
- ,
- tmp2=Shellparent;
- parent=replace(Dirwork+Shellparent,sep+"fig","");// 16.05.29
- Shellparent=replace(Shellparent,sep+"fig","");
- if(indexof(Pathpdf,"Adobe")>0, //17.12.09from
- Makeshell(Texparent,"ttv");
- ,
- Makeshell(Texparent,"tv");
- ); //17.12.09until
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(parent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex)); // 16.06.10
- );
- kc();
- Shellparent=tmp2;
- );
- );
- Dirwork=Dirwork+pathsep()+"fig"; //17.10.16
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- Fhead=tmp4;
- Texparent=texparentorg;//17.04.10
-Mkslidesummary():=( // 17.10.26 for R
- regional(texparentorg);
- texparentorg=Texparent;
- if(isstring(Slidename),
- Texparent=Slidename;
- );
- Mkslidesummary(Texparent,Texparent+"digest",["m","Wait=3"]);
- Texparent=texparentorg;
- Mkslidesummary(fin,fout,["m","Wait=3"]);
- regional(fin,fout,out,figflg,dirworkorg,dirtop,tmp);
- dirworkorg=Dirwork;//17.04.10from
- dirtop=replace(Dirwork,pathsep()+"fig","");
- Changework(dirtop);//17.04.10uptp
- fin=inputfile;
- if(indexof(fin,".")==0,fin=fin+".tex");
- fout=outputfile;
- if(indexof(fout,".")==0,fout=fout+".tex");
- cmdL=[
- "Dt=readLines('"+fin+"')",[],
- "num=grep('\\hypertarget',Dt,fixed=TRUE)",[],
- "Dt=Dt[setdiff(1:length(Dt),num)]",[],
- "Smain=c();Snew=c();Ssame=c()",[],
- "for(J in 1:length(Dt)){",[],
- " Tmp=length(grep('\\mainslide{',Dt[J],fixed=TRUE))",[],
- " if(Tmp>0){Smain=c(Smain,1)}else{Smain=c(Smain,0)}",[],
- " Tmp=length(grep('\\newslide{',Dt[J],fixed=TRUE))",[],
- " if(Tmp>0){Snew=c(Snew,1)}else{Snew=c(Snew,0)}",[],
- " Tmp=length(grep('\\sameslide',Dt[J],fixed=TRUE))",[],
- " if(Tmp>0){Ssame=c(Ssame,1)}else{Ssame=c(Ssame,0)}",[],
- "}",[],
- "Nnew=c();Nsame=c()",[],
- "for(J in 1:length(Dt)){",[],
- " if((Snew[J]==1)|(Smain[J]==1)){Nnew=c(Nnew,J)}",[],
- " if(Ssame[J]==1){Nsame=c(Nsame,J)}",[],
- "}",[],
- "Out=Dt[1:Nnew[1]]",[],
- "for(J in Looprange(2,length(Nnew))){",[],
- " Tmp=max(c(1,Nsame[Nsame<Nnew[J]]))",[],
- " Tmp=max(c(Tmp,Nnew[J-1]))+1",[],
- " Out=c(Out,Dt[Tmp:Nnew[J]])",[],
- "}",[],
- "Tmp=max(c(Nsame[-1],Nnew[-1]))+1",[],
- "Out=c(Out,Dt[Tmp:length(Dt)])",[],
- "writeLines(Out,'"+fout+"',sep='\n')",[],
- "cat('////',file='resultR.txt',sep='')",[],
- "quit()",[]
- ];
- CalcbyR("out",cmdL,append(options,"Cat=n"));
- wait(1000);
- Changework(dirtop);//17.04.10
- tmp=replace(fout,".tex","");
- if(iswindows(),
- Makebat(tmp,"tv");
- ,
- Makeshell(tmp,"tv");
- );
- kc();
- Changework(dirworkorg);//17.04.10
- regional(ex,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- ex=replace(exorg,"'",Dq);
- sub=replace(suborg,"'",Dq);
- setdirectory(Dirlib);
- tmp=load("examples.txt");
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,"//");
- tmp=tmp_(1..(length(tmp)-1));
- tmp1=select(tmp,substring(#,0,length(ex))==ex);
- tmp1=sort(tmp1);
- if(length(sub)>0,
- tmp1=select(tmp1,indexof(#,sub)>0);
- );
- forall(tmp1,
- if((indexof(#,"##")>0) % (indexof(#,"~#")>0),
- tmp=indexof(#,",");
- println(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
- ,
- println(#);
- );
- );
-BBdata(fname):=Bbdata(fname,0); // 16.04.09
- regional(fout,flg,path,file,kcfile,options,eqL,reL,stL,
- waiting,addop,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- path="";
- file=fname;
- flg=0;
- waiting=2;
- forall(reverse(1..length(fname)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(fname,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
- path=substring(fname,0,#-1);
- file=substring(fname,#,length(fname));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(path=="",path=Dirwork);//16.10.05
- if(indexof(file,".")==0,file=file+".pdf");
- if(islist(optionorg),options=optionorg,options=[optionorg]);
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- stL=tmp_7;
- flg=0;
- addop="";
- if(length(reL)>0,
- tmp=reL_1;
- if(tmp==1,flg=1);
- );
- forall(stL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",flg=1);
- );
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,2));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W=",
- addop=addop+",width="+tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="H=",
- addop=addop+",height="+tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(file,".");
- tmp1=substring(file,0,tmp-1);
- fout=tmp1+".txt";
- if(iswindows(),
- kcfile="kc.bat";
- ,
- kcfile="";
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=load(fout); //
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- flg=1;
- ,
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,"%%");
- tmp=tmp_2;
- tmp1=indexof(tmp,":");
- tmp=substring(tmp,tmp1,length(tmp));
- tmp=Removespace(tmp);
- if(tmp!=file,flg=1);
- );
- );
- if(length(path)==0,
- path=Dirwork;
- );
- if(flg==1,
- setdirectory(path);
- tmp=load(file);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- println(" => "+file+" not exists");
- flg=-1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(kcfile);
- if(!iswindows(),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+path+Dq);
- tmp=replace(PathT,"pdflatex","extractbb"); //16.11.22
- tmp=replace(tmp,"pdftex","extractbb"); //16.11.22
- tmp=replace(tmp,"xelatex","extractbb");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"uplatex","extractbb"); //17.09.20
- tmp=replace(tmp,"platex","extractbb");
- tmp=replace(tmp,"latex","extractbb");
- tmp=tmp+" -O "+file;
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp=tmp+" > "+Dirwork+"\"+fout;
- ,
- tmp=tmp+" > "+Dirwork+"/"+fout;
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- kc(Dirwork+"/"+kcfile,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex); // 16.06.07
- );
- if(flg>=0,
- tmp1=0;
- repeat(floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit),
- if(tmp1==0,
- wait(10);
- tmp=load(fout);
- if(indexof(tmp,"CreationDate")>0,
- tmp1=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp)==0,
- println(fout+" not generated. Maybe "+kcfile+" not run.");
- ,
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,"%%");
- tmp=select(tmp,indexof(#,"Bounding")>0);
- tmp=tmp_2; //
- tmp1=indexof(tmp,":");
- tmp=substring(tmp,tmp1,length(tmp));
- tmp=removespace(tmp);
- tmp=tokenize(tmp," ");
- tmp1="";
- forall(tmp,
- tmp1=tmp1+Sprintf(#,2)+" ";
- );
- tmp1=removespace(tmp1)+addop;
- tmp2="\includegraphics[bb="+tmp1+"]{"+file+"}";
- println(tmp2);
- );
- );
-// setdirectory(Dirwork);
- tmp2; // 16.04.25
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibhelpE.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibhelpE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c89e3e7..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibhelpE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-//help:drawimage*(import image into the screen);
-//help:drawtext*(write letters on the screen);
-//help:Option1*(specify the style of drawing lines);
-//help:Option2*(specify the way of writing data out);
-//help:Option3*(specify the way of reading and writing data in);
-//help:Changestyle*(change the style for drawing plot data);
-//help:Workprocess*(display the process of execution);
-//help:Textformat*(convert number into string with specific number of digits);
-//help:Assign*(replace the name of variable in the string by some specific value);
-//help:Flattenlist*(flatten the list of data);
-//help:Dotprod*(inner product);
-//help:Crossprod*(exterior product);
-//help:Ptstart*(starting point of plot data);
-//help:Ptend*(ending point of plot data);
-//help:Numptcrvtenn*(number of points in plot data);
-//help:Ptcrv*(the n-th point of plot data);
-//help:Invert*(reverse the orientation of curve);
-//help:ParamonCurve*(information (parameter value etc.) of the point in plot data);
-//help:PointonCurve*(the point in the plot data specified by the given information);
-//help:Nearestptcrv*(the point in the curve which is nearest to the given point);
-//help:Nearestpt*(the points in two given curves which are nearest each other);
-//help:Derivative*(calculate the differential coefficient);
-//help:Integrate*(numerical integration);
-//help:Findarea*(calculate the area of the region surrounded by a closed curve);
-//help:Findlength*(calculate the length of curve);
-//help:Com2nd*(add the R command to write out plot data into TeX);
-//help:Texcom*(write command into TeX output exactly as written here);
-//help:Setunitlen*(specify the unit length);
-//help:Setmarklen*(specify the unit length of the tickmarks on coordinate axis);
-//help:Setorigin*(specify the position the origin);
-//help:Fontsize*(specify the size of font);
- //help:Setpen*(specify the thickness of line);
-//help:Setpt*(specify the size of point);
-//help:Definecolor*(define the color for user's own use);
-//help:Setcolor*(specify the color);
-//help:Joincrvs*(join curves);
-//help:Partcrv*(cut out some part of the curve);
-//help:Pointdata*(generate the plot data of point
-//additional option : "Size=");
-//help:Listplot*(generate the plot data of a polyline);
-//help:Lineplot*(generate the plot data of line);
-//help:Plotdata*(generate the plot data of function
-//additional option : "Num=", "Exc=", "Dis=");
-//help:Paramplot*(generate the plot data of parametric function
-//additional option : "Num=", "Exc=", "Dis=");
-//help:Circledata*(generate the plot data of circle
-//additional option : "Num=", "Rng=");
-//help:Framedata*(generate the plot data of rectangle);
-//help:Ovaldata*(generate the plot data of oval shape);
-//help:Arrowhead*(generate the plot data of arrowhead
-//option : size, sharpness, shape and position in the arrow);
-//help:Arrowdata*(generate the plot data of arrow line
-//option : size of arrowhead, sharpness(angle),position of arrowhead);
-//help:Anglemark*(generate the plot data of angle mark option : size);
-//help:Paramark*(generate the plot data of right angle mark option : size);
-//help:Bowdata*(generate the plot data of bow arched curve
-//option : curvatute, size of the blank space, letter);
-//help:Deqplot*(generate the solution curve of differential equation
-//additional option : "Num=");
-//help:Hatchdata*(add hatching into some region
-// option : slope, degree, space betwen lines));
-//help:Enclosing*(generate the plot data of closed curve connecting some curves);
-//help:Shade*(add shading into some region option : depth);
-//help:Rotatepoint*(rotate the point, option : center);
-//help:Translatepoint*(pararell transport of the point);
-//help:Scalepoint*(magnify or reduce the position of point option : center);
- //help:Reflectpoint*(reflect the point);
-//help:Rotatedata*(rotate the plot data option : center);
-//help:Scaledata*(magnify or reduce the plot data option : center);
-//help:Reflectdata*(reflect the plot data);
-//help:Mksegments*(generate the plot data of all segments on the screen);
-//help:Mkcircles*(generate the plot data of all circles on the screen):
-//help:Setax*(specify the setting of coordinate axes);
-//help:Htickmark*(put a tickmark on the horizontal coordinate axis);
-//help:Vtickmark*(put a tickmark on the vertical coordinate axis);
-//help:Drwxy*(draw coordinate axes);
-//help:Addax*(specify whether coordinate axes are drawn or not);
-//help:Expr*(write mathematical expressions at a specific position);
-//help:Letter*(write letters at a specific position);
-//help:Letterrot*(write sloped letters at a specific position):
-//help:Exprrot*(write sloped mathematical expressions at a specific position):
-//help:Putpoint*(put a point at the specific position);
-//help:Bezier*(generate the plot data of Bezier curve);
-//help:Mkbezierptcrv*(generate the plot data of Bezier curve by automatically taking controll points);
-//help:CRspline*(generate the plot data of Catmull-Rom spline curve);
-//help:Beziersmooth*(generate the plot data of Bezier spline curve);
-//help:Bspline*(generate the plot data of B-spline curve);
-//help:PtonLine*(put a point on a specific line);
-//help:PtonSeg*(put a point on a specific segment);
-//help:PutonCurve*(put a point on a specific curve);
-//help:Setscaling*(specify the rate of magnification in the vertical direction);
- //help:Tabledatalight*(generate the plot data of table without geometric points
- //additional option : rules to be removed);
- //help:Tgrid*(return the coordinates of a cell in the table);
- //help:Tlistplot*(draw segment connecting two lattice points in the table);
-//help:ChangeTablestyle*(change the style for drawing rules in the table);
-//help:Tabledata*(generate the plot data of table with geometric points
- //option : usual options+rules to be removed);
-//help:Findcell*(return the information of a cell in the table);
-//help:Putcell*(write letters in a specific cell of the table);
-//help:Putcellexpr*(write mathematical expressions in a specific cell of the table);
-//help:Putrow*(write letters in a specific row of the table));
-//help:Putrowexpr*(write mathematical expressions in a specific row of the table);
-//help:PutcoL*(write letters in a specific column of the table));
-//help:PutcoLexpr*(write mathematical expressions in a specific column of the table));
-//help:Setwindow*(specify the area of drawing);
-//help:Defvar*(the definition of a variable is called by R);
-//help:Deffun*(the definition of a function is called by R);
-//help:Extractdata*(endow attribute to the imported plot data);
-//help:ReadOutData*(import the plot data);
-//help:WriteOutData*(export the plot data);
-//help:Removespace*(remove spaces of in front and behind);
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibhelpJ.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibhelpJ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 93e5e323..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibhelpJ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- //help:Setpen*(線の太さを指定);
-//追加オプション : "Size=");
-//追加オプション : "Num=", "Exc=", "Dis=");
-//追加オプション : "Num=", "Exc=", "Dis=");
-//追加オプション : "Num=", "Rng=");
-//オプション : 大きさ,開き角,形状と位置);
-//オプション : 大きさ,開き角,矢じり位置);
-//help:Anglemark*(角度マークを作成. オプション : 角の印の大きさ);
-//help:Paramark*(垂直マークを作成. オプション : 角の印の大きさ);
-//オプション : 曲がり,空白サイズ,文字);
-//追加オプション : "Num=");
-//help:Hatchdata*(斜線塗り. オプション : 傾き(度),間隔);
-//help:Shade*(シェーディング. オプション : 濃さ);
-//help:Rotatepoint*(点を回転. オプション : 中心);
-//help:Scalepoint*(点を縮小/拡大. オプション : 中心);
-//help:Rotatedata*(プロットデータを回転. オプション : 中心);
-//help:Scaledata*(プロットデータを縮小/拡大. オプション : 中心);
- //help:Tabledatalight*(幾何点をもたない表データ作成
- //追加オプション : ラベルのとび,描画領域を表に合わせるか);
- //help:Tgrid*(表のセルの座標を返す);
- //help:Tlistplot*(表の2格子点を結ぶ線分);
- //追加オプション : ラベルのとび,描画領域を表に合わせるか);
-//help:Drwpt*(点をTeXに描く.オプション:白抜き 0);
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvhelpE.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvhelpE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a7edb2e..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvhelpE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-//help:Moviedata*(generate movie/para data);
-//help:Paraamble*(Define preamble and postamble);
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvhelpJ.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvhelpJ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 354d6596..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvhelpJ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-//オプション : "Cut=1秒のコマ数(20)", "Div=全体のコマ数(80)");
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvlogr.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvlogr.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b42e5a..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvlogr.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Parafolder debugged (Viewtex ->WritetoRS)
-// Mkanimation debugged ( \ -> / for windows )
-// Setpara options changed
-// Animatefile changed (\figsize, OpA)
-// Mkflipanime added
-// Old movie function removed
-// Flipbook removed
-// Mkanimation changed (for R)
-// Ketinitmv, Paraamble, Mkmovie changed (for R)
-// Mkanimation changed (ketpic.sty etc )
-// Parafolder changed (timing of display of counter,time)
-// Parafolder changed (file.exists added)
-// Mkanimation changed ("Rem=" option added)
-// Ketinitmv changed (Shellfile removed)
-// Parafolder debugged
-// Parafolder changed ( cmdL for making TeX files)
-// Mkanimation added
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvr.cs b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvr.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e9978e7b..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibmvr.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Masataka Kaneko, Setsuo Takato, KETCindyJapan project team
-//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>
-println("ketcindymv(20171124) loaded");
-Setpara(path,fstr,sL):=Setpara(path,fstr,sL,[],[]); // 16.12.27added
-Setpara(pathorg,fstr,sL,options):= //17.11.25(3lines)
- Setpara(pathorg,fstr,sL,options,[]);
-//help:Setpara("folder name","funstr","range",options,optionsanim);
- regional(path);//17.04.10
- if(length(pathorg)==0, path=Slidename,path=pathorg);//17.04.10
- ParaPath=path;
- ParaFstr=fstr;
- ParaSL=sL;
- ParaOp=options;
- ParaOpAnim=optionsanim; //17.11.25
- LETTERlistback=LETTERlist;
- COM0thlistback=COM0thlist;
- COM1stlistback=COM1stlist;
- COM2ndlistback=COM2ndlist;
- regional(nn,sL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,strL,eqL,waiting,
- mkr,mktex,ndiv,options,sfL);
- if(!isstring(ParaPath),
- println("Setpara not executed");
- ,
- sL=sLorg;//16.12.24from
- if(!isstring(sL),
- tmp=indexof(fstr,"(");
- tmp1=substring(fstr,tmp,length(fstr));
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,")");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
- ,
- tmp=indexof(sL,"=");//16.12.21from
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp1=substring(sL,0,tmp-1);
- );
- );
- parse("Movieframe("+tmp1+"):="+fstr);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- if(length(strL)==0,options=append(options,"m"));//16.12.18
- mkr="A";
- mktex="A";
- ndiv=25;
- waiting=20;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=Indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="D",
- ndiv=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- forall(strL,
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp1=="M",
- mkr="Y"; mktex="Y";
- );
- );
- sL=sLorg;
- if(isstring(sL),
- tmp=indexof(sL,"=");
- tmp1=parse(substring(sL,tmp,length(sL)));
- sL=apply(0..ndiv,tmp1_1+#*(tmp1_2-tmp1_1)/ndiv);
- );
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,path),
- if(ErrFlag!=-1,
- makedir(Dirwork,path)
- ,
- println(" ==> Changework may not work properly");
- sL=[];
- );
- ,
- tmp=fileslist(Dirwork+pathsep()+path); //17.12.09(3lines);
- tmp=length(tmp);
- if((mkr=="Y") & (tmp>0),
- tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/");//17.10.13
- cmdL=[
- "setwd",[Dq+tmp1+"/"+path+Dq],
- "fL=as.matrix(list.files())",[],
- "apply",["fL",2,"file.remove"],
- "setwd",[Dq+tmp1+Dq],
- ];
- CalcbyR("rvf",cmdL,["Cat=n","m"]);
- tmp=Dirwork+pathsep()+path;
- repeat(1..30,
- if(length(fileslist(tmp))>0,wait(10));
- );
- );//17.02.20until
- );
- sfL=[];
- forall(1..(length(sL)),nn,
- LETTERlist=LETTERlistback;
- COM0thlist=COM0thlistback;
- COM1stlist=COM1stlistback;
- COM2ndlist=COM2ndlistback;
- tmp1=Sprintf(nn/1000,3);
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,".");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
- FnameR=path+"/p"+tmp1+".r";
- sfL=append(sfL,FnameR);
- Fnametex=replace(FnameR,".r",".tex");
- Movieframe(sL_nn); //17.10.13
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,FnameR) % mkr=="Y",
- if(ErrFlag!=-1,
- WritetoRS(2); //17.12.09
- );
- );
- );
- tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/"); //17.10.13
- cmdL=[
- "setwd",[Dq+tmp1+"/"+path+Dq],
- "Mkallfile=function(fname){",[],
- " Ctr<<- Ctr+1",[],
- " tmp=readLines(fname)",[],
- " first=1",[],
- " if(Ctr>1){",[],
- " first=7",[],
- " cat('Ketinit()\n',file='all.r',append=TRUE)",[],
- " }",[],
- " for(J in first:(length(tmp)-1)){",[],
- " cat(paste(tmp[J],'\n',sep=''),file='all.r',append=TRUE)",[],
- " }",[],
- " cat('print(',Ctr,')\n',file='all.r',append=TRUE)",[],
- " Tmp=proc.time()-Tm",[],
- " cat('print(',Tmp[3],')\n',file='all.r',append=TRUE)",[],
- "}",[],
- "if(file.exists('all.r')){file.remove('all.r')}",[], //17.10.24
- "fL=list.files()",[],
- "Ctr=0",[],
- "Tm<-invisible(proc.time())",[],
- "for(fname in fL){",[],
- " if(length(grep('.r',fname))>0){Mkallfile(fname)}",[], // 17.11.24
- "}",[],
- "source('all.r')",[],
- "setwd",[Dq+tmp1+Dq]
- ];
- if(ErrFlag!=-1,
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,Fnametex) % mktex=="Y",
- CalcbyR("all",cmdL,["Cat=n","m","Wait="+text(waiting)]);
- ,
- println("Parafolder "+path+" finished");//16.12.20
- );
- if(length(after)>0, // 16.12.27
- parse(after);
- );
- FnameR=Fhead+".r";
- Fnametex=Fhead+".tex";
- );
- );
- regional(FRate, Scale, OpA, pa,fname,eqL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=divoptions(ParaOpAnim); //17.11.24
- eqL=tmp_5;
- FRate="10";
- Scale="1";
- OpA="loop,controls,buttonsize=3mm";
- remflg=0;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,2));
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="FR",
- FRate=tmp2;
- );
- if(tmp1=="SC",
- Scale=tmp2;
- );
- if(tmp1=="OP", // 17.12.07from
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"[","");
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"]","");
- if(substring(tmp2,0,1)=="+",
- OpA=OpA+","+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2));
- ,
- OpA=tmp2;
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(OpA)>0,OpA="["+OpA+"]");
- pa=replace(path,"\","/");
- fname="anim"+folder+".tex";
- tmp=Dirwork+"/"+folder;
- path=replace(tmp,"\","/");
- if(iswindows(),tmp=replace(tmp,"/","\"));
- tmp1=fileslist(tmp);
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,",");
- tmp1=select(tmp1,indexof(#,".tex")>0);
- SCEOUTPUT= openfile(fname);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\def\parapath{"+pa+"}%"); //17.06.22
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\def\figsize{"+Scale+"}%"); //17.12.07
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\begin{animateinline}"+OpA+"{"+FRate+"}%");
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
- if(Scale==1, // 17.08.30from
- tmp="\input{\parapath/";
- tmp=tmp+folder+"/"+tmp1_#+"}%";
- ,
- tmp="\scalebox{\figsize}{\input{\parapath/";//17.12.07
- tmp=tmp+folder+"/"+tmp1_#+"}}%";
- ); // 17.08.30until
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,""); //17.06.25
- if(#<length(tmp1),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\newframe%");
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\end{animateinline}%");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(fname+" has been generated");
- regional(remflg,tmp,eqL,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,ParaPath), //17.10.14from
- Parafolder();
- );
- Animatefile(); //17.10.14until
- Mkanimation(Dirwork,ParaPath);
- regional(Fheadbkup,Pathpdfbkup,tex,article,parent,
- eqL,mag,title,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg);
- tmp=Divoptions(ParaOpAnim); //17.11.25from
- eqL=tmp_5;
- mag="1600";
- title=folder;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=Indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="M",
- mag=tmp2;
- );
- if(tmp1=="T",
- title=tmp2;
- );
- ); //17.11.25until
- Fheadbkup=Fhead;
- Fhead="animate"+folder;
- Pathpdfbkup=Pathpdf;
- Pathpdf=PathAd;
- tmp1=replace(PathT,pathsep(),"/");
- tmp=indexall(tmp1,"/");//17.10.14from
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tex=substring(tmp1,tmp_(length(tmp)),length(tmp1));
- ,
- tex=tmp1;
- );//17.10.14until
- if((tex=="platex")%(tex=="uplatex"),
- if(tex=="platex",article="jarticle",article="ujarticle");
- ,
- article="article";
- );
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(Fhead+".tex");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\documentclass[landscape]{"+article+"}");
- if((tex=="platex")%(tex=="uplatex")%(tex=="latex"),
- tmp="\special{papersize=\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight}";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\mag="+mag);//17.11.25
- );
- if((tex=="pdflatex")%(tex=="lualatex")%(tex=="xelatex"),
- if((tex=="pdflatex")%(tex=="xelatex"),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[pdftex]{pict2e}");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{pict2e}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{luatexja}");
- );
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/"); //17.10.30from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic2e,ketlayer2e}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic2e}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer2e}");
- );
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/"); //17.10.30from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic,ketlayer}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer}");
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{bm,enumerate}");
- if((tex=="platex")%(tex=="uplatex")%(tex=="latex"),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{animate}");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{graphicx}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{animate}");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{xcolor}");
- forall(ADDPACK, tmp1,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"{animate}")+indexof(tmp1,"{hyperref}");
- if(tmp==0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage"+tmp1);
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\pagestyle{empty}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\setmargin{0}{0}{0}{0}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\begin{document}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\large");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\vspace*{25mm}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- tmp=floor(parse("290*1000/"+mag));
- print(SCEOUTPUT,"\Ctab{"+text(tmp)+"mm}{");
- print(SCEOUTPUT,"\fbox{\Large\bf "+title+"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
- tmp=parse("6*1000/"+mag);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\vspace{"+text(tmp)+"mm}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- tmp=indexof(ULEN,"cm");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(ULEN,0,tmp-1);
- tmp1=parse(replace(tmp1," ",""))*10;
- );
- tmp=indexof(ULEN,"mm");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(ULEN,0,tmp-1);
- tmp1=parse(replace(tmp1," ",""));
- );
- tmp=parse("300*1000/"+mag);
- tmp1=(tmp-(XMAX-XMIN)*tmp1)/2;
- tmp1=tmp1+parse("("+mag+"-1000)/100*1.3");
- print(SCEOUTPUT,"\hspace*{"+text(tmp1)+"mm}");
- tmp=replace(path,"\","/"); //17.12.09(2lines)
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\input{"+tmp+"/anim"+folder+".tex}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\end{document}");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- if(iswindows(),
- parent=Dirwork+Batparent;
- Makebat(Fhead,"ttv");
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(parent,Dirlib,Fnametex))
- );
- kc();
- ,
- parent=Dirwork+Shellparent;
- Makeshell(Fhead,"ttv");
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(parent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));
- );
- kc();
- );
- Fhead=Fheadbkup;
- Pathpdf= Pathpdfbkup;
- regional(remflg,tmp,eqL,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,ParaPath), //17.10.14from
- Parafolder();
- );
- Mkflipanime(Dirwork,ParaPath);
- regional(Fheadbkup,tex,article,parent,eqL,mag,title,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,texfiles,flg);
- tmp=Divoptions(ParaOpAnim); //17.11.25from
- eqL=tmp_5;
- mag="1600";
- title=folder;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=Indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="M",
- mag=tmp2;
- );
- if(tmp1=="T",
- title=tmp2;
- );
- ); //17.11.25until
- Fheadbkup=Fhead;
- Fhead="flipanime"+folder;
- tmp1=replace(PathT,pathsep(),"/");
- tmp=indexall(tmp1,"/");//17.10.14from
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tex=substring(tmp1,tmp_(length(tmp)),length(tmp1));
- ,
- tex=tmp1;
- );//17.10.14until
- if((tex=="platex")%(tex=="uplatex"),
- if(tex=="platex",article="jarticle",article="ujarticle");
- ,
- article="article";
- );
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(Fhead+".tex");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\documentclass[landscape]{"+article+"}");
- if((tex=="platex")%(tex=="uplatex")%(tex=="latex"),
- tmp="\special{papersize=\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight}";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\mag="+mag);//17.11.25
- );
- if((tex=="pdflatex")%(tex=="lualatex")%(tex=="xelatex"),
- if((tex=="pdflatex")%(tex=="xelatex"),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[pdftex]{pict2e}");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{pict2e}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{luatexja}");
- );
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/"); //17.10.30from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic2e,ketlayer2e}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic2e}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer2e}");
- );
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead,"\","/"); //17.10.30from
- tmp=replace(tmp,"scripts","tex/latex");
- if(isexists(tmp,""),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{ketpic,ketlayer}");
- ,
- tmp=replace(Dirhead+"/ketpicstyle","\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketpic}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{"+tmp+"/ketlayer}");
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{bm,enumerate}");
- if((tex=="platex")%(tex=="uplatex")%(tex=="latex"),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx}");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{graphicx}");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage{xcolor}");
- forall(ADDPACK, tmp1,
- if(tmp==0,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\usepackage"+tmp1);
- );
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\pagestyle{empty}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\setmargin{0}{0}{0}{0}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\begin{document}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\large");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- tmp=fileslist(Dirwork+pathsep()+folder);
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,",");
- texfiles=select(tmp,indexof(#,".tex")>0);
- forall(texfiles,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\vspace*{25mm}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- tmp=floor(parse("290*1000/"+mag));
- print(SCEOUTPUT,"\Ctab{"+text(tmp)+"mm}{");
- print(SCEOUTPUT,"\fbox{\Large\bf "+title+"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
- tmp=parse("6*1000/"+mag);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\vspace{"+text(tmp)+"mm}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- tmp=indexof(ULEN,"cm");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(ULEN,0,tmp-1);
- tmp1=parse(replace(tmp1," ",""))*10;
- );
- tmp=indexof(ULEN,"mm");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(ULEN,0,tmp-1);
- tmp1=parse(replace(tmp1," ",""));
- );
- tmp=parse("300*1000/"+mag);
- tmp1=(tmp-(XMAX-XMIN)*tmp1)/2;
- tmp1=tmp1+parse("("+mag+"-1000)/100*1.3");
- print(SCEOUTPUT,"\hspace*{"+text(tmp1)+"mm}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\input{"+folder+"/"+#+"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\newpage");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"\end{document}");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- if(iswindows(),
- parent=Dirwork+Batparent;
- Makebat(Fhead,"tv");
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(parent,Dirlib,Fnametex))
- );
- kc();
- ,
- parent=Dirwork+Shellparent;
- Makeshell(Fhead,"tv");
- kc():=(
- println("kc : "+kc(parent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));
- );
- kc();
- );
- Fhead=Fheadbkup;
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutlogr.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutlogr.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94752a33..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutlogr.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// 2018.03.27
-// functions of C changed
-// CalcbyC added
-// Sfbdparadata,Crvsfparadata added
-// 2018.03.24
-// WriteCdata changed ( 99999 )
-// 2018.03.03
-// ConvertFdtoC changed ( varnames converted to u,v )
-// 2018.03.01
-// Cform,ConvertFdtoC added
-// 2018.02.27
-// Rfun debugged
-// 2018.02.22
-// CalcbyR changed (adding ".txt" to wfile)
-// 2018.02.20
-// CalcbyR changed (Quick return of Erromessage)
-// 2018.02.12
-// MkprecommandR changed ( for GLIST )
-// 2018.02.11
-// Mkprecommand debugged
-// CalcbyR debugged ("ans" replaced to name )
-// 2018.02.01
-// CalcbyR changed (for matrix, wait=5 )
-// 2018.01.31
-// CalcbyR changed (for list of list )
-// 2018.01.29
-// CalcbyR debugged and changed (case of result is null )
-// 2018.01.27
-// CalcbyR changed ( output like Maxima(::),"Out")
-// 2018.01.07
-// Hatchdata debugged (fun removed )
-// 2017.12.24
-// Mkobjpoly,Mkobjplate debugged
-// Changeobjscalce changed for R
-// 2017.12.23
-// Mkobjsymbcmd debugged
-// Setoptions changed
-// Mkobjthickcmd added
-// 2017.12.22
-// Mkobjcrvcmd debugged
-// 2017.10.24
-// Maxima2Cindydata added
-// 2017.10.12
-// kcR debugged ( for Mac, => 2> )
-// 2017.10.07
-// CalcbyR debugged ( => WritetoRS )
-// ReadCdata changed ( execstr removed )
-// 2017.10.02
-// Imlicitplot changed (for R)
-// 2017.09.29
-// WritetoS debugged (LibnameS)
-// Dotfilldata changed
-// 2017.09.24
-// Circledata, WritetoR, PrecommandR debugged
-// 2017.09.23
-// Hatchdata debugged
-// 2017.09.18
-// Hatchdata changed (for R)
-// SCIWR,SCIRE removed
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutr.cs b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutr.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb3e343..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutr.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5935 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
-//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <>
-println("ketcindyout(20180327) loaded");
-// help:WritetoS("outdata",cmdL);
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".sce";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
- tmp="cd('"+Dirwork+"');//";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
-// tmp1=replace(Dirlib,"\","/");
- tmp="Ketlib=lib("+Dq+LibnameS+Dq+");//"; //17.09.29
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="Ketinit();//";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="Setwindow([XMIN,XMAX],[YMIN,YMAX]);"; // 16.06.26from
- tmp=Assign(tmp,["XMIN",XMIN,"XMAX",XMAX,"YMIN",YMIN,"YMAX",YMAX]);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp); // 16.06.26until
- if(iswindows(), // 17.01.11from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"setlanguage('en')");
- ); // 17.01.11until
- tmp="pi=%pi;////";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- forall(cmdL,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#+"//");
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,flg);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".sce";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(strL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
- flg=0;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp2=replace(filename,".sce",".txt");
- tmp1=load(tmp2);
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,
- tmp1=""; // 15.10.08 from
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp2=Batparent;
- ,
- tmp2=Shellparent;
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- setdirectory(tmp1);
- ); // 15.10.08 to
- if(iswindows(),
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp=Dq+path+Dq+" -nb -nwni -f "+filename;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29, 0605
- ,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp=Dq+path+Dq+" -nwni -f "+filename;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29
- );
- wait(WaitUnit);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- );
- regional(tmp,tmp1);
- if(!isstring(PathS), // 15.12.11
- Setdirectory(Dirbin); // 15.12.07
- tmp=load(Shellfile);
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp=tokenize(tmp," -nb");
- PathS=tmp_1;
- ,
- tmp=tokenize(tmp," -nwni");
- tmp=tokenize(tmp_1,"/Applications/sci");
- PathS="/Applications/sci"+tmp_2;
- );
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- );
- PathS;
-ErrhandleS(fname):=( // 2016.02.28
- regional(str); //17.04.14
- if(indexof(PathS,"-6.")==0,
- str=["if iserror(-1) then"," error=lasterror()+'????';"];
- str=append(str," errclear(-1);"); // 16.03.14
- str=append(str," Fd=mopen("+Dq+wfile+Dq+",'wt');");
- str=append(str," mfprintf(Fd,'%s','Error: '+error);");
- str=append(str," mclose(Fd);");
- str=append(str," quit();");
- str=append(str,"end;");
- str;
- ,
- str=[]; //17.04.14
- );
- regional(var,val,fun,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- fun=replace(funstr,".x","(1)"); // 16.05.19
- fun=replace(fun,".y","(2)"); // 16.05.19
- tmp=indexof(varx,"=");
- var=substring(varx,0,tmp-1);
- val=substring(varx,tmp+1,length(varx));
- tmp=indexof(val,",");
- val=substring(val,0,tmp-1);
- tmp1=replace(fun,var,"("+val+")");
- tmp=indexof(vary,"=");
- var=substring(vary,0,tmp-1);
- val=substring(vary,tmp+1,length(vary));
- tmp=indexof(val,",");
- val=substring(val,0,tmp-1);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,var,"("+val+")");
- tmp1;
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- CalcbyS(name,Arg1,Arg2,[]);
- ,
- CalcbyS(name,SetpathS(),Arg1,Arg2);
- );
-//help:CalcbyS(options= ["m/r","Wait=10","Cat=middle"]]);
-//help:CalcbyS(options1= ["Ncol=2","File=result","Dig=5"]]);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,realL,strL,eqL,
- ncoL,cat,dig,flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,cmdS,cmdlist,wfile,ext,
- waiting, errcheck);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- cat="M";//16.11.24
- ncoL=2;
- ext=".txt";
- waiting=10;
- dig=5;
- wfile="";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,2));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="CA",
- cat=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));// 16.11.24
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="NC",
- ncoL=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="EX",
- if(indexof(tmp2,".")==0,ext="."+tmp2,ext=tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="WA",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="DI",
- dig=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="FI", // 16.06.26from
- wfile=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- ); // 16.06.26until
- );
- if(wfile=="",
- if(cat=="Y",
- wfile=Fhead+name;
- ,
- wfile="resultS";
- );
- );
- if(indexof(wfile,".")==0,// 16.06.26from
- wfile=wfile+ext;
- ); // 16.06.26until
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(CONTINUED==0,
- if((wflg==0) & (cat=="Y"), // 16.11.24
- tmp=load(wfile);
- if(length(tmp)==0,wflg=1);
- );
- );
- file=Fhead+name;
- cmdS=cmd;
- cmdlist=[];
- forall(1..floor(length(cmdS)/2),nc, //17.05.18
- tmp1=cmdS_(2*nc-1);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,CRmark,""); // 16.12.13
- if(nc==length(cmdR)/2, //16.10.23from
- if(indexof(tmp1,"=")==0,tmp1="="+tmp1);
- ); //16.10.23from
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="=",
-// tmp1=name+tmp1; // 16.12.20
- );
- tmp2=cmdS_(2*nc); // list of argments
- tmp3="";
- tmp4="";
- errcheck=0;
- forall(tmp2,arg,
- if(isstring(arg),
- if(Toupper(arg)=="ERROR",
- errcheck=1;
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+replace(arg,"'",Dq)+",";
- );
- ,
- if(!islist(arg),
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
- ,
- tmp=select(arg,isstring(#) % islist(#));
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp3=tmp3+"list(";
- tmp4=")";
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+"[";
- tmp4="]";
- );
- forall(arg,
- if(isstring(#),
- tmp3=tmp3+replace(#,"'",Dq)+",";
- ,
- if(!islist(#), // 15.11.01 from
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(#,dig)+",";
- ,
- tmp=textformat(#,dig);
- tmp=replace(tmp,"],[","];[");
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
- ); // 15.11.01 until
- );
- );
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+tmp4+",";
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp3)>0,
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1);
- tmp1=tmp1+"("+tmp3+");";
- );
- if(errcheck==1,
- if(indexof(Dirlib,"sciL5")>0, // 17.03.20
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"errcatch(-1,'continue','nomessage');");
- ); // 17.03.20
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp1);
- if(errcheck==1,
- tmp=ErrhandleS(wfile);
- cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,tmp);
- );
- );
- if(CONTINUED==1,
- ComOutList=concat(ComOutList,cmdlist);
- ,
- if(cat=="Y",
- tmp=[];
- tmp=append(tmp,"Fd=mopen("+Dq+file+".txt"+Dq+",'wt');");
- // 16.03.11 from
- tmp=append(tmp,"mfprintf(Fd,'%s',"+name+");");
- tmp=append(tmp,"mclose(Fd);");
- cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,tmp);
-// tmp="fprintfMat("+Dq+file+".txt"+Dq+","+name+")";
-// cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp); // 16.03.11 until
- ,
-// tmp="mputl(['????'],"+Dq+file+".txt"+Dq+");"; // 16.06.2 from
-// cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,[tmp]); // 16.06.2 until
- );
- if(cat!="Y", // 16.12.18
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"mputl('||||','"+wfile+"')");
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"quit()");
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp1=load(file+".sce");
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"////");
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1_2,"//");
- tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist),
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
- if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
- );
- );
- );
- if(wflg==0,wflg=-1); // 15.10.16
- if(wflg==1,
- if(length(wfile)>0, // 15.10.05
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- );
- WritetoS(file+".sce",cmdlist);
- kcS(path,file,concat(options,["m"])); // 15.09.25
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
- repeat(tmp1,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=load(wfile);
- if(length(tmp)>=4,
- tmp2=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-4,length(tmp));
- if(tmp2=="////" % tmp2=="||||" % tmp2=="????", // 16.08.09
- if(indexof(Toupper(tmp),"ERROR")>0,
- println(tmp);
- flg=2;
- ,
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
- ,
- if(wflg==-1,
- flg=-1;
- ,
- wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg<=0,
- ErrFlag=1;
- if(flg==-1,
- println(wfile+" does not exist");
- ,
- tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
- println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
- );
- ,
- if(flg==1,
- println(" CalcbyS succeeded "+name+"("+text(tmp2)+" sec)"); //16.06.03
- ,
- ErrFlag=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(wflg>-1,
-// wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- regional(nm,options,eqL,disp,cmdL,fname,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- nm="sc"+name;
- fname=Fhead+nm+".txt";
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- precise=6;
- disp=1;
- pack=[];
- set=[];
- add="";
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
- disp=0;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- cmdL=[];
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- nm+"="+fun,argL,
- "Fd=mopen",[Dq+fname+Dq,Dq+"wt"+Dq],
- "Sla=char(47)+char(47);",[],
- "mputl",["string("+nm+")+Sla","Fd"],
- "mputl",["Sla","Fd"],
- "mclose",["Fd"]
- ]);
- options=append(options,"Wait=2");
- CalcbyS(nm,cmdL,options);
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- tmp=load(fname);
- tmp=replace(tmp,"////","");
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,"//");
- tmp=apply(tmp,if(!isstring(#),textformat(#,6),Dq+#+Dq));
- if(length(tmp)==1,
- tmp=tmp_1;
- );
- tmp=nm+"="+text(tmp);
- parse(tmp);
- if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
- println(nm+" is : ");
- println(parse(nm));
- );
- );
- parse(nm);
-// help:WritetoR("outdata",cmdL);
- regional(eqL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename,waiting);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".r";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- waiting=5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1))=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- );
- );
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
- tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/");
- tmp="setwd("+Dq+tmp1+Dq+")##";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp1=replace(Libname,"\","/"); // 17.09.24from
-// tmp="load('"+tmp1+".Rdata')"; # 17.10.12
- tmp="source('"+tmp1+".r')##"; // 17.09.24temporarily
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Ketinit()##"); // 16.07.07
- tmp="Setwindow(c(XMIN,XMAX),c(YMIN,YMAX))####"; // 16.06.26from
- tmp=Assign(tmp,["XMIN",XMIN,"XMAX",XMAX,"YMIN",YMIN,"YMAX",YMAX]);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- forall(cmdL,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#+"##");
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
-// flg=0;
-// tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
-// repeat(tmp1,
-// if(flg==0,
-// tmp=load(filename);
-// if(length(tmp)>0,
-// flg=1;
-// ,
-// wait(WaitUnit);
-// );
-// );
-// );
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,ferr,flg);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".r";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(strL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
- flg=0;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
- flg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp2=replace(filename,".r",".txt");
- tmp1=load(tmp2);
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,
- tmp1=""; // 15.10.08 from
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp2=Batparent;
- ,
- tmp2=Shellparent;
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- setdirectory(tmp1);
- ); // 15.10.08 to
- ferr="errormessageR.txt";//16.10.22from
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(ferr);
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);//16.10.22uptp
- if(iswindows(),
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp=Dq+path+"\R"+Dq+" --vanilla --slave < "+filename+" 2> "+ferr;
- //16.10.22
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
- ,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- if(PathR=="",tmp="R",tmp=PathR);//16.10.20
- tmp=tmp+" --vanilla --slave < "+filename+" 2> "+ferr;//17.10.12
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
- );
- wait(WaitUnit);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- );
- regional(dig,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,out);
- dig=5;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- tmp=tmp_5;
- forall(tmp,
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp2,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="D",
- dig=parse(tmp2);
- );
- );
- out="data.frame(";
- forall(1..(length(nmL)),
- tmp1=nmL_#;
- tmp2=column(dL,#);
- tmp2=apply(tmp2,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,format(#,dig)));
- tmp=tmp1+"="+tmp2+",";
- out=out+tmp;
- );
- out=substring(out,0,length(out)-1)+")";
- out=replace(out,"[","c(");
- out=replace(out,"]",")");
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- CalcbyR(name,Arg1,Arg2,[]);
- ,
- CalcbyR(name,PathR,Arg1,Arg2);
- );
-//help:CalcbyR(options=["m/r","Wait=2","Out=yes","Pre=yes","Res=" ]);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,realL,strL,eqL,
- cat,dig,preflg,flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,cmdR,cmdlist,wfile,waiting);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- dig=5;
- cat="Y";
- wfile="";
- preflg=1;
- waiting=5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if((tmp1=="C")%(tmp1=="O"),
- cat=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="P", //18.01.27
- tmp2=substring(Toupper(tmp2),0,1);
- if(tmp2=="Y",preflg=1);
- if(tmp2=="N",preflg=0);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="D",
- dig=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="F",
- wfile=tmp2; //18.02.27
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="R",
- wfile=tmp2; //180227
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(wfile=="",
- if(cat=="Y",
- wfile=Fhead+name+".txt";
- ,
- wfile="result.txt";
- );
- );
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(CONTINUED==0,
- if((wflg==0) & (cat!="N"), // 16.11.13
- tmp=load(wfile);
- if(length(tmp)==0,wflg=1);
- );
- );
- file=Fhead+name;
- cmdR=[];
- if(preflg==1, //18.01.27from
- cmdR=MkprecommandR();
- );
- cmdR=concat(cmdR,cmd); //18.01.27until
- cmdlist=[];
- if(dig>5, //16.10.28from
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"options(digits="+text(dig+2)+");");
- ); //16.10.28until
- forall(1..floor(length(cmdR)/2),nc, //17.05.18
- tmp1=cmdR_(2*nc-1);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
- if(nc==length(cmdR)/2, //16.10.23from
-// if(indexof(tmp1,"=")==0,tmp1="="+tmp1);//16.12.20
- ); //16.10.23uptp
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="=",
- tmp1=name+tmp1;
- );
- tmp2=cmdR_(2*nc); // list of argments
- tmp3="";
- forall(tmp2,arg,
- if(isstring(arg),
- tmp3=tmp3+replace(arg,"'",Dq)+",";
- ,
- if(length(arg)==1,
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+"c(";
- forall(arg,
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(#,dig)+",";
- );
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+")"+",";
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp3)>0,
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1);
- tmp1=tmp1+"("+tmp3+")";
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp1);
- );
- tmp1=cmdlist_(length(cmdlist));
- if(indexof(tmp1,"=")==0,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"::");
- if(length(tmp1)==1,
- tmp2=name+"="+tmp1_1;
- ,
- tmp2=name+"=list(";
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp2=tmp2+#+",";
- );
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+")";
- );
- cmdlist_(length(cmdlist))=tmp2;
- );
- if(CONTINUED==1,
- ComOutList=concat(ComOutList,cmdlist);
- ,
- if(cat=="Y", //16.10.23from
- tmp="sharp=rawToChar(as.raw(35))";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp="sharps=paste(sharp,sharp,'\n',sep='')";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp="if(Length("+name+")==0){"+name+"='nodata'}"; //18.01.29
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"if(is.matrix("+name+")){");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," tmp=list()");//18.02.01from
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," for(ii in 1:Length("+name+")){");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," tmp=c(tmp,list(Op(ii,"+name+")))");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," "+name+"=tmp");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"}");//18.02.01until
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"if(is.list("+name+")){");
-// tmp=" cat(names("+name+"),file='"+wfile+"',sep=',')"; //18.01.27deleted
-// cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
-// tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
-// cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," for(ii in Looprange(1,length("+name+"))){");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," if(is.list("+name+"[[ii]])){");
- tmp=" cat('[',file='"+wfile+"',sep='',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',sep='',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp=" for(jj in Looprange(1,length("+name+"[[ii]]))){";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp=" cat("+name+"[[ii]][[jj]],file='"+wfile+"',sep=',',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- cmdlsit=append(cmdlist," }");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }");
- tmp=" cat(']',file='"+wfile+"',sep=',',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }else{");
- tmp=" cat("+name+"[[ii]],file='"+wfile+"',";
- tmp=tmp+"sep=',',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"}else{");
- tmp=" cat("+name+",file='"+wfile+"',sep=',')";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"}");
- tmp="cat('////',file='"+wfile+"',sep=',',append=TRUE)";
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- ); //16.10.23until
- if(cat!="Y", // 16.12.18
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"cat('////',file='"+wfile+"',sep='')");
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"quit()");
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp1=load(file+".r");
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"####"); // 15.09.25 from
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1_2,"##");
- tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist),
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
- if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
- );
- ); // 15.09.25 to
- );
- if(wflg==0,wflg=-1); // 15.10.16
- if(wflg==1,
- if(length(wfile)>0, // 15.10.05
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- );
- WritetoR(file+".r",cmdlist); //17.10.08
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile("errormessageR.txt");//18.02.20from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);//18.02.20until
- kcR(PathR,file,concat(options,["m"])); // 15.09.25
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
- repeat(tmp1,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=load(wfile);
- if(length(tmp)>=4,
- tmp2=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-4,length(tmp));
- if(tmp2=="////",
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-4);
- flg=1;
- tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
- );
- ,
- if(wflg==-1,
- flg=-1;
- ,
- wait(WaitUnit);
- tmp=load("errormessageR.txt");//18.02.20
- if(length(tmp)>1,
- println(tmp);
- flg=-2;
- );//18.02.20
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg<=0,
- ErrFlag=1;
- if(flg==-1,
- println(wfile+" does not exist");
- ,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
- println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
- );
- );
- ,
- println(" CalcbyR succeeded "+name+" ("+text(tmp2)+" sec)");
- if(cat=="Y", // 16.10.29,11.25
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp,"##"); //16.10.23from
- tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- tmp2=[];
- forall(tmp1,tmp3,
- if(!isstring(tmp3),
- tmp=format(tmp3,dig);
- ,
- if(indexof(tmp3,",")==0,
- tmp=Dqq(tmp3); //180227
- ,
- tmp=tmp3;
- if(substring(tmp3,0,2)=="c(",
- tmp=substring(tmp3,2,length(tmp3)-1);
- );
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,",");
- tmp=textformat(tmp,dig);
- );
- );
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- if(length(tmp2)==1,
- tmp2=tmp2_1;
- if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=tmp2_1);
- if(isstring(tmp2),
- if(indexof(tmp2,"nodata")>0,tmp2="[]"); //180227from
- tmp2=parse(tmp2);
- );
- tmp3=textformat(tmp2,dig);//180227until
- ,
- tmp3="";
- forall(tmp2,
- if(length(#)==0,
- tmp3=tmp3+"[],";
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+#+",";
- );
- );
- tmp3="["+substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+"]";
- tmp3=replace(tmp3,"[,","[");
- tmp3=replace(tmp3,",]","]");
- );
- tmp=name+"="+tmp3;//180227
- parse(tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- regional(nm,options,eqL,disp,cmdL,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- nm="R"+name;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- precise=6;
- disp=1;
- pack=[];
- set=[];
- add="";
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
- disp=0;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- cmdL=[];
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- nm+"="+fun,argL,
- ]);
- options=concat(options,["Wait=2"]);
- CalcbyR(nm,cmdL,options);
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
- println(nm+" is : ");
- println(parse(nm));
- );
- );
- parse(nm);
- if(isstring(Arg2),
- Readcsv(Arg1,Arg2,[]);
- ,
- Readcsv(Dirwork,Arg1,Arg2);
- );
- regional(path,fname,fout,options,eqL,header,cmdL,sep,
- dt,nrow,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,csv,use,flat);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- header=1;
- sep="-999";
- csv="Y"; // 16.12.12
- use="R";
- flat="N";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,2));
- if(tmp=="HE",
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if(tmp=="F" % tmp=="N",
- header=0;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
-// if(tmp=="WA", // removed:17.02.19
-// waiting=parse(tmp2);
-// options=remove(options,[#]);
-// );
- if(tmp=="SE",
- sep=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="CS",
- csv=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="US",
- use=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="FL",
- flat=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(flat=="Y",csv="N");
- sep=","+sep;
- tmp=indexof(file,".");
- if(tmp==0,
- fname=file+".csv";
- fout=file+"sep.csv";
- ,
- fname=file;
- tmp1=substring(file,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(file,tmp-1,length(file));
- fout=tmp1+"sep"+tmp2;
- );
- path=pathorg;
- if(!isexists(path,fname),
- println(path+" "+fname+" not found");
- ,
- path=replace(path,"\","/");
- if(use=="S",
- cmdL=[ // 16.12.20from
- "cd('"+path+"')",[],
- "Dt=mgetl('"+fname+"');",[],
- "cd('"+Dirwork+"')",[],
- "Dt2=[]",[],
- "for I=1:size(Dt,1),
- Tmp=Dt(I,:)+'"+sep+"';
- Dt2=[Dt2;Tmp];
- end",[],
- "mputl(Dt2,'"+fout+"')",[]
- ];
- CalcbyS("sep",cmdL,options);
- ,
- cmdL=[
- "setwd",[Dq+path+Dq],
- "tmp1=readLines",[Dq+fname+Dq,"warn=FALSE"],
- "fun=function(s) paste(s,"+Dq+sep+Dq+",sep="+Dq+Dq+")",[],
- "tmp2=sapply(tmp1,fun)",[],
- "writeLines",["tmp2",Dq+fout+Dq]
- ];
- CalcbyR("sep",cmdL,concat(options,["Cat=n"]));
- ); // 16.12.20until
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- println("Readcsv not completed");
- ,
- dt=load(fout);
- dt=tokenize(dt,sep);
- dt=dt_(1..(length(dt)-1));//16.12.20
- if(isstring(dt_1),// 17.02.10from
- if(indexof(dt_1,",")==0,csv="N");
- ,
- csv="N";
- );// 17.02.10until
- if(csv=="Y",
- dt=apply(dt,tokenize(#,","));
- ,
- dt=apply(dt,[#]);
- );
- forall(1..(length(dt)),nrow,
- tmp1=dt_nrow;
- tmp2=[];
- forall(tmp1,
- if(!isstring(#),
- tmp=#;
- ,
- if(substring(#,0,1)==Dq,
- tmp=parse(#);
- ,
- tmp=#;
- );
- );
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- dt_nrow=tmp2;
- );
- if(header==0,dt=dt_(2..(length(dt))));
- if(length(dt)==1,
- dt=dt_1
- ,
- if(length(dt_1)==1,
- dt=apply(dt,#_1);
- );
- );
- dt;
- );
- );
- regional(nameL,data,eqL,strL,ncol,nrow,fname,dig,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- ncol=0; // 17.02.09from
- dig=5;
- if(isstring(dataorg),data=parse(dataorg),data=dataorg);
- if(islist(data_1),
- ncol=length(data_1);
- data=flatten(data);
- ); // 17.02.09until
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1))=="C",
- ncol=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(indexof(file,".")==0,fname=file+".csv",fname=file);
- if(ncol==0,ncol=max(1,length(nmL)));
- tmp1=mod(length(data),ncol);
- if(tmp1>0,
- tmp=apply(1..(ncol-tmp1),-1);
- data=concat(data,tmp);
- );
- nrow=length(data)/ncol;
- if(length(nmL)<ncol,
- nameL=apply(1..ncol,"c"+text(#));
-// tmp=nameL_length(nameL)+"##";//17.02.09
- tmp=nameL_(length(nameL));//17.02.09
- nameL_(length(nameL))=tmp;
- ,
- nameL=nmL;
- );
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(fname);
- tmp=text(nameL);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1));
- forall(1..nrow,
- tmp1=data_(((#-1)*ncol+1)..(#*ncol));
- tmp2="";
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp2=tmp2+textformat(#,5)+",";
- );
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp2);
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
-Hatchdata(nm,iostr,pltlist,optionorg):=( //17.09.18
- regional(options,name,eqL,reL,strL,
- plt,fname,options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,wflg,waiting);
- name="ha"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+name+".txt";
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(length(#)==0,
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(islist(iostr),
- tmp1=text(apply(iostr,Dq+#+Dq));
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","list("); //16.02.14
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]",")"); //16.02.14
- ,
- tmp1=Dq+iostr+Dq;
- );
- if(!islist(pltlist_1),
- tmp2=apply(pltlist,if(length(#)==1,Dq+#+Dq,Chunderscore(#)));
- tmp2=text(tmp2);
- tmp2="list("+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)-1)+"),";
- ,
- tmp2="";
- forall(pltlist,plt,
- tmp=apply(plt,if(length(#)==1,Dq+#+Dq,Chunderscore(#))); // 16.04.06
- tmp=text(tmp);
- tmp="list("+substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1)+")";
- tmp2=tmp2+tmp+",";
- );
- );
- cmdL=MkprecommandR();
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
- tmp=[tmp1,tmp2];
- tmp=concat(tmp,reL);
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- "Setscaling",[SCALEY],
- "Setunitlen",[Dq+ULEN+Dq],
- name+"=Hatchdata",tmp, //16.12.23
- "WriteOutData",[Dq+fname+Dq,Dq+name+Dq,name]
- ]);
- options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
- if(wflg==1,options=concat(options,["m"]));
- if(wflg==-1,options=concat(options,["r"]));
- options=append(options,"Cat=no");
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Hatchdata not completed");
- ,
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- Extractdata(name,options);
- );
- );
- if(islist(Arg3),
- PlotdataR(name1,PathR,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3);
- ,
- PlotdataR(name1,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,[]);
- );
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,name,varstr,flg,Num,
- Ltype,Noflg,eqL,strL,flg,outreg,filename,wfile,cmdL,waiting);
- name="grR"+name1;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- Num=50;
- waiting=5;
- outreg=0;
- flg=0;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="N",
- Num=parse(tmp1);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp1);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="O",
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1));
- if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="Y", outreg=1);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(variable,"=");
- if(tmp>0,
- varstr=variable;
- ,
- varstr=variable+"="+textformat([XMIN,XMAX],5);
- );
- varstr=replace(varstr,"[","c(");
- varstr=replace(varstr,"]",")");
- filename=Fhead+name+".r";
- wfile=Fhead+name+".txt";
- cmdL=MkprecommandR();
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- name+"=Plotdata",[Dq+func+Dq,Dq+varstr+Dq,Dq+"Num="+text(Num)+Dq],
- "WriteOutData",[Dq+wfile+Dq,Dq+name+Dq,name]
- ]);
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR(name,cmdL,concat(options,["Cat=middle","Wait="+text(waiting)]));
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- println("PlotdataR not completed");
- ,
- if(outreg==1,
- OutFileList=remove(OutFileList,[wfile]);
- OutFileList=append(OutFileList,wfile);
- );
- ReadOutData(wfile);
- Extractdata(name,options);
- tmp=parse(name);
- tmp1=name+"="+textformat(tmp,5);
- parse(tmp1);
- tmp2=apply(tmp,Lcrd(#));
- tmp2;
- );
- regional(name,pb,cmdL,var,range,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,wfile);
- name="grd"+nm;
- tmp=indexof(varrng,"=");
- var=substring(varrng,0,tmp-1);
- range=parse(substring(varrng,tmp,length(varrng)));
- if(length(range)==2,
- range=(range_1)..(range_2);
- );
- cmdL=[
- "fnb=function("+var+") "+fun,[],
- name+"=sapply",[range,"fnb"]
- ];
- wfile=Fhead+name+".txt";
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- println("PlotdiscR not completed");
- ,
- tmp1=load(wfile);
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-4);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"##","");
- pb=tokenize(tmp1,",");
- tmp=apply(range,[#,pb_(#+1)]);
- Listplot(name,tmp,options);
- );
- regional(options,name,data,bp,cmdL,waiting,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,
- out,eqL,strL,pstr,ext,file,flg,wrflg);
- name="bp"+nm;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=3;
- wrflg=0;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1))=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="R",
- wrflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="M",
- wrflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- data=dataorg;
- if(isstring(data),
- if(indexof(data,".")==0,data=data+".dat");
- if(iswindows(), // 15.11.10
- data=replace(data,"/","\");
- flg="\";
- ,
- data=replace(data,"\","/");
- flg="/";
- );
- forall(reverse(1..length(data)),
- if(length(flg)>0,
- tmp=substring(data,#-1,#);
- if(tmp==flg,
- tmp3=substring(data,0,#-1);
- tmp4=substring(data,#,length(data));
- if(indexof(tmp3,":")==0, // 11.11.10
- tmp=substring(tmp3,0,1);
- if(tmp!=flg,
- tmp3=Dirwork+flg+tmp3;
- );
- );
- flg="";
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(flg)>0,
- tmp3=Dirwork; //15.11.10
- tmp4=data;
- );
- setdirectory(tmp3);
- tmp=load(tmp4);
- if(length(tmp)==0, ErrFlag=2); // 15.11.07 until
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- ,
- file=Fhead+name+".dat";
- tmp=load(file);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp,",");
- tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- ,
- tmp1=[];
- );
- flg=0;
- if(length(tmp1)==length(data),
- tmp=tmp1-data;
- tmp=select(tmp,#!=0);
- if(length(tmp)>0,flg=1);
- ,
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==1,
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(file);
- forall(data,
- print(SCEOUTPUT,textformat(#,5)+",");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"////");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
-// wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- data=file;
- );
- data=replace(data,"\","/");
- cmdL=[
- "tmp=readLines",[Dq+data+Dq, "warn=FALSE"],
- "tmp=substring",["tmp",1,"nchar(tmp)-4"],
- "data=strsplit",["tmp",Dq+","+Dq,"fix=TRUE"],
- "data=data[[1]]",[],
- "fun=function(s) eval(parse(text=s))",[],
- "data=sapply",["data","fun"],
- "data=data[!]",[],
- "tmp=boxplot",["data","plot=FALSE"],
- "tmp1=tmp$stat",[],
- "tmp2=tmp$out",[],
- name+"=c(tmp1,tmp2)",[]
- ];
- file=Fhead+name+".txt";
- options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
- if(wrflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
- if(wrflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag>0,
- if(ErrFlag==1,println("Boxplot not completed"));
- if(ErrFlag==2,println(Dq+data+Dq+" not found"));
- ,
- bp=parse(name);
- pstr="[";
- tmp1=[bp_1,ypos-dy/2];
- tmp2=[bp_1,ypos+dy/2];
- Listplot(name+text(1),[tmp1,tmp2],["Msg=no"]);
- pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(1)+Dq+",";
- tmp1=[bp_2,ypos-dy];
- tmp2=[bp_2,ypos+dy];
- tmp3=[bp_4,ypos+dy];
- tmp4=[bp_4,ypos-dy];
- Listplot(name+text(2),[tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp1],["Msg=no"]);
- pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(2)+Dq+",";
- tmp1=[bp_5,ypos-dy/2];
- tmp2=[bp_5,ypos+dy/2];
- Listplot(name+text(3),[tmp1,tmp2],["Msg=no"]);
- pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(3)+Dq+",";
- tmp1=[bp_3,ypos-dy];
- tmp2=[bp_3,ypos+dy];
- Listplot(name+text(4),[tmp1,tmp2],["dr,2","Msg=no"]);
- pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(4)+Dq+",";
- tmp1=[bp_1,ypos];
- tmp2=[bp_2,ypos];
- Listplot(name+text(5),[tmp1,tmp2],["da","Msg=no"]);
- pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(5)+Dq+",";
- tmp1=[bp_4,ypos];
- tmp2=[bp_5,ypos];
- Listplot(name+text(6),[tmp1,tmp2],["da","Msg=no"]);
- pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(6)+Dq+",";
- out=bp_(6..length(bp));
- if(length(out)>0,
- out=apply(out,[#,ypos]);
- Pointdata(name+text(1),out,[0,"Size=4"]);
- );
- pstr=substring(pstr,0,length(pstr)-1)+"]";
- println("generate totally "+name);
- tmp=name+"="+pstr;
- [bp_(1..5),out];
- );
- regional(options,name,data,waiting,hp,cmdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,
- out,eqL,strL,breaks,bdata,cdata,pstr,file,flg,rwflg,density,relative);
- name="hp"+nm;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- breaks = "breaks="+Dq+"Sturges"+Dq;
- density=0;
- relative=0;
- waiting=3;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="B",
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
- tmp1="c("+substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1)+")";
- );
- breaks="breaks="+tmp1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="D",
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1));
- if(tmp2=="T" % tmp2=="Y",
- density=1;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1));
- if(tmp2=="T" % tmp2=="Y",
- relative=1;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp1);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- wrflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="R",
- wrflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="M",
- wrflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- data=dataorg;
- if(isstring(data),
- if(indexof(data,".")==0,data=data+".csv");
- if(iswindows(), // 15.11.10
- data=replace(data,"/","\");
- flg="\";
- ,
- data=replace(data,"\","/");
- flg="/";
- );
- forall(reverse(1..length(data)),
- if(length(flg)>0,
- tmp=substring(data,#-1,#);
- if(tmp==flg,
- tmp3=substring(data,0,#-1);
- tmp4=substring(data,#,length(data));
- if(indexof(tmp3,":")==0, // 11.11.10
- tmp=substring(tmp3,0,1);
- if(tmp!=flg,
- tmp3=Dirwork+flg+tmp3;
- );
- );
- flg="";
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(flg)>0,
- tmp3=Dirwork; //15.11.10
- tmp4=data;
- );
- setdirectory(tmp3);
- tmp=load(tmp4);
- if(length(tmp)==0, ErrFlag=2); // 15.11.07 until
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- ,
- file=Fhead+name+".dat";
- tmp=load(file);
- if(length(tmp)>0,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp,",");
- tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- ,
- tmp1=[];
- );
- flg=0;
- if(length(tmp1)==length(data),
- tmp=tmp1-data;
- tmp=select(tmp,#!=0);
- if(length(tmp)>0,flg=1);
- ,
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==1,
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(file);
- forall(data,
- print(SCEOUTPUT,textformat(#,5)+",");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"////");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
-// wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- data=file;
- );
- data=replace(data,"\","/");
- cmdL=[
- "tmp=readLines",[Dq+data+Dq, "warn=FALSE"],
- "tmp=substring",["tmp",1,"nchar(tmp)-4"],
- "data=strsplit",["tmp",Dq+","+Dq,"fix=TRUE"],
- "data=data[[1]]",[],
- "fun=function(s) eval(parse(text=s))",[],
- "data=sapply",["data","fun"],
- "data=data[!]",[],
- "tmp=hist",["data","plot=FALSE",breaks],
- "tmp1=tmp$breaks",[],
- "tmp2=tmp$count",[],
- "tmp3=tmp$density",[],
- name+"=c(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3)",[]
- ];
- file=Fhead+name+".txt";
- options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
- if(wrflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
- if(wrflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options);
- );
- if(ErrFlag>0,
- if(ErrFlag==1,println("Histplot not completed"));
- if(ErrFlag==2,println(Dq+data+Dq+" not found"));
- ,
-// tmp=load(file);
-// tmp=replace(tmp,"/","");
-// tmp=tokenize(tmp,",");
-// tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp,5);
-// parse(tmp);
- hp=parse(name);
- tmp1=(length(hp)-1)/3+1;
- tmp2=tmp1+(length(hp)-1)/3;
- bdata=hp_(1..tmp1);
- if(density==0,
- cdata=hp_((tmp1+1)..tmp2);
- ,
- cdata=hp_((tmp2+1)..length(hp));
- );
- if(relative==1,
- cdata=cdata/sum(cdata);
- );
- options=append(options,"Msg=no"); // 15.10.03
- pstr="[";
- forall(1..length(cdata),
- tmp1=[bdata_#,0];
- tmp2=[bdata_#,cdata_#];
- tmp3=[bdata_(#+1),cdata_#];
- tmp4=[bdata_(#+1),0];
- Listplot(name+text(#),[tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp1],options);
- pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(#)+Dq+",";
- );
- pstr=substring(pstr,0,length(pstr)-1)+"]";
- println("generate totally "+name);
- tmp=name+"="+pstr;
- parse(tmp);
- [bdata,cdata];
- );
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,fname,name,reg,eqL,reL,cdysize,
- options,dtx,dty,nn,mx,my,sx,sy,sxy,rr,aa,bb,size);
- name="sc"+nm;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- options=remove(options,reL);
- cdysize=select(options,indexof(#,"size->")>0);
- options=remove(options,cdysize);
- size=4;
- reg="yes";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="R",
- reg=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="S",
- size=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(indexof(file,".")==0,
- fname=file+".csv";
- ,
- fname=file;
- );
- Readcsv(nm,fname);
- tmp=concat(options,cdysize);
- Pointdata(name,parse("rc"+nm),append(tmp,"Size="+text(size)));
- tmp=parse("rc"+nm);
- dtx=apply(tmp,#_1);
- dty=apply(tmp,#_2);
- nn=length(dtx);
- mx=sum(dtx)/nn;
- my=sum(dty)/nn;
- sx=sqrt(dtx*dtx/nn-mx^2);
- sy=sqrt(dty*dty/nn-my^2);
- sxy=dtx*dty/nn-mx*my;
- rr=sxy/sx/sy;
- aa=sxy/sx^2;
- bb=my-aa*mx;
- tmp=Assign("a*x+b",["a",aa,"b",bb]);
- if(reg!="no",
- Plotdata(name,tmp,"x",append(options,"Num=2"));
- );
- if(length(reL)>=2,
- Framedata2(name,[reL_1,reL_2]);
- if(length(reL)>2,
- tmp="r="+textformat(rr,3)+",\ y=";
- tmp=tmp+textformat(aa,3)+"x";
- if(bb>0,tmp=tmp+"+",tmp=tmp+"-");
- tmp=tmp+textformat(abs(bb),3);
- Expr([reL_3,"e",tmp]);
- );
- );
- [mx,my,sx,sy,sxy,rr,bb,aa];
- regional(pA,pos,mrk,dir,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- pA=Lcrd(pt);
- if(length(hscale)>0,
- pos=[]; mrk=[]; dir=[];
- tmp=Toupper(substring(hscale_1,0,1));
- if(tmp=="R" % tmp=="F",
- if(tmp=="R",
- dir="s2";
- tmp1=hscale_2;
- tmp2=hscale_3;
- tmp3=hscale_4;
- tmp=floor((tmp2-tmp1)/tmp3);
- pos=apply(0..tmp,tmp1+#*tmp3);
- mrk=apply(pos,text(#));
- dir=apply(1..length(pos),"s2");
- ,
- forall(2..(length(hscale)-2),
- tmp1=hscale_(#);
- tmp2=hscale_(#+1);
- tmp3=hscale_(#+2);
- if(isreal(tmp1),
- pos=append(pos,tmp1);
- if(isstring(tmp3),
- dir=append(dir,tmp2);
- mrk=append(mrk,tmp3);
- ,
- dir=append(dir,"s2");
- mrk=append(mrk,tmp2);
- );
- );
- );
- if(isreal(tmp2),
- pos=append(pos,tmp2);
- dir=append(dir,"s2");
- mrk=append(mrk,tmp3);
- );
- );
- ,
- pos=hscale_(2..length(hscale));
- dir=apply(pos,"s2");
- mrk=apply(pos,text(#));
- );
- pos=apply(pos,[#,pA_2]);
- forall(1..length(pos),
- Expr([pos_#,dir_#,mrk_#]);
- tmp1=pos_#;
- tmp2=pos_#-[0,tick/SCALEY];
- Listplot("rsh"+text(#),[tmp1,tmp2],["Msg=no"]);
- );
- );
- if(length(vscale)>0,
- pos=[]; mrk=[]; dir=[];
- tmp=Toupper(substring(vscale_1,0,1));
- if(tmp=="R" % tmp=="F",
- if(tmp=="R",
- dir="w2";
- tmp1=vscale_2;
- tmp2=vscale_3;
- tmp3=vscale_4;
- tmp=floor((tmp2-tmp1)/tmp3);
- pos=apply(0..tmp,tmp1+#*tmp3);
- mrk=apply(pos,text(#));
- dir=apply(1..length(pos),"w2");
- ,
- forall(2..(length(vscale)-2),
- tmp1=vscale_(#);
- tmp2=vscale_(#+1);
- tmp3=vscale_(#+2);
- if(isreal(tmp1),
- pos=append(pos,tmp1);
- if(isstring(tmp3),
- dir=append(dir,tmp2);
- mrk=append(mrk,tmp3);
- ,
- dir=append(dir,"w2");
- mrk=append(mrk,tmp2);
- );
- );
- );
- if(isreal(tmp2),
- pos=append(pos,tmp2);
- dir=append(dir,"w2");
- mrk=append(mrk,tmp3);
- );
- );
- ,
- pos=vscale_(2..length(vscale));
- dir=apply(pos,"w1");
- mrk=apply(pos,text(#));
- );
- pos=apply(pos,[pA_1,#]);
- forall(1..length(pos),
- Expr([pos_#,dir_#,mrk_#]);
- tmp1=pos_#;
- tmp2=pos_#-[tick/SCALEX,0];
- Listplot("rsv"+text(#),[tmp1,tmp2],["Msg=no"]);
- );
- );
- regional(cmdL,Plist,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- Plist=[];
- Pnamelist=[];
- Pvaluelist=[];
- forall(remove(allpoints(),[SW,NE]),
- tmp=textformat(re(Lcrd(#)),prec);
- tmp=RSform(tmp);
- tmp1=tmp1+"="+tmp+";Assignadd('"+tmp1+"',"+tmp1+")";
- Plist=append(Plist,tmp1);
- );
- cmdL=[];
- forall(1..(length(Plist)),
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[Plist_#,[]]);
- );
- tmp2=sort(apply(VLIST,#_1)); // 16.02.03 from
- tmp=apply(allpoints(),text(#));//18.02.11
- tmp2=remove(tmp2,tmp);
- tmp1=[];
- forall(tmp2,tmp,
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,select(VLIST,#_1==tmp));
- );
- VLIST=tmp1;// 17.09.24from
- forall(VLIST,
- tmp=#_1;
- tmp1=#_2;
- if(!isstring(tmp1),
- if(islist(tmp1),
- tmp2="[";
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp2=tmp2+textformat(#,6)+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+"]";
- ,
- tmp1=format(tmp1,6);
- );
- );
- tmp1=RSform(tmp1);
- tmp1=tmp+"="+tmp1+";";
- tmp1=tmp1+"Assignadd('"+tmp+"',"+tmp+")";
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[tmp1,[]]);//17.09.24until
- );
- forall(OutFileList,
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,["tmp=ReadOutData",[Dq+#+Dq]]);
- );
- forall(FUNLIST,
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[#,[]]);
- );
- forall(GLIST,
- if(indexof(#,"ReadOutData")==0, //18.02.12
- tmp1=Rform(#);
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[tmp1,[]]);
- );
- );
- cmdL;
- regional(cmdL,Plist,Pnamelist,Pvaluelist,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- cmdL=[];
- Plist=[];
- Pnamelist=[];
- Pvaluelist=[];
- forall(remove(allpoints(),[SW,NE]),
- tmp=Lcrd(#);
- tmp1=format(re(tmp_1),prec);// 15.02.05
- tmp2=format(re(tmp_2),prec);
- tmp="["+tmp1+","+tmp2+"]";
- Plist=append(Plist,"="+tmp);
- Pnamelist=append(Pnamelist,;
- Pvaluelist=append(Pvaluelist,tmp);
- );
- forall(1..length(Plist),
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[Plist_#,[]]);
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,["Assignrep('"+Pnamelist_#+"',"+Pvaluelist_#+")",[]]);
- );
- tmp2=sort(apply(VLIST,#_1)); // 16.02.03 from
- tmp1=[];
- forall(tmp2,tmp,
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,select(VLIST,#_1==tmp));
- );
- VLIST=tmp1;// 16.02.03 until
- forall(VLIST,
- tmp=Sciform(#_1);
- tmp1=#_2; // 15.02.06
- if(!isstring(tmp1),
- if(islist(tmp1),
- if(!isstring(tmp1_1), // 16.11.14
- tmp2="[";
- forall(tmp1,
- if(abs(#)<10^(-prec), // 16.01.30
- tmp2=tmp2+"0,";
- ,
- tmp2=tmp2+format(#,prec)+",";
- );
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+"]";
- ,
- tmp2="list("; // 16.11.14from
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp2=tmp2+#+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+")";
- ); // 16.11.14until
- ,
- tmp1=format(tmp1,prec);
- );
- );
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[tmp+"evstr('"+tmp1+"')",[]]);
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1);
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,["Assignrep('"+tmp+"',"+tmp1+")",[]]); // 15.01.27
- );
- forall(OutFileList,
- tmp=["tmp=ReadOutData",[Dq+#+Dq],
- "if length(tmp(1))>8,execstr(tmp),end",[]];
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,tmp);
- );
- forall(FUNLIST, // 16.02.17 from
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[#,[]]);
- ); // 16.02.17 until
- forall(GLIST,
- tmp1=Sciform(#);
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[tmp1,[]]);
- );
- cmdL;
- regional(options,name,varstr,Num,waiting,mxcheck,outreg,
- eqL,strL,fname,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,cmdL,flg,wflg);
- name="grsc"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+name+".txt";
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- Num=50;
- waiting=5;
- mxcheck=0; // 16.03.02
- outreg=0;
- flg=0;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="N",
- Num=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="O",
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="Y", outreg=1);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="M",
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="Y", mxcheck=1);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(length(#)==0,
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- tmp=indexof(variable,"=");
- if(tmp>0,
- varstr=variable;
- ,
- varstr=variable+"="+textformat([XMIN,XMAX],5);
- );
- cmdL=MkprecommandS();
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- name+"=Plotdata",[Dq+fun+Dq,Dq+varstr+Dq,Dq+"Num="+text(Num)+Dq],
- "WriteOutData",[Dq+fname+Dq,Dq+name+Dq,name]
- ]);
- ErrFlag=0; // 16.03.02 from
- if(mxcheck==1,
- Mxfun(name,fun,[],["Disp=n"]);
- tmp=parse("mx"+name);
- if(!isstring(tmp),ErrFlag=1);
- );
- options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
- if(wflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
- if(wflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));// 16.03.02 until
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyS(name,cmdL,concat(options,["cat=middle","Wait="+text(waiting)]));
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- println(" PlotdataS not completed");
- ,
- if(outreg==1, // 2016.03.02 ( // )
- OutFileList=remove(OutFileList,[wfile]);
- OutFileList=append(OutFileList,wfile);
- );
- ReadOutData(fname);
- Extractdata(name,options);
- tmp=parse(name);
- tmp1=name+"="+textformat(tmp,5);
- parse(tmp1);
-// Addgraph(name); // 16.04.04
- tmp2=apply(tmp,Lcrd(#));
- tmp2;
- );
- Dotfilldata(nm,iostr,pltlist,[]);
- regional(options,name,fun,eqL,reL,strL,outreg,
- plt,fname,options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,
- wflg,waiting,dense);
- name="df"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+name+".txt";
- fun=fnorg;
- tmp=indexof(fun,"=");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp1=substring(fun,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(fun,tmp,length(fun));
- fun=tmp1+"-("+tmp2+")";
- );
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- dense=0.3;
- waiting=5;
- outreg=0;
- forall(reL,
- dense=#;
- );
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="O",
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="Y", outreg=1);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(length(#)==0,
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(islist(iostr),
- tmp1=text(apply(iostr,Dq+#+Dq));
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","list("); //16.02.14
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]",")"); //16.02.14
- ,
- tmp1=Dq+iostr+Dq;
- );
- if(!islist(pltlist_1),
- tmp2=apply(pltlist,if(length(#)==1,Dq+#+Dq,#));
- tmp2=text(tmp2);
- tmp2="list("+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)-1)+"),";
- ,
- tmp2="";
- forall(pltlist,plt,
- tmp=apply(plt,if(length(#)==1,Dq+#+Dq,#));
- tmp=text(tmp);
- tmp="list("+substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1)+")";
- tmp2=tmp2+tmp+",";
- );
- );
- cmdL=MkprecommandR(); //17.09.29
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
- tmp=[tmp1,tmp2];
- tmp=concat(tmp,dense);
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- "Setscaling",[SCALEY],
- "Setunitlen",[Dq+ULEN+Dq],
- name+"=Dotfilldata",tmp,
- "WriteOutData",[Dq+fname+Dq,Dq+name+Dq,name],
- ]);
- options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
- if(wflg==1,options=concat(options,["m"]));
- if(wflg==-1,options=concat(options,["r"]));
- options=append(options,"Cat=n");
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options); //17.09.29
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- println("Dotfilldata not completed");
- ,
- if(outreg==1,
- OutFileList=remove(OutFileList,[fname]);
- OutFileList=append(OutFileList,fname);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- tmp1=parse(name);
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp=#_1;
- draw(tmp,pointsize->1);
- );
- Com2nd("tmp=ReadOutData("+Dq+fname+Dq+")");
- Com2nd("Drwpt("+name+")");
- );
- );
-// help:WritetoA("outdata",cmdL);
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename,wfilename,endmark);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".rr";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- wfilename=replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
-// tmp=replace(Dirlib,"\","/");
-// tmp="load("+Dq+tmp+"/oshima/os_muldif.rr"+Dq+")$/*####*/";
- tmp="/*####*/"; // 16.03.11
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="output("+Dq+wfilename+Dq+")$/*##*/"; // 16.05.18from
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp); // 16.05.18until
- forall(1..(length(cmdL)),
- tmp1=cmdL_#;
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,";"); // 16.05.18from
- if(tmp>0,endmark=";",endmark="$");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,";",""); // 16.05.18until
- if(#==length(cmdL)-1,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+";/*##*/");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+endmark+"/*##*/");//16.05.18
- );
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,flg);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".rr";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(strL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
- flg=0;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp2=replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
- tmp1=load(tmp2);
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,
- tmp1="";
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp2=Batparent;
- ,
- tmp2=Shellparent;
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- setdirectory(tmp1);
- );
- if(iswindows(),
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp="del "+replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp=Dq+PathA+Dq+" -quiet -f "+Dq+filename+Dq;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- tmp=replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
- println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,tmp)); // 16.05.29,06.05
- ,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp="rm "+replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp=Dq+PathA+Dq+" -quiet -f "+Dq+filename+Dq;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- tmp=replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
- println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));// 16.05.29,06.05
- );
-// wait(WaitUnit);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- );
-//help:CalcbyA(options= ["m/r","Wait=10","Ext=txt","Dig=16"]]);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,realL,strL,eqL,
- dig,flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,cmdA,cmdlist,wfile,ext,waiting,num,st);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- wfile="";
- ext=".txt";
- waiting=2;
- dig=6;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="E",
- if(indexof(tmp2,".")==0,ext="."+tmp2,ext=tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="D",
- dig=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- wfile=Fhead+name+ext;
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- file=Fhead+name;
- cmdA=cmd;
- cmdlist=[];
- forall(1..floor(length(cmdA)/2),nc, //17.5.18
- tmp1=cmdA_(2*nc-1);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
- if(nc==length(cmdA)/2,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
- tmp=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- ,
- tmp="["+Dq+"/start/"+Dq+","+tmp1; // 16.05.18
- );
- tmp=replace(tmp,"::",","+Dq+"//"+Dq+",");
- tmp1=tmp+","+Dq+"////"+Dq+"]";
- );
- tmp2=cmdA_(2*nc); // list of argments
- tmp3="";
- tmp4="";
- forall(tmp2,arg,
- if(isstring(arg),
- tmp3=tmp3+replace(arg,"'",Dq)+",";
-// tmp3=tmp3+arg;
- ,
- if(!islist(arg),
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+"[";
- tmp4="]";
- forall(arg,
- if(isstring(#),
-// tmp3=tmp3+Dq+#+Dq+",";
- tmp=replace(#,"'",Dq);
-// tmp=#;// 2016.03.03
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
- ,
- if(!islist(#),
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(#,dig)+",";
- ,
- tmp=textformat(#,dig);
- tmp=replace(tmp,"],[","];[");
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
- );
- );
- );
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+tmp4+",";
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp3)>0,
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1);
- tmp1=tmp1+"("+tmp3+")";
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp1);
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"quit");
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp1=load(file+".rr");
- if((length(tmp1)==0) % (indexof(tmp1,"/*####*/")==0), //15.11.26
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"/*####*/");
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1_2,"/*##*/");
- tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- tmp=select(tmp1,indexof(#,"output")>0);
- tmp1=remove(tmp1,tmp);
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,substring(#,0,length(#)-1));
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist), // 15.12.06
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
- if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
- );
- );
- );
- if(wflg==0,wflg=-1); // 15.10.16
- if(wflg==1,
- if(length(wfile)>0, // 15.10.05
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- );
- WritetoA(file+".rr",cmdlist);
- kcA(file,concat(options,["m"]));
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
- repeat(tmp1,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=load(wfile);
- if(length(tmp)>=4,
- tmp2=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-5,length(tmp));
- if(tmp2=="////]",
- tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-6);
- num="1234567890+-.";
- tmp1=tokenize(","+tmp,",//");
- tmp3=apply(tmp1,substring(#,1,length(#)));
- tmp1="[";
- forall(tmp3,st,
- tmp=select(1..length(st),indexof(num,substring(st,#-1,#))==0);
- if((length(tmp)==0) & (length(st)<4), // 16.05.10 16=>4
- tmp1=tmp1+st+",";
- ,
- tmp1=tmp1+Dq+st+Dq+",";
- );
- );
- tmp=Indexof(tmp1,"/start/,"); // 16.05.18from
- tmp1="["+Dq+substring(tmp1,tmp+7,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
- // 16.05.18until
-// tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
- parse(name+"="+tmp1);
- tmp=parse(name);
- if(length(tmp)==1,
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
- parse(name+"="+tmp1);
- );
- flg=1;
- tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
- );
- ,
- if(wflg==-1,
- flg=-1;
- ,
- wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg<=0,
- ErrFlag=1;
- if(flg==-1,
- println(wfile+" does not exist");
- ,
- tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
- println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
- );
- ,
- println(" CalcbyA succeeded "+name+" ("+text(tmp2)+" sec)");
- );
-AsfunO(name,fun,argL):=AsirfunO(name,fun,argL); // 16.02.03
- regional(argL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL);// 16.05.26from
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- argL=argLorg;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="PRO", // 16.05.26from
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="T") % (tmp=="Y"),
- tmp1=argL_(length(argL));
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"|");
- if(tmp==0,
- argL_(length(argL))=tmp1+"|dumb=-1,dviout=-2";
- );
- );
- );
- ); // 16.05.26until
- Asirfun(name,"os_md."+fun,argL,options);
- regional(nm,options,eqL,precise,disp,process,
- cmdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,out,out2);
- nm="as"+name;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- precise=6;
- disp=1;
- process=0;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="PRE",
- precise=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP"),
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
- disp=0;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="PRO", // 16.05.26from
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="T") % (tmp=="Y"),
- process=1;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- ); // 16.05.26upt
- );
- tmp=replace(Dirlib,"\","/");
- cmdL=[
- "load",[Dq+tmp+"/oshima/os_muldif.rr"+Dq], // 16.03.11
- "ctrl",[Dq+"real_digit"+Dq,precise],
- "A="+fun,argL, // 16.05.26from
- "A",[]
- ];
- CalcbyA(nm,cmdL,options);
- out=parse(nm); //16.05.26from
- if(process==1,
- tmp1=Bracket(out,"[]");
- tmp2=select(tmp1,abs(#_2)==2);
- tmp2=apply(tmp2,#_1);
- out=[];
- forall(1..length(tmp2)/2,
- tmp3=tmp2_(2*#-1);
- tmp4=tmp2_(2*#);
- tmp=substring(as1,tmp3+1,tmp4-2);
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,"],[");
- out=append(out,tmp);
- );
- out2=[];
- forall(out,tmp2,
- tmp4="";
- forall(tmp2,tmp3,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp3,",");
- if(tmp1_1==0,
- tmp4=tmp4+tmp1_2+"="+tmp1_3+"+";
- ,
- if(tmp1_1==1,
- tmp4=tmp4+tmp1_2+"+";
- ,
- tmp="'integrate(";
- forall(2..length(tmp1),
- tmp=tmp+tmp1_#+"+";
- );
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1);
- tmp=tmp+","+tmp1_1+")";
- tmp4=tmp4+tmp+"+";
- );
- );
- );
- tmp4=substring(tmp4,0,length(tmp4)-1);
- out2=append(out2,tmp4);
- );
- out=out2;
- tmp=apply(out,Dq+#+Dq);
- parse(nm+"="+tmp);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
- println(nm+" is : ");
- println(parse(nm));
- );
- );
- out; //16.05.26until
-// help:WritetoM("outdata",cmdL);
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename,wfilename,outflg);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".max";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- wfilename=replace(filename,".max",".txt");
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
- outflg=0;
- forall(1..(length(cmdL)),
- tmp1=cmdL_#;
- if(allflg==1, // 2016.02.23 from
- if(#==1,
- tmp="writefile("+Dq+Dirwork+"/"+wfilename+Dq+")$/*##*/";
- tmp=replace(tmp,"\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- outflg=1;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+"$/*##*/");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+"$/*##*/");
- );
- ,
- if((indexof(tmp1,"disp(")>0) & (outflg==0),
- tmp="writefile("+Dq+Dirwork+"/"+wfilename+Dq+")$/*##*/";
- tmp=replace(tmp,"\","/");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- outflg=1;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+"$/*##*/");
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+"$/*##*/");
- );
- );
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,flg);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".max";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(strL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
- flg=0;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp2=replace(filename,".max",".txt");
- tmp1=load(tmp2);
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,
- tmp1="";
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp2=Batparent;
- ,
- tmp2=Shellparent;
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- setdirectory(tmp1);
- );
- if(iswindows(),
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(replace(filename,".max",".txt"));
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
-// tmp="del "+replace(filename,".max",".txt");
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp=Indexall(PathM,".");
- tmp=substring(PathM,tmp_1,tmp_2-1);
- tmp=parse(tmp);
- if(tmp<39,
- tmp="call "+Dq+Dq+PathM+Dq+Dq+" -b "+Dq+filename+Dq;
- ,
- tmp="call "+Dq+PathM+Dq+" -b "+Dq+filename+Dq;
- );
-// tmp="cmd/c "+Dq+PathM+" -b "+filename+Dq;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- tmp=replace(filename,".max",".txt");
- println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));// 16.05.29,06.05
- ,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp="rm "+replace(filename,".max",".txt");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp=Dq+PathM+Dq+" -b "+Dq+filename+Dq;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- tmp=replace(filename,".max",".txt");
- println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));// 16.05.29,06.05
- );
-// wait(WaitUnit);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- );
-//help:CalcbyM(options1= ["m/r","Wait=5","Ext=txt","Dig=6","Pow=no","All=y"]);
-//help:CalcbyM(options2= ["line=1000"]);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,realL,strL,eqL,allflg,indL,line,
- dig,flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,add,powerd,cmdM,cmdlist,wfile,ext,waiting,num,st);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- realL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- wfile="";
- ext=".txt";
- waiting=5;
- dig=6;
- allflg=1;
- powerd="false";
- line=1000; // 16.06.13
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="E",
- if(indexof(tmp2,".")==0,ext="."+tmp2,ext=tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="D",
- dig=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="L", // 16.06.13
- line=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="P",
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="y") % (tmp=="F"),powerd="true");
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="A", // 2016.02.23
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="N") % (tmp=="F"),allflg=0);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- wfile=Fhead+name+ext;
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- file=Fhead+name;
- cmdM=cmd;
- cmdlist=[
- "powerdisp:"+powerd,"display2d:false","linel:"+text(line) //15.11.25,16.06.13
- ];
- forall(1..floor(length(cmdM)/2),nc, //17.5.18
- tmp1=replace(cmdM_(2*nc-1),"`","'");//2016.02.23
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
- if(nc==length(cmdM)/2,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
- tmp=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
- ,
- tmp="["+tmp1;
- );
- tmp2="";
- forall(1..length(tmp1),
- if(substring(tmp1,#-1,#+1)=="::",
- if(substring(tmp2,0,1)==":", tmp2=substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)));
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"disp("+tmp2+")");
- tmp2="";
- ,
- tmp2=tmp2+substring(tmp1,#-1,#);
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- if(substring(tmp2,0,1)==":", tmp2=substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)));
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"disp("+tmp2+")");
- );
- ,
- tmp2=cmdM_(2*nc); // list of argments
- tmp3="";
- tmp4="";
- add="";
- forall(tmp2,arg,
- if(isstring(arg),
- if(substring(arg,0,1)!=",",
-// tmp=replace(arg,"'",Dq); // 16.03.03
- tmp=arg; // 16.03.03
- tmp=replace(tmp,"`","'");// 2016.02.23
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
- ,
- add=add+arg;
- );
- ,
- if(!islist(arg),
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+"[";
- tmp4="]";
- forall(arg,
- if(isstring(#),
-// tmp3=tmp3+Dq+#+Dq+",";
- tmp=replace(#,"'",Dq);
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
- ,
- if(!islist(#),
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(#,dig)+",";
- ,
- tmp=textformat(#,dig);
- tmp=replace(tmp,"],[","];[");
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
- );
- );
- );
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+tmp4+",";
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp3)>0,
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1);
- tmp1=tmp1+"("+tmp3+")"+add;
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp1);
- );
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"closefile()");
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"quit()");
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp1=load(file+".max");
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- wflg=1;
- ,
- if(indexof(tmp1,"/*##*/")==0, // 15.11.26
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"/*##*/");
- tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- tmp=select(tmp1,indexof(#,"writefile")>0);
- tmp1=remove(tmp1,tmp);
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,substring(#,0,length(#)-1));
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist), // 15.12.07
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
- if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(wflg==0,wflg=-1); // 15.10.16
- if(wflg==1,
- if(length(wfile)>0, // 15.10.05
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- );
- WritetoM(file+".max",cmdlist,allflg); // 2016.02.23
- kcM(file,concat(options,["m"]));
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
- repeat(tmp1,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=load(wfile);
- if(wflg==1,wait(WaitUnit)); // 2016.02.23
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"error")+indexof(tmp1,"syntax"); //2016.02.23
- if(tmp>0,
- println("Some error(s) occurred"); //2016.02.24 from
- tmp2=tokenize(tmp1,"(%");
- forall(4..length(tmp2),println(tmp2_#)); //2016.02.24 until
- flg=2; //2016.02.23
- ,
- if(indexof(tmp1,"closefile()")>0, // 15.11.24
- tmp=tokenize(tmp1,"disp(");
- tmp1=tmp_(2..length(tmp));
- tmp4=[];
- forall(tmp1,tmp2,
- tmp=indexof(tmp2,")");
- tmp3=substring(tmp2,tmp,length(tmp2));
- indL=Indexall(tmp3,"(%i"); // 16.04.26from
- tmp0=0;
- forall(indL,
- if(tmp0==0,
- tmp=substring(tmp3,#+2,#+3);
- if(indexof("0123456789",tmp)>0,//16.04.25?
- tmp3=removespace(substring(tmp3,0,#-1));
- tmp4=append(tmp4,tmp3);
- tmp0=1;
- );
- );// 16.04.26until
- );
- );
- num="1234567890+-.";
- tmp1="[";
- forall(tmp4,st,
- tmp=select(1..length(st),indexof(num,substring(st,#-1,#))==0);
- if((length(tmp)==0) & (length(st)<4), // 16.05.10 16=>4
- tmp1=tmp1+st+",";
- ,
- tmp1=tmp1+Dq+st+Dq+",";
- );
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,".d+0",""); // 15.11.23
- parse(name+"="+tmp1);
- tmp=parse(name);
- if(length(tmp)==1,
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
- parse(name+"="+tmp1);
- );
- flg=1;
- tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
- );
- );
- ,
- if(wflg==-1,
- flg=-1;
- ,
- wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg<=0,
- ErrFlag=1;
- if(flg==-1,
- println(wfile+" does not exist");
- ,
- tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
- tmp1=load(wfile);
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- println(wfile+" incomplete"+tmp); // 2016.02.24
- ,
- println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
- );
- );
- ,
- if(flg==1, // 2016.02.23
- println(" CalcbyM succeeded "+name+" ("+text(tmp2)+" sec)");
- );
- );
-//help:Mxfun(options=["Pre=6","Disp=y","Load= :: ","Set=::","Add="]);
- regional(nm,options,eqL,precise,disp,pack,set,add,cmdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- nm="mx"+name;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- precise=6;
- disp=1;
- pack=[];
- set=[];
- add="";
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="PRE",
- precise=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
- disp=0;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if((tmp1=="PAC") % (tmp1=="LOA"), // 16.02.08
- pack=tokenize(tmp2,"::");
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="SET",
- set=tokenize(tmp2,"::");
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="ADD",
- add=","+tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- cmdL=[];
- forall(pack,
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,["load",[#]]);
- );
- forall(set,
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[#,[]]);
- );
- if(length(add)>0,
- tmp=append(argL,add);
- ,
- tmp=argL;
- );
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- "ans"+":"+fun,tmp,
- "ans",[]
- ]);
- CalcbyM(nm,cmdL,options);
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
- println(nm+" is : ");
- println(parse(nm));
- );
- );
- parse(nm);
- regional(name,cmdL,eqL,options,tx,disp,out,set,
- tmp,tmp1,tmp2); // 16.01.25
- name="tx"+nm;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- disp=1;
- set=[];
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
- disp=0;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="SET", // 16.03.01
- set=tokenize(tmp2,"::");
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="ORD", // 16.03.01
- tmp="ordergreat("+tmp2+")";
- set=append(set,tmp);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- cmdL=[
- "load",[Dq+"mactex-utilities.lisp"+Dq]]; // 16.03.03
- forall(set, // 16.03.01
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[#,[]]);
- );
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- name+":disp(tex("+ex+"))",[], // 16.01.18
- name,[] // 16.01.18
- ]);
- CalcbyM(name,cmdL,options); // 16.02.19
- tx=parse(name);
- if(islist(tx), // 16.01.10
- out=tx_1;
- ,
- out=tx;
- );
- tmp=indexof(out,"$$")+1;
- out=substring(out,tmp,length(out));
- tmp=indexof(out,"$$")-1;
- out=substring(out,0,tmp);
- if(disp==1, // 16.01.10
- println(name+" is:");
- println(out);
- );
- tmp=name+"="+Dq+out+Dq; //16.01.10
- parse(tmp);
- out;
-MxtexL(nm,exlist):=MxtexL(nm,exlist,[]); // 16.05.27
- regional(out,tmp,tmp1);
- out=[];
- forall(1..length(exlist),
- tmp=Mxtex(nm+"n"+text(#),exlist_#,["Disp=n"]);
- out=append(out,Dq+tmp+Dq);
- );
- tmp="tx"+nm+"="+out;
- parse(tmp);
- println("tx"+nm+"is:");
- apply(out,println(#));
- out;
- regional(figL,out,path,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(!islist(file),figL=[file],figL=file);
- path=replace(Dirlib+"/maximaL/","\","/");
- out=[];
- forall(figL,
- if(indexof(#,".")==0,tmp1=#+".max",tmp1=#);
- tmp1=Dq+path+tmp1+Dq;
- tmp2=["batch",[tmp1]];
- out=concat(out,tmp2);
- );
- out;
-Mxload(file):=( //17.06.16
- regional(figL,out,path,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- if(!islist(file),figL=[file],figL=file);
- path=replace(Dirlib+"/maximaL/","\","/");
- out=[];
- forall(figL,
- if(indexof(#,".")==0,tmp1=#+".lisp",tmp1=#);
- tmp1=Dq+path+tmp1+Dq;
- tmp2=["load",[tmp1]];
- out=concat(out,tmp2);
- );
- out;
-Maxima2Cindydata(str):=( //17.10.24
- regional(out,numstr,eL,nn,ne,flg,tmp);
- numstr="-0123456789";
- eL=Indexall(str,"e");
- if(length(eL)==0,
- out=str;
- ,
- out=substring(str,0,eL_1-1);
- forall(1..(length(eL)),nn,
- ne=eL_nn;
- flg=0;
- forall(1..5,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(str,ne+#-1,ne+#);
- if(indexof(numstr,tmp)==0,
- flg=#;
- tmp=substring(str,ne,ne+flg-1);
- out=out+"*10^("+tmp+")";
- );
- );
- );
- if(nn<length(eL),
- out=out+substring(str,ne+flg-1,eL_(nn+1)-1);
- ,
- out=out+substring(str,ne+flg-1,length(str));
- );
- );
- );
- parse(out);
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,flg);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".obj";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- flg=1;
- if(flg==1,
- tmp1=""; // 15.10.08 from
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp2=Batparent;
- ,
- tmp2=Shellparent;
- );
- tmp=replace(path,"\","/");
- tmp=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-1,length(tmp));
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", tmp1=path, tmp1=path+"/");
- if(iswindows(),
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp=Dq+PathV3+Dq+" "+tmp1+filename;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
- ,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp=Dq+PathV3+Dq+" "+tmp1+filename;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
- );
- wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- if(fig==2,
- println("Obj file not exist / imperfect");
- );
- regional(fout);
- fout=replace(fname,".obj","");
- fout=fout+"out.obj";
- Changeobjscale(ULEN,fname,fout,[]);
- regional(fout);
- if(islist(Arg),
- fout=replace(fname,".obj","");
- fout=fout+"out.obj";
- Changeobjscale(ULEN,fname,fout,Arg);
- ,
- Changeobjscale(ULEN,fname,Arg,[]);
- );
- if(islist(Arg3),
- Changeobjscale(ULEN,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3);
- ,
- Changeobjscale(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,[]);
- );
- regional(fname,fout,fmd,unit,val,options,eqL,reL,
- origin,outunit,sc,stL,nn,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- outunit="IN";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
- if(tmp1=="O" % tmp1=="U",
- outunit=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- origin=[0,0,0];
- forall(reL,
- if(islist(#),origin=#);
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- tmp1=".0123456789+-*/";
- unit="";
- val=1;
- tmp2=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(unitlen)),
- tmp=substring(unitlen,#-1,#);
- if(tmp2==0,
- if(indexof(tmp1,tmp)>0,
- tmp2=#;
- );
- );
- unit=substring(unitlen,tmp2,length(unitlen));
- unit=removespace(unit);
- val=parse(substring(unitlen,0,tmp2));
- );
- sc=1;
- if(unit=="cm",sc=1);
- if(unit=="mm",sc=0.1);
- if(unit=="in",sc=2.54);
- sc=sc*val;
- if(outunit=="IN",sc=sc/2.54);
- if(outunit=="MM",sc=sc*10);
- fname=fnameorg;
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,fname=fname+".obj");
- fmd=replace(fname,".obj",".txt");
- fout=foutorg;
- if(indexof(fout,".")==0,fout=fout+".obj");
- tmp1=Textformat(origin,4);
- tmp1=RSform(tmp1);
- cmdL=[
- "Origin="+tmp1,[],
- "Sc="+format(sc,6),[],
- "Stv=readLines",[Dq+fname+Dq],
- "cat('',file="+Dq+fout+Dq+")",[],
- "for(nn in Looprange(1,length(Stv))){",[],
- " if(substring(Stv[nn],1,2)=='v '){",[],
- " Tmp1=paste('c(',substring(Stv[nn],3),')',sep='')",[],
- " Tmp1=gsub(' ',',',Tmp1,fixed=TRUE)",[],
- " Tmp1=gsub(',,',',',Tmp1,fixed=TRUE)",[],
- " Tmp1=gsub('(,','(',Tmp1,fixed=TRUE)",[],
- " Tmp=eval(parse(text=Tmp1))",[],
- " Tmp=Origin+Sc*(Tmp-Origin)",[],
- " Stv[nn]=paste('v ',sprintf('%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f',Tmp[1],Tmp[2],Tmp[3]),sep='')",[],
- " }",[],
- " cat(Stv[nn],'\n',sep='',file="+Dq+fout+Dq+",append=TRUE)",[],
- "}",[]
- ];
- options=concat(["Wait=3","Cat=n","File="+fmd],options); // 16.06.26
- CalcbyR("cs",cmdL,options);
- println("Scale of "+fname+" changed");
- if(!isstring(OCNAME), //17.04.13from
- drawtext(mouse().xy,"Mkobjcmd not defined",
- size->24,color->[1,0,0]);
- , //17.04.13until
- if(islist(Arg2),
- Mkviewobj(Dirwork,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3);
- ,
- Mkviewobj(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,[]);
- );
- );
- regional(path,cmdL,eqL,strL,flg,fname,options,make,view,cmdlist,
- vtx,face,unit,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- path=replace(pathorg,"\","/");
- if(substring(path,length(path)-1,length(path))!="/",path=path+"/");
- fname=fnameorg;
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,fname=fname+".obj");
- cmdL=cmdLorg;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- make=-1;
- view=0;
- unit="";
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="M",
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if(tmp2=="N" % tmp2=="F",
- make=0;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="V",
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if(tmp2=="N" % tmp2=="F",
- view=0;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp1=="U", // 16.06.30from
- unit=tmp2;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- ); // 16.06.30until
- );
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- make=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- make=0;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="V",
- view=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(islist(cmdL),
- if(length(cmdL)==0,
- make=0;
- println("Command sequence not defnamed");
- );
- ,
- make=0;
- println("Command sequence not defined");
- );
- if(make==-1,
- setdirectory(pathorg);
- tmp1=load(fname);
- if(length(tmp1)==0,make=1,make=0);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- );
- if(make==1,
- if(isstring(cmdL_1),
- cmdlist=MkprecommandR();
- cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,["Openobj",[Dq+path+fname+Dq]]);
- cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,cmdL);
- tmp=["Closeobj()",[],"ans="+Dq+"||||"+Dq,[]];//16.12.26
- cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,tmp);
- tmp=append(options,"Cat=y");
- tmp1=apply(tmp,Toupper(substring(#,0,1))); // 16.04.23from
- tmp1=select(tmp1,#=="W");
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- tmp=append(tmp,"Wait=5");
- );// 16.04.23until
- CalcbyR("ans",cmdlist,tmp);
- wait(WaitUnit*100); // 16.03.18
- ,
- vtx=cmdL_1;
- face=cmdL_2;
- setdirectory(pathorg);
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(fname);
- forall(vtx,tmp1,
- tmp2=tmp1;
- if(ispoint(tmp1),
- tmp2=parse(text(tmp1)+"3d");
- );
- tmp2=apply(tmp2,format(#,5));
- tmp="v "+tmp2_1+" "+tmp2_2+" "+tmp2_3;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- forall(face,tmp1,
- tmp="f";
- forall(tmp1,
- tmp=tmp+" "+text(#);
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- );
- );
- if(length(unit)>0, // 16.06.30from
- Changeobjscale(fname,["Unit="+unit]);//16.10.04
- ); // 16.06.30until
- if(view==1,
- flg=0; // 16.03.14 from
- if(isstring(ViewFile),
- if(ViewFile==fname,flg=1);
- );
- if(flg==0,
- kcV3(path,fname);
- ViewFile=fname;
- ); // 16.03.14 until
- );
-SetObj(str):=Objname(str,["m","v"]); //17.01.12
-SetObj(str,options):=Objname(str,options); //17.01.12
-Objnameoptions(str,options):=Objname(str,options);// 16.11.29
-Objname(str):=Objname(str,["m","v"]); // 16.11.29
- regional(options);
- if(length(str)>0,
- OCNAME=str;
- );
- options=select(optionsorg,length(#)>0); //17.12.23from
- if(length(options)>0,
- OCOPTION=options;
- ,
- OCOPTION=["m","v"];
- ); //17.12.23until
- println([OCNAME,OCOPTION]);
- regional(ffd,cmd,out,div1,div2,side,
- reL,stL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
- div1=40;
- div2=40;
- side="+";
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- reL=tmp_6;
- stL=select(tmp_7,length(#)>0);
- forall(1..length(reL),
- if(#==1,
- div1=reL_1;
- div2=div1;
- ,
- div2=reL_2;
- );
- );
- forall(stL,
- side=#;
- );
- side="'"+side+"'";
- ffd=Fullformfunc(fd);
- tmp=indexof(ffd_5,"=");
- tmp1=RSform(substring(ffd_5,0,tmp-1));
- tmp2=RSform(substring(ffd_5,tmp,length(ffd_5)));
- tmp=indexof(ffd_6,"=");
- tmp3=RSform(substring(ffd_6,0,tmp-1));
- tmp4=RSform(substring(ffd_6,tmp,length(ffd_6)));
- out=["Fun"+nm+"<- function("+tmp1+","+tmp3+"){",[]];
- tmp=" Out=c("+ffd_2+","+ffd_3+","+ffd_4+")";
- out=concat(out,[tmp,[]]);
- out=concat(out,["}",[]]);
- tmp1=["Objsurf",
- ["Fun"+nm,tmp2,tmp4,div1,div2,side]];
- out=concat(out,tmp1);
- tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
- forall(out,tmp1,
- if(islist(tmp1),
- tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
- ,
- if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
- );
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp2);
- println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
- OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
- out;
- regional(name,options,stL,eqL,disp,ffd,fst,xst,yst,cmdL,
- precmd,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- name="nrm"+nm;
- options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- stL=tmp_7;
- precmd=[];
- disp="N";
- forall(eqL, // 16.05.02
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
- if(tmp1=="D",
- if(tmp2=="Y" % tmp2=="T",
- disp="Y";
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- );
- forall(stL,
- if(indexof(#,"+")+indexof(#,"-")==0,
- precmd=concat(precmd,[#,[]]);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(isstring(fd),
- tmp=Indexall(fd,",");
- fst=[
- substring(fd,1,tmp_1-1),
- substring(fd,tmp_1,tmp_2-1),
- substring(fd,tmp_2,tmp_3-2)
- ];
- xst=substring(fd,tmp_3,tmp_4-1);
- yst=substring(fd,tmp_4,length(fd));
- ,
- ffd=Fullformfunc(fd);
- fst=text(ffd_(2..4));
- tmp=indexof(ffd_5,"=");
- xst=substring(ffd_5,0,tmp-1);
- tmp=indexof(ffd_6,"=");
- yst=substring(ffd_6,0,tmp-1);
- );
- cmdL=precmd;
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- "fx:diff",[fst,xst],
- "fy:diff",[fst,yst],
- "nx:fx[2]*fy[3]-fx[3]*fy[2]",[],
- "ny:fx[3]*fy[1]-fx[1]*fy[3]",[],
- "nz:fx[1]*fy[2]-fx[2]*fy[1]",[],
- "nn:factor(nx^2+ny^2+nz^2)",[], // 16.04.21
- "nn:sqrt(nn)",[], // 16.04.20
- "nx:nx/nn",[],
- "ny:ny/nn",[],
- "nz:nz/nn",[],
- "n:[nx,ny,nz]",[], // 16.04.21from
- "n:ratsimp(n)",[],
- "n:trigsimp(n)",[],
- "n:factor(n)",[], // 16.04.21until
- "n",[]
- ]);
- CalcbyM(name,cmdL,options); // 16.05.12
- tmp1=parse(name); // 16.05.12
- out=[tmp1]; // 15.04.21b from
- tmp2=[];
- forall(1..3,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,",");
- if(tmp==0,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"]");
- );
- tmp3=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
- tmp=indexof(tmp3,"/");
- if(tmp>0,
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,tmp,length(tmp3));
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp3);
- ,
- tmp2=append(tmp2,"1");
- );
- );
-// out=append(out,tmp2);
- out=out_1; // 16.05.02from
- println("calculate "+name+":"); // 16.05.12
- if(disp=="Y", // 16.05.02
- println(out);
- // println(out_2);
- ); // 16.05.02until
- out;
- if(islist(Arg),
- Mkobjthickcmd(nm,fd,"",Arg);
- ,
- Mkobjthickcmd(nm,fd,Arg,[]);
- );
- regional(options,ffd,cmd,out,div1,div2,thick1,thick2,side,
- reL,stL,addcmd,fst,xst,yst,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
- div1=40;
- div2=40;
- thick1=0.05;
- thick2=-0.05;
- side="+n+s+e+w+";
- options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- reL=tmp_6;
- stL=tmp_7;
- tmp1=1; // 16.04.21from
- tmp2=1;
- forall(1..length(reL),
- tmp=reL_#;
- if(tmp>1,
- if(tmp1==1,
- div1=tmp;
- div2=tmp;
- ,
- div2=tmp;
- );
- tmp1=tmp1+1;
- ,
- if(tmp2==1,
- thick1=tmp;
- thick2=-tmp;
- ,
- thick2=tmp;
- );
- tmp2=tmp2+1;
- );
- ); // 16.04.21until
- options=remove(options,reL);
- forall(stL,
- if(length(#)>0,
- tmp=indexof(#,"+")+indexof(#,"-");
- if(tmp>0,
- side=#;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- );
- side="'"+side+"'";
- ffd=Fullformfunc(fd);
- tmp=indexof(ffd_5,"=");
- tmp1=substring(ffd_5,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=RSform(substring(ffd_5,tmp,length(ffd_5)));
- tmp=indexof(ffd_6,"=");
- tmp3=substring(ffd_6,0,tmp-1);
- tmp4=RSform(substring(ffd_6,tmp,length(ffd_6)));
- fst=text(ffd_(2..4));
- tmp=indexof(ffd_5,"=");
- xst=substring(ffd_5,0,tmp-1);
- tmp=indexof(ffd_6,"=");
- yst=substring(ffd_6,0,tmp-1);
- out=["Fun"+nm+"<- function("+tmp1+","+tmp3+"){",[]];
- tmp=" c("+ffd_2+","+ffd_3+","+ffd_4+")";
- out=concat(out,[tmp,[]]);
- out=concat(out,["}",[]]);
- tmp=["Fnrm"+nm+"<- function("+xst+","+yst+"){",[]];
- out=concat(out,tmp);
- if(fnrm=="",
- tmp=Mkobjnrm(nm,fd,options);
- tmp1=RSform(tmp);
- tmp="Fnrmden"+nm+"("+xst+","+yst+"):="+tmp_2;
- parse(tmp);
- ,
- tmp1=RSform(fnrm);
-// if(indexof(tmp1,"Out=")==0, // 16.05.09from
-// tmp1="Out="+tmp1;
-// ); // 16.05.09until
- );
- out=concat(out,[tmp1,[]]);
- out=concat(out,["}",[]]);
- tmp1=["Objthicksurf",
- ["Fun"+nm,tmp2,tmp4,div1,div2,"Fnrm"+nm,thick1,thick2,side]];
- out=concat(out,tmp1);
- tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
- forall(out,tmp1,
- if(islist(tmp1),
- tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
- ,
- if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
- );
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp2);
- println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
- OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
- out;
- regional(options,cmd,out,thick1,thick2,origin,
- reL,stL,vtx,face,pt1,pt2,pt3,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- thick1=0;
- thick2=-0;
- origin=[0,0,0];
- options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- reL=tmp_6;
- stL=tmp_7;
- tmp1=1;
- forall(1..length(reL),
- tmp=reL_#;
- if(islist(tmp),
- origin=tmp;
- ,
- if(tmp1==1,
- thick1=tmp;
- thick2=-tmp;
- ,
- thick2=tmp;
- );
- tmp1=tmp1+1; // 16.07.08
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- forall(stL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"+")+indexof(#,"-");
- if(tmp>0,
- side=#;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- vtx=pd_1; //16.04.23from
- if(length(pd)==2,face=pd_2,face=pd_3);
- if(isstring(vtx),vtx=parse(vtx));
- vtx=apply(vtx,if(isstring(#),parse(#),#)); // 16.06.18
- if(isstring(face),face=parse(face));
- forall(1..length(face),
- tmp=face_#;
- pt1=vtx_(tmp_1);// 16.06.18
- pt2=vtx_(tmp_2);// 16.06.18
- pt3=vtx_(tmp_(length(tmp)));// 16.06.18
- tmp1=Crossprod(pt2-pt1,pt3-pt1);
- tmp2=Dotprod(tmp1,pt1-origin);
- if(tmp2<0,
- face_#=reverse(face_#);
- );
- );
- tmp1=RSform(textformat(vtx,5),2);//17.12.24from
- tmp2=RSform(textformat(face,5),2);
- out=["Objpolyhedron",[tmp1,tmp2]];//17.12.24until
- tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
- forall(out,tmp1,
- if(islist(tmp1),
- tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
- ,
- if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
- );
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp2);
- println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
- OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
- out;
-Mkobjplatecmd(nm,pdorg,optionorg):=( // 16.06.18
- regional(pd,options,cmd,out,thick1,thick2,nn,pdn,
- reL,vtx,face,nv,npttmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
- pd=pdorg;
- if(MeasureDepth(pd)==1,pd=[pd]);
- if(MeasureDepth(pd)==2,pd=[pd]);//16.10.04from
- forall(1..length(pd),nn, // 16.06.19from
- pdn=pd_nn;
- vtx=pdn_1;
- if(length(pdn)==1,face=[1..(length(vtx))],face=pdn_2);
- vtx=apply(vtx,if(isstring(#),parse(#),#));
- vtx=apply(vtx,if(ispoint(#),parse(text(#)+"3d"),#));
- pd_nn=[vtx,face];//16.10.04until
- ); // 16.06.19until
- thick1=0.05;
- thick2=-0.05;
- options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0);
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- reL=tmp_6;
- tmp1=1;
- forall(1..length(reL),
- tmp=reL_#;
- if(tmp1==1,
- thick1=tmp;
- thick2=-tmp;
- ,
- thick2=tmp;
- );
- tmp1=tmp1+1;// 16.07.08
- );
- options=remove(options,reL);
- out=[];
- forall(1..length(pd),npd,
- forall(pd_npd_2,face,
- vtx=apply(face,pd_npd_1_#);
- npt=length(vtx);
- tmp1=vtx_1;
- tmp2=vtx_2;
- tmp3=vtx_npt;
- tmp=Crossprod(tmp2-tmp1,tmp3-tmp1);
- nv=tmp/Dist3d(tmp);
- tmp1=apply(vtx,#+thick1*nv);
- tmp2=apply(vtx,#+thick2*nv);
- vtx=concat(tmp1,tmp2);
- tmp=apply(1..npt,#+npt);
- tmp2=[1..npt,reverse(tmp)];
- tmp=apply(1..(npt-1),[#,#+npt,#+npt+1,#+1]);
- tmp2=concat(tmp2,tmp);
- tmp=[npt,npt+npt,1+npt,1];
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- tmp3=RSform(textformat(vtx,5),2);//17.12.24from
- tmp4=RSform(textformat(tmp2,5),2);
- out=concat(out,["Objpolyhedron",[tmp3,tmp4]]);//17.12.24until
- );
- );
- tmp3="["; // 16.06.10from
- forall(out,tmp1,
- tmp2="";
- if(isstring(tmp1),
- tmp2=tmp2+Dq+tmp1+Dq+",[";
- ,
- tmp2=tmp2+Textformat(tmp1_1,5)+",";
- tmp2=tmp2+Textformat(tmp1_2,5)+"],";
- );
- tmp3=tmp3+tmp2;
- );
- tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+"]";
- parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp3);
- println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated");
- OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
- out;
- regional(cmd,out,thick,poly,dir,phead,pst,
- reL,stL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,flg);
- thick=0.02;
- poly=6;
- dir="xy";
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- reL=tmp_6;
- stL=select(tmp_7,length(#)>0);
- forall(1..length(reL),
- if(#==1,
- thick=reL_1;
- ,
- poly=reL_2;
- );
- );
- forall(stL,
- dir=#;
- );
- dir="'"+dir+"'";
- tmp=indexof(pstorg,"_");
- if(tmp==0,
- phead=pstorg;
- ,
- phead=substring(pstorg,0,tmp-1);
- );
- pst=pstorg;
- out=[];
- tmp1=select(GLIST,indexof(#,phead+"=")>0);
- if(length(tmp1)==0, println(phead+" incorrect"));
-// out=[tmp1_1,[]];
- out=[];
- tmp1=parse(pst);
- flg=0; // 16.04.23from
- if(MeasureDepth(tmp1)==2,flg=1);
- if(MeasureDepth(tmp1)==0,
- if(islist(tmp1),flg=1);
- );
- if(flg==1, // 16.04.23until
- if(!isstring(tmp1_1),
- forall(1..length(tmp1),
- tmp=["Objcurve",[pst+"[["+text(#)+"]]",thick,poly,dir]];//17.12.22
- out=concat(out,tmp);
- );
- ,
- forall(1..length(tmp1), // 16.11.14from
- tmp=["Objcurve",[tmp1_#,thick,poly,dir]];
- out=concat(out,tmp);
- );// 16.11.14until
- );
- ,
- tmp1=Chunderscore(pst);
- tmp=["Objcurve",[tmp1,thick,poly,dir]];
- out=concat(out,tmp);
- );
- tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
- forall(out,tmp1,
- if(islist(tmp1),
- tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
- ,
- if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
- );
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp2);
- println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
- OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
- out;
- Mkobjsymbcmd("",symb,size,rot,dir,pos,[]);
- if(isstring(Ar2),
- Mkobjsymbcmd(Ar1,Ar2,Ar3,Ar4,Ar5,Ar6,[]);
- ,
- Mkobjsymbcmd("",Ar1,Ar2,Ar3,Ar4,Ar5,Ar6);
- );
- regional(symb,options,opbez,eqL,reL,stL,dtLstr,dtL,dt,
- alpha,Alpha,out,mx,Mx,my,My,center,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- alpha="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- Alpha=Toupper(alpha);
- symb=symborg;
- options=optionorg;
- opbez=["nodisp"];
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- stL=tmp_7;
- opbez=concat(opbez,eqL);
- options=remove(options,eqL);
- tmp1=[0.05,4,"'yz'"];
- if(length(reL)==0,
- options=concat(options,tmp1_(1..2));
- );
- if(length(reL)==1, // debugged 16.06.18
- options=concat(options,[tmp1_2]);
- );
- if(length(stL)==0,
- options=concat(options,[tmp1_3]);
- );
- out=[];
- tmp=parse(symb);
- if((islist(symb)) % (islist(tmp)), //17.12.24from
- if(islist(tmp),
- dtL=[symb];
- ,
- dtL=symb;
- ); //17.12.24until
- ,
- tmp=substring(symb,0,1);
- if(tmp>="a" & tmp<="z",tmp1=tmp+"s");
- if(tmp>="A" & tmp<="Z",
- tmp=indexof(Alpha,tmp);
- tmp=substring(alpha,tmp-1,tmp);
- tmp1=tmp+"c";
- );
- if(length(symb)==1,
- if(symb>"Z",
- symb=tmp1+"i";
- ,
- symb=tmp1+"r";
- );
- );
- if(length(symb)==2,symb=tmp1+substring(symb,1,2));
- if(length(path)>0, // 16.04.23from
- setdirectory(path);
- ,
- tmp=Dirhead+"/data/fontF"; // 16.05.10
- setdirectory(tmp);
- ); // 16.04.23until
- dtL=Readbezier(symb,opbez);
- dtLstr=dtL; //17.12.23
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- forall(dtL,dt,
- tmp=dt+"=";
- tmp1=select(GLIST,indexof(#,tmp)>0);
- if(length(tmp1)>0,//17.12.23from
- tmp1=tmp1_1;
- out=concat(out,[tmp1,[]]);
- ); //17.12.23until
- );
- mx=100;Mx=-100;my=100;My=-100;
- forall(dtL,dt,
- tmp=apply(parse(dt),#_1);
- mx=min(append(tmp,mx));
- Mx=max(append(tmp,Mx));
- tmp=apply(parse(dt),#_2);
- my=min(append(tmp,my));
- My=max(append(tmp,My));
- );
- center=[(mx+Mx)/2,(my+My)/2];
- tmp1=[];
- forall(dtL,dt,
- Rotatedata(dt,dt,rot,[center,"nodisp"]);
- Translatedata(dt,"rt"+dt,-center,["nodisp"]);
- tmp1=append(tmp1,"tr"+dt);
- );
- dtL=tmp1;
- forall(dtL,dt,
- tmp=dt+"=";
- tmp1=select(GLIST,indexof(#,tmp)>0);
- if(length(tmp1)>0, //17.12.23from
- tmp1=tmp1_1;
- out=concat(out,[tmp1,[]]);
- ); //17.12.23until
- );
- );
- tmp1=text(options);
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
- tmp2=""; //17.12.23from
- forall(dtL,
- tmp2=tmp2+","+#;
- );
- tmp2="list("+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2))+")"; //17.12.23until
- out=concat(out,[
- "Sd=Symb3data",[tmp2,size,0,dir,pos], //17.12.23
- "Objsymb(Sd,"+tmp1+")",[]
- ]);
- tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
- forall(out,tmp1,
- if(islist(tmp1),
- tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
- ,
- if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
- );
- tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
- );
- parse("oc"+symborg+"="+tmp2);
- println("cmd seq oc"+symborg+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
- OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
- out;
- regional(out);
- out=[];
- forall(cmdlist,
- out=concat(out,#);
- );
- out;
-// help:WritetoF("outdata",cmdL);
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename,wfilename);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".input";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- wfilename=replace(filename,".input",".txt");
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
- forall(1..(length(cmdL)),
- tmp1=cmdL_#;
- if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
- tmp1=tmp1+" --##";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1);
- ,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1);
- println(SCEOUTPUT," --##");
- );
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,
- filename,wfile,flg);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- filename=fname+".input";
- ,
- filename=fname;
- );
- wfile=replace(filename,".input",".sfort");
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(strL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
- flg=0;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp2=replace(filename,".input",".sfort");
- tmp1=load(tmp2);
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,
- tmp1="";
- if(iswindows(),
- tmp2=Batparent;
- ,
- tmp2=Shellparent;
- );
- flg=0;
- forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
- if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
- tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- setdirectory(tmp1);
- );
- if(iswindows(),
-// SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
-// println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
-// closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
- tmp=Dq+PathF+"\bash"+Dq+" --login -i -c "+Dq+"/cygdrive/";
- tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/");
- if(indexof(tmp1,":")==0,
- tmp=tmp+"c/"+tmp1+"/"+Dq;
- ,
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,":","");
- tmp=tmp+tmp1+"/"+Dq;
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
- Lf=unicode("10",base->10);
- print(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh"+Lf);
- tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/");
- if(indexof(tmp1,":")==0,
- tmp="cd "+Dq+"/cygdrive/c/"+tmp1+Dq;
- ,
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,":","");
- tmp="cd "+Dq+"/cygdrive/"+tmp1+Dq;
- );
- print(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+Lf);
- tmp=Dq+"/opt/fricas/bin/fricas";
- tmp=tmp+Dq+" -nox -eval ";
- tmp=tmp+Dq+")read "+filename+Dq;
-// tmp=tmp+" > "+Dq+wfile+Dq;
- print(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+Lf);
- print(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0"+Lf);
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
- ,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp=Dq+PathF+Dq+" -nox -eval "+Dq+")read "+filename+Dq;
-// tmp=tmp+" > "+wfile;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
- );
- setdirectory(Dirwork);
- );
-//help:CalcbyF(options= ["m/r","Wait=5"]]);
- regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,strL,eqL,
- flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,cmdF,cmdlist,wfile,Alpha,
- waiting,num,dig,varlist);
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=5;
- dig=5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(tmp1=="W",
- waiting=parse(tmp2);
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- file=Fhead+name+".input";
- wfile=Fhead+name+".sfort";
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- cmdF=cmd;
- tmp1=")set breakmode quit";
- tmp2=")set output fortran on";
- tmp3=")set fortran precision single";
- cmdlist=[tmp1,tmp2,tmp3];
- tmp=")set output fortran "+wfile;
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
- forall(1..floor(length(cmdF)/2),nc, //17.5.18
- tmp1=cmdF_(2*nc-1);
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
- tmp2=cmdF_(2*nc); // list of argments
- if(nc<length(cmdF)/2,
- tmp3="";
- forall(tmp2,arg,
- if(isstring(arg),
- tmp3=tmp3+arg+",";
- ,
- tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp3)>0,
- tmp3=tmp1+
- "("+substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+")";
- ,
- tmp3=tmp1;
- );
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp3);
- ,
- if(indexof(tmp1,"::")==0,
- varlist=[tmp1];
- ,
- varlist=tokenize(tmp1,"::");
- );
- forall(varlist,
- cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"["+#+"]");
- );
- );
- );
- cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,["111111*1",")quit"]);
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp1=load(file);
- if(length(tmp1)==0,
- wflg=1;
- ,
- if(indexof(tmp1," --##")==0, // 15.11.26
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1," --##");
- tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist),
- wflg=1;
- ,
- tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
- if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(wflg==0,wflg=-1);
- if(wflg==1,
- if(length(wfile)>0,
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- );
- WritetoF(file,cmdlist);
- kcF(file,concat(options,["m"]));
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
- repeat(tmp1,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=load(wfile);
- if(wflg==1,wait(WaitUnit));
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"Error")+indexof(tmp1,"find");
- if(tmp>0,
- println("Some error(s) occurred");
- tmp=tokenize(tmp1," --##");
- forall(tmp,
- if(indexof(#,"Error")+indexof(#,"find")>0,
- println(tmp_(length(tmp)));
- );
- );
- flg=2;
- );
- if(indexof(tmp1,"111111")>0,
- tmp1=replace(tmp1," &","");
- tmp3="[";
- forall(1..length(varlist),
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"["+varlist_#+"]");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"(1)=");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp+3,length(tmp1));
- tmp=indexof(tmp1," ");
- tmp3=tmp3+Dq+substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1)+Dq+",";
- );
- tmp3=replace(tmp3,"**","^");
- tmp3=replace(tmp3,".0","");
- tmp4="";
- forall(1..length(tmp3),
- tmp=substring(tmp3,#-1,#);
- tmp1=indexof(Alpha,tmp);
- if(tmp1>0,
- tmp4=tmp4+unicode(text(tmp1+96),base->10);
- ,
- if(tmp==" " % tmp=="&",
- ,
- tmp4=tmp4+tmp;
- );
- );
- );
- tmp=name+"="+substring(tmp4,0,length(tmp4)-1)+"]";
- parse(tmp);
- tmp=parse(name);
- if(length(tmp)==1,
- tmp1=substring(tmp4,1,length(tmp3)-1);
- parse(name+"="+tmp1);
- );
- flg=1;
- tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
- ,
- if(wflg==-1,
- flg=-1;
- ,
- wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg<=0,
- if(flg==-1,
- println(wfile+" does not exist");
- ,
- tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
- tmp1=load(wfile);
- if(length(tmp1)>0,
- println(wfile+" incomplete"+tmp); // 2016.02.24
- ,
- println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
- );
- );
- ,
- if(flg==1,
- println(" Succeeded "+name+" ("+text(tmp2)+" sec)");
- );
- );
- regional(nm,options,eqL,disp,cmdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- nm="fri"+name;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
- disp=1;
- eqL=tmp_5;
- forall(eqL,
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
- tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
- if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
- disp=0;
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- cmdL=[];
- cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
- "ans"+":="+fun,argL,
- "ans",[]
- ]);
- CalcbyF(nm,cmdL,options);
- if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
- println(nm+" is : ");
- println(parse(nm));
- );
- parse(nm);
- if(isstring(Arg),
- Mkketcindyjs(Arg,[])
- ,
- Mkketcindyjs("ketcindylib",Arg)
- );
-Mkketcindyjs(libname,options):=( //17.11.18
- regional(texflg,netflg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- texflg="Y";
- netflg="Y";
- forall(options,
- tmp1=Toupper(#);
- if(indexof(tmp1,"TEX")>0,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
- texflg=Toupper(substring(tmp1,tmp,tmp+1));
- );
- if(indexof(tmp1,"NET")>0,
- tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
- netflg=Toupper(substring(tmp1,tmp,tmp+1));
- );
- );
- if(isexists(Dirwork,Fhead+".html"),
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(Fhead+".r");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Looprange<- function(a,b){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," if (a<=b) return(a:b)");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," return(c())");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"setwd('"+Dirfile+"/CindyJS')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dtket=readLines('"+libname+".txt')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"setwd('"+Dirwork+"')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dtjs=readLines('"+Fhead+".html')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Qt=rawToChar(as.raw(34))");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- "Dtinit=c(paste('<script id=',Qt,'csinit',Qt,' type=',Qt,'text/x-cindyscript',Qt,'>',sep=''))");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dtinit=c(Dtinit,Dtket,'</script>')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dthead=c()");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"for(I in Looprange(1,length(Dtjs))){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('<script id=',Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))==0){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," Tmp=Dtjs[I]");
- if(netflg=="N",
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " if(length(grep('link rel=',Tmp,fixed=TRUE))>0){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Tmp1='file:///"+Dirfile+"/CindyJS/CindyJS.css'");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Tmp=paste(' <link rel=',Qt,'stylesheet',Qt,' href=',Qt,Tmp1,Qt,'>',sep='')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " }");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Tmp1=length(grep('script type=',Tmp,fixed=TRUE))");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Tmp1=Tmp1*length(grep('Cindy.js',Tmp,fixed=TRUE))");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " if(Tmp1>0){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Tmp1='file:///"+Dirfile+"/CindyJS/Cindy.js'");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Tmp=paste(' <script type=',Qt,'text/javascript',Qt,' src=',Qt,Tmp1,Qt,'>',sep='')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Tmp=paste(Tmp,'</script>',sep='')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " }");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Dthead=c(Dthead,Tmp)");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " }else{");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Is=I; break");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " }");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- "}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dt=c()");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"for(I in Looprange(Is,length(Dtjs))){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," Dt=c(Dt,Dtjs[I])");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('</script>',Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('draw',Dt[1],fixed=TRUE))>0){Dtdraw=Dt}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('keytyped',Dt[1],fixed=TRUE))>0){Dtkey=Dt}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," Dt=c()");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('<script id=',Dtjs[I+1],fixed=TRUE))==0){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," Ie=I+1;break");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," }");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," }");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dt=c(Dthead,Dtdraw,Dtkey,Dtinit)");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"for(I in Looprange(Ie,length(Dtjs))){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " if(length(grep('Button',Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'Figure',sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){next}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'Exekc',sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){next}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'Parent',sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){next}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'KeTJS',sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){next}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " }");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," Dt=c(Dt,Dtjs[I])");
- if(texflg=="Y",
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'cs*',Qt,sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " Dt=c(Dt,paste(' use: [',Qt,'katex',Qt,'],',sep=''))");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,
- " }");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"writeLines(Dt,'"+Fhead+"ketcindy.html',sep='\n')");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"quit()");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- kcR(PathR,Fhead+".r",["m"]);
- ,
- drawtext(mouse().xy-[0,1],"First export to CindyJS",size->24,color->[1,0,0]);
- wait(3000);
- );
-///////////////// C function //////////////////
- regional(str,ter,out,hat,ns,ne,nn,jj,flg,
- lv,str1,str2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- ter=["+","-","*","/","(",")"];
- str=replace(strorg,"pi","M_PI");
- hat=Indexall(str,"^");
- out="";
- ns=0;
- forall(hat,nn,
- tmp=substring(str,nn-2,nn-1);
- if(tmp==")",
- tmp1=substring(str,ns,nn-1);
- tmp2=Parlevel(tmp1);
- tmp=tmp2_(length(tmp2))_2;
- lv=select(tmp2,#_2==-tmp);
- tmp=lv_1_1;
- out=out+substring(str,ns,ns+tmp-1);
- str1=substring(str,ns+tmp,nn-2);
- ,
- flg=0;
- tmp2=reverse(ns..(nn-1));
- forall(tmp2,jj,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=substring(str,jj-1,jj);
- if(contains(ter,tmp1),
- tmp=jj;
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- tmp1=substring(str,ns,tmp);
- out=out+tmp1;
- str1=substring(str,tmp,nn-1);
- );
- tmp=substring(str,nn,nn+1);
- if(tmp=="(",
- tmp1=substring(str,nn,length(str));
- tmp2=Parlevel(tmp1);
- lv=select(tmp2,#_2==-1);
- tmp=lv_1_1;
- str2=substring(tmp1,1,tmp-1);
- ns=nn+tmp;
- ,
- flg=0;tmp=0;
- forall(nn..(length(str)),jj,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=substring(str,jj,jj+1);
- if((length(tmp1)==0)%(contains(ter,tmp1)),
- tmp=jj;
- flg=1;
- );
- );
- );
- str2=substring(str,nn,tmp);
- ns=nn+1;
- );
- out=out+"pow("+str1+","+str2+")";
- );
- str=out+substring(str,ns,length(str));
- str=str+"#";
- ter=apply(0..9,text(#));
- ter=append(ter,".");
- out="";
- tmp=substring(str,0,1);
- if(contains(ter,tmp),
- flg=1;out="";tmp1=tmp;
- ,
- flg=0;out=tmp;tmp1="";
- );
- forall(2..(length(str)),
- tmp=substring(str,#-1,#);
- if(contains(ter,tmp),
- if(flg==1,
- tmp1=tmp1+tmp;
- ,
- tmp1=tmp;
- );
- flg=1;
- ,
- if(flg==1,
- if(indexof(tmp1,".")==0,
- tmp1=tmp1+".0";
- );
- out=out+tmp1+tmp;
- ,
- out=out+tmp;
- );
- tmp1="";flg=0;
- );
- );
- out=substring(out,0,length(out)-1);
- out;
- regional(FdL,FdC,uvar,vvar,tmp,tmp1);
- FdL=Fullformfunc(Fd);
- tmp=indexof(FdL_5,"="); //180303from
- uvar=substring(FdL_5,0,tmp-1);
- tmp=indexof(FdL_6,"=");
- vvar=substring(FdL_6,0,tmp-1);
- tmp1=apply(2..6,Assign(FdL_#,uvar,"u"));
- tmp1=apply(tmp1,Assign(#,vvar,"v"));
- tmp1=concat(tmp1,FdL_(7..8));
- FdC=apply(1..3,name_#+"="+Cform(tmp1_#));
- FdC=concat(FdC,[Cform(tmp1_4),Cform(tmp1_5)]);
- FdC=concat(FdC,[tmp1_6]);
-ConstC(setlist):=( //180323
- regional(divL,sizeL,epsL);
- //Mdv=50; Ndv=50;
- //DsizeLL=5000; DsizeL=1500; DsizeM=500; DsizeS=200;
- //Eps=0.00001; Eps1=0.01; Eps2=0.1;
- forall(setlist,
- if((#_1>1)&(#_1<=200),
- divL=#;
- if(length(divL)==0,divL=[50]);
- if(length(divL)==1,divL=append(divL,divL_1));
- ,
- if(#_1>=100,
- sizeL=#;
- if(length(sizeL)==0,sizeL=[5000]);
- if(length(sizeL)==1,sizeL=append(sizeL,1500));
- if(length(sizeL)==2,sizeL=append(sizeL,500));
- if(length(sizeL)==3,sizeL=append(sizeL,200));
- ,
- epsL=#;
- if(length(epsL)==0,epsL=[0.01]);
- if(length(epsL)==1,epsL=append(epsL,0.1));
- epsL=prepend(0.00001,epsL);
- );
- );
- );
- ConstantListC=[divL,sizeL,epsL];
- regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,j, dW,dE,dS,dN,dstr,
- DsizeLL,DsizeL,DsizeM,DsizeS,Eps,Eps1,Eps2,Eps3);
- Mdv=50; Ndv=50;
- DsizeLL=15000; DsizeL=1500; DsizeM=500; DsizeS=200;
- Eps=0.00001; Eps1=0.05; Eps2=0.2; Eps3=1;
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(fname);
- tmp=indexof(fdc_2,"=");
- tmp1=substring(fdc_2,tmp,length(fdc_2));
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","{");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]","}");
- tmp=indexof(fdc_3,"=");
- tmp2=substring(fdc_3,tmp,length(fdc_3));
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"[","{");
- tmp2=replace(tmp2,"]","}");
- tmp="const double Urng[2]="+tmp1+", Vrng[2]="+tmp2;
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
- tmp="const double XMIN="+Sprintf(XMIN,6);
- tmp=tmp+",XMAX="+Sprintf(XMAX,6);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
- tmp="const double THETA="+Sprintf(THETA,6);
- tmp=tmp+",PHI="+Sprintf(PHI,6);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
- tmp=" //THETA:"+Sprintf(THETA*180/pi,2);
- tmp=tmp+", PHI:"+Sprintf(PHI*180/pi,2);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
- dstr=fdc_4;
- if(indexof(dstr,"w")>0,dW=1,dW=0);
- if(indexof(dstr,"e")>0,dE=1,dE=0);
- if(indexof(dstr,"s")>0,dS=1,dS=0);
- if(indexof(dstr,"n")>0,dN=1,dN=0);
- tmp="const int DrawW="+text(dW)+", DrawE="+text(dE);
- tmp=tmp+", DrawS="+text(dS)+", DrawN="+text(dN);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
- forall(j=5..(length(fdc)),
- tmp=fdc_#; //17.05.21from
- if(length(tmp)==2,
- if(tmp_1>1, //17.05.24from
- Mdv=tmp_1; Ndv=tmp_2;
- ,
- if(length(tmp_1)>0, Eps1=tmp_1);
- if(length(tmp_1)>0, Eps2=tmp_2);
- ); //17.05.24until
- );
- if(length(tmp)==3,
- if(length(tmp_1)>0, DsizeLL=tmp_1);//17.06.09(3lines)
- if(length(tmp_2)>0, DsizeL=tmp_2);
- if(length(tmp_3)>0, DsizeM=tmp_3);
- );
- if(length(tmp)==4,
- if(min(tmp)<1,
- if(length(tmp_1)>0, Eps=tmp_1);
- if(length(tmp_2)>0, Eps1=tmp_2);
- if(length(tmp_3)>0, Eps2=tmp_3);
- if(length(tmp_4)>0, Eps3=tmp_4);
- ,
- if(length(tmp_1)>0, DsizeLL=tmp_1);
- if(length(tmp_2)>0, DsizeL=tmp_2);
- if(length(tmp_3)>0, DsizeM=tmp_3);
- if(length(tmp_4)>0, DsizeS=tmp_4);
- )
- );//17.05.21until
- );
- tmp1=text(fdc_5_1);
- tmp2=text(fdc_5_2);
- tmp="const int Mdv="+text(Mdv)+", Ndv="+text(Ndv);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
- tmp="#define DsizeLL "+text(DsizeLL);//17.05.21
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="#define DsizeL "+text(DsizeL);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="#define DsizeM "+text(DsizeM);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="#define DsizeS "+text(DsizeS);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- tmp="const double Eps="+format(Eps,7);
- tmp=tmp+", Eps1="+format(Eps1,7);
- tmp=tmp+", Eps2="+format(Eps2,7);
- tmp=tmp+", Eps3= "+format(Eps3,7);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
- tmp="void surffun(double u, double v, double pt[3]){";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- forall(fdc_1,
- tmp1=replace(#,"x=","pt[0]=");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"y=","pt[1]=");
- tmp1=replace(tmp1,"z=","pt[2]=");
- println(SCEOUTPUT," "+tmp1+";");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
-//help:MainC(writewire("wire" (,2), [10,10]);)
-//help:MainC(writewire("wire", [[0.5,1],[0,1,2]]]);)
-//help:MainC(skeleton("sk",[objlist],[pltlist] (,width));)
-//help:MainC(writewire ptincrease (=2) are optional);)
- regional(cmdL, tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,nL, nn,kk,jj, num, en,cmd,
- ax1,ax2,ax3,path, var,varh,file,fileh, flg, cutctr);
- path=Dirwork+"/"; //17.05.29from
- path=replace(path,"\","/");
- cmdL=cmdLorg;// 17.05.26from
- nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writeax");
- cmd=[];
- if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
- forall(1..(length(nL)),
- tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
- if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,"Surf"));
- tmp=tmp2_1; // 17.06.08(5lines)
- if(substring(tmp,length(tmp)-2,length(tmp))!="3d",
- tmp=tmp+"3d";
- );
- tmp1=parse(tmp);
- tmp="axx="+textformat(tmp1_1,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp="axy="+textformat(tmp1_2,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp="axz="+textformat(tmp1_3,5);
- parse(tmp);
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[], //17.06.07(2lines)
- "double axx[3][3], axy[3][3], axz[3][3];",[],
- "spaceline",["axx"],
- "spaceline",["axy"],
- "spaceline",["axz"],
- tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[],
- "appendd3(2,1,2,axx,"+tmp2_1+");",[],
- "appendd3(2,1,2,axy,"+tmp2_1+");",[],
- "appendd3(2,1,2,axz,"+tmp2_1+");",[],
- "writecrv",[tmp2_1,tmp2_2] //17.06.07
- ]);
- cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- if(#<length(nL),
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
- ,
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
- cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- );
- );
- nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writesc");
- cmd=[];
- if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
- forall(1..(length(nL)),
- tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
- if(length(tmp2)==1,
- tmp2=[tmp2_1,"Surf"];
- );
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[], //17.06.07(2lines)
- "double "+tmp2_1+"h[DsizeL][3];",[],
- "spaceline",[tmp2_1],
- "writecrv",[tmp2_1,tmp2_2] //17.06.07
- ]);
- cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- if(#<length(nL),
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
- ,
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
- cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- );
- );
- nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writesfbd");
- cmd=[];
- if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
- forall(1..(length(nL)),
- tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
- if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,"Surf"));
- var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
- varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq;
- file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
- fileh=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+"h.txt"+Dq;
- tmp="Borderhiddendata";
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[], //17.06.09(6lines)
- "sfbdparadata",[tmp2_1],
- "output3h",[var, varh,file,tmp2_1],
- "dataindexd3",[3,tmp2_1,"din"],
- tmp2_2+"[0][0]=0;",[],
- "appendd3",[2,"din[1][0]","din[1][1]",tmp2_1,tmp2_2]
- ]);
- cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- if(#<length(nL),
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
- ,
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
- cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- );
- );
- nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writecrv");
- cmd=[];
- if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
- forall(1..(length(nL)),
- tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
- if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,"Surf"));
- var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
- varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq;
- file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "crvsfparadata",[tmp2_1,tmp2_2,1,"Crvdata"],
- tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[], //17.06.09(3lines)
- "appendd3",[0,1,"length3(Crvdata)","Crvdata",tmp2_1],
- "output3h",[var, varh, file,tmp2_1]
- ]);
- cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- if(#<length(nL),
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
- ,
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
- cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- );
- );
- nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writescrvonsf");
- cmd=[];
- if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
- forall(1..(length(nL)),
- tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
- if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,"Surf"));
- var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
- varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq; //17.06.09(8lines)
- file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[],
- " crv3onsfparadata",[tmp2_1,tmp2_2,1,"Crvdata"],
- tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[],
- "appendd3",[0,1,"length3(Crvdata)","Crvdata",tmp2_1],
- "output3h",[var,varh, file ,tmp2_1]
- ]);
- cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- if(#<length(nL),
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
- ,
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
- cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- );
- );
- nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writecut");
- cmd=[];
- if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
- cutctr=0;
- forall(1..(length(nL)),
- cutctr=#;
- tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
- if(length(tmp2)==2,
- tmp2=[tmp2_1,"Surf",tmp2_2];
- );
- var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
- varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq; //17.06.09(10lines)
- file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "cutfun",[tmp2_3],
- "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[],
- "sfcutdata",[text(cutctr),"out"], //17.06.02
- "crv3onsfparadata",["out",tmp2_2,"Crvdata"],
- tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[],
- "appendd3",[0,1,"length3(Crvdata)","Crvdata",tmp2_1],
- "output3h",[var, varh, file, tmp2_1]
- ]);
- cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- if(#<length(nL),
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
- ,
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
- cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- );
- );
- nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writewire");
- cmd=[];
- if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
- forall(1..(length(nL)),
- tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
- if(!isstring(tmp2_2),
- tmp2=[tmp2_1,"Surf",tmp2_2,tmp2_3];
- );
- var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
- varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq; //17.06.09
- file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
- tmp4=tmp2_(length(tmp2)); num=2;
- if(!islist(tmp4),
- num=tmp4; tmp4=tmp2_(length(tmp2)-1);
- );
- if(!islist(tmp4_1),
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "double udv[2]={-1,"+text(tmp4_1)+"};",[]
- ]);
- ,
- len=length(tmp4_1);
- tmp="double udv["+text(len+1)+"]={"+text(len)+",";
- forall(tmp4_1,
- tmp=tmp+format(#,5)+",";
- );
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"};";
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[tmp,[]]);
- );
- if(!islist(tmp4_2),
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "double vdv[2]={-1,"+text(tmp4_2)+"};",[]
- ]);
- ,
- len=length(tmp4_2);
- tmp="double vdv["+text(len+1)+"]={"+text(len)+",";
- forall(tmp4_2,
- tmp=tmp+format(#,5)+",";
- );
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"};";
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[tmp,[]]);
- );
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeLL][3];",[], //17.06.09(5lines)
- "wireparadata",["Surf", "udv","vdv", num, "Wiredata"],
- tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[],
- "appendd3",[0,1,"length3(Wiredata)","Wiredata",tmp2_1],
- "output3h",[var, varh, file, tmp2_1]
- ]);
- cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- if(#<length(nL),
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(tmp_(#+1)-1));
- ,
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
- cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- );
- );// 17.05.29until
- nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="skeleton");// 17.06.05from
- cmd=[];
- if(length(nL)>0,
- tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1));
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,["double sk[DsizeLL][3];",[]]);//17.06.13
- ,
- tmp3=[];
- );
- forall(1..(length(nL)),nn,
- tmp2=cmdL_(nL_nn+1);
- var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
- file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[ //17.06.08from
- "data[0][0]=0;",[]
- ]);
- forall(tmp2_2,
- if(substring(#,length(#)-1,length(#))!="h",
- tmp1=#;
- tmp=[0,"din[1][0]","din[1][1]",tmp1,"data"];
- ,
- tmp1=substring(#,0,length(#)-1);
- tmp=[0,"din[2][0]","din[2][1]",tmp1,"data"];
- );
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "dataindexd3",[3,tmp1,"din"],
- "appendd3",tmp
- ]);
- );
- forall(1..(length(tmp2_3)),
- if(substring(tmp2_3_#,length(tmp2_3_#)-1,length(tmp2_3_#))!="h",
- tmp1=tmp2_3_#;
- tmp=[0,"din[1][0]","din[1][1]",tmp1,"data"];
- ,
- tmp1=substring(tmp2_3_#,0,length(tmp2_3_#)-1);
- tmp=[0,"din[2][0]","din[2][1]",tmp1,"data"];
- );
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "push3",["Inf",3,0,"data"],
- "dataindexd3",[3,tmp1,"din"],
- "appendd3",tmp
- ]);
- );
- if(length(tmp2)<=3,tmp=1,tmp=tmp2_4);
- tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
- "skeletondata3",["data", tmp, "Eps1","Eps2","sk"],//17.06.13
- "output3",[var, file, 2, "sk"]
- ]);
- cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- if(nn<length(nL),
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_nn+2)..(nL_(nn+1)-1));
- ,
- tmp3=cmdL_((nL_nn+2)..(length(cmdL)));
- cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
- );//17.06.08until
- );// 17.06.05until
- path=DirlibC+"/";
- path=replace(path,"\","/");
- cmd=[
- "#include <stdio.h>", "#include <math.h>",
- "#include "+Dq+FheadC+"header.h"+Dq,
- "#include "+Dq+path+"ketcommon.h"+Dq,
- "#include "+Dq+path+"surflibhead.h"+Dq,
- "#include "+Dq+path+"surflib.h"+Dq,
- "int main(void){",
- " double out[DsizeL][3], data[DsizeLL][3];", //17.06.10
- " int i, j, nall, din[DsizeS][2];" //17.06.09
- ];
-// tmp=select(cmdL,#=="cutfun");
-// if(length(tmp)==0,
- if(cutctr==0, //17.06.02
- cmdL=prepend(["1"],cmdL);
- cmdL=prepend("cutfun",cmdL);
- );// 17.05.26until
- cutctr=0;
- forall(1..(floor(length(cmdL))/2),nn,
- tmp1=cmdL_(2*nn-1); tmp2=cmdL_(2*nn);
- flg=0; // 17.05.26from
- if(tmp1=="cutfun",
- cutctr=cutctr+1;
- tmp=select(1..(length(cmd)), indexof(cmd_#,"main")>0);
- tmp3=cmd_((tmp_1)..(length(cmd)));
- cmd=cmd_(1..(tmp_1-1));
- cmd=append(cmd,"double cutfun"+text(cutctr)+"(double u, double v){");
- cmd=append(cmd," double p[3],val;");
- cmd=append(cmd," surffun(u,v,p);");
- tmp=" val="+assign(tmp2_1,["x","p[0]","y","p[1]","z","p[2]"])+";";
- cmd=concat(cmd, [tmp," return val;", "}"]);
- cmd=concat(cmd, tmp3);
- flg=1;
- );
- if(tmp1=="xyzax3data",
- tmp=" "+tmp1+"(";
- tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_1_1_1,5)+",";
- tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_1_2_1,5)+",";
- tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_2_1_2,5)+",";
- tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_2_2_2,5)+",";
- tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_3_1_3,5)+",";
- tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_3_2_3,5)+",";
- tmp=tmp+tmp2_2+");";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- flg=1;
- );
- if(tmp1=="spaceline",
- if(!isstring(tmp2_1),
- println(tmp2_1+" should be assgined as a string");
- ,
- tmp3=parse(tmp2_1);
- tmp=text(length(tmp3)+1);
-// cmd=append(cmd, " double "+tmp2_1+"["+tmp+"][3];");
- tmp=text(length(tmp3));
- cmd=append(cmd, " "+tmp2_1+"[0][0]="+tmp+";");
- forall(1..(length(tmp3)),
- tmp=" "+tmp2_1+"["+text(#)+"][0]="+textformat(tmp3_#_1,5)+",";
- tmp=tmp+tmp2_1+"["+text(#)+"][1]="+textformat(tmp3_#_2,5)+",";
- tmp=tmp+tmp2_1+"["+text(#)+"][2]="+textformat(tmp3_#_3,5)+";";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- );
- );
- flg=1;
- );
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=" "+tmp1;
- if(length(tmp2)>0,
- tmp=tmp+"(";
- forall(1..length(tmp2),kk,
- if(isstring(tmp2_kk),
- if((kk==1)&(substring(tmp1,0,5)=="write"),
- file=path+FheadC+tmp2_kk+".txt";
- fileh=path+FheadC+tmp2_kk+"h.txt";
- tmp=tmp+Dq+tmp2_kk+Dq+","+Dq+file+Dq+","+Dq+fileh+Dq;
- ,
- tmp=tmp+tmp2_kk;
- );
- ,
- if(!islist(tmp2_kk),
- tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_kk,5);
- ,
- );
- );
- if(kk<length(tmp2),
- tmp=tmp+",";
- ,
- tmp=tmp+");";
- );
- );
- );
- cmd=append(cmd, tmp);// 17.05.26until
- );
- );
- tmp=select(1..(length(cmd)), indexof(cmd_#,"main")>0);//17.06.02from
- tmp3=cmd_((tmp_1)..(length(cmd)));
- cmd=cmd_(1..(tmp_1-1));
- cmd=append(cmd,"double cutfun(int ch, double u, double v){");
- cmd=append(cmd," double val;");
- forall(1..cutctr,
- tmp=text(#);
- cmd=append(cmd," if(ch=="+tmp+"){val=cutfun"+tmp+"(u,v);}");
- );
- cmd=concat(cmd,[" return val;", "}"]);
- cmd=concat(cmd, tmp3);//17.06.02until
- cmd=concat(cmd, [" return 0;", "}"]);
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(fname);
- forall(cmd,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- tmp=fileslist(Dirwork); // 17.05.20from
- tmp=tokenize(tmp,",");
- tmp=select(tmp,indexof(#,".txt")>0);
- tmp=select(tmp,indexof(#,FheadC)>0);
- forall(tmp,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile(#);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- ); // 17.05.20until
- regional(tmp, tmp1,flg,rfile);
- rfile="resultC"+cname+".txt";
- if(iswindows(),
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"set path="+Dirwork);
- tmp=Indexall(PathC,"\");
- if(length(tmp)==0, tmp=ndexall(PathC,"/"));
- tmp1=substring(PathC,0,tmp_(length(tmp))-1);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+tmp1);
- tmp=PathC+" %path%\"+cname+".c";
- tmp=tmp+" -o %path%\main.exe";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"%path%\main.exe");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"echo //// > %path%\"+rfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- tmp=cname+".txt";
- println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));
- ,
- SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
- tmp=PathC+" "+cname+".c -o main.out";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"./main.out");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"echo //// >"+rfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- tmp=cname+".txt";
- println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));
- );
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- flg=0;
- repeat(floor(10*1000/WaitUnit),
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=load(wfile);
- if(substring(tmp1,0,4)=="////",
- flg=1;
- );
- wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- );
- if(flg==0,
- println("Ckc not completed");
- ,
- println("Ckc succeeded");
- );
-ReadCdataold(var, fname):=ReadCdata(var, fname,[]);
-ReadCdata(var, fname,options):=(
- regional(file,dt,name,str,tmp,tmp1,opstr,gout, out3,out2);
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
- file=fname+".txt";
- name=fname;
- ,
- file=fname;
- tmp=indexof(fname,".");
- name=substring(fname,0,tmp-1);
- );
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- opstr=tmp_8;
- gout=ReadOutData(file);
- GLIST=Append(GLIST,"Tmpstr=ReadOutData("+Dq+file+Dq+")");
- if(substring(var,length(var)-1,length(var))!="h",
- if(length(parse(gout_1))>0,
- Projpara(var+"3d",options);
- );
- ,
- if(length(parse(gout_2))>0,
- Projpara(var+"3d",options);
- );
- );//17.06.16until
- regional(tmp,tmp1,fname,data,out);
- fname=fnameorg;
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0, fname=fname+".txt");
- data=load(fname);
- data=tokenize(data," -99999");
- out=[];
- tmp1=[];
- forall(1..(length(data)-1),
- tmp=replace(data_#," ",",");
- if(indexof(tmp,"99999.")==0,
- tmp="["+replace(data_#," ",",")+"]";
- tmp=parse(tmp);
- tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
- ,
- out=append(out,tmp1);
- tmp1=[];
- );
- );
- if(length(tmp1)>0,out=append(out,tmp1));
- out;
-//help:WriteCdata(filename, 3ddata);
- regional(tmp,fname,data,kk,nn,pt);
- data=dataorg;
- if(isstring(data),data=parse(data));
- if(MeasureDepth(data)==1,data=[data]);
- fname=fnameorg;
- if(indexof(fname,".")==0, fname=fname+".txt");
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(fname);
- forall(1..(length(data)),kk,
- forall(1..(length(data_kk)),nn,
- pt=apply(1..3,Sprintf(data_kk_nn_#,5));
- tmp=pt_1+" "+pt_2+" "+pt_3+" -99999";
- println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
- );
- if(kk<length(data),
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"99999.00000 2.00000 0.00000 -99999");
- );
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
-//help:DispC(options=["dr", "Color=[0,0,0]"])
- regional(tmp,tmp1,cflg,var, file,options,eqL,opcindy,color);
- forall(1..(floor(length(dispc)/2)), //17.05.18
- var=dispc_(2*#-1); // 17.05.24
- if(substring(var,length(var)-1,length(var))!="h",//17.06.09(5lines)
- file=FheadC+var+".txt";
- ,
- file=FheadC+substring(var,0,length(var)-1)+".txt";
- );
- options=dispc_(2*#);
- cflg=0;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);//17.06.18from
- eqL=tmp_5;
- opcindy=tmp_9;
- forall(eqL,
- if(Toupper(substring(#,0,2))=="CO",
- tmp=indexof(#,"=");
- color=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
- if(substring(color,0,1)=="[",
- color=parse(color);
- if(length(color)==3,
- tmp1="color->"+text(color);
- ,
- tmp=Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",color);
- tmp1="color->"+text(tmp);
- );
- options=append(options,tmp1);
- );
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- cflg=1;
- );
- );
- if(cflg==1,
- Texcom("{");
- Setcolor(color);
- );
- ReadCdata(var,file,options);// 17.05.24
- if(cflg==1,
- Texcom("}");
- );
- );
- regional(cmd,jj,divL,sizeL,epsL,nf,var1,var2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- divL=ConstantListC_1;
- sizeL=ConstantListC_2;
- epsL=ConstantListC_3;
- cmd=[];
- tmp="const double XMIN="+Sprintf(XMIN,6);
- tmp=tmp+",XMAX="+Sprintf(XMAX,6)+";";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp="const double THETA="+Sprintf(THETA,6);
- tmp=tmp+",PHI="+Sprintf(PHI,6)+";";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp=" //THETA:"+Sprintf(THETA*180/pi,2);
- tmp=tmp+", PHI:"+Sprintf(PHI*180/pi,2)+";";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp1=apply(divL,text(#));
- tmp="const int Mdv="+tmp1_1+",Ndv="+tmp1_2+";";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp1=apply(sizeL,text(#));
- tmp="#define DsizeLL "+tmp1_1;
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp="#define DsizeL "+tmp1_2;
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp="#define DsizeM "+tmp1_3;
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp="#define DsizeS "+tmp1_4;
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp1=apply(epsL,format(#,7));
- tmp="const double Eps="+tmp1_1;
- tmp=tmp+", Eps1="+tmp1_2;
- tmp=tmp+", Eps2="+tmp1_3+";";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- tmp="const char dirname[]="+Dq+Dirwork+"/"+Dq+";";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- cmd=append(cmd,"double Urng[2],Vrng[2];");
- cmd=append(cmd, "int DrawE,DrawW,DrawS,DrawN;");
- cmd=append(cmd,"void rangeUV(short ch){");
- cmd=append(cmd," switch(ch){");
- forall(1..(length(FuncListC)),nf,
- tmp2=" case "+text(nf)+" : ";
- forall(4..5,
- tmp1=FuncListC_nf_#; tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp+1,length(tmp1)-1);
- tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,",");
- if(#==4,tmp="Urng",tmp="Vrng");
- tmp2=tmp2+tmp+"[0]="+tmp1_1+";"+tmp+"[1]="+tmp1_2+";";
- );
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp2);
- );
- cmd=append(cmd," }");
- cmd=append(cmd, "}");
- cmd=append(cmd,"void boundary(short ch){");
- cmd=append(cmd," switch(ch){");
- forall(1..(length(FuncListC)),nf,
- tmp2=" case "+text(nf)+" : ";
- tmp=FuncListC_nf_6;
- tmp2=tmp2+"DrawE=";
- if(indexof(tmp,"e")>0,tmp2=tmp2+"1;",tmp2=tmp2+"0;");
- tmp2=tmp2+"DrawW=";
- if(indexof(tmp,"w")>0,tmp2=tmp2+"1;",tmp2=tmp2+"0;");
- tmp2=tmp2+"DrawS=";
- if(indexof(tmp,"s")>0,tmp2=tmp2+"1;",tmp2=tmp2+"0;");
- tmp2=tmp2+"DrawN=";
- if(indexof(tmp,"n")>0,tmp2=tmp2+"1;",tmp2=tmp2+"0;");
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp2);
- );
- cmd=append(cmd," }");
- cmd=append(cmd,"}");
- tmp="void surffun(short ch,double u, double v, double p[3]){";
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
- cmd=append(cmd," switch(ch){");
- forall(1..(length(FuncListC)),nf,
- tmp2=" case "+text(nf)+" : ";
- forall(1..3,
- tmp1=FuncListC_nf_#; tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
- tmp2=tmp2+"p["+text(#-1)+"]="+tmp1+";";
- );
- cmd=append(cmd,tmp2);
- );
- cmd=append(cmd," }");
- cmd=append(cmd,"}");
- cmd;
- regional(path,cmd);
- path=DirlibC+"/";
- path=replace(path,"\","/");
- cmd=[
- "#include <stdio.h>", "#include <math.h>",
- "#include "+Dqq(Fhead+name+"header.h"),
- "#include "+Dqq(path+"ketcommonhead.h"),
- "#include "+Dqq(path+"ketcommon.h"),
- "#include "+Dq+path+"surflibhead.h"+Dq,
- "#include "+Dq+path+"surflib.h"+Dq,
- "double cutfun1(short ch,double u, double v){",
- " double p[3],val;",
- " surffun(ch,u,v,p);",
- " val=1;",
- " return val;",
- "}",
- "double cutfun(short ch, int chcut, double u, double v){",
- " double p[3],val;",
- " switch(chcut){",
- " case 1: val=cutfun1(ch,u,v);",
- " }",
- " return val;",
- "}",
- "int main(void){",
- " double out[DsizeL][3], data[DsizeLL][3];",
- " int i, j, nall, din[DsizeS][2];",
- " char dirfname[256] = {'\0'};"
- ];
- cmd;
- regional(hfile,mfile,top,body,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
- hfile=Fhead+nm+"header.h";
- mfile=Fhead+nm+".c";
- top=main_1;
- body=main_2;
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(hfile);
- forall(header,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#+"/**/");
- );
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(mfile);
- forall(top,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"/**/");
- forall(body,
- println(SCEOUTPUT,#+"/**/");
- );
- println(SCEOUTPUT," return 0;");
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- if(isstring(Arg1),
- CalcbyC(name,Arg1,Arg2,[]);
- ,
- CalcbyC(name,PathC,Arg1,Arg2);
- );
- regional(options,eqL,strL,waiting,wflg,header,top,body,
- wfile,hfile,mfile,flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
- header=cmd_1;
- top=cmd_2;
- body=cmd_3;
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=divoptions(options);
-// eqL=tmp_5;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=30;
- wfile="resultC"+Fhead+name+".txt";
- hfile=Fhead+name+"header.h";
- println(Dirwork);
- println(hfile);
- mfile=Fhead+name+".c";
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp1=header;
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,hfile),wflg=1);
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp2=load(hfile);
- tmp2=tokenize(tmp2,"/**/");
- tmp2=tmp2_(1..(length(tmp2)-1));
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2),wflg=1);
- );
- if(wflg==0,
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
- if(tmp1_#!=tmp2_#,wflg=1);
- );
- );
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp1=body;
- if(!isexists(Dirwork+"/",mfile),wflg=1);
- if(wflg==0,
- tmp2=load(mfile);
- tmp2=tokenize(tmp2,"/**/");
- tmp2=tmp2_(2..(length(tmp2)-1));
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2),wflg=1);
- );
- if(wflg==0,
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
- if(tmp1_#!=tmp2_#,wflg=1);
- );
- );
- );
- if(wflg==0,wflg=-1);
- );
- if(wflg==1,
- WritetoC(name,header,[top,body]);
- SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
- println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
- closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
- kcC(Fhead+name);
- );
- flg=0;
- tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
- repeat(tmp1,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp=load(wfile);
- if(length(tmp)>=4,
- tmp2=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-4,length(tmp));
- if(tmp2=="////",
- tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-4);
- flg=1;
- tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
- );
- ,
- if(wflg==-1,
- flg=-1;
- ,
- wait(WaitUnit);
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg<=0,
- ErrFlag=1;
- if(flg==-1,
- println(wfile+" does not exist");
- ,
- if(flg==0,
- tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
- println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- SfbdparadataC(nm,fd,[],["nodisp"]);
- SfbdparadataC(nm,fd,options,["nodisp"]);
- regional(funnm,fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,waiting,
- eqL,reL,strL,fname,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg,wflg);
- if(ChNumber==0,ChNumber=Ch);
- fd=ConvertFdtoC(fdorg);
- FuncListC=append(FuncListC,fd);
- funnm=text(length(FuncListC));
- name2="sfbd2d"+nm;
- name3="sfbd3d"+nm;
- name2h="sfbdh2d"+nm;
- name3h="sfbdh3d"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+"sfbd"+nm+".txt";
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=120;
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,eqL);
- options=remove(options,reL);
- options=select(options,length(#)>0);
- cmdL=[
- " double sfbd"+funnm+"[DsizeL][3];",
- " char fname"+funnm+"[]="+Dqq(fname)+";",
- " rangeUV("+funnm+");",
- " boundary("+funnm+");",
- " sfbdparadata("+funnm+",sfbd"+funnm+");",
- " sprintf(dirfname,"+Dqq("%s%s")+",dirname,fname"+funnm+");",
- " output3h("+Dqq("sfbd3d"+nm)+","+Dqq("sfbdh3d"+nm)+",dirfname,sfbd"+funnm+");";
- ];
- if(wflg==1,tmp1=append(options,"m"));
- if(wflg==-1,tmp1=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- tmp="sfbd"+nm;
- CalcbyC(tmp,[Cheadsurf(),Ctopsurf(tmp),cmdL],tmp1);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Sfbdparadata not completed");
- ,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,"ReadOutData("+Dqq(fname)+")");
- if(islist(parse(name3)),
- tmp1=name2+"=Projpara("+Dqq(name3)+",[";
- tmp2="";
- if(length(options)>0,
- forall(options,
- tmp2=tmp2+Dqq(#)+",";
- );
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
- );
- tmp1=tmp1+tmp2+"]);";
- parse(tmp1);
- if(length(optionsh)==0,tmp2=["nodisp"],tmp2=optionsh);
- tmp1=name2h+"=Projpara("+Dqq(name3h)+",[";
- forall(tmp2,
- tmp1=tmp1+Dqq(#)+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]);";
- parse(tmp1);
- ,
- ErrFlag=1;
- );
- );
- CrvsfparadataC(nm,fk,fbdy,fd,[],["nodisp"]);
- SfbdparadataC(nm,fk,fbdy,fd,options,["nodisp"]);
- regional(funnm,fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,waiting,
- eqL,reL,strL,fname,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg,wflg,flg,ii,jj,eps);
- eps=10^(-5);
- fd=ConvertFdtoC(fdorg);
- tmp=select(1..(length(FuncListC)),FuncListC_#==fd);
- funcnum=tmp_1;
- name2="crvsf2d"+nm;
- name3="crvsf3d"+nm;
- name2h="crvsfh2d"+nm;
- name3h="crvsfh3d"+nm;
- fname=Fhead+"crvsf"+nm+".txt";
- options=optionorg;
- tmp=Divoptions(options);
- eqL=tmp_5;
- reL=tmp_6;
- strL=tmp_7;
- waiting=120;
- wflg=0;
- forall(strL,
- tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
- if(tmp=="M",
- wflg=1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- if(tmp=="R",
- wflg=-1;
- options=remove(options,[#]);
- );
- );
- options=remove(options,eqL);
- options=remove(options,reL);
- options=select(options,length(#)>0);
-// tmp1=[Dqq(fname),Dqq(name3),name3,Dqq(name2),name2];
-// tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Dqq(name3h),name3h,Dqq(name2h),name2h]);
- tmp2=parse(Fbdy);
- flg=0;
- tmp=Fhead+Fbdy+".dat";
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,tmp),flg=1);
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=ReadCdata(tmp);
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2),flg=1);
- if(flg==0,
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),ii,
- if(length(tmp1_ii)!=length(tmp2_ii),flg=1);
- forall(1..(length(tmp1_ii)),jj,
- if(flg==0,
- if(Norm(tmp1_ii_jj-tmp2_ii_jj)>eps,flg=1);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,WriteCdata(tmp,Fbdy));
- tmp2=parse(Fk);
- flg=0;
- tmp=Fhead+Fk+".dat";
- if(!isexists(Dirwork,tmp),flg=1);
- if(flg==0,
- tmp1=ReadCdata(tmp);
- if(length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2),flg=1);
- if(flg==0,
- forall(1..(length(tmp1)),ii,
- if(length(tmp1_ii)!=length(tmp2_ii),flg=1);
- forall(1..(length(tmp1_ii)),jj,
- if(flg==0,
- if(Norm(tmp1_ii_jj-tmp2_ii_jj)>eps,flg=1);
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- if(flg==1,WriteCdata(tmp,Fk));
- cmdL=[
- " double fbdy[DsizeL][3],fk[DsizeL][3];",
- " char fname"+nm+"[]="+Dqq(fname)+";",
- " rangeUV("+funnm+");",
- " boundary("+funnm+");",
- " readdata3("+Dqq(Fhead+Fbdy+".dat")+",fbdy);",
- " readdata3("+Dqq(Fhead+Fk+".dat")+",fk);",
- " crvsfparadata(fk,fbdy, 0, out);",
- " sprintf(dirfname,"+Dqq("%s%s")+",dirname,fname"+nm+");",
- " output3h("+Dqq("crvsf3d"+nm)+","+Dqq("crvsfh3d"+nm)+",dirfname,out);"
- ];
- if(wflg==1,tmp1=append(options,"m"));
- if(wflg==-1,tmp1=append(options,"r"));
- if(ErrFlag==0,
- tmp="crvsf"+nm;
- CalcbyC(tmp,[Cheadsurf(),Ctopsurf(tmp),cmdL],tmp1);
- );
- if(ErrFlag==1,
- err("Crvsfparadata not completed");
- ,
- ReadOutData(fname);
- GLIST=append(GLIST,"ReadOutData("+Dqq(fname)+")");
- if(islist(parse(name3)),
- tmp1=name2+"=Projpara("+Dqq(name3)+",[";
- tmp2="";
- if(length(options)>0,
- forall(options,
- tmp2=tmp2+Dqq(#)+",";
- );
- tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
- );
- tmp1=tmp1+tmp2+"]);";
- parse(tmp1);
- if(length(optionsh)==0,tmp2=["nodisp"],tmp2=optionsh);
- tmp1=name2h+"=Projpara("+Dqq(name3h)+",[";
- forall(tmp2,
- tmp1=tmp1+Dqq(#)+",";
- );
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]);";
- parse(tmp1);
- ,
- ErrFlag=1;
- );
- );
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpicR/ketpic5_2_4.r b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpicR/ketpic5_2_4.r
deleted file mode 100644
index a53dd021..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpicR/ketpic5_2_4.r
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14413 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
-#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>
-ThisVersion<- "KeTpic for R v5_2_4(18.02.26)"
-# 2018.02.26
-# Sfcutparadata changed
-# Partcrv3 debugged
-# Projcurve rewritten
-# Nohiddenparadata debugged
-# PthiddenQ debugged
-# 2018.02.24
-# Sfcutdata added ( for functions )
-# Meetpoints debugged (case Norm(PtB-PtA)<Eps0)
-# 2018.02.23
-# Makevaltable2 added ( for functions )
-# 2018.02.23
-# Crvonsfparadata,Crv3onsfparadata added
-# Wireparadata added
-# 2018.02.22
-# PthiddenQ,Nohiddenpara2 changed (Eps2)
-# 2018.02.21
-# PthiddenQ,Meetpoints debugged
-# Crvsfparadata debugged (OTHERPARTITION)
-# Partitionseg debugged (for non-list) and changed (Ns=0)
-# Intersectcrvsf added
-# 2018.02.19
-# Groupnearpt added
-# Collectnear debugged
-# Meetpoints,PthiddenQ debugged and changed (Groupnearpt used )
-# Parapt changed (for point list )
-# Partitionseg changed (remove close value )
-# Fullformfunc changed (Initialization of ADDPOINT)
-# Addpoints added
-# 2018.02.18
-# Projpara debugged ( for empty data, Mix replace )
-# WriteOutData debugged (for emply data )
-# Sfbdparadata,Cuspparadata debugged
-# Meetpoints replaced
-# 2018.02.17
-# PthiddenQ replaced
-# 2018.02.15
-# Cancoordpara debugged (X=-... )
-# 2018.02.14
-# Paramoncrv,Pointoncrv renamed to ...curve
-# 2018.02.12
-# Nohiddenpara2 debugged ( CUSPPT should be a list )
-# Dropnumlistcrv changed (Eps)
-# 2018.02.11
-# Paramocrv debugged ( case N=Length(PtL) )
-# Sfbdparadata, Borderparadata, Makexybdy, Partitionseg,
-# Evlptablepara, Fullformfunc, Dropnumlistcrv, Cuspsplitpara,
-# PthiddenQ, Nohiddenpara2 added
-# Crvsfparadata, Meetpoints, Clipdomain added
-# 2018.02.10
-# Partcrv3 debugged
-# 2018.02.09
-# Ptstart,Ptend changed ( for the case fig is empty)
-# Norm changed (Dotprod used )
-# 2018.02.07
-# Collectnear debugged (Looprange )
-# Intersectcurves debugged (sum)
-# 2018.02.06
-# Kukeiiwake debugged ( ParamonCurve -> Paramoncrv )
-# 2018.02.05
-# Dotprod changed ( crossprod not used )
-# Intersectpartseg changed ( case of length of result =1)
-# 2018.02.04
-# Diff added ( func, withvar, (varnamevalue1,... ))
-# Funvalue added ( for an expression )
-# 2018.02.02
-# Enclosing2 changed ( for distant curves, startpt option removed )
-# 2018.02.01
-# Intersectline,Intersectseg,...,Intersectcuves added
-# Quicksort added
-# Enclosing2 added (incomplete)
-# 2018.01.29
-# Length added
-# 2017.12.24
-# Objpolyhedron added
-# 2017.12.23
-# Objsymb, symb3data added
-# Objrecs, Objpolygon debugged
-# Objthicksurf added
-# 2017.12.22
-# Openobj,Closeobj,Writeobjpoint,Printobjstr,Objname,Objsurf added
-# Crossprod added
-# Objjoin, Objcurve, Objrecs, Objpolygon, Objsymb added
-# Spacecurve debugged
-# 2017.12.17
-# Setunitlen debugged ( MEMORI )
-# 2017.12.13
-# ReadOutData debugged
-# 2017.12.11
-# Enclosing debugged ( appendrow -> Appendrow )
-# 2017.11.29
-# Anglemark, Arrowhead, Ovaldata debugged ( Circldeta included )
-# 2017.11.27
-# Anglemark changed ( Scilab 16.12.29)
-# Plotdata,Paramplot,Spacecurve changed ( Scilab 16.12.13)
-# Enclosing changed ( Scilab 16.10.09)
-# Arrowhead,Arrowline changed ( Scilab 15.06.11)
-# Definecolor added ( Scilab 15.05.04)
-# 2017.11.26
-# Exprrot, Letterrot debugged ( `)
-# 2017.11.24
-# Deqplot debugged (Looprange)
-# 2017.11.20
-# InWindow debugged (for length=1)
-# 2017.10.28
-# Openfile changed (Creator)
-# 2017.10.23
-# ReadOutData greatly changed
-# 2017.10.11
-# Drwpt debugged (Flattenlist )
-# 2017.10.08
-# Bezier debugged ( Num )
-# 2017.10.07
-# ReadOutData debugged ( for null data )
-# 2017.10.06
-# Deqdata, Deqplot added
-# Connectseg remade(bug)
-# 2017.09.30
-# Bezierpt, Bezier added
-# 2017.09.29
-# Ptcrv debugged
-# 2017.09.28
-# Openfile changed
-# 2017.09.24
-# Circledata debugged
-# Kyoukai changed (Eps)
-# Shade updated
-# 2017.09.22
-# Setcolor changed
-# Plotdata,Paramplot,Spacecurve changed (N-1 -> N)
-# 2017.09.21
-# Shade changed (Sci 17.01.09)
-# 2017.09.17
-# Ovaldata,Assignadd changed
-# Dist added
-# Cicledata changed
-# Bowdata debugged (Circledata,etc)
-# 2015.11.05
-# WriteOutData changed
-# 2015.10.29
-# WriteOutData changed ( endmark //// )
-# 2015.10.24
-# ReadOutData changed ( in case of listlength=1 )
-# 2014.12.23
-# ReadOutData added
-# 2014.12.17
-# WriteOutData added
-# 2014.0905
-# Unscaling debugged MARKLENI => MARKLEN
-# 2014.03.31
-# PhHiddenData added
-# 2014.03.30
-# Facesdata changed ( for Hiddendata )
-# 2014.03.23
-# MARKLEN separated, Rotate3data debugged
-# 2013.12.19
-# Openfile, Closefile, Bowname, Bownamerot
-# 2013.11.13
-# Arrowhead, Arrowheaddata
-# 2013.08.07
-# Cancoordpara added
-# 2013.08.07
-# Integrate added
-# 2013.05.20
-# Openfile changed
-# 2013.05.03
-# Tabledata, Pointdata changed
-# Dividetable, Partframe added
-# 2013.02.10
-# Ketinit added
-# 2012.01.07
-# Arrowline, Arrowhead ( Cut implemented )
-# 2011.12.18
-# Framedata ( compliant for list )
-# 2011.12.12
-# Skeletonparadata... ( Flattellist used)
-# 2011.11.27
-# drwboxframe
-# 2011.11.07
-# metacommands added
-# 2011.11.02
-# Joingraphics ( for list structure )
-# 2011.08.24
-# Setcolor ( c(1,0,0,0.5) etc )
-# Rotate3data ( Point is available )
-# 2011.07.19
-# Drwline, Letter, Expr
-# Drwboxplot( etc ) min,max => outliners
-# Drwline ( unfinished in the case of "integer" )
-# 2011.06.25
-# joincrvs debugged
-# synchro with ketpict2e
-# 2011.06.01
-# Bowdata debugged
-# Ratiocmyk, Setcolor ( new )
-# Htickmark, Vtickmark debugged
-# Drwboxframe debugged
-# Putrow, Putrowexpr debugged (Dpos )
-# Tabledata ( index of hline ), PutcoL, PutcoLexpr ( "r",...) debugged
-# Texcom changed ( // => backslash )
-# Dividegraphics, Splinedat are changed significantly
-# Readtextdata is changed
-# Derivative, Integrate are added
-# Translatedata, Scaledata, Reflectdata changed ( efficient for vector )
-# Rotatedata changed ( deg : logical )
-# HIstplotdata, Drwhistplot ( type => freq , fpplot (added) )
-# 2010.12.04
-# WindispT changed ( tickmark )
-# Lineplot changed ( mag=> length )
-# Plotdata debugged ( 'E=fun', 'D=')
-# Enclosing changed (return PD)
-# 2010.12.02
-# WindispT changed
-# Makecurves debugged
-# 2010.11.27
-# Pointdata changed ( efficient for matrix and data.frame )
-# WindispT
-# Setwindow ( decide from data )
-# Assign debugged ( strsplit => gsub(fixed=T))
-# 2010.11.20
-# Flattenlist, WindispT
-# Splinedata changed( efficient for data.frame )
-#2010.08.19 ( Maybe not finished )
-# Stripblanks
-# Fullformfunc, Sf3data
-# Phparadata, Phpersdata, Phspersdata, Phsparadata
-# Facesdata, MakeveLfaceL, Menkakusi2
-# Rotate3data
-# Skeletonpersdata, Skeletonpers3data, Makeskeletonpersdata
-# Embed
-# Spacecurve changed
-# CameracoordCurve, Partcrv3, Projpers, CameraCurve,
-# Perspt, Xyzaxpersname, Invperspt, Zparapt, Zperspt
-# 2010.08.15
-# Phcutoffdata added
-# 2010.08.13
-# Phcutdata, Spacecurve debugged
-# Setangle changed
-# 2010.08.09
-# Spacecurve
-# Rotate3data, Rotate3pt
-# Phcutdata
-# 2010.08.08
-# Implementing 3d
-# Initangle, Setangle, Setpers, SetstereoL, SetstereoR
-# Mixlength
-# Spaceline, Projpara, ProjCurve, Parapt
-# Xyzax3data, Xyzaxparaname
-# Cancoordpers, Invparapt, ProjcoordCurve
-# Skeletonparadata, Skeletonpara3data, Makeskeletondata, Kukannozoki
-# 2010.07.25
-# Rotatedata changed
-# Drwline changed (list of list)
-# 2010.04.09
-# Stat package added
-# 2010.04.02
-# Putcolexpr, Putrowexpr
-# 2010.04.02
-# Windisp, Op changed
-# Execmd added
-# Texnewcmd, Texrenewcmd, Texend,
-# Texctr, Texnewctr, Texsetctr
-# Kyoukai debugged
-# 2010.01.20
-# Partcrv, Makeshasen : debugged
-# 2010.01.23
-# Ovaldata, Ovalbox added
-# 2010.01.27
-# Readtextdata changed
-# Putrow, PutcoL debugged ( Putcol is OK)
-# 2010.01.31
-# Writetextdata added
-# 2010.02.12
-# Texvalctr, Texthectr added
-# 2010.02.22
-# Execmd changed
-# 2010.02.23
-# Op, Windisp changed
-# 2010.02.24
-# Execmd changed
-# 2010.03.07
-# Dotfilldata (Kosa>1)
-# 2010.03.21
-# Mixjoin
-# Koutenlist (bug)
-# 2010.03.24
-# Arrowhead ( bug in the case of "l" )
-# 2010.03.28
-# Tabledata
-# Diagcelldata ( New )
-# 2010.03.30
-# Tabledata
-XMIN<- -5
-XMAX<- 5
-YMIN<- -5 ; YMAX<- 5
-ZIKU<- "line"
-XNAME<- "$x$"
-XPOS<- "e"
-YNAME<- "$y$"
-YPOS<- "n"
-ONAME<- "O"
-OPOS<- "sw"
-ULEN<- "1cm"
-MilliIn<- 1/2.54*1000
-PenThick<- round(MilliIn*0.02)
-PenThickInit<- PenThick
-TenSizeInit<<- 0.02*2 #17.10.07
-TenSize<- TenSizeInit
-MEMORI<- 0.05
-MARKLEN<- 0.05
-GENTEN<- c(0,0)
-YaSize<- 1
-YaAngle<- 18
-YaPosition<- 1
-YaThick<- 1
-YaStyle<- "tf"
-PHI<- 30*pi/180
-THETA<- 60*pi/180
-FocusPoint<- c(0,0,0)
-EyePoint<- c(5,5,5)
-ASSIGNLIST<- list("`","'")
-LOGX<- 0
-LOGY<- 0
-TEXFORLAST<- list()
-Ketinit<- function(){
-XMIN<<- -5
-XMAX<<- 5
-YMIN<<- -5 ; YMAX<<- 5
-ZIKU<<- "line"
-XNAME<<- "$x$"
-XPOS<<- "e"
-YNAME<<- "$y$"
-YPOS<<- "n"
-ONAME<<- "O"
-OPOS<<- "sw"
-ULEN<<- "1cm"
-MilliIn<<- 1/2.54*1000
-PenThick<<- round(MilliIn*0.02)
-PenThickInit<<- PenThick
-TenSizeInit<<- 0.02*2 #17.10.07
-TenSize<<- TenSizeInit
-MEMORI<<- 0.05
-MARKLEN<<- 0.05
-GENTEN<<- c(0,0)
-YaSize<<- 1
-YaAngle<<- 18
-YaPosition<<- 1
-YaThick<<- 1
-YaStyle<<- "tf"
-PHI<<- 30*pi/180
-THETA<<- 60*pi/180
-FocusPoint<<- c(0,0,0)
-EyePoint<<- c(5,5,5)
-ASSIGNLIST<<- list("`","'")
-SCALEX<<- 1
-SCALEY<<- 1
-LOGX<<- 0
-LOGY<<- 0
-TEXFORLAST<<- list()
-Appendrow<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<-c()
- Nc<- 0
- for (I in 1:Nargs)
- {
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- Nc<- max(Nc,Ncol(Dt))
- if(class(Dt)=="matrix") Dt<-as.numeric(t(Dt))
- Out<- c(Out,Dt)
- }
- if(Nc>0)
- {
- Out<-matrix(Out, nrow=Nc)
- Out<-t(Out)
- }
- else
- {
- Out<-c()
- }
- return(Out)
- if(length(a)==3)
- {
- Tmp1<-a[2]*b[3]-a[3]*b[2]
- Tmp2=a[3]*b[1]-a[1]*b[3]
- Tmp3=a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1]
- Out=c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- }
- else
- {
- Out=a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1]
- }
- return(Out)
- if(length(Data)==0) return(0)
- if(mode(Data)=="numeric") return(Nrow(Data))
- if(mode(Data)=="character") return(nchar(Data))
- if(mode(Data)=="list") return(length(Data))
-Crossprod<- function (a,b){ # 17.12.22
- if(length(a)==3){
- Tmp1=a[2]*b[3]-a[3]*b[2]
- Tmp2=a[3]*b[1]-a[1]*b[3]
- Tmp3=a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1]
- Out=c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- }else{
- Out=a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1]
- }
-Dotprod<-function(a,b){ # 18.02.05
- nn=min(length(a),length(b))
- out=0
- for(jj in Looprange(1,nn)){
- out=out+a[jj]*b[jj]
- }
- return(out)
-Dist<- function(...) # 17.09.17
- varargin<- list(...)
- a=varargin[[1]]
- if(length(varargin)==1){
- tmp=sqrt(Dotprod(a,a))
- return(as.vector(tmp))
- }
- else{
- b=varargin[[2]]
- tmp=sqrt(Dotprod(b-a,b-a))
- retun(as.vector(tmp))
- }
- N<-length(L);
- if(length(N)==0) return(FALSE)
- for (I in 1:N)
- {
- if(class(L)=="list")
- {
- Tmp<-L[[I]]
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp<-L[I]
- }
- if(mode(A)=="numeric")
- {
- if(Norm(A-Tmp)==0) return(TRUE)
- }
- else
- {
- if(A==Tmp) return(TRUE)
- }
- }
- return(FALSE)
- Tmp=Dotprod(V,V) #18.02.09
-# Tmp<-as.vector(V);
-# Tmp<-crossprod(Tmp,Tmp)
- Tmp<-sqrt(Tmp)
-# as.numeric(Tmp)
- if(class(P)=="matrix") return(ncol(P))
- else return(length(P))
- if(length(P)==0) return(0)
- if(class(P)=="matrix") return(nrow(P))
- else return(1)
-Looprange<- function(a,b)
-if(a<=b) return(a:b)
-Stripblanks<- function(Ch){
- Tmp<- gsub(" ","",Ch,fixed=TRUE)
- return(Tmp)
-Quicksort<- function(seqL,key){ #18.02.01
- if(length(seqL)<2){
- out=seqL
- }else{
- tmp1=Op(1,seqL)
- tmp2=Op(2,seqL)
- if(Op(key,tmp1)>=Op(key,tmp2)){
- pivot = tmp1
- }else{
- pivot=tmp2
- }
- left = list()
- right = list()
- for(ii in 1:length(seqL)){
- tmp=Op(ii,seqL)
- if(Op(key,tmp)< Op(key,pivot)){
- left=c(left,list(tmp))
- }else{
- right=c(right,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- left = Quicksort(left,key)
- right = Quicksort(right,key)
- out=c(left,right)
- }
- return(out)
-Derivative<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fstr<- varargin[[1]]
- Vstr<- varargin[[2]]
- NvaL<- length(Vstr)
- Flg<- 0
- if(Nargs>=3){
- VaL<- varargin[[3]]
- Flg<- 1
- }
- Str<- paste("deriv(~",Fstr,",c('",Vstr[1],"'",sep="")
- for(J in Looprange(2,NvaL)){
- Str<- paste(Str,",'",Vstr[J],"'",sep="")
- }
- Str<- paste(Str,")",sep="")
- if(NvaL<=3){
- Str<- paste(Str,",func=TRUE)",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Str<- paste(Str,")",sep="")
- }
- f<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- if(Flg==1){
- if(NvaL<=3){
- if(NvaL==1){V<- f(VaL[1])}
- if(NvaL==2){V<- f(VaL[1],VaL[2])}
- if(NvaL==3){V<- f(VaL[1],VaL[2],VaL[3])}
- }
- else{
- for(J in 1:NvaL){
- Tmp<- paste(Vstr[J],'<-',as.character(VaL[J]))
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- V<- eval(f)
- }
- Out<- attr(V,'gradient')
- Out<- Out[1,]
- }
- else{
- Out<- f
- }
- return(Out)
-Diff<- function(...){ #18.02.04
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- fun=varargin[[1]]
- withvar=varargin[[2]]
- tmp=paste("f<- expression(",fun,")",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- nn=nchar(withvar)
- for(jj in Looprange(1,nn)){
- tmp=substring(withvar,jj,jj)
- f=D(f,tmp)
- }
- var=c()
- val=""
- for(jj in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- tmp=strsplit(varargin[[jj]],"=")
- var=c(var,tmp[[1]][1])
- val=paste(val,tmp[[1]][2],",",sep="")
- }
- if(Length(val)>1){
- val=substring(val,1,Length(val)-1)
- f=deriv(f,var,func=TRUE)
- tmp=paste("out=f(",val,")",sep="")
- out=eval(parse(text=tmp))
- return(out[1])
- }else{
- return(f)
- }
-Funvalue<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- df=varargin[[1]]
- var=c()
- val=""
- for(jj in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- tmp=strsplit(varargin[[jj]],"=")
- var=c(var,tmp[[1]][1])
- val=paste(val,tmp[[1]][2],",",sep="")
- }
- val=substring(val,1,Length(val)-1)
- dfun=deriv(df,var,func=TRUE)
- tmp=paste("out=dfun(",val,")",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- return(out[1])
-Integrate<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fstr<- varargin[[1]]
- Vstr<- varargin[[2]]
- IntvL<- varargin[[3]]
- Str<- 'Tmpfun<- function('
- Str<- paste(Str,Vstr,'){',sep='')
- Str<- paste(Str,Fstr,'}',sep='')
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- Tmpfunv<- function(x){sapply(x,Tmpfun)}
- Out<- 0
- for (J in 1:(length(IntvL)-1)){
- Tmp<- integrate(Tmpfunv,IntvL[J],IntvL[J+1])
- Out<- Out+Tmp[[1]]
- }
- return(Out)
-Anglemark<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-3)
- PA<- varargin[[1]]
- PB<- varargin[[2]]
- PC=varargin[[3]]
- r <- 0.5
- if(Nargs>=4){
- r<- varargin[[4]]*r
- }
- Out=c()
- if(r>min(Norm(PA-PB),Norm(PC-PB))){
- return(Out)
- }
- Cir<- Circledata(c(PB,r)) #17.11.29
- Tmp<- IntersectcrvsPp(Cir,Listplot(PA,PB))
- P1<- Op(2,Op(1,Tmp))
- Tmp<- IntersectcrvsPp(Cir,Listplot(PC,PB))
- P2<- Op(2,Op(1,Tmp))
- if(abs(P1-P2)<Eps){
- Out<-c()
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P1<P2-Eps){
- Out<- Partcrv(P1,P2,Cir)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Numptcrv(Cir)
- Tmp1<- Partcrv(P1,Tmp,Cir)
- Tmp2<- Partcrv(1,P2,Cir)
- Out<- Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- }
-Arrowdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- Q<- varargin[[2]]
- R<- Q
- Futosa<- YaThick
- Ookisa<- YaSize
- Thickness<- 1
- Hiraki<- YaAngle
- Yapos<- YaPosition
- Position<- 1
- Str<- YaStyle
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- R<- Tmp
- }
- else{
- if(Flg==0){
- Ookisa<- Ookisa*Tmp
- }
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Tmp<5){
- Hiraki<- Tmp*Hiraki
- }
- else{
- Hiraki<- Tmp
- }
- }
- if(Flg==2){
- R<- P+Tmp*(Q-P)
- }
- else{
- R<- P+Yapos*(Q-P)
- }
- if(Flg==3){
- Futosa<- Tmp
- }
- Flg<- Flg+1
- }
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Tmp<- grep("=", Tmp)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Futosa<- Futosa*Thickness
- R<- P+Position*(Q-P)
- }
- else{
- Str<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(P,Q))
- Tmp2<- Arrowheaddata(R,Q-P,Ookisa,Hiraki,Futosa,Str)
- Out<- Joingraphics(Tmp1,Tmp2)
-# 2013.11.13 No Intersect debugged
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- ## 12.01.08 Kirikomi
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- P<-varargin[[1]]
- Houkou<-varargin[[2]]
- Ookisa<-0.2*YaSize
- Hiraki<-YaAngle
- Futosa<-0.5*YaThick
- Cut<- 0
- Str<-YaStyle
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Equal<- grep("=",Tmp,fixed=TRUE) # 12.01.07 from
- if(length(Equal)>0){
- Tmp1<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp2<- Tmp1[[1]]
- if(Tmp2[1]=="Cut" || Tmp2[1]=="cut"){
- Tmp<- paste("Cut=",Tmp2[2],sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- }else{
- Str<- Tmp
- } # 12.01.07 upto
- }
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1){
- if(Flg==0) Ookisa<-Ookisa*Tmp
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Tmp<5) Hiraki<-Tmp*Hiraki
- else Hiraki<-Tmp
- }
- if(Flg==2) Futosa<-Tmp
- Flg<-Flg+1
- }
- }
- Ookisa<-1000/2.54/MilliIn*Ookisa
- Theta<-Hiraki*pi/180
- if(Nrow(Houkou)>1){
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- Houkou<- Doscaling(Houkou)
- Tmp<-Nearestpt(P,Houkou)
- A<-Tmp[[1]]
- I<-floor(Tmp[[2]])
- G<-Circledata(c(P,Ookisa*cos(Theta)),N=10) #17.11.29
- Flg<- 0 # 13.11.13
- JL<-seq(I,1,by=-1)
- for (J in JL){
- B<-Ptcrv(J,Houkou)
- Tmp<-IntersectcrvsPp(Listplot(list(A,B)),G)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- A<-B
- }
- if(Flg==0){ # 13.11.13
- print("Arrowhead may be too large (no intersect)")
- return(P)
- }
- Houkou<-P-Op(1,Tmp[[1]])
- Houkou<- Unscaling(Houkou)
- P<- Unscaling(P)
- }
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- Houkou<- Doscaling(Houkou)
- Ev<--1/Norm(Houkou)*Houkou
- Nv<-c(-Ev[2],Ev[1])
- if(length(grep("c",Str))>0){
- P<-P-0.5*Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev
- }
- if(length(grep("b",Str))>0){
- P<-P-Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev
- }
- A<-P+Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev+Ookisa*sin(Theta)*Nv
- B<-P+Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev-Ookisa*sin(Theta)*Nv
- if(length(grep("l",Str))>0){
- Tmp<-Listplot(list(A,P,B))
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- Drwline(Tmp1,Futosa)
- }
- else{
- C<- P+(1-Cut)*((A+B)/2-P) # 12.01.07
- Tmp<- Listplot(list(A,P,B,C,A)) # 12.01.07
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- Shade(Tmp1)
- Tmp=Listplot(c(A,P,B,C,A,P)) # 15.6.20
- Tmp1=Unscaling(Tmp)
- Drwline(Tmp1,0.1) # 15.06.11, 15.06.14
- }
-# 2013.11.13 No intersect debugged
-Arrowheaddata<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- Houkou<- varargin[[2]]
- Ookisa<- 0.2*YaSize
- Hiraki<- YaAngle
- Futosa<- 0
- Thickness<- 1
- Str<- YaStyle
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Tmp1<-grep("=",Tmp)
- if(length(Tmp1)>0){
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Futosa<- Thickness
- }
- else{
- Str<- Tmp
- }
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- if(Flg==0) Ookisa<-Ookisa*Tmp
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Tmp<5) Hiraki<-Tmp*Hiraki
- else Hiraki<-Tmp
- }
- if(Flg==2) Futosa<-Tmp
- Flg<-Flg+1
- }
- }
- Theta<- Hiraki*pi/180
- if(Nrow(Houkou)>1){
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- Houkou<- Doscaling(Houkou)
- Tmp<-Nearestpt(P,Houkou)
- A<-Tmp[[1]]
- I<-floor(Tmp[[2]])
- G<-Circledata(c(P,Ookisa*cos(Theta)),N=10) #17.11.29
- Flg<- 0 # 13.11.13
- JL<-seq(I,1,by=-1)
- for (J in JL){
- B<- Ptcrv(J,Houkou)
- Tmp<- IntersectcrvsPp(Listplot(list(A,B)),G)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- A<-B
- }
- if(Flg==0){ # 13.11.13
- print("Arrowhead may be too large (no intersect)")
- return(P)
- }
- Houkou<-P-Op(1,Tmp[[1]])
- Houkou<- Unscaling(Houkou)
- P<- Unscaling(P)
- }
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- Houkou<- Doscaling(Houkou)
- Ev<- -1/Norm(Houkou)*Houkou
- Nv<- c(-Ev[2],Ev[1])
- if(length(grep("c",Str))>0){
- P<-P-0.5*Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev
- }
- if(length(grep("b",Str))>0){
- P<-P-Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev
- }
- A<-P+Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev+Ookisa*sin(Theta)*Nv
- B<-P+Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev-Ookisa*sin(Theta)*Nv
- Tmp<- Listplot(A,P,B)
- Out<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- return(Out)
-Arrowline<- function(...)
-{ # 12.01.07 kirikomi
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- Q<- varargin[[2]]
- Futosa<- YaThick
- Ookisa<- YaSize
- Hiraki<- YaAngle
- Yapos<- YaPosition
- Cutstr<- "Cut=0"
- Str<- YaStyle
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Equal<- grep("=",Tmp,fixed=TRUE) # 12.01.07 from
- if(length(Equal)>0){
- Tmp1<- strsplit(Tmp,"=")
- Tmp2<- Tmp1[[1]]
- if(Tmp2[1]=="Cut" || Tmp2[1]=="cut"){
- Tmp<- paste("Cut=", Tmp2[2],sep="")
- Cutstr<- Tmp
- }
- }
- else{
- Str<- Tmp
- } # 12.01.07 upto
- }
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1){
- if(Flg==0) Ookisa<- Ookisa*Tmp
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Tmp<5) Hiraki<- Tmp*Hiraki
- else Hiraki<- Tmp
- }
- if(Flg==2) Yapos<- Tmp
- if(Flg==3) Futosa<- Tmp
- Flg<- Flg+1
- }
- }
- R<- P+Yapos*(Q-P)
- Tmp=Q-Unscaling(0.2*Ookisa/2*(Q-P)/Norm(Q-P)) # 15.10.24
- Drwline(Listplot(c(P,Tmp)),Futosa)
- Arrowhead(R,Q-P,Ookisa,Hiraki,Futosa,Cutstr,Str)
-Assign<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- ASSIGNLIST<<- list("`",Prime())
- return()
-# return("Assign reset done");
- }
- L<- list("`","'")
- if(Nargs%%2==0){
- L<- Mixjoin(L,varargin)
- Out<- L
- return()
-# return("Assign set done");
- }
- if(Nargs==1){
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]
- if(nchar(Fnstr)==0){ # case of ""
- Out<- c()
- for (I in seq(1,length(L),by=2)){
- Tmp1<- L[[I]]
- Tmp2<- L[[I+1]]
- if(length(Tmp2)==1){
- Tmp3<- as.character(Tmp2)
- }
- else{
- if(mode(Tmp2)=="character"){
- Tmp3<- Tmp2
- }
- else if(mode(Tmp2)=="list"){
- Tmp3<- makeliststr(Tmp2)
- }
- else if(mode(Tmp2)=="numeric"){
- Tmp3<- "c("
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Tmp2))){
- Tmp3<- paste(Tmp3,as.character(Tmp2[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Tmp2)){
- Tmp3<- paste(Tmp3,",",sep="")
- }
- }
- Tmp3<- paste(Tmp3,")",sep="")
- if(class(Tmp2)=="matrix"){
- Nr<- as.character(nrow(Tmp2))
- Tmp3<- paste("matrix(",Tmp3,"nrow=",Nr,")",sep="")
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- paste(Tmp1,"=",Tmp3,sep="")
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }
- return(Out);
- }
- if(substr(Fnstr,1,1)=="?"){
- Fnstr<- substr(Fnstr,2,nchar(Fnstr))
- for (I in seq(1,length(ASSIGNLIST),by=2)){
- if(Tmp==Fnstr){
- Out<- Mixjoin(list(I),ASSIGNLIST[I+1])
- return(Out)
- }
- }
- Out<- "Not found"
- return(Out);
- }
- }
- else{
- if(mode(varargin[[2]])=="numeric"){
- Fnstr<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nargs-1)){
- L[[I]]=varargin[[I]]
- }
- }
- else{
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- L[[I-1]]<- varargin[[I]]
- }
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(1,length(L),by=2)){
- Vname<- L[[I]]
- Val<- L[[I+1]]
- if(mode(Val)=="numeric"){
- if(Nrow(Val)==1){
- for (K in Looprange(1,length(Val))){
- Tmp<- paste(Vname,"[", as.character(K),"]",sep="")
- if(mode(Val[K])=="numeric"){
- Tmp1<- paste("(",as.character(Val[K]),")",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Val[K]
- }
- Fnstr<- gsub(Tmp,Tmp1,Fnstr,fixed=TRUE)
- }
- }
- else{
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Val))){
- for (K in Looprange(1,Ncol(Val))){
- Tmp<- paste(Vname,"(",as.character(J),",",as.character(K),")",sep="")
- if(mode(Val[J,K])=="numeric"){
- Tmp1<- paste("(",as.character(Val[J,K]),")",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Val[J,K]
- }
- Fnstr<- gsub(Tmp,Tmp1,Fnstr,fixed=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(Val)==1){
- Rep<- as.character(Val)
- }
- else{
- Rep<-""
- if(class(Val)=="matrix"){
- Rep<- "matrix("
- }
- Rep<- paste(Rep,"c(",sep="")
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Val))){
- Rep<- paste(Rep,as.character(Val[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Val)){
- Rep<- paste(Rep,",",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Rep<- paste(Rep,")",sep="")
- }
- }
- if(class(Val)=="matrix"){
- Rep<- paste(Rep,",nrow=",as.character(nrow(Val)),")",sep="")
- }
- }
- Tmp1<- paste("(",Rep,")",sep="")
- }
- if(mode(Val)=="character"){
- Tmp1<- Val
- }
- if(mode(Val)=="list"){
- Tmp1<- Makeliststr(Val)
- }
- Fnstr<- gsub(Vname,Tmp1,Fnstr,fixed=TRUE) # 10.11.20
- }
- return(Fnstr)
-Assignadd<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- L<- Mixjoin(L,varargin)
-# return("assign add done"); #17.09.17
-Assignrep<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- for (I in seq(1,Nargs,by=2)){
- Vname<- varargin[[I]]
- Val<- varargin[[I+1]]
- Tmp1<- paste("?",Vname,sep="")
- Tmp<- Assign(Tmp)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- next
- }
- I<- Tmp[[1]]
- L<- Mixjoin(L,list(Val))
- }
- Assignset<- function(...)
- Assign(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xm<- Tmp[1]
- Ym<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- XM<- Tmp[1]
- YM<- Tmp[2]
- Dx<- XM-Xm
- Dy<- YM-Ym
- Sym<-".0123456789 +-*/"
- SL<-Sym
- OL<-"+-*/"
- if(ul!=""){
- ULEN<<-ul;
- }
- Is<-1;
- VL<-"";
- Ucode<-ULEN
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ucode))){
- C<-substring(Ucode,I,I);
- if(length(grep(C,SL))>0){
- if(length(grep(C,OL))>0){
- Tmp<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1);
- Str<-paste(VL,Tmp,C,sep="")
- VL<-Str
- Is<-I+1;
- }
- }
- else{
- Unit<-substring(Ucode,I,I+1)
- Str<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1)
- VL<-paste(VL,Str,sep="")
- break;
- }
- }
- Valu<-eval(parse(text=VL))
- Str<-as.character(Valu);
- ULEN<<- paste(Str,Unit,sep="")
- if(Unit=="cm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu
- if(Unit=="mm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu/10
- if(Unit=="in") MilliIn<<-1000*Valu
- if(Unit=="pt") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27*Valu
- if(Unit=="pc") MilliIn<<-1000/6.022*Valu
- if(Unit=="bp") MilliIn<<-1000/72*Valu
- if(Unit=="dd2") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*Valu
- if(Unit=="cc") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*12*Valu;
- if(Unit=="sp") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27/65536*Valu/10
- MARKLEN<<- MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- Str<-paste("{\\unitlength=",ULEN,"%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("\\begin{picture}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Str<-"("
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Dx,digits=6))
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,",",sep="")
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Dy,digits=6))
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,")(",sep="")
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Xm,digits=6))
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,",",sep="")
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Ym,digits=6))
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,")%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Str<-paste("\\special{pn ",as.character(PenThickInit),"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Bowdata<- function(...) #17.09.17
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- PA <- varargin[[1]]
- PB <- varargin[[2]]
- Cut <- 0
- D <- 1/2*Norm(PB-PA)
- if(Nargs>=3) {
- H <- varargin[[3]]*D*0.2
- }
- else {
- H <- D*0.2
- }
- H <- min(H,D)
- if(Nargs>=4){
- Cut <- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Ydata <- MakeBowdata(PA,PB,H)
- C <- Op(1,Ydata)
- r <- Op(2,Ydata)
- R1 <- Op(3,Ydata)
- R2 <- Op(4,Ydata)
- Rng <- paste("R=c(",as.character(R1),",",as.character(R2),")",sep="")
- Theta <- (R1+R2)*0.5
- BOWMIDDLE <<- list(c(C[1]+r*cos(Theta),C[2]+r*sin(Theta)),Theta)
- M <- Op(1,BOWMIDDLE)
- ThetaM <- Op(2,BOWMIDDLE)
- if(Cut==0){
- Pd<- Circledata(c(C,r),Rng)
- }
- else{
- Alpha <- R1; Beta <- ThetaM-Cut/(2*r)
- Rng <- paste("Rng=c(",as.character(Alpha),",",as.character(Beta),")",sep="")
- Pd <- Circledata(c(C,r),Rng)
- Alpha <- ThetaM+Cut/(2*r); Beta <- R2
- Rng <- paste("R=c(",as.character(Alpha),",",as.character(Beta),")",sep="")
- Tmp <- Circledata(c(C,r),Rng)
- Pd <- Appendrow(Pd,c(Inf,Inf),Tmp)
- }
-Bowmiddle <- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- if( Nargs==0) {
- return(M)
- }
- if(Nargs==1) {
- Bdata <- varargin[[1]]
- A <- Bdata[1,]
- Dind <- Dataindex(Bdata)
- Dc <- Nrow(Dind)
- Tmp <- Dind[Dc,2]
- B <- Bdata[Tmp,]
- if(Dc==1) {
- Tmp1 <- round(Tmp/2)
- }
- else {
- Tmp1 <- Dind[1,2]
- }
- D <- Bdata[Tmp1,]
- B <- B-A
- D <- D-A
- Tmp1 <- B[1]*D[2]-D[1]*B[2]
- Tmp2 <- (Norm(B)^2*D[2]-B[2]*Norm(D)^2)/2
- Tmp3 <- -(Norm(B)^2*D[1]-B[1]*Norm(D)^2)/2
- C <- c(Tmp2,Tmp3)/Tmp1+A
- R <- Norm(C-A)
- B <- B+A
- V <- (A+B)/2-C
- V <- V/Norm(V)
- M <- C+R*V
- }
- else {
- A <- varargin[[1]]; B <- varargin[[2]]
- D <- 1/2*Norm(B-A)
- H <- 0.2*D;
- if(length(varargin)>=3) {
- Tmp <- varargin[[3]]
- H <- Tmp*D*0.2
- }
- H <- min(H,D)
- Ydata <- MakeBowdata(A,B,H)
- C <- Op(1,Ydata)
- R <- Op(2,Ydata)
- T <- (Op(3,Ydata)+Op(4,Ydata))/2
- P <- C+R*c(cos(T),sin(T))
- #M <- list(P,T)
- M <- P
- }
- return(M)
-# 13.12.19 small movement supported
-Bowname<- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- Siki <- varargin[[Nargs]]
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- Dr<- "c"
- if(Nargs>=1){
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Dr<- Tmp
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- }
- }
- if(Nargs==0){
- Siki <- varargin[[1]]
- P <- Op(1,BOWMIDDLE)
- }
- else if(Nargs==1){
- Bdata <- varargin[[1]]
- P <- Bowmiddle(Bdata)
- }
- else{
- A <- varargin[[1]]; B <- varargin[[2]]
- D <- 1/2*Norm(B-A)
- Tmp <- varargin[[3]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- H <- D*0.2
- }
- else {
- H <- Tmp*D*0.2
- }
- H <- min(H,D)
- Ydata <- MakeBowdata(A,B,H)
- Tmp <- Bowmiddle(Ydata)
- P <- Op(1,Tmp)
- }
- Expr(P,Dr,Siki)
-# 13.12.19 small movement supported
-# A,B, ... no longer supported
-Bownamerot <- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- Eps <- 10^(-6)
- Flg <- 1
- Tmp <- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1 && Tmp<0){
- Flg <- Tmp
- Nargs <- Nargs-1
- }
- Siki <- varargin[[Nargs]]
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- Dr<- "c"
- if(Nargs>=1){
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Dr<- Tmp
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- }
- }
- if(Nargs==0) {
- P <- Op(1,BOWMIDDLE)
- }
- else{
- Bdata<- varargin[[1]]
- P<- Bowmiddle(Bdata)
- A=Bdata[1,]
- B=Bdata[nrow(Bdata),]
- Tm<- 0; Tv<- 0
- if(Nargs>1){
- Tm<- varargin[[2]]
- if(Nargs>2){
- Tv<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- }
- }
-# else if(Nargs==2) {
-# Bdata <- varargin[[1]]
-# P <- Bowmiddle(Bdata)
-# A <- Bdata[1,]
-# B <- Bdata[Nrow(Bdata),]
-# Siki <- varargin[[2]]
-# }
-# else {
-# A <- varargin[[1]]; B <- varargin[[2]]
-# D <- 1/2*Norm(B-A)
-# Tmp <- varargin[[3]]
-# if(mode(Tmp)=="character") {
-# H <- 0.2*D; Siki <- Tmp
-# }
-# else {
-# H <- Tmp*D*0.2; Siki <- varargin[[4]]
-# }
-# H <- min(H,D)
-# Ydata <- MakeBowdata(A,B,H)
-# C <- Op(1,Ydata)
-# R <- Op(2,Ydata)
-# T <- (Op(3,Ydata)+Op(4,Ydata))/2
-# P <- C+R*c(cos(T),sin(T))
-# }
- if(A[1]>B[1]+Eps){
- Tmp <- A
- A <- B
- B <- Tmp
- }
- if(Flg>0) {
- Tmp <- B-A
- }
- else{
- Tmp <- A-B
- }
- Exprrot(P,Tmp,Tm,Tv,Siki)
- D<-0
- H<-substring(Hoko,1,1)
- Tmp<-paste("\\settoheight{\\Height}{",Moji,"}",sep="")
- Str<-c(Tmp)
- Tmp=paste("\\settodepth{\\Depth}{",Moji,"}",sep="")
- Str<-c(Str,Tmp)
- if(H=="n") Str<-c(Str,"\\setlength{\\Height}{\\Depth}")
- if(H=="s") Str<-c(Str,"\\setlength{\\Height}{-\\Height}")
- if(H=="c")
- {
- Str<-c(Str,"\\setlength{\\Height}{-0.5\\Height}")
- Str<-c(Str,"\\setlength{\\Depth}{0.5\\Depth}")
- Str<-c(Str,"\\addtolength{\\Height}{\\Depth}")
- }
- for (I in 1:length(Str)) cat(Str[I],file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- D<-0;
- H<-substring(Hoko,2,2)
- if(H=="e") D<-0
- if(H=="w") D<--1.0
- if(H=="c") D<--0.5
- Str1<-paste("\\settowidth{\\Width}{",Moji,"}",sep="")
- Tmp<-as.character(D)
- Str2<-paste("\\setlength{\\Width}{",Tmp,"\\Width}",sep="")
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# 17.09.17
-# 17.09.24
-Circledata<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Cr<- varargin[[1]]
- C=Cr[1:2]
- if(length(Cr)==4){
- ra=Norm(C-Cr[3:4])
- Nop=2
- }
- else{
- ra=Cr[3]
- Nop=2
- }
- R=c(0,2*pi)
- N=50
- for (I in Looprange(Nop,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Tmp1=regexpr("=",Tmp) #17.09.24from
- Tmp2=substring(Tmp,Tmp1+1,nchar(Tmp))
- Tmp1=substring(Tmp,1,Tmp1)
- Tmp1=gsub("NUM", "N", toupper(Tmp1))
- Tmp1=gsub("RNG", "R", Tmp1)
- Tmp=paste(Tmp1,Tmp2,sep="") #17.09.24upto
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- }
- Dt<- (R[2]-R[1])/N
- T <- seq(R[1],R[2],by=Dt)
- X <- C[1]+ra*cos(T)
- Y <- C[2]+ra*sin(T)
- XY<- c(X,Y)
- P<- matrix(XY,ncol=2)
- return(P)
-# 13.12.19
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)>=1){
- Pa<- varargin[[1]]
- if(is.character(Pa)){
- if(Pa=="1") Endpicture(1)
- if(Pa=="0") Endpicture(0)
- }
- }
- Wfile<<-""
-Closepar<- function()
- S<- "%\n\\end{minipage}"
- cat(S,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Closephr()
-Closephr<- function()
- cat("%\n}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- # Inf;Inf : Terminator
- Ndm<-c()
- if(length(P)==0) return(Ndm)
- N1<-1
- Flg<-0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(P))
- {
- if(P[J,1]==Inf)
- {
- Ndm<-Appendrow(Ndm,c(N1,J-1))
- N1<-J+1;
- if(P[N1,1]==Inf)
- {
- Flg<-1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0)
- {
- Ndm<-Appendrow(Ndm,c(N1,Nrow(P)))
- }
- if(class(Ndm)=="numeric")
- {
- Tmp<-matrix(Ndm,nrow=1)
- Ndm<- Tmp
- }
- return(Ndm)
-Dashline<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Nall<- Nargs; Sen<- 1 ; Gap<- 1
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nall]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1 && Tmp>0){
- Tmp1<- varargin[[Nall-1]]
- if(mode(Tmp1)=="numeric" && length(Tmp1)==1 && Tmp1>0){
- Sen<- Tmp1; Gap<- Tmp
- Nall<- Nall-2
- }
- else{
- Sen<- Tmp; Gap<- Sen
- Nall<- Nall-1
- }
- }
- Sen<- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Sen
- Gap<- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Gap
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nall)){
- Pdata<- varargin[[N]]
- if(is.numeric(Pdata)==1){
- Pdata<- list(Pdata)
- }
- for (II in 1:length(Pdata)){
- Figdata<- Op(II,Pdata)
- Makehasen(Figdata,Sen,Gap,0)
- }
- }
-# 17.11.27
-Definecolor<- function(Name,Data){
- Tmp1=length(Data)
- if((Tmp1<3) || (Tmp1>4)){
- cat("Size of data should be 3 or 4.")
- return()
- }
- if(Tmp1==4){
- Tp="cmyk"
- }else{
- Tp="rgb"
- }
- Tmp=""
- for(J in 1:Tmp1){
- Tmp=paste(Tmp, as.character(Data[J]),sep="")
- if(J<Tmp1){
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- }
- Tmp=paste("\\definecolor{",Name,"}{",Tp,"}{",Tmp,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Tmp)
-Diagcelldata<- function(Tb,Nc,Nr)
- Tmp<- Findcell(Tb,Nc,Nr)
- C<- Tmp[[1]]
- Dx<- Tmp[[2]]
- Dy<- Tmp[[3]]
- Pne<- C+c(Dx,Dy)
- Pnw<- C+c(-Dx,Dy)
- Psw<- C+c(-Dx,-Dy)
- Pse<- C+c(Dx,-Dy)
- Tmp1<- Listplot(Pnw,Pse)
- Tmp2<- Listplot(Pne,Psw)
- list(Tmp1,Tmp2)
-# 11.01.07
-Dividegraphics<- function(Pd)
- if(length(Pd)==0){
- return(Pd)
- }
- DtL<- Flattenlist(Pd)
- OutL<- list()
- for (J in 1:length(DtL)){
- Dt<- as.matrix(DtL[[J]])
- Ndm<- Dataindex(Dt)
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Ndm))){
- Fd<- Dt[Ndm[I,1]:Ndm[I,2],]
- OutL<- c(OutL,list(Fd))
- }
- }
- return(OutL)
-# 13.05.03
-Dividetable<- function(Tb)
- G<- Tb[[1]]
- Gw<- G[[1]]
- Gt<- G[Tb[[2]]]
- Gy<- G[Tb[[3]]]
- list(Gw,Gt,Gy)
-Doscaling<- function(G)
- GLg<- G
- if(class(GLg)=="numeric")
- {
- if(LOGX==1) GLg[1]<- log(G[1], base=10)
- if(LOGY==1) GLg[2]<- log(G[2], base=10)
- Tmp<-c(SCALEX*GLg[1],SCALEY*GLg[2])
- return(Tmp)
- }
- else
- {
- if(LOGX==1) GLg[,1]<- log(G[,1],base=10)
- if(LOGY==1) GLg[,2]<- log(G[,2],base=10)
- Tmp1<-matrix(c(SCALEX,0,0,SCALEY),nrow=2)
- Tmp<-GLg %*% Tmp1
- return(Tmp)
- }
-Dotfilldata<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ShaL<- list()
- Eps<- 0.01
- Kakudo<- 45
- Kosa<- 0.5
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xmn<- Tmp[1]; Ymn<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- Xmx<- Tmp[1]; Ymx<- Tmp[2]
- for (N in seq(Nargs,1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(Mixtype(Tmp)!=1){
- break
- }
- }
- if(N<Nargs){
- Kosa<- varargin[[N+1]]
- }
-# Kosa<- min(Kosa,1)
- Tmp<- 1/(2*Kosa)
- Kankaku<- Tmp*0.100*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- NaitenL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(NaitenL)==1){
- NaitenL<- list(NaitenL)
- }
- Ns<- 2
- StartP<- Op(1,NaitenL)
- if(mode(StartP)=="character"){
- StartP<- c((Xmn+Xmx)/2,(Ymn+Ymx)/2)
- }
- else{
- StartP<- Doscaling(StartP)
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[2]]
- if(Mixtype(Tmp)==1){
- StartP<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- Ns<- 3
- }
- Tmp<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(Ns,N)){
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Tmp,list(varargin[[I]]))
- }
- Bdy<- Kyoukai(Tmp)
- Bdys<-list()
- for (I in 1:length(Bdy)){
- Tmp1<- Bdy[[I]]
- Tmp2<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- Bdys<- Mixjoin(Bdys,list(Tmp2))
- }
- Bdy<- Bdys
- PtnL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(NaitenL))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,NaitenL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmp1<- Naigai(Tmp,Bdy)
- PtnL<- Mixjoin(PtnL,list(Tmp1))
- }
- else{
- if(mode(Tmp)!="character"){
- return("Mode Error")
- }
- Ptn<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,nchar(Tmp))){
- if(substr(Tmp,J,J)=="i"){
- Ptn<- c(Ptn,1)
- }
- else{
- Ptn<- c(Ptn,0)
- }
- }
- PtnL<- Mixjoin(PtnL,list(Ptn))
- }
- }
- Call<- length(Bdy)
- Ptn<- c(seq(0, 0, length=Call))
- if(Member(Ptn,PtnL)){
- Wn<- Doscaling(Framedata())
- Bdy<- Mixjoin(Bdy,list(Wn))
- Tmp<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(PtnL))){
- Tmp1<- c(Op(I,PtnL),1)
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Tmp,list(Tmp1))
- }
- PtnL<- Tmp
- }
- V<- c(cos(Kakudo*pi/180),sin(Kakudo*pi/180))
- Vm<- c(-sin(Kakudo*pi/180),cos(Kakudo*pi/180))
- Tmp<- Op(1,NaitenL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==2){
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- Delta<- Tmp-StartP
- K<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- PA<- StartP+K*Kankaku*Vm
- P<- PA
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- Sha<- Dividegraphics(Sha)
- I<- 1
- while (length(Sha)>0){
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Sha))){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Sha)
- Q<- Tmp[1,]
- R<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Q-P,V)/Kankaku
- K1<- ceiling(Tmp)
- if(abs(K1-Tmp)<Eps) K1=K1+1
- Tmp<- Dotprod(R-P,V)/Kankaku
- K2<- floor(Tmp)
- if(abs(Tmp-K2)<Eps) K2=K2-1
- for (K in Looprange(K1,K2)){
- Tmp1<- Pointdata(P+K*Kankaku*V)
- ShaL<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Tmp1))
- }
- }
- P<- PA+I*Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- Sha<- Dividegraphics(Sha)
- I<- I+1
- }
- P<- PA-Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- I<- 2
- while (length(Sha)>0){
- for (J in 1:length(Sha)){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Sha)
- Q<- Tmp[1,]
- R<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Q-P,V)/Kankaku
- K1<- ceiling(Tmp)
- if(abs(K1-Tmp)<Eps) K1<- K1+1
- Tmp<- Dotprod(R-P,V)/Kankaku
- K2<- floor(Tmp)
- if(abs(Tmp-K2)<Eps) K2<- K2-1
- for (K in Looprange(K1,K2)){
- Tmp1<- Pointdata(P+K*Kankaku*V)
- ShaL<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Tmp1))
- }
- }
- P<- PA-I*Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- I<- I+1
- }
- }
- else{
- Delta<- c(Xmn,Ymn)-StartP
- K1<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmx,Ymn)-StartP
- K2<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmx,Ymx)-StartP
- K3<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmn,Ymx)-StartP
- K4<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- IM<- max(K1,K2,K3,K4)
- Im<- min(K1,K2,K3,K4)
- for (I in Im:IM){
- P<- StartP+I*Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- Sha<- Dividegraphics(Sha)
- if(length(Sha)>0){
- for (J in 1:length(Sha)){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Sha)
- Q<- Tmp[1,]
- R<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Q-P,V)/Kankaku
- K1<- ceiling(Tmp)
- if(abs(K1-Tmp)<Eps) K1=K1+1
- Tmp<- Dotprod(R-P,V)/Kankaku
- K2<- floor(Tmp)
- if(abs(Tmp-K2)<Eps) K2=K2-1
- for (K in Looprange(K1,K2)){
- Tmp1<- Pointdata(P+K*Kankaku*V)
- ShaL<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Tmp1))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ShaLs<-list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(ShaL)))
- {
- Tmp<- ShaL[[I]]
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- ShaLs<- Mixjoin(ShaLs,Tmp1)
- }
- ShaL<- ShaLs
- return(ShaL)
-Dottedline<- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nall <- length(varargin)
- Nagasa <- 0.1
- Ookisa <- PenThick
- I <- Nall
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- while (mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1 ) {
- I <- I-1
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- }
- if(I==Nall-1) {
- Nagasa<-Nagasa*varargin[[Nall]]
- Nall <- Nall-1
- }
- if(I==Nall-2) {
- Nagasa <- Nagasa*varargin[[Nall-1]]
- Ookisa <- round(Ookisa*varargin[[Nall]])
- Nall <- Nall-2
- }
- Nagasa <- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Nagasa
- for (N in 1:Nall) {
- Pdata <- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Pdata)=="numeric") {
- Pdata <- list(Pdata)
- }
- for (II in 1:length(Pdata)) {
- Clist <- MakeCurves(Op(II,Pdata))
- DinM <- Dataindex(Clist)
- for (n in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))) {
- Tmp <- DinM[n,]
- Data <- Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Len <- 0
- Lenlist <- c(0)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nrow(Data))) {
- Len <- Len+Norm(Data[I,]-Data[I-1,])
- Lenlist <- c(Lenlist,Len)
- }
- Lenall <- Lenlist[length(Lenlist)]
- if(Lenall==0) {
- next
- }
- Naga <- Nagasa
- Nten <- round(Lenall/Naga)+1
- if(Nten > 1) {
- Seg <- Lenall/(Nten-1)
- }
- else {
- Seg <- Lenall
- }
- Eps <- 10^(-6)*Seg
- PPd<-c()
- Hajime <- 1
- for (I in Looprange(0,Nten-1)) {
- Len <- Seg*I
- if(I>0) {
- J <- Hajime
- while( Len>=Lenlist[J]+Eps) {
- J <- J+1
- }
- Hajime <- J-1
- }
- T <- (Len-Lenlist[Hajime])/
- (Lenlist[Hajime+1]-Lenlist[Hajime])
- P <- Data[Hajime,]+T*(Data[Hajime+1,]-Data[Hajime,])
- PPd<-Appendrow(PPd,P)
- if(I==Nten-1) {
- if(Norm(P-Data[1,])<Eps) {
- next
- }
- }
- }
- Str<-paste("\\special{pn ", as.character(Ookisa),"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(PPd))){
- P<- Op(I,PPd)
- if(Nrow(PPd)==1){
- V<- c(1,0)
- }
- else if(I==1){
- Tmp<- Op(I+1,PPd)-P
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- }
- else if(I==Nrow(PPd)){
- Tmp<- P-Op(I-1,PPd)
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Op(I+1,PPd)-P
- Tmp2<- P-Op(I-1,PPd)
- Tmp3<-1/Norm(Tmp1)*Tmp1+1/Norm(Tmp2)*Tmp2
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp3)*Tmp3
- }
- Tmp<- round(MilliIn*P[1]-1/2*Ookisa*V[1])
- X<- as.character(Tmp)
- Tmp<- -round(MilliIn*P[2]-1/2*Ookisa*V[2])
- Y<- as.character(Tmp)
- Str<-paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp<- round(MilliIn*P[1]+1/2*Ookisa*V[1])
- X<- as.character(Tmp)
- Tmp<- -round(MilliIn*P[2]+1/2*Ookisa*V[2])
- Y<- as.character(Tmp)
- Str<-paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("\\special{fp}",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- if(I%%2==0){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<-PenThick/PenThickInit
- Setpen(Tmp);
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nall<-length(varargin)
- Thick<-0
- Tmp<-varargin[[Nall]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Thick<-round(Tmp*PenThickInit)
- Str<-paste("\\special{pn ", as.character(Thick),"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Nall<-Nall-1
- }
- for (N in 1:Nall){
- Pdata<-varargin[[N]]
- if(length(Pdata)==0) next
- if(mode(Pdata)!="list") Pdata<-list(Pdata)
- while(Mixtype(Pdata)==3){ # 10.07.25
- Tmp1<- list()
- for(II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp1<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,Pdata[[II]])
- }
- Pdata<- Tmp1
- } # 10.07.25
- for (II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Clist<-MakeCurves(Pdata[[II]])
- DinM<-Dataindex(Clist)
- for (n in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))){
- Tmp<-DinM[n,]
- Data<-Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Mojisu<-0
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Data))){
- Tmp<-Data[I,]
- X<- sprintf("%5.0f",MilliIn*Tmp[1]) # 11.07.19
- Y<- sprintf("%5.0f",-MilliIn*Tmp[2]) # 11.07.19
- Str<-paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<-Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<-0
- }
- }
- if(Mojisu!=0){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- cat("\\special{fp}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- Str<-"%"
- if(Thick>0){
- Tmp<-PenThick/PenThickInit
- Setpen(Tmp)
- }
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(TenSize>TenSizeInit){
- N<- round(6*sqrt(TenSize/TenSizeInit))
- }
- else{
- N<-4
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Kosa<- 1; All<- Nargs
- }
- else{
- Kosa<- Tmp; All<- Nargs-1
- }
- }
- else if(mode(Tmp)=="list"){
- Kosa<- 1; All<- Nargs
- }
- CL<-c()
- for (J in 0:N){
- Tmp<- TenSize*0.5*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Tmp<- Tmp*c(cos(pi/4+J*2*pi/N),sin(pi/4+J*2*pi/N))
- CL<- append(CL,Tmp)
- }
- CL<- matrix(CL,nrow=2)
- CL<- t(CL)
- for (II in Looprange(1,All)){
- MS<- varargin[[II]]
- MS=Flattenlist(MS) #17.10.11
- if(mode(MS)=="numeric"){
- MS<- list(MS)
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(MS))){
- P<- MS[[I]]
- if(InWindow(P)!="i") next
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- PL<-c()
- for (J in 0:N){
- PL<- c(PL,P+CL[J+1,])
- }
- PL<-matrix(PL,nrow=2)
- PL<-t(PL)
- Mojisu<-0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
- Q<- PL[J,]
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*Q[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*Q[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("#\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- Mojisu=0
- }
- Str1<- paste("\\special{sh ",as.character(Kosa),"}",sep="")
- Str2<- "\\special{fp}%\n"
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- Tmp<-grep("arrow", ZIKU)
- if(length(Tmp)>0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- Drwline(Listplot(c(XMIN,GENTEN[2]),c(XMAX,GENTEN[2])))
- Drwline(Listplot(c(GENTEN[1],YMIN),c(GENTEN[1],YMAX)))
- }
-# 10.12.04
-Enclosing<- function(...)
- Eps=10^(-7) # Scilab 16.12.05
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(P)==2){
- Tmp<- Op(1,P)
- if(mode(Tmp)!="numeric" || length(Tmp)>1){
- AnsL<- EnclosingS(...)
- AnsL<- Joincrvs(AnsL) # 10.12.04
- }
- }
- Tmp1=Op(1,AnsL) # Scilab 16.12.05from
- Tmp2=Op(nrow(AnsL),AnsL)
- if(Norm(Tmp2-Tmp1)>Eps){
- AnsL=Appendrow(AnsL,Tmp1)
- }
- return(AnsL)
-EnclosingS<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- AnsL<- list()
- PdataL<- varargin[[1]]
- Nall<-length(PdataL)
- Eps<- 10^(-3)
- EEps<- 0.1
- S<- c()
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && Nrow(Tmp)==1 && length(Tmp)>1){
- S<- Tmp
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- if(Flg==0){
- Eps<- Tmp
- Flg=Flg+1
- }
- else{
- EEps<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- F<- Op(1,PdataL); G<- Op(Nall,PdataL)
- KL<- IntersectcrvsPp(F,G)
- if(length(KL)==1){
- Tmp<- Op(1,KL)
- P<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T1<- Op(2,Tmp)
- }
- if(length(KL)==0){
- if(Numptcrv(F)>Numptcrv(G)){
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(F,G)
- P<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T1=Op(2,Tmp)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(G,F)
- P<- Op(3,Tmp)
- T1<- Op(4,Tmp)
- }
- }
- if(length(KL)>=2){
- if(length(S)==0){
- return("No Start Point")
- }
- Tmp<- Op(1,KL)
- P<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T1<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Tmp<- Norm(P-S)
- for (I in Looprange(2,length(KL))){
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Op(I,KL))
- Tmp2<- Norm(Tmp1-S)
- if(Tmp2<Tmp){
- P<- Tmp1
- T1<- Op(2,Op(I,KL))
- Tmp<- Tmp2
- }
- }
- }
- S<- P
- AnsL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nall)){
- F<- Op(N,PdataL)
- if(N>1) P<- Q
- if(N==Nall){
- Q=S
- }
- else{
- Flg<- 0
- G<- Op(N+1,PdataL)
- KL<- IntersectcrvsPp(G,F)
- if(length(KL)==1){
- Tmp<- Op(1,KL)
- Q<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T3<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Flg<- 10
- }
- if(length(KL)==0) Flg<- 1
- if(length(KL)>=2){ # Maple bug?
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Op(1,KL))
- Tmp2<- Op(1,Op(2,KL))
- Tmp<- Norm(Tmp1-Tmp2)
- if(Tmp<Eps*10) Flg<- 1
- }
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Numptcrv(F)>Numptcrv(G)){
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(F,G)
- Q<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T3<- Op(4,Tmp)
- Flg<- 10
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(G,F)
- Q<- Op(3,Tmp)
- T3<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Flg<- 10
- }
- }
- if(Flg<10){
- T2<- Inf
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(KL))){
- Dt<- Op(I,KL)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Dt)
- Tmp<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp2<- Paramoncurve(Tmp1,Tmp,F)
- Tmp3<- Op(2,Dt)
- if(Tmp2>T1+Eps && Tmp2<T2-Eps){
- Q<- Tmp1
- T2<- Tmp2
- T3<- Tmp3
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Partcrv(P,Q,F)
- T1<- T3
- AnsL<- Mixjoin(AnsL,list(Tmp))
- }
- return(AnsL)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0)
- {
- Drwxy()
- }
- else
- {
- if(varargin[[1]]==1) Drwxy()
- }
- cat("\\end{picture}}%",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# MEMORI<<-MEMORINow*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Setunitlen("1cm")
-Execmd<- function(StrL)
- if(mode(StrL)=="character" && length(StrL)==1){
- StrL<- list(StrL)
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(StrL))){
- if(!,StrL)) && nchar(Op(I,StrL))>0){
- eval(parse(text=Op(I,StrL)))
- }
- }
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Irng<-c(seq(from=1,to=Nargs,by=3))
- for (I in Irng)
- {
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- P<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- X<-P[1]
- Y<-P[2]
- Houkou<-varargin[[I+1]]
- Mojiretu<-paste("$",varargin[[I+2]],"$",sep="")
- Hset<-Houkou
- Vhoko<-"c"
- if(length(grep("n",Hset))>0)
- {
- Vhoko<-"n"; Y<-Y+MEMORI
- }
- if(length(grep("s",Hset))>0)
- {
- Vhoko<-"s"; Y<-Y-MEMORI
- }
- Hhoko<-"c"
- if(length(grep("e",Hset))>0)
- {
- Hhoko<-"e"; X<-X+MEMORI
- }
- if(length(grep("w",Hset))>0)
- {
- Hhoko<-"w"; X<-X-MEMORI
- }
- Hoko<-paste(Vhoko,Hhoko,sep="")
- Suu<-"+-.0123456789"
- SuuL<-Suu
- J<-1; Dstr<-""
- while (J<=nchar(Houkou))
- {
- Tmp<-substring(Houkou,J,J)
- if(length(grep(Tmp,Suu))>0)
- {
- if(Dstr=="") Hk<-substring(Houkou,J-1,J-1)
- Dstr<-paste(Dstr,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- else
- {
- if(Dstr!="")
- {
- Nmbr<-as.numeric(Dstr)
- D<-Nmbr*MEMORI
- if(Hk=="n") Y<-Y+D
- if(Hk=="s") Y<-Y-D
- if(Hk=="e") X<-X+D
- if(Hk=="w") X<-X-D
- Dstr<-""
- }
- }
- J<-J+1
- }
- if(Dstr!="")
- {
- Nmbr<-as.numeric(Dstr)
- D<-Nmbr*MEMORI;
- if(Hk=="n") Y<-Y+D
- if(Hk=="s") Y<-Y-D
- if(Hk=="e") X<-X+D
- if(Hk=="w") X<-X-D
- }
- CalcWidth(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- CalcHeight(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- cat("\\put(",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- sprintf("%7.7f",X) # 11.07.19
- Tmp2<- sprintf("%7.7f",Y) # 11.07.19
- Str<-paste(Tmp1,",",Tmp2,sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp<-"){\\hspace*{\\Width}"
- Str<-paste(Tmp,"\\raisebox{\\Height}{",Mojiretu,"}}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-Exprrot<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- V<- varargin[[2]]; N<- 3
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- V<- Doscaling(V)
- Tmov<- 0
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmov<- Tmp; N<- N+1
- }
- Nmov<- 0
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Nmov<- Tmp; N<- N+1
- }
- Mojiretu<- paste("$",Assign(varargin[[N]]),"$",sep="") # 2017.11.26
- Tv<- 1/Norm(V)*V
- Nv<- c(-Tv[2],Tv[1])
- P<- P+MEMORI*Tmov*Tv+MEMORI*Nmov*Nv
- Tmp<- acos(V[1]/Norm(V))
- Theta<- round(Tmp*180/pi)
- if(V[2]>=0){
- Units<- ""
- }
- else{
- Units<- "units=-360,"
- }
- Tmp<- paste("\\rotatebox[",Units,"origin=c]{",as.character(Theta),sep="")
- Tmp<- paste(Tmp,"}{",Mojiretu,"}",sep="")
- Letter(P,"c",Tmp)
-Findcell<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- Ag<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Ag)=="character"){
- Clm<- c()
- Rstr<- ""
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ag))){
- C<- substr(Ag,I,I)
- C<- toupper(C)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Alpha,C)
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Tmp1<- nchar(Tmp[1])
- Clm<- c(Clm,Tmp1)
- }
- else{
- Rstr<- paste(Rstr,C,sep="")
- }
- }
- Nrg<- 0
- for (I in seq(length(Clm),1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- Clm[I]
- Tmp1<- length(Clm)-I
- Nrg<- Nrg+Tmp*26^Tmp1
- }
- Mrg<- eval(parse(text=Rstr))
- if(Nargs>=3){
- Ag<- varargin[[3]]
- Clm<- c()
- Rstr<- ""
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ag))){
- C<- substr(Ag,1,1)
- C<- toupper(C)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Alpha,C)
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Clm<- c(Clm,Tmp+1)
- }
- else{
- Rstr<- paste(Rstr,C,sep="")
- }
- }
- Nrg2<- 0
- for (I in seq(length(Clm),1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- Clm[I]
- Tmp1<- length[Clm]-I
- Nrg2<- Nrg2+Tmp*26^Tmp1
- }
- Nrg<- c(Nrg,Nrg2)
- Tmp=eval(parse(text=Rstr))
- Mrg<- c(Mrg,Tmp)
- }
- }
- else{
- Nrg<- varargin[[2]]
- Mrg<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- if(length(Mrg)==1){
- m1<- Mrg; m2<- m1+1
- }
- else{
- m1<- Mrg[1]; m2<- Mrg[2] # 10.12.12
- }
- if(length(Nrg)==1){
- n1<- Nrg; n2<- n1+1
- }
- else{
- n1<- Nrg[1]; n2<- Nrg[2]
- }
- n1<- n1+1; n2<- n2+1
- m1<- m1+1; m2<- m2+1
- Hind<- TbL[[2]]
- Vind<- TbL[[3]]
- Tmp<- TbL[[1]]
- HL<- Tmp[Hind]
- Tmp1<- Op(1,TbL[[4]])
- Tmp2<- Op(2,TbL[[4]])
- HL<- Mixjoin(list(Tmp1),HL,list(Tmp2))
- VL<- Tmp[Vind]
- Tmp1<- Op(1,TbL[[5]])
- Tmp2<- Op(2,TbL[[5]])
- VL<- Mixjoin(list(Tmp1),VL,list(Tmp2))
- Tmp<- TbL[[6]]
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(Ptsw(Tmp),Ptnw(Tmp)))
- Tmp2<- Listplot(c(Ptse(Tmp),Ptne(Tmp)))
- HL<- Mixjoin(list(Tmp1),HL,list(Tmp2))
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(Ptnw(Tmp),Ptne(Tmp)))
- Tmp2<- Listplot(c(Ptsw(Tmp),Ptse(Tmp)))
- VL<- Mixjoin(list(Tmp1),VL,list(Tmp2))
- Tmp<- HL[[n1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- H1<- Tmp[1,1]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- H1<- Tmp1[1,1]
- }
- Tmp<- HL[[n2]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- H2<- Tmp[1,1]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- H2<- Tmp1[1,1]
- }
- Tmp<- VL[[m1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- V1<- Tmp[1,2]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- V1<- Tmp1[1,2]
- }
- Tmp<- VL[[m2]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- V2<- Tmp[1,2]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- V2<- Tmp1[1,2]
- }
- Pt<- c((H1+H2)/2,(V1+V2)/2)
- High<- (V1-V2)/2
- Wide<- (H2-H1)/2
- Out<- list(Pt,Wide,High)
- return(Out)
-Flattenlist<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<- list()
- for(N in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- D<- varargin[[N]]
- if( || !is.list(D)){ # modify
- Out<- c(Out,list(D))
- }
- else{
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(D))){
- Ds<- D[[I]]
- Tmp<- Flattenlist(Ds)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Fontsize<- function(Ookisa)
- Str<- "%"
- S<- substr(Ookisa,1,1)
- if(S=="n"){
- Str<- "\\normalsize%"
- }
- if(S=="s"){
- if(nchar(Ookisa)==1){
- Tmp<- "n"
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- substr(Ookisa,2,2)
- }
- if(Tmp=="s"){
- Str<- "\\scriptsize%"
- }
- else{
- Str<- "\\small%"
- }
- }
- if(S=="f"){
- Str<- "\\footnotesize%"
- }
- if(S=="t"){
- Str<- "\\tiny%"
- }
- if(S=="l"){
- Str<- "\\large%"
- }
- if(S=="L"){
- if(nchar(Ookisa)==1){
- Tmp<- "a"
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- substr(Ookisa,2,2)
- }
- if(Tmp=="a"){
- Str<- "\\Large%"
- }
- else{
- Str<- "\\LARGE%"
- }
- }
- if(S=="h"){
- Str<- "\\huge%"
- }
- if(S=="H"){
- Str<- "\\Huge%"
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Fracform<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-10)
- Nmax<- 1/Eps
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- X<- varargin[[1]]
- Nr<- Nrow(X)
- X<- as.matrix(X,nrow=Nr)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)!="numeric"){
- next
- }
- if(Tmp>1){
- Nmax<- Tmp
- }
- else if(Tmp>0){
- Eps<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp<- rep("",length(X))
- Out<- matrix(Tmp,nrow=nrow(X))
- for (I in Looprange(1,nrow(X))){
- for (J in Looprange(1,ncol(X))){
- Dt<- X[I,J]
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Dt<- eval(parse(text=Dt))
- }
- R<- 1
- N<- 0
- Rmin<- R
- Nr<- N
- while (R>Eps && N<Nmax){
- N<- N+1
- M<- round(Dt*N)
- R<- abs(Dt-M/N)
- if(R<Rmin){
- Rmin<- R
- Nr<- N
- }
- }
- if(N==Nmax){
- N<- Nr
- M<- round(Dt*N)
- }
- Tmp<- as.character(M)
- if(N!=1){
- Tmp<- paste(Tmp,"/",as.character(N),sep="")
- }
- Out[I,J]<- Tmp
- }
- }
- if(nrow(Out)==1){
- Out<- as.character(Out)
- }
- return(Out)
-# 2011.12.17 ( list )
- varargin<- Flattenlist(list(...))
- N<-length(varargin)
- if(N<= 1){
- H<- 1.0*10^(-4);
- }
- else{
- Tmp<-varargin[[N]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1){
- Dy<-Tmp; Dx<-Dy
- Tmp<-varargin[[N-1]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1){
- Dx<-Tmp
- }
- Tmp<-varargin[[1]]
- X<-Tmp[1]; Y<-Tmp[2]
- X1<-X-Dx; X2<-X+Dx; Y1<-Y-Dy; Y2<-Y+Dy
- }
- else{
- Tmp<-varargin[[1]]
- X1<-Tmp[1]; X2<-Tmp[2]
- Tmp<-varargin[[2]]
- Y1<-Tmp[1]; Y2<-Tmp[2]
- }
- PA<-c(X1,Y1); PB<-c(X2,Y1)
- PC<-c(X2,Y2); PD<-c(X1,Y2)
- }
- Out<- Listplot(c(PA,PB,PC,PD,PA))
- return(Out)
-Hatchdata<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- ShaL<- list()
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Kakudo<- 45
- Kankaku<- 0.125*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xmn<- Tmp[1]; Ymn<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- Xmx<- Tmp[1]; Ymx<- Tmp[2]
- for (N in seq(Nargs,1, by=-1))
- {
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="list")
- {
- break
- }
- }
- if(N<Nargs)
- {
- Kakudo<- varargin[[N+1]]
- if(N==Nargs-2)
- {
- Kankaku<- 0.125*varargin[[Nargs]]
- }
- }
- NaitenL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(NaitenL)!="list")
- {
- NaitenL<- list(NaitenL)
- }
- Ns<- 2
- StartP<- Op(1,NaitenL)
- if(mode(StartP)=="character")
- {
- StartP<- c((Xmn+Xmx)/2, (Ymn+Ymx)/2)
- }
- if(mode(varargin[[2]])=="numeric")
- {
- StartP<- varargin[[2]]
- StartP<- Doscaling(StartP)
- Ns<- 3
- }
- Tmp<- list()
- for ( I in Looprange(Ns,N))
- {
- Tmp1<- list(varargin[[I]])
- Tmp2<- Mixjoin(Tmp, Tmp1)
- Tmp<- Tmp2
- }
- Bdy<- Kyoukai(Tmp)
- Bdys<-list()
- for (I in 1:length(Bdy))
- {
- Tmp1<- Bdy[[I]]
- Tmp2<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- Bdys<- Mixjoin(Bdys,list(Tmp2))
- }
- Bdy<- Bdys
- PtnL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(NaitenL)))
- {
- Tmp<- Op(I, NaitenL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric")
- {
- Tmp1<- Naigai(Tmp,Bdy)
- Tmp2<- Mixjoin(PtnL, list(Tmp1))
- PtnL<- Tmp2
- }
- else
- {
- if(mode(Tmp)!="character")
- {
- return("Mode Error")
- }
- Ptn<-c()
- for (J in 1:nchar(Tmp))
- {
- if(Op(J,Tmp)=="i")
- {
- Ptn<- c(Ptn,1)
- }
- else
- {
- Ptn<- c(Ptn,0)
- }
- }
- PtnL<- Mixjoin(PtnL, list(Ptn))
- }
- }
- Call<- length(Bdy)
- Ptn<- c(seq(0, 0, length=Call))
- if(Member(Ptn,PtnL))
- {
- Wn<- Doscaling(Framedata())
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Bdy,list(Wn))
- Bdy<- Tmp
- Tmp<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1, length(PtnL)))
- {
- Tmp1<- c(Op(I,PtnL),1)
- Tmp2<- Mixjoin(Tmp,list(Tmp1))
- Tmp<- Tmp2
- }
- PtnL<- Tmp
- }
- V<- c(cos(Kakudo*pi/180),sin(Kakudo*pi/180))
- Vm<- c(-sin(Kakudo*pi/180),cos(Kakudo*pi/180))
- Tmp<- Op(1,NaitenL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==2)
- {
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- Delta<- Tmp-StartP
- K<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- PA<- StartP+K*Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,PA,V,Bdy)
- I <- 1
- while (length(Sha)>0)
- {
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Sha))
- ShaL <- Tmp
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,PA+I*Kankaku*Vm,V,Bdy)
- I <- I+1
- }
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,PA-Kankaku*Vm,V,Bdy)
- I<- 2
- while (length(Sha)>0)
- {
- for (J in 1:length(Sha))
- {
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(ShaL,list(Sha[[J]]))
- ShaL<- Tmp
- }
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,PA-I*Kankaku*Vm,V,Bdy)
- I<- I+1
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Delta<- c(Xmn,Ymn)-StartP
- K1<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmx,Ymn)-StartP
- K2<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmx,Ymx)-StartP
- K3<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmn,Ymx)-StartP
- K4<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- IM<- max(K1,K2,K3,K4)
- Im<- min(K1,K2,K3,K4)
- for (I in Im:IM)
- {
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,StartP+I*Kankaku*Vm,V,Bdy)
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Sha)))
- {
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Sha[[J]]))
- ShaL<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- ShaLs<-list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(ShaL)))
- {
- Tmp<- ShaL[[I]]
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- Tmp2<- Mixjoin(ShaLs, list(Tmp1))
- ShaLs<- Tmp2
- }
- ShaL<- ShaLs
- return(ShaL)
-Htickmark<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ArgsL<- varargin
- if(mode(ArgsL[[1]])=="character"){
- Str<- ArgsL[[1]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"m")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- I<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- I<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"n")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- J<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- J<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"r")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- K=nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- K<- 0
- }
- if(K>0){
- S<- substr(Str,K+1,nchar(Str))
- R<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- R<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- R<- 1
- K<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- if(J>0){
- S<- substr(Str,J+1,K-1)
- Dn<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dn<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- Dn<- 1000
- J<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- S<- substr(Str,I+1,J-1)
- Dm<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dm<- 1
- }
- ArgsL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1, floor((XMAX-GENTEN[1])/Dm))){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(-1,ceiling((XMIN-GENTEN[1])/Dm),by=-1)){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- list()
- Memori<- list()
- for (N in 1:length(ArgsL)){
- Dt<- ArgsL[[N]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric" && length(Dt)>1){
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt[1],Dt[2])
- next
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Memori<- Mixjoin(Memori,Dt)
- }
- else{
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt,GENTEN[2])
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- for (N in 1:length(MemoriList)){
- Dt<- MemoriList[[N]]
- Ndt<- length(Dt)
- X=Op(1,Dt)
- Y=Op(2,Dt)
- Tmp<-Doscaling(c(X,Y))
- X<- Tmp[1]
- Y<- Tmp[2]
- Moji<- Op(Ndt,Dt)
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(c(X,Y+MARKLEN))
- Tmp2<- Unscaling(c(X,Y-MARKLEN))
- Fd<- Listplot(c(Tmp1,Tmp2))
- Drwline(Fd)
- if(Ndt==3){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X,Y-MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,"s",Moji)
- }
- if(Ndt==4){
- Houkou<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp<-grep("s",Houkou)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X,Y-MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(X,Y+MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-# 2013.08.07
-Integrate<- function(Fs,Vs, Intv){
- if(is.function(Fs)){
- Fn<- Fs
- }
- else{
- Str<- paste("Fn<- function(",Vs, ") ", Fs, sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- Tmp<- integrate(Fn, Intv[[1]], Intv[[2]])
- Out<- Tmp[[1]]
- return(Out)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Eps<-10^(-4)
- Tmp<-varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1)
- {
- Eps<-Tmp
- }
- G1<-varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(G1)=="numeric")
- {
- G1<-list(G1)
- }
- G2<-varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(G2)=="numeric")
- {
- G2<-list(G2)
- }
- PL<-list()
- for (N in 1:length(G1))
- {
- for (M in 1:length(G2))
- {
- KL<-IntersectcrvsPp(G1[[N]],G2[[M]],Eps)
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(KL)))
- {
- Tmp<-KL[[I]]
- P<-Tmp[1]
- PL<-append(PL,P)
- }
- }
- }
- return(PL)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- G1<-varargin[[1]]; G2<-varargin[[2]]
- Eps<- 10.0^(-4)
- if(Nargs>2) Eps<-varargin[[3]]
- SqEps<- 10.0^(-10)
- Eps2<- 0.1
- if(Nargs>3) Eps2<-varargin[[4]]
- Data1<-G1
- Data2<-G2
- if(Nrow(Data1)==Nrow(Data2))
- {
- Tmp<-seq(Nrow(Data2),1, by=-1)
- Tmp1<-Data2[Tmp,]
- Eps0<-10^(-6)
- Tmp2<-Norm(Data1-Data2)
- Tmp3<-Norm(Data1-Tmp1)
- if(Tmp2<Eps0||Tmp3<Eps0)
- {
- KL<-list()
- return(KL)
- }
- }
- KL1<-list()
- KL2<-list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Data1)-1))
- {
- A<-Data1[I,]
- B<-Data1[I+1,]
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Data2)-1))
- {
- P<-Data2[J,]; Q<-Data2[J+1,]
- Tmp<-Koutenseg(A,B,P,Q,Eps,Eps2)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="list")
- {
- if(Tmp[[3]]==0)
- {
- Tmp1<-list(Tmp[[1]],Tmp[[2]],I,J)
- KL1<-append(KL1,list(Tmp1))
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp2<-list(Tmp[[1]],Tmp[[2]],I,J)
- KL2<-append(KL2, list(Tmp2))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- KL<-list()
- if(length(KL1)>0)
- {
- Tmp<-KL1[[1]]
- P<-Tmp[[1]]
- T<-Tmp[[2]]
- I<-Tmp[[3]]
- J<-Tmp[[4]]
- Tmp<-list(P,I+T,J)
- KL<-list(Tmp)
- }
- for (N in Looprange(2,length(KL1)))
- {
- Tmp<-KL1[[N]]
- P<-Tmp[[1]]
- Flg<-0
- for (K in 1:length(KL))
- {
- if(1>length(KL)) break
- Tmp<-KL[[K]]
- if(Norm(P-Tmp[[1]])^2<SqEps)
- {
- Flg<-1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0)
- {
- Tmp<-KL1[[N]]
- T<-Tmp[[2]]
- I<-Tmp[[3]]
- J<-Tmp[[4]]
- Tmp<-list(P,I+T,J)
- KL<-append(KL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(KL2)))
- {
- Tmp<-KL2[[N]]
- P<-Tmp[[1]]
- Flg<-0
- for (K in Looprange(1,length(KL)))
- {
- Tmp<-KL[[K]]
- if(Norm(P-Tmp[[1]])^2<SqEps)
- {
- Flg<-1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0)
- {
- Tmp<-KL2[[N]]
- T<-Tmp[[2]]
- T<-min(max(T,0),1)
- I<-Tmp[[3]]
- J<-Tmp[[4]]
- Tmp<-list(P,I+T,J)
- KL<-append(KL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- return(KL)
-# 13.12.20 debugged
-Invdashline<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Nall<- Nargs; Sen<- 1 ; Gap<- 1
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nall]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1 && Tmp>0){ # 13.12.20
- Tmp1<- varargin[[Nall-1]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp1) && length(Tmp1)==1 && Tmp1>0){ # 13.12.20
- Sen<- Tmp1; Gap<- Tmp
- Nall<- Nall-2
- }
- else{
- Sen<- Tmp; Gap<- Sen
- Nall<- Nall-1
- }
- }
- Sen<- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Sen
- Gap<- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Gap
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nall)){
- Figdata<- varargin[[N]]
- Makehasen(Figdata,Sen,Gap,1)
- }
-Invert<- function(Pd)
- OutL=Pd[nrow(Pd):1,]
- return(OutL)
- Eps<-10.0^(-6);
- if((length(PA)==2)&(is.numeric(PA))){ # 17.11.20
- X<-PA[1]; Y<-PA[2];
- if(X>XMIN-Eps && X<XMAX+Eps && Y>YMIN-Eps && Y<YMAX+Eps)
- Rx<-"i"
- else
- Rx<-"o"
- return(Rx)
- }else{
- return("o")
- }
-Joincrvs<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nall<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nall]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Eps<- Tmp
- Nall<- Nall-1
- }
- QdL<- Flattenlist(varargin[1:Nall]) # 11.06.25
- if(length(QdL)==0){
- PtL<-c()
- return(PtL)
- }
- PtL<- Op(1,QdL)
- for (I in Looprange(2,length(QdL))){
- Qd<- Op(I,QdL)
- if(Numptcrv(Qd)<=1){next} # 11.06.25
- P<- Ptend(PtL)
- S<- Ptstart(PtL)
- Q<- Ptstart(Qd)
- R<- Ptend(Qd)
- MN<- min(Norm(P-Q),Norm(P-R),Norm(S-Q),Norm(S-R))
- if(MN==Norm(P-R)){
- Qd<- Invert(Qd)
- }
- else if(MN==Norm(S-Q)){
- PtL=Invert(PtL)
- }
- else if(MN==Norm(S-R)){
- PtL<- Invert(PtL)
- Qd<- Invert(Qd)
- }
- if(MN>Eps){
- PtL<- Appendrow(PtL,Qd)
- }
- else{
- if(is.null(nrow(Qd))){ Qd<- as.matrix(Qd,nrow=1)}
- PtL<- Appendrow(PtL,Qd[2:nrow(Qd),]) # 11.06.25
- }
- }
- return(PtL)
-# 2011.11.02
-Joingraphics<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Ls<- Flattenlist(varargin)
- N<- length(Ls)
- Tp<- Ls[[N]]
- Listflg<- 0
- if( is.character(Tp)){
- Tmp<- toupper(substr(Tp,1,1))
- if(Tmp=="L"){
- Listflg<- 1
- }
- N<- N-1
- Ls<- Ls[1:N]
- }
- if(Listflg==1){
- P<- Ls
- }
- else{
- P<- c()
- for (I in 1:N){
- Tmp<- Ls[[I]]
- P<- Appendrow(P,c(Inf,Inf))
- P<- Appendrow(P,Tmp)
- }
- P<- P[2:nrow(P),]
- }
- return(P)
-Kouten<- function(PA,V,P,Q)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- A1<- PA[1]; A2<- PA[2]
- V1<- V[1]; V2<- V[2]
- P1<- P[1]; P2<- P[2]
- U1<- Q[1]-P1; U2<- Q[2]-P2
- Tmp<- Norm(P-Q)*Norm(V)
- if(Tmp==0)
- {
- Out<- list(Inf,-Inf)
- return(Out)
- }
- D<- U1*V2-U2*V1
- if(abs(D)/Tmp<Eps)
- {
- Out<- list(Inf,-Inf)
- return(Out)
- }
- S<- ((-A2+P2)*V1+(A1-P1)*V2)/D
- if(S>1+Eps || S<Eps)
- {
- Out<-list(Inf,-Inf)
- return(Out)
- }
- T<- ((-A2+P2)*U1+(A1-P1)*U2)/D
- Tmp<- PA+T*V
- Out<- list(T,Tmp,sign(D))
- return(Out)
-KoutenList<- function(PA,V,Bdy)
- Eps<-10.0^(-6)
- TenL<-list()
- for (N in 1:length(Bdy))
- {
- KL<- Op(N,Bdy)
- for (K in Looprange(1, Nrow(KL)-1))
- {
- P<- Op(K,KL); Q<- Op(K+1,KL)
- if(P!="/" && Q!="/")
- {
- Tmp<- Kouten(PA,V,P,Q);
- if(Tmp[[1]]!=Inf)
- {
- Ten<- append(Tmp,N)
- Flg<- 0
- NN<- length(TenL)
- I<- 1
- while (Flg==0 && I<=NN)
- {
- Tmp<- Op(I,TenL)
- if(Op(1,Ten)<Op(1,Tmp)-Eps)
- {
- Tmp1<- TenL[Looprange(1,I-1)]
- Tmp2<- TenL[Looprange(I,length(TenL))]
- TenL<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,list(Ten),Tmp2)
- Flg<-1
- }
- else
- if(Op(1,Ten)<Op(1,Tmp)+Eps)
- {
- if(Op(4,Ten)!=Op(4,Tmp))
- {
- Tmp1<- TenL[Looprange(1,I-1)]
- Tmp2<- TenL[Looprange(I,length(TenL))]
- TenL<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,list(Ten),Tmp2)
- Flg<-1
- }
- else
- if(Op(3,Ten)!=Op(3,Tmp))
- {
- Tmp1<- TenL[Looprange(I,I-1)]
- Tmp2<- TenL[Looprange(I+1,length(TenL))]
- TenL<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- }
- Flg<- 1
- }
- I<- I+1
- }
- if(Flg==0)
- {
- TenL<- Mixjoin(TenL,list(Ten))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(TenL)
- #pointdata on AB at which AB intersects CD
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Eps0 <- 10^(-4)
- A<-varargin[[1]]; V<-varargin[[2]]-A
- Sv2 <- V[1]^2+V[2]^2
- if(Sv2<10^(-6))
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- P<-varargin[[3]]-A; Q<-varargin[[4]]-A
- Eps <- 10.0^(-3)
- if(Nargs>=5)
- {
- Eps<-varargin[[5]]
- }
- Eps2 <- 0.2
- if(Nargs>=6)
- {
- Eps2<-varargin[[6]]
- }
- Eps<-min(Eps2,Eps/sqrt(Sv2))
- P1<-(P[1]*V[1]+P[2]*V[2])/Sv2
- P2<-(-P[1]*V[2]+P[2]*V[1])/Sv2
- Q1<-(Q[1]*V[1]+Q[2]*V[2])/Sv2
- Q2<-(-Q[1]*V[2]+Q[2]*V[1])/Sv2
- m1 <- -Eps; M1 <- 1+Eps
- m2 <- -Eps; M2 <- Eps
- if(max(P1,Q1)<m1 || min(P1,Q1)>M1)
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- if(max(P2,Q2)<m2 || min(P2,Q2)>M2)
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P2*Q2<0)
- {
- T<- P1-(Q1-P1)/(Q2-P2)*P2
- if(T>m1 && T<M1)
- {
- if(T > -Eps0 && T<1+Eps0)
- {
- Tmp1<-A+T*V
- Tmp2<-min(max(T,0),1)
- Out<-list(Tmp1,Tmp2,0)
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp1<-A+T*V
- Tmp2<-min(max(T,0),1)
- Out<-list(Tmp1,Tmp2,1)
- }
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P1<m1 || P1>M1 || P2<m2 || P2>M2)
- {
- if(Q1<m1 || Q1>M1 || Q2<m2 || Q2>M2)
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- T<-min(max(Q1,0),1)
- Tmp=A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
- }
- T<-min(max(P1,0),1)
- Tmp<-A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P1> -Eps0 && P1<1+Eps0 && P2> -Eps0 && P2 < Eps0)
- {
- T<- P1
- Tmp<- A+T*V
- Out<- list(Tmp, T, 0)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(Q1> -Eps0 && Q1<1+Eps0 && Q2> -Eps0 && Q2<Eps0)
- {
- T<- Q1
- Tmp<-A+T*V
- Out<- list(Tmp,T,0)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P1<m1 || P1>M1 || P2<m2 || P2>M2)
- {
- if(Q1<m1 || Q1>M1 || Q2<m2 || Q2>M2)
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- T<-min(max(Q1,0),1)
- Tmp<-A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(Q1<m1 || Q1>M1 || Q2<m2 || Q2>M2)
- {
- T<-min(max(P1,0),1)
- Tmp<-A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(abs(P2)<abs(Q2))
- {
- T<-min(max(P1,0),1)
- }
- else
- {
- T<-min(max(Q1,0),1)
- }
- Tmp<A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
-Kukeiwake<- function(PL)
- Eps<-10.0^(-6)
- Tmp<-matrix(c(NW,SW,SE,NE,NW),nrow=2)
- Sikaku<- t(Tmp)
- Kt<- IntersectcrvsPp(PL,Sikaku)
- if(length(Kt)!=2)
- {
- print("not two points")
- return(c())
- }
- Tmp<- Op(1,Kt)
- Pt1<- Op(1,Tmp)
- N1<- trunc(Op(2,Tmp))
- M1<- Op(3,Tmp)
- Tmp<- Op(2,Kt)
- Pt2<- Op(1,Tmp)
- N2<- trunc(Op(2,Tmp))
- M2<- Op(3,Tmp)
- T1<- Paramoncurve(Pt1,M1,Sikaku) #18.02.06
- T2<- Paramoncurve(Pt2,M2,Sikaku)
- QL<c()
- if(Norm(Pt1-Op(N1+1,PL))>Eps)
- {
- QL<-Pt1
- }
- Tmp<-Appendrow(QL,PL[(N1+1):N2,])
- QL<- Tmp
- if(Norm(Pt2-Op(N2,PL))>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(QL,Pt2)
- QL<- Tmp
- }
- HidariL<- QL
- Ms<- M2+1; Me<- M1
- if(T1<T2+Eps) Me<- M1+4
- for (M in Looprange(Ms,Me))
- {
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(HidariL),HidariL)
- P<-Op(((M-1) %% 4)+1,Sikaku)
- if(Norm(Tmp-P)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Append(HidariL,P)
- HidariL<-Tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(HidariL),HidariL)
- if(Norm(Tmp-Pt1)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Append(HidariL,Pt1)
- HidariL<-Tmp
- }
- MigiL<- QL
- Ms<- M2; Me<- M1+1
- if(T1>T2-Eps) Me<- Me-4
- for (Mm in Looprange(Me,Ms))
- {
- M<- Me+Ms-Mm
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(MigiL),MigiL)
- P<- Op(((M-1) %% 4)+1,Sikaku)
- if(Norm(Tmp-P)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(MigiL,P)
- MigiL<-Tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(MigiL),MigiL)
- if(Norm(Tmp-Pt1)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(MigiL,Pt1)
- MigiL<-Tmp
- }
- Out<- list(HidariL,MigiL)
- return(Out)
-# 17.09.24 Eps
-Kyoukai<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps0<- 10^(-7)
- DataL<-list()
- for (I in 1:Nargs){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- DataL<- Mixjoin(DataL,list(list(Tmp)))
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="list"){
- if(mode(Tmp[[1]])!="list"){
- DataL<- Mixjoin(DataL, list(Tmp))
- }
- else{
- DataL<-Mixjoin(DataL,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- Eps<- 10.0^(-4) #17.09.24
- PLall<- list()
- Sflg<- 0
- N<- length(DataL)
- for (I in 1:N){
- Data<- Op(I, DataL)
- Tmp<- Op(length(Data),Data)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && Nrow(Tmp)==1 && length(Tmp)>1){
- Rg<-Tmp ; Nd<-length(Data)-1
- }
- else{
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Rg<- Tmp ; Nd<-length(Data)-1
- }
- else{
- Rg<- "c" ; Nd<-length(Data)
- }
- }
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nd)){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Data)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Rg<- Tmp
- next
- }
- Points<- Tmp
- P1<- Ptstart(Points)
- P2<- Ptend(Points)
- if(J==1){
- PL<- Points
- Pfirst<- P1
- Plast<- P2
- if(Nd>=2){
- Tmp<- Data[[2]]
- P<- Ptstart(Tmp)
- Q<- Ptend(Tmp)
- if(Norm(P2-P)>Eps && Norm(P2-Q)>Eps){
- Tmp< Nrow(PL)
- PL<-PL[Tmp:1,]
- Pfirst<- Ptstart(PL)
- Plast<- Ptend(PL)
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(P1-Plast)<Eps){
- Stp<-1; Ks<-2; Ke=Nrow(Points)
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(P2-Plast)<Eps) {
- Stp<- -1; Ks<-Nrow(Points)-1; Ke=1
- }
- else{
- Tmp<-Appendrow(PL,c(Inf,Inf),Points)
- PL<- Tmp
- Sflg<- 1
- Pfirst<- P1
- Plast<- P2
- Stp<- 1; Ks<- Nrow(Points)-1; Ke<- 1
- }
- }
- for (K in seq(Ks,Ke, by=Stp)){
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,Op(K,Points))
- PL<-Tmp
- }
- Plast<- Op(Ke,Points)
- }
- }
- if(Norm(Pfirst-Plast)>Eps){
- Np<- Nrow(PL)
- if(Rg=="c"){
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,Pfirst)
- PL<- Tmp
- }
- else if(Rg=="s"){
- Tmp<- c(PL[1:Np,2],YMIN)
- Y<- min(Tmp)-1
- P<- c(Plast[1],Y); Q<- c(Pfirst[1],Y)
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,P,Q,Pfirst)
- PL<- Tmp
- }
- else if(Rg=="n"){
- Tmp<- c(PL[1:Np,2],YMAX)
- Y<-max(Tmp)+1
- P<- c(Plast[1],Y); Q<- c(Pfirst[1],Y)
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,P,Q,Pfirst)
- PL<- Tmp
- }
- else if(Rg=="w"){
- Tmp<- c(PL[1:Np,1],XMIN)
- X<- min(Tmp)-1
- P<- c(X,Plast[2]); Q<- c(X,Pfirst[2])
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,P,Q,Pfirst)
- PL<- Tmp
- }
- else if(Rg=="e"){
- Tmp<- c(PL[1:Np,1],XMAX)
- X<- max(Tmp)+1
- P<- c(X,Plast[2]); Q<- c(X,Pfirst[2])
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,P,Q,Pfirst)
- PL<- Tmp
- }
- else if(mode(Rg)=="numeric" && Nrow(Rg)==1 && length(Rg)>1){
- Tmp<- Kukeiwake(PL)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Tmp)
- Tmp2<- Naigai(Rg,list(Tmp1))
- if(Tmp2==c(1)){
- PL<-Op(1,Tmp)
- }
- else{
- PL<- Op(2,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Ptstart(PL)
- for (J in 2:Nrow(PL)){
- P<- Op(J,PL)
- Q<- Op(Nrow(Tmp),Tmp)
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps){
- Tmp1<-Appendrow(Tmp,P)
- Tmp<-Tmp1
- }
- }
- PL<-Tmp
- PLall<-Mixjoin(PLall,list(PL))
- }
- if(length(PLall)==1 && Sflg==0){
- Tmp<- Op(1,PLall)
-# Tmp<- Op(1,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Ptstart(Tmp)-Ptend(Tmp))>Eps0){
- Tmp1<- Appendrow(Tmp,Ptstart(Tmp))
- PLall<- list(Tmp1)
- }
- }
- return(PLall)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Irng<-c(seq(from=1,to=Nargs,by=3))
- for (I in Irng)
- {
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- P<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- X<-P[1]
- Y<-P[2]
- Houkou<-varargin[[I+1]]
- Mojiretu<-varargin[[I+2]]
- Hset<-Houkou
- Vhoko<-"c"
- if(length(grep("n",Hset))>0)
- {
- Vhoko<-"n"; Y<-Y+MEMORI
- }
- if(length(grep("s",Hset))>0)
- {
- Vhoko<-"s"; Y<-Y-MEMORI
- }
- Hhoko<-"c"
- if(length(grep("e",Hset))>0)
- {
- Hhoko<-"e"; X<-X+MEMORI
- }
- if(length(grep("w",Hset))>0)
- {
- Hhoko<-"w"; X<-X-MEMORI
- }
- Hoko<-paste(Vhoko,Hhoko,sep="")
- Suu<-"+-.0123456789"
- SuuL<-Suu
- J<-1; Dstr<-""
- while (J<=nchar(Houkou))
- {
- Tmp<-substring(Houkou,J,J)
- if(length(grep(Tmp,SuuL))>0)
- {
- if(Dstr=="") Hk<-substring(Houkou,J-1,J-1)
- Dstr<-paste(Dstr,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- else
- {
- if(Dstr!="")
- {
- Nmbr<-as.numeric(Dstr)
- D<-Nmbr*MEMORI
- if(Hk=="n") Y<-Y+D
- if(Hk=="s") Y<-Y-D
- if(Hk=="e") X<-X+D
- if(Hk=="w") X<-X-D
- Dstr<-""
- }
- }
- J<-J+1
- }
- if(Dstr!="")
- {
- Nmbr<-as.numeric(Dstr)
- D<-Nmbr*MEMORI;
- if(Hk=="n") Y<-Y+D
- if(Hk=="s") Y<-Y-D
- if(Hk=="e") X<-X+D
- if(Hk=="w") X<-X-D
- }
- CalcWidth(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- CalcHeight(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- cat("\\put(",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- sprintf("%7.7f",X) # 11.07.19
- Tmp2<- sprintf("%7.7f",Y) # 11.07.19
- Str<-paste(Tmp1,",",Tmp2,sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp<-"){\\hspace*{\\Width}"
- Str<-paste(Tmp,"\\raisebox{\\Height}{",Mojiretu,"}}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-Letterrot<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- V<- varargin[[2]]; N<- 3
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- V<- Doscaling(V)
- Tmov<- 0
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmov<- Tmp; N<- N+1
- }
- Nmov<- 0
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Nmov<- Tmp; N<- N+1
- }
- Mojiretu<- Assign(varargin[[N]]) #2017.11.26
- Tv<- 1/Norm(V)*V
- Nv<- c(-Tv[2],Tv[1])
- P<- P+MEMORI*Tmov*Tv+MEMORI*Nmov*Nv
- Tmp<- acos(V[1]/Norm(V))
- Theta<- round(Tmp*180/pi)
- if(V[2]>=0){
- Units<- ""
- }
- else{
- Units<- "units=-360,"
- }
- Tmp<- paste("\\rotatebox[",Units,"origin=c]{",as.character(Theta),sep="")
- Tmp<- paste(Tmp,"}{",Mojiretu,"}",sep="")
- Letter(P,"c",Tmp)
-# 10.12.04
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- A<-varargin[[1]]
- if(is.numeric(A)) {
- Tmp<-length(A)
- if(Tmp>3) {
- B <- A[(Tmp/2+1):Tmp]
- A <- A[1:(Tmp/2)]
- Is <- 2
- }
- else {
- B<-varargin[[2]]
- Is <- 3
- }
- }
- else {
- B<-A[[2]]
- A<-A[[1]]
- Is <- 2
- }
- Mag <- 100 ; Semi <- "" ## 10.12.04
- for (I in Looprange(Is,Nargs)) {
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- switch ( mode(Tmp),
- "numeric"= Mag <- Tmp,
- "character"= Semi <- Tmp
- )
- }
-V<- Mag/Norm(B-A)*(B-A) ## 10.12.04 from here
- if(Semi=="") {
- Out<- Listplot(c(A-V,A+V))
- }
- else if(Semi=="+") {
- Out<- Listplot(c(A,A+V))
- }
- else {
- Out<- Listplot(c(A-V,A))
- } ## 10.12.04 to here
- return(Out)
- varargin<-list(...);
- Z<-c();
- for (I in 1:length(varargin))
- {
- Data<-varargin[[I]];
- if(mode(Data)=="numeric")
- {
- if(class(Data)=="numeric")
- {
- Tmp<-matrix(Data,nrow=2);
- Tmp<-t(Tmp);
- Z<-Appendrow(Z,Tmp)
- }
- else
- Z<-Appendrow(Z,Data)
- }
- else
- {
- for (J in 1:length(Data))
- {
- Tmp<-Data[[J]];
- Z<-Appendrow(Z,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- return(Z)
-MakeBowdata <- function(PA,PB,H)
- Eps <- 10^(-5)
- D <- 1/2*Norm(PB-PA)
- R <- (H^2+D^2)/(2*H)
- A1 <- PA[1]; A2<-PA[2]
- B1 <- PB[1]; B2<-PB[2]
- if(abs(A2-B2)>Eps){
-# x <- poly(0,"X")
-# y <- -(A1-B1)*x/(A2-B2)+(1/2)*(A1^2+A2^2-B1^2-B2^2)/(A2-B2)
-# Eq1 <- (A1-x)^2+(A2-y)^2-R^2
-# Tmp <- coeff(Eq1)
-# C0 <- Tmp[1]; C1<-Tm[2]; C2<-Tmp[3]
- C0<- A1^2+(A2-(1/2)*(A1^2+A2^2-B1^2-B2^2)/(A2-B2))^2-R^2
- C1<- -(A1+B1)*(A2^2+B2^2-2*A2*B2-2*A1*B1+A1^2+B1^2)/(A2-B2)^2
- C2<- 1+(A1-B1)^2/(A2-B2)^2
- Det <- sqrt(C1^2-4*C0*C2)
- Ansx1 <- (-C1+Det)/(2*C2)
- Ansx2 <- (-C1-Det)/(2*C2)
- Tmp <- -(A1-B1)*Ansx1/(A2-B2)+(1/2)*(A1^2+A2^2-B1^2-B2^2)/(A2-B2)
- PC <- c(Ansx1,Tmp)
- Tmp <--(A1-B1)*Ansx2/(A2-B2)+(1/2)*(A1^2+A2^2-B1^2-B2^2)/(A2-B2)
- PC2 <- c(Ansx2,Tmp)
- }
- else{
- Tmp <- 0.5*(PA+PB)
- PC <- Tmp+c(0,R-H) # 11.06.02
- PC2 <- Tmp-c(0,R-H)
- }
- VA <- PA-PC
- VB <- PB-PC
- if(VA[1]*VB[2]-VA[2]*VB[1]<0) {
- PC <- PC2
- }
- AngA <- acos((PA[1]-PC[1])/R)
- if(PA[2]-PC[2]<0){
- AngA <- -AngA
- }
- AngB <- acos((PB[1]-PC[1])/R)
- if(PB[2]-PC[2]<0){
- AngB <- -AngB
- }
- if(AngA>AngB) {
- AngB <- AngB+2*pi
- }
- Out <- list(PC,R,AngA,AngB)
- return(Out)
-MakeCurves<-function(...){ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<-list(...)
- Figdata<-varargin[[1]]
- if(class(Figdata)=="numeric"){
- Figdata<-matrix(Figdata,nrow=1)
- }
- Ptout<-1
- if(length(varargin)>=2) Ptout<-varargin[[2]]
- Eps<-10.0^(-6)
- IndM<-Dataindex(Figdata)
- Atos<-c()
- for (Nd in 1:Nrow(IndM)){
- Tmp<-IndM[Nd,]
- Motos<-Figdata[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- All<-Nrow(Motos)
- if(Nrow(Motos)==1){
- if(InWindow(Motos)=="o"){
- next
- }
- Tmp1<- as.numeric(Motos)
- if(Ptout==1){
- Drwpt(Tmp1)
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- Atos<-Appendrow(Atos,c(Inf,Inf),Tmp1)
- next
- }
- }
- Crv<-c()
- for (I in Looprange(2,All)){
- P<- Op(I-1,Motos)
- Q<- Op(I,Motos)
- Snbn<-MeetWindow(P,Q)
- if(length(Snbn)==0){
- if(length(Crv)>0){
- Atos<-Appendrow(Atos,c(Inf,Inf),Doscaling(Crv))
- Crv<-c()
- }
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(Snbn[1,]-Snbn[2,])<Eps){ next} # naosi 101202
- if(length(Crv)==0){
- Crv<-Snbn
- }
- else{
- Tmp<-Op(Nrow(Crv),Crv)
- if(Norm(Tmp-Op(1,Snbn))<Eps){
- Crv<-Appendrow(Crv,Op(2,Snbn))
- }
- else{
- Atos<-Appendrow(Atos,c(Inf,Inf),Doscaling(Crv))
- Crv<-Snbn
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Nrow(Crv)>=2)
- {
- Atos<-Appendrow(Atos,c(Inf,Inf),Doscaling(Crv))
- }
- }
- Outdata<-Atos[2:Nrow(Atos),]
- if(class(Outdata)=="numeric")
- {
- Outdata<-matrix(Outdata,nrow=1)
- }
- return(Outdata)
-Makehasen<- function(Figdata,Sen,Gap,Ptn)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- Clist<- MakeCurves(Figdata)
- DinM<- Dataindex(Clist)
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))){
- Tmp<- DinM[N,]
- Data<- Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Dtall<- Nrow(Data)
- Len<- 0
- Lenlist<- c(0)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Dtall)){
- Len<- Len+Norm(Data[I,]-Data[I-1,])
- Lenlist<- c(Lenlist,Len)
- }
- Lenall<- Lenlist[Dtall]
- if(Lenall==0){
- next
- }
- Kari<- (Sen+Gap)*0.1
- Naga<- Sen*0.1
- Tobi<- Gap*0.1
- if(Norm(Data[1,]-Data[Dtall,])<Eps){
- Nsen<- max(ceiling(Lenall/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall/Nsen
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(0,(Nsen-1)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- else{
- if(Ptn==0){
- Nsen<- max(ceiling((Lenall+Tobi)/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall*(Sen+Gap)/(Nsen*Sen+(Nsen-1)*Gap)
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(0,(Nsen-1)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- else{
- Nsen<- max(ceiling((Lenall+Naga)/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall*(Sen+Gap)/((Nsen-1)*Sen+Nsen*Gap)
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(Tobi,Tobi+(Nsen-2)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- }
- Hajime<- 1; Owari<- 1
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(SegList))){
- Len<- SegList[I]
- J<- Owari
- while (Len>=Lenlist[J]-Eps){
- if(J==Dtall){
- break
- }
- J<- J+1
- }
- Hajime<- J-1
- J<- Hajime
- while (Len+Naga>Lenlist[J]-Eps){
- if(J==Dtall){
- break
- }
- J<- J+1
- }
- Owari<- J-1
- T<- (Len-Lenlist[Hajime])
- T<- T/(Lenlist[Hajime+1]-Lenlist[Hajime])
- P<- Data[Hajime,]+T*(Data[Hajime+1,]-Data[Hajime,])
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- for (J in Looprange(Hajime+1,Owari)){
- P<- Data[J,]
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- }
- T<- (Len+Naga-Lenlist[Owari])
- T<- T/(Lenlist[Owari+1]-Lenlist[Owari])
- P<- Data[Owari,]+T*(Data[Owari+1,]-Data[Owari,])
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str1<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- Str2<- "\\special{fp}"
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str1)+nchar(Str2)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- }
- cat("%\n%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
-Makeliststr<- function(L)
- Out="list("
- for (I in 1:length(L)){
- Dt<- L[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric"){
- if(length(Dt)==1){
- Dts<- as.character(Dt)
- }
- else{
- Dts<- "c("
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Dt))){
- for (K in 1:ncol(Dt)){
- Dts<- paste(Dts,as.character(Dt[J,K]),sep="")
- if(K< ncol(Dt)){
- Dts<- paste(Dts,",",sep="")
- }
- }
- if(J<Nrow(Dt)){
- Dts<- paste(Dts,";",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Dts<- paste(Dts,")",sep="")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Dts<- paste(Prime(),Dt,Prime(),sep="")
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="list"){
- Dts<- Makeliststr(Dt)
- }
- Out<- paste(Out,Dts,sep="")
- if(I<length(L)){
- Out<- paste(Out,",")
- }
- else{
- Out<- paste(Out,")",sep="")
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Makeshasen<- function(PtnL,PA,V,Bdy)
- Eps<- 10^(-6)
- TenL<- KoutenList(PA,V,Bdy)
- Nten<- length(TenL)
- Call<- length(Bdy)
- Ptn<- c(seq(0, 0, length=Call))
- Out<- list()
- GL<- c()
- Te<- -10^6
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nten-1)){
- TenP<- Op(I,TenL); TenQ<- Op(I+1,TenL)
- Ts<- Op(1,TenP)
- P<- Op(2,TenP); Q<- Op(2,TenQ)
- NC<- Op(4,TenP)
- Tmp<- (Op(NC,Ptn)+1) %% 2
- Ptn[NC]<- Tmp
- if(Op(1,TenQ)-Ts>Eps){
- if(Member(Ptn,PtnL)){
- if(abs(Te-Ts)>Eps){
- if(Nrow(GL)>0){
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Out, list(GL))
- Out<- Tmp
- }
- GL<- Listplot(P,Q)
- }
- else{
- Tmp <- Appendrow(GL, Q)
- GL<- Tmp
- }
- Te<- Op(1,TenQ)
- }
- }
- }
- if(Nrow(GL)>0){
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Out, list(GL))
- Out<- Tmp
- }
- return(Out)
-Mawarikomi<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- haba<- "10cm"
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs>0){
- haba<- varargin[[1]]
- }
- cat("\\begin{mawarikomi}%\n",file="",append=TRUE)
- cat("%<1>[5](0,0)%\n",file="",append=TRUE)
- Str<- paste("{",haba,"}{%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file="",append=TRUE)
- cat("}%\n",file="",append=TRUE)
- cat("\\end{mawarikomi}",file="",append=TRUE)
- if(InWindow(PA)=="i" && InWindow(PB)=="i")
- {
- R<-Appendrow(PA,PB)
- return(R)
- };
- Horner<-function(n,t)
- {
- PT<-(1-t)*PA+t*PB;
- return(PT[n])
- }
- Eps<-10.0^(-6);
- Txm<-(-1); TxM<-(-1); Tym<-(-1); TyM<-(-1);
- if(PA[1]!=PB[1])
- {
- Txm<-(XMIN-PA[1])/(PB[1]-PA[1]);
- TxM<-(XMAX-PA[1])/(PB[1]-PA[1]);
- }
- if(PA[2]!=PB[2])
- {
- Tym<-(YMIN-PA[2])/(PB[2]-PA[2]);
- TyM<-(YMAX-PA[2])/(PB[2]-PA[2]);
- }
- Tmp<-Horner(2,Txm);
- if(Tmp<YMIN-Eps || Tmp>YMAX+Eps)
- {
- Txm<-(-1);
- }
- Tmp<-Horner(2,TxM);
- if(Tmp<YMIN-Eps || Tmp>YMAX+Eps)
- {
- TxM<-(-1)
- }
- Tmp<-Horner(1,Tym);
- if(Tmp<XMIN-Eps || Tmp>XMAX+Eps)
- {
- Tym<--1
- }
- Tmp<-Horner(1,TyM);
- if(Tmp<XMIN-Eps || Tmp>XMAX+Eps)
- {
- TyM<--1
- }
- Tans<-sort(c(Txm,TxM,Tym,TyM));
- Tmp<-c();
- for (I in 1:length(Tans))
- {
- Tmp1<-Tans[I];
- if(Tmp1>-Eps && Tmp1<1+Eps)
- {
- if(length(Tmp)==0)
- {
- Tmp<-c(Tmp1);
- }
- else
- {
- if(abs(Tmp[length(Tmp)]-Tmp1)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-c(Tmp,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tans<-Tmp;
- if(length(Tans)==0)
- {
- R<-c();
- return(R);
- }
- if(length(Tans)==1)
- {
- Ten1<-Horner(1:2,Tans[1]);
- if(InWindow(PA)=="i")
- {
- R<-Appendrow(PA,Ten1)
- return(R)
- }
- else
- {
- R<-Appendrow(Ten1,PB)
- return(R)
- }
- }
- Ten1<-Horner(1:2,Tans[1])
- Ten2<-Horner(1:2,Tans[2])
- R<-Appendrow(Ten1,Ten2)
- return(R)
-# New 10.03.21
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- M<- list()
- for (I in 1:Nargs)
- {
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- if(length(Tmp)==0) next
- if(Mixtype(Tmp)==1)
- {
- Tmp<-list(Tmp)
- }
- if(length(M)==0){
- M <- Tmp
- }
- else{
- M<- c(M,Tmp)
- }
- }
- return(M)
-Mixlength<- function(PL){
- if(length(PL)==0){
- return(0)
- }
- if(Mixtype(PL)==1){
- Out<- Nrow(PL)
- }
- else{
- Out<- length(PL)
- }
- return(Out)
-Mixtype<- function(D)
- if(mode(D)!="list") return(1)
- for (I in 1:length(D))
- {
- Tmp<- D[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="list") return(3)
- }
- return(2)
-Naigai<- function(A,Bdy)
- V<- c(1,1)
- Call<-length(Bdy)
- KL<- KoutenList(A,V,Bdy)
- Ptn<- seq(1,1,length=Call)
- for (K in Looprange(1,length(KL)))
- {
- Ten<- Op(K,KL)
- T<- Op(1,Ten); NC<- Op(4,Ten)
- if(T<0)
- {
- Tmp<- (Ptn[NC]+1) %% 2
- Ptn[NC]<- Tmp
- }
- }
- return(Ptn)
-Nearestpt<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- PL1<- varargin[[1]]
- if(!is.matrix(PL1)){
- Tmp<- matrix(PL1);
- PL1<- t(Tmp)
- }
- if(Nrow(PL1)==1) Flg=0
- else Flg=1
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- PL<- varargin[[2]]
- Ans<- list(PL1[1,],1,PL[1,],1,Norm(PL1[1,]-PL[1,]))
- for(N in Looprange(1,Nrow(PL1))){
- PA<- PL1[N,]
- Pm<- PL[1,]
- Im<- 1
- Sm<- Norm(Pm-PA)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Nrow(PL)-1)){
- A1<- PL[I,1]; A2<-PL[I,2]
- B1<- PL[I+1,1]; B2<-PL[I+1,2]
- V1<- B1-A1; V2<-B2-A2
- X1<- PA[1]; X2<-PA[2]
- Tmp<-V2^2+V1^2
- if(abs(Tmp)<Eps) next
- T<- (-A2*V2-V1*A1+V1*X1+X2*V2)/Tmp
- if(T< -Eps){
- P<- c(A1,A2)
- }else{
- if(T>1+Eps){
- P<- c(B1,B2)
- }else{
- P<- c(A1+T*V1,A2+T*V2)
- }
- }
- S<- Norm(P-PA)
- if(S<Sm-Eps){
- Tmp<- Paramoncurve(P,I,PL)
- Pm<- P; Im<- Tmp; Sm<- S
- }
- }
- if(Sm<Op(5,Ans)) Ans<- list(PA,N,Pm,Im,Sm)
- if(Flg==0){
- Ans<- Ans[3:5]
- }
- }
- return(Ans)
-Newlength<- function()
- Tmp1<- "\\newlength{\\Width}%\n"
- Tmp2<- "\\newlength{\\Height}%\n"
- Tmp3<- "\\newlength{\\Depth}%\n"
- cat(Tmp1,file="",append=TRUE);
- cat(Tmp2,file="",append=TRUE);
- cat(Tmp3,file="",append=TRUE);
- return(Nrow(Fig))
-# 2018.01.29
-Length<- function(Data){
- if(is.matrix(Data)){return(nrow(Data))}
- if(is.character(Data)){return(nchar(Data))}
- return(length(Data))
- C <- c()
- if(length(Data)==0) return(C)
- if(mode(Data)=="list"){
- if(class(Data)=="data.frame"){ # 10.02.23
- C<- Data[N,]
- }
- else{
- C<- Data[[N]]
- }
- return(C)
- }
- if(mode(Data)=="character"){
- if(length(Data)==1){
- C<- substring(Data,N,N)
- }
- else{
- C<- Data[N]
- }
- return(C)
- }
- if(mode(Data)=="numeric"){
- if(class(Data)=="matrix"){
- Din<- Dataindex(Data)
- if(nrow(Din)==1){
- C<- Data[N,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Din[N,1]
- Tmp2<- Din[N,2]
- C<- Data[Tmp1:Tmp2,]
- }
- }
- else{
- C=Data[N]
- }
- }
- return(C)
-# 2013.05.20 Changed ( Creator recorded)
-# 2013.12.18 Beginpicture inclued
- varargin<- list(...)
- File<- varargin[[1]]
- Bflg<- 0
- Wfile<<- File
- Creator<- ""
- Cflg<- 0
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- for(N in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- Tmp1<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- Tmp1[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp1)>1){
- Creator<- Tmp1[2]
- Cflg<- 1
- }
- else{
- Unitstr<- Tmp
- Bflg<- 1
- }
- }
- Recentf<- ""
- Fv<- list.files()
- Nv<- grep("\\.r$", Fv)
- Rfiles<- Fv[Nv]
- StrW<- paste("%%% ",File,sep="") #17.10.28
- StrC<- paste("%%% Generator=",Creator,sep="")
- if(Cflg==0){
- }
- cat(StrW,"\n",file=Wfile)
- cat(StrC,"\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- if(Bflg==1){
- Beginpicture(Unitstr)
- }
-Openpar<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- Tmp1<- substr(Tmp,1,1)
- if(Tmp1=="\\"){
- Namestr<- Tmp
- N<- 2
- }
- else{
- Namestr<- "\\tmp"
- N<- 1
- }
- Habastr<- varargin[[N]]
- if(Nargs>N){
- Posstr<- paste("[",varargin[[N+1]],"]",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Posstr<- "[c]"
- }
- Openphr(Namestr)
- S<- paste("\\begin{minipage}",Posstr,"{",Habastr,"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(S,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Openphr<- function(Str)
- S<- paste("\\def",Str,"{%\n",sep="")
- cat(S,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Ovalbox<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Pos<- varargin[[1]]
- Dr<- varargin[[2]]
- StrV<- varargin[[3]]
- R<- 0.2
- NDflg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- R<- Tmp
- }
- else{
- if(substr(Tmp,1,1)=="-"){
- NDflg<- 1
- Tmp1<- substr(Tmp,2,nchar(Tmp))
- Cmdstr<- chartr("*","G",Tmp1)
- }
- }
- }
- Xr<- c(XMIN,XMAX)
- Yr<- c(YMIN,YMAX)
- Uv<- 0.6; Uh<- 0.8
- N<- nchar(StrV)
- W<- Uh;H<- Uv*N
- Setwindow(c(-W/2,W/2),c(-H,0))
- G<- Ovaldata(c(0,-H/2),W/2,H/2,R)
- Openphr("\\ketpictmp")
- Beginpicture("1cm")
- if(NDflg==0){
- Drwline(G)
- }
- else{
- eval(parse(text=Cmdstr))
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,N)){
- Letter(c(0,Uv/2-Uv*I),"c",Op(I,StrV))
- }
- Endpicture(0)
- Closephr()
- Setwindow(Xr,Yr)
- Letter(Pos,Dr,"\\ketpictmp")
-Ovaldata<- function(...) #17.09.11
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==1){
- Eps<- 1.0*10^(-4)
- C<- c((XMIN+XMAX)/2,(YMIN+YMAX)/2)
- Dx<- XMAX-C(1)-Eps
- Dy<- YMAX-C(2)-Eps
- N<- 1
- }
- else{
- C<- varargin[[1]]
- Dx<- varargin[[2]]
- Dy<- varargin[[3]]
- N<- 4
- }
- Rc<- 0.2
- if(N<=Nargs){ #15.11.15
- Rc<- varargin[[N]]*Rc #15.11.15
- }
- Out<- c()
- P<- C+c(Dx-Rc,Dy-Rc)
- Tmp1<- Circledata(c(P,Rc),"R=c(0,pi/2)","N=10") #17.11.29
- Tmp2<- Listplot(C+c(Dx-Rc,Dy),C+c(0,Dy))
- Tmp3<- Listplot(C+c(Dx,0),C+c(Dx,Dy-Rc))
- G<- Joincrvs(Tmp3,Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- Reflectdata(G,c(C,C+c(0,1)))
- G<- Joincrvs(G,Tmp)
- Tmp<- Reflectdata(G,c(C,C+c(1,0)))
- Out<- Joincrvs(G,Tmp)
-Paramark<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- PA<- varargin[[1]]
- PB<- varargin[[2]]
- PC<- varargin[[3]]
- R<- 0.5
- if(Nargs>=4){
- R<- varargin[[4]]*R
- }
- U<- R*(PA-PB)/Norm(PA-PB)
- V<- R*(PC-PB)/Norm(PC-PB)
- if(Crossprod(PA-PB,PC-PB)!=0){
- P<- Listplot(c(PB+U,PB+U+V,PB+V))
- }
- else{
- P<- c()
- }
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Eps<-10^(-8)
- P<-varargin[[1]]
- Gdata<-varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(Nrow(P)>1){
- Tmp<-P; P<-Gdata; Gdata<-Tmp
- }
- if(Nargs==2){
- Tmp<-Nearestpt(P,Gdata)
- Out<-Tmp[[2]]
- return(Out)
- }
- N<-varargin[[2]]
- PtL<-Gdata
- N=min(N,Length(PtL)-1) #18.02.11from
- Pa<-Ptcrv(N,PtL)
- Pb<-Ptcrv(N+1,PtL)
- V<-Pb-Pa
- W<-P-Pa
- D2<-Norm(V)^2
- if(D2<Eps) return(0)
- S<-Dotprod(V,W)/D2
- S<-min(max(S,0),1)
- Out=N+S #18.02.11upto
- return(Out)
-Paramplot<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-5)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fnflg<- 0
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]; Is=2
- Rgstr<- varargin[[Is]]; Is<- Is+1
- Range<- c(0,2*pi)
- N<- 50 # Numpoints
- E<-c() # Exclusions
- D<- Inf # Discont
- for (I in Looprange(Is,Nargs))
- {
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Tmp,"=")
- K<- Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp<- K[1]
- Lhs<- substring(Tmp,1,1)
- Tmp1<- K[2]
- Str<-paste(Lhs,"=",Tmp1,sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Rgstr,"=")
- K<-Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(K)>1)
- {
- Vname<- K[1]
- Tmp1<- K[2]
- Rng<- eval(parse(text=Tmp1))
- }
- else
- {
- Vname<- Rgstr
- Rng<- c(0,2*pi)
- }
- T1<- Rng[1]; T2<- Rng[2]
- Dt<- (T2-T1)/N #17.09.22
- if(Fnflg==0)
- {
- Str<- gsub(Vname,"t",Fnstr)
- }
- if(abs(Dt)<Eps){ # 16.12.13
- t=T1
- P=eval(parse(text=Str))
- return(P)
- }
- P<-c()
- if(length(E)>0)
- {
- E<-sort(E)
- E<E[length(E):1]
- }
- E<- c(E, Inf)
- Tmp<- sort(E)
- E<- E[length(Tmp):1]
- Ke<- 1
-# for (t in seq(T1, T2+Eps, by=Dt)){#18.02.05
- for(jj in 1:(N+1)){
- t=T1+(jj-1)*Dt
- Pa<- c()
- if(t-E[Ke]< Eps)
- {
- if(Fnflg==0)
- {
- Tmp<-eval(parse(text=Str))
- Pa<- Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- if(abs(t-E[Ke])<=Eps)
- {
- if(Nrow(P)>0 && Op(Nrow(P),P)!=c(Inf,Inf))
- {
- Pa<- c(Inf,Inf)
- }
- }
- if(t-E[Ke]>Eps)
- {
- if(Fnflg==0)
- {
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- Pa<- Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- }
- Ke<-Ke+1
- }
- if(length(Pa)>0)
- {
- if(Pa[1]==Inf)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- if(Nrow(P)==0)
- {
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(P),P)
- if(Tmp[1]==Inf)
- {
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<- Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- if(Norm(Tmp-Pa)<D)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,c(Inf,Inf),Pa)
- P<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Nrow(P)
- Tmp1<- Op(Tmp,P)
- if(Tmp1[1]==Inf)
- {
- P<- P[1:(Tmp-1),]
- }
- return(P)
-Partcrv<- function(A,B,PkL)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-3)
- if(mode(A)=="numeric" && length(A)==1){
- if(A>B+Eps){
- Npt<- Numptcrv(PkL)
- Out1<- Partcrv(A,Npt,PkL)
- Out2<- Partcrv(1,B,PkL)
- Tmp<- Ptstart(PkL)-Ptend(PkL)
- if(Norm(Tmp)<Eps){
- Ans<- Joincrvs(Out1,Out2)
- }
- else{
- Ans<- list(Out1,Out2)
- }
- return(Ans)
- }
- Is<- ceiling(A)
- Ie<- floor(B)
- PL<- c()
- if(A<Is-Eps){
- P<- (Is-A)*PkL[Is-1,]+(1-Is+A)*PkL[Is,]
- PL<- c(P)
- }
- PL<- Appendrow(PL, PkL[Looprange(Is,Ie),])
- if(B>Ie+Eps){
- P<- (1-B+Ie)*PkL[Ie,]+(B-Ie)*PkL[Ie+1,]
- PL<- Appendrow(PL,P)
- }
- Ans<- PL
- return(Ans)
- }
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(A,PkL)
- Ta<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(B,PkL)
- Tb<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Ans<- Partcrv(Ta,Tb,PkL)
-# 13.05.03
-Partframe<- function(Tb,St,Ed)
- G<- Dividetable(Tb)
- Gw<- G[[1]]
- Gt<- G[[2]]
- Gy<- G[[3]]
- Gwt<- Tb[[4]]
- Gwy<- Tb[[5]]
- Gat<- c(list(Gwt[[1]]),Gt,list(Gwt[[2]]))
- Gay<- c(list(Gwy[[1]]),Gy,list(Gwy[[2]]))
- Tmp1<- Ptstart(Gat[[St[1]]])
- Tmp2<- Ptstart(Gay[[St[2]]])
- Ps<- c(Tmp1[1],Tmp2[2])
- Tmp1<- Ptstart(Gat[[Ed[1]]])
- Tmp2<- Ptstart(Gay[[Ed[2]]])
- Pe<- c(Tmp1[1],Tmp2[2])
- Pars<- Paramoncurve(Ps,Gw)
- Pare<- Paramoncurve(Pe,Gw)
- if(Pars<Pare){
- Out<- Partcrv(Pars,Pare,Gw)
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Partcrv(Pars,Numptcrv(Gw),Gw)
- Tmp2<- Partcrv(1,Pare,Gw)
- Out<- Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- }
-# 10.12.04
-Plotdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-5)
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]; Is<- 2
- Fnflg<- 0
- Rgstr<- varargin[[Is]]; Is<- Is+1
- Tmp<- strsplit(Rgstr,"=")
- K<-Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(K)>1){
- Vname<- K[1]
- Tmp1<- K[2]
- Rng<- eval(parse(text=Tmp1))
- }
- else{
- Vname<- Rgstr
- Rng<- c(XMIN,XMAX)
- }
- N<- 50 # Numpoints
- E<-c() # Exclusions
- Exfun<- "" # Exclusion function
- D<- Inf # Discont
- for (I in Looprange(Is,length(varargin))){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- Lhs<- substring(Tmp,1,1)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Tmp,"=")
- K<- Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp1<- K[2]
- Tmp2<- grep(Vname,Tmp1,fixed=TRUE) ## 10.12.04
- if(length(Tmp2)==0){
- Str<-paste(Lhs,"=",Tmp1,sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- else{
- Exfun<-Tmp1
- }
- }
- X1<- Rng[1]; X2<- Rng[2]
- dx<- (X2-X1)/N # 17.09.22
- if(Fnflg==0){
- Str<- gsub(Vname,"x",Fnstr,fixed=TRUE)
- }
- if(abs(dx)<Eps){ # Scilab 16.12.13
- x=X1
- P=c(X1,eval(parse(text=Str)))
- return(P)
- }
- Exfun<- gsub(Vname,"x",Exfun,fixed=TRUE)
- P<-c()
- if(length(E)>0){
- E<-sort(E)
- E<E[length(E):1]
- }
- E<- c(E, Inf)
- Tmp<- sort(E)
- E<- E[length(Tmp):1]
- Ke<- 1
- for (x in seq(X1,X2,by=dx)){
- if(nchar(Exfun)>0){
- Tmp<-eval(parse(text=Exfun))
- if(abs(Tmp)<Eps){
- P<- Appendrow(P,c(Inf,inf))
- next
- }
- }
- Pa<- c()
- if(x-E[Ke]< -Eps){ ## 10.12.04
- Tmp<-eval(parse(text=Str))
- Pa<- c(x,Tmp)
- }
- if(abs(x-E[Ke])<=Eps){
- if(Nrow(P)>0 && P[Nrow(P),]!=c(Inf,Inf)){
- Pa<- c(Inf,Inf)
- }
- }
- if(x-E[Ke]>Eps){
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- Pa<- c(x,Tmp)
- Ke<-Ke+1
- }
- if(length(Pa)>0){
- if(Pa[1]==Inf){
- Tmp<-Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else{
- if(Nrow(P)==0){
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- P[Nrow(P),]
- if(Tmp[1]==Inf){
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<- Tmp
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(Tmp-Pa)<D){
- Tmp<-Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,c(Inf,Inf),Pa)
- P<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Nrow(P)
- Tmp1<-P[Tmp,]
- if(Tmp1[1]==Inf)
- {
- P<- P[1:(Tmp-1),]
- }
- return(P)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Eps<-10^(-4)
- T<-varargin[[1]]
- Gdata<-varargin[[2]]
- if(Nrow(T)>1)
- {
- Tmp<-T; T<-Gdata; Gdata<-Tmp
- }
- PtL<-Gdata
- N<-trunc(T+Eps);
- S<-max(T-N,0);
- if(N==Nrow(PtL))
- {
- Out<-PtL[N,]
- }
- else
- {
- Pa<-PtL[N,]
- Pb<-PtL[N+1,]
- Out<-(1-S)*Pa+S*Pb
- }
- return(Out)
-# 10.11.20
-# 13.05.03 Inf
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- PL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nargs)){ # 10.11.20
- DL<-varargin[[I]]
- DL<- Flattenlist(DL) # 10.11.20 from here
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(DL))){
- Dt<- DL[[J]]
- if(is.matrix(Dt)||{
- for (K in 1:nrow(Dt)){
- Tmp<- as.numeric(Dt[K,])
- if(Tmp[1]<Inf){
- PL<- c(PL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- PL<- c(PL,list(Dt))
- }
- }
- } # to here
- if(length(PL)==1)
- {
- PL<-PL[[1]]
- }
- return(PL)
-Prime<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out="'"
- }
- else{
- Out<- paste(varargin[[1]],"'",sep="")
- }
- return(Out)
-# 17.09.29
- if(is.matrix(Fig)){
- return(Fig[N,])
- }
- else{
- return(Fig)
- }
- if(Length(Fig)>0){ #18.02.09
- return(Op(Length(Fig),Fig))
- }else{
- return(c())
- }
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out<- c(XMAX,YMAX)
- }
- else{
- G<- varargin[[1]]
- XM<- max(G[,1])
- YM<- max(G[,2])
- Out<- c(XM,YM)
- }
- return(Out)
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out<- c(XMIN,YMAX)
- }
- else{
- G<- varargin[[1]]
- Xm<- min(G[,1])
- YM<- max(G[,2])
- Out<- c(Xm,YM)
- }
- return(Out)
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out<- c(XMAX,YMIN)
- }
- else{
- G<- varargin[[1]]
- XM<- max(G[,1])
- Ym<- min(G[,2])
- Out<- c(XM,Ym)
- }
- return(Out)
- if(Length(Fig)>0){ #18.02.09
- return(Op(1,Fig))
- }else{
- return(c())
- }
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out<- c(XMIN,YMAX)
- }
- else{
- G<- varargin[[1]]
- Xm<- min(G[,1])
- Ym<- min(G[,2])
- Out<- c(Xm,Ym)
- }
- return(Out)
-Putcell<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- Str<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(mode(Str)=="numeric"){
- Str<- as.character(Str)
- }
- Pos<- varargin[[Nargs-1]]
- Nrg<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Nrg)=="character"){
- if(Nargs==4){
- Cell<- Findcell(TbL,Nrg)
- }
- else{
- Mrg<- varargin[[3]]
- Cell<- Findcell(TbL,Nrg,Mrg)
- }
- }
- else{
- Mrg<- varargin[[3]]
- Cell<- Findcell(TbL,Nrg,Mrg)
- }
- Pt<- Cell[[1]]; Dr<- "c"
- Posh<- substr(Pos,1,1)
- Post<- substr(Pos,2,nchar(Pos))
- if(toupper(Posh)=="R"){
- Pt<- Pt+c(Cell[[2]],0)
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "w1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("w",Post,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(toupper(Posh)=="L"){
- Pt=Pt-c(Cell[[2]],0)
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "e1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("e",Post,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(toupper(Posh)=="U"){
- Pt<- Pt+c(0,Cell[[3]])
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "s1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("s",Post,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(toupper(Posh)=="D"){
- Pt<- Pt-c(0,Cell[[3]])
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "n1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("n",Post,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(toupper(Posh)=="B"){
- Pt<- Pt-c(0,Cell[[3]])
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "n1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("n",Post,sep="")
- }
- Str<- paste("$\\mathstrut$",Str,sep="")
- }
- Letter(Pt,Dr,Str)
-PutcoL<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(TbL)!="list"){
- return("Tabledata missing")
- }
- Ag<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Ag)=="numeric"){
- CoL<- Ag
- }
- else{
- Clm<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ag))){
- C<- substr(Ag,I,I)
- C<- toupper(C)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Alpha,C)
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Tmp1<- nchar(Tmp[1])
- Clm<- c(Clm,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Nrg<- 0
- for (I in seq(length(Clm),1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- Clm[I]
- Tmp1<- length(Clm)-I
- Nrg<- Nrg+Tmp*26^Tmp1
- }
- CoL<- Nrg
- }
- Nc<- length(TbL[[3]])+1
- K<- 1
- Dpos<- varargin[[3]]
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- if(I-3>Nc){
- break
- }
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)!="list"){
- Putcell(TbL,CoL,K,Dpos,Dt) # 2011.03.02
- K<- K+1
- }
- else{
- N<- length(Dt)
- Str<- Dt[[N]]
- Rrng<- c(K,K+1)
- Pos<- Dpos
- for (J in Looprange(1,N-1)){
- Tmp<- Dt[[J]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Rrng<- c(K,K+Tmp)
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Pos<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Putcell(TbL,CoL,Rrng,Pos,Str)
- K<- Crng[2]
- }
- }
-Putcol<- function(...)
- PutcoL(...)
-PutcoLexpr<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(TbL)!="list"){
- return("Tabledata missing")
- }
- Ag<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Ag)=="numeric"){
- CoL<- Ag
- }
- else{
- Clm<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ag))){
- C<- substr(Ag,I,I)
- C<- toupper(C)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Alpha,C)
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Tmp1<- nchar(Tmp[1])
- Clm<- c(Clm,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Nrg<- 0
- for (I in seq(length(Clm),1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- Clm[I]
- Tmp1<- length(Clm)-I
- Nrg<- Nrg+Tmp*26^Tmp1
- }
- CoL<- Nrg
- }
- Nc<- length(TbL[[3]])+1
- K<- 1
- Dpos<- varargin[[3]]
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- if(I-3>Nc){
- break
- }
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)!="list"){
- Dt<- paste("$",Dt,"$",sep="")
- Putcell(TbL,CoL,K,Dpos,Dt) # 2011.03.02
- K<- K+1
- }
- else{
- N<- length(Dt)
- Str<- paste("$",Dt[[N]],"$",sep="")
- Rrng<- c(K,K+1)
- Pos<- Dpos
- for (J in Looprange(1,N-1)){
- Tmp<- Dt[[J]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Rrng<- c(K,K+Tmp)
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Pos<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Putcell(TbL,CoL,Rrng,Pos,Str)
- K<- Crng[2]
- }
- }
-Putcolexpr<- function(...)
- PutcoLexpr(...)
-PutcoLstr<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Tb<- varargin[[1]]
- Nr<- varargin[[2]]
- Pos<- varargin[[3]]
- Str<- varargin[[4]]
- Sep<- ""
- if(Nargs>4){
- Sep<- varargin[[5]]
- }
- if(nchar(Sep)==0){
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Str))){
- Tmp<- substr(Str,I,I)
- Putcell(Tb,Nr,I,Pos,Tmp)
- }
- }
- else{
- Ltr<- ""
- K<- 1
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(Str))){
- Tmp<- substr(Str,I,I)
- if(Tmp==Sep){
- Putcell(Tb,Nr,K,Pos,Ltr)
- K<- K+1
- Ltr<- ""
- }
- else{
- Ltr<- paste(Ltr,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(nchar(Ltr)>0){
- Putcell(Tb,Nr,K,Pos,Ltr)
- }
- }
-Putrow<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(TbL)!="list"){
- return("Tabledata missing")
- }
- Row<- varargin[[2]]
- Nr<- length(TbL[[2]])+1
- K<- 1
- Dpos<- varargin[[3]]
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- if(I-3>Nr){
- break;
- }
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)!="list"){
- Putcell(TbL,K,Row,Dpos,Dt) # 110308
- K<- K+1
- }
- else{
- N<- length(Dt)
- Str<- Dt[[N]]
- Crng<- c(K,K+1)
- Pos<- Dpos
- for (J in Looprange(1,N-1)){
- Tmp<- Dt[[J]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Crng<- c(K,K+Tmp)
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Pos<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Putcell(TbL,Crng,Row,Pos,Str)
- K<- Crng[2]
- }
- }
-Putrowexpr<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(TbL)!="list"){
- return("Tabledata missing")
- }
- Row<- varargin[[2]]
- Nr<- length(TbL[[2]])+1
- K<- 1
- Dpos<- varargin[[3]]
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- if(I-3>Nr){
- break;
- }
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)!="list"){
- Dt<- paste("$",Dt,"$",sep="")
- Putcell(TbL,K,Row,Dpos,Dt) #110308
- K<- K+1
- }
- else{
- N<- length(Dt)
- Str<- paste("$",Dt[[N]],"$",sep="")
- Crng<- c(K,K+1)
- Pos<- Dpos
- for (J in Looprange(1,N-1)){
- Tmp<- Dt[[J]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Crng<- c(K,K+Tmp)
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Pos<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Putcell(TbL,Crng,Row,Pos,Str)
- K<- Crng[2]
- }
- }
-Putrowstr<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Tb<- varargin[[1]]
- Nr<- varargin[[2]]
- Pos<- varargin[[3]]
- Str<- varargin[[4]]
- Sep<- ""
- if(Nargs>4){
- Sep<- varargin[[5]]
- }
- if(nchar(Sep)==0){
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Str))){
- Tmp<- substr(Str,I,I)
- Putcell(Tb,I,Nr,Pos,Tmp)
- }
- }
- else{
- Ltr<- ""
- K<- 1
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(Str))){
- Tmp<- substr(Str,I,I)
- if(Tmp==Sep){
- Putcell(Tb,K,Nr,Pos,Ltr)
- K<- K+1
- Ltr<- ""
- }
- else{
- Ltr<- paste(Ltr,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(nchar(Ltr)>0){
- Putcell(Tb,K,Nr,Pos,Ltr)
- }
- }
-# 11.05.28
-Ratiocmyk<- function(Color)
- if(is.numeric(Color)){
- return(Color)
- }
- R<-
- switch(Color,
- greenyellow=c(0.15,0,0.69,0),
- yellow=c(0,0,1,0),
- goldenrod=c(0,0.1,0.84,0),
- dandelion=c(0,0.29,0.84,0),
- apricot=c(0,0.32,0.52,0),
- peach=c(0,0.5,0.7,0),
- melon=c(0,0.46,0.5,0),
- yelloworange=c(0,0.42,1,0),
- orange=c(0,0.61,0.87,0),
- burntorange=c(0,0.51,1,0),
- bittersweet=c(0,0.75,1,0.24),
- redorange=c(0,0.77,0.87,0),
- mahogany=c(0,0.85,0.87,0.35),
- maroon=c(0,0.87,0.68,0.32),
- brickred=c(0,0.89,0.94,0.28),
- red=c(0,1,1,0),
- orangered=c(0,1,0.5,0),
- rubinered=c(0,1,0.13,0),
- wildstrawberry=c(0,0.96,0.39,0),
- salmon=c(0,0.53,0.38,0),
- carnationpink=c(0,0.63,0,0),
- magenta=c(0,1,0,0),
- violetred=c(0,0.81,0,0),
- rhodamine=c(0,0.82,0,0),
- mulberry=c(0.34,0.9,0,0.02),
- redviolet=c(0.07,0.9,0,0.34),
- fuchsia=c(0.47,0.91,0,0.08),
- lavender=c(0,0.48,0,0),
- thistle=c(0.12,0.59,0,0),
- orchid=c(0.32,0.64,0,0),
- darkorchid=c(0.4,0.8,0.2,0),
- purple=c(0.45,0.86,0,0),
- plum=c(0.5,1,0,0),
- violet=c(0.79,0.88,0,0),
- royalpurple=c(0.75,0.9,0,0),
- blueviolet=c(0.86,0.91,0,0.04),
- periwinkle=c(0.57,0.55,0,0),
- cadetblue=c(0.62,0.57,0.23,0),
- cornflowerblue=c(0.65,0.13,0,0),
- midnightblue=c(0.98,0.13,0,0.43),
- navyblue=c(0.94,0.54,0,0),
- royalblue=c(1,0.5,0,0),
- blue=c(1,1,0,0),
- cerulean=c(0.94,0.11,0,0),
- cyan=c(1,0,0,0),
- processblue=c(0.96,0,0,0),
- skyblue=c(0.62,0,0.12,0),
- turquoise=c(0.85,0,0.2,0),
- tealblue=c(0.86,0,0.34,0.02),
- aquamarine=c(0.82,0,0.3,0),
- bluegreen=c(0.85,0,0.33,0),
- emerald=c(1,0,0.5,0),
- junglegreen=c(0.99,0,0.52,0),
- seagreen=c(0.69,0,0.5,0),
- green=c(1,0,1,0),
- forestgreen=c(0.91,0,0.88,0.12),
- pinegreen=c(0.92,0,0.59,0.25),
- limegreen=c(0.5,0,1,0),
- yellowgreen=c(0.44,0,0.74,0),
- springgreen=c(0.26,0,0.76,0),
- olivegreen=c(0.64,0,0.95,0.4),
- rawsienna=c(0,0.72,1,0.45),
- sepia=c(0,0.83,1,0.7),
- brown=c(0,0.81,1,0.6),
- tan=c(0.14,0.42,0.56,0),
- gray=c(0,0,0,0.5),
- black=c(0,0,0,1),
- white=c(0,0,0,0)
- )
- if(length(R)<4){
- print("No color")
- return(c())
- }
- return(R)
-# 11.01.07
-Readtextdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- OutL<- list()
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fname<- varargin[[1]]
- Tmp<- readLines(Fname,n=1)
- if(length(grep("\t",Tmp))>0){
- Sep<- "\t"
- }
- else if(length(grep(",",Tmp))>0){
- Sep<- ","
- }
- else{
- Sep<- " "
- }
- Hajime<- c(1,1)
- Owari<- c(Inf,Inf)
- C<- Inf
- R<- Inf
- Rna<- FALSE
- Cna<- TRUE
- Mat<- FALSE
- Num<- TRUE
- D<- -Inf
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- if (Flg==0){
- Hajime<- Tmp
- Flg<- 1
- }
- else{
- Owari<- Tmp
- }
- }
- else{
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Hajime+c(R-1,C-1)
- Owari<- c(min(Owari[1],Tmp[1]),min(Owari[2],Tmp[2]))
- if(Cna){
- Df<- read.table(Fname,sep=Sep,header=TRUE,,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
- }
- else{
- Df<- read.table(Fname,sep=Sep,header=FALSE,,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
- Nv<- c(1:ncol(Df))
- colnames(Df)<- Nv
- }
- if(Rna){
- rownames(Df)<-Df[,1]
- Hajime<- Hajime+c(0,1)
- }
- if(Mat){
- M<- as.matrix(Df)
- Tmp1<- min(Owari[1],nrow(M))
- Tmp2<- min(Owari[2],ncol(M))
- Out<- as.matrix(M[Hajime[1]:Tmp1,Hajime[2]:Tmp2])
- if(Num){
- Tmp1<- as.numeric(Out)
- Out<- matrix(Tmp1,nrow=nrow(Out))
- }
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- min(Owari[1],nrow(Df))
- Tmp2<- min(Owari[2],ncol(Df))
- Out<- Df[Hajime[1]:Tmp1,Hajime[2]:Tmp2]
- }
- if(D!=-Inf){ # 11.01.20 v2
- Tmp<- ncol(Out) # 11.01.07
- Tmp1<- rep(Inf,Tmp)
- Out[Out[,1]<=D,]<- Tmp1 # 11.01.07
- }
- return(Out)
-Reflectdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-8)
- ML<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(ML)==1){
- ML<- list(ML)
- }
- if(Nargs==1){
- PtA<- c(0,0); PtB<- PtA
- }
- else{
- Pts<- varargin[[2]]
- if(length(Pts)==2){
- PtA<- Pts; PtB<- PtA
- }
- else{
- PtA<- Pts[1:2]; PtB<- Pts[3:4]
- }
- }
- OutL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(ML))){
- GL<- Op(N,ML)
- Out<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(GL))){
- if(is.matrix(GL)){ # 10.12.07
- Tmp<- GL[I,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- GL
- }
- X1<- Tmp[1]
- Y1<- Tmp[2]
- if(X1==Inf){
- X2<- X1
- Y2<- Y1
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(PtA-PtB)<Eps){
- X2<- 2*PtA[1]-X1
- Y2<- 2*PtA[2]-Y1
- }
- else{
- U<- PtB[1]-PtA[1]
- V<- PtB[2]-PtA[2]
- A<- PtA[1]
- B<- PtA[2]
- X2<- (U^2-V^2)/(U^2+V^2)*X1+2*U*V/(U^2+V^2)*Y1
- X2<- X2-2*V*(U*B-V*A)/(U^2+V^2)
- Y2<- 2*U*V/(U^2+V^2)*X1-(U^2-V^2)/(U^2+V^2)*Y1
- Y2<- Y2+2*U*(U*B-V*A)/(U^2+V^2)
- }
- }
- Out<- Appendrow(Out,c(X2,Y2))
- }
- OutL<- Mixjoin(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- if(length(OutL)==1){
- OutL<- Op(1,OutL)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Writetextdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- OutL<- list()
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Data<- varargin[[1]]
- Fname<- varargin[[2]]
- Sep=","
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- write.table(Data,Fname,sep=Sep,row.names=FALSE,na="")
-# 2014.12.17
-# 2015.10.29
-WriteOutData<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
-# if modulo(Nargs,2)==0 then
-# Fname=Fnameout;
-# Nst=1;
-# else
- Fname=varargin[[1]]
- Nst=2;
-# end;
- for(N in seq(Nst,Nargs,by=2)){
- Gname=varargin[[N]]
- Tmp=paste(Gname,"//",sep="")
- if(N==Nst){
- cat(Tmp,"\n",sep="",file=Fname)
- }
- else{
- cat(Tmp,"\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- }
- Gdata=varargin[[N+1]]
- Gdata=Flattenlist(Gdata)
- if(!is.list(Gdata)){Gdata=list(Gdata)}
- for(K in Looprange(1,length(Gdata))){
- GL=Dividegraphics(Gdata[[K]])
-# for(J in seq(1,length(GL))){
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(GL))){
- cat("start//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- Str=""
- Iend=Numptcrv(GL[[J]])
-# for(II in seq(1,Iend)){
- for(II in Looprange(1,Iend)){
- Pt=Ptcrv(II,GL[[J]])
- if(nchar(Str)>0){
- Str=paste(Str,",",sep="")
- }
- if(length(Pt)<3){
- Str=paste(Str,sprintf("[%5.5f,%5.5f]",Pt[1],Pt[2]),sep="")
- }
- else{
- Str=paste(Str,sprintf("[%5.5f,%5.5f,%5.5f]",Pt[1],Pt[2],Pt[3]),sep="")
- }
- if(nchar(Str)>80){
- cat("[",Str,"]//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- Str=""
- }
- }
- if(nchar(Str)>0){
- cat("[",Str,"]//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- }
- if((N==Nargs-1) & (K==length(Gdata)) & (J==length(GL))){
-# cat("end////","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- cat("end//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- }
- else{
- cat("end//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- cat("//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE) # 15.11.05
-###### Old ####################################
-# 2015.10.23
-ReadOutData<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fname=varargin[[1]]
- cmdall=readLines(Fname)
- cmdall=gsub("//","",cmdall,fixed=TRUE)
- varname=cmdall[1]
- outdt=list()
- varL=c()
- ptL=list()
- flg=0
- for(cmd in cmdall){
- if(nchar(cmd)>0){
- if((cmd=="start") | cmd=="end" | substring(cmd,1,1)=="["){
- if(cmd=="start"){
- pts=c()
- }
- if(cmd=="end"){
- ptL=c(ptL,list(pts))
- }
- if(substring(cmd,1,1)=="["){
- tmp1=paste(",",substring(cmd,2,nchar(cmd)-1),sep="")
- tmp1=strsplit(tmp1,"]",fixed=TRUE)
- tmp1=tmp1[[1]]
- tmp1=gsub(",[","c(",tmp1,fixed=TRUE)
- for(st in tmp1){
- tmp=eval(parse(text=paste(st,")",sep="")))
- pts=rbind(pts,tmp)
- }
- row.names(pts)=1:nrow(pts)
- }
- }
- else{
- varname=cmd
- varL=c(varL,varname)
- if(flg==0){ # 17.10.07from
- flg=1
- }else{
- outdt=c(outdt,list(ptL))
- } # 17.10.07upto
- ptL=c()
- }
- }
- }
- outdt=c(outdt,list(ptL)) # 17.10.07
- names(outdt)=varL
- for(var in varL){
- tmp=paste(var,"<<- outdt$",var,sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- }
-# print(varL)
- outdt
-ReadOutData<- function(...){ #2017.10.23
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fname=varargin[[1]]
- cmdall=readLines(Fname)
- cmdall=gsub("//","",cmdall,fixed=TRUE)
- varname=""#17.12.13 cmdall[1]
- outdt=list()
- varL=c()
- ptL=list()
- flg=0
- for(cmd in cmdall){
- if(nchar(cmd)>0){
- if((cmd=="start") | cmd=="end" | substring(cmd,1,1)=="["){
- if(cmd=="start"){
- tmp=paste(varname,"<<- c(",varname,",list(c()))",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- Ctr=Ctr+1
- }
- if(cmd=="end"){
- }
- if(substring(cmd,1,1)=="["){
- tmp1=paste(",",substring(cmd,2,nchar(cmd)-1),sep="")
- tmp1=strsplit(tmp1,"]",fixed=TRUE)
- tmp1=tmp1[[1]]
- tmp1=gsub(",[","c(",tmp1,fixed=TRUE)
- for(st in tmp1){
- tmp=paste(varname,"[[",as.character(Ctr),"]]",sep="")
- tmp=paste(tmp,"<<- rbind(",tmp,",",st,"))",sep="")#
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- # 17.12.13from
- if(nchar(varname)>0){
- tmp=paste("if(length(",varname,")==1){",varname,"<<- ",varname,"[[1]]}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- }
- # 17.12.13upto
- varname=cmd
- tmp=paste(varname,"<<- list()",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- Ctr=0
- if(flg==0){ # 17.10.07from
- flg=1
- }else{
- } # 17.10.07upto
- }
- }
- }
- # 17.12.13from
- tmp=paste("if(length(",varname,")==1){",varname,"<<- ",varname,"[[1]]}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- # 17.12.13upto
-Rotatedata<- function(..., deg=FALSE)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-8)
- ML<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(ML)==1){
- ML<- list(ML)
- }
- Theta<- varargin[[2]]
- if(deg) Theta<- Theta*pi/180 # 10.12.07
- if(Nargs==2){
- Pt<- c(0,0)
- }
- else{
- Pt<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- Cx<- Pt[1]; Cy<- Pt[2]
- OutL<- c()
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(ML))){
- GL<- Op(N,ML)
- Out<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(GL))){
- if(is.matrix(GL)){
- Tmp<- GL[I,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- GL
- }
- X1<- Tmp[1]
- Y1<- Tmp[2]
- if(X1==Inf){
- X2<- X1
- Y2<- Y1
- }
- else{
- X2<- Cx+(X1-Cx)*cos(Theta)-(Y1-Cy)*sin(Theta)
- Y2<- Cy+(X1-Cx)*sin(Theta)+(Y1-Cy)*cos(Theta)
- }
- Out<- Appendrow(Out,c(X2,Y2))
- }
- if(nrow(Out)==1){
- Out<- Out[1,]
- }
- OutL<- Mixjoin(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- if(length(OutL)==1){
- OutL<- Op(1,OutL)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Scaledata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-8)
- ML<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(ML)==1){
- ML<- list(ML)
- }
- A<- varargin[[2]]
- B<- varargin[[3]]
- if(Nargs==3){
- Pt<- c(0,0)
- }
- else{
- Pt<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- OutL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(ML))){
- GL<- Op(N,ML)
- Out<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(GL))){
- if(is.matrix(GL)){ # 10.12.07
- Tmp<- GL[I,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- GL
- }
- X1<- Tmp[1]
- Y1<- Tmp[2]
- if(X1==Inf){
- X2<- X1
- Y2<-Y1
- }
- else{
- X2<- Pt[1]+A*(X1-Pt[1])
- Y2<- Pt[2]+B*(Y1-Pt[2])
- }
- Out<- Appendrow(Out,c(X2,Y2))
- }
- OutL<- Mixjoin(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- if(length(OutL)==1){
- OutL<- Op(1,OutL)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Setarrow<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- Str<- paste("Size=",YaSize,",","Angle=",YaAngle,",",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Str,"Position=",YaThick,",","Style=",YaStyle,sep="")
- return(Str)
- }
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in 1:Nargs){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Flg<- Flg+1
- if(Flg==1) YaSize<<-Tmp
- if(Flg==2){
- if(Tmp<5){
- YaAngle<<- 18*Tmp
- }
- else{
- YaAngle<<- Tmp
- }
- }
- if(Flg==3) YaPosition<<- Tmp
- if(Flg==4) YaThick<<- Tmp
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- YaStyle<<- Tmp
- }
- }
-Setax<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- if(ZIKU=="line"){
- Tmp<- ","
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- paste("(Arrowsize=", as.character(ARROWSIZE),"),",sep="")
- }
- Str<- paste(ZIKU,Tmp,XNAME,",",XPOS,",",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Str,YNAME,",",YPOS,",",ONAME,",",OPOS,sep="")
- return(Str)
- }
- ArgL<- c()
- Is<- 1
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Is<- varargin[[1]]
- ArgL<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Is-1)){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,"")
- }
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,varargin[[I]])
- }
- }
- else{
- if(Nargs==1){
- ArgL<- c(varargin[[1]])
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- ArgL<- c(varargin[[1]])
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,varargin[[I]])
- }
- }
- else{
- ArgL<- c()
- for (I in 1:Nargs){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,varargin[[I]])
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (I in Looprange(length(ArgL)+1,7)){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,"")
- }
- Zk<- ArgL[1]
- if(nchar(Zk)>0){
- ZL<-substr(Zk,2,nchar(Zk))
- Zk<-substr(Zk,1,1)
- if(nchar(ZL)>0){
- ARROWSIZE<<- as.numeric(ZL)
- }
- }
- Xn<- ArgL[2]; Xp<- ArgL[3]
- Yn<- ArgL[4]; Yp<- ArgL[5]
- Genn<- ArgL[6]; Genp<- ArgL[7]
- if(nchar(Zk)>0){
- C<- Zk
- if(C=="a"){
- ZIKU<<- "arrow"
- }
- else{
- ZIKU<<- "line"
- }
- }
- if(nchar(Xn)>0){
- XNAME<<- paste("$",Xn,"$",sep="")
- }
- if(nchar(Xp)>0){
- XPOS<<- Xp
- }
- if(nchar(Yn)>0){
- YNAME<<- paste("$",Yn,"$",sep="")
- }
- if(nchar(Yp)>0){
- YPOS<<-Yp
- }
- if(nchar(Genn)>0){
- ONAME<<- Genn
- }
- if(nchar(Genp)>0){
- OPOS<<- Genp
- }
- Out<- "";
-# 11.08.24
-Setcolor<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Color<- 'black'
- Kosa<- 1
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(varargin))){
- Tmp<- varargin[[J]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)) Color<- Tmp
- if(is.numeric(Tmp)){
- if(length(Tmp)==1){# 11.08.24
- Kosa<- Tmp
- }
- else{
- Color<- Tmp
- }
- }# 11.08.24
- }
- Iro<- Ratiocmyk(Color)
- if(length(Iro)==0) return(c())
- Str<- "\\color[cmyk]{" #17.09.22
- for(J in 1:4){
- Str<- paste(Str,as.character(Kosa*Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<4){
- Str<- paste(Str,",",sep="")
- }
- }
- Str<- paste(Str,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
-Setmarklen<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- Tmp=round(Tmp*100)/100
- return(Tmp)
- }
- Size<- varargin[[1]]
- MARKLEN<<- MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn
-Setorigin<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- return(GENTEN)
- }
- Pt<- varargin[[1]]
- GENTEN<<- Pt;
-Setscaling<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0)
- {
- return(c(SCALEY,LOGX,LOGY))
- }
- for (I in 1:Nargs)
- {
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric")
- {
- SCALEY<<- Tmp
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character")
- {
- if(Tmp=="l")
- {
- LOGX<<- 0
- LOGY<<- 1
- }
- else if(Tmp=="ll")
- {
- LOGX<<- 1
- LOGY<<- 1
- }
- else
- {
- LOGX<<- 0
- LOGY<<- 0
- }
- }
- }
- PenThick<<-round(PenThickInit*Width)
- Str=paste("\\special{pn ", as.character(PenThick),"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Setpt<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0)
- {
- Tmp<- TenSize/TenSizeInit
- Tmp<- round(Tmp*100)/100
- return(Tmp)
- }
- Size<- varargin[[1]]
- TenSize<<- TenSizeInit*Size;
- varargin<-list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- return(ULEN)
- }
- Ul=varargin[[1]]
- Sym<-".0123456789 +-*/"
- SL<-Sym
- OL<-"+-*/"
- if(nchar(Ul)>0){
- ULEN<<-Ul
- }
- Is<-1
- VL<-""
- Ucode<-ULEN
- for (I in 1:nchar(Ucode)){
- C<-substring(Ucode,I,I)
- if(length(grep(C,SL))>0){
- if(length(grep(C,OL))>0){
- Tmp<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1)
- Str<-paste(VL,Tmp,C,sep="")
- VL<-Str
- Is<-I+1
- }
- }
- else{
- Unit<-substring(Ucode,I,I+1)
- Str<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1)
- VL<-paste(VL,Str,sep="")
- break;
- }
- }
- Valu<-eval(parse(text=VL))
- Str<-as.character(Valu)
- ULEN<<-paste(Str,Unit,sep="");
- if(Unit=="cm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu
- if(Unit=="mm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu/10
- if(Unit=="in") MilliIn<<-1000*Valu
- if(Unit=="pt") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27*Valu
- if(Unit=="pc") MilliIn<<-1000/6.022*Valu
- if(Unit=="bp") MilliIn<<-1000/72*Valu
- if(Unit=="dd2") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*Valu
- if(Unit=="cc") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*12*Valu
- if(Unit=="sp") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27/65536*Valu/10
- MARKLEN<<-MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- MEMORI<<-MEMORINow*1000/2.54/MilliIn #17.12.17
-# 10.11.20
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- return(Out)
- }
- if(Nargs==1){
- Dt<- varargin[[1]]
- if(is.list(Dt) && !{
- Tmp<-
- Dt<- t(Tmp)
- }
- Xm<- min(Dt[,1])
- XM<- max(Dt[,1])
- Ym<- min(Dt[,2])
- YM<- max(Dt[,2])
- Str<- "Setwindow("
- Str<- paste(Str,"c(",as.character(Xm),",",as.character(XM),"),c(",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Str,as.character(Ym),",",as.character(YM),")",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Str,")",sep="")
- print(Str)
- }
- if(Nargs==2){
- RgX<-varargin[[1]]
- RgY<-varargin[[2]]
- XMIN<<-RgX[1]; XMAX<<-RgX[2]
- YMIN<<-RgY[1]; YMAX<<-RgY[2]
- }
- if(Nargs==4){
- XMIN<<-varargin[[1]]; XMAX<<-varargin[[2]]
- YMIN<<-varargin[[3]]; YMAX<<-varargin[[4]]
- }
-Shade<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Iroflg=0
- Kosa=1
- if(Nargs>1){
- Iro=varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Iro)){
- Iroflg=1
- if(length(grep("{",Iro))>0){
- Str=paste("{\\color",Iro,sep="")
- }
- else{
- Str=paste("{\\color{",Iro,"}",sep="")
- }
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==1){
- Kosa=Iro
- }
- else{
- Iroflg=1
- if(length(Iro)==4){
- Str="{\\color[cmyk]{"
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==3){
- Str="{\\color[rgb]{"
- }
- }
- for(J in 1:length(Iro)){
- Str=paste(Str,as.character(Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Iro)){
- Str=paste(Str,",")
- }
- }
- Str=paste(Str,"}")
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- Str=paste(Str,"%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- Tmp=varargin[[1]]
- Data=Kyoukai(Tmp)
- for (I in Looprange(1, length(Data))){
- PL<- Op(I,Data)
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
- P<- Doscaling(Op(J,PL))
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- Str1<- paste("\\special{sh ",as.character(Kosa),"}",sep="")
- Str2<- paste("\\special{ip}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- cat("}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-####### Shade new 17.09.24############
-Shade<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Iroflg<- 0
- Kosa<- 1
- if(Nargs>1){
- Iro<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(mode(Iro)=="character"){
- Iroflg<- 1
- if(length(grep(Iro,"{"))>0)
- Str<- paste("{\\color",Iro,sep="")
- else
- Str<- paste("{\\color{",Iro,"}",sep="")
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==1)
- Kosa<- Iro
- else{
- Iroflg<- 1
- if(length(Iro)==4)
- Str<- paste("{\\color[cmyk]{",sep="")
- else
- if(length(Iro)==3)
- Str<- paste("{\\color[rgb]{",sep="")
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Iro))){
- Str<- paste(Str,as.character(Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Iro))
- Str<- paste(Str,",",sep="")
- }
- Str<- paste(Str,"}",sep="")
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- if(Wfile=="default")
- cat(Str,"%\n",file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- else
- cat(Str,"%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- }
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- Data<- Kyoukai(Tmp)
- for (I in Looprange(1, length(Data))){
- PL<- Op(I,Data)
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
- P<- Doscaling(Op(J,PL))
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- if(Wfile=="default")
- cat(Str,file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- else
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- if(Wfile=="default")
- cat("%\n",file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- else
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- Str1<- paste("\\special{sh ",as.character(Kosa),"}",sep="")
- Str2<- paste("\\special{ip}%\n",sep="")
- if(Wfile=="default"){
- cat(Str1,file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- cat(Str2,file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- }
- else{
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- if(Wfile=="default")
- cat("}%\n",file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- else
- cat("}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- }
-# 11.01.07
-Splinedata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-3)
- PL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(PL)=="character"){
- Fname<- PL
- PL<- Readtextdata(Fname)
- }
- else{
- PL<- as.matrix(PL)
- if(Nrow(PL)==1){
- PL<- matrix(PL, nrow=length(PL)/2)
- PL<- t(PL)
- }
- }
- if(ncol(PL)==3){
- Flg3<- 1
- }
- else{
- Flg3<- 0
- }
- PLL<- Dividegraphics(PL)
- N<- 50
- C<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)!="character") next
- if(length(grep("=",Tmp,fixed=TRUE))>0){
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- substr(Tmp,1,1)
- if(toupper(Tmp1)=="C"){
- C<- 1:length(PLL)
- }
- }
- }
- Cflg<- rep(0,length(PLL))
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(C))){
- K<- C[J]
- Cflg[K]<- 1
- }
- if(length(N)>1){
- Nj<- as.numeric(N)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- lapply(PLL,nrow)
- Tmp1<- as.numeric(Tmp)
- MxP<- max(Tmp1)
- Nj<- c()
- for (J in 1:length(PLL)){
- Tmp<- nrow(PLL[[J]])
- Tmp1<- round(N/MxP*(Tmp-1))
- Nj<- c(Nj,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- OutL<- list()
- for(J in 1:length(PLL)){
- PL<- PLL[[J]]
- if(Cflg[J]==1){
- if(Norm(PL[1,]-PL[Nrow(PL),])>Eps){
- PL<-Appendrow(PL,PL[1,])
- Nj[J]=round(N/MxP*nrow(PL))
- }
- else{
- PL[Nrow(PL),]<- PL[1,]
- }
- }
- Tn<- 1:Nrow(PL)
- Xn<- PL[,1]
- Yn<- PL[,2]
- if(Flg3==1) Zn<- PL[,3]
- if(Cflg[J]==0){
- Dxn<- spline(Tn,Xn,n=Nj[J])
- Dyn<- spline(Tn,Yn,n=Nj[J])
- if(Flg3==1) Dzn<- spline(Tn,Zn,n=Nj[J])
- }
- else{
- Dxn<- spline(Tn,Xn,method="periodic")
- Dyn<- spline(Tn,Yn,method="periodic")
- if(Flg3==1) Dzn<- spline(Tn,Zn,method="periodic")
- }
- Tmp1<- Dxn$y
- Tmp2<- Dyn$y
- Tmp3<-c()
- if(Flg3==1) Tmp3<- Dzn$y
- Out<- matrix(c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3),nrow=length(Tmp1))
- OutL<- c(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- return(OutL)
-# 2013.05.03 Domain is optional
-Tabledata<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 0.001
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]] # 130503 from
- if(is.numeric(Tmp)){
- Domain<- varargin[[1]]
- VL<- varargin[[2]]
- HL<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- else{
- Domain<- c(-1,-1)
- VL<- varargin[[1]]
- HL<- varargin[[2]]
- } # 130503 upto
- Hsize<- Domain[1]
- SvL<- list(0)
- S<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(VL))){
- Tmp<- VL[[I]]
- S<- S+Tmp[1]
- Tmp[1]<- S
- SvL<- c(SvL,list(Tmp))
- }
- if(Hsize>S){
- SvL<- c(SvL,list(Hsize))
- }
- Hsize<- Op(1,SvL[[length(SvL)]])
- Vsize<- Domain[2]
- ShL<- list(0)
- S<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(HL))){
- Tmp<- HL[[I]]
- S<- S+Tmp[1]
- Tmp[1]<- S
- ShL<- c(ShL,list(Tmp))
- }
- if(Vsize>S){
- ShL<- c(ShL,list(Vsize))
- }
- Vsize<- Op(1,ShL[[length(ShL)]])
- Marw<- 0; Mare<- 0; Mars<- 0; Marn<- 0
- if(length(Domain)>2){
- Marw<- Domain[3]
- Mare<- Domain[4]
- }
- if(length(Domain)>4){
- Marn<- Domain[5]
- Mars<- Domain[6]
- }
- Setwindow(c(-Marw,Hsize+Mare),c(-Mars,Vsize+Marn))
- Tmp<- Framedata(c(Eps,Hsize-Eps),c(Eps,Vsize-Eps))
- Gdata<- list(Tmp)
- Tmp<- -Marw
- Hdata<- list(Listplot(c(c(Tmp,-Mars),c(Tmp,Vsize+Marn))))
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(SvL))){
- Data<- SvL[[I]]
- X<- Data[1]
- if(length(Data)==1){
- Y1<- 0
- Y2<- Vsize
- G<- Listplot(c(X,Y1),c(X,Y2))
- }
- else{
- G<- c()
- for (J in seq(2,length(Data),by=2)){
- Y1<- Vsize-Op(1,ShL[[Data[J]]])
- Y2<- Vsize-Op(1,ShL[[Data[J+1]]])
- Tmp<- Listplot(c(c(X,Y1),c(X,Y2)))
- Tmp1<- Appendrow(G,c(Inf,Inf))
- G<- Appendrow(Tmp1,Tmp)
- }
- G<- G[2:nrow(G),]
- }
- Hdata<- c(Hdata,list(G))
- }
- Tmp<- Hsize+Mare
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(c(Tmp,-Mars),c(Tmp,Vsize+Marn)))
- Hdata<- c(Hdata,list(Tmp1))
- Tmp<- Vsize+Marn
- Vdata<- list(Listplot(c(c(-Marw,Tmp),c(Hsize+Mare,Tmp))))
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(ShL))){
- Data<- ShL[[I]]
- Y<- Vsize-Data[1]
- if(length(Data)==1){
- X1<- 0
- X2<- Hsize
- G<- Listplot(c(X1,Y),c(X2,Y))
- }
- else{
- G<- c()
- for (J in seq(2,length(Data),by=2)){
- X1<- Op(1,SvL[[Data[J]]])
- X2<- Op(1,SvL[[Data[J+1]]])
- Tmp<- Listplot(c(X1,Y),c(X2,Y))
- G<- Appendrow(G,c(Inf,Inf))
- G<- Appendrow(G,Tmp)
- }
- G<-G[2:nrow(G),]
- }
- Vdata<- c(Vdata,list(G))
- }
-# Tmp<- Listplot(c(c(0,0),c(Hsize,0))) # 2011.03.02
-# Vdata<- Mixjoin(Vdata,list(Tmp))
- Tmp<- Listplot(c(c(-Marw,-Mars),c(Hsize+Mare,-Mars)))
- Vdata<- Mixjoin(Vdata,list(Tmp))
- Tmp1<- Hdata[Looprange(3,length(Hdata)-2)]
- Tmp2<- Vdata[Looprange(3,length(Vdata)-2)]
- Gdata<- Mixjoin(Gdata,Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Hind<- Looprange(2,1+length(Tmp1))
- Vind<- Looprange(2+length(Tmp1),1+length(Tmp1)+length(Tmp2))
- G=Gdata[[1]]
- P1<- Ptsw(G); P2<- Ptnw(G)
- Q1<- Ptse(G); Q2<- Ptne(G)
- Tmp1<- list(Listplot(c(P1,P2)),Listplot(c(Q1,Q2)))
- P1<- Ptnw(G); P2<- Ptne(G)
- Q1<- Ptsw(G); Q2<- Ptse(G)
- Tmp2<- list(Listplot(c(P1,P2)),Listplot(c(Q1,Q2)))
- Tmp3<- Framedata()
- Out<- list(Gdata,Hind,Vind,Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- return(Out)
-Texcom<- function(Meirei)
- if(Meirei=="\\thinlines"){
- Setpen(1);
- return();
- }
- if(Meirei=="\\thicklines"){
- Setpen(2);
- return()
- }
- if(Meirei=="\\Thicklines"){
- Setpen(3);
- return()
- }
- if(length(Meirei)==0){ # 09.12.07
- Tmp<- c()
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- grep("newline",Meirei)
- }
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- paste(Meirei,"%\n",sep="")
- Tmp<- gsub("//","\\",Tmp,fixed=TRUE) # 11.03.02
- cat(Tmp,file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- }
-Texctr<- function(N){
- if(is.numeric(N)){
- Alpha<- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- Out<- paste("ketpicctr",substr(Alpha,N,N),sep="")
- }
- else{
- if(grep("\\",N,fixed=TRUE)>0){
- Out<- substr(N,2,nchar(N))
- }
- else{
- Out<- N
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Texelse<- function (){
- Texcom("");
- Texcom("\\else")
-Texend<- function()
- Texcom("%\n}")
-Texendfor<- function(I){
- Texcom("")
- Tmp<- paste("\\ifnum",Texthectr(I),"<",Last,sep="")
- Texcom(Tmp)
- Texcom("\\repeat")
- Texcom("}")
-Texendif<- function(){
- Texcom("")
- Texcom("\\fi")
- Texcom("}")
-Texfor<- function(I,First,Last){
- Texsetctr(I,"0")
- Texsetctr(I,paste(as.character(First),"-1",sep=""))
- Texcom("")
- Texcom("{")
- Texcom("\\loop")
- Texsetctr(I,"+1")
- TEXFORLAST<<- c(TEXFORLAST,as.character(Last))
-Texforinit<- function(){
- TEXFORLAST<<- list()
-Texif<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Condstr<- varargin[[1]]
- Tp<- 0
- if(length(varargin)>1){
- Tp<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- Texcom("")
- Texcom("{")
- if(Tp==0){
- Texcom("\\ifnum")
- }
- else{
- Texcom("\\ifdim ")
- }
- Texcom(paste(Condstr," ",sep=""))
-Texletter<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- for (I in seq(1,Nargs,by=3)){
- P<- varargin[[I]]
- X<- P[1]
- if(mode(X)=="numeric"){
- X<- as.character(X)
- }
- Y<- P[2]
- if(mode(Y)=="numeric"){
- Y<- as.character(Y)
- }
- Houkou<- varargin[[I+1]]
- Mojiretu<- varargin[[I+2]]
- Hset<- Houkou
- Vhoko<- "c"
- if(length(grep("n",Hset))>0){
- Vhoko<- "n"
- }
- if(length(grep("s",Hset))>0){
- Vhoko<- "s"
- }
- Hhoko<- "c";
- if(length(grep("e",Hset))>0){
- Hhoko<- "e"
- }
- if(length(grep("w",Hset))>0){
- Hhoko<- "w"
- }
- Hoko<- paste(Vhoko,Hhoko,sep="")
- CalcWidth(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- CalcHeight(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- Tmp<- paste("\\put(",X,",",Y,"){\\hspace*{\\Width}",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Tmp,"\\raisebox{\\Height}{",Mojiretu,"}}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-Texnewcmd<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Str<- varargin[[1]]
- S<- paste("\\newcommand{",Str,"}",sep="")
- if(Nargs>1){
- Tmp<- as.character(varargin[[2]])
- S<- paste(S,"[",Tmp,"]",sep="")
- }
- if(Nargs>2){
- Tmp<- varargin[[3]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmp<- as.character(Tmp)
- }
- S<- paste(S,"[",Tmp,"]",sep="")
- }
- S<- paste(S,"{",sep="")
- Texcom(S)
-Texnewctr<- function(N)
- if(mode(N)=="character"){
- Str<- paste("\\newcounter{",N,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- }
- else{
- for (I in N){
- Str<- paste("\\newcounter{",Texctr(I),"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- }
- }
-Texrenewcmd<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Str<- varargin[[1]]
- S<- paste("\\renewcommand{",Str,"}",sep="")
- if(Nargs>1){
- Tmp<- as.character(varargin[[2]])
- S<- paste(S,"[",Tmp,"]",sep="")
- }
- if(Nargs>2){
- Tmp<- varargin[[3]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmp<- as.character(Tmp)
- }
- S<- paste(S,"[",Tmp,"]",sep="")
- }
- S<- paste(S,"{",sep="")
- Texcom(S)
-Texsetctr<- function(Nctr,Opstr)
- Ctr<- Texctr(Nctr)
- Opstr<- paste(Opstr,"%",sep="")
- OperL<- "+-*/%"
- Oper<- ""
- Va<- ""
- Evflg<- 0
- Paflg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Opstr))){
- Tmp<- substring(Opstr,I,I)
- if(Tmp=="("){
- Paflg<- 1
- if(nchar(Va)>0){
- Evflg<- 1
- Va<- paste(Va,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- next
- }
- if(Tmp==")"){
- Paflg<- 0
- if(Evflg>0){
- Va<- paste(Va,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- next
- }
- if(Paflg>0){
- Va<- paste(Va,Tmp,sep="")
- next
- }
- if(length(grep(Tmp,OperL))==0){
- Va<- paste(Va,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- else{
- if(Evflg>0){
- Tmp1<- eval(parse(text=Va))
- Va<- paste("\\value{",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- Evflg<- 0
- }
- if(Oper==""){
- if(nchar(Va)>0){
- Str<- paste("\\setcounter{",Ctr,"}{",Va,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- }
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- else if(Oper=="+"){
- Str<- paste("\\addtocounter{",Ctr,"}{",Va,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- else if(Oper=="-"){
- Str<- paste("\\addtocounter{",Ctr,"}{-",Va,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- else if(Oper=="*"){
- Str<- paste("\\multiply\\value{",Ctr,"} by ",Va,sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- else if(Oper=="/"){
- Str<- paste("\\divide\\value{",Ctr,"} by ",Va,sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- }
- }
-Texthectr<- function(N)
- Out<- paste("\\the",Texctr(N),sep="")
- return(Out)
-Texvalctr<- function(N){
- Out<- paste("\\value{",Texctr(N),"}",sep="")
- return(Out)
-Texvctr<- function(N)
- Out<- paste("\\value{",Texctr(N),"}",sep="")
- return(Out)
-Tonumeric <- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Data<- varargin[[1]]
- Sp<- c(1,1)
- Ep<- c(Inf,Inf)
- if(Nargs>1){
- Sp<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- if(Nargs>2){
- Ep<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- Nrs<- Sp[1]
- Nre<- min(nrow(Data),Ep[1])
- Ncs<- Sp[2]
- Nce<- min(ncol(Data),Ep[2])
- Tmp1<- Data[Nrs:Nre, Ncs:Nce]
- Tmp2 <- as.numeric(Tmp1)
- Out <- matrix(Tmp2,nrow=nrow(Tmp1))
- Sp<- c()
- for (I in 1:nrow(Out)){
- for (J in 1:ncol(Out)){
- Tmp<- Out[I,J]
- if(!{
- Sp<- c(I,J)
- break;
- }
- }
- if(length(Sp)>0) break
- }
- if(length(Sp)==0){
- return("Numeric data not found")
- }
- Ep<- c(nrow(Out),ncol(Out))
- for (I in Sp[1]:nrow(Out)){
- Tmp<- Out[I,Sp[2]]
- if({
- Ep[1]<- I-1
- break
- }
- }
- for (J in Sp[2]:ncol(Out)){
- Tmp<- Out[Sp[1],J]
- if({
- Ep[2]<- J-1
- break
- }
- }
- Out<- Out[Sp[1]:Ep[1], Sp[2]:Ep[2]]
- return(Out)
-Translatedata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-8)
- ML<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(ML)==1){
- ML<- list(ML)
- }
- Tmp=varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)>1){
- A<- Tmp[1]; B<- Tmp[2]
- }
- else{
- A<- Tmp
- if(Nargs>=3){
- B<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- else{
- B<- 0
- }
- }
- OutL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(ML))){
- GL<- Op(N,ML)
- Out<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(GL))){
- if(is.matrix(GL)){ # 10.12.07
- Tmp<- GL[I,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- GL
- }
- X1<- Tmp[1]
- Y1<- Tmp[2]
- if(X1==Inf){
- X2<- X1
- Y2<-Y1
- }
- else{
- X2<- X1+A
- Y2<- Y1+B
- }
- Out<- Appendrow(Out,c(X2,Y2))
- }
- OutL<- Mixjoin(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- if(length(OutL)==1){
- OutL<- Op(1,OutL)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Unscaling<- function(G)
- GLg<- G
- if(class(GLg)=="numeric"){
- GLg<-c(G[1]/SCALEX, G[2]/SCALEY)
- Tmp<-GLg
- if(LOGX==1) Tmp[1]<- 10^(GLg[1])
- if(LOGY==1) Tmp[2]<- 10^(GLg[2])
- return(Tmp)
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<-matrix(c(1/SCALEX,0,0,1/SCALEY),nrow=2)
- GLg<-G %*% Tmp1
- Tmp<-GLg
- if(LOGX==1) Tmp[,1]<- 10^(G[,1])
- if(LOGY==1) Tmp[,2]<- 10^(G[,2])
- return(Tmp)
- }
-Vtickmark<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ArgsL<- varargin
- if(mode(ArgsL[[1]])=="character"){
- Str<- ArgsL[[1]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"m")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- I<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- I<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"n")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- J<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- J<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"r")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- K=nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- K<- 0
- }
- if(K>0){
- S<- substr(Str,K+1,nchar(Str))
- R<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- R<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- R<- 1
- K<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- if(J>0){
- S<- substr(Str,J+1,K-1)
- Dn<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dn<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- Dn<- 1000
- J<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- S<- substr(Str,I+1,J-1)
- Dm<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dm<- 1
- }
- ArgsL<- list()
- for (I in 1:floor((YMAX-GENTEN[2])/Dm)){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(-1,ceiling((YMIN-GENTEN[2])/Dm))){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- list()
- Memori<- list()
- for (N in 1:length(ArgsL)){
- Dt<- ArgsL[[N]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric" && length(Dt)>1){
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt[1],Dt[2])
- next
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Memori<- Mixjoin(Memori,Dt)
- }
- else{
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(GENTEN[1],Dt)
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- for (N in 1:length(MemoriList)){
- Dt<- MemoriList[[N]]
- Ndt<- length(Dt)
- X=Op(1,Dt)
- Y=Op(2,Dt)
- Tmp<-Doscaling(c(X,Y))
- X<- Tmp[1]
- Y<- Tmp[2]
- Moji<- Op(Ndt,Dt)
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(c(X+MARKLEN,Y))
- Tmp2<- Unscaling(c(X-MARKLEN,Y))
- Fd<- Listplot(c(Tmp1,Tmp2))
- Drwline(Fd)
- if(Ndt==3){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X-MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,"w",Moji)
- }
- if(Ndt==4){
- Houkou<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp<-grep("w",Houkou)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X-MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(X+MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xmn<- Tmp[1]; Ymn<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- Xmx<- Tmp[1]; Ymx<- Tmp[2]
- plot(c(Xmn,Xmx),c(Ymn,Ymx),type="n",asp=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Listplot(c(0,YMIN),c(0,YMAX)))
- axis(2,at=as.numeric(Tmp[,2]), labels=round(c(YMIN,YMAX),2))
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Listplot(c(XMIN,0),c(XMAX,0)))
- axis(1,at=as.numeric(Tmp[,1]), labels=round(c(XMIN,XMAX),2))
- Tmp1<- c(XMIN,GENTEN[2])
- Tmp2<- c(XMAX,GENTEN[2])
- Tmp3<- Listplot(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- MakeCurves(Tmp3,0)
- if(Datalength(Tmp)>0){
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2],col="green")
- }
- Tmp1<- c(GENTEN[1],YMAX)
- Tmp2<- c(GENTEN[1],YMIN)
- Tmp3<- Listplot(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- MakeCurves(Tmp3,0)
- if(Datalength(Tmp)>0){
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2],col="green")
- }
- Tmp<-Doscaling(Framedata())
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2])
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Pdata<-varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Pdata)=="numeric"){
- Pdata<-list(Pdata)
- }
- while(Mixtype(Pdata)==3){ # 10.02.23
- Tmp1<- list()
- for(II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp1<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,Pdata[[II]])
- }
- Pdata<- Tmp1
- } # 10.02.23
- for (II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp<-Pdata[[II]]
- P<-MakeCurves(Tmp,0)
- Ndm<-Dataindex(P)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Ndm))){
- Q<-P[Ndm[J,1]:Ndm[J,2],]
- if(Nrow(Q)==1){
- Tmp<-seq(1,Ncol(Q),by=2)
- for (K in Tmp){
- Pt<-Q[K:(K+1)]
- points(Pt[1],Pt[2])
- }
- }
- else{
- lines(Q[,1],Q[,2])
- }
- }
- }
- }
-WindispT<-function(..., color="black",width=1,new=FALSE,htick=c(),vtick=c()){ # 10.12.04
- par(new=new)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(!new) # 10.12.04
- {
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xmn<- Tmp[1]; Ymn<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- Xmx<- Tmp[1]; Ymx<- Tmp[2]
- plot(c(Xmn,Xmx),c(Ymn,Ymx),type="n",asp=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
- Tick<- sort(c(YMIN,YMAX,vtick)) #### 10.12.04 from here
- Tmp1<- matrix(c(rep(0,length(Tick)),Tick),ncol=2)
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- axis(2,at=as.numeric(Tmp[,2]), labels=round(Tick,2))
- Tick<- sort(c(XMIN,XMAX,htick))
- Tmp1<- matrix(c(Tick,rep(0,length(Tick))),ncol=2)
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- axis(1,at=as.numeric(Tmp[,1]), labels=round(Tick,2)) #### 10.12.04 to here
- Tmp1<- c(XMIN,GENTEN[2])
- Tmp2<- c(XMAX,GENTEN[2])
- Tmp3<- Listplot(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- MakeCurves(Tmp3,0)
- if(Datalength(Tmp)>0){
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2],col="green")
- }
- Tmp1<- c(GENTEN[1],YMAX)
- Tmp2<- c(GENTEN[1],YMIN)
- Tmp3<- Listplot(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- MakeCurves(Tmp3,0)
- if(Datalength(Tmp)>0){
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2],col="green")
- }
- Tmp<-Doscaling(Framedata())
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2])
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Pdata<-Flattenlist(varargin[[I]]) # 101129 from here
- Cmd<- list()
- for (II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp<-Pdata[[II]]
- if(length(Tmp)==1){
- Cmd<- c(Cmd,list(Tmp))
- next
- }
- P<-MakeCurves(Tmp,0)
- if(length(Cmd)>0){
- if(length(Cmd)>=3){
- polygon(P,col=Cmd[[1]],border=Cmd[[2]],density=Cmd[[3]])
- }
- else{
- polygon(P,col=Cmd[[1]],border=Cmd[[2]])
- }
- next
- } # 101129 to here
- Ndm<-Dataindex(P)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Ndm))){
- Q<-P[Ndm[J,1]:Ndm[J,2],]
- if(Nrow(Q)==1){
- Tmp<-seq(1,Ncol(Q),by=2)
- for (K in Tmp){
- Pt<-Q[K:(K+1)]
- points(Pt[1],Pt[2],col=color)#taka101111
- }
- }
- else{
- lines(Q[,1],Q[,2],col=color,lwd=width)#taka101111
- }
- }
- }
- }
- par(new=FALSE)
-# 3D
-# 10.08.16
-CameracoordCurve<- function(Curve){
- Out<- c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Curve))){
- P<- Ptcrv(J,Curve) #P=Curve(J,:);
- Tmp<- P-FocusPoint
- X1<- Tmp[1]; Y1<- Tmp[2]; Z1<- Tmp[3]
- Tmp<- EyePoint-FocusPoint
- E1<- Tmp[1]; F1<- Tmp[2]; G1<- Tmp[3]
- Ca<- E1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- Sa<- F1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- X2<- X1*Ca+Y1*Sa; Y2<- -X1*Sa+Y1*Ca; Z2<- Z1
- E2<- E1*Ca+F1*Sa; F2<- -E1*Sa+F1*Ca; G2<- G1
- Cb<- E2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- Sb<- G2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- X3<- X2*Cb+Z2*Sb; Y3<- Y2; Z3<- -X2*Sb+Z2*Cb
- E3<- E2*Cb+G2*Sb; F3<- F2; G3<- -E2*Sb+G2*Cb
- Xz<- X3
- Yz<- E3/(E3-X3)*Y3
- Zz<- E3/(E3-X3)*Z3
- Out<- rbind(Out,c(Yz,Zz,Xz))
- }
- rownames(Out)<- 1:Nrow(Out)
- return(Out)
-CameraCurve<- function(Curve){
- Eps<- 10^(-6)
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Curve))){
- P<- Curve[I,]
- x<- P[1]; y<- P[2]; z<- P[3]
- if(x!=Inf){
- Tmp<- Perspt(P)
- if(I==1){
- AnsL<- rbind(c(),Tmp)
- }else{
- Tmp1<- AnsL[Nrow(AnsL),]
- if(Tmp1[1]==Inf || Norm(Tmp-Tmp1)>Eps){
- AnsL<- rbind(AnsL,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }else{
- AnsL<- rbind(AnsL,c(Inf,Inf))
- }
- }
- rownames(AnsL)<- 1:Nrow(AnsL)
- return(AnsL)
-Cancoordpara<- function(P){ # 18.02.15
- Xz<- P[1]
- Yz<- P[2]
- Zz<- P[3]
- X<- -Xz*sin(PHI)-Yz*cos(PHI)*cos(THETA)+Zz*cos(PHI)*sin(THETA)
- Y<- Xz*cos(PHI)-Yz*sin(PHI)*cos(THETA)+Zz*sin(PHI)*sin(THETA)
- Z<- Yz*sin(THETA)+Zz*cos(THETA)
- Out<- c(X,Y,Z)
- return(Out)
-Cancoordpers<- function(P){
- Tmp<- EyePoint-FocusPoint
- E1<- Tmp[1]; F1<- Tmp[2]; G1<- Tmp[3]
- Ca<- E1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- Sa<- F1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- E2<- E1*Ca+F1*Sa; F2<- -E1*Sa+F1*Ca; G2<- G1
- Cb<- E2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- Sb<- G2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- E3<- E2*Cb+G2*Sb; F3<- F2; G3<- -E2*Sb+G2*Cb
- Xz<- P[3]; Yz<- P[1]; Zz<- P[2]
- X3<- Xz; Y3<- Yz*(E3-Xz)/E3; Z3<- Zz*(E3-Xz)/E3
- X2<- X3*Cb-Sb*Z3; Y2<- Y3; Z2<- Cb*Z3+Sb*X3
- X1<- X2*Ca-Sa*Y2; Y1<- Ca*Y2+Sa*X2; Z1<- Z2
- X<- X1+FocusPoint[1]
- Y<- Y1+FocusPoint[2]
- Z<- Z1+FocusPoint[3]
- Out<- c(X,Y,Z)
- return(Out)
-Embed<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Pd3<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(Pd3)==1){
- Pd3<- list(Pd3)
- }
- else if(Mixtype(Pd3)==3){
- Tmp<- list();
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Pd3))){
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,Pd3[[I]])
- }
- Pd3<- Tmp
- }
- Tmpf=varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Tmpf)=="character"){
- Tmp<- varargin[[3]]
- Tmp1<- gsub("c(","(",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Vstr<- gsub(")",")",Tmp1,fixed=TRUE)
- Str<- paste("Tmpfn<- function",Vstr,"{",Tmpf,"}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- else{
- Tmpfn<- Tmpf
- }
- Out<- list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Pd3))){
- PD<- Pd3[[I]]
- Ans<- c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Nrow(PD))){
- P<- PD[J,]
- Tmp<- Tmpfn(P[1],P[2])
- Ans<- rbind(Ans,Tmp)
- }
- Out<- c(Out, list(Ans))
- }
- if(length(Out)==1){
- Out<- Out[[1]]
- }
- return(Out)
-# 10.08.17
-# 14.03.30
-Facesdata<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- FL<- varargin[[1]]
- PT<- varargin[[length(varargin)]]
- Tmp<-grep("para",PT,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Ptype<- 1
- }else{
- Ptype<- -1
- }
- if(Nargs==2){
- CLadd<- list()
- }else{
- CLadd<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- NohiddenL<- list()
- HiddenL<- list()
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- if(length(CLadd)>0){
- if(mode(CLadd)=="numeric"){
- C<- list()
- if(Nrow(CLadd)>1){
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(CLadd))){
- C<- c(C,list(CLadd[I,]))
- }
- }else{
- I<- 1
- while (I<=Ncol(CLadd)){
- C<- c(C,list(CLadd[1,I:(I+2)]))
- I<- I+3
- }
- }
- CrvL<- list(C)
- }else if(mode(CLadd[[1]])=="numeric"){
- CrvL<- list()
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(CL))){
- Ctmp<- CLadd[[J]]
- C<- list()
- if(Nrow(Ctmp)>1){
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Ctmp))){
- C<- c(C,list(Ctmp[I,]))
- }
- }else{
- I<- 1
- while(I<=Ncol(Ctmp)){
- C<- c(C,list(Ctmp[1,I:(I+2)]))
- I<- I+3
- }
- }
- CrvL<- c(CrvL,list(C))
- }
- }else{
- CrvL<- CLadd
- }
- }else{
- CrvL<- list()
- }
- Out<- MakeveLfaceL(FL)
- VELNO<<- Out[[1]]
- VELHI<<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(CrvL))){
- Tmp<- CrvL[[I]]
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Tmp)-1)){
- Edge<- list(Tmp[J],Tmp[J+1])
- Ntmp<- length(VELNO)
- VELNO(Ntmp+1)<<- list(Edge,0,Ntmp+1)
- }
- }
- FaceL<- Out[[2]]
- Tmp<- grep("raw",PT,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)==0){
- for (Nf in Looprange(1,length(FaceL))){
- Face<- FaceL[[Nf]]
- Menkakusi2(Face,Nf,Ptype)
- }
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(VELNO))){
- Edge<- Op(1,VELNO[[I]])
- if(Norm(Edge[[1]]-Edge[[2]])>Eps){
- NohiddenL<- c(NohiddenL,list(Spaceline(Edge)))
- }
- }
- EdgeL<- list() # from 13.03.30
- for(K in Looprange(1,length(VELHI))){
- Edge<- Op(1,VELHI[[K]])
- P<- Edge[[1]]; Q<- Edge[[2]]
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps){
- EdgeL<- c(EdgeL,list(Edge))
- }
- }
- for(K in Looprange(1,length(EdgeL))){
- Edge<- EdgeL[[K]]
- P<- Edge[[1]]; Q<- Edge[[2]]
- Cflg<- 0
- for(J in Looprange(K+1,length(EdgeL))){
- Ej<- EdgeL[[J]]
- Pj<- Ej[[1]]; Qj<- Ej[[2]]
- if(Norm(Crossprod(Q-P,Qj-Pj))>Eps){
- next
- }
- if(Norm(Q-Pj)<Eps){
- EdgeL[[J]]<- list(P,Qj)
- Cflg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Norm(P-Qj)<Eps){
- EdgeL[[J]]=list(Q,Pj)
- Cflg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Cflg==0){
- HiddenL<- c(HiddenL,list(Spaceline(Edge)))
- }
- } # upto 14.03.30
- return(NohiddenL)
-# 2014.03.31
-PhHiddenData<- function(){
-########## Old Fullform ( Check the case of Polygon )####################
-Fullformfunc<- function(FdL){# Out=Fullformfunc(FdL)
- Out<- list(Op(1,FdL))
- N<- Mixlength(FdL)
- for (Jrg in Looprange(1,N)){
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(Jrg,FdL))
- Tmp1<- grep("=c(",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp1)>0){
- break
- }
- }
- Urg<- Stripblanks(Op(Jrg,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Urg,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Uname<- StrV[1]
- Vrg<- Stripblanks(Op(Jrg+1,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Vrg,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Vname<- StrV[1]
- if(Jrg==2){
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(1,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Zf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- list(Uname,Vname,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }else if(Jrg==4){
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(1,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Zf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(2,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Xname<- StrV[1]
- Xf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(3,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Yname<- StrV[1]
- Yf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- gsub(Xname,paste("(",Xf,")",sep=""),Zf,fixed=TRUE)
- Zf<- gsub(Yname,paste("(",Yf,")",sep=""),Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- list(Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }else{
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(2,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Xf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(3,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Yf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(4,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Zf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- list(Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }
- DrwS<- "enws"
- BdyL<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(Jrg+2,Mixlength(FdL))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,FdL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- if(length(Tmp)==0){
- Tmp<- " "
- }
- DrwS<- Tmp
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && Ncol(Tmp)>1){
- BdyL<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp<- list(DrwS,BdyL)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- return(Out)
-Initangle<- function (){
- PHI<<- 30*pi/180
- THETA<<- 60*pi/180
-Invparapt<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Fk<- varargin[[length(varargin)]]
- NFk<- Numptcrv(Fk)
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){ # debug
- Ph<- Tmp
- Fh<- varargin[[2]]
- }else{
- Fh<- Projpara(Fk)
- if(NFk>2){
- Tmp1<- Nearestpt(Tmp,Fh)
- Ph<- Tmp1[[2]]
- }else{
- Ah<- Ptcrv(1,Fh); Bh=Ptcrv(2,Fh)
- V1<- Tmp-Ah; V2<- Bh-Ah
- Tmp1<- Crossprod(V1,V2)
- if(abs(Tmp1)>Eps){
- print("Not on the line")
- return(c())
- }else{
- Ph<- Dotprod(V1,V2)/Norm(V2)^2+1
- }
- }
- }
- if(NFk>2){
- N<- trunc(Ph)
- S0<- Ph-N
- if(Ph>Numptcrv(Fh)-Eps){
- Out<- list(Ptend(Fk),Numptcrv(Fh))
- return(Out)
- }
- }else{
- N<- 1
- S0<- Ph-1
- }
- Ak<- Ptcrv(N,Fk); Bk=Ptcrv(N+1,Fk)
- Ah<- Ptcrv(N,Fh); Bh=Ptcrv(N+1,Fh)
- Ph<- (1-S0)*Ah+S0*Bh
- T2<- S0
- Pk<- (1-T2)*Ak+T2*Bk
- Out<- list(Pk,N+T2)
- return(Out)
-Invperspt<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Fk<- varargin[[length(varargin)]]
- NFk<- Numptcrv(Fk)
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Ph<- varargin[[1]]
- Fh<- varargin[[2]]
- }else{
- Fh<- Projpers(Fk)
- if(NFk>2){
- Tmp1<- Nearestpt(Tmp,Fh)
- Ph<- Tmp1[[2]]
- }else{
- Ah<- Ptcrv(1,Fh); Bh<- Ptcrv(2,Fh)
- V1<- Tmp-Ah; V2<- Bh-Ah
- Tmp1<- Crossprod(V1,V2)
- if(abs(Tmp1)>Eps){
- print("Not on the line")
- Out<- c()
- return(Out)
- }else{
- Ph<- Dotprod(V1,V2)/Norm(V2)^2+1# 09.11.12
- }
- }
- }
- if(NFk>2){
- N<- trunc(Ph)
- S0<- Ph-N
- if(Ph>Numptcrv(Fh)-Eps){
- Out<- list(Ptend(Fk),Numptcrv(Fh))
- return(Out)
- }
- }else{
- N<- 1
- S0<- Ph-1 # 09.11.12
- }
- Ak<- Ptcrv(N,Fk); Bk<- Ptcrv(N+1,Fk)
- Ah<- Ptcrv(N,Fh); Bh<- Ptcrv(N+1,Fh)
- Ph<- (1-S0)*Ah+S0*Bh
- Phc<- Cancoordpers(c(Ph,0))
- Ahc<- Cancoordpers(c(Ah,0))
- Bhc<- Cancoordpers(c(Bh,0))
- Vp<- Phc-EyePoint
- Va<- Ak-EyePoint
- AB<- Bk-Ak
- Cp<- Crossprod(Vp,AB)
- Nmr<- Crossprod(Va,Vp)
- Mx<- max(abs(Cp))
- if(abs(Cp[1])==Mx){
- T2<- Nmr[1]/Cp[1]
- }else if(abs(Cp[2])==Mx){
- T2<- Nmr[2]/Cp[2]
- }else{
- T2<- Nmr[3]/Cp[3]
- }
- Pk<- (1-T2)*Ak+T2*Bk
- Out<- list(Pk,N+T2)
- return(Out)
-Kukannozoku<- function(Jokyo,KukanL){
- Eps<- 10^(-6)
- N<- Nrow(KukanL)
- T1<- Jokyo[1]; T2<- Jokyo[2]
- Tmp<- KukanL[1,]
- T1<- max(T1,Tmp[1])
- Tmp<- KukanL[N,]
- T2<- min(T2,Tmp[2])
- Res<- c()
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,N)){
- Ku<- KukanL[I,]
- if(Flg==0){
- if(Ku[2]<T1){
- Res<- rbind(Res,Ku)
- }else{
- Flg<- 1
- if(Ku[1]<T1-Eps){
- Tmp<- c(Ku[1],T1)
- Res<- rbind(Res,Tmp)
- }
- if(Ku[2]>T2+Eps){
- Tmp<- c(T2,Ku[2])
- Res<- rbind(Res,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }else if(Flg==1){
- if(Ku[2]<T2){
- next
- }else{
- Flg<- 2
- if(Ku[1]<T2-Eps){
- Ku<- c(T2,Ku[2])
- }
- Res<- rbind(Res,Ku)
- }
- }else{
- Res<- rbind(Res,Ku)
- }
- }
- return(Res)
-Makeskeletondata<- function(Obj2L,Plt2L,R0,Eps2){
- Eps<- 10.0^(-3)
- Dmat<- c()
- Dind<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt2L))){
- Dt<- Op(I,Plt2L)
- N1<- Nrow(Dmat)+1
- if(Nrow(Dmat)==0){
- Dmat<- Dt
- }else{
- Dmat<- rbind(Dmat,Dt)
- }
- N2<- Nrow(Dmat)
- Dind<- c(Dind,N1,N2)
- }
- Dind<- matrix(Dind,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- Nind<- Nrow(Dind)
- Allres<- list()
- for (Nobj in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Obj2L))){
- Plt2<- Op(Nobj,Obj2L)
- PhL<- Plt2[,1:2]
- ClipL<- c()
- for (Ns in Looprange(1,Nrow(PhL)-1)){
- P1<- PhL[Ns:(Ns+1),]
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Dind))){
- Tmp<- Dmat[Dind[I,1]:Dind[I,2],]
- P2<- Tmp[,1:2]
- KC<- IntersectcrvsPp(P1,P2,Eps)
- if(Mixlength(KC)>0){
- for (J in 1:Mixlength(KC)){
- P<- Op(1,Op(J,KC))
- Tmp<- Op(2,Op(J,KC))
- if(Tmp<1+Eps && Ns==1){
- next
- }
- if(Tmp>Numptcrv(P1)-Eps && Ns==(Nrow(PhL)-1)){
- next
- }
- N1<- Ns
- N2<- Op(3,Op(J,KC))
- Pa<- Plt2[N1,1:2]
- Za<- Plt2[N1,3]
- Pb<- Plt2[N1+1,1:2]
- Zb<- Plt2[N1+1,3]
- if(Norm(Pa-Pb)<Eps){
- next
- }
- T1<- Norm(Pa-P)/Norm(Pa-Pb)
- Z1<- (1-T1)*Za+T1*Zb
- Tmp<- Dmat[Dind[I,1]:Dind[I,2],]
- Pa<- Tmp[N2,1:2]
- Za<- Tmp[N2,3]
- Pb<- Tmp[N2+1,1:2]
- Zb<- Tmp[N2+1,3]
- if((Norm(Pa-Pb)<Eps)){
- next
- }
- T2<- Norm(Pa-P)/Norm(Pa-Pb)
- Z2<- (1-T2)*Za+T2*Zb
- if(Z1<Z2-Eps2){
- if(Nrow(ClipL)==0){
- Tmp<- 1
- }else{
- Tmp1<- ClipL[,1]-P[1]
- Tmp2<- ClipL[,2]-P[2]
- Tmp3<- Tmp1^2+Tmp2^2
- Tmp<- min(Tmp3)
- }
- if(Tmp>Eps^2){
- Tmp1<- P1[2,]-P1[1,]
- Tmp2<- Pb-Pa
- Tmp3<- Dotprod(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp3<- Tmp3/Norm(Tmp1)/Norm(Tmp2)
- Tmp<- 1-0.5*Tmp3^2
- ClipL<- rbind(ClipL,c(P,N1,T1,R0/Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Te<- Nrow(Plt2)
- KukanL<- rbind(c(),c(1.0,Te))
- P1<- PhL
- if(Nrow(ClipL)>0){
- for (I in 1:Nrow(ClipL)){
- P<- ClipL[I,1:2]
- NN<- ClipL[I,3]
- T<- NN+ClipL[I,4]
- R<- ClipL[I,5]
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in NN:1){
- Q<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- next
- }
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- T1<- 1
- }else{
- T1<- J; T2<- T
- H<- T2-T1
- for (N in 1:10){
- H<- H*0.5
- Q<- Pointoncurve(T1+H,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- T2<- T2-H
- }else{
- T1<- T1+H
- }
- }
- }
- Ku<- c(T1)
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(NN+1,Te)){
- Q<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- next
- }
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- T2<- Te
- }else{
- T1<- T; T2<- J
- H<- T2-T1
- for (N in 1:10){
- H<- H*0.5
- Q<- Pointoncurve(T1+H,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- T1<- T1+H
- }else{
- T2<- T2-H
- }
- }
- }
- Ku<- c(Ku,T2)
- KukanL<- Kukannozoku(Ku,KukanL)
- }
- }
- Res<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(KukanL))){
- T1<- KukanL[I,1]; N1<- trunc(T1)
- T2<- KukanL[I,2]; N2<- trunc(T2)
- PtL<- list()
- if(T1-N1<1-Eps){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(T1,P1)
- PtL<- list(Tmp)
- }
- for (J in Looprange(N1+1,N2)){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp))
- }
- if(T2-N2>Eps){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(T2,P1)
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Res<- c(Res,list(Listplot(PtL)))
- }
- Allres<- c(Allres,Res)
- }
- return(Allres)
-Makeskeletonpersdata<- function(Obj2L,Plt2L,R0,Eps2){
- Eps<- 10.0^(-3)
- Dmat<- c()
- Dind<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt2L))){
- Dt<- Op(I,Plt2L)
- N1<- Nrow(Dmat)+1
- Dmat<- rbind(Dmat,Dt)
- N2<- Nrow(Dmat)
- Dind<- rbind(Dind,c(N1,N2))
- }
- Nind<- Nrow(Dind)
- Allres<- list()
- for (Nobj in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Obj2L))){
- Plt2<- Op(Nobj,Obj2L)
- PhL<- Plt2[,1:2]
- ClipL<- c()
- for (Ns in Looprange(1,Nrow(PhL)-1)){
- P1<- PhL[Ns:(Ns+1),]
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Dind))){
- Tmp<- Dmat[Dind[I,1]:Dind[I,2],]
- P2<- Tmp[,1:2]
- KC<- IntersectcrvsPp(P1,P2,Eps)
- if(Mixlength(KC)>0){
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(KC))){#
- P<- Op(1,Op(J,KC))
- Tmp<- Op(2,Op(J,KC))
- if(Tmp<(1+Eps) && Ns==1){
- next
- }
- if(Tmp>Numptcrv(P1)-Eps && Ns==(Nrow(PhL)-1)){
- next
- }
- N1<- Ns
- N2<- Op(3,Op(J,KC))
- Pa<- Plt2[N1,1:2]
- Za<- Plt2[N1,3]
- Pb<- Plt2[N1+1,1:2]
- Zb<- Plt2[N1+1,3]
- if(Norm(Pa-Pb)<Eps){
- next
- }
- T1<- Norm(Pa-P)/Norm(Pa-Pb)#norm(Pa-P)/norm(Pa-Pb)
- Pka<- Cancoordpers(c(Pa[1],Pa[2],Za))
- Pkb<- Cancoordpers(c(Pb[1],Pb[2],Zb))
- if(T1>1-Eps){
- Pk<- Pkb
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(Pa,Pb))
- Tmp2<- Spaceline(c(Pka,Pkb))
- Tmp<- Invperspt(1+T1,Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Pk<- Op(1,Tmp)
- }
- Z1<- Zperspt(Pk)
- Tmp<- Dmat[Dind[I,1]:Dind[I,2],]
- Pa<- Tmp[N2,1:2]
- Za<- Tmp[N2,3]
- Pb<- Tmp[N2+1,1:2]
- Zb<- Tmp[N2+1,3]
- if(Norm(Pa-Pb)<Eps){
- next
- }
- T2<- Norm(Pa-P)/Norm(Pa-Pb)
- Pka<- Cancoordpers(c(Pa[1],Pa[2],Za))
- Pkb<- Cancoordpers(c(Pb[1],Pb[2],Zb))
- if(T2>(1-Eps)){
- Pk<- Pkb
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(Pa,Pb))
- Tmp2<- Spaceline(c(Pka,Pkb))
- Tmp<- Invperspt(1+T2,Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Pk<- Op(1,Tmp)
- }
- Z2<- Zperspt(Pk)
- if(Z1<(Z2-Eps2)){
- if(length(ClipL)==0){
- Tmp<- 1
- }else{
- Tmp1<- ClipL[,1]-P[1]
- Tmp2<- ClipL[,2]-P[2]
- Tmp3<- Tmp1^2+Tmp2^2
- Tmp<- min(Tmp3)
- }
- if(Tmp>Eps^2){
- Tmp1<- P1[2,]-P1[1,]
- Tmp2<- Pb-Pa
- Tmp3<- Dotprod(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp3<- Tmp3/Norm(Tmp1)/Norm(Tmp2)
- Tmp<- 1-0.5*Tmp3^2
- ClipL<- rbind(ClipL,c(P,N1,T1,R0/Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Te<- Nrow(Plt2)
- KukanL<- rbind(c(),c(1.0,Te))
- P1<- PhL
- if(Nrow(ClipL)>0){
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(ClipL))){
- P<- ClipL[I,1:2]
- NN<- ClipL[I,3]
- T<- NN+ClipL[I,4]
- R<- ClipL[I,5] #added 10.08.17
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in NN:1){
- Q<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){#(norm(P-Q)<R)
- next
- }
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- T1<- 1
- }else{
- T1<- J; T2<- T
- H<- T2-T1
- for (N in 1:10){
- H<- H*0.5
- Q<- Pointoncurve(T1+H,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){ # norm(P-Q)<R
- T2<- T2-H
- }else{
- T1<- T1+H
- }
- }
- }
- Ku<- c(T1)#Ku<- [T1]
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(NN+1,Te)){
- Q<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- next#continue
- }
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- T2<- Te
- }else{
- T1<- T; T2<- J
- H<- T2-T1
- for (N in 1:10){
- H<- H*0.5
- Q<- Pointoncurve(T1+H,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- T1<- T1+H
- }else{
- T2<- T2-H
- }
- }
- }
- Ku<- c(Ku,T2)#[Ku,T2]
- KukanL<- Kukannozoku(Ku,KukanL)
- }
- }
- Res<- list()#[]
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(KukanL))){#(I=1:size(KukanL,1))
- T1<- KukanL[I,1]; N1<- trunc(T1)
- T2<- KukanL[I,2]; N2<- trunc(T2)
- PtL<- list()#[]
- if(T1-N1<1-Eps){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(T1,P1)
- PtL<- list(Tmp)#100816c(PtL,list(Tmp)) PtL<- MixS(Tmp)
- }
- for (J in Looprange(N1+1,N2)){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp))#Mixadd(PtL,Tmp)
- }
- if(T2-N2>Eps){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(T2,P1)
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp))#Mixadd(PtL,Tmp)
- }
- Res<- c(Res,list(Listplot(PtL)))#Res<- Mixadd(Res,Listplot(PtL))
- }
- Allres<- c(Allres,Res)#Allres<- Mixjoin(Allres,Res)
- }
- return(Allres)
-MakeveLfaceL<- function(VfL){
-# // Out format
-# // VeL Edge, Face num(as numlist), VeL num
-# // FL Face (Vertexs)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Tmp<- VfL[[length(VfL)]]
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(mode(Tmp1)=="numeric"){
- FvL<- list(VfL)
- }else{
- FvL<- VfL
- }
- EL<- list(); FL<- list()
- for (Nn in Looprange(1,length(FvL))){
- Tmp<- FvL[[Nn]]
- VL<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(VL)>0){
- FnL<- Tmp[[2]]
- FaceL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(FnL))){
- Tmp1<- FnL[[I]]
- PtL<- list()
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Tmp1))){
- Tmp2<- Tmp1[[J]]
- PtL[[J]]<- VL[[Tmp2]]
- }
- FaceL[[I]]<- PtL
- }
- }else{
- FaceL<- list(Tmp[[2]])
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(FaceL))){
- Face<- FaceL[[I]]
- Face<- c(Face,list(Face[[1]]))
- FL<- c(FL,list(Face))
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face)-1)){
- Edge<- list(Face[[J]],Face[[J+1]])
- Flg<- 0
- for (K in Looprange(1,length(EL))){
- Tmp<- EL[[K]]
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp2<- Norm(Edge[[1]]-Tmp1[[1]])+Norm(Edge[[2]]-Tmp1[[2]])
- Tmp3<- Norm(Edge[[1]]-Tmp1[[2]])+Norm(Edge[[2]]-Tmp1[[1]])
- if(Tmp2<Eps || Tmp3<Eps){#(
- Tmp<- EL[[K]]
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp2<- c(Tmp[[2]],length(FL))
- EL[[K]]<- list(Tmp1,Tmp2,K)
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- Ntmp<- length(EL)
- EL[[Ntmp+1]]<- list(Edge,c(length(FL)),Ntmp+1)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Out<- list(EL,FL)
- return(Out)
-#// 09.10.29
-#// 09.11.15
-Menkakusi2<- function(Face,Nf,Ptype){
-# global THETA PHI EyePoint FocusPoint VELNO VELHI
- Eps0<- 10^(-6)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Tmp1<- Face[[1]]-Face[[2]]
- Tmp2<- Face[[3]]-Face[[2]]
- if(Norm(Tmp1)<Eps || Norm(Tmp2)<Eps){
- return()
- }
- Vec<- 1/Norm(Tmp1)/Norm(Tmp2)*Crossprod(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- if(Norm(Vec)<Eps){
- return()
- }
- if(Ptype== -1){
- W<- EyePoint
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Vec,W-Face[[1]])
- }else{
- W<- c(sin(THETA)*cos(PHI),sin(THETA)*sin(PHI),cos(THETA))
- W<- 100*W
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Vec,W-Face[[1]])
- }
- if(abs(Tmp)<Eps){
- return()
- }
- if(Tmp<-Eps){
- Vec<- -Vec
- }
- if(Ptype==-1){
- G1<- Projpers(Spaceline(Face))
- }else{
- G1<- Projpara(Spaceline(Face))
- }
- VL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Numptcrv(G1))){
- VL[[I]]<- Ptcrv(I,G1)
- }
- Out1L<- list()
- Out2L<- VELHI
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(VELNO))){
- Out1<- list()
- Out2<- list()
- Tmp<- VELNO[[N]]
- Edge<- Tmp[[1]]
- Ne<- Tmp[[2]]
- NNe<- Tmp[[3]]
- if(Member(Nf,Ne)){
- Out1L<- c(Out1L, list(list(Edge,Ne,NNe)))
- next
- }
- if(Ptype==-1){
- PtA<- Perspt(Edge[[1]])
- PtB<- Perspt(Edge[[2]])
- }else{
- PtA<- Parapt(Edge[[1]])
- PtB<- Parapt(Edge[[2]])
- }
- if(Norm(PtA-PtB)<Eps){
- next
- }
- Bdy<- list(G1)
- V<- PtB-PtA
- TenL<- KoutenList(PtA,V,Bdy)
- Nten<- length(TenL)
- if(Nten==0){ # debug 10.08.17
- Out1L<- c(Out1L,list(list(Edge,Ne,NNe)))
- next
- }
- Te<- 0
- Pe3<- Edge[[1]]
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Tmp1<- Perspt(Pe3)
- Tmp<- Invperspt(Tmp1,Spaceline(Face))
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Parapt(Pe3)
- Tmp<- Invparapt(Tmp1,Spaceline(Face))
- }
- Qe3<- Tmp[[1]]
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nten)){
- TenP<- TenL[[I]]
- Ts<- TenP[[1]]
- P<- TenP[[2]]
- if(Ts< -Eps){
- next
- }
- Eline<- Spaceline(Edge)
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Tmp<- Invperspt(P,Eline)
- Tmp1<- Invperspt(P,Spaceline(Face))
- }else{
- Tmp<- Invparapt(P,Eline)
- Tmp1<- Invparapt(P,Spaceline(Face))
- }
- P3<- Tmp[[1]]; Q3<- Tmp1[[1]]
- if(Ts>1-Eps){# // P3, Q3 are necessary
- Flg<- I
- break
- }
- if(abs(Te-Ts)>Eps0){
- if((I%%2)==1){
- Out1<- c(Out1,list(list(Pe3,P3)))
- }else{
- if(length(Qe3)==0){
- Tmp<- Op(2,TenL[[I-1]])
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Tmp1<- Invperspt(Tmp,Spaceline(Face))
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Invparapt(Tmp,Spaceline(Face))
- }
- Qe3<- Tmp1[[1]]
- }
- PM<- 0.5*(Pe3+P3); QM<- 0.5*(Qe3+Q3)
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Z1<- Zperspt(PM); Z2<- Zperspt(QM)
- }else{
- Z1<- Zparapt(PM); Z2<- Zparapt(QM)
- }
- if(Z1>Z2){
- Out1<- c(Out1, list(list(Pe3,P3)))
- }else{
- Out2<- c(Out2, list(list(Pe3,P3)))
- }##
- }
- }
- Te<- Ts; Pe3<- P3; Qe3<- Q3
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- if(Norm(Pe3-Edge[[2]])>Eps0){
- Out1<- c(Out1, list(list(Pe3,Edge[[2]])))
- }
- }else{
- if((Flg%%2)==1){
- Out1<- c(Out1, list(list(Pe3,Edge[[2]])))
- }else{
- PM<- 0.5*(Pe3+P3); QM<- 0.5*(Qe3+Q3)
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Z1<- Zperspt(PM); Z2<- Zperspt(QM)
- }else{
- Z1<- Zparapt(PM); Z2<- Zparapt(QM)
- }
- if(Z1>Z2){
- Out1<- c(Out1, list(list(Pe3,Edge[[2]])))
- }else{
- Out2<- c(Out2, list(list(Pe3,Edge[[2]])))
- }
- }
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(Out1))){
- Tmp<- Out1[[I]]
- if(I==1){
- SeL<- Tmp
- }else{
- if(Norm(SeL[[2]]-Tmp[[1]])<Eps0){
- SeL[[2]]<- Tmp[[2]]
- }else{
- Out1L<- c(Out1L, list(list(SeL,Ne,NNe)))
- SeL<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(Out1)>0){
- Out1L<- c(Out1L, list(list(SeL,Ne,NNe)))
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(Out2))){
- Tmp<- Out2[[I]]
- if(I==1){
- SeL<- Tmp
- }else{
- if(Norm(SeL[[2]]-Tmp[[1]])<Eps0){
- SeL[[2]]<- Tmp[[2]]
- }else{
- Out2L<- c(Out2L, list(list(SeL,Ne,NNe)))
- SeL<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(Out2)>0){
- Out2L<- c(Out2L, list(list(SeL,Ne,NNe)))
- }
- }
- VELNO<<- Out1L
- VELHI<<- Out2L
-Parapt<- function(Plist){ # 18.02.19 changed (for point list)
- if(!is.list(Plist)){Plist=list(Plist)}
- Out=list()
- for(jj in 1:length(Plist)){
- P=Op(jj,Plist)
- x<- P[1]
- y<- P[2]
- z<- P[3]
- Xz<- -x*sin(PHI)+y*cos(PHI)
- Yz<- -x*cos(PHI)*cos(THETA)-y*sin(PHI)*cos(THETA)+z*sin(THETA)
- Out<- c(Out,list(c(Xz,Yz)))
- }
- if(length(Out)==1){Out=Op(1,Out)}
- return(Out)
-Partcrv3<- function(T1,T2,Fk){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
-#// Tmp=Mixop(1,Fk)
-#// new part from
- if(T1>(T2+Eps0)){
- Npt<- Nrow(Fk)
- Out1<- Partcrv3(T1,Npt,Fk)
- Out2<- Partcrv3(1,T2,Fk)
- Tmp<- Fk[1,]-Fk[Npt,]
- if(Norm(Tmp)<Eps0){
- PL<- Joincrvs(Out1,Out2)
- }else{
- PL<- list(Out1,Out2)
- }
- rownames(PL)<- 1:Nrow(PL)
- return(PL)
- }
- if(floor(T1)==floor(T2)){ #18.02.26from
- Tmp=floor(T1)
- p1=Op(Tmp,Fk); p2=Op(Tmp+1,Fk)
- PL=c(p1+(T1-Tmp)*(p2-p1))
- PL=Appendrow(PL, p1+(T2-Tmp)*(p2-p1)) #18.02.26upto
- }else{
- Is<- ceiling(T1)
- Ie<- floor(T2)
- PL<- c()
- if(T1<Is-Eps0){
- P<- (Is-T1)*Fk[Is-1,]+(1-Is+T1)*Fk[Is,]
- PL<- Appendrow(PL, P) #18.02.10(bug)
- }
- PL<- Appendrow(PL,Fk[Is:Ie,])
- if(T2>(Ie+Eps0)){
- P<- (1-T2+Ie)*Fk[Ie,]+(T2-Ie)*Fk[Ie+1,]
- PL<- Appendrow(PL,P)
- }
- }
- return(PL)
-Perspt<- function(P){
- Tmp<- P-FocusPoint
- X1<- Tmp[1]; Y1<- Tmp[2]; Z1<- Tmp[3]
- Tmp<- EyePoint-FocusPoint
- E1<- Tmp[1];F1<- Tmp[2];G1<- Tmp[3]
- Ca<- E1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- Sa<- F1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- X2<- X1*Ca+Y1*Sa; Y2<- -X1*Sa+Y1*Ca; Z2<- Z1
- E2<- E1*Ca+F1*Sa; F2<- -E1*Sa+F1*Ca; G2<- G1
- Cb<- E2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- Sb<- G2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- X3<- X2*Cb+Z2*Sb; Y3<- Y2; Z3<- -X2*Sb+Z2*Cb
- E3<- E2*Cb+G2*Sb; F3<- F2; G3<- -E2*Sb+G2*Cb
- Yz<- E3/(E3-X3)*Y3
- Zz<- E3/(E3-X3)*Z3
- Out<- c(Yz,Zz)
- return(Out)
-Phcutdata<- function(VL,FaceL,PlaneD){
- Out<- list()
- EL<- list()
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(FaceL))){
- Face<- Op(I,FaceL)
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- Nj<- J+1
- if(J==length(Face)){
- Nj<- 1
- }
- N1<- Face[J]; N2<- Face[Nj]
- Tmp<- c(N1,N2)
- Flg<- 0
- for (K in Looprange(1,Mixlength(EL))){
- Tmp1<- Op(K,EL)
- Tmp2<- Tmp1[2:1]
- if(all(Tmp==Tmp1) || all(Tmp==Tmp2)){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- EL<- c(EL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- Out0<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(EL))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,EL)
- Tmp1<- Op(Tmp[1],VL)
- Tmp2<- Op(Tmp[2],VL)
- Out0<- c(Out0, list(Spaceline(Tmp1,Tmp2)))
- }
- if(Mixtype(PlaneD)!=1){
- V1<- Op(1,PlaneD)
- Tmp<- Op(2,PlaneD)
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- d<- V1[1]*Tmp[1]+V1[2]*Tmp[2]+V1[3]*Tmp[3]
- }else{
- d<- Tmp
- }
- }else if(mode(PlaneD)=="numeric"){
- V1<- PlaneD[1:3]
- d<- PlaneD[4]
- }else{
- StrV<- strsplit(PlaneD,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Tmp1<- StrV[1]
- Tmp2<- StrV[2]
- PlaneD<- paste(Tmp1,"-(",Tmp2,")",sep="")
- }
- x<- 0; y<- 0; z<- 0
- d<- -eval(parse(text=PlaneD))
- x<- 1; y<- 0; z<- 0;
- Tmp1<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- x<- 0; y<- 1; z<- 0
- Tmp2<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- x<- 0; y<- 0; z<- 1
- Tmp3<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- V1<- c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- }
- if(all(V1==c(0,0,0))){
- return(Out0)
- }
- V3<- c(1,0,0)
- Out1<- Rotate3data(Out0,V1,V3)
- Tmp2<- Rotate3pt(c(1,0,0),V3,V1)
- Tmp<- V1[1]*Tmp2[1]+V1[2]*Tmp2[2]+V1[3]*Tmp2[3]
- x0<- d/Tmp
- PtL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Out1))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,Out1)
- Tmp1<- Tmp[1,]; Tmp2<- Tmp[2,]
- P<- list(Tmp1,Tmp2-Tmp1)
- Tmp<- list(Tmp1[1],Tmp2[1]-Tmp1[1])
- if(abs(Tmp[[2]]) < Eps){
- Tmp<- c()
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[2]]
- Tmp2<- x0-Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp<- c(Tmp2/Tmp1)
- }
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<- Tmp[1]
- if(Tmp>-Eps && Tmp<(1+Eps)){
- Tmp3<- P[[1]]+Tmp*P[[2]]
- Tmp3<- Rotate3pt(Tmp3,V3,V1)
- if(Tmp<Eps){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,EL)
- Tmp1<- Tmp1[1]
- Tmp4<- list(c(Tmp1,Tmp1),Tmp3)
- }else{
- if(Tmp>1-Eps){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,EL)
- Tmp1<- Tmp1[2]
- Tmp4<- list(c(Tmp1,Tmp1),Tmp3)
- }else{
- Tmp4<- list(Op(I,EL),Tmp3)
- }
- }
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PtL))){
- Tmp<- Op(J,PtL)
- Tmp<- Op(2,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Tmp3-Tmp)<Eps){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp4))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mixlength(PtL)==0){
- return(Out0)
- }
- PL<- list(Op(1,PtL))
- QL<- PtL[2:Mixlength(PtL)]
- N<- Mixlength(QL)
- for (I in Looprange(2,N+1)){
- Tmp1<- Op(Mixlength(PL),PL)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Tmp1)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(QL))){
- Tmp2<- Op(J,QL)
- Tmp2<- Op(1,Tmp2)
- Flg<- 0
- for (K in Looprange(1,Mixlength(FaceL))){
- Tmp3<- Op(K,FaceL);
- if(Member(Tmp1[1],Tmp3) &&
- Member(Tmp1[2],Tmp3) &&
- Member(Tmp2[1],Tmp3) &&
- Member(Tmp2[2],Tmp3)){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==1){
- break
- }
- }
- J<- min(J, Mixlength(QL))
- PL<- c(PL,list(Op(J,QL)))
- Tmp1<- QL[Looprange(1,J-1)]
- Tmp2<- QL[Looprange(J+1,Mixlength(QL))]
- QL<- c(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- if(Mixlength(QL)==0){
- break
- }
- }
- Tmp<- list()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PL))){
- Tmp1<- Op(J,PL)
- Tmp1<- Op(2,Tmp1)
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,list(Tmp1))
- }
- Tmp1<- Op(1,PL)
- Tmp1<- Op(2,Tmp1)
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,list(Tmp1))
- Out2<- Spaceline(Tmp)
- Out<- c(Out0,list(Out2))
-Phcutoffdata<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Out2<- list()
- VL<- varargin[[1]]
- FaceL<- varargin[[2]]
- PlaneD<- varargin[[3]]
- Sgnstr<- varargin[[4]]
- Fugou<- 1
- if(Sgnstr=="-" || Sgnstr=="n"){
- Fugou<- -1
- }
- Out0<- Phcutdata(VL,FaceL,PlaneD)
- PHFACEL<<- FaceL
- if(length(PtL)==0){
- Out2<- Out0
- return(Out2)
- }
- N1<- Mixlength(VL)
- Face<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PtL))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,PtL)
- Tmp3<- Op(1,Tmp)
- Tmp1<- Tmp3[[1]]; Tmp2<- Tmp3[[2]] # debugged 10.08.14
- if(Tmp1!=Tmp2){
- VL<- c(VL,list(Op(2,Tmp)))
- N1<- N1+1
- Tmp1<- N1
- }
- Face<- c(Face,Tmp1)
- PtL[[I]]<- list(Op(1,Tmp),Tmp1)
- }
- OutfL<- list(Face)
- if(Mixtype(PlaneD)!=1){
- V1<- Op(1,PlaneD)
- Tmp<- Op(2,PlaneD)
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- d<- V1[1]*Tmp[1]+V1[2]*Tmp[2]+V1[3]*Tmp[3]
- }else{
- d<- Tmp
- }
- }else if(mode(PlaneD)=="numeric"){
- V1<- PlaneD[1:3]
- d<- PlaneD[4]
- }else{
- StrV<- strsplit(PlaneD,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Tmp1<- StrV[1]
- Tmp2<- StrV[2]
- PlaneD<- paste(Tmp1,"-(",Tmp2,")",sep="")
- }
- x<- 0; y<- 0; z<- 0
- d<- -eval(parse(text=PlaneD))
- x<- 1; y<- 0; z<- 0
- Tmp1<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- x<- 0; y<- 1; z<- 0
- Tmp2<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- x<- 0; y<- 0; z<- 1
- Tmp3<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- V1<- c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(FaceL))){
- Face<- Op(I,FaceL)
- TmpL<- list()
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- N1<- Face[J]
- if(J==length(Face)){
- N2<- Face[1]
- }else{
- N2<- Face[J+1]
- }
- for (K in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PtL))){
- Pd<- Op(K,PtL)
- Tmp<- Op(1,Pd)
- if(Tmp[1]==Tmp[2]){
- if(Tmp[1]==N1){
- TmpL<- c(TmpL,list(list(J,c(N1,N2),Op(2,Pd))))
- }
- }else{
- if(all(Tmp==c(N1,N2)) || all(Tmp==c(N2,N1))){
- TmpL<- c(TmpL,list(list(J,c(N1,N2),Op(2,Pd))))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mixlength(TmpL)<2){
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- Tmp<- Op(Face[J],VL)
- Tmp1<- Fugou*(Dotprod(V1,Tmp)-d)
- if(Tmp1< -Eps){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- OutfL<- c(OutfL,list(Face))
- }
- next
- }
- Pd<- Op(1,TmpL)
- Qd<- Op(2,TmpL)
- Outf1<- c(Op(3,Pd))
- Nf<- Op(1,Pd)+1
- Tmp<- Op(2,Pd)
- JJ<- 0
- while (!all(Tmp==Op(2,Qd))){
- JJ<- JJ+1
- if(JJ>20){
- print("bug")
- return()
- }
- Tmp1<- Tmp[2]
- if(Outf1[length(Outf1)]!=Tmp1){
- Outf1<- c(Outf1,Tmp1)
- }
- Tmp<- c(Face[Nf])
- Nf<- Nf+1
- if(Nf>length(Face)){
- Nf<- 1
- }
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,Face[Nf])
- }
- Tmp1<- Op(3,Qd)
- if(Outf1[length(Outf1)]!=Tmp1){
- Outf1<- c(Outf1,Tmp1)
- }
- Outf2<- c(Op(3,Pd))
- Nf<- Op(1,Pd)
- Tmp<- Op(2,Pd)
- JJ<- 0
- while (!all(Tmp==Op(2,Qd))){
- JJ<- JJ+1
- if(JJ>20){
- print("bug")
- return()
- }
- Tmp1<- Tmp[1]
- if(Outf2[length(Outf2)]!=Tmp1){
- Outf2<- c(Outf2,Tmp1)
- }
- Tmp<- c(Face[Nf])
- Nf<- Nf-1
- if(Nf<1){
- Nf<- length(Face)
- }
- Tmp<- c(Face[Nf],Tmp)
- }
- Tmp1<- Op(3,Qd)
- if(Outf2[length(Outf2)]!=Tmp1){
- Outf2<- c(Outf2,Tmp1)
- }
- if(length(Outf1)<3 || length(Outf2)<3){
- Face<- Outf1
- if(length(Outf1)<length(Outf2)){
- Face<- Outf2
- }
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- Tmp<- Op(Face(J),VL)
- Tmp1<- Fugou*(Dotprod(V1,Tmp)-d)
- if(Tmp1<-Eps){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- OutfL<- c(OutfL,list(Face))
- }
- }else{
- Tmp<- Op(Outf1[2],VL)
- Tmp1<- Outf1
- Tmp2<- Fugou*(Dotprod(V1,Tmp)-d)
- if(Tmp2<0){
- Tmp1<- Outf2
- }
- OutfL<- c(OutfL,list(Tmp1))
- }
- }
- PHFACEL<<- OutfL
- Out2<- Phcutdata(VL,OutfL,c(0,0,0,0))
- return(Out2)
-Phparadata<- function(VL,FaceL){
- Out<- Facesdata(list(VL,FaceL),"para")
- return(Out)
-Phpersdata<- function(VL,FaceL){
- Out<- Facesdata(list(VL,FaceL),"pers")
- return(Out)
-Phspersdata<- function(Fdata){
- Out<- Facesdata(Fdata,"pers")
- return(Out)
-Phsparadata<- function(Fdata){
- Out<- Facesdata(Fdata,"para")
- return(Out)
-Projpers<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Flg<- 0
- if(Nargs==1 && Mixtype(varargin[[1]])==1){
- Flg<- 1
- }
- CL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Crv<- varargin[[N]]
- if(Mixtype(Crv)==1){
- Tmp<- CameraCurve(Crv)
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }else{
- if(Mixtype(Crv)==3){
- ObjL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,Crv)
- if(Mixtype(Tmp1)==1){
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,list(Tmp1))
- }else{
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Crv<- ObjL
- }
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp<- CameraCurve(Op(J,Crv))
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mixlength(CL)==1 && Flg==1){
- CL<- Op(1,CL)
- }
- return(CL)
-ProjcoordCurve<- function(Curve){
- SP<- sin(PHI); CP<- cos(PHI)
- ST<- sin(THETA); CT<- cos(THETA)
- Out<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Curve))){
- P<- Ptcrv(J,Curve)
- x<- P[1]; y<- P[2]; z<- P[3]
- Xz<- -x*SP+y*CP
- Yz<- -x*CP*CT-y*SP*CT+z*ST
- Zz<- x*CP*ST+y*SP*ST+z*CT
- Out<- c(Out,Xz,Yz,Zz)
- }
- Out<- matrix(Out,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
- return(Out)
-ProjCurve<- function(Curve){ # 2018.02.26 rewritten
- AnsL= c()
- SP=sin(PHI); CP=cos(PHI)
- ST=sin(THETA); CT=cos(THETA)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(Curve)) ){
- P=Op(I,Curve)
- x=P[1]; y=P[2]; z=P[3]
- if(x!=Inf){
- Xz=-x*SP+y*CP
- Yz= -x*CP*CT-y*SP*CT+z*ST
- AnsL=Appendrow(AnsL,c(Xz,Yz))
- Tmp= c(Xz,Yz)
- }else{
- AnsL=Appendrow(AnsL,c(Inf,Inf))
- }
- }
- return(AnsL)
-Projpara<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Flg<- 0
- if((Nargs==1)&&(is.numeric(varargin[[1]]))){
- Flg<- 1
- }
- CL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Crv<- varargin[[N]]
- if(is.numeric(Crv)){
- Tmp<- ProjCurve(Crv)
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }
- else{
- if(is.list(Crv)){
- ObjL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,Crv)
- if(is.numeric(Tmp1)){
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,list(Tmp1))
- }
- else{
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Crv<- ObjL
- }
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Crv))){
- Tmp<- ProjCurve(Op(J,Crv))
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- if((length(CL)==1)&&(Flg==1)){
- CL<- Op(1,CL)
- }
- return(CL)
-Projpers<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Flg<- 0
- if(Nargs==1 && Mixtype(varargin[[1]])==1){
- Flg<- 1
- }
- CL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Crv<- varargin[[N]]
- if(Mixtype(Crv)==1){
- Tmp<- CameraCurve(Crv)
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }else{
- if(Mixtype(Crv)==3){
- ObjL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,Crv)
- if(Mixtype(Tmp1)==1){
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,list(Tmp1))
- }else{
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Crv<- ObjL
- }
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp<- CameraCurve(Op(J,Crv))
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mixlength(CL)==1 && Flg==1){
- CL<- Op(1,CL)
- }
- return(CL)
-# 11.08.27
-# 14.03.23 Debugged "center"
-Rotate3data<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Pd3<- varargin[[1]]
- W1<- varargin[[2]]
- W2<- varargin[[3]]
- C<- c(0,0,0)
- if(Nargs>=4){
- C<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- if(Mixtype(Pd3)==1){
- Pd3<- list(Pd3)
- } else if(Mixtype(Pd3)==3){
- Tmp<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Pd3))){
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,Op(I,Pd3))
- }
- Pd3<- Tmp
- }
- Out<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Pd3))){
- PD<- Op(I,Pd3)
- Ans<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(PD))){
- if(is.matrix(PD)){ # 11.08.27
- P<- PD[J,]
- }
- else{
- P<- PD
- }
- Tmp<- Rotate3pt(P,W1,W2,C) # 14.03.23
- Ans<- rbind(Ans,Tmp)
- } # 11.08.27
- rownames(Ans)<- 1:Nrow(Ans) #10.08.16
- Out<- c(Out,list(Ans))
- }
- if(Mixlength(Out)==1){
- Out<- Op(1,Out)
- }
- return(Out)
-Rotate3pt<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Eps<-10^(-4)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- W1<- varargin[[2]]
- W2<- varargin[[3]]
- C<- c(0,0,0)
- if(Nargs>=4){
- C<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- if(mode(W2)=="numeric" && length(W2)==1){
- Ct<- cos(W2)
- St<- sin(W2)
- V3<- 1/Norm(W1)*W1
- if(V3[1]==0){
- Tmp<- c(1,0,0)
- }else{
- Tmp<- c(0,1,0)
- }
- W1<- c(Tmp[2]*V3[3]-Tmp[3]*V3[2],
- Tmp[3]*V3[1]-Tmp[1]*V3[3],
- Tmp[1]*V3[2]-Tmp[2]*V3[1])
- V1<- 1/Norm(W1)*W1
- V2<- c(V3[2]*V1[3]-V3[3]*V1[2],
- V3[3]*V1[1]-V3[1]*V1[3],
- V3[1]*V1[2]-V3[2]*V1[1])
- }else{
- Tmp<- c(W1[2]*W2[3]-W1[3]*W2[2],
- W1[3]*W2[1]-W1[1]*W2[3],
- W1[1]*W2[2]-W1[2]*W2[1])
- if(Norm(Tmp)<Eps){
- Ans<- P
- return(Ans)
- }
- V1<- 1/Norm(W1)*W1
- Ns<- V1[1]*W2[1]+V1[2]*W2[2]+V1[3]*W2[3]
- Tmp<- W2-Ns*V1
- V2<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- Tmp<- c(V1[2]*V2[3]-V1[3]*V2[2],
- V1[3]*V2[1]-V1[1]*V2[3],
- V1[1]*V2[2]-V1[2]*V2[1])
- V3<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- Ct<- Ns/Norm(W2)
- St<- sqrt(1-Ct^2)
- }
- if(Norm(Tmp)<Eps){
- Ans<- P
- return(Ans)
- }
- V1x<- V1[1]; V1y<- V1[2]; V1z<- V1[3]
- V2x<- V2[1]; V2y<- V2[2]; V2z<- V2[3]
- V3x<- V3[1]; V3y<- V3[2]; V3z<- V3[3]
- if(Mixtype(P)!=1){
- PtL<- P
- }else{
- PtL<- list(P)
- }
- Ans<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PtL))){
- P<- Op(N,PtL)
- if(P[1]==Inf){
- Ans<- c(Ans,list(c(Inf,Inf,Inf)))
- next
- }
- x<- P[1]-C[1]; y=P[2]-C[2]; z=P[3]-C[3]
- Tmp1<- ((V1x*Ct+V2x*St)*V1x+(-V1x*St+V2x*Ct)*V2x+V3x^2)*x
- Tmp2<- ((V1x*Ct+V2x*St)*V1y+(-V1x*St+V2x*Ct)*V2y+V3x*V3y)*y
- Tmp3<- ((V1x*Ct+V2x*St)*V1z+(-V1x*St+V2x*Ct)*V2z+V3x*V3z)*z
- X<- Tmp1+Tmp2+Tmp3
- Tmp1<- ((V1y*Ct+V2y*St)*V1x+(-V1y*St+V2y*Ct)*V2x+V3x*V3y)*x
- Tmp2<- ((V1y*Ct+V2y*St)*V1y+(-V1y*St+V2y*Ct)*V2y+V3y^2)*y
- Tmp3<- ((V1y*Ct+V2y*St)*V1z+(-V1y*St+V2y*Ct)*V2z+V3y*V3z)*z
- Y<- Tmp1+Tmp2+Tmp3
- Tmp1<- ((V1z*Ct+V2z*St)*V1x+(-V1z*St+V2z*Ct)*V2x+V3x*V3z)*x
- Tmp2<- ((V1z*Ct+V2z*St)*V1y+(-V1z*St+V2z*Ct)*V2y+V3y*V3z)*y
- Tmp3<- ((V1z*Ct+V2z*St)*V1z+(-V1z*St+V2z*Ct)*V2z+V3z^2)*z
- Z<- Tmp1+Tmp2+Tmp3
- Ans<- c(Ans,list(C+c(X,Y,Z)))
- }
- if(Mixlength(Ans)==1){
- Ans<- Op(1,Ans)
- }
- return(Ans)
-Setangle<- function(...){
- Eps<- 10^(-6)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0) {
- }
- else if(Nargs==1){
- V<- varargin[[1]]
- V<- V/Norm(V)
- THETA<<- acos(V[3])
- if(abs(sin(THETA))<Eps){
- PHI<<- 0
- }
- else{
- PHI<<- acos(V[1]/sin(THETA))
- if(V[2]< -Eps) PHI<<- -PHI
- }
- }
- else{
- PHI<<- varargin[[2]]*pi/180
- THETA<<- varargin[[1]]*pi/180
- }
- Out<- paste("theta=",as.character(THETA*180/pi)," phi=",
- as.character(PHI*180/pi),sep="")
- return (Out)
-Setpers<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- }
- else{
- FocusPoint<<- varargin[[1]]
- EyePoint<<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- F<- as.character(FocusPoint)
- E<- as.character(EyePoint)
- Out<- paste("Focus = c(",F[1],",",F[2],",",F[3],") , ",
- " Eye = c(", E[1],",",E[2],",",E[3],") ",sep="")
- return (Out)
-SetstereoL<- function(R,T,P,H){
- X<- R*sin(T*pi/180)*cos(P*pi/180)
- Y<- R*sin(T*pi/180)*sin(P*pi/180)
- Z<- R*cos(T*pi/180)
- Eye<- c(X+H/2*Y/(X^2+Y^2),Y-H/2*X/(X^2+Y^2),Z)
- Out<- Setpers(c(0,0,0),Eye)
- return(Out)
-SetstereoR<- function(R,T,P,H){
- X<- R*sin(T*pi/180)*cos(P*pi/180)
- Y<- R*sin(T*pi/180)*sin(P*pi/180)
- Z<- R*cos(T*pi/180)
- Eye<- c(X-H/2*Y/(X^2+Y^2),Y+H/2*X/(X^2+Y^2),Z)
- Out<- Setpers(c(0,0,0),Eye)
- return(Out)
-Sf3data<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- FdL<- Fullformfunc(varargin[[1]])
- F<- Op(1,FdL)
- Xf<- Op(2,FdL)
- Yf<- Op(3,FdL)
- Zf<- Op(4,FdL)
- Urg<- Op(5,FdL)
- Vrg<- Op(6,FdL)
- Str<- strsplit(Urg,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- U<- Str[1]
- Tmp<- Str[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Umin<- Tmp[1]; Umax<- Tmp[2]
- Str<- strsplit(Vrg,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- V<- Str[1]
- Tmp<- Str[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Vmin<- Tmp[1]; Vmax<- Tmp[2]
- Ndu<- 25 ; Ndv<- 25; Np<- c(50,50)
- if(Nargs>=3){
- Ndu<- varargin[[2]]
- Ndv<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- if(Nargs>=4){
- Np<- varargin[[4]]
- if(mode(Np)=="numeric" && length(Np)==1){
- Np<- c(Np,Np)
- }
- }
- Du<- (Umax-Umin)/Ndu
- Dv<- (Vmax-Vmin)/Ndv
- PL <- c()#PL <- []
- Assign("Vmin",Vmin,"Vmax",Vmax)
- Trgstr<- Assign("t=c(Vmin,Vmax)")
- PL <- list()
- for (I in Looprange(0,Ndu)){
- U0 <- paste("(",as.character(Umin+I*Du),")",sep="")
- Tmp<- gsub(U,U0,Xf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- gsub(V,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- gsub(U,U0,Yf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp2<- gsub(V,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- gsub(U,U0,Zf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp3<- gsub(V,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- paste("c(",Tmp1,",",Tmp2,",",Tmp3,")",sep="")
- PD<- Spacecurve(Tmp,Trgstr,paste("N=",as.character(Np[2])))
- PL<- c(PL,list(PD))
- }
- Assign("Umin",Umin,"Umax",Umax)
- Trgstr<- Assign("t=c(Umin,Umax)")
- for (J in Looprange(0,Ndv)){
- V0<- paste("(",as.character(Vmin+J*Dv),")",sep="")
- Tmp<- gsub(V,V0,Xf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- gsub(U,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- gsub(V,V0,Yf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp2<- gsub(U,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- gsub(V,V0,Zf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp3<- gsub(U,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- paste("c(",Tmp1,",",Tmp2,",",Tmp3,")")
- PD<- Spacecurve(Tmp,Trgstr,paste("N=",as.character(Np[1])))
- PL<- c(PL,list(PD))
- }
- return(PL)
-Skeletonparadata<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<- list()
- ObjL<- Flattenlist(varargin[[1]])
- Plt3L<- Flattenlist(varargin[[2]])
- R<- 0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Nargs>2){
- R<- R*varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2<- 0.05
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Obj2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(ObjL))){
- Tmp<- ProjcoordCurve(Op(I,ObjL))
- Obj2L<- c(Obj2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Plt2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt3L))){
- Tmp<- ProjcoordCurve(Op(I,Plt3L))
- Plt2L<- c(Plt2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Out<- Makeskeletondata(Obj2L,Plt2L,R,Eps2)
- return(Out)
-Skeletonpara3data<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ObjL<- Flattenlist(varargin[[1]])
- Plt3L<- Flattenlist(varargin[[2]])
- R<- 0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Nargs>2){
- R=R*varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2<- 0.05
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Plt2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt3L))){
- Tmp<- ProjcoordCurve(Op(I,Plt3L))
- Plt2L<- c(Plt2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Out<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(ObjL))){
- Obj3<- Op(I,ObjL)
- Tmp<- ProjcoordCurve(Obj3)
- Data<- Makeskeletondata(list(Tmp),Plt2L,R,Eps2)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Data))){
- Gd<- Op(J,Data)
- PtD<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Gd))){
- Tmp<- Ptcrv(J,Gd)
- Tmp1<- Invparapt(Tmp,Obj3)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Tmp1)
- PtD<- c(PtD,Tmp1)
- }
- PtD<- matrix(PtD,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
- Out<- c(Out,list(PtD))
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Skeletonpersdata<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<- list()
- ObjL<- Flattenlist(varargin[[1]])
- Plt3L<- Flattenlist(varargin[[2]])
- R<- 0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Nargs>2){
- R<- R*varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2<- 0.05
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Obj2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(ObjL))){
- Tmp<- CameracoordCurve(Op(I,ObjL))
- Obj2L<- c(Obj2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Plt2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt3L))){
- Tmp<- CameracoordCurve(Op(I,Plt3L))
- Plt2L<- c(Plt2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Out<- Makeskeletonpersdata(Obj2L,Plt2L,R,Eps2)
- return(Out)
-Skeletonpers3data<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<- list()
- ObjL<- Flattenlist(varargin[[1]])
- Plt3L<- Flattenlist(varargin[[2]])
- R<- 0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Nargs>2){
- R<- R*varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2<- 0.05
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Plt2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt3L))){
- Tmp<- CameracoordCurve(Op(I,Plt3L))
- Plt2L<- c(Plt2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Out<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(ObjL))){
- Obj3<- Op(I,ObjL)
- Tmp<- CameracoordCurve(Obj3)
- Data<- Makeskeletonpersdata(list(Tmp),Plt2L,R,Eps2)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Data))){
- Gd<- Op(J,Data)
- PtD<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Gd))){
- Tmp<- Gd[J,]
- Tmp1<- Invperspt(Tmp,Obj3)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Tmp1)
- PtD<- rbind(PtD,Tmp1)
- }
- Out<- c(Out,list(PtD))
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Spacecurve<- function(...){
- Eps<- 10^(-5)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]
- Rgstr<- varargin[[2]]
- Range<- c(0,2*pi)
- N<- 50 #Numpoints
- E<- c() #Exclusions
- D<- Inf #Discont (Changed)
- for(I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- Tmp1<- toupper(StrV[1])
- Lhs<- substr(Tmp1,1,1)
- Str<- paste(Lhs,"=",StrV[2],sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- StrV<- strsplit(Rgstr,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Vname<- StrV[1]
- Rng<- eval(parse(text=StrV[2]))
- }
- else{
- Vname<- Rgstr
- Rng<- c(XMIN,XMAX)
- }
- T1<- Rng[1]; T2<- Rng[2]
- Dt<- (T2-T1)/N #17.09.22
- Str<- gsub(Vname,"t",Fnstr)
- Str=gsub("[","c(",Str,fixed=TRUE) #17.12.22(2lines)
- Str=gsub("]",")",Str,fixed=TRUE)
- if(abs(Dt)<Eps){ # 16.12.13
- t=T1
- P=eval(parse(text=Str))
- return(P)
- }
- P<- c()
-# E<- sort(E,decreasing=FALSE)
- E<- c(E,Inf)
- E<- sort(E,decreasing=FALSE)
- Ke<- 1
- for(jj in 1:(N+1)){
- t=T1+(jj-1)*Dt
- Pa<- c()
- if(t-E[Ke]< Eps){
- Pa<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- if(abs(t-E[Ke])<=Eps){
- if(length(P)>0 && P[Nrow(P),1]!=Inf){
- Pa<- c(Inf,Inf,Inf)
- }
- }
- if(t-E[Ke]>Eps){
- Pa<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- Ke<- Ke+1
- }
- if(length(Pa)>0){
- if(Pa[1]==Inf){
- P<- rbind(P,Pa)
- }else if(length(P)==0){
- P<- rbind(c(),c(Pa))
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- P[Nrow(P),]
- if(Tmp[1]==Inf){
- P<- rbind(P,Pa)
- }
- else if( Norm(Tmp-Pa)<D){
- P<- rbind(P,Pa)
- }
- else{
- P<- rbind(P,c(Inf,Inf,Inf))
- P<- rbind(P,Pa)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- rownames(P)<- 1:Nrow(P) # 10.08.16
- return(P)
-Spaceline<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Z<- c()
- for(I in 1:length(varargin)){
- Data<- varargin[[I]]
- if(Mixtype(Data)==1){
- J<- 1
- while (J<=Ncol(Data)){
- Tmp<- Data[J:(J+2)]
- Z<-c(Z,Tmp)
- J<- J+3
- }
- next
- }
- if(Mixtype(Data)==3){
- Tmp<- list()
- for(I in 1:Mixlength(Data)){
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,Op(I,Data))
- }
- Data<- Tmp
- }
- for(J in 1:Mixlength(Data)){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Data)
- Z<- c(Z,Tmp)
- }
- }
- Z<- matrix(Z,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
- return(Z)
-Translate3data<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Pd3<- varargin[[1]]
- Mv<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Mv)=="numerice" && length(Mv)==1){
- Mv<- c(varargin[[2]],varargin[[3]],varargin[[4]])
- }
- if(Mixtype(Pd3)==1){
- Pd3<- list(Pd3)
- }
- else if(Mixtype(Pd3)==3){
- Tmp<-list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Pd3))){
- Tmp<- c(Tmp, Op(I,Pd3))
- }
- Pd3<- Tmp
- }
- Out<- list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Pd3))){
- PD<- Op(I,Pd3)
- PD<- rbind(c(),PD)
- Ans<- c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Nrow(PD))){
- P<- PD[J,]
- Tmp<- P+Mv
- Ans<- rbind(Ans,Tmp)
- }
- rownames(Ans)<- 1:Nrow(Ans)
- Out<- c(Out,list(Ans))
- }
- if(Mixlength(Out)==1){
- Out<- Op(1,Out)
- }
- return(Out)
-Xyzax3data<- function(Xrange,Yrange,Zrange){
- StrV<-strsplit(Xrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1) StrV<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Px<- c(Tmp[1],0,0)
- Qx<- c(Tmp[2],0,0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Yrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1) StrV<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Py<- c(0,Tmp[1],0)
- Qy<- c(0,Tmp[2],0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Zrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1) StrV<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Pz<- c(0,0,Tmp[1])
- Qz<- c(0,0,Tmp[2])
- Out<- list(Spaceline(Px,Qx),Spaceline(Py,Qy),Spaceline(Pz,Qz))
- return(Out)
-Xyzaxparaname<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- Dr<- 0.19*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(Nargs>1 && is.numeric(Tmp)){
- Dr<- Dr*Tmp
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- }
- if(mode(varargin[[1]])=="character"){
- Xname<- "x"
- Yname<- "y"
- Zname<- "z"
- Xrange<- varargin[[1]]
- Yrange<- varargin[[2]]
- Zrange<- varargin[[3]]
- StrV<-strsplit(Xrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Xname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Px<- c(Tmp[1],0,0)
- Qx<- c(Tmp[2],0,0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Yrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Yname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Py<- c(0,Tmp[1],0)
- Qy<- c(0,Tmp[2],0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Zrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Zname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Pz<- c(0,0,Tmp[1])
- Qz<- c(0,0,Tmp[2])
- }else{
- Data<- varargin[[1]]
- Xname<- "x"; Yname<- "y"; Zname<- "z"
- if(Nargs>1){
- if(varargin[[2]]!=""){
- Xname<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- if(varargin[[3]]!=""){
- Yname<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- if(varargin[[4]]!=""){
- Zname<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Op(1,Data)
- Px<- Tmp[1,]; Qx<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Op(2,Data)
- Py<- Tmp[1,]
- Qy<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Op(3,Data)
- Pz<- Tmp[1,]
- Qz<- Tmp[2,]
- }
- Ph<- Parapt(Px); Qh<- Parapt(Qx); R<-Norm(Ph-Qh)
- Kekka<- list()
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Xname)
- }
- Ph<- Parapt(Py); Qh<- Parapt(Qy); R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Yname)
- }
- Ph<- Parapt(Pz); Qh<- Parapt(Qz); R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Zname)
- }
-# return(Kekka)
-Xyzaxpersname<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Dr<- 0.19*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(Nargs>1 && mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Dr<- Dr*Tmp
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- }
- if(mode(varargin[[1]])=="character"){
- Xname<- "x"
- Yname<- "y"
- Zname<- "z"
- Xrange<- varargin[[1]]
- Yrange<- varargin[[2]]
- Zrange<- varargin[[3]]
- StrV<-strsplit(Xrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Xname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Px<- c(Tmp[1],0,0)
- Qx<- c(Tmp[2],0,0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Yrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Yname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Py<- c(0,Tmp[1],0)
- Qy<- c(0,Tmp[2],0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Zrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Zname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Pz<- c(0,0,Tmp[1])
- Qz<- c(0,0,Tmp[2])
- }else{
- Data<- varargin[[1]]
- Xname<- "x"; Yname<- "y"; Zname<- "z"
- if(Nargs>1){
- if(varargin[[2]]!=""){
- Xname<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- if(varargin[[3]]!=""){
- Yname<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- if(varargin[[4]]!=""){
- Zname<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Op(1,Data)
- Px<- Tmp[1,]; Qx<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Op(2,Data)
- Py<- Tmp[1,]
- Qy<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Op(3,Data)
- Pz<- Tmp[1,]
- Qz<- Tmp[2,]
- }
- Ph<- Perspt(Px)
- Qh<- Perspt(Qx)
- R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- Kekka<- list()
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Xname)
- }
- Ph<- Perspt(Py)
- Qh<- Perspt(Qy)
- R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Yname)
- }
- Ph<- Perspt(Pz)
- Qh<- Perspt(Qz)
- R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Zname)
- }
-# return(Kekka)
-Zparapt<- function(P){#function Out=Zparapt(P)
- x<- P[1]; y<- P[2]; z<- P[3]
- Out<- x*cos(PHI)*sin(THETA)+y*sin(PHI)*sin(THETA)+z*cos(THETA)
- return(Out)
-Zperspt<- function(P){
- Tmp<- P-FocusPoint
- X1<- Tmp[1]; Y1<- Tmp[2]; Z1<- Tmp[3]
- Tmp<- EyePoint-FocusPoint
- E1<- Tmp[1]; F1<- Tmp[2]; G1<- Tmp[3]
- Ca<- E1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- Sa<- F1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- X2<- X1*Ca+Y1*Sa; Y2<- -X1*Sa+Y1*Ca; Z2<- Z1
- E2<- E1*Ca+F1*Sa; F2<- -E1*Sa+F1*Ca; G2<- G1
- Cb<- E2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- Sb<- G2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- X3<- X2*Cb+Z2*Sb
- return(X3)
-# Stat Package
-# 2010.04.12
-# new
-# Htickmarklower, Vtickmarkleft, HtickmarklowerV
-# VtickmarkleftV, Insertcom, Replacecom
-# Maketexfile, Formatting
-# Drwhistframe, Histplotdata, Drwhistplot
-Htickmarklower<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ArgsL<- varargin
- if(mode(ArgsL[[1]])=="character"){
- Str<- ArgsL[[1]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"m")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- I<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- I<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"n")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- J<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- J<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"r")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- K=nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- K<- 0
- }
- if(K>0){
- S<- substr(Str,K+1,nchar(Str))
- R<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- R<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- R<- 1
- K<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- if(J>0){
- S<- substr(Str,J+1,K-1)
- Dn<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dn<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- Dn<- 1000
- J<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- S<- substr(Str,I+1,J-1)
- Dm<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dm<- 1
- }
- ArgsL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1, floor((XMAX-GENTEN[1])/Dm))){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(-1,ceiling((XMIN-GENTEN[1])/Dm),by=-1)){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- list()
- Memori<- list()
- for (N in 1:length(ArgsL)){
- Dt<- ArgsL[[N]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric" && length(Dt)>1){
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt)
- next
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Memori<- Mixjoin(Memori,Dt)
- }
- else{
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt,GENTEN[2])
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- for (N in 1:length(MemoriList)){
- Dt<- MemoriList[[N]]
- Ndt<- length(Dt)
- X=Op(1,Dt)
- Y=Op(2,Dt)
- Tmp<-Doscaling(c(X,Y))
- X<- Tmp[1]
- Y<- Tmp[2]
- Moji<- Op(Ndt,Dt)
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(c(X,Y))
- Tmp2<- Unscaling(c(X,Y-2*MARKLEN))
- Fd<- Listplot(c(Tmp1,Tmp2))
- Drwline(Fd)
- if(Ndt==3){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X,Y-2*MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,"s",Moji)
- }
- if(Ndt==4){
- Houkou<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp<-grep("s",Houkou)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X,Y-2*MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(X,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-Vtickmarkleft<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ArgsL<- varargin
- if(mode(ArgsL[[1]])=="character"){
- Str<- ArgsL[[1]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"m")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- I<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- I<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"n")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- J<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- J<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"r")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- K=nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- K<- 0
- }
- if(K>0){
- S<- substr(Str,K+1,nchar(Str))
- R<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- R<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- R<- 1
- K<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- if(J>0){
- S<- substr(Str,J+1,K-1)
- Dn<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dn<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- Dn<- 1000
- J<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- S<- substr(Str,I+1,J-1)
- Dm<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dm<- 1
- }
- ArgsL<- list()
- for (I in 1:floor((YMAX-GENTEN[2])/Dm)){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(-1,ceiling((YMIN-GENTEN[2])/Dm))){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- list()
- Memori<- list()
- for (N in 1:length(ArgsL)){
- Dt<- ArgsL[[N]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric" && length(Dt)>1){
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt)
- next
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Memori<- Mixjoin(Memori,Dt)
- }
- else{
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(GENTEN[1],Dt)
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- for (N in 1:length(MemoriList)){
- Dt<- MemoriList[[N]]
- Ndt<- length(Dt)
- X=Op(1,Dt)
- Y=Op(2,Dt)
- Tmp<-Doscaling(c(X,Y))
- X<- Tmp[1]
- Y<- Tmp[2]
- Moji<- Op(Ndt,Dt)
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(c(X,Y))
- Tmp2<- Unscaling(c(X-2*MARKLEN,Y))
- Fd<- Listplot(c(Tmp1,Tmp2))
- Drwline(Fd)
- if(Ndt==3){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X-2*MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,"w",Moji)
- }
- if(Ndt==4){
- Houkou<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp<-grep("w",Houkou)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X-2*MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(X,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-HtickmarklowerV<- function(Vec,digits=2,nsmall=2)
- for (I in 1:length(Vec)){
- Tmp<- Vec[I]
- Htickmarklower(Tmp, Formatting(Tmp,digits,nsmall))
- }
-HtickLV<- function(...)
- HtickmarklowerV(...)
-VtickmarkleftV<- function(Vec,digits=2,nsmall=2)
- for (I in 1:length(Vec)){
- Tmp<- Vec[I]
- Vtickmarkleft(Tmp, Formatting(Tmp,digits,nsmall))
- }
-VtickLV<- function(...)
- VtickmarkleftV(...)
-Insertcom<- function(CmdM,Npos,Str)
- if(is.matrix(CmdM)){
- Cmd<- CmdM
- }
- else{
- C<- paste("Cmd<- ",CmdM)
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- Out<- Cmd[Looprange(1,Npos-1),]
- Out<- c(Out,Str)
- Tmp<- Cmd[Looprange(Npos,nrow(Cmd)),]
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- Out<- matrix(Out)
- if(!is.matrix(CmdM)){
- C<- paste(CmdM,"<<- Out")
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- return(Out)
-Replacecom<- function(CmdM,Npos,Str)
- if(is.matrix(CmdM)){
- Cmd<- CmdM
- }
- else{
- C<- paste("Cmd<- ",CmdM)
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- Out<- Cmd[Looprange(1,Npos-1),]
- Out<- c(Out,Str)
- Tmp<- Cmd[Looprange(Npos+1,nrow(Cmd)),]
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- Out<- matrix(Out)
- if(!is.matrix(CmdM)){
- C<- paste(CmdM,"<<- Out")
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- return(Out)
-Deletecom<- function(CmdM,Npos)
- if(is.matrix(CmdM)){
- Cmd<- CmdM
- }
- else{
- C<- paste("Cmd<- ",CmdM)
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- Out<- Cmd[Looprange(1,Npos-1),]
- Tmp<- Cmd[Looprange(Npos+1,nrow(Cmd)),]
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- Out<- matrix(Out)
- if(!is.matrix(CmdM)){
- C<- paste(CmdM,"<<- Out")
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- return(Out)
-Maketexfile<- function(commands="",texfile="")
- Openfile(texfile)
- Execmd(commands)
- Closefile()
-Formatting<- function(X,D=2,N=2)
- if(D>0){
- Xs <- format(X,digits=D,nsmall=N)
- }
- else{
- Xs<- as.character(X)
- }
- return(Xs)
-Boxplotdata1 <-function(DataF1,CenterX,Width,...)
- Xr <- Width
- Temp <- boxplot(DataF1[1],plot=FALSE)
- Stats <- Temp$stats
- rownames(Stats) <- c("Lhige","Q1","Q2","Q3","Uhige")
- Out <- Temp$out
- Lhige <- Stats["Lhige",1]
- Uhige <- Stats["Uhige",1]
- Q1 <- Stats["Q1",1]
- Q2 <- Stats["Q2",1]
- Q3 <- Stats["Q3",1]
- CenterY <- (Q1+Q3)/2
- C <- c(CenterX,CenterY)
- V <- c(0,(Q3-Q1)/2)
- G1 <- Framedata(C,Xr/2,V[2]) # box
- Temp1 <- c(0,Q1-Lhige)
- Temp2 <- c(0,Uhige-Q3)
- G2 <- Listplot(C-V,C-V-Temp1) #
- G3 <- Listplot(C+V,C+V+Temp2) #
- Temp3 <- c(Xr/4,0)
- G4 <- Listplot(C-V-Temp1-Temp3,C-V-Temp1+Temp3) #
- G5 <- Listplot(C+V+Temp2-Temp3,C+V+Temp2+Temp3) #
- Temp4 <- c(0,Q3-Q2)
- Temp5 <- c(Xr/2,0)
- G6 <- Listplot(C+V-Temp4-Temp5,C+V-Temp4+Temp5) #
- G7 <- list()
- for(j in Looprange(1,length(Out))){
- G7 <- c(G7,list(c(CenterX, Out[j])))
- }
- G7 <- G7[order(Out,decreasing=TRUE)]
- list(median=G6,box=G1,uwhisker=G2,lwhisker=G3,lwp=G4,uwp=G5,outliers=G7)
-Boxplotdata2 <- function(Data,Ratio, ...)
- DataF<- Flattenlist(Data) # 11.07.21(from)
- ymin<- Inf
- ymax<- -Inf
- for(J in 1:length(DataF)){
- Tmp<- DataF[[J]]
- ymin<- min(ymin, min(Tmp))
- ymax<- max(ymax,max(Tmp))
- } # 11.07.21(upto)
- dy <- ymax-ymin
- Setwindow(c(0,XMAX-XMIN),c(ymin-0.1*dy,ymax+0.1*dy))
- R<- Ratio/R1
- Setscaling(R)
- Delta <- XMAX/length(DataF)
- W <- 0.6*Delta
- PdL <- list()
- for(i in 1:length(DataF)){ # 11.07.21
- X <- (0.5+i-1)*Delta
- G <- Boxplotdata1(DataF[i],X,W,...)
- PdL <- c(PdL,list(G))
- }
- G <- Framedata()
- Tmp<- list(frame=G)
- PdL <-c(PdL,list(Tmp))
- Epsi <-0
- Setwindow(c(XMIN-Epsi,XMAX+Epsi),c(YMIN-Epsi,YMAX+Epsi))
- return(PdL)
- Setorigin(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(0.2,0.2))
- Setwindow(c(XMIN-0.2,XMAX),c(YMIN-Tmp[2],YMAX))
- Hako<- BoxDataL$plotdata
- title<- BoxDataL$title
- cap<- BoxDataL$cap
- ylab<- BoxDataL$ylab
- if(mode(title)!="list") title<- list(title)
- if(mode(cap)!="list") cap<- list(cap)
- if(mode(ylab)!="list") ylab<- list(ylab)
- if(length(title)==0) title<- list("")
- if(length(title)==1) title<- c(title, list("n"))
- if(length(title)==2) title<- c(title, list(""))
- if(length(cap)==0) cap<- list("")
- if(length(cap)==1) cap<- c(cap, list("n"),0) # 11.11.27
- if(length(cap)==2) cap<- c(cap, 0) # 11.11.27
- if(length(ylab)==0) ylab<- list("")
- if(length(ylab)==1) ylab <- c(ylab, list("n"))
- if(length(ylab)==2) ylab<- c(ylab, list(""))
- Temp <- Hako[[length(Hako)]]
- Drwline(Temp$frame)
- Fontsize(cap[[2]])
- for(i in Looprange(1,length(Hako)-1)){
- Temp <- Hako[[i]]
- attach(Temp)
- Dashline(uwhisker,lwhisker)
- Drwline(median,2)
- Drwline(box,lwp,uwp)
- Drwpt(outliers,0)
- X <- uwhisker[1,1]
- detach(Temp)
- Htickmarklower(X)
- if(nchar(cap[[1]])<1) next # 2011.03.08
- if(length(cap)==2 || cap[[3]]==0){
- pos<- 1
- if(length(cap)>=4) pos<- cap[[4]]
- Tmp<- paste("s",as.character(pos),sep="")
- Letter(c(X,YMIN),Tmp, Op(i,cap[[1]]))
- }
- else{
- rotate<- cap[[3]]
- if(length(cap)==3){
- pos<- 0
- }
- else{
- pos<- cap[[4]]
- }
- Temp1 <- rotate*pi/180
- Temp <- c(cos(Temp1),sin(Temp1))
- Letterrot(c(X,YMIN-pos),Temp,Op(i,cap[[1]]))
- }
- }
- if(nchar(ylab[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(ylab[[2]])
- Tmp1<- ylab[[1]]
- Tmp3<- ylab[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Letter(c(XMIN, YMAX),"n2",Tmp1)
- Fontsize("n")
- }
- if(nchar(title[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(title[[2]])
- Tmp1<- title[[1]]
- Tmp3<- title[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Letter(c((XMIN+XMAX)/2,YMAX),"n2",Tmp1)
- }
- Fontsize("n")
-Drwboxplot<- function(dataf,var,size,
- title=list(""), cap=list(colnames(dataf)),
- ylab=list(""), ptsize=5,plot=TRUE,...)
- #Return : title,cap,ylab,commands,plotdata,info
- Tmp <- boxplot(dataf, plot=FALSE, ...)
- Stats <- Tmp$stats
- DataF<- Flattenlist(dataf) # 11.07.21(from)
- ymin<- Inf
- ymax<- -Inf
- for(J in 1:length(DataF)){
- Tmp<- DataF[[J]]
- ymin<- min(ymin, min(Tmp))
- ymax<- max(ymax,max(Tmp))
- } # 11.07.21(upto)
- Hako<- Boxplotdata2(dataf, size[2]/size[1], ...)
- if(plot){
- Windisp(Hako)
- }
- Tmp<- Formatting(size[1]/(XMAX-XMIN),5,5)
- unit<- paste(Tmp,"cm",sep="")
- Setunitlen(unit)
- Exstr<- c(
- "","",
- paste("Beginpicture(","'",unit,"')",sep=""),
- paste("Setpt(",as.character(ptsize),")",sep=""),
- "","",
- paste("Drwboxframe(",var,")",sep=""),
- paste("VtickLV(c(",as.character(ymin),",", as.character(ymax),"),0,0)",sep=""),
- "","","","",
- "Setpt(1)",
- "Endpicture(0)"
- )
- Exstr<- matrix(Exstr)
- Xpos<- c()
- for(i in Looprange(1,length(Hako)-1)){
- Temp <- Hako[[i]]
- Temp1 <- Temp[[5]]
- Xpos <- c(Xpos,Temp1[1,1])
- }
- Info<- list(stats=Stats,window=matrix(c(XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX),nrow=2),xpos=Xpos)
- Tmp<- paste(var,"<<- ",
- "list(title=title,cap=cap,ylab=ylab,",
- "commands=Exstr,plotdata=Hako,info=Info)",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
-Histplotdata <- function(DataV,Ratio,freq=TRUE,densplot=FALSE,...)
-# 10.12.07 freq
- Temp <- hist(DataV,plot=FALSE,...)
- Breaks <- Temp$breaks
- Counts <- Temp$counts
- Density <- Temp$density
- Mids <- Temp$mids
- if(!freq){
- Data<- Density
- }
- else{
- Data<- Counts
- }
- Ghist <- list()
- for(i in Looprange(1,length(Breaks)-1)){
- Tmp1 <- c(Breaks[i],Breaks[i+1])
- Tmp2 <- c(0,Data[i])
- G1 <- Framedata(Tmp1,Tmp2) #bar
- Ghist <- c(Ghist,list(G1))
- }
- Bin <- Breaks[2]-Breaks[1]
- Eps <- 0.7*Bin # 0.7 times Bin
- Temp1 <- c(min(Breaks)-Eps,max(Breaks)+Eps) # Put Eps at both sides
- Temp2 <- c(0,max(Data)*1.02)
- Setwindow(Temp1,Temp2)
- Setorigin(c(Temp1[1],0))
- R<- Ratio/R1
- Setscaling(R)
- VEps <- 0.05*(XMAX-XMIN)/5
- Temp1<- Temp1-c(VEps,0)
- Temp2<- Temp2-1/R*c(VEps,0)
- Setwindow(Temp1,Temp2)
- Fpt <- c(Mids[1]-Bin,0)
- Lpt <- c(Mids[length(Mids)]+Bin,0)
- Fp <- matrix(Fpt,nrow=1)
- for(i in Looprange(1,length(Mids))){
- Tmp <- c(Mids[i],Data[i])
- Fp <- rbind(Fp,Tmp)
- }
- Fp <- rbind(Fp,Lpt)
- rownames(Fp)<- c(1:nrow(Fp))
- if(densplot){
- Temp <- density(DataV)
- X <- matrix(Temp$x)
- Y <- matrix(Temp$y)
- Gdens <- cbind(X,Y)
- }
- else{
- Gdens <- list()
- }
- list(plotdata=list(histplot=Ghist,fpplot=list(Fp),densityplot=list(Gdens)),
- breaks=Breaks,counts=Counts,density=Density,mids=Mids)
- title<- HistDataL$title
- xlab<- HistDataL$xlab
- ylab<- HistDataL$ylab
- if(mode(title)!="list") title<- list(title)
- if(mode(xlab)!="list") cap<- list(xlab)
- if(mode(ylab)!="list") cap<- list(ylab)
- if(length(title)==0) title<- list("")
- if(length(title)==1) title<- c(title, list("n"))
- if(length(title)==2) title<- c(title, list(""))
- if(length(xlab)==0) xlab<- list("")
- if(length(xlab)==1) xlab<- c(xlab, list("n"))
- if(length(xlab)==2) xlab<- c(xlab, list(""))
- if(length(xlab)==3) xlab<- c(xlab, list(8))
- if(length(ylab)==0) ylab<- list("")
- if(length(ylab)==1) ylab<- c(ylab, list("n"))
- if(length(ylab)==2) ylab<- c(ylab, list(""))
- if(nchar(title[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(title[[2]])
- Tmp1<- title[[1]]
- Tmp3<- title[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Letter(c((XMIN+XMAX)/2,YMAX),"n2",Tmp1)
- Fontsize("n")
- }
- if(nchar(xlab[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(xlab[[2]])
- Tmp1<- xlab[[1]]
- Tmp3<- xlab[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Tmp4<- paste("s",as.character(xlab[[4]]),sep="")
- Letter(c((XMIN+XMAX)/2,YMIN),Tmp4,Tmp1)
- Fontsize("n")
- }
- if(nchar(ylab[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(ylab[[2]])
- Tmp1<- ylab[[1]]
- Tmp3<- ylab[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Tmp<- Setorigin()
- Letter(c(Tmp[1], YMAX),"n2",Tmp1)
- Fontsize("n")
- }
- Setax(2," ")
- Setax(4," ")
- Setax(6," ")
-Drwhistplot<- function(datav,var,size,freq=TRUE,
- title=list(""), xlab=list(""), ylab=list(""),
- plot=TRUE,densplot=FALSE,fpplot=TRUE,...)
- #Output : title,xlab,ylab,commands,plotdata,info
- H <- Histplotdata(datav, size[2]/size[1], freq=freq,densplot=densplot,...)
- Pd<- H$plotdata
- Ghist <- list(histplot=Pd$histplot,densityplot=Pd$densityplot) # 10.12.07
- if(fpplot){
- Ghist<- c(Ghist,list(fpplot=Pd$fpplot))
- }
- if(plot){
- Windisp(Ghist)
- }
- Tmp<- Formatting(size[1]/(XMAX-XMIN),5,5)
- unit<- paste(Tmp,"cm",sep="")
- Setunitlen(unit)
- Infostr<- paste(var,"$info",sep="")
- Brkstr<- paste(Infostr,"$breaks",sep="")
- Midstr<- paste(Infostr,"$mids",sep="")
- if(!freq){
- Digits<- ",2,2"
- Denstr<- paste(Infostr,"$density",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Digits<- ",0,0"
- Denstr<- paste(Infostr,"$counts",sep="")
- }
- if(fpplot) Prefp<- "" else Prefp<- "#"
- Exstr<- c(
- "","",
- paste("Beginpicture(","'",unit,"')",sep=""),
- "","",
- paste("Drwhistframe(",var,")",sep=""),
- paste("HtickLV(",Midstr,",1,1)",sep=""),
- paste("VtickLV(max(",Denstr,")",Digits,")",sep=""),
- paste("Drwline(",var,"[['plotdata']]","$histplot)",sep=""),
- paste(Prefp,"Dashline(",var,"[['plotdata']]","$fpplot)",sep=""),
- paste("#Drwline(",var,"[['plotdata']]","$densityplot,2)",sep=""),
- "","","","",
- "Endpicture(1)"
- )
- Exstr<- matrix(Exstr)
- Info<- list(breaks=H$breaks,counts=H$counts,density=H$density,mids=H$mids,
- window=matrix(c(XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX),nrow=2))
- Tmp<- paste(var,"<<- ",
- "list(title=title,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,",
- "commands=Exstr,plotdata=Ghist,info=Info)",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
-Bezierpt<- function(t,Ptlist,Ctrlist){
- if(length(Ptlist)==6){
- P0=Ptlist[1:3]
- P3=Ptlist[4:6]
- P1=Ctrlist[1:3]
- if(length(Ctrlist)==3){
- P2=P3
- flg3=0
- }else{
- P2=Ctrlist[4:6]
- flg3=1
- }
- }else{
- P0=Ptlist[1:2]
- P3=Ptlist[3:4]
- P1=Ctrlist[1:2]
- if(length(Ctrlist)==2){
- P2=P3
- flg3=0
- }else{
- P2=Ctrlist[3:4]
- flg3=1
- }
- }
- P4=(1-t)*P0+t*P1
- P5=(1-t)*P1+t*P2
- P6=(1-t)*P2+t*P3
- P7=(1-t)*P4+t*P5
- P8=(1-t)*P5+t*P6
- P9=(1-t)*P7+t*P8
- if(flg3==0){
- Out=P7
- }else{
- Out=P9
- }
- return(Out)
-Bezier<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Ptlist=varargin[[1]]
- Ctrlist=varargin[[2]]
- Num=10
- for(J in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp=varargin[[J]]
- K=strsplit(Tmp,'=',fixe=TRUE)
- K=K[[1]]
- Tmp1=substring(K[1],1,1)
- Lhs=toupper(Tmp1)
- if(Lhs=="N"){
- Num=eval(parse(text=K[2]))
- }
- }
- if(length(Num)==1){
- Num=rep(Num,length(Ctrlist)) #17.10.08
- }
- Out=c()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(Ctrlist))){
- Tmp1=c(Ptlist[[ii]],Ptlist[[ii+1]])
- Tmp2=Ctrlist[[ii]]
- if(ii==1){
- St=0
- }else{
- St=1
- }
- for(J in Looprange(St,Num[ii])){
- Tmp=Bezierpt(J/Num[ii],Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Out=Appendrow(Out,Tmp)
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-# 17.10.02
-Connectseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Pdata=varargin[[1]]
- Eps=10^(-4)
- if(Nargs>=2){
- Eps=varargin[[2]]
- }
- if(is.matrix(Pdata)){
- Din=Dataindex(Pdata)
- tmp1=list()
- for(J in 1:nrow(Din)){
- tmp=Pdata[Din[J,1]:Din[J,2],]
- tmp1=c(tmp1,list(tmp))
- }
- Pdata=tmp1
- }
- PlotL=list(Op(1,Pdata))
- VI=Looprange(2,length(Pdata))
- while(length(VI)>0){
- Qd=Op(Length(PlotL),PlotL)
- Ah=Op(1,Qd); Ao=Op(Length(Qd),Qd)
- Flg=0
- for(J in 1:length(VI)){
- Tmp1=Op(VI[J],Pdata)
- P=Op(1,Tmp1); Q=Op(Length(Tmp1),Tmp1)
- if(Norm(P-Ao)<Eps){
- Tmp=Tmp1[Looprange(2,Length(Tmp1)),]
- if(Length(Tmp)>0){
- Qd=Appendrow(Qd,Tmp)
- }
- PlotL[[length(PlotL)]]=Qd
- VI=VI[-J]
- Flg=1
- break
- }
- if(Norm(Q-Ao)<Eps){
- Tmp=Tmp1[(nrow(Tmp1)-1):1,]
- Qd=Appendrow(Qd,Tmp)
- PlotL[[length(PlotL)]]=Qd
- VI=VI[-J]
- Flg=1
- break
- }
- if(Norm(P-Ah)<Eps){
- Tmp=Tmp1[2:nrow(Tmp1),]
- Qd=Appendrow(Tmp,Qd)
- PlotL[[length(PlotL)]]=Qd
- VI=VI[-J]
- Flg=1
- break
- }
- if(Norm(Q-Ah)<Eps){
- Tmp=Tmp1[(nrow(Tmp1)-1):1,]
- Qd=Appendrow(Tmp,Qd)
- PlotL[[length(PlotL)]]=Qd
- VI=VI[-J]
- Flg=1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- PlotL=c(PlotL,Pdata[VI[1]])
- VI=VI[-1]
- }
- }
- return(PlotL)
-Makevaltable<- function(MS){
- Eps=10^(-6)
- Nargs=length(MS)
- Fstr=Op(1,MS)
- Tmp=Op(2,MS)
- Tmp1=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp1=Tmp1[[1]]
- Xname=Tmp1[1]
- Xrange=eval(parse(text=Tmp1[2]))
- Tmp=Op(3,MS)
- Tmp1=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp1=Tmp1[[1]]
- Yname=Tmp1[1]
- Yrange=eval(parse(text=Tmp1[2]))
- Tmp=gsub(Xname,"x",Fstr)
- Fstr=gsub(Yname,"y",Tmp)
- Tmp=grep(Xname,Fstr)
- if(length(Tmp)==0){
- Fstr=paste(Fstr,'+0*x',sep="")
- }
- Mdv=50
- Ndv=50
- if(Nargs>=4){
- Tmp=Op(4,MS)
- if(Length(Tmp)>1){ #18.02.09
- Mdv=Op(1,Tmp)
- Ndv=Op(2,Tmp)
- }else{
- Mdv=Tmp
- if(Nargs==4){
- Ndv=Mdv
- }else{
- Tmp1=Op(5,MS)
- if((is.numeric(Tmp1))&&(length(Tmp1)==1)){
- Ndv=Tmp1
- }else{
- Ndv=Mdv
- }
- }
- }
- }
- X1=Xrange[1]; X2=Xrange[2]
- Y1=Yrange[1]; Y2=Yrange[2]
- Dx=(X2-X1)/Mdv
- Dy=(Y2-Y1)/Ndv
- Xval=c()
- Tmp=X1
- for(ii in 1:(Mdv+1)){
- Tmp=X1+(ii-1)*Dx
- Xval=c(Xval,Tmp)
- }
- Yval=c()
- Tmp=Y1
- for(jj in 1:(Ndv+1)){
- Tmp=Y1+(jj-1)*Dy
- Yval=c(Yval,Tmp)
- }
- Zval=matrix(nrow=Ndv+1,ncol=Mdv+1)
- I=1
- for(y in Yval){
- J=1
- for(x in Xval){
- Zval[I,J]=eval(parse(text=Fstr))
- J=J+1
- }
- I=I+1
- }
- return(list(Zval,Xval,Yval))
-Implicitplot<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fstr=varargin[[1]]
- if(is.list(Fstr)){
- MS=Fstr
- Tmp=Makevaltable(MS)
- Zval=Tmp[[1]]; Xval=Tmp[[2]]; Yval=Tmp[[3]]
- }else if(is.character(Fstr)){
-# MS=list()
-# for(I in 1:Nargs){
-# MS=c(MS,varargin[I])
-# }
-# Tmp=Makevaltable(MS)
- Tmp=Makevaltable(varargin) #18.02.24
- Zval=Tmp[[1]]; Xval=Tmp[[2]]; Yval=Tmp[[3]]
- }else{
- Zval=varargin[[1]]
- Xval=varargin[[2]]
- Yval=varargin[[3]]
- }
- Out=c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(Yval)-1)){
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Xval)-1)){
- a1=Xval[I]; b1=Yval[J]; c1=Zval[J,I]
- a2=Xval[I+1]; b2=Yval[J]; c2=Zval[J,I+1]
- a3=Xval[I+1]; b3=Yval[J+1]; c3=Zval[J+1,I+1]
- a4=Xval[I];b4=Yval[J+1];c4=Zval[J+1,I]
- PL=matrix(c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a1,b1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- VL=c(c1,c2,c3,c4,c1)
- QL=c()
- for(K in 1:4){
- if(abs(VL[K])<=Eps0){
- QL=Appendrow(QL,PL[K,])
- }else if(VL[K]>Eps0){
- if(VL[K+1]< -Eps0){
- Tmp=1/(VL[K]-VL[K+1])*(-VL[K+1]*PL[K,]+VL[K]*PL[K+1,])
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- }else{
- if(VL[K+1]>Eps0){
- Tmp=1/(-VL[K]+VL[K+1])*(VL[K+1]*PL[K,]-VL[K]*PL[K+1,])
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- if(Length(QL)==2){
- Out=Appendrow(Out,c(Inf,Inf))
- Out=Appendrow(Out,QL)
- }
- }
- }
- Out=Out[2:nrow(Out),]
- if(Length(Out)>0){
- Out=Connectseg(Out)
- }else{
- Out=c()
- }
- return(Out)
-# 17.10.06
- Eps=10^(-3)
- inf=10^3
- tmp=strsplit(deq,"=")[[1]]
- tmp1=gsub("`","",tmp[1],fixed=TRUE)
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,3,nchar(tmp1)-1)
- Xname=strsplit(tmp1,",")[[1]]
- func=tmp[2]
- for(J in 1:(length(Xname))){
- tmp1=paste("X[",as.character(J),"]",sep="")
- func=gsub(Xname[J],tmp1,func,fixed=TRUE)
- }
- tmp=strsplit(rng,"=")[[1]]
- tname=tmp[1]
- tmp=eval(parse(text=tmp[2]))
- t1=tmp[1]
- t2=tmp[2]
- tmp=paste("function(",tname,",X){",func,"}",sep="")
- funP=eval(parse(text=tmp))
- tmp=paste("function(",tname,",X){-",func,"}",sep="")
- funN=eval(parse(text=tmp))
- dt=(t2-t1)/Num
- tt=initt
- X0=initf
- pdL=c(tt,X0)
- for(J in Looprange(1,floor((t2-initt)/dt))){
- kl1=dt*funP(tt,X0)
- kl2=dt*funP(tt+dt/2,X0+kl1/2)
- kl3=dt*funP(tt+dt/2,X0+kl2/2)
- kl4=dt*funP(tt+dt,X0+kl3)
- X0=X0+(kl1+2*kl2+2*kl3+kl4)/6
- tt=initt+J*dt
- tmp=c(tt,X0)
- if(Norm(tmp)>inf){break}
- pdL=Appendrow(pdL,tmp)
- }
- tt=initt
- X0=initf
- for(J in Looprange(1,floor((initt-t1)/dt))){
- kl1=dt*funN(tt,X0)
- kl2=dt*funN(tt+dt/2,X0+kl1/2)
- kl3=dt*funN(tt+dt/2,X0+kl2/2)
- kl4=dt*funN(tt+dt,X0+kl3)
- X0=X0+(kl1+2*kl2+2*kl3+kl4)/6
- tt=initt-J*dt
- tmp=c(tt,X0)
- if(Norm(tmp)>inf){break}
- pdL=Appendrow(tmp,pdL)
- }
- pdL
- varargin=list(...)
- deq=varargin[[1]]
- rng=varargin[[2]]
- initt=varargin[[3]]
- initf=varargin[[4]]
- Num=50
- Sel=c(1,2)
- for(J in Looprange(5,length(varargin))){
- tmp1=varargin[[J]]
- if(is.character(tmp1)){
- tmp=strsplit(tmp1,"=")[[1]]
- Num=eval(parse(text=tmp[2]))
- }else{
- SeL=tmp1
- }
- }
- pdL=Deqdata(deq,rng,initt,initf,Num)
- pdL=pdL[,SeL]
-############## obj ###############
-Openobj<- function(Fnm){
- OBJFMT<<- "%7.4f"
- NPOINT<<- 0
- NNORM<<- 0
- OBJJOIN<<- 0
- Wfile<<- Fnm
- Tmp=grep(".obj",Fnm,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)==0){
- if(nchar(Fnm)>0){
- Wfile<<- paste(Fnm,".obj",sep="")
- }
- }
- cat("",file=Wfile,sep="")
- Wfile
-Closeobj<- function(){
- Wfile=""
-Writeobjpoint<- function(P){
- X=sprintf(OBJFMT,P[1]*OBJSCALE)
- Y=sprintf(OBJFMT,P[2]*OBJSCALE)
- Z=sprintf(OBJFMT,P[3]*OBJSCALE)
- Str=paste("v",X,Y,Z,sep=" ")
- Printobjstr(Str)
- return(NPOINT)
-Printobjstr<- function(Str){
- cat(Str,"\n",sep="",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Objname<- function(){
- if(OBJJOIN==0){
- Gname=paste("ketfig",as.character(OBJFIGNO),sep="")
- Printobjstr(paste("# ",Gname,sep=""))
- Printobjstr(paste("g ",Gname,sep=""))
- }
-Objjoin<- function(...){
- varargin=list()
- if(length(varargin)>0){
- OBJJOIN<<- abs(sign(varargin[[1]]))
- }
-Objsurf<- function(...){ #17.12.18
- Args<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(Args)
- Sel=Args[[Nargs]]; Nargs=Nargs-1
- Rf=Args[[1]]
- N=2
- Mg=0; Ng=0
- if(is.numeric(Args[[N]])){
- if(length(Args[[N]])>2){
- U=Args[[N]]
- Mg=length(U)-1
- N=N+1
- }else if(length(Args[[N]])==2){
- Intab=Args[[N]]
- Ag=Intab[1]; Bg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }else{
- Ag=Args[N]; Bg=Args[N+1]
- N=N+2
- }
- }else{
- Tmp0=Args[[N]]
- Tmp=grep("=",Tmp0,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1=strsplit(Tmp0,"=")
- Tmp0=Tmp1[[1]][2]
- }
- Intab=eval(parse(text=Tmp0))
- Ag=Intab[1]; Bg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }
- if(is.numeric(Args[[N]])){
- if(length(Args[[N]])>2){
- V=Args[[N]]
- Ng=length(V)-1
- N=N+1
- }else if(length(Args[[N]])==2){
- Intab=Args[[N]]
- Cg=Intab[1]; Dg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }else{
- Cg=Args[[N]]; Dg=Args[[N+1]]
- N=N+2
- }
- }else{ # the case of is.character(Args[[N]])
- Tmp0=Args[[N]]
- Tmp=grep("=",Tmp0,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp2=strsplit(Tmp0,"=")
- Tmp0=Tmp2[[1]][2]
- }
- Intab=eval(parse(text=Tmp0))
- Cg=Intab[1]; Dg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }
- if(Mg==0){
- Mg=Args[[N]]
- N=N+1
- U=c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Mg+1)){
- U=c(U,Ag+(J-1)/Mg*(Bg-Ag))
- }
- }
- if(Ng==0){
- Ng=Args[[N]]
- V=c()
- for(K in Looprange(1,Ng+1)){
- V=c(V,Cg+(K-1)/Ng*(Dg-Cg))
- }
- }
- Objname()
- PL=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Mg+1)){
- for(K in Looprange(1,Ng+1)){
- P=Rf(U[J],V[K])
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL=c(PL,list(c(P,Np)))
- }
- }
- Idx=1+(Ng+1)*(0:Mg)
- Pus=PL[Idx]
- Idx=(Ng+1)*(1:(Mg+1))
- Pue=PL[Idx]
- Idx=1:(Ng+1)
- Pvs=PL[Idx]
- Idx=((Ng+1)*Mg+1):((Ng+1)*(Mg+1))
- Pve=PL[Idx]
- Printobjstr("vt 0 0")
- Printobjstr("vt 1 0")
- Printobjstr("vt 1 1")
- Printobjstr("vt 0 1")
- for(J in Looprange(1,Mg)){
- for(K in Looprange(1,Ng)){
- P1=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL[[(Ng+1)*(J-1)+K]]))
- P2=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL[[(Ng+1)*J+K]]))
- P3=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL[[(Ng+1)*J+K+1]]))
- P4=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL[[(Ng+1)*(J-1)+K+1]]))
- N1=""; N2=""; N3=""; N4=""
- if(Sel=="+"){
- Str=paste("f ",P1,"/1/",N1," ",P2,"/2/",N2," ",sep="")
- Str=paste(Str,P3,"/3/",N3," ",P4,"/4/",N4,sep="")
- }else{
- Str=paste("f ",P1,"/1/",N1," ",P4,"/4/",N4," ",sep="")
- Str=paste(Str,P3,"/3/",N3," ",P2,"/2/",N2,sep="")
- }
- Printobjstr(Str)
- }
- }
- list(U,V,Pus,Pue,Pvs,Pve)
-Objthicksurf<- function(...){
- Args=list(...)
- Nargs=length(Args)
- Sel=Args[[Nargs]]; Nargs=Nargs-1
- Selsurf=substring(Sel,1,1)
- Selside=c("0","0","0","0")
- Tmp=grep("w",Sel,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Selside[1]="w"
- }
- Tmp=grep("e",Sel,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Selside[2]="e"
- }
- Tmp=grep("s",Sel,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Selside[3]="s"
- }
- Tmp=grep("n",Sel,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Selside[4]="n"
- }
- Nfth=Args[[Nargs-2]]
- Thick1=Args[[Nargs-1]]
- Thick2=Args[[Nargs]]
- Nargs=Nargs-3
- Rfth=Args[[1]]
- N=2
- Mg=0; Ng=0
- if(is.numeric(Args[[N]])){
- if(length(Args[[N]])>2){
- U=Args[[N]]
- Mg=length(U)-1
- N=N+1
- }else if(length(Args[[N]])==2){
- Intab=Args[[N]]
- Ag=Intab[1]; Bg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }else{
- Ag=Args[[N]]; Bg=Args[[N+1]]
- N=N+2
- }
- }else{
- Tmp0=Args[[N]]
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp0,"=",fixe=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp0=Tmp[[1]][2]
- }
- Intab=eval(parse(text=Tmp0))
- Ag=Intab[1]; Bg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }
- if(is.numeric(Args[[N]])){
- if(length(Args[[N]])>2){
- V=Args[[N]]
- Ng=length(V)-1
- N=N+1
- }else if(length(Args[[N]])==2){
- Intab=Args[[N]]
- Cg=Intab[1]; Dg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }else{
- Cg=Args[[N]]; Dg=Args[[N+1]]
- N=N+2
- }
- }else{
- Tmp0=Args[[N]]
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp0,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp0=Tmp[[1]][2]
- }
- Intab=eval(parse(text=Tmp0))
- Cg=Intab[1]; Dg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }
- if(Mg==0){
- Mg=Args[[N]]
- N=N+1
- U=c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Mg+1)){
- U=c(U,Ag+(J-1)/Mg*(Bg-Ag))
- }
- }
- if(Ng==0){
- Ng=Args[[N]]
- V=c()
- for(K in Looprange(1,Ng+1)){
- V=c(V,Cg+(K-1)/Ng*(Dg-Cg))
- }
- }
- Objname()
- OBJJOIN<<- 1
- F1=function(u,v){
- Rfth(u,v)+Thick1*Nfth(u,v)
- }
- F2=function(u,v){
- Rfth(u,v)+Thick2*Nfth(u,v)
- }
- Dt1=Objsurf(F1,U,V,Selsurf)
- if(Selsurf=="+"){
- Tmp="-"
- }else{
- Tmp="+"
- }
- Dt2=Objsurf(F2,U,V,Tmp);
- Out=list(Dt1,Dt2);
- if(Selside[1]!="0"){
- Dt=Objrecs(Op(3,Dt1),Op(3,Dt2),Selside[1])
- Out=c(Out,list(Dt))
- }
- if(Selside[2]!="0"){
- Dt=Objrecs(Op(4,Dt1),Op(4,Dt2),Selside[2])
- Out=c(Out,list(Dt))
- }
- if(Selside[3]!="0"){
- Dt=Objrecs(Op(5,Dt1),Op(5,Dt2),Selside[3])
- Out=c(Out,list(Dt))
- }
- if(Selside[4]!="0"){
- Dt=Objrecs(Op(6,Dt1),Op(6,Dt2),Selside[4])
- Out=c(Out,list(Dt))
- }
- OBJJOIN<<- Join
-Objrecs<- function(...){
- Eps=10^(-6)
- Args=list(...)
- Nargs=length(Args)
- Tmp=Args[[1]]
- PtL=Flattenlist(Tmp)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){ #17.12.23from
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- if(!is.matrix(Tmp)){
- PtL[[J]]=matrix(Tmp,nrow=1)
- }
- } #17.12.23upto
- PL1=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- for(K in Looprange(1,nrow(Tmp))){
- PL1=c(PL1,list(Tmp[K,]))
- }
- }
- Sel=Args[[Nargs]]; Nargs=Nargs-1
- Objname()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL1))){
- P=PL1[[J]]
- if((length(P)<4) || (P[4]==0)){
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL1[[J]]=c(P[1:3],Np)
- }
- }
- Tmp=Args[[2]]
- if((is.numeric(Tmp)) && (length(Tmp)==1)){
- Drv=Tmp
- Len=Norm(Drv)
- PL2=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL1))){
- Tmp=PL1[[J]]
- P=Tmp[1:3]+Drv
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL2=c(PL2,list(c(P[1:3],Np)))
- if(J<length(PL1)){
- Vec=PL1[[J+1]]-PL1[[J]]
- if(Norm(Vec)>Eps){
- Tmp1=Crossprod(Drv,Vec)
- Tmp2=Crossprod(Tmp1,Vec)
- Tmp3=Dotprod(Tmp2,Drv)
- if(Tmp3<-Eps){
- Tmp2=-Tmp2
- }
- Drv=Len/Norm(Tmp2)*Tmp2
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- PtL=Flattenlist(Tmp)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){ #17.12.23from
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- if(!is.matrix(Tmp)){
- PtL[[J]]=matrix(Tmp,nrow=1)
- }
- } #17.12.23upto
- PL2=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- for(K in Looprange(1,nrow(Tmp))){
- PL2=c(PL2,list(Tmp[K,]))
- }
- }
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL2))){
- P=PL2[[J]]
- if((length(P)<4) || (P[4]==0)){
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL2[[J]]=c(P[1:3],Np)
- }
- }
- }
- Printobjstr("vt 0 0")
- Printobjstr("vt 1 0")
- Printobjstr("vt 1 1")
- Printobjstr("vt 0 1")
- for(J in Looprange(2,length(PL1))){
- P1=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL1[[J-1]]))
- P2=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL2[[J-1]]))
- P3=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL2[[J]]))
- P4=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL1[[J]]))
- N1=""; N2=""; N3=""; N4=""
- if(Sel=="+"){
- Str=paste("f ",P1,"/1/",N1," ",P2,"/2/",N2," ",sep="")
- Str=paste(Str,P3,"/3/",N3," ",P4,"/4/",N4,sep="")
- }else{
- Str=paste("f ",P1,"/1/",N1," ",P4,"/4/",N4," ",sep="")
- Str=paste(Str,P3,"/3/",N3," ",P2,"/2/",N2,sep="")
- }
- Printobjstr(Str)
- }
- list(PL1,PL2)
-Objpolygon<- function(...){
- Eps=10^(-6)
- Args=list(...)
- Nargs=length(Args)
- Tmp=Args[[1]]
- PtL=Flattenlist(Tmp)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){ #17.12.23from
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- if(!is.matrix(Tmp)){
- PtL[[J]]=matrix(Tmp,nrow=1)
- }
- } #17.12.23upto
- PL=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- for(K in Looprange(1,nrow(Tmp))){
- PL=c(PL,list(Tmp[K,]))
- }
- }
- Sel=Args[[Nargs]]; Nargs=Nargs-1
- Objname()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL))){
- P=PL[[J]]
- if((length(P)<4) || (P(4)==0)){
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL[[J]]=c(P[1:3],Np)
- }
- }
- if(Nargs==1){
- Tmp=PL[[1]]
- Cen=Tmp[1:3]
- Nc=Tmp[4]
- }else{
- Tmp=Args[[2]]
- if(length(Tmp)==1){
- Tmp1=PL[[Tmp]]
- Cen=Tmp1[1:3]
- Nc=Tmp[4]
- }else{
- Cen=Tmp
- Nc=Writeobjpoint(Cen)
- }
- }
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL))){
- if(J<length(PL)){
- Je=J+1
- }else{
- Je=1
- }
- Pt1=Cen
- PLj=PL[[J]]; PLje=PL[[Je]]
- Pt2=PLj[1:3]; Pt3=PLje[1:3]
- if(Norm(Crossprod(Pt2-Pt1,Pt3-Pt1))<Eps){
- next
- }
- P1=sprintf("%1d",Nc)
- P2=sprintf("%1d",PLj[4])
- P3=sprintf("%1d",PLje[4])
- if(Sel=="+"){
- Str=paste("f",P1,P2,P3,"",sep=" ")
- }else{
- Str=paste("f",P1,P3,P2,"",sep=" ")
- }
- Printobjstr(Str)
- }
- PL
-Objpolyhedron<- function(Vertex,Face){
- Ninit=NPOINT
- Objname()
- for(N in Looprange(1,length(Vertex))){
- P=Vertex[[N]]
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- Vertex[[N]]=c(P[1:3],Np)
- }
- for(N in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- F=Face[[N]]+Ninit
- Face[[N]]=F
- Str="f"
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(F))){
- P=sprintf("%1d",F[J])
- Str=paste(Str,P,sep=" ")
- }
- Printobjstr(Str)
- }
- list(Vertex,Face)
-Objcurve<- function(...){
- Eps=10^(-6)
- Args=list(...)
- Nargs=length(Args)
- Tmp=Args[[1]]
- PtL=Flattenlist(Tmp)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){ #17.12.23from
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- if(!is.matrix(Tmp)){
- PtL[[J]]=matrix(Tmp,nrow=1)
- }
- } #17.12.23upto
- PL=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- for(K in Looprange(1,nrow(Tmp))){
- PL=c(PL,list(Tmp[K,]))
- }
- }
- Closed=Norm(PL[[length(PL)]]-PL[[1]])<Eps
- Pstr="xy"
- Tmp=Args[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Pstr=Tmp
- Nargs=Nargs-1
- }
- Sz=0.1
- Np=4
- if(Nargs>=2){
- Sz=Args[[2]]
- }
- if(Nargs>=3){
- Np=Args[[3]]
- }
- Assign("Sz",Sz)
- if(Pstr=="xy"){
- Vz=c(0,0,1)
- Fs=Assign("c(Sz*cos(t),Sz*sin(t),0)")
- }
- if(Pstr=="yz"){
- Vz=c(1,0,0)
- Fs=Assign("c(0,Sz*cos(t),Sz*sin(t))")
- }
- if(Pstr=="zx"){
- Vz=c(0,1,0)
- Fs=Assign("c(Sz*sin(t),0,Sz*cos(t))")
- }
- Gc0=Spacecurve(Fs,"t=c(0,2*pi)",paste("Num=",as.character(Np),sep=""))
- P=PL[[1]]; Q=PL[[2]]; R=PL[[length(PL)-1]]
- PQ1=Q-P
- if(!Closed){
- PQ2=PQ1
- }else{
- PQ2=P-R
- }
- Vp=PQ1/Norm(PQ1)+PQ2/Norm(PQ2)
- Vp1=Vp/Norm(Vp)
- Theta=acos(min(Dotprod(Vz,Vp1),1));
- Vj=Crossprod(Vz,Vp1)
- if(Norm(Vj)<Eps){
- Vj=Vz
- }
- Gc1=Rotate3data(Gc0,Vj,Theta)
- CL=list(Translate3data(Gc1,P))
- for(J in Looprange(2,length(PL)-1)){
- P=PL[[J]]; Q=PL[[J+1]]
- PQ2=Q-P
- if(Norm(PQ2)<Eps){
- next
- }
- Vp=PQ1/Norm(PQ1)+PQ2/Norm(PQ2)
- Vp2=Vp/Norm(Vp)
- Theta=acos(min(Dotprod(Vp1,Vp2),1))
- Vj=Crossprod(Vp1,Vp2)
- if(Norm(Vj)<Eps){
- Vj=Vp1
- }
- Gc2=Rotate3data(Gc1,Vj,Theta)
- CL=c(CL,list(Translate3data(Gc2,P)))
- PQ1=PQ2
- Vp1=Vp2
- Gc1=Gc2
- }
- if(!Closed){
- Vp2=(Q-P)/Norm(Q-P)
- Theta=acos(min(Dotprod(Vp1,Vp2),1))
- Vj=Crossprod(Vp1,Vp2)
- if(Norm(Vj)<Eps){
- Vj=Vp1
- }
- Gc3=Rotate3data(Gc1,Vj,Theta)
- CL=c(CL,list(Translate3data(Gc3,Q)))
- }
- Objname()
- Join=Objjoin();
- Objjoin(1)
- GL1=CL[[1]]
- for(J in Looprange(2,length(CL))){
- GL2=CL[[J]]
- Dt=Objrecs(GL1,GL2,"-")
- GL1=Dt[[2]]
- if(J==2){
- GL0=Dt[[1]]
- }
- }
- if(!Closed){
- Objpolygon(CL[[1]],"-")
- N=length(CL)
- Objpolygon(CL[[N]],"+")
- }else{
- Objrecs(GL1,GL0,"-")
- }
- Out=CL
- OBJJOIN<<- Join
-Objsymb<- function(Symb,Thick,Face,Dir){
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(Symb))){
- Objcurve(Op(J,Symb),Thick,Face,Dir)
- }
-Symb3data<- function(Moji,Size,Kaiten,NV,Pos){
- if(is.character(Moji)){
- #Tmp=Symbdata(Moji)
- # GY1=Tmp(2)
- }else{
- GY1=Moji
- }
- GY1=Scaledata(GY1,Size,Size)
- GY1=Rotatedata(GY1,Kaiten*pi/180)
- A=NV[1]; B=NV[2]; C=NV[3]
- if(A^2+B^2==0){
- E1=c(1,0,0)
- E2=c(0,1,0)
- }else{
- E1=c(B,-A,0)
- E2=c(-A*C,-B*C,A^2+B^2)
- Tmp=matrix(c(E1,E2,NV),3,3)
- D=det(Tmp)
- if(D<0){
- E1=-E1
- }
- E1=E1/Norm(E1)
- E2=E2/Norm(E2)
- }
- Em<- function(X,Y){
- c(E1[1]*X+E2[1]*Y,E1[2]*X+E2[2]*Y,E1[3]*X+E2[3]*Y)
- }
- GY1=Embed(GY1,Em)
- GY1=Translate3data(GY1,Pos)
- Flattenlist(GY1)
-############## New Intersect 18.02.01 #############
-Intersectline<- function(p1,v1,p2,v2){
- Eps0=10^(-5)
- tmp=Dotprod(v1,v2)
- tmp1=c(tmp,Norm(v1)^2)
- tmp2=c(-Norm(v2)^2,-tmp)
- tmp3=c(Dotprod(p2-p1,v2),Dotprod(p2-p1,v1))
- d=Crossprod(tmp1,tmp2)
- tmp=abs(Crossprod(v1,v2))
- if(tmp>Eps0){
- dt=Crossprod(tmp3,tmp2)
- ds=Crossprod(tmp1,tmp3)
- t=dt/d
- s=ds/d
- pt=p1+v1*t
- out=list(pt,t,s)
- }else{
- tmp1=Crossprod(p2-p1,v1)/Norm(v1)
- out=list(abs(tmp1))
- }
- return(out)
-Intersectseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- seg1=varargin[[1]]
- seg2=varargin[[2]]
- if(Nargs>2){Eps1=varargin[[3]]}
- p1=Op(1,seg1); q1=Op(2,seg1)
- p2=Op(1,seg2); q2=Op(2,seg2)
- if((Norm(q1-p1)<Eps0)||(Norm(q2-p2)<Eps0)){
- out=list(-1)
- }else{
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,q1-p1,p2,q2-p2)
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- pt=Op(1,tmp); t=Op(2,tmp); s=Op(3,tmp)
- if((t*(t-1)<Eps0)&&(s*(s-1)<Eps0)){
- out=list(0,pt,t,s)
- }else{
- t=min(max(t,0),1)
- s=min(max(s,0),1)
- tmp3=c(Norm(p1-p2),Norm(p1-q2),Norm(p2-p1),Norm(p2-q1))
- tmp1=c(Op(2,q2-p2),-Op(1,q2-p2))
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,tmp1,p2,q2-p2)
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- if(Op(3,tmp)*(Op(3,tmp)-1)<Eps0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,Norm(Op(1,tmp)-p1))
- }
- }
- tmp=Intersectline(q1,tmp1,p2,q2-p2)
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- if(Op(3,tmp)*(Op(3,tmp)-1)<Eps0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,Norm(Op(1,tmp)-q1))
- }
- }
- tmp1=c(Op(2,q1-p1),-Op(1,q1-p1))
- tmp=Intersectline(p2,tmp1,p1,q1-p1);
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- if(Op(3,tmp)*(Op(3,tmp)-1)<Eps0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,Norm(Op(1,tmp)-p2))
- }
- }
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- if(Op(3,tmp)*(Op(3,tmp)-1)<Eps0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,Norm(Op(1,tmp)-q2))
- }
- }
- out=list(min(tmp3),pt,t,s)
- }
- }else{
- dist=tmp[[1]]
- tmp1=q1-p1
- n=c(tmp1[2],-tmp1[1])/Norm(tmp1)
- pts=list()
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,n,p2,q2-p2)
- if((length(tmp)>1)&&(tmp[[3]]*(tmp[[3]]-1)<Eps0)){
- tmp1=(1-tmp[[3]])*p2+tmp[[3]]*q2
- pts=c(pts,list(list(tmp1,0,tmp[[3]])))
- }
- tmp=Intersectline(q1,n,p2,q2-p2)
- if((length(tmp)>1)&&(tmp[[3]]*(tmp[[3]]-1)<Eps0)){
- tmp1=(1-tmp[[3]])*p2+tmp[[3]]*q2
- pts=c(pts,list(list(tmp1,1,tmp[[3]])))
- }
- tmp=Intersectline(p2,n,p1,q1-p1)
- if((length(tmp)>1)&&(tmp[[3]]*(tmp[[3]]-1)<Eps0)){
- tmp1=(1-tmp[[3]])*p1+tmp[[3]]*q1
- pts=c(pts,list(list(tmp1,tmp[[3]],0)))
- }
- if((length(tmp)>1)&&(tmp[[3]]*(tmp[[3]]-1)<Eps0)){
- tmp1=(1-tmp[[3]])*p1+tmp[[3]]*q1
- pts=c(pts,list(list(tmp1,tmp[[3]],2)))
- }
- if(length(pts)==0){
- tmp1=min(Norm(p2-p1),Norm(q2-p1),Norm(p2-q1),Norm(q2-q1))
- out=list(tmp1)
- }else{
- if(dist>Eps1){
- out=list(dist)
- }else{
- tmp=c();
- for(j in 1:length(pts)){
- tmp=Appendrow(tmp,Op(1,pts[[j]]))
- }
- tmp1=sum(tmp[,1])/(length(pts))
- tmp2=sum(tmp[,2])/(length(pts))
- tmp3=c(tmp1,tmp2)
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp3,seg1)
- tmp1=tmp[[2]]
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp3,seg2)
- tmp2=tmp[[2]]
- out=list(dist,tmp3,tmp1,tmp2)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(out)
-Osplineseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Eps=10^(-2)
- Eps0=10^(-6)
- Ptlist=varargin[[1]]
- Numstr="Num=20"
- if(Nargs>1){
- Numstr=varargin[[2]]
- }
- p0=Op(1,Ptlist); p1=Op(2,Ptlist); p2=Op(3,Ptlist); p3=Op(4,Ptlist)
- tmp=Norm(p2-p0)*Norm(p3-p1)
- tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/tmp)/2)
- cc=4*Norm(p2-p1)/3/(Norm(p2-p0)+Norm(p3-p1))/tmp
- pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0)
- pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3)
- ctrL=list(c(pQ,pR))
- out=Bezier(list(p1,p2),ctrL,Numstr)
- return(out)
-Intersectpartseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- crv1=varargin[[1]]
- crv2=varargin[[2]]
- ii=varargin[[3]]
- jj=varargin[[4]]
- Eps1=varargin[[5]]
- Eps2=varargin[[6]]
- Dist=10*Eps2
- if(Nargs>6){Dist=varargin[[7]]}
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- out=list()
- seg1=Listplot(Op(ii,crv1),Op(ii+1,crv1))
- seg2=Listplot(Op(jj,crv2),Op(jj+1,crv2))
- tmp1=Op(2,seg1)-Op(1,seg1)
- tmp2=Op(2,seg2)-Op(1,seg2)
- snang=abs(Crossprod(tmp1,tmp2))/(Norm(tmp1)*Norm(tmp2))
- tmp=Intersectseg(seg1,seg2,Eps1)
- dst=Op(1,tmp)
- if(dst<Eps0){
- out=list(Op(2,tmp),ii+Op(3,tmp),jj+Op(4,tmp),dst,snang)
- }else{
- if(dst<Eps2){
- if((Length(crv1)==2)||(Norm(Op(2,seg1)-Op(1,seg1))>Dist-Eps0)){
- os1=seg1
- }else{
- p1=Op(1,seg1); p2=Op(2,seg1)
- if(ii==1){
- p3=Op(3,crv1)
- tmp=p2-p1
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+c(Op(2,tmp),-Op(1,tmp))
- p0=Reflectdata(p3,c((p1+p2)/2,tmp))
- }else{
- if(ii==Length(crv1)-1){
- p0=Op(ii-1,crv1)
- tmp=p2-p1
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+c(Op(2,tmp),-Op(1,tmp))
- p3=Reflectdata(p0,c((p1+p2)/2,tmp))
- }else{
- p0=Op(ii-1,crv1); p3=Op(ii+2,crv1)
- }
- }
- os1=Osplineseg(list(p0,p1,p2,p3))
- }
- if((Length(crv2)==2)||(Norm(Op(2,seg2)-Op(1,seg2))>Dist-Eps0)){
- os2=seg2
- }else{
- p1=Op(1,seg2); p2=Op(2,seg2)
- if(jj==1){
- p3=Op(3,crv2)
- tmp=p2-p1
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+c(Op(2,tmp),-Op(1,tmp))
- p0=Reflectdata(p3,c((p1+p2)/2,tmp))
- }else{
- if(jj==Length(crv2)-1){
- p0=Op(jj-1,crv2)
- tmp=p2-p1
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+c(Op(2,tmp),-Op(1,tmp))
- p3=Reflectdata(p0,c((p1+p2)/2,tmp))
- }else{
- p0=Op(jj-1,crv2); p3=Op(jj+2,crv2)
- }
- }
- os2=Osplineseg(list(p0,p1,p2,p3))
- }
- tmp2=list()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(os1)-1)){
- for(ll in Looprange(1,Length(os2)-1)){
- seg1=Listplot(Op(kk,os1),Op(kk+1,os1))
- seg2=Listplot(Op(ll,os2),Op(ll+1,os2))
- tmp=Intersectseg(seg1,seg2,Eps1)
- if((Op(1,tmp)<Eps1)&&(length(tmp)>1)){ #18.02.05
- if(Op(1,tmp)<dst+Eps0){
- dst=Op(1,tmp)
- tmp3=list()
- for( nn in Looprange(1,length(tmp2))){
- if(Op(1,tmp2[[nn]])<dst){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,list(tmp2[[nn]]))
- }
- }
- tmp2=c(tmp3,list(list(dst,Op(2,tmp))))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(tmp2)>0){
- tmp1=c()
- for(nn in Looprange(1,length(tmp2))){
- tmp1=Appendrow(tmp1,Op(2,tmp2[[nn]]))
- }
- tmp=sum(tmp1[,1])/length(tmp2)
- tmp=c(tmp,sum(tmp1[,2])/length(tmp2))
- out=list(tmp)
- p1=Op(ii,crv1); p2=Op(ii+1,crv1)
- tmp=c(Op(2,p2-p1),-Op(1,p2-p1))
- tmp=Intersectline(Op(1,out),tmp,p1,p2-p1)
- tmp=min(max(Op(3,tmp),0),1)
- out=c(out,list(ii+tmp))
- p1=Op(jj,crv2); p2=Op(jj+1,crv2)
- tmp=c(Op(2,p2-p1),-Op(1,p2-p1))
- tmp=Intersectline(Op(1,out),tmp,p1,p2-p1)
- tmp=min(max(Op(3,tmp),0),1)
- out=c(out,list(jj+tmp,dst,snang))
- }
- }
- }
- return(out)
-Collectnear<- function(ptdL,Eps2){
- gL=list(Op(1,ptdL))
- rL=ptdL[Looprange(2,length(ptdL))] #18.02.07
- for( ii in Looprange(1,length(ptdL)-1)){
- numL=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(rL))){
- tmp1=100
- for(kk in Looprange(1,length(gL))){
- tmp=Norm(Op(1,gL[[kk]])-Op(1,rL[[jj]]))
- if(tmp<tmp1){tmp1=tmp}
- }
- if(tmp1<Eps2){numL=c(numL,jj)}
- }
- if(length(numL)==0){
- break
- }else{
- gL=c(gL,rL[numL]) #18.02.05
- tmp=setdiff(1:(length(rL)),numL)
- rL=rL[tmp]
- }
- }
- return(list(gL,rL))
-Groupnearpt<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Eps=varargin[[Nargs]]
- plist=varargin[[1]]
- qlist=varargin[[2]]
- if(!is.list(qlist)){
- qlist=plist
- plist=list()
- }
- if(length(qlist)==0){
- return(plist)
- }
- pt=qlist[[1]]
- qlist=qlist[Looprange(2,length(qlist))]
- if(length(plist)==0){
- plist=list(matrix(pt,nrow=1))
- }else{
- flg=0
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(plist))){
- gL=plist[[ii]]
- for(jj in Looprange(1,Length(gL))){
- if(Norm(Op(jj,gL)-pt)<Eps){
- flg=1
- break
- }
- }
- if(flg==1){
- plist[[ii]]=Appendrow(gL,pt)
- break
- }
- }
- if(flg==0){
- plist=c(plist,list(matrix(pt,nrow=1)))
- }
- }
- out=Groupnearpt(plist,qlist,Eps)
- return(out)
-IntersectcurvesPp<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- Dist=10*Eps2
- if(Nargs>2){Eps1=varargin[[3]]}
- if(Nargs>3){Eps2=varargin[[4]]}
- if(Nargs>4){Dist=varargin[[5]]}
- tmp1=varargin[[1]]
- crv1=matrix(Op(1,tmp1),nrow=1)
- for(ii in Looprange(2,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(Length(crv1),crv1)
- if(Norm(tmp-Op(ii,tmp1))>Eps0){
- crv1=Appendrow(crv1,Op(ii,tmp1))
- }
- }
- tmp2=varargin[[2]]
- crv2=matrix(Op(1,tmp2),nrow=1)
- for(ii in Looprange(2,Length(tmp2))){
- tmp=Op(Length(crv2),crv2)
- if(Norm(tmp-Op(ii,tmp2))>Eps0){
- crv2=Appendrow(crv2,Op(ii,tmp2))
- }
- }
- if(Length(crv1)!=Length(crv2)){
- self=0
- }else{
- self=1
- for(ii in Looprange(1,Length(crv1))){
- if(Norm(Op(ii,crv1)-Op(ii,crv2))>0){
- self=0
- break
- }
- }
- }
- out=list()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,Length(crv1)-1)){
- if(self==0){
- loopL=Looprange(1,Length(crv2)-1)
- }else{
- loopL=Looprange(ii+2,Length(crv2)-1)
- }
- for(jj in loopL){
- tmp=Intersectpartseg(crv1,crv2,ii,jj,Eps1,Eps2,Dist)
- if(length(tmp)>1){ #18.02.05
- if(length(out)==0){
- out=list(tmp)
- }else{
- tmp1=Op(length(out),out)
- if(Norm(Op(1,tmp1)-Op(1,tmp))>Eps1){
- out=c(out,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- if(self==1){
- tmp=list(Op(1,tmp),Op(3,tmp),Op(2,tmp),Op(4,tmp),Op(5,tmp))
- out=c(out,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- tmp2=out
- out=list()
- tmp1=tmp2
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(tmp2))){
- tmp=Collectnear(tmp1,Eps2)
- out=c(out,list(Op(1,tmp)))
- if(length(Op(2,tmp))==0){
- break
- }else{
- tmp1=Op(2,tmp)
- }
- }
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(out))){
- tmp1=Op(ii,out)
- if(length(tmp1)==1){
- out[[ii]]=Op(1,tmp1)
- }else{
- tmp=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- tmp=c(tmp,Op(4,tmp1[[jj]]))
- }
- dst=min(tmp)
- tmp=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- if(Op(4,tmp1[[jj]])<dst+Eps0){
- tmp=c(tmp,Op(1,tmp1[[jj]]))
- }
- }
- tmp=matrix(tmp,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- tmp=c(sum(tmp[,1]),sum(tmp[,2]))/Length(tmp)
- tmp2=list(tmp)
- tmp=Nearestpt(Op(1,tmp2),crv1)
- tmp2=c(tmp2,list(Op(2,tmp)))
- tmp=Nearestpt(Op(1,tmp2),crv2)
- tmp2=c(tmp2,list(Op(2,tmp)))
- tmp2=c(tmp2,list(list(dst,Op(5,tmp1[[1]]))))
- out[[ii]]=tmp2
- }
- }
- return(out)
-Intersectcurves<- function(...){
- dtL=IntersectcurvesPp(...)
- out=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(dtL))){
- out=c(out,list(Op(1,dtL[[jj]])))
- }
- return(out)
-############## end of New Intersect #############
-############## New Enclosing2 #############
-Enclosing2<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- plist=varargin[[1]]
- Eps0=10^(-5)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.1
- Start=c()
- flg=0
- for(ii in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[ii]]
- if(length(tmp)>1){
-# Start=tmp
- }else{
- if(flg==0){Eps1=tmp}
- if(flg==1){Eps2=tmp}
- flg=flg+1
- }
- }
- flg=0
- AnsL=c()
- if(length(plist)==1){
- Fdata=plist[[1]]
- tmp1=Op(1,Fdata)
- tmp2=Op(Length(Fdata),Fdata)
- if(Norm(tmp1-tmp2)<Eps0){
- AnsL=Fdata
- }else{
- AnsL=Appendrow(Fdata,tmp1)
- }
- flg=1
- }
- if(flg==0){
- Fdata=Op(1,plist)
- Gdata=Op(length(plist),plist)
- KL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fdata,Gdata)
- if(length(KL)==0){
- tmp1=Op(Length(Gdata),Gdata)
- tmp2=Op(1,Fdata)
- tmp=Listplot(tmp1,tmp2)
- plist=c(plist,list(tmp))
- Start=tmp2
- tst=1
-# flg=1
- }else{
- if(length(KL)==1){
- tmp=Op(1,KL)
- tst=Op(2,tmp)
- Start=crv(tst,Fdata)
- }
- if(length(KL)>1){
- KL=Quicksort(KL,2)
- if(length(Start)==0){
- tmp=Op(1,KL)
- tst=Op(2,tmp)
- Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata)
- }else{
- tmp=c()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(KL))){
- tmp=c(tmp,Norm(Op(1,KL[[ii]]-Start)))
- }
- tmp=min(tmp)
- tmp1=list()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(KL))){
- tmp2=Op(1,KL[[ii]])
- if(Norm(tmp2-Start)==tmp){
- tmp1=c(tmp1,list(tmp2))
- }
- }
- tmp=Op(1,tmp1)
- tst=Op(2,tmp)
- Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(flg==0){
- t1=tst
- for(nn in Looprange(1,length(plist))){
- Fdata=Op(nn,plist)
- if(nn==length(plist)){
- nxtno=1
- }else{
- nxtno=nn+1
- }
- Gdata=Op(nxtno,plist)
- KL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fdata,Gdata)
- if(length(KL)==0){
- tmp=matrix(Op(Length(Fdata),Fdata),nrow=1) #18.02.02from
- Gdata=Appendrow(tmp,Gdata)
- plist[[nxtno]]=Gdata
- t2=Length(Fdata)
- ss=1 #18.02.02upto
- }else{
- tmp=Op(1,KL)
- t2=Op(2,tmp)
- ss=Op(3,tmp)
- if(abs(t2-t1)<Eps0){
- if(length(KL)>1){
- tmp=Op(2,KL)
- t2=Op(2,tmp)
- ss=Op(3,tmp)
- }else{
-# println(text(nn)+" and "+text(nn+1)+" not intersect");
-# flg=1
- }
- }
- }
- if(flg==0){
- tmp=Partcrv(t1,t2,Fdata)
- if(nn==1){
- AnsL=tmp
- }else{
- tmp=tmp[2:Length(tmp),]
- AnsL=Appendrow(AnsL,tmp)
- }
- t1=ss
- }
- }
- }
- return(AnsL)
-############## end of Enclosing2 #############
-############## start of surface drawing #############
-Fullformfunc<- function(FdL){
- ADDPOINT<<- list() #18.02.19
- Out=list(Op(1,FdL))
- N=length(FdL)
- for(Jrg in Looprange(1,N)){
- Tmp=grep("c(",Op(Jrg,FdL),fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- break
- }
- }
- Urg=Stripblanks(Op(Jrg,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Urg,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- UNAME<<- Tmp[[1]][1]
- URNG<<- eval(parse(text=Tmp[[1]][2]))
- Urg=paste(UNAME,"=c(",sprintf("%6.7f",URNG[1]),",",
- sprintf("%6.7f",URNG[2]),")",sep="")
- Vrg=Stripblanks(Op(Jrg+1,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Vrg,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- VNAME<<- Tmp[[1]][1]
- VRNG<<- eval(parse(text=Tmp[[1]][2]))
- Vrg=paste(VNAME,"=c(",sprintf("%6.7f",VRNG[1]),",",
- sprintf("%6.7f",VRNG[2]),")",sep="")
- if(Jrg==2){
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(1,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Zf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=list(UNAME,VNAME,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp)
- }else if(Jrg==4){
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(1,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Zf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(2,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Xname=Tmp[[1]][1]
- Xf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(3,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Yname=Tmp[[1]][1]
- Yf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=gsub(Xname,paste("(",Xf,")",sep=""),Zf,fixed=TRUE)
- Zf=gsub(Yname,paste("(",Yf,")",sep=""),Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=list(Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp)
- }else{
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(2,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Xf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(3,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Yf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(4,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Zf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=list(Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp)
- }
- tmp=paste("Xfunc<<- function(",UNAME,",",VNAME,"){",Xf,"}",sep='')
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- tmp=paste("Yfunc<<- function(",UNAME,",",VNAME,"){",Yf,"}",sep='')
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- tmp=paste("Zfunc<<- function(",UNAME,",",VNAME,"){",Zf,"}",sep='')
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- tmp=paste("XYZfunc<<- function(",UNAME,",",VNAME,"){",sep='')
- tmp=paste(tmp,"c(",Xf,",",Yf,",",Zf,")}",sep='')
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- XYZstr<<- c(Xf,Yf,Zf)
- DRWS<<- "enws"
- BdyL=list()
- for(I in Looprange(Jrg+2,length(FdL))){
- Tmp=Op(I,FdL)
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- if(nchar(Tmp)==0){
- Tmp=" "
- }
- DRWS<<- list(Tmp)
- }
- if((is.numeric(Tmp))&&(Length(Tmp)>1)){
- BdyL=list(Tmp)
- }
- }
- BDYL<<- BdyL
- Tmp=c(DRWS,BDYL)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp)
- return(Out)
-Addpoints<- function(ptlist){
- ADDPOINT<<- ptlist
-Makexybdy<- function(Np){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Xystr=XYZstr[1:2]
- Umin=URNG[1]; Umax=URNG[2]
- Vmin=VRNG[1]; Vmax=VRNG[2]
- Cflg=0
- EhL=list()
- Tmp=grep("e",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:2){
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Umax),")",sep=""),Xystr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",VRNG)
- Tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[2]))
- Tmp=Paramplot(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- EhL=c(EhL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Tmp=grep("n",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:2){
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Vmax),")",sep=""),Xystr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",URNG)
- Tmp2=paste(UNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[1]))
- Tmp=Paramplot(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- if(Cflg>0){
- Tmp1=Op(length(EhL),EhL)
- Tmp=Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- Tmp1=EhL[Looprange(1,length(EhL)-1)]
- EhL=c(Tmp1,Tmp)
- }else{
- Cflg=0
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- EhL=c(EhL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- Tmp=grep("w",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:2){
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Umin),")",sep=""),Xystr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",VRNG)
- Tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[2]))
- Tmp=Paramplot(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- if(Cflg>0){
- Tmp1=Op(length(EhL),EhL)
- Tmp=Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- Tmp1=EhL[Looprange(1,length(EhL)-1)]
- EhL=c(Tmp1,list(Tmp))
- }else{
- Cflg=0
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- EhL=c(EhL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- Tmp=grep("s",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:2){
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Vmin),")",sep=""),Xystr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",URNG)
- Tmp2=paste(UNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[1]))
- Tmp=Paramplot(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- if(Cflg>0){
- Tmp1=Op(length(EhL),EhL)
- Tmp=Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp1=EhL[Looprange(1,length(EhL)-1)]
- }
- Tmp1=EhL[Looprange(1,length(EhL)-1)]
- EhL=c(Tmp1,list(Tmp))
- }else{
- Cflg=0
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- EhL=c(EhL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- return(EhL)
-Partitionseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fig=varargin[[1]]
- GL=varargin[[2]]; N=3
- if(!is.list(GL)){GL=list(GL)} #18.02.21
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps=0.01
- if(Nargs>2){
- Eps=varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2=0.1
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2=varargin[[4]]
- }
- if(Nargs>4){
- Ns=varargin[[5]]
- if(Ns>0){#18.02.21from
- }else{
- Other=c()
- }#18.02.21upto
- }else{
- Ns=1
- Other=c()
- }
- Npt=Length(Fig)
- ParL=c(1,Npt,Other)
- for(N in Looprange(max(1,Ns),Length(GL))){ #18.02.21
- G=Op(N,GL)
- KouL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fig,G,Eps,Eps2)
- Tmp1=c(); Tmp2=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(KouL))){
- tmp=Op(2,KouL[[jj]])
- if((tmp>1+Eps0)&&(tmp<Npt-Eps0)){
- Tmp1=c(Tmp1,tmp)
- }
- tmp=Op(3,KouL[[jj]])
- if((tmp>1+Eps0)&&(tmp<Length(G)-Eps0)){
- Tmp2=c(Tmp2,tmp)
- }
- }
- ParL=c(ParL,Tmp1)
- if((Ns>0)&&(N>Ns)&&(length(Tmp2)>0)){ #18.02.21
- OTHERPARTITION[[N]]<<- c(tmp,Tmp2)
- }
- }
- tmp1=sort(ParL)
- ParL=c()
- tmp2=-1
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(jj,tmp1)
- if(abs(tmp-tmp2)>Eps){
- ParL=c(ParL,tmp)
- tmp2=tmp
- }
- }
- return(ParL)
-Evlptablepara<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Tmp=varargin[[1]]
- Mdv=50
- Ndv=50
- if(Nargs>=2){
- Tmp=varargin[[2]]
- if(is.list(Tmp)){Tmp=Op(1,Tmp)}
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Mdv=Tmp[1]
- Ndv=Tmp[2]
- }else{
- Mdv=Tmp
- if(Nargs==2){
- Ndv=Mdv
- }else{
- Tmp1=varargin[[3]]
- if((is.numeric(Tmp1)) && (length(Tmp1)==1)){
- Ndv=Tmp1
- }else{
- Ndv=Mdv
- }
- }
- }
- }
- U1=URNG[1]; U2=URNG[2]
- V1=VRNG[1]; V2=VRNG[2]
- Du=(U2-U1)/(Mdv)
- Dv=(V2-V1)/(Ndv)
- sph=sprintf("%7.7f",sin(PHI))
- cph=sprintf("%7.7f",cos(PHI))
- sth=sprintf("%7.7f",sin(THETA))
- cth=sprintf("%7.7f",cos(THETA))
- xstr=paste("-(",XYZstr[1],")*(",sph,")+(",XYZstr[2],")*(",cph,")",sep="")
- tmp=paste("-(",XYZstr[1],")*(",cph,")*(",cth,")-(",XYZstr[2],")*(",sph,")*(",cth,")",sep="")
- ystr=paste(tmp,"+(",XYZstr[3],")*(",sth,")",sep="")
- dxu=Diff(xstr,UNAME)
- dxv=Diff(xstr,VNAME)
- dyu=Diff(ystr,UNAME)
- dyv=Diff(ystr,VNAME)
- I=1
- Zval=c()
- for(jj in 1:(Ndv+1)){
- v=V1+(jj-1)*Dv
- ZuL=c()
- for(ii in 1:(Mdv+1)){
- u=U1+(ii-1)*Du
- tmp1=paste(UNAME,"=(",sprintf("%7.7f",u),")",sep="")
- tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=(",sprintf("%7.7f",v),")",sep="")
- Dxu=Funvalue(dxu,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dxv=Funvalue(dxv,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dyu=Funvalue(dyu,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dyv=Funvalue(dyv,tmp1,tmp2)
- Tmp=Dxu*Dyv-Dxv*Dyu
- ZuL=c(ZuL,Tmp)
- }
- Zval=Appendrow(Zval,ZuL)
- }
- Yval=c()
- for(jj in 1:(Ndv+1)){
- v=V1+(jj-1)*Dv
- Yval=c(Yval,v)
- }
- Xval=c()
- for(ii in 1:(Mdv+1)){
- u=U1+(ii-1)*Du
- Xval=c(Xval,u)
- }
- return(list(Zval,Xval,Yval))
-Dropnumlistcrv<- function(QdL,Eps){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- if(!is.list(QdL)){
- PdL=list(QdL)
- }else{
- PdL=QdL
- }
- OutL=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(PdL))){
- Pd=Op(I,PdL)
- PtL=c(1)
- P=Op(1,Pd)
- for(K in Looprange(2,Length(Pd)-1)){
- if(Norm(P-Op(K,Pd))>Eps){
- PtL=c(PtL,K)
- P=Op(K,Pd)
- }
- }
- K=Length(Pd)
- if(Norm(P-Op(K,Pd))>Eps){ #18.02.12 eps
- PtL=c(PtL,K)
- }
- if(length(PtL)==1){
- PtL=c()
- }
- OutL=c(OutL,list(PtL))
- }
- return(OutL)
-Cuspsplitpara<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin);
- Gdxy=varargin[[1]]
- if(!is.list(Gdxy)){
- Gdxy=list(Gdxy)
- }
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps=0.01
- if(Nargs>2){Eps=varargin[[2]]}
- N=2
- CUSPSPLITPT<<- list()
- OutkL=list()
- for(Ng in Looprange(1,length(Gdxy))){
- PtxyL=Op(Ng,Gdxy)
- PtkL=c()
- PthL=c()
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(PtxyL))){
- Tmp=Op(I,PtxyL)
- Tmp1=paste(UNAME,'=',sprintf("%7.7f",Tmp[1]),sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp1))
- Tmp1=paste(VNAME,'=',sprintf("%7.7f",Tmp[2]),sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp1))
- Tmp2=c(eval(parse(text=XYZstr[1])))
- Tmp2=c(Tmp2,eval(parse(text=XYZstr[2])))
- Tmp2=c(Tmp2,eval(parse(text=XYZstr[3])))
- Tmp3=Parapt(Tmp2)
- if(I==1){
- PtkL=matrix(Tmp2,nrow=1)
- PthL=matrix(Tmp3,nrow=1)
- }else{
- Tmp4=Op(Length(PthL),PthL)
- if(Norm(Tmp3-Tmp4)>Eps0){
- PtkL=Appendrow(PtkL,Tmp2)
- PthL=Appendrow(PthL,Tmp3)
- }
- }
- }
- if(Length(PthL)==0){
- return(list())
- }
- Ps=Op(1,PthL); Pe=Op(Length(PthL),PthL)
- Cflg=0
- if(Norm(Ps-Pe)<Eps){Cflg=1}
- CuspL=c()
- Cva=cos(10*pi/180)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(PthL)-1)){
- if(Length(PthL)==2){break}
- Tmp=Op(I,PthL)
- if(I==1){
- if(Cflg==0){next}
- Tmp1=Op(Length(PthL)-1,PthL)
- }else{
- Tmp1=Op(I-1,PthL)
- }
- Tmp2=Op(I+1,PthL)
- V1=Tmp-Tmp1
- V2=Tmp2-Tmp
- Tmp3=Dotprod(V1,V2)/(Norm(V1)*Norm(V2))
- Cuspflg=0
- if(Tmp3<Cva){
- P=Op(I,PthL)
- Kaku=acos(Tmp3)*180/pi
- if(Crossprod(V1,V2)<0){
- Kaku=-Kaku
- }
- Cuspflg=0
- for(J in Looprange(I+1,Length(PthL)-1)){
- if(abs(Kaku)>90){
- Cuspflg=1
- break
- }
- Q=Op(J,PthL)
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps){
- break
- }
- V1=Q-Op(J-1,PthL)
- V2=Op(J+1,PthL)-Q
- Tmp3=Dotprod(V1,V2)/(norm(V1)*norm(V2))
- Tmp=acos(Tmp3)*180/pi
- if(Crossprod(V1,V2)<0){
- Tmp=-Tmp
- }
- Kaku=Kaku+Tmp
- }
- if(Cuspflg==1){
- Tmp=trunc((I+J)*0.5)
- I=J
- if(length(CuspL)==0){
- CuspL=c(Tmp)
- }else{
- CuspL=c(CuspL,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Cflg==0){
- CuspL=c(1,CuspL,Length(PthL))
- }else if(length(CuspL)==0){
- CuspL=c(1,Length(PthL))
- }else if(Op(1,CuspL)==1){
- CuspL=c(CuspL,Length(PthL))
- }else{
- Tmp=Op(1,CuspL)
- Tmp1=PthL[Tmp:Length(PthL),]
- Tmp2=PthL[2:Tmp,]
- PthL=Appendrow(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp1=PtkL[Tmp:Length(PthL),]
- Tmp2=PtkL[2:Tmp,]
- PtkL=Appendrow(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- CuspL=CuspL-Tmp+1
- CuspL=c(CuspL,Length(PthL))
- }
- if(length(CuspL)==2){
- Tmp4=PthL[Length(PthL),]
- if(Length(PtkL)>=2){
- OutkL=c(OutkL,list(PtkL))
- }
- next
- }
- Outk=list()
- Is=1
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(CuspL)-1)){
- Tmp1=CuspL[Is]; Tmp2=CuspL[I+1]
- Tmp3=Op(Tmp1,PthL); Tmp4=Op(Tmp2,PthL)
- if(Norm(Tmp3-Tmp4)>Eps){
- Tmpk=PtkL[Tmp1:Tmp2,]
- Outk=c(Outk,list(Tmpk))
- Is=I+1
- }
- }
- OutkL=c(OutkL,Outk)
- }
- Tmp1=Dropnumlistcrv(Projpara(OutkL),Eps*0.5)
- Tmp=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(OutkL))){
- Tmp2=Op(I,OutkL)
- Tmp3=Op(I,Tmp1)
- Tmp4=c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Length(Tmp3))){
- Tmp5=Op(Tmp3[J],Tmp2)
- Tmp4=Appendrow(Tmp4,Tmp5)
- }
- if(Length(Tmp4)>0){
- Tmp=c(Tmp,list(Tmp4))
- }
- }
- return(Tmp)
-PthiddenQ<- function(PtA,Vec,Uveq,Np,Eps,Eps2){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Out=c()
- Vec=1/Norm(Vec)*Vec
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- Tmp=paste("Eqfun<- function(U,V){",sep='')
- if((abs(Vec[2])>Eps0) || (abs(Vec[1])>Eps0)){
- Vstr=sprintf("%6.6f",Vec)
- Pstr=sprintf("%6.6f",PtA)
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"(",Vstr[2],")*(Xfunc(U,V)-(",Pstr[1],"))",sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"-(",Vstr[1],")*(Yfunc(U,V)-(",Pstr[2],"))}",sep='')
- }else{
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"Xfunc(U,V)}",sep='')
- }
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Dx=(URNG[2]-URNG[1])/Np[1]
- Dy=(VRNG[2]-VRNG[1])/Np[2]
- for(J in Looprange(1,Np[2])){ #####
- Vval1=VRNG[1]+(J-1)*Dy
- Vval2=VRNG[1]+J*Dy
- for(I in Looprange(1,Np[1])){ #####
- Uval1=URNG[1]+(I-1)*Dx
- Uval2=URNG[1]+I*Dx
- Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
- Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- Eval21=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval1)
- Eval22=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval2)
- a1=Uval1;b1=Vval1;c1=Eval11
- a2=Uval2;b2=Vval1;c2=Eval21
- a3=Uval2;b3=Vval2;c3=Eval22
- a4=Uval1;b4=Vval2;c4=Eval12
- PL=matrix(c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a1,b1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- VL=c(c1,c2,c3,c4,c1)
- QL=c()
- for(K in 1:4){
- P1=Op(K,PL); P2=Op(K+1,PL)
- M1=Op(K,VL); M2=Op(K+1,VL)
- if(abs(M1)<Eps0){
- QL=Appendrow(QL,P1)
- next
- }
- if(abs(M2)<Eps0){
-# QL=Appendrow(QL,P2)
- next
- }
- if((M1> 0) && (M2> 0)){
- next
- }
- if((M1< 0) && (M2< 0)){
- next
- }
- Tmp=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- if(Length(QL)==2){
- Puv1=Op(1,QL); Puv2=Op(2,QL)
- Tmp1=Op(1,Puv1)
- Tmp2=Op(2,Puv1)
- Xv=Xfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Yv=Yfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Zv=Zfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- P1=c(Xv,Yv,Zv)
- Tmp1=Op(1,Puv2)
- Tmp2=Op(2,Puv2)
- Xv=Xfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Yv=Yfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Zv=Zfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- P2=c(Xv,Yv,Zv)
- V1=Vec[1]; V2=Vec[2]; V3=Vec[3]
- if(abs(V1)>Eps0){
- M1=PtA[3]+V3/V1*(P1[1]-PtA[1])-P1[3]
- M2=PtA[3]+V3/V1*(P2[1]-PtA[1])-P2[3]
- }else if(abs(V2)>Eps0){
- M1=PtA[3]+V3/V2*(P1[2]-PtA[2])-P1[3]
- M2=PtA[3]+V3/V2*(P2[2]-PtA[2])-P2[3]
- }else{
- M1=PtA[2]-P1[2]
- M2=PtA[2]-P2[2]
- }
- if(M1*M2>= 0){
- if(((M1>0) && (M2>0)) || ((M1< 0) && (M2< 0))){
- next
- }
- if(M1==0){
- Pt=P1; Ptuv=Puv1
- }else{
- Pt=P2; Ptuv=Puv2
- }
- }else{
- Pt=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- Ptuv=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*Puv1+M1*Puv2)
- }
- if(is.character(Uveq)){
- Tmp1=paste('(',sprintf("%6.6f",Ptuv[1]),')',sep='')
- Tmp2=paste('('+sprintf("%6.6f",Ptuv[2]),')',sep='')
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,Tmp1,Uveq,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,Tmp2,Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- if(Tmp< -Eps0){
- next
- }
- }
- Tmp1=Crossprod(Pt-PtA,Vec)
- if(Norm(Tmp1)<Eps){ #18.02.19
- if(Zparapt(Pt)>Zparapt(PtA)+Eps2){
- return(list(1,Pt,Zparapt(Pt),Zparapt(PtA)))
- }else{
- Out=Appendrow(Out,Pt)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Length(Out)==0){
- return(list(0,c()))
- }
- return(c(list(0,Out)))
-Nohiddenpara2<- function (Par,Fk,Uveq,Np,Eps,Eps2){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Fh=Projpara(Fk)
- P1=Ptstart(Fh)
- P2=Ptend(Fh)
- if(!is.list(Csp)){Csp=list(Csp)}
- Cspflg=1
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Csp))){
- Tmp=Op(I,Csp)
- if(Norm(Tmp-P1)<Eps0){
- if(Cspflg==1){Cspflg=2}
- if(Cspflg==3){Cspflg=6}
- next
- }
- if(Norm(Tmp-P2)<Eps0){
- if(Cspflg==1){Cspflg=3}
- if(Cspflg==2){Cspflg=6}
- next
- }
- }
- PaL=c()
- tmp2=-1
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Par)-1)){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Par)
- if(abs(tmp1-tmp2)>Eps2){
- PaL=c(PaL,tmp1)
- tmp2=tmp1
- }
- }
- tmp1=PaL[length(PaL)] #18.02.26from
- tmp2=Par[length(Par)]
- if(abs(tmp1-tmp2)<Eps2){
- PaL[length(PaL)]=tmp2
- }else{
- PaL=c(PaL,tmp2)
- } #18.02.26upto
- SeL=c()
- for(N in Looprange(1,length(PaL)-1)){
- S=(PaL[N]+PaL[N+1])/2
- Tmp=Invparapt(S,Fh,Fk)
- PtA=Op(1,Tmp)
- PtAp=Parapt(PtA)
- Vec=c(sin(THETA)*cos(PHI),sin(THETA)*sin(PHI),cos(THETA))
- Flg=PthiddenQ(PtA,Vec,Uveq,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- if(Flg[[1]]==0){
- SeL=c(SeL,N)
- }
- }
- FigL=list()
- FigkL=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(SeL))){
- Tmp1=Pointoncurve(PaL[SeL[I]],Fh)
- Tmp2=Pointoncurve(PaL[SeL[I]+1],Fh)
- if(I==1){
- P=Tmp1; SP=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }else{
- if(Member(SeL[I]-1,SeL)){
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }else{
- FigL=c(FigL,list(Partcrv(SP,SQ,Fh)))
- Tmp3=Invparapt(SP,Fh,Fk)
- TP=Op(2,Tmp3)
- Tmp3=Invparapt(SQ,Fh,Fk)
- TQ=Op(2,Tmp3)
- Tmp4=Partcrv3(TP,TQ,Fk)
- FigkL=c(FigkL,list(Tmp4))
- P=Tmp1; SP=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(SeL)>0){
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps0){ #18.02.14
- FigL=c(FigL,list(Partcrv(P,Q,Fh)))
- Tmp3=Invparapt(SP,Fh,Fk)
- TP=Op(2,Tmp3)
- Tmp3=Invparapt(SQ,Fh,Fk)
- TQ=Op(2,Tmp3)
- FigkL=c(FigkL,list(Partcrv3(TP,TQ,Fk)))
- }else{
- FigL=c(FigL,list(Fh))
- FigkL=c(FigkL,list(Fk))
- }
- }
- Tmp=c()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(PaL)-1)){
- if(!Member(I,SeL)){
- Tmp=c(Tmp,I)
- }
- }
- SeL=Tmp
- HIDDENDATA<<- list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(SeL))){
- Tmp=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Tmp1=Pointoncurve(Tmp,Fh)
- Tmp=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- Tmp2=Pointoncurve(Tmp,Fh)
- if(I==1){
- P=Tmp1; SP=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }else{
- if(Member(SeL[I]-1,SeL)){
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }else{
- Tmp=Invparapt(SP,Fh,Fk)
- TP=Op(2,Tmp)
- Tmp=Invparapt(SQ,Fh,Fk)
- TQ=Op(2,Tmp)
- HIDDENDATA<<- c(HIDDENDATA,list(Partcrv3(TP,TQ,Fk)))
- P=Tmp1; SP=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(SeL)>0){
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps0){ #18.02.14
- Tmp=Invparapt(SP,Fh,Fk)
- TP=Op(2,Tmp)
- Tmp=Invparapt(SQ,Fh,Fk)
- TQ=Op(2,Tmp)
- HIDDENDATA<<- c(HIDDENDATA,list(Partcrv3(TP,TQ,Fk)))
- }else{
- }
- }
- return(FigkL)
-Borderparadata<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- FkL=varargin[[1]]
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- Umin=URNG[1]; Umax=URNG[2]
- Vmin=VRNG[1]; Vmax=VRNG[2]
- EkL=list()
- Tmp=grep("e",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:3){
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Umax),")",sep=""),XYZstr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",VRNG)
- Tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[2]),sep="")
- Tmp=Spacecurve(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- EkL=c(EkL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Tmp=grep("n",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:3){
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Vmax),")",sep=""),XYZstr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",URNG)
- Tmp2=paste(UNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[1]),sep="")
- Tmp=Spacecurve(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- EkL=c(EkL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Tmp=grep("w",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:3){
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Umin),")",sep=""),XYZstr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",VRNG)
- Tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[2]))
- Tmp=Spacecurve(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- EkL=c(EkL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Tmp=grep("s",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:3){
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Vmin),")",sep=""),XYZstr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",URNG)
- Tmp2=paste(UNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[1]))
- Tmp=Spacecurve(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- EkL=c(EkL,list(Tmp))
- }
- if(length(EkL)>0){
- FkL=c(FkL,EkL)
- }
- Fall=Projpara(FkL)
- if(is.numeric(Fall)){
- Fall=list(Fall)
- }
- Fbdxy=Makexybdy(Np)
- BORDERPT<<- list()
- Tmp1=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Fall))){
- Tmp1=c(Tmp1,list(c()))
- }
- FsL=list()
- starttime=proc.time()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(FkL))){
- Tmp=Op(I,FkL)
- Tmp=Projpara(Tmp)
- Par=Partitionseg(Tmp,Fall,Eps,Eps2,I)
- Tmp1=Op(I,FkL)
- Tmp=Nohiddenpara2(Par,Tmp1,1,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- if(length(HIDDENDATA)>0){
- }
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- FsL=c(FsL,Tmp)
- }
- Tmp=paste('Border',formatC(I,width=2,flag="0"),'/',sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,as.character(length(FkL)),' obtained : Time =',sep='')
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste(Tmp,sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp1[1]),sep=''))
- }
- return(FsL)
-Sfbdparadata<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fd=varargin[[1]]
- FdL=Fullformfunc(Fd)
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- starttime=proc.time()
- tmp=Evlptablepara(Np)
- Zval=tmp[[1]]; Xval=tmp[[2]]; Yval=tmp[[3]]
- Out3=Implicitplot(Zval,Xval,Yval)
- tmp3=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Out3))){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Out3)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))
- }
- Nlist=Dropnumlistcrv(tmp2,Eps)
- Nlist=Nlist[[1]]
- tmp=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,length(Nlist))){
- tmp=Appendrow(tmp,Op(Nlist[kk],tmp1)) #18.02.18
- }
- if(Length(tmp)>0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- Out3=tmp3
- Tmp=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste('ImplicitData obtained : Time =',sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp[1]),sep=''))
- starttime=proc.time()
- Out4=Cuspsplitpara(Out3,Eps)
- CUSPDATA<<- Out4
- Tmp=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste('CuspData obtained : Time =',sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp[1]),sep=''))
- Out5=Borderparadata(Out4,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- return(Out5)
-Meetpoints<- function(PtA,PtB,Uveq,Np,Eps){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Vec=PtB-PtA
- if(Norm(Vec)<Eps0){return(list())} #18.02.24
- Out=list()
- Vec=1/Norm(Vec)*Vec
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- Tmp=paste("Eqfun<- function(U,V){",sep='')
- if((abs(Vec[2])>Eps0) || (abs(Vec[1])>Eps0)){
- Vstr=sprintf("%6.6f",Vec)
- Pstr=sprintf("%6.6f",PtA)
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"(",Vstr[2],")*(Xfunc(U,V)-(",Pstr[1],"))",sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"-(",Vstr[1],")*(Yfunc(U,V)-(",Pstr[2],"))}",sep='')
- }else{
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"Xfunc(U,V)}",sep='')
- }
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Dx=(URNG[2]-URNG[1])/Np[1]
- Dy=(VRNG[2]-VRNG[1])/Np[2]
- for(J in Looprange(1,Np[2])){ #####
- Vval1=VRNG[1]+(J-1)*Dy
- Vval2=VRNG[1]+J*Dy
- for(I in Looprange(1,Np[1])){ #####
- Uval1=URNG[1]+(I-1)*Dx
- Uval2=URNG[1]+I*Dx
- Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
- Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- Eval21=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval1)
- Eval22=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval2)
- a1=Uval1;b1=Vval1;c1=Eval11
- a2=Uval2;b2=Vval1;c2=Eval21
- a3=Uval2;b3=Vval2;c3=Eval22
- a4=Uval1;b4=Vval2;c4=Eval12
- PL=matrix(c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a1,b1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- VL=c(c1,c2,c3,c4,c1)
- QL=c()
- for(K in 1:4){
- P1=Op(K,PL); P2=Op(K+1,PL)
- M1=Op(K,VL); M2=Op(K+1,VL)
- if(abs(M1)<Eps0){
- QL=Appendrow(QL,P1)
- next
- }
- if(abs(M2)<Eps0){
-# QL=Appendrow(QL,P2)
- next
- }
- if((M1> 0) && (M2> 0)){
- next
- }
- if((M1< 0) && (M2< 0)){
- next
- }
- Tmp=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- if(Length(QL)==2){
- Puv1=Op(1,QL); Puv2=Op(2,QL)
- Tmp1=Op(1,Puv1)
- Tmp2=Op(2,Puv1)
- Xv=Xfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Yv=Yfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Zv=Zfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- P1=c(Xv,Yv,Zv)
- Tmp1=Op(1,Puv2)
- Tmp2=Op(2,Puv2)
- Xv=Xfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Yv=Yfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Zv=Zfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- P2=c(Xv,Yv,Zv)
- V1=Vec[1]; V2=Vec[2]; V3=Vec[3]
- if(abs(V1)>Eps0){
- M1=PtA[3]+V3/V1*(P1[1]-PtA[1])-P1[3]
- M2=PtA[3]+V3/V1*(P2[1]-PtA[1])-P2[3]
- }else if(abs(V2)>Eps0){
- M1=PtA[3]+V3/V2*(P1[2]-PtA[2])-P1[3]
- M2=PtA[3]+V3/V2*(P2[2]-PtA[2])-P2[3]
- }else{
- M1=PtA[2]-P1[2]
- M2=PtA[2]-P2[2]
- }
- if(M1*M2>= 0){ #18.02.21
- if(((M1>0) && (M2>0)) || ((M1< 0) && (M2< 0))){
- next
- }
- if(M1==0){
- Pt=P1; Ptuv=Puv1
- }else{
- Pt=P2; Ptuv=Puv2
- }
- }else{
- Pt=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- Ptuv=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*Puv1+M1*Puv2)
- }
- if(is.character(Uveq)){
- Tmp1=paste('(',sprintf("%6.6f",Ptuv[1]),')',sep='')
- Tmp2=paste('('+sprintf("%6.6f",Ptuv[2]),')',sep='')
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,Tmp1,Uveq,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,Tmp2,Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- if(Tmp< -Eps0){
- next
- }
- }
- Tmp1=Crossprod(Pt-PtA,Vec)
- if(Norm(Tmp1)<Eps){ #18.02.19
- Tmp1=Dotprod(Pt-PtA,Vec) #18.02.21
- if((Tmp1>-Eps0)&&(Tmp1<Norm(PtB-PtA)+Eps0)){
- Out=c(Out,list(Pt))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- tmp1=Groupnearpt(Out,Eps)
- Out=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(jj,tmp1)
- tmp=c(sum(tmp[,1]),sum(tmp[,2]),sum(tmp[,3]))/Length(tmp)
- Out=c(Out,list(tmp))
- }
- return(Out)
-Clipindomain<- function(ObjL,FigL){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- Bdy=Kyoukai(FigL)
- if(length(Bdy)>=2){
- Fbdy=Joincrvs(FigL)
- }else{
- Fbdy=Op(1,FigL)
- }
- if(!is.list(ObjL)){
- ObjL=list(ObjL)
- }
- if(!is.list(FigL)){
- FigL=list(FigL)
- }
- OutL=list()
- for(Nobj in Looprange(1,length(ObjL))){
- Obj=Op(Nobj,ObjL)
- ParL=c(1,Length(Obj))
- Tmp=IntersectcurvesPp(Obj,Fbdy,Eps1,Eps2)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(Tmp))){
- Tmp1=Op(J,Tmp)
- ParL=c(ParL,Op(2,Tmp1))
- }
- ParL=sort(ParL)
- Tmp=c(1)
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(ParL))){
- Tmp1=Op(length(Tmp),Tmp)
- Tmp2=ParL[I]
- if(Tmp2-Tmp1>Eps0){
- Tmp=c(Tmp,Tmp2)
- }
- }
- ParL=Tmp
- Tmp1=Op(length(ParL),ParL)
- Tmp2=Length(Obj)
- if(abs(Tmp1-Tmp2)<Eps){
- ParL=c(ParL[Looprange(1,length(ParL)-1)],Tmp2)
- }
- Fig=list()
- for(N in Looprange(1,length(ParL)-1)){
- Tmp=(ParL[N]+ParL[N+1])*0.5
- Tmp=Pointoncurve(Tmp,Obj)
- Tmp=Naigai(Tmp,Bdy)
- Tmp1=sum(Tmp)%%2
- if(Tmp1==0){
- next
- }
- Fig=c(Fig,list(Partcrv(ParL[N],ParL[N+1],Obj)))
- }
- OutL=c(OutL,Fig)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Crvsfparadata<- function(...){
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Sepflg=0
- Tmp=varargin[[Nargs]]
- if((is.numeric(Tmp))&&(Tmp<=0)){
- Sepflg=1
- Nargs=Nargs-1
- }
- Fk=varargin[[1]]
- if(!is.list(Fk)){
- FkL=list(Fk)
- }else{
- FkL=Fk
- }
- Fbdy=Projpara(varargin[[2]])
- Fd=varargin[[3]];
- Fullformfunc(Fd) #18.02.17
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- Out=list()
- for(Nn in Looprange(1,length(FkL))){
- Fk=Op(Nn,FkL)
- Tmp=Projpara(Fk)
- Par=Partitionseg(Tmp,Fbdy,Eps,Eps2,0)
- if(Sepflg==0){
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(Fk)-1)){
- Pa=Op(I,Fk)
- Pb=Op(I+1,Fk)
- PtL=Meetpoints(Pa,Pb,1,Np,Eps)
- for(J in Looprange(1,Length(PtL))){
- Tmp=Op(J,PtL)
- Tmp=Parapt(Tmp)
- Tmp1=Paramoncurve(Tmp,I,Projpara(Fk))
- Tmp2=min(abs(Par-Tmp1))
- if(Tmp2*Norm(Parapt(Pb-Pa))>Eps) {
- Par=c(Par,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Par=sort(Par)
- }
- }
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(ADDPOINT))){ #18.02.19from
- tmp=Parapt(Op(jj,ADDPOINT))
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp,Projpara(Fk))
- if(tmp[[3]]<Eps){
- Par=c(Par,tmp[[2]])
- }
- } #18.02.19upto
- tmp1=sort(Par)
- Par=c()
- tmp2=-1
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(jj,tmp1)
- if(abs(tmp-tmp2)>Eps){
- Par=c(Par,tmp)
- tmp2=tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp1=Nohiddenpara2(Par,Fk,1,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp1)
- Tmp=paste('Crvsfdata',formatC(Nn,width=2,flag="0"),'/',sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,as.character(length(FkL)),' obtained : Time =',sep='')
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste(Tmp,sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp1[1]),sep=''))
- }
- return(Out)
-Crv3onsfparadata<- function(...){
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fk=varargin[[1]]
- if(!is.list(Fk)){
- FkL=list(Fk)
- }else{
- FkL=Fk
- }
- Fbdy=Projpara(varargin[[2]])
- Fd=varargin[[3]]
- Fullformfunc(Fd) #18.02.17
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- Out=list()
- for(Nn in Looprange(1,length(FkL))){
- Fk=Op(Nn,FkL)
- Tmp=Projpara(Fk)
- Par=Partitionseg(Tmp,Fbdy,Eps,Eps2,0)
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(ADDPOINT))){
- tmp=Parapt(Op(jj,ADDPOINT))
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp,Projpara(Fk))
- if(tmp[[3]]<Eps){
- Par=c(Par,tmp[[2]])
- }
- }
- Par=sort(Par)
- Tmp1=Nohiddenpara2(Par,Fk,1,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp1)
- Tmp=paste('Crvonsfdata',formatC(Nn,width=2,flag="0"),'/',sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,as.character(length(FkL)),' obtained : Time =',sep='')
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste(Tmp,sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp1[1]),sep=''))
- }
- return(Out)
-Crvonsfparadata<- function(...){
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fuv=varargin[[1]]
- Fbdy3=varargin[[2]]
- Fd=varargin[[3]]
- Fullformfunc(Fd)
- if(!is.list(Fuv)){
- Fuv=list(Fuv)
- }
- FkL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Fuv))){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Fuv)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))
- }
- FkL=c(FkL,list(tmp2))
- }
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- Out=Crv3onsfparadata(FkL,Fbdy3,Fd,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- return(Out)
-Wireparadata<- function(...){
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fbdy3=varargin[[1]]
- Fd=varargin[[2]]
- FdL=Fullformfunc(Fd)
- DuL=varargin[[3]]
- DvL=varargin[[4]]
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(5,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- if(is.numeric(DuL)){
- tmp1=DuL
- DuL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,tmp1)){
- tmp=jj*(URNG[2]-URNG[1])/(tmp1+1)
- DuL=c(DuL,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- if(is.numeric(DvL)){
- tmp1=DvL
- DvL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,tmp1)){
- tmp=jj*(VRNG[2]-VRNG[1])/(tmp1+1)
- DvL=c(DvL,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- Fuv=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(DuL))){
- tmp1=paste("c(",as.character(Op(jj,DuL)),",",VNAME,")",sep="")
- tmp2=paste("N=",as.character(Np[2]),sep="")
- tmp1=Paramplot(tmp1,Op(6,FdL),tmp2)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,tmp)
- }
- Fuv=c(Fuv,list(tmp2))
- }
- FkL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Fuv))){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Fuv)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))
- }
- FkL=c(FkL,list(tmp2))
- }
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- cat(UNAME,"direction started","\n")
- Out1=Crv3onsfparadata(FkL,Fbdy3,Fd,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- Fuv=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(DvL))){
- tmp1=paste("c(",UNAME,",",as.character(Op(jj,DvL)),")",sep="")
- tmp2=paste("N=",as.character(Np[2]),sep="")
- tmp1=Paramplot(tmp1,Op(5,FdL),tmp2)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,tmp)
- }
- Fuv=c(Fuv,list(tmp2))
- }
- FkL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Fuv))){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Fuv)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))
- }
- FkL=c(FkL,list(tmp2))
- }
- cat(VNAME,"direction started","\n")
- Out2=Crv3onsfparadata(FkL,Fbdy3,Fd,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- Out=c(Out1,Out2)
- return(Out)
-Intersectcrvsf<- function(...){
- # bdyeq is the equation of boundary f(x,y,z) =0
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- crv=varargin[[1]]
- Fd=varargin[[2]]
- Fullformfunc(Fd)
- bdyflg=0
- bdyeq=varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(bdyeq)){
- Nargs=Nargs-1
- bdyflg=1
- tmp=strsplit(bdyeq,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- tmp=tmp[[1]]
- if(length(tmp)>1){
- bdyeq=paste("(",tmp[1],")-(",tmp[2],")",sep="")
- }
- tmp=paste("bdyeq<- function(P){x=P[1];y=P[2];z=P[3];",bdyeq,"}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- }
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- PtL=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(crv)-1)){
- Pa=Op(I,crv)
- Pb=Op(I+1,crv)
- if(bdyflg==0){
- tmp=Meetpoints(Pa,Pb,1,Np,Eps)
- }else{
- M1=bdyeq(Pa); M2=bdyeq(Pb)
- if(M1*M2>= 0){ #18.02.21
- if(((M1>0) && (M2>0)) || ((M1< 0) && (M2< 0))){
- next
- }
- if(M1==0){
- tmp=list(Pa)
- }else{
- tmp=list(Pb)
- }
- }else{
- while(Norm(Pb-Pa)>Eps0){
- if(bdyeq(Pa)==0){
- tmp=list(Pa)
- break
- }
- if(bdyeq(Pa)*bdyeq((Pa+Pb)/2)>0){
- Pa=(Pa+Pb)/2
- }else{
- Pb=(Pa+Pb)/2
- }
- }
- tmp=list(1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*Pa+M1*Pb))
- }
- }
- PtL=c(PtL,tmp)
- }
- Tmp=paste('Intersectcrvsf obtained : Time =',sep='')
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste(Tmp,sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp1[1]),sep=''))
- return(PtL)
-Sfcutparadata<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- CutD=varargin[[1]]
- Fbdy3=varargin[[2]]
- Fd=varargin[[3]]
- FdL=Fullformfunc(Fd)
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- Tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(Tmp)>1)||(Tmp>1)){
- Np=Tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps=Tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=Tmp}
- }
- }
- starttime=proc.time()
- Tmp=strsplit(CutD,'=')
- Tmp=Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)==1){
- Eq=CutD
- }else{
- Eq=paste("(",Tmp[1],")-(",Tmp[2],")",sep="")
- }
- Eq=gsub("x","Xfunc(U,V)",Eq,fixed=TRUE)
- Eq=gsub("y","Yfunc(U,V)",Eq,fixed=TRUE)
- Eq=gsub("z","Zfunc(U,V)",Eq,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=paste("Eqfun<<- function(U,V){",Eq,"}",sep="") ########
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Du=(URNG[2]-URNG[1])/Np[1]
- Dv=(VRNG[2]-VRNG[1])/Np[2]
- Out=list();Out2=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Np[2])){ #####
- Vval1=VRNG[1]+(J-1)*Dv
- Vval2=VRNG[1]+J*Dv
- for(I in Looprange(1,Np[1])){ #####
- Uval1=URNG[1]+(I-1)*Du
- Uval2=URNG[1]+I*Du
- Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
- Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- Eval21=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval1)
- Eval22=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval2)
- a1=Uval1;b1=Vval1;c1=Eval11
- a2=Uval2;b2=Vval1;c2=Eval21
- a3=Uval2;b3=Vval2;c3=Eval22
- a4=Uval1;b4=Vval2;c4=Eval12
- PL=matrix(c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a1,b1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- VL=c(c1,c2,c3,c4,c1)
- QL=c()
- for(K in 1:4){
- P1=Op(K,PL); P2=Op(K+1,PL)
- M1=Op(K,VL); M2=Op(K+1,VL)
- if(abs(M1)<Eps0){
- QL=Appendrow(QL,P1)
- next
- }
- if(abs(M2)<Eps0){
-# QL=Appendrow(QL,P2)
- next
- }
- if((M1> 0) && (M2> 0)){
- next
- }
- if((M1< 0) && (M2< 0)){
- next
- }
- Tmp=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- if(Length(QL)==2){
- q11=QL[1,1];q12=QL[1,2];q21=QL[2,1];q22=QL[2,2]
- if(((q11==a1)&&(q21==a1))||((q11==a3)&&(q21==a3))){
- if(((q21==b1)&&(q22==b1))||((q21==b3)&&(q22==b3))){
- Out2=c(Out2,list(QL))
- }else{
- Out=c(Out,list(QL))
- }
- next
- }
- if(((q12==b1)&&(q22==b1))||((q12==b3)&&(q22==b3))){
- if(((q11==a1)&&(q21==a1))||((q11==a3)&&(q21==a3))){
- Out2=c(Out2,list(QL))
- }else{
- Out=c(Out,list(QL))
- }
- next
- }
- Out=c(Out,list(QL))
- }
- }
- }
- while(length(Out2)>0){
- tmp1=Out2[[1]]
- Out=c(Out,list(tmp1))
- Out2=Out2[-1]
- rmv=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Out2))){
- tmp2=Out2[[jj]]
- diff1=Norm(tmp2[1,]-tmp1[1,])+Norm(tmp2[2,]-tmp1[2,])
- diff2=Norm(tmp2[1,]-tmp1[2,])+Norm(tmp2[2,]-tmp1[1,])
- if((diff1<Eps0)||(diff2<Eps0)){
- rmv=c(rmv,jj)
- next
- }
- }
- Out2=Out2[-rmv]
- }
- Out=Connectseg(Out,Eps)
- Tmp1=Out
- Out=list()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(Tmp1))){
- Tmp2=Op(ii,Tmp1)
- Tmp3=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,Length(Tmp2))){
- Tmp=Op(jj,Tmp2)
- Tmp=XYZfunc(Tmp[1],Tmp[2])
- if(Length(Tmp3)>0){
- if(Norm(Op(Length(Tmp3),Tmp3)-Tmp)<Eps){next}
- }
- Tmp3=Appendrow(Tmp3,Tmp)
- }
- Out=c(Out,list(Tmp3))
- }
- Out=Crv3onsfparadata(Out,Fbdy3,Fd,Np,Eps,Eps2)
- return(Out)
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpicR/ketpic5_2_4_rep2e.r b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpicR/ketpic5_2_4_rep2e.r
deleted file mode 100644
index 37033948..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpicR/ketpic5_2_4_rep2e.r
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
-#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>
-ThisVersion<- "2ev5_2_3(17.10.28)"
-# 2017.10.28
-# Drwpt debugged ( Flattenlist )
-# 2017.10.07
-Dottedline<- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nall <- length(varargin)
- Nagasa <- 0.1
- Ookisa <- PenThick*2 #17.10.07
- I <- Nall
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- while (mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1 ) {
- I <- I-1
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- }
- if (I==Nall-1) {
- Nagasa<-Nagasa*varargin[[Nall]]
- Nall <- Nall-1
- }
- if (I==Nall-2) {
- Nagasa <- Nagasa*varargin[[Nall-1]]
- Ookisa <- round(Ookisa*varargin[[Nall]])
- Nall <- Nall-2
- }
- Nagasa <- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Nagasa
- Ra=Ookisa/MilliIn
- for (N in 1:Nall) {
- Pdata <- varargin[[N]]
- if (mode(Pdata)=="numeric") {
- Pdata <- list(Pdata)
- }
- for (II in 1:length(Pdata)) {
- Clist <- MakeCurves(Op(II,Pdata))
- DinM <- Dataindex(Clist)
- Mojisu=0
- for (n in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))) {
- Tmp <- DinM[n,]
- Data <- Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Len <- 0
- Lenlist <- c(0)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nrow(Data))) {
- Len <- Len+Norm(Data[I,]-Data[I-1,])
- Lenlist <- c(Lenlist,Len)
- }
- Lenall <- Lenlist[length(Lenlist)]
- if (Lenall==0) {
- next
- }
- Naga <- Nagasa
- Nten <- round(Lenall/Naga)+1
- if (Nten > 1) {
- Seg <- Lenall/(Nten-1)
- }
- else {
- Seg <- Lenall
- }
- Eps <- 10^(-6)*Seg
- PPd<-c()
- Hajime <- 1
- for (I in Looprange(0,Nten-1)) {
- Len <- Seg*I
- if (I>0) {
- J <- Hajime
- while( Len>=Lenlist[J]+Eps) {
- J <- J+1
- }
- Hajime <- J-1
- }
- T <- (Len-Lenlist[Hajime])/
- (Lenlist[Hajime+1]-Lenlist[Hajime])
- P <- Data[Hajime,]+T*(Data[Hajime+1,]-Data[Hajime,])
- PPd<-Appendrow(PPd,P)
- if (I==Nten-1) {
- if (Norm(P-Data[1,])<Eps) {
- next
- }
- }
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(PPd))){
- P<- Op(I,PPd)
- if (Nrow(PPd)==1){
- V<- c(1,0)
- }
- else if (I==1){
- Tmp<- Op(I+1,PPd)-P
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- }
- else if (I==Nrow(PPd)){
- Tmp<- P-Op(I-1,PPd)
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Op(I+1,PPd)-P
- Tmp2<- P-Op(I-1,PPd)
- Tmp3<-1/Norm(Tmp1)*Tmp1+1/Norm(Tmp2)*Tmp2
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp3)*Tmp3
- }
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Str=paste('\\put(',X,',',Y,'){\\circle*{',sprintf('%6.6f',Ra),'}}',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu=Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu=0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mojisu>0){
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- Tmp<-PenThick/PenThickInit
- Setpen(Tmp)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nall<-length(varargin)
- Thick<-0
- Tmp<-varargin[[Nall]]
- if (mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Setpen(Tmp)
- Nall<-Nall-1
- }
- for (N in 1:Nall){
- Pdata<-varargin[[N]]
- if (length(Pdata)==0) next
- if (mode(Pdata)!="list") Pdata<-list(Pdata)
- while(Mixtype(Pdata)==3){
- Tmp1<- list()
- for(II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp1<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,Pdata[[II]])
- }
- Pdata<- Tmp1
- }
- for (II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Clist<-MakeCurves(Pdata[[II]])
- DinM<-Dataindex(Clist)
- for (n in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))){
- Tmp<-DinM[n,]
- Data<-Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Mojisu<-0
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Data))){
- Tmp<-Data[I,]
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',Tmp[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',Tmp[2])
- Pt=paste('(',X,',',Y,')',sep="")
- if(I==1){
- Str=paste('\\polyline',Pt,sep="")
- }else{
- Str=Pt
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<-Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if (Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<-0
- }
- }
- if (Mojisu!=0){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- if (Thick>0){
- Tmp<-PenThick/PenThickInit
- Setpen(Tmp)
- }
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- All=Nargs
- if (TenSize>TenSizeInit){
- N<- round(6*sqrt(TenSize/TenSizeInit))
- }
- else{
- N<-4
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[All]]
- Iro=c(0,0,0,1)
- Iroflg=0
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Iro=Ratiocmyk(Tmp)
- Iroflg=1
- All=All-1
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[All]]
- if (mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- if (length(Tmp)>1){
- Kosa<- 1; All<- Nargs
- }
- else{
- Kosa<- Tmp; All<- All-1
- }
- }
- else if (mode(Tmp)=="list"){
- Kosa<- 1; All<- Nargs
- }
- Ra=TenSize*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Iroflg>0){
- Str='{\\color[cmyk]{'
- for(J in 1:4){
- Str=paste(Str,as.character(Kosa*Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<4){
- Str=paste(Str,',',sep="")
- }
- }
- Str=paste(Str,'}%',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-# CL<-c()
-# for (J in 0:N){
-# Tmp<- TenSize*0.5*1000/2.54/MilliIn
-# Tmp<- Tmp*c(cos(pi/4+J*2*pi/N),sin(pi/4+J*2*pi/N))
-# CL<- append(CL,Tmp)
-# }
-# CL<- matrix(CL,nrow=2)
-# CL<- t(CL)
- Mojisu=0
- for (II in Looprange(1,All)){
- MS<- varargin[[II]]
- MS=Flattenlist(MS) #17.10.28
- if (mode(MS)=="numeric"){
- MS<- list(MS)
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(MS))){
- P<- MS[[I]]
- if (InWindow(P)!="i") next
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Str=paste('\\put(',X,',',Y,'){\\circle*{',sprintf('%6.6f',Ra),'}}',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu=Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu=0
- }
- }
- }
- Str="%"
- if(Iroflg>0){
- Str='}%'
- }
- if(Mojisu>0){
- Str=paste('\n',Str,'\n',sep="")
- }else{
- Fmt=paste(Str,'\n',sep="")
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# PL<-c()
-# for (J in 0:N){
-# PL<- c(PL,P+CL[J+1,])
-# }
-# PL<-matrix(PL,nrow=2)
-# PL<-t(PL)
-# Mojisu<-0
-# for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
-# Q<- PL[J,]
-# X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*Q[1]))
-# Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*Q[2]))
-# Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
-# cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
-# if (Mojisu>80){
-# cat("#\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# }
-# Mojisu=0
-# }
-# Str1<- paste("\\special{sh ",as.character(Kosa),"}",sep="")
-# Str2<- "\\special{fp}%\n"
-# cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# }
-# }
-Makehasen<- function(Figdata,Sen,Gap,Ptn)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- Clist<- MakeCurves(Figdata)
- DinM<- Dataindex(Clist)
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))){
- Tmp<- DinM[N,]
- Data<- Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Dtall<- Nrow(Data)
- Len<- 0
- Lenlist<- c(0)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Dtall)){
- Len<- Len+Norm(Data[I,]-Data[I-1,])
- Lenlist<- c(Lenlist,Len)
- }
- Lenall<- Lenlist[Dtall]
- if (Lenall==0){
- next
- }
- Kari<- (Sen+Gap)*0.1
- Naga<- Sen*0.1
- Tobi<- Gap*0.1
- if (Norm(Data[1,]-Data[Dtall,])<Eps){
- Nsen<- max(ceiling(Lenall/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall/Nsen
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(0,(Nsen-1)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- else{
- if (Ptn==0){
- Nsen<- max(ceiling((Lenall+Tobi)/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall*(Sen+Gap)/(Nsen*Sen+(Nsen-1)*Gap)
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(0,(Nsen-1)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- else{
- Nsen<- max(ceiling((Lenall+Naga)/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall*(Sen+Gap)/((Nsen-1)*Sen+Nsen*Gap)
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(Tobi,Tobi+(Nsen-2)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- }
- Hajime<- 1; Owari<- 1
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(SegList))){
- Len<- SegList[I]
- J<- Owari
- while (Len>=Lenlist[J]-Eps){
- if (J==Dtall){
- break
- }
- J<- J+1
- }
- Hajime<- J-1
- J<- Hajime
- while (Len+Naga>Lenlist[J]-Eps){
- if (J==Dtall){
- break
- }
- J<- J+1
- }
- Owari<- J-1
- T<- (Len-Lenlist[Hajime])
- T<- T/(Lenlist[Hajime+1]-Lenlist[Hajime])
- P<- Data[Hajime,]+T*(Data[Hajime+1,]-Data[Hajime,])
- X0=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y0=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Pt0=paste('(',X0,',',Y0,')',sep="")
- Str=paste('\\polyline',Pt0,sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- for (J in Looprange(Hajime+1,Owari)){
- P=Data[J,]
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Pt=paste('(',X,',',Y,')',sep="")
- Str=Pt
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Pt0=Pt
- Mojisu=Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- }
- T<- (Len+Naga-Lenlist[Owari])
- T<- T/(Lenlist[Owari+1]-Lenlist[Owari])
- P<- Data[Owari,]+T*(Data[Owari+1,]-Data[Owari,])
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Pt=paste('(',X,',',Y,')',sep="")
- Str=Pt
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if (Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- }
- cat("%\n%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xm<- Tmp[1]
- Ym<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- XM<- Tmp[1]
- YM<- Tmp[2]
- Dx<- XM-Xm
- Dy<- YM-Ym
- Sym<-".0123456789 +-*/"
- SL<-Sym
- OL<-"+-*/"
- if (ul!=""){
- ULEN<<-ul;
- }
- Is<-1;
- VL<-"";
- Ucode<-ULEN
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ucode))){
- C<-substring(Ucode,I,I);
- if (length(grep(C,SL,fixed=TRUE))>0){
- if (length(grep(C,OL,fixed=TRUE))>0){
- Tmp<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1);
- Str<-paste(VL,Tmp,C,sep="")
- VL<-Str
- Is<-I+1;
- }
- }
- else{
- Unit<-substring(Ucode,I,I+1);
- Str<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1);
- VL<-paste(VL,Str,sep="")
- break;
- }
- }
- Valu<-eval(parse(text=VL));
- Str<-as.character(Valu);
- ULEN<<- paste(Str,Unit,sep="");
- if (Unit=="cm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu
- if (Unit=="mm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu/10
- if (Unit=="in") MilliIn<<-1000*Valu
- if (Unit=="pt") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27*Valu
- if (Unit=="pc") MilliIn<<-1000/6.022*Valu
- if (Unit=="bp") MilliIn<<-1000/72*Valu
- if (Unit=="dd2") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*Valu
- if (Unit=="cc") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*12*Valu;
- if (Unit=="sp") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27/65536*Valu/10
- MARKLEN<<- MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- Str<-paste("{\\unitlength=",ULEN,"%\n",sep="");
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- cat("\\begin{picture}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- Str<-"(";
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Dx,digits=6));
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,",",sep="");
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Dy,digits=6));
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,")(",sep="");
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Xm,digits=6));
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,",",sep="");
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Ym,digits=6));
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,")%\n",sep="");
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- Str=paste('\\linethickness{',as.character(PenThickInit/1000),'in}%',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- PenThick<<-round(PenThickInit*Width)
- Str=paste('\\linethickness{',as.character(PenThick/1000),'in}%',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Shade<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Iroflg=0
- if(Nargs>1){
- Iro=varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Iro)){
- Iroflg=1
- if(length(grep("{",Iro,fixed=TRUE))>0){
- Str=paste("{\\color",Iro,sep="")
- }
- else{
- Str=paste("{\\color{",Iro,"}",sep="")
- }
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==1){
- Kosa=Iro
- }
- else{
- Iroflg=1
- if(length(Iro)==4){
- Str="{\\color[cmyk]{"
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==3){
- Str="{\\color[rgb]{"
- }
- }
- for(J in 1:length(Iro)){
- Str=paste(Str,as.character(Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Iro)){
- Str=paste(Str,",")
- }
- }
- Str=paste(Str,"}")
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- Str=paste(Str,"%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- Mojisu=0
- Tmp=varargin[[1]]
- Data=Kyoukai(Tmp)
- for (I in Looprange(1, length(Data))){
- PL<- Op(I,Data)
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
- P<- Doscaling(Op(J,PL))
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Pt=paste('(',X,',',Y,')',sep="")
- if(J==1){
- Str=paste('\\polygon*',Pt,sep="")
- }else{
- Str=Pt
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if (Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- Str='}%'
- if(Mojisu>0){
- Str=paste('\n',Str,'\n',sep="")
- }else{
- Str=paste(Str,'\n')
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpiccurrent.r b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpiccurrent.r
deleted file mode 100644
index dc54682b..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpiccurrent.r
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14614 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
-#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>
-ThisVersion<- "KeTpic for R v5_2_4(20180327)"
-# 20180402
-# Implicitplot greatly changed
-# 20180327
-# Kyoukai debugged
-# 20180317
-# IntersectcurvesPp changed and debugged
-# Intersectpartseg changed (Eps00 )
-# Collectsameseg added, Collectnear commented out
-# 20180306
-# PthiddenQ,Meetpoints,Sfcutparadata changed (to avoid duplications )
-# Sfbdparadata changed ( for near points in Implicitdata )
-# Envelopedata, Evlpfun added
-# 20180305
-# (for surface drwaings ) Eps => Eps1
-# 2018.02.27
-# Nohiddenpara2,Crvsfparadara debugged (Eps=>Eps0)
-# 2018.02.26
-# Sfcutparadata changed
-# Partcrv3 debugged
-# Projcurve rewritten
-# Nohiddenparadata debugged
-# PthiddenQ debugged
-# 2018.02.24
-# Sfcutdata added ( for functions )
-# Meetpoints debugged (case Norm(PtB-PtA)<Eps0)
-# 2018.02.23
-# Makevaltable2 added ( for functions )
-# 2018.02.23
-# Crvonsfparadata,Crv3onsfparadata added
-# Wireparadata added
-# 2018.02.22
-# PthiddenQ,Nohiddenpara2 changed (Eps2)
-# 2018.02.21
-# PthiddenQ,Meetpoints debugged
-# Crvsfparadata debugged (OTHERPARTITION)
-# Partitionseg debugged (for non-list) and changed (Ns=0)
-# Intersectcrvsf added
-# 2018.02.19
-# Groupnearpt added
-# Collectnear debugged
-# Meetpoints,PthiddenQ debugged and changed (Groupnearpt used )
-# Parapt changed (for point list )
-# Partitionseg changed (remove close value )
-# Fullformfunc changed (Initialization of ADDPOINT)
-# Addpoints added
-# 2018.02.18
-# Projpara debugged ( for empty data, Mix replace )
-# WriteOutData debugged (for emply data )
-# Sfbdparadata,Cuspparadata debugged
-# Meetpoints replaced
-# 2018.02.17
-# PthiddenQ replaced
-# 2018.02.15
-# Cancoordpara debugged (X=-... )
-# 2018.02.14
-# Paramoncrv,Pointoncrv renamed to ...curve
-# 2018.02.12
-# Nohiddenpara2 debugged ( CUSPPT should be a list )
-# Dropnumlistcrv changed (Eps)
-# 2018.02.11
-# Paramocrv debugged ( case N=Length(PtL) )
-# Sfbdparadata, Borderparadata, Makexybdy, Partitionseg,
-# Evlptablepara, Fullformfunc, Dropnumlistcrv, Cuspsplitpara,
-# PthiddenQ, Nohiddenpara2 added
-# Crvsfparadata, Meetpoints, Clipdomain added
-# 2018.02.10
-# Partcrv3 debugged
-# 2018.02.09
-# Ptstart,Ptend changed ( for the case fig is empty)
-# Norm changed (Dotprod used )
-# 2018.02.07
-# Collectnear debugged (Looprange )
-# Intersectcurves debugged (sum)
-# 2018.02.06
-# Kukeiiwake debugged ( ParamonCurve -> Paramoncrv )
-# 2018.02.05
-# Dotprod changed ( crossprod not used )
-# Intersectpartseg changed ( case of length of result =1)
-# 2018.02.04
-# Diff added ( func, withvar, (varnamevalue1,... ))
-# Funvalue added ( for an expression )
-# 2018.02.02
-# Enclosing2 changed ( for distant curves, startpt option removed )
-# 2018.02.01
-# Intersectline,Intersectseg,...,Intersectcuves added
-# Quicksort added
-# Enclosing2 added (incomplete)
-# 2018.01.29
-# Length added
-# 2017.12.24
-# Objpolyhedron added
-# 2017.12.23
-# Objsymb, symb3data added
-# Objrecs, Objpolygon debugged
-# Objthicksurf added
-# 2017.12.22
-# Openobj,Closeobj,Writeobjpoint,Printobjstr,Objname,Objsurf added
-# Crossprod added
-# Objjoin, Objcurve, Objrecs, Objpolygon, Objsymb added
-# Spacecurve debugged
-# 2017.12.17
-# Setunitlen debugged ( MEMORI )
-# 2017.12.13
-# ReadOutData debugged
-# 2017.12.11
-# Enclosing debugged ( appendrow -> Appendrow )
-# 2017.11.29
-# Anglemark, Arrowhead, Ovaldata debugged ( Circldeta included )
-# 2017.11.27
-# Anglemark changed ( Scilab 16.12.29)
-# Plotdata,Paramplot,Spacecurve changed ( Scilab 16.12.13)
-# Enclosing changed ( Scilab 16.10.09)
-# Arrowhead,Arrowline changed ( Scilab 15.06.11)
-# Definecolor added ( Scilab 15.05.04)
-# 2017.11.26
-# Exprrot, Letterrot debugged ( `)
-# 2017.11.24
-# Deqplot debugged (Looprange)
-# 2017.11.20
-# InWindow debugged (for length=1)
-# 2017.10.28
-# Openfile changed (Creator)
-# 2017.10.23
-# ReadOutData greatly changed
-# 2017.10.11
-# Drwpt debugged (Flattenlist )
-# 2017.10.08
-# Bezier debugged ( Num )
-# 2017.10.07
-# ReadOutData debugged ( for null data )
-# 2017.10.06
-# Deqdata, Deqplot added
-# Connectseg remade(bug)
-# 2017.09.30
-# Bezierpt, Bezier added
-# 2017.09.29
-# Ptcrv debugged
-# 2017.09.28
-# Openfile changed
-# 2017.09.24
-# Circledata debugged
-# Kyoukai changed (Eps)
-# Shade updated
-# 2017.09.22
-# Setcolor changed
-# Plotdata,Paramplot,Spacecurve changed (N-1 -> N)
-# 2017.09.21
-# Shade changed (Sci 17.01.09)
-# 2017.09.17
-# Ovaldata,Assignadd changed
-# Dist added
-# Cicledata changed
-# Bowdata debugged (Circledata,etc)
-# 2015.11.05
-# WriteOutData changed
-# 2015.10.29
-# WriteOutData changed ( endmark //// )
-# 2015.10.24
-# ReadOutData changed ( in case of listlength=1 )
-# 2014.12.23
-# ReadOutData added
-# 2014.12.17
-# WriteOutData added
-# 2014.0905
-# Unscaling debugged MARKLENI => MARKLEN
-# 2014.03.31
-# PhHiddenData added
-# 2014.03.30
-# Facesdata changed ( for Hiddendata )
-# 2014.03.23
-# MARKLEN separated, Rotate3data debugged
-# 2013.12.19
-# Openfile, Closefile, Bowname, Bownamerot
-# 2013.11.13
-# Arrowhead, Arrowheaddata
-# 2013.08.07
-# Cancoordpara added
-# 2013.08.07
-# Integrate added
-# 2013.05.20
-# Openfile changed
-# 2013.05.03
-# Tabledata, Pointdata changed
-# Dividetable, Partframe added
-# 2013.02.10
-# Ketinit added
-# 2012.01.07
-# Arrowline, Arrowhead ( Cut implemented )
-# 2011.12.18
-# Framedata ( compliant for list )
-# 2011.12.12
-# Skeletonparadata... ( Flattellist used)
-# 2011.11.27
-# drwboxframe
-# 2011.11.07
-# metacommands added
-# 2011.11.02
-# Joingraphics ( for list structure )
-# 2011.08.24
-# Setcolor ( c(1,0,0,0.5) etc )
-# Rotate3data ( Point is available )
-# 2011.07.19
-# Drwline, Letter, Expr
-# Drwboxplot( etc ) min,max => outliners
-# Drwline ( unfinished in the case of "integer" )
-# 2011.06.25
-# joincrvs debugged
-# synchro with ketpict2e
-# 2011.06.01
-# Bowdata debugged
-# Ratiocmyk, Setcolor ( new )
-# Htickmark, Vtickmark debugged
-# Drwboxframe debugged
-# Putrow, Putrowexpr debugged (Dpos )
-# Tabledata ( index of hline ), PutcoL, PutcoLexpr ( "r",...) debugged
-# Texcom changed ( // => backslash )
-# Dividegraphics, Splinedat are changed significantly
-# Readtextdata is changed
-# Derivative, Integrate are added
-# Translatedata, Scaledata, Reflectdata changed ( efficient for vector )
-# Rotatedata changed ( deg : logical )
-# HIstplotdata, Drwhistplot ( type => freq , fpplot (added) )
-# 2010.12.04
-# WindispT changed ( tickmark )
-# Lineplot changed ( mag=> length )
-# Plotdata debugged ( 'E=fun', 'D=')
-# Enclosing changed (return PD)
-# 2010.12.02
-# WindispT changed
-# Makecurves debugged
-# 2010.11.27
-# Pointdata changed ( efficient for matrix and data.frame )
-# WindispT
-# Setwindow ( decide from data )
-# Assign debugged ( strsplit => gsub(fixed=T))
-# 2010.11.20
-# Flattenlist, WindispT
-# Splinedata changed( efficient for data.frame )
-#2010.08.19 ( Maybe not finished )
-# Stripblanks
-# Fullformfunc, Sf3data
-# Phparadata, Phpersdata, Phspersdata, Phsparadata
-# Facesdata, MakeveLfaceL, Menkakusi2
-# Rotate3data
-# Skeletonpersdata, Skeletonpers3data, Makeskeletonpersdata
-# Embed
-# Spacecurve changed
-# CameracoordCurve, Partcrv3, Projpers, CameraCurve,
-# Perspt, Xyzaxpersname, Invperspt, Zparapt, Zperspt
-# 2010.08.15
-# Phcutoffdata added
-# 2010.08.13
-# Phcutdata, Spacecurve debugged
-# Setangle changed
-# 2010.08.09
-# Spacecurve
-# Rotate3data, Rotate3pt
-# Phcutdata
-# 2010.08.08
-# Implementing 3d
-# Initangle, Setangle, Setpers, SetstereoL, SetstereoR
-# Mixlength
-# Spaceline, Projpara, ProjCurve, Parapt
-# Xyzax3data, Xyzaxparaname
-# Cancoordpers, Invparapt, ProjcoordCurve
-# Skeletonparadata, Skeletonpara3data, Makeskeletondata, Kukannozoki
-# 2010.07.25
-# Rotatedata changed
-# Drwline changed (list of list)
-# 2010.04.09
-# Stat package added
-# 2010.04.02
-# Putcolexpr, Putrowexpr
-# 2010.04.02
-# Windisp, Op changed
-# Execmd added
-# Texnewcmd, Texrenewcmd, Texend,
-# Texctr, Texnewctr, Texsetctr
-# Kyoukai debugged
-# 2010.01.20
-# Partcrv, Makeshasen : debugged
-# 2010.01.23
-# Ovaldata, Ovalbox added
-# 2010.01.27
-# Readtextdata changed
-# Putrow, PutcoL debugged ( Putcol is OK)
-# 2010.01.31
-# Writetextdata added
-# 2010.02.12
-# Texvalctr, Texthectr added
-# 2010.02.22
-# Execmd changed
-# 2010.02.23
-# Op, Windisp changed
-# 2010.02.24
-# Execmd changed
-# 2010.03.07
-# Dotfilldata (Kosa>1)
-# 2010.03.21
-# Mixjoin
-# Koutenlist (bug)
-# 2010.03.24
-# Arrowhead ( bug in the case of "l" )
-# 2010.03.28
-# Tabledata
-# Diagcelldata ( New )
-# 2010.03.30
-# Tabledata
-XMIN<- -5
-XMAX<- 5
-YMIN<- -5 ; YMAX<- 5
-ZIKU<- "line"
-XNAME<- "$x$"
-XPOS<- "e"
-YNAME<- "$y$"
-YPOS<- "n"
-ONAME<- "O"
-OPOS<- "sw"
-ULEN<- "1cm"
-MilliIn<- 1/2.54*1000
-PenThick<- round(MilliIn*0.02)
-PenThickInit<- PenThick
-TenSizeInit<<- 0.02*2 #17.10.07
-TenSize<- TenSizeInit
-MEMORI<- 0.05
-MARKLEN<- 0.05
-GENTEN<- c(0,0)
-YaSize<- 1
-YaAngle<- 18
-YaPosition<- 1
-YaThick<- 1
-YaStyle<- "tf"
-PHI<- 30*pi/180
-THETA<- 60*pi/180
-FocusPoint<- c(0,0,0)
-EyePoint<- c(5,5,5)
-ASSIGNLIST<- list("`","'")
-LOGX<- 0
-LOGY<- 0
-TEXFORLAST<- list()
-Ketinit<- function(){
-XMIN<<- -5
-XMAX<<- 5
-YMIN<<- -5 ; YMAX<<- 5
-ZIKU<<- "line"
-XNAME<<- "$x$"
-XPOS<<- "e"
-YNAME<<- "$y$"
-YPOS<<- "n"
-ONAME<<- "O"
-OPOS<<- "sw"
-ULEN<<- "1cm"
-MilliIn<<- 1/2.54*1000
-PenThick<<- round(MilliIn*0.02)
-PenThickInit<<- PenThick
-TenSizeInit<<- 0.02*2 #17.10.07
-TenSize<<- TenSizeInit
-MEMORI<<- 0.05
-MARKLEN<<- 0.05
-GENTEN<<- c(0,0)
-YaSize<<- 1
-YaAngle<<- 18
-YaPosition<<- 1
-YaThick<<- 1
-YaStyle<<- "tf"
-PHI<<- 30*pi/180
-THETA<<- 60*pi/180
-FocusPoint<<- c(0,0,0)
-EyePoint<<- c(5,5,5)
-ASSIGNLIST<<- list("`","'")
-SCALEX<<- 1
-SCALEY<<- 1
-LOGX<<- 0
-LOGY<<- 0
-TEXFORLAST<<- list()
-Appendrow<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<-c()
- Nc<- 0
- for (I in 1:Nargs)
- {
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- Nc<- max(Nc,Ncol(Dt))
- if(class(Dt)=="matrix") Dt<-as.numeric(t(Dt))
- Out<- c(Out,Dt)
- }
- if(Nc>0)
- {
- Out<-matrix(Out, nrow=Nc)
- Out<-t(Out)
- }
- else
- {
- Out<-c()
- }
- return(Out)
- if(length(Data)==0) return(0)
- if(mode(Data)=="numeric") return(Nrow(Data))
- if(mode(Data)=="character") return(nchar(Data))
- if(mode(Data)=="list") return(length(Data))
-Crossprod<- function (a,b){ # 17.12.22
- if(length(a)==3){
- Tmp1=a[2]*b[3]-a[3]*b[2]
- Tmp2=a[3]*b[1]-a[1]*b[3]
- Tmp3=a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1]
- Out=c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- }else{
- Out=a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1]
- }
- return(Out)
-Dotprod<-function(a,b){ # 18.02.05
- nn=min(length(a),length(b))
- out=0
- for(jj in Looprange(1,nn)){
- out=out+a[jj]*b[jj]
- }
- return(out)
-Dist<- function(...) # 17.09.17
- varargin<- list(...)
- a=varargin[[1]]
- if(length(varargin)==1){
- tmp=sqrt(Dotprod(a,a))
- return(as.vector(tmp))
- }
- else{
- b=varargin[[2]]
- tmp=sqrt(Dotprod(b-a,b-a))
- retun(as.vector(tmp))
- }
- N<-length(L);
- if(length(N)==0) return(FALSE)
- for (I in 1:N)
- {
- if(class(L)=="list")
- {
- Tmp<-L[[I]]
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp<-L[I]
- }
- if(mode(A)=="numeric")
- {
- if(Norm(A-Tmp)==0) return(TRUE)
- }
- else
- {
- if(A==Tmp) return(TRUE)
- }
- }
- return(FALSE)
- Tmp=Dotprod(V,V) #18.02.09
-# Tmp<-as.vector(V);
-# Tmp<-crossprod(Tmp,Tmp)
- Tmp<-sqrt(Tmp)
-# as.numeric(Tmp)
- if(class(P)=="matrix") return(ncol(P))
- else return(length(P))
- if(length(P)==0) return(0)
- if(class(P)=="matrix") return(nrow(P))
- else return(1)
-Looprange<- function(a,b)
-if(a<=b) return(a:b)
-Stripblanks<- function(Ch){
- Tmp<- gsub(" ","",Ch,fixed=TRUE)
- return(Tmp)
-Quicksort<- function(seqL,key){ #18.02.01
- if(length(seqL)<2){
- out=seqL
- }else{
- tmp1=Op(1,seqL)
- tmp2=Op(2,seqL)
- if(Op(key,tmp1)>=Op(key,tmp2)){
- pivot = tmp1
- }else{
- pivot=tmp2
- }
- left = list()
- right = list()
- for(ii in 1:length(seqL)){
- tmp=Op(ii,seqL)
- if(Op(key,tmp)< Op(key,pivot)){
- left=c(left,list(tmp))
- }else{
- right=c(right,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- left = Quicksort(left,key)
- right = Quicksort(right,key)
- out=c(left,right)
- }
- return(out)
-Derivative<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fstr<- varargin[[1]]
- Vstr<- varargin[[2]]
- NvaL<- length(Vstr)
- Flg<- 0
- if(Nargs>=3){
- VaL<- varargin[[3]]
- Flg<- 1
- }
- Str<- paste("deriv(~",Fstr,",c('",Vstr[1],"'",sep="")
- for(J in Looprange(2,NvaL)){
- Str<- paste(Str,",'",Vstr[J],"'",sep="")
- }
- Str<- paste(Str,")",sep="")
- if(NvaL<=3){
- Str<- paste(Str,",func=TRUE)",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Str<- paste(Str,")",sep="")
- }
- f<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- if(Flg==1){
- if(NvaL<=3){
- if(NvaL==1){V<- f(VaL[1])}
- if(NvaL==2){V<- f(VaL[1],VaL[2])}
- if(NvaL==3){V<- f(VaL[1],VaL[2],VaL[3])}
- }
- else{
- for(J in 1:NvaL){
- Tmp<- paste(Vstr[J],'<-',as.character(VaL[J]))
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- V<- eval(f)
- }
- Out<- attr(V,'gradient')
- Out<- Out[1,]
- }
- else{
- Out<- f
- }
- return(Out)
-Diff<- function(...){ #18.02.04
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- fun=varargin[[1]]
- withvar=varargin[[2]]
- tmp=paste("f<- expression(",fun,")",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- nn=nchar(withvar)
- for(jj in Looprange(1,nn)){
- tmp=substring(withvar,jj,jj)
- f=D(f,tmp)
- }
- var=c()
- val=""
- for(jj in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- tmp=strsplit(varargin[[jj]],"=")
- var=c(var,tmp[[1]][1])
- val=paste(val,tmp[[1]][2],",",sep="")
- }
- if(Length(val)>1){
- val=substring(val,1,Length(val)-1)
- f=deriv(f,var,func=TRUE)
- tmp=paste("out=f(",val,")",sep="")
- out=eval(parse(text=tmp))
- return(out[1])
- }else{
- return(f)
- }
-Funvalue<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- df=varargin[[1]]
- var=c()
- val=""
- for(jj in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- tmp=strsplit(varargin[[jj]],"=")
- var=c(var,tmp[[1]][1])
- val=paste(val,tmp[[1]][2],",",sep="")
- }
- val=substring(val,1,Length(val)-1)
- dfun=deriv(df,var,func=TRUE)
- tmp=paste("out=dfun(",val,")",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- return(out[1])
-Integrate<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fstr<- varargin[[1]]
- Vstr<- varargin[[2]]
- IntvL<- varargin[[3]]
- Str<- 'Tmpfun<- function('
- Str<- paste(Str,Vstr,'){',sep='')
- Str<- paste(Str,Fstr,'}',sep='')
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- Tmpfunv<- function(x){sapply(x,Tmpfun)}
- Out<- 0
- for (J in 1:(length(IntvL)-1)){
- Tmp<- integrate(Tmpfunv,IntvL[J],IntvL[J+1])
- Out<- Out+Tmp[[1]]
- }
- return(Out)
-Anglemark<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-3)
- PA<- varargin[[1]]
- PB<- varargin[[2]]
- PC=varargin[[3]]
- r <- 0.5
- if(Nargs>=4){
- r<- varargin[[4]]*r
- }
- Out=c()
- if(r>min(Norm(PA-PB),Norm(PC-PB))){
- return(Out)
- }
- Cir<- Circledata(c(PB,r)) #17.11.29
- Tmp<- IntersectcrvsPp(Cir,Listplot(PA,PB))
- P1<- Op(2,Op(1,Tmp))
- Tmp<- IntersectcrvsPp(Cir,Listplot(PC,PB))
- P2<- Op(2,Op(1,Tmp))
- if(abs(P1-P2)<Eps){
- Out<-c()
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P1<P2-Eps){
- Out<- Partcrv(P1,P2,Cir)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Numptcrv(Cir)
- Tmp1<- Partcrv(P1,Tmp,Cir)
- Tmp2<- Partcrv(1,P2,Cir)
- Out<- Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- }
-Arrowdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- Q<- varargin[[2]]
- R<- Q
- Futosa<- YaThick
- Ookisa<- YaSize
- Thickness<- 1
- Hiraki<- YaAngle
- Yapos<- YaPosition
- Position<- 1
- Str<- YaStyle
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- R<- Tmp
- }
- else{
- if(Flg==0){
- Ookisa<- Ookisa*Tmp
- }
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Tmp<5){
- Hiraki<- Tmp*Hiraki
- }
- else{
- Hiraki<- Tmp
- }
- }
- if(Flg==2){
- R<- P+Tmp*(Q-P)
- }
- else{
- R<- P+Yapos*(Q-P)
- }
- if(Flg==3){
- Futosa<- Tmp
- }
- Flg<- Flg+1
- }
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Tmp<- grep("=", Tmp)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Futosa<- Futosa*Thickness
- R<- P+Position*(Q-P)
- }
- else{
- Str<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(P,Q))
- Tmp2<- Arrowheaddata(R,Q-P,Ookisa,Hiraki,Futosa,Str)
- Out<- Joingraphics(Tmp1,Tmp2)
-# 2013.11.13 No Intersect debugged
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- ## 12.01.08 Kirikomi
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- P<-varargin[[1]]
- Houkou<-varargin[[2]]
- Ookisa<-0.2*YaSize
- Hiraki<-YaAngle
- Futosa<-0.5*YaThick
- Cut<- 0
- Str<-YaStyle
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Equal<- grep("=",Tmp,fixed=TRUE) # 12.01.07 from
- if(length(Equal)>0){
- Tmp1<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp2<- Tmp1[[1]]
- if(Tmp2[1]=="Cut" || Tmp2[1]=="cut"){
- Tmp<- paste("Cut=",Tmp2[2],sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- }else{
- Str<- Tmp
- } # 12.01.07 until
- }
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1){
- if(Flg==0) Ookisa<-Ookisa*Tmp
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Tmp<5) Hiraki<-Tmp*Hiraki
- else Hiraki<-Tmp
- }
- if(Flg==2) Futosa<-Tmp
- Flg<-Flg+1
- }
- }
- Ookisa<-1000/2.54/MilliIn*Ookisa
- Theta<-Hiraki*pi/180
- if(Nrow(Houkou)>1){
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- Houkou<- Doscaling(Houkou)
- Tmp<-Nearestpt(P,Houkou)
- A<-Tmp[[1]]
- I<-floor(Tmp[[2]])
- G<-Circledata(c(P,Ookisa*cos(Theta)),N=10) #17.11.29
- Flg<- 0 # 13.11.13
- JL<-seq(I,1,by=-1)
- for (J in JL){
- B<-Ptcrv(J,Houkou)
- Tmp<-IntersectcrvsPp(Listplot(list(A,B)),G)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- A<-B
- }
- if(Flg==0){ # 13.11.13
- print("Arrowhead may be too large (no intersect)")
- return(P)
- }
- Houkou<-P-Op(1,Tmp[[1]])
- Houkou<- Unscaling(Houkou)
- P<- Unscaling(P)
- }
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- Houkou<- Doscaling(Houkou)
- Ev<--1/Norm(Houkou)*Houkou
- Nv<-c(-Ev[2],Ev[1])
- if(length(grep("c",Str))>0){
- P<-P-0.5*Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev
- }
- if(length(grep("b",Str))>0){
- P<-P-Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev
- }
- A<-P+Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev+Ookisa*sin(Theta)*Nv
- B<-P+Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev-Ookisa*sin(Theta)*Nv
- if(length(grep("l",Str))>0){
- Tmp<-Listplot(list(A,P,B))
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- Drwline(Tmp1,Futosa)
- }
- else{
- C<- P+(1-Cut)*((A+B)/2-P) # 12.01.07
- Tmp<- Listplot(list(A,P,B,C,A)) # 12.01.07
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- Shade(Tmp1)
- Tmp=Listplot(c(A,P,B,C,A,P)) # 15.6.20
- Tmp1=Unscaling(Tmp)
- Drwline(Tmp1,0.1) # 15.06.11, 15.06.14
- }
-# 2013.11.13 No intersect debugged
-Arrowheaddata<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- Houkou<- varargin[[2]]
- Ookisa<- 0.2*YaSize
- Hiraki<- YaAngle
- Futosa<- 0
- Thickness<- 1
- Str<- YaStyle
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Tmp1<-grep("=",Tmp)
- if(length(Tmp1)>0){
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Futosa<- Thickness
- }
- else{
- Str<- Tmp
- }
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- if(Flg==0) Ookisa<-Ookisa*Tmp
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Tmp<5) Hiraki<-Tmp*Hiraki
- else Hiraki<-Tmp
- }
- if(Flg==2) Futosa<-Tmp
- Flg<-Flg+1
- }
- }
- Theta<- Hiraki*pi/180
- if(Nrow(Houkou)>1){
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- Houkou<- Doscaling(Houkou)
- Tmp<-Nearestpt(P,Houkou)
- A<-Tmp[[1]]
- I<-floor(Tmp[[2]])
- G<-Circledata(c(P,Ookisa*cos(Theta)),N=10) #17.11.29
- Flg<- 0 # 13.11.13
- JL<-seq(I,1,by=-1)
- for (J in JL){
- B<- Ptcrv(J,Houkou)
- Tmp<- IntersectcrvsPp(Listplot(list(A,B)),G)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- A<-B
- }
- if(Flg==0){ # 13.11.13
- print("Arrowhead may be too large (no intersect)")
- return(P)
- }
- Houkou<-P-Op(1,Tmp[[1]])
- Houkou<- Unscaling(Houkou)
- P<- Unscaling(P)
- }
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- Houkou<- Doscaling(Houkou)
- Ev<- -1/Norm(Houkou)*Houkou
- Nv<- c(-Ev[2],Ev[1])
- if(length(grep("c",Str))>0){
- P<-P-0.5*Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev
- }
- if(length(grep("b",Str))>0){
- P<-P-Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev
- }
- A<-P+Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev+Ookisa*sin(Theta)*Nv
- B<-P+Ookisa*cos(Theta)*Ev-Ookisa*sin(Theta)*Nv
- Tmp<- Listplot(A,P,B)
- Out<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- return(Out)
-Arrowline<- function(...)
-{ # 12.01.07 kirikomi
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- Q<- varargin[[2]]
- Futosa<- YaThick
- Ookisa<- YaSize
- Hiraki<- YaAngle
- Yapos<- YaPosition
- Cutstr<- "Cut=0"
- Str<- YaStyle
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Equal<- grep("=",Tmp,fixed=TRUE) # 12.01.07 from
- if(length(Equal)>0){
- Tmp1<- strsplit(Tmp,"=")
- Tmp2<- Tmp1[[1]]
- if(Tmp2[1]=="Cut" || Tmp2[1]=="cut"){
- Tmp<- paste("Cut=", Tmp2[2],sep="")
- Cutstr<- Tmp
- }
- }
- else{
- Str<- Tmp
- } # 12.01.07 until
- }
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1){
- if(Flg==0) Ookisa<- Ookisa*Tmp
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Tmp<5) Hiraki<- Tmp*Hiraki
- else Hiraki<- Tmp
- }
- if(Flg==2) Yapos<- Tmp
- if(Flg==3) Futosa<- Tmp
- Flg<- Flg+1
- }
- }
- R<- P+Yapos*(Q-P)
- Tmp=Q-Unscaling(0.2*Ookisa/2*(Q-P)/Norm(Q-P)) # 15.10.24
- Drwline(Listplot(c(P,Tmp)),Futosa)
- Arrowhead(R,Q-P,Ookisa,Hiraki,Futosa,Cutstr,Str)
-Assign<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- ASSIGNLIST<<- list("`",Prime())
- return()
-# return("Assign reset done");
- }
- L<- list("`","'")
- if(Nargs%%2==0){
- L<- Mixjoin(L,varargin)
- Out<- L
- return()
-# return("Assign set done");
- }
- if(Nargs==1){
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]
- if(nchar(Fnstr)==0){ # case of ""
- Out<- c()
- for (I in seq(1,length(L),by=2)){
- Tmp1<- L[[I]]
- Tmp2<- L[[I+1]]
- if(length(Tmp2)==1){
- Tmp3<- as.character(Tmp2)
- }
- else{
- if(mode(Tmp2)=="character"){
- Tmp3<- Tmp2
- }
- else if(mode(Tmp2)=="list"){
- Tmp3<- makeliststr(Tmp2)
- }
- else if(mode(Tmp2)=="numeric"){
- Tmp3<- "c("
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Tmp2))){
- Tmp3<- paste(Tmp3,as.character(Tmp2[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Tmp2)){
- Tmp3<- paste(Tmp3,",",sep="")
- }
- }
- Tmp3<- paste(Tmp3,")",sep="")
- if(class(Tmp2)=="matrix"){
- Nr<- as.character(nrow(Tmp2))
- Tmp3<- paste("matrix(",Tmp3,"nrow=",Nr,")",sep="")
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- paste(Tmp1,"=",Tmp3,sep="")
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }
- return(Out);
- }
- if(substr(Fnstr,1,1)=="?"){
- Fnstr<- substr(Fnstr,2,nchar(Fnstr))
- for (I in seq(1,length(ASSIGNLIST),by=2)){
- if(Tmp==Fnstr){
- Out<- Mixjoin(list(I),ASSIGNLIST[I+1])
- return(Out)
- }
- }
- Out<- "Not found"
- return(Out);
- }
- }
- else{
- if(mode(varargin[[2]])=="numeric"){
- Fnstr<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nargs-1)){
- L[[I]]=varargin[[I]]
- }
- }
- else{
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- L[[I-1]]<- varargin[[I]]
- }
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(1,length(L),by=2)){
- Vname<- L[[I]]
- Val<- L[[I+1]]
- if(mode(Val)=="numeric"){
- if(Nrow(Val)==1){
- for (K in Looprange(1,length(Val))){
- Tmp<- paste(Vname,"[", as.character(K),"]",sep="")
- if(mode(Val[K])=="numeric"){
- Tmp1<- paste("(",as.character(Val[K]),")",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Val[K]
- }
- Fnstr<- gsub(Tmp,Tmp1,Fnstr,fixed=TRUE)
- }
- }
- else{
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Val))){
- for (K in Looprange(1,Ncol(Val))){
- Tmp<- paste(Vname,"(",as.character(J),",",as.character(K),")",sep="")
- if(mode(Val[J,K])=="numeric"){
- Tmp1<- paste("(",as.character(Val[J,K]),")",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Val[J,K]
- }
- Fnstr<- gsub(Tmp,Tmp1,Fnstr,fixed=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(Val)==1){
- Rep<- as.character(Val)
- }
- else{
- Rep<-""
- if(class(Val)=="matrix"){
- Rep<- "matrix("
- }
- Rep<- paste(Rep,"c(",sep="")
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Val))){
- Rep<- paste(Rep,as.character(Val[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Val)){
- Rep<- paste(Rep,",",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Rep<- paste(Rep,")",sep="")
- }
- }
- if(class(Val)=="matrix"){
- Rep<- paste(Rep,",nrow=",as.character(nrow(Val)),")",sep="")
- }
- }
- Tmp1<- paste("(",Rep,")",sep="")
- }
- if(mode(Val)=="character"){
- Tmp1<- Val
- }
- if(mode(Val)=="list"){
- Tmp1<- Makeliststr(Val)
- }
- Fnstr<- gsub(Vname,Tmp1,Fnstr,fixed=TRUE) # 10.11.20
- }
- return(Fnstr)
-Assignadd<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- L<- Mixjoin(L,varargin)
-# return("assign add done"); #17.09.17
-Assignrep<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- for (I in seq(1,Nargs,by=2)){
- Vname<- varargin[[I]]
- Val<- varargin[[I+1]]
- Tmp1<- paste("?",Vname,sep="")
- Tmp<- Assign(Tmp)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- next
- }
- I<- Tmp[[1]]
- L<- Mixjoin(L,list(Val))
- }
- Assignset<- function(...)
- Assign(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xm<- Tmp[1]
- Ym<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- XM<- Tmp[1]
- YM<- Tmp[2]
- Dx<- XM-Xm
- Dy<- YM-Ym
- Sym<-".0123456789 +-*/"
- SL<-Sym
- OL<-"+-*/"
- if(ul!=""){
- ULEN<<-ul;
- }
- Is<-1;
- VL<-"";
- Ucode<-ULEN
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ucode))){
- C<-substring(Ucode,I,I);
- if(length(grep(C,SL))>0){
- if(length(grep(C,OL))>0){
- Tmp<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1);
- Str<-paste(VL,Tmp,C,sep="")
- VL<-Str
- Is<-I+1;
- }
- }
- else{
- Unit<-substring(Ucode,I,I+1)
- Str<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1)
- VL<-paste(VL,Str,sep="")
- break;
- }
- }
- Valu<-eval(parse(text=VL))
- Str<-as.character(Valu);
- ULEN<<- paste(Str,Unit,sep="")
- if(Unit=="cm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu
- if(Unit=="mm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu/10
- if(Unit=="in") MilliIn<<-1000*Valu
- if(Unit=="pt") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27*Valu
- if(Unit=="pc") MilliIn<<-1000/6.022*Valu
- if(Unit=="bp") MilliIn<<-1000/72*Valu
- if(Unit=="dd2") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*Valu
- if(Unit=="cc") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*12*Valu;
- if(Unit=="sp") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27/65536*Valu/10
- MARKLEN<<- MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- Str<-paste("{\\unitlength=",ULEN,"%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("\\begin{picture}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Str<-"("
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Dx,digits=6))
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,",",sep="")
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Dy,digits=6))
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,")(",sep="")
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Xm,digits=6))
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,",",sep="")
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Ym,digits=6))
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,")%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Str<-paste("\\special{pn ",as.character(PenThickInit),"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Bowdata<- function(...) #17.09.17
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- PA <- varargin[[1]]
- PB <- varargin[[2]]
- Cut <- 0
- D <- 1/2*Norm(PB-PA)
- if(Nargs>=3) {
- H <- varargin[[3]]*D*0.2
- }
- else {
- H <- D*0.2
- }
- H <- min(H,D)
- if(Nargs>=4){
- Cut <- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Ydata <- MakeBowdata(PA,PB,H)
- C <- Op(1,Ydata)
- r <- Op(2,Ydata)
- R1 <- Op(3,Ydata)
- R2 <- Op(4,Ydata)
- Rng <- paste("R=c(",as.character(R1),",",as.character(R2),")",sep="")
- Theta <- (R1+R2)*0.5
- BOWMIDDLE <<- list(c(C[1]+r*cos(Theta),C[2]+r*sin(Theta)),Theta)
- M <- Op(1,BOWMIDDLE)
- ThetaM <- Op(2,BOWMIDDLE)
- if(Cut==0){
- Pd<- Circledata(c(C,r),Rng)
- }
- else{
- Alpha <- R1; Beta <- ThetaM-Cut/(2*r)
- Rng <- paste("Rng=c(",as.character(Alpha),",",as.character(Beta),")",sep="")
- Pd <- Circledata(c(C,r),Rng)
- Alpha <- ThetaM+Cut/(2*r); Beta <- R2
- Rng <- paste("R=c(",as.character(Alpha),",",as.character(Beta),")",sep="")
- Tmp <- Circledata(c(C,r),Rng)
- Pd <- Appendrow(Pd,c(Inf,Inf),Tmp)
- }
-Bowmiddle <- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- if( Nargs==0) {
- return(M)
- }
- if(Nargs==1) {
- Bdata <- varargin[[1]]
- A <- Bdata[1,]
- Dind <- Dataindex(Bdata)
- Dc <- Nrow(Dind)
- Tmp <- Dind[Dc,2]
- B <- Bdata[Tmp,]
- if(Dc==1) {
- Tmp1 <- round(Tmp/2)
- }
- else {
- Tmp1 <- Dind[1,2]
- }
- D <- Bdata[Tmp1,]
- B <- B-A
- D <- D-A
- Tmp1 <- B[1]*D[2]-D[1]*B[2]
- Tmp2 <- (Norm(B)^2*D[2]-B[2]*Norm(D)^2)/2
- Tmp3 <- -(Norm(B)^2*D[1]-B[1]*Norm(D)^2)/2
- C <- c(Tmp2,Tmp3)/Tmp1+A
- R <- Norm(C-A)
- B <- B+A
- V <- (A+B)/2-C
- V <- V/Norm(V)
- M <- C+R*V
- }
- else {
- A <- varargin[[1]]; B <- varargin[[2]]
- D <- 1/2*Norm(B-A)
- H <- 0.2*D;
- if(length(varargin)>=3) {
- Tmp <- varargin[[3]]
- H <- Tmp*D*0.2
- }
- H <- min(H,D)
- Ydata <- MakeBowdata(A,B,H)
- C <- Op(1,Ydata)
- R <- Op(2,Ydata)
- T <- (Op(3,Ydata)+Op(4,Ydata))/2
- P <- C+R*c(cos(T),sin(T))
- #M <- list(P,T)
- M <- P
- }
- return(M)
-# 13.12.19 small movement supported
-Bowname<- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- Siki <- varargin[[Nargs]]
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- Dr<- "c"
- if(Nargs>=1){
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Dr<- Tmp
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- }
- }
- if(Nargs==0){
- Siki <- varargin[[1]]
- P <- Op(1,BOWMIDDLE)
- }
- else if(Nargs==1){
- Bdata <- varargin[[1]]
- P <- Bowmiddle(Bdata)
- }
- else{
- A <- varargin[[1]]; B <- varargin[[2]]
- D <- 1/2*Norm(B-A)
- Tmp <- varargin[[3]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- H <- D*0.2
- }
- else {
- H <- Tmp*D*0.2
- }
- H <- min(H,D)
- Ydata <- MakeBowdata(A,B,H)
- Tmp <- Bowmiddle(Ydata)
- P <- Op(1,Tmp)
- }
- Expr(P,Dr,Siki)
-# 13.12.19 small movement supported
-# A,B, ... no longer supported
-Bownamerot <- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- Eps <- 10^(-6)
- Flg <- 1
- Tmp <- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1 && Tmp<0){
- Flg <- Tmp
- Nargs <- Nargs-1
- }
- Siki <- varargin[[Nargs]]
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- Dr<- "c"
- if(Nargs>=1){
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Dr<- Tmp
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- }
- }
- if(Nargs==0) {
- P <- Op(1,BOWMIDDLE)
- }
- else{
- Bdata<- varargin[[1]]
- P<- Bowmiddle(Bdata)
- A=Bdata[1,]
- B=Bdata[nrow(Bdata),]
- Tm<- 0; Tv<- 0
- if(Nargs>1){
- Tm<- varargin[[2]]
- if(Nargs>2){
- Tv<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- }
- }
-# else if(Nargs==2) {
-# Bdata <- varargin[[1]]
-# P <- Bowmiddle(Bdata)
-# A <- Bdata[1,]
-# B <- Bdata[Nrow(Bdata),]
-# Siki <- varargin[[2]]
-# }
-# else {
-# A <- varargin[[1]]; B <- varargin[[2]]
-# D <- 1/2*Norm(B-A)
-# Tmp <- varargin[[3]]
-# if(mode(Tmp)=="character") {
-# H <- 0.2*D; Siki <- Tmp
-# }
-# else {
-# H <- Tmp*D*0.2; Siki <- varargin[[4]]
-# }
-# H <- min(H,D)
-# Ydata <- MakeBowdata(A,B,H)
-# C <- Op(1,Ydata)
-# R <- Op(2,Ydata)
-# T <- (Op(3,Ydata)+Op(4,Ydata))/2
-# P <- C+R*c(cos(T),sin(T))
-# }
- if(A[1]>B[1]+Eps){
- Tmp <- A
- A <- B
- B <- Tmp
- }
- if(Flg>0) {
- Tmp <- B-A
- }
- else{
- Tmp <- A-B
- }
- Exprrot(P,Tmp,Tm,Tv,Siki)
- D<-0
- H<-substring(Hoko,1,1)
- Tmp<-paste("\\settoheight{\\Height}{",Moji,"}",sep="")
- Str<-c(Tmp)
- Tmp=paste("\\settodepth{\\Depth}{",Moji,"}",sep="")
- Str<-c(Str,Tmp)
- if(H=="n") Str<-c(Str,"\\setlength{\\Height}{\\Depth}")
- if(H=="s") Str<-c(Str,"\\setlength{\\Height}{-\\Height}")
- if(H=="c")
- {
- Str<-c(Str,"\\setlength{\\Height}{-0.5\\Height}")
- Str<-c(Str,"\\setlength{\\Depth}{0.5\\Depth}")
- Str<-c(Str,"\\addtolength{\\Height}{\\Depth}")
- }
- for (I in 1:length(Str)) cat(Str[I],file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- D<-0;
- H<-substring(Hoko,2,2)
- if(H=="e") D<-0
- if(H=="w") D<--1.0
- if(H=="c") D<--0.5
- Str1<-paste("\\settowidth{\\Width}{",Moji,"}",sep="")
- Tmp<-as.character(D)
- Str2<-paste("\\setlength{\\Width}{",Tmp,"\\Width}",sep="")
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# 17.09.17
-# 17.09.24
-Circledata<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Cr<- varargin[[1]]
- C=Cr[1:2]
- if(length(Cr)==4){
- ra=Norm(C-Cr[3:4])
- Nop=2
- }
- else{
- ra=Cr[3]
- Nop=2
- }
- R=c(0,2*pi)
- N=50
- for (I in Looprange(Nop,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Tmp1=regexpr("=",Tmp) #17.09.24from
- Tmp2=substring(Tmp,Tmp1+1,nchar(Tmp))
- Tmp1=substring(Tmp,1,Tmp1)
- Tmp1=gsub("NUM", "N", toupper(Tmp1))
- Tmp1=gsub("RNG", "R", Tmp1)
- Tmp=paste(Tmp1,Tmp2,sep="") #17.09.24until
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- }
- Dt<- (R[2]-R[1])/N
- T <- seq(R[1],R[2],by=Dt)
- X <- C[1]+ra*cos(T)
- Y <- C[2]+ra*sin(T)
- XY<- c(X,Y)
- P<- matrix(XY,ncol=2)
- return(P)
-# 13.12.19
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)>=1){
- Pa<- varargin[[1]]
- if(is.character(Pa)){
- if(Pa=="1") Endpicture(1)
- if(Pa=="0") Endpicture(0)
- }
- }
- Wfile<<-""
-Closepar<- function()
- S<- "%\n\\end{minipage}"
- cat(S,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Closephr()
-Closephr<- function()
- cat("%\n}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- # Inf;Inf : Terminator
- Ndm<-c()
- if(length(P)==0) return(Ndm)
- N1<-1
- Flg<-0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(P))
- {
- if(P[J,1]==Inf)
- {
- Ndm<-Appendrow(Ndm,c(N1,J-1))
- N1<-J+1;
- if(P[N1,1]==Inf)
- {
- Flg<-1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0)
- {
- Ndm<-Appendrow(Ndm,c(N1,Nrow(P)))
- }
- if(class(Ndm)=="numeric")
- {
- Tmp<-matrix(Ndm,nrow=1)
- Ndm<- Tmp
- }
- return(Ndm)
-Dashline<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Nall<- Nargs; Sen<- 1 ; Gap<- 1
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nall]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1 && Tmp>0){
- Tmp1<- varargin[[Nall-1]]
- if(mode(Tmp1)=="numeric" && length(Tmp1)==1 && Tmp1>0){
- Sen<- Tmp1; Gap<- Tmp
- Nall<- Nall-2
- }
- else{
- Sen<- Tmp; Gap<- Sen
- Nall<- Nall-1
- }
- }
- Sen<- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Sen
- Gap<- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Gap
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nall)){
- Pdata<- varargin[[N]]
- if(is.numeric(Pdata)==1){
- Pdata<- list(Pdata)
- }
- for (II in 1:length(Pdata)){
- Figdata<- Op(II,Pdata)
- Makehasen(Figdata,Sen,Gap,0)
- }
- }
-# 17.11.27
-Definecolor<- function(Name,Data){
- Tmp1=length(Data)
- if((Tmp1<3) || (Tmp1>4)){
- cat("Size of data should be 3 or 4.")
- return()
- }
- if(Tmp1==4){
- Tp="cmyk"
- }else{
- Tp="rgb"
- }
- Tmp=""
- for(J in 1:Tmp1){
- Tmp=paste(Tmp, as.character(Data[J]),sep="")
- if(J<Tmp1){
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- }
- Tmp=paste("\\definecolor{",Name,"}{",Tp,"}{",Tmp,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Tmp)
-Diagcelldata<- function(Tb,Nc,Nr)
- Tmp<- Findcell(Tb,Nc,Nr)
- C<- Tmp[[1]]
- Dx<- Tmp[[2]]
- Dy<- Tmp[[3]]
- Pne<- C+c(Dx,Dy)
- Pnw<- C+c(-Dx,Dy)
- Psw<- C+c(-Dx,-Dy)
- Pse<- C+c(Dx,-Dy)
- Tmp1<- Listplot(Pnw,Pse)
- Tmp2<- Listplot(Pne,Psw)
- list(Tmp1,Tmp2)
-# 11.01.07
-Dividegraphics<- function(Pd)
- if(length(Pd)==0){
- return(Pd)
- }
- DtL<- Flattenlist(Pd)
- OutL<- list()
- for (J in 1:length(DtL)){
- Dt<- as.matrix(DtL[[J]])
- Ndm<- Dataindex(Dt)
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Ndm))){
- Fd<- Dt[Ndm[I,1]:Ndm[I,2],]
- OutL<- c(OutL,list(Fd))
- }
- }
- return(OutL)
-# 13.05.03
-Dividetable<- function(Tb)
- G<- Tb[[1]]
- Gw<- G[[1]]
- Gt<- G[Tb[[2]]]
- Gy<- G[Tb[[3]]]
- list(Gw,Gt,Gy)
-Doscaling<- function(G)
- GLg<- G
- if(class(GLg)=="numeric")
- {
- if(LOGX==1) GLg[1]<- log(G[1], base=10)
- if(LOGY==1) GLg[2]<- log(G[2], base=10)
- Tmp<-c(SCALEX*GLg[1],SCALEY*GLg[2])
- return(Tmp)
- }
- else
- {
- if(LOGX==1) GLg[,1]<- log(G[,1],base=10)
- if(LOGY==1) GLg[,2]<- log(G[,2],base=10)
- Tmp1<-matrix(c(SCALEX,0,0,SCALEY),nrow=2)
- Tmp<-GLg %*% Tmp1
- return(Tmp)
- }
-Dotfilldata<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ShaL<- list()
- Eps<- 0.01
- Kakudo<- 45
- Kosa<- 0.5
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xmn<- Tmp[1]; Ymn<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- Xmx<- Tmp[1]; Ymx<- Tmp[2]
- for (N in seq(Nargs,1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(Mixtype(Tmp)!=1){
- break
- }
- }
- if(N<Nargs){
- Kosa<- varargin[[N+1]]
- }
-# Kosa<- min(Kosa,1)
- Tmp<- 1/(2*Kosa)
- Kankaku<- Tmp*0.100*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- NaitenL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(NaitenL)==1){
- NaitenL<- list(NaitenL)
- }
- Ns<- 2
- StartP<- Op(1,NaitenL)
- if(mode(StartP)=="character"){
- StartP<- c((Xmn+Xmx)/2,(Ymn+Ymx)/2)
- }
- else{
- StartP<- Doscaling(StartP)
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[2]]
- if(Mixtype(Tmp)==1){
- StartP<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- Ns<- 3
- }
- Tmp<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(Ns,N)){
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Tmp,list(varargin[[I]]))
- }
- Bdy<- Kyoukai(Tmp)
- Bdys<-list()
- for (I in 1:length(Bdy)){
- Tmp1<- Bdy[[I]]
- Tmp2<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- Bdys<- Mixjoin(Bdys,list(Tmp2))
- }
- Bdy<- Bdys
- PtnL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(NaitenL))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,NaitenL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmp1<- Naigai(Tmp,Bdy)
- PtnL<- Mixjoin(PtnL,list(Tmp1))
- }
- else{
- if(mode(Tmp)!="character"){
- return("Mode Error")
- }
- Ptn<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,nchar(Tmp))){
- if(substr(Tmp,J,J)=="i"){
- Ptn<- c(Ptn,1)
- }
- else{
- Ptn<- c(Ptn,0)
- }
- }
- PtnL<- Mixjoin(PtnL,list(Ptn))
- }
- }
- Call<- length(Bdy)
- Ptn<- c(seq(0, 0, length=Call))
- if(Member(Ptn,PtnL)){
- Wn<- Doscaling(Framedata())
- Bdy<- Mixjoin(Bdy,list(Wn))
- Tmp<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(PtnL))){
- Tmp1<- c(Op(I,PtnL),1)
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Tmp,list(Tmp1))
- }
- PtnL<- Tmp
- }
- V<- c(cos(Kakudo*pi/180),sin(Kakudo*pi/180))
- Vm<- c(-sin(Kakudo*pi/180),cos(Kakudo*pi/180))
- Tmp<- Op(1,NaitenL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==2){
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- Delta<- Tmp-StartP
- K<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- PA<- StartP+K*Kankaku*Vm
- P<- PA
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- Sha<- Dividegraphics(Sha)
- I<- 1
- while (length(Sha)>0){
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Sha))){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Sha)
- Q<- Tmp[1,]
- R<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Q-P,V)/Kankaku
- K1<- ceiling(Tmp)
- if(abs(K1-Tmp)<Eps) K1=K1+1
- Tmp<- Dotprod(R-P,V)/Kankaku
- K2<- floor(Tmp)
- if(abs(Tmp-K2)<Eps) K2=K2-1
- for (K in Looprange(K1,K2)){
- Tmp1<- Pointdata(P+K*Kankaku*V)
- ShaL<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Tmp1))
- }
- }
- P<- PA+I*Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- Sha<- Dividegraphics(Sha)
- I<- I+1
- }
- P<- PA-Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- I<- 2
- while (length(Sha)>0){
- for (J in 1:length(Sha)){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Sha)
- Q<- Tmp[1,]
- R<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Q-P,V)/Kankaku
- K1<- ceiling(Tmp)
- if(abs(K1-Tmp)<Eps) K1<- K1+1
- Tmp<- Dotprod(R-P,V)/Kankaku
- K2<- floor(Tmp)
- if(abs(Tmp-K2)<Eps) K2<- K2-1
- for (K in Looprange(K1,K2)){
- Tmp1<- Pointdata(P+K*Kankaku*V)
- ShaL<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Tmp1))
- }
- }
- P<- PA-I*Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- I<- I+1
- }
- }
- else{
- Delta<- c(Xmn,Ymn)-StartP
- K1<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmx,Ymn)-StartP
- K2<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmx,Ymx)-StartP
- K3<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmn,Ymx)-StartP
- K4<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- IM<- max(K1,K2,K3,K4)
- Im<- min(K1,K2,K3,K4)
- for (I in Im:IM){
- P<- StartP+I*Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,P,V,Bdy)
- Sha<- Dividegraphics(Sha)
- if(length(Sha)>0){
- for (J in 1:length(Sha)){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Sha)
- Q<- Tmp[1,]
- R<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Q-P,V)/Kankaku
- K1<- ceiling(Tmp)
- if(abs(K1-Tmp)<Eps) K1=K1+1
- Tmp<- Dotprod(R-P,V)/Kankaku
- K2<- floor(Tmp)
- if(abs(Tmp-K2)<Eps) K2=K2-1
- for (K in Looprange(K1,K2)){
- Tmp1<- Pointdata(P+K*Kankaku*V)
- ShaL<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Tmp1))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ShaLs<-list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(ShaL)))
- {
- Tmp<- ShaL[[I]]
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- ShaLs<- Mixjoin(ShaLs,Tmp1)
- }
- ShaL<- ShaLs
- return(ShaL)
-Dottedline<- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nall <- length(varargin)
- Nagasa <- 0.1
- Ookisa <- PenThick
- I <- Nall
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- while (mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1 ) {
- I <- I-1
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- }
- if(I==Nall-1) {
- Nagasa<-Nagasa*varargin[[Nall]]
- Nall <- Nall-1
- }
- if(I==Nall-2) {
- Nagasa <- Nagasa*varargin[[Nall-1]]
- Ookisa <- round(Ookisa*varargin[[Nall]])
- Nall <- Nall-2
- }
- Nagasa <- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Nagasa
- for (N in 1:Nall) {
- Pdata <- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Pdata)=="numeric") {
- Pdata <- list(Pdata)
- }
- for (II in 1:length(Pdata)) {
- Clist <- MakeCurves(Op(II,Pdata))
- DinM <- Dataindex(Clist)
- for (n in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))) {
- Tmp <- DinM[n,]
- Data <- Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Len <- 0
- Lenlist <- c(0)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nrow(Data))) {
- Len <- Len+Norm(Data[I,]-Data[I-1,])
- Lenlist <- c(Lenlist,Len)
- }
- Lenall <- Lenlist[length(Lenlist)]
- if(Lenall==0) {
- next
- }
- Naga <- Nagasa
- Nten <- round(Lenall/Naga)+1
- if(Nten > 1) {
- Seg <- Lenall/(Nten-1)
- }
- else {
- Seg <- Lenall
- }
- Eps <- 10^(-6)*Seg
- PPd<-c()
- Hajime <- 1
- for (I in Looprange(0,Nten-1)) {
- Len <- Seg*I
- if(I>0) {
- J <- Hajime
- while( Len>=Lenlist[J]+Eps) {
- J <- J+1
- }
- Hajime <- J-1
- }
- T <- (Len-Lenlist[Hajime])/
- (Lenlist[Hajime+1]-Lenlist[Hajime])
- P <- Data[Hajime,]+T*(Data[Hajime+1,]-Data[Hajime,])
- PPd<-Appendrow(PPd,P)
- if(I==Nten-1) {
- if(Norm(P-Data[1,])<Eps) {
- next
- }
- }
- }
- Str<-paste("\\special{pn ", as.character(Ookisa),"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(PPd))){
- P<- Op(I,PPd)
- if(Nrow(PPd)==1){
- V<- c(1,0)
- }
- else if(I==1){
- Tmp<- Op(I+1,PPd)-P
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- }
- else if(I==Nrow(PPd)){
- Tmp<- P-Op(I-1,PPd)
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Op(I+1,PPd)-P
- Tmp2<- P-Op(I-1,PPd)
- Tmp3<-1/Norm(Tmp1)*Tmp1+1/Norm(Tmp2)*Tmp2
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp3)*Tmp3
- }
- Tmp<- round(MilliIn*P[1]-1/2*Ookisa*V[1])
- X<- as.character(Tmp)
- Tmp<- -round(MilliIn*P[2]-1/2*Ookisa*V[2])
- Y<- as.character(Tmp)
- Str<-paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp<- round(MilliIn*P[1]+1/2*Ookisa*V[1])
- X<- as.character(Tmp)
- Tmp<- -round(MilliIn*P[2]+1/2*Ookisa*V[2])
- Y<- as.character(Tmp)
- Str<-paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("\\special{fp}",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- if(I%%2==0){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<-PenThick/PenThickInit
- Setpen(Tmp);
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nall<-length(varargin)
- Thick<-0
- Tmp<-varargin[[Nall]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Thick<-round(Tmp*PenThickInit)
- Str<-paste("\\special{pn ", as.character(Thick),"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Nall<-Nall-1
- }
- for (N in 1:Nall){
- Pdata<-varargin[[N]]
- if(length(Pdata)==0) next
- if(mode(Pdata)!="list") Pdata<-list(Pdata)
- while(Mixtype(Pdata)==3){ # 10.07.25
- Tmp1<- list()
- for(II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp1<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,Pdata[[II]])
- }
- Pdata<- Tmp1
- } # 10.07.25
- for (II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Clist<-MakeCurves(Pdata[[II]])
- DinM<-Dataindex(Clist)
- for (n in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))){
- Tmp<-DinM[n,]
- Data<-Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Mojisu<-0
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Data))){
- Tmp<-Data[I,]
- X<- sprintf("%5.0f",MilliIn*Tmp[1]) # 11.07.19
- Y<- sprintf("%5.0f",-MilliIn*Tmp[2]) # 11.07.19
- Str<-paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<-Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<-0
- }
- }
- if(Mojisu!=0){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- cat("\\special{fp}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- Str<-"%"
- if(Thick>0){
- Tmp<-PenThick/PenThickInit
- Setpen(Tmp)
- }
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(TenSize>TenSizeInit){
- N<- round(6*sqrt(TenSize/TenSizeInit))
- }
- else{
- N<-4
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Kosa<- 1; All<- Nargs
- }
- else{
- Kosa<- Tmp; All<- Nargs-1
- }
- }
- else if(mode(Tmp)=="list"){
- Kosa<- 1; All<- Nargs
- }
- CL<-c()
- for (J in 0:N){
- Tmp<- TenSize*0.5*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Tmp<- Tmp*c(cos(pi/4+J*2*pi/N),sin(pi/4+J*2*pi/N))
- CL<- append(CL,Tmp)
- }
- CL<- matrix(CL,nrow=2)
- CL<- t(CL)
- for (II in Looprange(1,All)){
- MS<- varargin[[II]]
- MS=Flattenlist(MS) #17.10.11
- if(mode(MS)=="numeric"){
- MS<- list(MS)
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(MS))){
- P<- MS[[I]]
- if(InWindow(P)!="i") next
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- PL<-c()
- for (J in 0:N){
- PL<- c(PL,P+CL[J+1,])
- }
- PL<-matrix(PL,nrow=2)
- PL<-t(PL)
- Mojisu<-0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
- Q<- PL[J,]
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*Q[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*Q[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("#\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- Mojisu=0
- }
- Str1<- paste("\\special{sh ",as.character(Kosa),"}",sep="")
- Str2<- "\\special{fp}%\n"
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs <- length(varargin)
- Tmp<-grep("arrow", ZIKU)
- if(length(Tmp)>0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- Drwline(Listplot(c(XMIN,GENTEN[2]),c(XMAX,GENTEN[2])))
- Drwline(Listplot(c(GENTEN[1],YMIN),c(GENTEN[1],YMAX)))
- }
-# 10.12.04
-Enclosing<- function(...)
- Eps=10^(-7) # Scilab 16.12.05
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(P)==2){
- Tmp<- Op(1,P)
- if(mode(Tmp)!="numeric" || length(Tmp)>1){
- AnsL<- EnclosingS(...)
- AnsL<- Joincrvs(AnsL) # 10.12.04
- }
- }
- Tmp1=Op(1,AnsL) # Scilab 16.12.05from
- Tmp2=Op(nrow(AnsL),AnsL)
- if(Norm(Tmp2-Tmp1)>Eps){
- AnsL=Appendrow(AnsL,Tmp1)
- }
- return(AnsL)
-EnclosingS<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- AnsL<- list()
- PdataL<- varargin[[1]]
- Nall<-length(PdataL)
- Eps<- 10^(-3)
- EEps<- 0.1
- S<- c()
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && Nrow(Tmp)==1 && length(Tmp)>1){
- S<- Tmp
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- if(Flg==0){
- Eps<- Tmp
- Flg=Flg+1
- }
- else{
- EEps<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- F<- Op(1,PdataL); G<- Op(Nall,PdataL)
- KL<- IntersectcrvsPp(F,G)
- if(length(KL)==1){
- Tmp<- Op(1,KL)
- P<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T1<- Op(2,Tmp)
- }
- if(length(KL)==0){
- if(Numptcrv(F)>Numptcrv(G)){
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(F,G)
- P<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T1=Op(2,Tmp)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(G,F)
- P<- Op(3,Tmp)
- T1<- Op(4,Tmp)
- }
- }
- if(length(KL)>=2){
- if(length(S)==0){
- return("No Start Point")
- }
- Tmp<- Op(1,KL)
- P<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T1<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Tmp<- Norm(P-S)
- for (I in Looprange(2,length(KL))){
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Op(I,KL))
- Tmp2<- Norm(Tmp1-S)
- if(Tmp2<Tmp){
- P<- Tmp1
- T1<- Op(2,Op(I,KL))
- Tmp<- Tmp2
- }
- }
- }
- S<- P
- AnsL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nall)){
- F<- Op(N,PdataL)
- if(N>1) P<- Q
- if(N==Nall){
- Q=S
- }
- else{
- Flg<- 0
- G<- Op(N+1,PdataL)
- KL<- IntersectcrvsPp(G,F)
- if(length(KL)==1){
- Tmp<- Op(1,KL)
- Q<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T3<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Flg<- 10
- }
- if(length(KL)==0) Flg<- 1
- if(length(KL)>=2){ # Maple bug?
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Op(1,KL))
- Tmp2<- Op(1,Op(2,KL))
- Tmp<- Norm(Tmp1-Tmp2)
- if(Tmp<Eps*10) Flg<- 1
- }
- if(Flg==1){
- if(Numptcrv(F)>Numptcrv(G)){
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(F,G)
- Q<- Op(1,Tmp)
- T3<- Op(4,Tmp)
- Flg<- 10
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(G,F)
- Q<- Op(3,Tmp)
- T3<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Flg<- 10
- }
- }
- if(Flg<10){
- T2<- Inf
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(KL))){
- Dt<- Op(I,KL)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Dt)
- Tmp<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp2<- Paramoncurve(Tmp1,Tmp,F)
- Tmp3<- Op(2,Dt)
- if(Tmp2>T1+Eps && Tmp2<T2-Eps){
- Q<- Tmp1
- T2<- Tmp2
- T3<- Tmp3
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Partcrv(P,Q,F)
- T1<- T3
- AnsL<- Mixjoin(AnsL,list(Tmp))
- }
- return(AnsL)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0)
- {
- Drwxy()
- }
- else
- {
- if(varargin[[1]]==1) Drwxy()
- }
- cat("\\end{picture}}%",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# MEMORI<<-MEMORINow*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Setunitlen("1cm")
-Execmd<- function(StrL)
- if(mode(StrL)=="character" && length(StrL)==1){
- StrL<- list(StrL)
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(StrL))){
- if(!,StrL)) && nchar(Op(I,StrL))>0){
- eval(parse(text=Op(I,StrL)))
- }
- }
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Irng<-c(seq(from=1,to=Nargs,by=3))
- for (I in Irng)
- {
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- P<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- X<-P[1]
- Y<-P[2]
- Houkou<-varargin[[I+1]]
- Mojiretu<-paste("$",varargin[[I+2]],"$",sep="")
- Hset<-Houkou
- Vhoko<-"c"
- if(length(grep("n",Hset))>0)
- {
- Vhoko<-"n"; Y<-Y+MEMORI
- }
- if(length(grep("s",Hset))>0)
- {
- Vhoko<-"s"; Y<-Y-MEMORI
- }
- Hhoko<-"c"
- if(length(grep("e",Hset))>0)
- {
- Hhoko<-"e"; X<-X+MEMORI
- }
- if(length(grep("w",Hset))>0)
- {
- Hhoko<-"w"; X<-X-MEMORI
- }
- Hoko<-paste(Vhoko,Hhoko,sep="")
- Suu<-"+-.0123456789"
- SuuL<-Suu
- J<-1; Dstr<-""
- while (J<=nchar(Houkou))
- {
- Tmp<-substring(Houkou,J,J)
- if(length(grep(Tmp,Suu))>0)
- {
- if(Dstr=="") Hk<-substring(Houkou,J-1,J-1)
- Dstr<-paste(Dstr,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- else
- {
- if(Dstr!="")
- {
- Nmbr<-as.numeric(Dstr)
- D<-Nmbr*MEMORI
- if(Hk=="n") Y<-Y+D
- if(Hk=="s") Y<-Y-D
- if(Hk=="e") X<-X+D
- if(Hk=="w") X<-X-D
- Dstr<-""
- }
- }
- J<-J+1
- }
- if(Dstr!="")
- {
- Nmbr<-as.numeric(Dstr)
- D<-Nmbr*MEMORI;
- if(Hk=="n") Y<-Y+D
- if(Hk=="s") Y<-Y-D
- if(Hk=="e") X<-X+D
- if(Hk=="w") X<-X-D
- }
- CalcWidth(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- CalcHeight(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- cat("\\put(",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- sprintf("%7.7f",X) # 11.07.19
- Tmp2<- sprintf("%7.7f",Y) # 11.07.19
- Str<-paste(Tmp1,",",Tmp2,sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp<-"){\\hspace*{\\Width}"
- Str<-paste(Tmp,"\\raisebox{\\Height}{",Mojiretu,"}}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-Exprrot<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- V<- varargin[[2]]; N<- 3
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- V<- Doscaling(V)
- Tmov<- 0
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmov<- Tmp; N<- N+1
- }
- Nmov<- 0
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Nmov<- Tmp; N<- N+1
- }
- Mojiretu<- paste("$",Assign(varargin[[N]]),"$",sep="") # 2017.11.26
- Tv<- 1/Norm(V)*V
- Nv<- c(-Tv[2],Tv[1])
- P<- P+MEMORI*Tmov*Tv+MEMORI*Nmov*Nv
- Tmp<- acos(V[1]/Norm(V))
- Theta<- round(Tmp*180/pi)
- if(V[2]>=0){
- Units<- ""
- }
- else{
- Units<- "units=-360,"
- }
- Tmp<- paste("\\rotatebox[",Units,"origin=c]{",as.character(Theta),sep="")
- Tmp<- paste(Tmp,"}{",Mojiretu,"}",sep="")
- Letter(P,"c",Tmp)
-Findcell<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- Ag<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Ag)=="character"){
- Clm<- c()
- Rstr<- ""
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ag))){
- C<- substr(Ag,I,I)
- C<- toupper(C)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Alpha,C)
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Tmp1<- nchar(Tmp[1])
- Clm<- c(Clm,Tmp1)
- }
- else{
- Rstr<- paste(Rstr,C,sep="")
- }
- }
- Nrg<- 0
- for (I in seq(length(Clm),1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- Clm[I]
- Tmp1<- length(Clm)-I
- Nrg<- Nrg+Tmp*26^Tmp1
- }
- Mrg<- eval(parse(text=Rstr))
- if(Nargs>=3){
- Ag<- varargin[[3]]
- Clm<- c()
- Rstr<- ""
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ag))){
- C<- substr(Ag,1,1)
- C<- toupper(C)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Alpha,C)
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Clm<- c(Clm,Tmp+1)
- }
- else{
- Rstr<- paste(Rstr,C,sep="")
- }
- }
- Nrg2<- 0
- for (I in seq(length(Clm),1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- Clm[I]
- Tmp1<- length[Clm]-I
- Nrg2<- Nrg2+Tmp*26^Tmp1
- }
- Nrg<- c(Nrg,Nrg2)
- Tmp=eval(parse(text=Rstr))
- Mrg<- c(Mrg,Tmp)
- }
- }
- else{
- Nrg<- varargin[[2]]
- Mrg<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- if(length(Mrg)==1){
- m1<- Mrg; m2<- m1+1
- }
- else{
- m1<- Mrg[1]; m2<- Mrg[2] # 10.12.12
- }
- if(length(Nrg)==1){
- n1<- Nrg; n2<- n1+1
- }
- else{
- n1<- Nrg[1]; n2<- Nrg[2]
- }
- n1<- n1+1; n2<- n2+1
- m1<- m1+1; m2<- m2+1
- Hind<- TbL[[2]]
- Vind<- TbL[[3]]
- Tmp<- TbL[[1]]
- HL<- Tmp[Hind]
- Tmp1<- Op(1,TbL[[4]])
- Tmp2<- Op(2,TbL[[4]])
- HL<- Mixjoin(list(Tmp1),HL,list(Tmp2))
- VL<- Tmp[Vind]
- Tmp1<- Op(1,TbL[[5]])
- Tmp2<- Op(2,TbL[[5]])
- VL<- Mixjoin(list(Tmp1),VL,list(Tmp2))
- Tmp<- TbL[[6]]
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(Ptsw(Tmp),Ptnw(Tmp)))
- Tmp2<- Listplot(c(Ptse(Tmp),Ptne(Tmp)))
- HL<- Mixjoin(list(Tmp1),HL,list(Tmp2))
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(Ptnw(Tmp),Ptne(Tmp)))
- Tmp2<- Listplot(c(Ptsw(Tmp),Ptse(Tmp)))
- VL<- Mixjoin(list(Tmp1),VL,list(Tmp2))
- Tmp<- HL[[n1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- H1<- Tmp[1,1]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- H1<- Tmp1[1,1]
- }
- Tmp<- HL[[n2]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- H2<- Tmp[1,1]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- H2<- Tmp1[1,1]
- }
- Tmp<- VL[[m1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- V1<- Tmp[1,2]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- V1<- Tmp1[1,2]
- }
- Tmp<- VL[[m2]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- V2<- Tmp[1,2]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- V2<- Tmp1[1,2]
- }
- Pt<- c((H1+H2)/2,(V1+V2)/2)
- High<- (V1-V2)/2
- Wide<- (H2-H1)/2
- Out<- list(Pt,Wide,High)
- return(Out)
-Flattenlist<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<- list()
- for(N in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- D<- varargin[[N]]
- if( || !is.list(D)){ # modify
- Out<- c(Out,list(D))
- }
- else{
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(D))){
- Ds<- D[[I]]
- Tmp<- Flattenlist(Ds)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Fontsize<- function(Ookisa)
- Str<- "%"
- S<- substr(Ookisa,1,1)
- if(S=="n"){
- Str<- "\\normalsize%"
- }
- if(S=="s"){
- if(nchar(Ookisa)==1){
- Tmp<- "n"
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- substr(Ookisa,2,2)
- }
- if(Tmp=="s"){
- Str<- "\\scriptsize%"
- }
- else{
- Str<- "\\small%"
- }
- }
- if(S=="f"){
- Str<- "\\footnotesize%"
- }
- if(S=="t"){
- Str<- "\\tiny%"
- }
- if(S=="l"){
- Str<- "\\large%"
- }
- if(S=="L"){
- if(nchar(Ookisa)==1){
- Tmp<- "a"
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- substr(Ookisa,2,2)
- }
- if(Tmp=="a"){
- Str<- "\\Large%"
- }
- else{
- Str<- "\\LARGE%"
- }
- }
- if(S=="h"){
- Str<- "\\huge%"
- }
- if(S=="H"){
- Str<- "\\Huge%"
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Fracform<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-10)
- Nmax<- 1/Eps
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- X<- varargin[[1]]
- Nr<- Nrow(X)
- X<- as.matrix(X,nrow=Nr)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)!="numeric"){
- next
- }
- if(Tmp>1){
- Nmax<- Tmp
- }
- else if(Tmp>0){
- Eps<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp<- rep("",length(X))
- Out<- matrix(Tmp,nrow=nrow(X))
- for (I in Looprange(1,nrow(X))){
- for (J in Looprange(1,ncol(X))){
- Dt<- X[I,J]
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Dt<- eval(parse(text=Dt))
- }
- R<- 1
- N<- 0
- Rmin<- R
- Nr<- N
- while (R>Eps && N<Nmax){
- N<- N+1
- M<- round(Dt*N)
- R<- abs(Dt-M/N)
- if(R<Rmin){
- Rmin<- R
- Nr<- N
- }
- }
- if(N==Nmax){
- N<- Nr
- M<- round(Dt*N)
- }
- Tmp<- as.character(M)
- if(N!=1){
- Tmp<- paste(Tmp,"/",as.character(N),sep="")
- }
- Out[I,J]<- Tmp
- }
- }
- if(nrow(Out)==1){
- Out<- as.character(Out)
- }
- return(Out)
-# 2011.12.17 ( list )
- varargin<- Flattenlist(list(...))
- N<-length(varargin)
- if(N<= 1){
- H<- 1.0*10^(-4);
- }
- else{
- Tmp<-varargin[[N]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1){
- Dy<-Tmp; Dx<-Dy
- Tmp<-varargin[[N-1]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1){
- Dx<-Tmp
- }
- Tmp<-varargin[[1]]
- X<-Tmp[1]; Y<-Tmp[2]
- X1<-X-Dx; X2<-X+Dx; Y1<-Y-Dy; Y2<-Y+Dy
- }
- else{
- Tmp<-varargin[[1]]
- X1<-Tmp[1]; X2<-Tmp[2]
- Tmp<-varargin[[2]]
- Y1<-Tmp[1]; Y2<-Tmp[2]
- }
- PA<-c(X1,Y1); PB<-c(X2,Y1)
- PC<-c(X2,Y2); PD<-c(X1,Y2)
- }
- Out<- Listplot(c(PA,PB,PC,PD,PA))
- return(Out)
-Hatchdata<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- ShaL<- list()
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Kakudo<- 45
- Kankaku<- 0.125*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xmn<- Tmp[1]; Ymn<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- Xmx<- Tmp[1]; Ymx<- Tmp[2]
- for (N in seq(Nargs,1, by=-1))
- {
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="list")
- {
- break
- }
- }
- if(N<Nargs)
- {
- Kakudo<- varargin[[N+1]]
- if(N==Nargs-2)
- {
- Kankaku<- 0.125*varargin[[Nargs]]
- }
- }
- NaitenL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(NaitenL)!="list")
- {
- NaitenL<- list(NaitenL)
- }
- Ns<- 2
- StartP<- Op(1,NaitenL)
- if(mode(StartP)=="character")
- {
- StartP<- c((Xmn+Xmx)/2, (Ymn+Ymx)/2)
- }
- if(mode(varargin[[2]])=="numeric")
- {
- StartP<- varargin[[2]]
- StartP<- Doscaling(StartP)
- Ns<- 3
- }
- Tmp<- list()
- for ( I in Looprange(Ns,N))
- {
- Tmp1<- list(varargin[[I]])
- Tmp2<- Mixjoin(Tmp, Tmp1)
- Tmp<- Tmp2
- }
- Bdy<- Kyoukai(Tmp)
- Bdys<-list()
- for (I in 1:length(Bdy))
- {
- Tmp1<- Bdy[[I]]
- Tmp2<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- Bdys<- Mixjoin(Bdys,list(Tmp2))
- }
- Bdy<- Bdys
- PtnL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(NaitenL)))
- {
- Tmp<- Op(I, NaitenL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric")
- {
- Tmp1<- Naigai(Tmp,Bdy)
- Tmp2<- Mixjoin(PtnL, list(Tmp1))
- PtnL<- Tmp2
- }
- else
- {
- if(mode(Tmp)!="character")
- {
- return("Mode Error")
- }
- Ptn<-c()
- for (J in 1:nchar(Tmp))
- {
- if(Op(J,Tmp)=="i")
- {
- Ptn<- c(Ptn,1)
- }
- else
- {
- Ptn<- c(Ptn,0)
- }
- }
- PtnL<- Mixjoin(PtnL, list(Ptn))
- }
- }
- Call<- length(Bdy)
- Ptn<- c(seq(0, 0, length=Call))
- if(Member(Ptn,PtnL))
- {
- Wn<- Doscaling(Framedata())
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Bdy,list(Wn))
- Bdy<- Tmp
- Tmp<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1, length(PtnL)))
- {
- Tmp1<- c(Op(I,PtnL),1)
- Tmp2<- Mixjoin(Tmp,list(Tmp1))
- Tmp<- Tmp2
- }
- PtnL<- Tmp
- }
- V<- c(cos(Kakudo*pi/180),sin(Kakudo*pi/180))
- Vm<- c(-sin(Kakudo*pi/180),cos(Kakudo*pi/180))
- Tmp<- Op(1,NaitenL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==2)
- {
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- Delta<- Tmp-StartP
- K<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- PA<- StartP+K*Kankaku*Vm
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,PA,V,Bdy)
- I <- 1
- while (length(Sha)>0)
- {
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Sha))
- ShaL <- Tmp
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,PA+I*Kankaku*Vm,V,Bdy)
- I <- I+1
- }
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,PA-Kankaku*Vm,V,Bdy)
- I<- 2
- while (length(Sha)>0)
- {
- for (J in 1:length(Sha))
- {
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(ShaL,list(Sha[[J]]))
- ShaL<- Tmp
- }
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,PA-I*Kankaku*Vm,V,Bdy)
- I<- I+1
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Delta<- c(Xmn,Ymn)-StartP
- K1<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmx,Ymn)-StartP
- K2<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmx,Ymx)-StartP
- K3<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- Delta<- c(Xmn,Ymx)-StartP
- K4<- trunc(Dotprod(Delta,Vm)/Kankaku)
- IM<- max(K1,K2,K3,K4)
- Im<- min(K1,K2,K3,K4)
- for (I in Im:IM)
- {
- Sha<- Makeshasen(PtnL,StartP+I*Kankaku*Vm,V,Bdy)
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Sha)))
- {
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(ShaL, list(Sha[[J]]))
- ShaL<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- ShaLs<-list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(ShaL)))
- {
- Tmp<- ShaL[[I]]
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(Tmp)
- Tmp2<- Mixjoin(ShaLs, list(Tmp1))
- ShaLs<- Tmp2
- }
- ShaL<- ShaLs
- return(ShaL)
-Htickmark<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ArgsL<- varargin
- if(mode(ArgsL[[1]])=="character"){
- Str<- ArgsL[[1]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"m")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- I<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- I<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"n")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- J<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- J<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"r")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- K=nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- K<- 0
- }
- if(K>0){
- S<- substr(Str,K+1,nchar(Str))
- R<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- R<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- R<- 1
- K<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- if(J>0){
- S<- substr(Str,J+1,K-1)
- Dn<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dn<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- Dn<- 1000
- J<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- S<- substr(Str,I+1,J-1)
- Dm<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dm<- 1
- }
- ArgsL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1, floor((XMAX-GENTEN[1])/Dm))){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(-1,ceiling((XMIN-GENTEN[1])/Dm),by=-1)){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- list()
- Memori<- list()
- for (N in 1:length(ArgsL)){
- Dt<- ArgsL[[N]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric" && length(Dt)>1){
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt[1],Dt[2])
- next
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Memori<- Mixjoin(Memori,Dt)
- }
- else{
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt,GENTEN[2])
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- for (N in 1:length(MemoriList)){
- Dt<- MemoriList[[N]]
- Ndt<- length(Dt)
- X=Op(1,Dt)
- Y=Op(2,Dt)
- Tmp<-Doscaling(c(X,Y))
- X<- Tmp[1]
- Y<- Tmp[2]
- Moji<- Op(Ndt,Dt)
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(c(X,Y+MARKLEN))
- Tmp2<- Unscaling(c(X,Y-MARKLEN))
- Fd<- Listplot(c(Tmp1,Tmp2))
- Drwline(Fd)
- if(Ndt==3){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X,Y-MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,"s",Moji)
- }
- if(Ndt==4){
- Houkou<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp<-grep("s",Houkou)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X,Y-MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(X,Y+MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-# 2013.08.07
-Integrate<- function(Fs,Vs, Intv){
- if(is.function(Fs)){
- Fn<- Fs
- }
- else{
- Str<- paste("Fn<- function(",Vs, ") ", Fs, sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- Tmp<- integrate(Fn, Intv[[1]], Intv[[2]])
- Out<- Tmp[[1]]
- return(Out)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Eps<-10^(-4)
- Tmp<-varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1)
- {
- Eps<-Tmp
- }
- G1<-varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(G1)=="numeric")
- {
- G1<-list(G1)
- }
- G2<-varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(G2)=="numeric")
- {
- G2<-list(G2)
- }
- PL<-list()
- for (N in 1:length(G1))
- {
- for (M in 1:length(G2))
- {
- KL<-IntersectcrvsPp(G1[[N]],G2[[M]],Eps)
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(KL)))
- {
- Tmp<-KL[[I]]
- P<-Tmp[1]
- PL<-append(PL,P)
- }
- }
- }
- return(PL)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- G1<-varargin[[1]]; G2<-varargin[[2]]
- Eps<- 10.0^(-4)
- if(Nargs>2) Eps<-varargin[[3]]
- SqEps<- 10.0^(-10)
- Eps2<- 0.1
- if(Nargs>3) Eps2<-varargin[[4]]
- Data1<-G1
- Data2<-G2
- if(Nrow(Data1)==Nrow(Data2))
- {
- Tmp<-seq(Nrow(Data2),1, by=-1)
- Tmp1<-Data2[Tmp,]
- Eps0<-10^(-6)
- Tmp2<-Norm(Data1-Data2)
- Tmp3<-Norm(Data1-Tmp1)
- if(Tmp2<Eps0||Tmp3<Eps0)
- {
- KL<-list()
- return(KL)
- }
- }
- KL1<-list()
- KL2<-list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Data1)-1))
- {
- A<-Data1[I,]
- B<-Data1[I+1,]
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Data2)-1))
- {
- P<-Data2[J,]; Q<-Data2[J+1,]
- Tmp<-Koutenseg(A,B,P,Q,Eps,Eps2)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="list")
- {
- if(Tmp[[3]]==0)
- {
- Tmp1<-list(Tmp[[1]],Tmp[[2]],I,J)
- KL1<-append(KL1,list(Tmp1))
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp2<-list(Tmp[[1]],Tmp[[2]],I,J)
- KL2<-append(KL2, list(Tmp2))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- KL<-list()
- if(length(KL1)>0)
- {
- Tmp<-KL1[[1]]
- P<-Tmp[[1]]
- T<-Tmp[[2]]
- I<-Tmp[[3]]
- J<-Tmp[[4]]
- Tmp<-list(P,I+T,J)
- KL<-list(Tmp)
- }
- for (N in Looprange(2,length(KL1)))
- {
- Tmp<-KL1[[N]]
- P<-Tmp[[1]]
- Flg<-0
- for (K in 1:length(KL))
- {
- if(1>length(KL)) break
- Tmp<-KL[[K]]
- if(Norm(P-Tmp[[1]])^2<SqEps)
- {
- Flg<-1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0)
- {
- Tmp<-KL1[[N]]
- T<-Tmp[[2]]
- I<-Tmp[[3]]
- J<-Tmp[[4]]
- Tmp<-list(P,I+T,J)
- KL<-append(KL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(KL2)))
- {
- Tmp<-KL2[[N]]
- P<-Tmp[[1]]
- Flg<-0
- for (K in Looprange(1,length(KL)))
- {
- Tmp<-KL[[K]]
- if(Norm(P-Tmp[[1]])^2<SqEps)
- {
- Flg<-1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0)
- {
- Tmp<-KL2[[N]]
- T<-Tmp[[2]]
- T<-min(max(T,0),1)
- I<-Tmp[[3]]
- J<-Tmp[[4]]
- Tmp<-list(P,I+T,J)
- KL<-append(KL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- return(KL)
-# 13.12.20 debugged
-Invdashline<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Nall<- Nargs; Sen<- 1 ; Gap<- 1
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nall]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp) && length(Tmp)==1 && Tmp>0){ # 13.12.20
- Tmp1<- varargin[[Nall-1]]
- if(is.numeric(Tmp1) && length(Tmp1)==1 && Tmp1>0){ # 13.12.20
- Sen<- Tmp1; Gap<- Tmp
- Nall<- Nall-2
- }
- else{
- Sen<- Tmp; Gap<- Sen
- Nall<- Nall-1
- }
- }
- Sen<- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Sen
- Gap<- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Gap
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nall)){
- Figdata<- varargin[[N]]
- Makehasen(Figdata,Sen,Gap,1)
- }
-Invert<- function(Pd)
- OutL=Pd[nrow(Pd):1,]
- return(OutL)
- Eps<-10.0^(-6);
- if((length(PA)==2)&(is.numeric(PA))){ # 17.11.20
- X<-PA[1]; Y<-PA[2];
- if(X>XMIN-Eps && X<XMAX+Eps && Y>YMIN-Eps && Y<YMAX+Eps)
- Rx<-"i"
- else
- Rx<-"o"
- return(Rx)
- }else{
- return("o")
- }
-Joincrvs<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nall<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nall]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Eps<- Tmp
- Nall<- Nall-1
- }
- QdL<- Flattenlist(varargin[1:Nall]) # 11.06.25
- if(length(QdL)==0){
- PtL<-c()
- return(PtL)
- }
- PtL<- Op(1,QdL)
- for (I in Looprange(2,length(QdL))){
- Qd<- Op(I,QdL)
- if(Numptcrv(Qd)<=1){next} # 11.06.25
- P<- Ptend(PtL)
- S<- Ptstart(PtL)
- Q<- Ptstart(Qd)
- R<- Ptend(Qd)
- MN<- min(Norm(P-Q),Norm(P-R),Norm(S-Q),Norm(S-R))
- if(MN==Norm(P-R)){
- Qd<- Invert(Qd)
- }
- else if(MN==Norm(S-Q)){
- PtL=Invert(PtL)
- }
- else if(MN==Norm(S-R)){
- PtL<- Invert(PtL)
- Qd<- Invert(Qd)
- }
- if(MN>Eps){
- PtL<- Appendrow(PtL,Qd)
- }
- else{
- if(is.null(nrow(Qd))){ Qd<- as.matrix(Qd,nrow=1)}
- PtL<- Appendrow(PtL,Qd[2:nrow(Qd),]) # 11.06.25
- }
- }
- return(PtL)
-# 2011.11.02
-Joingraphics<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Ls<- Flattenlist(varargin)
- N<- length(Ls)
- Tp<- Ls[[N]]
- Listflg<- 0
- if( is.character(Tp)){
- Tmp<- toupper(substr(Tp,1,1))
- if(Tmp=="L"){
- Listflg<- 1
- }
- N<- N-1
- Ls<- Ls[1:N]
- }
- if(Listflg==1){
- P<- Ls
- }
- else{
- P<- c()
- for (I in 1:N){
- Tmp<- Ls[[I]]
- P<- Appendrow(P,c(Inf,Inf))
- P<- Appendrow(P,Tmp)
- }
- P<- P[2:nrow(P),]
- }
- return(P)
-Kouten<- function(PA,V,P,Q)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- A1<- PA[1]; A2<- PA[2]
- V1<- V[1]; V2<- V[2]
- P1<- P[1]; P2<- P[2]
- U1<- Q[1]-P1; U2<- Q[2]-P2
- Tmp<- Norm(P-Q)*Norm(V)
- if(Tmp==0)
- {
- Out<- list(Inf,-Inf)
- return(Out)
- }
- D<- U1*V2-U2*V1
- if(abs(D)/Tmp<Eps)
- {
- Out<- list(Inf,-Inf)
- return(Out)
- }
- S<- ((-A2+P2)*V1+(A1-P1)*V2)/D
- if(S>1+Eps || S<Eps)
- {
- Out<-list(Inf,-Inf)
- return(Out)
- }
- T<- ((-A2+P2)*U1+(A1-P1)*U2)/D
- Tmp<- PA+T*V
- Out<- list(T,Tmp,sign(D))
- return(Out)
-KoutenList<- function(PA,V,Bdy)
- Eps<-10.0^(-6)
- TenL<-list()
- for (N in 1:length(Bdy))
- {
- KL<- Op(N,Bdy)
- for (K in Looprange(1, Nrow(KL)-1))
- {
- P<- Op(K,KL); Q<- Op(K+1,KL)
- if(P!="/" && Q!="/")
- {
- Tmp<- Kouten(PA,V,P,Q);
- if(Tmp[[1]]!=Inf)
- {
- Ten<- append(Tmp,N)
- Flg<- 0
- NN<- length(TenL)
- I<- 1
- while (Flg==0 && I<=NN)
- {
- Tmp<- Op(I,TenL)
- if(Op(1,Ten)<Op(1,Tmp)-Eps)
- {
- Tmp1<- TenL[Looprange(1,I-1)]
- Tmp2<- TenL[Looprange(I,length(TenL))]
- TenL<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,list(Ten),Tmp2)
- Flg<-1
- }
- else
- if(Op(1,Ten)<Op(1,Tmp)+Eps)
- {
- if(Op(4,Ten)!=Op(4,Tmp))
- {
- Tmp1<- TenL[Looprange(1,I-1)]
- Tmp2<- TenL[Looprange(I,length(TenL))]
- TenL<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,list(Ten),Tmp2)
- Flg<-1
- }
- else
- if(Op(3,Ten)!=Op(3,Tmp))
- {
- Tmp1<- TenL[Looprange(I,I-1)]
- Tmp2<- TenL[Looprange(I+1,length(TenL))]
- TenL<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- }
- Flg<- 1
- }
- I<- I+1
- }
- if(Flg==0)
- {
- TenL<- Mixjoin(TenL,list(Ten))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(TenL)
- #pointdata on AB at which AB intersects CD
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Eps0 <- 10^(-4)
- A<-varargin[[1]]; V<-varargin[[2]]-A
- Sv2 <- V[1]^2+V[2]^2
- if(Sv2<10^(-6))
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- P<-varargin[[3]]-A; Q<-varargin[[4]]-A
- Eps <- 10.0^(-3)
- if(Nargs>=5)
- {
- Eps<-varargin[[5]]
- }
- Eps2 <- 0.2
- if(Nargs>=6)
- {
- Eps2<-varargin[[6]]
- }
- Eps<-min(Eps2,Eps/sqrt(Sv2))
- P1<-(P[1]*V[1]+P[2]*V[2])/Sv2
- P2<-(-P[1]*V[2]+P[2]*V[1])/Sv2
- Q1<-(Q[1]*V[1]+Q[2]*V[2])/Sv2
- Q2<-(-Q[1]*V[2]+Q[2]*V[1])/Sv2
- m1 <- -Eps; M1 <- 1+Eps
- m2 <- -Eps; M2 <- Eps
- if(max(P1,Q1)<m1 || min(P1,Q1)>M1)
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- if(max(P2,Q2)<m2 || min(P2,Q2)>M2)
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P2*Q2<0)
- {
- T<- P1-(Q1-P1)/(Q2-P2)*P2
- if(T>m1 && T<M1)
- {
- if(T > -Eps0 && T<1+Eps0)
- {
- Tmp1<-A+T*V
- Tmp2<-min(max(T,0),1)
- Out<-list(Tmp1,Tmp2,0)
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp1<-A+T*V
- Tmp2<-min(max(T,0),1)
- Out<-list(Tmp1,Tmp2,1)
- }
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P1<m1 || P1>M1 || P2<m2 || P2>M2)
- {
- if(Q1<m1 || Q1>M1 || Q2<m2 || Q2>M2)
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- T<-min(max(Q1,0),1)
- Tmp=A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
- }
- T<-min(max(P1,0),1)
- Tmp<-A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P1> -Eps0 && P1<1+Eps0 && P2> -Eps0 && P2 < Eps0)
- {
- T<- P1
- Tmp<- A+T*V
- Out<- list(Tmp, T, 0)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(Q1> -Eps0 && Q1<1+Eps0 && Q2> -Eps0 && Q2<Eps0)
- {
- T<- Q1
- Tmp<-A+T*V
- Out<- list(Tmp,T,0)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(P1<m1 || P1>M1 || P2<m2 || P2>M2)
- {
- if(Q1<m1 || Q1>M1 || Q2<m2 || Q2>M2)
- {
- Out<-Inf
- return(Out)
- }
- T<-min(max(Q1,0),1)
- Tmp<-A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(Q1<m1 || Q1>M1 || Q2<m2 || Q2>M2)
- {
- T<-min(max(P1,0),1)
- Tmp<-A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
- }
- if(abs(P2)<abs(Q2))
- {
- T<-min(max(P1,0),1)
- }
- else
- {
- T<-min(max(Q1,0),1)
- }
- Tmp<A+T*V
- Out<-list(Tmp,T,1)
- return(Out)
-Kukeiwake<- function(PL)
- Eps<-10.0^(-6)
- Tmp<-matrix(c(NW,SW,SE,NE,NW),nrow=2)
- Sikaku<- t(Tmp)
- Kt<- IntersectcrvsPp(PL,Sikaku)
- if(length(Kt)!=2)
- {
- print("not two points")
- return(c())
- }
- Tmp<- Op(1,Kt)
- Pt1<- Op(1,Tmp)
- N1<- trunc(Op(2,Tmp))
- M1<- Op(3,Tmp)
- Tmp<- Op(2,Kt)
- Pt2<- Op(1,Tmp)
- N2<- trunc(Op(2,Tmp))
- M2<- Op(3,Tmp)
- T1<- Paramoncurve(Pt1,M1,Sikaku) #18.02.06
- T2<- Paramoncurve(Pt2,M2,Sikaku)
- QL<c()
- if(Norm(Pt1-Op(N1+1,PL))>Eps)
- {
- QL<-Pt1
- }
- Tmp<-Appendrow(QL,PL[(N1+1):N2,])
- QL<- Tmp
- if(Norm(Pt2-Op(N2,PL))>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(QL,Pt2)
- QL<- Tmp
- }
- HidariL<- QL
- Ms<- M2+1; Me<- M1
- if(T1<T2+Eps) Me<- M1+4
- for (M in Looprange(Ms,Me))
- {
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(HidariL),HidariL)
- P<-Op(((M-1) %% 4)+1,Sikaku)
- if(Norm(Tmp-P)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Append(HidariL,P)
- HidariL<-Tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(HidariL),HidariL)
- if(Norm(Tmp-Pt1)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Append(HidariL,Pt1)
- HidariL<-Tmp
- }
- MigiL<- QL
- Ms<- M2; Me<- M1+1
- if(T1>T2-Eps) Me<- Me-4
- for (Mm in Looprange(Me,Ms))
- {
- M<- Me+Ms-Mm
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(MigiL),MigiL)
- P<- Op(((M-1) %% 4)+1,Sikaku)
- if(Norm(Tmp-P)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(MigiL,P)
- MigiL<-Tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(MigiL),MigiL)
- if(Norm(Tmp-Pt1)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(MigiL,Pt1)
- MigiL<-Tmp
- }
- Out<- list(HidariL,MigiL)
- return(Out)
-# 17.09.24 Eps
-Kyoukai<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps0<- 10^(-7)
- DataL<-list()
- for (I in 1:Nargs){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- DataL<- Mixjoin(DataL,list(list(Tmp)))
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="list"){
- if(mode(Tmp[[1]])!="list"){
- DataL<- Mixjoin(DataL, list(Tmp))
- }
- else{
- DataL<-Mixjoin(DataL,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- Eps<- 10.0^(-4) #17.09.24
- PLall<- list()
- Sflg<- 0
- N<- length(DataL)
- for (I in Looprange(1,N)){
- Data<- Op(I, DataL)
- Tmp<- Op(length(Data),Data)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && Nrow(Tmp)==1 && length(Tmp)>1){
- Rg<-Tmp ; Nd<-length(Data)-1
- }
- else{
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Rg<- Tmp ; Nd<-length(Data)-1
- }
- else{
- Rg<- "c" ; Nd<-length(Data)
- }
- }
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nd)){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Data)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Rg<- Tmp
- next
- }
- Points<- Tmp
- P1<- Ptstart(Points)
- P2<- Ptend(Points)
- if(J==1){
- PL<- Points
- Pfirst<- P1
- Plast<- P2
- if(Nd>=2){
- Tmp<- Op(2,Data)
- P<- Ptstart(Tmp)
- Q<- Ptend(Tmp)
- if(Norm(P2-P)>Eps && Norm(P2-Q)>Eps){
- Tmp< Length(PL)
- PL<-PL[Tmp:1,]
- Pfirst<- Ptstart(PL)
- Plast<- Ptend(PL)
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(P1-Plast)<Eps){
- Stp<-1; Ks<-2; Ke=Length(Points)
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(P2-Plast)<Eps) {
- Stp<- -1; Ks<-Length(Points)-1; Ke=1
- }
- else{
- Tmp<-Appendrow(PL,c(Inf,Inf))
- PL<- Appendrow(Tmp,Points)
- Sflg<- 1
- Pfirst<- P1
- Plast<- P2
- Stp<- 1; Ks<- Length(Points)-1; Ke<- 1
- }
- }
- for (K in seq(Ks,Ke, by=Stp)){
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,Op(K,Points))
- PL<-Tmp
- }
- Plast<- Op(Ke,Points)
- }
- }
- if(Norm(Pfirst-Plast)>Eps){
- Np<- Length(PL)
- if(Rg=="c"){
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,Pfirst)
- PL<- Tmp
- }
- else if(Rg=="s"){
- Tmp<- c(PL[1:Np,2],YMIN)
- Y<- min(Tmp)-1
- P<- c(Plast[1],Y); Q<- c(Pfirst[1],Y)
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,P)
- Tmp=Appendrow(Tmp,Q)
- PL=Appendrow(Tmp,Pfirst)
- }
- else if(Rg=="n"){
- Tmp<- c(PL[1:Np,2],YMAX)
- Y<-max(Tmp)+1
- P<- c(Plast[1],Y); Q<- c(Pfirst[1],Y)
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,P)
- Tmp<- Appendrow(Tmp,Q)
- PL<- Appendrow(Tmp,Pfirst)
- }
- else if(Rg=="w"){
- Tmp<- c(PL[1:Np,1],XMIN)
- X<- min(Tmp)-1
- P<- c(X,Plast[2]); Q<- c(X,Pfirst[2])
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,P)
- Tmp<- Appendrow(Tmp,Q)
- PL<- Appendrow(Tmp,Pfirst)
- }
- else if(Rg=="e"){
- Tmp<- c(PL[1:Np,1],XMAX)
- X<- max(Tmp)+1
- P<- c(X,Plast[2]); Q<- c(X,Pfirst[2])
- Tmp<- Appendrow(PL,P)
- Tmp<- Appendrow(Tmp,Q)
- PL<- Appendrow(Tmp,Pfirst)
- }
- else if(mode(Rg)=="numeric" && Nrow(Rg)==1 && length(Rg)>1){
- Tmp<- Kukeiwake(PL)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Tmp)
- Tmp2<- Naigai(Rg,list(Tmp1))
- if(Tmp2==c(1)){
- PL<-Op(1,Tmp)
- }
- else{
- PL<- Op(2,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Ptstart(PL)
- for (J in Looprange(2,Length(PL))){
- P<- Op(J,PL)
- Q<- Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp)
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps){
- Tmp1<-Appendrow(Tmp,P)
- Tmp<-Tmp1
- }
- }
- PL<-Tmp
- PLall<-c(PLall,list(PL))
- }
- if(length(PLall)==1 && Sflg==0){
- Tmp<- Op(1,PLall)
-# Tmp<- Op(1,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Ptstart(Tmp)-Ptend(Tmp))>Eps0){
- Tmp1<- Appendrow(Tmp,Ptstart(Tmp))
- PLall<- list(Tmp1)
- }
- }
- return(PLall)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Irng<-c(seq(from=1,to=Nargs,by=3))
- for (I in Irng)
- {
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- P<- Doscaling(Tmp)
- X<-P[1]
- Y<-P[2]
- Houkou<-varargin[[I+1]]
- Mojiretu<-varargin[[I+2]]
- Hset<-Houkou
- Vhoko<-"c"
- if(length(grep("n",Hset))>0)
- {
- Vhoko<-"n"; Y<-Y+MEMORI
- }
- if(length(grep("s",Hset))>0)
- {
- Vhoko<-"s"; Y<-Y-MEMORI
- }
- Hhoko<-"c"
- if(length(grep("e",Hset))>0)
- {
- Hhoko<-"e"; X<-X+MEMORI
- }
- if(length(grep("w",Hset))>0)
- {
- Hhoko<-"w"; X<-X-MEMORI
- }
- Hoko<-paste(Vhoko,Hhoko,sep="")
- Suu<-"+-.0123456789"
- SuuL<-Suu
- J<-1; Dstr<-""
- while (J<=nchar(Houkou))
- {
- Tmp<-substring(Houkou,J,J)
- if(length(grep(Tmp,SuuL))>0)
- {
- if(Dstr=="") Hk<-substring(Houkou,J-1,J-1)
- Dstr<-paste(Dstr,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- else
- {
- if(Dstr!="")
- {
- Nmbr<-as.numeric(Dstr)
- D<-Nmbr*MEMORI
- if(Hk=="n") Y<-Y+D
- if(Hk=="s") Y<-Y-D
- if(Hk=="e") X<-X+D
- if(Hk=="w") X<-X-D
- Dstr<-""
- }
- }
- J<-J+1
- }
- if(Dstr!="")
- {
- Nmbr<-as.numeric(Dstr)
- D<-Nmbr*MEMORI;
- if(Hk=="n") Y<-Y+D
- if(Hk=="s") Y<-Y-D
- if(Hk=="e") X<-X+D
- if(Hk=="w") X<-X-D
- }
- CalcWidth(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- CalcHeight(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- cat("\\put(",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- sprintf("%7.7f",X) # 11.07.19
- Tmp2<- sprintf("%7.7f",Y) # 11.07.19
- Str<-paste(Tmp1,",",Tmp2,sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Tmp<-"){\\hspace*{\\Width}"
- Str<-paste(Tmp,"\\raisebox{\\Height}{",Mojiretu,"}}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-Letterrot<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- V<- varargin[[2]]; N<- 3
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- V<- Doscaling(V)
- Tmov<- 0
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmov<- Tmp; N<- N+1
- }
- Nmov<- 0
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Nmov<- Tmp; N<- N+1
- }
- Mojiretu<- Assign(varargin[[N]]) #2017.11.26
- Tv<- 1/Norm(V)*V
- Nv<- c(-Tv[2],Tv[1])
- P<- P+MEMORI*Tmov*Tv+MEMORI*Nmov*Nv
- Tmp<- acos(V[1]/Norm(V))
- Theta<- round(Tmp*180/pi)
- if(V[2]>=0){
- Units<- ""
- }
- else{
- Units<- "units=-360,"
- }
- Tmp<- paste("\\rotatebox[",Units,"origin=c]{",as.character(Theta),sep="")
- Tmp<- paste(Tmp,"}{",Mojiretu,"}",sep="")
- Letter(P,"c",Tmp)
-# 10.12.04
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- A<-varargin[[1]]
- if(is.numeric(A)) {
- Tmp<-length(A)
- if(Tmp>3) {
- B <- A[(Tmp/2+1):Tmp]
- A <- A[1:(Tmp/2)]
- Is <- 2
- }
- else {
- B<-varargin[[2]]
- Is <- 3
- }
- }
- else {
- B<-A[[2]]
- A<-A[[1]]
- Is <- 2
- }
- Mag <- 100 ; Semi <- "" ## 10.12.04
- for (I in Looprange(Is,Nargs)) {
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- switch ( mode(Tmp),
- "numeric"= Mag <- Tmp,
- "character"= Semi <- Tmp
- )
- }
-V<- Mag/Norm(B-A)*(B-A) ## 10.12.04 from here
- if(Semi=="") {
- Out<- Listplot(c(A-V,A+V))
- }
- else if(Semi=="+") {
- Out<- Listplot(c(A,A+V))
- }
- else {
- Out<- Listplot(c(A-V,A))
- } ## 10.12.04 to here
- return(Out)
- varargin<-list(...);
- Z<-c();
- for (I in 1:length(varargin))
- {
- Data<-varargin[[I]];
- if(mode(Data)=="numeric")
- {
- if(class(Data)=="numeric")
- {
- Tmp<-matrix(Data,nrow=2);
- Tmp<-t(Tmp);
- Z<-Appendrow(Z,Tmp)
- }
- else
- Z<-Appendrow(Z,Data)
- }
- else
- {
- for (J in 1:length(Data))
- {
- Tmp<-Data[[J]];
- Z<-Appendrow(Z,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- return(Z)
-MakeBowdata <- function(PA,PB,H)
- Eps <- 10^(-5)
- D <- 1/2*Norm(PB-PA)
- R <- (H^2+D^2)/(2*H)
- A1 <- PA[1]; A2<-PA[2]
- B1 <- PB[1]; B2<-PB[2]
- if(abs(A2-B2)>Eps){
-# x <- poly(0,"X")
-# y <- -(A1-B1)*x/(A2-B2)+(1/2)*(A1^2+A2^2-B1^2-B2^2)/(A2-B2)
-# Eq1 <- (A1-x)^2+(A2-y)^2-R^2
-# Tmp <- coeff(Eq1)
-# C0 <- Tmp[1]; C1<-Tm[2]; C2<-Tmp[3]
- C0<- A1^2+(A2-(1/2)*(A1^2+A2^2-B1^2-B2^2)/(A2-B2))^2-R^2
- C1<- -(A1+B1)*(A2^2+B2^2-2*A2*B2-2*A1*B1+A1^2+B1^2)/(A2-B2)^2
- C2<- 1+(A1-B1)^2/(A2-B2)^2
- Det <- sqrt(C1^2-4*C0*C2)
- Ansx1 <- (-C1+Det)/(2*C2)
- Ansx2 <- (-C1-Det)/(2*C2)
- Tmp <- -(A1-B1)*Ansx1/(A2-B2)+(1/2)*(A1^2+A2^2-B1^2-B2^2)/(A2-B2)
- PC <- c(Ansx1,Tmp)
- Tmp <--(A1-B1)*Ansx2/(A2-B2)+(1/2)*(A1^2+A2^2-B1^2-B2^2)/(A2-B2)
- PC2 <- c(Ansx2,Tmp)
- }
- else{
- Tmp <- 0.5*(PA+PB)
- PC <- Tmp+c(0,R-H) # 11.06.02
- PC2 <- Tmp-c(0,R-H)
- }
- VA <- PA-PC
- VB <- PB-PC
- if(VA[1]*VB[2]-VA[2]*VB[1]<0) {
- PC <- PC2
- }
- AngA <- acos((PA[1]-PC[1])/R)
- if(PA[2]-PC[2]<0){
- AngA <- -AngA
- }
- AngB <- acos((PB[1]-PC[1])/R)
- if(PB[2]-PC[2]<0){
- AngB <- -AngB
- }
- if(AngA>AngB) {
- AngB <- AngB+2*pi
- }
- Out <- list(PC,R,AngA,AngB)
- return(Out)
-MakeCurves<-function(...){ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<-list(...)
- Figdata<-varargin[[1]]
- if(class(Figdata)=="numeric"){
- Figdata<-matrix(Figdata,nrow=1)
- }
- Ptout<-1
- if(length(varargin)>=2) Ptout<-varargin[[2]]
- Eps<-10.0^(-6)
- IndM<-Dataindex(Figdata)
- Atos<-c()
- for (Nd in 1:Nrow(IndM)){
- Tmp<-IndM[Nd,]
- Motos<-Figdata[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- All<-Nrow(Motos)
- if(Nrow(Motos)==1){
- if(InWindow(Motos)=="o"){
- next
- }
- Tmp1<- as.numeric(Motos)
- if(Ptout==1){
- Drwpt(Tmp1)
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- Atos<-Appendrow(Atos,c(Inf,Inf),Tmp1)
- next
- }
- }
- Crv<-c()
- for (I in Looprange(2,All)){
- P<- Op(I-1,Motos)
- Q<- Op(I,Motos)
- Snbn<-MeetWindow(P,Q)
- if(length(Snbn)==0){
- if(length(Crv)>0){
- Atos<-Appendrow(Atos,c(Inf,Inf),Doscaling(Crv))
- Crv<-c()
- }
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(Snbn[1,]-Snbn[2,])<Eps){ next} # naosi 101202
- if(length(Crv)==0){
- Crv<-Snbn
- }
- else{
- Tmp<-Op(Nrow(Crv),Crv)
- if(Norm(Tmp-Op(1,Snbn))<Eps){
- Crv<-Appendrow(Crv,Op(2,Snbn))
- }
- else{
- Atos<-Appendrow(Atos,c(Inf,Inf),Doscaling(Crv))
- Crv<-Snbn
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Nrow(Crv)>=2)
- {
- Atos<-Appendrow(Atos,c(Inf,Inf),Doscaling(Crv))
- }
- }
- Outdata<-Atos[2:Nrow(Atos),]
- if(class(Outdata)=="numeric")
- {
- Outdata<-matrix(Outdata,nrow=1)
- }
- return(Outdata)
-Makehasen<- function(Figdata,Sen,Gap,Ptn)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- Clist<- MakeCurves(Figdata)
- DinM<- Dataindex(Clist)
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))){
- Tmp<- DinM[N,]
- Data<- Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Dtall<- Nrow(Data)
- Len<- 0
- Lenlist<- c(0)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Dtall)){
- Len<- Len+Norm(Data[I,]-Data[I-1,])
- Lenlist<- c(Lenlist,Len)
- }
- Lenall<- Lenlist[Dtall]
- if(Lenall==0){
- next
- }
- Kari<- (Sen+Gap)*0.1
- Naga<- Sen*0.1
- Tobi<- Gap*0.1
- if(Norm(Data[1,]-Data[Dtall,])<Eps){
- Nsen<- max(ceiling(Lenall/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall/Nsen
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(0,(Nsen-1)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- else{
- if(Ptn==0){
- Nsen<- max(ceiling((Lenall+Tobi)/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall*(Sen+Gap)/(Nsen*Sen+(Nsen-1)*Gap)
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(0,(Nsen-1)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- else{
- Nsen<- max(ceiling((Lenall+Naga)/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall*(Sen+Gap)/((Nsen-1)*Sen+Nsen*Gap)
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(Tobi,Tobi+(Nsen-2)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- }
- Hajime<- 1; Owari<- 1
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(SegList))){
- Len<- SegList[I]
- J<- Owari
- while (Len>=Lenlist[J]-Eps){
- if(J==Dtall){
- break
- }
- J<- J+1
- }
- Hajime<- J-1
- J<- Hajime
- while (Len+Naga>Lenlist[J]-Eps){
- if(J==Dtall){
- break
- }
- J<- J+1
- }
- Owari<- J-1
- T<- (Len-Lenlist[Hajime])
- T<- T/(Lenlist[Hajime+1]-Lenlist[Hajime])
- P<- Data[Hajime,]+T*(Data[Hajime+1,]-Data[Hajime,])
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- for (J in Looprange(Hajime+1,Owari)){
- P<- Data[J,]
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- }
- T<- (Len+Naga-Lenlist[Owari])
- T<- T/(Lenlist[Owari+1]-Lenlist[Owari])
- P<- Data[Owari,]+T*(Data[Owari+1,]-Data[Owari,])
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str1<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- Str2<- "\\special{fp}"
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str1)+nchar(Str2)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- }
- cat("%\n%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
-Makeliststr<- function(L)
- Out="list("
- for (I in 1:length(L)){
- Dt<- L[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric"){
- if(length(Dt)==1){
- Dts<- as.character(Dt)
- }
- else{
- Dts<- "c("
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Dt))){
- for (K in 1:ncol(Dt)){
- Dts<- paste(Dts,as.character(Dt[J,K]),sep="")
- if(K< ncol(Dt)){
- Dts<- paste(Dts,",",sep="")
- }
- }
- if(J<Nrow(Dt)){
- Dts<- paste(Dts,";",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Dts<- paste(Dts,")",sep="")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Dts<- paste(Prime(),Dt,Prime(),sep="")
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="list"){
- Dts<- Makeliststr(Dt)
- }
- Out<- paste(Out,Dts,sep="")
- if(I<length(L)){
- Out<- paste(Out,",")
- }
- else{
- Out<- paste(Out,")",sep="")
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Makeshasen<- function(PtnL,PA,V,Bdy)
- Eps<- 10^(-6)
- TenL<- KoutenList(PA,V,Bdy)
- Nten<- length(TenL)
- Call<- length(Bdy)
- Ptn<- c(seq(0, 0, length=Call))
- Out<- list()
- GL<- c()
- Te<- -10^6
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nten-1)){
- TenP<- Op(I,TenL); TenQ<- Op(I+1,TenL)
- Ts<- Op(1,TenP)
- P<- Op(2,TenP); Q<- Op(2,TenQ)
- NC<- Op(4,TenP)
- Tmp<- (Op(NC,Ptn)+1) %% 2
- Ptn[NC]<- Tmp
- if(Op(1,TenQ)-Ts>Eps){
- if(Member(Ptn,PtnL)){
- if(abs(Te-Ts)>Eps){
- if(Nrow(GL)>0){
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Out, list(GL))
- Out<- Tmp
- }
- GL<- Listplot(P,Q)
- }
- else{
- Tmp <- Appendrow(GL, Q)
- GL<- Tmp
- }
- Te<- Op(1,TenQ)
- }
- }
- }
- if(Nrow(GL)>0){
- Tmp<- Mixjoin(Out, list(GL))
- Out<- Tmp
- }
- return(Out)
-Mawarikomi<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- haba<- "10cm"
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs>0){
- haba<- varargin[[1]]
- }
- cat("\\begin{mawarikomi}%\n",file="",append=TRUE)
- cat("%<1>[5](0,0)%\n",file="",append=TRUE)
- Str<- paste("{",haba,"}{%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file="",append=TRUE)
- cat("}%\n",file="",append=TRUE)
- cat("\\end{mawarikomi}",file="",append=TRUE)
- if(InWindow(PA)=="i" && InWindow(PB)=="i")
- {
- R<-Appendrow(PA,PB)
- return(R)
- };
- Horner<-function(n,t)
- {
- PT<-(1-t)*PA+t*PB;
- return(PT[n])
- }
- Eps<-10.0^(-6);
- Txm<-(-1); TxM<-(-1); Tym<-(-1); TyM<-(-1);
- if(PA[1]!=PB[1])
- {
- Txm<-(XMIN-PA[1])/(PB[1]-PA[1]);
- TxM<-(XMAX-PA[1])/(PB[1]-PA[1]);
- }
- if(PA[2]!=PB[2])
- {
- Tym<-(YMIN-PA[2])/(PB[2]-PA[2]);
- TyM<-(YMAX-PA[2])/(PB[2]-PA[2]);
- }
- Tmp<-Horner(2,Txm);
- if(Tmp<YMIN-Eps || Tmp>YMAX+Eps)
- {
- Txm<-(-1);
- }
- Tmp<-Horner(2,TxM);
- if(Tmp<YMIN-Eps || Tmp>YMAX+Eps)
- {
- TxM<-(-1)
- }
- Tmp<-Horner(1,Tym);
- if(Tmp<XMIN-Eps || Tmp>XMAX+Eps)
- {
- Tym<--1
- }
- Tmp<-Horner(1,TyM);
- if(Tmp<XMIN-Eps || Tmp>XMAX+Eps)
- {
- TyM<--1
- }
- Tans<-sort(c(Txm,TxM,Tym,TyM));
- Tmp<-c();
- for (I in 1:length(Tans))
- {
- Tmp1<-Tans[I];
- if(Tmp1>-Eps && Tmp1<1+Eps)
- {
- if(length(Tmp)==0)
- {
- Tmp<-c(Tmp1);
- }
- else
- {
- if(abs(Tmp[length(Tmp)]-Tmp1)>Eps)
- {
- Tmp<-c(Tmp,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tans<-Tmp;
- if(length(Tans)==0)
- {
- R<-c();
- return(R);
- }
- if(length(Tans)==1)
- {
- Ten1<-Horner(1:2,Tans[1]);
- if(InWindow(PA)=="i")
- {
- R<-Appendrow(PA,Ten1)
- return(R)
- }
- else
- {
- R<-Appendrow(Ten1,PB)
- return(R)
- }
- }
- Ten1<-Horner(1:2,Tans[1])
- Ten2<-Horner(1:2,Tans[2])
- R<-Appendrow(Ten1,Ten2)
- return(R)
-# New 10.03.21
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- M<- list()
- for (I in 1:Nargs)
- {
- Tmp<-varargin[[I]]
- if(length(Tmp)==0) next
- if(Mixtype(Tmp)==1)
- {
- Tmp<-list(Tmp)
- }
- if(length(M)==0){
- M <- Tmp
- }
- else{
- M<- c(M,Tmp)
- }
- }
- return(M)
-Mixlength<- function(PL){
- if(length(PL)==0){
- return(0)
- }
- if(Mixtype(PL)==1){
- Out<- Nrow(PL)
- }
- else{
- Out<- length(PL)
- }
- return(Out)
-Mixtype<- function(D)
- if(mode(D)!="list") return(1)
- for (I in 1:length(D))
- {
- Tmp<- D[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="list") return(3)
- }
- return(2)
-Naigai<- function(A,Bdy)
- V<- c(1,1)
- Call<-length(Bdy)
- KL<- KoutenList(A,V,Bdy)
- Ptn<- seq(1,1,length=Call)
- for (K in Looprange(1,length(KL)))
- {
- Ten<- Op(K,KL)
- T<- Op(1,Ten); NC<- Op(4,Ten)
- if(T<0)
- {
- Tmp<- (Ptn[NC]+1) %% 2
- Ptn[NC]<- Tmp
- }
- }
- return(Ptn)
-Nearestpt<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- PL1<- varargin[[1]]
- if(!is.matrix(PL1)){
- Tmp<- matrix(PL1);
- PL1<- t(Tmp)
- }
- if(Nrow(PL1)==1) Flg=0
- else Flg=1
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- PL<- varargin[[2]]
- Ans<- list(PL1[1,],1,PL[1,],1,Norm(PL1[1,]-PL[1,]))
- for(N in Looprange(1,Nrow(PL1))){
- PA<- PL1[N,]
- Pm<- PL[1,]
- Im<- 1
- Sm<- Norm(Pm-PA)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Nrow(PL)-1)){
- A1<- PL[I,1]; A2<-PL[I,2]
- B1<- PL[I+1,1]; B2<-PL[I+1,2]
- V1<- B1-A1; V2<-B2-A2
- X1<- PA[1]; X2<-PA[2]
- Tmp<-V2^2+V1^2
- if(abs(Tmp)<Eps) next
- T<- (-A2*V2-V1*A1+V1*X1+X2*V2)/Tmp
- if(T< -Eps){
- P<- c(A1,A2)
- }else{
- if(T>1+Eps){
- P<- c(B1,B2)
- }else{
- P<- c(A1+T*V1,A2+T*V2)
- }
- }
- S<- Norm(P-PA)
- if(S<Sm-Eps){
- Tmp<- Paramoncurve(P,I,PL)
- Pm<- P; Im<- Tmp; Sm<- S
- }
- }
- if(Sm<Op(5,Ans)) Ans<- list(PA,N,Pm,Im,Sm)
- if(Flg==0){
- Ans<- Ans[3:5]
- }
- }
- return(Ans)
-Newlength<- function()
- Tmp1<- "\\newlength{\\Width}%\n"
- Tmp2<- "\\newlength{\\Height}%\n"
- Tmp3<- "\\newlength{\\Depth}%\n"
- cat(Tmp1,file="",append=TRUE);
- cat(Tmp2,file="",append=TRUE);
- cat(Tmp3,file="",append=TRUE);
- return(Nrow(Fig))
-# 2018.01.29
-Length<- function(Data){
- if(is.matrix(Data)){return(nrow(Data))}
- if(is.character(Data)){return(nchar(Data))}
- return(length(Data))
- C <- c()
- if(length(Data)==0) return(C)
- if(mode(Data)=="list"){
- if(class(Data)=="data.frame"){ # 10.02.23
- C<- Data[N,]
- }
- else{
- C<- Data[[N]]
- }
- return(C)
- }
- if(mode(Data)=="character"){
- if(length(Data)==1){
- C<- substring(Data,N,N)
- }
- else{
- C<- Data[N]
- }
- return(C)
- }
- if(mode(Data)=="numeric"){
- if(class(Data)=="matrix"){
- Din<- Dataindex(Data)
- if(nrow(Din)==1){
- C<- Data[N,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Din[N,1]
- Tmp2<- Din[N,2]
- C<- Data[Tmp1:Tmp2,]
- }
- }
- else{
- C=Data[N]
- }
- }
- return(C)
-# 2013.05.20 Changed ( Creator recorded)
-# 2013.12.18 Beginpicture inclued
- varargin<- list(...)
- File<- varargin[[1]]
- Bflg<- 0
- Wfile<<- File
- Creator<- ""
- Cflg<- 0
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- for(N in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[N]]
- Tmp1<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- Tmp1[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp1)>1){
- Creator<- Tmp1[2]
- Cflg<- 1
- }
- else{
- Unitstr<- Tmp
- Bflg<- 1
- }
- }
- Recentf<- ""
- Fv<- list.files()
- Nv<- grep("\\.r$", Fv)
- Rfiles<- Fv[Nv]
- StrW<- paste("%%% ",File,sep="") #17.10.28
- StrC<- paste("%%% Generator=",Creator,sep="")
- if(Cflg==0){
- }
- cat(StrW,"\n",file=Wfile)
- cat(StrC,"\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- if(Bflg==1){
- Beginpicture(Unitstr)
- }
-Openpar<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- Tmp1<- substr(Tmp,1,1)
- if(Tmp1=="\\"){
- Namestr<- Tmp
- N<- 2
- }
- else{
- Namestr<- "\\tmp"
- N<- 1
- }
- Habastr<- varargin[[N]]
- if(Nargs>N){
- Posstr<- paste("[",varargin[[N+1]],"]",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Posstr<- "[c]"
- }
- Openphr(Namestr)
- S<- paste("\\begin{minipage}",Posstr,"{",Habastr,"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(S,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Openphr<- function(Str)
- S<- paste("\\def",Str,"{%\n",sep="")
- cat(S,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Ovalbox<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Pos<- varargin[[1]]
- Dr<- varargin[[2]]
- StrV<- varargin[[3]]
- R<- 0.2
- NDflg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- R<- Tmp
- }
- else{
- if(substr(Tmp,1,1)=="-"){
- NDflg<- 1
- Tmp1<- substr(Tmp,2,nchar(Tmp))
- Cmdstr<- chartr("*","G",Tmp1)
- }
- }
- }
- Xr<- c(XMIN,XMAX)
- Yr<- c(YMIN,YMAX)
- Uv<- 0.6; Uh<- 0.8
- N<- nchar(StrV)
- W<- Uh;H<- Uv*N
- Setwindow(c(-W/2,W/2),c(-H,0))
- G<- Ovaldata(c(0,-H/2),W/2,H/2,R)
- Openphr("\\ketpictmp")
- Beginpicture("1cm")
- if(NDflg==0){
- Drwline(G)
- }
- else{
- eval(parse(text=Cmdstr))
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,N)){
- Letter(c(0,Uv/2-Uv*I),"c",Op(I,StrV))
- }
- Endpicture(0)
- Closephr()
- Setwindow(Xr,Yr)
- Letter(Pos,Dr,"\\ketpictmp")
-Ovaldata<- function(...) #17.09.11
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==1){
- Eps<- 1.0*10^(-4)
- C<- c((XMIN+XMAX)/2,(YMIN+YMAX)/2)
- Dx<- XMAX-C(1)-Eps
- Dy<- YMAX-C(2)-Eps
- N<- 1
- }
- else{
- C<- varargin[[1]]
- Dx<- varargin[[2]]
- Dy<- varargin[[3]]
- N<- 4
- }
- Rc<- 0.2
- if(N<=Nargs){ #15.11.15
- Rc<- varargin[[N]]*Rc #15.11.15
- }
- Out<- c()
- P<- C+c(Dx-Rc,Dy-Rc)
- Tmp1<- Circledata(c(P,Rc),"R=c(0,pi/2)","N=10") #17.11.29
- Tmp2<- Listplot(C+c(Dx-Rc,Dy),C+c(0,Dy))
- Tmp3<- Listplot(C+c(Dx,0),C+c(Dx,Dy-Rc))
- G<- Joincrvs(Tmp3,Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- Reflectdata(G,c(C,C+c(0,1)))
- G<- Joincrvs(G,Tmp)
- Tmp<- Reflectdata(G,c(C,C+c(1,0)))
- Out<- Joincrvs(G,Tmp)
-Paramark<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- PA<- varargin[[1]]
- PB<- varargin[[2]]
- PC<- varargin[[3]]
- R<- 0.5
- if(Nargs>=4){
- R<- varargin[[4]]*R
- }
- U<- R*(PA-PB)/Norm(PA-PB)
- V<- R*(PC-PB)/Norm(PC-PB)
- if(Crossprod(PA-PB,PC-PB)!=0){
- P<- Listplot(c(PB+U,PB+U+V,PB+V))
- }
- else{
- P<- c()
- }
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Eps<-10^(-8)
- P<-varargin[[1]]
- Gdata<-varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(Nrow(P)>1){
- Tmp<-P; P<-Gdata; Gdata<-Tmp
- }
- if(Nargs==2){
- Tmp<-Nearestpt(P,Gdata)
- Out<-Tmp[[2]]
- return(Out)
- }
- N<-varargin[[2]]
- PtL<-Gdata
- N=min(N,Length(PtL)-1) #18.02.11from
- Pa<-Ptcrv(N,PtL)
- Pb<-Ptcrv(N+1,PtL)
- V<-Pb-Pa
- W<-P-Pa
- D2<-Norm(V)^2
- if(D2<Eps) return(0)
- S<-Dotprod(V,W)/D2
- S<-min(max(S,0),1)
- Out=N+S #18.02.11until
- return(Out)
-Paramplot<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-5)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fnflg<- 0
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]; Is=2
- Rgstr<- varargin[[Is]]; Is<- Is+1
- Range<- c(0,2*pi)
- N<- 50 # Numpoints
- E<-c() # Exclusions
- D<- Inf # Discont
- for (I in Looprange(Is,Nargs))
- {
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Tmp,"=")
- K<- Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp<- K[1]
- Lhs<- substring(Tmp,1,1)
- Tmp1<- K[2]
- Str<-paste(Lhs,"=",Tmp1,sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Rgstr,"=")
- K<-Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(K)>1)
- {
- Vname<- K[1]
- Tmp1<- K[2]
- Rng<- eval(parse(text=Tmp1))
- }
- else
- {
- Vname<- Rgstr
- Rng<- c(0,2*pi)
- }
- T1<- Rng[1]; T2<- Rng[2]
- Dt<- (T2-T1)/N #17.09.22
- if(Fnflg==0)
- {
- Str<- gsub(Vname,"t",Fnstr)
- }
- if(abs(Dt)<Eps){ # 16.12.13
- t=T1
- P=eval(parse(text=Str))
- return(P)
- }
- P<-c()
- if(length(E)>0)
- {
- E<-sort(E)
- E<E[length(E):1]
- }
- E<- c(E, Inf)
- Tmp<- sort(E)
- E<- E[length(Tmp):1]
- Ke<- 1
-# for (t in seq(T1, T2+Eps, by=Dt)){#18.02.05
- for(jj in 1:(N+1)){
- t=T1+(jj-1)*Dt
- Pa<- c()
- if(t-E[Ke]< Eps)
- {
- if(Fnflg==0)
- {
- Tmp<-eval(parse(text=Str))
- Pa<- Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- if(abs(t-E[Ke])<=Eps)
- {
- if(Nrow(P)>0 && Op(Nrow(P),P)!=c(Inf,Inf))
- {
- Pa<- c(Inf,Inf)
- }
- }
- if(t-E[Ke]>Eps)
- {
- if(Fnflg==0)
- {
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- Pa<- Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- }
- Ke<-Ke+1
- }
- if(length(Pa)>0)
- {
- if(Pa[1]==Inf)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- if(Nrow(P)==0)
- {
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp<- Op(Nrow(P),P)
- if(Tmp[1]==Inf)
- {
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<- Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- if(Norm(Tmp-Pa)<D)
- {
- Tmp<-Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else
- {
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,c(Inf,Inf),Pa)
- P<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Nrow(P)
- Tmp1<- Op(Tmp,P)
- if(Tmp1[1]==Inf)
- {
- P<- P[1:(Tmp-1),]
- }
- return(P)
-Partcrv<- function(A,B,PkL)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-3)
- if(mode(A)=="numeric" && length(A)==1){
- if(A>B+Eps){
- Npt<- Numptcrv(PkL)
- Out1<- Partcrv(A,Npt,PkL)
- Out2<- Partcrv(1,B,PkL)
- Tmp<- Ptstart(PkL)-Ptend(PkL)
- if(Norm(Tmp)<Eps){
- Ans<- Joincrvs(Out1,Out2)
- }
- else{
- Ans<- list(Out1,Out2)
- }
- return(Ans)
- }
- Is<- ceiling(A)
- Ie<- floor(B)
- PL<- c()
- if(A<Is-Eps){
- P<- (Is-A)*PkL[Is-1,]+(1-Is+A)*PkL[Is,]
- PL<- c(P)
- }
- PL<- Appendrow(PL, PkL[Looprange(Is,Ie),])
- if(B>Ie+Eps){
- P<- (1-B+Ie)*PkL[Ie,]+(B-Ie)*PkL[Ie+1,]
- PL<- Appendrow(PL,P)
- }
- Ans<- PL
- return(Ans)
- }
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(A,PkL)
- Ta<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Tmp<- Nearestpt(B,PkL)
- Tb<- Op(2,Tmp)
- Ans<- Partcrv(Ta,Tb,PkL)
-# 13.05.03
-Partframe<- function(Tb,St,Ed)
- G<- Dividetable(Tb)
- Gw<- G[[1]]
- Gt<- G[[2]]
- Gy<- G[[3]]
- Gwt<- Tb[[4]]
- Gwy<- Tb[[5]]
- Gat<- c(list(Gwt[[1]]),Gt,list(Gwt[[2]]))
- Gay<- c(list(Gwy[[1]]),Gy,list(Gwy[[2]]))
- Tmp1<- Ptstart(Gat[[St[1]]])
- Tmp2<- Ptstart(Gay[[St[2]]])
- Ps<- c(Tmp1[1],Tmp2[2])
- Tmp1<- Ptstart(Gat[[Ed[1]]])
- Tmp2<- Ptstart(Gay[[Ed[2]]])
- Pe<- c(Tmp1[1],Tmp2[2])
- Pars<- Paramoncurve(Ps,Gw)
- Pare<- Paramoncurve(Pe,Gw)
- if(Pars<Pare){
- Out<- Partcrv(Pars,Pare,Gw)
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Partcrv(Pars,Numptcrv(Gw),Gw)
- Tmp2<- Partcrv(1,Pare,Gw)
- Out<- Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- }
-# 10.12.04
-Plotdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-5)
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]; Is<- 2
- Fnflg<- 0
- Rgstr<- varargin[[Is]]; Is<- Is+1
- Tmp<- strsplit(Rgstr,"=")
- K<-Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(K)>1){
- Vname<- K[1]
- Tmp1<- K[2]
- Rng<- eval(parse(text=Tmp1))
- }
- else{
- Vname<- Rgstr
- Rng<- c(XMIN,XMAX)
- }
- N<- 50 # Numpoints
- E<-c() # Exclusions
- Exfun<- "" # Exclusion function
- D<- Inf # Discont
- for (I in Looprange(Is,length(varargin))){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- Lhs<- substring(Tmp,1,1)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Tmp,"=")
- K<- Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp1<- K[2]
- Tmp2<- grep(Vname,Tmp1,fixed=TRUE) ## 10.12.04
- if(length(Tmp2)==0){
- Str<-paste(Lhs,"=",Tmp1,sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- else{
- Exfun<-Tmp1
- }
- }
- X1<- Rng[1]; X2<- Rng[2]
- dx<- (X2-X1)/N # 17.09.22
- if(Fnflg==0){
- Str<- gsub(Vname,"x",Fnstr,fixed=TRUE)
- }
- if(abs(dx)<Eps){ # Scilab 16.12.13
- x=X1
- P=c(X1,eval(parse(text=Str)))
- return(P)
- }
- Exfun<- gsub(Vname,"x",Exfun,fixed=TRUE)
- P<-c()
- if(length(E)>0){
- E<-sort(E)
- E<E[length(E):1]
- }
- E<- c(E, Inf)
- Tmp<- sort(E)
- E<- E[length(Tmp):1]
- Ke<- 1
- for (x in seq(X1,X2,by=dx)){
- if(nchar(Exfun)>0){
- Tmp<-eval(parse(text=Exfun))
- if(abs(Tmp)<Eps){
- P<- Appendrow(P,c(Inf,inf))
- next
- }
- }
- Pa<- c()
- if(x-E[Ke]< -Eps){ ## 10.12.04
- Tmp<-eval(parse(text=Str))
- Pa<- c(x,Tmp)
- }
- if(abs(x-E[Ke])<=Eps){
- if(Nrow(P)>0 && P[Nrow(P),]!=c(Inf,Inf)){
- Pa<- c(Inf,Inf)
- }
- }
- if(x-E[Ke]>Eps){
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- Pa<- c(x,Tmp)
- Ke<-Ke+1
- }
- if(length(Pa)>0){
- if(Pa[1]==Inf){
- Tmp<-Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else{
- if(Nrow(P)==0){
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- P[Nrow(P),]
- if(Tmp[1]==Inf){
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<- Tmp
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(Tmp-Pa)<D){
- Tmp<-Appendrow(P,Pa)
- P<-Tmp
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Appendrow(P,c(Inf,Inf),Pa)
- P<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Nrow(P)
- Tmp1<-P[Tmp,]
- if(Tmp1[1]==Inf)
- {
- P<- P[1:(Tmp-1),]
- }
- return(P)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Eps<-10^(-4)
- T<-varargin[[1]]
- Gdata<-varargin[[2]]
- if(Nrow(T)>1)
- {
- Tmp<-T; T<-Gdata; Gdata<-Tmp
- }
- PtL<-Gdata
- N<-trunc(T+Eps);
- S<-max(T-N,0);
- if(N==Nrow(PtL))
- {
- Out<-PtL[N,]
- }
- else
- {
- Pa<-PtL[N,]
- Pb<-PtL[N+1,]
- Out<-(1-S)*Pa+S*Pb
- }
- return(Out)
-# 10.11.20
-# 13.05.03 Inf
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- PL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nargs)){ # 10.11.20
- DL<-varargin[[I]]
- DL<- Flattenlist(DL) # 10.11.20 from here
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(DL))){
- Dt<- DL[[J]]
- if(is.matrix(Dt)||{
- for (K in 1:nrow(Dt)){
- Tmp<- as.numeric(Dt[K,])
- if(Tmp[1]<Inf){
- PL<- c(PL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- PL<- c(PL,list(Dt))
- }
- }
- } # to here
- if(length(PL)==1)
- {
- PL<-PL[[1]]
- }
- return(PL)
-Prime<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out="'"
- }
- else{
- Out<- paste(varargin[[1]],"'",sep="")
- }
- return(Out)
-# 17.09.29
- if(is.matrix(Fig)){
- return(Fig[N,])
- }
- else{
- return(Fig)
- }
- if(Length(Fig)>0){ #18.02.09
- return(Op(Length(Fig),Fig))
- }else{
- return(c())
- }
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out<- c(XMAX,YMAX)
- }
- else{
- G<- varargin[[1]]
- XM<- max(G[,1])
- YM<- max(G[,2])
- Out<- c(XM,YM)
- }
- return(Out)
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out<- c(XMIN,YMAX)
- }
- else{
- G<- varargin[[1]]
- Xm<- min(G[,1])
- YM<- max(G[,2])
- Out<- c(Xm,YM)
- }
- return(Out)
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out<- c(XMAX,YMIN)
- }
- else{
- G<- varargin[[1]]
- XM<- max(G[,1])
- Ym<- min(G[,2])
- Out<- c(XM,Ym)
- }
- return(Out)
- if(Length(Fig)>0){ #18.02.09
- return(Op(1,Fig))
- }else{
- return(c())
- }
- varargin<- list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- Out<- c(XMIN,YMAX)
- }
- else{
- G<- varargin[[1]]
- Xm<- min(G[,1])
- Ym<- min(G[,2])
- Out<- c(Xm,Ym)
- }
- return(Out)
-Putcell<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- Str<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(mode(Str)=="numeric"){
- Str<- as.character(Str)
- }
- Pos<- varargin[[Nargs-1]]
- Nrg<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Nrg)=="character"){
- if(Nargs==4){
- Cell<- Findcell(TbL,Nrg)
- }
- else{
- Mrg<- varargin[[3]]
- Cell<- Findcell(TbL,Nrg,Mrg)
- }
- }
- else{
- Mrg<- varargin[[3]]
- Cell<- Findcell(TbL,Nrg,Mrg)
- }
- Pt<- Cell[[1]]; Dr<- "c"
- Posh<- substr(Pos,1,1)
- Post<- substr(Pos,2,nchar(Pos))
- if(toupper(Posh)=="R"){
- Pt<- Pt+c(Cell[[2]],0)
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "w1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("w",Post,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(toupper(Posh)=="L"){
- Pt=Pt-c(Cell[[2]],0)
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "e1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("e",Post,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(toupper(Posh)=="U"){
- Pt<- Pt+c(0,Cell[[3]])
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "s1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("s",Post,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(toupper(Posh)=="D"){
- Pt<- Pt-c(0,Cell[[3]])
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "n1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("n",Post,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(toupper(Posh)=="B"){
- Pt<- Pt-c(0,Cell[[3]])
- if(nchar(Post)==0){
- Dr<- "n1"
- }
- else{
- Dr<- paste("n",Post,sep="")
- }
- Str<- paste("$\\mathstrut$",Str,sep="")
- }
- Letter(Pt,Dr,Str)
-PutcoL<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(TbL)!="list"){
- return("Tabledata missing")
- }
- Ag<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Ag)=="numeric"){
- CoL<- Ag
- }
- else{
- Clm<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ag))){
- C<- substr(Ag,I,I)
- C<- toupper(C)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Alpha,C)
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Tmp1<- nchar(Tmp[1])
- Clm<- c(Clm,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Nrg<- 0
- for (I in seq(length(Clm),1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- Clm[I]
- Tmp1<- length(Clm)-I
- Nrg<- Nrg+Tmp*26^Tmp1
- }
- CoL<- Nrg
- }
- Nc<- length(TbL[[3]])+1
- K<- 1
- Dpos<- varargin[[3]]
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- if(I-3>Nc){
- break
- }
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)!="list"){
- Putcell(TbL,CoL,K,Dpos,Dt) # 2011.03.02
- K<- K+1
- }
- else{
- N<- length(Dt)
- Str<- Dt[[N]]
- Rrng<- c(K,K+1)
- Pos<- Dpos
- for (J in Looprange(1,N-1)){
- Tmp<- Dt[[J]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Rrng<- c(K,K+Tmp)
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Pos<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Putcell(TbL,CoL,Rrng,Pos,Str)
- K<- Crng[2]
- }
- }
-Putcol<- function(...)
- PutcoL(...)
-PutcoLexpr<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(TbL)!="list"){
- return("Tabledata missing")
- }
- Ag<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Ag)=="numeric"){
- CoL<- Ag
- }
- else{
- Clm<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ag))){
- C<- substr(Ag,I,I)
- C<- toupper(C)
- Tmp<- strsplit(Alpha,C)
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Tmp1<- nchar(Tmp[1])
- Clm<- c(Clm,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Nrg<- 0
- for (I in seq(length(Clm),1,by=-1)){
- Tmp<- Clm[I]
- Tmp1<- length(Clm)-I
- Nrg<- Nrg+Tmp*26^Tmp1
- }
- CoL<- Nrg
- }
- Nc<- length(TbL[[3]])+1
- K<- 1
- Dpos<- varargin[[3]]
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- if(I-3>Nc){
- break
- }
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)!="list"){
- Dt<- paste("$",Dt,"$",sep="")
- Putcell(TbL,CoL,K,Dpos,Dt) # 2011.03.02
- K<- K+1
- }
- else{
- N<- length(Dt)
- Str<- paste("$",Dt[[N]],"$",sep="")
- Rrng<- c(K,K+1)
- Pos<- Dpos
- for (J in Looprange(1,N-1)){
- Tmp<- Dt[[J]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Rrng<- c(K,K+Tmp)
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Pos<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Putcell(TbL,CoL,Rrng,Pos,Str)
- K<- Crng[2]
- }
- }
-Putcolexpr<- function(...)
- PutcoLexpr(...)
-PutcoLstr<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Tb<- varargin[[1]]
- Nr<- varargin[[2]]
- Pos<- varargin[[3]]
- Str<- varargin[[4]]
- Sep<- ""
- if(Nargs>4){
- Sep<- varargin[[5]]
- }
- if(nchar(Sep)==0){
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Str))){
- Tmp<- substr(Str,I,I)
- Putcell(Tb,Nr,I,Pos,Tmp)
- }
- }
- else{
- Ltr<- ""
- K<- 1
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(Str))){
- Tmp<- substr(Str,I,I)
- if(Tmp==Sep){
- Putcell(Tb,Nr,K,Pos,Ltr)
- K<- K+1
- Ltr<- ""
- }
- else{
- Ltr<- paste(Ltr,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(nchar(Ltr)>0){
- Putcell(Tb,Nr,K,Pos,Ltr)
- }
- }
-Putrow<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(TbL)!="list"){
- return("Tabledata missing")
- }
- Row<- varargin[[2]]
- Nr<- length(TbL[[2]])+1
- K<- 1
- Dpos<- varargin[[3]]
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- if(I-3>Nr){
- break;
- }
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)!="list"){
- Putcell(TbL,K,Row,Dpos,Dt) # 110308
- K<- K+1
- }
- else{
- N<- length(Dt)
- Str<- Dt[[N]]
- Crng<- c(K,K+1)
- Pos<- Dpos
- for (J in Looprange(1,N-1)){
- Tmp<- Dt[[J]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Crng<- c(K,K+Tmp)
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Pos<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Putcell(TbL,Crng,Row,Pos,Str)
- K<- Crng[2]
- }
- }
-Putrowexpr<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- TbL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(TbL)!="list"){
- return("Tabledata missing")
- }
- Row<- varargin[[2]]
- Nr<- length(TbL[[2]])+1
- K<- 1
- Dpos<- varargin[[3]]
- for (I in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- if(I-3>Nr){
- break;
- }
- Dt<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Dt)!="list"){
- Dt<- paste("$",Dt,"$",sep="")
- Putcell(TbL,K,Row,Dpos,Dt) #110308
- K<- K+1
- }
- else{
- N<- length(Dt)
- Str<- paste("$",Dt[[N]],"$",sep="")
- Crng<- c(K,K+1)
- Pos<- Dpos
- for (J in Looprange(1,N-1)){
- Tmp<- Dt[[J]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Crng<- c(K,K+Tmp)
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- Pos<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Putcell(TbL,Crng,Row,Pos,Str)
- K<- Crng[2]
- }
- }
-Putrowstr<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Tb<- varargin[[1]]
- Nr<- varargin[[2]]
- Pos<- varargin[[3]]
- Str<- varargin[[4]]
- Sep<- ""
- if(Nargs>4){
- Sep<- varargin[[5]]
- }
- if(nchar(Sep)==0){
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Str))){
- Tmp<- substr(Str,I,I)
- Putcell(Tb,I,Nr,Pos,Tmp)
- }
- }
- else{
- Ltr<- ""
- K<- 1
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(Str))){
- Tmp<- substr(Str,I,I)
- if(Tmp==Sep){
- Putcell(Tb,K,Nr,Pos,Ltr)
- K<- K+1
- Ltr<- ""
- }
- else{
- Ltr<- paste(Ltr,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(nchar(Ltr)>0){
- Putcell(Tb,K,Nr,Pos,Ltr)
- }
- }
-# 11.05.28
-Ratiocmyk<- function(Color)
- if(is.numeric(Color)){
- return(Color)
- }
- R<-
- switch(Color,
- greenyellow=c(0.15,0,0.69,0),
- yellow=c(0,0,1,0),
- goldenrod=c(0,0.1,0.84,0),
- dandelion=c(0,0.29,0.84,0),
- apricot=c(0,0.32,0.52,0),
- peach=c(0,0.5,0.7,0),
- melon=c(0,0.46,0.5,0),
- yelloworange=c(0,0.42,1,0),
- orange=c(0,0.61,0.87,0),
- burntorange=c(0,0.51,1,0),
- bittersweet=c(0,0.75,1,0.24),
- redorange=c(0,0.77,0.87,0),
- mahogany=c(0,0.85,0.87,0.35),
- maroon=c(0,0.87,0.68,0.32),
- brickred=c(0,0.89,0.94,0.28),
- red=c(0,1,1,0),
- orangered=c(0,1,0.5,0),
- rubinered=c(0,1,0.13,0),
- wildstrawberry=c(0,0.96,0.39,0),
- salmon=c(0,0.53,0.38,0),
- carnationpink=c(0,0.63,0,0),
- magenta=c(0,1,0,0),
- violetred=c(0,0.81,0,0),
- rhodamine=c(0,0.82,0,0),
- mulberry=c(0.34,0.9,0,0.02),
- redviolet=c(0.07,0.9,0,0.34),
- fuchsia=c(0.47,0.91,0,0.08),
- lavender=c(0,0.48,0,0),
- thistle=c(0.12,0.59,0,0),
- orchid=c(0.32,0.64,0,0),
- darkorchid=c(0.4,0.8,0.2,0),
- purple=c(0.45,0.86,0,0),
- plum=c(0.5,1,0,0),
- violet=c(0.79,0.88,0,0),
- royalpurple=c(0.75,0.9,0,0),
- blueviolet=c(0.86,0.91,0,0.04),
- periwinkle=c(0.57,0.55,0,0),
- cadetblue=c(0.62,0.57,0.23,0),
- cornflowerblue=c(0.65,0.13,0,0),
- midnightblue=c(0.98,0.13,0,0.43),
- navyblue=c(0.94,0.54,0,0),
- royalblue=c(1,0.5,0,0),
- blue=c(1,1,0,0),
- cerulean=c(0.94,0.11,0,0),
- cyan=c(1,0,0,0),
- processblue=c(0.96,0,0,0),
- skyblue=c(0.62,0,0.12,0),
- turquoise=c(0.85,0,0.2,0),
- tealblue=c(0.86,0,0.34,0.02),
- aquamarine=c(0.82,0,0.3,0),
- bluegreen=c(0.85,0,0.33,0),
- emerald=c(1,0,0.5,0),
- junglegreen=c(0.99,0,0.52,0),
- seagreen=c(0.69,0,0.5,0),
- green=c(1,0,1,0),
- forestgreen=c(0.91,0,0.88,0.12),
- pinegreen=c(0.92,0,0.59,0.25),
- limegreen=c(0.5,0,1,0),
- yellowgreen=c(0.44,0,0.74,0),
- springgreen=c(0.26,0,0.76,0),
- olivegreen=c(0.64,0,0.95,0.4),
- rawsienna=c(0,0.72,1,0.45),
- sepia=c(0,0.83,1,0.7),
- brown=c(0,0.81,1,0.6),
- tan=c(0.14,0.42,0.56,0),
- gray=c(0,0,0,0.5),
- black=c(0,0,0,1),
- white=c(0,0,0,0)
- )
- if(length(R)<4){
- print("No color")
- return(c())
- }
- return(R)
-# 11.01.07
-Readtextdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- OutL<- list()
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fname<- varargin[[1]]
- Tmp<- readLines(Fname,n=1)
- if(length(grep("\t",Tmp))>0){
- Sep<- "\t"
- }
- else if(length(grep(",",Tmp))>0){
- Sep<- ","
- }
- else{
- Sep<- " "
- }
- Hajime<- c(1,1)
- Owari<- c(Inf,Inf)
- C<- Inf
- R<- Inf
- Rna<- FALSE
- Cna<- TRUE
- Mat<- FALSE
- Num<- TRUE
- D<- -Inf
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- if (Flg==0){
- Hajime<- Tmp
- Flg<- 1
- }
- else{
- Owari<- Tmp
- }
- }
- else{
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Hajime+c(R-1,C-1)
- Owari<- c(min(Owari[1],Tmp[1]),min(Owari[2],Tmp[2]))
- if(Cna){
- Df<- read.table(Fname,sep=Sep,header=TRUE,,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
- }
- else{
- Df<- read.table(Fname,sep=Sep,header=FALSE,,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
- Nv<- c(1:ncol(Df))
- colnames(Df)<- Nv
- }
- if(Rna){
- rownames(Df)<-Df[,1]
- Hajime<- Hajime+c(0,1)
- }
- if(Mat){
- M<- as.matrix(Df)
- Tmp1<- min(Owari[1],nrow(M))
- Tmp2<- min(Owari[2],ncol(M))
- Out<- as.matrix(M[Hajime[1]:Tmp1,Hajime[2]:Tmp2])
- if(Num){
- Tmp1<- as.numeric(Out)
- Out<- matrix(Tmp1,nrow=nrow(Out))
- }
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- min(Owari[1],nrow(Df))
- Tmp2<- min(Owari[2],ncol(Df))
- Out<- Df[Hajime[1]:Tmp1,Hajime[2]:Tmp2]
- }
- if(D!=-Inf){ # 11.01.20 v2
- Tmp<- ncol(Out) # 11.01.07
- Tmp1<- rep(Inf,Tmp)
- Out[Out[,1]<=D,]<- Tmp1 # 11.01.07
- }
- return(Out)
-Reflectdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-8)
- ML<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(ML)==1){
- ML<- list(ML)
- }
- if(Nargs==1){
- PtA<- c(0,0); PtB<- PtA
- }
- else{
- Pts<- varargin[[2]]
- if(length(Pts)==2){
- PtA<- Pts; PtB<- PtA
- }
- else{
- PtA<- Pts[1:2]; PtB<- Pts[3:4]
- }
- }
- OutL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(ML))){
- GL<- Op(N,ML)
- Out<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(GL))){
- if(is.matrix(GL)){ # 10.12.07
- Tmp<- GL[I,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- GL
- }
- X1<- Tmp[1]
- Y1<- Tmp[2]
- if(X1==Inf){
- X2<- X1
- Y2<- Y1
- }
- else{
- if(Norm(PtA-PtB)<Eps){
- X2<- 2*PtA[1]-X1
- Y2<- 2*PtA[2]-Y1
- }
- else{
- U<- PtB[1]-PtA[1]
- V<- PtB[2]-PtA[2]
- A<- PtA[1]
- B<- PtA[2]
- X2<- (U^2-V^2)/(U^2+V^2)*X1+2*U*V/(U^2+V^2)*Y1
- X2<- X2-2*V*(U*B-V*A)/(U^2+V^2)
- Y2<- 2*U*V/(U^2+V^2)*X1-(U^2-V^2)/(U^2+V^2)*Y1
- Y2<- Y2+2*U*(U*B-V*A)/(U^2+V^2)
- }
- }
- Out<- Appendrow(Out,c(X2,Y2))
- }
- OutL<- Mixjoin(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- if(length(OutL)==1){
- OutL<- Op(1,OutL)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Writetextdata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- OutL<- list()
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Data<- varargin[[1]]
- Fname<- varargin[[2]]
- Sep=","
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- write.table(Data,Fname,sep=Sep,row.names=FALSE,na="")
-# 2014.12.17
-# 2015.10.29
-WriteOutData<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
-# if modulo(Nargs,2)==0 then
-# Fname=Fnameout;
-# Nst=1;
-# else
- Fname=varargin[[1]]
- Nst=2;
-# end;
- for(N in seq(Nst,Nargs,by=2)){
- Gname=varargin[[N]]
- Tmp=paste(Gname,"//",sep="")
- if(N==Nst){
- cat(Tmp,"\n",sep="",file=Fname)
- }
- else{
- cat(Tmp,"\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- }
- Gdata=varargin[[N+1]]
- Gdata=Flattenlist(Gdata)
- if(!is.list(Gdata)){Gdata=list(Gdata)}
- for(K in Looprange(1,length(Gdata))){
- GL=Dividegraphics(Gdata[[K]])
-# for(J in seq(1,length(GL))){
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(GL))){
- cat("start//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- Str=""
- Iend=Numptcrv(GL[[J]])
-# for(II in seq(1,Iend)){
- for(II in Looprange(1,Iend)){
- Pt=Ptcrv(II,GL[[J]])
- if(nchar(Str)>0){
- Str=paste(Str,",",sep="")
- }
- if(length(Pt)<3){
- Str=paste(Str,sprintf("[%5.5f,%5.5f]",Pt[1],Pt[2]),sep="")
- }
- else{
- Str=paste(Str,sprintf("[%5.5f,%5.5f,%5.5f]",Pt[1],Pt[2],Pt[3]),sep="")
- }
- if(nchar(Str)>80){
- cat("[",Str,"]//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- Str=""
- }
- }
- if(nchar(Str)>0){
- cat("[",Str,"]//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- }
- if((N==Nargs-1) & (K==length(Gdata)) & (J==length(GL))){
-# cat("end////","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- cat("end//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- }
- else{
- cat("end//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- cat("//","\n",sep="",file=Fname,append=TRUE) # 15.11.05
-###### Old ####################################
-# 2015.10.23
-ReadOutData<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fname=varargin[[1]]
- cmdall=readLines(Fname)
- cmdall=gsub("//","",cmdall,fixed=TRUE)
- varname=cmdall[1]
- outdt=list()
- varL=c()
- ptL=list()
- flg=0
- for(cmd in cmdall){
- if(nchar(cmd)>0){
- if((cmd=="start") | cmd=="end" | substring(cmd,1,1)=="["){
- if(cmd=="start"){
- pts=c()
- }
- if(cmd=="end"){
- ptL=c(ptL,list(pts))
- }
- if(substring(cmd,1,1)=="["){
- tmp1=paste(",",substring(cmd,2,nchar(cmd)-1),sep="")
- tmp1=strsplit(tmp1,"]",fixed=TRUE)
- tmp1=tmp1[[1]]
- tmp1=gsub(",[","c(",tmp1,fixed=TRUE)
- for(st in tmp1){
- tmp=eval(parse(text=paste(st,")",sep="")))
- pts=rbind(pts,tmp)
- }
- row.names(pts)=1:nrow(pts)
- }
- }
- else{
- varname=cmd
- varL=c(varL,varname)
- if(flg==0){ # 17.10.07from
- flg=1
- }else{
- outdt=c(outdt,list(ptL))
- } # 17.10.07until
- ptL=c()
- }
- }
- }
- outdt=c(outdt,list(ptL)) # 17.10.07
- names(outdt)=varL
- for(var in varL){
- tmp=paste(var,"<<- outdt$",var,sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- }
-# print(varL)
- outdt
-ReadOutData<- function(...){ #2017.10.23
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fname=varargin[[1]]
- cmdall=readLines(Fname)
- cmdall=gsub("//","",cmdall,fixed=TRUE)
- varname=""#17.12.13 cmdall[1]
- outdt=list()
- varL=c()
- ptL=list()
- flg=0
- for(cmd in cmdall){
- if(nchar(cmd)>0){
- if((cmd=="start") | cmd=="end" | substring(cmd,1,1)=="["){
- if(cmd=="start"){
- tmp=paste(varname,"<<- c(",varname,",list(c()))",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- Ctr=Ctr+1
- }
- if(cmd=="end"){
- }
- if(substring(cmd,1,1)=="["){
- tmp1=paste(",",substring(cmd,2,nchar(cmd)-1),sep="")
- tmp1=strsplit(tmp1,"]",fixed=TRUE)
- tmp1=tmp1[[1]]
- tmp1=gsub(",[","c(",tmp1,fixed=TRUE)
- for(st in tmp1){
- tmp=paste(varname,"[[",as.character(Ctr),"]]",sep="")
- tmp=paste(tmp,"<<- rbind(",tmp,",",st,"))",sep="")#
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- # 17.12.13from
- if(nchar(varname)>0){
- tmp=paste("if(length(",varname,")==1){",varname,"<<- ",varname,"[[1]]}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- }
- # 17.12.13until
- varname=cmd
- tmp=paste(varname,"<<- list()",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- Ctr=0
- if(flg==0){ # 17.10.07from
- flg=1
- }else{
- } # 17.10.07until
- }
- }
- }
- # 17.12.13from
- tmp=paste("if(length(",varname,")==1){",varname,"<<- ",varname,"[[1]]}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- # 17.12.13until
-Rotatedata<- function(..., deg=FALSE)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-8)
- ML<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(ML)==1){
- ML<- list(ML)
- }
- Theta<- varargin[[2]]
- if(deg) Theta<- Theta*pi/180 # 10.12.07
- if(Nargs==2){
- Pt<- c(0,0)
- }
- else{
- Pt<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- Cx<- Pt[1]; Cy<- Pt[2]
- OutL<- c()
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(ML))){
- GL<- Op(N,ML)
- Out<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(GL))){
- if(is.matrix(GL)){
- Tmp<- GL[I,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- GL
- }
- X1<- Tmp[1]
- Y1<- Tmp[2]
- if(X1==Inf){
- X2<- X1
- Y2<- Y1
- }
- else{
- X2<- Cx+(X1-Cx)*cos(Theta)-(Y1-Cy)*sin(Theta)
- Y2<- Cy+(X1-Cx)*sin(Theta)+(Y1-Cy)*cos(Theta)
- }
- Out<- Appendrow(Out,c(X2,Y2))
- }
- if(nrow(Out)==1){
- Out<- Out[1,]
- }
- OutL<- Mixjoin(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- if(length(OutL)==1){
- OutL<- Op(1,OutL)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Scaledata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-8)
- ML<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(ML)==1){
- ML<- list(ML)
- }
- A<- varargin[[2]]
- B<- varargin[[3]]
- if(Nargs==3){
- Pt<- c(0,0)
- }
- else{
- Pt<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- OutL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(ML))){
- GL<- Op(N,ML)
- Out<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(GL))){
- if(is.matrix(GL)){ # 10.12.07
- Tmp<- GL[I,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- GL
- }
- X1<- Tmp[1]
- Y1<- Tmp[2]
- if(X1==Inf){
- X2<- X1
- Y2<-Y1
- }
- else{
- X2<- Pt[1]+A*(X1-Pt[1])
- Y2<- Pt[2]+B*(Y1-Pt[2])
- }
- Out<- Appendrow(Out,c(X2,Y2))
- }
- OutL<- Mixjoin(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- if(length(OutL)==1){
- OutL<- Op(1,OutL)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Setarrow<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- Str<- paste("Size=",YaSize,",","Angle=",YaAngle,",",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Str,"Position=",YaThick,",","Style=",YaStyle,sep="")
- return(Str)
- }
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in 1:Nargs){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Flg<- Flg+1
- if(Flg==1) YaSize<<-Tmp
- if(Flg==2){
- if(Tmp<5){
- YaAngle<<- 18*Tmp
- }
- else{
- YaAngle<<- Tmp
- }
- }
- if(Flg==3) YaPosition<<- Tmp
- if(Flg==4) YaThick<<- Tmp
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- YaStyle<<- Tmp
- }
- }
-Setax<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- if(ZIKU=="line"){
- Tmp<- ","
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- paste("(Arrowsize=", as.character(ARROWSIZE),"),",sep="")
- }
- Str<- paste(ZIKU,Tmp,XNAME,",",XPOS,",",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Str,YNAME,",",YPOS,",",ONAME,",",OPOS,sep="")
- return(Str)
- }
- ArgL<- c()
- Is<- 1
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Is<- varargin[[1]]
- ArgL<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Is-1)){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,"")
- }
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,varargin[[I]])
- }
- }
- else{
- if(Nargs==1){
- ArgL<- c(varargin[[1]])
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- ArgL<- c(varargin[[1]])
- for (I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,varargin[[I]])
- }
- }
- else{
- ArgL<- c()
- for (I in 1:Nargs){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,varargin[[I]])
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (I in Looprange(length(ArgL)+1,7)){
- ArgL<- c(ArgL,"")
- }
- Zk<- ArgL[1]
- if(nchar(Zk)>0){
- ZL<-substr(Zk,2,nchar(Zk))
- Zk<-substr(Zk,1,1)
- if(nchar(ZL)>0){
- ARROWSIZE<<- as.numeric(ZL)
- }
- }
- Xn<- ArgL[2]; Xp<- ArgL[3]
- Yn<- ArgL[4]; Yp<- ArgL[5]
- Genn<- ArgL[6]; Genp<- ArgL[7]
- if(nchar(Zk)>0){
- C<- Zk
- if(C=="a"){
- ZIKU<<- "arrow"
- }
- else{
- ZIKU<<- "line"
- }
- }
- if(nchar(Xn)>0){
- XNAME<<- paste("$",Xn,"$",sep="")
- }
- if(nchar(Xp)>0){
- XPOS<<- Xp
- }
- if(nchar(Yn)>0){
- YNAME<<- paste("$",Yn,"$",sep="")
- }
- if(nchar(Yp)>0){
- YPOS<<-Yp
- }
- if(nchar(Genn)>0){
- ONAME<<- Genn
- }
- if(nchar(Genp)>0){
- OPOS<<- Genp
- }
- Out<- "";
-# 11.08.24
-Setcolor<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Color<- 'black'
- Kosa<- 1
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(varargin))){
- Tmp<- varargin[[J]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)) Color<- Tmp
- if(is.numeric(Tmp)){
- if(length(Tmp)==1){# 11.08.24
- Kosa<- Tmp
- }
- else{
- Color<- Tmp
- }
- }# 11.08.24
- }
- Iro<- Ratiocmyk(Color)
- if(length(Iro)==0) return(c())
- Str<- "\\color[cmyk]{" #17.09.22
- for(J in 1:4){
- Str<- paste(Str,as.character(Kosa*Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<4){
- Str<- paste(Str,",",sep="")
- }
- }
- Str<- paste(Str,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
-Setmarklen<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- Tmp=round(Tmp*100)/100
- return(Tmp)
- }
- Size<- varargin[[1]]
- MARKLEN<<- MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn
-Setorigin<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- return(GENTEN)
- }
- Pt<- varargin[[1]]
- GENTEN<<- Pt;
-Setscaling<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0)
- {
- return(c(SCALEY,LOGX,LOGY))
- }
- for (I in 1:Nargs)
- {
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric")
- {
- SCALEY<<- Tmp
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character")
- {
- if(Tmp=="l")
- {
- LOGX<<- 0
- LOGY<<- 1
- }
- else if(Tmp=="ll")
- {
- LOGX<<- 1
- LOGY<<- 1
- }
- else
- {
- LOGX<<- 0
- LOGY<<- 0
- }
- }
- }
- PenThick<<-round(PenThickInit*Width)
- Str=paste("\\special{pn ", as.character(PenThick),"}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Setpt<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0)
- {
- Tmp<- TenSize/TenSizeInit
- Tmp<- round(Tmp*100)/100
- return(Tmp)
- }
- Size<- varargin[[1]]
- TenSize<<- TenSizeInit*Size;
- varargin<-list(...)
- if(length(varargin)==0){
- return(ULEN)
- }
- Ul=varargin[[1]]
- Sym<-".0123456789 +-*/"
- SL<-Sym
- OL<-"+-*/"
- if(nchar(Ul)>0){
- ULEN<<-Ul
- }
- Is<-1
- VL<-""
- Ucode<-ULEN
- for (I in 1:nchar(Ucode)){
- C<-substring(Ucode,I,I)
- if(length(grep(C,SL))>0){
- if(length(grep(C,OL))>0){
- Tmp<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1)
- Str<-paste(VL,Tmp,C,sep="")
- VL<-Str
- Is<-I+1
- }
- }
- else{
- Unit<-substring(Ucode,I,I+1)
- Str<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1)
- VL<-paste(VL,Str,sep="")
- break;
- }
- }
- Valu<-eval(parse(text=VL))
- Str<-as.character(Valu)
- ULEN<<-paste(Str,Unit,sep="");
- if(Unit=="cm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu
- if(Unit=="mm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu/10
- if(Unit=="in") MilliIn<<-1000*Valu
- if(Unit=="pt") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27*Valu
- if(Unit=="pc") MilliIn<<-1000/6.022*Valu
- if(Unit=="bp") MilliIn<<-1000/72*Valu
- if(Unit=="dd2") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*Valu
- if(Unit=="cc") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*12*Valu
- if(Unit=="sp") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27/65536*Valu/10
- MARKLEN<<-MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- MEMORI<<-MEMORINow*1000/2.54/MilliIn #17.12.17
-# 10.11.20
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- return(Out)
- }
- if(Nargs==1){
- Dt<- varargin[[1]]
- if(is.list(Dt) && !{
- Tmp<-
- Dt<- t(Tmp)
- }
- Xm<- min(Dt[,1])
- XM<- max(Dt[,1])
- Ym<- min(Dt[,2])
- YM<- max(Dt[,2])
- Str<- "Setwindow("
- Str<- paste(Str,"c(",as.character(Xm),",",as.character(XM),"),c(",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Str,as.character(Ym),",",as.character(YM),")",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Str,")",sep="")
- print(Str)
- }
- if(Nargs==2){
- RgX<-varargin[[1]]
- RgY<-varargin[[2]]
- XMIN<<-RgX[1]; XMAX<<-RgX[2]
- YMIN<<-RgY[1]; YMAX<<-RgY[2]
- }
- if(Nargs==4){
- XMIN<<-varargin[[1]]; XMAX<<-varargin[[2]]
- YMIN<<-varargin[[3]]; YMAX<<-varargin[[4]]
- }
-Shadeold<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Iroflg=0
- Kosa=1
- if(Nargs>1){
- Iro=varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Iro)){
- Iroflg=1
- if(length(grep("{",Iro))>0){
- Str=paste("{\\color",Iro,sep="")
- }
- else{
- Str=paste("{\\color{",Iro,"}",sep="")
- }
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==1){
- Kosa=Iro
- }
- else{
- Iroflg=1
- if(length(Iro)==4){
- Str="{\\color[cmyk]{"
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==3){
- Str="{\\color[rgb]{"
- }
- }
- for(J in 1:length(Iro)){
- Str=paste(Str,as.character(Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Iro)){
- Str=paste(Str,",")
- }
- }
- Str=paste(Str,"}")
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- Str=paste(Str,"%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- Tmp=varargin[[1]]
- Data=Kyokai(Tmp)
- Data=list(Data) ####180327
- for (I in Looprange(1, length(Data))){
- PL<- Op(I,Data)
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
- P<- Doscaling(Op(J,PL))
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- Str1<- paste("\\special{sh ",as.character(Kosa),"}",sep="")
- Str2<- paste("\\special{ip}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- cat("}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-####### Shade new 17.09.24############
-Shade<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Iroflg<- 0
- Kosa<- 1
- if(Nargs>1){
- Iro<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(mode(Iro)=="character"){
- Iroflg<- 1
- if(length(grep(Iro,"{"))>0)
- Str<- paste("{\\color",Iro,sep="")
- else
- Str<- paste("{\\color{",Iro,"}",sep="")
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==1)
- Kosa<- Iro
- else{
- Iroflg<- 1
- if(length(Iro)==4)
- Str<- paste("{\\color[cmyk]{",sep="")
- else
- if(length(Iro)==3)
- Str<- paste("{\\color[rgb]{",sep="")
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Iro))){
- Str<- paste(Str,as.character(Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Iro))
- Str<- paste(Str,",",sep="")
- }
- Str<- paste(Str,"}",sep="")
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- if(Wfile=="default")
- cat(Str,"%\n",file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- else
- cat(Str,"%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- }
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- Data<- Kyoukai(Tmp)
- for (I in Looprange(1, length(Data))){
- PL<- Op(I,Data)
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
- P<- Doscaling(Op(J,PL))
- X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*P[1]))
- Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*P[2]))
- Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
- if(Wfile=="default")
- cat(Str,file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- else
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- if(Wfile=="default")
- cat("%\n",file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- else
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- Str1<- paste("\\special{sh ",as.character(Kosa),"}",sep="")
- Str2<- paste("\\special{ip}%\n",sep="")
- if(Wfile=="default"){
- cat(Str1,file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- cat(Str2,file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- }
- else{
- cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- if(Wfile=="default")
- cat("}%\n",file="",append=TRUE,sep="")
- else
- cat("}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE,sep="")
- }
-# 11.01.07
-Splinedata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-3)
- PL<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(PL)=="character"){
- Fname<- PL
- PL<- Readtextdata(Fname)
- }
- else{
- PL<- as.matrix(PL)
- if(Nrow(PL)==1){
- PL<- matrix(PL, nrow=length(PL)/2)
- PL<- t(PL)
- }
- }
- if(ncol(PL)==3){
- Flg3<- 1
- }
- else{
- Flg3<- 0
- }
- PLL<- Dividegraphics(PL)
- N<- 50
- C<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Tmp)!="character") next
- if(length(grep("=",Tmp,fixed=TRUE))>0){
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- substr(Tmp,1,1)
- if(toupper(Tmp1)=="C"){
- C<- 1:length(PLL)
- }
- }
- }
- Cflg<- rep(0,length(PLL))
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(C))){
- K<- C[J]
- Cflg[K]<- 1
- }
- if(length(N)>1){
- Nj<- as.numeric(N)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- lapply(PLL,nrow)
- Tmp1<- as.numeric(Tmp)
- MxP<- max(Tmp1)
- Nj<- c()
- for (J in 1:length(PLL)){
- Tmp<- nrow(PLL[[J]])
- Tmp1<- round(N/MxP*(Tmp-1))
- Nj<- c(Nj,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- OutL<- list()
- for(J in 1:length(PLL)){
- PL<- PLL[[J]]
- if(Cflg[J]==1){
- if(Norm(PL[1,]-PL[Nrow(PL),])>Eps){
- PL<-Appendrow(PL,PL[1,])
- Nj[J]=round(N/MxP*nrow(PL))
- }
- else{
- PL[Nrow(PL),]<- PL[1,]
- }
- }
- Tn<- 1:Nrow(PL)
- Xn<- PL[,1]
- Yn<- PL[,2]
- if(Flg3==1) Zn<- PL[,3]
- if(Cflg[J]==0){
- Dxn<- spline(Tn,Xn,n=Nj[J])
- Dyn<- spline(Tn,Yn,n=Nj[J])
- if(Flg3==1) Dzn<- spline(Tn,Zn,n=Nj[J])
- }
- else{
- Dxn<- spline(Tn,Xn,method="periodic")
- Dyn<- spline(Tn,Yn,method="periodic")
- if(Flg3==1) Dzn<- spline(Tn,Zn,method="periodic")
- }
- Tmp1<- Dxn$y
- Tmp2<- Dyn$y
- Tmp3<-c()
- if(Flg3==1) Tmp3<- Dzn$y
- Out<- matrix(c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3),nrow=length(Tmp1))
- OutL<- c(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- return(OutL)
-# 2013.05.03 Domain is optional
-Tabledata<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 0.001
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]] # 130503 from
- if(is.numeric(Tmp)){
- Domain<- varargin[[1]]
- VL<- varargin[[2]]
- HL<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- else{
- Domain<- c(-1,-1)
- VL<- varargin[[1]]
- HL<- varargin[[2]]
- } # 130503 until
- Hsize<- Domain[1]
- SvL<- list(0)
- S<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(VL))){
- Tmp<- VL[[I]]
- S<- S+Tmp[1]
- Tmp[1]<- S
- SvL<- c(SvL,list(Tmp))
- }
- if(Hsize>S){
- SvL<- c(SvL,list(Hsize))
- }
- Hsize<- Op(1,SvL[[length(SvL)]])
- Vsize<- Domain[2]
- ShL<- list(0)
- S<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(HL))){
- Tmp<- HL[[I]]
- S<- S+Tmp[1]
- Tmp[1]<- S
- ShL<- c(ShL,list(Tmp))
- }
- if(Vsize>S){
- ShL<- c(ShL,list(Vsize))
- }
- Vsize<- Op(1,ShL[[length(ShL)]])
- Marw<- 0; Mare<- 0; Mars<- 0; Marn<- 0
- if(length(Domain)>2){
- Marw<- Domain[3]
- Mare<- Domain[4]
- }
- if(length(Domain)>4){
- Marn<- Domain[5]
- Mars<- Domain[6]
- }
- Setwindow(c(-Marw,Hsize+Mare),c(-Mars,Vsize+Marn))
- Tmp<- Framedata(c(Eps,Hsize-Eps),c(Eps,Vsize-Eps))
- Gdata<- list(Tmp)
- Tmp<- -Marw
- Hdata<- list(Listplot(c(c(Tmp,-Mars),c(Tmp,Vsize+Marn))))
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(SvL))){
- Data<- SvL[[I]]
- X<- Data[1]
- if(length(Data)==1){
- Y1<- 0
- Y2<- Vsize
- G<- Listplot(c(X,Y1),c(X,Y2))
- }
- else{
- G<- c()
- for (J in seq(2,length(Data),by=2)){
- Y1<- Vsize-Op(1,ShL[[Data[J]]])
- Y2<- Vsize-Op(1,ShL[[Data[J+1]]])
- Tmp<- Listplot(c(c(X,Y1),c(X,Y2)))
- Tmp1<- Appendrow(G,c(Inf,Inf))
- G<- Appendrow(Tmp1,Tmp)
- }
- G<- G[2:nrow(G),]
- }
- Hdata<- c(Hdata,list(G))
- }
- Tmp<- Hsize+Mare
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(c(Tmp,-Mars),c(Tmp,Vsize+Marn)))
- Hdata<- c(Hdata,list(Tmp1))
- Tmp<- Vsize+Marn
- Vdata<- list(Listplot(c(c(-Marw,Tmp),c(Hsize+Mare,Tmp))))
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(ShL))){
- Data<- ShL[[I]]
- Y<- Vsize-Data[1]
- if(length(Data)==1){
- X1<- 0
- X2<- Hsize
- G<- Listplot(c(X1,Y),c(X2,Y))
- }
- else{
- G<- c()
- for (J in seq(2,length(Data),by=2)){
- X1<- Op(1,SvL[[Data[J]]])
- X2<- Op(1,SvL[[Data[J+1]]])
- Tmp<- Listplot(c(X1,Y),c(X2,Y))
- G<- Appendrow(G,c(Inf,Inf))
- G<- Appendrow(G,Tmp)
- }
- G<-G[2:nrow(G),]
- }
- Vdata<- c(Vdata,list(G))
- }
-# Tmp<- Listplot(c(c(0,0),c(Hsize,0))) # 2011.03.02
-# Vdata<- Mixjoin(Vdata,list(Tmp))
- Tmp<- Listplot(c(c(-Marw,-Mars),c(Hsize+Mare,-Mars)))
- Vdata<- Mixjoin(Vdata,list(Tmp))
- Tmp1<- Hdata[Looprange(3,length(Hdata)-2)]
- Tmp2<- Vdata[Looprange(3,length(Vdata)-2)]
- Gdata<- Mixjoin(Gdata,Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Hind<- Looprange(2,1+length(Tmp1))
- Vind<- Looprange(2+length(Tmp1),1+length(Tmp1)+length(Tmp2))
- G=Gdata[[1]]
- P1<- Ptsw(G); P2<- Ptnw(G)
- Q1<- Ptse(G); Q2<- Ptne(G)
- Tmp1<- list(Listplot(c(P1,P2)),Listplot(c(Q1,Q2)))
- P1<- Ptnw(G); P2<- Ptne(G)
- Q1<- Ptsw(G); Q2<- Ptse(G)
- Tmp2<- list(Listplot(c(P1,P2)),Listplot(c(Q1,Q2)))
- Tmp3<- Framedata()
- Out<- list(Gdata,Hind,Vind,Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- return(Out)
-Texcom<- function(Meirei)
- if(Meirei=="\\thinlines"){
- Setpen(1);
- return();
- }
- if(Meirei=="\\thicklines"){
- Setpen(2);
- return()
- }
- if(Meirei=="\\Thicklines"){
- Setpen(3);
- return()
- }
- if(length(Meirei)==0){ # 09.12.07
- Tmp<- c()
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- grep("newline",Meirei)
- }
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- paste(Meirei,"%\n",sep="")
- Tmp<- gsub("//","\\",Tmp,fixed=TRUE) # 11.03.02
- cat(Tmp,file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- }
-Texctr<- function(N){
- if(is.numeric(N)){
- Alpha<- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- Out<- paste("ketpicctr",substr(Alpha,N,N),sep="")
- }
- else{
- if(grep("\\",N,fixed=TRUE)>0){
- Out<- substr(N,2,nchar(N))
- }
- else{
- Out<- N
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Texelse<- function (){
- Texcom("");
- Texcom("\\else")
-Texend<- function()
- Texcom("%\n}")
-Texendfor<- function(I){
- Texcom("")
- Tmp<- paste("\\ifnum",Texthectr(I),"<",Last,sep="")
- Texcom(Tmp)
- Texcom("\\repeat")
- Texcom("}")
-Texendif<- function(){
- Texcom("")
- Texcom("\\fi")
- Texcom("}")
-Texfor<- function(I,First,Last){
- Texsetctr(I,"0")
- Texsetctr(I,paste(as.character(First),"-1",sep=""))
- Texcom("")
- Texcom("{")
- Texcom("\\loop")
- Texsetctr(I,"+1")
- TEXFORLAST<<- c(TEXFORLAST,as.character(Last))
-Texforinit<- function(){
- TEXFORLAST<<- list()
-Texif<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Condstr<- varargin[[1]]
- Tp<- 0
- if(length(varargin)>1){
- Tp<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- Texcom("")
- Texcom("{")
- if(Tp==0){
- Texcom("\\ifnum")
- }
- else{
- Texcom("\\ifdim ")
- }
- Texcom(paste(Condstr," ",sep=""))
-Texletter<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- for (I in seq(1,Nargs,by=3)){
- P<- varargin[[I]]
- X<- P[1]
- if(mode(X)=="numeric"){
- X<- as.character(X)
- }
- Y<- P[2]
- if(mode(Y)=="numeric"){
- Y<- as.character(Y)
- }
- Houkou<- varargin[[I+1]]
- Mojiretu<- varargin[[I+2]]
- Hset<- Houkou
- Vhoko<- "c"
- if(length(grep("n",Hset))>0){
- Vhoko<- "n"
- }
- if(length(grep("s",Hset))>0){
- Vhoko<- "s"
- }
- Hhoko<- "c";
- if(length(grep("e",Hset))>0){
- Hhoko<- "e"
- }
- if(length(grep("w",Hset))>0){
- Hhoko<- "w"
- }
- Hoko<- paste(Vhoko,Hhoko,sep="")
- CalcWidth(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- CalcHeight(Hoko,Mojiretu)
- Tmp<- paste("\\put(",X,",",Y,"){\\hspace*{\\Width}",sep="")
- Str<- paste(Tmp,"\\raisebox{\\Height}{",Mojiretu,"}}%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-Texnewcmd<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Str<- varargin[[1]]
- S<- paste("\\newcommand{",Str,"}",sep="")
- if(Nargs>1){
- Tmp<- as.character(varargin[[2]])
- S<- paste(S,"[",Tmp,"]",sep="")
- }
- if(Nargs>2){
- Tmp<- varargin[[3]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmp<- as.character(Tmp)
- }
- S<- paste(S,"[",Tmp,"]",sep="")
- }
- S<- paste(S,"{",sep="")
- Texcom(S)
-Texnewctr<- function(N)
- if(mode(N)=="character"){
- Str<- paste("\\newcounter{",N,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- }
- else{
- for (I in N){
- Str<- paste("\\newcounter{",Texctr(I),"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- }
- }
-Texrenewcmd<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Str<- varargin[[1]]
- S<- paste("\\renewcommand{",Str,"}",sep="")
- if(Nargs>1){
- Tmp<- as.character(varargin[[2]])
- S<- paste(S,"[",Tmp,"]",sep="")
- }
- if(Nargs>2){
- Tmp<- varargin[[3]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Tmp<- as.character(Tmp)
- }
- S<- paste(S,"[",Tmp,"]",sep="")
- }
- S<- paste(S,"{",sep="")
- Texcom(S)
-Texsetctr<- function(Nctr,Opstr)
- Ctr<- Texctr(Nctr)
- Opstr<- paste(Opstr,"%",sep="")
- OperL<- "+-*/%"
- Oper<- ""
- Va<- ""
- Evflg<- 0
- Paflg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Opstr))){
- Tmp<- substring(Opstr,I,I)
- if(Tmp=="("){
- Paflg<- 1
- if(nchar(Va)>0){
- Evflg<- 1
- Va<- paste(Va,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- next
- }
- if(Tmp==")"){
- Paflg<- 0
- if(Evflg>0){
- Va<- paste(Va,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- next
- }
- if(Paflg>0){
- Va<- paste(Va,Tmp,sep="")
- next
- }
- if(length(grep(Tmp,OperL))==0){
- Va<- paste(Va,Tmp,sep="")
- }
- else{
- if(Evflg>0){
- Tmp1<- eval(parse(text=Va))
- Va<- paste("\\value{",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- Evflg<- 0
- }
- if(Oper==""){
- if(nchar(Va)>0){
- Str<- paste("\\setcounter{",Ctr,"}{",Va,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- }
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- else if(Oper=="+"){
- Str<- paste("\\addtocounter{",Ctr,"}{",Va,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- else if(Oper=="-"){
- Str<- paste("\\addtocounter{",Ctr,"}{-",Va,"}",sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- else if(Oper=="*"){
- Str<- paste("\\multiply\\value{",Ctr,"} by ",Va,sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- else if(Oper=="/"){
- Str<- paste("\\divide\\value{",Ctr,"} by ",Va,sep="")
- Texcom(Str)
- Oper<- Tmp
- Va<-""
- }
- }
- }
-Texthectr<- function(N)
- Out<- paste("\\the",Texctr(N),sep="")
- return(Out)
-Texvalctr<- function(N){
- Out<- paste("\\value{",Texctr(N),"}",sep="")
- return(Out)
-Texvctr<- function(N)
- Out<- paste("\\value{",Texctr(N),"}",sep="")
- return(Out)
-Tonumeric <- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Data<- varargin[[1]]
- Sp<- c(1,1)
- Ep<- c(Inf,Inf)
- if(Nargs>1){
- Sp<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- if(Nargs>2){
- Ep<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- Nrs<- Sp[1]
- Nre<- min(nrow(Data),Ep[1])
- Ncs<- Sp[2]
- Nce<- min(ncol(Data),Ep[2])
- Tmp1<- Data[Nrs:Nre, Ncs:Nce]
- Tmp2 <- as.numeric(Tmp1)
- Out <- matrix(Tmp2,nrow=nrow(Tmp1))
- Sp<- c()
- for (I in 1:nrow(Out)){
- for (J in 1:ncol(Out)){
- Tmp<- Out[I,J]
- if(!{
- Sp<- c(I,J)
- break;
- }
- }
- if(length(Sp)>0) break
- }
- if(length(Sp)==0){
- return("Numeric data not found")
- }
- Ep<- c(nrow(Out),ncol(Out))
- for (I in Sp[1]:nrow(Out)){
- Tmp<- Out[I,Sp[2]]
- if({
- Ep[1]<- I-1
- break
- }
- }
- for (J in Sp[2]:ncol(Out)){
- Tmp<- Out[Sp[1],J]
- if({
- Ep[2]<- J-1
- break
- }
- }
- Out<- Out[Sp[1]:Ep[1], Sp[2]:Ep[2]]
- return(Out)
-Translatedata<- function(...)
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10^(-8)
- ML<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(ML)==1){
- ML<- list(ML)
- }
- Tmp=varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)>1){
- A<- Tmp[1]; B<- Tmp[2]
- }
- else{
- A<- Tmp
- if(Nargs>=3){
- B<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- else{
- B<- 0
- }
- }
- OutL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(ML))){
- GL<- Op(N,ML)
- Out<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(GL))){
- if(is.matrix(GL)){ # 10.12.07
- Tmp<- GL[I,]
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- GL
- }
- X1<- Tmp[1]
- Y1<- Tmp[2]
- if(X1==Inf){
- X2<- X1
- Y2<-Y1
- }
- else{
- X2<- X1+A
- Y2<- Y1+B
- }
- Out<- Appendrow(Out,c(X2,Y2))
- }
- OutL<- Mixjoin(OutL,list(Out))
- }
- if(length(OutL)==1){
- OutL<- Op(1,OutL)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Unscaling<- function(G)
- GLg<- G
- if(class(GLg)=="numeric"){
- GLg<-c(G[1]/SCALEX, G[2]/SCALEY)
- Tmp<-GLg
- if(LOGX==1) Tmp[1]<- 10^(GLg[1])
- if(LOGY==1) Tmp[2]<- 10^(GLg[2])
- return(Tmp)
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<-matrix(c(1/SCALEX,0,0,1/SCALEY),nrow=2)
- GLg<-G %*% Tmp1
- Tmp<-GLg
- if(LOGX==1) Tmp[,1]<- 10^(G[,1])
- if(LOGY==1) Tmp[,2]<- 10^(G[,2])
- return(Tmp)
- }
-Vtickmark<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ArgsL<- varargin
- if(mode(ArgsL[[1]])=="character"){
- Str<- ArgsL[[1]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"m")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- I<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- I<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"n")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- J<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- J<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"r")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- K=nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- K<- 0
- }
- if(K>0){
- S<- substr(Str,K+1,nchar(Str))
- R<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- R<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- R<- 1
- K<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- if(J>0){
- S<- substr(Str,J+1,K-1)
- Dn<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dn<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- Dn<- 1000
- J<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- S<- substr(Str,I+1,J-1)
- Dm<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dm<- 1
- }
- ArgsL<- list()
- for (I in 1:floor((YMAX-GENTEN[2])/Dm)){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(-1,ceiling((YMIN-GENTEN[2])/Dm))){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- list()
- Memori<- list()
- for (N in 1:length(ArgsL)){
- Dt<- ArgsL[[N]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric" && length(Dt)>1){
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt[1],Dt[2])
- next
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Memori<- Mixjoin(Memori,Dt)
- }
- else{
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(GENTEN[1],Dt)
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- for (N in 1:length(MemoriList)){
- Dt<- MemoriList[[N]]
- Ndt<- length(Dt)
- X=Op(1,Dt)
- Y=Op(2,Dt)
- Tmp<-Doscaling(c(X,Y))
- X<- Tmp[1]
- Y<- Tmp[2]
- Moji<- Op(Ndt,Dt)
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(c(X+MARKLEN,Y))
- Tmp2<- Unscaling(c(X-MARKLEN,Y))
- Fd<- Listplot(c(Tmp1,Tmp2))
- Drwline(Fd)
- if(Ndt==3){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X-MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,"w",Moji)
- }
- if(Ndt==4){
- Houkou<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp<-grep("w",Houkou)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X-MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(X+MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xmn<- Tmp[1]; Ymn<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- Xmx<- Tmp[1]; Ymx<- Tmp[2]
- plot(c(Xmn,Xmx),c(Ymn,Ymx),type="n",asp=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Listplot(c(0,YMIN),c(0,YMAX)))
- axis(2,at=as.numeric(Tmp[,2]), labels=round(c(YMIN,YMAX),2))
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Listplot(c(XMIN,0),c(XMAX,0)))
- axis(1,at=as.numeric(Tmp[,1]), labels=round(c(XMIN,XMAX),2))
- Tmp1<- c(XMIN,GENTEN[2])
- Tmp2<- c(XMAX,GENTEN[2])
- Tmp3<- Listplot(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- MakeCurves(Tmp3,0)
- if(Datalength(Tmp)>0){
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2],col="green")
- }
- Tmp1<- c(GENTEN[1],YMAX)
- Tmp2<- c(GENTEN[1],YMIN)
- Tmp3<- Listplot(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- MakeCurves(Tmp3,0)
- if(Datalength(Tmp)>0){
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2],col="green")
- }
- Tmp<-Doscaling(Framedata())
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2])
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Pdata<-varargin[[I]]
- if(mode(Pdata)=="numeric"){
- Pdata<-list(Pdata)
- }
- while(Mixtype(Pdata)==3){ # 10.02.23
- Tmp1<- list()
- for(II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp1<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,Pdata[[II]])
- }
- Pdata<- Tmp1
- } # 10.02.23
- for (II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp<-Pdata[[II]]
- P<-MakeCurves(Tmp,0)
- Ndm<-Dataindex(P)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Ndm))){
- Q<-P[Ndm[J,1]:Ndm[J,2],]
- if(Nrow(Q)==1){
- Tmp<-seq(1,Ncol(Q),by=2)
- for (K in Tmp){
- Pt<-Q[K:(K+1)]
- points(Pt[1],Pt[2])
- }
- }
- else{
- lines(Q[,1],Q[,2])
- }
- }
- }
- }
-WindispT<-function(..., color="black",width=1,new=FALSE,htick=c(),vtick=c()){ # 10.12.04
- par(new=new)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(!new) # 10.12.04
- {
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xmn<- Tmp[1]; Ymn<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- Xmx<- Tmp[1]; Ymx<- Tmp[2]
- plot(c(Xmn,Xmx),c(Ymn,Ymx),type="n",asp=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
- Tick<- sort(c(YMIN,YMAX,vtick)) #### 10.12.04 from here
- Tmp1<- matrix(c(rep(0,length(Tick)),Tick),ncol=2)
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- axis(2,at=as.numeric(Tmp[,2]), labels=round(Tick,2))
- Tick<- sort(c(XMIN,XMAX,htick))
- Tmp1<- matrix(c(Tick,rep(0,length(Tick))),ncol=2)
- Tmp<- Doscaling(Tmp1)
- axis(1,at=as.numeric(Tmp[,1]), labels=round(Tick,2)) #### 10.12.04 to here
- Tmp1<- c(XMIN,GENTEN[2])
- Tmp2<- c(XMAX,GENTEN[2])
- Tmp3<- Listplot(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- MakeCurves(Tmp3,0)
- if(Datalength(Tmp)>0){
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2],col="green")
- }
- Tmp1<- c(GENTEN[1],YMAX)
- Tmp2<- c(GENTEN[1],YMIN)
- Tmp3<- Listplot(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp<- MakeCurves(Tmp3,0)
- if(Datalength(Tmp)>0){
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2],col="green")
- }
- Tmp<-Doscaling(Framedata())
- lines(Tmp[,1],Tmp[,2])
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Pdata<-Flattenlist(varargin[[I]]) # 101129 from here
- Cmd<- list()
- for (II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp<-Pdata[[II]]
- if(length(Tmp)==1){
- Cmd<- c(Cmd,list(Tmp))
- next
- }
- P<-MakeCurves(Tmp,0)
- if(length(Cmd)>0){
- if(length(Cmd)>=3){
- polygon(P,col=Cmd[[1]],border=Cmd[[2]],density=Cmd[[3]])
- }
- else{
- polygon(P,col=Cmd[[1]],border=Cmd[[2]])
- }
- next
- } # 101129 to here
- Ndm<-Dataindex(P)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Ndm))){
- Q<-P[Ndm[J,1]:Ndm[J,2],]
- if(Nrow(Q)==1){
- Tmp<-seq(1,Ncol(Q),by=2)
- for (K in Tmp){
- Pt<-Q[K:(K+1)]
- points(Pt[1],Pt[2],col=color)#taka101111
- }
- }
- else{
- lines(Q[,1],Q[,2],col=color,lwd=width)#taka101111
- }
- }
- }
- }
- par(new=FALSE)
-# 3D
-# 10.08.16
-CameracoordCurve<- function(Curve){
- Out<- c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Curve))){
- P<- Ptcrv(J,Curve) #P=Curve(J,:);
- Tmp<- P-FocusPoint
- X1<- Tmp[1]; Y1<- Tmp[2]; Z1<- Tmp[3]
- Tmp<- EyePoint-FocusPoint
- E1<- Tmp[1]; F1<- Tmp[2]; G1<- Tmp[3]
- Ca<- E1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- Sa<- F1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- X2<- X1*Ca+Y1*Sa; Y2<- -X1*Sa+Y1*Ca; Z2<- Z1
- E2<- E1*Ca+F1*Sa; F2<- -E1*Sa+F1*Ca; G2<- G1
- Cb<- E2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- Sb<- G2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- X3<- X2*Cb+Z2*Sb; Y3<- Y2; Z3<- -X2*Sb+Z2*Cb
- E3<- E2*Cb+G2*Sb; F3<- F2; G3<- -E2*Sb+G2*Cb
- Xz<- X3
- Yz<- E3/(E3-X3)*Y3
- Zz<- E3/(E3-X3)*Z3
- Out<- rbind(Out,c(Yz,Zz,Xz))
- }
- rownames(Out)<- 1:Nrow(Out)
- return(Out)
-CameraCurve<- function(Curve){
- Eps<- 10^(-6)
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Curve))){
- P<- Curve[I,]
- x<- P[1]; y<- P[2]; z<- P[3]
- if(x!=Inf){
- Tmp<- Perspt(P)
- if(I==1){
- AnsL<- rbind(c(),Tmp)
- }else{
- Tmp1<- AnsL[Nrow(AnsL),]
- if(Tmp1[1]==Inf || Norm(Tmp-Tmp1)>Eps){
- AnsL<- rbind(AnsL,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }else{
- AnsL<- rbind(AnsL,c(Inf,Inf))
- }
- }
- rownames(AnsL)<- 1:Nrow(AnsL)
- return(AnsL)
-Cancoordpara<- function(P){ # 18.02.15
- Xz<- P[1]
- Yz<- P[2]
- Zz<- P[3]
- X<- -Xz*sin(PHI)-Yz*cos(PHI)*cos(THETA)+Zz*cos(PHI)*sin(THETA)
- Y<- Xz*cos(PHI)-Yz*sin(PHI)*cos(THETA)+Zz*sin(PHI)*sin(THETA)
- Z<- Yz*sin(THETA)+Zz*cos(THETA)
- Out<- c(X,Y,Z)
- return(Out)
-Cancoordpers<- function(P){
- Tmp<- EyePoint-FocusPoint
- E1<- Tmp[1]; F1<- Tmp[2]; G1<- Tmp[3]
- Ca<- E1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- Sa<- F1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- E2<- E1*Ca+F1*Sa; F2<- -E1*Sa+F1*Ca; G2<- G1
- Cb<- E2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- Sb<- G2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- E3<- E2*Cb+G2*Sb; F3<- F2; G3<- -E2*Sb+G2*Cb
- Xz<- P[3]; Yz<- P[1]; Zz<- P[2]
- X3<- Xz; Y3<- Yz*(E3-Xz)/E3; Z3<- Zz*(E3-Xz)/E3
- X2<- X3*Cb-Sb*Z3; Y2<- Y3; Z2<- Cb*Z3+Sb*X3
- X1<- X2*Ca-Sa*Y2; Y1<- Ca*Y2+Sa*X2; Z1<- Z2
- X<- X1+FocusPoint[1]
- Y<- Y1+FocusPoint[2]
- Z<- Z1+FocusPoint[3]
- Out<- c(X,Y,Z)
- return(Out)
-Embed<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Pd3<- varargin[[1]]
- if(Mixtype(Pd3)==1){
- Pd3<- list(Pd3)
- }
- else if(Mixtype(Pd3)==3){
- Tmp<- list();
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Pd3))){
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,Pd3[[I]])
- }
- Pd3<- Tmp
- }
- Tmpf=varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Tmpf)=="character"){
- Tmp<- varargin[[3]]
- Tmp1<- gsub("c(","(",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Vstr<- gsub(")",")",Tmp1,fixed=TRUE)
- Str<- paste("Tmpfn<- function",Vstr,"{",Tmpf,"}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- else{
- Tmpfn<- Tmpf
- }
- Out<- list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Pd3))){
- PD<- Pd3[[I]]
- Ans<- c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Nrow(PD))){
- P<- PD[J,]
- Tmp<- Tmpfn(P[1],P[2])
- Ans<- rbind(Ans,Tmp)
- }
- Out<- c(Out, list(Ans))
- }
- if(length(Out)==1){
- Out<- Out[[1]]
- }
- return(Out)
-# 10.08.17
-# 14.03.30
-Facesdata<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- FL<- varargin[[1]]
- PT<- varargin[[length(varargin)]]
- Tmp<-grep("para",PT,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Ptype<- 1
- }else{
- Ptype<- -1
- }
- if(Nargs==2){
- CLadd<- list()
- }else{
- CLadd<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- NohiddenL<- list()
- HiddenL<- list()
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- if(length(CLadd)>0){
- if(mode(CLadd)=="numeric"){
- C<- list()
- if(Nrow(CLadd)>1){
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(CLadd))){
- C<- c(C,list(CLadd[I,]))
- }
- }else{
- I<- 1
- while (I<=Ncol(CLadd)){
- C<- c(C,list(CLadd[1,I:(I+2)]))
- I<- I+3
- }
- }
- CrvL<- list(C)
- }else if(mode(CLadd[[1]])=="numeric"){
- CrvL<- list()
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(CL))){
- Ctmp<- CLadd[[J]]
- C<- list()
- if(Nrow(Ctmp)>1){
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Ctmp))){
- C<- c(C,list(Ctmp[I,]))
- }
- }else{
- I<- 1
- while(I<=Ncol(Ctmp)){
- C<- c(C,list(Ctmp[1,I:(I+2)]))
- I<- I+3
- }
- }
- CrvL<- c(CrvL,list(C))
- }
- }else{
- CrvL<- CLadd
- }
- }else{
- CrvL<- list()
- }
- Out<- MakeveLfaceL(FL)
- VELNO<<- Out[[1]]
- VELHI<<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(CrvL))){
- Tmp<- CrvL[[I]]
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Tmp)-1)){
- Edge<- list(Tmp[J],Tmp[J+1])
- Ntmp<- length(VELNO)
- VELNO(Ntmp+1)<<- list(Edge,0,Ntmp+1)
- }
- }
- FaceL<- Out[[2]]
- Tmp<- grep("raw",PT,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)==0){
- for (Nf in Looprange(1,length(FaceL))){
- Face<- FaceL[[Nf]]
- Menkakusi2(Face,Nf,Ptype)
- }
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(VELNO))){
- Edge<- Op(1,VELNO[[I]])
- if(Norm(Edge[[1]]-Edge[[2]])>Eps){
- NohiddenL<- c(NohiddenL,list(Spaceline(Edge)))
- }
- }
- EdgeL<- list() # from 13.03.30
- for(K in Looprange(1,length(VELHI))){
- Edge<- Op(1,VELHI[[K]])
- P<- Edge[[1]]; Q<- Edge[[2]]
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps){
- EdgeL<- c(EdgeL,list(Edge))
- }
- }
- for(K in Looprange(1,length(EdgeL))){
- Edge<- EdgeL[[K]]
- P<- Edge[[1]]; Q<- Edge[[2]]
- Cflg<- 0
- for(J in Looprange(K+1,length(EdgeL))){
- Ej<- EdgeL[[J]]
- Pj<- Ej[[1]]; Qj<- Ej[[2]]
- if(Norm(Crossprod(Q-P,Qj-Pj))>Eps){
- next
- }
- if(Norm(Q-Pj)<Eps){
- EdgeL[[J]]<- list(P,Qj)
- Cflg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Norm(P-Qj)<Eps){
- EdgeL[[J]]=list(Q,Pj)
- Cflg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Cflg==0){
- HiddenL<- c(HiddenL,list(Spaceline(Edge)))
- }
- } # until 14.03.30
- return(NohiddenL)
-# 2014.03.31
-PhHiddenData<- function(){
-########## Old Fullform ( Check the case of Polygon )####################
-Fullformfunc<- function(FdL){# Out=Fullformfunc(FdL)
- Out<- list(Op(1,FdL))
- N<- Mixlength(FdL)
- for (Jrg in Looprange(1,N)){
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(Jrg,FdL))
- Tmp1<- grep("=c(",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp1)>0){
- break
- }
- }
- Urg<- Stripblanks(Op(Jrg,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Urg,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Uname<- StrV[1]
- Vrg<- Stripblanks(Op(Jrg+1,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Vrg,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Vname<- StrV[1]
- if(Jrg==2){
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(1,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Zf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- list(Uname,Vname,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }else if(Jrg==4){
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(1,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Zf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(2,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Xname<- StrV[1]
- Xf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(3,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Yname<- StrV[1]
- Yf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- gsub(Xname,paste("(",Xf,")",sep=""),Zf,fixed=TRUE)
- Zf<- gsub(Yname,paste("(",Yf,")",sep=""),Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- list(Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }else{
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(2,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Xf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(3,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Yf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- Stripblanks(Op(4,FdL))
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- Zf<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- list(Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- }
- DrwS<- "enws"
- BdyL<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(Jrg+2,Mixlength(FdL))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,FdL)
- if(mode(Tmp)=="character"){
- if(length(Tmp)==0){
- Tmp<- " "
- }
- DrwS<- Tmp
- }
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && Ncol(Tmp)>1){
- BdyL<- Tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp<- list(DrwS,BdyL)
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- return(Out)
-Initangle<- function (){
- PHI<<- 30*pi/180
- THETA<<- 60*pi/180
-Invparapt<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Fk<- varargin[[length(varargin)]]
- NFk<- Numptcrv(Fk)
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){ # debug
- Ph<- Tmp
- Fh<- varargin[[2]]
- }else{
- Fh<- Projpara(Fk)
- if(NFk>2){
- Tmp1<- Nearestpt(Tmp,Fh)
- Ph<- Tmp1[[2]]
- }else{
- Ah<- Ptcrv(1,Fh); Bh=Ptcrv(2,Fh)
- V1<- Tmp-Ah; V2<- Bh-Ah
- Tmp1<- Crossprod(V1,V2)
- if(abs(Tmp1)>Eps){
- print("Not on the line")
- return(c())
- }else{
- Ph<- Dotprod(V1,V2)/Norm(V2)^2+1
- }
- }
- }
- if(NFk>2){
- N<- trunc(Ph)
- S0<- Ph-N
- if(Ph>Numptcrv(Fh)-Eps){
- Out<- list(Ptend(Fk),Numptcrv(Fh))
- return(Out)
- }
- }else{
- N<- 1
- S0<- Ph-1
- }
- Ak<- Ptcrv(N,Fk); Bk=Ptcrv(N+1,Fk)
- Ah<- Ptcrv(N,Fh); Bh=Ptcrv(N+1,Fh)
- Ph<- (1-S0)*Ah+S0*Bh
- T2<- S0
- Pk<- (1-T2)*Ak+T2*Bk
- Out<- list(Pk,N+T2)
- return(Out)
-Invperspt<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Fk<- varargin[[length(varargin)]]
- NFk<- Numptcrv(Fk)
- Tmp<- varargin[[1]]
- if(mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Ph<- varargin[[1]]
- Fh<- varargin[[2]]
- }else{
- Fh<- Projpers(Fk)
- if(NFk>2){
- Tmp1<- Nearestpt(Tmp,Fh)
- Ph<- Tmp1[[2]]
- }else{
- Ah<- Ptcrv(1,Fh); Bh<- Ptcrv(2,Fh)
- V1<- Tmp-Ah; V2<- Bh-Ah
- Tmp1<- Crossprod(V1,V2)
- if(abs(Tmp1)>Eps){
- print("Not on the line")
- Out<- c()
- return(Out)
- }else{
- Ph<- Dotprod(V1,V2)/Norm(V2)^2+1# 09.11.12
- }
- }
- }
- if(NFk>2){
- N<- trunc(Ph)
- S0<- Ph-N
- if(Ph>Numptcrv(Fh)-Eps){
- Out<- list(Ptend(Fk),Numptcrv(Fh))
- return(Out)
- }
- }else{
- N<- 1
- S0<- Ph-1 # 09.11.12
- }
- Ak<- Ptcrv(N,Fk); Bk<- Ptcrv(N+1,Fk)
- Ah<- Ptcrv(N,Fh); Bh<- Ptcrv(N+1,Fh)
- Ph<- (1-S0)*Ah+S0*Bh
- Phc<- Cancoordpers(c(Ph,0))
- Ahc<- Cancoordpers(c(Ah,0))
- Bhc<- Cancoordpers(c(Bh,0))
- Vp<- Phc-EyePoint
- Va<- Ak-EyePoint
- AB<- Bk-Ak
- Cp<- Crossprod(Vp,AB)
- Nmr<- Crossprod(Va,Vp)
- Mx<- max(abs(Cp))
- if(abs(Cp[1])==Mx){
- T2<- Nmr[1]/Cp[1]
- }else if(abs(Cp[2])==Mx){
- T2<- Nmr[2]/Cp[2]
- }else{
- T2<- Nmr[3]/Cp[3]
- }
- Pk<- (1-T2)*Ak+T2*Bk
- Out<- list(Pk,N+T2)
- return(Out)
-Kukannozoku<- function(Jokyo,KukanL){
- Eps<- 10^(-6)
- N<- Nrow(KukanL)
- T1<- Jokyo[1]; T2<- Jokyo[2]
- Tmp<- KukanL[1,]
- T1<- max(T1,Tmp[1])
- Tmp<- KukanL[N,]
- T2<- min(T2,Tmp[2])
- Res<- c()
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,N)){
- Ku<- KukanL[I,]
- if(Flg==0){
- if(Ku[2]<T1){
- Res<- rbind(Res,Ku)
- }else{
- Flg<- 1
- if(Ku[1]<T1-Eps){
- Tmp<- c(Ku[1],T1)
- Res<- rbind(Res,Tmp)
- }
- if(Ku[2]>T2+Eps){
- Tmp<- c(T2,Ku[2])
- Res<- rbind(Res,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }else if(Flg==1){
- if(Ku[2]<T2){
- next
- }else{
- Flg<- 2
- if(Ku[1]<T2-Eps){
- Ku<- c(T2,Ku[2])
- }
- Res<- rbind(Res,Ku)
- }
- }else{
- Res<- rbind(Res,Ku)
- }
- }
- return(Res)
-Makeskeletondata<- function(Obj2L,Plt2L,R0,Eps2){
- Eps<- 10.0^(-3)
- Dmat<- c()
- Dind<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt2L))){
- Dt<- Op(I,Plt2L)
- N1<- Nrow(Dmat)+1
- if(Nrow(Dmat)==0){
- Dmat<- Dt
- }else{
- Dmat<- rbind(Dmat,Dt)
- }
- N2<- Nrow(Dmat)
- Dind<- c(Dind,N1,N2)
- }
- Dind<- matrix(Dind,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- Nind<- Nrow(Dind)
- Allres<- list()
- for (Nobj in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Obj2L))){
- Plt2<- Op(Nobj,Obj2L)
- PhL<- Plt2[,1:2]
- ClipL<- c()
- for (Ns in Looprange(1,Nrow(PhL)-1)){
- P1<- PhL[Ns:(Ns+1),]
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Dind))){
- Tmp<- Dmat[Dind[I,1]:Dind[I,2],]
- P2<- Tmp[,1:2]
- KC<- IntersectcrvsPp(P1,P2,Eps)
- if(Mixlength(KC)>0){
- for (J in 1:Mixlength(KC)){
- P<- Op(1,Op(J,KC))
- Tmp<- Op(2,Op(J,KC))
- if(Tmp<1+Eps && Ns==1){
- next
- }
- if(Tmp>Numptcrv(P1)-Eps && Ns==(Nrow(PhL)-1)){
- next
- }
- N1<- Ns
- N2<- Op(3,Op(J,KC))
- Pa<- Plt2[N1,1:2]
- Za<- Plt2[N1,3]
- Pb<- Plt2[N1+1,1:2]
- Zb<- Plt2[N1+1,3]
- if(Norm(Pa-Pb)<Eps){
- next
- }
- T1<- Norm(Pa-P)/Norm(Pa-Pb)
- Z1<- (1-T1)*Za+T1*Zb
- Tmp<- Dmat[Dind[I,1]:Dind[I,2],]
- Pa<- Tmp[N2,1:2]
- Za<- Tmp[N2,3]
- Pb<- Tmp[N2+1,1:2]
- Zb<- Tmp[N2+1,3]
- if((Norm(Pa-Pb)<Eps)){
- next
- }
- T2<- Norm(Pa-P)/Norm(Pa-Pb)
- Z2<- (1-T2)*Za+T2*Zb
- if(Z1<Z2-Eps2){
- if(Nrow(ClipL)==0){
- Tmp<- 1
- }else{
- Tmp1<- ClipL[,1]-P[1]
- Tmp2<- ClipL[,2]-P[2]
- Tmp3<- Tmp1^2+Tmp2^2
- Tmp<- min(Tmp3)
- }
- if(Tmp>Eps^2){
- Tmp1<- P1[2,]-P1[1,]
- Tmp2<- Pb-Pa
- Tmp3<- Dotprod(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp3<- Tmp3/Norm(Tmp1)/Norm(Tmp2)
- Tmp<- 1-0.5*Tmp3^2
- ClipL<- rbind(ClipL,c(P,N1,T1,R0/Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Te<- Nrow(Plt2)
- KukanL<- rbind(c(),c(1.0,Te))
- P1<- PhL
- if(Nrow(ClipL)>0){
- for (I in 1:Nrow(ClipL)){
- P<- ClipL[I,1:2]
- NN<- ClipL[I,3]
- T<- NN+ClipL[I,4]
- R<- ClipL[I,5]
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in NN:1){
- Q<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- next
- }
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- T1<- 1
- }else{
- T1<- J; T2<- T
- H<- T2-T1
- for (N in 1:10){
- H<- H*0.5
- Q<- Pointoncurve(T1+H,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- T2<- T2-H
- }else{
- T1<- T1+H
- }
- }
- }
- Ku<- c(T1)
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(NN+1,Te)){
- Q<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- next
- }
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- T2<- Te
- }else{
- T1<- T; T2<- J
- H<- T2-T1
- for (N in 1:10){
- H<- H*0.5
- Q<- Pointoncurve(T1+H,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- T1<- T1+H
- }else{
- T2<- T2-H
- }
- }
- }
- Ku<- c(Ku,T2)
- KukanL<- Kukannozoku(Ku,KukanL)
- }
- }
- Res<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(KukanL))){
- T1<- KukanL[I,1]; N1<- trunc(T1)
- T2<- KukanL[I,2]; N2<- trunc(T2)
- PtL<- list()
- if(T1-N1<1-Eps){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(T1,P1)
- PtL<- list(Tmp)
- }
- for (J in Looprange(N1+1,N2)){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp))
- }
- if(T2-N2>Eps){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(T2,P1)
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Res<- c(Res,list(Listplot(PtL)))
- }
- Allres<- c(Allres,Res)
- }
- return(Allres)
-Makeskeletonpersdata<- function(Obj2L,Plt2L,R0,Eps2){
- Eps<- 10.0^(-3)
- Dmat<- c()
- Dind<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt2L))){
- Dt<- Op(I,Plt2L)
- N1<- Nrow(Dmat)+1
- Dmat<- rbind(Dmat,Dt)
- N2<- Nrow(Dmat)
- Dind<- rbind(Dind,c(N1,N2))
- }
- Nind<- Nrow(Dind)
- Allres<- list()
- for (Nobj in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Obj2L))){
- Plt2<- Op(Nobj,Obj2L)
- PhL<- Plt2[,1:2]
- ClipL<- c()
- for (Ns in Looprange(1,Nrow(PhL)-1)){
- P1<- PhL[Ns:(Ns+1),]
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Dind))){
- Tmp<- Dmat[Dind[I,1]:Dind[I,2],]
- P2<- Tmp[,1:2]
- KC<- IntersectcrvsPp(P1,P2,Eps)
- if(Mixlength(KC)>0){
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(KC))){#
- P<- Op(1,Op(J,KC))
- Tmp<- Op(2,Op(J,KC))
- if(Tmp<(1+Eps) && Ns==1){
- next
- }
- if(Tmp>Numptcrv(P1)-Eps && Ns==(Nrow(PhL)-1)){
- next
- }
- N1<- Ns
- N2<- Op(3,Op(J,KC))
- Pa<- Plt2[N1,1:2]
- Za<- Plt2[N1,3]
- Pb<- Plt2[N1+1,1:2]
- Zb<- Plt2[N1+1,3]
- if(Norm(Pa-Pb)<Eps){
- next
- }
- T1<- Norm(Pa-P)/Norm(Pa-Pb)#norm(Pa-P)/norm(Pa-Pb)
- Pka<- Cancoordpers(c(Pa[1],Pa[2],Za))
- Pkb<- Cancoordpers(c(Pb[1],Pb[2],Zb))
- if(T1>1-Eps){
- Pk<- Pkb
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(Pa,Pb))
- Tmp2<- Spaceline(c(Pka,Pkb))
- Tmp<- Invperspt(1+T1,Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Pk<- Op(1,Tmp)
- }
- Z1<- Zperspt(Pk)
- Tmp<- Dmat[Dind[I,1]:Dind[I,2],]
- Pa<- Tmp[N2,1:2]
- Za<- Tmp[N2,3]
- Pb<- Tmp[N2+1,1:2]
- Zb<- Tmp[N2+1,3]
- if(Norm(Pa-Pb)<Eps){
- next
- }
- T2<- Norm(Pa-P)/Norm(Pa-Pb)
- Pka<- Cancoordpers(c(Pa[1],Pa[2],Za))
- Pkb<- Cancoordpers(c(Pb[1],Pb[2],Zb))
- if(T2>(1-Eps)){
- Pk<- Pkb
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Listplot(c(Pa,Pb))
- Tmp2<- Spaceline(c(Pka,Pkb))
- Tmp<- Invperspt(1+T2,Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Pk<- Op(1,Tmp)
- }
- Z2<- Zperspt(Pk)
- if(Z1<(Z2-Eps2)){
- if(length(ClipL)==0){
- Tmp<- 1
- }else{
- Tmp1<- ClipL[,1]-P[1]
- Tmp2<- ClipL[,2]-P[2]
- Tmp3<- Tmp1^2+Tmp2^2
- Tmp<- min(Tmp3)
- }
- if(Tmp>Eps^2){
- Tmp1<- P1[2,]-P1[1,]
- Tmp2<- Pb-Pa
- Tmp3<- Dotprod(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp3<- Tmp3/Norm(Tmp1)/Norm(Tmp2)
- Tmp<- 1-0.5*Tmp3^2
- ClipL<- rbind(ClipL,c(P,N1,T1,R0/Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Te<- Nrow(Plt2)
- KukanL<- rbind(c(),c(1.0,Te))
- P1<- PhL
- if(Nrow(ClipL)>0){
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(ClipL))){
- P<- ClipL[I,1:2]
- NN<- ClipL[I,3]
- T<- NN+ClipL[I,4]
- R<- ClipL[I,5] #added 10.08.17
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in NN:1){
- Q<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){#(norm(P-Q)<R)
- next
- }
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- T1<- 1
- }else{
- T1<- J; T2<- T
- H<- T2-T1
- for (N in 1:10){
- H<- H*0.5
- Q<- Pointoncurve(T1+H,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){ # norm(P-Q)<R
- T2<- T2-H
- }else{
- T1<- T1+H
- }
- }
- }
- Ku<- c(T1)#Ku<- [T1]
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(NN+1,Te)){
- Q<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- next#continue
- }
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- T2<- Te
- }else{
- T1<- T; T2<- J
- H<- T2-T1
- for (N in 1:10){
- H<- H*0.5
- Q<- Pointoncurve(T1+H,P1)
- if(Norm(P-Q)<R){
- T1<- T1+H
- }else{
- T2<- T2-H
- }
- }
- }
- Ku<- c(Ku,T2)#[Ku,T2]
- KukanL<- Kukannozoku(Ku,KukanL)
- }
- }
- Res<- list()#[]
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(KukanL))){#(I=1:size(KukanL,1))
- T1<- KukanL[I,1]; N1<- trunc(T1)
- T2<- KukanL[I,2]; N2<- trunc(T2)
- PtL<- list()#[]
- if(T1-N1<1-Eps){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(T1,P1)
- PtL<- list(Tmp)#100816c(PtL,list(Tmp)) PtL<- MixS(Tmp)
- }
- for (J in Looprange(N1+1,N2)){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(J,P1)
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp))#Mixadd(PtL,Tmp)
- }
- if(T2-N2>Eps){
- Tmp<- Pointoncurve(T2,P1)
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp))#Mixadd(PtL,Tmp)
- }
- Res<- c(Res,list(Listplot(PtL)))#Res<- Mixadd(Res,Listplot(PtL))
- }
- Allres<- c(Allres,Res)#Allres<- Mixjoin(Allres,Res)
- }
- return(Allres)
-MakeveLfaceL<- function(VfL){
-# // Out format
-# // VeL Edge, Face num(as numlist), VeL num
-# // FL Face (Vertexs)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Tmp<- VfL[[length(VfL)]]
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(mode(Tmp1)=="numeric"){
- FvL<- list(VfL)
- }else{
- FvL<- VfL
- }
- EL<- list(); FL<- list()
- for (Nn in Looprange(1,length(FvL))){
- Tmp<- FvL[[Nn]]
- VL<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(VL)>0){
- FnL<- Tmp[[2]]
- FaceL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(FnL))){
- Tmp1<- FnL[[I]]
- PtL<- list()
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Tmp1))){
- Tmp2<- Tmp1[[J]]
- PtL[[J]]<- VL[[Tmp2]]
- }
- FaceL[[I]]<- PtL
- }
- }else{
- FaceL<- list(Tmp[[2]])
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(FaceL))){
- Face<- FaceL[[I]]
- Face<- c(Face,list(Face[[1]]))
- FL<- c(FL,list(Face))
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face)-1)){
- Edge<- list(Face[[J]],Face[[J+1]])
- Flg<- 0
- for (K in Looprange(1,length(EL))){
- Tmp<- EL[[K]]
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp2<- Norm(Edge[[1]]-Tmp1[[1]])+Norm(Edge[[2]]-Tmp1[[2]])
- Tmp3<- Norm(Edge[[1]]-Tmp1[[2]])+Norm(Edge[[2]]-Tmp1[[1]])
- if(Tmp2<Eps || Tmp3<Eps){#(
- Tmp<- EL[[K]]
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp2<- c(Tmp[[2]],length(FL))
- EL[[K]]<- list(Tmp1,Tmp2,K)
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- Ntmp<- length(EL)
- EL[[Ntmp+1]]<- list(Edge,c(length(FL)),Ntmp+1)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Out<- list(EL,FL)
- return(Out)
-#// 09.10.29
-#// 09.11.15
-Menkakusi2<- function(Face,Nf,Ptype){
-# global THETA PHI EyePoint FocusPoint VELNO VELHI
- Eps0<- 10^(-6)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Tmp1<- Face[[1]]-Face[[2]]
- Tmp2<- Face[[3]]-Face[[2]]
- if(Norm(Tmp1)<Eps || Norm(Tmp2)<Eps){
- return()
- }
- Vec<- 1/Norm(Tmp1)/Norm(Tmp2)*Crossprod(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- if(Norm(Vec)<Eps){
- return()
- }
- if(Ptype== -1){
- W<- EyePoint
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Vec,W-Face[[1]])
- }else{
- W<- c(sin(THETA)*cos(PHI),sin(THETA)*sin(PHI),cos(THETA))
- W<- 100*W
- Tmp<- Dotprod(Vec,W-Face[[1]])
- }
- if(abs(Tmp)<Eps){
- return()
- }
- if(Tmp<-Eps){
- Vec<- -Vec
- }
- if(Ptype==-1){
- G1<- Projpers(Spaceline(Face))
- }else{
- G1<- Projpara(Spaceline(Face))
- }
- VL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Numptcrv(G1))){
- VL[[I]]<- Ptcrv(I,G1)
- }
- Out1L<- list()
- Out2L<- VELHI
- for (N in Looprange(1,length(VELNO))){
- Out1<- list()
- Out2<- list()
- Tmp<- VELNO[[N]]
- Edge<- Tmp[[1]]
- Ne<- Tmp[[2]]
- NNe<- Tmp[[3]]
- if(Member(Nf,Ne)){
- Out1L<- c(Out1L, list(list(Edge,Ne,NNe)))
- next
- }
- if(Ptype==-1){
- PtA<- Perspt(Edge[[1]])
- PtB<- Perspt(Edge[[2]])
- }else{
- PtA<- Parapt(Edge[[1]])
- PtB<- Parapt(Edge[[2]])
- }
- if(Norm(PtA-PtB)<Eps){
- next
- }
- Bdy<- list(G1)
- V<- PtB-PtA
- TenL<- KoutenList(PtA,V,Bdy)
- Nten<- length(TenL)
- if(Nten==0){ # debug 10.08.17
- Out1L<- c(Out1L,list(list(Edge,Ne,NNe)))
- next
- }
- Te<- 0
- Pe3<- Edge[[1]]
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Tmp1<- Perspt(Pe3)
- Tmp<- Invperspt(Tmp1,Spaceline(Face))
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Parapt(Pe3)
- Tmp<- Invparapt(Tmp1,Spaceline(Face))
- }
- Qe3<- Tmp[[1]]
- Flg<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nten)){
- TenP<- TenL[[I]]
- Ts<- TenP[[1]]
- P<- TenP[[2]]
- if(Ts< -Eps){
- next
- }
- Eline<- Spaceline(Edge)
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Tmp<- Invperspt(P,Eline)
- Tmp1<- Invperspt(P,Spaceline(Face))
- }else{
- Tmp<- Invparapt(P,Eline)
- Tmp1<- Invparapt(P,Spaceline(Face))
- }
- P3<- Tmp[[1]]; Q3<- Tmp1[[1]]
- if(Ts>1-Eps){# // P3, Q3 are necessary
- Flg<- I
- break
- }
- if(abs(Te-Ts)>Eps0){
- if((I%%2)==1){
- Out1<- c(Out1,list(list(Pe3,P3)))
- }else{
- if(length(Qe3)==0){
- Tmp<- Op(2,TenL[[I-1]])
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Tmp1<- Invperspt(Tmp,Spaceline(Face))
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Invparapt(Tmp,Spaceline(Face))
- }
- Qe3<- Tmp1[[1]]
- }
- PM<- 0.5*(Pe3+P3); QM<- 0.5*(Qe3+Q3)
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Z1<- Zperspt(PM); Z2<- Zperspt(QM)
- }else{
- Z1<- Zparapt(PM); Z2<- Zparapt(QM)
- }
- if(Z1>Z2){
- Out1<- c(Out1, list(list(Pe3,P3)))
- }else{
- Out2<- c(Out2, list(list(Pe3,P3)))
- }##
- }
- }
- Te<- Ts; Pe3<- P3; Qe3<- Q3
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- if(Norm(Pe3-Edge[[2]])>Eps0){
- Out1<- c(Out1, list(list(Pe3,Edge[[2]])))
- }
- }else{
- if((Flg%%2)==1){
- Out1<- c(Out1, list(list(Pe3,Edge[[2]])))
- }else{
- PM<- 0.5*(Pe3+P3); QM<- 0.5*(Qe3+Q3)
- if(Ptype==-1){
- Z1<- Zperspt(PM); Z2<- Zperspt(QM)
- }else{
- Z1<- Zparapt(PM); Z2<- Zparapt(QM)
- }
- if(Z1>Z2){
- Out1<- c(Out1, list(list(Pe3,Edge[[2]])))
- }else{
- Out2<- c(Out2, list(list(Pe3,Edge[[2]])))
- }
- }
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(Out1))){
- Tmp<- Out1[[I]]
- if(I==1){
- SeL<- Tmp
- }else{
- if(Norm(SeL[[2]]-Tmp[[1]])<Eps0){
- SeL[[2]]<- Tmp[[2]]
- }else{
- Out1L<- c(Out1L, list(list(SeL,Ne,NNe)))
- SeL<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(Out1)>0){
- Out1L<- c(Out1L, list(list(SeL,Ne,NNe)))
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(Out2))){
- Tmp<- Out2[[I]]
- if(I==1){
- SeL<- Tmp
- }else{
- if(Norm(SeL[[2]]-Tmp[[1]])<Eps0){
- SeL[[2]]<- Tmp[[2]]
- }else{
- Out2L<- c(Out2L, list(list(SeL,Ne,NNe)))
- SeL<- Tmp
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(Out2)>0){
- Out2L<- c(Out2L, list(list(SeL,Ne,NNe)))
- }
- }
- VELNO<<- Out1L
- VELHI<<- Out2L
-Parapt<- function(Plist){ # 18.02.19 changed (for point list)
- if(!is.list(Plist)){Plist=list(Plist)}
- Out=list()
- for(jj in 1:length(Plist)){
- P=Op(jj,Plist)
- x<- P[1]
- y<- P[2]
- z<- P[3]
- Xz<- -x*sin(PHI)+y*cos(PHI)
- Yz<- -x*cos(PHI)*cos(THETA)-y*sin(PHI)*cos(THETA)+z*sin(THETA)
- Out<- c(Out,list(c(Xz,Yz)))
- }
- if(length(Out)==1){Out=Op(1,Out)}
- return(Out)
-Partcrv3<- function(T1,T2,Fk){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
-#// Tmp=Mixop(1,Fk)
-#// new part from
- if(T1>(T2+Eps0)){
- Npt<- Nrow(Fk)
- Out1<- Partcrv3(T1,Npt,Fk)
- Out2<- Partcrv3(1,T2,Fk)
- Tmp<- Fk[1,]-Fk[Npt,]
- if(Norm(Tmp)<Eps0){
- PL<- Joincrvs(Out1,Out2)
- }else{
- PL<- list(Out1,Out2)
- }
- rownames(PL)<- 1:Nrow(PL)
- return(PL)
- }
- if(floor(T1)==floor(T2)){ #18.02.26from
- Tmp=floor(T1)
- p1=Op(Tmp,Fk); p2=Op(Tmp+1,Fk)
- PL=c(p1+(T1-Tmp)*(p2-p1))
- PL=Appendrow(PL, p1+(T2-Tmp)*(p2-p1)) #18.02.26until
- }else{
- Is<- ceiling(T1)
- Ie<- floor(T2)
- PL<- c()
- if(T1<Is-Eps0){
- P<- (Is-T1)*Fk[Is-1,]+(1-Is+T1)*Fk[Is,]
- PL<- Appendrow(PL, P) #18.02.10(bug)
- }
- PL<- Appendrow(PL,Fk[Is:Ie,])
- if(T2>(Ie+Eps0)){
- P<- (1-T2+Ie)*Fk[Ie,]+(T2-Ie)*Fk[Ie+1,]
- PL<- Appendrow(PL,P)
- }
- }
- return(PL)
-Perspt<- function(P){
- Tmp<- P-FocusPoint
- X1<- Tmp[1]; Y1<- Tmp[2]; Z1<- Tmp[3]
- Tmp<- EyePoint-FocusPoint
- E1<- Tmp[1];F1<- Tmp[2];G1<- Tmp[3]
- Ca<- E1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- Sa<- F1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- X2<- X1*Ca+Y1*Sa; Y2<- -X1*Sa+Y1*Ca; Z2<- Z1
- E2<- E1*Ca+F1*Sa; F2<- -E1*Sa+F1*Ca; G2<- G1
- Cb<- E2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- Sb<- G2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- X3<- X2*Cb+Z2*Sb; Y3<- Y2; Z3<- -X2*Sb+Z2*Cb
- E3<- E2*Cb+G2*Sb; F3<- F2; G3<- -E2*Sb+G2*Cb
- Yz<- E3/(E3-X3)*Y3
- Zz<- E3/(E3-X3)*Z3
- Out<- c(Yz,Zz)
- return(Out)
-Phcutdata<- function(VL,FaceL,PlaneD){
- Out<- list()
- EL<- list()
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(FaceL))){
- Face<- Op(I,FaceL)
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- Nj<- J+1
- if(J==length(Face)){
- Nj<- 1
- }
- N1<- Face[J]; N2<- Face[Nj]
- Tmp<- c(N1,N2)
- Flg<- 0
- for (K in Looprange(1,Mixlength(EL))){
- Tmp1<- Op(K,EL)
- Tmp2<- Tmp1[2:1]
- if(all(Tmp==Tmp1) || all(Tmp==Tmp2)){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- EL<- c(EL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- Out0<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(EL))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,EL)
- Tmp1<- Op(Tmp[1],VL)
- Tmp2<- Op(Tmp[2],VL)
- Out0<- c(Out0, list(Spaceline(Tmp1,Tmp2)))
- }
- if(Mixtype(PlaneD)!=1){
- V1<- Op(1,PlaneD)
- Tmp<- Op(2,PlaneD)
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- d<- V1[1]*Tmp[1]+V1[2]*Tmp[2]+V1[3]*Tmp[3]
- }else{
- d<- Tmp
- }
- }else if(mode(PlaneD)=="numeric"){
- V1<- PlaneD[1:3]
- d<- PlaneD[4]
- }else{
- StrV<- strsplit(PlaneD,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Tmp1<- StrV[1]
- Tmp2<- StrV[2]
- PlaneD<- paste(Tmp1,"-(",Tmp2,")",sep="")
- }
- x<- 0; y<- 0; z<- 0
- d<- -eval(parse(text=PlaneD))
- x<- 1; y<- 0; z<- 0;
- Tmp1<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- x<- 0; y<- 1; z<- 0
- Tmp2<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- x<- 0; y<- 0; z<- 1
- Tmp3<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- V1<- c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- }
- if(all(V1==c(0,0,0))){
- return(Out0)
- }
- V3<- c(1,0,0)
- Out1<- Rotate3data(Out0,V1,V3)
- Tmp2<- Rotate3pt(c(1,0,0),V3,V1)
- Tmp<- V1[1]*Tmp2[1]+V1[2]*Tmp2[2]+V1[3]*Tmp2[3]
- x0<- d/Tmp
- PtL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Out1))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,Out1)
- Tmp1<- Tmp[1,]; Tmp2<- Tmp[2,]
- P<- list(Tmp1,Tmp2-Tmp1)
- Tmp<- list(Tmp1[1],Tmp2[1]-Tmp1[1])
- if(abs(Tmp[[2]]) < Eps){
- Tmp<- c()
- }else{
- Tmp1<- Tmp[[2]]
- Tmp2<- x0-Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp<- c(Tmp2/Tmp1)
- }
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<- Tmp[1]
- if(Tmp>-Eps && Tmp<(1+Eps)){
- Tmp3<- P[[1]]+Tmp*P[[2]]
- Tmp3<- Rotate3pt(Tmp3,V3,V1)
- if(Tmp<Eps){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,EL)
- Tmp1<- Tmp1[1]
- Tmp4<- list(c(Tmp1,Tmp1),Tmp3)
- }else{
- if(Tmp>1-Eps){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,EL)
- Tmp1<- Tmp1[2]
- Tmp4<- list(c(Tmp1,Tmp1),Tmp3)
- }else{
- Tmp4<- list(Op(I,EL),Tmp3)
- }
- }
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PtL))){
- Tmp<- Op(J,PtL)
- Tmp<- Op(2,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Tmp3-Tmp)<Eps){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- PtL<- c(PtL,list(Tmp4))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mixlength(PtL)==0){
- return(Out0)
- }
- PL<- list(Op(1,PtL))
- QL<- PtL[2:Mixlength(PtL)]
- N<- Mixlength(QL)
- for (I in Looprange(2,N+1)){
- Tmp1<- Op(Mixlength(PL),PL)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Tmp1)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(QL))){
- Tmp2<- Op(J,QL)
- Tmp2<- Op(1,Tmp2)
- Flg<- 0
- for (K in Looprange(1,Mixlength(FaceL))){
- Tmp3<- Op(K,FaceL);
- if(Member(Tmp1[1],Tmp3) &&
- Member(Tmp1[2],Tmp3) &&
- Member(Tmp2[1],Tmp3) &&
- Member(Tmp2[2],Tmp3)){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==1){
- break
- }
- }
- J<- min(J, Mixlength(QL))
- PL<- c(PL,list(Op(J,QL)))
- Tmp1<- QL[Looprange(1,J-1)]
- Tmp2<- QL[Looprange(J+1,Mixlength(QL))]
- QL<- c(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- if(Mixlength(QL)==0){
- break
- }
- }
- Tmp<- list()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PL))){
- Tmp1<- Op(J,PL)
- Tmp1<- Op(2,Tmp1)
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,list(Tmp1))
- }
- Tmp1<- Op(1,PL)
- Tmp1<- Op(2,Tmp1)
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,list(Tmp1))
- Out2<- Spaceline(Tmp)
- Out<- c(Out0,list(Out2))
-Phcutoffdata<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Eps<- 10^(-4)
- Out2<- list()
- VL<- varargin[[1]]
- FaceL<- varargin[[2]]
- PlaneD<- varargin[[3]]
- Sgnstr<- varargin[[4]]
- Fugou<- 1
- if(Sgnstr=="-" || Sgnstr=="n"){
- Fugou<- -1
- }
- Out0<- Phcutdata(VL,FaceL,PlaneD)
- PHFACEL<<- FaceL
- if(length(PtL)==0){
- Out2<- Out0
- return(Out2)
- }
- N1<- Mixlength(VL)
- Face<- c()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PtL))){
- Tmp<- Op(I,PtL)
- Tmp3<- Op(1,Tmp)
- Tmp1<- Tmp3[[1]]; Tmp2<- Tmp3[[2]] # debugged 10.08.14
- if(Tmp1!=Tmp2){
- VL<- c(VL,list(Op(2,Tmp)))
- N1<- N1+1
- Tmp1<- N1
- }
- Face<- c(Face,Tmp1)
- PtL[[I]]<- list(Op(1,Tmp),Tmp1)
- }
- OutfL<- list(Face)
- if(Mixtype(PlaneD)!=1){
- V1<- Op(1,PlaneD)
- Tmp<- Op(2,PlaneD)
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- d<- V1[1]*Tmp[1]+V1[2]*Tmp[2]+V1[3]*Tmp[3]
- }else{
- d<- Tmp
- }
- }else if(mode(PlaneD)=="numeric"){
- V1<- PlaneD[1:3]
- d<- PlaneD[4]
- }else{
- StrV<- strsplit(PlaneD,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Tmp1<- StrV[1]
- Tmp2<- StrV[2]
- PlaneD<- paste(Tmp1,"-(",Tmp2,")",sep="")
- }
- x<- 0; y<- 0; z<- 0
- d<- -eval(parse(text=PlaneD))
- x<- 1; y<- 0; z<- 0
- Tmp1<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- x<- 0; y<- 1; z<- 0
- Tmp2<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- x<- 0; y<- 0; z<- 1
- Tmp3<- eval(parse(text=PlaneD))+d
- V1<- c(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(FaceL))){
- Face<- Op(I,FaceL)
- TmpL<- list()
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- N1<- Face[J]
- if(J==length(Face)){
- N2<- Face[1]
- }else{
- N2<- Face[J+1]
- }
- for (K in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PtL))){
- Pd<- Op(K,PtL)
- Tmp<- Op(1,Pd)
- if(Tmp[1]==Tmp[2]){
- if(Tmp[1]==N1){
- TmpL<- c(TmpL,list(list(J,c(N1,N2),Op(2,Pd))))
- }
- }else{
- if(all(Tmp==c(N1,N2)) || all(Tmp==c(N2,N1))){
- TmpL<- c(TmpL,list(list(J,c(N1,N2),Op(2,Pd))))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mixlength(TmpL)<2){
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- Tmp<- Op(Face[J],VL)
- Tmp1<- Fugou*(Dotprod(V1,Tmp)-d)
- if(Tmp1< -Eps){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- OutfL<- c(OutfL,list(Face))
- }
- next
- }
- Pd<- Op(1,TmpL)
- Qd<- Op(2,TmpL)
- Outf1<- c(Op(3,Pd))
- Nf<- Op(1,Pd)+1
- Tmp<- Op(2,Pd)
- JJ<- 0
- while (!all(Tmp==Op(2,Qd))){
- JJ<- JJ+1
- if(JJ>20){
- print("bug")
- return()
- }
- Tmp1<- Tmp[2]
- if(Outf1[length(Outf1)]!=Tmp1){
- Outf1<- c(Outf1,Tmp1)
- }
- Tmp<- c(Face[Nf])
- Nf<- Nf+1
- if(Nf>length(Face)){
- Nf<- 1
- }
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,Face[Nf])
- }
- Tmp1<- Op(3,Qd)
- if(Outf1[length(Outf1)]!=Tmp1){
- Outf1<- c(Outf1,Tmp1)
- }
- Outf2<- c(Op(3,Pd))
- Nf<- Op(1,Pd)
- Tmp<- Op(2,Pd)
- JJ<- 0
- while (!all(Tmp==Op(2,Qd))){
- JJ<- JJ+1
- if(JJ>20){
- print("bug")
- return()
- }
- Tmp1<- Tmp[1]
- if(Outf2[length(Outf2)]!=Tmp1){
- Outf2<- c(Outf2,Tmp1)
- }
- Tmp<- c(Face[Nf])
- Nf<- Nf-1
- if(Nf<1){
- Nf<- length(Face)
- }
- Tmp<- c(Face[Nf],Tmp)
- }
- Tmp1<- Op(3,Qd)
- if(Outf2[length(Outf2)]!=Tmp1){
- Outf2<- c(Outf2,Tmp1)
- }
- if(length(Outf1)<3 || length(Outf2)<3){
- Face<- Outf1
- if(length(Outf1)<length(Outf2)){
- Face<- Outf2
- }
- Flg<- 0
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- Tmp<- Op(Face(J),VL)
- Tmp1<- Fugou*(Dotprod(V1,Tmp)-d)
- if(Tmp1<-Eps){
- Flg<- 1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- OutfL<- c(OutfL,list(Face))
- }
- }else{
- Tmp<- Op(Outf1[2],VL)
- Tmp1<- Outf1
- Tmp2<- Fugou*(Dotprod(V1,Tmp)-d)
- if(Tmp2<0){
- Tmp1<- Outf2
- }
- OutfL<- c(OutfL,list(Tmp1))
- }
- }
- PHFACEL<<- OutfL
- Out2<- Phcutdata(VL,OutfL,c(0,0,0,0))
- return(Out2)
-Phparadata<- function(VL,FaceL){
- Out<- Facesdata(list(VL,FaceL),"para")
- return(Out)
-Phpersdata<- function(VL,FaceL){
- Out<- Facesdata(list(VL,FaceL),"pers")
- return(Out)
-Phspersdata<- function(Fdata){
- Out<- Facesdata(Fdata,"pers")
- return(Out)
-Phsparadata<- function(Fdata){
- Out<- Facesdata(Fdata,"para")
- return(Out)
-Projpers<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Flg<- 0
- if(Nargs==1 && Mixtype(varargin[[1]])==1){
- Flg<- 1
- }
- CL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Crv<- varargin[[N]]
- if(Mixtype(Crv)==1){
- Tmp<- CameraCurve(Crv)
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }else{
- if(Mixtype(Crv)==3){
- ObjL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,Crv)
- if(Mixtype(Tmp1)==1){
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,list(Tmp1))
- }else{
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Crv<- ObjL
- }
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp<- CameraCurve(Op(J,Crv))
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mixlength(CL)==1 && Flg==1){
- CL<- Op(1,CL)
- }
- return(CL)
-ProjcoordCurve<- function(Curve){
- SP<- sin(PHI); CP<- cos(PHI)
- ST<- sin(THETA); CT<- cos(THETA)
- Out<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Curve))){
- P<- Ptcrv(J,Curve)
- x<- P[1]; y<- P[2]; z<- P[3]
- Xz<- -x*SP+y*CP
- Yz<- -x*CP*CT-y*SP*CT+z*ST
- Zz<- x*CP*ST+y*SP*ST+z*CT
- Out<- c(Out,Xz,Yz,Zz)
- }
- Out<- matrix(Out,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
- return(Out)
-ProjCurve<- function(Curve){ # 2018.02.26 rewritten
- AnsL= c()
- SP=sin(PHI); CP=cos(PHI)
- ST=sin(THETA); CT=cos(THETA)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(Curve)) ){
- P=Op(I,Curve)
- x=P[1]; y=P[2]; z=P[3]
- if(x!=Inf){
- Xz=-x*SP+y*CP
- Yz= -x*CP*CT-y*SP*CT+z*ST
- AnsL=Appendrow(AnsL,c(Xz,Yz))
- Tmp= c(Xz,Yz)
- }else{
- AnsL=Appendrow(AnsL,c(Inf,Inf))
- }
- }
- return(AnsL)
-Projpara<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Flg<- 0
- if((Nargs==1)&&(is.numeric(varargin[[1]]))){
- Flg<- 1
- }
- CL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Crv<- varargin[[N]]
- if(is.numeric(Crv)){
- Tmp<- ProjCurve(Crv)
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }
- else{
- if(is.list(Crv)){
- ObjL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,Crv)
- if(is.numeric(Tmp1)){
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,list(Tmp1))
- }
- else{
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Crv<- ObjL
- }
- for (J in Looprange(1,length(Crv))){
- Tmp<- ProjCurve(Op(J,Crv))
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- if((length(CL)==1)&&(Flg==1)){
- CL<- Op(1,CL)
- }
- return(CL)
-Projpers<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Flg<- 0
- if(Nargs==1 && Mixtype(varargin[[1]])==1){
- Flg<- 1
- }
- CL<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nargs)){
- Crv<- varargin[[N]]
- if(Mixtype(Crv)==1){
- Tmp<- CameraCurve(Crv)
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }else{
- if(Mixtype(Crv)==3){
- ObjL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp1<- Op(I,Crv)
- if(Mixtype(Tmp1)==1){
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,list(Tmp1))
- }else{
- ObjL<- c(ObjL,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Crv<- ObjL
- }
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Crv))){
- Tmp<- CameraCurve(Op(J,Crv))
- CL<- c(CL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mixlength(CL)==1 && Flg==1){
- CL<- Op(1,CL)
- }
- return(CL)
-# 11.08.27
-# 14.03.23 Debugged "center"
-Rotate3data<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Pd3<- varargin[[1]]
- W1<- varargin[[2]]
- W2<- varargin[[3]]
- C<- c(0,0,0)
- if(Nargs>=4){
- C<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- if(Mixtype(Pd3)==1){
- Pd3<- list(Pd3)
- } else if(Mixtype(Pd3)==3){
- Tmp<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Pd3))){
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,Op(I,Pd3))
- }
- Pd3<- Tmp
- }
- Out<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Pd3))){
- PD<- Op(I,Pd3)
- Ans<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(PD))){
- if(is.matrix(PD)){ # 11.08.27
- P<- PD[J,]
- }
- else{
- P<- PD
- }
- Tmp<- Rotate3pt(P,W1,W2,C) # 14.03.23
- Ans<- rbind(Ans,Tmp)
- } # 11.08.27
- rownames(Ans)<- 1:Nrow(Ans) #10.08.16
- Out<- c(Out,list(Ans))
- }
- if(Mixlength(Out)==1){
- Out<- Op(1,Out)
- }
- return(Out)
-Rotate3pt<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Eps<-10^(-4)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- P<- varargin[[1]]
- W1<- varargin[[2]]
- W2<- varargin[[3]]
- C<- c(0,0,0)
- if(Nargs>=4){
- C<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- if(mode(W2)=="numeric" && length(W2)==1){
- Ct<- cos(W2)
- St<- sin(W2)
- V3<- 1/Norm(W1)*W1
- if(V3[1]==0){
- Tmp<- c(1,0,0)
- }else{
- Tmp<- c(0,1,0)
- }
- W1<- c(Tmp[2]*V3[3]-Tmp[3]*V3[2],
- Tmp[3]*V3[1]-Tmp[1]*V3[3],
- Tmp[1]*V3[2]-Tmp[2]*V3[1])
- V1<- 1/Norm(W1)*W1
- V2<- c(V3[2]*V1[3]-V3[3]*V1[2],
- V3[3]*V1[1]-V3[1]*V1[3],
- V3[1]*V1[2]-V3[2]*V1[1])
- }else{
- Tmp<- c(W1[2]*W2[3]-W1[3]*W2[2],
- W1[3]*W2[1]-W1[1]*W2[3],
- W1[1]*W2[2]-W1[2]*W2[1])
- if(Norm(Tmp)<Eps){
- Ans<- P
- return(Ans)
- }
- V1<- 1/Norm(W1)*W1
- Ns<- V1[1]*W2[1]+V1[2]*W2[2]+V1[3]*W2[3]
- Tmp<- W2-Ns*V1
- V2<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- Tmp<- c(V1[2]*V2[3]-V1[3]*V2[2],
- V1[3]*V2[1]-V1[1]*V2[3],
- V1[1]*V2[2]-V1[2]*V2[1])
- V3<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- Ct<- Ns/Norm(W2)
- St<- sqrt(1-Ct^2)
- }
- if(Norm(Tmp)<Eps){
- Ans<- P
- return(Ans)
- }
- V1x<- V1[1]; V1y<- V1[2]; V1z<- V1[3]
- V2x<- V2[1]; V2y<- V2[2]; V2z<- V2[3]
- V3x<- V3[1]; V3y<- V3[2]; V3z<- V3[3]
- if(Mixtype(P)!=1){
- PtL<- P
- }else{
- PtL<- list(P)
- }
- Ans<- list()
- for (N in Looprange(1,Mixlength(PtL))){
- P<- Op(N,PtL)
- if(P[1]==Inf){
- Ans<- c(Ans,list(c(Inf,Inf,Inf)))
- next
- }
- x<- P[1]-C[1]; y=P[2]-C[2]; z=P[3]-C[3]
- Tmp1<- ((V1x*Ct+V2x*St)*V1x+(-V1x*St+V2x*Ct)*V2x+V3x^2)*x
- Tmp2<- ((V1x*Ct+V2x*St)*V1y+(-V1x*St+V2x*Ct)*V2y+V3x*V3y)*y
- Tmp3<- ((V1x*Ct+V2x*St)*V1z+(-V1x*St+V2x*Ct)*V2z+V3x*V3z)*z
- X<- Tmp1+Tmp2+Tmp3
- Tmp1<- ((V1y*Ct+V2y*St)*V1x+(-V1y*St+V2y*Ct)*V2x+V3x*V3y)*x
- Tmp2<- ((V1y*Ct+V2y*St)*V1y+(-V1y*St+V2y*Ct)*V2y+V3y^2)*y
- Tmp3<- ((V1y*Ct+V2y*St)*V1z+(-V1y*St+V2y*Ct)*V2z+V3y*V3z)*z
- Y<- Tmp1+Tmp2+Tmp3
- Tmp1<- ((V1z*Ct+V2z*St)*V1x+(-V1z*St+V2z*Ct)*V2x+V3x*V3z)*x
- Tmp2<- ((V1z*Ct+V2z*St)*V1y+(-V1z*St+V2z*Ct)*V2y+V3y*V3z)*y
- Tmp3<- ((V1z*Ct+V2z*St)*V1z+(-V1z*St+V2z*Ct)*V2z+V3z^2)*z
- Z<- Tmp1+Tmp2+Tmp3
- Ans<- c(Ans,list(C+c(X,Y,Z)))
- }
- if(Mixlength(Ans)==1){
- Ans<- Op(1,Ans)
- }
- return(Ans)
-Setangle<- function(...){
- Eps<- 10^(-6)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0) {
- }
- else if(Nargs==1){
- V<- varargin[[1]]
- V<- V/Norm(V)
- THETA<<- acos(V[3])
- if(abs(sin(THETA))<Eps){
- PHI<<- 0
- }
- else{
- PHI<<- acos(V[1]/sin(THETA))
- if(V[2]< -Eps) PHI<<- -PHI
- }
- }
- else{
- PHI<<- varargin[[2]]*pi/180
- THETA<<- varargin[[1]]*pi/180
- }
- Out<- paste("theta=",as.character(THETA*180/pi)," phi=",
- as.character(PHI*180/pi),sep="")
- return (Out)
-Setpers<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- if(Nargs==0){
- }
- else{
- FocusPoint<<- varargin[[1]]
- EyePoint<<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- F<- as.character(FocusPoint)
- E<- as.character(EyePoint)
- Out<- paste("Focus = c(",F[1],",",F[2],",",F[3],") , ",
- " Eye = c(", E[1],",",E[2],",",E[3],") ",sep="")
- return (Out)
-SetstereoL<- function(R,T,P,H){
- X<- R*sin(T*pi/180)*cos(P*pi/180)
- Y<- R*sin(T*pi/180)*sin(P*pi/180)
- Z<- R*cos(T*pi/180)
- Eye<- c(X+H/2*Y/(X^2+Y^2),Y-H/2*X/(X^2+Y^2),Z)
- Out<- Setpers(c(0,0,0),Eye)
- return(Out)
-SetstereoR<- function(R,T,P,H){
- X<- R*sin(T*pi/180)*cos(P*pi/180)
- Y<- R*sin(T*pi/180)*sin(P*pi/180)
- Z<- R*cos(T*pi/180)
- Eye<- c(X-H/2*Y/(X^2+Y^2),Y+H/2*X/(X^2+Y^2),Z)
- Out<- Setpers(c(0,0,0),Eye)
- return(Out)
-Sf3data<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- FdL<- Fullformfunc(varargin[[1]])
- F<- Op(1,FdL)
- Xf<- Op(2,FdL)
- Yf<- Op(3,FdL)
- Zf<- Op(4,FdL)
- Urg<- Op(5,FdL)
- Vrg<- Op(6,FdL)
- Str<- strsplit(Urg,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- U<- Str[1]
- Tmp<- Str[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Umin<- Tmp[1]; Umax<- Tmp[2]
- Str<- strsplit(Vrg,"=",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
- V<- Str[1]
- Tmp<- Str[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Vmin<- Tmp[1]; Vmax<- Tmp[2]
- Ndu<- 25 ; Ndv<- 25; Np<- c(50,50)
- if(Nargs>=3){
- Ndu<- varargin[[2]]
- Ndv<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- if(Nargs>=4){
- Np<- varargin[[4]]
- if(mode(Np)=="numeric" && length(Np)==1){
- Np<- c(Np,Np)
- }
- }
- Du<- (Umax-Umin)/Ndu
- Dv<- (Vmax-Vmin)/Ndv
- PL <- c()#PL <- []
- Assign("Vmin",Vmin,"Vmax",Vmax)
- Trgstr<- Assign("t=c(Vmin,Vmax)")
- PL <- list()
- for (I in Looprange(0,Ndu)){
- U0 <- paste("(",as.character(Umin+I*Du),")",sep="")
- Tmp<- gsub(U,U0,Xf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- gsub(V,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- gsub(U,U0,Yf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp2<- gsub(V,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- gsub(U,U0,Zf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp3<- gsub(V,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- paste("c(",Tmp1,",",Tmp2,",",Tmp3,")",sep="")
- PD<- Spacecurve(Tmp,Trgstr,paste("N=",as.character(Np[2])))
- PL<- c(PL,list(PD))
- }
- Assign("Umin",Umin,"Umax",Umax)
- Trgstr<- Assign("t=c(Umin,Umax)")
- for (J in Looprange(0,Ndv)){
- V0<- paste("(",as.character(Vmin+J*Dv),")",sep="")
- Tmp<- gsub(V,V0,Xf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp1<- gsub(U,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- gsub(V,V0,Yf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp2<- gsub(U,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- gsub(V,V0,Zf,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp3<- gsub(U,"t",Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp<- paste("c(",Tmp1,",",Tmp2,",",Tmp3,")")
- PD<- Spacecurve(Tmp,Trgstr,paste("N=",as.character(Np[1])))
- PL<- c(PL,list(PD))
- }
- return(PL)
-Skeletonparadata<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<- list()
- ObjL<- Flattenlist(varargin[[1]])
- Plt3L<- Flattenlist(varargin[[2]])
- R<- 0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Nargs>2){
- R<- R*varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2<- 0.05
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Obj2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(ObjL))){
- Tmp<- ProjcoordCurve(Op(I,ObjL))
- Obj2L<- c(Obj2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Plt2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt3L))){
- Tmp<- ProjcoordCurve(Op(I,Plt3L))
- Plt2L<- c(Plt2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Out<- Makeskeletondata(Obj2L,Plt2L,R,Eps2)
- return(Out)
-Skeletonpara3data<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ObjL<- Flattenlist(varargin[[1]])
- Plt3L<- Flattenlist(varargin[[2]])
- R<- 0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Nargs>2){
- R=R*varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2<- 0.05
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Plt2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt3L))){
- Tmp<- ProjcoordCurve(Op(I,Plt3L))
- Plt2L<- c(Plt2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Out<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(ObjL))){
- Obj3<- Op(I,ObjL)
- Tmp<- ProjcoordCurve(Obj3)
- Data<- Makeskeletondata(list(Tmp),Plt2L,R,Eps2)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Data))){
- Gd<- Op(J,Data)
- PtD<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Gd))){
- Tmp<- Ptcrv(J,Gd)
- Tmp1<- Invparapt(Tmp,Obj3)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Tmp1)
- PtD<- c(PtD,Tmp1)
- }
- PtD<- matrix(PtD,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
- Out<- c(Out,list(PtD))
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Skeletonpersdata<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<- list()
- ObjL<- Flattenlist(varargin[[1]])
- Plt3L<- Flattenlist(varargin[[2]])
- R<- 0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Nargs>2){
- R<- R*varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2<- 0.05
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Obj2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(ObjL))){
- Tmp<- CameracoordCurve(Op(I,ObjL))
- Obj2L<- c(Obj2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Plt2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt3L))){
- Tmp<- CameracoordCurve(Op(I,Plt3L))
- Plt2L<- c(Plt2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Out<- Makeskeletonpersdata(Obj2L,Plt2L,R,Eps2)
- return(Out)
-Skeletonpers3data<- function(...){
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Out<- list()
- ObjL<- Flattenlist(varargin[[1]])
- Plt3L<- Flattenlist(varargin[[2]])
- R<- 0.075*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Nargs>2){
- R<- R*varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2<- 0.05
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- Plt2L<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Plt3L))){
- Tmp<- CameracoordCurve(Op(I,Plt3L))
- Plt2L<- c(Plt2L,list(Tmp))
- }
- Out<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(ObjL))){
- Obj3<- Op(I,ObjL)
- Tmp<- CameracoordCurve(Obj3)
- Data<- Makeskeletonpersdata(list(Tmp),Plt2L,R,Eps2)
- for (J in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Data))){
- Gd<- Op(J,Data)
- PtD<- c()
- for (J in Looprange(1,Nrow(Gd))){
- Tmp<- Gd[J,]
- Tmp1<- Invperspt(Tmp,Obj3)
- Tmp1<- Op(1,Tmp1)
- PtD<- rbind(PtD,Tmp1)
- }
- Out<- c(Out,list(PtD))
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-Spacecurve<- function(...){
- Eps<- 10^(-5)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Fnstr<- varargin[[1]]
- Rgstr<- varargin[[2]]
- Range<- c(0,2*pi)
- N<- 50 #Numpoints
- E<- c() #Exclusions
- D<- Inf #Discont (Changed)
- for(I in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp<- varargin[[I]]
- StrV<- strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- Tmp1<- toupper(StrV[1])
- Lhs<- substr(Tmp1,1,1)
- Str<- paste(Lhs,"=",StrV[2],sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- StrV<- strsplit(Rgstr,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Vname<- StrV[1]
- Rng<- eval(parse(text=StrV[2]))
- }
- else{
- Vname<- Rgstr
- Rng<- c(XMIN,XMAX)
- }
- T1<- Rng[1]; T2<- Rng[2]
- Dt<- (T2-T1)/N #17.09.22
- Str<- gsub(Vname,"t",Fnstr)
- Str=gsub("[","c(",Str,fixed=TRUE) #17.12.22(2lines)
- Str=gsub("]",")",Str,fixed=TRUE)
- if(abs(Dt)<Eps){ # 16.12.13
- t=T1
- P=eval(parse(text=Str))
- return(P)
- }
- P<- c()
-# E<- sort(E,decreasing=FALSE)
- E<- c(E,Inf)
- E<- sort(E,decreasing=FALSE)
- Ke<- 1
- for(jj in 1:(N+1)){
- t=T1+(jj-1)*Dt
- Pa<- c()
- if(t-E[Ke]< Eps){
- Pa<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- }
- if(abs(t-E[Ke])<=Eps){
- if(length(P)>0 && P[Nrow(P),1]!=Inf){
- Pa<- c(Inf,Inf,Inf)
- }
- }
- if(t-E[Ke]>Eps){
- Pa<- eval(parse(text=Str))
- Ke<- Ke+1
- }
- if(length(Pa)>0){
- if(Pa[1]==Inf){
- P<- rbind(P,Pa)
- }else if(length(P)==0){
- P<- rbind(c(),c(Pa))
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- P[Nrow(P),]
- if(Tmp[1]==Inf){
- P<- rbind(P,Pa)
- }
- else if( Norm(Tmp-Pa)<D){
- P<- rbind(P,Pa)
- }
- else{
- P<- rbind(P,c(Inf,Inf,Inf))
- P<- rbind(P,Pa)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- rownames(P)<- 1:Nrow(P) # 10.08.16
- return(P)
-Spaceline<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Z<- c()
- for(I in 1:length(varargin)){
- Data<- varargin[[I]]
- if(Mixtype(Data)==1){
- J<- 1
- while (J<=Ncol(Data)){
- Tmp<- Data[J:(J+2)]
- Z<-c(Z,Tmp)
- J<- J+3
- }
- next
- }
- if(Mixtype(Data)==3){
- Tmp<- list()
- for(I in 1:Mixlength(Data)){
- Tmp<- c(Tmp,Op(I,Data))
- }
- Data<- Tmp
- }
- for(J in 1:Mixlength(Data)){
- Tmp<- Op(J,Data)
- Z<- c(Z,Tmp)
- }
- }
- Z<- matrix(Z,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
- return(Z)
-Translate3data<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Pd3<- varargin[[1]]
- Mv<- varargin[[2]]
- if(mode(Mv)=="numerice" && length(Mv)==1){
- Mv<- c(varargin[[2]],varargin[[3]],varargin[[4]])
- }
- if(Mixtype(Pd3)==1){
- Pd3<- list(Pd3)
- }
- else if(Mixtype(Pd3)==3){
- Tmp<-list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Pd3))){
- Tmp<- c(Tmp, Op(I,Pd3))
- }
- Pd3<- Tmp
- }
- Out<- list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,Mixlength(Pd3))){
- PD<- Op(I,Pd3)
- PD<- rbind(c(),PD)
- Ans<- c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Nrow(PD))){
- P<- PD[J,]
- Tmp<- P+Mv
- Ans<- rbind(Ans,Tmp)
- }
- rownames(Ans)<- 1:Nrow(Ans)
- Out<- c(Out,list(Ans))
- }
- if(Mixlength(Out)==1){
- Out<- Op(1,Out)
- }
- return(Out)
-Xyzax3data<- function(Xrange,Yrange,Zrange){
- StrV<-strsplit(Xrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1) StrV<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Px<- c(Tmp[1],0,0)
- Qx<- c(Tmp[2],0,0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Yrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1) StrV<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Py<- c(0,Tmp[1],0)
- Qy<- c(0,Tmp[2],0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Zrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1) StrV<- StrV[2]
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Pz<- c(0,0,Tmp[1])
- Qz<- c(0,0,Tmp[2])
- Out<- list(Spaceline(Px,Qx),Spaceline(Py,Qy),Spaceline(Pz,Qz))
- return(Out)
-Xyzaxparaname<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- Dr<- 0.19*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(Nargs>1 && is.numeric(Tmp)){
- Dr<- Dr*Tmp
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- }
- if(mode(varargin[[1]])=="character"){
- Xname<- "x"
- Yname<- "y"
- Zname<- "z"
- Xrange<- varargin[[1]]
- Yrange<- varargin[[2]]
- Zrange<- varargin[[3]]
- StrV<-strsplit(Xrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Xname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Px<- c(Tmp[1],0,0)
- Qx<- c(Tmp[2],0,0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Yrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Yname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Py<- c(0,Tmp[1],0)
- Qy<- c(0,Tmp[2],0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Zrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Zname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Pz<- c(0,0,Tmp[1])
- Qz<- c(0,0,Tmp[2])
- }else{
- Data<- varargin[[1]]
- Xname<- "x"; Yname<- "y"; Zname<- "z"
- if(Nargs>1){
- if(varargin[[2]]!=""){
- Xname<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- if(varargin[[3]]!=""){
- Yname<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- if(varargin[[4]]!=""){
- Zname<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Op(1,Data)
- Px<- Tmp[1,]; Qx<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Op(2,Data)
- Py<- Tmp[1,]
- Qy<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Op(3,Data)
- Pz<- Tmp[1,]
- Qz<- Tmp[2,]
- }
- Ph<- Parapt(Px); Qh<- Parapt(Qx); R<-Norm(Ph-Qh)
- Kekka<- list()
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Xname)
- }
- Ph<- Parapt(Py); Qh<- Parapt(Qy); R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Yname)
- }
- Ph<- Parapt(Pz); Qh<- Parapt(Qz); R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Zname)
- }
-# return(Kekka)
-Xyzaxpersname<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Dr<- 0.19*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- Tmp<- varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(Nargs>1 && mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- Dr<- Dr*Tmp
- Nargs<- Nargs-1
- }
- if(mode(varargin[[1]])=="character"){
- Xname<- "x"
- Yname<- "y"
- Zname<- "z"
- Xrange<- varargin[[1]]
- Yrange<- varargin[[2]]
- Zrange<- varargin[[3]]
- StrV<-strsplit(Xrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Xname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Px<- c(Tmp[1],0,0)
- Qx<- c(Tmp[2],0,0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Yrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Yname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Py<- c(0,Tmp[1],0)
- Qy<- c(0,Tmp[2],0)
- StrV<-strsplit(Zrange,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- StrV<- StrV[[1]]
- if(length(StrV)>1){
- Zname<- StrV[1]
- StrV<- StrV[2]
- }
- Tmp<- eval(parse(text=StrV))
- Pz<- c(0,0,Tmp[1])
- Qz<- c(0,0,Tmp[2])
- }else{
- Data<- varargin[[1]]
- Xname<- "x"; Yname<- "y"; Zname<- "z"
- if(Nargs>1){
- if(varargin[[2]]!=""){
- Xname<- varargin[[2]]
- }
- if(varargin[[3]]!=""){
- Yname<- varargin[[3]]
- }
- if(varargin[[4]]!=""){
- Zname<- varargin[[4]]
- }
- }
- Tmp<- Op(1,Data)
- Px<- Tmp[1,]; Qx<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Op(2,Data)
- Py<- Tmp[1,]
- Qy<- Tmp[2,]
- Tmp<- Op(3,Data)
- Pz<- Tmp[1,]
- Qz<- Tmp[2,]
- }
- Ph<- Perspt(Px)
- Qh<- Perspt(Qx)
- R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- Kekka<- list()
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Xname)
- }
- Ph<- Perspt(Py)
- Qh<- Perspt(Qy)
- R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Yname)
- }
- Ph<- Perspt(Pz)
- Qh<- Perspt(Qz)
- R<- Norm(Ph-Qh)
- if(R>Eps){
- Ch<- Qh+Dr/R*(Qh-Ph)
- Kekka<- c(Kekka,list(Pointdata(Ch)))
- Expr(Ch,"c",Zname)
- }
-# return(Kekka)
-Zparapt<- function(P){#function Out=Zparapt(P)
- x<- P[1]; y<- P[2]; z<- P[3]
- Out<- x*cos(PHI)*sin(THETA)+y*sin(PHI)*sin(THETA)+z*cos(THETA)
- return(Out)
-Zperspt<- function(P){
- Tmp<- P-FocusPoint
- X1<- Tmp[1]; Y1<- Tmp[2]; Z1<- Tmp[3]
- Tmp<- EyePoint-FocusPoint
- E1<- Tmp[1]; F1<- Tmp[2]; G1<- Tmp[3]
- Ca<- E1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- Sa<- F1/sqrt(E1^2+F1^2)
- X2<- X1*Ca+Y1*Sa; Y2<- -X1*Sa+Y1*Ca; Z2<- Z1
- E2<- E1*Ca+F1*Sa; F2<- -E1*Sa+F1*Ca; G2<- G1
- Cb<- E2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- Sb<- G2/sqrt(E2^2+G2^2)
- X3<- X2*Cb+Z2*Sb
- return(X3)
-# Stat Package
-# 2010.04.12
-# new
-# Htickmarklower, Vtickmarkleft, HtickmarklowerV
-# VtickmarkleftV, Insertcom, Replacecom
-# Maketexfile, Formatting
-# Drwhistframe, Histplotdata, Drwhistplot
-Htickmarklower<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ArgsL<- varargin
- if(mode(ArgsL[[1]])=="character"){
- Str<- ArgsL[[1]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"m")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- I<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- I<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"n")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- J<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- J<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"r")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- K=nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- K<- 0
- }
- if(K>0){
- S<- substr(Str,K+1,nchar(Str))
- R<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- R<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- R<- 1
- K<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- if(J>0){
- S<- substr(Str,J+1,K-1)
- Dn<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dn<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- Dn<- 1000
- J<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- S<- substr(Str,I+1,J-1)
- Dm<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dm<- 1
- }
- ArgsL<- list()
- for (I in Looprange(1, floor((XMAX-GENTEN[1])/Dm))){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(-1,ceiling((XMIN-GENTEN[1])/Dm),by=-1)){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- list()
- Memori<- list()
- for (N in 1:length(ArgsL)){
- Dt<- ArgsL[[N]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric" && length(Dt)>1){
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt)
- next
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Memori<- Mixjoin(Memori,Dt)
- }
- else{
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt,GENTEN[2])
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- for (N in 1:length(MemoriList)){
- Dt<- MemoriList[[N]]
- Ndt<- length(Dt)
- X=Op(1,Dt)
- Y=Op(2,Dt)
- Tmp<-Doscaling(c(X,Y))
- X<- Tmp[1]
- Y<- Tmp[2]
- Moji<- Op(Ndt,Dt)
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(c(X,Y))
- Tmp2<- Unscaling(c(X,Y-2*MARKLEN))
- Fd<- Listplot(c(Tmp1,Tmp2))
- Drwline(Fd)
- if(Ndt==3){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X,Y-2*MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,"s",Moji)
- }
- if(Ndt==4){
- Houkou<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp<-grep("s",Houkou)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X,Y-2*MARKLEN))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(X,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-Vtickmarkleft<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- ArgsL<- varargin
- if(mode(ArgsL[[1]])=="character"){
- Str<- ArgsL[[1]]
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"m")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- I<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- I<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"n")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- J<- nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- J<- 0
- }
- Tmp<- strsplit(Str,"r")
- Tmp<- Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- K=nchar(Tmp[1])+1
- }
- else{
- K<- 0
- }
- if(K>0){
- S<- substr(Str,K+1,nchar(Str))
- R<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- R<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- R<- 1
- K<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- if(J>0){
- S<- substr(Str,J+1,K-1)
- Dn<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dn<- 1
- }
- }
- else{
- Dn<- 1000
- J<- nchar(Str)+1
- }
- S<- substr(Str,I+1,J-1)
- Dm<- as.numeric(S)
- if({
- Dm<- 1
- }
- ArgsL<- list()
- for (I in 1:floor((YMAX-GENTEN[2])/Dm)){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- for (I in seq(-1,ceiling((YMIN-GENTEN[2])/Dm))){
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,I*Dm)
- if(I-floor(I/Dn)*Dn==0){
- Str<- as.character(I*Dm*R)
- ArgsL<- Mixjoin(ArgsL,Str)
- }
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- list()
- Memori<- list()
- for (N in 1:length(ArgsL)){
- Dt<- ArgsL[[N]]
- if(mode(Dt)=="numeric" && length(Dt)>1){
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(Dt)
- next
- }
- if(mode(Dt)=="character"){
- Memori<- Mixjoin(Memori,Dt)
- }
- else{
- if(length(Memori)>0){
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- }
- Memori<- list(GENTEN[1],Dt)
- }
- }
- MemoriList<- Mixjoin(MemoriList,list(Memori))
- for (N in 1:length(MemoriList)){
- Dt<- MemoriList[[N]]
- Ndt<- length(Dt)
- X=Op(1,Dt)
- Y=Op(2,Dt)
- Tmp<-Doscaling(c(X,Y))
- X<- Tmp[1]
- Y<- Tmp[2]
- Moji<- Op(Ndt,Dt)
- Tmp1<- Unscaling(c(X,Y))
- Tmp2<- Unscaling(c(X-2*MARKLEN,Y))
- Fd<- Listplot(c(Tmp1,Tmp2))
- Drwline(Fd)
- if(Ndt==3){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X-2*MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,"w",Moji)
- }
- if(Ndt==4){
- Houkou<- Op(3,Dt)
- Tmp<-grep("w",Houkou)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp<-Unscaling(c(X-2*MARKLEN,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- else{
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(X,Y))
- Expr(Tmp,Houkou,Moji)
- }
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-HtickmarklowerV<- function(Vec,digits=2,nsmall=2)
- for (I in 1:length(Vec)){
- Tmp<- Vec[I]
- Htickmarklower(Tmp, Formatting(Tmp,digits,nsmall))
- }
-HtickLV<- function(...)
- HtickmarklowerV(...)
-VtickmarkleftV<- function(Vec,digits=2,nsmall=2)
- for (I in 1:length(Vec)){
- Tmp<- Vec[I]
- Vtickmarkleft(Tmp, Formatting(Tmp,digits,nsmall))
- }
-VtickLV<- function(...)
- VtickmarkleftV(...)
-Insertcom<- function(CmdM,Npos,Str)
- if(is.matrix(CmdM)){
- Cmd<- CmdM
- }
- else{
- C<- paste("Cmd<- ",CmdM)
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- Out<- Cmd[Looprange(1,Npos-1),]
- Out<- c(Out,Str)
- Tmp<- Cmd[Looprange(Npos,nrow(Cmd)),]
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- Out<- matrix(Out)
- if(!is.matrix(CmdM)){
- C<- paste(CmdM,"<<- Out")
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- return(Out)
-Replacecom<- function(CmdM,Npos,Str)
- if(is.matrix(CmdM)){
- Cmd<- CmdM
- }
- else{
- C<- paste("Cmd<- ",CmdM)
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- Out<- Cmd[Looprange(1,Npos-1),]
- Out<- c(Out,Str)
- Tmp<- Cmd[Looprange(Npos+1,nrow(Cmd)),]
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- Out<- matrix(Out)
- if(!is.matrix(CmdM)){
- C<- paste(CmdM,"<<- Out")
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- return(Out)
-Deletecom<- function(CmdM,Npos)
- if(is.matrix(CmdM)){
- Cmd<- CmdM
- }
- else{
- C<- paste("Cmd<- ",CmdM)
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- Out<- Cmd[Looprange(1,Npos-1),]
- Tmp<- Cmd[Looprange(Npos+1,nrow(Cmd)),]
- Out<- c(Out,Tmp)
- Out<- matrix(Out)
- if(!is.matrix(CmdM)){
- C<- paste(CmdM,"<<- Out")
- eval(parse(text=C))
- }
- return(Out)
-Maketexfile<- function(commands="",texfile="")
- Openfile(texfile)
- Execmd(commands)
- Closefile()
-Formatting<- function(X,D=2,N=2)
- if(D>0){
- Xs <- format(X,digits=D,nsmall=N)
- }
- else{
- Xs<- as.character(X)
- }
- return(Xs)
-Boxplotdata1 <-function(DataF1,CenterX,Width,...)
- Xr <- Width
- Temp <- boxplot(DataF1[1],plot=FALSE)
- Stats <- Temp$stats
- rownames(Stats) <- c("Lhige","Q1","Q2","Q3","Uhige")
- Out <- Temp$out
- Lhige <- Stats["Lhige",1]
- Uhige <- Stats["Uhige",1]
- Q1 <- Stats["Q1",1]
- Q2 <- Stats["Q2",1]
- Q3 <- Stats["Q3",1]
- CenterY <- (Q1+Q3)/2
- C <- c(CenterX,CenterY)
- V <- c(0,(Q3-Q1)/2)
- G1 <- Framedata(C,Xr/2,V[2]) # box
- Temp1 <- c(0,Q1-Lhige)
- Temp2 <- c(0,Uhige-Q3)
- G2 <- Listplot(C-V,C-V-Temp1) #
- G3 <- Listplot(C+V,C+V+Temp2) #
- Temp3 <- c(Xr/4,0)
- G4 <- Listplot(C-V-Temp1-Temp3,C-V-Temp1+Temp3) #
- G5 <- Listplot(C+V+Temp2-Temp3,C+V+Temp2+Temp3) #
- Temp4 <- c(0,Q3-Q2)
- Temp5 <- c(Xr/2,0)
- G6 <- Listplot(C+V-Temp4-Temp5,C+V-Temp4+Temp5) #
- G7 <- list()
- for(j in Looprange(1,length(Out))){
- G7 <- c(G7,list(c(CenterX, Out[j])))
- }
- G7 <- G7[order(Out,decreasing=TRUE)]
- list(median=G6,box=G1,uwhisker=G2,lwhisker=G3,lwp=G4,uwp=G5,outliers=G7)
-Boxplotdata2 <- function(Data,Ratio, ...)
- DataF<- Flattenlist(Data) # 11.07.21(from)
- ymin<- Inf
- ymax<- -Inf
- for(J in 1:length(DataF)){
- Tmp<- DataF[[J]]
- ymin<- min(ymin, min(Tmp))
- ymax<- max(ymax,max(Tmp))
- } # 11.07.21(until)
- dy <- ymax-ymin
- Setwindow(c(0,XMAX-XMIN),c(ymin-0.1*dy,ymax+0.1*dy))
- R<- Ratio/R1
- Setscaling(R)
- Delta <- XMAX/length(DataF)
- W <- 0.6*Delta
- PdL <- list()
- for(i in 1:length(DataF)){ # 11.07.21
- X <- (0.5+i-1)*Delta
- G <- Boxplotdata1(DataF[i],X,W,...)
- PdL <- c(PdL,list(G))
- }
- G <- Framedata()
- Tmp<- list(frame=G)
- PdL <-c(PdL,list(Tmp))
- Epsi <-0
- Setwindow(c(XMIN-Epsi,XMAX+Epsi),c(YMIN-Epsi,YMAX+Epsi))
- return(PdL)
- Setorigin(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Tmp<- Unscaling(c(0.2,0.2))
- Setwindow(c(XMIN-0.2,XMAX),c(YMIN-Tmp[2],YMAX))
- Hako<- BoxDataL$plotdata
- title<- BoxDataL$title
- cap<- BoxDataL$cap
- ylab<- BoxDataL$ylab
- if(mode(title)!="list") title<- list(title)
- if(mode(cap)!="list") cap<- list(cap)
- if(mode(ylab)!="list") ylab<- list(ylab)
- if(length(title)==0) title<- list("")
- if(length(title)==1) title<- c(title, list("n"))
- if(length(title)==2) title<- c(title, list(""))
- if(length(cap)==0) cap<- list("")
- if(length(cap)==1) cap<- c(cap, list("n"),0) # 11.11.27
- if(length(cap)==2) cap<- c(cap, 0) # 11.11.27
- if(length(ylab)==0) ylab<- list("")
- if(length(ylab)==1) ylab <- c(ylab, list("n"))
- if(length(ylab)==2) ylab<- c(ylab, list(""))
- Temp <- Hako[[length(Hako)]]
- Drwline(Temp$frame)
- Fontsize(cap[[2]])
- for(i in Looprange(1,length(Hako)-1)){
- Temp <- Hako[[i]]
- attach(Temp)
- Dashline(uwhisker,lwhisker)
- Drwline(median,2)
- Drwline(box,lwp,uwp)
- Drwpt(outliers,0)
- X <- uwhisker[1,1]
- detach(Temp)
- Htickmarklower(X)
- if(nchar(cap[[1]])<1) next # 2011.03.08
- if(length(cap)==2 || cap[[3]]==0){
- pos<- 1
- if(length(cap)>=4) pos<- cap[[4]]
- Tmp<- paste("s",as.character(pos),sep="")
- Letter(c(X,YMIN),Tmp, Op(i,cap[[1]]))
- }
- else{
- rotate<- cap[[3]]
- if(length(cap)==3){
- pos<- 0
- }
- else{
- pos<- cap[[4]]
- }
- Temp1 <- rotate*pi/180
- Temp <- c(cos(Temp1),sin(Temp1))
- Letterrot(c(X,YMIN-pos),Temp,Op(i,cap[[1]]))
- }
- }
- if(nchar(ylab[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(ylab[[2]])
- Tmp1<- ylab[[1]]
- Tmp3<- ylab[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Letter(c(XMIN, YMAX),"n2",Tmp1)
- Fontsize("n")
- }
- if(nchar(title[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(title[[2]])
- Tmp1<- title[[1]]
- Tmp3<- title[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Letter(c((XMIN+XMAX)/2,YMAX),"n2",Tmp1)
- }
- Fontsize("n")
-Drwboxplot<- function(dataf,var,size,
- title=list(""), cap=list(colnames(dataf)),
- ylab=list(""), ptsize=5,plot=TRUE,...)
- #Return : title,cap,ylab,commands,plotdata,info
- Tmp <- boxplot(dataf, plot=FALSE, ...)
- Stats <- Tmp$stats
- DataF<- Flattenlist(dataf) # 11.07.21(from)
- ymin<- Inf
- ymax<- -Inf
- for(J in 1:length(DataF)){
- Tmp<- DataF[[J]]
- ymin<- min(ymin, min(Tmp))
- ymax<- max(ymax,max(Tmp))
- } # 11.07.21(until)
- Hako<- Boxplotdata2(dataf, size[2]/size[1], ...)
- if(plot){
- Windisp(Hako)
- }
- Tmp<- Formatting(size[1]/(XMAX-XMIN),5,5)
- unit<- paste(Tmp,"cm",sep="")
- Setunitlen(unit)
- Exstr<- c(
- "","",
- paste("Beginpicture(","'",unit,"')",sep=""),
- paste("Setpt(",as.character(ptsize),")",sep=""),
- "","",
- paste("Drwboxframe(",var,")",sep=""),
- paste("VtickLV(c(",as.character(ymin),",", as.character(ymax),"),0,0)",sep=""),
- "","","","",
- "Setpt(1)",
- "Endpicture(0)"
- )
- Exstr<- matrix(Exstr)
- Xpos<- c()
- for(i in Looprange(1,length(Hako)-1)){
- Temp <- Hako[[i]]
- Temp1 <- Temp[[5]]
- Xpos <- c(Xpos,Temp1[1,1])
- }
- Info<- list(stats=Stats,window=matrix(c(XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX),nrow=2),xpos=Xpos)
- Tmp<- paste(var,"<<- ",
- "list(title=title,cap=cap,ylab=ylab,",
- "commands=Exstr,plotdata=Hako,info=Info)",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
-Histplotdata <- function(DataV,Ratio,freq=TRUE,densplot=FALSE,...)
-# 10.12.07 freq
- Temp <- hist(DataV,plot=FALSE,...)
- Breaks <- Temp$breaks
- Counts <- Temp$counts
- Density <- Temp$density
- Mids <- Temp$mids
- if(!freq){
- Data<- Density
- }
- else{
- Data<- Counts
- }
- Ghist <- list()
- for(i in Looprange(1,length(Breaks)-1)){
- Tmp1 <- c(Breaks[i],Breaks[i+1])
- Tmp2 <- c(0,Data[i])
- G1 <- Framedata(Tmp1,Tmp2) #bar
- Ghist <- c(Ghist,list(G1))
- }
- Bin <- Breaks[2]-Breaks[1]
- Eps <- 0.7*Bin # 0.7 times Bin
- Temp1 <- c(min(Breaks)-Eps,max(Breaks)+Eps) # Put Eps at both sides
- Temp2 <- c(0,max(Data)*1.02)
- Setwindow(Temp1,Temp2)
- Setorigin(c(Temp1[1],0))
- R<- Ratio/R1
- Setscaling(R)
- VEps <- 0.05*(XMAX-XMIN)/5
- Temp1<- Temp1-c(VEps,0)
- Temp2<- Temp2-1/R*c(VEps,0)
- Setwindow(Temp1,Temp2)
- Fpt <- c(Mids[1]-Bin,0)
- Lpt <- c(Mids[length(Mids)]+Bin,0)
- Fp <- matrix(Fpt,nrow=1)
- for(i in Looprange(1,length(Mids))){
- Tmp <- c(Mids[i],Data[i])
- Fp <- rbind(Fp,Tmp)
- }
- Fp <- rbind(Fp,Lpt)
- rownames(Fp)<- c(1:nrow(Fp))
- if(densplot){
- Temp <- density(DataV)
- X <- matrix(Temp$x)
- Y <- matrix(Temp$y)
- Gdens <- cbind(X,Y)
- }
- else{
- Gdens <- list()
- }
- list(plotdata=list(histplot=Ghist,fpplot=list(Fp),densityplot=list(Gdens)),
- breaks=Breaks,counts=Counts,density=Density,mids=Mids)
- title<- HistDataL$title
- xlab<- HistDataL$xlab
- ylab<- HistDataL$ylab
- if(mode(title)!="list") title<- list(title)
- if(mode(xlab)!="list") cap<- list(xlab)
- if(mode(ylab)!="list") cap<- list(ylab)
- if(length(title)==0) title<- list("")
- if(length(title)==1) title<- c(title, list("n"))
- if(length(title)==2) title<- c(title, list(""))
- if(length(xlab)==0) xlab<- list("")
- if(length(xlab)==1) xlab<- c(xlab, list("n"))
- if(length(xlab)==2) xlab<- c(xlab, list(""))
- if(length(xlab)==3) xlab<- c(xlab, list(8))
- if(length(ylab)==0) ylab<- list("")
- if(length(ylab)==1) ylab<- c(ylab, list("n"))
- if(length(ylab)==2) ylab<- c(ylab, list(""))
- if(nchar(title[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(title[[2]])
- Tmp1<- title[[1]]
- Tmp3<- title[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Letter(c((XMIN+XMAX)/2,YMAX),"n2",Tmp1)
- Fontsize("n")
- }
- if(nchar(xlab[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(xlab[[2]])
- Tmp1<- xlab[[1]]
- Tmp3<- xlab[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Tmp4<- paste("s",as.character(xlab[[4]]),sep="")
- Letter(c((XMIN+XMAX)/2,YMIN),Tmp4,Tmp1)
- Fontsize("n")
- }
- if(nchar(ylab[[1]])>0){
- Fontsize(ylab[[2]])
- Tmp1<- ylab[[1]]
- Tmp3<- ylab[[3]]
- if(nchar(Tmp3)>0){
- Tmp1<- paste("{\\",Tmp3," ",Tmp1,"}",sep="")
- }
- Tmp<- Setorigin()
- Letter(c(Tmp[1], YMAX),"n2",Tmp1)
- Fontsize("n")
- }
- Setax(2," ")
- Setax(4," ")
- Setax(6," ")
-Drwhistplot<- function(datav,var,size,freq=TRUE,
- title=list(""), xlab=list(""), ylab=list(""),
- plot=TRUE,densplot=FALSE,fpplot=TRUE,...)
- #Output : title,xlab,ylab,commands,plotdata,info
- H <- Histplotdata(datav, size[2]/size[1], freq=freq,densplot=densplot,...)
- Pd<- H$plotdata
- Ghist <- list(histplot=Pd$histplot,densityplot=Pd$densityplot) # 10.12.07
- if(fpplot){
- Ghist<- c(Ghist,list(fpplot=Pd$fpplot))
- }
- if(plot){
- Windisp(Ghist)
- }
- Tmp<- Formatting(size[1]/(XMAX-XMIN),5,5)
- unit<- paste(Tmp,"cm",sep="")
- Setunitlen(unit)
- Infostr<- paste(var,"$info",sep="")
- Brkstr<- paste(Infostr,"$breaks",sep="")
- Midstr<- paste(Infostr,"$mids",sep="")
- if(!freq){
- Digits<- ",2,2"
- Denstr<- paste(Infostr,"$density",sep="")
- }
- else{
- Digits<- ",0,0"
- Denstr<- paste(Infostr,"$counts",sep="")
- }
- if(fpplot) Prefp<- "" else Prefp<- "#"
- Exstr<- c(
- "","",
- paste("Beginpicture(","'",unit,"')",sep=""),
- "","",
- paste("Drwhistframe(",var,")",sep=""),
- paste("HtickLV(",Midstr,",1,1)",sep=""),
- paste("VtickLV(max(",Denstr,")",Digits,")",sep=""),
- paste("Drwline(",var,"[['plotdata']]","$histplot)",sep=""),
- paste(Prefp,"Dashline(",var,"[['plotdata']]","$fpplot)",sep=""),
- paste("#Drwline(",var,"[['plotdata']]","$densityplot,2)",sep=""),
- "","","","",
- "Endpicture(1)"
- )
- Exstr<- matrix(Exstr)
- Info<- list(breaks=H$breaks,counts=H$counts,density=H$density,mids=H$mids,
- window=matrix(c(XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX),nrow=2))
- Tmp<- paste(var,"<<- ",
- "list(title=title,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,",
- "commands=Exstr,plotdata=Ghist,info=Info)",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
-Bezierpt<- function(t,Ptlist,Ctrlist){
- if(length(Ptlist)==6){
- P0=Ptlist[1:3]
- P3=Ptlist[4:6]
- P1=Ctrlist[1:3]
- if(length(Ctrlist)==3){
- P2=P3
- flg3=0
- }else{
- P2=Ctrlist[4:6]
- flg3=1
- }
- }else{
- P0=Ptlist[1:2]
- P3=Ptlist[3:4]
- P1=Ctrlist[1:2]
- if(length(Ctrlist)==2){
- P2=P3
- flg3=0
- }else{
- P2=Ctrlist[3:4]
- flg3=1
- }
- }
- P4=(1-t)*P0+t*P1
- P5=(1-t)*P1+t*P2
- P6=(1-t)*P2+t*P3
- P7=(1-t)*P4+t*P5
- P8=(1-t)*P5+t*P6
- P9=(1-t)*P7+t*P8
- if(flg3==0){
- Out=P7
- }else{
- Out=P9
- }
- return(Out)
-Bezier<- function(...){
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Ptlist=varargin[[1]]
- Ctrlist=varargin[[2]]
- Num=10
- for(J in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- Tmp=varargin[[J]]
- K=strsplit(Tmp,'=',fixe=TRUE)
- K=K[[1]]
- Tmp1=substring(K[1],1,1)
- Lhs=toupper(Tmp1)
- if(Lhs=="N"){
- Num=eval(parse(text=K[2]))
- }
- }
- if(length(Num)==1){
- Num=rep(Num,length(Ctrlist)) #17.10.08
- }
- Out=c()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(Ctrlist))){
- Tmp1=c(Ptlist[[ii]],Ptlist[[ii+1]])
- Tmp2=Ctrlist[[ii]]
- if(ii==1){
- St=0
- }else{
- St=1
- }
- for(J in Looprange(St,Num[ii])){
- Tmp=Bezierpt(J/Num[ii],Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Out=Appendrow(Out,Tmp)
- }
- }
- return(Out)
-# 17.10.02
-Connectseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Pdata=varargin[[1]]
- Eps=10^(-4)
- if(Nargs>=2){
- Eps=varargin[[2]]
- }
- if(is.matrix(Pdata)){
- Din=Dataindex(Pdata)
- tmp1=list()
- for(J in 1:nrow(Din)){
- tmp=Pdata[Din[J,1]:Din[J,2],]
- tmp1=c(tmp1,list(tmp))
- }
- Pdata=tmp1
- }
- PlotL=list(Op(1,Pdata))
- VI=Looprange(2,length(Pdata))
- while(length(VI)>0){
- Qd=Op(Length(PlotL),PlotL)
- Ah=Op(1,Qd); Ao=Op(Length(Qd),Qd)
- Flg=0
- for(J in 1:length(VI)){
- Tmp1=Op(VI[J],Pdata)
- P=Op(1,Tmp1); Q=Op(Length(Tmp1),Tmp1)
- if(Norm(P-Ao)<Eps){
- Tmp=Tmp1[Looprange(2,Length(Tmp1)),]
- if(Length(Tmp)>0){
- Qd=Appendrow(Qd,Tmp)
- }
- PlotL[[length(PlotL)]]=Qd
- VI=VI[-J]
- Flg=1
- break
- }
- if(Norm(Q-Ao)<Eps){
- Tmp=Tmp1[(nrow(Tmp1)-1):1,]
- Qd=Appendrow(Qd,Tmp)
- PlotL[[length(PlotL)]]=Qd
- VI=VI[-J]
- Flg=1
- break
- }
- if(Norm(P-Ah)<Eps){
- Tmp=Tmp1[2:nrow(Tmp1),]
- Qd=Appendrow(Tmp,Qd)
- PlotL[[length(PlotL)]]=Qd
- VI=VI[-J]
- Flg=1
- break
- }
- if(Norm(Q-Ah)<Eps){
- Tmp=Tmp1[(nrow(Tmp1)-1):1,]
- Qd=Appendrow(Tmp,Qd)
- PlotL[[length(PlotL)]]=Qd
- VI=VI[-J]
- Flg=1
- break
- }
- }
- if(Flg==0){
- PlotL=c(PlotL,Pdata[VI[1]])
- VI=VI[-1]
- }
- }
- return(PlotL)
-Implicitplot<- function(...){ #180402
- varargin=list(...)
- Eps=10^(-4)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Func=varargin[[1]]
- Xrng=varargin[[2]]
- Yrng=varargin[[3]]
- Mdv=50;Ndv=50
- for (I in Looprange(4,length(varargin))){
- Str= varargin[[I]]
- Tmp=strsplit(Str,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=Tmp[[1]]
- Tmp1=toupper(Tmp[1])
- if(substring(Tmp1,1,1)=="N"){
- Mdv=eval(parse(text=Tmp[2]))
- if(length(Mdv)==1){
- Ndv=Mdv
- }else{
- Ndv=Mdv[2]
- Mdv=Mdv[1]
- }
- }
- }
- Tmp=strsplit(Func,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)==1){
- Fn=Func
- }else{
- Fn=paste(Tmp[1],"-(",Tmp[2],")",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=strsplit(Xrng,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=Tmp[[1]]
- Varx=Tmp[1]
- Rngx=eval(parse(text=Tmp[2]))
- Tmp=strsplit(Yrng,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=Tmp[[1]]
- Vary=Tmp[1]
- Rngy=eval(parse(text=Tmp[2]))
- Tmp=paste("Impfun<- function(",Varx,",",Vary,"){",Fn,"}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- dx=(Rngx[2]-Rngx[1])/Mdv
- dy=(Rngy[2]-Rngy[1])/Ndv
- out=list()
- for(jj in 1:Ndv){
- yval1=Rngy[1]+(jj-1)*dy
- yval2=Rngy[1]+jj*dy
- xval1=Rngx[1]
- eval11=Impfun(xval1,yval1)
- eval12=Impfun(xval1,yval2)
- for(ii in 1:Mdv){
- xval2=Rngx[1]+ii*dx
- eval21=Impfun(xval2,yval1)
- eval22=Impfun(xval2,yval2)
- pL=list(c(xval1,yval1));vL=c(eval11)
- pL=c(pL,list(c(xval2,yval1)));vL=c(vL,eval21)
- pL=c(pL,list(c(xval2,yval2)));vL=c(vL,eval22)
- pL=c(pL,list(c(xval1,yval2)));vL=c(vL,eval12)
- pL=c(pL,list(c(xval1,yval1)));vL=c(vL,eval11)
- qL=c()
- for(kk in 1:4){
- if(abs(vL[kk])<=Eps){
- qL=Appendrow(qL,pL[[kk]])
- }else{
- if(vL[kk]>Eps){
- if(vL[kk+1]< -Eps){
- tmp=1/(vL[kk]-vL[kk+1])*
- (-vL[kk+1]*pL[[kk]]+vL[kk]*pL[[kk+1]])
- qL=Appendrow(qL,tmp)
- }
- }else{
- if(vL[kk+1]>Eps){
- tmp=1/(-vL[kk]+vL[kk+1])*
- (vL[kk+1]*pL[[kk]]-vL[kk]*pL[[kk+1]])
- qL=Appendrow(qL,tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- xval1=xval2
- eval11=eval21
- eval12=eval22
- if(Length(qL)==2){
- out=c(out,list(qL))
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(out)>0){
- out=Connectseg(out)
- }
- if(length(out)==1){
- out=out[[1]]
- }
- return(out)
-# 17.10.06
- Eps=10^(-3)
- inf=10^3
- tmp=strsplit(deq,"=")[[1]]
- tmp1=gsub("`","",tmp[1],fixed=TRUE)
- tmp1=substring(tmp1,3,nchar(tmp1)-1)
- Xname=strsplit(tmp1,",")[[1]]
- func=tmp[2]
- for(J in 1:(length(Xname))){
- tmp1=paste("X[",as.character(J),"]",sep="")
- func=gsub(Xname[J],tmp1,func,fixed=TRUE)
- }
- tmp=strsplit(rng,"=")[[1]]
- tname=tmp[1]
- tmp=eval(parse(text=tmp[2]))
- t1=tmp[1]
- t2=tmp[2]
- tmp=paste("function(",tname,",X){",func,"}",sep="")
- funP=eval(parse(text=tmp))
- tmp=paste("function(",tname,",X){-",func,"}",sep="")
- funN=eval(parse(text=tmp))
- dt=(t2-t1)/Num
- tt=initt
- X0=initf
- pdL=c(tt,X0)
- for(J in Looprange(1,floor((t2-initt)/dt))){
- kl1=dt*funP(tt,X0)
- kl2=dt*funP(tt+dt/2,X0+kl1/2)
- kl3=dt*funP(tt+dt/2,X0+kl2/2)
- kl4=dt*funP(tt+dt,X0+kl3)
- X0=X0+(kl1+2*kl2+2*kl3+kl4)/6
- tt=initt+J*dt
- tmp=c(tt,X0)
- if(Norm(tmp)>inf){break}
- pdL=Appendrow(pdL,tmp)
- }
- tt=initt
- X0=initf
- for(J in Looprange(1,floor((initt-t1)/dt))){
- kl1=dt*funN(tt,X0)
- kl2=dt*funN(tt+dt/2,X0+kl1/2)
- kl3=dt*funN(tt+dt/2,X0+kl2/2)
- kl4=dt*funN(tt+dt,X0+kl3)
- X0=X0+(kl1+2*kl2+2*kl3+kl4)/6
- tt=initt-J*dt
- tmp=c(tt,X0)
- if(Norm(tmp)>inf){break}
- pdL=Appendrow(tmp,pdL)
- }
- pdL
- varargin=list(...)
- deq=varargin[[1]]
- rng=varargin[[2]]
- initt=varargin[[3]]
- initf=varargin[[4]]
- Num=50
- Sel=c(1,2)
- for(J in Looprange(5,length(varargin))){
- tmp1=varargin[[J]]
- if(is.character(tmp1)){
- tmp=strsplit(tmp1,"=")[[1]]
- Num=eval(parse(text=tmp[2]))
- }else{
- SeL=tmp1
- }
- }
- pdL=Deqdata(deq,rng,initt,initf,Num)
- pdL=pdL[,SeL]
-############## obj ###############
-Openobj<- function(Fnm){
- OBJFMT<<- "%7.4f"
- NPOINT<<- 0
- NNORM<<- 0
- OBJJOIN<<- 0
- Wfile<<- Fnm
- Tmp=grep(".obj",Fnm,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)==0){
- if(nchar(Fnm)>0){
- Wfile<<- paste(Fnm,".obj",sep="")
- }
- }
- cat("",file=Wfile,sep="")
- Wfile
-Closeobj<- function(){
- Wfile=""
-Writeobjpoint<- function(P){
- X=sprintf(OBJFMT,P[1]*OBJSCALE)
- Y=sprintf(OBJFMT,P[2]*OBJSCALE)
- Z=sprintf(OBJFMT,P[3]*OBJSCALE)
- Str=paste("v",X,Y,Z,sep=" ")
- Printobjstr(Str)
- return(NPOINT)
-Printobjstr<- function(Str){
- cat(Str,"\n",sep="",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Objname<- function(){
- if(OBJJOIN==0){
- Gname=paste("ketfig",as.character(OBJFIGNO),sep="")
- Printobjstr(paste("# ",Gname,sep=""))
- Printobjstr(paste("g ",Gname,sep=""))
- }
-Objjoin<- function(...){
- varargin=list()
- if(length(varargin)>0){
- OBJJOIN<<- abs(sign(varargin[[1]]))
- }
-Objsurf<- function(...){ #17.12.18
- Args<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(Args)
- Sel=Args[[Nargs]]; Nargs=Nargs-1
- Rf=Args[[1]]
- N=2
- Mg=0; Ng=0
- if(is.numeric(Args[[N]])){
- if(length(Args[[N]])>2){
- U=Args[[N]]
- Mg=length(U)-1
- N=N+1
- }else if(length(Args[[N]])==2){
- Intab=Args[[N]]
- Ag=Intab[1]; Bg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }else{
- Ag=Args[N]; Bg=Args[N+1]
- N=N+2
- }
- }else{
- Tmp0=Args[[N]]
- Tmp=grep("=",Tmp0,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1=strsplit(Tmp0,"=")
- Tmp0=Tmp1[[1]][2]
- }
- Intab=eval(parse(text=Tmp0))
- Ag=Intab[1]; Bg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }
- if(is.numeric(Args[[N]])){
- if(length(Args[[N]])>2){
- V=Args[[N]]
- Ng=length(V)-1
- N=N+1
- }else if(length(Args[[N]])==2){
- Intab=Args[[N]]
- Cg=Intab[1]; Dg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }else{
- Cg=Args[[N]]; Dg=Args[[N+1]]
- N=N+2
- }
- }else{ # the case of is.character(Args[[N]])
- Tmp0=Args[[N]]
- Tmp=grep("=",Tmp0,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp2=strsplit(Tmp0,"=")
- Tmp0=Tmp2[[1]][2]
- }
- Intab=eval(parse(text=Tmp0))
- Cg=Intab[1]; Dg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }
- if(Mg==0){
- Mg=Args[[N]]
- N=N+1
- U=c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Mg+1)){
- U=c(U,Ag+(J-1)/Mg*(Bg-Ag))
- }
- }
- if(Ng==0){
- Ng=Args[[N]]
- V=c()
- for(K in Looprange(1,Ng+1)){
- V=c(V,Cg+(K-1)/Ng*(Dg-Cg))
- }
- }
- Objname()
- PL=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Mg+1)){
- for(K in Looprange(1,Ng+1)){
- P=Rf(U[J],V[K])
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL=c(PL,list(c(P,Np)))
- }
- }
- Idx=1+(Ng+1)*(0:Mg)
- Pus=PL[Idx]
- Idx=(Ng+1)*(1:(Mg+1))
- Pue=PL[Idx]
- Idx=1:(Ng+1)
- Pvs=PL[Idx]
- Idx=((Ng+1)*Mg+1):((Ng+1)*(Mg+1))
- Pve=PL[Idx]
- Printobjstr("vt 0 0")
- Printobjstr("vt 1 0")
- Printobjstr("vt 1 1")
- Printobjstr("vt 0 1")
- for(J in Looprange(1,Mg)){
- for(K in Looprange(1,Ng)){
- P1=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL[[(Ng+1)*(J-1)+K]]))
- P2=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL[[(Ng+1)*J+K]]))
- P3=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL[[(Ng+1)*J+K+1]]))
- P4=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL[[(Ng+1)*(J-1)+K+1]]))
- N1=""; N2=""; N3=""; N4=""
- if(Sel=="+"){
- Str=paste("f ",P1,"/1/",N1," ",P2,"/2/",N2," ",sep="")
- Str=paste(Str,P3,"/3/",N3," ",P4,"/4/",N4,sep="")
- }else{
- Str=paste("f ",P1,"/1/",N1," ",P4,"/4/",N4," ",sep="")
- Str=paste(Str,P3,"/3/",N3," ",P2,"/2/",N2,sep="")
- }
- Printobjstr(Str)
- }
- }
- list(U,V,Pus,Pue,Pvs,Pve)
-Objthicksurf<- function(...){
- Args=list(...)
- Nargs=length(Args)
- Sel=Args[[Nargs]]; Nargs=Nargs-1
- Selsurf=substring(Sel,1,1)
- Selside=c("0","0","0","0")
- Tmp=grep("w",Sel,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Selside[1]="w"
- }
- Tmp=grep("e",Sel,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Selside[2]="e"
- }
- Tmp=grep("s",Sel,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Selside[3]="s"
- }
- Tmp=grep("n",Sel,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Selside[4]="n"
- }
- Nfth=Args[[Nargs-2]]
- Thick1=Args[[Nargs-1]]
- Thick2=Args[[Nargs]]
- Nargs=Nargs-3
- Rfth=Args[[1]]
- N=2
- Mg=0; Ng=0
- if(is.numeric(Args[[N]])){
- if(length(Args[[N]])>2){
- U=Args[[N]]
- Mg=length(U)-1
- N=N+1
- }else if(length(Args[[N]])==2){
- Intab=Args[[N]]
- Ag=Intab[1]; Bg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }else{
- Ag=Args[[N]]; Bg=Args[[N+1]]
- N=N+2
- }
- }else{
- Tmp0=Args[[N]]
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp0,"=",fixe=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp0=Tmp[[1]][2]
- }
- Intab=eval(parse(text=Tmp0))
- Ag=Intab[1]; Bg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }
- if(is.numeric(Args[[N]])){
- if(length(Args[[N]])>2){
- V=Args[[N]]
- Ng=length(V)-1
- N=N+1
- }else if(length(Args[[N]])==2){
- Intab=Args[[N]]
- Cg=Intab[1]; Dg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }else{
- Cg=Args[[N]]; Dg=Args[[N+1]]
- N=N+2
- }
- }else{
- Tmp0=Args[[N]]
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp0,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp0=Tmp[[1]][2]
- }
- Intab=eval(parse(text=Tmp0))
- Cg=Intab[1]; Dg=Intab[2]
- N=N+1
- }
- if(Mg==0){
- Mg=Args[[N]]
- N=N+1
- U=c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Mg+1)){
- U=c(U,Ag+(J-1)/Mg*(Bg-Ag))
- }
- }
- if(Ng==0){
- Ng=Args[[N]]
- V=c()
- for(K in Looprange(1,Ng+1)){
- V=c(V,Cg+(K-1)/Ng*(Dg-Cg))
- }
- }
- Objname()
- OBJJOIN<<- 1
- F1=function(u,v){
- Rfth(u,v)+Thick1*Nfth(u,v)
- }
- F2=function(u,v){
- Rfth(u,v)+Thick2*Nfth(u,v)
- }
- Dt1=Objsurf(F1,U,V,Selsurf)
- if(Selsurf=="+"){
- Tmp="-"
- }else{
- Tmp="+"
- }
- Dt2=Objsurf(F2,U,V,Tmp);
- Out=list(Dt1,Dt2);
- if(Selside[1]!="0"){
- Dt=Objrecs(Op(3,Dt1),Op(3,Dt2),Selside[1])
- Out=c(Out,list(Dt))
- }
- if(Selside[2]!="0"){
- Dt=Objrecs(Op(4,Dt1),Op(4,Dt2),Selside[2])
- Out=c(Out,list(Dt))
- }
- if(Selside[3]!="0"){
- Dt=Objrecs(Op(5,Dt1),Op(5,Dt2),Selside[3])
- Out=c(Out,list(Dt))
- }
- if(Selside[4]!="0"){
- Dt=Objrecs(Op(6,Dt1),Op(6,Dt2),Selside[4])
- Out=c(Out,list(Dt))
- }
- OBJJOIN<<- Join
-Objrecs<- function(...){
- Eps=10^(-6)
- Args=list(...)
- Nargs=length(Args)
- Tmp=Args[[1]]
- PtL=Flattenlist(Tmp)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){ #17.12.23from
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- if(!is.matrix(Tmp)){
- PtL[[J]]=matrix(Tmp,nrow=1)
- }
- } #17.12.23until
- PL1=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- for(K in Looprange(1,nrow(Tmp))){
- PL1=c(PL1,list(Tmp[K,]))
- }
- }
- Sel=Args[[Nargs]]; Nargs=Nargs-1
- Objname()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL1))){
- P=PL1[[J]]
- if((length(P)<4) || (P[4]==0)){
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL1[[J]]=c(P[1:3],Np)
- }
- }
- Tmp=Args[[2]]
- if((is.numeric(Tmp)) && (length(Tmp)==1)){
- Drv=Tmp
- Len=Norm(Drv)
- PL2=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL1))){
- Tmp=PL1[[J]]
- P=Tmp[1:3]+Drv
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL2=c(PL2,list(c(P[1:3],Np)))
- if(J<length(PL1)){
- Vec=PL1[[J+1]]-PL1[[J]]
- if(Norm(Vec)>Eps){
- Tmp1=Crossprod(Drv,Vec)
- Tmp2=Crossprod(Tmp1,Vec)
- Tmp3=Dotprod(Tmp2,Drv)
- if(Tmp3<-Eps){
- Tmp2=-Tmp2
- }
- Drv=Len/Norm(Tmp2)*Tmp2
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- PtL=Flattenlist(Tmp)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){ #17.12.23from
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- if(!is.matrix(Tmp)){
- PtL[[J]]=matrix(Tmp,nrow=1)
- }
- } #17.12.23until
- PL2=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- for(K in Looprange(1,nrow(Tmp))){
- PL2=c(PL2,list(Tmp[K,]))
- }
- }
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL2))){
- P=PL2[[J]]
- if((length(P)<4) || (P[4]==0)){
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL2[[J]]=c(P[1:3],Np)
- }
- }
- }
- Printobjstr("vt 0 0")
- Printobjstr("vt 1 0")
- Printobjstr("vt 1 1")
- Printobjstr("vt 0 1")
- for(J in Looprange(2,length(PL1))){
- P1=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL1[[J-1]]))
- P2=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL2[[J-1]]))
- P3=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL2[[J]]))
- P4=sprintf("%1d",Op(4,PL1[[J]]))
- N1=""; N2=""; N3=""; N4=""
- if(Sel=="+"){
- Str=paste("f ",P1,"/1/",N1," ",P2,"/2/",N2," ",sep="")
- Str=paste(Str,P3,"/3/",N3," ",P4,"/4/",N4,sep="")
- }else{
- Str=paste("f ",P1,"/1/",N1," ",P4,"/4/",N4," ",sep="")
- Str=paste(Str,P3,"/3/",N3," ",P2,"/2/",N2,sep="")
- }
- Printobjstr(Str)
- }
- list(PL1,PL2)
-Objpolygon<- function(...){
- Eps=10^(-6)
- Args=list(...)
- Nargs=length(Args)
- Tmp=Args[[1]]
- PtL=Flattenlist(Tmp)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){ #17.12.23from
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- if(!is.matrix(Tmp)){
- PtL[[J]]=matrix(Tmp,nrow=1)
- }
- } #17.12.23until
- PL=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- for(K in Looprange(1,nrow(Tmp))){
- PL=c(PL,list(Tmp[K,]))
- }
- }
- Sel=Args[[Nargs]]; Nargs=Nargs-1
- Objname()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL))){
- P=PL[[J]]
- if((length(P)<4) || (P(4)==0)){
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- PL[[J]]=c(P[1:3],Np)
- }
- }
- if(Nargs==1){
- Tmp=PL[[1]]
- Cen=Tmp[1:3]
- Nc=Tmp[4]
- }else{
- Tmp=Args[[2]]
- if(length(Tmp)==1){
- Tmp1=PL[[Tmp]]
- Cen=Tmp1[1:3]
- Nc=Tmp[4]
- }else{
- Cen=Tmp
- Nc=Writeobjpoint(Cen)
- }
- }
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PL))){
- if(J<length(PL)){
- Je=J+1
- }else{
- Je=1
- }
- Pt1=Cen
- PLj=PL[[J]]; PLje=PL[[Je]]
- Pt2=PLj[1:3]; Pt3=PLje[1:3]
- if(Norm(Crossprod(Pt2-Pt1,Pt3-Pt1))<Eps){
- next
- }
- P1=sprintf("%1d",Nc)
- P2=sprintf("%1d",PLj[4])
- P3=sprintf("%1d",PLje[4])
- if(Sel=="+"){
- Str=paste("f",P1,P2,P3,"",sep=" ")
- }else{
- Str=paste("f",P1,P3,P2,"",sep=" ")
- }
- Printobjstr(Str)
- }
- PL
-Objpolyhedron<- function(Vertex,Face){
- Ninit=NPOINT
- Objname()
- for(N in Looprange(1,length(Vertex))){
- P=Vertex[[N]]
- Np=Writeobjpoint(P)
- Vertex[[N]]=c(P[1:3],Np)
- }
- for(N in Looprange(1,length(Face))){
- F=Face[[N]]+Ninit
- Face[[N]]=F
- Str="f"
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(F))){
- P=sprintf("%1d",F[J])
- Str=paste(Str,P,sep=" ")
- }
- Printobjstr(Str)
- }
- list(Vertex,Face)
-Objcurve<- function(...){
- Eps=10^(-6)
- Args=list(...)
- Nargs=length(Args)
- Tmp=Args[[1]]
- PtL=Flattenlist(Tmp)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){ #17.12.23from
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- if(!is.matrix(Tmp)){
- PtL[[J]]=matrix(Tmp,nrow=1)
- }
- } #17.12.23until
- PL=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(PtL))){
- Tmp=PtL[[J]]
- for(K in Looprange(1,nrow(Tmp))){
- PL=c(PL,list(Tmp[K,]))
- }
- }
- Closed=Norm(PL[[length(PL)]]-PL[[1]])<Eps
- Pstr="xy"
- Tmp=Args[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Pstr=Tmp
- Nargs=Nargs-1
- }
- Sz=0.1
- Np=4
- if(Nargs>=2){
- Sz=Args[[2]]
- }
- if(Nargs>=3){
- Np=Args[[3]]
- }
- Assign("Sz",Sz)
- if(Pstr=="xy"){
- Vz=c(0,0,1)
- Fs=Assign("c(Sz*cos(t),Sz*sin(t),0)")
- }
- if(Pstr=="yz"){
- Vz=c(1,0,0)
- Fs=Assign("c(0,Sz*cos(t),Sz*sin(t))")
- }
- if(Pstr=="zx"){
- Vz=c(0,1,0)
- Fs=Assign("c(Sz*sin(t),0,Sz*cos(t))")
- }
- Gc0=Spacecurve(Fs,"t=c(0,2*pi)",paste("Num=",as.character(Np),sep=""))
- P=PL[[1]]; Q=PL[[2]]; R=PL[[length(PL)-1]]
- PQ1=Q-P
- if(!Closed){
- PQ2=PQ1
- }else{
- PQ2=P-R
- }
- Vp=PQ1/Norm(PQ1)+PQ2/Norm(PQ2)
- Vp1=Vp/Norm(Vp)
- Theta=acos(min(Dotprod(Vz,Vp1),1));
- Vj=Crossprod(Vz,Vp1)
- if(Norm(Vj)<Eps){
- Vj=Vz
- }
- Gc1=Rotate3data(Gc0,Vj,Theta)
- CL=list(Translate3data(Gc1,P))
- for(J in Looprange(2,length(PL)-1)){
- P=PL[[J]]; Q=PL[[J+1]]
- PQ2=Q-P
- if(Norm(PQ2)<Eps){
- next
- }
- Vp=PQ1/Norm(PQ1)+PQ2/Norm(PQ2)
- Vp2=Vp/Norm(Vp)
- Theta=acos(min(Dotprod(Vp1,Vp2),1))
- Vj=Crossprod(Vp1,Vp2)
- if(Norm(Vj)<Eps){
- Vj=Vp1
- }
- Gc2=Rotate3data(Gc1,Vj,Theta)
- CL=c(CL,list(Translate3data(Gc2,P)))
- PQ1=PQ2
- Vp1=Vp2
- Gc1=Gc2
- }
- if(!Closed){
- Vp2=(Q-P)/Norm(Q-P)
- Theta=acos(min(Dotprod(Vp1,Vp2),1))
- Vj=Crossprod(Vp1,Vp2)
- if(Norm(Vj)<Eps){
- Vj=Vp1
- }
- Gc3=Rotate3data(Gc1,Vj,Theta)
- CL=c(CL,list(Translate3data(Gc3,Q)))
- }
- Objname()
- Join=Objjoin();
- Objjoin(1)
- GL1=CL[[1]]
- for(J in Looprange(2,length(CL))){
- GL2=CL[[J]]
- Dt=Objrecs(GL1,GL2,"-")
- GL1=Dt[[2]]
- if(J==2){
- GL0=Dt[[1]]
- }
- }
- if(!Closed){
- Objpolygon(CL[[1]],"-")
- N=length(CL)
- Objpolygon(CL[[N]],"+")
- }else{
- Objrecs(GL1,GL0,"-")
- }
- Out=CL
- OBJJOIN<<- Join
-Objsymb<- function(Symb,Thick,Face,Dir){
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(Symb))){
- Objcurve(Op(J,Symb),Thick,Face,Dir)
- }
-Symb3data<- function(Moji,Size,Kaiten,NV,Pos){
- if(is.character(Moji)){
- #Tmp=Symbdata(Moji)
- # GY1=Tmp(2)
- }else{
- GY1=Moji
- }
- GY1=Scaledata(GY1,Size,Size)
- GY1=Rotatedata(GY1,Kaiten*pi/180)
- A=NV[1]; B=NV[2]; C=NV[3]
- if(A^2+B^2==0){
- E1=c(1,0,0)
- E2=c(0,1,0)
- }else{
- E1=c(B,-A,0)
- E2=c(-A*C,-B*C,A^2+B^2)
- Tmp=matrix(c(E1,E2,NV),3,3)
- D=det(Tmp)
- if(D<0){
- E1=-E1
- }
- E1=E1/Norm(E1)
- E2=E2/Norm(E2)
- }
- Em<- function(X,Y){
- c(E1[1]*X+E2[1]*Y,E1[2]*X+E2[2]*Y,E1[3]*X+E2[3]*Y)
- }
- GY1=Embed(GY1,Em)
- GY1=Translate3data(GY1,Pos)
- Flattenlist(GY1)
-############## New Intersect 18.02.01 #############
-Intersectline<- function(p1,v1,p2,v2){
- Eps0=10^(-5)
- tmp=Dotprod(v1,v2)
- tmp1=c(tmp,Norm(v1)^2)
- tmp2=c(-Norm(v2)^2,-tmp)
- tmp3=c(Dotprod(p2-p1,v2),Dotprod(p2-p1,v1))
- d=Crossprod(tmp1,tmp2)
- tmp=abs(Crossprod(v1,v2))
- if(tmp>Eps0){
- dt=Crossprod(tmp3,tmp2)
- ds=Crossprod(tmp1,tmp3)
- t=dt/d
- s=ds/d
- pt=p1+v1*t
- out=list(pt,t,s)
- }else{
- tmp1=Crossprod(p2-p1,v1)/Norm(v1)
- out=list(abs(tmp1))
- }
- return(out)
-Intersectseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- seg1=varargin[[1]]
- seg2=varargin[[2]]
- if(Nargs>2){Eps1=varargin[[3]]}
- p1=Op(1,seg1); q1=Op(2,seg1)
- p2=Op(1,seg2); q2=Op(2,seg2)
- if((Norm(q1-p1)<Eps0)||(Norm(q2-p2)<Eps0)){
- out=list(-1)
- }else{
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,q1-p1,p2,q2-p2)
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- pt=Op(1,tmp); t=Op(2,tmp); s=Op(3,tmp)
- if((t*(t-1)<Eps0)&&(s*(s-1)<Eps0)){
- out=list(0,pt,t,s)
- }else{
- t=min(max(t,0),1)
- s=min(max(s,0),1)
- tmp3=c(Norm(p1-p2),Norm(p1-q2),Norm(q1-p2),Norm(q1-q2)) #180317
- tmp1=c(Op(2,q2-p2),-Op(1,q2-p2))
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,tmp1,p2,q2-p2)
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- if(Op(3,tmp)*(Op(3,tmp)-1)<Eps0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,Norm(Op(1,tmp)-p1))
- }
- }
- tmp=Intersectline(q1,tmp1,p2,q2-p2)
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- if(Op(3,tmp)*(Op(3,tmp)-1)<Eps0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,Norm(Op(1,tmp)-q1))
- }
- }
- tmp1=c(Op(2,q1-p1),-Op(1,q1-p1))
- tmp=Intersectline(p2,tmp1,p1,q1-p1);
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- if(Op(3,tmp)*(Op(3,tmp)-1)<Eps0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,Norm(Op(1,tmp)-p2))
- }
- }
- tmp=Intersectline(q2,tmp1,p1,q1-p1); #180322
- if(length(Op(1,tmp))>1){
- if(Op(3,tmp)*(Op(3,tmp)-1)<Eps0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,Norm(Op(1,tmp)-q2))
- }
- }
- out=list(min(tmp3),pt,t,s)
- }
- }else{
- dist=tmp[[1]]
- tmp1=q1-p1
- n=c(tmp1[2],-tmp1[1])/Norm(tmp1)
- pts=list()
- tmp=Intersectline(p1,n,p2,q2-p2)
- if((length(tmp)>1)&&(tmp[[3]]*(tmp[[3]]-1)<Eps0)){
- tmp1=(1-tmp[[3]])*p2+tmp[[3]]*q2
- pts=c(pts,list(list(tmp1,0,tmp[[3]])))
- }
- tmp=Intersectline(q1,n,p2,q2-p2)
- if((length(tmp)>1)&&(tmp[[3]]*(tmp[[3]]-1)<Eps0)){
- tmp1=(1-tmp[[3]])*p2+tmp[[3]]*q2
- pts=c(pts,list(list(tmp1,1,tmp[[3]])))
- }
- tmp=Intersectline(p2,n,p1,q1-p1)
- if((length(tmp)>1)&&(tmp[[3]]*(tmp[[3]]-1)<Eps0)){
- tmp1=(1-tmp[[3]])*p1+tmp[[3]]*q1
- pts=c(pts,list(list(tmp1,tmp[[3]],0)))
- }
- if((length(tmp)>1)&&(tmp[[3]]*(tmp[[3]]-1)<Eps0)){
- tmp1=(1-tmp[[3]])*p1+tmp[[3]]*q1
- pts=c(pts,list(list(tmp1,tmp[[3]],2)))
- }
- if(length(pts)==0){
- tmp1=min(Norm(p2-p1),Norm(q2-p1),Norm(p2-q1),Norm(q2-q1))
- out=list(tmp1)
- }else{
- if(dist>Eps1){
- out=list(dist)
- }else{
- tmp=c();
- for(j in 1:length(pts)){
- tmp=Appendrow(tmp,Op(1,pts[[j]]))
- }
- tmp1=sum(tmp[,1])/(length(pts))
- tmp2=sum(tmp[,2])/(length(pts))
- tmp3=c(tmp1,tmp2)
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp3,seg1)
- tmp1=tmp[[2]]
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp3,seg2)
- tmp2=tmp[[2]]
- out=list(dist,tmp3,tmp1,tmp2)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(out)
-Osplineseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Eps=10^(-2)
- Eps0=10^(-6)
- Ptlist=varargin[[1]]
- Numstr="Num=20"
- if(Nargs>1){
- Numstr=varargin[[2]]
- }
- p0=Op(1,Ptlist); p1=Op(2,Ptlist); p2=Op(3,Ptlist); p3=Op(4,Ptlist)
- tmp=Norm(p2-p0)*Norm(p3-p1)
- tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/tmp)/2)
- cc=4*Norm(p2-p1)/3/(Norm(p2-p0)+Norm(p3-p1))/tmp
- pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0)
- pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3)
- ctrL=list(c(pQ,pR))
- out=Bezier(list(p1,p2),ctrL,Numstr)
- return(out)
-Intersectpartseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- crv1=varargin[[1]]
- crv2=varargin[[2]]
- ii=varargin[[3]]
- jj=varargin[[4]]
- Eps1=varargin[[5]]
- Eps2=varargin[[6]]
- Dist=10*Eps2
- if(Nargs>6){Dist=varargin[[7]]}
- Eps00=10^(-8)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- out=list()
- seg1=Listplot(Op(ii,crv1),Op(ii+1,crv1))
- seg2=Listplot(Op(jj,crv2),Op(jj+1,crv2))
- tmp1=Op(2,seg1)-Op(1,seg1)
- tmp2=Op(2,seg2)-Op(1,seg2)
- snang=abs(Crossprod(tmp1,tmp2))/(Norm(tmp1)*Norm(tmp2))
- tmp=Intersectseg(seg1,seg2,Eps1)
- dst=Op(1,tmp)
- if(dst<Eps0){
- out=list(Op(2,tmp),ii+Op(3,tmp),jj+Op(4,tmp),dst,snang)
- }else{
- if(dst<Eps2){
- if((Length(crv1)==2)||(Norm(Op(2,seg1)-Op(1,seg1))>Dist-Eps0)){
- os1=seg1
- }else{
- p1=Op(1,seg1); p2=Op(2,seg1)
- if(ii==1){
- p3=Op(3,crv1)
- tmp=p2-p1
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+c(Op(2,tmp),-Op(1,tmp))
- p0=Reflectdata(p3,c((p1+p2)/2,tmp))
- }else{
- if(ii==Length(crv1)-1){
- p0=Op(ii-1,crv1)
- tmp=p2-p1
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+c(Op(2,tmp),-Op(1,tmp))
- p3=Reflectdata(p0,c((p1+p2)/2,tmp))
- }else{
- p0=Op(ii-1,crv1); p3=Op(ii+2,crv1)
- }
- }
- os1=Osplineseg(list(p0,p1,p2,p3))
- }
- if((Length(crv2)==2)||(Norm(Op(2,seg2)-Op(1,seg2))>Dist-Eps0)){
- os2=seg2
- }else{
- p1=Op(1,seg2); p2=Op(2,seg2)
- if(jj==1){
- p3=Op(3,crv2)
- tmp=p2-p1
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+c(Op(2,tmp),-Op(1,tmp))
- p0=Reflectdata(p3,c((p1+p2)/2,tmp))
- }else{
- if(jj==Length(crv2)-1){
- p0=Op(jj-1,crv2)
- tmp=p2-p1
- tmp=(p1+p2)/2+c(Op(2,tmp),-Op(1,tmp))
- p3=Reflectdata(p0,c((p1+p2)/2,tmp))
- }else{
- p0=Op(jj-1,crv2); p3=Op(jj+2,crv2)
- }
- }
- os2=Osplineseg(list(p0,p1,p2,p3))
- }
- tmp2=list()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(os1)-1)){
- for(ll in Looprange(1,Length(os2)-1)){
- seg1=Listplot(Op(kk,os1),Op(kk+1,os1))
- seg2=Listplot(Op(ll,os2),Op(ll+1,os2))
- tmp=Intersectseg(seg1,seg2,Eps1)
- if((Op(1,tmp)<Eps1)&&(length(tmp)>1)){ #18.02.05
- if(Op(1,tmp)<dst+Eps00){
- dst=Op(1,tmp)
- tmp3=list()
- for( nn in Looprange(1,length(tmp2))){
- if(Op(1,tmp2[[nn]])<dst){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,list(tmp2[[nn]]))
- }
- }
- tmp2=c(tmp3,list(list(dst,Op(2,tmp))))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(tmp2)>0){
- tmp1=c()
- for(nn in Looprange(1,length(tmp2))){
- tmp1=Appendrow(tmp1,Op(2,tmp2[[nn]]))
- }
- tmp=sum(tmp1[,1])/length(tmp2)
- tmp=c(tmp,sum(tmp1[,2])/length(tmp2))
- out=list(tmp)
- p1=Op(ii,crv1); p2=Op(ii+1,crv1)
- tmp=c(Op(2,p2-p1),-Op(1,p2-p1))
- tmp=Intersectline(Op(1,out),tmp,p1,p2-p1)
- tmp=min(max(Op(3,tmp),0),1)
- out=c(out,list(ii+tmp))
- p1=Op(jj,crv2); p2=Op(jj+1,crv2)
- tmp=c(Op(2,p2-p1),-Op(1,p2-p1))
- tmp=Intersectline(Op(1,out),tmp,p1,p2-p1)
- tmp=min(max(Op(3,tmp),0),1)
- out=c(out,list(jj+tmp,dst,snang))
- }
- }
- }
- return(out)
-if(1==0){ #start of skip
-Collectnear<- function(ptdL,Eps2){
- gL=list(Op(1,ptdL))
- rL=ptdL[Looprange(2,length(ptdL))] #18.02.07
- for( ii in Looprange(1,length(ptdL)-1)){
- numL=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(rL))){
- tmp1=100
- for(kk in Looprange(1,length(gL))){
- tmp=Norm(Op(1,gL[[kk]])-Op(1,rL[[jj]]))
- if(tmp<tmp1){tmp1=tmp}
- }
- if(tmp1<Eps2){numL=c(numL,jj)}
- }
- if(length(numL)==0){
- break
- }else{
- gL=c(gL,rL[numL]) #18.02.05
- tmp=setdiff(1:(length(rL)),numL)
- rL=rL[tmp]
- }
- }
- return(list(gL,rL))
-}# end of skip
-Collectsameseg<- function(ptdL){
- Eps00=10^(-8)
- if(length(ptdL)==0){
- gL=list();rL=list()
- }else{
- tmp1md=ptdL[1]
- rL=ptdL[Looprange(2,length(ptdL))]
- tmp1=tmp1md[[1]]
- kk=floor(Op(2,tmp1))
- if(Op(2,tmp1)<kk+Eps00){
- s1=kk-1-Eps00; e1=s1+2+2*Eps00
- }else{
- s1=kk-Eps00; e1=s1+1+2*Eps00
- }
- kk=floor(Op(3,tmp1))
- if(Op(3,tmp1)<kk+Eps00){
- s2=kk-1-Eps00; e2=s2+2+2*Eps00
- }else{
- s2=kk-Eps00; e2=s2+1+2*Eps00
- }
- diffL=c()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(rL))){
- tmp=rL[[ii]]
- tmp1=Op(2,tmp);tmp2=Op(3,tmp)
- if((tmp1>s1)&&(tmp1<e1)&&(tmp2>s2)&&(tmp2<e2)){
- tmp1md=c(tmp1md,list(tmp))
- }else{
- diffL=c(diffL,ii)
- }
- }
- tmp=c()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(tmp1md))){
- tmp=c(tmp,Op(4,tmp1md[[ii]]))
- }
- dst=min(tmp)
- gL=list()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(tmp1md))){
- tmp=tmp1md[[ii]]
- if(Op(4,tmp)<dst+Eps00){
- gL=c(gL,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- tmp1=rL
- rL=rL[diffL]
- }
- return(list(gL,rL))
-Groupnearpt<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Eps1=varargin[[Nargs]]
- plist=varargin[[1]]
- qlist=varargin[[2]]
- if(!is.list(qlist)){
- qlist=plist
- plist=list()
- }
- if(length(qlist)==0){
- return(plist)
- }
- pt=qlist[[1]]
- qlist=qlist[Looprange(2,length(qlist))]
- if(length(plist)==0){
- plist=list(matrix(pt,nrow=1))
- }else{
- flg=0
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(plist))){
- gL=plist[[ii]]
- for(jj in Looprange(1,Length(gL))){
- if(Norm(Op(jj,gL)-pt)<Eps1){
- flg=1
- break
- }
- }
- if(flg==1){
- plist[[ii]]=Appendrow(gL,pt)
- break
- }
- }
- if(flg==0){
- plist=c(plist,list(matrix(pt,nrow=1)))
- }
- }
- out=Groupnearpt(plist,qlist,Eps1)
- return(out)
-IntersectcurvesPp<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
-# Eps2=0.05
- Eps2=0.1
- Dist=10*Eps2
- if(Nargs>2){Eps1=varargin[[3]]}
- if(Nargs>3){Eps2=varargin[[4]]}
- if(Nargs>4){Dist=varargin[[5]]}
- tmp1=varargin[[1]]
- crv1=matrix(Op(1,tmp1),nrow=1)
- for(ii in Looprange(2,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(Length(crv1),crv1)
- if(Norm(tmp-Op(ii,tmp1))>Eps0){
- crv1=Appendrow(crv1,Op(ii,tmp1))
- }
- }
- tmp2=varargin[[2]]
- crv2=matrix(Op(1,tmp2),nrow=1)
- for(ii in Looprange(2,Length(tmp2))){
- tmp=Op(Length(crv2),crv2)
- if(Norm(tmp-Op(ii,tmp2))>Eps0){
- crv2=Appendrow(crv2,Op(ii,tmp2))
- }
- }
- if(Length(crv1)!=Length(crv2)){
- self=0
- }else{
- self=1
- for(ii in Looprange(1,Length(crv1))){
- if(Norm(Op(ii,crv1)-Op(ii,crv2))>0){
- self=0
- break
- }
- }
- }
- out=list()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,Length(crv1)-1)){
- if(self==0){
- loopL=Looprange(1,Length(crv2)-1)
- }else{
- loopL=Looprange(ii+2,Length(crv2)-1)
- }
- for(jj in loopL){
- tmp=Intersectpartseg(crv1,crv2,ii,jj,Eps1,Eps2,Dist)
- if(length(tmp)>1){ #18.02.05
- if(length(out)==0){
- out=list(tmp)
- }else{
- tmp1=Op(length(out),out)
- if(Norm(Op(1,tmp1)-Op(1,tmp))>Eps1){
- out=c(out,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- if(self==1){
- tmp=list(Op(1,tmp),Op(3,tmp),Op(2,tmp),Op(4,tmp),Op(5,tmp))
- out=c(out,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- tmp2=out
- out=list()
- tmp1=tmp2
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(tmp2))){
- tmp=Collectsameseg(tmp1)
- out=c(out,list(Op(1,tmp)))
- if(length(Op(2,tmp))==0){
- break
- }else{
- tmp1=Op(2,tmp)
- }
- }
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(out))){
- tmp1=Op(ii,out)
- if(length(tmp1)==1){
- out[[ii]]=Op(1,tmp1)
- }else{
- tmp=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- tmp=c(tmp,Op(4,tmp1[[jj]]))
- }
- dst=min(tmp)
- tmp=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- if(Op(4,tmp1[[jj]])<dst+Eps0){
- tmp=c(tmp,Op(1,tmp1[[jj]]))
- }
- }
- tmp=matrix(tmp,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- tmp=c(sum(tmp[,1]),sum(tmp[,2]))/Length(tmp)
- tmp2=list(tmp)
- tmp=Nearestpt(Op(1,tmp2),crv1)
- tmp2=c(tmp2,list(Op(2,tmp)))
- tmp=Nearestpt(Op(1,tmp2),crv2)
- tmp2=c(tmp2,list(Op(2,tmp)))
- tmp2=c(tmp2,list(list(dst,Op(5,tmp1[[1]]))))
- out[[ii]]=tmp2
- }
- }
- return(out)
-Intersectcurves<- function(...){
- dtL=IntersectcurvesPp(...)
- out=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(dtL))){
- out=c(out,list(Op(1,dtL[[jj]])))
- }
- return(out)
-############## end of New Intersect #############
-############## New Enclosing2 #############
-Enclosing2<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- plist=varargin[[1]]
- Eps0=10^(-5)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.1
- Start=c()
- flg=0
- for(ii in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[ii]]
- if(length(tmp)>1){
-# Start=tmp
- }else{
- if(flg==0){Eps1=tmp}
- if(flg==1){Eps2=tmp}
- flg=flg+1
- }
- }
- flg=0
- AnsL=c()
- if(length(plist)==1){
- Fdata=plist[[1]]
- tmp1=Op(1,Fdata)
- tmp2=Op(Length(Fdata),Fdata)
- if(Norm(tmp1-tmp2)<Eps0){
- AnsL=Fdata
- }else{
- AnsL=Appendrow(Fdata,tmp1)
- }
- flg=1
- }
- if(flg==0){
- Fdata=Op(1,plist)
- Gdata=Op(length(plist),plist)
- KL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fdata,Gdata)
- if(length(KL)==0){
- tmp1=Op(Length(Gdata),Gdata)
- tmp2=Op(1,Fdata)
- tmp=Listplot(tmp1,tmp2)
- plist=c(plist,list(tmp))
- Start=tmp2
- tst=1
-# flg=1
- }else{
- if(length(KL)==1){
- tmp=Op(1,KL)
- tst=Op(2,tmp)
- Start=crv(tst,Fdata)
- }
- if(length(KL)>1){
- KL=Quicksort(KL,2)
- if(length(Start)==0){
- tmp=Op(1,KL)
- tst=Op(2,tmp)
- Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata)
- }else{
- tmp=c()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(KL))){
- tmp=c(tmp,Norm(Op(1,KL[[ii]]-Start)))
- }
- tmp=min(tmp)
- tmp1=list()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(KL))){
- tmp2=Op(1,KL[[ii]])
- if(Norm(tmp2-Start)==tmp){
- tmp1=c(tmp1,list(tmp2))
- }
- }
- tmp=Op(1,tmp1)
- tst=Op(2,tmp)
- Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(flg==0){
- t1=tst
- for(nn in Looprange(1,length(plist))){
- Fdata=Op(nn,plist)
- if(nn==length(plist)){
- nxtno=1
- }else{
- nxtno=nn+1
- }
- Gdata=Op(nxtno,plist)
- KL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fdata,Gdata)
- if(length(KL)==0){
- tmp=matrix(Op(Length(Fdata),Fdata),nrow=1) #18.02.02from
- Gdata=Appendrow(tmp,Gdata)
- plist[[nxtno]]=Gdata
- t2=Length(Fdata)
- ss=1 #18.02.02until
- }else{
- tmp=Op(1,KL)
- t2=Op(2,tmp)
- ss=Op(3,tmp)
- if(abs(t2-t1)<Eps0){
- if(length(KL)>1){
- tmp=Op(2,KL)
- t2=Op(2,tmp)
- ss=Op(3,tmp)
- }else{
-# println(text(nn)+" and "+text(nn+1)+" not intersect");
-# flg=1
- }
- }
- }
- if(flg==0){
- tmp=Partcrv(t1,t2,Fdata)
- if(nn==1){
- AnsL=tmp
- }else{
- tmp=tmp[2:Length(tmp),]
- AnsL=Appendrow(AnsL,tmp)
- }
- t1=ss
- }
- }
- }
- return(AnsL)
-############## end of Enclosing2 #############
-############## start of surface drawing #############
-Fullformfunc<- function(FdL){
- ADDPOINT<<- list() #18.02.19
- Out=list(Op(1,FdL))
- N=length(FdL)
- for(Jrg in Looprange(1,N)){
- Tmp=grep("c(",Op(Jrg,FdL),fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- break
- }
- }
- Urg=Stripblanks(Op(Jrg,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Urg,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- UNAME<<- Tmp[[1]][1]
- URNG<<- eval(parse(text=Tmp[[1]][2]))
- Urg=paste(UNAME,"=c(",sprintf("%6.7f",URNG[1]),",",
- sprintf("%6.7f",URNG[2]),")",sep="")
- Vrg=Stripblanks(Op(Jrg+1,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Vrg,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- VNAME<<- Tmp[[1]][1]
- VRNG<<- eval(parse(text=Tmp[[1]][2]))
- Vrg=paste(VNAME,"=c(",sprintf("%6.7f",VRNG[1]),",",
- sprintf("%6.7f",VRNG[2]),")",sep="")
- if(Jrg==2){
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(1,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Zf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=list(UNAME,VNAME,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp)
- }else if(Jrg==4){
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(1,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Zf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(2,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Xname=Tmp[[1]][1]
- Xf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(3,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Yname=Tmp[[1]][1]
- Yf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=gsub(Xname,paste("(",Xf,")",sep=""),Zf,fixed=TRUE)
- Zf=gsub(Yname,paste("(",Yf,")",sep=""),Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=list(Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp)
- }else{
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(2,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Xf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(3,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Yf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=Stripblanks(Op(4,FdL))
- Tmp=strsplit(Tmp,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- Zf=Tmp[[1]][2]
- Tmp=list(Xf,Yf,Zf,Urg,Vrg)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp)
- }
- tmp=paste("Xfunc<<- function(",UNAME,",",VNAME,"){",Xf,"}",sep='')
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- tmp=paste("Yfunc<<- function(",UNAME,",",VNAME,"){",Yf,"}",sep='')
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- tmp=paste("Zfunc<<- function(",UNAME,",",VNAME,"){",Zf,"}",sep='')
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- tmp=paste("XYZfunc<<- function(",UNAME,",",VNAME,"){",sep='')
- tmp=paste(tmp,"c(",Xf,",",Yf,",",Zf,")}",sep='')
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- XYZstr<<- c(Xf,Yf,Zf)
- DRWS<<- "enws"
- BdyL=list()
- for(I in Looprange(Jrg+2,length(FdL))){
- Tmp=Op(I,FdL)
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- if(nchar(Tmp)==0){
- Tmp=" "
- }
- DRWS<<- list(Tmp)
- }
- if((is.numeric(Tmp))&&(Length(Tmp)>1)){
- BdyL=list(Tmp)
- }
- }
- BDYL<<- BdyL
- Tmp=c(DRWS,BDYL)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp)
- return(Out)
-Addpoints<- function(ptlist){
- ADDPOINT<<- ptlist
-Makexybdy<- function(Np){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Xystr=XYZstr[1:2]
- Umin=URNG[1]; Umax=URNG[2]
- Vmin=VRNG[1]; Vmax=VRNG[2]
- Cflg=0
- EhL=list()
- Tmp=grep("e",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:2){
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Umax),")",sep=""),Xystr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",VRNG)
- Tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[2]))
- Tmp=Paramplot(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- EhL=c(EhL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Tmp=grep("n",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:2){
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Vmax),")",sep=""),Xystr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",URNG)
- Tmp2=paste(UNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[1]))
- Tmp=Paramplot(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- if(Cflg>0){
- Tmp1=Op(length(EhL),EhL)
- Tmp=Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- Tmp1=EhL[Looprange(1,length(EhL)-1)]
- EhL=c(Tmp1,Tmp)
- }else{
- Cflg=0
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- EhL=c(EhL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- Tmp=grep("w",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:2){
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Umin),")",sep=""),Xystr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",VRNG)
- Tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[2]))
- Tmp=Paramplot(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- if(Cflg>0){
- Tmp1=Op(length(EhL),EhL)
- Tmp=Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- Tmp1=EhL[Looprange(1,length(EhL)-1)]
- EhL=c(Tmp1,list(Tmp))
- }else{
- Cflg=0
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- EhL=c(EhL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- Tmp=grep("s",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:2){
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Vmin),")",sep=""),Xystr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",URNG)
- Tmp2=paste(UNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[1]))
- Tmp=Paramplot(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- if(Cflg>0){
- Tmp1=Op(length(EhL),EhL)
- Tmp=Joincrvs(Tmp1,Tmp)
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp1=EhL[Looprange(1,length(EhL)-1)]
- }
- Tmp1=EhL[Looprange(1,length(EhL)-1)]
- EhL=c(Tmp1,list(Tmp))
- }else{
- Cflg=0
- if(Norm(Op(1,Tmp)-Op(Length(Tmp),Tmp))<Eps0){
- Cflg=1
- Tmp[Length(Tmp),]=Tmp[1,]
- }
- EhL=c(EhL,list(Tmp))
- }
- }
- return(EhL)
-Partitionseg<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fig=varargin[[1]]
- GL=varargin[[2]]; N=3
- if(!is.list(GL)){GL=list(GL)} #18.02.21
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- if(Nargs>2){
- Eps1=varargin[[3]]
- }
- Eps2=0.1
- if(Nargs>3){
- Eps2=varargin[[4]]
- }
- if(Nargs>4){
- Ns=varargin[[5]]
- if(Ns>0){#18.02.21from
- }else{
- Other=c()
- }#18.02.21until
- }else{
- Ns=1
- Other=c()
- }
- Npt=Length(Fig)
- ParL=c(1,Npt,Other)
- for(N in Looprange(max(1,Ns),Length(GL))){ #18.02.21
- G=Op(N,GL)
- KouL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fig,G,Eps1,Eps2)
- Tmp1=c(); Tmp2=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(KouL))){
- tmp=Op(2,KouL[[jj]])
- if((tmp>1+Eps0)&&(tmp<Npt-Eps0)){
- Tmp1=c(Tmp1,tmp)
- }
- tmp=Op(3,KouL[[jj]])
- if((tmp>1+Eps0)&&(tmp<Length(G)-Eps0)){
- Tmp2=c(Tmp2,tmp)
- }
- }
- ParL=c(ParL,Tmp1)
- if((Ns>0)&&(N>Ns)&&(length(Tmp2)>0)){ #18.02.21
- OTHERPARTITION[[N]]<<- c(tmp,Tmp2)
- }
- }
- tmp1=sort(ParL)
- ParL=c()
- tmp2=-1
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(jj,tmp1)
- if(abs(tmp-tmp2)>Eps1){
- ParL=c(ParL,tmp)
- tmp2=tmp
- }
- }
- return(ParL)
-Evlptablepara<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Tmp=varargin[[1]]
- Mdv=50
- Ndv=50
- if(Nargs>=2){
- Tmp=varargin[[2]]
- if(is.list(Tmp)){Tmp=Op(1,Tmp)}
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Mdv=Tmp[1]
- Ndv=Tmp[2]
- }else{
- Mdv=Tmp
- if(Nargs==2){
- Ndv=Mdv
- }else{
- Tmp1=varargin[[3]]
- if((is.numeric(Tmp1)) && (length(Tmp1)==1)){
- Ndv=Tmp1
- }else{
- Ndv=Mdv
- }
- }
- }
- }
- U1=URNG[1]; U2=URNG[2]
- V1=VRNG[1]; V2=VRNG[2]
- Du=(U2-U1)/(Mdv)
- Dv=(V2-V1)/(Ndv)
- sph=sprintf("%7.7f",sin(PHI))
- cph=sprintf("%7.7f",cos(PHI))
- sth=sprintf("%7.7f",sin(THETA))
- cth=sprintf("%7.7f",cos(THETA))
- xstr=paste("-(",XYZstr[1],")*(",sph,")+(",XYZstr[2],")*(",cph,")",sep="")
- tmp=paste("-(",XYZstr[1],")*(",cph,")*(",cth,")-(",XYZstr[2],")*(",sph,")*(",cth,")",sep="")
- ystr=paste(tmp,"+(",XYZstr[3],")*(",sth,")",sep="")
- dxu=Diff(xstr,UNAME)
- dxv=Diff(xstr,VNAME)
- dyu=Diff(ystr,UNAME)
- dyv=Diff(ystr,VNAME)
- I=1
- Zval=c()
- for(jj in 1:(Ndv+1)){
- v=V1+(jj-1)*Dv
- ZuL=c()
- for(ii in 1:(Mdv+1)){
- u=U1+(ii-1)*Du
- tmp1=paste(UNAME,"=(",sprintf("%7.7f",u),")",sep="")
- tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=(",sprintf("%7.7f",v),")",sep="")
- Dxu=Funvalue(dxu,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dxv=Funvalue(dxv,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dyu=Funvalue(dyu,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dyv=Funvalue(dyv,tmp1,tmp2)
- Tmp=Dxu*Dyv-Dxv*Dyu
- ZuL=c(ZuL,Tmp)
- }
- Zval=Appendrow(Zval,ZuL)
- }
- Yval=c()
- for(jj in 1:(Ndv+1)){
- v=V1+(jj-1)*Dv
- Yval=c(Yval,v)
- }
- Xval=c()
- for(ii in 1:(Mdv+1)){
- u=U1+(ii-1)*Du
- Xval=c(Xval,u)
- }
- return(list(Zval,Xval,Yval))
-Evlpfun<- function(u,v){
- tmp1=paste(UNAME,"=(",sprintf("%7.7f",u),")",sep="")
- tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=(",sprintf("%7.7f",v),")",sep="")
- Dxu=Funvalue(dxu,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dxv=Funvalue(dxv,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dyu=Funvalue(dyu,tmp1,tmp2)
- Dyv=Funvalue(dyv,tmp1,tmp2)
- Tmp=Dxu*Dyv-Dxv*Dyu
- return(Tmp)
-Envelopedata<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fd=varargin[[1]]
- Fullformfunc(Fd)
- Mdv=50
- Ndv=50
- if(Nargs>=2){
- Tmp=varargin[[2]]
- if(is.list(Tmp)){Tmp=Op(1,Tmp)}
- if(length(Tmp)>1){
- Mdv=Tmp[1]
- Ndv=Tmp[2]
- }else{
- Mdv=Tmp
- if(Nargs==2){
- Ndv=Mdv
- }else{
- Tmp1=varargin[[3]]
- if((is.numeric(Tmp1)) && (length(Tmp1)==1)){
- Ndv=Tmp1
- }else{
- Ndv=Mdv
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sph=sprintf("%7.7f",sin(PHI))
- cph=sprintf("%7.7f",cos(PHI))
- sth=sprintf("%7.7f",sin(THETA))
- cth=sprintf("%7.7f",cos(THETA))
- xstr=paste("-(",XYZstr[1],")*(",sph,")+(",XYZstr[2],")*(",cph,")",sep="")
- tmp=paste("-(",XYZstr[1],")*(",cph,")*(",cth,")-(",XYZstr[2],")*(",sph,")*(",cth,")",sep="")
- ystr=paste(tmp,"+(",XYZstr[3],")*(",sth,")",sep="")
- dxu<<- Diff(xstr,UNAME)
- dxv<<- Diff(xstr,VNAME)
- dyu<<- Diff(ystr,UNAME)
- dyv<<- Diff(ystr,VNAME)
- U1=URNG[1]; U2=URNG[2]
- V1=VRNG[1]; V2=VRNG[2]
- Du=(U2-U1)/Mdv
- Dv=(V2-V1)/Ndv
- Out=c()
- for(J in 1:(Ndv)){
- Vval1=VRNG[1]+(J-1)*Dv
- Vval2=VRNG[1]+J*Dv
- Uval1=URNG[1]
- Eval11=Evlpfun(Uval1,Vval1)
- Eval12=Evlpfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- for(I in 1:(Mdv)){
-# Uval1=URNG[1]+(I-1)*Du
- Uval2=URNG[1]+I*Du
-# Eval11=Evlpfun(Uval1,Vval1)
-# Eval12=Evlpfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- Eval21=Evlpfun(Uval2,Vval1)
- Eval22=Evlpfun(Uval2,Vval2)
- a1=Uval1;b1=Vval1;c1=Eval11
- a2=Uval2;b2=Vval1;c2=Eval21
- a3=Uval2;b3=Vval2;c3=Eval22
- a4=Uval1;b4=Vval2;c4=Eval12
- PL=matrix(c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a1,b1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- VL=c(c1,c2,c3,c4,c1)
- QL=c()
- for(K in 1:4){
- if(abs(VL[K])<=Eps0){
- QL=Appendrow(QL,PL[K,])
- }else if(VL[K]>Eps0){
- if(VL[K+1]< -Eps0){
- Tmp=1/(VL[K]-VL[K+1])*(-VL[K+1]*PL[K,]+VL[K]*PL[K+1,])
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- }else{
- if(VL[K+1]>Eps0){
- Tmp=1/(-VL[K]+VL[K+1])*(VL[K+1]*PL[K,]-VL[K]*PL[K+1,])
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- Uval1=Uval2
- Eval11=Eval21
- Eval12=Eval22
- if(Length(QL)==2){
- Out=Appendrow(Out,c(Inf,Inf))
- Out=Appendrow(Out,QL)
- }
- }
- }
- Out=Out[2:nrow(Out),]
- if(Length(Out)>0){
- Out=Connectseg(Out)
- }else{
- Out=c()
- }
- return(Out)
-Dropnumlistcrv<- function(QdL,Eps1){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- if(!is.list(QdL)){
- PdL=list(QdL)
- }else{
- PdL=QdL
- }
- OutL=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(PdL))){
- Pd=Op(I,PdL)
- PtL=c(1)
- P=Op(1,Pd)
- for(K in Looprange(2,Length(Pd)-1)){
- if(Norm(P-Op(K,Pd))>Eps1){
- PtL=c(PtL,K)
- P=Op(K,Pd)
- }
- }
- K=Length(Pd)
- if(Norm(P-Op(K,Pd))>Eps1){ #18.02.12 eps
- PtL=c(PtL,K)
- }
-# if(length(PtL)==1){ #180306
-# }
- OutL=c(OutL,list(PtL))
- }
- return(OutL)
-Cuspsplitpara<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin);
- Gdxy=varargin[[1]]
- if(!is.list(Gdxy)){
- Gdxy=list(Gdxy)
- }
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- if(Nargs>2){Eps1=varargin[[2]]}
- N=2
- CUSPSPLITPT<<- list()
- OutkL=list()
- for(Ng in Looprange(1,length(Gdxy))){
- PtxyL=Op(Ng,Gdxy)
- PtkL=c()
- PthL=c()
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(PtxyL))){
- Tmp=Op(I,PtxyL)
- Tmp1=paste(UNAME,'=',sprintf("%7.7f",Tmp[1]),sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp1))
- Tmp1=paste(VNAME,'=',sprintf("%7.7f",Tmp[2]),sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp1))
- Tmp2=c(eval(parse(text=XYZstr[1])))
- Tmp2=c(Tmp2,eval(parse(text=XYZstr[2])))
- Tmp2=c(Tmp2,eval(parse(text=XYZstr[3])))
- Tmp3=Parapt(Tmp2)
- if(I==1){
- PtkL=matrix(Tmp2,nrow=1)
- PthL=matrix(Tmp3,nrow=1)
- }else{
- Tmp4=Op(Length(PthL),PthL)
- if(Norm(Tmp3-Tmp4)>Eps0){
- PtkL=Appendrow(PtkL,Tmp2)
- PthL=Appendrow(PthL,Tmp3)
- }
- }
- }
- if(Length(PthL)==0){
- return(list())
- }
- Ps=Op(1,PthL); Pe=Op(Length(PthL),PthL)
- Cflg=0
- if(Norm(Ps-Pe)<Eps1){Cflg=1}
- CuspL=c()
- Cva=cos(10*pi/180)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(PthL)-1)){
- if(Length(PthL)==2){break}
- Tmp=Op(I,PthL)
- if(I==1){
- if(Cflg==0){next}
- Tmp1=Op(Length(PthL)-1,PthL)
- }else{
- Tmp1=Op(I-1,PthL)
- }
- Tmp2=Op(I+1,PthL)
- V1=Tmp-Tmp1
- V2=Tmp2-Tmp
- Tmp3=Dotprod(V1,V2)/(Norm(V1)*Norm(V2))
- Cuspflg=0
- if(Tmp3<Cva){
- P=Op(I,PthL)
- Kaku=acos(Tmp3)*180/pi
- if(Crossprod(V1,V2)<0){
- Kaku=-Kaku
- }
- Cuspflg=0
- for(J in Looprange(I+1,Length(PthL)-1)){
- if(abs(Kaku)>90){
- Cuspflg=1
- break
- }
- Q=Op(J,PthL)
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps1){
- break
- }
- V1=Q-Op(J-1,PthL)
- V2=Op(J+1,PthL)-Q
- Tmp3=Dotprod(V1,V2)/(norm(V1)*norm(V2))
- Tmp=acos(Tmp3)*180/pi
- if(Crossprod(V1,V2)<0){
- Tmp=-Tmp
- }
- Kaku=Kaku+Tmp
- }
- if(Cuspflg==1){
- Tmp=trunc((I+J)*0.5)
- I=J
- if(length(CuspL)==0){
- CuspL=c(Tmp)
- }else{
- CuspL=c(CuspL,Tmp)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Cflg==0){
- CuspL=c(1,CuspL,Length(PthL))
- }else if(length(CuspL)==0){
- CuspL=c(1,Length(PthL))
- }else if(Op(1,CuspL)==1){
- CuspL=c(CuspL,Length(PthL))
- }else{
- Tmp=Op(1,CuspL)
- Tmp1=PthL[Tmp:Length(PthL),]
- Tmp2=PthL[2:Tmp,]
- PthL=Appendrow(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Tmp1=PtkL[Tmp:Length(PthL),]
- Tmp2=PtkL[2:Tmp,]
- PtkL=Appendrow(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- CuspL=CuspL-Tmp+1
- CuspL=c(CuspL,Length(PthL))
- }
- if(length(CuspL)==2){
- Tmp4=PthL[Length(PthL),]
- if(Length(PtkL)>=2){
- OutkL=c(OutkL,list(PtkL))
- }
- next
- }
- Outk=list()
- Is=1
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(CuspL)-1)){
- Tmp1=CuspL[Is]; Tmp2=CuspL[I+1]
- Tmp3=Op(Tmp1,PthL); Tmp4=Op(Tmp2,PthL)
- if(Norm(Tmp3-Tmp4)>Eps1){
- Tmpk=PtkL[Tmp1:Tmp2,]
- Outk=c(Outk,list(Tmpk))
- Is=I+1
- }
- }
- OutkL=c(OutkL,Outk)
- }
- Tmp1=Dropnumlistcrv(Projpara(OutkL),Eps1*0.5)
- Tmp=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(OutkL))){
- Tmp2=Op(I,OutkL)
- Tmp3=Op(I,Tmp1)
- Tmp4=c()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Length(Tmp3))){
- Tmp5=Op(Tmp3[J],Tmp2)
- Tmp4=Appendrow(Tmp4,Tmp5)
- }
- if(Length(Tmp4)>0){
- Tmp=c(Tmp,list(Tmp4))
- }
- }
- return(Tmp)
-PthiddenQ<- function(PtA,Vec,Uveq,Np,Eps1,Eps2){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Out=c()
- Vec=1/Norm(Vec)*Vec
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- Tmp=paste("Eqfun<- function(U,V){",sep='')
- if((abs(Vec[2])>Eps0) || (abs(Vec[1])>Eps0)){
- Vstr=sprintf("%6.6f",Vec)
- Pstr=sprintf("%6.6f",PtA)
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"(",Vstr[2],")*(Xfunc(U,V)-(",Pstr[1],"))",sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"-(",Vstr[1],")*(Yfunc(U,V)-(",Pstr[2],"))}",sep='')
- }else{
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"Xfunc(U,V)}",sep='')
- }
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Dx=(URNG[2]-URNG[1])/Np[1]
- Dy=(VRNG[2]-VRNG[1])/Np[2]
- for(J in Looprange(1,Np[2])){ #180227
- Vval1=VRNG[1]+(J-1)*Dy
- Vval2=VRNG[1]+J*Dy
- Uval1=URNG[1] #180306(3lines)
- Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
- Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- Uval1=URNG[1] #180305(3lines)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Np[1])){ #180227
-# Uval1=URNG[1]+(I-1)*Dx
- Uval2=URNG[1]+I*Dx
-# Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
-# Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- Eval21=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval1)
- Eval22=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval2)
- a1=Uval1;b1=Vval1;c1=Eval11
- a2=Uval2;b2=Vval1;c2=Eval21
- a3=Uval2;b3=Vval2;c3=Eval22
- a4=Uval1;b4=Vval2;c4=Eval12
- PL=matrix(c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a1,b1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- VL=c(c1,c2,c3,c4,c1)
- QL=c()
- for(K in 1:4){
- P1=Op(K,PL); P2=Op(K+1,PL)
- M1=Op(K,VL); M2=Op(K+1,VL)
- if(abs(M1)<Eps0){
- QL=Appendrow(QL,P1)
- next
- }
- if(abs(M2)<Eps0){
-# QL=Appendrow(QL,P2)
- next
- }
- if((M1> 0) && (M2> 0)){
- next
- }
- if((M1< 0) && (M2< 0)){
- next
- }
- Tmp=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- Uval1=Uval2 #180306(3lines)
- Eval11=Eval21
- Eval12=Eval22
- if(Length(QL)==2){
- Puv1=Op(1,QL); Puv2=Op(2,QL)
- Tmp1=Op(1,Puv1)
- Tmp2=Op(2,Puv1)
- Xv=Xfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Yv=Yfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Zv=Zfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- P1=c(Xv,Yv,Zv)
- Tmp1=Op(1,Puv2)
- Tmp2=Op(2,Puv2)
- Xv=Xfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Yv=Yfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Zv=Zfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- P2=c(Xv,Yv,Zv)
- V1=Vec[1]; V2=Vec[2]; V3=Vec[3]
- if(abs(V1)>Eps0){
- M1=PtA[3]+V3/V1*(P1[1]-PtA[1])-P1[3]
- M2=PtA[3]+V3/V1*(P2[1]-PtA[1])-P2[3]
- }else if(abs(V2)>Eps0){
- M1=PtA[3]+V3/V2*(P1[2]-PtA[2])-P1[3]
- M2=PtA[3]+V3/V2*(P2[2]-PtA[2])-P2[3]
- }else{
- M1=PtA[2]-P1[2]
- M2=PtA[2]-P2[2]
- }
- if(M1*M2>= 0){
- if(((M1>0) && (M2>0)) || ((M1< 0) && (M2< 0))){
- next
- }
- if(M1==0){
- Pt=P1; Ptuv=Puv1
- }else{
- Pt=P2; Ptuv=Puv2
- }
- }else{
- Pt=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- Ptuv=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*Puv1+M1*Puv2)
- }
- if(is.character(Uveq)){
- Tmp1=paste('(',sprintf("%6.6f",Ptuv[1]),')',sep='')
- Tmp2=paste('('+sprintf("%6.6f",Ptuv[2]),')',sep='')
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,Tmp1,Uveq,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,Tmp2,Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- if(Tmp< -Eps0){
- next
- }
- }
- Tmp1=Crossprod(Pt-PtA,Vec)
- if(Norm(Tmp1)<Eps1){ #18.02.19
- if(Zparapt(Pt)>Zparapt(PtA)+Eps2){
- return(list(1,Pt,Zparapt(Pt),Zparapt(PtA)))
- }else{
- Out=Appendrow(Out,Pt)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Length(Out)==0){
- return(list(0,c()))
- }
- return(c(list(0,Out)))
-Nohiddenpara2<- function (Par,Fk,Uveq,Np,Eps1,Eps2){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Fh=Projpara(Fk)
- P1=Ptstart(Fh)
- P2=Ptend(Fh)
- if(!is.list(Csp)){Csp=list(Csp)}
- Cspflg=1
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Csp))){
- Tmp=Op(I,Csp)
- if(Norm(Tmp-P1)<Eps0){
- if(Cspflg==1){Cspflg=2}
- if(Cspflg==3){Cspflg=6}
- next
- }
- if(Norm(Tmp-P2)<Eps0){
- if(Cspflg==1){Cspflg=3}
- if(Cspflg==2){Cspflg=6}
- next
- }
- }
- PaL=c()
- tmp2=-1
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Par)-1)){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Par)
- if(abs(tmp1-tmp2)>Eps0){ #180227
- PaL=c(PaL,tmp1)
- tmp2=tmp1
- }
- }
- tmp1=PaL[length(PaL)] #18.02.26from
- tmp2=Par[length(Par)]
- if(abs(tmp1-tmp2)<Eps0){ #180227
- PaL[length(PaL)]=tmp2
- }else{
- PaL=c(PaL,tmp2)
- } #18.02.26until
- SeL=c()
- for(N in Looprange(1,length(PaL)-1)){
- S=(PaL[N]+PaL[N+1])/2
- Tmp=Invparapt(S,Fh,Fk)
- PtA=Op(1,Tmp)
- PtAp=Parapt(PtA)
- Vec=c(sin(THETA)*cos(PHI),sin(THETA)*sin(PHI),cos(THETA))
- Flg=PthiddenQ(PtA,Vec,Uveq,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- if(Flg[[1]]==0){
- SeL=c(SeL,N)
- }
- }
- FigL=list()
- FigkL=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(SeL))){
- Tmp1=Pointoncurve(PaL[SeL[I]],Fh)
- Tmp2=Pointoncurve(PaL[SeL[I]+1],Fh)
- if(I==1){
- P=Tmp1; SP=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }else{
- if(Member(SeL[I]-1,SeL)){
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }else{
- FigL=c(FigL,list(Partcrv(SP,SQ,Fh)))
- Tmp3=Invparapt(SP,Fh,Fk)
- TP=Op(2,Tmp3)
- Tmp3=Invparapt(SQ,Fh,Fk)
- TQ=Op(2,Tmp3)
- Tmp4=Partcrv3(TP,TQ,Fk)
- FigkL=c(FigkL,list(Tmp4))
- P=Tmp1; SP=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(SeL)>0){
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps0){ #18.02.14
- FigL=c(FigL,list(Partcrv(P,Q,Fh)))
- Tmp3=Invparapt(SP,Fh,Fk)
- TP=Op(2,Tmp3)
- Tmp3=Invparapt(SQ,Fh,Fk)
- TQ=Op(2,Tmp3)
- FigkL=c(FigkL,list(Partcrv3(TP,TQ,Fk)))
- }else{
- FigL=c(FigL,list(Fh))
- FigkL=c(FigkL,list(Fk))
- }
- }
- Tmp=c()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(PaL)-1)){
- if(!Member(I,SeL)){
- Tmp=c(Tmp,I)
- }
- }
- SeL=Tmp
- HIDDENDATA<<- list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(SeL))){
- Tmp=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Tmp1=Pointoncurve(Tmp,Fh)
- Tmp=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- Tmp2=Pointoncurve(Tmp,Fh)
- if(I==1){
- P=Tmp1; SP=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }else{
- if(Member(SeL[I]-1,SeL)){
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }else{
- Tmp=Invparapt(SP,Fh,Fk)
- TP=Op(2,Tmp)
- Tmp=Invparapt(SQ,Fh,Fk)
- TQ=Op(2,Tmp)
- HIDDENDATA<<- c(HIDDENDATA,list(Partcrv3(TP,TQ,Fk)))
- P=Tmp1; SP=PaL[SeL[I]]
- Q=Tmp2; SQ=PaL[SeL[I]+1]
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(SeL)>0){
- if(Norm(P-Q)>Eps0){ #18.02.14
- Tmp=Invparapt(SP,Fh,Fk)
- TP=Op(2,Tmp)
- Tmp=Invparapt(SQ,Fh,Fk)
- TQ=Op(2,Tmp)
- HIDDENDATA<<- c(HIDDENDATA,list(Partcrv3(TP,TQ,Fk)))
- }else{
- }
- }
- return(FigkL)
-Borderparadata<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- FkL=varargin[[1]]
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps1=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- Umin=URNG[1]; Umax=URNG[2]
- Vmin=VRNG[1]; Vmax=VRNG[2]
- EkL=list()
- Tmp=grep("e",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:3){
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Umax),")",sep=""),XYZstr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",VRNG)
- Tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[2]),sep="")
- Tmp=Spacecurve(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- EkL=c(EkL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Tmp=grep("n",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:3){
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Vmax),")",sep=""),XYZstr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",URNG)
- Tmp2=paste(UNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[1]),sep="")
- Tmp=Spacecurve(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- EkL=c(EkL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Tmp=grep("w",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:3){
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Umin),")",sep=""),XYZstr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",VRNG)
- Tmp2=paste(VNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[2]))
- Tmp=Spacecurve(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- EkL=c(EkL,list(Tmp))
- }
- Tmp=grep("s",DRWS,fixed=TRUE)
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- Tmp1="c("
- for(jj in 1:3){
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,paste("(",sprintf("%7.7f",Vmin),")",sep=""),XYZstr[jj])
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp1,Tmp,",",sep="")
- }
- Tmp=substring(Tmp1,1,Length(Tmp1)-1)
- Tmp1=paste(Tmp,")",sep="")
- Tmp=sprintf("%6.6f",URNG)
- Tmp2=paste(UNAME,"=c(",Tmp[1],",",Tmp[2],")",sep='')
- Tmp3=paste('N=',as.character(Np[1]))
- Tmp=Spacecurve(Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3)
- EkL=c(EkL,list(Tmp))
- }
- if(length(EkL)>0){
- FkL=c(FkL,EkL)
- }
- Fall=Projpara(FkL)
- if(is.numeric(Fall)){
- Fall=list(Fall)
- }
- Fbdxy=Makexybdy(Np)
- BORDERPT<<- list()
- Tmp1=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(Fall))){
- Tmp1=c(Tmp1,list(c()))
- }
- FsL=list()
- starttime=proc.time()
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(FkL))){
- Tmp=Op(I,FkL)
- Tmp=Projpara(Tmp)
- Par=Partitionseg(Tmp,Fall,Eps1,Eps2,I)
- Tmp1=Op(I,FkL)
- Tmp=Nohiddenpara2(Par,Tmp1,1,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- if(length(HIDDENDATA)>0){
- }
- if(length(Tmp)>0){
- FsL=c(FsL,Tmp)
- }
- Tmp=paste('Border',formatC(I,width=2,flag="0"),'/',sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,as.character(length(FkL)),' obtained : Time =',sep='')
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste(Tmp,sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp1[1]),sep=''))
- }
- return(FsL)
-Sfbdparadata<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fd=varargin[[1]]
- FdL=Fullformfunc(Fd)
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(2,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps1=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- starttime=proc.time()
-# tmp=Evlptablepara(Np)
-# Zval=tmp[[1]]; Xval=tmp[[2]]; Yval=tmp[[3]]
-# Out3=Implicitplot(Zval,Xval,Yval)
- Out3=Envelopedata(Fd) #180306
- tmp3=list()
- pts=list() #180306
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Out3))){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Out3)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))
- }
- Nlist=Dropnumlistcrv(tmp2,Eps1)
- Nlist=Nlist[[1]]
- if(Length(Nlist)==1){ #180306from
- tmp=Op(1,Nlist)
- tmp=Op(tmp,tmp1)
- pts=c(pts,list(tmp))
-# pts=c(pts,list(XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2])))#180306until
- }else{
- tmp=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,length(Nlist))){
- tmp=Appendrow(tmp,Op(Nlist[kk],tmp1)) #18.02.18
- }
- if(Length(tmp)>0){
- tmp3=c(tmp3,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- }
- Out3=tmp3
- tmp3=pts #180306from
- pts=list()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(tmp3))){
- tmp=Op(ii,tmp3)
- tmp1=XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp2[])
- flg=0
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(pts))){
- tmp=Op(jj,pts)
- tmp2=XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp2[])
- if(Norm(tmp1-tmp2)<Eps1){
- flg=1; break
- }
- }
- if(flg==0){pts=c(pts,list(Op(ii,tmp3)))}
- }
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(pts))){
- tmp=Op(ii,pts)
- tmp1=XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2])
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Out3))){
- tmp2=Op(jj,Out3)
- eps=1
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp2)-1)){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp2)
- tmp1=XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2])
- tmp=Op(kk+1,tmp2)
- tmp=XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2])
- eps=min(c(eps,Norm(tmp1-tmp)))
- }
- tmp=Ptstart(tmp2)
- if(Norm(tmp1-XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))<eps+Eps0){
- Out3[[jj]]=Appendrow(Op(ii,pts),tmp2)
- next
- }
- tmp=Ptend(tmp2)
- if(Norm(tmp1-XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))<eps+Eps0){
- Out3[[jj]]=Appendrow(tmp2,Op(ii,pts))
- next
- }
- }
- } #180306until
- Tmp=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste('ImplicitData obtained : Time =',sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp[1]),sep=''))
- starttime=proc.time()
- Out4=Cuspsplitpara(Out3,Eps1)
- CUSPDATA<<- Out4
- Tmp=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste('CuspData obtained : Time =',sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp[1]),sep=''))
- Out5=Borderparadata(Out4,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- return(Out5)
-Meetpoints<- function(PtA,PtB,Uveq,Np,Eps1){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Vec=PtB-PtA
- if(Norm(Vec)<Eps0){return(list())} #18.02.24
- Out=list()
- Vec=1/Norm(Vec)*Vec
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- Tmp=paste("Eqfun<- function(U,V){",sep='')
- if((abs(Vec[2])>Eps0) || (abs(Vec[1])>Eps0)){
- Vstr=sprintf("%6.6f",Vec)
- Pstr=sprintf("%6.6f",PtA)
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"(",Vstr[2],")*(Xfunc(U,V)-(",Pstr[1],"))",sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"-(",Vstr[1],")*(Yfunc(U,V)-(",Pstr[2],"))}",sep='')
- }else{
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,"Xfunc(U,V)}",sep='')
- }
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Dx=(URNG[2]-URNG[1])/Np[1]
- Dy=(VRNG[2]-VRNG[1])/Np[2]
- for(J in Looprange(1,Np[2])){
- Vval1=VRNG[1]+(J-1)*Dy
- Vval2=VRNG[1]+J*Dy
- Uval1=URNG[1] #180305(3lines)
- Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
- Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Np[1])){
-# Uval1=URNG[1]+(I-1)*Dx
- Uval2=URNG[1]+I*Dx
-# Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
-# Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- Eval21=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval1)
- Eval22=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval2)
- a1=Uval1;b1=Vval1;c1=Eval11
- a2=Uval2;b2=Vval1;c2=Eval21
- a3=Uval2;b3=Vval2;c3=Eval22
- a4=Uval1;b4=Vval2;c4=Eval12
- PL=matrix(c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a1,b1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- VL=c(c1,c2,c3,c4,c1)
- QL=c()
- for(K in 1:4){
- P1=Op(K,PL); P2=Op(K+1,PL)
- M1=Op(K,VL); M2=Op(K+1,VL)
- if(abs(M1)<Eps0){
- QL=Appendrow(QL,P1)
- next
- }
- if(abs(M2)<Eps0){
-# QL=Appendrow(QL,P2)
- next
- }
- if((M1> 0) && (M2> 0)){
- next
- }
- if((M1< 0) && (M2< 0)){
- next
- }
- Tmp=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- Uval1=Uval2 #180306(3lines)
- Eval11=Eval21
- Eval12=Eval22
- if(Length(QL)==2){
- Puv1=Op(1,QL); Puv2=Op(2,QL)
- Tmp1=Op(1,Puv1)
- Tmp2=Op(2,Puv1)
- Xv=Xfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Yv=Yfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Zv=Zfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- P1=c(Xv,Yv,Zv)
- Tmp1=Op(1,Puv2)
- Tmp2=Op(2,Puv2)
- Xv=Xfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Yv=Yfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- Zv=Zfunc(Tmp1,Tmp2)
- P2=c(Xv,Yv,Zv)
- V1=Vec[1]; V2=Vec[2]; V3=Vec[3]
- if(abs(V1)>Eps0){
- M1=PtA[3]+V3/V1*(P1[1]-PtA[1])-P1[3]
- M2=PtA[3]+V3/V1*(P2[1]-PtA[1])-P2[3]
- }else if(abs(V2)>Eps0){
- M1=PtA[3]+V3/V2*(P1[2]-PtA[2])-P1[3]
- M2=PtA[3]+V3/V2*(P2[2]-PtA[2])-P2[3]
- }else{
- M1=PtA[2]-P1[2]
- M2=PtA[2]-P2[2]
- }
- if(M1*M2>= 0){ #18.02.21
- if(((M1>0) && (M2>0)) || ((M1< 0) && (M2< 0))){
- next
- }
- if(M1==0){
- Pt=P1; Ptuv=Puv1
- }else{
- Pt=P2; Ptuv=Puv2
- }
- }else{
- Pt=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- Ptuv=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*Puv1+M1*Puv2)
- }
- if(is.character(Uveq)){
- Tmp1=paste('(',sprintf("%6.6f",Ptuv[1]),')',sep='')
- Tmp2=paste('('+sprintf("%6.6f",Ptuv[2]),')',sep='')
- Tmp=gsub(UNAME,Tmp1,Uveq,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=gsub(VNAME,Tmp2,Tmp,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- if(Tmp< -Eps0){
- next
- }
- }
- Tmp1=Crossprod(Pt-PtA,Vec)
- if(Norm(Tmp1)<Eps1){ #18.02.19
- Tmp1=Dotprod(Pt-PtA,Vec) #18.02.21
- if((Tmp1>-Eps0)&&(Tmp1<Norm(PtB-PtA)+Eps0)){
- Out=c(Out,list(Pt))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- tmp1=Groupnearpt(Out,Eps1)
- Out=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(jj,tmp1)
- tmp=c(sum(tmp[,1]),sum(tmp[,2]),sum(tmp[,3]))/Length(tmp)
- Out=c(Out,list(tmp))
- }
- return(Out)
-Clipindomain<- function(ObjL,FigL){
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- Bdy=Kyoukai(FigL)
- if(length(Bdy)>=2){
- Fbdy=Joincrvs(FigL)
- }else{
- Fbdy=Op(1,FigL)
- }
- if(!is.list(ObjL)){
- ObjL=list(ObjL)
- }
- if(!is.list(FigL)){
- FigL=list(FigL)
- }
- OutL=list()
- for(Nobj in Looprange(1,length(ObjL))){
- Obj=Op(Nobj,ObjL)
- ParL=c(1,Length(Obj))
- Tmp=IntersectcurvesPp(Obj,Fbdy,Eps1,Eps2)
- for(J in Looprange(1,length(Tmp))){
- Tmp1=Op(J,Tmp)
- ParL=c(ParL,Op(2,Tmp1))
- }
- ParL=sort(ParL)
- Tmp=c(1)
- for(I in Looprange(1,length(ParL))){
- Tmp1=Op(length(Tmp),Tmp)
- Tmp2=ParL[I]
- if(Tmp2-Tmp1>Eps0){
- Tmp=c(Tmp,Tmp2)
- }
- }
- ParL=Tmp
- Tmp1=Op(length(ParL),ParL)
- Tmp2=Length(Obj)
- if(abs(Tmp1-Tmp2)<Eps1){
- ParL=c(ParL[Looprange(1,length(ParL)-1)],Tmp2)
- }
- Fig=list()
- for(N in Looprange(1,length(ParL)-1)){
- Tmp=(ParL[N]+ParL[N+1])*0.5
- Tmp=Pointoncurve(Tmp,Obj)
- Tmp=Naigai(Tmp,Bdy)
- Tmp1=sum(Tmp)%%2
- if(Tmp1==0){
- next
- }
- Fig=c(Fig,list(Partcrv(ParL[N],ParL[N+1],Obj)))
- }
- OutL=c(OutL,Fig)
- }
- return(OutL)
-Crvsfparadata<- function(...){
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Sepflg=0
- Tmp=varargin[[Nargs]]
- if((is.numeric(Tmp))&&(Tmp<=0)){
- Sepflg=1
- Nargs=Nargs-1
- }
- Fk=varargin[[1]]
- if(!is.list(Fk)){
- FkL=list(Fk)
- }else{
- FkL=Fk
- }
- Fbdy=Projpara(varargin[[2]])
- Fd=varargin[[3]];
- Fullformfunc(Fd) #18.02.17
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps1=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- Out=list()
- for(Nn in Looprange(1,length(FkL))){
- Fk=Op(Nn,FkL)
- Tmp=Projpara(Fk)
- Par=Partitionseg(Tmp,Fbdy,Eps1,Eps2,0)
- if(Sepflg==0){
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(Fk)-1)){
- Pa=Op(I,Fk)
- Pb=Op(I+1,Fk)
- PtL=Meetpoints(Pa,Pb,1,Np,Eps1)
- for(J in Looprange(1,Length(PtL))){
- Tmp=Op(J,PtL)
- Tmp=Parapt(Tmp)
- Tmp1=Paramoncurve(Tmp,I,Projpara(Fk))
- Tmp2=min(abs(Par-Tmp1))
- if(Tmp2*Norm(Parapt(Pb-Pa))>Eps0) { #180227
- Par=c(Par,Tmp1)
- }
- }
- Par=sort(Par)
- }
- }
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(ADDPOINT))){ #18.02.19from
- tmp=Parapt(Op(jj,ADDPOINT))
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp,Projpara(Fk))
- if(tmp[[3]]<Eps1){
- Par=c(Par,tmp[[2]])
- }
- } #18.02.19until
- tmp1=sort(Par)
- Par=c()
- tmp2=-1
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(jj,tmp1)
- if(abs(tmp-tmp2)>Eps0){ #180227
- Par=c(Par,tmp)
- tmp2=tmp
- }
- }
- Tmp1=Nohiddenpara2(Par,Fk,1,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp1)
- Tmp=paste('Crvsfdata',formatC(Nn,width=2,flag="0"),'/',sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,as.character(length(FkL)),' obtained : Time =',sep='')
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste(Tmp,sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp1[1]),sep=''))
- }
- return(Out)
-Crv3onsfparadata<- function(...){
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fk=varargin[[1]]
- if(!is.list(Fk)){
- FkL=list(Fk)
- }else{
- FkL=Fk
- }
- Fbdy=Projpara(varargin[[2]])
- Fd=varargin[[3]]
- Fullformfunc(Fd) #18.02.17
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps1=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- Out=list()
- for(Nn in Looprange(1,length(FkL))){
- Fk=Op(Nn,FkL)
- Tmp=Projpara(Fk)
- Par=Partitionseg(Tmp,Fbdy,Eps1,Eps2,0)
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(ADDPOINT))){
- tmp=Parapt(Op(jj,ADDPOINT))
- tmp=Nearestpt(tmp,Projpara(Fk))
- if(tmp[[3]]<Eps1){
- Par=c(Par,tmp[[2]])
- }
- }
- Par=sort(Par)
- Tmp1=Nohiddenpara2(Par,Fk,1,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- Out=c(Out,Tmp1)
- Tmp=paste('Crvonsfdata',formatC(Nn,width=2,flag="0"),'/',sep='')
- Tmp=paste(Tmp,as.character(length(FkL)),' obtained : Time =',sep='')
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste(Tmp,sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp1[1]),sep=''))
- }
- return(Out)
-Crvonsfparadata<- function(...){
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fuv=varargin[[1]]
- Fbdy3=varargin[[2]]
- Fd=varargin[[3]]
- Fullformfunc(Fd)
- if(!is.list(Fuv)){
- Fuv=list(Fuv)
- }
- FkL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Fuv))){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Fuv)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))
- }
- FkL=c(FkL,list(tmp2))
- }
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps1=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- Out=Crv3onsfparadata(FkL,Fbdy3,Fd,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- return(Out)
-Wireparadata<- function(...){
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- Fbdy3=varargin[[1]]
- Fd=varargin[[2]]
- FdL=Fullformfunc(Fd)
- DuL=varargin[[3]]
- DvL=varargin[[4]]
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(5,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps1=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- if(is.numeric(DuL)){
- tmp1=DuL
- DuL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,tmp1)){
- tmp=jj*(URNG[2]-URNG[1])/(tmp1+1)
- DuL=c(DuL,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- if(is.numeric(DvL)){
- tmp1=DvL
- DvL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,tmp1)){
- tmp=jj*(VRNG[2]-VRNG[1])/(tmp1+1)
- DvL=c(DvL,list(tmp))
- }
- }
- Fuv=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(DuL))){
- tmp1=paste("c(",as.character(Op(jj,DuL)),",",VNAME,")",sep="")
- tmp2=paste("N=",as.character(Np[2]),sep="")
- tmp1=Paramplot(tmp1,Op(6,FdL),tmp2)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,tmp)
- }
- Fuv=c(Fuv,list(tmp2))
- }
- FkL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Fuv))){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Fuv)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))
- }
- FkL=c(FkL,list(tmp2))
- }
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- cat(UNAME,"direction started","\n")
- Out1=Crv3onsfparadata(FkL,Fbdy3,Fd,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- Fuv=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(DvL))){
- tmp1=paste("c(",UNAME,",",as.character(Op(jj,DvL)),")",sep="")
- tmp2=paste("N=",as.character(Np[2]),sep="")
- tmp1=Paramplot(tmp1,Op(5,FdL),tmp2)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,tmp)
- }
- Fuv=c(Fuv,list(tmp2))
- }
- FkL=list()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Fuv))){
- tmp1=Op(jj,Fuv)
- tmp2=c()
- for(kk in Looprange(1,Length(tmp1))){
- tmp=Op(kk,tmp1)
- tmp2=Appendrow(tmp2,XYZfunc(tmp[1],tmp[2]))
- }
- FkL=c(FkL,list(tmp2))
- }
- cat(VNAME,"direction started","\n")
- Out2=Crv3onsfparadata(FkL,Fbdy3,Fd,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- Out=c(Out1,Out2)
- return(Out)
-Intersectcrvsf<- function(...){
- # bdyeq is the equation of boundary f(x,y,z) =0
- starttime=proc.time()
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- crv=varargin[[1]]
- Fd=varargin[[2]]
- Fullformfunc(Fd)
- bdyflg=0
- bdyeq=varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(bdyeq)){
- Nargs=Nargs-1
- bdyflg=1
- tmp=strsplit(bdyeq,"=",fixed=TRUE)
- tmp=tmp[[1]]
- if(length(tmp)>1){
- bdyeq=paste("(",tmp[1],")-(",tmp[2],")",sep="")
- }
- tmp=paste("bdyeq<- function(P){x=P[1];y=P[2];z=P[3];",bdyeq,"}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=tmp))
- }
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(3,Nargs)){
- tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(tmp)>1)||(tmp>1)){
- Np=tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps1=tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=tmp}
- }
- }
- PtL=list()
- for(I in Looprange(1,Length(crv)-1)){
- Pa=Op(I,crv)
- Pb=Op(I+1,crv)
- if(bdyflg==0){
- tmp=Meetpoints(Pa,Pb,1,Np,Eps1)
- }else{
- M1=bdyeq(Pa); M2=bdyeq(Pb)
- if(M1*M2>= 0){ #18.02.21
- if(((M1>0) && (M2>0)) || ((M1< 0) && (M2< 0))){
- next
- }
- if(M1==0){
- tmp=list(Pa)
- }else{
- tmp=list(Pb)
- }
- }else{
- while(Norm(Pb-Pa)>Eps0){
- if(bdyeq(Pa)==0){
- tmp=list(Pa)
- break
- }
- if(bdyeq(Pa)*bdyeq((Pa+Pb)/2)>0){
- Pa=(Pa+Pb)/2
- }else{
- Pb=(Pa+Pb)/2
- }
- }
- tmp=list(1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*Pa+M1*Pb))
- }
- }
- PtL=c(PtL,tmp)
- }
- Tmp=paste('Intersectcrvsf obtained : Time =',sep='')
- Tmp1=proc.time()-starttime
- print(paste(Tmp,sprintf("%6.3f",Tmp1[1]),sep=''))
- return(PtL)
-Sfcutparadata<- function(...){
- varargin=list(...)
- Nargs=length(varargin)
- CutD=varargin[[1]]
- Fbdy3=varargin[[2]]
- Fd=varargin[[3]]
- FdL=Fullformfunc(Fd)
- Np=c(50,50)
- Eps0=10^(-4)
- Eps1=0.01
- Eps2=0.05
- ctr=0
- for(jj in Looprange(4,Nargs)){
- Tmp=varargin[[jj]]
- if((length(Tmp)>1)||(Tmp>1)){
- Np=Tmp
- if(length(Np)==1){
- Np=c(Np,Np)
- }
- }else{
- ctr=ctr+1
- if(ctr==1){Eps1=Tmp}
- if(ctr==2){Eps2=Tmp}
- }
- }
- starttime=proc.time()
- Tmp=strsplit(CutD,'=')
- Tmp=Tmp[[1]]
- if(length(Tmp)==1){
- Eq=CutD
- }else{
- Eq=paste("(",Tmp[1],")-(",Tmp[2],")",sep="")
- }
- Eq=gsub("x","Xfunc(U,V)",Eq,fixed=TRUE)
- Eq=gsub("y","Yfunc(U,V)",Eq,fixed=TRUE)
- Eq=gsub("z","Zfunc(U,V)",Eq,fixed=TRUE)
- Tmp=paste("Eqfun<<- function(U,V){",Eq,"}",sep="")
- eval(parse(text=Tmp))
- Du=(URNG[2]-URNG[1])/Np[1]
- Dv=(VRNG[2]-VRNG[1])/Np[2]
- Out=list();Out2=list()
- for(J in Looprange(1,Np[2])){
- Vval1=VRNG[1]+(J-1)*Dv
- Vval2=VRNG[1]+J*Dv
- Uval1=URNG[1] #180305(3lines)
- Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
- Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- for(I in Looprange(1,Np[1])){
-# Uval1=URNG[1]+(I-1)*Du
- Uval2=URNG[1]+I*Du
-# Eval11=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval1)
-# Eval12=Eqfun(Uval1,Vval2)
- Eval21=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval1)
- Eval22=Eqfun(Uval2,Vval2)
- a1=Uval1;b1=Vval1;c1=Eval11
- a2=Uval2;b2=Vval1;c2=Eval21
- a3=Uval2;b3=Vval2;c3=Eval22
- a4=Uval1;b4=Vval2;c4=Eval12
- PL=matrix(c(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a1,b1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
- VL=c(c1,c2,c3,c4,c1)
- QL=c()
- for(K in 1:4){
- P1=Op(K,PL); P2=Op(K+1,PL)
- M1=Op(K,VL); M2=Op(K+1,VL)
- if(abs(M1)<Eps0){
- QL=Appendrow(QL,P1)
- next
- }
- if(abs(M2)<Eps0){
-# QL=Appendrow(QL,P2)
- next
- }
- if((M1> 0) && (M2> 0)){
- next
- }
- if((M1< 0) && (M2< 0)){
- next
- }
- Tmp=1/(M1-M2)*(-M2*P1+M1*P2)
- QL=Appendrow(QL,Tmp)
- }
- Uval1=Uval2 #180306(3lines)
- Eval11=Eval21
- Eval12=Eval22
- if(Length(QL)==2){
- q11=QL[1,1];q12=QL[1,2];q21=QL[2,1];q22=QL[2,2]
- if(((q11==a1)&&(q21==a1))||((q11==a3)&&(q21==a3))){
- if(((q21==b1)&&(q22==b1))||((q21==b3)&&(q22==b3))){
- Out2=c(Out2,list(QL))
- }else{
- Out=c(Out,list(QL))
- }
- next
- }
- if(((q12==b1)&&(q22==b1))||((q12==b3)&&(q22==b3))){
- if(((q11==a1)&&(q21==a1))||((q11==a3)&&(q21==a3))){
- Out2=c(Out2,list(QL))
- }else{
- Out=c(Out,list(QL))
- }
- next
- }
- Out=c(Out,list(QL))
- }
- }
- }
- while(length(Out2)>0){
- tmp1=Out2[[1]]
- Out=c(Out,list(tmp1))
- Out2=Out2[-1]
- rmv=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,length(Out2))){
- tmp2=Out2[[jj]]
- diff1=Norm(tmp2[1,]-tmp1[1,])+Norm(tmp2[2,]-tmp1[2,])
- diff2=Norm(tmp2[1,]-tmp1[2,])+Norm(tmp2[2,]-tmp1[1,])
- if((diff1<Eps0)||(diff2<Eps0)){
- rmv=c(rmv,jj)
- next
- }
- }
- Out2=Out2[-rmv]
- }
- Out=Connectseg(Out,Eps1)
- Tmp1=Out
- Out=list()
- for(ii in Looprange(1,length(Tmp1))){
- Tmp2=Op(ii,Tmp1)
- Tmp3=c()
- for(jj in Looprange(1,Length(Tmp2))){
- Tmp=Op(jj,Tmp2)
- Tmp=XYZfunc(Tmp[1],Tmp[2])
- if(Length(Tmp3)>0){
- if(Norm(Op(Length(Tmp3),Tmp3)-Tmp)<Eps1){next}
- }
- Tmp3=Appendrow(Tmp3,Tmp)
- }
- Out=c(Out,list(Tmp3))
- }
- Out=Crv3onsfparadata(Out,Fbdy3,Fd,Np,Eps1,Eps2)
- return(Out)
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpiccurrent_rep2e.r b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpiccurrent_rep2e.r
deleted file mode 100644
index 37033948..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketpiccurrent_rep2e.r
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
-#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>
-ThisVersion<- "2ev5_2_3(17.10.28)"
-# 2017.10.28
-# Drwpt debugged ( Flattenlist )
-# 2017.10.07
-Dottedline<- function(...)
- varargin <- list(...)
- Nall <- length(varargin)
- Nagasa <- 0.1
- Ookisa <- PenThick*2 #17.10.07
- I <- Nall
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- while (mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1 ) {
- I <- I-1
- Tmp <- varargin[[I]]
- }
- if (I==Nall-1) {
- Nagasa<-Nagasa*varargin[[Nall]]
- Nall <- Nall-1
- }
- if (I==Nall-2) {
- Nagasa <- Nagasa*varargin[[Nall-1]]
- Ookisa <- round(Ookisa*varargin[[Nall]])
- Nall <- Nall-2
- }
- Nagasa <- 1000/2.54/MilliIn*Nagasa
- Ra=Ookisa/MilliIn
- for (N in 1:Nall) {
- Pdata <- varargin[[N]]
- if (mode(Pdata)=="numeric") {
- Pdata <- list(Pdata)
- }
- for (II in 1:length(Pdata)) {
- Clist <- MakeCurves(Op(II,Pdata))
- DinM <- Dataindex(Clist)
- Mojisu=0
- for (n in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))) {
- Tmp <- DinM[n,]
- Data <- Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Len <- 0
- Lenlist <- c(0)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Nrow(Data))) {
- Len <- Len+Norm(Data[I,]-Data[I-1,])
- Lenlist <- c(Lenlist,Len)
- }
- Lenall <- Lenlist[length(Lenlist)]
- if (Lenall==0) {
- next
- }
- Naga <- Nagasa
- Nten <- round(Lenall/Naga)+1
- if (Nten > 1) {
- Seg <- Lenall/(Nten-1)
- }
- else {
- Seg <- Lenall
- }
- Eps <- 10^(-6)*Seg
- PPd<-c()
- Hajime <- 1
- for (I in Looprange(0,Nten-1)) {
- Len <- Seg*I
- if (I>0) {
- J <- Hajime
- while( Len>=Lenlist[J]+Eps) {
- J <- J+1
- }
- Hajime <- J-1
- }
- T <- (Len-Lenlist[Hajime])/
- (Lenlist[Hajime+1]-Lenlist[Hajime])
- P <- Data[Hajime,]+T*(Data[Hajime+1,]-Data[Hajime,])
- PPd<-Appendrow(PPd,P)
- if (I==Nten-1) {
- if (Norm(P-Data[1,])<Eps) {
- next
- }
- }
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(PPd))){
- P<- Op(I,PPd)
- if (Nrow(PPd)==1){
- V<- c(1,0)
- }
- else if (I==1){
- Tmp<- Op(I+1,PPd)-P
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- }
- else if (I==Nrow(PPd)){
- Tmp<- P-Op(I-1,PPd)
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp)*Tmp
- }
- else{
- Tmp1<- Op(I+1,PPd)-P
- Tmp2<- P-Op(I-1,PPd)
- Tmp3<-1/Norm(Tmp1)*Tmp1+1/Norm(Tmp2)*Tmp2
- V<- 1/Norm(Tmp3)*Tmp3
- }
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Str=paste('\\put(',X,',',Y,'){\\circle*{',sprintf('%6.6f',Ra),'}}',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu=Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu=0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Mojisu>0){
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- Tmp<-PenThick/PenThickInit
- Setpen(Tmp)
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nall<-length(varargin)
- Thick<-0
- Tmp<-varargin[[Nall]]
- if (mode(Tmp)=="numeric" && length(Tmp)==1){
- Setpen(Tmp)
- Nall<-Nall-1
- }
- for (N in 1:Nall){
- Pdata<-varargin[[N]]
- if (length(Pdata)==0) next
- if (mode(Pdata)!="list") Pdata<-list(Pdata)
- while(Mixtype(Pdata)==3){
- Tmp1<- list()
- for(II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Tmp1<- Mixjoin(Tmp1,Pdata[[II]])
- }
- Pdata<- Tmp1
- }
- for (II in Looprange(1,length(Pdata))){
- Clist<-MakeCurves(Pdata[[II]])
- DinM<-Dataindex(Clist)
- for (n in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))){
- Tmp<-DinM[n,]
- Data<-Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Mojisu<-0
- for (I in Looprange(1,Nrow(Data))){
- Tmp<-Data[I,]
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',Tmp[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',Tmp[2])
- Pt=paste('(',X,',',Y,')',sep="")
- if(I==1){
- Str=paste('\\polyline',Pt,sep="")
- }else{
- Str=Pt
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<-Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if (Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<-0
- }
- }
- if (Mojisu!=0){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- }
- if (Thick>0){
- Tmp<-PenThick/PenThickInit
- Setpen(Tmp)
- }
- varargin<-list(...)
- Nargs<-length(varargin)
- All=Nargs
- if (TenSize>TenSizeInit){
- N<- round(6*sqrt(TenSize/TenSizeInit))
- }
- else{
- N<-4
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[All]]
- Iro=c(0,0,0,1)
- Iroflg=0
- if(is.character(Tmp)){
- Iro=Ratiocmyk(Tmp)
- Iroflg=1
- All=All-1
- }
- Tmp<- varargin[[All]]
- if (mode(Tmp)=="numeric"){
- if (length(Tmp)>1){
- Kosa<- 1; All<- Nargs
- }
- else{
- Kosa<- Tmp; All<- All-1
- }
- }
- else if (mode(Tmp)=="list"){
- Kosa<- 1; All<- Nargs
- }
- Ra=TenSize*1000/2.54/MilliIn
- if(Iroflg>0){
- Str='{\\color[cmyk]{'
- for(J in 1:4){
- Str=paste(Str,as.character(Kosa*Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<4){
- Str=paste(Str,',',sep="")
- }
- }
- Str=paste(Str,'}%',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
-# CL<-c()
-# for (J in 0:N){
-# Tmp<- TenSize*0.5*1000/2.54/MilliIn
-# Tmp<- Tmp*c(cos(pi/4+J*2*pi/N),sin(pi/4+J*2*pi/N))
-# CL<- append(CL,Tmp)
-# }
-# CL<- matrix(CL,nrow=2)
-# CL<- t(CL)
- Mojisu=0
- for (II in Looprange(1,All)){
- MS<- varargin[[II]]
- MS=Flattenlist(MS) #17.10.28
- if (mode(MS)=="numeric"){
- MS<- list(MS)
- }
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(MS))){
- P<- MS[[I]]
- if (InWindow(P)!="i") next
- P<- Doscaling(P)
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Str=paste('\\put(',X,',',Y,'){\\circle*{',sprintf('%6.6f',Ra),'}}',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu=Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if(Mojisu>80){
- cat("\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu=0
- }
- }
- }
- Str="%"
- if(Iroflg>0){
- Str='}%'
- }
- if(Mojisu>0){
- Str=paste('\n',Str,'\n',sep="")
- }else{
- Fmt=paste(Str,'\n',sep="")
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# PL<-c()
-# for (J in 0:N){
-# PL<- c(PL,P+CL[J+1,])
-# }
-# PL<-matrix(PL,nrow=2)
-# PL<-t(PL)
-# Mojisu<-0
-# for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
-# Q<- PL[J,]
-# X<- as.character(round(MilliIn*Q[1]))
-# Y<- as.character(-round(MilliIn*Q[2]))
-# Str<- paste("\\special{pa ",X," ",Y,"}",sep="")
-# cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
-# if (Mojisu>80){
-# cat("#\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# }
-# Mojisu=0
-# }
-# Str1<- paste("\\special{sh ",as.character(Kosa),"}",sep="")
-# Str2<- "\\special{fp}%\n"
-# cat(Str1,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# cat(Str2,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-# }
-# }
-Makehasen<- function(Figdata,Sen,Gap,Ptn)
- Eps<- 10.0^(-6)
- Clist<- MakeCurves(Figdata)
- DinM<- Dataindex(Clist)
- for (N in Looprange(1,Nrow(DinM))){
- Tmp<- DinM[N,]
- Data<- Clist[Tmp[1]:Tmp[2],]
- Dtall<- Nrow(Data)
- Len<- 0
- Lenlist<- c(0)
- for (I in Looprange(2,Dtall)){
- Len<- Len+Norm(Data[I,]-Data[I-1,])
- Lenlist<- c(Lenlist,Len)
- }
- Lenall<- Lenlist[Dtall]
- if (Lenall==0){
- next
- }
- Kari<- (Sen+Gap)*0.1
- Naga<- Sen*0.1
- Tobi<- Gap*0.1
- if (Norm(Data[1,]-Data[Dtall,])<Eps){
- Nsen<- max(ceiling(Lenall/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall/Nsen
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(0,(Nsen-1)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- else{
- if (Ptn==0){
- Nsen<- max(ceiling((Lenall+Tobi)/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall*(Sen+Gap)/(Nsen*Sen+(Nsen-1)*Gap)
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(0,(Nsen-1)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- else{
- Nsen<- max(ceiling((Lenall+Naga)/Kari),3)
- SegUnit<- Lenall*(Sen+Gap)/((Nsen-1)*Sen+Nsen*Gap)
- Naga<- SegUnit*Sen/(Sen+Gap)
- Tobi<- SegUnit*Gap/(Sen+Gap)
- SegList<- c(seq(Tobi,Tobi+(Nsen-2)*SegUnit,by=SegUnit))
- }
- }
- Hajime<- 1; Owari<- 1
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (I in Looprange(1,length(SegList))){
- Len<- SegList[I]
- J<- Owari
- while (Len>=Lenlist[J]-Eps){
- if (J==Dtall){
- break
- }
- J<- J+1
- }
- Hajime<- J-1
- J<- Hajime
- while (Len+Naga>Lenlist[J]-Eps){
- if (J==Dtall){
- break
- }
- J<- J+1
- }
- Owari<- J-1
- T<- (Len-Lenlist[Hajime])
- T<- T/(Lenlist[Hajime+1]-Lenlist[Hajime])
- P<- Data[Hajime,]+T*(Data[Hajime+1,]-Data[Hajime,])
- X0=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y0=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Pt0=paste('(',X0,',',Y0,')',sep="")
- Str=paste('\\polyline',Pt0,sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- for (J in Looprange(Hajime+1,Owari)){
- P=Data[J,]
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Pt=paste('(',X,',',Y,')',sep="")
- Str=Pt
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Pt0=Pt
- Mojisu=Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- }
- T<- (Len+Naga-Lenlist[Owari])
- T<- T/(Lenlist[Owari+1]-Lenlist[Owari])
- P<- Data[Owari,]+T*(Data[Owari+1,]-Data[Owari,])
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Pt=paste('(',X,',',Y,')',sep="")
- Str=Pt
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if (Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- }
- cat("%\n%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMIN,YMIN))
- Xm<- Tmp[1]
- Ym<- Tmp[2]
- Tmp<- Doscaling(c(XMAX,YMAX))
- XM<- Tmp[1]
- YM<- Tmp[2]
- Dx<- XM-Xm
- Dy<- YM-Ym
- Sym<-".0123456789 +-*/"
- SL<-Sym
- OL<-"+-*/"
- if (ul!=""){
- ULEN<<-ul;
- }
- Is<-1;
- VL<-"";
- Ucode<-ULEN
- for (I in Looprange(1,nchar(Ucode))){
- C<-substring(Ucode,I,I);
- if (length(grep(C,SL,fixed=TRUE))>0){
- if (length(grep(C,OL,fixed=TRUE))>0){
- Tmp<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1);
- Str<-paste(VL,Tmp,C,sep="")
- VL<-Str
- Is<-I+1;
- }
- }
- else{
- Unit<-substring(Ucode,I,I+1);
- Str<-substring(Ucode,Is,I-1);
- VL<-paste(VL,Str,sep="")
- break;
- }
- }
- Valu<-eval(parse(text=VL));
- Str<-as.character(Valu);
- ULEN<<- paste(Str,Unit,sep="");
- if (Unit=="cm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu
- if (Unit=="mm") MilliIn<<-1000/2.54*Valu/10
- if (Unit=="in") MilliIn<<-1000*Valu
- if (Unit=="pt") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27*Valu
- if (Unit=="pc") MilliIn<<-1000/6.022*Valu
- if (Unit=="bp") MilliIn<<-1000/72*Valu
- if (Unit=="dd2") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*Valu
- if (Unit=="cc") MilliIn<<-1000/1238/1157/72.27*12*Valu;
- if (Unit=="sp") MilliIn<<-1000/72.27/65536*Valu/10
- MARKLEN<<- MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
- Str<-paste("{\\unitlength=",ULEN,"%\n",sep="");
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- cat("\\begin{picture}%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- Str<-"(";
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Dx,digits=6));
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,",",sep="");
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Dy,digits=6));
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,")(",sep="");
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Xm,digits=6));
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,",",sep="");
- Tmp<-as.character(round(Ym,digits=6));
- Str<-paste(Str,Tmp,")%\n",sep="");
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE);
- Str=paste('\\linethickness{',as.character(PenThickInit/1000),'in}%',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- PenThick<<-round(PenThickInit*Width)
- Str=paste('\\linethickness{',as.character(PenThick/1000),'in}%',sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
-Shade<- function(...)
-{ ## Scaling is implemented
- varargin<- list(...)
- Nargs<- length(varargin)
- Iroflg=0
- if(Nargs>1){
- Iro=varargin[[Nargs]]
- if(is.character(Iro)){
- Iroflg=1
- if(length(grep("{",Iro,fixed=TRUE))>0){
- Str=paste("{\\color",Iro,sep="")
- }
- else{
- Str=paste("{\\color{",Iro,"}",sep="")
- }
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==1){
- Kosa=Iro
- }
- else{
- Iroflg=1
- if(length(Iro)==4){
- Str="{\\color[cmyk]{"
- }
- else{
- if(length(Iro)==3){
- Str="{\\color[rgb]{"
- }
- }
- for(J in 1:length(Iro)){
- Str=paste(Str,as.character(Iro[J]),sep="")
- if(J<length(Iro)){
- Str=paste(Str,",")
- }
- }
- Str=paste(Str,"}")
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- Str=paste(Str,"%\n",sep="")
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
- }
- Mojisu=0
- Tmp=varargin[[1]]
- Data=Kyoukai(Tmp)
- for (I in Looprange(1, length(Data))){
- PL<- Op(I,Data)
- Mojisu<- 0
- for (J in 1:Nrow(PL)){
- P<- Doscaling(Op(J,PL))
- X=sprintf('%5.5f',P[1])
- Y=sprintf('%5.5f',P[2])
- Pt=paste('(',X,',',Y,')',sep="")
- if(J==1){
- Str=paste('\\polygon*',Pt,sep="")
- }else{
- Str=Pt
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- Mojisu+nchar(Str)
- if (Mojisu>80){
- cat("%\n",file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- Mojisu<- 0
- }
- }
- }
- if(Iroflg==1){
- Str='}%'
- if(Mojisu>0){
- Str=paste('\n',Str,'\n',sep="")
- }else{
- Str=paste(Str,'\n')
- }
- cat(Str,file=Wfile,append=TRUE)
- }
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/fourier_sec.max b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/fourier_sec.max
deleted file mode 100644
index c70f7f46..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/fourier_sec.max
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-Package fourier_sec, to study piecewise defined functions
-(sectionally defined, hence the name).
-Author: Jose A. Vallejo
- Faculty of Sciences
- Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi (Mexico)
-It is assumed that the functions are defined using the format
- if ... then ... else ...
-as, for example,
-(%i1) absolute(x):=if (x<=0) then -x elseif (x>0) then x$
-(it will not work with 'abs').
-It provides three functions:
-1. 'paritycheck', to check if a given piecewise defined
- function is even or odd (or none). For instance,
- (%i2) paritycheck(absolute(x),x);
- (%o2) 0
- A '0' means 'even', '1' is 'odd', and '-1' is 'none'
-2. 'fourier_sec_coeff', to compute the Fourier sine and cosine
- coefficients. The function must have compact support.For
- instance, for the unit step we have:
- (%i3) h(x):=if (-%pi<=x and x<0) then 0 elseif (0<=x and x<=%pi) then 1$
- (%i4) fourier_sec_coeff(h(x),x);
- (%o4) [1/2,0,-((-1)^n-1)/(%pi*n)]
-3. 'fourier_sec_series', to compute the Fourier series, truncated
- or not. The series for the unit step to the 10th order:
- (%i5) fourier_sec_series(h(x),x,10);
- (%o5) (2*sin(9*x))/(9*%pi)+(2*sin(7*x))/(7*%pi)+(2*sin(5*x))/(5*%pi)+(2*sin(3*x))/(3*%pi)+(2*sin(x))/%pi+1/2
- and the whole Fourier series
- (%i6) fourier_sec_series(h(x),x,inf);
- (%o6) (sum(((1/n-(-1)^n/n)*sin(n*x))/%pi,n,1,inf))+1/2
- subvalues_list,subintervals_list,icentral:0,middle,minusmiddle,token2,
- side_subintervals_list,L,side_subvalues_list,
- zero_subintervals,tmp4,tmp5,non_zero_side_subvalues_list,
- non_zero_side_subintervals_list,LL,token3,expr1,expr2],
- local(M,N,P,Q,count1,count2,count3,count4),
- subintervals:makelist(part(funvar,i),i,makelist(2*k-1,k,1,(length(funvar)-2)/2)),
- subvalues:makelist(part(funvar,i),i,makelist(2*k,k,1,(length(funvar)-2)/2)),
- for j:1 thru length(subintervals) do (if operatorp(subintervals[j],["<",">","<=",">="]) then tmp1[j]:1 else tmp1[j]:0),
- tmp1:makelist(tmp1[j],j,1,length(subintervals)),
- tmp2:sublist_indices(tmp1,lambda([x],x=1)),
- /* if length(tmp2)=0 all the subintervals in the domain of funvar are bounded! */
- if is(equal(length(tmp2),0)) then
- (
- subvalues_list:copylist(subvalues),
- tmp3:copylist(subintervals),
- for j:1 thru length(tmp3) do
- (
- M[j]:makelist(part(tmp3[j],k),k,1,length(tmp3[j])),
- for m:1 thru 2 do N[j,m]:makelist(part(M[j],m,n),n,1,length(M[j])),
- P[j]:append(N[j,1],N[j,2]),Q[j]:sort(delete(x,P[j]),"<")
- ),
- subintervals_list:makelist(Q[j],j,1,length(tmp3)),
- for i:1 thru length(subintervals_list) do (if is(lmin(subintervals_list[i])*lmax(subintervals_list[i])<0) then icentral:i),
- if is(icentral>0) then middle:subvalues_list[icentral],
- if is(icentral>0) then
- (if evenfunp(middle,x) then token2:0 elseif oddfunp(middle,x) then token2:1 else return(-1))
- else
- /* now we analyze what happens if icentral=0, so there are only side intervals */
- (
- /* as before, there must be an even number of symmetric intervals, otherwise -1 */
- side_subintervals_list:copylist(subintervals_list),
- if not(evenp(length(side_subintervals_list))) then return(-1),
- L:length(side_subintervals_list)/2,
- for k:1 thru L do count1[k]:charfun(is(equal(side_subintervals_list[k],reverse(map("-",side_subintervals_list[2*L+1-k]))))),
- if sum(count1[j],j,1,L)#L then return(-1),
- side_subvalues_list:copylist(subvalues_list),
- for k:1 thru L do count2[k]:charfun(is(equalp(side_subvalues_list[k],ratsubst(-x,x,side_subvalues_list[2*L+1-k])))),
- if is(equal(sum(count2[j],j,1,L),L)) then token3:0,
- for k:1 thru L do count3[k]:charfun(is(equalp(side_subvalues_list[k],-ratsubst(-x,x,side_subvalues_list[2*L+1-k])))),
- if is(equal(sum(count3[j],j,1,L),L)) then token3:1,
- if is(not(equalp(token3,0)) and not(equalp(token3,1))) then return(-1) ,
- return(token3)
- ),
- /* and what happens if icentral#0 */
- side_subintervals_list:delete(subintervals_list[icentral],subintervals_list),
- if is(equal(length(side_subintervals_list),0)) then (if is(equal(token1,token2)) then return(token1*token2) else return(-1)),
- if not(evenp(length(side_subintervals_list))) then return(-1),
- L:length(side_subintervals_list)/2,
- for k:1 thru L do count1[k]:charfun(is(equal(side_subintervals_list[k],reverse(map("-",side_subintervals_list[2*L+1-k]))))),
- if sum(count1[j],j,1,L)#L then return(-1),
- side_subvalues_list:delete(subvalues_list[icentral],subvalues_list),
- /* remove those subintervals in which funvar vanishes */
- zero_subintervals:sublist_indices(side_subvalues_list,lambda([x],x=0)),
- tmp4:copylist(side_subintervals_list),
- for j:1 thru length(zero_subintervals) do
- (tmp4:delete(side_subintervals_list[zero_subintervals[j]],tmp4)),
- non_zero_side_subintervals_list:tmp4,
- tmp5:copylist(side_subvalues_list),
- for j:1 thru length(zero_subintervals) do
- (tmp5:delete(side_subvalues_list[zero_subintervals[j]],tmp5)),
- non_zero_side_subvalues_list:tmp5,
- /* if length(non_zero_side_subintervals_list)=0 then we are done just with token2 */
- if is(equal(length(non_zero_side_subintervals_list),0)) then return(token2),
- /* otherwise, we must also take into account token3 */
- LL:length(non_zero_side_subintervals_list)/2,
- for k:1 thru LL do count2[k]:charfun(is(equalp(non_zero_side_subvalues_list[k],ratsubst(-x,x,non_zero_side_subvalues_list[2*LL+1-k])))),
- if is(equal(sum(count2[j],j,1,LL),LL)) then token3:0,
- for k:1 thru LL do count3[k]:charfun(is(equalp(non_zero_side_subvalues_list[k],-ratsubst(-x,x,non_zero_side_subvalues_list[2*LL+1-k])))),
- if is(equal(sum(count3[j],j,1,LL),LL)) then token3:1,
- if is(not(equal(token3,0) or equal(token3,1))) then return(-1) elseif
- is(token2#token3) then return(-1)
- elseif is(equal(token2,0)) then return(0)
- elseif is(equal(token2,1)) then return(1)
- ),
- /* we continue here with unbounded intervals */
- expr1:subvalues[tmp2[1]],
- expr2:ratsubst(-x,x,subvalues[tmp2[2]]),
- if is(equalp(expr1,expr2)) then token1:0
- elseif is(equalp(expr1,-expr2)) then token1:1
- else return(-1),
- /* the problem when defining token1 is that if the asymptotic value is 0, then it is always token1:0 */
- /* although the function could be odd. To cope with this, we define token0 below */
- tmp3:makelist(subintervals[i],i,sublist_indices(tmp1,lambda([x],x=0))),
- if is(equal(length(tmp3),0)) then return(token1),
- subvalues_list:makelist(subvalues[i],i,sublist_indices(tmp1,lambda([x],x=0))),
- token0:if member(0,makelist(subvalues[i],i,tmp2)) then 0 else 7,
- for j:1 thru length(tmp3) do
- (
- M[j]:makelist(part(tmp3[j],k),k,1,length(tmp3[j])),
- for m:1 thru 2 do N[j,m]:makelist(part(M[j],m,n),n,1,length(M[j])),
- P[j]:append(N[j,1],N[j,2]),Q[j]:sort(delete(x,P[j]),"<")
- ),
- subintervals_list:makelist(Q[j],j,1,length(tmp3)),
- for i:1 thru length(subintervals_list) do (if is(lmin(subintervals_list[i])*lmax(subintervals_list[i])<0) then icentral:i),
- if is(icentral>0) then middle:subvalues_list[icentral],
- if is(icentral>0) then
- (if evenfunp(middle,x) then token2:0 elseif oddfunp(middle,x) then token2:1 else return(-1))
- else
- /* now we analyze what happens if icentral=0, so there are only non-bounded intervals and side intervals */
- (
- /* as before, there must be an even number of symmetric intervals, otherwise -1 */
- side_subintervals_list:copylist(subintervals_list),
- if not(evenp(length(side_subintervals_list))) then return(-1),
- L:length(side_subintervals_list)/2,
- for k:1 thru L do count1[k]:charfun(is(equal(side_subintervals_list[k],reverse(map("-",side_subintervals_list[2*L+1-k]))))),
- if sum(count1[j],j,1,L)#L then return(-1),
- side_subvalues_list:copylist(subvalues_list),
- for k:1 thru L do count2[k]:charfun(is(equalp(side_subvalues_list[k],ratsubst(-x,x,side_subvalues_list[2*L+1-k])))),
- if is(equal(sum(count2[j],j,1,L),L)) then token3:0,
- for k:1 thru L do count3[k]:charfun(is(equalp(side_subvalues_list[k],-ratsubst(-x,x,side_subvalues_list[2*L+1-k])))),
- if is(equal(sum(count3[j],j,1,L),L)) then token3:1,
- if is(not(equal(token3,0)) and not(equal(token3,1))) then return(-1) elseif
- is(not(equal(token1,token3)) and not(equal(token0,0))) then return(-1)
- elseif is( equal(token0,0) and equal(token3,0)) then return(0)
- elseif is( equal(token0,0) and equal(token3,1)) then return(1)
- elseif is(not(equal(token0,0)) and equal(token1,token3)) then return(token3)
- elseif is(not(equal(token0,0)) and not(equal(token1,token3))) then return(-1)
- ),
- /* and what happens if icentral#0 */
- side_subintervals_list:delete(subintervals_list[icentral],subintervals_list),
- if is(equal(length(side_subintervals_list),0)) then (if is(equal(token1,token2)) then return(token1*token2) else return(-1)),
- if not(evenp(length(side_subintervals_list))) then return(-1),
- L:length(side_subintervals_list)/2,
- for k:1 thru L do count1[k]:charfun(is(equal(side_subintervals_list[k],reverse(map("-",side_subintervals_list[2*L+1-k]))))),
- if sum(count1[j],j,1,L)#L then return(-1),
- side_subvalues_list:delete(subvalues_list[icentral],subvalues_list),
- /* remove those subintervals in which funvar vanishes */
- zero_subintervals:sublist_indices(side_subvalues_list,lambda([x],x=0)),
- tmp4:copylist(side_subintervals_list),
- for j:1 thru length(zero_subintervals) do
- (tmp4:delete(side_subintervals_list[zero_subintervals[j]],tmp4)),
- non_zero_side_subintervals_list:tmp4,
- tmp5:copylist(side_subvalues_list),
- for j:1 thru length(zero_subintervals) do
- (tmp5:delete(side_subvalues_list[zero_subintervals[j]],tmp5)),
- non_zero_side_subvalues_list:tmp5,
- /* if length(non_zero_side_subintervals_list)=0 then we are done just with token1 and token2 */
- if is(equal(length(non_zero_side_subintervals_list),0)) then (if is(equal(token1,token2)) then return(token1*token2) else return(-1)),
- /* otherwise, we must also take into account token3 */
- LL:length(non_zero_side_subintervals_list)/2,
- for k:1 thru LL do count2[k]:charfun(is(equalp(non_zero_side_subvalues_list[k],ratsubst(-x,x,non_zero_side_subvalues_list[2*LL+1-k])))),
- if is(equal(sum(count2[j],j,1,LL),LL)) then token3:0,
- for k:1 thru LL do count3[k]:charfun(is(equalp(non_zero_side_subvalues_list[k],-ratsubst(-x,x,non_zero_side_subvalues_list[2*LL+1-k])))),
- if is(equal(sum(count3[j],j,1,LL),LL)) then token3:1,
- if is(not(equal(token0,0)) and is(not(equal(token1,token2)) or not(equal(token1,token3)) or not(equal(token2,token3))) ) then return(-1)
- elseif is(not(equal(token0,0)) and is(equal(token1,0)) ) then return(0)
- elseif is(not(equal(token0,0)) and is(equal(token1,1)) ) then return(1)
- elseif is( equal(token0,0) and equal(token3,0) and equal(token2,0)) then return(0)
- elseif is( equal(token0,0) and equal(token3,1) and equal(token2,1)) then return(1)
- else return(-1)
- local(a,b,n,MM,NN,PP,QQ),
- declare(n,integer),
- pp:((length(fuvar)/2)-1),
- LL:makelist(part(fuvar,i),i,makelist(2*s-1,s,1,pp)),
- for j:1 thru length(LL) step 1 do
- (
- MM[j]:makelist(part(LL[j],r),r,1,length(LL[j])),
- for r:1 thru 2 do NN(j,r):=makelist(part(MM[j],r,k),k,1,length(MM[j])),
- PP[j]:append(NN(j,1),NN(j,2)),QQ[j]:delete(x,PP[j])
- ),
- for i:1 thru pp step 1 do partsums[i]:sort(QQ[i],"<"),
- for i:1 thru pp step 1 do partfunc[i]:part(fuvar,2*i),
- lm:lmax(unique(flatten(makelist(QQ[q],q,1,length(LL))))),
- a0:(1/(2*lm))*sum(integrate(partfunc[i],x,partsums[i][1],partsums[i][2]),i,1,pp),
- if is(equal(paritycheck(fuvar,x),1)) then a(n):=0 else a(n):=(1/lm)*sum(adefint(partfunc[i]*cos(%pi*n*x/lm),x,partsums[i][1],partsums[i][2]),i,1,pp),
- if is(equal(paritycheck(fuvar,x),0)) then b(n):=0 else b(n):=(1/lm)*sum(adefint(partfunc[i]*sin(%pi*n*x/lm),x,partsums[i][1],partsums[i][2]),i,1,pp),
- coeff:[a0,simplify_sum(a(n)),simplify_sum(b(n))],
- factor(ratsimp(coeff))
- local(a,b,n,MM,NN,PP,QQ),
- declare(n,integer),
- pp:((length(fuvar)/2)-1),
- LL:makelist(part(fuvar,i),i,makelist(2*s-1,s,1,pp)),
- for j:1 thru length(LL) step 1 do
- (
- MM[j]:makelist(part(LL[j],r),r,1,length(LL[j])),
- for r:1 thru 2 do NN(j,r):=makelist(part(MM[j],r,k),k,1,length(MM[j])),
- PP[j]:append(NN(j,1),NN(j,2)),QQ[j]:delete(x,PP[j])
- ),
- for i:1 thru pp step 1 do partsums[i]:sort(QQ[i],"<"),
- for i:1 thru pp step 1 do partfunc[i]:part(fuvar,2*i),
- lm:lmax(unique(flatten(makelist(QQ[q],q,1,length(LL))))),
- a0:(1/(2*lm))*sum(integrate(partfunc[i],x,partsums[i][1],partsums[i][2]),i,1,pp),
- if is(equal(paritycheck(fuvar,x),1)) then a(n):=0 else a(n):=(1/lm)*sum(adefint(partfunc[i]*cos(%pi*n*x/lm),x,partsums[i][1],partsums[i][2]),i,1,pp),
- if is(equal(paritycheck(fuvar,x),0)) then b(n):=0 else b(n):=(1/lm)*sum(adefint(partfunc[i]*sin(%pi*n*x/lm),x,partsums[i][1],partsums[i][2]),i,1,pp),
- a0+intosum(sum(a(n)*cos(%pi*n*x/lm),n,1,u))+intosum(sum(b(n)*sin(%pi*n*x/lm),n,1,u)))$ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/matoperation.max b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/matoperation.max
deleted file mode 100644
index 512a9ffb..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/matoperation.max
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* Maxima tips */
-rowmult(X, n, c) := block([M],
- M:matrix(),
- for i:1 thru length(X) do
- if i=n then M:addrow(M, c*row(X, i))
- else M:addrow(M, row(X, i)),
- M
-rowadd(X, n, m, c) := block([M],
- M:matrix(),
- for i:1 thru length(X) do
- if i=n then M:addrow(M, c * row(X, m) + row(X, i))
- else M:addrow(M, row(X, i)),
- M
-rowch(X, m, n) := block([M],
- M:matrix(),
- for i:1 thru length(X) do
- if i=m then M:addrow(M, row(X, n))
- else if i=n then M:addrow(M, row(X, m))
- else M:addrow(M, row(X, i)),
- M
-colmult(X, n, c) := block([M],
- M:matrix(),
- for i:1 thru length(transpose(X)) do
- if i=n then M:addcol(M, c*col(X, i))
- else M:addcol(M, col(X, i)),
- M
-coladd(X, n, m, c) := block([M],
- M:matrix(),
- for i:1 thru length(transpose(X)) do
- if i=n then M:addcol(M, c * col(X, m) + col(X, i))
- else M:addcol(M, col(X, i)),
- M
-colch(X, m, n) := block([M],
- M:matrix(),
- for i:1 thru length(transpose(X)) do
- if i=m then M:addcol(M, col(X, n))
- else if i=n then M:addcol(M, col(X, m))
- else M:addcol(M, col(X, i)),
- M
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/poincare.mac b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/poincare.mac
deleted file mode 100644
index aefab3a2..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/poincare.mac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* Poincare.mac is a set of routines for the computation
-of Poincare surfaces of sections of Hamiltonian systems */
-/* Author: Jose A Vallejo
-Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi (Mexico) */
-/* To avoid messages when loading draw, execute
-with_stdout("/dev/null",load(draw))$ (in Linux)
-with_stdout("NUL",load(draw))$ (in Windows) */
-/* Poincare.mac requires a compiled version of
-rkfun.lisp, a LISP implementation of the RK4
-algorithm due to Richard Fateman. The original
-code can be downloaded from
- */
-for j:1 thru 2*n do define(funmake(concat(name,j),tvv),block([],mode_identity(float,vv),eqs[j])),
-subind:sublist_indices(sola*solb,lambda([x],is(x < 0))),
-)$ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/rkfun.lisp b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/rkfun.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 70aafc7f..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/maximaL/rkfun.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-;; variation on runge-kutta (rk) routine in complex_dynamics.lisp by
-;; this one with changed by
-#| rkfun may be much faster than rk because it calls compiled programs.
- rkfun (this file) should also be compiled to speed it up.
- how to use:
- first, read and understand the documentation for rk().
- next, define the ODE right hand sides as functions as shown below
-fun1(y,x,x0):= x0$
-fun2(y,x,x0):= block([], mode_declare([y, x0,x],float),(1-x^2)*x0-x);
-/* which is, in one test, 18 times faster than */
-last(rk([xdot,(1-x^2)*xdot -x],[x,xdot],[0.0,0.6],[t,0,50,0.01]));
-(defun $rkfun (funs vars initial domain ;; taken from complex_dynamics.lisp
- &aux d u funlist k1 k2 k3 k4 r1 r2 r3 traj r
- (it (mapcar #'coerce-float (cddr domain))))
- (unless ($listp funs) (setq funs `((mlist) ,funs)))
- (unless ($listp initial) (setq initial `((mlist) ,initial)))
- (unless ($listp vars) (setq vars `((mlist) ,vars)))
- (dolist (var (cdr vars))
- (unless (symbolp var)
- (merror (intl:gettext "rk: variable name expected; found: ~M") var)))
- (unless (symbolp (cadr domain))
- (merror (intl:gettext "rk: variable name expected; found: ~M")
- (cadr domain)))
- (setq vars (append '((mlist)) (list (cadr domain)) (cdr vars)))
- (setq r (append `(,(car it)) (mapcar #'coerce-float (cdr initial))))
- (setq funlist (cdr funs))
- (setq d (/ (- (cadr it) (car it)) (caddr it)))
- (setq traj (list (cons '(mlist) r)))
- (do ((m 1 (1+ m))) ((> m d))
- (progn ;;; was ignore-errors
- (setq k1 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r)) funlist))
- (setq r1 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 0.5d0 (caddr it) x)) k1)))
- (push (+ (car r) (/ (caddr it) 2)) r1)
- (setq k2 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r1)) funlist))
- (setq r2 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* 0.5d0(caddr it) x)) k2)))
- (push (+ (car r) (/ (caddr it) 2)) r2)
- (setq k3 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r2)) funlist))
- (setq r3 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* (caddr it) x)) k3)))
- (push (+ (car r) (caddr it)) r3)
- (setq k4 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply x r3)) funlist))
- (setq u (map 'list #'+
- (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* #.(/ 1.0 6.0d0) x)) k1)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* #.(/ 1.0 3.0d0) x)) k2)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* #.(/ 1.0 3.0d0) x)) k3)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* #.(/ 1.0 6.0d0) x)) k4)))
- (setq r
- (append
- `(,(+ (car it) (* m (caddr it))))
- (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* (caddr it) x)) u))))
- (push (cons '(mlist) r) traj)))
- (when (< (car r) (cadr it))
- (let ((s (- (cadr it) (car r))) )
- (declare(double-float s)(special s)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)))
- (progn ;; was ignore-errors
- (setq k1 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (mapply x r nil)) funlist))
- (setq r1 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
- (declare(double-float x))
- (* s 0.5d0 x)) k1)))
- (push (+ (car r) (* 0.5d0 s)) r1)
- (setq k2 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (mapply x r1 nil)) funlist))
- (setq r2 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x)(declare(double-float x))
- (* s 0.5d0 x)) k2)))
- (push (+ (car r) (* 0.5d0 s)) r2)
- (setq k3 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (mapply x r2 nil)) funlist))
- (setq r3 (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x)(declare(double-float x))
- (* s x)) k3)))
- (push (+ (car r) s) r3)
- (setq k4 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (mapply x r3 nil)) funlist))
- (setq u (map 'list #'+
- (mapcar #'(lambda (x)(declare(double-float x))
- (* #.(/ 1.0d0 6.0d0) x)) k1)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (x)(declare(double-float x))
- (* #.(/ 1.0d0 3.0d0) x)) k2)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare(double-float x))
- (* #.(/ 1.0d0 3.0d0) x)) k3)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (x)(declare(double-float x))
- (* #.(/ 1.0d0 6.0d0) x)) k4)))
- (setq r
- (append
- `(,(cadr it))
- (map 'list #'+ (cdr r) (mapcar #'(lambda (x)(declare(double-float x))
- (* s x)) u))))
- (push (cons '(mlist) r) traj))))
- (cons '(mlist) (nreverse traj))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/oshima/os_muldif.pdf b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/oshima/os_muldif.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 33864232..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/oshima/os_muldif.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/oshima/os_muldif.rr b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/oshima/os_muldif.rr
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7131ab..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/oshima/os_muldif.rr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19295 +0,0 @@
-/* The latest version will be at
- scp os_muldif.[dp]* ${USER}
-#define USEMODULE 1
-/* #undef USEMODULE */
-/* os_muldif.rr (Library for Risa/Asir)
- * Toshio Oshima (Nov. 2007 - Aug. 2017)
- *
- * For polynomials and differential operators with coefficients
- * in rational funtions (See os_muldif.pdf)
- *
- * "Tab = 4 column" is best
- */
-module os_md;
-static Muldif.rr$
-static TeXEq$
-static TeXLim$
-static DIROUT$
-static DIROUTD$
-static DVIOUTL$
-static DVIOUTA$
-static DVIOUTB$
-static DVIOUTH$
-static DVIOUTF$
-static LCOPT$
-static COLOPT$
-static LPOPT$
-static LFOPT$
-static ErMsg$
-static FLIST$
-static IsYes$
-static XYPrec$
-static XYcm$
-static TikZ$
-static XYLim$
-static Canvas$
-static ID_PLOT$
-static Rand$
-static LQS$
-localf spType2$
-localf erno$
-localf chkfun$
-localf makev$
-localf shortv$
-localf makenewv$
-localf vweyl$
-localf mycat$
-localf mycat0$
-localf fcat$
-localf findin$
-localf countin$
-localf mycoef$
-localf mydiff$
-localf myediff$
-localf m2l$
-localf m2ll$
-localf mydeg$
-localf pfctr$
-localf mymindeg$
-localf m1div$
-localf mulsubst$
-localf cmpsimple$
-localf simplify$
-localf monotos$
-localf minustos$
-localf monototex$
-localf vnext$
-localf ldict$
-localf ndict$
-localf nextsub$
-localf nextpart$
-localf transpart$
-localf trpos$
-localf sprod$
-localf sinv$
-localf slen$
-localf sord$
-localf vprod$
-localf dvangle$
-localf dvprod$
-localf dnorm$
-localf mulseries$
-localf pluspower$
-localf vtozv$
-localf dupmat$
-localf matrtop$
-localf mytrace$
-localf mydet$
-localf mperm$
-localf mtranspose$
-localf mtoupper$
-localf mydet2$
-localf myrank$
-localf meigen$
-localf transm$
-localf vgen$
-localf mmc$
-localf lpgcd$
-localf mdivisor$
-localf mdsimplify$
-localf m2mc$
-localf easierpol$
-localf paracmpl$
-localf mykernel$
-localf myimage$
-localf mymod$
-localf mmod$
-localf ladd$
-localf lchange$
-localf llsize$
-localf llbase$
-localf lsort$
-localf lmax$
-localf lmin$
-localf lgcd$
-localf llcm$
-localf ldev$
-localf lsol$
-localf lnsol$
-localf l2p$
-localf m2v$
-localf lv2m$
-localf m2lv$
-localf s2m$
-localf c2m$
-localf m2diag$
-localf myinv$
-localf madjust$
-localf mpower$
-localf mrot$
-localf texlen$
-localf isdif$
-localf fctrtos$
-localf texlim$
-localf fmult$
-localf radd$
-localf getel$
-localf ptol$
-localf rmul$
-localf mtransbys$
-localf drawopt$
-localf execdraw$
-localf execproc$
-localf myswap$
-localf mysubst$
-localf evals$
-localf myval$
-localf myeval$
-localf mydeval$
-localf myfeval$
-localf myf2eval$
-localf myf3eval$
-localf myfdeval$
-localf myf2deval$
-localf myf3deval$
-localf myexp$
-localf mycos$
-localf mysin$
-localf mytan$
-localf myarg$
-localf myasin$
-localf myacos$
-localf myatan$
-localf mylog$
-localf mypow$
-localf scale$
-localf arg$
-localf sqrt$
-localf gamma$
-localf lngamma$
-localf digamma$
-localf dilog$
-localf zeta$
-localf eta$
-localf jell$
-localf frac$
-localf erfc$
-localf orthpoly$
-localf schurpoly$
-localf fouriers$
-localf todf$
-localf f2df$
-localf df2big$
-localf compdf$
-localf fzero$
-localf fmmx$
-localf flim$
-localf fcont$
-localf fresidue$
-localf mmulbys$
-localf appldo$
-localf appledo$
-localf muldo$
-localf jacobian$
-localf hessian$
-localf wronskian$
-localf adj$
-localf laplace1$
-localf laplace$
-localf mce$
-localf mc$
-localf rede$
-localf ad$
-localf add$
-localf vadd$
-localf addl$
-localf cotr$
-localf rcotr$
-localf muledo$
-localf mulpdo$
-localf transpdosub$
-localf transpdo$
-localf translpdo$
-localf rpdiv$
-localf mygcd$
-localf mylcm$
-localf sftpexp$
-localf applpdo$
-localf tranlpdo$
-localf divdo$
-localf qdo$
-localf sqrtdo$
-localf ghg$
-localf ev4s$
-localf b2e$
-localf sftpow$
-localf sftpowext$
-localf polinsft$
-localf pol2sft$
-localf polroots$
-localf fctri$
-localf binom$
-localf expower$
-localf seriesHG$
-localf seriesMc$
-localf seriesTaylor$
-localf evalred$
-localf toeul$
-localf fromeul$
-localf sftexp$
-localf fractrans$
-localf soldif$
-localf chkexp$
-localf sqrtrat$
-localf getroot$
-localf expat$
-localf polbyroot$
-localf polbyvalue$
-localf pcoef$
-localf prehombf$
-localf prehombfold$
-localf sub3e$
-localf fuchs3e$
-localf okubo3e$
-localf eosub$
-localf even4e$
-localf odd5e$
-localf extra6e$
-localf rigid211$
-localf solpokuboe$
-localf stoe$
-localf dform$
-localf polinvsym$
-localf polinsym$
-localf tohomog$
-localf substblock$
-localf okuboetos$
-localf heun$
-localf fspt$
-localf abs$
-localf sgn$
-localf calc$
-localf isint$
-localf israt$
-localf iscrat$
-localf isalpha$
-localf isnum$
-localf isalphanum$
-localf isdecimal$
-localf isvar$
-localf isyes$
-localf isall$
-localf iscoef$
-localf iscombox$
-localf sproot$
-localf spgen$
-localf chkspt$
-localf cterm$
-localf terms$
-localf polcut$
-localf redgrs$
-localf cutgrs$
-localf mcgrs$
-localf mc2grs$
-localf mcmgrs$
-localf anal2sp$
-localf delopt$
-localf str_char$
-localf str_pair$
-localf str_cut$
-localf str_str$
-localf str_subst$
-localf str_times$
-localf str_tb$
-localf strip$
-localf i2hex$
-localf sjis2jis$
-localf jis2sjis$
-localf s2os$
-localf l2os$
-localf r2os$
-localf s2euc$
-localf s2sjis$
-localf r2ma$
-localf evalma$
-localf ssubgrs$
-localf verb_tex_form$
-localf tex_cuteq$
-localf my_tex_form$
-localf texket$
-localf smallmattex$
-localf divmattex$
-localf dviout0$
-localf myhelp$
-localf isMs$
-localf showbyshell$
-localf readcsv$
-localf tocsv$
-localf getbyshell$
-localf show$
-localf dviout$
-localf rtotex$
-localf mtotex$
-localf ltotex$
-localf texbegin$
-localf texcr$
-localf texsp$
-localf getbygrs$
-localf mcop$
-localf shiftop$
-localf conf1sp$
-localf pgen$
-localf diagm$
-localf mgen$
-localf madj$
-localf newbmat$
-localf unim$
-localf pfrac$
-localf cfrac$
-localf cfrac2n$
-localf sqrt2rat$
-localf s2sp$
-localf sp2grs$
-localf fimag$
-localf trig2exp$
-localf intpoly$
-localf integrate$
-localf simplog$
-localf fshorter$
-localf isshortneg$
-localf intrat$
-localf powsum$
-localf bernoulli$
-localf lft01$
-localf linfrac01$
-localf nthmodp$
-localf issquaremodp$
-localf rootmodp$
-localf rabin$
-localf primroot$
-localf varargs$
-localf ptype$
-localf pfargs$
-localf average$
-localf sint$
-localf frac2n$
-localf xyproc$
-localf xypos$
-localf xyput$
-localf xybox$
-localf xyline$
-localf xylines$
-localf xycirc$
-localf xybezier$
-localf lbezier$
-localf draw_bezier$
-localf tobezier$
-localf velbezier$
-localf ptbezier$
-localf cutf$
-localf fsum$
-localf fint$
-localf periodicf$
-localf cmpf$
-localf areabezier$
-localf saveproc$
-localf xygraph$
-localf xy2graph$
-localf addIL$
-localf xy2curve$
-localf xygrid$
-localf xyarrow$
-localf xyarrows$
-localf xyang$
-localf xyoval$
-localf ptcommon$
-localf ptcopy$
-localf ptaffine$
-localf ptlattice$
-localf ptpolygon$
-localf ptwindow$
-localf ptbbox$
-localf lninbox$
-localf ptcombezier$
-localf ptcombz$
-localf lchange$
-localf init$
-localf powprimroot$
-localf distpoint$
-localf ntable$
-localf keyin$
-localf mqsub$
-localf msort$
-extern Muldif.rr$
-extern TeXEq$
-extern TeXLim$
-extern DIROUT$
-extern DIROUTD$
-extern DVIOUTL$
-extern DVIOUTA$
-extern DVIOUTB$
-extern DVIOUTH$
-extern DVIOUTF$
-static LCOPT$
-static COLOPT$
-static LPOPT$
-static LFOPT$
-extern TikZ$
-extern ErMsg$
-extern FLIST$
-extern IsYes$
-extern XYPrec$
-extern XYcm$
-extern TikZ$
-extern XYLim$
-extern Canvas$
-extern ID_PLOT$
-extern Rand$
-extern LQS$
-static S_Fc,S_Dc,S_Ic,S_Ec,S_EC,S_Lc$
-static S_FDot$
-extern AMSTeX$
-DVIOUTH="start dviout -2 -hyper=0x90 \"%ASIRROOT%\\help\\os_muldif.dvi\" #%LABEL%"$
-LFOPT=["very thin","thin","dotted","dashed"]$
-ErMsg = newvect(3,[
- "irregal argument", /* 0 */
- "too big size", /* 1 */
- "irregal option" /* 2 */
-def erno(N)
- /* extern ErMsg; */
- print(ErMsg[N]);
-def chkfun(Fu, Fi)
- /* extern FLIST; */
- /* extern Muldif.rr; */
- if(type(Fu) <= 1){
- if(Fu==1)
- mycat(["Loaded os_muldif Ver.", Muldif.rr, "(Toshio Oshima)"]);
- else
- mycat(["Risa/Asir Ver.", version()]);
- return 1;
- }
- if(type(FLIST) < 4)
- FLIST = flist();
- if(type(Fu) == 4){
- for(; Fu != [] ;Fu = cdr(Fu))
- if(chkfun(car(Fu),Fi) == 0) return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- if(findin(Fu, FLIST) >= 0)
- return 1;
- FLIST = flist();
- if(findin(Fu, FLIST) >= 0)
- return 1;
- if(type(Fi)==7){
- mycat0(["load(\"", Fi,"\") -> try again!\n"],1);
- load(Fi);
- }
- return 0;
- if(type(Fi) == 7)
- Fi = [Fi];
- for( ; Fi != []; Fi = cdr(Fi))
- load(car(Fi));
- FLIST = flist();
- return (findin(Fu,FLIST)>=0)?1:0;
-def makev(L)
- S = "";
- Num=getopt(num);
- while(length(L) > 0){
- VL = car(L); L = cdr(L);
- if(type(VL) == 7)
- S = S+VL;
- else if(type(VL) == 2 || VL < 10)
- S = S+rtostr(VL);
- else if(VL<46 && Num!=1)
- S = S+asciitostr([VL+87]);
- else
- S = S+rtostr(VL);
- }
- return strtov(S);
-def makenewv(L)
- if((V=getopt(var))<2) V="z_";
- else if(isvar(V)) V=rtostr(V);
- if(type(N=getopt(num))!=1) N=0;
- Var=varargs(L|all=2);
- for(XX=[],I=J=0;;I++){
- X=strtov(V+rtostr(I));
- if(findin(X,Var)<0){
- XX=cons(X,XX);
- if(++J>N) return X;
- else if(J==N) return reverse(XX);
- }
- }
-def shortv(P,L)
- V=vars(P);
- if(type(T=getopt(top))==2) T=strtoascii(rtostr(T))[0]-87;
- else T=10;
- for(;L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- for(J=0;J<36;J++){
- if(findin(X=makev([car(L),J]|num=1),V)>=0){
- while(findin(Y=makev([T]),V)>=0) T++;
- if(T>35) return P;
- P=subst(P,X,Y);
- T++;
- }else if(J>0) break;
- }
- }
- return P;
-def vweyl(L)
- if(type(L) == 4){
- if(length(L) == 2)
- return L;
- else
- return [L[0],makev(["d",L[0]])];
- }
- /* else if(type(L)<2) return L; */
- return [L,makev(["d", L])];
-def mycat(L)
- if(type(L) != 4){
- print(L);
- return;
- }
- Opt = getopt(delim);
- Del = (type(Opt) >= 0)?Opt:" ";
- Opt = getopt(cr);
- CR = (type(Opt) >= 0)?0:1;
- while(L != []){
- if(Do==1)
- print(Del,0);
- print(car(L),0);
- L=cdr(L);
- Do = 1;
- }
- if(CR) print("");
-def fcat(S,X)
- if(type(S)!=7){
- if(type(DIROUTD)!=7){
- DIROUTD=str_subst(DIROUT,["%HOME%","%ASIRROOT%","\\"],
- [getenv("HOME"),get_rootdir(),"/"])+"/";
- if(isMs()) DIROUTD=str_subst(DIROUTD,"/","\\"|sjis=1);
- }
- if(S==-1) return;
- T="fcat";
- if(S>=2&&S<=9) T+=rtostr(S);
- T=DIROUTD+T+".txt";
- if(S==-1) return T;
- if(S!=0&&access(T)) remove_file(T);
- S=T;
- }
- R=output(S);
- print(X);
- output();
- if(getopt(exe)==1) shell("\""+S+"\"");
- return R;
-def mycat0(L,T)
- Opt = getopt(delim);
- Del = (type(Opt) >= 0)?Opt:"";
- if(type(L)!=4) L=[L];
- while(L != []){
- if(Do==1)
- print(Del,0);
- print(car(L),0);
- L=cdr(L);
- Do = 1;
- }
- if(T) print("");
-def findin(M,L)
- if(type(L)==4){
- for(I = 0; L != []; L = cdr(L), I++)
- if(car(L) == M) return I;
- }else if(type(L)==5){
- K=length(L);
- for(I = 0; I < K; I++)
- if(L[I] == M) return I;
- }else return -2;
- return -1;
-def countin(S,M,L)
- Step=getopt(step);
- if(type(Step)==1){
- N=(Step>0)?Step:-Step;
- if(type(L)==5) L=vtol(L);
- L=qsort(L);
- while(car(L)<S&&L!=[]) L=cdr(L);
- S+=M;
- for(R=[],C=I=0;L!=[];){
- if(car(L)<S||(Step>0&&car(L)==S)){
- C++;
- L=cdr(L);
- }else{
- R=cons(C,R);C=0;S+=M;
- if(N>1&&++I>=N) break;
- }
- }
- if(C>0) R=cons(C,R);
- if(N>1&&(N-=length(R))>0) while(N-->0) R=cons(0,R);
- return reverse(R);
- }
- if(type(L)==4){
- for(N=0; L!=[]; L=cdr(L))
- if(car(L)>=S && car(L)<=M) N++;
- }else if(type(L)==5){
- K=length(L);
- for(I = 0; I < K; I++)
- if(L[I]>=S && L[I]<=M) N++;
- }else return -2;
- return N;
-def mycoef(P,N,X)
- if(type(P)<3 && type(N)<3)
- return coef(P,N,X);
- if(type(P) >= 4)
- return map(os_md.mycoef,P,N,X);
- return map(mycoef,P,N,X);
- if(type(N)==4){
- for(;N!=[];N=cdr(N),X=cdr(X))
- P=mycoef(P,car(N),car(X));
- return P;
- }
- if(deg(dn(P), X) > 0){
- P = red(P);
- if(deg(dn(P), X) > 0)
- return 0;
- }
- return red(coef(nm(P),N,X)/dn(P));
-def mydiff(P,X)
- if(X == 0)
- return 0;
- if(type(P)<3 && type(X)<3)
- return diff(P,X);
- if(type(P) >= 4)
- return map(os_md.mydiff,P,X);
- return map(mydiff,P,X);
- if(type(X)==4){
- for(;X!=[];X=cdr(X)) P=mydiff(P,car(X));
- return P;
- }
- if(ptype(dn(P),X)<2)
- return red(diff(nm(P),X)/dn(P));
- return red(diff(P,X));
-def myediff(P,X)
- if(X == 0)
- return 0;
- if(type(P) < 3)
- return ediff(P,X);
- if(type(P) >= 4)
- return map(os_md.myediff,P,X);
- return map(myediff,P,X);
- if(deg(dn(P),X) == 0)
- return red(ediff(nm(P),X)/dn(P));
- return red(X*diff(P,X));
-def m2l(M)
- if(type(M) < 4)
- return [M];
- if(type(M) == 4){
- if(type(car(M))==4 && getopt(flat)==1){
- for(MM = []; M!=[]; M=cdr(M))
- MM = append(MM,car(M));
- return MM;
- }
- return M;
- }
- if(type(M) == 5)
- return vtol(M);
- S = size(M);
- for(MM = [], I = S[0]-1; I >= 0; I--)
- MM = append(vtol(M[I]), MM);
- return MM;
-def mydeg(P,X)
- if(type(P) < 3)
- return deg(P,X);
- II = -1;
- Opt = getopt(opt);
- if(type(P) >= 4){
- S=(type(P) == 6)?size(P)[0]:0;
- P = m2l(P);
- for(I = 0, Deg = -3; P != []; P = cdr(P), I++){
- if( (DT = mydeg(car(P),X)) == -2)
- return -2;
- if(DT > Deg){
- Deg = DT;
- II = I;
- }
- }
- return (Opt==1)?([Deg,(S==0)?II:[idiv(II,S),irem(II,S)]]):Deg;
- }
- P = red(P);
- if(deg(dn(P),X) == 0)
- return deg(nm(P),X);
- return -2;
-def pfctr(P,X)
- P=red(P);
- if((T=ptype(P,X))>3) return [];
- if(T==3){
- G=pfctr(dn(P),X);
- F=pfctr(nm(P),X);
- R=[[car(F)[0]/car(G)[0],1]];
- for(F=cdr(F);F!=[];F=cdr(F)) R=cons(car(F),R);
- for(G=cdr(G);G!=[];G=cdr(G)) R=cons([car(G)[0],-car(G)[1]],R);
- return reverse(R);
- }
- F=fctr(nm(P));
- for(R=[],C=1/dn(P);F!=[];F=cdr(F))
- if(mydeg(car(F)[0],X)>0) R=cons(car(F),R);
- else C*=car(F)[0]^car(F)[1];
- return cons([C,1],reverse(R));
-def mymindeg(P,X)
- if(type(P) < 3)
- return mindeg(P,X);
- II = -1;T=60;
- Opt = getopt(opt);
- if(type(P) >= 4){
- S=(type(P) == 6)?size(P)[0]:0;
- P = m2l(P);
- for(I = 0, Deg = -3; P != []; P = cdr(P), I++){
- if(car(P) == 0)
- continue;
- if( (DT = mydeg(car(P),X)) == -2)
- return -2;
- if(DT < Deg || Deg == -3){
- if(DT==0){
- if(type(car(P))>=T) continue;
- T=type(car(P));
- }
- Deg = DT;
- II = I;
- }
- }
- return (Opt==1)?([Deg,(S==0)?II:[idiv(II,S),irem(II,S)]]):Deg;
- }
- P = red(P);
- if(deg(dn(P),X) == 0)
- return mindeg(nm(P),X);
- return -2;
-def m1div(M,N,L)
- L = (type(L) <= 3)?[0,L]:vweyl[L];
- DX = L[1]; X = L[0];
- if(mydeg(N,DX) != 0)
- return 0;
- DD = mydeg(M,DX);
- MM = M;
- while( (Deg=mydeg(MM,DX)) > 0){
- MC = mycoef(MM,Deg,DX)*DX^(Deg-1);
- MS = radd(MC, MS);
- MM = radd(MM, muldo(MC,radd(-DX,N),L));
- }
- return [MM, MS];
-def mulsubst(F,L)
- N = length(L);
- if(N == 0)
- return F;
- if(type(L[0])!=4) L=[L];
- if(getopt(inv)==1){
- for(R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)) R=cons([car(L)[1],car(L)[0]],R);
- L=reverse(R);
- }
- if(length(L)==1) return mysubst(F,L);
- L1 = newvect(N);
- for(J = 0; J < N ; J++)
- L1[J] = uc();
- L2 = newvect(N);
- for(J = 0; J < N; J++){
- S = L[J][1];
- for(I = 0; I < N; I++)
- S = mysubst(S,[L[I][0],L1[I]]);
- L2[J] = S;
- }
- for(J = 0; J < N; J++)
- F = mysubst(F, [L[J][0],L2[J]]);
- for(J = 0; J < N; J++)
- F = mysubst(F, [L1[J],L[J][0]]);
- return F;
-def cmpsimple(P,Q)
- T = getopt(comp);
- if(P == Q)
- return 0;
- D = 0;
- if(type(T) < 0)
- T = 7;
- if(iand(T,1))
- D = length(vars(P)) - length(vars(Q));
- if(!D && iand(T,2))
- D = nmono(P) - nmono(Q);
- if(!D && iand(T,4))
- D = str_len(rtostr(P)) - str_len(rtostr(Q));
- if(!D){
- if(P > Q) D++;
- else D--;
- }
- return D;
-def simplify(P,L,T)
- if(type(P) > 3)
- return map(os_md.simplify,P,L,T);
- return map(simplify,P,L,T);
- if(type(L[0]) == 4){
- if(length(L[0]) > 1)
- return fmult(os_md.simplify,P,L,[T]);
- return fmult(simplify,P,L,[T]);
- L = L[0];
- }
- if(type(Var=getopt(var)) == 4 && Var!=[]){
- if(type(P) == 3)
- return simplify(nm(P),P,L,T|var=Var)/simplify(dn(P),P,L,T|var=Var);
- V = car(Var);
- if((I = mydeg(P,V)) > 0){
- Var = cdr(Var);
- for(Q=0; I>=0 ; I--)
- Q += simplify(mycoef(P,I,V), L, T|var=Var)*V^I;
- return Q;
- }
- }
- if(length(L) == 1){
- L = car(L);
- for(V = vars(L); V != []; V = cdr(V)){
- VT = car(V);
- if(deg(L,VT) != 1) continue;
- P = simplify(P, [VT, -red(coef(L,0,VT)/coef(L,1,VT))], T);
- }
- return P;
- }
- Q = mysubst(P,[L[0],L[1]]);
- return (cmpsimple(P,Q|comp=T) <= 0)?P:Q;
-def monotos(P)
- if(nmono(P) <= 1)
- return rtostr(P);
- return "("+rtostr(P)+")";
-def monototex(P)
- Q=my_tex_form(P);
- if(nmono(P)<2 && (getopt(minus)!=1 || str_str(Q,"-"|top=0,end=0)<0))
- return Q;
- return "("+Q+")";
-def minustos(S)
- if(str_str(S,"-"|top=0,end=0)<0) return S;
- return "("+S+")";
-def vnext(V)
- S = length(V);
- for(I = S-1; I > 0; I--){
- if(V[I-1] < V[I]){
- V0 = V[I-1];
- for(J = I+1; J < S; J++)
- if(V0 >= V[J]) break;
- V[I-1] = V[--J];
- V[J] = V0;
- for(J = S-1; I < J; I++, J--){
- V0 = V[I];
- V[I] = V[J];
- V[J] = V0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-def ldict(N, M)
- Opt = getopt(opt);
- R = S = [];
- for(I = 2; N > 0; I++){
- R = cons(irem(N,I), R);
- N = idiv(N,I);
- }
- L = LL = length(R);
- T=newvect(LL+1);
- while(L-- > 0){
- V = car(R); R = cdr(R);
- for(I = J = 0; J <= V ; I++){
- if(T[I] == 0)
- J++;
- }
- T[I-1] = 1;
- S = cons(LL-I+1, S);
- }
- for(I = 0; I <= LL; I++){
- if(T[I] == 0){
- S = cons(LL-I, S);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(M == 0)
- return S;
- if(M <= LL){
- print("too small size");
- return 0;
- }
- T = [];
- for(I = --M; I > LL; I--)
- T = cons(I,T);
- S = append(S,T);
- if(Opt == 2 || Opt == 3)
- S = reverse(S);
- if(Opt != 1 && Opt != 3)
- return S;
- for(T = []; S != []; S = cdr(S))
- T = cons(M-car(S),T);
- return T;
-def ndict(L)
- Opt = getopt(opt);
- R = [];
- if(Opt != 1 && Opt != 2)
- L = reverse(L);
- T = (Opt == 1 || Opt == 3)?1:0;
- for( ; L != []; L = cdr(L)){
- for(I = 0, V = car(L), LT = cdr(L); LT != []; LT = cdr(LT))
- if(T == 0){
- if(V < car(LT)) I++;
- }else if (V > car(LT)) I++;
- R = cons(I, R);
- }
- R = reverse(R);
- for(V = 0, I = length(R); I > 0; R = cdr(R), I--)
- V = V*I + car(R);
- return V;
-def nextsub(L,N)
- if(type(L) == 1){
- for(LL = [], I = L-1; I >= 0; I--)
- LL = cons(I,LL);
- return LL;
- }
- M = length(L = ltov(L));
- K = N-M;
- for(I = M-1; I >= 0; I--)
- if(L[I] < I+K) break;
- if(I < 0)
- return 0;
- for(J = L[I]+1; I < M; I++, J++)
- L[I] = J;
- return vtol(L);
-def nextpart(L)
- if(car(L) <= 1)
- return 0;
- for(I = 0, L = reverse(L); car(L) == 1; L=cdr(L))
- I++;
- I += (K = car(L));
- R = irem(I,--K);
- R = (R==0)?[]:[R];
- for(J = idiv(I,K); J > 0; J--)
- R = cons(K,R);
- L = cdr(L);
- while(L!=[]){
- R = cons(car(L), R);
- L = cdr(L);
- }
- return R;
-def transpart(L)
- L = reverse(L);
- for(I=1, R=[]; L!= []; I++){
- R = cons(length(L), R);
- while(L != [] && car(L) <= I)
- L = cdr(L);
- }
- return reverse(R);
-def trpos(A,B,N)
- S = newvect(N);
- for(I = 0; I < N; I++)
- S[I]=(I==A)?B:((I==B)?A:I);
- return S;
-def sprod(S,T)
- L = length(S);
- V = newvect(L);
- while(--L >= 0)
- V[L] = S[T[L]];
- return V;
-def sinv(S)
- L = length(S);
- V = newvect(L);
- while(--L >= 0)
- V[S[L]] = L;
- return V;
-def slen(S)
- L = length(S);
- for(V = 0, J = 2; J < L; i++){
- for(I = 0; I < J; I++)
- if(S[I] > S[J]) V++;
- }
- return V;
-def sord(W,V)
- L = length(W);
- W0 = nevect(L);
- V0 = newvect(L);
- for(I = F = C = 0; I < L; I++){
- C = 0;
- if( (W1 = W[I]) > (V1 = V[I]) ){
- if(F < 0) C = 1;
- else if(F==0) F = 1;
- }else if(W1 < V1){
- if(F > 0) C = 1;
- else if(F==0) F = -1;
- }
- for(J = I;--J >= 0 && W0[J] > W1; ) W0[J+1] = W0[J];
- W0[J+1] = W1;
- for(J = I;--J >= 0 && V0[J] > V1; ) V0[J+1] = V0[J];
- V0[J+1] = V1;
- if(C){
- for(J = I; J >= 0; J--){
- if((W1=W0[J]) == (V1=V0[J])) continue;
- if(W1 > V1){
- if(F < 0) return 2;
- }
- else if(F > 0) return 2;
- }
- }
- }
- return F;
-def vprod(V1,V2)
- for(R = 0, I = length(V1)-1; I >= 0; I--)
- R = radd(R, rmul(V1[I], V2[I]));
- return R;
-def dnorm(V)
- if(type(V)<2) return dabs(V);
- R=0;
- if(type(V)!=4)
- for (I = length(V)-1; I >= 0; I--) R+= V[I]^2;
- else{
- if(type(V[0])>3){
- V=ltov(V[0])-ltov(V[1]);
- return dnorm(V);
- }
- for(;V!=[]; V=cdr(V)) R+=car(V)^2;
- }
- return dsqrt(R);
-def dvprod(V1,V2)
- if(type(V1)<2) return V1*V2;
- R=0;
- if(type(V1)!=4)
- for(I = length(V1)-1; I >= 0; I--)
- R += V1[I]*V2[I];
- else{
- for(; V1!=[]; V1=cdr(V1),V2=cdr(V2))
- R+=car(V1)*car(V2);
- }
- return R;
-def dvangle(V1,V2)
- if(V2==0 && type(V1)==4 && length(V1)==3 &&
- (type(V1[0])==4 || type(V1[0])==5 || type(V1[1])==4 || type(V1[1])==5 ||
- type(V1[2])==4 || type(V1[2])==5) ){
- if(V1[0]==0 || V1[1]==0 || V1[2]==0) return 1;
- PV2=V1[1];
- if(type(PV2)==4){
- PV2=ltov(PV2);
- return dvangle(PV2-ltov(V1[0]),ltov(V1[2])-PV2);
- }else
- return dvangle(PV2-V1[0],V1[2]-PV2);
- }
- if((L1=dnorm(V1))==0 || (L2=dnorm(V2))==0) return 1;
- return dvprod(V1,V2)/(L1*L2);
-def mulseries(V1,V2)
- L = length(V1);
- if(size(V2) < L)
- L = size(V2);
- VV = newvect(L);
- for(J = 0; J < L; J++){
- for(K = R = 0; K <= J; K++)
- R = radd(R,rmul(V1[K],V2[J-K]));
- VV[J] = R;
- }
- return VV;
-def scale(L)
- T=0;LS=1;
- Pr=getopt(prec);
- if(type(L)!=4){
- if(L==2){
- L=(Pr!=1)?
- [[[1,2,1/20],[2,5,1/10],[5,10,1/5], [10,20,1/2],[20,50,1],[50,100,2]],
- [[1,2,1/10],[2,5,1/2], [10,20,1],[20,50,5]],
- [[1,2,1/2],[2,10,1], [10,20,5],[20,100,10]]]:
- [[[1,2,1/50],[2,5,1/20],[5,10,1/10], [10,20,1/5],[20,50,1/2],[50,100,1]],
- [[1,5,1/10],[5,10,1/2], [10,20,1],[50,100,5]],
- [[1,5,1/2],[5,10,1], [10,50,5],[50,100,10]]];
- LS=2;
- }else if(L==3){
- L=(Pr!=1)?
- [[[1,2,1/20],[2,5,1/10],[5,10,1/5], [10,20,1/2],[20,50,1],[50,100,2],
- [100,200,5],[200,500,10],[500,1000,20]],
- [[1,2,1/10],[2,5,1/2], [10,20,1],[20,50,5], [100,200,10],[200,500,50]],
- [[1,2,1/2],[2,10,1], [10,20,5],[20,100,10], [100,200,50],[200,1000,100]]]:
- [[[1,2,1/50],[2,5,1/20],[5,10,1/10],[10,20,1/5],[20,50,1/2],[50,100,1],
- [100,200,2],[200,500,5],[500,1000,10]],
- [[1,5,1/10],[5,10,1/2], [10,50,1],[50,100,5], [100,500,10],[500,1000,50]],
- [[1,5,1/2],[5,10,1], [10,50,5],[50,100,10], [100,500,50],[500,1000,100]]];
- LS=3;
- }else{
- L=(Pr!=1)?
- [[[1,2,1/50],[2,5,1/20],[5,10,1/10]],
- [[1,5,1/10],[5,10,1/2]],
- [[1,5,1/2],[5,10,1]]]:
- [[[1,2,1/100],[2,5,1/50],[5,10,1/20]],
- [[1,2,1/20],[2,10,1/10]],
- [[1,2,1/10],[2,10,1/2]]];
- }
- }else if(type(L[0])!=4){
- L=[L];
- if(length(L)!=3||L[0]+L[2]>L[1]) T=L;
- }
- if(T==0){
- if(type(L[0][0])!=4) L=[L];
- for(R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- for(RR=[],LT=car(L);LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT))
- for(I=car(LT)[0];I<=car(LT)[1];I+=car(LT)[2]) RR=cons(I,RR);
- RR=lsort(RR,[],1);
- R=cons(RR,R);
- }
- R=reverse(R);
- for(T=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- if(length(R)>1) T=cons(lsort(R[0],R[1],"setminus"),T);
- else T=cons(R[0],T);
- }
- }
- V0=dlog(10);
- S0=S1=1;D0=D1=0;
- SC=getopt(scale);
- if(type(SC)==4){
- S0=SC[0];S1=SC[1];
- }else if(type(SC)==1){
- S0=SC;S1=0;
- }else return T;
- if(type(D=getopt(shift))==4){
- D0=D[0];D1=D[1];
- }
- if(type(F=getopt(f))>1) F=f2df(F);
- else F=0;
- for(M=M0=[],I=length(T);T!=[];T=cdr(T),I--){
- for(S=car(T);S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- V=((!F)?dlog(car(S))/dlog(10)/LS:myfdeval(F,car(S)))*S0;
- if(S1!=0){
- M=cons([V+D0,D1],M);
- M=cons([V+D0,I*((length(SC)>2)?SC[I]:S1)+D1],M);
- M=cons(0,M);
- }else M0=cons(V+D0,M0);
- }
- if(S1==0) M=cons(reverse(M0),M);
- }
- if(S1!=0) M=cdr(M);
- if(S1==0||getopt(TeX)!=1) return M;
- M=reverse(M);
- if(type(U=getopt(line))==4)
- M=cons([U[0]+D0,D1],cons([U[1]+D0,D1],cons(0,M)));
- if(type(Col=getopt(col))<1) S=xylines(M);
- else S=xylines(M|opt=Col);
- if(type(Mes=getopt(mes))==4){
- S3=car(Mes);
- if(type(S3)==4){
- Col=S3[1];
- S3=car(S3);
- }else Col=0;
- V=car(scale(cdr(Mes)));
- if(!F) Mes=scale(cdr(Mes)|scale=[S0/LS,0],shift=[D0,D1]);
- else Mes=scale(cdr(Mes)|f=F,scale=[S0,0],shift=[D0,D1]);
- for(M=car(Mes);M!=[];M=cdr(M),V=cdr(V)){
- VT=deval(car(V));
- if(Col!=0) VT=[Col,VT];
- S+=xyput([car(M),S3,VT]);
- }
- }
- return S;
-def pluspower(P,V,N,M)
- RR = 1;
- for(K = R = 1; K < M-1; I++){
- R = R*(N-K+1)*P/K;
- RR = radd(RR,R);
- }
- VV = newvect(M);
- for(K = 0; K < M-1; K++)
- VV[K] = red(mycoef(RR,K,V));
-def vtozv(V)
- if(type(V)<4) V=newvect(1,[V]);
- S = length(V);
- VV = newvect(S);
- Lcm = 1;
- for(K = 0; K < S; K++){
- VV[K] = red(V[K]);
- Lcm = lcm(Lcm,dn(VV[K]));
- C = ptozp(nm(VV[K])|factor=0);
- if(K == 0){
- Dn = dn(C[1]);
- Nm = nm(C[1]);
- PNm = nm(C[0]);
- }else{
- Dn = ilcm(Dn,dn(C[1]));
- Nm = igcd(Nm,nm(C[1]));
- PNm = gcd(PNm,nm(C[0]));
- }
- }
- if(!(M=Nm*PNm)) return [VV,0];
- Mul = (Lcm*Dn)/M;
- for(K = 0; K < S; K++)
- VV[K] = rmul(VV[K],Mul);
- return [VV,Mul];
-def dupmat(M)
- if(type(M) == 6){
- Size = size(M);
- MM = newmat(Size[0],Size[1]);
- for(I = 0; I < Size[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < Size[1]; J++)
- MM[I][J] = M[I][J];
- }
- return MM;
- }
- if(type(M) == 5)
- return ltov(vtol(M));
- return M;
-def matrtop(M)
- S = size(M);
- MM = dupmat(M);
- Lcm = newvect(S[0]);
- for(J = 0; J < S[0]; J++){
- U = vtozv(M[J]);
- for(K = -1, I = 0; I < S[1]; I++)
- MM[J][I] = U[0][I];
- Lcm[J] = U[1];
- }
- return [MM,Lcm];
-def mytrace(M)
- S=size(M);
- if(S[0]!=S[1]) return 0;
- for(I=V=0; I<S[0]; I++){
- V+=M[I][I];
- }
- return V;
-def mydet(M)
- MM = matrtop(M);
- if(type(MM[0]) == 6){
- S = size(M);
- for(Dn = 1, I = 0; I < S[0]; I++)
- Dn *= MM[1][I];
- return (!Dn)?0:red(det(MM[0])/Dn);
- }
-def mperm(M,P,Q)
- if(type(M) == 6){
- S = size(M);
- if(type(P) <= 1)
- P=(P==1)?Q:trpos(0,0,S[0]);
- if(type(P) > 3 && type(P[0]) >= 4)
- P = trpos(P[0][0],P[0][1],S[0]);
- else if(type(P) == 4){
- if(length(P)==2 && type(P[1])==4){
- P0=P[0];P1=car(P[1]);P=newvect(P1);
- for(I=0;I<P1;I++) P[I]=P0+I;
- }else P = ltov(P);
- }
- if(type(Q) <= 1)
- Q=(Q==1)?P:trpos(0,0,S[1]);
- if(type(Q) > 3 && type(Q[0]) >= 4)
- Q = trpos(Q[0][0],Q[0][1],S[1]);
- if(type(Q) == 4){
- if(length(Q)==2 && type(Q[1])==4){
- P0=Q[0];P1=car(Q[1]);Q=newvect(P1);
- for(I=0;I<P1;I++) Q[I]=P0+I;
- }else Q = ltov(Q);
- }
- MM = newmat(S0=length(P),S1=length(Q));
- for(I = 0; I < S0; I++){
- MMI = MM[I]; MPI = M[P[I]];
- for(J = 0; J < S1; J++)
- MMI[J] = MPI[Q[J]];
- }
- return MM;
- }
- if((type(M) == 5 || type(M) == 4) && type(P) >= 4){
- if(length(P) == 1 && type(car(P)) == 4)
- P = trpos(car(P)[0],car(P)[1],length(M));
- MM = newvect(S = length(P));
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++)
- MM[I] = M[P[I]];
- if(type(M) == 4)
- MM = vtol(MM);
- return MM;
- }
- return M;
-def mtranspose(M)
- if(type(M)==4){
- MV=ltov(M);
- II=length(MV);
- for(I=L=0; I<II; I++){
- if(type(MV[I])!=4) return M;
- MV[I]=ltov(MV[I]);
- }
- for(R=[],J=0; ;J++){
- for(T=[],I=F=0; I<II; I++){
- if(length(MV[I])>J){
- F=1;
- T=cons(MV[I][J],T);
- }
- }
- if(F==0) return reverse(R);
- if(F==1) R=cons(reverse(T),R);
- }
- }
- if(type(M) != 6)
- return M;
- S = size(M);
- MM = newmat(S[1],S[0]);
- for(I = 0; I < S[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < S[1]; J++)
- MM[J][I] = M[I][J];
- }
- return MM;
-def mtoupper(MM, F)
- TeXs=["\\ -=\\ ","\\ +=\\ "];
- Lins=[" -= line"," += line"];
- Assume=["If","Assume"];
- if(type(St = getopt(step))!=1) St=0;
- Opt = getopt(opt);
- if(type(Opt)!=1) Opt=0;
- TeX=getopt(dviout);
- if(type(Tab=getopt(tab))!=1 && Tab!=0) Tab=2;
- Line="\\text{line}";
- if(type(TeX)!=1 || !St) TeX=0;
- Size = size(MM);
- if(F==-1){
- M = newmat(Size[0], Size[1]+1);
- for(I = 0; I < Size[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < Size[1]; J++)
- M[I][J] = MM[I][J];
- M[I][Size[1]] = zz^I;
- }
- Size = size(M);
- F = 1;
- }else if(F<0){
- F=Size[0];
- M = newbmat(1,2,[[MM,mgen(F,0,[1],0)]]);
- Size=[Size[0],F+Size[1]];
- }else
- M = dupmat(MM);
- if(St){
- if(TeX) Lout=[[dupmat(M)]];
- else mycat0([M,"\n\n"],0);
- }
- Top="";
- if(Opt>3){
- for(I=Opt; I>4; I--)
- Top+=(TeX)?"\\ ":" ";
- }
- PC=IF=1;
- for(K = JJ = 0; K < Size[1] - F; K++){
- for(J = JJ; J < Size[0]; J++){
- if(M[J][K] != 0){ /* search simpler element */
- if(Opt>2 && (Mul=M[J][K])!=1){
- for(FF=0,JT=J; JT<Size[0]; JT++){
- if((Val=M[JT][K])==1){ /* 1 */
- Mul=1;J=JT; break;
- }
- if(Val==0 || type(Val)>type(Mul)) continue;
- if(type(Val)<type(Mul) || (Val==-1 && Mul!=-1)){
- Mul=Val; J=JT; /* smaller type */
- }
- else if(Opt>3){
- if(isint(Val)==1){ /* integer elememt */
- if(isint(Mul)!=1){
- Mul=Val; J=JT; /* integer */
- }
- if(FF<3||(FF==3&&Val>0)){
- for(JK=K+1;;){
- if(JK>=Size[1]-F){
- J=JT;
- FF=((Mul=Val)>0)?4:3;
- break; /* divisible int => 4: pos_int 3: neg_int */
- }
- if(isint(M[JT][JK++]/Val)!=1) break;
- }
- }
- }else if(!FF){
- for(JK=K+1; JK<Size[1]-F; JK++){
- if(isint(M[JT][JK]/Val)!=1) break;
- J=JT; FF=1; /* divisible => 1: non integer */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(FF==0 && Opt>3 && Mul!=1 && Mul!=-1){ /* FF > 0 => divisible */
- for(FF=0,J0=J; J0<Size[0]-1 && FF!=9; J0++){
- VV0=M[J0][K];
- if(VV0==0 || isint(VV0)==0) continue;
- for(J1=J0+1;J1<Size[0] && FF!=9; J1++){
- VV1=M[J1][K];
- if(VV1==0 || isint(VV1)==0) continue;
- for(C=FT=0,V0=VV0,V1=VV1; C<2 && FF!=10; C++,V1=V0,V0=VV1){
- for(CC=0,RC=ceil(V0/V1);CC<2;CC++,RC--){
- if((CD=V0-RC*V1)==0 && (RC==1 || RC==-1)){
- FT=1; FF=10; /* 10: vanish by +- */
- }else if(CD==1){
- FV=(vars(M[J0])==[]&&vars(M[J1])==[])?1:0;
- if((RC==1 || RC==-1) && FF<8+FV){
- FT=1; FF=8+FV; /* 8/9: 1 by +- */
- }else if(FF<6+VF){
- FT=1; FF=6+FV; /* 6/7: 1 by times */
- }
- }else if(CD==-1){
- FV=(vars(M[J0])==[]&&vars(M[J1])==[])?1:0;
- if((RC==1 || RC==-1) && FF<4+FV){
- FT=1; FF=4+FV; /* 4/5: 1 by +- */
- }else if(FF<2+VF){
- FT=1; FF=2+FV; /* 2/3: 1 by times */
- }
- }
- if(FT==1){
- FT=0; KRC=RC;
- if(C==0){
- KJ0=J0; KJ1=J1;
- }else{
- KJ0=J1; KJ1=J0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(FF>0){
- for(I=K;I<Size[1];I++)
- M[KJ0][I]=radd(M[KJ0][I],rmul(M[KJ1][I],-KRC));
- if(KRC<0){
- KRC=-KRC;Sgn=1;
- }else
- Sgn=0;
- if(St){
- if(TeX){
- if(KRC==1)
- Lout=cons([Top+"\\xrightarrow{", Line,KJ0+1,TeXs[Sgn],
- Line,KJ1+1,"}",dupmat(M)],Lout);
- else
- Lout=cons([Top+"\\xrightarrow{", Line,KJ0+1,TeXs[Sgn],
- Line,KJ1+1,"\\times\\left(",KRC,"\\right)}",
- dupmat(M)],Lout);
- }else{
- if(KRC==1)
- mycat([Top+"line",KJ0+1,Lins[Sgn],KJ1+1,"\n",M,"\n"]); else
- mycat([Top+"line",KJ0+1,Lins[Sgn],KJ1+1," * (",KRC,")\n",M,"\n"]);
- }
- }
- Mul=M[KJ0][K]; J=KJ0;
- if(FF==10){
- J--; continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* a parameter Var */
- Var=0;
- if(St && Opt>4 && length(Var=vars(nm(M[J][K])))==1){
- J0=J;Jv=mydeg(nm(M[J0][K]),car(Var));
- for(I=JJ;I<Size[0]; I++){
- if((MIK=M[I][K])==0) continue;
- if((T=vars(MIK=nm(MIK)))==[]){ /* 1/poly */
- J=I;Var=[]; break;
- }
- if(length(T)>1) continue;
- if(mydeg(MIK,T[0])<Jv){
- J0=I;Jv=mydeg(MIK);Var=T; /* search minimal degree */
- }
- }
- if(length(Var)==1){
- Var=car(Var);
- Q=nm(M[J0][K]);
- for(I=JJ; I<Size[0]; I++){
- if(I==J0 || mydeg(nm(M[I][K]),Var)<0) continue;
- T=rpdiv(nm(M[I][K]),Q,Var);
- if(T[0]!=0 && (vars(T)==[] || vars(T)==[Var])) break; /* dec. deg */
- }
- }
- }
- if(type(Var)==2){ /* 1 variable */
- if(I==Size[0]){
- for(QF=0,Q0=1,QR=getroot(Q,Var|mult=1);QR!=[];QR=cdr(QR)){
- if(deg(T=QR[0][1],Var)>0){
- QF=1;Q0*=T; continue;
- }
- if(subst(PC,Var,T)==0) continue;
- Q0*=(Var-(T=QR[0][1]));
- if(type(T)<2){
- M0=subst(M,Var,T);
- if(TeX){
- Lout=cons(["\\hspace{",Tab*(St-3)-1,"mm}\\text{If }",
- Var,"=",T,","] ,Lout);
- Lout=append(mtoupper(M0,F|step=St+1,opt=Opt,dviout=-2,tab=Tab),Lout);
- }else{
- mycat([str_times(" ",St-1)+"If",Var,"=",T,","]);
- mtoupper(M0,F|step=St+1,opt=Opt);
- }
- }
- }
- if(Q0!=1){
- if(TeX)
- Lout=cons(["\\hspace{",Tab*(St-3)-1,"mm}\\text{"+Assume[QF]+" }",
- Q0/=fctr(Q0)[0][0],"\\ne0,"],Lout);
- else
- mycat([str_times(" ",St-1)+Assume[QF],Q0,"!=0,"]);
- PC*=Q0;
- }
- IF=0;St++;
- }else{
- KRC=-red((T[2]*dn(M[J0][K]))/(T[1]*dn(M[I][K])));
- for(II=K;II<Size[1];II++)
- M[I][II]=radd(M[I][II],rmul(M[J0][II],KRC));
- if(TeX)
- Lout=cons([Top+"\\xrightarrow{", Line,I+1,"\\ +=\\ ",Line,
- J0+1,"\\times\\left(",KRC,"\\right)}",dupmat(M)],Lout);
- else
- mycat([Top+"line",I+1,"+=",Line,J0+1," * (",KRC,")\n",M,"\n"]);
- J=JJ-1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if(J != JJ){
- for(I = K; I < Size[1]; I++){
- Temp = M[JJ][I];
- M[JJ][I] = M[J][I];
- M[J][I] = (Opt>=2)?Temp:-Temp;
- }
- if(St){
- if(TeX)
- Lout=cons([Top+"\\xrightarrow{",Line,JJ+1,"\\ \\leftrightarrow\\ ",
- Line,J+1,"}",dupmat(M)],Lout);
- else
- mycat0([Top+"line",JJ+1," <-> line",J+1,"\n",M,"\n\n"],0);
- }
- }
- /* Assume PC != 0 */
- if(Opt>1){
- Mul = M[JJ][K];
- if(Opt > 5 && St && IF && (Var=vars(MIK=nm(Mul)))!=[]){
- TF=fctr(MIK);
- for(FF=0,Q0=1,TP=cdr(TF);TP!=[];TP=cdr(TP)){
- if(type(dn(red(PC/(TP0=car(car(TP))))))<2) continue; /* divisible */
- Q0*=TP0;
- for(Var=vars(TP0);Var!=[];Var=cdr(Var)){
- if(mydeg(TP0,X=car(Var))==1 && type(dn(red(PC/mycoef(TP0,1,X))))<2){
- /* TP0=A*X+B with non-vanishing A */
- T=red(-mycoef(TP0,0,X)/mycoef(TP0,1,X));
- M0=mysubst(M,[X,T]);
- if(TeX){
- Lout=cons(["\\hspace{",Tab*(St-3)-1,"mm}\\text{If }",
- X,"=",T,","] ,Lout);
- Lout=append(mtoupper(M0,F|step=St+1,opt=Opt,dviout=-2,tab=Tab),
- Lout);
- }else{
- mycat([str_times(" ",St-1)+"If",X,"=",T,","]);
- mtoupper(M0,F|step=St+1,opt=Opt);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(Var==[] && Opt>6){
- for(Var=vars(TP0);Var!=[];Var=cdr(Var)){
- if(mydeg(TP0,X=car(Var))==1){
- /* TP0=A*X+B, A is a poly of X0 with rational funct */
- T=nm(mycoef(TP0,1,X));
- for(Var0=vars(T);Var0!=[]; Var0=cdr(Var0)){
- X0=car(Var0);
- if(type(dn(red(PC/type(mycoef(T,mydeg(T,X0),X0)))))>1) continue;
- TR=getroot(T,X0|mult=1);
- if(findin(X0,vars(TR))<0) break;
- }
- if(Var0==[]) continue;
- for(;TR!=[0];TR=cdr(TR)){
- if(TR==[]){
- TR=[0,0];
- T0=-mycoef(TP0,0,X)/mycoef(TP0,1,X);
- X0=X;
- }else T0=car(TR)[1];
- M0=mysubst(M,[X0,T0]);
- if(TeX){
- Lout=cons(["\\hspace{",Tab*(St-3)-1,"mm}\\text{If }",
- X0,"=",T0,","] ,Lout);
- Lout=append(mtoupper(M0,F|step=St+1,opt=Opt,dviout=-2,tab=Tab),
- Lout);
- }else{
- mycat([str_times(" ",St-1)+"If",X0,"=",T0,","]);
- mtoupper(M0,F|step=St+1,opt=Opt);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(Var==[]){
- FF=1;
- }
- }
- if(Q0!=1){
- if(FF) FF=1;
- if(TeX) Lout=cons(["\\hspace{",Tab*(St-3)-1,"mm}\\text{"+Assume[FF]+" }",Q0/=fctr(Q0)[0][0],"\\ne0,"],
- Lout);
- else mycat([str_times(" ",St-1)+Assume[FF],Q0,"!=0,"]);
- PC*=Q0;St++;
- }
- }
- IF=M[JJ][K]=1;
- if(Mul!=1){
- for(L=K+1; L<Size[1]; L++)
- M[JJ][L]=red(M[JJ][L]/Mul);
- if(St){
- if(TeX)
- Lout=cons([Top+"\\xrightarrow{",Line,JJ+1,
- "\\ \\times=\\ \\left(",red(1/Mul),"\\right)}",
- dupmat(M)],Lout);
- else
- mycat0([Top+"line",JJ+1, " *= (",red(1/Mul), ")\n",M,"\n\n"],0);
- }
- }
- }
- for(J = (Opt>0)?0:(JJ+1); J < Size[0]; J++){
- if(J == JJ)
- continue;
- Mul = -M[J][K];
- if(Mul!=0){
- if(Opt!=2) Mul=rmul(Mul,1/M[JJ][K]);
- for(I = K+1; I < Size[1]; I++)
- M[J][I] = radd(M[J][I],rmul(M[JJ][I],Mul));
- M[J][K] = 0;
- if(St){
- if(Mul<0){
- Mul=-Mul;Sgn=0;
- }else Sgn=1;
- if(TeX){
- if(Mul==1)
- Lout=cons([Top+"\\xrightarrow{", Line,J+1,TeXs[Sgn],Line,JJ+1,
- "}",dupmat(M)],Lout);
- else Lout=cons([Top+"\\xrightarrow{", Line,J+1,TeXs[Sgn],Line,JJ+1,
- "\\times\\left(",Mul,"\\right)}",dupmat(M)],Lout);
- }else{
- if(Mul==1)
- mycat0([Top+"line",J+1, Lins[Sgn],JJ+1,"\n",M,"\n\n"],0);
- else
- mycat0([Top+"line",J+1, Lins[Sgn],JJ+1," * (",Mul,")\n",M,"\n\n"],0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- JJ++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(TeX){
- if(TeX==-2) return Lout;
- Lout=reverse(Lout);
- Br="\\allowdisplaybreaks";
- Cr="\\\\\n &";
- if(getopt(pages)==1) Cr=Br+Cr;
- if(type(S=getopt(cr))==7) Cr=S;
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))==1){
- if(Lim>0){
- if(Lim<30) Lim=TeXLim;
- Lim*=2;
- }
- }else Lim=0;
- Out = ltotex(Lout|opt=["cr","spts0"],str=1,cr=Cr,lim=Lim);
- if(TeX<0) return Out;
- dviout(Out|eq=(str_str(Cr,Br)>=0)?6:5,keep=(TeX==1)?0:1);
- }
- return M;
-def mydet2(M)
- S = size(M);
- Det = 1;
- MM = mtoupper(M,0);
- for(I = 0; I < S[0]; I++)
- Det = rmul(Det,MM[I][I]);
- return Det;
-def myrank(MM)
- S = size(MM);
- M = dupmat(MM);
- M = mtoupper(M,0);
- C = 0;
- for(I = K = 0; I < S[0]; I++){
- for(J = K; J < S[1]; J++){
- if(M[I][J] != 0){
- C++; K++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return C;
-def meigen(M)
- F = getopt(mult);
- if(type(M)==4 || type(M)==5){
- II=length(M);
- for(R=[],I=II-1; I>=0; I--){
- if(F==1)
- R=cons(meigen(M[I]|mult=1),R);
- else
- R=cons(meigen(M[I]),R);
- }
- return R;
- }
- S = size(M)[0];
- P = mydet2(mgen(S,0,[zz],0)-M);
- return (F==1)?getroot(P,zz|mult=1):getroot(P,zz);
-def transm(M)
- if(type(M)!=6) M=s2m(M);
- if(type(M)!=6){
- errno(0);
- return 0;
- }
- L=[M];TeX="";
- Line=["\\text{line}","\\text{col}"];
- if((DVI=getopt(dviout)) !=1) DVI=0;
- else dviout(M);
- for(;;){
- print(L0=dupmat(car(L)));
- Sz=size(L0);
- S=keyin("? ");
- N=0;
- if(str_len(S)<=1){
- if(S=="q") return L;
- if(S=="t"){
- N=mtranspose(L0);
- TeX=["\\text{transpose}"];
- }
- else if(S=="f"){
- if(length(L)>1){
- if(LF!=0) TeX="";
- L=cdr(L);LF=L0;
- if(DVI){
- dviout0(-1);
- dviout(" ");
- }
- }
- }else if(S=="g"){
- if(LF!=0) N=LF;
- }else if(S=="0"){
- N=M;L=[];TeX=[];
- }else if(S=="a"||S=="A"){
- if(DVI&&S=="A") mtoupper(L0,0|step=1,opt=10,dviout=1);
- else mtoupper(L0,0|step=1,opt=10);
- }else{
- mycat0([
- "2,5 : line2 <-> line5",
- "2,5,-2 ; line2 += (-2)*line5",
- "2,2,-2 : line2 *= -2",
- "2,5,0 : line2 += (?)*line5 for reduction",
- "r,2,5 : raw2 <-> raw5 (r,2,5,-2 etc.)",
- "s,x,2 : subst(*,x,2)",
- "t : transpose",
- "0 : first matrix",
- "f : previous matrix",
- "g : next matrix (only after f)",
- "A : auto (a : without TeX)",
- "q : quit"
- ],1|delim="\n");
- }
- }else{
- FR=0;
- S=evals(S|del=",");
- if(S[0]==r){
- FR=1; S=cdr(S);
- }
- if((LL=length(S))>=2){
- S0=S[0]-1;S1=S[1]-1;
- if(S[0]==s){
- if(length(S)==3) N=subst(L0,S[1],S[2]);
- if(DVI) TeX=[S[1],"\\mapsto",S[2]];
- }else if(FR==0){
- if(S0<0 || S0>=Sz[0] || S1<0 || S1>=Sz[0]) continue;
- if(LL==2){
- N=rowx(L0,S0,S1);
- if(DVI) TeX=[Line[0],S[0],"\\ \\leftrightarrow\\ ",Line[0],S[1]];
- }else{
- S2=S[2];
- if(S0==S1){
- N=rowm(L0,S0,S2);
- if(DVI) TeX=[Line[0],S[0],"\\ \\times=\\ ",S2];
- }else{
- if(S2==0){
- for(J=0;J<Sz[1] && L0[S1][J]==0;J++);
- if(J<Sz[1]) S2=-L0[S0][J]/L0[S1][J];
- }
- if(S2!=0){
- N=rowa(L0,S0,S1,S2);
- if(DVI) TeX=[Line[0],S[0],"\\ +=\\ ",Line[0],
- S[1],"\\ \\times\\ (",S2,")"];
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- if(S0<0 || S0>=Sz[1] || S1<0 && S1>=Sz[1]) continue;
- if(LL==2){
- N=colx(L0,S0,S1);
- if(DVI) TeX=[Line[1],S[0],"\\ \\leftrightarrow\\ ",Line[1],S[1]];
- }else{
- S2=S[2];
- if(S0==S1){
- N=colm(L0,S0,S2);
- if(DVI) TeX=[Line[1],S[0],"\\ \\times=\\ ",S[2]];
- }else{
- if(S2!=0){
- for(J=0; I1<Sz[0] && L0[I1][J]==0; J++);
- if(J<Sz[0]) S2=-L0[J][S0]/L0[J][S1];
- }if(S2!=0){
- N=cola(L0,S0,S1,S2);
- if(DVI) TeX=[Line[1],S[0],"\\ +=\\ ",Line[1],
- S[1],"\\ \\times\\ (",S2,")"];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(N!=0){
- LF=0;L=cons(N,L);
- if(DVI) dviout("\\xrightarrow{"+ltotex(TeX|opt="spts0",str=1)+"}"+mtotex(N)|eq=8);
- }
- }
-def vgen(V,W,S)
- IM=length(V);
- I=(getopt(opt)==0)?IM:0;
- for(SS=0; I<IM && (SS==0 || V[I]<=W[I]); I++)
- SS += W[I];
- if(I<IM){
- W[I]++;
- SS--;
- }else
- SS=S;
- for(J=0;J<I;J++){
- W[J] = (SS<=V[J])?SS:V[J];
- SS -= W[J];
- }
- if(SS>0)
- return -1;
- return(I==IM)?0:I;
-def mmc(M,X)
- Mt=getopt(mult);
- if(type(M)==7) M=os_md.s2sp(M);
- if(type(M)!=4||type(M[0])!=6) return 0;
- if(type(M[0])!=6){ /* spectre type -> GRS */
- G=s2sp(M|std=1);
- L=length(G);
- for(V=[],I=L-2;I>=0;I--) V=cons(makev([I+10]),V);
- V=cons(makev([L+9]),V);
- G=sp2grs(G,V,[1,length(G[0]),-1]|mat=1);
- if(getopt(short)!=0){
- V=append(cdr(V),[V[0]]);
- G=shortv(G,V);
- }
- R=chkspt(G|mat=1);
- if(Mt!=1) Mt=0;
- if(R[2]!=2 || R[3]!=0 || !(R=getbygrs(G,1|mat=1))) return 0;
- MZ=newmat(1,1);
- SS=length(G);
- if(Mt==1) SS=SS*(SS-1)/2;
- for(M=[],I=0;I<SS;I++) M=cons(MZ,M);
- for(RR=R; RR!=[]; RR=cdr(RR)){
- RT=car(RR)[0];
- if(type(RT)==4){
- if(RT[0]!=0) M=mmc(M,[RT[0]]|simplify=Simp);
- M=mmc(M,[cdr(RT)]);
- }
- }
-/* for(R=cdr(R);R!=[];R=cdr(R)) M=mmc(M,[car(R)[0]]|mult=Mt); */
- }
- if(X==0) return M;
- L=length(M);
- if((L>=6 && Mt!=0)||(L==3&&Mt==1)){
- for(SS=2,I=3; I<L; I+=(++SS));
- if(I!=L) return -1;
- Mt=1;
- }else{
- SS=L;Mt=0;
- }
- if(length(X)==SS+1){
- if(car(X)!=0&&(M=mmc(M,[car(X)]|mult=Mt))==0) return M;
- return mmc(M,cdr(X)|mult=Mt);
- }
- for(I=X;I!=[];I=cdr(I)) if(I[0]!=0) break;
- if(I==[]) return M;
- Simp=getopt(simplify);
- if(Simp!=0 && type(Simp)!=1) Simp=2;
- N=newvect(L);
- for(I=0;I<L;I++) N[I]=dupmat(M[I]);
- S=size(N[0])[0];
- if(type(X)==4&&length(X)>SS){ /* addition */
- for(I=0;I<SS;I++,X=cdr(X)) if(X[I] != 0) N[I] = radd(N[I],car(X));
- }
- if(length(X)!=1) return 0;
- X=X[0];
- MZ = newmat(S,S);
- MM = newvect(L);
- for(M1=J=0; J<SS; J++){
- for(R=[],I=SS-1; I>=0; I--){
- if(I==J){
- for(RR=[],K=SS-1; K>=0; K--)
- RR=cons((K==I)?N[K]+diagm(S,[X]):N[K],RR);
- R=cons(RR,R);
- }else R=cons([MZ],R);
- }
- MM[J]=newbmat(SS,SS,R);
- if(J==0) M1=MM[0];
- else M1=radd(M1,MM[J]);
- }
- /* middle convolution */
- for(P=0,Q=1;J<L;J++){ /* A_{P,Q} */
- for(R=[],I=SS-1; I>=0; I--){
- for(RR=[],K=SS-1;K>=0;K--){
- MT=MZ;
- if(I==K){
- MT=N[J];
- if(I==P) MT-=N[Q];
- else if(I==Q) MT-=N[P];
- }else if(I==P && K==Q) MT=N[Q];
- else if(I==Q && K==P) MT=N[P];
- RR=cons(MT,RR);
- }
- R=cons(RR,R);
- }
- MM[J]=newbmat(SS,SS,R);
- if(++Q==SS){
- P++;Q=P+1;
- }
- }
- for(R=[],I=SS-1; I>=0; I--){
- for(RR=[N[I]],J=0; J<I; J++) RR=cons(MZ,RR);
- R=cons(RR,R);
- }
- M0 = newbmat(SS,SS,R);
- KE = append(mykernel(M0|opt=1),mykernel(M1|opt=1));
- if(length(KE) == 0) return MM;
- KK = mtoupper(lv2m(KE),0);
- for(I=0;I<L;I++) MM[I] = mmod(MM[I],KK);
- if(Simp!=0) MM = mdsimplify(MM|type=Simp);
- return MM;
-def lpgcd(L)
- for(F=[]; L!=[]; L=cdr(L)){
- if((P=car(L))==0) continue;
- if(F==[]){
- F=fctr(P);
- S=length(F);
- S--;
- V=newvect(S);
- M=newvect(S);
- for(I=0; I<S; I++){
- M[I] = F[I+1][1];
- V[I] = F[I+1][0];
- }
- N=nm(ptozp(P|factor=1)[1]);
- continue;
- }
- N=igcd(ptozp(P|factor=1)[1],N);
- for(I=0; I<S; I++){
- for(Q=P,CT=0; CT<M[I]; CT++)
- if((Q=tdiv(Q,V[I])) == 0) break;
- if(CT<M[I]) M[I]=CT;
- }
- }
- if(F==[]) return 0;
- for(Q=N,I=0;I<S; I++){
- while(M[I]>0){
- Q *= V[I];
- M[I]--;
- }
- }
- return Q;
-def mdivisor(M,X)
- S=size(M=dupmat(M));
- XX=(type(X)==4||X==0)?X:[0,X];
- S0=S[0]; S1=S[1];
- if((Tr=getopt(trans))==1||Tr==2){
- Tr0=1;
- GR=mgen(S0,0,1,0); GC=mgen(S1,0,1,0);
- }else Tr=Tr0=0;
- /* 0,a,b : (a,b)->(1,1)
- 1 : (1,1) invertible
- 2,i,M : line 0,i by M
- 3,j,M : col 0,j by M
- 4,j : col 1 += col j
- 5,j,T : line j by T
- 6,j,T : col 1 += col j by T (non-com)
- 7,j : line 2<->j (non-com)
- */
- if(type(V=getopt(dviout))==1){
- if(type(XX)==4 && type(XX[0])>1) Var=[XX[1],"\\partial"];
- else Var=0;
- Tr=(abs(V)==3)?0:1;
- MM=dupmat(M);
- II=((S[0]>S[1])?S[1]:S[0])+1;
- if(abs(V)>1){
- Is1=Js1=S[0]+S[1];
- Is=Js=[0,[Is1]];
- }else{
- Is=[0,[Is1=S[0]]];Js=[0,[Js1=S[1]]];
- }
- VV=V;
- V=newvect(II);
- for(I=0;I<II;I++) V[I]=[];
- N=newbmat(2,2,[[M,mgen(S[0],0,[1],0)],[mgen(S[1],0,[1],0)]]);
- mdivisor(M,X|step=1,dviout=V);
- L=S[0]+S[1];
- if(Tr){
- NN=mperm(N,Is1,Js1);
- for(K=S[0];K<Is1;K++){
- for(L=S[1];L<Js1;L++)
- NN[K][L]=" ";
- }
- Out=[[mperm(NN,Is,Js)]];
- }
- for(I=1;I<II;I++){
- I0=I-1;
- if(V[I]==[]) continue;
- for(T=reverse(V[I]);T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- St=[];
- C=car(R=car(T));
- if(C==0){
- N=mperm(N,(R[1]==0)?0:[[R[1]+I0,I0]],(R[2]==0)?0:[[R[2]+I0,I0]]);
- if(Tr){
- if(R[2]!=0) St=append(["C",I,"\\leftrightarrow C",R[2]+I],St);
- if(R[1]!=0){
- if(R[2]!=0) St=cons(",\\ ",St);
- St=append(["L",I,"\\leftrightarrow L",R[1]+I],St);
- }
- Out=cons(St,Out);
- }
- }else if(C==1){
- P=1/N[I0][I0];N[I0][I0]=1;
- if(P!=1){
- for(J=I;J<L;J++)
- N[I0][J]=muldo(P,N[I0][J],XX);
- if(Tr){
- St=append(["L",I,"\\leftarrow(",P,")","\\times L",I],St);
- Out=cons(St,Out);
- NN=mperm(N,Is1,Js1);
- for(K=S[0];K<Is1;K++){
- for(L=S[1];L<Js1;L++)
- NN[K][L]=" ";
- }
- Out=cons(["\\to",mperm(NN,Is,Js)],Out);
- }
- }
- for(F=0,J=I;J<S[0];J++){
- if((P=N[J][I0])==0) continue;
- F++;
- N[J][I0]=0;
- for(K=I;K<L;K++)
- N[J][K]=red(N[J][K]-muldo(P,N[I0][K],XX));
- }
- if(F){
- if(Tr){
- Out=cons(["Li\\ -\\!=\\ \\circ\\times L",I,"\\quad(i>",I,")"],Out);
- NN=mperm(N,Is1,Js1);
- for(K=S[0];K<Is1;K++){
- for(L=S[1];L<Js1;L++)
- NN[K][L]=" ";
- }
- Out=cons(["\\to",mperm(NN,Is,Js)],Out);
- }
- }
- for(F=0,J=I;J<S[1];J++){
- if((P=N[I0][J])==0) continue;
- F++;
- N[I0][J]=0;
- for(K=I;K<L;K++)
- N[K][J]=red(N[K][J]-muldo(N[K][I0],P,XX));
- }
- if(F&&Tr) Out=cons(["Cj\\ -\\!=\\ C",I,"\\times\\circ\\quad(j>",I,")"],Out);
- else continue;
- }else if(C==2){
- C=mat(N[I0],N[R[1]+I0]);C=muldo(R[2],C,XX);
- for(J=0;J<L;J++){
- N[I0][J]=C[0][J];N[R[1]+I0][J]=C[1][J];
- }
- if(Tr) Out=cons([dupmat(R[2]),"\\begin{pmatrix}L",I,"\\\\L",R[1]+I,
- "\\end{pmatrix}"],Out);
- }else if(C==3){
- C=newmat(L,2);
- for(J=0;J<L;J++){
- C[J][0]=N[J][I0];C[J][1]=N[J][R[1]+I0];
- }
- C=muldo(C,R[2],XX);
- for(J=0;J<L;J++){
- N[J][I0]=C[J][0];N[J][R[1]+I0]=C[J][1];
- }
- if(Tr) Out=cons(["\\begin{pmatrix}C",I,"&C",R[1]+I,"\\end{pmatrix}",
- dupmat(R[2])],Out);
- }else if(C==4){
- for(J=0;J<L;J++)
- N[J][I0]=red(N[J][I0]+N[J][R[1]+I0]);
- if(Tr) Out=cons(["C",I,"\\ +\\!=\\ C",R[1]+I],Out);
- }else if(C==5){
- for(J=0;J<L;J++)
- N[I0+R[1]][J]=red(R[2]*N[I0+R[1]][J]);
- if(Tr) Out=cons(["L",I+R[1],"\\leftarrow(", R[2],")\\times L",I+R[1]],
- Out);
- }else if(C==6){
- for(J=0;J<L;J++)
- N[J][I0]=N[J][I0]+muldo(N[J][I0+R[1]],R[2],XX);
- if(Tr) Out=cons(["C",I,"\\ +\\!=\\ C",I+R[1],"\\times(", R[2],")"],
- Out);
- }else if(C==7){
- mycat(["line",I+1,"\\leftrightarrow",R[1]+I]);
- for(J=0;J<L;J++){
- C=N[I][J];N[I][J]=N[R[1]+I0][J];N[R[1]+I0][J]=C;
- }
- if(Tr) Out=cons(["L",I+1,"\\leftrightarrow L",R[1]+I],Out);
- }
- if(Tr){
- NN=mperm(N,Is,Js);
- for(K=S[0];K<Is1;K++){
- for(L=S[1];L<Js1;L++)
- NN[K][L]=" ";
- }
- Out=cons(["\\to",NN],Out);
- }
- }
- }
- if(!Tr){
- NN=mperm(N,Is,Js);
- Out=[];
- }
- if(S[0]+S[1]==Is1){
- N1=mperm(NN,[0,[S[0]]],[S[1],[S[0]]]);
- N2=mperm(NN,[S[0],[S[1]]],[0,[S[1]]]);
- N3=mperm(NN,[0,[S[0]]],[0,[S[1]]]);
- R1=mdivisor(N1,X|trans=1)[1];
- R2=mdivisor(N2,X|trans=1)[1];
- if(Tr){
- Out=cons(["\\text{As a result,}"],Out);
- Out=cons([N3,"=",N1,MM,N2],Out);
- if(S[0]==S[1] && N3==mgen(S[0],0,1,0)){
- Out=cons(["=",muldo(N2,N1,XX),MM,"."],Out);
- }else{
- Out=cons([N1,"^{-1}=",R1,","],Out);
- Out=cons([N2,"^{-1}=",R2,"."],Out);
- }
- }else{
- Out=cons([N3,"=P",MM,"Q,"],Out);
- Out=cons(["P=",N1,"=",R1,"^{-1},"],Out);
- Out=cons(["Q=",N2,"=",R2,"^{-1}."],Out);
- }
- }
- Out = ltotex(reverse(Out)|opt=["cr","spts0"],str=1,cr=15,var=Var);
- if(S[0]+S[1]==Is1)
- Out=str_subst(Out,"\\texttt{ }","");
- if(VV>0){
- dviout(Out|eq=6);
- return NN;
- }
- return Out;
- }else if(type(V)!=5) V=0;
- if(type(St=getopt(step))!=1) St=0;
- for(FF=": start";;){
- if(St && V==0){
- if(Tr){
- mycat0([St,FF,"\n"],0);
- mycat([GR,"\n"]);mycat([M,"\n"]);mycat([GC,"\n"]);
- }
- else mycat0([St,FF,"\n",M,"\n"],0);
- }
- if(X==0||X==[0,0]){ /* search minimal non-zero element */
- for(K=F=I=0; I<S0; I++){
- for(J=0; J<S1; J++){
- if((P=abs(M[I][J]))!=0 && (K>P || K==0)){
- K=P; R=[I,J];
- }
- }
- }
- R=cons(K-1,[R]);
- }
- else R=mymindeg(M,XX[1]|opt=1);
- if(R[0]<0){ /*zero matrix */
- if(Tr) return [[],mgen(S0,0,1,0),mgen(S1,0,1,0)];
- return [];
- }
- R0=R[1][0];R1=R[1][1];
- if(R0!=0){
- M=rowx(M,0,R0);
- if(Tr) GR=rowx(GR,0,R0);
- }
- if(R1!=0){
- M=colx(M,0,R1);
- if(Tr) GC=colx(GC,0,R1);
- }
- if(St>0 && (R0!=0 || R1!=0))
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([0,R0,R1],V[St]);
- else if(Tr){
- mycat0([St,": (",R0+1,",",R1+1,") -> (1,1)\n"],0);
- mycat([GR,"\n"]);mycat([M,"\n"]);mycat([GC,"\n"]);
- }else mycat0([St,": (",R0+1,",",R1+1,") -> (1,1)\n",M,"\n"],0);
- if(R[0]==0){ /* (1,1) : invertible */
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([1],V[St]);
- P=M[0][0]; M[0][0]=1;
- for(J=0;J<S1;J++){ /* (1,1) -> 1 */
- if(J>0) M[0][J]= red(M[0][J]/P);
- if(Tr) GR[0][J]=red(GR[0][J]/P);
- }
- if(S0>1 && S1>1) N=newmat(S0-1,S1-1);
- else N=0;
- for(I=1;I<S0;I++){
- P=M[I][0]; M[I][0]=0;
- for(J=1;J<S1;J++)
- N[I-1][J-1]=M[I][J]=red(M[I][J] - muldo(P,M[0][J],XX));
- if(Tr){
- for(J=0;J<S0;J++)
- GR[I][J] = red(GR[I][J] -muldo(P,GR[0][J],XX));
- }
- }
- if(Tr){
- for(J=1;J<S1; J++){
- for(I=0;I<S1;I++) GC[I][J]=red(GC[I][J]-muldo(GC[I][0],M[0][J],XX));
- M[0][J]=0;
- }
- }
- if(St>0 && V==0){
- if(Tr){
- mycat0([St,": unit\n"],0);
- mycat([GR,"\n"]);mycat([M,"\n"]);mycat([GC,"\n"]);
- }
- else mycat0([St,": unit\n",M,"\n"],0);
- }
- if(N==0){
- if(!Tr) return [1];
- if(Tr==2){
- GR0=mdivisor(GR,X|trans=1)[1];
- GC0=mdivisor(GC,X|trans=1)[1];
- return [[1],GR,GC,GR0,GC0];
- }
- return [[1],GR,GC];
- }
- R=mdivisor(N,XX|dviout=V,trans=Tr0,step=(St>0)?St+1:St);
- if(!Tr) return cons(1,R);
- GR=muldo(newbmat(2,2,[[1],[0,R[1]]]),GR,XX);
- GC=muldo(GC,newbmat(2,2,[[1],[0,R[2]]]),XX);
- if(S0==S1 && countin(1,1,R[0])==S0-1){
- GR=muldo(GC,GR,XX); GC=mgen(S0,0,1,0);
- }
- if(Tr==2){
- GR0=mdivisor(GR,X|trans=1)[1];
- GC0=mdivisor(GC,X|trans=1)[1];
- return [cons(1,R[0]),GR,GC,GR0,GC0];
- }
- return [cons(1,R[0]),GR,GC];
- }
- for(I=1;I<S0;I++){
- if(M[I][0]!=0){
-/* Error! when mygcd(A,B,0) with A<=0 or B<=0 */
- R=mygcd(M[I][0],M[0][0],XX); /* R[0]=R[1]*M[I][0]+R[2]*M[0][0] */
- M[0][0]=R[0]; M[I][0]=0; /* 0=R[3]*M[I][0]+R[4]*M[0][0] */
- for(J=1;J<S1;J++){
- T=red(muldo(R[1],M[I][J],XX)+muldo(R[2],M[0][J],XX));
- M[I][J]=red(muldo(R[3],M[I][J],XX)+muldo(R[4],M[0][J],XX));
- M[0][J]=T;
- }
- if(Tr){
- for(J=0;J<S0;J++){
- T=red(muldo(R[1],GR[I][J],XX)+muldo(R[2],GR[0][J],XX));
- GR[I][J]=red(muldo(R[3],GR[I][J],XX)+muldo(R[4],GR[0][J],XX));
- GR[0][J]=T;
- }
- }
- if(St && V==0){
- mycat([" [",R[2],R[1],"]*"]);
- mycat([" [",R[4],R[3],"]"]);
- }
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([2,I,mat([R[2],R[1]],[R[4],R[3]])],V[St]);
- FF=": line 1 & "+rtostr(I+1); I=S0;
- }
- }
- if(I>S0) continue;
- for(J=1;J<S1;J++){
- if(M[0][J]!=0){
- R=mygcd(M[0][J],M[0][0],XX|rev=1); /* R[0]=M[0][J]*R[1]+M[0][0]*R[2] */
- M[0][0]=R[0]; M[0][J]=0; /* 0=M[0][J]*R[3]+M[0][0]*R[4] */
- for(I=1;I<S0;I++){
- T=red(muldo(M[I][J],R[1],XX)+muldo(M[I][0],R[2],XX));
- M[I][J]=red(muldo(M[I][J],R[3],XX)+muldo(M[I][0],R[4],XX));
- M[I][0]=T;
- }
- if(Tr){
- for(I=0;I<S1;I++){
- T=red(muldo(GC[I][J],R[1],XX)+muldo(GC[I][0],R[2],XX));
- GC[I][J]=red(muldo(GC[I][J],R[3],XX)+muldo(GC[I][0],R[4],XX));
- GC[I][0]=T;
- }
- }
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([3,J,mat([R[2],R[4]],[R[1],R[3]])],V[St]);
- FF=": column 1 & "+rtostr(J+1);J=S1;
- if(St && V==0){
- mycat([" *[",R[2],R[4],"]"]);
- mycat([" [",R[1],R[3],"]"]);
- }
- }
- }
- if(J>S1) continue;
- if(S0==1 || S1==1){
- P=M[0][0];
- if(X==0){
- if(P<0){
- P=-P;
- if(Tr) for(J=0;J<S0;J++) GR[0][J]=-GR[0][J];
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([5,0,-1],V[St]);
- }
- }else{
- P=nm(P);
- if((R=fctr(P)[0][0])!=1){
- P/=R;
- if(Tr) for(J=0;J<S0;J++) GR[0][J]/=R;
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([5,0,1/R],V[St]);
- }
- }
- if(!Tr) return [P];
- if(Tr==2){
- GR0=mdivisor(GR,X|trans=1)[1];
- GC0=mdivisor(GC,X|trans=1)[1];
- return [[P],GR,GC,GR0,GC0];
- }
- return [[P],GR,GC];
- }
- if(XX==0 || (type(XX)==4 && XX[0]==0)){ /* commutative case */
- P=M[0][0];
- for(I=1; I<S0; I++){
- for(J=1; J<S1; J++)
- if(divdo(M[I][J],P,XX)[1]!=0) break;
- if(J<S1){
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([4,J],V[St]);
- FF=": column 1 += col"+rtostr(J+1);
- for(I=1;I<S0;I++) M[I][0]=M[I][J];
- if(Tr) for(I=0;I<S1;I++) GC[I][0]=red(GC[I][0]+GC[I][J]);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(J<S1) continue;
- N=newmat(S0-1,S1-1);
- for(I=1;I<S0;I++)
- for(J=1;J<S1;J++) N[I-1][J-1]=red(M[I][J]/P);
- if(X==0){
- if(P<0) P=-P;
- if(Tr) for(J=0;J<S0;J++) GR[0][J]=-GR[0][J];
- }else{
- P=M[0][0];
- P=nm(P);
- P/=fctr(P)[0][0];
- if(Tr) for(J=0;J<S0;J++) GR[0][J]/=fctr(P)[0][0];
- }
- R=mdivisor(N,XX|dviout=V,trans=Tr0,step=(St>0)?St+1:St);
- RT=(Tr)?R[0]:R;
- for(RR=[],L=reverse(RT);L!=[];L=cdr(L))
- RR=cons(red(P*car(L)),RR);
- RR=cons(P,RR);
- if(!Tr) return RR;
- GR=muldo(newbmat(2,2,[[1],[0,R[1]]]),GR,XX);
- GC=muldo(GC,newbmat(2,2,[[1],[0,R[2]]]),XX);
- if(S0==S1 && countin(1,1,RR)==S0){
- GR=muldo(GC,GR,XX); GC=mgen(S0,0,1,0);
- }
- if(Tr==2){
- GR0=mdivisor(GR,X|trans=1)[1];
- GC0=mdivisor(GC,X|trans=1)[1];
- return [RR,GR,GC,GR0,GC0];
- }
- return [RR,GR,GC];
- } /* End of commutative case */
- for(I=1; I<S0; I++){
- for(J=1; J<S1; J++){
- if(M[I][J] != 0){
- for(T=1;I<S0;T*=XX[0]){
- R=divdo(muldo(M[I][J],T,XX),M[0][0],XX);
- if(R[1]!=0){
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([6,J,T],V[St]);
- FF=": column 1 += col"+rtostr((J+1)*T);
- if(I>1){
- M=rowx(M,1,I);
- if(Tr) GR=rowx(GR,1,I);
- if(type(V)==5) V[St]=cons([7,I],V[St]);
- FF+=", line 2<->"+rtostr(I+1);
- }
- for(I=1;I<S0;I++) M[I][0]=muldo(M[I][J],T,XX);
- if(Tr)
- for(I=1;I<S1;I++) GC[I][0]=red(GC[I][0]+muldo(GC[I][J],T,XX));
- I=S0+1; J=S1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(I>S0) break;
- }
- if(I==S0) return []; /* zero matrix : never happen */
- }
-def mdsimplify(L)
- T=getopt(type);
- SS=0;
- if(type(L)==6){
- L=[L]; SS=1;
- }
- if(type(L)==5){
- SS=2;
- L = vtol(L);
- }
- M=car(L);
- S=size(M)[0];
-#if 0
- MN=newmat(S,S);
- MD=newmat(S,S);
- for(I=0;I<S;I++){
- for(J=0;J<S;J++){
- TN=0;TD=1;
- for(PL=L;PL!=[];PL=cdr(PL)){
- TM=red(car(PL)[I][J]);
- TN=lgcd([TN,nm(TM)]|pol=1);
- TD=llcm([TD,dn(TM)]|pol=1);
- }
- MN[I][J]=TM;
- MD[I][J]=TN;
- }
- }
- for(I=0;I<S;I++){
- for(J=0;J<S;J++){
- if(I==J||type(TD[I][J])<2||type(TN[J][I])<2) continue;
- for(FC=cdr(fctr(TD[I][J]));FC!=[];){
- TFC=car(FC);
- if(type(red(TN[J][I]/TFC[0]))>2) continue;
- }
- }
- }
- DD=newvect(S);
- for(I=0; I<S; I++){
- LN=RN=[];
- LD=RD=1;
- for(LL=L; LL!=[]; LL=cdr(LL)){
- M = car(LL);
- for(J=0; J<S; J++){
- if(J==I) continue;
- if((MM=M[I][J]) != 0){
- LN = cons(nm(MM),LN);
- if(type(MM)==3 && tdiv(LD,P=dn(MM))==0)
- LD=tdiv(LD*P,gcd(LD,P));
- }
- if((MM=M[J][I]) != 0){
- RN = cons(nm(MM),RN);
- if(type(MM)==3 && tdiv(RD,P=dn(MM))==0)
- RD=tdiv(RD*P,gcd(RD,P));
- }
- }
- }
- if(T==1 || T==3) LQ=RD;
- else{
- P=lpgcd(LN);
- LQ=gcd(P,RD);
- if(P!=0) LQ *= nm(fctr(P)[0][0]);
- }
- if(T==1 || T==2) RQ=LD;
- else{
- P=lpgcd(RN);
- RQ=gcd(P,LD);
- if(P!=0) RQ *= nm(fctr(P)[0][0]);
- }
- if((P=gcdz(LQ,RQ))!=1){
- LQ = red(LQ/P); RQ=red(RQ/P);
- }
- DD[I]=red(LQ/RQ);
- if(LQ!=1 || RQ!=1){
- for(LA=[],LL=L; LL!=[]; LL=cdr(LL)){
- M = car(LL);
- for(J=0; J<S; J++){
- if(I!=J){
- if(LQ!=1){
- M[I][J] = red(M[I][J]/LQ);
- M[J][I] = red(M[J][I]*LQ);
- }
- if(RQ!=1){
- M[J][I] = red(M[J][I]/RQ);
- M[I][J] = red(M[I][J]*RQ);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(SS==2) L=ltov(L);
- if(SS==1) L=L[0];
- if(getopt(show)==1) L=[L,DD];
- return L;
-def m2mc(M,X)
- if(type(M)<2){
- mycat([
-"m2mc(m,t) or m2mc(m,[t,s])\t Calculation of Pfaff system of two variables\n",
-" m : list of 5 residue mat. or GRS/spc for rigid 4 singular points\n",
-" t : [a0,ay,a1,c], swap, GRS, GRSC, sp, irreducible, pair, pairs, Pfaff, All\n",
-" s : TeX, dviout, GRSC\n",
-" option : swap, small, simplify, operator, int\n",
-" Ex: m2mc(\"21,21,21,21\",\"All\")\n"
- return 0;
- }
- if(type(M)==7) M=s2sp(M);
- if(type(X)==7) X=[X];
- Simp=getopt(simplify);
- if(Simp!=0 && type(Simp)!=1) Simp=2;
- Small=(getopt(small)==1)?1:0;
- if(type(M[0])==4){
- if(type(M[0][0])==1){ /* spectral type */
- XX=getopt(dep);
- if(type(XX)!=4 || type(XX[0])>1) XX=[1,length(M[0])];
- M=sp2grs(M,[d,a,b,c],[XX[0],XX[1],-2]|mat=1);
- if(XX[0]>1 && XX[1]<2) XX=[XX[0],2];
- if(getopt(int)!=0){
- T=M[XX[0]-1][XX[1]-1][1];
- for(V=vars(T);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- F=coef(T,1,car(V));
- if(type(F)==1 && dn(F)>1)
- M = subst(M,car(V),dn(F)*car(V));
- }
- }
- V=vars(M);
- if(findin(d1,V)>=0 && findin(d2,V)<0 && findin(d3,V)<0)
- M=subst(M,d1,d);
- }
- RC=chkspt(M|mat=1);
- if(RC[2] != 2 || RC[3] != 0){ /* rigidity idx and Fuchs cond */
- erno(0);return 0;
- }
- R=getbygrs(M,1|mat=1);
- if(getopt(anal)==1) return R; /* called by mc2grs() */
- Z=newmat(1,1,[[0]]);
- N=[Z,Z,Z,Z,Z];
- for(RR=R; RR!=[]; RR=cdr(RR)){
- RT=car(RR)[0];
- if(type(RT)==4){
- if(RT[0]!=0) N=m2mc(N,RT[0]|simplify=Simp);
- N=m2mc(N,[RT[1],RT[2],RT[3]]|simplify=Simp);
- }
- }
- if(type(X)==4 && type(X[0])==7)
- return m2mc(N,X|keep=Keep,small=Small);
- return N;
- }
- if(type(X)==4 && type(X[0])==7){
- Keep=(getopt(keep)==1)?1:0;
- if(X[0]=="All"){
- dviout("Riemann scheme"|keep=1);
- m2mc(M,[(findin("GRSC",X)>=0)?"GRSC":"GRS","dviout"]|keep=1);
- dviout("Spectral types : "|keep=1);
- m2mc(M,["sp","dviout"]|keep=1);
- dviout("\\\\\nBy the decompositions"|keep=1);
- R=m2mc(M,["pairs","dviout"]|keep=1);
- for(R0=R1=[],I=1; R!=[]; I++, R=cdr(R)){
- for(S=0,RR=car(R)[1][0];RR!=[]; RR=cdr(RR)) S+=RR[0];
- if(S==0) R0=cons(I,R0);
- else if(S<0) R1=cons(I,R1);
- }
- S="irreducibility\\ $"+((length(R0)==0)?"\\Leftrightarrow":"\\Leftarrow")
- +"\\ \\emptyset=\\mathbb Z\\cap$";
- dviout(S|keep=1);
- m2mc(M,["irreducible","dviout"]|keep=1);
- if(R0!=[])
- dviout(ltotex(reverse(R0))|eq=0,keep=1,
- title="The following conditions may not be necessary for the irreducibility.");
- if(R1!=[])
- dviout(ltotex(reverse(R1))|eq=0,keep=1,title="The following conditions can be omitted.");
- if(getopt(operator)!=0){
- dviout("The equation in a Pfaff form is"|keep=1);
- m2mc(M,["Pfaff","dviout"]|keep=Keep,small=Small);
- }
- else if(Keep!=1) dviout(" ");
- return M;
- }
- Show=0;
- if(length(X)>1){
- if(X[1]=="dviout") Show=2;
- if(X[1]=="TeX") Show=1;
- }
- if(X[0]=="GRS"||X[0]=="GRSC"||X[0]=="sp"){
- Y=radd(-M[0],-M[1]-M[2]);
- if(X[0]!="GRSC"){
- L=meigen([M[0],M[1],M[2],M[3],M[4],Y,radd(-M[1],-M[3]-M[4]),radd(Y,-M[3]-M[4])]|mult=1);
- if(X[0]=="sp"){
- L=chkspt(L|opt="sp");
- V=[L[1],L[0],L[2],L[5]]; W=[L[1],L[3],L[4],L[6]];
- if(Show==2) dviout(s2sp(V)+" : "+s2sp(W)|keep=Keep);
- return [V,W];
- }
- S="x=0&x=y&x=1&y=0&y=1&x=\\infty&y=\\infty&x=y=\\infty\\\\\n";
- }else{
- L=meigen([M[0],M[1],M[2],M[3],M[4],Y,radd(-M[1],-M[3]-M[4]),radd(Y,-M[3]-M[4]),
- radd(M[0],M[1]+M[3]),radd(M[1],M[2]+M[4])]|mult=1);
- S="x=0&x=y&x=1&y=0&y=1&x=\\infty&y=\\infty&x=y=\\infty&x=y=0&x=y=1\\\\\n";
- }
- T=ltotex(L|opt="GRS",pre=S,small=Small);
- if(Show==2) dviout(T|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- if(Show==1) L=T;
- return L;
- }
- if(X[0]=="Pfaff"){
- S=ltotex(M|opt=["Pfaff",u,x,x-y,x-1,y,y-1],small=Small);
- if(Show==2) dviout(S|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return S;
- }
- if(X[0]=="irreducible"){
- L=meigen([M[0],M[1],M[2],radd(-M[0],-M[1]-M[2])]|mult=1);
- S=getbygrs(L,10|mat=1);
- if(Show==2) dviout(ltotex(S)|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return S;
- }
- if(X[0]=="pairs"||X[0]=="pair"){
- L=meigen([M[0],M[1],M[2],radd(-M[0],-M[1]-M[2])]|mult=1);
- S=chkspt(L|opt=0);
- V=(Show==2)?1:0;
- S=sproot(L,X[0]|dviout=V,keep=Keep);
- return S;
- }
- if(X[0]=="swap"){
- Swap=getopt(swap);
- if(type(Swap)<1 || Swap==1)
- return newvect(5,[M[3],M[1],M[4],M[0],M[2]]);
- if(Swap==2)
- return newvect(5,[radd(M[0],M[1]+M[3]),M[4],M[2],radd(-M[1],-M[3]-M[4]),M[1]]);
- if(type(Swap)==4 && length(Swap)==3){
- MX=radd(-M[0],-M[1]-M[2]); MY=radd(-M[3],-M[1]-M[4]);
- if(Swap[0]==1){
- MX0=M[2];MY0=M[4];
- }
- else if(Swap[0]==2){
- MX0=MX;MY0=MY;
- }else{
- MX0=M[0];MY0=M[3];
- }
- if(Swap[1]==1){
- MX1=M[2];MY1=M[4];
- }
- else if(Swap[1]==2){
- MX1=MX;MY1=MY;
- }else{
- MX1=M[0];MY1=M[3];
- }
- return newvect(5,MX0,M[1],MX1,MY0,MY1);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if(getopt(swap)==1)
- return m2mc(m2mc(m2mc(M,"swap"),X),"swap");
- N=newvect(5);
- for(I=0;I<5;I++)
- N[I]=M[I];
- S=size(N[0])[0];
- if(type(X)==4){
- for(I=0;I<3;I++){
- if(X[I] != 0)
- N[I] = radd(N[I],X[I]);
- }
- if(length(X)==3) return N;
- X=X[3];
- }
- MZ = newmat(S,S);
- ME = mgen(S,0,[X],0);
- MM = newvect(5);
- MM[0] = newbmat(3,3, [[N[0]+ME,N[1],N[2]], [MZ], [MZ]]);
- MM[1] = newbmat(3,3, [[MZ], [N[0],N[1]+ME,N[2]], [MZ]]);
- MM[2] = newbmat(3,3, [[MZ], [MZ], [N[0],N[1],N[2]+ME]]);
- MM[3] = newbmat(3,3, [[N[3]+N[1],-N[1]], [-N[0],radd(N[0],N[3])], [MZ,MZ,N[3]]]);
- MM[4] = newbmat(3,3, [[N[4]], [MZ,N[4]+N[2],-N[2]], [MZ,-N[1],radd(N[4],N[1])]]);
- M0 = newbmat(3,3, [[N[0]], [MZ,N[1]], [MZ,MZ,N[2]]]);
- M1 = radd(MM[0],MM[1]+MM[2]);
- KE = append(mykernel(M0|opt=1),mykernel(M1|opt=1));
- if(length(KE) == 0) return MM;
- KK = mtoupper(lv2m(KE),0);
- for(I=0;I<5;I++)
- MM[I] = mmod(MM[I],KK);
- if(Simp!=0) MM = mdsimplify(MM|type=Simp);
- return MM;
-def easierpol(P,X)
- if(type(X) == 4){
- for( Y = [] ; X != []; X = cdr(X) )
- Y = cons([0,car(X)], Y);
- }else
- Y = [0,X];
- return rede(P,Y);
-def l2p(L,V)
- if(type(L)==4){
- for(S=I=0;L!=[];L=cdr(L),I++)
- S+=car(L)*V^I;
- return S;
- }else if(type(L)==5){
- for(S=0,I=size(L)-1;I>=0;I--)
- S+=L[I]*V^I;
- return S;
- }else{
- if(type(D=getopt(size))==1) D--;
- else D=mydeg(L,V);
- for(S=[];D>=0;D--)
- S=cons(mycoef(L,D,V),S);
- return S;
- }
-def paracmpl(L,V)
- if(type(L)==4) L=ltov(L);
- S=length(L);
- Lim=getopt(lim);Low=getopt(low);
- if((F=type(L[0]))>3){
- SV=length(L[0]);
- V0=makenewv(L);
- for(LL=[];S>0;S--)
- LL=cons(l2p(L[S-1],V0),LL);
- G=paracmpl(LL,V|option_list=getopt());
- H=(Lim==1)?G:G[0];
- for(HH=[];H!=[];H=cdr(H)){
- HT=l2p(car(H),V0|size=SV);
- if(F==5) HT=ltov(HT);
- HH=cons(HT,HH);
- }
- H=reverse(HH);
- return (Lim==1)?H:[H,G[1]];
- }
- H=newvect(S);D=newvect(S);
- for(Dn=1,I=0;I<S;I++){
- P=dn(L[I]=red(L[I]));
- Dn=red(Dn*P/gcd(Dn,P));
- }
- if(Dn!=1){
- for(I=0;I<S;I++) L[I]=red(Dn*L[I]);
- }
- G=diagm(S,[1]);
- if(type(V)<4) V=[V];
- VV=lsort(vars(L),V,1);
- V=car(V);
- for(I=0;I<S;I++){
- P=L[I];
- for(J=0,C=P;J<I;J++){
- if(D[J]!=[]){
- C=mycoef(C,DT,VV);
- P-=C*H[J];
- G=cola(G,I,J,-C);
- }
- }
- if(P==0){
- D[I]=[];continue;
- }
- P0=nm(red(P));
- K=mymindeg(P0,V);
- C=mycoef(P0,K,V);
- if(K>0){
- P=red(P/V^K);
- G=colm(G,I,1/V^K);
- }
- for(DT=[],VT=VV;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- K=(Low==1)?mymindeg(C,car(VT)):mydeg(C,car(VT));
- C=mycoef(C,K,car(VT));
- DT=cons(K,DT);
- }
- D[I]=DT=reverse(DT);
- for(C=P,VT=VV;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT),DT=cdr(DT))
- C=mycoef(C,car(DT),car(VT));
- H[I]=P=red(P/C);
- G=colm(G,I,1/C);
- }
- if(Dn!=1){
- for(I=0;I<S;I++){
- TH=red(H[I]/Dn);
- F=fctr(dn(TH));F=cdr(F);
- if(Lim!=1||subst(Dn,V,0)==0){
- for(;F!=[];F=cdr(F)){
- if(lsort(vars(car(F)[0]),VV,2)==[]){
- C=car(F)[0]^car(F)[1];
- TH=red(TH*C);
- G=colm(G,I,C);
- }
- }
- }
- H[I]=TH;
- }
- }
- H=vtol(H);
- if(Lim==1){
- H=subst(H,V,0);
- return map(red,H);
- }
- return [H,map(red,G)];
-def mykernel(M)
- if(getopt(opt) == 1)
- M = mtranspose(M);
- S = size(M);
- R = [];
- MM = mtoupper(M,-1);
- for(I = S[0]-1; I >= 0; I--){
- for(J = S[1]-1; J >= 0; J--){
- if(MM[I][J] != 0)
- return R;
- }
- P = easierpol(MM[I][S[1]],zz);
- RR = newvect(S[0]);
- for(J = 0; J < S[0]; J++)
- RR[J] = mycoef(P,J,zz);
- R = cons(RR,R);
- }
- return R;
-def myimage(M)
- if(getopt(opt) == 1)
- M = mtranspose(M);
- S = size(M);
- V = [];
- M0 = newvect(S[1]);
- M = mtoupper(M,0|opt=1);
- for(I = S[0]-1; I >= 0; I--)
- if(M0 != M[I])
- V = cons(vtozv(M[I])[0], V);
- return V;
-def mymod(V,L)
- Opt = getopt(opt);
- S = length(V);
- VP = newvect(S);
- if(type(L)==6)
- L=m2lv(L);
- CT = length(L);
- for(LT = L; LT != []; LT = cdr(LT)){
- for(VT = car(LT), I = 0; I < S; I++)
- if(VT[I] != 0) break;
- if(I >= S){
- CT--;
- continue;
- }
- VP[I] = 1;
- MI = -red(V[I]/VT[I]);
- if(MI != 0)
- V = radd(V,rmul(MI,VT));
- }
- if(Opt==1){
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++)
- if(V[I] != 0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if(Opt==2){
- W=newvect(S-CT);
- for(CC = I = 0; I < S; I++){
- if(VP[I]==0) W[CC++] =V[I];
- }
- return W;
- }
- return V;
-def mmod(M,L)
- S=size(M)[1];
- MM=mtranspose(M);
- VP = newvect(S);
- if(type(L)==6)
- L=m2lv(L);
- for(CT = 0, LT = L; LT != []; LT = cdr(LT)){
- for(VT = car(LT), I = 0; I < S; I++){
- if(VT[I] != 0){
- VP[I] = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(getopt(opt)==1)
- NE=1;
- for(D=I=0; I<S; I++){
- if(NE != 1 && VP[I] == 1) continue;
- T = mymod(MM[I],L|opt=2);
- if(D==0){
- K=length(T);
- MN=newmat((NE==1)?S:K,K);
- }
- for(J=0;J<K;J++)
- MN[J][D]=T[J];
- D++;
- }
- return MN;
-def llsize(V)
- for(I=J=0;V!=[];V=cdr(V),I++)
- if(length(car(V))>J) J=length(car(V));
- return [I,J];
-def llbase(VV,L)
- S = length(VV);
- V = dupmat(VV);
- if(type(V) == 4)
- V = ltov(V);
- T = length(L);
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++)
- V[I] = nm(red(V[I]));
- LV = 0;
- for(J = 0; J < T; J++){
- X = var(L[J]); N = deg(L[J],X);
- for(I = LV; I < S; I++){
- if((C2=coef(V[I],N,X)) != 0){
- if(I > LV){
- Temp = V[I];
- V[I] = V[LV];
- V[LV] = Temp;
- }
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++){
- if(I == LV || (C1 = coef(V[I],N,X)) == 0)
- continue;
- Gcd = gcd(C1,C2);
- V[I] = V[I]*tdiv(C2,Gcd)-V[LV]*tdiv(C1,Gcd);
- }
- LV++;
- }
- }
- }
- return V;
-def lsort(L1,L2,T)
- C1=getopt(c1);C2=getopt(c2);
- if(type(T)==4){
- K=T;
- if(length(T)>0){
- T=K[0];
- K=cdr(K);
- }else T=0;
- }else K=0;
- if(type(TT=T)==7)
- T = findin(T,["cup","setminus","cap","reduce","sum","subst"]);
- if(type(L2)==7&&T<0)
- T=findin(TT,["put","get","sub"]);
- if(K){ /* [[..],..] */
- if(K!=[]) KN=K[0];
- if(L2==[]||L2=="sort"){ /* sort or deduce duplication */
- if((T!=0&&T!=3)||length(K)!=1) return L1;
- if(KN<0){
- KN=-KN-1;
- F=-1;
- }else F=1;
- L1=msort(L1,[F,0,KN]);
- if(T==3){
- R=[car(L1)];L1=cdr(L1);
- for(;L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1)){
- if(car(L1)[KN]!=car(R)[KN]) R=cons(car(L1),R);
- }
- L1=reverse(R);
- }
- return L1;
- }else if((L2==0||L2=="col")&&type(C1)==4){
- if(T==0||T==1){ /* extract or delete columns */
- for(R=[];L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1)){
- if(T==1&&C1==[0]){ /* delete top column */
- R=cons(cdr(car(L1)),R);
- continue;
- }
- LT=car(L1);RT=[];
- if(T==0){
- for(CT=C1;CT!=[];CT=cdr(CT)) RT=cons(LT[car(CT)],RT);
- }else{
- for(I=0;LT!=[];I++,LT=cdr(LT))
- if(findin(I,C1)<0) RT=cons(car(LT),RT);
- RT=reverse(RT);
- }
- R=cons(RT,R);
- }
- return reverse(R);
- }
- }else if(type(L2)==1||type(L2)==7){
- if(L2==1||L2=="num"){
- if(T==4) T=3;
- I=(length(K)<2)?(-1):K[1];
- if(T==0||T==1||T==2||T==3){
- S=F=CT=0;R=[];
- if(K==[] || type((S=K[0]))==1 || S==0){
- if(T==0||T==1||T==2){
- for(J;L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1),J++){
- if(T==0) R=cons(cons(J+S,car(L1)),R);
- else if(T==1){
- for( ;C1!=[]; C1=cdr(C1))
- R=cons(L1[car(C1)],R);
- }else{
- if(findin(J,C1)<0) R=cons(car(L1),R);
- }
- }
- return reverse(R);
- }else if(T==3) return length(L1);
- }else{
- if(type(S)==2&&vtype(S)>2) F=1;
- else if(type(S)==4) F=2;
- else if(S=="+") F=3;
- else return L1;
- }
- for(R=[];L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1)){
- L1T=car(L1);
- if(F==1) V=call(S,(I<0)?L1T:L1T[I]);
- else if(F==2) V=calc((I<0)?L1T:L1T[I],S);
- else if(F==3){
- for(C=C1,V=0;C!=[];C=cdr(C))
- if(type(X=L1T[car(C)])==1) V+=X;
- }
- if(T==0) R=cons(cons(V,L1T),R);
- else if(T==1){
- if(V) R=cons(L1T,R);
- }else if(T==2){
- if(!V) R=cons(L1T,R);
- }else if(T==3){
- if(F==3) CT+=V;
- else if(V) CT++;
- }
- }
- return (T==3)?CT:reverse(R);
- }else if(TT=="col"){
- J=(length(K)>0)?car(K):0;
- I=length(car(L1))+J;
- for(V=[];I>J;)
- V=cons(--I,V);
- return cons(V,L1);
- }
- }else if(L2=="transpose") return mtranspose(L1);
- else if(L2=="subst"||L2=="adjust"){
- Null=(!K)?"":car(K);
- if(L2=="adjust") C1=[];
- R=lv2m(L1|null="");
- for(;C1!=[];C1=cdr(C1)) R[car(C1)[0]][car(C1)[1]]=car(C1)[2];
- return m2ll(R);
- }
- return L1;
- }else{ /* [[..],..], [[..],..] */
- if(type(L2[0])<4){
- for(R=[];L2!=[];L2=cdr(L2)) R=cons([car(L2)],R);
- L2=reverse(R);
- }
- if(TT=="sum") T=3;
- if(TT=="over") T=4;
- if(findin(T,[0,1,2,3,4,5])<0) return L1;
- if(T==4||T==5){
- if(type(C1)<2) C1=[C1];
- if(type(C2)<2) C2=[C2];
- }
- if(type(car(L2))!=4){
- for(R=[];L2!=[];L2=cdr(L2)) R=cons([car(L2)],R);
- R=reverse(R);
- if(length(K)==1) K=[K[0],0];
- C2=0;
- }
- L1=lsort(L1,"num",["put",0]); /* insert number */
- K0=(length(K)>0)?K[0]+1:1;
- K1=(length(K)>1)?K1=K[1]:0;
- L1=lsort(L1,"sort",[0,K0]);
- if(T<4&&type(C2)==4&&length(L2[0])>1){
- L2=lsort(L2,"col",["put"]|c1=cons(K1,C2)); /* add key and extract columns */
- C2=0;K1=0;
- }
- L2=lsort(L2,"sort",[0,K1]);
- for(R0=[],S=S1=length(L1[0]);S>0;S--) R0=cons("",R0);
- for(R1=[],S=length(L2[0]);S>0;S--) R1=cons("",R1);
- if(!K1&&T!=3) R1=cdr(R1);
- for(R=[];L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1)){
- while(L2!=[]&&car(L1)[K0]>car(L2)[K1]){
- if(T==3) R=cons(append(R0,car(L2)),R);
- L2=cdr(L2);
- }
- if(L2==[]||car(L1)[K0]<car(L2)[K1]){
- if(T!=2) R=cons((T==1||T>3||R1==[])?car(L1):append(car(L1),R1),R);
- }else if(T==0||T==2||T==3){
- if(R0==[]) R=append(car(L1),R);
- else R=cons(append(car(L1),(!K1&&T!=3)?cdr(car(L2)):car(L2)),R);
- L2=cdr(L2);
- }else if(T==4||T==5){
- V1=ltov(car(L1));V2=ltov(car(L2));
- for(D1=C1,D2=C2;D1!=[];D1=cdr(D1),D2=cdr(D2))
- if((I=V2[car(D2)])!=""||T==4) V1[car(D1)+1]=I;
- R=cons(vtol(V1),R);
- }
- }
- if(T==3){
- while(L2!=[]){
- R=cons(append(R0,car(L2)),R);
- L2=cdr(L2);
- }
- }
- R=lsort(R,"sort",["put",0]); /* original order */
- D=(((T==0||T==2)&&!K1)||T==3)?[0]:[0,S1+K1];
- R=lsort(R,0,[1]|c1=D); /* delete */
- if(type(C1)!=4||T==1||T==4||T==5) return R;
- C=[];S0=size(L1[0]);
- for(;C1!=[];C1=cdr(C1)) C=cons(car(C1),C);
- for(I=0;I<S0-S1;I++) C=cons(I+S1,C);
- C=reverse(C);
- return lsort(R,"col",[1]|c1=C);
- }
- }
- if(L2 == []){ /* [...] */
- if(T==8||TT=="count") return [length(L1),length(lsort(L1,[],1))];
- if(T==7||TT=="cut"){
- K=length(L1);
- if(C1<0) C1=K+C1;
- for(R=[],I=0;I<C1&&L1!=[];I++,L1=cdr(L1))
- R=cons(car(L1),R);
- for(S=[];L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1))
- S=cons(car(L1),S);
- return [reverse(R),reverse(S)];
- }
- if(T==2) return L2;
- if(T==3) return [L1,L2];
- L1 = ltov(L1); qsort(L1);
- if(T != 1)
- return vtol(L1);
- L3 = [];
- for(I = length(L1)-1; I >= 0; I--){
- if(I > 0 && L1[I] == L1[I-1])
- continue;
- L3 = cons(L1[I], L3);
- }
- return L3;
- }
- if(T==8||TT=="count"){
- K=length(lsort(L1,L2,3)[0]);
- R=[length(L2),length(L1)];
- L1 = lsort(L1,[],1);
- L2 = lsort(L2,[],1);
- R=append([length(L2),length(L1)],R);
- R=cons(length(lsort(L1,L2,2)),R);
- return reverse(cons(K,R));
- }
- if((T==9||TT=="cons")&&type(car(L1))==4){
- if(type(L2)!=4) L2=[L2];
- for(R=[];L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1)){
- R=cons(cons(car(L2),car(L1)),R);
- if(length(L2)>1) L2=cdr(L2);
- }
- return reverse(R);
- }
- if(T==10||TT=="cmp"){
- if(length(L1)!=length(L2)){
- mycat("Different length!");
- return 1;
- }
- R=[];
- if(type(car(L1))==4){
- for(U=[],I=0;L1!=[];I++,L1=cdr(L1),L2=cdr(L2)){
- if(length(S=car(L1))!=length(T=car(L2))){
- mycat(["Different size : line ",I]);
- return 0;
- }
- for(J=0;S!=[];S=cdr(S),T=cdr(T),J++)
- if(car(S)!=car(T)) U=cons([[I,J],car(S),car(T)],U);
- }
- if(U!=[]) R=cons(reverse(U),R);
- }else{
- for(I=0;L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1),L2=cdr(L2),I++)
- if(car(L1)!=car(L2)) R=cons([I,car(L1),car(L2)],R);
- }
- return reverse(R);
- }
- if(T==11||TT=="append"){
- if(type(car(L1))!=4) return append(L1,L2);
- for(R=[];L1!=[];L1=cdr(L1),L2=cdr(L2))
- R=cons(append(car(L1),car(L2)),R);
- return reverse(R);
- }
- if(T == 1 || T == 2){
- L1 = lsort(L1,[],1);
- L2 = lsort(L2,[],1);
- L3 = [];
- if(T == 1){
- while(L1 != []){
- if(L2 == [] || car(L1) < car(L2)){
- L3 = cons(car(L1), L3);
- L1 = cdr(L1);
- continue;
- }
- if(car(L1) > car(L2)){
- L2 = cdr(L2);
- continue;
- }
- L1 = cdr(L1); L2 = cdr(L2);
- }
- return reverse(L3);
- }
- if(T==2){
- while(L1 != [] && L2 != []){
- if(car(L1) != car(L2)){
- if(car(L1) <= car(L2))
- L1 = cdr(L1);
- else L2 = cdr(L2);
- continue;
- }
- while(car(L1) == car(L2))
- L1 = cdr(L1);
- L3 = cons(car(L2), L3);
- }
- return reverse(L3);
- }
- }
- if(T==3){
- L1 = qsort(L1); L2 = qsort(L2);
- L3 = L4 = [];
- while(L1 != [] && L2 != []){
- if(car(L1) == car(L2)){
- L1 = cdr(L1); L2 = cdr(L2);
- }else if(car(L1) < car(L2)){
- L3 = cons(car(L1),L3);
- L1 = cdr(L1);
- }else{
- L4 = cons(car(L2), L4);
- L2 = cdr(L2);
- }
- }
- L4 = append(reverse(L4),L2);
- L3 = append(reverse(L3),L1);
- return [L3,L4];
- }
- L1 = append(L1,L2);
- return lsort(L1,[],1);
-def mqsub(X,Y)
- for(L=LQS;L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- F=(T=car(L))[0];M=(T=cdr(T))[0];
- X0=X;Y0=Y;
- for(T=cdr(T);T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- X0=X0[car(T)];Y0=Y0[car(T)];
- }
- if(type(M)==1){
- if(M==3){
- X0=type(X0);Y0=type(Y0);
- }else if(M==4&&type(X0)<2&&type(Y0)<2){
- X0=abs(X0);Y0=abs(Y0);
- }else if(M==5){
- X0=str_len(rtostr(X0));Y0=str_len(rtostr(Y0));
- }else if(type(X0)==type(Y0)&&type(X0)>3&&type(X0)<7){
- if(M==1){
- X0=length(X0);Y0=length(Y0);
- }else if(M==2){
- LX=length(X0);LY=length(Y0);
- L0=(LX<LY)?LX:LY;
- for(I=0;;I++){
- if(I==L0){
- X0=LX;Y0=LY;break;
- }
- if(X0[I]==Y0[I]) continue;
- X0=X0[I];Y0=Y0[I];break;
- }
- }
- }
- }else if(type(M)==2){
- X0=(*M)(X0,Y0);Y0=0;
- }else if(type(M)==4&&length(M)==1){
- X0=(*car(M))(X0);Y0=(*car(M))(Y0);
- }
- if(X0==Y0) continue;
- return (X0<Y0)?-F:F;
- }
- return 0;
-def msort(L,S)
- if(type(S)!=4) return qsort(L);
- if(type(S[0])!=4) S=[S];
- LQS=S;
- return qsort(L,os_md.mqsub);
-def lmax(L)
- if(type(L)==4){
- V=car(L);
- while((L=cdr(L))!=[])
- if(V < car(L)) V=car(L);
- return V;
- }else if(type(L)==5||type(L)==6)
- return lmax(m2l(L));
- return [];
-def lmin(L)
- if(type(L)==4){
- V=car(L);
- while((L=cdr(L))!=[])
- if(V > car(L)) V=car(L);
- return V;
- }else if(type(L)==5||type(L)==6)
- return lmin(m2l(L));
- return [];
-def lgcd(L)
- if(type(L)==4){
- F=getopt(poly);
- V=car(L);
- while((L=cdr(L))!=[]&&V!=1){
- if(V!=0)
- V=(F==1)?gcd(V,car(L)):igcd(V,car(L));
- }
- return V;
- }else if(type(L)==5||type(L)==6)
- return lgcd(m2l(L)|option_list=getopt());
- return [];
-def llcm(L)
- if(type(L)==4){
- F=getopt(poly);
- V=car(L);
- while((L=cdr(L))!=[]){
- if(V!=0){
- if((V0=car(L))!=0)
- V=(F==1)?red(V*V0/gcd(V,V0)):ilcm(V,V0);
- }
- else V=car(L);
- }
- if(F!=1&&V<0) V=-V;
- return V;
- }
- else if(type(L)==5||type(L)==6)
- return llcm(m2l(L)|option_list=getopt());
- return [];
-def ldev(L,S)
- M=abs(lmax(L));N=abs(lmin(L));
- if(M<N) M=N;
- for(C=0,LT=L;;C++){
- LT=ladd(LT,S,1);
- MT=abs(lmax(LT));NT=abs(lmin(LT));
- if(MT<NT) MT=NT;
- if(MT>=M) break;
- M=MT;
- }
- if(!C){
- for(C=0,LT=L;;C--){
- LT=ladd(LT,S,-1);
- MT=abs(lmax(LT));NT=abs(lmin(LT));
- if(MT<NT) MT=NT;
- if(MT>=M) break;
- M=MT;
- }
- }
- return [C,ladd(L,S,C)];
-def lchange(L,P,V)
- if(getopt(flat)==1&&type(P)==4){
- for(L=ltov(L);P!=[];P=cdr(P),V=cdr(V))
- L[car(P)]=car(V);
- return vtol(L);
- }
- if(type(P)==4){
- IP=car(P); P=cdr(P);
- }else{
- IP=P; P=[];
- }
- for(I=0, LL=[], LT=L; LT!=[]; I++,LT=cdr(LT)){
- if(I==IP){
- LL=cons((P==[])?V:lchange(car(LT),P,V),LL);
- }else
- LL=cons(car(LT),LL);
- }
- return reverse(LL);
-def lsol(VV,L)
- if(type(VV)<4 && type(L)==2)
- return red(L-VV/mycoef(VV,1,L));
- S = length(VV);
- T = length(L);
- V = llbase(VV,L);
- for(J = K = 0; J < T; J++){
- X = var(L[J]); N = deg(L[J],X);
- for(I = K; I < S; I++){
- if((C=mycoef(V[I], N, X)) != 0){
- V[I] = [L[J],red(X^N-V[I]/C)];
- K++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return V;
-def lnsol(VV,L)
- LL=lsort(vars(VV),L,1);
- VV=ptol(VV,LL|opt=0);
- return lsol(VV,L);
-def ladd(X,Y,M)
- if(type(X)==4) X=ltov(X);
- if(type(Y)==4) Y=ltov(Y);
- return vtol(X+M*Y);
-def mrot(X)
- if(type(X)==4){
- if(getopt(deg)==1)
- X=[deval(@pi*X[0]/180),deval(@pi*X[1]/180),deval(@pi*X[2]/180)];
- if(getopt(conj)==1)
- return mrot([-X[2],-X[1],0])*mrot([X[0],X[1],X[2]]);
- if(X[1]==0){
- X=[X[0]+X[2],0,0];
- if(X[0]==0) return diagm(3,[1]);
- }
- if(X[0]!=0){
- M=mat([dcos(X[0]),-dsin(X[0]),0],[dsin(X[0]),dcos(X[0]),0],[0,0,1]);
- if(X[1]==0) return M;
- }
- N=mat([dcos(X[1]),0,-dsin(X[1])],[0,1,0],[dsin(X[1]),0,dcos(X[1])]);
- if(X[0]!=0) N=M*N;
- if(X[2]==0) return N;
- return N*mrot([X[2],0,0]);
- }
- if(getopt(deg)==1) X=@pi*X/180;
- X=deval(X);
- return mat([dcos(X),-dsin(X)],[dsin(X),dcos(X)]);
-def m2v(M)
- S = size(M);
- V = newvect(S[0]*S[1]);
- for(I = C = 0; I < S[0]; I++){
- MI = M[I];
- for(J = 0; J < S[1]; J++)
- V[C++] = MI[J];
- }
- return V;
-def lv2m(L)
- if(type(L)==5) L=vtol(L);
- II=length(L);
- for(J=1,T=L; T!=[]; T=cdr(T))
- if(length(car(T))>JJ) JJ=length(car(T));
- M = newmat(II,JJ);
- N = getopt(null);
- if(type(N)<0) N=0;
- for(I=0; I<II; I++){
- V=car(L); L=cdr(L);
- for(J=length(V);--J>=0;)
- M[I][J] = V[J];
- if(N!=0){
- for(J=length(V); J<JJ; J++)
- M[I][J]=N;
- }
- }
- return M;
-def m2lv(M)
- I=size(M)[0];
- for(N=[],I=size(M)[0];I-->0;)
- N=cons(M[I],N);
- return N;
-def s2m(S)
- if(type(S)==6) return S;
- if(type(S)==7){
- if(str_chr(S,0,"[")!=0) S=s2sp(S);
- else if(str_chr(S,0,",")>=0) return eval_str(S);
- else{
- for(L=LL=[],I=0; ; ){
- II=str_chr(S,I+2,"]");
- if(II<0) return 0;
- J=str_chr(S,I+2," ");
- while(str_chr(S,J+1," ")==J+1) J++;
- if(J>II-2 || J<0) J=II;
- V=eval_str(sub_str(S,I+1,J-1));
- L=cons(V,L);
- I=J;
- if(J==II){
- LL=cons(ltov(reverse(L)),LL);
- L=[];
- if((I=str_chr(S,II+1,"["))<0)
- return lv2m(reverse(LL));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(type(S)==5) S=vtol(S);
- if(type(S[0])==5) return lv2m(S);
- I=length(S);
- for(J=1,T=S; T!=[]; T=cdr(T))
- if(length(car(T))>J) J=length(car(T));
- return newmat(I,J,S);
-def c2m(L,V)
- if(type(Pow=getopt(pow))!=1){
- if(isvar(V)==1){
- for(Pow=0,LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- if(mydeg(car(LT),V)>JJ) Pow=mydeg(car(LT),V);
- }
- JJ=Pow+1;
- }else{
- Pow=-1;
- JJ=length(V);
- }
- }else JJ=Pow+1;
- M=newmat(length(L),JJ);
- for(I=0;L!=[];L=cdr(L),I++){
- for(J=0;J<JJ;J++){
- LT=car(L);
- M[I][J]=(Pow>=0)?mycoef(LT,J,V):mycoef(LT,1,V[J]);
- }
- }
- return M;
-#if 0
-def m2diag(M,N)
- S = size(M);
- MM = mtoupper(M,N);
- for(I = S[0]-1; I >= 0; I--){
- for(J = 0; I < S[1]-N; I++){
- if(MM[I][J] != 0){
- P = MM[I][J];
- for(K = 0; K < I; K++){
- Q = -rmul(MM[K][J],1/P);
- MM[K][J] = 0;
- if(Q != 0){
- for(L = J+1; L < S[1]; L++){
- if(MM[I][L] != 0)
- MM[K][L] = radd(MM[K][L], rmul(MM[I][L],Q));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return MM;
-def myinv(M)
- S = size(M);
- if((T=S[0]) != S[1])
- return 0;
- MM = mtoupper(M,-T|opt=2);
- if(MM[T-1][T-1] != 1) return 0;
- return mperm(MM,0,[T,[T]]);
-def madj(G,M)
- H=myinv(G);
- if(type(M)==6)
- return rmul(rmul(G,M),H);
- if(type(M)==4||type(M)==5){
- L=length(M);
- N=newvect(L);
- for(I=0;I<L;I++){
- N[I]=rmul(rmul(G,M[I]),H);
- }
- if(type(N)==4) N=vtol(N);
- return N;
- }
- return -1;
-def mpower(M,N)
- if(type(M)<=3) return (red(M))^N;
- S = size(M);
- if(S[0] != S[1])
- return 0;
- if(N == 0) return mgen(S[0],0,[1],0);
- if(N < 0)
- return(mpower(myinv(M), -N));
- R = dupmat(M);
- V=1;
- for(V=1;;){
- if(iand(N,1)){
- V=map(red,R*V);
- N--;
- }
- if((N/=2)==0) break;
- R=map(red,R*R);
- }
- return V;
-def texlen(S)
- if(type(S)!=7) return 0;
- LF=I=J=0;
- LM=str_len(S);
- while((I=str_str(S,"\\frac{"|top=J))>=0){
- if(I>J) LF+=texlen(str_cut(S,J,I-1));
- I+=6;
- for(F=L=0,J=I;F<2 && J<LM-1;F++){
- for(C=1;C>0 && J<LM;){
- if((K0=str_char(S,J,"}"))<0) K0=LM;
- if((K1=str_char(S,J,"{"))<0) K1=LM;
- if(K0<0 && K1<0){
- J = str_len(S)-1;
- break;
- }
- if(K0<K1){
- J=K0+1; C--;
- }else{
- J=K1+1; C++;
- }
- }
- T=str_cut(S,I,J-1);
- if(F==0){
- I=J=K1+1;C=1;
- }else J=K0+1;
- if(type(T)==7 && (LL=texlen(T))>L) L=LL;
- }
- LF+=L;
- }
- if(J>0) S=str_cut(S,J,str_len(S)-1);
- if(S==0) return LF;
- S=ltov(strtoascii(S));
- L=LL=length(S);
- for(I=F=0; I<L; I++){
- if(S[I]==92) F=1;
- else if(F==1){
- if((S[I]>96 && S[I]<123)||(S[I]>64 && S[I]<91)) LL--;
- else F=0;
- }
- if(S[I]<=32||S[I]==123||S[I]==125||S[I]==94||S[I]==38) LL--; /* {}^& */
- else if(S[I]==95){
- LL--;
- if(I+2<L && S[I+2]==94) LL--; /* x_2^3 */
- else if(I+6<L && S[I+1]==123 && S[I+4]==125){ /* x_{11}^2 */
- if(S[I+5]==94 || (S[I+5]==125 && S[I+6]==94)) LL-- ; /* x_{11}}^2 */
- }
- }
- }
- return LL+LF;
-def isdif(P)
- if(type(P)<1 || type(P)>3) return 0;
- for(Var=[],R=vars(P);R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- V0=rtostr(car(R));
- if(V0>"d" && V0<"e"){
- V=sub_str(V0,1,str_len(V0)-1);
- if(V>="a" && V<"{") Var=cons([strtov(V),strtov(V0)],Var);
- }
- }
- if(Var==[]) return 0;
- for(V=Var; V!=[]; V=cdr(V))
- if(ptype(P,car(V)[1])==3) return 0;
- return Var;
-def texsp(P)
- Q=strtoascii(P);
- if((J=str_char(Q,0,92))<0 || (C=Q[L=str_len(P)-1])==32||C==41||C==125)
- return P;
- for(;;){
- if((I=str_char(Q,J+1,92))<0) break;
- J=I;
- };
- for(I=J+1;I<L&&isalpha(Q[I]);I++);
- return(I==L)?P+" ":P;
-def fctrtos(P)
- /* extern TeXLim; */
- if(!chkfun("write_to_tb", "names.rr"))
- return 0;
- TeX = getopt(TeX);
- if(TeX != 1 && TeX != 2 && TeX != 3)
- TeX = 0;
- if((Dvi=getopt(dviout)==1) && TeX<2) TeX=3;
- if(TeX>0){
- Lim=getopt(lim);
- if(Lim!=0 && TeX>1 && (type(Lim)!=1||Lim<30)) Lim=TeXLim;
- else if(type(Lim)!=1) Lim=0;
- CR=(TeX==2)?"\\\\\n":"\\\\\n&";
- if(TeX==1 || Lim==0) CR="";
- else if((Pages=getopt(pages))==1) CR="\\allowdisplaybreaks"+CR;
- if(!chkfun("print_tex_form", "names.rr"))
- return 0;
- Small=getopt(small);
- }
- Dif=getopt(dif);
- Var=getopt(var);
- if(Lim>0 && type(Var)<2 && TeX!=1) Var=[strtov("0"),""];
- Dif=0;
- if(Var=="dif"){
- Dif=DV=1;
- }else if (Var=="dif0") Dif=1;
- else if(Var=="dif1") Dif=2;
- else if(Var=="dif2") Dif=3;
- if(Dif>0){
- for(Var=[],R=vars(P);R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- V=rtostr(car(R));
- if(V>"d" && V<"e"){
- V=sub_str(V,1,str_len(V)-1);
- if(V>="a" && V<"{"){
- if(TeX>0){
- V=my_tex_form(strtov(V));
- if(Dif>=1){
- if(Dif==1){
- if(str_len(V)==1) V="\\partial_"+V;
- else V="\\partial_{"+V+"}";
- }
- Var=cons([car(R),V],Var);
- }
- else Var=cons([car(R)],Var);
- }else Var=cons([car(R)],Var);
- }
- }
- }
- if(TeX>0){
- if(length(Var)==1){
- if(DV==1 && str_len(Var[0][1])==10) Var=[[Var[0][0],"\\partial"]];
- }else if(DV==1){
- for(V=Var;V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- VV=rtostr(car(V)[0]);
- if(VV<"dx0" || VV>= "dx:" || str_len(VV)>4) break;
- }
- if(V==[]){
- for(VT=[],V=Var;V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- VV=str_cut(rtostr(car(V)[0]),2,3);
- if(str_len(VV)==1) VT=cons([car(V)[0],"\\partial_"+VV],VT);
- else VT=cons([car(V)[0],"\\partial_{"+VV+"}"],VT);
- }
- Var=reverse(VT);
- }
- }else
- if(Dif==2 && length(Var)>1) Dif=3;
- }
- if(Dif>0) Dif--;
- }
- if(type(Var)>1 && Var!=[]){ /* as a polynomial of Var */
- Add=getopt(add);
- if(type(Add)>0){
- if(type(Add)!=7){
- Add=my_tex_form(Add);
- if(str_char(Add,0,"-")>=0 || str_char(Add,0,"+")>=0) Add="("+Add+")";
- }
- if(str_char(Add,0,"(")!=0) Add = " "+Add;
- }else Add=0;
- if(type(Var)!=4) Var=[Var];
- if(length(Var)==2 && type(Var[1]) == 7)
- Var = [Var];
- for(VV=VD=[]; Var!=[];Var=cdr(Var)){
- VT=(type(car(Var))==4)?car(Var):[car(Var)];
- VT0=var(car(VT));
- VV=cons(VT0,VV);
- if(length(VT)==1){
- VD=cons((TeX>=1)?my_tex_form(VT0):rtostr(VT0),VD);
- }else VD=cons(VT[1],VD);
- }
- VV=reverse(VV);VD=reverse(VD);
- Rev=(getopt(rev)==1)?1:0;
- Dic=(getopt(dic)==1)?1:0;
- TT=terms(P,VV|rev=Rev,dic=Dic);
- if(TeX==0){
- Pre="("; Post=")";
- }else{
- Pre="{"; Post="}";
- }
- Out = string_to_tb("");
- for(L=C=0,Tm=TT;Tm!=[];C++,Tm=cdr(Tm)){
- for(I=0,PC=P,T=cdr(car(Tm)),PW="";T!=[];T=cdr(T),I++){
- PC=mycoef(PC,D=car(T),VV[I]);
- if(PC==0) continue;
- PT="";
- if(D!=0 && VD[I]!=""){
- if(TeX==0 && PW!="") PW+="*";
- if(D>1){
- if(D>9) PT="^"+Pre+rtostr(D)+Post;
- else PT="^"+rtostr(D);
- }
- if(Dif>0) PW+=(Dif==1)?"d":"\\partial ";
- PW+=VD[I]+PT;
- }
- }
- D=car(Tm)[0];
- if(Dif>0 && D>0){
- Op=(Dif==1)?"\\frac{d":"\\frac{\\partial";
- if(D>1) Op+="^"+((D>9)?(Pre+rtostr(D)+Post):rtostr(D));
- PW=Op+Add+"}{"+PW+"}";
- }else if(Add!=0) PW=PW+Add;
- if(TeX>=1){
- if(type(PC)==1 && ntype(PC)==0 && PC<0)
- OC="-"+my_tex_form(-PC);
- else OC=fctrtos(PC|TeX=1,br=1);
- }else OC=fctrtos(PC|br=1);
- if(PW!=""){
- if(OC == "1") OC = "";
- else if(OC == "-1") OC = "-";
- }
- if(TeX==0 && D!=0 && OC!="" && OC!="-") PW= "*"+PW;
- if((TOC=type(OC)) == 4){ /* rational coef. */
- if(Lim>0 && (texlen(OC[0])>Lim || texlen(OC[0])>Lim)){
- OC = (Small==1)?"("+OC[0]+")/("+OC[1]+")"
- :"\\Bigl("+OC[0]+"\\Bigr)\\Bigm/\\Bigl("+OC[1]+"\\Bigr)";
- TOC = 7;
- }else{
- if(str_char(OC[0],0,"-")==0){
- OC = fctrtos(-PC|TeX=1,br=1);
- OC = "-\\frac{"+OC[0]+"}{"+OC[1]+"}";
- }
- else
- OC = "\\frac{"+OC[0]+"}{"+OC[1]+"}";
- }
- }
- if(Lim>0){
- LL=texlen(OC)+texlen(PW);
- if(LL+L>=Lim){
- if(L>0) str_tb(CR,Out);
- if(LL>Lim){
- if(TOC==7) OC=texlim(OC,Lim|cut=CR);
- PW+=CR; L=0;
- }else L=LL;
- }else L+=LL;
- }else if(length(Tm)!=1) PW += CR; /* not final term */
- if(TeX) OC=texsp(OC);
- if(str_chr(OC,0,"-") == 0 || C==0) str_tb([OC,PW], Out);
- else{
- str_tb(["+",OC,PW],Out);
- if(LL<=Lim) L++;
- }
- }
- S=str_tb(0,Out);
- if(S=="") S="0";
- }else{ /* Var is not specified */
- if((TP=type(P)) == 3){ /* rational function */
- P = red(P); Nm=nm(P); Dn=dn(P);
- Q=dn(ptozp(Nm|factor=1)[1]);
- if(Q>1){
- Nm*=Q;Dn*=Q;
- }
- if(TeX>0){
- return (TeX==2)?
- "\\frac\{"+fctrtos(Nm|TeX=1)+"\}\{"+fctrtos(Dn|TeX=1)+"\}"
- :[fctrtos(Nm|TeX=1),fctrtos(Dn|TeX=1)];
- }
- else{
- S=fctrtos(Nm);
- if(nmono(Nm)>1) S="("+S+")";
- return S+"/("+fctrtos(Dn)+")";
- }
- }
- if(imag(P)==0) P = fctr(P); /* usual polynomial */
- else P=[[P,1]];
- S = str_tb(0,0);
- for(J = N = 0; J < length(P); J++){
- if(type(P[J][0]) <= 1){
- if(P[J][0] == -1){
- write_to_tb("-",S);
- if(length(P) == 1)
- str_tb("1", S);
- }else if(P[J][0] != 1){
- str_tb((TeX>=1)?my_tex_form(P[J][0]):rtostr(P[J][0]), S);
- N++;
- }else if(length(P) == 1)
- str_tb("1", S);
- else if(getopt(br)!=1 && length(P) == 2 && P[1][1] == 1){
- str_tb((TeX>=1)?my_tex_form(P[1][0]):rtostr(P[1][0]), S);
- J++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(N > 0 && TeX != 1 && TeX != 2 && TeX != 3)
- write_to_tb("*", S);
- SS=(TeX>=1)?my_tex_form(P[J][0]):rtostr(P[J][0]);
- N++;
- if(P[J][1] != 1){ /* (log(x))^2 */
- if(nmono(P[J][0])>1||
- (!isvar(P[J][0])||vtype(P[J][0]))&&str_len(SS)>1) SS="("+SS+")";
- write_to_tb(SS,S);
- str_tb(["^", (TeX>1)?rtotex(P[J][1]):monotos(P[J][1])],S);
- }else{
- if(nmono(P[J][0])>1) SS="("+SS+")";
- write_to_tb(SS,S);
- }
- }
- S = str_tb(0,S);
- if((Lim>0 || TP!=2) && CR!="") S=texlim(S,Lim|cut=CR);
- }
- if(TeX>0){
- if(Small==1) S=str_subst(S,"\\frac{","\\tfrac{");
- if(Dvi==1){
- dviout(strip(S,"(",")")|eq=(Pages==1)?6:0); S=1;
- }
- }
- return S;
-def strip(S,S0,S1)
- SS=strtoascii(S);
- if(length(SS)>1){
- if(SS[0]==40&&SS[length(SS)-1]==41&&str_pair(SS,1,S0,S1)==length(SS)-1)
- S=str_cut(SS,1,length(SS)-2);
- }
- return S;
-def texlim(S,Lim)
- /* extern TeXLim; */
- if(S==1 && Lim>10){
- TeXLim=Lim;
- mycat(["Set TeXLim =",Lim]);
- return 1;
- }
- if(type(Out=getopt(cut))!=7) Out="\\\\\n&";
- if(type(Del=getopt(del))!=7) Del=Out;
- if(Lim<30) Lim=TeXLim;
- S=ltov(strtoascii(S));
- for(L=[0],I=F=0;F==0; ){
- II=str_str(S,Del|top=I)+2;
- if(II<2){
- F++;II=/* str_len(S) */ length(S)-1;
- }
- for(J=JJ=I+1;;JJ=K+1){
- K=str_char(S,JJ,43); /* + */
- if((K1=str_char(S,JJ,45))>2 && K1<K){ /* - */
- if(S[K1-1]!=123 && S[K1-1]!=40) K=K1; /* {, ( */
- }
- if((K1=str_char(S,JJ,40))>0 && K1-JJ>6 && K1<K && S[K1-1]!=43 && S[K1-1]!=45){ /* ( */
- T=str_char(S,K1-6,"\\"); /* \Big*(, \big*( */
- if((T==K1-6 || T==K1-5)
- && (str_str(S,"big"|top=T+1,end=T+1)>0 || str_str(S,"Big"|top=T+1,end=T+1)>0))
- K=T;
- else if(K1>0 && K1<K) K=K1;
- }
- if(K<0 || K>II) break;
- if(K-J>Lim && texlen(str_cut(S,J,K-1))>=Lim){
- J=K+1; L=cons(JJ-1,L); SL=0;
- }
- }
- I=II;
- }
- SS=str_tb(0,0);
- L=cons(length(S),L);
- L=reverse(L);
- for(I=0; L!=[]; I=J,L=cdr(L)){
- str_tb((I==0)?"":Out,SS);
- J=car(L);
- str_tb(str_cut(S,I,J-1),SS);
- }
- return str_tb(0,SS);
-def fmult(FN,M,L,N)
- Opt=getopt();
- for(I = 0; I < length(M); I++)
- M = call(FN, cons(M,cons(L[I],N))|option_list=Opt);
- return M;
-def radd(P,Q)
- if(type(P) <= 3 || type(Q) <= 3){
- if(type(P) >= 5)
- return radd(Q,P);
- if(type(Q) >= 5){
- R = dupmat(Q);
- if(P == 0)
- return R;
- if(type(Q) == 6){
- S = size(Q);
- if(S[0] != S[1])
- return 0;
- for(I = 0; I < S[0]; I++)
- R[I][I] = radd(R[I][I], P);
- }else{
- for(I = length(R)-1; I >= 0; I--)
- R[I] = radd(R[I],P);
- }
- return R;
- }
- /* P=red(P);Q=red(Q); */
- if((P1=dn(P)) == (Q1=dn(Q))){
- if(P1==1) return P+Q;
- return red((nm(P)+nm(Q))/P1);
- }
- R=gcd(P1,Q1);S=tdiv(P1,R);
- return red((nm(P)*tdiv(Q1,R)+nm(Q)*S)/(S*Q1));
- }
- if(type(P) == 5){
- S = length(P);
- R = newvect(S);
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++)
- R[I] = radd(P[I],Q[I]);
- return R;
- }
- if(type(P) == 6){
- S = size(P);
- R = newmat(S[0],S[1]);
- for(I = 0; I < S[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < S[1]; J++)
- R[I][J] = radd(P[I][J],Q[I][J]);
- }
- return R;
- }
- erno(0);
-def getel(M,I)
- if(type(M) >= 4 && type(M) <= 6 && type(I) <= 1)
- return M[I];
- if(type(M) == 6 && type(I) == 5)
- return M[I][J];
- return M;
-def ptol(P,X)
- F=(getopt(opt)==0)?0:1;
- if(type(P) <= 3)
- P = [P];
- if(type(X) == 4){
- for( ; X != []; X = cdr(X))
- P=ptol(P,car(X)|opt=F);
- return P;
- }
- P = reverse(P);
- for(R=[]; P != []; P = cdr(P)){
- Q = car(P);
- for(I = mydeg(Q,X); I >= 0; I--){
- S=mycoef(Q,I,X);
- if(F==1 || S!=0) R = cons(S,R);
- }
- }
- return R;
-def rmul(P,Q)
- if(type(P) <= 3 && type(Q) <= 3){
- P=red(P);Q=red(Q);
- P1=dn(P);P2=nm(P);Q1=dn(Q);Q2=nm(Q);
- if(P1==1 && Q1==1)
- return P*Q;
- if((R=gcd(P1,Q2)) != 1){
- P1=tdiv(P1,R);Q2=tdiv(Q2,R);
- }
- if((R=gcd(Q1,P2)) != 1){
- Q1=tdiv(Q1,R);P2=tdiv(P2,R);
- }
- return P2*Q2/(P1*Q1);
- }
- return mmulbys(os_md.rmul,P,Q,[]);
- return mmulbys(rmul,P,Q,[]);
-def mtransbys(FN,F,LL)
- Opt=getopt();
- if(type(F) == 4){
- F = ltov(F);
- S = length(F);
- R = newvect(S);
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++)
- R[I] = mtransbys(FN,F[I],LL|option_list=Opt);
- return vtol(R);
- }
- if(type(F) == 5){
- S = length(F);
- R = newvect(S);
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++)
- R[I] = mtransbys(FN,F[I],LL|option_list=Opt);
- return R;
- }
- if(type(F) == 6){
- S = size(F);
- R = newmat(S[0],S[1]);
- for(I = 0; I < S[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < S[1]; J++)
- R[I][J] = mtransbys(FN,F[I][J],LL|option_list=Opt);
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(type(F) == 7) return F;
- return call(FN, cons(F,LL)|option_list=Opt);
-def drawopt(S,T)
- if(type(S)!=7) return -1;
- if(T==0||T==1){
- for(I=0,R=LCOPT;I<7;I++,R=cdr(R))
- if(str_str(S,car(R))>=0) return(T==0)?COLOPT[I]:car(R);
- return -1;
- }
- if(T==2){
- V0=V1=0;
- for(I=0,R=LPOPT;R!=[];I++,R=cdr(R)){
- if(str_str(S,car(R))>=0){
- if(I==0) V1++;
- else if(I==1) V1--;
- else if(I==2) V0--;
- else V0++;
- }
- }
- if(V0==0&&V1==0) return -1;
- return [V0,V1];
- }
- if(T==3){
- V=0;
- for(I=1,R=LFOPT;R!=[];R=cdr(R),I*=2){
- if(str_str(S,car(R))>=0) V+=I;
- }
- return (V==0)?-1:V;
- }
- return -1;
-def execdraw(L,P)
- if((Proc=getopt(proc))!=1) Proc=0;
- if(type(P)<2) P=[P];
- if(L!=[]&&type(L[0])!=4) L=[L];
- /* special command */
- if(P[0]<0){
- if(length(P)==1&&(P[0]==-1||P[0]==-2||P[0]==-3)){ /* Bounding Box */
- W=WS=N=LS=0;
- for(LL=L;LL!=[];LL=cdr(LL)){
- T=car(LL);
- if(P[0]!=-3 && T[0]==0){
- if(length(T)>3) S=" by "+rtostr(T[3])+" cm";
- else S="";
- if(P[0]==-1){
- mycat(["Windows : ",T[1][0],"< x <",T[1][1],", ",
- T[2][0],"< y <",T[2][1],S]);
- if(length(T)>4 && type(T[4])==4) mycat(["ext :",T[4]]);
- if(length(T)>5) mycat(["shift :",T[5]]);
- }
- return cdr(T);
- }
- if(type(T[0])==1){
- if(T[0]==1){
- for(TT=cdr(cdr(T));TT!=[];TT=cdr(TT)){
- D=car(TT);
- if(type(D[0][0])==4){
- for(DT=D;DT!=[];DT=cdr(DT)){
- if(N++==0) W=ptbbox(car(DT));
- else W=ptbbox(car(DT)|box=W);
- }
- }else{
- if(N++==0) W=ptbbox(D);
- else W=ptbbox(D|box=W);
- }
- }
- }else if(T[0]==2){
- V=T[2];
- if(type(V[0])>1||type(V[1])>1) continue; /* not supported */
- if((Sc=delopt(T[1],"scale"|inv=1))!=[]){
- Sc=car(Sc)[1];
- if(type(Sc)==1) V=[Sc*V[0],Sc*V[1]];
- else V=[Sc[0]*V[0],Sc[1]*V[1]];
- }
- if(LS==0) WS=ptbbox([V]);
- else WS=ptbbox([V]|box=WS);
- if(length(T)>4) S=T[4];
- else if(type(S=T[3])==4){
- S=S[0];
- if(type(S)==4) S=S[length(S)-1];
- S=rtostr(S);
- }
- if(str_len(S)>LS) LS=str_len(S);
- }else if(T[0]==3||T[0]==4){
- if(N++==0) W=ptbbox(cdr(cdr(T)));
- else W=ptbbox(cdr(cdr(T))|box=W);
- }
- }
- }
- if(W!=0&&WS!=0) W=ptbbox([W,WS]|box=1);
- return (P[0]==-3)?[W,LS,WS]:W;
- }else if(length(P)>1&&P[0]==-1){ /* set Bounding Box */
- P=cons(0,cdr(P));
- Ex=Sft=[0,0];
- if(type(X=getopt(ext))==4) Ex=X;
- if(type(X=getopt(shift))==4) Sft=X;
- if(Ex!=Sft||Ex!=[0,0]){
- if(Sft==[0,0]) Sft=[Ex];
- else Sft=[Ex,Sft];
- if(length(P)==3) Sft=cons(1,Sft);
- if(length(P)==3||length(P)==4) P=append(P,Sft);
- }
- return cons(P,delopt(L,0));
- }
- if(P[0]==-4){
- for(N=0,LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){ /* count coord. */
- T=car(LT);
- if(T[0]==1){
- for(T=cdr(cdr(T));T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- if(type((S=car(T))[0][0])==4) N+=length(S);
- else for(;S!=[];S=cdr(S)) if(type(car(S))==4) N++;
- }
- }else if(T[0]==2) N++;
- else if(T[0]==3||T[0]==4) N+=2;
- }
- return N;
- }
- if(P[0]==-5){ /* functions */
- for(N=0,R=[],LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- T=car(LT);
- if(T[0]==0) N=ior(N,1);
- else if(type(T[0])==1){
- if(T[0]>0) N=ior(N,2^T[0]);
- }
- else if(Type(T[0])==2){
- if(findin(T[0],R)<0) R=cons(T[0],R);
- }
- }
- for(I=5;I>=0;I--) if(iand(N,2^I)) R=cons(I,R);
- return R;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if(length(P)>1){
- if(type(P[1])==6||(type(P[1])<2&&P[1]>0)) M=P[1];
- else if(type(P[1])==4&&length(P[1])==2) M=diagm(2,P[1]);
- }
- if(length(P)>2&&type(P[2])==4){
- Org=[["shift",P[2]]];
- if(M==0) M=1;
- }else Org=[];
- if(P[0]==0||(type(P[0])==4&&P[0][0]==0)){ /* Risa/Asir */
- PP=car(P);PPP=0;
- if(type(PP)!=4) PP=[PP];
- if(length(PP)<3){
- if(length(PP)==1 || type(PP[1])==4){
- if(ID_PLOT<0) ID_PLOT=ox_launch_nox(0,"ox_plot");
- if(length(PP)==1&&type(Canvas)==4&&length(Canvas)==2)
- PP=cons(PP[0],[Canvas]);
- if(length(PP)>1){
- PPP=PP[1][0];
- PPQ=(length(PP[1])==2)?PP[1][1]:PPP;
- open_canvas(Id,[PPP,PPQ]);
- }else open_canvas(Id);
- Ind=ox_pop_cmo(Id);
- }else{
- Ind=PP[1];
- if(getopt(cl)==1) clear_canvas(Id,Ind);
- }
- }else{
- Id=PP[1];Ind=PP[2];
- if(length(PP)>3 && type(PP[3])==1) PPP=PP[3];
- if(length(PP)>4 && type(PP[4])==1) PPQ=PP[4];
- if(getopt(cl)==1) clear_canvas(Id,Ind);
- }
- if(L==[]) return (PPP>0)? [0,Id,Ind,PPP,PPQ]:[0,Id,Ind];
- Ex0=Ex0;Sft=[0,0];
- if(length(P)>1&&P[1]==0&&length(P)<4){
- R=execdraw(L,-3);
- Ex0=Ex1=Ex2=10;
- if((U=R[1])>0){ /* string */
- if(U>20) U=16; /* adj 16,8,2,7,15 */
- if(R[0][0][0]>R[2][0][0]-(R[0][0][1]-R[0][0][0])/256) Ex0+=8*U; /* adj 256 */
- else Ex0+=2*U;
- if(R[0][0][1]<R[2][0][1]+(R[0][0][1]-R[0][0][0])/256) Ex1+=7*U;
- else Ex1+=2*U;
- if(R[0][1][1]<R[2][1][1]+(R[0][1][1]-R[0][1][0])/256) Ex2+=15;
- }
- R=[R[0][0],R[0][1],0,[Ex0,Ex1],[0,-Ex2]];
- if(length(P)>2 && P[2]==1)
- mycat0(["Box:",[R[0],R[1]], ", ext=",R[3],", shift=",R[4]],1);
- }else R=execdraw((length(P)>3)?P[3]:L,-2); /* Windows */
- XW=R[0];YW=R[1];
- if(length(R)>3){
- if(R[3]!=0 && R[3]!=[0,0]) Ex=R[3];
- if(length(R)>4) Sft=R[4];
- }
- if(type(X=getopt(ext))==4)
- Ex=(Ex0)?[X[0]+Ex[0],X[1]+Ex[1]]:X;
- if(type(M)<2){
- if(length(P)>1&&type(P[1])==1) M=P[1];
- else if((length(P)==1||P[1]==0||P[1]==1)&& PPP>0) M=PPP;
- if(M<2) M=400;
- if(Ex!=0 && type(Ex)==4){
- M-=Ex[0]+Ex[1];
- }
- M=(M/(XW[1]-XW[0]))*diagm(2,[1,-1]);
- }
- if(type(X=getopt(shift))==4) Sft=(Ex0)?[Sft[0]+X[0],Sft[1]+X[1]]:X;
- if(type(Sft)==4) Sft=[Sft[0],-Sft[1]];
- if(Ex!=0) Sft=[Sft[0]+Ex[0],Sft[1]];
- Org=[["shift",ptaffine(M,[-XW[0],-YW[1]]|shift=Sft)]];
- for(CT=0;CT<2;CT++){
- for(LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- T=car(LT);
- if(!CT && T[0]!=2) continue;
- if(CT && T[0]==2) continue;
- if(T[0]==1){
- for(TT=cdr(cdr(T));TT!=[];TT=cdr(TT)){
- D=car(TT);
- if(type(D[0][0])==4){
- for(DT=D;DT!=[];DT=cdr(DT)){
- V=car(DT);
- if(M) V=ptaffine(M,V|option_list=Org);
- draw_bezier(Id,Ind,V|option_list=T[1]);
- }
- }else{
- if(M) D=ptaffine(M,D|option_list=Org);
- draw_bezier(Id,Ind,D|option_list=T[1]);
- }
- }
- }else if(T[0]==2){ /* put */
- if(length(T)<4) continue;
- V=T[2];
- if(type(VLB)==4&&V[0]=="_") V=VLB;
- else if(type(V[0])>1||type(V[1])>1) continue; /* not supported */
- if(length(T)>3&&type(T[3])==4&&length(T[3])>1&&T[3][1]==1) VLB=V;
- F++;MM=M;
- if((Sc=delopt(T[1],"scale"|inv=1))!=[]){
- if(!MM) MM=1;
- Sc=car(Sc)[1];
- if(type(Sc)==1) MM=MM*Sc;
- else if(type(Sc)==6) MM=MM*diagm(2,Sc);
- }
- if(MM) V=ptaffine(MM,V|option_list=Org);
- if(type(S=S0=T[3])==4) S=S0[0];
- if(length(T)>4) S=T[4]; /* subst. string */
- if(type(S0)==4&&type(S0[0])==4){
- if((Col=drawopt(S0[0][0],0))<0) Col=0; /* attrib. */
- if(type(S)!=7) S=rtostr(S0[0][1]);
- S=str_subst(S,[["$\\bullet$","*"],["$\\times$","x"],["$",""]],0);
- if(type(Pos=drawopt(S0[0][0],2))==4)
- V=[V[0]+4*str_len(S)*Pos[0],V[1]-10*Pos[1]]; /* adjustable */
- }else S=str_subst(rtostr(S),[["$\\bullet$","*"],["$\\times$","x"],["$",""]],0);
- V=[V[0]-str_len(S)*4,V[1]-8]; /* adjustable */
- draw_string(Id,Ind,V,S,Col);
- }else if(T[0]==3){ /* arrow */
- F++;
- T1=T[2];T2=T[3];
- if(M){
- T1=ptaffine(M,T1|option_list=Org);
- T2=ptaffine(M,T2|option_list=Org);
- }
- draw_bezier(Id,Ind,[T1,T2]|option_list=T[1]);
- }else if(T[0]==4){ /* line */
- F++;
- T1=T[2];T2=T[3];
- if(M){
- T1=ptaffine(M,T1|option_list=Org);
- T2=ptaffine(M,T2|option_list=Org);
- }
- V=delopt(T1=T[1],"opt"|inv=1);
- if(V!=[]&&str_str(V[1],".")>=0)
- T1=cons(["opt",cons("dotted,",V[1])],delopt(T1,"opt"));
- draw_bezier(Id,Ind,[T1,T2]|option_list=T1);
- }else if(T[0]==5){ /* TeX */
- mycat(rtostr(T[2]));
- if(F){
- S=str_tb(0,Out);
- Out=str_tb(0,0);
- F=0;
- if(S!=""){
- if(P[0]==2) dviout(xyproc(S)|keep=1);
- else LOut=cons(xyproc(S),LOut);
- }
- if(P[0]==2) dviout(T[2]|option_list=T[1]);
- else{
- LOut=cons(T[2],Out);
- }
- }
- }else if(Proc==1&&type(T[0])==2){
- if(length(T)<3) call(T[0],T[1]);
- else call(T[0],T[1]|option_list=T[2]);
- }
- }
- }
- S=(PPP>0)? [0,Id,Ind,PPP,PPQ]:[0,Id,Ind];
- if(Ex==0&&Sft!=[0,0]) Ex=[0,0];
- return (Ex!=0&&length(P)>2&&P[2]==-1)?
- [S,0,0,[0,R[0],R[1],0,Ex,[Sft[0]-Ex[0],-Sft[1]]]]:S;
- }
- if(P[0]==1||P[0]==2){ /* TeX */
- Out=str_tb(0,0);LOut=[];F=0;
- if(getopt(cl)==1) dviout0(0);
- for(;L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- T=car(L);Opt=T[1];
- if(type(T[0])>=2) continue;
- if(T[0]==0){
- XW=T[1];YW=T[2];
- if(length(P)>1&&type(P[1])==1&&P[1]<0)
- M=-P[1]/(XW[0]-XW[1]);
- }else if(T[0]==1){
- F++;
- for(TT=cdr(cdr(T));TT!=[];TT=cdr(TT)){
- D=car(TT);
- if(type(D[0][0])==4){
- for(DT=D;DT!=[];DT=cdr(DT)){
- V=car(DT);
- if(M) V=ptaffine(M,V|option_list=Org);
- str_tb(xybezier(V|option_list=Opt),Out);
- }
- }else{
- if(M) D=ptaffine(M,D|option_list=Org);
- str_tb(xybezier(D|option_list=Opt),Out);
- }
- }
- }else if(T[0]==2){
- F++;V=T[2];
- Opt=delopt(Opt,"scale"|inv=1);
- MM=M;
- if(Opt!=[]){
- Opt=car(Opt)[1];
- if(type(Opt)==1) Opt=[Opt,Opt];
- if(Opt!=[1,1]){
- if(!MM) MM=1;
- MM=MM*diagm(2,[Opt[0],Opt[1]]);
- }
- }
- if(MM) V=ptaffine(MM,V|option_list=Org);
- if(length(T)>3) V=append(V,T[3]);
- str_tb(xyput(V),Out);
- }else if(T[0]==3){
- F++;
- T1=T[2];T2=T[3];
- if(M){
- T1=ptaffine(M,T1|option_list=Org);
- T2=ptaffine(M,T2|option_list=Org);
- }
- str_tb(xyarrow(T1,T2|option_list=Opt),Out);
- }else if(T[0]==4){
- F++;
- T1=T[2];T2=T[3];
- if(M){
- T1=ptaffine(M,T1|option_list=Org);
- T2=ptaffine(M,T2|option_list=Org);
- }
- str_tb(xyline(T1,T2|option_list=Opt),Out);
- }else if(T[0]==5){
- if(F){
- S=str_tb(0,Out);
- Out=str_tb(0,0);
- F=0;
- if(S!=""){
- if(P[0]==2) dviout(xyproc(S)|keep=1);
- else LOut=cons(xyproc(S),LOut);
- }
- if(P[0]==2) dviout(T[2]|option_list=T[1]);
- else LOut=cons(T[2],Out);
- }
- }else if(T[0]==-2)
- str_tb(["%",T[1],"\n"],Out);
- else if(Proc==1&&type(T[0])==2){
- if(length(T)<3) call(T[0],T[1]);
- else call(T[0],T[1]|option_list=T[2]);
- }
- }
- S=str_tb(0,Out);
- if(P[0]==1){
- if(F) LOut=cons(xyproc(S),LOut);
- Out=str_tb(0,0);
- for(L=reverse(LOut);L!=[];L=cdr(L))
- str_tb(car(L),Out);
- return str_tb(0,Out);
- }
- if(F) dviout(xyproc(S));
- else dviout(" ");
- }
-def execproc(L)
- if(type(N=getopt(var))!=1&&N!=0) N=2;
- for(R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- P=car(L);
- if(type(P[0])==2&&vtype(P[0])==3){
- if((VS=vars(cdr(P)))!=[]){
- for(I=0;I<N;I++){
- V=makev(["v",I+1]);
- if(findin(V,VS)>=0) P=mysubst(P,[V,R[I]]);
- }
- }
- if(length(P)<3) R=cons(call(P[0],P[1]),R);
- else R=cons(call(P[0],P[1]|option_list=P[2]),R);
- }
- }
- return (getopt(all)==1)?R:car(R);
-def myswap(P,L)
- X=makenewv(P);
- for(L=reverse(L);length(L)>1;L=cdr(L))
- P=subst(P,L[0],X,L[1],L[0],X,L[1]);
- return P;
-def mysubst(P,L)
- if(P==0) return 0;
- Inv=getopt(inv);
- if(type(L[0]) == 4){
- while((L0 = car(L))!=[]){
- P = mysubst(P,(Inv==1)?[L0[1],L0[0]]:L0);
- L = cdr(L);
- }
- return P;
- }
- if(Inv==1) L=[L[1],L[0]];
- if(type(P) > 3){
- if(type(P)==7) return P;
- if(type(P)>7)
- return subst(P,L[0],L[1]);
- return mtransbys(os_md.mysubst,P,[L]);
- return mtransbys(mysubst,P,[L]);
- }
- P = red(P);
- if(type(P) == 3){
- A=mysubst(nm(P),L);B=mysubst(dn(P),L);
- return red(nm(A)/nm(B))*red(dn(B)/dn(A));
- }
- L1=(type(L[1])==3)?red(L[1]):L[1];X=L[0];
- if(ptype(L1,X)==3){
- LN=nm(L1);LD=dn(L1);
- Deg=mydeg(P,X);
- if(Deg <= 0) return P;
- V = newvect(Deg+1);
- for(V[I=Deg]=1;I >= 1;I--)
- V[I-1]=V[I]*LD;
- for(R = 0, I = Deg; I >= 0; I--)
- R = R*LN + mycoef(P,I,X)*V[I];
- return red(R/V[0]);
- }
- return subst(P,X,L1);
-def mmulbys(FN,P,F,L)
- Opt=getopt();
- if(type(F) <= 3){
- if(type(P) <= 3)
- return call(FN, cons(P,cons(F,L))|option_list=Opt);
- if(type(P) == 5){
- S = length(P);
- R = newvect(S);
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++)
- R[I] = call(FN, cons(P[I],cons(F,L))|option_list=Opt);
- return R;
- }else if(type(P) == 6){
- S = size(P);
- R = newmat(S[0],S[1]);
- for(I = 0; I < S[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < S[1]; J++)
- R[I][J] = call(FN, cons(P[I][J],cons(F,L))|option_list=Opt);
- }
- return R;
- }
- }
- if(type(F) == 5){
- S = length(F);
- if(type(P) <= 3){
- R = newvect(S);
- for(I = 0; I < S; I++)
- R[I] = call(FN, cons(P,cons(F[I],L))|option_list=Opt);
- return R;
- }
- if(type(P) == 5){
- for(J=R=0; J<S; J++)
- R = radd(R, call(FN, cons(P[J],cons(F[J],L)))|option_list=Opt);
- return R;
- }
- T = size(P);
- R = newvect(T[0]);
- for(I = 0; I < T[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < S; J++)
- R[I] = radd(R[I], call(FN, cons(P[I][J],cons(F[J],L))|option_list=Opt));
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(type(F) == 6){
- S = size(F);
- if(type(P) <= 3){
- R = newmat(S[0],S[1]);
- for(I = 0; I < S[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < S[1]; J++)
- R[I][J] = call(FN, cons(P,cons(F[I][J],L))|option_list=Opt);
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(type(P) == 5){
- R = newvect(S[1]);
- for(J = 0; J < S[1]; J++){
- for(K = U = 0; K < S[0]; K++)
- U = radd(U, call(FN, cons(P[K],cons(F[K][J],L))|option_list=Opt));
- R[J] = U;
- }
- return R;
- }
- T = size(P);
- R = newmat(T[0],S[1]);
- for(I = 0; I < T[0]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < S[1]; J++){
- for(K = U = 0; K < S[0]; K++)
- U = radd(U, call(FN, cons(P[I][K],cons(F[K][J],L)|option_list=Opt)));
- R[I][J] = U;
- }
- }
- return R;
- }
- erno(0);
- return 0;
-def appldo(P,F,L)
- if(type(F) <= 3){
- if(type(L) == 4 && type(L[0]) == 4)
- return applpdo(P,F,L);
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- J = mydeg(P,DX);
- for(I = R = 0; I <= J; I++){
- if(I > 0)
- F = mydiff(F,X);
- R = radd(R,mycoef(P,I,DX)*F);
- }
- return R;
- }
- return mmulbys(os_md.appldo,P,F,[L]);
- return mmulbys(appldo,P,F,[L]);
-def appledo(P,F,L)
- if(type(F) <= 3){
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- J = mydeg(P,DX);
- for(I = R = 0; I <= J; I++){
- if(I > 0)
- F = myediff(F,X);
- R = radd(R,mycoef(P,I,DX)*F);
- }
- return R;
- }
- mmulbys(os_md.appledo,P,F,[L]);
- mmulbys(appledo,P,F,[L]);
-def muldo(P,Q,L)
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))!=1) Lim=100;
- if(type(Q) <= 3){
- if(type(L) == 4 && type(L[0]) == 4)
- return mulpdo(P,Q,L|lim=Lim); /* several variables */
- R = rmul(P,Q);
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- if(X != 0){
- for(I = F = 1; ; I++){
- P = mydiff(P,DX);
- if(I>Lim){
- mycat(["Over", Lim,"derivations!"]);
- break;
- }
- if(P == 0)
- break;
- Q = mydiff(Q,X);
- if(Q == 0)
- break;
- F *= I;
- R = radd(R,P*Q/F);
- }
- }
- return R;
- }
- return mmulbys(os_md.muldo,P,Q,[L]);
- return mmulbys(muldo,P,Q,[L]);
-def jacobian(F,X)
- F=ltov(F);X=ltov(X);
- N=length(F);
- M=newmat(N,N);
- for(I=0;I<N;I++)
- for(J=0;J<N;J++) M[I][J]=red(diff(F[I],X[J]));
- if(getopt(mat)==1) return M;
- return mydet(M);
-def hessian(F,X)
- X=ltov(X);
- N=length(X);
- M=newmat(N,N);
- for(I=0;I<N;I++){
- G=red(diff(F,X[I]));
- for(J=0;J<N;J++) M[I][J]=red(diff(G,X[J]));
- }
- if(getopt(mat)==1) return M;
- return mydet(M);
-def wronskian(F,X)
- N=length(F);
- M=newmat(N,N);
- for(I=0;F!=[];F=cdr(F),I++){
- M[I][0]=car(F);
- for(J=1;J<N;J++) M[I][J]=red(diff(M[I][J-1],X));
- }
- if(getopt(mat)==1) return M;
- return mydet(M);
-def adj(P,L)
- if(type(P) == 4)
- return map(os_md.adj,mtranspose(P),L);
- return map(adj,mtranspose(P),L);
- if(type(L) == 4 && type(L[0]) == 4)
- return fmult(os_md.adj,P,L,[]);
- return fmult(adj,P,L,[]);
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- P = R = subst(P, DX, -DX);
- for(I = 1; (R = mydiff(mydiff(R, X), DX)/I) != 0 && I < 100; I++)
- P = radd(P,R);
- return P;
-def laplace1(P,L)
- if(type(L) == 4 && type(L[0]) == 4)
- return fmult(os_md.laplace,P,L,[]);
- return fmult(laplace,P,L,[]);
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- P = adj(P, L);
- return subst(P,X,o_1,DX,X,o_1,DX);
-def laplace(P,L)
- if(type(L) == 4 && type(L[0]) == 4)
- return fmult(os_md.laplace1,P,L,[]);
- return fmult(laplace1,P,L,[]);
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- P = adj(P, L);
- return subst(P,X,o_1,DX,-X,o_1,-DX);
-def mce(P,L,V,R)
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- P = sftexp(laplace1(P,L),L,V,R);
- return laplace(P,L);
-def mc(P,L,R)
- return mce(P,L,0,R);
-def rede(P,L)
- Q = ltov(fctr(nm(red(P))));
- P = 1;
- if(type(L) < 4)
- L = [L];
- if(type(L[0]) < 4)
- L = [L];
- for( ; L != []; L = cdr(L)){
- DX = vweyl(car(L))[1];
- for(I = 1; I < length(Q); I++){
- if(mydeg(Q[I][0],DX) > 0){
- P *= (Q[I][0])^(Q[I][1]);
- Q[I]=[1,0];
- }
- }
- }
- return P;
-def ad(P,L,R)
- L = vweyl(L);
- DX = L[1];
- K = mydeg(P,DX);
- S = mycoef(P,0,DX);
- Q = 1;
- for(I=1; I <= K;I++){
- Q = muldo(Q,DX-R,L);
- S = radd(S,mycoef(P,I,DX)*Q);
- }
- return S;
-def add(P,L,R)
- return rede(ad(P,L,R),L);
-def vadd(P,L,R)
- L = vweyl(L);
- if(type(R) != 4)
- return 0;
- N = length(R);
- DN = 1; Ad = PW = 0;
- for( ; R != []; R = cdr(R), PW++){
- DN *= (T=1-car(R)[0]*L[0]);
- Ad = Ad*T-car(R)[1]*x^PW;
- }
- Ad /= DN;
- return add(P,L,Ad);
-def addl(P,L,R)
- return laplace1(add(laplace(P,L),L,R),L);
-def cotr(P,L,R)
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- T = 1/mydiff(P,DX);
- K = mydeg(P,DX);
- S = mysubst(mycoef(P,0,DX), [X, R]);
- Q = 1;
- for(I = 1; I <= K; I++){
- Q = muldo(Q, K*DX, L);
- S = radd(S,mysubst(mycoef(P,I,DX), [X, R])*Q);
- }
-def rcotr(P,L,R)
- return rede(cotr(P,L,R), L);
-def muledo(P,Q,L)
- if(type(Q)>3)
- return mmulbys(os_md.muledo,P,Q,[L]);
- return mmulbys(muledo,P,Q,[L]);
- R = P*Q;
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- for(I = F = 1; I < 100; I++){
- P = mydiff(P,DX);
- if(P == 0)
- break;
- Q = myediff(Q,X);
- if(Q == 0)
- break;
- F = rmul(F,I);
- R = radd(R,P*Q/F);
- }
- return R;
-#if 1
-def mulpdo(P,Q,L)
- if(type(Q)>3)
- return mmulbys(os_md.mulpdo,P,Q,[L]);
- return mmulbys(mulpdo,P,Q,[L]);
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))!=1) Lim=100;
- M = vweyl(car(L)); X= M[0]; DX = M[1];
- L = cdr(L);
- R = 0;
- for(I = 0; Q != 0 && I <= Lim; I++){
- if(I>Lim){
- mycat(["Over", Lim,"derivations!"]);
- break;
- }
- if(I > 0)
- P /= I;
- if(length(L)==0)
- R = radd(R,P*Q);
- else
- R = radd(R,mulpdo(P,Q,L));
- if(X==0) break;
- P = mydiff(P,DX);
- if(P == 0)
- break;
- Q = mydiff(Q,X);
- }
- if(I>Lim) mycat(["Over", Lim,"derivations!"]);
- return R;
-def mulpdo(P,Q,L);
- if(type(Q)>3)
- return mmulbys(os_md.mulpdo,P,Q,[L]);
- return mmulbys(mulpdo,P,Q,[L]);
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))!=1) Lim=100;
- N = length(L);
- VO = newvect(2*N);
- VN = newvect(2*N);
- for(I = J = 0; I < N; J += 2, I++){
- M = vweyl(L[I]);
- P = subst(P, VO[J]=M[0], VN[J]=strtov("o_"+rtostr(V[J])),
- VO[J+1]=M[1], VN[J+1] = strtov("o_"+rtostr(V[J+1])));
- }
- for(PQ = P*Q, I = 0; I < 2*N; I += 2){
- for(R = PQ, J = 1; J < Lim; J++){
- R = mydiff(R, VN[I+1])/J;
- if(R == 0)
- break;
- R = mydiff(R, VO[I]);
- if(R == 0)
- break;
- PQ = radd(PQ,R);
- }
- if(I==Lim) mycat(["Over", Lim,"derivations!"]);
- PQ = red(subst(PQ,VN[I],VO[I],VN[I+1],VO[I+1]));
- }
-def transpdosub(P,LL,K)
- Len = length(K)-1;
- if(Len < 0 || P == 0)
- return P;
- KK=K[Len];
- if(type(KK)==4){
- KK0=KK[0]; KK1=KK[1];
- }else{
- L = vweyl(LL[Len]);
- KK0=L[1]; KK1=K[Len];
- }
- Deg = mydeg(P,KK0);
- K1 = reverse(cdr(reverse(K)));
- R = transpdosub(mycoef(P,0,KK0),LL,K1);
- for(I = M = 1; I <= Deg ; I++){
- M = mulpdo(M,KK1,LL);
- S = mycoef(P,I,KK0);
- if(Len > 0)
- S = transpdosub(S,LL,K1);
- R = radd(R,mulpdo(S,M,LL));
- }
- return R;
-def transpdo(P,LL,K)
- if(type(K[0]) < 4)
- K = [K];
- Len = length(K)-1;
- K1=K2=[];
- if(type(LL)!=4) LL=[LL];
- if(type(LL[0])!=4) LL=[LL];
- if(getopt(ex)==1){
- for(LT=LL, KT=K; KT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT), KT=cdr(KT)){
- L = vweyl(LL[J]);
- K1=cons([L[0],car(KT)[0]],K1);
- K2=cons([L[1],car(KT)[1]],K2);
- }
- K2=append(K1,K2);
- }else{
- for(J = length(K)-1; J >= 0; J--){
- L = vweyl(LL[J]);
- if(L[0] != K[J][0])
- K1 = cons([L[0],K[J][0]],K1);
- K2 = cons(K[J][1],K2);
- }
- P = mulsubst(P, K1);
- }
- return transpdosub(P,LL,K2);
-def translpdo(P,LL,M)
- S=length(LL);
- L0=newvect(S);L1=newvect(S);
- K=newvect(S);
- for(J=0;J<S;J++){
- L = vweyl(LL[J]);
- L0[J]=L[0];
- L1[J]=L[1];
- }
- K=rmul(M,L0);
- for(T=[],J=0;J<S;J++)
- T=cons([L0[J],K[J]],T);
- P=mulsubst(P,T);
- K=rmul(myinv(M),L1);
- for(T=[],J=0;J<S;J++)
- T=cons([L1[J],K[J]],T);
- return mulsubst(P,T);
- return [R, M, S] : R = M*P - S*Q
- deg(R,X) < deg(Q,X)
-def rpdiv(P,Q,X)
- if(P == 0)
- return [0,1,0];
- DQ = mydeg(Q,X);
- CO = mycoef(Q,DQ,X);
- S = 0;
- while((DP = mydeg(P,X)) >= DQ){
- R = mycoef(P,DP,X)/CO;
- S = radd(S,R*X^(DP-DQ));
- P = radd(P, -R*Q*X^(DP-DQ));
- }
- Lcm = lcm(dn(S),dn(P));
- Gcd = gcd(nm(S),nm(P));
- return [red(P*Lcm/Gcd), red(Lcm/Gcd),red(S*Lcm/Gcd)];
-def texbegin(T,S)
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))==7) Opt="["+Opt+"]\n";
- else Opt="\n";
- return "\\begin{"+T+"}"+Opt+S+"%\n\\end{"+T+"}\n";
-def mygcd(P,Q,L)
- if((Dvi=getopt(dviout))==3 || Dvi==-3){ /* dviout=3 */
- if((Rev=getopt(rev))!=1) Rev=0;
- R=mygcd(P,Q,L|rev=Rev);
- if(type(L)<2) Var=0;
- else if(type(L)==2){
- Val=L;L=[0,L];
- }else if(type(L)==4){
- L=vweyl(L);
- Var=[[L[1],"\\partial"]];
- }
- S=mat([P],[Q]);T=mat([R[0]],[0]);
- M=mat([R[1],R[2]],[R[3],R[4]]);
- if(type(Val)==4)
- N=mdivisor(M,L|trans=1)[1];
- else N=myinv(M);
- Tb=str_tb(mtotex(S|var=Var),0);
- str_tb("&="+mtotex(N|var=Var)+mtotex(T|var=Var)+",\\\\\n",Tb);
- str_tb(mtotex(T|var=Var),Tb);
- str_tb("&="+mtotex(M|var=Var)+mtotex(S|var=Var)+".",Tb);
- Out=str_tb(0,Tb);
- if(Dvi<0) return Out;
- dviout(Out|eq="align*");
- return 1;
- }
- if((type(Dvi)==1||Dvi==0) && getopt(rev)!=1) V=[[P,Q]];
- else V=0;
- if(L==0){ /* integer case */
- if(type(P) > 1 || type(Q) > 1 || Q==0 /* P <= 0 || Q <= 0 */
- || dn(P) > 1 || dn(Q) > 1)
- return 0;
- CPP = CQQ = 1; CQP = CPQ = 0;
- P1 = P; Q1 = Q;
- /* P1 = CPP*P + CPQ*Q
- Q1 = CQP*P + CQQ*Q */
- while(Q1 != 0){
- Div1 = idiv(P1,Q1); Div2 = irem(P1,Q1);
- if(type(V)==4) V=cons([Div1,Div2],V);
- P1 = Q1 ; Q1 = Div2;
- TP = CQP; TQ = CQQ;
- CQP = CPP-Div1*CQP;
- CQQ = CPQ-Div1*CQQ;
- CPP = TP; CPQ = TQ;
- }
- if(V!=0){
- V=reverse(V);
- if((DVI=abs(Dvi))==0) return V;
- PT=P;QT=Q;
- if(DVI==1 || DVI==2){
- Tb=str_tb(0,0);
- for(C=0,V=cdr(V);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=car(V);
- if(C++) str_tb(texcr(11),Tb);
- if(DVI==1){
- Qs=rtostr(QT);
- if(QT<0) Qs="("+Qs+")";
- if(T[1]>0) Qs=Qs+"+";
- if(T[1]!=0) Qs=Qs+rtostr(T[1]);
- str_tb(rtostr(PT)+"&="
- +rtostr(T[0])+"\\times"+Qs,Tb);
- }else{
- N=mat([T[0],1],[1,0]);
- if(C==1){
- str_tb(S0=mtotex(mat([PT],[QT])),Tb);
- M=N;
- }
- str_tb("&=",Tb);
- if(C>1) str_tb(mtotex(M),Tb);
- str_tb(mtotex(N),Tb);
- str_tb(S=mtotex(mat([QT],[T[1]])),Tb);
- if(C>1){
- str_tb("=",Tb);
- str_tb(mtotex(M=M*N),Tb);
- str_tb(S,Tb);
- }
- }
- PT=QT;QT=T[1];
- }
- if(DVI==2){
- str_tb(texcr(43)+S+"&=",Tb);
- str_tb(mtotex(myinv(M)),Tb);
- str_tb(S0,Tb);
- }
- Out=str_tb(0,Tb);
- if(Dvi>0){
- dviout(Out|eq="align*");
- return 1;
- }
- return Out;
- }
- }
- if(P1<0) return [-P1,-CPP,-CPQ,CQP,CQQ];
- return [P1, CPP, CPQ, CQP, CQQ];
- }
- if(type(L) == 2) /* polynomical case */
- L = [0,L];
- if(getopt(rev)==1 && L[0]!=0){
- R=mygcd(adj(P,L),adj(Q,L),L);
- return [adj(R[0],L),adj(R[1],L),adj(R[2],L),adj(R[3],L),adj(R[4],L)];
- }
- if(type(P) == 3)
- P = red(P);
- if(type(Q) == 3)
- Q = red(Q);
- CP=newvect(2,[1/dn(P),0]); CQ=newvect(2,[0,1/dn(Q)]);
- P=PT=nm(P); Q =QT=nm(Q);
- L = vweyl(L);
- while(Q != 0){
- R = divdo(P,Q,L);
- if(type(V)==4) V=cons(R,V);
-/* R[1] = R[2]*P - R[0]*Q
- = R[2]*(CP[0]*P0+CP[1]*Q0) - R[0]*(CQ[0]*P0+CQ[1]*Q0) */
- P(n) |0 1 | P(n-1)
- = | |
- R[1] |R[2] -R[0]| P(n)
- P(n+1) = R[1], P(n) = P, P(n-1) = Q
- P = Q;
- Q = R[1];
- {
- CT = dupmat(CQ);
- CQ = [R[2]*CP[0]-muldo(R[0],CQ[0],L),
- R[2]*CP[1]-muldo(R[0],CQ[1],L)];
- CP = CT;
- }
- }
- if(V!=0){
- V=reverse(V);
- if((DVI=abs(Dvi))==0) return V;
- if(type(L[0])<1) Var=L[1];
- else Var=[L[1],"\\partial"];
- if(DVI==1 || DVI==2){
- Tb=str_tb(0,0);
- PT=car(V)[0];QT=car(V)[1];
- for(C=0,V=cdr(V);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=car(V);
- if(C++) str_tb(texcr(11),Tb);
- if(DVI==1){
- if(T[2]!=1){
- str_tb(monototex(T[2]),Tb);
- str_tb("(",Tb);
- str_tb(fctrtos(PT|var=Var,TeX=2),Tb);
- str_tb(")&=",Tb);
- }else{
- str_tb(fctrtos(PT|var=Var,TeX=2),Tb);
- str_tb("&=",Tb);
- }
- str_tb("(",Tb);
- str_tb(fctrtos(T[0]|var=Var,TeX=2),Tb);
- str_tb(")(",Tb);
- str_tb(fctrtos(QT|var=Var,TeX=2),Tb);
- if(T[1]!=0){
- str_tb(")+(",Tb);
- str_tb(fctrtos(T[1]|var=Var,TeX=2),Tb);
- }
- str_tb(")",Tb);
- }else{
- N=mat([red(T[0]/T[2]),1],[1,0]);
- if(C==1){
- str_tb(S0=mtotex(mat([PT],[QT])|var=Var),Tb);
- M=N;
- }
- str_tb("&=",Tb);
- if(C>1) str_tb(mtotex(M),Tb);
- str_tb(mtotex(N|var=Var),Tb);
- str_tb(S=mtotex(mat([QT],[T[1]])|var=Var),Tb);
- if(C>1){
- str_tb("=",Tb);
- str_tb(mtotex(M=muldo(M,N,L)|var=Var),Tb);
- str_tb(S,Tb);
- }
- }
- PT=QT;QT=T[1];
- }
- if(DVI==2){
- FT=fctr(PT);
- for(R=1;FT!=[];FT=cdr(FT)){
- if(mydeg(car(FT)[0],L[1])<1)
- for(J=car(FT)[1];J>0;J--) R*=car(FT)[0];
- }
- if(R!=1){
- str_tb(texcr(79),Tb);
- M=muldo(M,mat([R,0],[0,1]),L);
- str_tb(mtotex(M|var=Var),Tb);
- str_tb(S=mtotex(mat([PT/R],[QT])|var=Var),Tb);
- }
- str_tb(texcr(43)+S+"&=",Tb);
- if(type(Var)==4){
- N=mdivisor(M,L|trans=1);
- N=N[1];
- }else
- N=myinv(M);
- str_tb(mtotex(N|var=Var),Tb);
- str_tb(S0,Tb);
- }
- Out=str_tb(0,Tb);
- if(Dvi>0){
- dviout(Out|eq="align*");
- return 1;
- }
- return Out;
- }
- }
- Q = rede(P,L);
- R = red(P/Q);
- return [Q,red(CP[0]/R),red(CP[1]/R),red(CQ[0]/R),red(CQ[1]/R)];
-def mylcm(P,Q,L)
- Rev=(getopt(rev)==1)?1:0;
- if(Rev==1){
- P=adj(P); Q=adj(Q);
- }
- R = mygcd(P,Q,L);
- S=(type(L)<=2)?R[3]*P:muldo(R[3],P,L);
- S = nm(S);
- if(type(S) <= 1 && type(L) <= 1){
- if(S<0) S = -S;
- return S;
- }
- if(type(L) == 2)
- return easierpol(S,L);
- S=rede(easierpol(S,L[1]),L);
- return (Rev==1)?adj(S):S;
-def sftpexp(P,LL,F,Q)
- if(type(LL[0]) < 4)
- LL = [LL];
- for(L0=L1=[],LT=LL;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- W=vweyl(car(LT));
- L0=cons(W,L0);
- D=mydiff(F,W[0]);
- if(D!=0) L1=cons(W[1]+Q*D/F,L1);
- else L1=cons(W[1],L1);
- }
- return rede(transpdosub(P,L0,L1),L0);
-def applpdo(P,F,LL)
- if(type(F)>3)
- return mmulbys(os_md.applpdo,P,F,[LL]);
- return mmulbys(applpdo,P,F,[LL]);
- L = vweyl(LL[0]);
- LL = cdr(LL);
- Deg = deg(P,L[1]);
- S = F;
- for(I = R = 0; I <= Deg ; I++){
- if(I > 0)
- S = mydiff(S,L[0]);
- if(LL == [])
- R = radd(R,mycoef(P,I,L[1])*S);
- else
- R = radd(R,applpdo(mycoef(P,I,L[1]), S, LL));
- }
- return R;
-def tranlpdo(P,L,M)
- N = length(L);
- R = size(M);
- if(R[0] != N || R[1] != N){
- print("Strange size");
- return;
- }
- InvM = M;
- if(InvM[1] == 0){
- print("Not invertible");
- return;
- }
- XL = newvector(N);
- DL = newvector(N);
- for(I = 0; I < 0; I++){
- R = vweyl(L[I]);
- XL[I] = R[0];
- DL[I] = R[1];
- }
- for(I = 0; I < N; I++){
- for(J = XX = D0 = 0; J < N; J++){
- XX = radd(XX,M[I][J]*XL[J]);
- DD = radd(DD, red(InvM[0][I][J]/InvM[1])*DL[J]);
- P = mysubst(P,[[XL[I],XX],[DL[I],DD]]);
- }
- }
- return P;
-def divdo(P,Q,L)
- if(L==0){
- R=P-idiv(P,Q)*Q;
- if(R<0){
- if(Q>0) R+=Q;
- else R-=Q;
- }
- return [(P-R)/Q,R,1];
- }
- L = vweyl(L);
- if(getopt(rev)==1){
- R=divdo(adj(P,L),adj(Q,L),L);
- return [adj(R[0],L),adj(R[1],L),R[2]];
- }
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- S = 0;
- M = 1;
- I = mydeg(Q,DX);
- CQ = mycoef(Q,I,DX);
- while((J=mydeg(P,DX)) >= I){
- C = mycoef(P,J,DX);
- SR = red(C/CQ);
- if(dn(SR) != 1){
- M *= dn(SR);
- P *= dn(SR);
- S *= dn(SR);
- SR = nm(SR);
- }
- P -= muldo(SR*(DX)^(J-I),Q,L);
- S += SR*(DX)^(J-I);
- }
- return [S,P,M];
-def qdo(P,Q,L)
- L = vweyl(L); DX = L[1]; OD = deg(P,DX);
- V = newvect(OD+1);
- for(I = 0; I <= OD; I++){
- if(I)
- Q = muldo(DX,Q,L);
- S = divdo(Q,P,L);
- V[I] = S[1]*DX-S[2]*zz^I;
- }
- for(K = [], I = OD; I >= 0; I--)
- K = cons(DX^(I+1), K);
- R = lsol(V,K);
- S = length(R);
- for(I = P1 = 0; I < S; I++){
- if(type(R[I]) < 4 && mydeg(R[I],DX) == 0 && R[I] != 0
- && (mydeg(R[I],zz) <= mydeg(P,DX)))
- P1 = R[I];
- else if(type(R[I]) == 4 && R[I][0] == DX)
- P2 = R[I][1];
- }
- T=fctr(P1);
- for(I=0, S=length(T), P1=1; I<S; I++){
- if(mydeg(T[I][0],zz) > 0)
- P1 *= T[I][0]^(T[I][1]);
- }
- return subst([P1,P2],zz,DX);
-def sqrtdo(P,L)
- L = vweyl(L);
- P = toeul(P,L,0);
- V = -1;
- for(R = 0, Ord = mydeg(P,L[1]); Ord >= 0; Ord--){
- Q = coef(P,Ord,L[1]);
- M = mydeg(Q,L[0]);
- N = mymindeg(Q,L[0]);
- if(V < 0)
- V = M+N;
- else if(V != M+N){
- print("Cannot be transformed!");
- return;
- }
- Q = tohomog(red(Q/L[0]^N), [L[0]], z_z);
- if(irem(Ord,2))
- B = x-z_z;
- else
- B = x+z_z;
- Q = substblock(Q,x,B,z_zz);
- if(mydeg(Q,x) > 0){
- print("Cannot be transformed!");
- return;
- }
- R += mysubst(Q,[z_zz,x])*L[1]^Ord;
- }
- return fromeul(R,L,0);
-def ghg(A,B)
- R = dx;
- while(length(B)>0){
- R = muldo(x*dx+car(B),R,[x,dx]);
- B = cdr(B);
- }
- T = 1;
- while(length(A)>0){
- T = muldo(x*dx+car(A),T,[x,dx]);
- A = cdr(A);
- }
- return R-T;
-def ev4s(A,B,C,S,T)
- R4 = x^2*(x-1)^2;
- R3 = x*(x-1)*((2*A-2*B-8)*x-2*A+5);
- R2 = (-3/2*(A^2+B^2)+3*A*B+9*A-9*B-29/2+1/4*(S^2+T^2))*x^2
- +(5*A^2/2-13*A-3*A*B+B^2/2+7*B-C^2+C+35/2 - 1/4*(S^2+T^2))*x
- - (2*A+2*C-5)*(2*A-2*C-3)/4;
- R1 = 1/4*(A-B-2)*(2*A^2-4*A*B-8*A+2*B^2+8*B+10-S^2-T^2)*x
- +15/4+3*B^2/4-C^2/2+11*A^2/4 - 11*A/2+3*B+B*C-7*A*B/2+C/2-A*B^2/2
-#if 1
- + A^2*B
- - B*C^2 - A^3/2+(2*A-3)*(S^2+T^2)/8;
-/* OK? for the above term added */
- R0 = -(A-B-1-S)*(A-B-1+S)*(A-B-1-T)*(A-B-1+T)/16;
- return (R4*dx^4-R3*dx^3-R2*dx^2-R1*dx-R0);
-def b2e(A,B,C,S,T)
- R4 = x^2*(x-1)^2;
- R3 = x*(x-1)*(2*x-1)*(2*c-5);
- R2 = (-6*C^2+24*C-25+1/2*S^2+1/2*T^2)*x^2
- +(6*C^2-24*C+25-1/2*S^2-1/2*T^2-A^2+B^2+A-B)*x
- +A^2-C^2-A+4*C-15/4;
- R1 = (2*C-3)*(2*C^2-6*C+5-1/2*S^2-1/2*T^2)*x
- +(2*C-3)*(-C^2+3*C+1/2*A^2-1/2*B^2+1/2*B-1/2*A-5/2+1/4*S^2+1/4*T^2);
- R0 = -(2-2*C+S+T)*(2-2*C-S-T)*(2-2*C+S-T)*(2-2*C-S+T)/16;
- return (R4*dx^4-R3*dx^3-R2*dx^2-R1*dx-R0);
- T^m = T(T-1)....(T-m+1)
- f(t) -> g(t)
- f(t) = a_mt^m + ... + a_1t+a_0
- g(x*dx) = a_m*x^m*dx^m + ... + a_1*x*dx+a_0
- ret: x(x-1)...(x-i+1)
- */
-def sftpow(X,I)
- R = 1;
- for(J=0;J<I;J++)
- R *= X-J;
- return(R);
- ret: x(x+K)(x+2*k)...(x+(i-1)*k)
-def sftpowext(X,I,K)
- R = 1;
- for(J=0;J<I;J++)
- R *= X+K*J;
- return(R);
-def polinsft(F,A)
- R = 0;
- while(F != 0){
- D = mydeg(F,A);
- C = mycoef(F,D,A);
- R += C*A^D;
- F -= C*sftpow(A,D);
- }
- return R;
-def pol2sft(F,A)
- S=getopt(sft);
- if(type(S)<0 || type(S)>2) S=1;
- R = 0;
- for(I = mydeg(F,A); I >= 0; I--)
- R = R*(A-I*S) + mycoef(F,I,A);
- return R;
-def binom(P,N)
- if(type(N)!=1 || N<=0) return 1;
- for(S=1;N>0;N--,P-=1) S*=P/N;
- return red(S);
-def expower(P,R,N)
- if(type(N)!=1 || N<0) return 0;
- for(S=S0=K=1;K<=N;K++,R-=1){
- S0*=P*R/K;S+=S0;
- }
- return red(S);
-def seriesHG(A,B,X,N)
- if(N==0) return 1;
- if(type(N)!=1 || N<0) return 0;
- if(type(X)<4){
- for(K=0,S=S0=1;K<N;K++){
- for(T=A; T!=[]; T=cdr(T)) S0*=car(T)+K;
- for(T=B; T!=[]; T=cdr(T)) S0/=car(T)+K;
- S0=red(S0*X/(K+1));
- DN=dn(S0);
- S=red((red(S*DN)+nm(S0))/DN);
- }
- return S;
- }
- S=0;
- for(K=0;K<=N;K++){
- for(I=0;I<=N-K;I++){
- C=1/sftpowext(1,I,1)/sftpowext(1,J,1);
- for(T=A[0];T!=[];T=cdr(T)) C*=sftpowext(car(T),I+K,1);
- for(T=A[1];T!=[];T=cdr(T)) C*=sftpowext(car(T),I,1);
- for(T=A[2];T!=[];T=cdr(T)) C*=sftpowext(car(T),K,1);
- for(T=B[0];T!=[];T=cdr(T)) C/=sftpowext(car(T),I+K,1);
- for(T=B[1];T!=[];T=cdr(T)) C/=sftpowext(car(T),I,1);
- for(T=B[2];T!=[];T=cdr(T)) C/=sftpowext(car(T),K,1);
- S+=red(C*X[0]^I*X[1]^K);
- }
- }
- return S;
-def evalred(F)
- Opt=getopt(opt);
- if(type(Opt)!=4){
- Opt=[];
- }else if(length(Opt)==2 && type(Opt[0])!=4) Opt=[Opt];
- for(;;){
- G=mysubst(F,[[tan(0),0],[asin(0),0],[atan(0),0],[sinh(0),0],[tanh(0),0],
- [log(1),0],[cosh(0),1],[exp(0),1]]);
- for(Rep=Opt; Rep!=[]; Rep=cdr(Rep))
- G=subst(G,car(Rep)[0],car(Rep)[1]);
- Var=vars(G);
- for(V=Var; V!=[]; V=cdr(V)){
- if(!(VV=args(CV=car(V)))) continue;
- if((functor(CV)==sin||functor(CV)==cos)){
- P=2*red(VV[0]/@pi);
- if(functor(CV)==sin) P=1-P;
- if(isint(P)){
- if(iand(P,1)) G=subst(G,CV,0);
- else if(!iand(P,3)) G=subst(G,CV,1);
- else G=subst(G,CV,-1);
- continue;
- }
- if(isint(P*=3/2)){
- if(iand(P,3)==1) G=subst(G,CV,1/2);
- else G=subst(G,CV,-1/2);
- }
- }
- for(;VV!=[];VV=cdr(VV))
- if(car(VV)!=(TV=evalred(car(VV)))) G=subst(G,car(VV),TV);
- if(functor(CV)!=pow || (args(CV)[0])!=1) continue;
- G=subst(G,CV,1);
- }
- if(G==F) return F;
- F=G;
- }
-def seriesMc(F,N,V)
- if(type(V)<4) V=[V];
- V=reverse(V);
- L=length(V);
- if(type(Opt=getopt(evalopt))!=4) Opt=[];
- P=newvect(L);
- G=newvect(L+1);
- G[0]=F;
- for(I=0;I<L;I++)
- G[I+1]=eval(evalred(subst(G[I],V[I],0)|opt=Opt));
- R=G[L];
- for(;;){
- for(M=0,I=0;I<L;I++){
- M+=P[I];
- if(M==N) break;
- }
- if(M<N){
- P[L-1]++;
- G[L-1]=mydiff(G[L-1],V[L-1]);
- G[L]=eval(evalred(mysubst(G[L-1],[V[L-1],0])|opt=Opt));
- }else{
- if(I--==0) break;
- P[I]++;
- G[I]=mydiff(G[I],V[I]);
- while(I++<L){
- G[I]=eval(evalred(mysubst(G[I-1],[V[I-1],0])|opt=Opt));
- if(I<L) P[I]=0;
- }
- }
- K=1;
- for(I=0;I<L;I++) K*=V[I]^P[I]/fac(P[I]);
- R+=G[L]*K;
- }
- return R;
-def seriesTaylor(F,N,V)
- G=F;
- if(isvar(V)) V=[V];
- if(length(V)==2 && type(car(V))!=4 && !isvar(V[1])) V=[V];
- for(V0=V1=[];V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- if(type(T=car(V))!=4) T=[T];
- V0=cons(X=car(T),V0);
- if(length(T)==1 || T[1]==0){
- V1=cons(X,V1);continue;
- }
- S=my_tex_form(-T[1]);
- if(str_char(S,0,"-")!=0) S="+"+S;
- S="("+my_tex_form(X)+S+")";
- V1=cons([X,S],V1);
- F=red(subst(F,T[0],T[0]+T[1]));
- }
- V0=reverse(V0);V1=reverse(V1);
- F=seriesMc(F,N,V0|option_list=getopt());
- if(getopt(frac)==0) F=frac2n(F);
- T=getopt(dviout);
- if(type(T)!=1) T=0;
- F=fctrtos(F|var=V1,rev=1,TeX=(T==0||T==2)?2:3);
- if(getopt(small)==1) F=str_subst(F,"\\frac{","\\tfrac{");
- if(T<0 || T==1) F="\\begin{align}\\begin{split}\n"+
- my_tex_form(G)+"&="+F+"+\\cdots\n\\end{split}\\end{align}\n";
- if(T==1) dviout(F);
- else if(T==1) dviout(F|eq=4);
- return F;
-def toeul(F,L,V)
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- I = mydeg(F,DX);
- if(V == "infty"){
- for(II=I; II>=0; II--){
- J = mydeg(P=mycoef(F,I,DX),X);
- if(II==I) S=II-J;
- else if(P!=0 && II-J>S) S=II-J;
- }
- F *= X^S;
- R = 0;
- for( ; I >= 0; I--)
- R += red((mysubst(mycoef(F,I,DX),[X,1/X])*(x*DX)^I));
- return(subst(pol2sft(R,DX),DX,-DX));
- }
- F = subst(F,X,X+V);
- for(II=I; II>=0; II--){
- J = mymindeg(P=mycoef(F,II,DX),X);
- if(II==I) S=II-J;
- else if(P!=0 && II-J>S) S=II-J;
- }
- F *= X^S;
- R = 0;
- for( ; I >= 0; I--)
- R += (red(mycoef(F,I,DX)/X^I))*DX^I;
- return pol2sft(R,DX);
-def topoldif(P,F,L)
- L = vweyl(L);
- P = nm(red(P));
- while(deg(P,L[1]) > 0){
- R = coef(P,0,L[0]);
- Q = red((P-R)/(F*L[0]);
- P = nm(Q)*zz+F*R*dn(Q);
- }
-def fromeul(P,L,V)
- if(P == 0)
- return 0;
- L = vweyl(L);
- X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- I = mydeg(P,DX);
- if(V == "infty"){
- P = subst(P,DX,-DX);
- J = mydeg(P,X);
- P = red(mysubst(P,[X,1/X])*X^J);
- }
- R = mycoef(P,0,DX);
- S = 1;
- for(S = J = 1; J <= I; J++){
- S = DX*(S*X + mydiff(S,DX));
- R += mycoef(P,J,DX)*S;
- }
- while(mycoef(R,0,X) == 0)
- R = tdiv(R,X);
- if(V != "infty" && V != 0)
- R = mysubst(R,[X,X-V]);
- return R;
-def sftexp(P,L,V,N)
- L = vweyl(L); DX = L[1];
- P = mysubst(toeul(P,L,V),[DX,DX+N]);
- return fromeul(P,L,V);
-def fractrans(P,L,N0,N1,N2)
- L = vweyl(L);
- if(N2 != "infty"){
- if(N0 == "infty")
- N0 = 0;
- else
- N0 = red(1/(N0-N2));
- if(N1 == "infty")
- N1 = 0;
- else
- N1 = red(1/(N1-N2));
- P = mysubst(P,[L[0],L[0]+N2]);
- P = fromeul(toeul(P,L,"infty"),L,0);
- }
- if(N0 != 0){
- P = mysubst(P,[L[0],L[0]+N0]);
- N1 -= N0;
- }
- if(N1 != 1)
- P = mysubst(P,[[L[0],L[0]/N1],[L[1],L[1]*N1]]);
- return P;
-def soldif(P,L,V,Q,N)
- L = vweyl(L); X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- P = mysubst(toeul(P,L,V),[DX,DX+Q]);
- DEG = mydeg(P,X);
- P0 = newvect(DEG+1);
- for(I = 0; I <= DEG; I++)
- P0[I] = coef(P,I,X);
- if(P0[0] == 0)
- return 0;
- if(subst(P0[0],DX,0) != 0){
- mycat([Q,"is not the exponent at", V])$
- return 0;
- }
- R = newvect(N+1);
- R[0] = 1;
- for(I = 1; I <= N; I++){
- for(S = 0, K = 1; K <= DEG && K <= I; K++)
- S += mysubst(P0[K],[DX,I-K])*R[I-K];
- S = red(S);
- M = mysubst(P0[0],[DX,I]);
- if(M != 0){
- R[I] = -red(S/M);
- if(R1 != 0){
- for(S = 0, K = 1; K <= DEG && K <= I; K++)
- S += mysubst(P0[K],[DX,I-K])*R1[I-K] +
- mysubst(P1[K],[DX,I-K])*R[I-K];
- R1[I] = -red(S/M);
- }
- }else{
- if(S == 0){
- if(R1 != 0){
- for(S = 0, K = 1; K <= DEG && K <= I; K++)
- S += mysubst(P0[K],[DX,I-K])*R1[I-K] +
- mysubst(P1[K],[DX,I-K])*R[I-K];
- }
- if(S == 0)
- continue;
- }
- R1 = newvect(N+1);
- for(K = 0; K < I; K++){
- R1[K] = R[K];
- R[K] = 0;
- }
- R1[I] = 0;
- P1 = newvect(DEG);
- for(K = 0; K <= DEG; K++)
- P1[K] = mydiff(P0[K], DX);
- M = mysubst(P1[0],[DX,I]);
- if(M == 0){
- cat(["multiple log at ", I])$
- return 0;
- }
- R[I] = -red(S/M);
- }
- }
- if(R1 != 0)
- return [R1, R];
- else
- return R;
-def chkexp(P,L,V,Q,N)
- L = vweyl(L); X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- P = mysubst(toeul(P,L,V),[DX,DX+Q]);
- P = fromeul(P,L,0);
- D = mydeg(P,DX);
- Z = mindeg(mycoef(P,D,DX), X) - (D-N);
- R = [];
- for(I = 0; I < Z; I++){
- S = mycoef(P,I,X);
- if(S != 0){
- for(J = mydeg(S,DX); J >= 0; J--){
- T = mycoef(S,J,DX);
- if(T != 0)
- R = cons(T,R);
- }
- }
- }
- return R;
-def sqrtrat(P)
- if(P==0) return 0;
- if(type(P)==3||type(P)==2){
- P=red(P);
- if(imag(dn(P))!=0||imag(nm(P))!=0){
- if(imag(dn(P))==0&&real(P)!=0){
- F=red(imag(P)/real(P));
- if(F==3^(1/2)||F==-3^(1/2)){
- if(eval(real(P))<0)
- return -real(P)+imag(P)*@i;
- else{
- if(eval(imag(P))>0) return imag(P)+real(P)*@i;
- else return -imag(P)-real(P)*@i;
- }
- }
- }
- return [];
- }
- F=fctr(dn(P));
- R=sqrtrat(car(F)[0]);
- for(F=cdr(F);F!=[];F=cdr(F)){
- if(!iand(car(F)[1],1)) R*=car(F)[0]^(car(F)[1]/2);
- else return [];
- }
- F=fctr(nm(P));
- R=sqrtrat(car(F)[0])/R;
- for(F=cdr(F);F!=[];F=cdr(F)){
- if(!iand(car(F)[1],1)) R*=car(F)[0]^(car(F)[1]/2);
- else return [];
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(ntype(P)==4){
- P0=real(P);P1=imag(P)/2;
- X=makenewv(P);
- for(R=fctr(X^4-P0*X^2-P1^2);R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- RT=car(R)[0];
- if(deg(RT,X)==1){
- X=-mycoef(RT,0,X)/mycoef(RT,1,X);
- return X+P1/X*@i;
- }
- if(deg(RT,X)==2){
- if((D=mycoef(RT,1,X)^2-4*mycoef(RT,2,X)*mycoef(RT,0,X))<0) continue;
- X=(-mycoef(RT,1,X)+sqrtrat(D))/(2*mycoef(RT,2,X));
- return X+P1*sqrt2rat(1/X)*@i;
- }
- }
- D=P0^2+4*P1^2;
- if(P1>0) return ((sqrtrat(D)+P0)/2)^(1/2)+((sqrtrat(D)-P0)/2)^(1/2)*@i;
- return ((sqrtrat(D)+P0)/2)^(1/2)-((sqrtrat(D)-P0)/2)^(1/2)*@i;
- }else if(ntype(P)!=0) return [];
- if(P==1) return P;
- Dn=dn(P);Nm=nm(P);C=R=1;
- N=pari(factor,Dn);
- if(N){
- for(II=car(size(N))-1;II>=0;II--){
- if(iand(K=N[II][1],1)){
- R*=N[II][0];
- K++;
- }
- C/=N[II][0]^(K/2);
- }
- }
- N=pari(factor,Nm);
- if(N){
- for(II=car(size(N))-1;II>=0;II--){
- if(N[II][0]==-1){
- C*=@i;
- continue;
- }
- K=N[II][1];
- if(iand(K,1)){
- R*=N[II][0];
- K--;
- }
- if(K!=0) C*=N[II][0]^(K/2);
- }
- }
- if(R!=1) C*=R^(1/2);
- return C;
-def fctri(F)
- R=(iscoef(F,os_md.israt))?fctr(F):[[1,1],[F,1]];
- if(!iscoef(F,os_md.iscrat)||chkfun("af_noalg",0)==0) return R;
- X=makenewv(vars(F));
- for(S=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- if(length(Var=vars(R0=car(R)[0])) == 1 && (D=mydeg(R0,Var=car(Var))) > 0){
- if(imag(T=mycoef(R0,D,Var))!=0) R0/=T;
- T=af_noalg(real(R0)+imag(R0)*X,[[X,X^2+1]]);
- if(length(T)>1||T[0][1]>1){
- T=subst(T,X,@i);
- for(; T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- if(vars(T[0])!=[])
- S=cons([car(T)[0],car(T)[1]*car(R)[1]],S);
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- S=cons(R[0],S);
- }
- return reverse(S);
-def getroot(F,X)
- S=[];
- if(type(Cpx=getopt(cpx))!=1) Cpx=0;
- M=getopt(mult);
- if(type(F) == 3)
- F = nm(red(F));
- for(R=fctri(F); length(R)>0; R = cdr(R)){
- T=car(R);
- P=car(T);
- I=car(cdr(T));
- if(mydeg(P,X)>0){
- if(mydeg(P,X)==1){
- C = mycoef(P,1,X);
- P = X - red(P/C);
- }else if(mydeg(P,X)==2 && Cpx>0){
- C2=mycoef(P,2,X);C1=mycoef(P,1,X);C0=mycoef(P,0,X);
- C=sqrt2rat(C1^2-4*C0*C2);
- C0=[];
- if(type(C)==0&&ntype(C)==0&&pari(issquare,-C)) C0=sqrt(C);
- else if(Cpx>1) C0=sqrtrat(C);
- if(C0==[]&&Cpx>2) C0=C^(1/2);
- if(C0!=[]){
- if(M==1)
- S=cons([I,sqrt2rat((-C1+C0)/(2*C2))],S);
- else{
- for(II=I; II>0; II--)
- S=cons(sqrt2rat((-C1+C0)/(2*C2)),S);
- }
- P=sqrt2rat((-C1-C0)/(2*C2));
- }
- }else if(mydeg(P,X)==3 && Cpx>1){
- Omg=(-1+3^(1/2)*@i)/2;
- PP=P/mycoef(P,3,X);
- C2=mycoef(PP,2,X)/3;
- PP=subst(PP,X,X-C2);
- if((C1=mycoef(PP,1,X))==0){
- C0=mycoef(PP,0,X);
- if(real(C0)==0||imag(C0)==0){
- if(real(C0)==0){
- PP=getroot(X^3+imag(C0),X);
- if(length(PP)==3){
- for(;PP!=[];PP=cdr(PP)){
- if(imag(PP[0])==0){
- C0=PP[0]*@i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(PP==[]) C0=0;
- }
- }else{
- if(C0>0) C0=C0^(1/3);
- else C0=-(-C0)^(1/3);
- }
- if(C0!=0){
- if(M==1){
- S=cons([I,C0-C2],S);
- S=cons([I,C0*Omg-C2],S);
- S=cons([I,C0*(-1-Omg)-C2],S);
- }else{
- for(II=I; II>0; II--){
- S=cons(C0-C2,S);
- S=cons(C0*Omg-C2,S);
- S=cons(C0*(-1-Omg)-C2,S);
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- if(Cpx>2){
- Q=X^2+(mycoef(PP,1,X)/3)*X+mycoef(PP,0,X)^3;
- SQ=getroot(Q,X|cpx=2);
- SQ=SQ[0]^(1/3);SQ2=mycoef(PP,0,X)/SQ;
- if(M==1){
- S=cons([I,SQ+SQ2-C2],S);
- S=cons([I,SQ*Omg+SQ2*(-1-Omg)-C2],S);
- S=cons([I,SQ*(-1-Omg)+SQ2*Omg-C2],S);
- }else{
- for(II=I; II>0; II--){
- S=cons(SQ+SQ2-C2,S);
- S=cons(SQ*Omg+SQ2*(-1-Omg)-C2,S);
- S=cons(SQ*(-1-Omg)+SQ2*Omg-C2,S);
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- }else if(mydeg(P,X)==4 && Cpx>0){
- C2=mycoef(P,3,X)/(4*mycoef(P,4,X));
- PP=subst(P,X,X-C2);
- if(mycoef(PP,1,X)==0){
- PP=mycoef(PP,4,X)*X^2+mycoef(PP,2,X)*X+(SQ2=mycoef(PP,0,X));
- SQ=getroot(PP,X|cpx=2);
- if(length(SQ)==2){
- if((C0=sqrtrat(SQ[0]))==[]){
- if(mycoef(PP,1,X)==0){
- if(SQ2<0) C0=(-SQ2)^(1/4);
- else C0=SQ2^(1/4)*(1+@i)/2;
- }
- else if(Cpx>2) C0=SQ[0]^(1/2);
- else C0=0;
- }
- if((C1=sqrtrat(SQ[1]))==[]){
- if(mycoef(PP,1,X)==0) C1=-C0;
- else C1=SQ[1]^(1/2);
- }
- if(C0!=0){
- if(M==1)
- S=append([[I,C0-C2],[I,-C0-C2],[I,C1-C2],[I,-C1-C2]],S);
- else{
- for(II=I; II>0; II--)
- S=append([C0-C2,-C0-C2,C1-C2,-C1-C2],S);
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- }else{
- PP/=mycoef(PP,4,X);
- CC=mycoef(PP,2,X);C1=mycoef(PP,1,X);C0=mycoef(PP,0,X);
- SQ=getroot(X*(CC+X)^2-4*C0*X-C1^2,X|cpx=Cpx);
- if(length(SQ)>1){
- SQ=sqrt2rat(SQ[0]);
- SQ2=getroot(X^2-SQ,X|cpx=Cpx);
- if(length(SQ2)>1){
- C1=SQ2[0]*X-C1/SQ2[0]/2;
- C0=getroot(X^2+CC/2+SQ/2+C1,X|cpx=Cpx);
- C1=getroot(X^2+CC/2+SQ/2-C1,X|cpx=Cpx);
- if(length(C0)>1&&length(C1)>1){
- C0=[sqrt2rat(C0[0]-C2),sqrt2rat(C0[1]-C2),
- sqrt2rat(C1[0]-C2),sqrt2rat(C1[1]-C2)];
- if(M==1) for(II=0;II<4;II++) S=cons([I,C0[II]],S);
- else for(II=I; II>0; II--) S=append(C0,S);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(M==1)
- S=cons([I,P],S);
- else for( ; I>0; I--) S=cons(P,S);
- }
- }
- S=qsort(S);
- if(M==1) S=reverse(S);
- return S;
-def expat(F,L,V)
- L = vweyl(L);
- if(V == "?"){
- Ans = [];
- F = nm(red(F));
- S = fromeul(toeul(F,L,"infty"),L,0);
- S = mycoef(S,mydeg(S,L[1]),L[1]);
- if(mydeg(S,L[0]) > 0)
- Ans = cons(["infty", expat(F,L,"infty")],Ans);
- S = mycoef(F,mydeg(F,L[1]), L[1]);
- R = getroot(S,L[0]);
- for(I = 0; I < length(R); I++){
- if(I > 0 && R[I-1] == R[I])
- continue;
- if(mydeg(R[I], L[0]) <= 0)
- Ans = cons([R[I], expat(F,L,R[I])], Ans);
- else
- Ans = cons([R[I]], Ans);
- }
- return Ans;
- }
- return getroot(subst(toeul(F,L,V),L[0],0),L[1]);
-def polbyroot(P,X)
- R = 1;
- while(length(P)){
- R *= X-car(P);
- if(type(R)>2) R = red(R);
- P = cdr(P);
- }
- return R;
-def polbyvalue(P,X)
- R = 1; S = 0;
- while(length(P)){
- T = car(P);
- V0 = T[1] - mysubst(S,[X,T[0]]);
- if(V0 != 0){
- if(type(R) > 2) R = red(R);
- V1 = mysubst(R,[X,T[0]]);
- if(V1 == 0){
- erno(0);
- return 0;
- }
- S += (V0/V1)*R;
- if(type(S) > 2) S = red(S);
- }
- R *= X - T[0];
- P = cdr(P);
- }
- return S;
-def pcoef(P,L,Q)
- if(L==0)
- return 1;
- Coef=TP=0;
- if(type(Q)>=4){
- TP=1;
- V=Q[0];
- if(type(V)==4)
- V=ltov(V);
- else V=dupmat(V);
- N=length(V);
- if(type(Q[1])==5) MR=dupmat(Q[1]);
- else{
- MR=newvect(N);
- for(K=Q[1], I=0; I< N; I++){
- MR[I] = car(K);
- K = cdr(K);
- }
- }
- }else{
- V=ltov(vars(P));
- N=length(V);
- MR=newvect(N);
- for(I=0;I<N;I++){
- MR[I]=mydeg(Q,V[I]);
- Q=mycoef(Q,MR[I],V[I]);
- }
- if(type(Q)>1) return 0;
- }
- if(L==1){
- for(I=0;I<N;I++)
- P=mycoef(P,MR[I],V[I]);
- return P;
- }
- for(I=1;I<N;I++){ /* sorted by required degrees */
- for(K1=MR[I],K2=V[I],J=I-1; J>=0 && MR[J]<K1; J--);
- for(II=I-1;II>J;II--){
- MR[II+1]=MR[II];V[II+1]=V[II];
- }
- MR[II+1]=K1;V[II+1]=K2;
- }
- for(NN=N; N>0 && MR[N-1]==0; N--);
- Mon=[];Coe=[];Q=P;
- while(Q!=0){
- M=newvect(N);
- for(R=Q,F=I=0,MT=1;I<NN;I++){
- K=mydeg(R,V[I]);
- R=mycoef(R,K,V[I]);
- if(I<N) M[I]=K;
- if(K>0) MT*=V[I]^K;
- if(K>MR[I]) F=1;
- }
- Q -= R*MT;
- if(F==0){
- Mon=cons(M,Mon);
- Coe=cons(R,Coe);
- }
- }
- Mon=ltov(reverse(Mon));
- Coe=ltov(reverse(Coe));
- Len=length(Mon);
- S=newvect(Len);
- for(JL=0; JL<Len;JL++){
- if(L*Mon[JL][0]<MR[0]) break;
- }
- S[0]=L;
- K0=Mon[0][0];
- K=L*K0-MR[0];
- for(I=II=0;II<Len && K>=0;II++){
- if((K1=K0-Mon[0][II])>0){
- while(K>K1 && S[I]>0){
- S[I]--;S[II]++;
- K-=K1;
- I=II;
- K0=Mon[0][II];
- }
- }else break;
- }
- I=0;
- while(1){
- for(T=T0=J=JP=0; J<Len; J++){
- if(S[J]!=0){
- if(T0==0 && J>=JL) return Coef;
- JP=J;T0=1;
- T+=S[J]*Mon[J][I];
- }
- }
- if(T==MR[I]){
- if(++I<N) continue;
- for(TT=1,J=1; J<=L; J++) /* find a solution */
- TT*=J;
- for(J=0;J<Len;J++){
- if(S[J]!=0){
- TT*=Coe[J]^S[J];
- for(II=S[J]; II>1; II--)
- TT/=II;
- }
- }
- Coef+=TT;
- if(TP==1 && type(Coef)==3) Coef=red(Coef);
- if(JP<Len-2 && S[JP]>1){
- S[JP]-=2;S[JP+1]++;S[JP+2]++;
- }else{
- for(JT=JP-1;JT>=0&&S[JT]==0;JT--);
- if(JT<0) break;
- if(JT==JP-1){
- S[JT]--;
- if(JP<Len-1)
- S[JP+1]++;
- else
- S[JP]++;
- }else{
- S[JT]--;
- S[JT+1]+=S[JP]+1;
- S[JP]=0;
- }
- }
- I=0;
- continue;
- }
- if(JP<Len-1){
- for(JP1=JP+1;JP1<Len-1;JP1++){
- if(Mon[JP1][I]!=Mon[JP][I]) break;
- }
- if(I>0 && Mon[JP1][0] < Mon[JP][0]){
- S[JP]--;S[Len-1]++;JP=JP-1;
- }else{
- S[JP]--;
- if(JP1<Len){
- S[JP1]++;
- }else{
- S[JP1-1]++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(JP==Len-1){
- for(JT=JP-1;JT>=0 && S[JT]==0;JT--);
- if(JT<0) break;
- S[JT]--;
- if(JT==JP-1){
- S[JP]++;
- }else{
- S[JT+1]+=S[JP]+1;
- S[JP]=0;
- }
- }
- I=0;
- }
- return Coef;
-def prehombf(P,Q)
- if((Mem=getopt(mem))!=1 && Mem!=-1)
- return prehombfold(P,Q);
- if(Q==0) Q=P;
- V=ltov(vars(P));
- N=length(V);
- for(I=1;I<N;I++){ /* sorted by required degrees */
- for(K=mydeg(P,V[I]),K1=V[I],J=I-1; J>=0 && mydeg(P,V[J])<K; J--);
- for(II=I-1;II>J;II--) V[II+1]=V[II];
- V[II+1]=K1;
- }
- S=newvect(N);T=newvect(N);U=newvect(N);
- for(R=P,M=1,Deg=I=0;I<N;I++){ /* extreme vector */
- Deg+=(S[I]=mydeg(R,V[I]));
- R=mycoef(R,S[I],V[I]);
- }
- DR=[[-1,0]];
- if((R1=N/Deg)!=1){
- DR=cons([-R1,0],DR);
- Sft=1;
- }else Sft=0;
- if(Deg%2==0) Sg=1;
- else Sg=-1;
- for(I=0,R=R2=1,QQ=Q; 2*I+Sft < Deg; I++){
- if(Mem==-1){
- print(I+1,0);print("/",0);print(idiv(Deg-Sft+1,2),0);print(" ",2);
- }
- Coef=0;
- Q=QQ;
- while(Q!=0){
- for(R=Q,J=0,RR=1;J<N;J++){
- T[J]=mydeg(R,V[J]);
- R=mycoef(R,T[J],V[J]);
- if(T[J]>0) RR*=V[J]^T[J];
- }
- Q-=R*RR;
- for(J=0,CC=R;J<N;J++){
- U[J]=I*S[J]+T[J];
- for(II=0; II<T[J]; II++)
- CC*=(U[J]-II);
- }
- CC*=pcoef(P,I+1,[V,U]);
- if(Mem==-1) print("*",2);
- Coef+=CC;
- }
- DR=cons([I,Coef],DR);
- DR=cons([-R1-1-I,Sg*Coef],DR);
- if(Mem==-1) print("");
- }
- P = polbyvalue(DR,s);
- return fctr(P);
-def prehombfold(P,Q)
- V = vars(P);
- if(Q==0) Q=P;
- for(Deg=0, R=P, V1=V, DD=[]; V1!=[]; V1=cdr(V1)){
- VT = car(V1);
- D = mydeg(R,VT);
- R = mycoef(R,D,VT);
- Deg += D;
- X = makev(["d",VT]);
- Q = subst(Q,VT,X);
- DD=cons([VT,X],DD);
- }
- DR=[[-1,0]];
- NV=length(V);
- if((R1=NV/Deg)!=1){
- DR=cons([-R1,0],DR);
- Sft=1;
- }else
- Sft=0;
- if(Deg%2==0)
- Sg=1;
- else Sg=-1;
- for(I = 0, R=R2=1; 2*I+Sft < Deg; I++){
- R = R2;
- R2 = R*P;
- S = appldo(Q,R2,DD);
- QQ = sdiv(S,R);
- DR=cons([I,QQ],DR);
- DR=cons([-R1-1-I,Sg*QQ],DR);
- }
- P = polbyvalue(DR,s);
- return fctr(P);
-def sub3e(P0,P1,P2,N0,N1,N)
- R = x^N0*(x-1)^N1*dx^N;
- for(V = I = 1, J = 1; I <= N; I++){
- S = 0;
- M = N-I;
- if(I <= N0){
- T = mycoef(P0,N0-I,x);
- S += T;
- R += T*x^(N0-I)*(x-1)^N1*dx^M;
- K1 = N0-I+1;
- }else
- K1 = 0;
- if(I <= N1){
- T = mycoef(P1,N1-I,x);
- S += T;
- R += T*x^N0*(x-1)^(N1-I)*dx^M;
- K2 = N0-1;
- }else
- K2 = N-I;
- for(K = K1; K <= K2; K++){
- if(K == K2){
- R += (mycoef(P2,N-I,x)-S)*x^K*(x-1)^(M-K)*dx^M;
- continue;
- }
- R += strtov("r"+rtostr(V))*x^K*(x-1)^(M-K)*dx^M;
- S += strtov("r"+rtostr(V++));
- }
- }
- if(V > 1)
- mycat([V-1, "accessory parameters: r1,r2,..."]);
- return R;
-def fuchs3e(P,Q,R)
- return getbygrs([R,P,Q],3);
-def okubo3e(P,Q,R)
- if(getopt(opt)==1){
- N=length(R);
- M1=N-length(P);M2=N-length(Q);
- V=(M1-1)*(M2-1);
- if(V>0) mycat([V, "accessory parameters"]);
- return getbygrs([R,cons([M1,0],P),cons([M2,0],Q)],3);
- }
- S = 0;
- V = -1;
- L = newvect(3,[[],[],[]]);
- N = newvect(3,[0,0,0]);
- if(type(R) < 4){
- I = -1;
- V = 3;
- }else{
- I = 2;
- V = -1;
- }
- for( ; I >= 0; I--){
- if(I == 2)
- U = R;
- else if(I == 1)
- U = Q;
- else
- U = P;
- for( ; length(U); U = cdr(U)){
- T = car(U);
- if( T == "?"){
- if(V < 0)
- V = I;
- else
- return 0;
- }else{
- if(I == 2)
- L[I] = cons(-T, L[I]);
- else
- L[I] = cons(T, L[I]);
- S += T;
- }
- N[I]++;
- }
- }
- if(V == 3){
- N[2] = N[0] + N[1];
- P2 = x^N;
- for(I = 1; I <= N; I++)
- P2 += makev([R,I])*x^(N-I);
- }else{
- if(N[0]+N[1] != N[2]){
- print("Number of exponents are wrong",0);
- return -1;
- }
- S -= N[0]*N[1];
- if(V < 0){
- if(S != 0){
- mycat(["Viorate Fuchs relation ->",S]);
- return -2;
- }
- }else{
- if(V != 2)
- S = -S;
- L[V] = cons(S, L[V]);
- }
- P2 = polinsft(polbyroot(L[2],x),x);
- }
- P0 = polinsft(mysubst(polbyroot(L[0],x),[x,x+N[1]]),x);
- P1 = polinsft(mysubst(polbyroot(L[1],x),[x,x+N[0]]),x);
- return sub3e(P0,P1,P2,N[0],N[1],N[2]);
-/* N = 2*M (N-M = M) or 2*M+1 (N-M = M+1)
- 0 : 0 1 ..... M-1 B B+1 ... B+N-M-2 A
- 1 : C C+1 ... C+M-1 0 1 .... N-M-2 N-M-1
- */
-def eosub(A,B,C,N)
- M = N%2;
- P = [];
- Q = [];
- P = cons(A,P);
- for(I = 0; I < N-M-1; I++)
- P = cons(B+I,P);
- for(I = 0; I < M; I++)
- Q = cons(C+I,Q);
- P = okubo3e(P,Q,s);
- C = newvect(2);
- L = newvect(2);
- C[1] = chkexp(P,[x,dx],0,b,N-M-1);
- C[0] = chkexp(P,[x,dx],1,c,M);
- for(LL = K = 0; K < 2; K++){
- L[K] = length(C[K]);
- C[K] = ltov(C[K]);
- if(L[K] > LL)
- LL = L[K];
- }
- JJ = 0;
- for(I = 1; Do; I++){
- Do = 0;
- S = makev(["r",I]);
- for(J = JJ; J < LL; J++){
- JJ = LL;
- for(K = 0; K < 2; K++){
- if(J >= L[K] || C[K][J] == 0)
- continue;
- if(J < JJ)
- JJ = J;
- if(Do == 1){
- CC = C[K];
- CC[J] = mysubst(CC[J], [S, Var]);
- continue;
- }
- if(mydeg(C[K][J]) >= 1){
- if(mydeg(C[K][J]) > 1){
- print("Internal error");
- return;
- }
- Var = getroot(C[K][J],S);
- Var = Var[0];
- CC = C[K];
- CC[J] = 0;
- P = mysubst(P, [S, Var]);
- Do = 1;
- J = JJ - 1;
- K++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(JJ != L){
- print("Internal error (non Rigid)");
- return;
- }
- return P;
-def even4e(X,Y){
- if(length(X) != 4 || length(Y) != 2){
- print("Usage: even4e([a,b,c,d],[e,f])");
- print("0: 0 1 e f");
- print("1; 0 1 * *+1");
- print("infty: a b c d");
- return;
- }
- S = -3;
- for(I = 0; I < 4; I++){
- S += X[I];
- if(I < 2)
- S += Y[I];
- }
- S = -S/2;
- P = okubo3e(Y,[S,"?"],X);
- T = chkexp(P,x,1,S,2);
- T = getroot(T[0],r1);
- return mysubst(P,[r1,T[0]]);
-def odd5e(X,Y)
- if(length(X) != 5 || length(Y) != 2){
- print("Usage: spec6e([a,b,c,d,e],[f,g])");
- print("0: 0 1 f g g+1");
- print("1: 0 1 2 * *+1");
- print("infty: a b c d e");
- return;
- }
- S = -4;
- for(I = 0; I < 5; I++){
- S += X[I];
- if(I < 2)
- S += Y[I];
- }
- S = -(S + Y[1])/2;
- P = okubo3e([Y[0],Y[1],Y[1]+1],[S,"?"],X);
- T = chkexp(P,x,1,S,2);
- T = getroot(T[0],r1);
- P = mysubst(P,[r1,T[0]]);
- T = chkexp(P,x,0,Y[1],2);
- T = getroot(T[0],r2);
- return mysubst(P,[r2,T[0]]);
-def extra6e(X,Y)
- if(length(X) != 6 || length(Y) != 2){
- print("Usage: extra6e([a,b,c,d,e,f],[g,h])");
- print("0: 0 1 g g+1 h h+1");
- print("1: 0 1 2 3 * *+1");
- print("infty: a b c d e f");
- return;
- }
- S = -5;
- for(I = 0; I < 6; I++){
- S += X[I];
- if(I < 2)
- S += 2*Y[I];
- }
- S = -S/2;
- P = okubo3e([Y[0],Y[0]+1,Y[1],Y[1]+1],[S,"?"],X);
- T = chkexp(P,x,1,S,2);
- T = getroot(T[0],r1);
- P = mysubst(P,[r1,T[0]]);
- T = chkexp(P,x,0,Y[0],2);
- T = getroot(T[0],r3);
- P = mysubst(P,[r3,T[0]]);
- T = chkexp(P,x,0,Y[1],2);
- T = getroot(T[0],r2);
- return mysubst(P,[r2,T[0]]);
-def rigid211(X,Y,Z)
- if(length(X) != 2 || length(Y) != 2 || length(Z) != 2){
- print("Usage: rigid211([a,b],[c,d],[e,f])");
- print("0: 0 1 a b");
- print("1: 0 1 c d");
- print("infty: e e+1 f *");
- return;
- }
- P = okubo3e(X,Y,[Z[0],Z[0]+1,Z[1],"?"]);
- T = chkexp(P,x,"infty",Z[0],2);
- T = getroot(T[0],r1);
- return mysubst(P,[r1,T[0]]);
-def solpokuboe(P,L,N)
- if(type(N) > 1 || ntype(N) != 0 || dn(N) != 1){
- mycat(["Irrigal argument :", N]);
- return 0;
- }
- L = vweyl(L);
- DD=N+1;
- for(U = S = L[0]^N; U != 0; ){
- D = mydeg(U,L[0]);
- if(D>=DD){
- mycat(["Internal Error",D,DD]);
- return -1;
- }
- DD=D;
- UU = L[0]^D;
- R = appldo(P,UU,L);
- if(mydeg(R,L[0]) > D){
- printf("Bad operator\n");
- return 0;
- }
- CC = mycoef(R,D,L[0]);
- if(D == N){
- P -= (E = CC);
- U = R-E*U;
- continue;
- }
- if(CC == 0){
- printf("No polynomial\n");
- return 0;
- }
- CC= mycoef(U,D,L[0])/CC;
- S = red(S - UU*CC);
- U = red(U - R*CC);
- }
- return [nm(S),E];
-def stoe(M,L,N)
- L = vweyl(L);
- Size = size(M);
- S = Size[0];
- NN = 0;
- if(type(N) == 4){
- NN=N[0]; N=N[1];
- }else if(N < 0){
- NN=-N; N=0;
- }
- if(S != Size[1] || N >= S || NN >= S)
- return;
- D = newmat(S+1,S+1);
- MN = dupmat(M);
- MD = newmat(S,S);
- DD = D[0];
- DD[N] = 1; DD[S] = 1;
- for(Lcm = I = 1; ; ){
- DD = D[I];
- MM = MN[N];
- for(J = 0; J < S; J++){
- DD[J] = MM[J];
- Lcm = lcm(dn(DD[J]),Lcm);
- }
- DD[S] = L[1]^I;
- for(J = 0; J <= S; J++)
- DD[J] = red(DD[J]*Lcm);
- if(I++ >= S)
- break;
- if(I==S && NN>0){
- DD = D[I];
- DD[0]=-z_zz; DD[NN]=1;
- break;
- }
- Mm = dupmat(MN*M);
- for(J = 0; J < S; J++){
- for(K = 0; K < S; K++)
- MN[J][K] = red(diff(MN[J][K],L[0])+Mm[J][K]);
- }
- }
-#if 0
- P = fctr(mydet2(D));
- P = fctr(det(D));
- for(I = R = 1; I < length(P); I++){
- if(mydeg(P[I][0],L[1]) > 0)
- R *= P[I][0]^P[I][1];
- }
- if(NN > 0)
- R = -red(coef(R,0,z_zz)/coef(R,1,z_zz));
- return R;
-def dform(L,X)
- if(type(X)==2) X=[X];
- if(type(L[0])!=4) L=[L];
- if(type(X)==4) X=ltov(X);
- M=length(X);
- if(length(car(L))==2){
- R=newvect(M);
- for(LL=L; LL!=[]; LL=cdr(LL)){
- for(I=0; I<M; I++){
- RT=rmul(car(LL)[0],mydiff(car(LL)[1],X[I]));
- R[I] = (R[I]==0)?RT:radd(R[I],RT);
- }
- }
- Dif=getopt(dif);
- for(RR=[], I=M-1; I>=0; I--){
- if(Dif==1) RR=cons([1,R[I],X[I]],RR);
- else RR=cons([R[I],X[I]],RR);
- }
- if(Dif==1) RR=dform(RR,X);
- return RR;
- }else if(length(car(L))!=3) return L;
- N=M*(M-1)/2;
- R=newvect(N);
- S=newvect(N);
- for(LL=L; LL!=[]; LL=cdr(LL)){
- for(I=K=0; I<M; I++){
- for(J=I+1; J<M; J++, K++){
- if(LL==L) S[K]=[X[I],X[J]];
- LT=car(LL);
- R1=mydiff(LT[2],X[J]);
- R2=mydiff(-LT[2],X[I]);
- if(R2==0){
- if(R1==0) continue;
- R1=rmul(mydiff(LT[1],X[I]),R1);
- }else if(R1==0){
- R1=rmul(mydiff(LT[1],X[J]),R2);
- }else
- R1=rmul(mydiff(LT[1],X[I]),R1)+rmul(mydiff(LT[1],X[J]),R2);
- R1=rmul(LT[0],R1);
- R[K] = (R[K]==0)?R1:radd(R[K],R1);
- }
- }
- }
- for(RR=[],I=N-1; I>=0; I--)
- RR=cons([R[I],S[I][0],S[I][1]],RR);
- return RR;
-def polinvsym(P,Q,Sym)
- N = length(Q);
- T = polbyroot(Q,zz);
- for(I = 1; I <= N; I++){
- P = mysubst(P,[makev([Sym,I]), (-1)^I*coef(T,N-I,zz)]);
- }
- return P;
-def polinsym(P,Q,Sym)
- if(type(P) == 3){
- P = red(P);
- if(type(P) == 3){
- D = polinsym(dn(P),Q,Sym);
- if(D == 0)
- return 0;
- return polinsym(nm(P),Q,Sym)/D;
- }
- }
- N = length(Q);
- V = newvect(N+1);
- S = newvect(N+1);
- E = newvect(N+1);
- E0 = newvect(N+1);
- T = polbyroot(Q,zzz);
- for(J = 1; J <= N; J++){
- K = coef(T,N-J,zzz);
- if(J % 2)
- K = -K;
- S[J] = K;
- V[J] = makev([Sym,J]);
- }
- K = deg(P,Q[0]);
- for(J = 0; J <= N; J++)
- E0[J] = K+1;
- E[0] = K+1;
- while(deg(P,Q[0]) > 0){
- for(P0 = P, J = 1; J <= N; J++){
- E[J] = deg(P0,Q[J-1]);
- P0 = coef(P0,E[J],Q[J-1]);
- }
- /* P0*Q[0]^E[1]*Q[1]^E[2]*... E[1] >= E[2} >= ... */
- for(J = 1; J <= N; J++){
- if(E[J] < E0[J])
- break;
- if(E[J-1] < E[J])
- J = N;
- }
- if(J > N){
- print("Not symmetric");
- return 0;
- }
- for(J = 1; J <= N; J++)
- E0[J] = E[J];
- for(J = N; J > 1; J--){
- if(E[J] != 0)
- for(K = 1; K < J; K++)
- E[K] -= E[J];
- }
- for(R0 = P0, K = 1; K <= N; K++){
- if(E[K] > 0)
- P0 *= S[K]^E[K];
- R0 *= V[K]^E[K];
- }
- P += R0 - P0;
- }
- return P;
-def tohomog(P,L,V)
- while(length(L)>0){
- P = mysubst(P,[car(L),car(L)/V]);
- L = cdr(L);
- }
- P = red(P);
- N = mindeg(dn(P),V);
- if(N > 0)
- P = red(P*V^N);
- N = mindeg(dn(P),V);
- if(N > 0)
- P = red(P/(V^N));
- return P;
-def substblock(P,X,Q,Y)
- P = red(P);
- if(deg(dn(P),X) > 0)
- return substblock(nm(P),X,Q,Y)/substblock(dn(P),X,Q,Y);
- N = mydeg(Q,X);
- if(N < 1)
- return P;
- R = mycoef(Q,N,X);
- while(M = mydeg(P,X), M >= N)
- P = red(P - mycoef(P,M,X)*(Q-Y)*X^(M-N)/R);
- return P;
-def okuboetos(P,L)
- L = vweyl(L); X = L[0]; DX = L[1];
- N = mydeg(P,DX);
- C = mycoef(P,N,DX);
- K = mydeg(C,X);
- if(K > N){
- print("Irregular singularity at infinity")$
- return 0;
- }
- if(N > K)
- P *= x^(N-K);
- L = getroot(mycoef(P,N,DX),x);
- L = ltov(reverse(L));
- if(length(L) != N || N == 0){
- print("Cannot get exponents")$
- return 0;
- }
- if( type(LL = getopt(diag)) == 4 ){
- LL = ltov(LL);
- if(length(LL) != N){
- mycat(["Length of the option should be", N]);
- return 0;
- }
- Tmp = newvect(N);
- for(I = N-1; I >= 0; I--){
- for(LLT = LL[I], J = N-1; J >=0 ; J--){
- if(LLT == L[J] && Tmp[J] == 0){
- Tmp[J] = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(J < 0){
- print("option is wrong");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- L = LL;
- }
- P /= mycoef(C,N,X);
- A = newmat(N,N);
- AT = newmat(N+1,N+1);
- Phi= newvect(N+1);
- Phi[0] = 1;
- for(J = 0; J < N; J++)
- Phi[J+1] = Phi[J]*(X-L[J]);
- for(ATT = AT[N], J = 0; J < N; J++)
- ATT[J] = mycoef(P,J,DX);
- for(K = 1; K <= N; K++){
- for(J = N; J >= K; J--){
- Aj = A[J-1];
- SIG = AT[J][J-K];
- for(I = 0; I <= K-2; I++)
- SIG += Aj[J-I-1]*AT[J-I-1][J-K];
- if(K == 1)
- DAT = mydiff(Phi[J-1],X);
- else
- DAT = mydiff(AT[J-1][J-K],X);
- Aj[J-K] = -SIG+(X-L[J-1])*DAT;
- Aj[J-K] /= Phi[J-K];
- Aj[J-K] = mysubst(Aj[J-K],[X,L[J-1]]);
- if(J < K+1) continue;
- ATj = AT[J-1];
- ATj[J-K-1] = SIG+Aj[J-K]*Phi[J-K];
- ATj[J-K-1] /= (X - L[J-1]);
- ATj[J-K-1] = red(ATj[J-K-1]-DAT);
- }
- }
- ATT = newmat(N,N);
- for(J = 0; J < N; J++){
- for(K = 0; K < N; K++){
- ATj = ATT[J];
- ATj[K] = AT[J][K];
- }
- ATj[J] = Phi[J];
- if(J < N-1){
- ATj = A[J];
- ATj[J+1] = 1;
- }
- }
- return [L,A,ATT];
-def heun(X,P,R)
- if(type(X) != 4 || length(X) != 5){
- print("Usage: huen([a,b,c,d,e],p,r)");
- print("0: 0 c");
- print("1: 0 d");
- print("p: 0 e");
- print("infty: a b");
- print("Fuchs relation: a+b+1 = c+d+e");
- return;
- }
- S = 1;
- V = -1;
- X = ltov(X);
- for(I = 0; I < 5; I++){
- if(X[I] == "?"){
- if(V >= 0)
- return;
- V = I;
- }else if(I < 2){
- S += X[I];
- }else
- S -= X[I];
- }
- if(V >= 0){
- if(V < 2)
- X[V] = -S;
- else
- X[V] = S;
- }else if(S != 0){
- mycat(["Fuch relation:", S,"should be zero!"]);
- return;
- }
- return
- x*(x-1)*(x-P)*dx^2
- + (X[2]*(x-1)*(x-P)+X[3]*x*(x-P)+X[4]*x*(x-1))*dx
- + X[0]*X[1]*(x-R);
-def fspt(M,T)
- if(type(M)==7) M=s2sp(M);
- if(T == 3) /* 3: cut 0 */
- return cutgrs(M);
- if(T == 4 || T== 5){ /* 4: short 5: long */
- for(MN = [] ; M != []; M = cdr(M)){
- MT = car(M);
- for(MNT = []; MT != []; MT = cdr(MT)){
- if(type(car(MT)) <= 3){
- if(T == 4) MNT = cons(car(MT),MNT);
- else MNT = cons([1,car(MT)],MNT);
- }else{
- if(T == 5 || car(MT)[0] > 1) MNT = cons(car(MT),MNT);
- else if(car(MT)[0] == 1) MNT = cons(car(MT)[1],MNT);
- }
- }
- MN = cons(reverse(MNT), MN);
- }
- return reverse(MN);
- }
- if(type(M[0][0]) == 4){
- for(MN = [] ; M != []; M = cdr(M)){
- MT = car(M);
- for(MNT = []; MT != []; MT = cdr(MT))
- MNT = cons(car(MT)[0], MNT);
- MN = cons(reverse(MNT), MN);
- }
- return fspt(reverse(MN),T);
- }
- if(T == 0) /* 0: sp */
- return M;
- for(MN = [] ; M != []; M = cdr(M)){
- MT = qsort(ltov(car(M)));
- L = length(MT);
- for(MNT = [], I = 0; I < L; I++)
- MNT = cons(MT[I], MNT);
- MN = cons(MNT, MN);
- }
- MN = reverse(MN);
- if(T==6) return MN; /* 7: sort */
- L = length(MN);
- for(M = MN; M != []; M = cdr(M)){
- for(I = 0, MT = car(M); MT != []; MT = cdr(MT))
- I += car(MT);
- if(OD == 0)
- OD = I;
- else if(OD != I || OD == 0)
- return 0;
- }
- ALL = [MN];
- RD=[];
- while(OD > 0){
- for(S = 0, MT = MN; MT != []; MT = cdr(MT))
- S += car(MT)[0];
- S -= (L-2)*OD;
- if(S <= 0){
- if(T==7) return [ALL[0],ALL[length(ALL)-1],RD];
- return (T==1)?MN:ALL;
- }
- RD=cons([S,0,0],RD);
- for(NP=0, M = [], MT = MN; MT != []; NP++, MT = cdr(MT)){
- MTT = car(MT);
- I = MTT[0] - S;
- if(I < 0){
- if(I+OD!=0) return 0;
- if(T==7) return [ALL[0],ALL[length(ALL)-1],cdr(RD)];
- return (T==1)?MN:ALL;
- }
- MTT = cdr(MTT);
- NC=1; DO=0;
- for(MNT = []; MTT != []; MTT = cdr(MTT)){
- if(MTT[0] > I){
- if(DO==0) RD=cons([MTT[0]-I,NP,NC++],RD);
- MNT = cons(MTT[0], MNT);
- }
- else if(MTT[0] <= I && I != 0){
- DO=1;
- MNT = cons(I, MNT);
- I = 0;
- if(MTT[0] > 0)
- MNT = cons(MTT[0], MNT);
- }
- }
- if(I > 0)
- MNT = cons(I,MNT);
- M = cons(reverse(MNT), M);
- }
- MN = reverse(M);
- ALL = cons(MN,ALL);
- OD -= S;
- }
-def abs(X)
- if(vars(X)!=[]) return todf(os_md.abs,[X]);
- if(type(X)==4){
- P=X[1];X=X[0];
- }else P=0;
- if(type(X)==1){
- if((T=ntype(X))<2 || T==3){
- if(X<0) X=-X;
- }else if(T==4) X=P?pari(abs,X,P):pari(abs,X);
- }
- return X;
-def sgn(X)
- if(X==0) return 0;
- if(type(X)==1){
- return (X>0)?1:-1;
- }
- if(type(X)==5) X=vtol(X);
- if(type(X)==4){
- for(W=0,Y=X;Y!=[];Y=cdr(Y))
- for(Z=cdr(Y);Z!=[];Z=cdr(Z))
- if(car(Y)>car(Z)) W++;
- if(getopt(val)==1) return W;
- return (iand(W,1))?-1:1;
- }
-def calc(X,L)
- if(type(X)<4||type(X)==7){
- if(type(L)==4||type(L)==7){
- V=L[1];
- if(type(X)!=7){
- if((L0=L[0])=="+") X+=V;
- else if(L0=="-") X-=V;
- else if(L0=="*") X*=V;
- else if(L0=="/") X/=V;
- else if(L0=="^") X^=V;
- }
- if((L0=L[0])==">") X=(X>V);
- else if(L0=="<") X=(X<V);
- else if(L0=="=") X=(X==V);
- else if(L0==">=") X=(X>=V);
- else if(L0=="<=") X=(X<=V);
- else if(L0=="!=") X=(X!=V);
- }else if(type(L)==7&&type(X)<4){
- if(L=="neg") X=-X;
- else if(L=="abs") X=abs(X);
- else if(L=="neg") X=-X;
- else if(L=="sqr") X*=X;
- else if(L=="inv") X=1/X;
- else if(L=="sgn"){
- if(X>0)X=1;
- else if(X<0) X=-1;
- }
- }
- }
- return X;
-def isint(X)
- if(X==0||(type(X)==1 && ntype(X)==0 && dn(X)==1)) return 1;
- return 0;
-def israt(X)
- if(X==0||(type(X)==1 && ntype(X)==0)) return 1;
- return 0;
-def iscrat(X)
- if(X==0 || (type(X)==1 && israt(real(X)) && israt(imag(X)))) return 1;
- return 0;
-def isalpha(X)
- return ((X>64&&X<91)||(X>96&&X<123))?1:0;
-def isnum(X)
- return (X>47&&X<58)?1:0;
-def isalphanum(X)
- return (isalpha(X)||isnum(X))?1:0;
-def isdecimal(X)
- if(type(X)!=7) return 0;
- F=S=0;
- L=strtoascii(X);
- while(L!=[]&&car(L)==32) L=cdr(L);
- if(L!=[]&&car(L)==45) L=cdr(L); /* - */
- while(L!=[]&&isnum(car(L))){
- F=1; L=cdr(L);
- }
- while(L!=[]&&car(L)<33){
- S=1;L=cdr(L);
- }
- if(L==[]) return F;
- else if(S||car(L)!=46) return 0; /* . */
- L=cdr(L);F=0;
- while(L!=[]&&isnum(car(L))){
- F=1; L=cdr(L);
- }
- while(L!=[]&&car(L)<33) L=cdr(L);
- return (L==[])?F:0;
-def isvar(X)
- return ([X]==vars(X)&&vtype(X)<3)?1:0;
-def isyes(F)
- if((CC=getopt(set))==1){
- IsYes=(type(F[0])==4)?F:[F];
- return 1;
- }else if(CC==0) return(IsYes);
- if(type(CC)!=7)
- CC=IsYes;
- for(;CC!=[]; CC=cdr(CC)){
- C=car(CC);
- V=call(C[0],cons(F,C[1]));
- if(type(C[2])!=4){
- if(V!=C[2]) break;
- }else{
- if(C[2][0]!="" && V<C[2][0]) break;
- if(C[2][1]!="" && V>C[2][1]) break;
- }
- }
- return (CC==[])?1:0;
-def isall(FN,M)
- if(type(M)<4 || type(M)>6) return ((*FN)(M)==0)?0:1;
- if(type(M)==4){
- for(;M!=[];M=cdr(M))
- if((*FN)(car(M))==0) return 0;
- }else if(type(M)==5){
- K=length(M);
- for(I=0;I<K;I++)
- if((*FN)(M[I])==0) return 0;
- }else if(type(M)==6){
- K=size(M)[0];
- for(I=0;I<K;I++)
- if (isall(FN,M[I])==0) return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-def sproot(MP,T)
- if((I=str_chr(T,0,","))>0){
- if(type(MP)==7) M=s2sp(MP);
- else M=chkspt(MP|opt=0);
- if(I==length(M[0])){
- N=s2sp(T);S=SM=SN=K=0;
- for(MM=M,NN=N;MM!=[];MM=cdr(MM),NN=cdr(NN),K++){
- for(MT=car(MM),NT=car(NN);MT!=[];MT=cdr(MT),NT=cdr(NT)){
- S+=car(MT)*car(NT);
- if(K==0){
- SM+=car(MT);SN+=car(NT);
- }
- }
- }
- return S-(length(M)-2)*SM*SN;
- }
- }
- MM=chkspt(MP|opt=7);
- if(T=="base") return MM;
- Keep=(getopt(keep)==1)?1:0;
- Null=getopt(null);
- Only=getopt(only);
- if(type(Only)!=1) Only=7;
- M0=MM[0];
- M1=MM[1];
- M=MM[2];
- if(T=="length") return length(M);
- if(T=="height"){
- for(J=2,S=M1[0][0],M2=M1; M2!=[]; M2=cdr(M2)){
- for(MT=cdr(car(M2)); MT!=[]; J++, MT=cdr(MT)){
- S+= J*car(MT);
- }
- J=1;
- }
- return S;
- }
- for(OD=0, MT=M1[0]; MT!=[]; MT=cdr(MT)) OD+=car(MT);
- if(T=="type"){
- R=newvect(OD+1);
- for(MT=M; MT!=[]; MT=cdr(MT)) R[MT[0][0]]++;
- for(RR=[],I=OD; I>0; I--)
- if(R[I]>0) RR=cons([R[I],I],RR);
- return RR;
- }
- if(T=="part"||T=="pair"||T=="pairs"){
- NP=length(M1);
- LM=newvect(NP);
- R=newvect(length(M));
- for(K=0; K<NP; K++) LM[K]=length(M1[K]);
- for(I=0,TM=M; TM!=[]; I++, TM=cdr(TM)){
- V=newvect(NP);
- for(K=0; K<NP; K++) V[K]=newvect(LM[K]);
- TP=car(TM);
- if(TP[2]==0){
- for(K=0;K<NP;K++) V[K][0]=1;
- for(J=0; J<I; J++){
- VJ=R[J][1];
- for(S=K=0;K<NP;K++) S+=VJ[K][0];
- for(OD=0,K=0;K<LM[0];K++) OD+=VJ[0][K];
- S-=(NP-2)*OD;
- for(K=0;K<NP;K++) VJ[K][0]-=S;
- }
- }else{
- K=TP[1]; P=TP[2];
- V[K][P-1]=-1; V[K][P]=1;
- for(J=0; J<I; J++){
- VJ=R[J][1];
- S=VJ[K][P]; VJ[K][P]=VJ[K][P-1]; VJ[K][P-1]=S;
- }
- }
- R[I]=[TP[0],V];
- }
- if(T=="pair"||T=="pairs"){
- MV=ltov(M1);
- for(K=0; K<NP; K++) MV[K] = ltov(MV[K]);
- for(RR=UU=SS=[],I=0; I<length(M); I++){
- V=newvect(NP); W=newvect(NP); U=newvect(NP);
- for(K=0; K<NP; K++){
- U[K]=newvect(LM[K]); V[K]=newvect(LM[K]); W[K]=newvect(LM[K]);
- }
- S=R[I][0];
- for(K=0; K<NP; K++){
- for(Q=J=0; J<LM[K]; J++){
- V[K][J] = S*(U[K][J] = R[I][1][K][J]);
- Q+=(W[K][J] = MV[K][J] - V[K][J]);
- }
- }
- if(Q>0 && iand(Only,1)==0) continue;
- if(Q==0 && iand(Only,2)==0) continue;
- if(Q<0 && iand(Only,4)==0) continue;
- for(K=0; K<NP; K++){
- V[K] = vtol(V[K]); W[K] = vtol(W[K]); U[K]=vtol(U[K]);
- }
- V=vtol(V); W=vtol(W);U=vtol(U);
- if(Q<0) S=-S;
- RR = cons([V,W], RR); UU = cons(U,UU); SS=cons(S,SS);
- }
- RR = reverse(RR); UU=reverse(UU); SS=reverse(SS);
- if(getopt(dviout)==1 && (Null!=1 || RR!=[])){
- Out=string_to_tb("\\begin{align}\\begin{split}"+s2sp(M1)+"&=");
- for(I=0,R=RR, U=UU; R!=[]; I++, R=cdr(R), U=cdr(U)){
- if(I>0) str_tb("\\\\\n &=",Out);
- if(T=="pairs"){
- if((S=SS[I])<0) S=-S;
- if(S>1) str_tb([my_tex_form(S),"("],Out);
- str_tb(s2sp(car(U)),Out);
- if(S>1) str_tb(")",Out);
- str_tb(" \\oplus ",Out);
- if(SS[I]<0){
- str_tb(["-(",s2sp(mtransbys(os_md.abs,car(R)[1],[])),")"],Out);
- str_tb(["-(",s2sp(mtransbys(abs,car(R)[1],[])),")"],Out);
- }else
- str_tb(s2sp(car(R)[1]),Out);
- }else
- str_tb([s2sp(car(R)[0])," \\oplus ",s2sp(car(R)[1])],Out);
- }
- str_tb("\n\\end{split}\\end{align}",Out);
- dviout(str_tb(0,Out)|keep=Keep);
- }
- return RR;
- }
- for(I=0; I<length(M); I++){
- for(K=0; K<NP; K++) R[I][1][K] = vtol(R[I][1][K]);
- R[I] = [R[I][0],vtol(R[I][1])];
- }
- R = vtol(R);
- return [M0,M1,R];
- }
-def spgen(MO)
- Eq=(getopt(eq)==1)?1:0;
- Sp=getopt(sp);
- if(type(Sp)==7) Sp=s2sp(Sp);
- St=getopt(str);
- LP=getopt(pt);
- F=getopt(std);
- if(F!=1&&F!=-1) F=0;
- if(type(LP)==4){
- L0=LP[0]; L1=LP[1];
- }else{
- L0=0; L1=MO+1;
- }
- if(MO<=0){
- MO=-MO;
- if(iand(MO,1)==1) return [];
- if(MO>1){
- if(isMs()==0) return [];
- Cmd="okubo "+rtostr(-MO);
- MO/=2;
- if(L1>0) Cmd=Cmd+"+"+rtostr(L0)+"-"+rtostr(L1);
- else L1=MO+4;
- Cmd=Cmd+" B";
- Id=getbyshell(Cmd);
- if(Id<0) return [];
- B=[];
- while((S=get_line(Id)) !=0){
- P0=str_chr(S,1,":")+1;
- if(P0>1){
- P1=str_chr(S,P,"\n");
- if(P1<0) P1=str_len(S);
- B=cons(sub_str(S,P0,P1-1),B);
- }
- }
- close_file(Id);
- }else{
- MO/=2;
- if(L1<=1) L1=MO+4;
- B=BB[MO];
- }
- if(St!=1){
- for(R=[]; B!=[]; B=cdr(B)){
- RT=F?s2sp(car(B)|std=F):s2sp(car(B));
- if(length(RT)<L0 || length(RT)>L1) continue;
- R=cons(RT,R);
- }
- return reverse(R);
- }else{
- if(L0<=3 && L1>=MO+4) return B;
- for(R=[]; B!=[]; B=cdr(B)){
- RT=s2sp(T=car(B));
- if(length(RT)<L0 || length(RT)>L1) continue;
- if(F) T=s2sp(s2sp(T|std=K));
- R=cons(T,R);
- }
- return reverse(R);
- }
- }
- MP=(L1<MO+1)?L1:MO+1;
- LL=newvect(MO+1);
- R=newvect(MP+2);
- R0=newvect(MP+2);
- for(I=1; I<=MO; I++) LL[I]=[];
- if(type(Sp)==4){
- if(getopt(basic)==1) Sp=chkspt(Sp[6]);
- R=chkspt(Sp);
- if(R[1]>MO) return 0;
- LL[R[1]]=R;
- K=R[1];
- }
- if(K==1||type(Sp)!=4){
- LL[1]=[[[1]]];
- for(I=2; I<=MO && I<MP;I++){
- for(T=[], J=0; J<I+1; J++)
- T=cons([I-1,1],T);
- LL[I]=cons(T,LL[I]);
- }
- K=2;
- }
- for(OD=K; OD<MO; OD++){
- for(LT=LL[OD]; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT)){
- for(II=0,L=car(LT); L!=[]; II++, L=cdr(L)){
- R0[II]=R[II]=car(L);
- }
- for(; ;){
- for(S=-2*OD, I=0; I<II; I++){
- S += OD;
- if(R[I]!=[]) S-=car(R[I]);
- }
- --I;
- for(;S+OD<=MO && I<=MP;S+=OD,I++){
- if(S<=0) continue;
- for(J=0;J<=I;J++){
- if(J>=II){
- if(S<OD) break;
- }else
- if(S+((R[J]==[])?0:car(R[J]))<car(R0[J])) break;
- }
- if(--J>=I){
- V=newvect(I);
- RRR=[];
- for(;J>=0;J--){
- if(J>=II) RR=[OD,S];
- else{
- K=length(R[J]);
- RR=[S+((K==0)?0:car(R[J]))];
- K=length(R0[J])-K;
- for(RT=R0[J]; RT!=[]; K--,RT=cdr(RT)){
- if(K!=0) RR=cons(car(RT),RR);
- }
- }
- RRR=cons(reverse(RR),RRR);
- }
- RRR=qsort(reverse(RRR));
- if(findin(RRR,LL[S+OD])<0)
- LL[S+OD]=cons(RRR,LL[S+OD]);
- }
- }
- for(K=0; K<II; K++){
- if(R[K]!=[]){
- S=car(R[K]);
- while((R[K]=cdr(R[K]))!=[] && car(R[K])==S);
- break;
- }else R[K]=R0[K];
- }
- if(K>=II) break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(L0>0 || L1<MO+1 || St==1 || F){
- for(J=1; J<=MO; J++){
- for(RT=[],R=LL[J];R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- L=length(T=car(R));
- if(L<L0 || L>L1) continue;
- if(F) T=s2sp(T|std=F);
- RT=cons((St==1)?s2sp(T):T,RT);
- }
- LL[J] = reverse(RT);
- }
- }
- if(Eq==1) return LL[MO];
- return LL;
-def spType2(L)
- C=0;R=[];
- for(LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- D=-1;LP=car(LT);
- for(LPT=LP;LPT!=[];LPT=cdr(LPT)){
- if(D==-1) D=car(LPT);
- else D=igcd(D,car(LPT));
- if(D==1){
- C++;break;
- }
- }
- if(C==2) return 0;
- R=cons(D,R);
- }
- if(C==0) return L;
- if(C==1){
- for(K=length(R)-1;R[K]!=1;K--);
- D=-1;
- for(I=length(R)-1;I>=0;I--){
- if(I==K) continue;
- if(D==-1) D=R[I];
- else D=igcd(D,R[I]);
- if(D==1) return 0;
- }
- }
- return L;
-/* ret [#points, order, idx, Fuchs, reduction order, reduction exponents, fund] */
-def chkspt(M)
- Opt= getopt(opt);
- Mat= getopt(mat);
- if(type(M)==7) M=s2sp(M);
- if(type(Opt) >= 0){
- if(type(Opt) == 7)
- Opt = findin(Opt, ["sp","basic","construct","strip","short","long","sort","root"]);
- if(Opt < 0){
- erno(2);
- return 0;
- }
- return fspt(M,Opt);
- }
- MR = fspt(M,1);
- P = length(M);
- OD = -1;
- XM = newvect(P);
- Fu = 0;
- for( I = SM = SSM = 0; I < P; I++ ){
- LJ = length(M[I]);
- JM = JMV = 0;
- for(J = SM = 0; J < LJ; J++){
- MV = M[I][J];
- if(type(MV) == 4){
- Fu += MV[0]*MV[1];
- MV = MV[0];
- }
- if(MV > JMV){
- JM = J; JMV = MV;
- }
- SM += MV;
- SSM += MV^2;
- }
- if(OD < 0)
- OD = SM;
- else if(OD != SM){
- print("irregal partitions");
- return 0;
- }
- XM[I] = JM;
- }
- SSM -= (P-2)*OD^2;
- for(I = SM = JM = 0; I < P; I++){
- MV = M[I][XM[I]];
- if(type(MV) == 4){
- MV = MV[0]; JM = 1;
- }
- if(I == 0)
- SMM = MV;
- else if(SMM > MV)
- SMM = MV;
- SM += MV;
- }
- SM -= (P-2)*OD;
- if(SM > SMM && SM != 2*OD){
- print("not realizable");
- return -1;
- }
- if(JM==1 && Mat!=1)
- Fu -= OD - SSM/2;
- return [P, OD, SSM, Fu, SM, XM, MR];
-def cterm(P)
- V = getopt(var);
- if(type(V) != 4)
- V=vars(P);
- for(; V !=[]; V = cdr(V))
- P = mycoef(P,0,car(V));
- return P;
-def terms(P,L)
- Lv=getopt(level);
- if(type(Lv)!=1) Lv=0;
- V=car(L);L=cdr(L);
- for(R=[],D=mydeg(P,V);D>=0; D--){
- if((Q=mycoef(P,D,V))==0) continue;
- if(L!=[]){
- R0=terms(Q,L|level=Lv+1);
- for(;R0!=[];R0=cdr(R0)) R=cons(cons(D,car(R0)),R);
- }else R=cons([D],R);
- }
- if(Lv>0) return R;
- R=qsort(R);
- Rev = getopt(rev); Dic=getopt(dic);
- if(Dic==1 && Rev==1) R=reverse(R);
- for(R0=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- for(RT=car(R),S=0;RT!=[];RT=cdr(RT)) S+=car(RT);
- R0=cons(cons(S,car(R)),R0);
- }
- if(Dic==1) return R0;
- if(Rev==1){
- for(R=[];R0!=[];R0=cdr(R0)){
- T=car(R0);
- R=cons(cons(-car(T),cdr(T)),R);
- }
- R0=R;
- }
- R0=qsort(R0);
- if(Rev==1){
- for(R=[];R0!=[];R0=cdr(R0)){
- T=car(R0);
- R=cons(cons(-car(T),cdr(T)),R);
- }
- R0=R;
- }
- return (Rev==1)?R0:reverse(R0);
-def polcut(P,N,L)
- if(type(L)==2) L=[L];
- M=getopt(top);
- if(type(M)!=1) M=0;
- T=terms(P,L);
- for(S=0;T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- LT=car(T);
- if(LT[0]<M || LT[0]>N) continue;
- for(PW=1,LT=cdr(LT),V=L,Q=P;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT),V=cdr(V)){
- Q=mycoef(Q,car(LT),car(V));PW*=car(V)^car(LT);
- }
- S+=Q*PW;
- }
- return S;
-def redgrs(M)
- Mat = getopt(mat);
- if(Mat!=1) Mat=0;
- R = chkspt(M|mat=Mat);
- if(type(R) < 4)
- return -1;
- if(R[4] <= 0)
- return 1-R[4];
- if(R[4] == 2*R[1])
- return 0;
- V = newvect(R[0]);
- Type = type(M[0][0]);
- if(Type > 3){
- Mu = Mat-1;
- for(I = 0; I < R[0]; I++)
- Mu += M[I][R[5][I]][1];
- }
- for(I = 0; I < R[0]; I++){
- IR = R[5][I]; L = []; MI = M[I]; MIE=MI[IR];
- for(J = length(MI)-1; J >= 0; J--){
- if(Type <= 3){
- VM = MI[J];
- if(J == IR){
- VM -= R[4];
- if(VM < 0) return -1;
- }
- L = cons(VM, L);
- }else{
- VM = MI[J][0];
- if(J == IR){
- VM -= R[4];
- if(VM < 0)
- return -1;
- if(I == 0)
- EV = 1-Mat-Mu;
- else
- EV = 0;
- }else{
- if(I == 0)
- EV = MI[J][1] - M[0][R[5][0]][1] + 1-Mat; /* + MX - Mu; */
- else
- EV = MI[J][1] - MIE[1] + Mu;
- }
- L = cons([VM,EV], L);
- if(R[2] >= 2){ */ /* digid */
-/* P = dx^(R[1]);
- } */
- }
- }
- V[I] = L;
- }
- return [R[5], vtol(V)];
-def cutgrs(A)
- for(AL=[] ; A!=[]; A=cdr(A)){ /* AT: level 2 */
- for(ALT=[], AT=car(A); AT!=[]; AT=cdr(AT)){
- M = (type(car(AT)) < 4)?car(AT):car(AT)[0];
- if(M > 0)
- ALT = cons(car(AT), ALT); /* ALT: level 2 */
- }
- AL = cons(reverse(ALT), AL); /* AL: level 3 */
- }
- return reverse(AL);
-def mcgrs(G, R)
- NP = length(G);
- Mat = (getopt(mat)==1)?0:1;
- for(R = reverse(R) ; R != []; R = cdr(R)){
- GN = [];
- L = length(G)-1;
- RT = car(R);
- if(type(RT) == 4){
- RT = reverse(RT); S = 0;
- for(G = reverse(G); G != []; G = cdr(G), L--){
- AD = car(RT); RT = cdr(RT);
- if(L > 0)
- S += AD;
- else
- AD = -S;
- for(GTN = [], GT = reverse(car(G)); GT != []; GT = cdr(GT))
- GTN = cons([car(GT)[0],car(GT)[1]+AD], GTN);
- GN = cons(GTN, GN);
- }
- G = GN;
- continue;
- }
- VP = newvect(L+1); GV = ltov(G);
- for(I = S = OD = 0; I <= L; I++){
- RTT = (I==0)?(Mat-RT):0;
- VP[I] = -1;
- for(J = M = 0, GT = GV[I]; GT != []; GT = cdr(GT), J++){
- if(I == 0)
- OD += car(GT)[0];
- if(car(GT)[1] == RTT && car(GT)[0] > M){
- S += car(GT)[0]-M;
- VP[I] = J;
- }
- }
- S -= (L-1)*OD;
- for(GN = [] ; L >= 0; L--){
- GT = GV[L];
- RTT = (L==0)?(-RT):RT;
- FTN = (VP[L] >= 0 || S == 0)?[]:[-S,(L==0)?(Mat-RT):0];
- for(J = 0; GT != []; GT = cdr(GT), J++){
- if(J != VP[L]){
- GTN = cons([car(GT)[0],car(GT)[1]+RTT], GTN);
- continue;
- }
- K = car(GT)[0] - S;
- if(K < 0){
- print("Not realizable");
- return;
- }
- GTN = cons([K,(L==0)?(Mat-RT):0], GTN);
- }
- GN = cons(reverse(GTN), GN);
- }
- }
- G = cutgrs(GN);
- }
- return G;
- F=0 : unify
- F=["add",S] :
- F=["sub",S] :
- F=["+",A,B] :
- F=["*",A,B] :
- F=["mul",K];
- F=["get",F,V] :
- F=["put",F,V] :
- F=["get1",F,V] :
- F=["put1",F,V] :
- F=["put1"] :
- F=["val",F];
- F=["swap"];
- */
-def anal2sp(R,F)
- if(type(F)==4&&type(F[0])==4){ /* multiple commands */
- for(;F!=[];F=cdr(F)) R=anal2sp(R,car(F));
- return R;
- }
- if(type(F)==7) F=[F];
- if(F==0){ /* unify */
- R=ltov(R);
- L=length(R);
- for(J=1;J<L;J++){
- for(I=0;I<J;I++){
- if(cdr(R[I])==cdr(R[J])){
- R[I]=cons(R[I][0]+R[J][0],cdr(R[I]));
- R[J]=cons(0,cdr(R[J]));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- for(G=[],I=L-1;I>=0;I--)
- if(R[I][0]!=0) G=cons(R[I],G);
- if(length(G[0])==2){ /* sort by multiplicity */
- R=ltov(G);
- L=length(R);
- for(I=1;I<L;I++){
- for(J=I;J>0;J--){
- if(R[J-1][0]>R[J][0]) break;
- if(R[J-1][0]==R[J][0]){
- S1=rtostr(R[J-1][1]);S2=rtostr(R[J][1]);
- if((K=str_len(S1)-str_len(S2))<0) break;
- if(!K&&S1<S2) break;
- }
- S=R[J-1];R[J-1]=R[J];R[J]=S;
- }
- }
- G=vtol(R);
- }
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="add") return append(R,F[1]);
- R=reverse(R);
- if(F[0]=="sub"){
- for(S=F[1];S!=[];S=cdr(S))
- R=cons(cons(-car(S)[0],cdr(car(S))),R);
- return reverse(R);
- }
- if(F[0]=="swap"){
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R))
- G=cons([car(R)[0],car(R)[2],car(R)[1]],G);
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="+"){
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R))
- G=cons([car(R)[0],car(R)[1]+F[1],car(R)[2]+F[2]],G);
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="*"){
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R))
- G=cons([car(R)[0],car(R)[1]*F[1]+car(R)[2]*F[2]],G);
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="mult"){
- K=F[1];
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)) G=cons(cons(K*car(R)[0],cdr(car(R))),G);
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="get"){
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R))
- if(car(R)[F[1]]==F[2]) G=cons(car(R),G);
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="put"){
- if(F[1]==1){
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)) G=cons([car(R)[0],F[2],car(R)[2]],G);
- }else{
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)) G=cons([car(R)[0],car(R)[1],F[2]],G);
- }
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="get1"){
- if(length(F)==2){
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)) G=cons([R[0][0],car(R)[F[1]]],G);
- return G;
- }
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R))
- if(car(R)[F[1]]==F[2]) G=cons([R[0][0],car(R)[3-F[1]]],G);
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="put1"){
- if(length(F)==1)
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)) G=cons([car(R)[0],car(R)[1],car(R)[1]],G);
- else if(F[1]==1)
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)) G=cons([car(R)[0],F[2],car(R)[1]],G);
- else{
- for(G=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)) G=cons([car(R)[0],car(R)[1],F[2]],G);
- }
- return G;
- }
- if(F[0]=="val"){
- V=(length(F)==1)?1:F[1];
- for(I=J=0;R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- I+=car(R)[0];
- J+=car(R)[0]*car(R)[V];
- }
- return [I,J];
- }
- return 0;
- G=0 get trivial common spct
- G="..,..," spectre type of 4 singular points
- P=["get"] all spct
- P=["get",L]
- L=n for variable x_n
- L=[m,n] for residue [m,n]
- L=[[m,n],[m',n']] for common spct
- P=["get0",[m,n],[m',n']] for the sum of residues
- P=["swap",[m,n]] for symmetry
- P=["perm",[...]] for symmetry
- P=["deg"]
- P=["homog"]
- P=["sort"]
- P=[[[m,n],c],...] for addition
- P=[c] or [[c],...] for middle convolution wrt 0
- P=[m,c] or [[m,c],...] for general middle convolution
- P=[[a,b,c]] for special additions
- P=[[d,a,b,c]] for middle convotution and additions
- P=["multi",...] multiple commands
- P=0,1,3 : return sim. spectre of 4 singular points
-def mc2grs(G,P)
- if(G==0){
- G=[];
- for(I=4;I>=0;I--){
- V=lsort([0,1,2,3,4],[I],1);
- for(J=1;J<4;J++){
- for(T=[],K=3;K>0;K--)
- if(K!=J) T=cons(V[K],T);
- G=cons([[[V[0],V[J]],T],[1,0,0]],G);
- }
- }
- G=mc2grs(G,"sort");
- }else if(type(G)==7||(type(G)==4&&length(G)==4)){
- if(type(G)==7) G=s2sp(G);
- F=(getopt(top)==0)?1:0;
- K=[];
- if(type(P)==1&&iand(P,1)&&type(G[0][0])<4){
- G=s2sp(G|std=1);
- if(F) G=[G[1],G[2],G[3],G[0]];
- G=sp2grs(G,[d,c,b,a],[1,length(G[0]),-1]|mat=1);
- G=reverse(G);
- if(iand(P,3)==3){
- V=vars(G);
- for(H=L=[a,b,c,d];H!=[];H=cdr(H))
- if(findin(car(H),V)>=0) G=subst(G,car(H),makev([car(H),1]));
- G=shortv(G,[a,b,c,d]);
- V=vars(G);
- for(H=G[3];H!=[];H=cdr(H)){
- T=car(H)[1];
- if(type(T)>1&&!isvar(T)){
- K=[car(H)[0],T];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- F=1;
- }
- if(F) G=[G[3],G[0],G[1],G[2]];
- S=cons(["anal",1],getopt());
- if(!(R=m2mc(G,0|option_list=S))) return R;
- for(G=0,R=cdr(R);R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- TR=car(R)[0];
- if(TR[0]) G=mc2grs(G,[[TR[0]]]);
- G=mc2grs(G,[cdr(TR)]);
- }
- if(type(P)==1&&K!=[]){
- for(T=10;T<36;T++){
- if(findin(X=makev([T]),V)>=0) continue;
- F=K[0]*(X-K[1]);
- return [F,simplify(G,[F],4)];
- }
- }
- }
- if(type(P)<2) return G;
- F=0;
- if(type(P)==7||(type(P)==4&&type(P[0])<4)) P=[P];
- if((Dvi=getopt(dviout))!=1&&Dvi!=2&&Dvi!=-1) Dvi=0;
- Keep=(Dvi==2)?1:0;
- if(type(P)==4&&type(F=car(P))==7){
- if(F=="mult"){
- for(P=cdr(P);P!=[];P=cdr(P)) G=mc2grs(G,car(P)|option_list=getopt());
- return G;
- }
- if(F=="show"){
- for(R=str_tb(0,0);G!=[];){
- L=car(G);
- I=L[0][0];J=L[0][1];
- str_tb("[A_{"+rtostr(I[0])+rtostr(I[1])+"}:A_{"+rtostr(J[0])+rtostr(J[1])
- +"}]&=\\left\\{",R);
- for(L=cdr(L);;){
- S=car(L);
- str_tb("["+my_tex_form(S[1])+":"+my_tex_form(S[2])+"]",R);
- if(S[0]!=1) str_tb("_{"+rtostr(S[0])+"}",R);
- if((L=cdr(L))==[]) break;
- str_tb(",\\,",R);
- }
- str_tb("\\right\\}",R);
- if((G=cdr(G))==[]) break;
- str_tb(",\\\\\n",R);
- }
- R=texbegin("align*",str_tb(0,R));
- if(Dvi!=-1) dviout(R|keep=Keep);
- return R;
- }
- if(F=="show0"){
- for(S="",L=[];G!=[];G=cdr(G)){
- for(TL=[],TG=cdr(car(G));TG!=[];TG=cdr(TG)) TL=cons(car(TG)[0],TL);
- TL=msort(TL,[-1,0]);
- if(Dvi){
- if(S!="") S=S+",";
- for(I=J=0,T=append(TL,[[0]]);T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- if(car(T)==I) J++;
- else{
- if(I>0&&J>0){
- if(I>9) S=S+"("+rtostr(I)+")";
- else S=S+rtostr(I);
- if(J>1){
- if(J>9) S=S+"^{"+rtostr(J)+"}";
- else S=S+"^"+rtostr(J);
- }
- }
- I=car(T);J=1;
- }
- }
- }
- L=cons(TL,L);
- }
- if(Dvi){
- if(Dvi!=-1) dviout(S|eq=0);
- return S;
- }
- return reverse(L);
- }
- if(F=="sort"){
- G=ltov(G);L=length(G);
- for(I=0;I<L;I++){
- S=G[I][0];
- if(S[0][0]>S[0][1]) S=[[S[0][1],S[0][0]],S[1]];
- if(S[1][0]>S[1][1]) S=[S[0],[S[1][1],S[1][0]]];
- if(S[0]>S[1]){
- F=0;S=[S[1],S[0]];
- }
- if(S!=G[I][0]){
- if(F==0) G[I]=cons(S,anal2sp(cdr(G[I]),"swap"));
- else G[I]=cons(S,cdr(G[I]));
- }
- for(J=I;J>0;J--){
- if(G[J-1][0]<G[J][0]) break;
- S=G[J-1];G[J-1]=G[J];G[J]=S;
- }
- }
- return vtol(G);
- }
- if(F=="get"||F=="get0"){
- if(Dvi!=0) F="get";
- if(length(P)==1||type(P[1])<2){
- L=[];
- if(length(P)==1){
- for(I=3;I>=0;I--){
- for(J=4;J>I;J--) L=cons(mc2grs(G,[F,[I,J]]),L);
- }
- }else{
- for(I=P[1],J=4;J>=0;J--){
- if(I==J) continue;
- L=cons(mc2grs(G,[F,(I<J)?[I,J]:[J,I]]),L);
- }
- }
- if(Dvi){
- if(length(L)==10){
- R=ltov(L);
- if(R[6][0]==[1,4]){
- S=R[6];R[6]=R[7];R[7]=S;
- L=vtol(R);
- }
- }
- for(R=S=[],L=reverse(L);L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- T=car(L);
- R=cons(cdr(T),R);
- if(S==[]) S="A_{"+rtostr(T[0][0])+rtostr(T[0][1])+"}\\\\\n";
- else S="A_{"+rtostr(T[0][0])+rtostr(T[0][1])+"}&"+S;
- }
- L=ltotex(R|opt="GRS",pre=S);
- if(Dvi>0) dviout(L|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- }
- return L; /* get all spct */
- }
- if(type(T=P[1])==4){
- if(F=="get0"&&length(P)==3&&type(I=P[1])==4&&type(J=P[2])==4){
- if(I[0]>I[1]) I=[I[1],I[0]];
- if(J[0]>J[1]) J=[J[1],J[0]];
- if(I[0]>I[0]){S=I;I=J;J=S;};
- K=lsort(I,J,0);
- if(length(K)==4){
- S=sp2grs(G,["get0",[I,J]]);
- return anal2sp(S,[["*",1,1],0]);
- }
- I=lsort(K,lsort(I,J,2),1);
- S=lsort([0,1,2,3,4],K,1);
- D=sp2grs(G,"deg");
- if(findin(4,S)<0) D=-D;
- J=sp2grs(G,["get0",[I,S]]);
- if(I[0]>S[0]) J=sp2grs(J,"swap");
- return anal2sp(J,[["+",0,D],["*",-1,1]]);
- }
- if(type(car(T))==4){
- if(T[0][0]>T[0][1]) T=[[T[0][1],T[0][0]],T[1]];
- if(T[1][0]>T[1][1]) T=[T[0],[T[1][1],T[1][0]]];
- if(T[0][0]>T[1][0]) T=[T[1],T[0]];
- for(PG=G;PG!=[];PG=cdr(PG))
- if(car(PG)[0]==T) return (F=="get")?car(PG):cdr(car(PG));
- return []; /* get common spct */
- }
- if(T[0]>T[1]) T=[T[1],T[0]];
- for(FT=0,PG=G;PG!=[];PG=cdr(PG)){
- if(car(PG)[0][0]==T){
- FT=1;break;
- }
- if(car(PG)[0][1]==T){
- FT=2;break;
- }
- }
- if(!FT) return [];
- L=anal2sp(cdr(car(PG)),[["get1",FT],0]);
- return (F=="get")?cons(T,L):L;
- }
- }
- if(F=="deg"){
- for(S=I=0;I<3;I++){
- for(J=I+1;J<4;J++){
- L=mc2grs(G,["get0",[I,J]]);
- L=anal2sp(L,"val");
- S+=L[1];
- }
- }
- return S/L[0];
- }
- if(F=="spct"){
- G=mc2grs(G,"get");
- M=newmat(5,5);
- for(;G!=[];G=cdr(G)){
- GT=car(G);I=GT[0][0];J=GT[0][1];
- for(S=0,L=[],GT=cdr(GT);GT!=[];GT=cdr(GT)){
- L=cons(car(GT)[0],L);
- }
- L=reverse(qsort(L));
- M[I][J]=M[J][I]=L;
- }
- for(D=0,GT=M[0][1];GT!=[];GT=cdr(GT)) D+=car(GT);
- for(I=0;I<5;I++){
- S=-2*D^2;
- for(J=0;J<5;J++){
- if(I==J) continue;
- for(L=M[I][J];L!=[];L=cdr(L)) S+=car(L)^2;
- }
- M[I][I]=S;
- }
- if(Dvi){
- S=[];
- for(I=4;I>=0;I--){
- L=[M[I][I]];
- for(J=4;J>=0;J--){
- if(I==J) L=cons("",L);
- else L=cons(s2sp([M[I][J]]),L);
- }
- S=cons(L,S);
- }
- S=cons([x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,"idx"],S);
- M=ltotex(S|opt="tab",hline=[0,1,z],vline=[0,1,z-1,z],left=["","$x_0$","$x_1$","$x_2$","$x_3$","$x_4$"]);
- if(Dvi>0) dviout(M|keep=Keep);
- }
- return M;
- }
- if(F=="swap"||F=="perm"){
- if(F=="perm") TR=P[1];
- else{
- TR=newvect(5,[0,1,2,3,4]);
- K=P[1][0];L=P[1][1];
- TR[K]=L;TR[L]=K;
- if(TR[4]!=4) G=mc2grs(G,"deg");
- }
- V=newvect(2);
- for(L=[],T=G;T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- TP=car(T)[0];
- for(TQ=[],I=1;I>=0;I--){
- V=[TR[TP[I][0]],TR[TP[I][1]]];
- if(V[0]>V[1]) V=[V[1],V[0]];
- TQ=cons(V,TQ);
- }
- if(TQ[0][0]<TQ[1][0]){
- L=cons(cons(TQ,cdr(car(T))),L);
- continue;
- }
- TQ=[[TQ[1],TQ[0]]];
- for(TP=cdr(car(T));TP!=[];TP=cdr(TP))
- TQ=cons([car(TP)[0],car(TP)[2],car(TP)[1]],TQ);
- L=cons(reverse(TQ),L);
- }
- return mc2grs(L,"sort");
- }
- if(F=="homog"){
- V=mc2grs(G,"deg");
- return mc2grs(G,[[[2,3],-V]]);
- }else if(F=="deg"){
- R=mc2grs(G,4);
- for(V=0;R!=[];R++){
- for(TR=cdr(R);TR!=[];TR=cdr(TR))
- V+=car(TR)[0]*car(TR)[1];
- }
- return -V;
- }
- }
- if(type(F)!=4) return 0;
- if(type(P[0])!=4) P=[P];
- for(;P!=[];P=cdr(P)){
- if(type((S=P[0])[0])==4){ /* addition */
- T=P[0][0];
- if(T[0]>T[1]) T=[T[1],T[0]];
- T1=[T[0],4];T2=[T[1],4];
- for(L=[],PG=reverse(G);PG!=[];PG=cdr(PG)){
- R=car(PG);R0=R[0];F=0;K=P[0][1];
- if(R0[0]==T) F=1;
- else if(R0[1]==T) F=2;
- else if(getopt(unique)!=1){
- K=-K;
- if(R0[0]==T1||R0[0]==T2) F=1;
- else if(R0[1]==T1||R0[1]==T2) F=2;
- }
- if(F==0) L=cons(R,L);
- else{
- R1=anal2sp(cdr(R),(F==1)?["+",K,0]:["+",0,K]);
- L=cons(cons(R0,R1),L);
- }
- }
- G=L;
- }else if(type(S[0])<4){
- if(length(S)==1){ /* mc wrt0 4:cases */
- U=mc2grs(G,"deg");
- C=P[0][0];
- L=[];
- /* [[0,1],[2,3]] : [K=[0,k],J=[i,j]], S=[k,4] : 3 cases */
- for(K=1;K<4;K++){
- J=lsort([1,2,3],[K],1);
- K4=[K,4];K0=[0,K];
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[K0,J]]);
- LT=anal2sp(G0,["+",C,0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",J]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["put1",1,0]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",K4]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["+",0,U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,J[0]],K4]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",0,U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,J[1]],K4]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",0,U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[K0,J]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",C,0]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,4],J]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["+",-C,0],["get",1,0]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,[["sub",L0],0]);
- L=cons(cons([K0,J],LT),L);
- }
- /* [[0,1],[2,4]] : [K,I]=[[0,k],[i,4]] S=[j,k] : 6 cases */
- for(K=1;K<4;K++){
- for(I=1;I<4;I++){
- if(I==K) continue;
- for(J=1;J<4;J++) if(J!=I&&J!=K) break;
- I4=[I,4];S=(J<K)?[J,K]:[K,J];K0=[0,K];
- G0=cdr(mc2grs(G,["get",[K0,I4]]));
- LT=anal2sp(G0,["+",C,0]);
- G0=cdr(mc2grs(G,["get",I4]));
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["put1",1,0]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=cdr(mc2grs(G,["get",S]));
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["+",0,-C-U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=cdr(mc2grs(G,["get",[[0,I],S]]));
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",0,-C-U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=cdr(mc2grs(G,["get",[[0,J],I4]]));
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,0]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=cdr(mc2grs(G,["get",[K0,I4]]));
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",C,0]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=cdr(mc2grs(G,["get",[[0,4],S]]));
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,C],["+",-C,-C-U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,[["sub",L0],0]);
- L=cons(cons([K0,I4],LT),L);
- }
- }
- /* [[0,4],[2,3]] : [[0,4],J]=[[0,4],[i,j]] 3 cases */
- for(K=3;K>0;K--){
- J=lsort([1,2,3],[K],1);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,4],J]]);
- LT=anal2sp(G0,["+",-C,0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",J]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["put1",1,-C]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[K,4]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,-C],["+",0,U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,J[0]],[K,4]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",-C,U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,J[1]],[K,4]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",-C,U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,K],J]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",-C,0]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,4],J]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,C],["put",1,0]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,[["sub",L0],0]);
- L=cons(cons([[0,4],J],LT),L);
- }
- /* [[1,2],[3,4]] : [J,K]=[[i,j],[k,4]] 3 cases */
- for(K=3;K>0;K--){
- J=lsort([1,2,3],[K],1);
- if(K>1)
- LT=mc2grs(G,["get0",[J,[K,4]]]);
- else{
- LT=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[K,4],J]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,"swap");
- }
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",J]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1"],["+",0,-C-U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[K,4]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1"],["+",U,0]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,J[0]],[K,4]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get1",1,0],["put1"],["+",U,0]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,J[1]],[K,4]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get1",1,0],["put1"],["+",U,0]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,K],J]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get1",1,0],["put1"],["+",0,-C-U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- G0=mc2grs(G,["get0",[[0,4],J]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get1",1,C],["put1"],["+",0,-C-U]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,[["sub",L0],0]);
- if(K==1){
- LT=anal2sp(LT,"swap");
- L=cons(cons([[K,4],J],LT),L);
- }else L=cons(cons([J,[K,4]],LT),L);
- }
- G=L;
- }else if(length(S)==2){ /* general mc */
- if(S[1]!=0){
- I=S[0];
- if(I!=0) G=mc2grs(G,["swap",[0,I]]);
- G=mc2grs(G,[S[1]]);
- if(I!=0) G=mc2grs(G,["swap",[0,I]]);
- }
- }else if(length(S)==3||length(S)==4){ /* addition */
- for(I=1;I<4;I++,S=cdr(S))
- if(S[0]) G=mc2grs(G,[[[0,I],S[0]]]);
- if(length(S)==1 && S[0]) /* mc */
- G=mc2grs(G,[S[0]]);
- }
- }
- }
- return mc2grs(G,"sort");
-def mcmgrs(G,P)
- if(type(G)<2){
- if(G>1){
- N=G+2;G=[];
- for(I=1;I<=N;I++){
- for(J=1;J<N;J++){
- if(I==J) continue;
- for(K=J+1;K<=N;K++){
- if(I==K) continue;
- G=cons([[[0,I],[J,K]],[1,0,0]],G);
- }
- }
- }
- for(I=1;I<=N;I++){
- for(J=1;J<I;J++) G=cons([[[0,I],[0,J,I]],[1,0,0]],G);
- for(J=I+1;J<=N;J++) G=cons([[[0,I],[0,I,J]],[1,0,0]],G);
- }
- return reverse(G);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if(type(G)==7) G=os_md.s2sp(G);
- if(type(G)!=4||type(G[0])!=4) return 0;
- if(type(G[0][0])!=4){ /* spectre type -> GRS */
- G=s2sp(G|std=1);
- L=length(G);
- for(V=[],I=L-2;I>=0;I--) V=cons(makev([I+10]),V);
- V=cons(makev([L+9]),V);
- G=sp2grs(G,V,[1,length(G[0]),-1]|mat=1);
- if(getopt(short)!=0){
- V=append(cdr(V),[V[0]]);
- G=shortv(G,V);
- }
- R=chkspt(G|mat=1);
- if(R[2] != 2 || R[3] != 0 || !(R=getbygrs(G,1|mat=1))) return 0;
- if(getopt(anal)==1) return R; /* called by mcmgrs() */
- if(!(G=mcmgrs(L-2,0))) return 0;
- for(R=cdr(R);R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- TR=car(R)[0];
- if(TR[0]) G=mcmgrs(G,[[TR[0]]]);
- G=mcmgrs(G,[cdr(TR)]);
- }
- }
- L=length(G);
- for(N=4;N<25;N++){
- K=N^2*(N-1)/2;
- if(K>L) return 0;
- if(K==L) break;
- }
- if(type(P)<2) return G;
- F=0;
- if(type(P)==7||(type(P)==4&&type(P[0])<4)) P=[P];
- if((Dvi=getopt(dviout))!=1&&Dvi!=2&&Dvi!=-1) Dvi=0;
- Keep=(Dvi==2)?1:0;
- if(type(P)==4 && type(F=car(P))==7){
- if(F=="mult"){
- for(P=cdr(P);P!=[];P=cdr(P)) G=os_md.mc2grs(G,car(P)|option_list=getopt());
- return G;
- }
- if(F=="get"||F=="get0"){
- if(Dvi!=0) F="get";
- if(length(P)==2){
- if(type(P[1])==4){
- if(type(P[1][1])==4){ /* [[,],[,]] */
- for(PG=reverse(G);PG!=[];PG=cdr(PG)){
- TP=car(PG);
- if(TP[0]==P[1]) return (F=="get")?TP:cdr(TP);
- }
- return [];
- }
- if(P[1][0]==0){
- if(length(P[1])==2){ /* [0,] */
- for(J=1;J<=N;J++) if(J!=P[1][1]) break;
- for(K=J+1;K<=N;K++) if(K!=P[1][1]) break;
- L=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[P[1],[J,K]]]);
- L=anal2sp(L,["get1",1]);
- }else{ /* [0,*,*] */
- L=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[P[1][0],P[1][1]],P[1]]]);
- L=anal2sp(L,["get1",2]);
- }
- }else{ /* [,] */
- for(J=1;J<=N;J++) if(J!=P[1][0]&&J!=P[1][1]) break;
- L=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,J],P[1]]]);
- L=anal2sp(L,["get1",2]);
- }
- L=anal2sp(L,0);
- if(F=="get") L=cons(P[1],L);
- return L;
- }else{ /* I */
- for(L=[],I=P[1],J=0;J<=N;J++){
- if(I==J) continue;
- II=(I<J)?[I,J]:[J,I];
- L=cons(mcmgrs(G,[F,II]),L);
- }
- }
- }else{
- for(L=[],I=0;I<N;I++){
- for(J=I+1;J<=N;J++) L=cons(mcmgrs(G,[F,[I,J]]),L);
- }
- }
- if(Dvi){
- for(R=S=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- T=car(L);
- R=cons(cdr(T),R);
- if(S==[]) S="A_{"+rtostr(T[0][0])+rtostr(T[0][1])+"}\\\\\n";
- else S="A_{"+rtostr(T[0][0])+rtostr(T[0][1])+"}&"+S;
- }
- L=ltotex(R|opt="GRS",pre=S);
- if(type(V=getopt(div))!=4) V=[];
- if(V==[]&&(K=length(R))>10)
- for(I=9;I<K;I+=9) V=cons(I,V);
- V=reverse(V);
- if(V!=[]) L=divmattex(L,V);
- if(Dvi>0){
- if(V!=[]) dviout(L|keep=Keep);
- else dviout(L|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- }
- }else L=reverse(L);
- return L;
- }
- if(F=="show"){
- for(R=str_tb(0,0);G!=[];){
- L=car(G);
- I=L[0][0];J=L[0][1];
- str_tb("[A_{"+rtostr(I[0])+rtostr(I[1])+"}:A_{"+rtostr(J[0])+rtostr(J[1]),R);
- if(length(J)==3) str_tb(rtostr(J[2]),R);
- str_tb("}]&=\\left\\{",R);
- for(L=cdr(L);;){
- S=car(L);
- str_tb("["+my_tex_form(S[1])+":"+my_tex_form(S[2])+"]",R);
- if(S[0]!=1) str_tb("_{"+rtostr(S[0])+"}",R);
- if((L=cdr(L))==[]) break;
- str_tb(",\\,",R);
- }
- str_tb("\\right\\}",R);
- if((G=cdr(G))==[]) break;
- str_tb(texcr(43),R);
- }
- R=texbegin("align*",str_tb(0,R));
- if(Dvi!=-1) dviout(R|keep=Keep);
- return R;
- }
- if(F=="show0"){
- for(C=N*(N-1)*(N-2)/2,S="",L=[];G!=[];G=cdr(G)){
- for(TL=[],TG=cdr(car(G));TG!=[];TG=cdr(TG)) TL=cons(car(TG)[0],TL);
- TL=msort(TL,[-1,0]);
- if(Dvi){
- if(S!=""){
- if(--C==0) S=S+";";
- else S=S+",";
- }
- for(I=J=0,T=append(TL,[[0]]);T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- if(car(T)==I) J++;
- else{
- if(I>0&&J>0){
- if(I>9) S=S+"("+rtostr(I)+")";
- else S=S+rtostr(I);
- if(J>1){
- if(J>9) S=S+"^{"+rtostr(J)+"}";
- else S=S+"^"+rtostr(J);
- }
- }
- I=car(T);J=1;
- }
- }
- }
- L=cons(TL,L);
- }
- if(Dvi){
- if(Dvi!=-1) dviout(S|eq=0);
- return S;
- }
- return reverse(L);
- }
- if(F=="spct"){
- G=mcmgrs(G,"get");
- M=newmat(N+1,N+1);
- for(;G!=[];G=cdr(G)){
- GT=car(G);I=GT[0][0];J=GT[0][1];
- for(S=0,L=[],GT=cdr(GT);GT!=[];GT=cdr(GT)){
- L=cons(car(GT)[0],L);
- }
- L=reverse(qsort(L));
- M[I][J]=M[J][I]=L;
- }
- for(D=0,GT=M[0][1];GT!=[];GT=cdr(GT)) D+=car(GT);
- for(I=0;I<=N;I++){
- S=-(N-2)*D^2;
- for(J=0;J<=N;J++){
- if(I==J) continue;
- for(L=M[I][J];L!=[];L=cdr(L)) S+=car(L)^2;
- }
- M[I][I]=S;
- }
- if(Dvi){
- S=[];
- for(LS=[],I=N;I>=0;I--){
- L=[M[I][I]];
- for(J=N;J>=0;J--){
- if(I==J) L=cons("",L);
- else L=cons(s2sp([M[I][J]]),L);
- }
- S=cons(L,S);
- LS=cons("$x_"+rtostr(I)+"$",LS);
- }
- S=cons(append(LS,["idx"]),S);
- M=ltotex(S|opt="tab",hline=[0,1,z],vline=[0,1,z-1,z],left=cons("",LS));
- if(Dvi>0) dviout(M|keep=Keep);
- }
- return M;
- }
- if(F=="deg"){
- for(S=I=0;I<N-1;I++){
- for(J=I+1;J<N;J++){
- L=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[I,J]]);
- L=anal2sp(L,"val");
- S+=L[1];
- }
- }
- return S/L[0];
- }
- }
- L=[];
- if(type(F)!=4) return 0;
- if(type(P[0])!=4||length(P[0])==2) P=[P];
- for(;P!=[];P=cdr(P)){
- if(type(T=(S=car(P))[0])==4){ /* addition */
- if((K=P[0][1])!=0){
- if(T[0]>T[1]) T=[T[1],T[0]];
- T1=[T[0],N];T2=[T[1],N];
- T01=cons(0,T1);T02=cons(0,T2);
- for(PG=G;PG!=[];PG=cdr(PG)){
- R=car(PG);R0=R[0];K1=K2=0;
- TP=R0[0];
- if(TP==T) K1=K;
- else if(TP==T1||TP==T2) K1=-K;
- if(length(TP=R0[1])==2){
- if(TP==T) K2=K;
- else if(TP==T1||TP==T2) K2=-K;
- }else{
- S=0;
- if(findin(T[0],TP)>=0) S++;
- if(findin(T[1],TP)>=0) S++;
- if(S>0&&TP[2]==N) K2=-K;
- else if(S==2) K2=K;
- }
- R1=anal2sp(cdr(R),["+",K1,K2]);
- L=cons(cons(R0,R1),L);
- }
- G=reverse(L);
- }
- }else if(length(S)==1){ /* middle convolution */
- C=S[0];L=[];
- for(I=1;I<=N;I++){
- for(J=1;J<=N;J++){
- if(I==J) continue;
- for(K=J+1;K<=N;K++){ /* [[0,I],[J,K]] */
- if(I==K)continue;
- T=[[0,I],JK=[J,K]];
- if(I==N){
- LT=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",JK]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["mult",N-3]]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[0,J,K]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["put1",1,0]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- for(V=1;V<=N;V++){
- if(V==I){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,C]);
- }else if(V==J||V==K){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],[0,J,K]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,0]);
- }else{
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],JK]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,0]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["+",-C,0]);
- }else if(K==N){
- LT=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["+",C,0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",JK]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["mult",N-3]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[0,J,K]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["+",0,-C]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- for(V=1;V<=N;V++){
- if(V==I){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",C,0]]);
- }else if(V==J){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],[0,J,K]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",0,-C]]);
- }else if(V==N){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],[0,J,K]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,C],["+",-C,-C]]);
- }else{
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],JK]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,0]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- }
- }else{
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- LT=anal2sp(G0,["+",C,0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",JK]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["mult",N-3]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[0,J,K]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["put1",1,0]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- for(V=1;V<=N;V++){
- if(V==I){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",C,0]]);
- }else if(V==J||V==K){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],[0,J,K]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,0]);
- }else if(V==N){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],JK]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,C],["+",-C,0]]);
- }else{
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],JK]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,0]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- }
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,0);
- L=cons(cons(T,LT),L);
- }
- T=[[0,I],(I<J)?[0,I,J]:[0,J,I]]; /* [0,I], [0,I,J] */
- JK=(I<J)?[I,J]:[J,I];
- if(I==N){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- LT=anal2sp(G0,["+",-C,0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",JK]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,-C],["mult",N-3]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T[1]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["put1",1,-C]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- for(V=1;V<=N;V++){
- if(V==J){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",-C,0]]);
- }else if(V==N){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],T[1]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,C],["+",-C,0]]);
- }else{
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],JK]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",-C,0]]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["+",0,C]);
- }else if(J==N){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- LT=anal2sp(G0,["+",C,0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T[0]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["mult",N-3]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T[1]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["put1",1,0]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- for(V=1;V<=N;V++){
- if(V==I){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",C,0]]);
- }else if(V==N){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],T[1]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,C],["+",-C,0]]);
- }else{
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],JK]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,0]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["+",0,-C]);
- }else{
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- LT=anal2sp(G0,["+",C,C]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",JK]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["mult",N-3]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T[1]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["put1",1,0],["+",0,C]]);
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["add",L0]);
- for(V=1;V<=N;V++){
- if(V==I){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",T]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",C,C]]);
- }else if(V==J){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],T[1]]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,0],["+",0,C]]);
- }else if(V==N){
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],JK]]); L0=anal2sp(G0,[["get",1,C],["+",-C,0]]);
- }else{
- G0=mcmgrs(G,["get0",[[0,V],JK]]);
- L0=anal2sp(G0,["get",1,0]);
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,["sub",L0]);
- }
- }
- LT=anal2sp(LT,0);
- L=cons(cons(T,LT),L);
- }
- }
- for(G0=G=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if(length(car(L)[0][1])==2) G0=cons(car(L),G0);
- else G=cons(car(L),G);
- }
- G=append(G0,G);
- }else{
- if(length(S)==N-1||length(S)==N){ /* [a_1,...,a_{N-1},c] */
- for(I=1;I<N;S=cdr(S),I++) G=mcmgrs(G,[[0,I],car(S)]);
- if(length(S)==1) G=mcmgrs(G,[S[0]]);
- }else return 0;
- }
- }
- return G;
-def delopt(L,S)
- if((Inv=getopt(inv))!=1) Inv=0;
- for(R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if(type(car(L))!=4) F=0;
- else if(type(S)==4) F=(findin(car(L)[0],S)<0)?0:1;
- else F=(car(L)[0]==S)?1:0;
- if(F==Inv) R=cons(car(L),R);
- }
- return reverse(R);
-def str_char(S,N,L)
- if(type(S)==7){
- if(type(L)==1) L=asciitostr([L]);
- return str_chr(S,N,L);
- }
- if(type(L)==7) L=strtoascii(L)[0];
- if(type(S)==4){
- M=N;
- while(M-->0) S=cdr(S);
- M=findin(L,S);
- return (M>=0)?findin(L,S)+N:-1;
- }else if(type(S)==5){
- K=length(S);
- for(I=N;I<K;I++)
- if(S[I]==L) return I;
- }
- return -1;
-def str_pair(S,N,I,J)
- if(type(I)==7) I=(II=strtoascii(I))[0];
- if(type(J)==7) J=(JJ=strtoascii(J))[0];
- if(type(S)==7) S=strtoascii(S);
- if(getopt(inv)==1){
- if(II!=0){
- I=asciitostr(reverse(II));
- IL=length(II);
- }else IL=1;
- if(JJ!=0) J=asciitostr(reverse(JJ));
- R=str_pair(reverse(S),length(S)-N-1,J,I);
- if(R>=0) R=length(S)-IL-R;
- return R;
- }
- if((SJIS=getopt(sjis))!=1) SJIS=0;
- if((II!=0&&length(II)>1)||(JJ!=0&&length(JJ)>1)){
- for(;;){
- MJ=str_str(S,N|top=JJ,sjis=SJIS);
- if(MJ>=0){
- MI=str_str(S,II|top=N,sjis=SJIS);
- if(MI<0 || MI>MJ){
- if(C==0) return MJ;
- C--; N=MJ+length(II);
- }else if(MI>=0){
- C++; N=MI+length(JJ);
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(type(S)==4){
- M=N;
- while(M-->0) S=cdr(S);
- while(S!=[]){
- if(car(S)==I) C++;
- else if(car(S)==J){
- if(C==0) return N;
- C--;
- }
- S=cdr(S);N++;
- }
- }else if(type(S)==5){
- K=length(S);
- for(T=N;T<K && C>=0;T++){
- if(S[T]==I) C++;
- else if(S[T]==J){
- if(C==0) return T;
- C--;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
-def str_cut(S,I,J)
- if(type(S)==7) return sub_str(S,I,J);
- if((JJ=length(S))<=J) J=JJ-1;
- if(type(S)==5){
- for(L=[],K=J; K>=I; K--) L=cons(S[K],L);
- }else if(type(S)==4){
- J-=I;
- while(I-->0) S=cdr(S);
- for(L=[];J-->=0;S=cdr(S)) L=cons(car(S),L);
- L=reverse(L);
- }
- return asciitostr(L);
-def str_str(S,T)
- if(S==0) return -1;
- if(type(S) == 7)
- S = strtoascii(S);
- if(type(J=getopt(top))!=1 || J<0) J=0;
- LS=length(S);
- if(LS-J<1) return -1;
- if(type(S)==4){
- LS-=(J0=J);
- for( ; J>0 && S!=[]; S=cdr(S),J--);
- }
- if(type(JJ=getopt(end))!=1 && JJ!=0) JJ=LS;
- else JJ-=J0;
- if((SJIS=getopt(sjis))!=1) SJIS=0;
- if(JJ-J<0) return -1;
- /* search from J-th to JJ-th */
- if(type(T)==1) T=[T];
- else if(type(T)==7) T = strtoascii(T);
- else if(type(T)==4 && type(T[0])>3){
- for(K=(KF=-1)-J0; T!=[]; F++,T=cdr(T)){
- JK=str_str(S,car(T)|top=J,end=JJ,sjis=SJIS);
- if(JK>=0){
- JJ=(K=JK)-1; KF=F;
- if(J>JJ) break;
- }
- }
- return [KF,J0+K];
- }
- if(type(T)==4) T=ltov(T);
- LT = length(T);
- if(LT>0){
- LE = LS-LT;
- LP = T[0];
- if(JJ==0 ||(type(JJ)==1 && JJ<LE)) LE=JJ;
- if(type(S)==5){
- for(; J <= LE; J++){
- if(S[J] != LP){
- if(SJIS && (V=S[J])>128){
- if(V<160 || (V>223 && V<240)) J++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- for(I = 1; I < LT && S[I+J] == T[I]; I++);
- if(I >= LT) return J;
- }
- }else if(type(S)==4){
- for(; J<=LE; S=cdr(S),J++){
- if(car(S) != LP){
- if(SJIS && (V=S[J])>128){
- if(V<160 || (V>223 && V<240)) J++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- for(ST=cdr(S), I = 1; I < LT && car(ST) == T[I]; I++, ST=cdr(ST));
- if(I >= LT) return J0+J;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
-def str_times(S,N)
- if(!isint(N)) return "";
- if(type(S)==7){
- for(Tb=str_tb(0,0);N-->0;)
- str_tb(S,Tb);
- return str_tb(0,Tb);
- }
- if(type(S)==4){
- for(LT=[],I=0;I<N;I++){
- if(type(car(S))==7){
- LT=cons(car(S),LT);
- S=cdr(S);
- if(S==[]) S=[[""]];
- }else if(type(car(S))==4){
- ST=car(S);
- for(J=0;I<N;I++){
- if(J==length(ST)) J=0;
- LT=cons(ST[J++],LT);
- }
- }
- }
- return reverse(LT);
- }
- return S;
-def ssubgrs(M,L)
- if(type(L)==7) L=s2sp(L);
- for(S=0, L=L, M=M; L!=[]; L=cdr(L), M=cdr(M)){
- for(LT=car(L), MT=car(M); LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT), MT=cdr(MT)){
- S += car(LT)*car(MT)[1];
- }
- }
- return S;
-def s2os(S)
- return str_subst(S,[["\\","\\\\"],["\"","\\\""]],0);
-def l2os(S)
- if(type(S)==6)
- S=m2ll(S);
- else if(type(S)==5)
- S=vtol(S);
- else if(type(S)==7) return "\""+s2os(S)+"\"";
- else if(type(S)<4) return rtostr(S);
- if(type(S)==4){
- for(F=0,Tb=str_tb("[",0);S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- if(F++) str_tb(", ",Tb);
- str_tb(l2os(car(S)),Tb);
- }
- str_tb("]",Tb);
- return str_tb(0,Tb);
- }
- return 0;
-def r2os(S)
- if(type(S)==6){
- for(T="",S=m2ll(S);S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- if(T!="") T=T+","+r2os(car(S));
- else T=r2os(car(S));
- }
- return "mat("+T+")\n";
- }else if(type(S)==5){
- for(T="",S=v2l(S);S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- if(T!="") T=T+","+r2os(car(S));
- else T=r2os(car(S));
- }
- return "vect("+T+")\n";
- }else if(type(S)<4) return rtostr(S);
- else if(type(S)==4){
- for(T="";S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- if(T!="") T=T+","+r2os(car(S));
- else T=r2os(car(S));
- }
- return "["+T+"]";
- }else if(type(S)==7) return "\""+s2os(S)+"\"";
- return "";
-def s2euc(S)
- for(R=[],CR=0,L=strtoascii(S);L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if((C=car(L)) == 0x1b && length(L)>1) {
- if((C=car(L=cdr(L)))==0x24 && length(L)>1){ /* $ */
- if((C = car(L=cdr(L))) == 0x40 || C == 0x42) { /* @, B */
- Mode = 1;
- } else return 0;
- }else if(C == 0x28 && length(L)>1) { /* ( */
- if((C = car(L=cdr(L)))== 0x42 || C == 0x4a) { /* B, J */
- Mode = 0;
- }else if(C == 0x49) { /* I */
- Mode = 2;
- }else{
- R=cons(0x1b,R);R=cons(0x28,R);R=cons(C,R);
- }
- }else if (C == 0x26 && length(L)>1 && car(cdr(L))==0x1b) { /* & ESC */
- L=cdr(L);
- }else{
- R=cons(0x1b,R);R=cons(C,R);
- }
- }else if(C == 0x0e) {
- Mode = 2;
- }else if(C == 0x0f) {
- Mode = 0;
- }else if(Mode == 1 && C>0x20 && C<0x7f && length(L)>1) { /* JIS KANJI */
- D=car(L=cdr(L));
- if(D>0x20 && D<0x7f) {
- R=cons(ior(C,0x80),R);R=cons(ior(D,0x80),R);
- } else return 0;
- }else if(Mode == 2 && C > 0x1f && C < 0x60) { /* JIS KANA */
- R=cons(0x8e,R); R=cons(ior(C,0x80),R);
- }else if(((C>0x80 && C<0xa0) || (C>0xdf && C<0xf0)) && length(L)>1) { /* ShiftJIS */
- D=car(L=cdr(L));
- if(D>0x3f && D<0xfd && D!=0x7f) {
- T=sjis2jis([C,D]);
- R=cons(ior(T[0],0x80),R); R=cons(ior(T[1],0x80),R);
- }else return 0;
- }else if(C>0x9f && C<0xe0) { /* HanKana */
- R=cons(0x8e,R); R=cons(C,R);
- }else if(C == 0x0a){
- CR++;
- }else if(C == 0x0d){
- R=cons(0x0d,R);
- CR=0;
- }else{
- while(CR-->0) R=cons(0x0d,R);
- R=cons(C,R);
- }
- }
- while(CR-->0) R=cons(0x0d,R);
- return asciitostr(reverse(R));
-def s2sjis(S)
- for(R=[],CR=0,L=strtoascii(S);L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if((C=car(L)) == 0x1b && length(L)>1) {
- if((C=car(L=cdr(L)))==0x24 && length(L)>1){ /* $ */
- if((C = car(L=cdr(L))) == 0x40 || C == 0x42) { /* @, B */
- Mode = 1;
- } else return 0;
- }else if(C == 0x28 && length(L)>1) { /* ( */
- if((C = car(L=cdr(L)))== 0x42 || C == 0x4a) { /* B, J */
- Mode = 0;
- }else if(C == 0x49) { /* I */
- Mode = 2;
- }else{
- R=cons(0x1b,R);R=cons(0x28,R);R=cons(C,R);
- }
- }else if (C == 0x26 && length(L)>1 && car(cdr(L))==0x1b) { /* & ESC */
- L=cdr(L);
- }else{
- R=cons(0x1b,R);R=cons(C,R);
- }
- }else if(C == 0x0e) {
- Mode = 2;
- }else if(C == 0x0f) {
- Mode = 0;
- }else if(Mode == 1 && C>0x20 && C<0x7f && length(L)>1) { /* JIS KANJI */
- D=car(L=cdr(L));
- if(D>0x20 && D<0x7f) {
- T=jis2sjis([C,D]);
- R=cons(T[0],R);R=cons(T[1],R);
- } else return 0;
- }else if(Mode == 2 && C > 0x1f && C < 0x60) { /* JIS KANA */
- R=cons(ior(C,0x80),R);
- }else if(C>0xa0 && C<0xff && length(L)>1) { /* EUC */
- D=car(L=cdr(L));
- if(D>0xa0 && D<0xff) {
- T=jis2sjis([iand(C,0x7f),iand(D,0x7f)]);
- R=cons(T[0],R);R=cons(T[1],R);
- }else return 0;
- }else if(C == 0x0a){
- CR++;
- }else if(C == 0x0d){
- R=cons(0x0a,R);R=cons(0x0d,R);
- CR=0;
- }else{
- while(CR-->0){
- R=cons(0x0a,R);R=cons(0x0d,R);
- }
- R=cons(C,R);
- }
- }
- while(CR-->0){
- R=cons(0x0a,R);R=cons(0x0d,R);
- }
- return asciitostr(reverse(R));
-def r2ma(S)
- return evalma(S|inv=1);
-def evalma(S)
- L0=["\n","\d","{","}","[","]","Log","Exp","Sinh","Cosh","Tanh","Sin","Cos","Tan",
- "ArcSin","ArcCos","ArcTan"];
- L1=["", "" ,"[","]","(",")","log","exp","sinh","cosh","tanh","sin","cos","tan",
- "asin", "acos", "atan"];
- if(getopt(inv)==1){
- if(type(S)==6) S=m2ll(S);
- else if(type(S)==5) S=vtol(S);
- if(type(S)==4){
- for(L=[];S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- if(type(car(S))==6) L=cons(m2ll(car(S)),L);
- else if(type(car(S))==5) L=cons(vtol(car(S)),L);
- else L=cons(car(S),L);
- }
- S=reverse(L);
- }else return 0;
- return str_subst(rtostr(S),cdr(cdr(L1)),cdr(cdr(L0)));
- }
- if(S==0){
- print("Mathematica text (terminated by ;) ?");
- purge_stdin();
- Tb=str_tb(0,0);
- for(;;){
- S=get_line();
- str_tb(S,Tb);
- if(str_char(S,0,";")>=0) break;
- }
- S=str_tb(0,Tb);
- }
- while((P=str_chr(S,0,";"))>=0){
- V0=evalma(str_cut(S,0,P+1));
- S=str_cut(S,P+1,length(S));
- }
- if((P=str_char(S,0,"="))>=0){
- X=strtoascii(str_cut(S,0,P));
- L=length(X);
- for(P0=P1=-1,I=0;I<L;I++){
- if(L(I)<=32) continue;
- if(isalphanum(L[I])){
- if(P0<0){
- if(isnum(L[I])) break;
- P0=I;
- }
- else if(P1!=I+1) break;
- P1=I;
- }
- }
- if(I==L && P0>=0){
- for(I==P0;I-->0;) X=cdr(X);
- if((X0=car(X))>96) X0-=32;
- Y=[X0];X=cdr(X);
- for(I=P1-P0;I-->0;X=cdr(X))
- Y=cons(car(X),Y);
- Y=cons(61,Y);
- Var=asciitostr(reverse(Y));
- S=str_cut(S,P,length(S));
- }
- }
- S=eval_str(str_subst(S,L0,L1));
- if(type(S)==4){
- for(L=-1,T=S;T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- if(type(T0=car(T))>4) break;
- if(type(T0)<4){
- if(L>=0) break;
- L=-2;continue;
- }
- if(L<-2) break;
- if(L==-1) L=length(T0);
- else if(L!=length(T0)) break;
- }
- if(T==[]){
- if(L>0) S=s2m(S);
- else S=ltov(S);
- }
- }
- if(S==0 && V0!=0) return V0;
- if(type(Var)==7){
- T=rtostr(S);
- if(type(S)==7) T="\""+T+"\"";
- S=eval_str(Var+T);
- mycat(["Define",Var]);
- }
- return S;
-def i2hex(N)
- Opt=getopt();
- if(type(N)==4 && isint(car(N))){
- L=mtransbys(os_md.i2hex,N,[]|option_list=Opt);
- L=mtransbys(i2hex,N,[]|option_list=Opt);
- return rtostr(L);
- }
- if(!isint(N) || N<0) return 0;
- if(!N) L=[];
- else{
- Cap=(getopt(cap)==1)?32:0;
- for(L=[];N!=0;N=ishift(N,4)){
- J=iand(N,15);
- L=cons(((J>9)?(87-Cap):48)+J,L);
- }
- }
- if(!isint(Min=getopt(min))) Min=2;
- for(Min-=length(L);Min-->0;)
- L=cons(48,L);
- if(getopt(num)==1){
- L=cons(120,L);L=cons(48,L);
- }
- return asciitostr(L);
-def sjis2jis(L)
- L1=L[1];
- if((L0=L[0])<=0x9f){
- if(L1<0x9f) L0=L0*2-0xe1;
- else L0=(L0*2)-0xe0;
- }else{
- if(L1<0x9f) L0=L0*2-0x161;
- else L0=L0*2-0x160;
- }
- if(L1<0x7f) return [L0,L1-0x1f];
- else if(L1<0x9f) return [L0,L1-0x20];
- return [L0,L1-0x7e];
-def jis2sjis(L)
- L1=L[1];
- if(iand(L0=L[0],1)){
- if(L1<0x60) L=[L1+0x1f];
- else L=[L1+0x20];
- }else L=[L1+0x7e];
- if(L0<0x5f) return cons(ishift(L0+0xe1,1),L);
- return cons(ishift(L0+0x161,1),L);
-def verb_tex_form(P)
- L = reverse(strtoascii(rtostr(P)));
- for(SS = []; L != []; L = cdr(L)){
- Ch = car(L); /* ^~\{} */
- if(Ch == 92 || Ch == 94 || Ch == 123 || Ch == 125 || Ch == 126){
- SS = append([92,Ch,123,125],SS); /* \Ch{} */
- if(Ch != 94 && Ch != 126) /* \char` */
- SS = append([92,99,104,97,114,96],SS);
- continue;
- }
- SS = cons(Ch, SS);
- if((Ch >= 35 && Ch <= 38) || Ch == 95) /* #$%&_ */
- SS = cons(92, SS); /* \Ch */
- }
- return asciitostr(SS);
-def tex_cuteq(S,P)
- if(P==0) return 0;
- if(S[P]==125){ /* } */
- if((Q=str_pair(S,P-1,"{","}"|inv=1))<0) return -1;
- if(Q<2||S[Q-1]!=95) return Q;
- return tex_cuteq(S,Q-2);
- }
- if(!isalphanum(S[Q=P--])) return -1;
- while(P>0&&isalphanum(S[P])) P--;
- if(S[P]==92){ /* \ */
- if(P==0) return P;
- else P--;
- }
- if(S[P]!=95||P==0) return Q; /* _ */
- return tex_cuteq(S,P-1);
-def texket(S)
- if(!isint(F=getopt(all))) F=0;
- if(type(S)==7){
- L=str_len(S);
- SS=strtoascii(S);
- }else{
- L=length(S);
- SS=S;
- }
- for(T="",I=I0=0;I<L-1;){
- J=str_char(SS,I,"(");
- if(J<0) break;
- if(J<L-1 && J>4 && str_str(SS,"\\left"|top=J-5,end=J-1)>=0){
- I=J+1;continue;
- }
- if((K=str_pair(SS,J+1,"(",")"))>=0){
- KK=str_char(SS,J+2,"(");
- if(KK>K||KK<0){
- if(F!=1){
- if(!F){
- for(N=J+1;N<K;N++) /* + - _ { } */
- if(!isalphanum(P=SS[N])&&findin(P,[32,43,45,95,123,125])<0) break;
- }else N=K;
- if(N==K){
- I=K+1;continue;
- }
- }
- T=T+str_cut(SS,I0,J-1)+"\\left"+str_cut(SS,J,K-1)+"\\right)";
- I0=I=K+1;
- }else{
- T=T+str_cut(SS,I0,J-1)+"\\left("+texket(str_cut(SS,J+1,K-1)|all=F) +"\\right)";
- I0=I=K+1;
- }
- }else break;
- }
- return T+str_cut(SS,I0,L);
-def my_tex_form(S)
- if(getopt(skip) != 1){
- if(type(S)==1 && S<0) return "-"+print_tex_form(-S);
- if(type(S)==6) return mtotex(S);
- S = print_tex_form(S);
- for(F=Top=0;(L=str_str(S,"\\verb`"|top=Top))>=0;Top=LV+1){
- F++;
- if(Top==0) Tb = string_to_tb("");
- LV = str_chr(S, L+6, "`");
- if(LV<0) LV=str_len(S);
- str_tb([my_tex_form(sub_str(S, Top, L-1)|skip=1), "\\texttt{"], Tb);
- str_tb([verb_tex_form(sub_str(S,L+6, LV-1)),"}"], Tb);
- Top=LV+1;
- }
- if(F>0){
- str_tb(my_tex_form(sub_str(S, Top,str_len(S)-1)|skip=1), Tb);
- return tb_to_string(Tb);
- }
- }
- if(S==0) return "";
- S = ltov(strtoascii(S));
- L = length(S)-1;
- while(L >= 1 && S[L] == 10)
- L--;
- if((Fr=getopt(frac))!=0 && Fr!=1) Fr=2;
- for(I = L+1, T = K = 0, SS = []; --I >= 0; ){
- if(S[I] == 32 && I!=L){
- if(I==L) continue;
- if(findin(S[I+1], [32,40,41,43,45,123,125]) >= 0 /* " ()+-{}" */
- || (S[I+1] >= 49 && S[I+1] <= 57)) /* 1 - 9 */
- if(I == 0 || S[I-1] >= 32) continue;
- }
- if(Fr && S[I]>=48 && S[I]<=57){ /* 2/3 -> \tfrac{2}{3} */
- for(K=0,II=I; II>=0; II--){
- if(S[II]>=48 && S[II]<=57) continue;
- if(S[II]==47){ /* / */
- if(K>0) break;
- K=II;
- }else break;
- }
- if(K>II+1){
- SS=cons(125,SS);
- for(J=I; J>K; J--) SS=cons(S[J],SS);
- if(AMSTeX){
- SS=cons(123,SS);SS=cons(125,SS);
- }else{
- for(J=[114,101,118,111,92];J!=[];J=cdr(J)) /* \over */
- SS=cons(car(J),SS);
- }
- for(J=K-1;J>II;J--) SS=cons(S[J],SS);
- SS=cons(123,SS);
- if(AMSTeX){
- J=(Fr==2)?[99,97,114,102,116,92]:[99,97,114,102,92];
- for(;J!=[];J=cdr(J)) /* \tfrac */
- SS=cons(car(J),SS);
- }
- I=II+1;
- }else{
- for(;I>II;I--) SS = cons(S[I], SS);
- I++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- SS = cons(S[I], SS);
- }
- SS=str_subst(SS,"\\\\\n\\end{pmatrix}","\n\\end{pmatrix}"|raw=1);
- Subst=getopt(subst);
- Sub0=["{asin}","{acos}","{atan}"];
- Sub1=["\\arcsin ","\\arccos","\\arctan "];
- if(type(Subst) == 4){
- Sub0=append(Sub0,Subst[0]);Sub1=append(Sub1,Subst[1]);
- }
- SS = str_subst(SS,Sub0,Sub1|raw=1);
- S = ltov(SS);
- L = length(S);
- SS = [];
- while(--L >= 0){
- if(S[I=L] == 125){
- while(--I >= 0 && S[I] == 125);
- J = 2*I - L;
- if(J >= 0 && S[I] != 123){
- for(K = J; K < I && S[K] == 123; K++);
- if(K == I){
- if(J-- <= 0 || S[J] < 65 || S[J] > 122 || (S[J] > 90 && S[J] < 97)){
- SS = cons(S[I],SS);
- L = J+1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- SS = cons(S[L],SS);
- }
- RT=getopt(root);
- for(Top=0;;Top++){ /* ((x+1))^{y} , 1/y=2,3,...,9 */
-#if 1
- P=str_str(SS,["))^","^{\\tfrac{1}"]|top=Top);
- if(P[0]<0) break;
- Sq=0;
- if(P[0]==0){
- P=P[1];
- if((Q=str_pair(SS,P,"(",")"|inv=1))<0||SS[Q+1]!=40) continue;
- if((RT==2||(RT!=0 && P-Q<33)) && str_str(SS,"{\\tfrac{1}"|top=P+3,end=P+3)==P+3
- && SS[P+14]==125){
- if((Sq=SS[P+13]-48)<2||Sq>9) Sq=0;
- }
- F=2;
- }else{
- P=P[1];
- if(SS[P+12]!=125||(Sq=(SS[P+11]-48))<2||Sq>9) break;
- if(SS[P-1]==125){
- if((Q=str_pair(SS,P-2,"{","}"|inv=1))<0) break;
- if(Q>1&&SS[Q-1]==95){
- if((Q=tex_cuteq(SS,Q-2))<0) break;
- F=0;
- }else F=1;
- }else{
- if(!isalphanum(SS[Q=P-1]) || (Q=tex_cuteq(SS,Q))<0) break;
- F=0;
- }
- if(RT!=2&&P-Q>32) break;
- }
- if((P=str_str(SS,"))^"|top=Top))<0 || (Q=str_pair(SS,P,"(",")"|inv=1))<0) break;
- else F=2;
- Sq=0;
- if((RT==2||(RT!=0 && P-Q<33)) && str_str(SS,"{\\tfrac{1}"|top=P+3,end=P+3)==P+3
- && SS[P+14]==125){
- if((Sq=SS[P+13]-48)<2||Sq>9) Sq=0;
- }
- for(I=0,S=[];SS!=[];SS=cdr(SS),I++){
- if(I==Q){
- if(Sq){
- S=append([116,114,113,115,92],S);
- if(Sq>2) S=append([93,Sq+48,91],S);
- S=cons(123,S);
- if(F==2) SS=cdr(SS);
- else if(F==0) S=cons(car(SS),S);
- }else if(F==2&&P-Q==3){ /* (2)^x -> 2^x*/
- SS=cdr(SS);SS=cdr(SS);
- S=cons(123,S);S=cons(car(SS),S);S=cons(125,S);
- SS=cdr(SS);SS=cdr(SS);
- I+=3;
- }
- continue;
- }else if(I==P){
- if(Sq){
- if(F>0) S=cdr(S);
- S=cons(125,S);
- if(F==2) SS=cdr(SS);
- for(J=0;J<12;J++) SS=cdr(SS);
- }
- continue;
- }
- S=cons(car(SS),S);
- }
- SS=reverse(S);
- Top=P;
- }
- S=asciitostr(SS);
- if((K=getopt(ket))==1) S=texket(S);
- else if(K==2) S=texket(S|all=1);
- return S;
-def smallmattex(S)
- return str_subst(S,[["\\begin{pmatrix}","\\left(\\begin{smallmatrix}"],
- ["\\end{pmatrix}","\\end{smallmatrix}\\right)"],
- ["\\begin{Bmatrix}","\\left\\{\\begin{smallmatrix}"],
- ["\\end{Bmatrix}","\\end{smallmatrix}\\right\\}"],
- ["\\begin{bmatrix}","\\left[{\\begin{smallmatrix}"],
- ["\\end{bmatrix}","\\end{smallmatrix}\\right]"],
- ["\\begin{vmatrix}","\\left|\\begin{smallmatrix}"],
- ["\\end{vmatrix}","\\end{smallmatrix}\\right|"],
- ["\\begin{Vmatrix}","\\left\\|\\begin{smallmatrix}"],
- ["\\end{Vmatrix}","\\end{smallmatrix}\\right\\|"],
- ["\\begin{matrix}","\\begin{smallmatrix}"],
- ["\\end{matrix}","\\end{smallmatrix}"]],0);
-def divmattex(S,T)
- TF=["matrix","pmatrix","Bmatrix","bmatrix","vmatrix","Vmatrix"];
- TG=[0,"(","\\{","[","|","\\|"];
- TH=[0,")","\\}","]","|","\\|"];
- if(type(S)!=7) S=mtotex(S);
- S=strtoascii(S0=S);
- if((P0=str_str(S,"\\begin{"))<0 || (P1=str_str(S,"}"|top=P0+7))<0)
- return S0;
- F=str_cut(S,P0+7,P1-1);
- if((K=findin(F,TF))<0) return S0;
- Q=str_str(S,"\\end{"+F+"}");
- if(Q<0) return S0;
- for(J=P1+1;S[J]<33;J++);
- for(L0=L=[],I=J;J<Q;J++){
- if(S[J]==38){ /* & */
- if(I>=J) L0=cons(0,L0);
- else L0=cons(str_cut(S,I,J-1),L0);
- I=J+1;
- }
- if(S[J]==92&&S[J+1]==92){ /* \\ */
- if(I>=J) L0=cons(0,L0);
- else L0=cons(str_cut(S,I,J-1),L0);
- L=cons(reverse(L0),L);
- L0=[];
- J++;
- for(I=J+1;S[I]<33;I++);
- }
- }
- J--;
- if(S[J]<33) J--;
- if(I<=J) L0=cons(str_cut(S,I,J),L0);
- if(length(L0)>0) L=cons(reverse(L0),L);
- L=lv2m(reverse(L)); /* get matrix */
- if(T==0) return L;
- Size=size(L);S0=Size[0];
- if(type(T[0])!=4){
- S1=Size[1];
- T=append(T,[S1]);
- for(TT=[],I=0;T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- J=car(T);
- if(J>S1) J=S1;
- for(T0=[];J>I;J--) T0=cons(J-1,T0);
- if(T0!=[]) TT=cons(T0,TT);
- I=car(T);
- }
- T=reverse(TT);
- }
- SS=length(T);
- St=str_tb(0,0);
- if(SS==1) St=str_tb("\\begin{"+F+"}\n",St);
- else{
- if(K>0) St=str_tb("&\\left"+TG[K],St);
- St=str_tb("\\begin{matrix}\n",St);
- }
- for(;T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- for(I=0;I<S0;I++){
- for(J=0,TT=car(T);TT!=[];TT=cdr(TT),J++){
- if(J>0) St=str_tb("&",St);
- if(L[I][car(TT)]!=0) St=str_tb(L[I][car(TT)],St);
- }
- if(I<S0-1) St=str_tb("\\\\",St);
- St=str_tb("\n",St);
- }
- if(length(T)>1)
- St=str_tb("\\end{matrix}\\right.\\\\\n&\\quad\\left.\\begin{matrix}\n",St);
- else{
- if(SS==1) St=str_tb("\\end{"+F+"}\n",St);
- else St=str_tb("\\end{matrix}\\right"+TH[K]+"\n",St);
- }
- }
- S=str_tb(0,St);
- if(SS==1) return S;
- return texbegin("align*",S);
-def str_subst(S, L0, L1)
- if(type(S) == 7)
- S = strtoascii(S);
- if(type(S) == 4)
- S = ltov(S);
- SE = length(S);
- if(L1 == 0){
- for(L1 = L = [], L0 = reverse(L0); L0 != []; L0 = cdr(L0)){
- L = cons(car(L0)[0], L);
- L1 = cons(car(L0)[1], L1);
- }
- L0 = L;
- }
- if(type(L0)==7) L0 = [strtoascii(L0)];
- else{
- for(LT = []; L0 != []; L0 = cdr(L0))
- LT = cons(strtoascii(car(L0)), LT);
- L0 = ltov(LT);
- }
- E0 = length(L0);
- if(type(L1)==7) L1 = [strtoascii(L1)];
- else{
- for(LT = []; L1 != []; L1 = cdr(L1))
- LT = cons(strtoascii(car(L1)), LT);
- L1 = ltov(LT);
- }
- if(getopt(inv)==1){
- L2=L0;L0=L1;L0=L2;
- }
- if((SJIS=getopt(sjis))!=1) SJIS=0;
- for(J = JJ = 0, ST = []; J < SE; J++){
- SP = S[J];
- for(I = E0-1; I >= 0; I--){
- if(SP != L0[I][0] || J + (K = length(L0[I])) > SE)
- continue;
- while(--K >= 1)
- if(L0[I][K] != S[J+K]) break;
- if(K > 0) continue;
- for(KE = length(L1[I]), K = 0 ;K < KE; K++)
- ST = cons(L1[I][K],ST);
- J += length(L0[I])-1;
- break;
- }
- if(I < 0){
- ST = cons(S[J],ST);
- if(SJIS && (V=S[J])>128){
- if(V<160 || (V>223 && V<240)) ST = cons(S[J++],ST);
- }
- }
- }
- if(getopt(raw)==1) return reverse(ST);
- return asciitostr(reverse(ST));
-def dviout0(L)
- Cmd=["TikZ","TeXLim","TeXEq","DVIOUT","XYPrec","XYcm","XYLim","Canvas"];
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))==7){
- if((F=findin(Opt,Cmd)) < 0) return -1;
- if(L==-1){
- if(F<=3){
- if(F==0) V=TikZ;
- else if(F==1) V=TeXLim;
- else if(F==2) V=TeXEq;
- else V=iand(DVIOUTF,1);
- }else{
- if(F==4) V=XYPrec;
- else if(F==5) V=XYcm;
- else if(F==6) V=XYLim;
- else V=Canvas;
- }
- return V;
- }
- if(F==0) TikZ=L;
- else if(F==2) TeXEq=L;
- else if(F==3){
- if(iand(DVIOUTF,1)==L)
- mycat0(["DVIOUTA=\"", DVIOUTA,"\""],1);
- else dviout0(4);
- return 1;
- }else if(F==7&&type(L)==4)
- Canvas=L;
- else if(L>0){
- if(F==1) TeXLim=L;
- else if(F==4) XYPrec=L;
- else if(F==5) XYcm=L;
- else if(F==6) XYLim=L;
- }
- mycat0([Cmd[F],"=",L],1);
- return 1;
- }
- if(type(L) == 4){
- for( ; L != []; L = cdr(L)) dviout0(car(L));
- return 1;
- }
- if(type(L) == 7){
- if(L=="") dviout(" \n"|keep=1);
- else if(L=="cls") dviout0(0);
- else if(L=="show") dviout(" ");
- else if(L=="?") dviout0(3);
- else dviout("\\"+L+"\n"|keep=1);
- return 1;
- }
- if(L == 0)
- dviout(" "|keep=1,clear=1);
- else if(L == 1)
- dviout(" ");
- else if(L == 2)
- dviout(" "|clear=1);
- else if(L>10)
- dviout("\\setcounter{MaxMatrixCols}{"+rtostr(L)+"}%"|keep=1);
- else if(L < 0)
- dviout(" "|delete=-L,keep=1);
- else if(L == 3){
- mycat0(["DIROUT =\"", DIROUT,"\""],1);
- mycat0(["DVIOUTH=\"", DVIOUTH,"\""],1);
- mycat0(["DVIOUTA=\"", DVIOUTA,"\""],1);
- mycat0(["DVIOUTB=\"", DVIOUTB,"\""],1);
- mycat0(["DVIOUTL=\"", DVIOUTL,"\""],1);
- mycat(["Canvas =", Canvas]);
- mycat(["TeXLim =", TeXLim]);
- mycat(["TeXEq =", TeXEq]);
- mycat(["AMSTeX =", AMSTeX]);
- mycat(["TikZ =", TikZ]);
- mycat(["XYPrec =", XYPrec]);
- mycat(["XYcm =", XYcm]);
- mycat(["XYLim =", XYLim]);
- }else if(L==4){
- mycat0(["DVIOUTA=\"", DVIOUTA,"\""],1);
- }else if(L==5){
- if(!iand(DVIOUTF,1)) dviout0(4);
- }else if(L==6){
- TikZ=1;mycat("TikZ=1");
- }else if(L==7){
- TikZ=0;mycat("TikZ=0");
- }
- return 1;
-def myhelp(T)
- /* extern DVIOUT; */
- /* extern HDVI; */
- /* extern DVIOUTH; */
- if(type(T)==2){
- if(T==getbygrs){
- getbygrs(0,0);
- return 0;
- }
- else if(T==m2mc){
- m2mc(0,0);
- return 0;
- }
- else if(T==mgen){
- mgen(0,0,0,0);
- return 0;
- }
- else T=rtostr(T);
- }
- if(type(T)==4 && typeT[0]==7){
- if(length(T)==2 && type(T[1])==1){
- DVIOUTH="start "+T[0]+" -"+rtostr(T[1])+"-hyper:0x90 \"%ASIRROOT%\\help\\os_muldif.dvi\" #r:%LABEL%";
- }else if(str_len(T[0])>2) DVIOUTH=T[0];
- mycat(["DVIOUTH="+DVIOUTH,"\nmyhelp(fn) is set!"]);
- return 0;
- }
- if(T==0){
- mycat([
- "myhelp(t) : show help\n",
- " t : -1 (dvi), 1 (pdf) or os_md.getbygrs, os_md.m2mc, os_md.mgen\n",
- " t : -1 (dvi), 1 (pdf) or getbygrs, m2mc, mgen\n",
- " \"fn\" : Help of the function fn\n",
- " [path,n] : path of dviout, n = # dviout\n",
- " [DVIOUTH] : Way to jump to the help of a function\n",
- " default: start dviout -2 \"%ASIRTOOT%\\help\\os_muldif.dvi\" #r:%LABEL%"
- ]);
- return 0;
- }
- if(type(T)==7){
- if(str_str(T,"os_md.")==0) T=str_cut(T,6,str_len(T)-1);
- Dr=str_subst(DVIOUTH,["%ASIRROOT%","%LABEL%"],[get_rootdir(),"r:"+str_subst(T,"_","")]);
- shell(Dr);
- return 0;
- }
- Dr=get_rootdir();
- if(T==-1) Dr+="\\help\\os_muldif.dvi";
- else Dr+="\\help\\os_muldif.pdf";
- if(!isMs()) Dr=str_subst(Dr,"\\","/");
- shell(Dr);
- return 0;
-def isMs()
- if(type(Tmp=getenv("TEMP"))!=7) {
- if (type(Tmp=getenv("TMP")) != 7) Tmp=getenv("HOME");
- }
- if(type(Tmp)==7 && str_chr(Tmp,0,"\\")==2) return 1;
- else return 0;
-def tocsv(L)
- if(type(L)==6) L=m2ll(L);
- else if(type(L)==5) L=vtol(L);
- Null=getopt(null);
- Tb=str_tb(0,0);
- for(LL=L; LL!=[]; LL=cdr(LL)){
- LT=car(LL);
- if(type(LT)==5) LT=vtol(LT);
- if(type(LT)<4) LT=[LT];
- for(N=0; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT),N++){
- if(N) str_tb(", ",Tb);
- if((T=car(LT))==Null) continue;
- if(type(T)==7){
- K=str_len(T);
- T=str_subst(T,["\""],["\"\""]);
- if(str_len(T)>K||str_char(T,0,",")>=0) T="\""+T+"\"";
- str_tb(T,Tb);
- }else str_tb(rtostr(T),Tb);
- }
- str_tb("\n",Tb);
- }
- S=str_tb(0,Tb);
- if(type(EXE=getopt(exe))!=1&&EXE!=0&&type(EXE)!=7) return S;
- if(type(F)!=7){
- fcat(-1,0);
- F="risaout";
- if(EXE>=2&&EXE<=9) F+=rtostr(EXE);
- F=DIROUTD+F+".csv";
- }else F=S;
- if(EXE!=0 && access(F)) remove_file(F);
- fcat(F,S|exe=1);
- return 1;
-def readcsv(F)
- if((ID=open_file(F))<0) return -1;
- SJIS=isMs();
- L=[];
- if(type(V=getopt(eval))!=4){
- if(V=="all") V=1;
- else if(type(V)==1) V=[V];
- else V=[];
- }
- Eq=getopt(eq);
- Sp=getopt(sp);
- if(type(T=getopt(col))!=1) T=0;
- Null=getopt(null);
- if(type(Null)<0) Null=(Eq==1)?0:"";
- while((S=get_line(ID))!=0){
- S=strtoascii(S);
- N=length(S);
- for(I=J=F=0,LL=LT=[];I<N;I++){
- C=S[I];
- if(F==0){
- if(C<=32) continue;
- if(C==34){F=2;continue;}
- F=1;
- }
- if(F==2 && C==34){
- if(I<N-1&& S[I+1]==34){
- LT=cons(34,LT);I++;continue;
- }
- F=-2;
- }
- if(F==1){
- if((C==44&&Sp!=1)||(C<=32&&Sp==1)) F=-1;
- else if(C<32 && C!=9) continue;
- }
- if(SJIS && I<N-1 && ((C>128 && C<160)||(C>223 && C<240))){
- LT=cons(C,LT);LT=cons(S[++I],LT);continue;
- }
- if(F>0){
- LT=cons(C,LT);continue;
- }
- LS=asciitostr(reverse(LT));
- if(V==1||findin(++J,V)>=0){
- if(Eq==1) LS=(LS=="")?Null:eval_str(LS);
- else LS=(isdecimal(LS))?eval_str(LS):((LS=="")?Null:LS);
- }
- if(!T || T==J) LL=cons(LS,LL);
- if(F==-2) while(++I<N && Sp!=1 && S[I]!=44);
- F=0;LT=[];
- }
- if(I<=N && (Sp!=1 || length(LT)>0)){ /* lastline */
- LS=asciitostr(reverse(LT));
- if(V==1||findin(++J,V)>=0){
- if(Eq==1) LS=(LS=="")?Null:eval_str(LS);
- else LS=(isdecimal(LS))?eval_str(LS):((LS=="")?Null:LS);
- }
- if(!T || T==J) LL=cons(LS,LL);
- }
- L=cons(reverse(LL),L);
- }
- close_file(ID);
- if(T) L=m2l(L|flat=1);
- L=reverse(L);
- return L;
-def showbyshell(S)
- Id = getbyshell(S);
- if(Id<0) return Id;
- while((S=get_line(Id))!=0) print(S,2);
- return close_file(Id);
-def getbyshell(S)
- /* extern DIROUT; */
- Home=getenv("HOME");
- if(type(Home)!=7) Home="";
- if(type(Tmp=getenv("TEMP"))!=7 && type(Tmp=getenv("TMP")) != 7)
- Tmp=str_subst(DIROUT,["%HOME%","%ASIRROOT%"],[Home,get_rootdir()]);
- Sep=isMs()?"\\":"/";
- F=Tmp+Sep+"muldif.tmp";
- if(type(S)<=1 && S>=0) close_file(S);
- remove_file(F);
- if(type(S)<=1) return -1;
- shell(S+" > \""+F+"\"");
- return open_file(F);
-def show(P)
- T=type(P);
- S=P;
- Var=getopt(opt);
- if(Var=="verb"){
- dviout("{\\tt"+verb_tex_form(T)+"}\n\n");
- return;
- }
- if(type(Var)<0) Var=getopt(var);
- if(T==6){
- if((Sp=getopt(sp))==1 || Sp==2)
- S=mtotex(P|lim=1,small=2,sp=Sp,null=1,mat="B");
- else if(type(Var)==4 || type(Var)==7)
- S=mtotex(P|lim=1,small=2,var=Var);
- else
- S=mtotex(P|lim=1,small=2);
- Size=size(P);
- Size=(Size[0]>Size[1])?Size[0]:Size[1];
- if(Size>10) dviout0(Size);
- }else if(T<=3){
- X=0;
- if(Var=="pfrac") X=var(P);
- else X=getopt(pfrac);
- if(isvar(X)){
- pfrac(P,X|dviout=1);
- return;
- }
- Opt=cons(["dviout",1],getopt());
- if(type(Var)==2||type(Var)==4||type(Var)==7) fctrtos(P|option_list=Opt);
- else{
- if(isdif(P)!=0) Opt=cons(["var","dif"],Opt);
- else Opt=cons(["br",1],Opt);
- fctrtos(P|option_list=Opt);
- }
- return;
- }else if(T==4){
- if(type(Var)==4 || type(Var)==7){
- S=ltotex(P|option_list=getopt());
- if(Var=="text"){
- dviout(S);
- return;
- }
- }else{
- for(F=0,L=P;L!=[] && F!=-1;L=cdr(L)){
- LL=car(L);
- if(type(LL)==4){
- if(F==0){
- T=type(LL[0]);
- if(T==4) F=2; /* [[[? */
- else if(T==1 || T==0) F=1; /* [[num,.. */
- }
- if(F==1){
- if(length(LL)!=2 || !isint(LL[0]) || LL[0]<0 || type(LL[1])>3)
- F=-1; /* [[num,rat],[num,rat],...] */
- }else if(F==2){
- for(LLT=LL; LLT!=[] && F!=-1; LLT=cdr(LLT)){
- LLL=car(LLT); /* [[[num,rat],[num,rat],...],[[..],..]],....] */
- if(length(LLL)!=2 || !isint(LLL[0]) || LLL[0]<0 || type(LLL[1])>3)
- F=-1;
- }
- }
- }else if((F==0 || F==7) && type(LL)==7){
- F=7;
- }else F=-1;
- }
- if(F==1) S=ltotex(P|opt="spt");
- else if(F==2){
- M=mtranspose(lv2m(S));
- show(M|sp=1); /* GRS */
- return;
- }else if(F==7) S=ltotex(P|opt="spts");
- else{
- for(F=0,L=P;L!=[] && F!=-1;L=cdr(L)){
- LL=car(L);
- if(type(LL)!=4){
- F=-1; break;
- }
- for(LLT=LL; LLT!=[] && F!=-1; LLT=cdr(LLT)){
- T=type(LLL=car(LLT));
- if(T<7 && T!=4) F0++;
- else if(T==7){
- if(str_char(LLL,0,"\\")<0) F1++;
- else F2++;
- }else F=-1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(F==0 && F0>0 && (F1+F2)>0){ /* list of list of eq and str */
- if(F2>0) S=ltotex(P|opt=["cr","spts0"],str=1);
- else S=ltotex(P|opt=["cr","spts"]);
- }else{
- for(S="[";;){
- S+=my_tex_form(car(P));
- if((P=cdr(P))==[]){
- S+="]";break;
- }
- S+=",";
- }
- }
- }
- }else if(T==7){
- if(Var=="raw" ||
- (Var !="eq" && str_chr(P,0,"\\")<0 && str_char(P,0,"^")<0 && str_char(P,0,"_")<0
- && str_char(P,0,"&")<0)){
- dviout(P+"\n\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- dviout(S|eq=5);
-/* options : eq = 1 - 8, clear=1, keep=1, delete=1, title=s,
- fctr=1, begin=s */
-def dviout(L)
- MyEq = [
- ["\\[\n ","\\]"],
- ["\\begin{align}\n","\\end{align}"],
- ["\\begin{gather}\n ","\\end{gather}"],
- ["\\begin{multline}\n ","\\\\[-15pt]\\end{multline}"],
- ["\\begin{align}\\begin{split}\n &","\\end{split}\\end{align}"],
- ["\\begin{align*}\n &","\\end{align*}"],
- ["\\begin{gather*}\n ","\\end{gather*}"],
- ["\\begin{equation}\n ","\\end{equation}"]
- ];
- if(!chkfun("print_tex_form", "names.rr"))
- return 0;
- Home=getenv("HOME");
- if(type(Home)!=7) Home="";
- Dir=str_subst(DIROUT,["%HOME%","%ASIRROOT%","\\"],[Home,get_rootdir(),"/"]);
- Dirout=Dir+(AMSTeX?"/out.tex":"/out0.tex");
- Risaout=(AMSTeX)?"risaout":"risaout0";
- Dirisa=Dir+"/"+Risaout+".tex";
- Viewer="dviout";
- SV=["c:/w32tex/dviout","c:/dviout"];
- Risatex=str_subst(AMSTeX?DVIOUTA:DVIOUTL,
- ["%HOME%","%ASIRROOT%","%TikZ%"],[Home,get_rootdir(),rtostr(TikZ)]);
- if(isMs() && !access(Risatex)){
- for(TV=SV; TV!=[]; TV=cdr(TV)){
- VV=car(TV)+"/dviout.exe";
- if(access(VV)){
- Viewer=str_subst(VV,"/","\\");
- break;
- }
- }
- output(Risatex);
- print("cd \""+str_subst(Dir,"/","\\")+"\"");
- print("latex -src=cr,display,hbox,math,par "+Risaout);
- print("start "+Viewer+" -1 \""+Dr+"\\tex\\"+Risaout+"\" 1000");
- output();
- }
- if(access(Dirisa) == 0){
- D0="\""+(isMs()?str_subst(Dir,"/","\\")+"\"":Dir);
- shell("mkdir "+D0);
- output(Dirisa);
- if(AMSTeX){
- print("\\documentclass[a4paper]{amsart}");
- print("\\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts}");
- }else
- print("\\documentclass[a4paper]{article}");
- print("\\pagestyle{empty}\n\\begin{document}\n\\thispagestyle{empty}");
- print(AMSTeX?"\\input{out}\n\\end{document}":"\\input{out0}\n\\end{document}");
- output();
- }
- if((K = getopt(delete)) >= 1){ /* delete */
- LC = 0;
- if(type(K) == 1 && K > 10) K = 10;
- if(type(K) == 4){
- K = qsort(K);
- LC = 1; /* specific lines */
- }
- Done = 1;
- Id = open_file(Dirout);
- if(Id >= 0){
- Buf = Buf0 = Buf1 = Key = "";
- PE = 0;
- if(type(K) == 1)
- BufE = newvect(K--);
- Dout = Dirout+"0";
- remove_file(Dout);
- output(Dout);
- while((S = get_line(Id)) != 0){
- if(LC){
- while(K != [] && car(K) < LC)
- K = cdr(K);
- if(K == [] || car(K) > LC)
- output(S);
- }
- if(Key == ""){
- if((P0 = str_str(S,"\\begin{")) == 0){
- Key = sub_str(S,7,str_str(S,"}")-1);
- if(findin(Key,["align", "gather","multline", "equation","align*"]) < 0)
- Key = "";
- else{
- Key = "\\end{"+Key+"}";
- if(!LC){
- if(Buf != ""){
- if(PE < K)
- BufE[PE++] = Buf1+Buf;
- else{
- if(K > 0){
- print(BufE[0]);
- for(I = 1; I < K; I++)
- BufE[I-1]=BufE[I];
- BufE[K-1] = Buf1+Buf;
- }else
- print(Buf1+Buf);
- Done = 0;
- }
- Buf1 = Buf0;
- Buf = Buf0 ="";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Key == "" && !LC) Buf0 += S;
- }
- if(Key != ""){
- if(!LC) Buf += S;
- if(str_str(S,Key) >= 0){
- Key = "";
- if(LC) LC++;
- }
- }
- }
- output();
- close_file(Id);
- }
- if(Done==0){
- Id = open_file(Dout);
- if(Id >= 0){
- remove_file(Dirout);
- output(Dirout);
- while((S = get_line(Id)) != 0)
- print(S,0);
- output();
- close_file(Id);
- }
- remove_file(Dout);
- }else L=" ";
- }
- if(getopt(clear) == 1 || Done == 1){ /* clear */
- remove_file(Dirout);
- if(L == "" || L == " "){
- output(Dirout);
- print("\\centerline{Risa/Asir}");
- output();
- }
- }
- if(L != " "){
- Eq=1;
- Eqo = getopt(eq);
- Fc = getopt(fctr);
- if(Fc == 1 && (type(L) == 2 || type(L) == 3)){
- L = fctrtos(L|TeX=1);
- if(type(L) == 4)
- L = "\\fact{"+L[0]+"}{"+L[1]+"}";
- if(type(Eqo) != 0 && type(Eqo) !=7){
- Eqo=0;
- }
- }
- if(type(L) != 4 || getopt(mult) != 1)
- L = [L];
- if(type(Eqo)!=7 && (Eqo<1 || Eqo>8))
- Eqo = (AMSTeX==1)?TeXEq:1;
- Title = getopt(title);
- if(type(Title) == 7){
- output(Dirout);
- print(Title);
- output();
- }
- Sb = getopt(subst);
- for( ; L != []; L = cdr(L)){
- Eq = 1;
- if(type(LT=car(L)) != 7 && type(LT) != 21)
- LT = my_tex_form(LT);
- else if(type(getopt(eq)) < 0)
- Eq = 0;
- if(type(Sb) == 4)
- LT = str_subst(LT,Sb[0],Sb[1]);
- output(Dirout);
- if(Eq == 1){
- if(type(Eqo)==7)
- print(texbegin(Eqo,LT));
- else if(Eqo >= 1 && Eqo <= 8){
- mycat0([MyEq[Eqo-1][0],LT,"%"],1);
- print(MyEq[Eqo-1][1]);
- }else print(LT);
- }else print(LT);
- output();
- }
- }
- if(str_char(Risatex,0," ")>=0 && str_char(DVIOUTA,0," ")<0 && str_char(DVIOUTB,0," ")<0
- && str_char(DVIOUTL,0," ")<0)
- Risatex="\""+Risatex+"\"";
- if(getopt(keep) != 1) shell(Risatex);
- return 1;
-def rtotex(P)
- S = my_tex_form(P);
- return (str_len(S) == 1)?S:"{"+S+"}";
-def mtotex(M)
- /* extern TexLim; */
- MB=mat(["(",")","p"],["\\{","\\}","B"],["[","]","b"],["|","|","v"],
- ["\\|","\\|","V"], [".",".",""]);
- if(type(MT=getopt(mat))==7){
- MT=findin(MT,["p","B","b","v","V",""]);
- if(MT<0) MT=0;
- }
- else MT=0;
- MT=MB[MT];
- if((F=getopt(small))!=1 && F!=2) F=0;
- Lim=getopt(lim);
- if(type(Lim)==1){
- if(Lim<30 && Lim!=0) Lim = TexLim;
- }else Lim=0;
- FL=getopt(len);
- Rw=getopt(raw);
- Sp=getopt(sp);
- Idx=getopt(idx);
- if(type(Idx)==4) Idx=ltov(Idx);
- if(type(Idx)==6 && length(Idx)==0) Idx=-1;
- Var=getopt(var);
- if(Lim>0) FL=1;
- Null=getopt(null);
- if(Null!=1 && Null!=2) Null=0;
- if(type(M)==5) M=lv2m([V]);
- else if(type(M)!=6) return monototex(M);
- S=size(M);
- if(FL==1){
- L=newmat(S[0],S[1]); LL=newvect(S[1]);
- }
- SS=newmat(S[0],S[1]);
- for(I=0; I<S[0]; I++){
- for(J=0; J<S[1]; J++){
- if(type(P=M[I][J])<=3){
- if(P!=0 || Null == 0 || (Null==2 && I==J)){
- SS[I][J]=(type(Var)>1)?fctrtos(P|TeX=2,lim=0,var=Var):fctrtos(P|TeX=2,lim=0);
- if(type(P)==1 && str_str(SS[I][J],"\\frac{-"|end=0)==0)
- SS[I][J]="-\\frac{"+str_cut(SS[I][J],7,100000);
- }
- }else if(type(P)==6){
- ST= mtotex(P|small=1,len=1);
- SS[I][J]=ST[0];
- L[I][J]=ST[1];
- }else if(type(P)==7){
- if(Rw==1) SS[I][J]=P;
- else SS[I][J]="\\text{"+P+"\}";
- }else if(type(P)==4 && length(P)==2 && P[0]>0 && (Sp==1 || Sp==2)){
- if(P[0]==1){
- SS[I][J]=fctrtos(P[1]|TeX=2,lim=0);
- }else{
- ST=my_tex_form(P[0]);
- if(Sp==2) ST="("+ST+")";
- SS[I][J]="["+fctrtos(P[1]|TeX=2,lim=0)+"]_";
- if(str_len(ST)<2) SS[I][J]+=ST;
- else SS[I][J]+="{"+ST+"}";
- }
- }else
- SS[I][J]=my_tex_form(P);
- if(FL==1) L[I][J]=texlen(SS[I][J]);
- }
- }
- if(Lim>0 || FL==1){
- for(LLL=J=0; J<S[1];J++){
- for(I=K=0; I<S[0];I++){
- if(K<L[I][J]) K=L[I][J];
- }
- LLL+=(LL[J]=K);
- }
- }
- if(Lim>0){
- if(F==2 && LLL>Lim-2*S[1]-2) F=1;
- if(F==1)
- Lim=idiv(Lim*6,5);
- if(LLL<=Lim-(2-F)*S[I]-2) Lim=0;
- }
- Mat=(F==1)?"smallmatrix}":"matrix}";
- if(F==1) Out=str_tb("\\left"+MT[0]+"\\begin{",0);
- else Out=str_tb((Lim==0)?"\\begin{"+MT[2]:"\\left"+MT[0]+"\\begin{",0);
- Out = str_tb(Mat,Out);
- for(I=II=LT=0; II<=S[0]; II++){
- if(Lim==0) II=S[0];
- if(II<S[0]){
- K=LL[II]+(2-F);
- if(I==II){
- LT+=K;
- continue;
- }
- if(LT+K<Lim-2) continue;
- LT=K;
- }
- for(I0=I; I<II; I++){
- if(I==I0){
- str_tb((I==0)?
- "\n ":
- "\\right.\\\\\n \\allowdisplaybreaks\\\\\n &\\ \\left.\\begin{"+Mat+"\n ", Out);
- if(Idx==1||Idx==0||type(Idx)==5){
- for(J=I; J<II; J++){
- if(type(Idx)!=4)
- str_tb("("+rtostr(J+Idx)+")",Out);
- else{
- JJ=length(Idx)-1;
- if(J<JJ) JJ=J;
- str_tb(my_tex_form(Idx[JJ]),Out);
- }
- if(J<II) str_tb(" & ",Out);
- }
- str_tb("\\\\\n ",Out);
- }
- }
- else str_tb("\\\\\n ",Out);
- for(J=0; J<S[1]; J++){
- if(J!=0) str_tb(" & ",Out);
- if(type(SS[I][J])==7) str_tb(SS[I][J],Out);
- }
- }
- Out=str_tb("\n\\end{", Out);
- if(II==S[0]) Out=str_tb((Lim==0&&F!=1)?MT[2]+Mat:Mat+"\\right"+MT[1],Out);
- else Out=str_tb(Mat+"\\right.",Out);
- }
- SS = str_tb(0,Out);
- if(FL!=1) return SS;
- if(F==1) LLL=idiv((LLL+S[1])*5+13,6);
- else LLL+=2*(1+S[1]);
- return [SS,LLL];
-def sint(N,P)
- if( type(N)==1 || N==0 ) {
- NT=ntype(N);
- if((type(Opt=getopt(str))==1 || Opt==0) && Opt>=0 && P>=0){
- if(Opt==2 || Opt==4 || Opt==0){
- if(N==0) return (Opt>0)?"0":0;
- Pw=0;
- if(NT==4){
- NN=abs(real(N));N1=abs(imag(N));
- if(NN<N1) NN=N1;
- }else NN=abs(N);
- while(NN<1 && NN>-1){
- Pw--;
- N*=10;NN*=10;
- }
- while(N>=10 || N<=-10){
- Pw++;
- N/=10;NN/=10;
- }
- if(Opt==0) return sint(N*10^Pw,P-Pw-1);
- S=(getopt(sqrt)==1)?sint(N,P|str=(Opt==4)?3:1,sqrt=1):sint(N,P|str=(Opt==4)?3:1);
- if(Pw==0) return S;
- if(NT==4)
- S="("+S+")";
- if(Pw==1){
- if(Opt==2)
- return S+"*10";
- else
- return S+"\\times10";
- }
- if(Opt==2)
- return S+"*10^("+rtostr(Pw)+")";
- else
- return S+"\\times10^{"+rtostr(Pw)+"}";
- }
- if(NT==4){
- NN=real(N);
- if(NN!=0){
- S=sint(NN,P|str=1);
- if(imag(N)>0) S=S+"+";
- }
- else S="";
- S=S+sint(imag(N),P|str=1)+((Opt==3)?((getopt(sqrt)==1)?"\\sqrt{-1}":"i"):"@i");
- return S;
- }
- if(N<0){
- N=-N;
- Neg="-";
- }else Neg="";
- N=rint(N*10^P)/10^P;
- NN=floor(N);
- NV=(N-NN+1)*10^P;
- NS=rtostr(NN);
- if(P<=0) return Neg+NS;
- if(NN==0 && getopt(zero)==0) NS="";
- return Neg+NS+"."+str_cut(rtostr(NV),1,P);
- }
- if(NT==4)
- return sint(real(N),P)+sint(imag(N),P)*@i;
- X = rint( N*10^P );
- return deval(X/10^P);
- }
- if( (type(N)==2) || (type(N)==3) ){
- NN = eval(N);
- if( type(NN)==1 )
- return sint(NN,P|option_list=getopt());
- else return N;
- }
- if( type(N)>3 && type(N) < 7)
- return mtransbys(os_md.sint,N,[P]|option_list=getopt());
- return mtransbys(sint,N,[P]|option_list=getopt()));
- return N;
-def frac2n(N)
- if((T=type(N))<0) return N;
- E=(getopt(big)==1)?eval(@e):0.1;
- if(T==1){
- if(ntype(N)==0) return (E*N)/E;
- else if(ntype(N)!=4) return N;
- else return (E*(1+@i)*N)/(E*(1+@i));
- }
- if(T==3||T==2){
- N=red(N);
- Nm=nm(N);Var=vars(Nm);V=car(Var);K=length(Var);
- for(S=0,I=mydeg(Nm,V);I>=0;I--) S+=frac2n(mycoef(Nm,I,V))*V^I;
- return S/dn(N);
- }
- if(T<4) return (E*N)/E;
- return mtransbys(os_md.frac2n,N,[]|option_list=getopt());
- return mtransbys(frac2n,N,[]|option_list=getopt());
-def xyproc(F)
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))!=7) Opt="";
- if(type(Env=getopt(env))!=7)
- Env=(!TikZ)?"xy":"tikzpicture";
- if(F==1)
- return(Opt=="")?"\\begin{"+Env+"}\n":"\\begin{"+Env+"}["+Opt+"]\n";
- if(F==0) return "\\end{"+Env+"}\n";
- if(type(F)==7){
- F=xyproc(1|opt=Opt,env=Env)+F+xyproc(0|env=Env);
- if(getopt(dviout)==1) dviout(F);
- else return F;
- }
-def xypos(P)
- if(type(P[0])==7){
- if(P[0]=="") S="";
- else S=(!TikZ)?"\""+P[0]+"\"":"("+P[0]+")";
- }
- else{
- if(TikZ==0 && XYcm==1){
- X=sint(P[0]*10,XYPrec); Y=sint(P[1]*10,XYPrec);
- }else{
- X=sint(P[0],XYPrec); Y=sint(P[1],XYPrec);
- }
- S="("+rtostr(X)+","+rtostr(Y)+")";
- }
- if(!TikZ){
- if(length(P)>2 && (PP=P[2])!=""){
- S=S+" *";
- if(type(PP)==4 && length(PP)==2 && type(PP[0])==7){
- S=S+PP[0];
- PP=PP[1];
- }
- if(type(PP)==7){
- L=str_len(PP);
- if(str_chr(PP,0,"$")==0 && str_chr(PP,L-1,"$")==L-1){
- PP=str_cut(PP,1,L-2);
- }else S+="\\txt";
- }
- else PP=my_tex_form(PP);
- S=S+"{"+PP+"}";
- }
- if(length(P)>3){
- if(type(P[3])==7 && P[3]!="") S=S+"=\""+P[3]+"\"";
- if(length(P)>4 && type(P[4])==7) S=S+P[4];
- }
- }else{
- T="";
- if(length(P)>2 && (PP=P[2])!=""){
- F=1;
- if(type(PP)==4){
- if(length(PP)==2 && type(PP[0])==7){
- T="["+PP[0]+"]";
- PP=PP[1];
- }
- }
- if(type(PP)!=7) PP="$"+my_tex_form(PP)+"$";
- S=S+"{"+PP+"}";
- }else F=0;
- if(length(P)>3){
- if(type(P[3])==7 && P[3]!="") T=T+"("+P[3]+")";
- else if(P[3]==1) T=T+"(_)";
- if(length(P)>4 && type(P[4])==7) S=S+P[4];
- }
- if(length(P)>2){
- if(F) S="node"+T+" at"+S;
- else S="coordinate"+T+" at"+S;
- }
- }
- return S;
-def xyput(P)
- if((type(Sc=getopt(scale))==1 && Sc!=1) || type(Sc)==4){
- if(type(Sc)==1) Sc=[Sc,Sc];
- Sx=Sc[0];Sy=Sc[1];
- if(length(P)>2)
- P1=cons(Sy*P[1],cdr(cdr(P)));
- else P1=[Sy*P[1]];
- P=cons((type(P[0])==7)?P[0]:(Sx*P[0]),P1);
- }
- if(!TikZ) return "{"+xypos(P)+"};\n";
- return "\\"+xypos(P)+";\n";
-def xyline(P,Q)
- if(!TikZ) return "{"+xypos(P)+" \\ar@{-} "+xypos(Q)+"};\n";
- if(type(T=getopt(opt))!=7) T="";
- else T="["+T+"]";
- if(length(P)<3 && length(Q)<3)
- return "\\draw"+T+xypos(P)+"--"+xypos(Q)+";\n";
- if(length(P)==2) P=[P[0],P[1],"","_0"];
- else if(length(P)==3 || (length(P)==4 && P[3]==""))
- P=[P[0],P[1],P[2],"_0"];
- else if(length(P)>4 && P[3]=="")
- P=[P[0],P[1],P[2],"_0",P[4]];
- if(length(Q)==2) Q=[Q[0],Q[1],"","_1"];
- else if(length(Q)==3 || (length(Q)==4 && Q[3]==""))
- Q=[Q[0],Q[1],Q[2],"_1"];
- else if(length(Q)>4 && Q[3]=="")
- Q=[Q[0],Q[1],Q[2],"_1",Q[4]];
- return "\\draw "+T+xypos(P)+" "+xypos(Q)+"("+P[3]+")--("+Q[3]+");\n";
-def xylines(P)
- Lf=getopt(curve);
- if(type(Lf)!=1) Lf=0;
- SS=getopt(opt);
- SF=(SS==0)?1:0;
- if((Proc=getopt(proc))==1||Proc==2||Proc==3){
- OL=cons(["opt",0],delopt(getopt(),["opt","proc"]));
- R=xylines(P|option_list=OL);
- OP=(type(SS)<0)?[]:((type(SS)==4)?[["opt",SS[0]],["cmd",SS[1]]]:[["opt",SS]]);
- return [1,OP,R];
- }
- if(type(SS)!=7 && type(SS)!=4){
- if(Lf==0 && !TikZ) SS="@{-}";
- else SS="";
- }
- if(type(Sc=getopt(scale))==1 || type(Sc)==4){
- if(type(Sc)==1) Sc=[Sc,Sc];
- Sx=Sc[0];Sy=Sc[1];
- if(Sx!=1 || Sy!=1){
- for(PP=[], P0=P; P0!=[]; P0=cdr(P0)){
- PT=car(P0);
- if((type(PT)!=4 && type(PT)!=5) || (type(PT[0])!=1 && PT[0]!=0))
- PP=cons(PT,PP);
- else{
- if(length(PT)>2 && type(PT)==4)
- P1=cons(Sy*PT[1],cdr(cdr(PT)));
- else P1=[Sy*PT[1]];
- PP=cons(cons(Sx*PT[0],P1),PP);
- }
- }
- P=reverse(PP);
- }
- }
- if(type(Cl=CL0=getopt(close))!=1) Cl=0;
- if((Vb=getopt(verb))!=1&&type(Vb)!=4) Vb=0;
- if(type(Lf)!=1 || Lf==0){ /* lines */
- if(TikZ||SF){
- for(L=[],F=0,PT=P;PT!=[];PT=cdr(PT)){
- if(type(car(PT))<4){
- L=cons(car(PT),L);
- F=0;
- }else{
- if(F++>1) L=cons(1,L);
- L=cons(car(PT),L);
- }
- }
- if(Cl==1){
- L=cons(1,L);L=cons(-1,L);
- }
- if(L) L=reverse(L);
- if(SF) return L;
- if(type(SS)!=4) S=xybezier(L|opt=SS);
- else S=xybezier(L|opt=SS[0],cmd=SS[1]);
- }else{
- Out = str_tb(0,0);
- for(PT=P; PT!=[]; ){
- PS1=car(PT);
- PT=cdr(PT);
- if(PT==[]){
- if(Cl==1) PS2=car(P);
- else PS2=0;
- }else PS2=car(PT);
- str_tb(xyarrow(PS1,PS2|opt=SS),Out);
- }
- S=str_tb(0,Out);
- }
- }else if(Lf==2){ /* B-spline */
- if(SF) return P;
- if(!TikZ){
- Out = str_tb("{\\curve{",0);
- for(PT=P;PT!=[];PT=cdr(PT)){
- if(car(PT)==0){
- str_tb("}};\n{\\curve{",Out);
- continue;
- }
- if(PT!=P) str_tb("&",Out);
- str_tb(xypos([car(PT)[0],car(PT)[1]]),Out);
- }
- str_tb("}};\n",Out);
- S=str_tb(0,Out);
- }else Out=str_tb(xybezier(P|opt=SS),0);
- for(I=0;I<2;I++){
- Q=car(P);
- if(length(Q)>2)
- str_tb(xyput(Q),Out);
- P=reverse(P);
- }
- S=str_tb(0,Out);
- }else{ /* extended Bezier */
- RTo=getopt(ratio);
- if(type(Acc=getopt(Acc))!=1) Acc=0;
- if(type(RTo)!=1 || RTo>1.5 || RTo<0.001) RTo=0;
- if(Cl==1){
- PR=reverse(P);
- PT=car(PR);
- PR=cons(P[0],PR);
- PR=cons(P[1],PR);
- P=cons(PT,reverse(PR));
- }else if(Cl==-1) Cl=1;
- for(L=P2=P3=0,PT=P;;){
- P1=P2;P2=P3;P3=P4;
- P4=(PT==[])?0:car(PT);
- if(PT==[] && (Cl==1 || P3==0)) break;
- PT=cdr(PT);
- if(P3==0) str_tb("%\n", Out);
- if(P2==0 || P3==0 || (Cl==1 && P1==0)) continue;
- if(L!=0){
- if(car(L)==P2)
- L=cons(1,L);
- else{
- L=cons(0,L); L=cons(P2,L);
- }
- }else L=[P2];
- X=P3[0]-P2[0];Y=P3[1]-P2[1];
- DL1=DL2=0;DL=Acc?sqrt(X^2+Y^2):dsqrt(X^2+Y^2);
- if(P4!=0){
- XD1=P4[0]-P2[0];YD1=P4[1]-P2[1];DL1=Acc?sqrt(XD1^2+YD1^2):dsqrt(XD1^2+YD1^2);
- }
- if(P1!=0){
- XD2=P3[0]-P1[0];YD2=P3[1]-P1[1];DL2=Acc?sqrt(XD2^2+YD2^2):dsqrt(XD2^2+YD2^2);
- }
- if(RTo!=0)
- R=RTo;
- else if(DL1>0 && DL2>0){
- Cos=(XD1*XD2+YD1*YD2)/(DL1*DL2);
- RT=4/(3*(Acc?sqrt((1+Cos)/2):dsqrt((1+Cos)/2))+3);
- R=DL*RT/(DL1+DL2);
- }else if(DL1!=0)
- R=DL/(2*DL1);
- else if(DL2!=0)
- R=DL/(2*DL2);
- if(DL2!=0) L=cons([P2[0]+R*XD2,P2[1]+R*YD2],L);
- if(DL1!=0) L=cons([P3[0]-R*XD1,P3[1]-R*YD1],L);
- L=cons([P3[0],P3[1]],L);
- }
- if(CL0==1) L=cons(-1,cdr(L));
- if(L!=0) L=reverse(L);
- if(SF) return L;
- if(type(SS)==4)
- S=xybezier(L|opt=SS[0],cmd=SS[1],verb=Vb);
- else
- S=xybezier(L|opt=SS,verb=Vb);
- }
- if(getopt(dviout)!=1) return S;
- xyproc(S|dviout=1);
-def saveproc(S,Out)
- if(type(Out)==4){
- Out=cons(S,Out);
- return Out;
- }else{
- str_tb(S,Out);
- return Out;
- }
-def xygrid(X,Y)
- for(RR=[],I=0,Z=X;I<2;I++){
- U=Z[2];L=LL=[];M=Z[3];
- if(Z[1]==1||Z[1]==-1){
- if(type(M)==4) L=M;
- else{
- if(U*(-dlog(1-1/20)/dlog(10))>=M){
- L=cons([1,2,1/10],L);
- LL=cons([1,2,1/2],LL);
- }else if(U*(-dlog(1-1/10)/dlog(10))>=M)
- L=cons([1,2,1/5],L);
- else if(U*(-dlog(1-1/4)/dlog(10))>=M)
- L=cons([1,2,1/2],L);
- if(U*(-dlog(1-1/50)/dlog(10))>=M){
- L=cons([2,5,1/10],L);
- LL=cons([2,5,1/2],LL);
- }else if(U*(-dlog(1-1/25)/dlog(10))>=M)
- L=cons([2,5,1/5],L);
- else if(U*(-dlog(1-1/10)/dlog(10))>=M)
- L=cons([2,5,1/2],L);
- if(U*(-dlog(1-1/100)/dlog(10))>=M){
- L=cons([5,10,1/10],L);
- LL=cons([5,10,1/2],LL);
- }
- else if(U*(-dlog(1-1/50)/dlog(10))>=M)
- L=cons([5,10,1/5],L);
- else if(U*(-dlog(1-1/20)/dlog(10))>=M)
- L=cons([5,10,1/2],L);
- L=cons(L,cons(LL,[[[1,10,1]]]));
- }
- R=scale(L|scale=U);
- if(Z[1]==-1){
- for(LL=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- for(L=[],T=car(R);T!=[];T=cdr(T)) L=cons(U-car(T),L);
- LL=cons(reverse(L),LL);
- }
- R=reverse(LL);
- }
- }else if(Z[1]==0){
- if(type(M)==4){
- R=scale(M|f=x,scale=U);
- }else{
- V=0;
- if(U/10>=M) V=1/10;
- else if(U/5>=M) V=1/5;
- else if(U/2>=M) V=1/2;
- R=[];
- if(V>0){
- UU=U*V;
- for(R=[],J=UU;J<U;J+=UU) R=cons(J,R);
- }
- if(V==1/10) L=[U/2];
- else L=[];
- R=cons(R,cons(L,[[0,U]]));
- }
- }else if(type(Z[1])==4){
- R=Z[1];
- if(length(R)==0||type(R[0])!=4) R=[[],[],R];
- }else return 0;
- K=length(R);
- S=newvect(K);
- for(J=0;J<K;J++){
- for(S[J]=[],JJ=0;JJ<=Z[0];JJ+=U){
- for(P=R[J];P!=[];P=cdr(P))
- if(car(P)+JJ<=Z[0]) S[J]=cons(car(P)+JJ,S[J]);
- }
- }
- for(J=0;J<K;J++) S[J]=lsort(S[J],[],1);
- for(U=[],J=K-1;J>0;J--){
- U=lsort(S[J],U,0);S[J-1]=lsort(S[J-1],U,1);
- }
- RR=cons(vtol(S),RR);
- Z=Y;
- }
- if((Raw=getopt(raw))==1) return RR;
- SS=[];
- if(type(Sf=getopt(shift))==7){
- Sx=Sf[0];Sy=Sf[1];
- }else Sx=Sy=0;
- for(I=0;I<2;I++){
- for(S0=[],L=RR[I];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- for(S=[],T=car(L);T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- if(S!=[]) S=cons(0,S);
- if(I==0){
- S=cons([X[0]+Sx,car(T)+Sy],S);
- S=cons([Sx,car(T)+Sy],S);
- }else{
- S=cons([car(T)+Sx,Y[0]+Sy],S);
- S=cons([car(T)+Sx,Sy],S);
- }
- }
- S0=cons(S,S0);
- }
- SS=cons(reverse(S0),SS);
- }
- SS=reverse(SS);
- if(Raw==2) return SS;
- if(length(Y)<5) T=[["",""]];
- else if(type(Y[4])==4) T=[Y[4]];
- else T=[Y[4],Y[4]];
- if(length(X[4])==4) T=cons([""],T);
- else if(type(X[4])==4) T=cons(X[4],T);
- else T=cons([X[4]],T);
- for(Sx=Sy=[],I=0;I<2;I++){
- TT=T[I];
- for(V=SS[I];V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- Op=car(TT);
- if(length(TT)>1) TT=cdr(TT);
- if(car(V)==[]) continue;
- if(Op=="") S=xylines(car(V));
- else S=xylines(car(V)|opt=Op);
- if(I==0) Sx=cons(S,Sx);
- else Sy=cons(S,Sy);
- }
- }
- for(S="",Sx=reverse(Sx), Sy=reverse(Sy);Sx!=[]&&Sy!=[];){
- if(Sx!=[]){
- S+=car(Sx);Sx=cdr(Sx);
- }
- if(Sy!=[]){
- S+=car(Sy);Sy=cdr(Sy);
- }
- }
- return S;
-def addIL(I,L)
- if(I==0){
- for(R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)) R=addIL(car(L),R);
- return reverse(R);
- }
- if(type(In=getopt(in))==1){
- if(In==-1){
- J=JJ=I[1];I=I[0];
- for(R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- J=lmin([car(L)[0],JJ]);
- if(J>I) R=cons([I,J],R);
- I=lmax([car(L)[1],I]);
- }
- if(I<JJ) R=cons([I,JJ],R);
- return reverse(R);
- }else{
- for(;L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if(car(L)[0]>I) return 0;
- if(car(L)[1]>=I){
- if(In==3) return car(L);
- if(In==1||(I!=car(L)[0]&&I!=car(L)[1])) return 1;
- return 2;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- I0=car(I);I1=I[1];
- for(F=0,R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if(I0>car(L)[1]){
- R=cons(car(L),R);
- continue;
- }
- if(I0<=car(L)[1]){
- I0=lmin([I0,car(L)[0]]);
- if(I1<car(L)[0]){
- R=cons([I0,I1],R);
- for( ;L!=[];L=cdr(L)) R=cons(car(L),R);
- F=1;
- break;
- }
- I1=lmax([I1,car(L)[1]]);
- }
- }
- if(!F) R=cons([I0,I1],R);
- return reverse(R);
-def xy2curve(F,N,Lx,Ly,Lz,A,B)
- Raw=getopt(raw);
- if(type(Gap=getopt(gap))==4){
- MG=Gap[1];Gap=car(Gap);
- }else MG=3;
- if(type(Gap)!=1 && Gap!=0) Gap=0.7;
- if(type(Dvi=getopt(dviout))<1) Dvi=0;
- OL=[["dviout",Dvi]];
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))<1) Opt=0;
- else OL=cons(["opt",Opt],OL);
- if(type(Sc=getopt(scale))!=1 && type(Sc)!=4) Sc=[1,1,1];
- else if(type(Sc)!=4) Sc=[Sc,Sc,Sc];
- else if(length(Sc)!=3) Sc=[Sc[0],Sc[1],Sc[1]];
- M=diagm(3,Sc);
- if(A!=0||B!=0){
- if(type(A)!=6){ /* M=mrot([-A,B,0]|deg=1)*M; */
- Pi=deval(@pi);
- Ac=dcos(Pi*A/180);As=dsin(Pi*A/180);
- M=mat([Ac,As,0],[-As,Ac,0],[0,0,1])*M;
- Ac=dcos(Pi*B/180);As=dsin(Pi*B/180);
- M=mat([Ac,0,As],[0,1,0],[-As,0,Ac])*M;
- }else M=A;
- V=M*newvect(3,[x,y,z]);
- Fx=compdf(V[0],[x,y,z],F);Fy=compdf(V[1],[x,y,z],F);Fz=compdf(V[2],[x,y,z],F);
- }else{
- for(I=0;I<3;I++){
- if(type(T=F[I])!=4) T=f2df(T);
- if(type(T)==4) T=cons(car(T)*Sc[I],cdr(T));
- else T*=Sc[I];
- if(I==0) Fx=T;
- else if(I==1) Fy=T;
- else Fz=T;
- }
- }
- if(Raw==5||!Gap)
- return (Dvi||!Gap)? xygraph([Fy,Fz],N,Lx,Ly,Lz|option_list=OL):[Fx,Fy,Fz];
- R=xygraph([Fy,Fz],N,Lx,Ly,Lz|raw=2);
- R0=cdr(car(R));R1=R[1];
- for(LT=[];R0!=[];R0=cdr(R0),R1=cdr(R1))
- if(car(R0)!=0) LT=cons([R1[0],R1[1]],LT);
- LT=reverse(LT);
- if(N<0){
- Be=xylines(car(R)|curve=1,proc=3,close=-1);
- LT=reverse(cdr(LT));
- LT=reverse(cdr(LT));
- }
- else Be=xylines(car(R)|curve=1,proc=3);
- Be=cdr(cdr(Be));
- Be=lbezier(car(Be));
- if(Raw==4) return [Be,LT,Lx];
- X=ptcombz(Be,0,0);
- Var=(length(Lx)==3)?car(Lx):x;
- if(type(Eq=getopt(eq))!=1) Eq=0.01;
- if(TikZ==1){
- Gap/=10;Eq/=10;
- }
- for(R=[],XT=X;XT!=[];XT=cdr(XT)){
- V=car(XT);
- U=LT[V[0][0]];
- T=U[0]*V[1][0]+U[1]*(1-V[1][0]);
- VV=myfdeval(Fx,[Var,T]);
- U=LT[V[0][1]];
- T=U[0]*V[1][1]+U[1]*(1-V[1][1]);
- VV-=myfdeval(Fx,[Var,T]);
- if(abs(VV)<Eq) continue;
- I=(VV<0)?0:1;
- R=cons([V[0][I],V[1][I],V[0][1-I],V[1][1-I]],R);
- }
- R=qsort(R);
- if(Raw==3) return [Be,R];
- Db=newvect(L=length(Be));
- for(I=0;I<L;I++) Db[I]=[];
- for(TR=R;TR!=[];TR=cdr(TR)){
- V1=ptbezier(Be,[I=car(TR)[0],P=car(TR)[1]])[1];
- V2=ptbezier(Be,[car(TR)[2],car(TR)[3]])[1];
- T=dsqrt(1-dvangle(V1,V2)^2);
- if(T<1/MG) T=MG;
- GP=Gap/T;
- W=GP/dnorm(V1);
- Db[I]=addIL([P-W,P+W],Db[I]);
- if(P-W<0 && I>0) Db[I-1]=addIL([P-W+1,1],Db[I-1]);
- if(P+W>1 && I+1<L) Db[I+1]=addIL([0,P+W-1],Db[I+1]);
- }
- Db=vtol(Db);
- for(Bf=[];Be!=[];Be=cdr(Be),Db=cdr(Db)){
- if(car(Db)==[]) Bf=cons(car(Be),Bf);
- else{
- D=addIL([0,1],car(Db)|in=-1);
- for(;D!=[];D=cdr(D))
- Bf=cons(tobezier(car(Be)|inv=car(D)),Bf);
- }
- }
- Bf=reverse(Bf);
- if(Raw==2) return Bf;
- OL=[];
- if(Opt){
- if(type(Opt)==4&&length(Opt)>1) OL=[["opt",Opt[0]],["cmd",Opt[1]]];
- else OL=[["opt",Opt]];
- }else OL=[];
- S=xybezier(lbezier(Bf|inv=1)|option_list=OL);
- if(Raw==1||!Dvi) return S;
- return xyproc(S|dviout=Dvi);
-def xy2graph(F0,N,Lx,Ly,Lz,A,B)
- /* (x,y,z) -> (z sin B + x cos A cos B + y sin A cos B,
- -x sin A + y cos A, z cos B - x cos A sin B - y sin A sin B) */
- if((Proc=getopt(proc))==1||Proc==2){
- OPT0=[["proc",3]];
- }else{
- Proc=0;OPT0=[];
- }
- if(type(DV=getopt(dviout))==4){
- S=["ext","shift","cl","dviout"];
- OL=delopt(getopt(),S);
- OL=cons(["proc",1],OL);
- R=xy2graph(F0,N,Lx,Ly,Lz,A,B|option_list=OL);
- OL=delopt(getopt(),S|inv=1);
- return execdraw(R,DV|optilon_list=OL);
- }
- if(N==0 || N>100 || N<-100) N=-16;
- if(N<0){
- N=-N;N1=-1;N2=NN+1;
- }else{
- N1=0;N2=NN=N;
- }
- Ratio=Ratio2=1;
- if(type(Sc=Sc0=getopt(scale))!=1 && type(Sc)!=4) Sc=1;
- if(type(Sc)==4){
- Ratio=Sc[1]/Sc[0];
- if(length(Sc)>2) Ratio2=Sc[2]/Sc[0];
- Sc=Sc[0];
- }
- if(type(Vw=getopt(view))!=1) Vw=0;
- if(type(Raw=getopt(raw))!=1) Raw=0;
- if(type(M1=getopt(dev))==1) M2=M1;
- else if(type(M1)==4){
- M2=M1[1];M1=M1[0];
- }else M1=0;
- if(type(M3=getopt(acc))!=1 || (M3<0.5 && M3>100)) M3=1;
- if(M1<=0) M1=16;
- if(M2<=0) M2=16;
- OL=[["para",1],["scale",Sc]];
- if(Raw==1) OL=cons(["raw",1],OL);
- if(type(Prec=getopt(prec))>=0) OL=cons(["prec",Prec],OL);
- L=newvect(4,[[Lx[1],Ly[0]],[Lx[1],Ly[1]],[Lx[0],Ly[1]],[Lx[0],Ly[0]]]);
- Lx=[deval(Lx[0]),deval(Lx[1])];
- Ly=[deval(Ly[0]),deval(Ly[1])];
- Lz=[deval(Lz[0]),deval(Lz[1])];
- A=(A0=A)%360;
- F00=F0;
- if(type(F0)<4){
- FC=f2df(F0);
- if(findin(z,Vars=vars(FC))>=0 && findin(x,Vars)<0 && findin(y,Vars)<0)
- F0=[w,[z,0,x+y*@i],[w,os_md.abs,FC]];
- }
- if(type(Org=getopt(org))==4){ /* shift origin */
- Lx=[Lx[0]-Org[0],Lx[1]-Org[0]];
- Ly=[Ly[0]-Org[1],Ly[1]-Org[1]];
- Lz=[Lz[0]-Org[2],Lz[1]-Org[2]];
- F0=mysubst(F0,[[x,x+Org[0]],[y,y+Org[1]]]);
- if(type(F0)==4){
- F0=cons(F0[0]-Org[2],cdr(F0));
- }
- else F0-=Org[2];
- }else Org=[0,0,0];
- Cpx=getopt(cpx);
- if(type(Cpx)<0){
- if(str_str(rtostr(F0),"@i")>=0) Cpx=1;
- else Cpx=0;
- }
- if(A<0) A+=360;
- if(A<90){
- Sh=1;F1=F0;Cx=x-Org[0];Cy=y-Org[1];
- }else if(A<180){ /* x -> y, y -> -x */
- Sh=2;A-=90; F1=mulsubst(F0,[[x,-y],[y,x]]);
- LL=Ly;Ly=[-Lx[1],-Lx[0]];Lx=LL;Cx=y-Org[1];Cy=-x+Org[0];
- }else if(A<270){
- Sh=3;A-=180; F1=subst(F0,[[x,-x],[y,-y]]);
- Lx=[-Lx[1],-Lx[0]];Ly=[-Ly[1],-Ly[0]];Cx=-x+Org[0];Cy=-y+Org[1];
- }else{
- Sh=4;A-=270;F1=mulsubst(F0,[[x,y],[y,-x]]);
- LL=Lx;Lx=[-Ly[1],-Ly[0]];Ly=LL;Cx=-y+Org[1];Cy=x-Org[0];
- }
- A=@pi*A/180; B=@pi*B/180;
- if(A==0) A=@pi/3;
- if(B==0) B=@pi/12;
- NN=N*M2;
- Ac=dcos(deval(A)); As=dsin(deval(A));
- if(Ac<=0.087 || As<=0.087){
- mycat(["Unsuitable angle",A0,"(6-th argument)!"]);
- return -1;
- }
- Bc=Ratio*dcos(deval(B)); Bs=dsin(deval(B));
- if(Bc<0){
- mycat("Unsuitable angle (7-th argument)!");
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- z = f(x,y) => X=-As*x+Ac*y, Y= Bc*f(x,y)-Bsc*x-Bss*y
- Out X-coord is in [X0,X1], dvided by Dev segments
- J-th segment of Y-coord : ZF[J]==1 => [Z0[0],Z1[J]]
- */
- Bsc=Bs*Ac;Bss=Bs*As;
- if(Ratio2!=1){
- if(Sh%2==1){
- Ac*=Ratio2;Bss*=Ratio2;
- }else{
- As*=Ratio2;Bsc*=Ratio2;
- }
- }
- CX=-As*Cx+Ac*Cy;CY=Bc*(z-Org[2])-Bsc*Cx-Bss*Cy;
- if(type(Dvi=getopt(dviout))!=1 && getopt(trans)==1) return [CX*Sc,CY*Sc];
- if(type(N1=getopt(inf))==1){
- if(Proc) Dvi=N1;
- else if(Dvi<=0) Dvi=-N1;
- }
- X0=-As*Lx[1]+Ac*Ly[0];X1=-As*Lx[0]+Ac*Ly[1];
- F1=mysubst(F1,[@pi,deval(@pi)]);
- Tf=type(F1=f2df(F1|opt=0));
- if(Tf!=4) F=Bc*F1-Bsc*x-Bss*y;
- else F=append([Bc*F1[0]-Bsc*x-Bss*y],cdr(F1));
- Dx=(Lx[1]-Lx[0])/NN; Dy=(Ly[1]-Ly[0])/NN;
- if(type(Err=getopt(err))==1)
- F=mysubst(F,[[x,x+Err*Dx/1011.23],[y,y+Err*Dy/1101.34]]);
- Out=(Proc)?[]:str_tb(0,0);
- Dev=N*M1;
- XD=(X1-X0)/Dev;
- OLV=newvect(2,[OL,OL]);
- if(type(Ura=getopt(opt))==4 || type(Ura)==7){
- if(type(Ura)==7) Ura=[Ura,Ura];
- else{
- OLV[0]=cons(["opt",Ura[0]],OL);
- OLV[1]=cons(["opt",Ura[1]],OL);
- }
- }
- for(KC=0; KC<=1; KC++){ /* draw curves */
- Z0=newvect(Dev+1); Z1=newvect(Dev+1); ZF=newvect(Dev+1);
- for(I=0; I<=NN; I++){
- FV=I%M2;
- if(KC==0){
- X=x; Y=Ly[1]-I*Dy; LX=Lx; DD=Dx; G=mysubst(F,[y,Y]);
- if(!FV){
- if(!Proc) str_tb(["%y=",rtostr(Y),"\n"],Out);
- else Out=cons([-2,"y="+rtostr(Y)],Out);
- }
- }else{
- X=Lx[1]-I*Dx; Y=x; LX=Ly; DD=Dy; G=mysubst(F,[[x,X],[y,Y]]);
- if(!FV){
- if(!Proc) str_tb(["%x=",rtostr(X),"\n"],Out);
- else Out=cons([-2,"x="+rtostr(X)],Out);
- }
- }
- XX=-As*X+Ac*Y; A1=coef(XX,1,x); A0=coef(XX,0,x); /* XX = A1*x + A0, x = (XX-A0)/A1 */
- if(!FV && Vw==1){
- if(Proc) Out=cons(xygraph([XX,G],N,LX,[X0,X1],Lz|scale=Sc,para=1,proc=3),Out);
- else str_tb(xygraph([XX,G],N,LX,[X0,X1],Lz|scale=Sc,para=1),Out);
- continue;
- }
- V=VT=LX[1];
- J0=(subst(XX,x,LX[0])-X0)/XD; J1=(subst(XX,x,LX[1])-X0)/XD;
- if(J0<J1){
- J0=ceil(J0); J1=floor(J1); JD=1; /* fixed x: y: dec => (x,z):(dec,inc) */
- }else{
- J0=floor(J0); J1=ceil(J1); JD=-1; /* fixed y: x: dec => (x,z):(inc,inc) */
- }
- for(FF=1,J=J1;;J-=JD){
- V1=VT;
- VT=(X0+J*XD-A0)/A1;GG=mysubst(G,[x,VT]);
- if(Cpx>=1) VV=myeval(GG);
- else VV=(Tf==4)? mydeval(GG):deval(GG); /* J -> V */
- if(ZF[J]==0 || VV<=Z0[J] || VV>=Z1[J]){ /* visible */
- if(FF==0){
- V0=(VT+V1)/2;
- if(!FV && Vw==-1 && Raw!=1){ /* draw doted line */
- K=ceil(M3*(V-V0)/(M2*DD));
- if(N1<0) K=-K;
- OPT=append(OPT0,[["opt",(TikZ)?"dotted":"~*=<3pt>{.}"],["scale",Sc],["para",1]]);
- Out=saveproc(xygraph([XX,G],K,[V0,V],[X0-1,X1+1],Lz|
- option_list=OPT),Out);
- }
- V=V0;
- }
- if(ZF[J]==0){
- ZF[J]=1; Z0[J]=Z1[J]=VV;
- }else if(VV<=Z0[J]) Z0[J]=VV;
- else Z1[J]=VV;
- if(VV>=Z1[J]) FF=1;
- else if(VV<=Z0[J]) FF=-1;
- }else{
- if(FF!=0){
- V0=(VT+V1)/2;
- K=ceil(M3*(V-V0)/(M2*DD));
- if(N1<0) K=-K;
- if(!FV){
- OPT=append(OPT0,OLV[(1-FF)/2]);
- Out=saveproc(xygraph([XX,G],K,[V0,V],[X0-1,X1+1],Lz|option_list=OPT),Out);
- }
- V=V0;
- }
- FF=0;
- }
- if(J==J0) break;
- }
- if(FV) continue;
- V0=LX[0];K=ceil(M3*(V-V0)/(M2*DD));
- if(N1<0) K=-K;
- if(FF!=0){
- if(Raw!=1){
- OPT=append(OPT0,OLV[(1-FF)/2]);
- Out=saveproc(xygraph([XX,G],K,[V0,V],[X0-1,X1+1],Lz|option_list=OPT),Out);
- }else if(Vw==-1 && Raw!=1){
- OPT=append(OPT0,[["opt",(TikZ)?"dotted":"~*=<3pt>{.}"]]);
- Out=saveproc(xygraph([XX,G],K,[V0,V],[X0-1,X1+1],Lz|option_list=OPT),Out);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- OptSc=(Sc==1)?[]:[["scale",Sc]];
- if(type(LZ=getopt(ax))==4){ /* draw box */
- FC=0;
- if(length(LZ)==3) FC=LZ[2];
- P0=newvect(2,[-As*Lx[1]+Ac*Ly[1],Bc*(LZ[0]-Org[0])-Bsc*Lx[1]-Bss*Ly[1]]);
- Vx=newvect(2,[As*(Lx[1]-Lx[0]),Bsc*(Lx[1]-Lx[0])]);
- Vy=newvect(2,[Ac*(Ly[0]-Ly[1]),Bss*(Ly[1]-Ly[0])]);
- Vz=newvect(2,[0,Bc*(LZ[1]-LZ[0])]);
- OL=OL0=append(OPT0,OL);
- if(TikZ && type(Ura)==4 && length(Ura)>2) OL0=cons(["opt",Ura[2]],OL);
- LL=[[P0+Vz,P0+Vx+Vz],[P0,P0+Vx]];
- if(Bs>0){
- LL=cons([P0+Vy+Vz,Pz=P0+Vx+Vy+Vz],LL);
- LL=cons([P0+Vx+Vz,Pz],LL);
- PP=Pz-Vz;
- }
- else{
- LL=cons([P0+Vy,Pz=P0+Vx+Vy+Vz],LL);
- LL=cons([P0+Vx,Pz],LL);
- PP=Pz+Vz;
- }
- J=ceil((PP[0]-X0)/XD+0.5);
- LL=append([[P0+Vy,P0+Vy+Vz],[P0+Vy,P0+Vy+Vz],[P0+Vx,P0+Vx+Vz],[P0,P0+Vz],
- [P0+Vz,P0+Vy+Vz],[P0,P0+Vy]],LL);
- for(LL=reverse(LL);LL!=[];LL=cdr(LL)) Out=saveproc(xylines(car(LL)|option_list=OL0),Out);
- if(Dev>4) Dev2=ceil(Dev/2);
- if(FC<0 && Raw!=1){
- if(TikZ){
- if(type(Ura)==4 && length(Ura)>2)
- OL1=cons(["opt",Ura[2]+",dotted"],OL);
- else OL1=cons(["opt","dotted"],OL);
- }else OL1=cons(["opt","@{.}"],OL);
- if(FC==-8) FC=0;
- }
- for(I=0;I<3;I++){ /* box with hidden part */
- if(I==1) Pz=PP-Vx;
- else if(I==2) Pz=PP-Vy;
- LP=Pz-PP;
- for(FV=-1,K=0;K<=Dev2; K++){
- PPx=PP[0]+(K/Dev2)*LP[0]; PPy=PP[1]+(K/Dev2)*LP[1];
- J=ceil((PPx-X0)/XD);
- if(K!=Dev2 && (J<0||J>Dev)) continue;
- if(K!=Dev2 && (ZF[J]==0 || PPy<Z0[J] || PPy>Z1[J])){ /* visible */
- if(FV!=1){
- FV=1;
- PPP=[PPx,PPy];
- }
- }else{
- if(FV!=0){
- if(FV==1) Out=saveproc(xylines([PPP,[PPx,PPy]]|option_list=OL1),Out);
- FV=0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(FC!=0 && Raw!=1){ /* show coordinate*/
- if(iand(FC,4)){
- Sub=1;
- if(TikZ){
- S0="\\scriptsize";S1="";
- }else{
- S0="{}_{"; S1="}";
- }
- }else Sub=0;
- if(iand(FC,2))
- LLL=[[1,0,P0+Vx,(TikZ)?"right":"+!L"],[3,0,P0+Vy,(TikZ)?"left":"+!R"]];
- else LL=[];
- if(Bs>0){
- LLL=cons([0,0,P0,(TikZ)?"below":"+!U"],LLL);
- LLL=cons([2,1,P0+Vx+Vy+Vz,(TikZ)?"above":"+!D"],LLL);
- }else{
- LLL=cons([2,0,P0+Vx+Vy,(TikZ)?"below":"+!U"],LLL);
- LLL=cons([0,1,P0+Vz,(TikZ)?"above":"+!D"],LLL);
- }
- for(TLL=LLL;TLL!=[];TLL=cdr(TLL)){
- TL=car(TLL);LL=L[(Sh+TL[0])%4];
- if(Cpx==0 || Cpx==3){
- S=ltotex([LL[0],LL[1],LZ[TL[1]]]|opt="coord");
- SS="("+rtostr(LL[0]) +","+rtostr(LL[1])+","+rtostr(LZ[TL[1]])+")";
- }else{
- S=ltotex([LL[0]+LL[1]*@i,LZ[TL[1]]]|opt="coord",cpx=Cpx);
- SS="("+rtostr(LL[0])+"+"+rtostr(LL[1])+"i,"+ rtostr(LZ[TL[1]])+")";
- }
- if(TikZ) S="$"+S+"$";
- if(Sub) S=S0+S+S1;
- if(!TikZ) S="$"+S+"$";
- if(Proc) Out=cons([2,OptSc,[TL[2][0],TL[2][1]],[[TL[3],S]],SS],Out);
- else str_tb(xyput([TL[2][0],TL[2][1],[TL[3],S]]|option_list=OptSc),Out);
- }
- }
- }
- if(type(Pt=getopt(pt))==4){ /* option pt=[] */
- if(type(Pt[0])<4) Pt=[[Pt]];
- if(length(Pt)>1&&type(Pt[1])!=4) Pt=[Pt];
- for(PT=Pt;PT!=[];PT=cdr(PT)){
- PP=car(PT);
- if(type(PP)==4 && length(PP)==3 && type(PP[0])<2 && type(PP[2])<2) PP=[PP];
- P=car(PP);
- if(type(P)==7) Q=[P,0];
- else if(P==1) Q=["_",0];
- else Q=mysubst([CX,CY],[[x,deval(P[0])],[y,deval(P[1])],[z,deval(P[2])]]);
- if(length(PP)>1 && type(PP[1])==4 && length(PP[1])==3){ /* draw line */
- PP=cdr(PP);P=car(PP);
- if(type(P)==7) Q1=P;
- else if(P==1) Q="_";
- else Q1=mysubst([CX,CY],[[x,deval(P[0])],[y,deval(P[1])],[z,deval(P[2])]]);
- if(length(PP)<2 || PP[1]==0 || iand(PP[1],1)) OL2="";
- else OL2=(TikZ)?"dotted":"@{.}";
- if(length(PP)>2 && type(PP[2])==7){
- if(OL2=="") OL2=PP[2];
- else{
- if(TikZ) OL2=OL2+",";
- OL2=OL2+PP[2];
- }
- }
- OL1=OL;
- if(OL2!="") OL1=cons(["opt",OL2],OL1);
- if(length(PP)<2 || PP[1]>=0)
- Out=saveproc(xylines([Q,Q1]|option_list=OL1),Out);
- else{
- LP0=Q1[0]-Q[0];LP1=Q1[1]-Q[1];
- for(FV=-1,K=0;K<=Dev2; K++){
- PPx=Q[0]+(K/Dev2)*LP0; PPy=Q[1]+(K/Dev2)*LP1;
- J=ceil((PPx-X0)/XD);
- if(K!=Dev2 && (J<0 || J>Dev || ZF[J]==0 || PPy<Z0[J] || PPy>Z1[J])){
- /* visible */
- if(FV!=1){
- FV=1;
- PPP=[PPx,PPy];
- }
- }else{
- if(FV!=0){
- if(FV==1) Out=saveproc(xylines([PPP,[PPx,PPy]]|option_list=OL1),Out);
- FV=0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(length(PP)==1) S="$\\bullet$";
- else if(type(PP[1])==7) S=PP[1];
- else if(type(PP[1])==4){
- if(length(PP[1])>1 && type(PP[1][1])!=7)
- S=cons(car(PP),cons("$\\bullet$",cdr(cdr(PP))));
- else S=PP[1];
- }else S="$\\bullet$";
- if(length(PP)<=2){
- if(Proc) Out=cons([2,OptSc,[Q[0],Q[1]],[S]],Out);
- else str_tb(xyput([Q[0],Q[1],S]|option_list=OptSc),Out);
- }else if(!TikZ){
- if(Proc) Out=cons([2,OptSc,[Q[0],Q[1]],[S,"",PP[2]]],Out);
- else str_tb(xyput([Q[0],Q[1],S,"",PP[2]]|option_list=OptSc),Out);
- }else{
- if(Proc) Out=cons([2,OptSc,[Q[0],Q[1]],cons(S,cdr(cdr(PP)))],Out);
- else str_tb(xyput(append([Q[0],Q[1],S],cdr(cdr(PP)))|option_list=OptSc),Out);
- }
- }
- }
- if(Proc){
- S=reverse(Out);
- if(Proc==1||Proc==3){
- for(W=[],I=0;I<2;I++) for(J=0;J<2;J++) for(K=0;K<2;K++)
- W=cons(mysubst([CX*Sc,CY*Sc],[[x,Lx[I]],[y,Ly[J]],[z,Lz[K]]]),W);
- W=ptbbox(W);
- S=cons([0,W[0],W[1],(TikZ)?1:1/10],S);
- }
- }else S=str_tb(0,Out);
- if(type(Dvi)!=1||(Proc&&abs(Dvi)<2)) return S;
- Lout=[];
- if(abs(Dvi)>=2){
- /* show title */
- L0=[];
- Title=getopt(title);
- if(type(Title)!=7)
- Title=(type(F00)==4)?("\\texttt{"+verb_tex_form(F00)+"}"):my_tex_form(F00);
- if(type(Title)==7){
- T=my_tex_form(L[3][0])+"\\le x\\le "+my_tex_form(L[1][0])+",\\,"+
- my_tex_form(L[3][1])+"\\le y\\le "+my_tex_form(L[1][1])+")";
- if(Proc){
- if(Cpx>=1) L0=[[5,[["eq",1]],"|"+Title+"|\\quad(z=x+yi,\\ "+T]];
- else L0=[[5,[["eq",1]],"z="+Title+"\\ \\ ("+T]];
- }else{
- if(Cpx>=1) dviout("|"+Title+"|\\quad(z=x+yi,\\ "+T|eq=1,keep=1);
- else dviout("z="+Title+"\\ \\ ("+T|eq=1,keep=1);
- }
- }
- A=rint(deval(180*A/@pi))+90*(Sh-1);
- if(A>=180) A-=180;
- B=rint(deval(180*B/@pi));
- if(abs(Dvi)>=3){
- T="\\text{angle } ("+my_tex_form(A)+"^\\circ,"+my_tex_form(B)+"^\\circ)";
- if(Ratio!=1 || Ratio2!=1) T=T+"\\quad\\text{ratio }1:"
- +my_tex_form(sint(Ratio2,2))+":"+my_tex_form(sint(Ratio,2));
- if(Proc) L0=cons([5,[["eq",1]],T],L0);
- else dviout(T|eq=1,keep=1);
- }
- SS="% range "+rtostr([L[3][0],L[1][0]])+"x"+rtostr([L[3][1],L[1][1]])+
- " angle ("+ rtostr(A) +","+ rtostr(B)+") dev=";
- if(M1==M2) SS=SS+rtostr(M1);
- else SS=SS+rtostr([M1,M2]);
- if(M3!=1) SS=SS+" acc="+rtostr(M3);
- if(type(Sc0)>=0) SS=SS+" scale="+rtostr(Sc0);
- if(Proc){
- S=cons([5,[],SS],S);
- for(;L0!=[];L0=cdr(L0)) S=cons(car(L0),S);
- return S;
- }
- if(Dvi>0){
- dviout(SS|keep=1);
- dviout(xyproc(S)|eq=8);
- }else Lout=[SS,S];
- }else{
- if(Dvi>0) dviout(xyproc(S));
- else Lout=[S];
- }
- if(getopt(trans)==1) return cons([CX*Sc,CY*Sc],Lout);
- if(Dvi<0) return Lout;
-def orthpoly(N)
- F=0;
- if(type(P=getopt(pol))==7){
- for(L=["Le","Ge","Tc","2T","Ja","He","La","Se"];L!=[];L=cdr(L),F++)
- if(str_str(P,car(L)|end=2)==0) break;
- }else P=0;
- if(type(D=N)==4) D=N[0];
- if(!isint(D)||D<0) return 0;
- if(F==0) return seriesHG([-D,D+1],[1],(1-x)/2,D);
- if(F==1) return red(seriesHG([-D,D+2*N[1]],[N[1]+1/2],(1-x)/2,D)*binom(D+2*N[1]-1,D));
- if(F==2) return seriesHG([-D,D],[1/2],(1-x)/2,D);
- if(F==3){
- if(D==0) return 0;
- return orthpoly([D-1,1]|pol="Ge");
- }
- if(F==4) return red(seriesHG([-D,D+N[1]],[N[2]],x,D));
- if(F==5){
- for(S=I=1;I<=D;I+=2) S*=I;
- if(iand(D,1)) return seriesHG([-(D-1)/2],[3/2],x^2/2,D-1)*x*S*(-1)^((D-1)/2);
- else return seriesHG([-D/2],[1/2],x^2/2,D)*S*(-1)^(D/2);
- }
- if(F==6){
- NN=(type(N)==4)?N[1]:0;
- return red(seriesHG([-D],[NN+1],x,D)*binom(D+NN,D));
- }
- if(F==7){
- NN=N[1];
- for(S=1,I=1;I<=D;I++) S+=(-1)^I*binom(D,I)*binom(D+I,I)*sftpow(x,I)/sftpow(NN,I);
- return S;
- }
- return 0;
-def schurpoly(L)
- N=length(L);
- for(R=[],I=1;L!=[];L=cdr(L),I++) R=cons(car(L)+N-I,R);
- L=reverse(R);
- if(type(X=getopt(var))!=4){
- V=(type(X)>1)?X:"x";
- for(X=[],I=0;I<N;I++) X=cons(makev([V,N-I]),X);
- }
- M=newmat(N,N);
- for(I=0;I<N;I++)
- for(J=0;J<N;J++) M[I][J]=X[I]^L[J];
- P=det(M);
- for(I=0;I<N;I++)
- for(J=I+1;J<N;J++) P=sdiv(P,X[I]-X[J]);
- return P;
-def fouriers(A,B,X)
- if((Y=getopt(y))==0||type(Y)>0) Y=deval(Y);
- else Y=0;
- if((V=getopt(const))==0||type(V)>0){
- V=myfeval(V,Y);
- K=1;
- }else K=0;
- if(A!=[]&&type(car(A))>1){
- for(C=[],I=A[1];I>=K;I--) C=cons(myf2eval(car(A),I,Y),C);
- if(K) C=cons(0,C);
- A=C;
- }
- if(K){
- if(A!=[]) A=cdr(A);
- A=cons(V,A);
- }
- if(B!=[]&&type(car(B))>1){
- for(C=[],I=B[1];I>0;I--) C=cons(myf2eval(car(B),I,Y),C);
- B=C;
- }
- L=length(B)+1;
- if(length(A)>=L) L=length(A)+1;
- if(type(Sum=getopt(sum))>0){
- if(Sum==1) Sum=1-x;
- else if(Sum==2) Sum=[(z__)/(3.1416*x),[z__,os_md.mysin,3.1416*x]];
- else Sum=f2df(Sum);
- C=[];
- if(A!=[]){
- C=cons(car(A),C);
- A=cdr(A);
- }
- for(I=1;A!=[];A=cdr(A),I++) C=cons(car(A)*myf2eval(Sum,I/L,L),C);
- A=reverse(C);
- for(C=[],I=1;B!=[];B=cdr(B),I++) C=cons(car(B)*myf2eval(Sum,I/L,L),C);
- B=reverse(C);
- }
- if(getopt(cpx)==1){
- if(type(X=eval(X))>1) return todf([os_md.fouriers,[["cpx",1]]],[[A],[B],[X]]);
- V=dexp(@i*X);
- for(C=A,P=1,I=0;C!=[];C=cdr(C),I++){
- R+=S*car(C)*P;
- P*=V;
- }
- V=dexp(-@i*X);
- for(C=B,P=1,I=0;C!=[];C=cdr(C),I++){
- P*=V;
- R+=car(C)*P;
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(type(X=eval(X))>1) return todf(os_md.fouriers,[[A],[B],[X]]);
- for(C=A,I=0;C!=[];C=cdr(C),I++)
- R+=car(C)*mycos(I*X);
- for(C=B,I=1;C!=[];C=cdr(C),I++)
- R+=car(C)*mysin(I*X);
- return R;
-def myexp(Z)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1) return todf(os_md.myexp,[Z]);
- if((Im=imag(Z))==0) return dexp(Z);
- return dexp(real(Z))*(dcos(Im)+@i*dsin(Im));
-def mycos(Z)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1) return todf(os_md.mycos,[Z]);
- if((Im=imag(Z))==0) return dcos(Z);
- V=myexp(Z*@i);
- return (V+1/V)/2;
-def mysin(Z)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1) return todf(os_md.mysin,[Z]);
- if((Im=imag(Z))==0) return dsin(Z);
- V=myexp(Z*@i);
- return (1/V-V)*@i/2;
-def mytan(Z)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1) return todf(os_md.mytan,[Z]);
- if((Im=imag(Z))==0) return dtan(Z);
- V=myexp(2*Z*@i);
- return @i*(1-V)/(1+V);
-def mylog(Z)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1) return todf(os_md.mylog,[Z]);
- if((Im=imag(Z))==0) return dlog(Z);
- return dlog(dabs(Z))+@i*myarg(Z);
-def mypow(Z,R)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1||type(R=eval(R))>1) return todf(os_md.mypow,[Z,R]);
- if(Z==0) return 0;
- if(isint(2*R)){
- if(R==0) return 1;
- if(isint(R)) return Z^R;
- V=dsqrt(Z);
- if(R==1/2) return V;
- return Z^(R-1/2)*V;
- }
- return myexp(R*mylog(Z));
-def myarg(Z)
- if(type(Z=map(eval,Z))==4){
- if(length(Z)!=2) return todf(os_md.myarg,[Z]);
- Re=Z[0];Im=Z[1];
- }else if(type(Z)>1){
- return todf(os_md.myarg,[Z]);
- }else {
- Im=imag(Z);Re=real(Z);
- }
- if(Re==0) return (Im<0)?-deval(@pi)/2:deval(@pi)/2;
- V=datan(Im/Re);
- if(Re>0) return V;
- return (V>0)?(V-deval(@pi)):(V+deval(@pi));
-def myatan(Z)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1) return todf(os_md.myatan,[Z]);
- if((Im=imag(Z))==0) return datan(Z);
- mylog((1-Z*@i)/(1+Z*@i))*@i/2;
-def myasin(Z)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1) return todf(os_md.myasin,[Z]);
- return deval(@pi/2)-myacos(Z);
-def frac(X)
- if(type(X=eval(X))>1) return todf(os_md.frac,[X]);
- return (ntype(X)==3)? pari(frac,X):(X-floor(X));
-def myacos(Z)
- if(type(Z=eval(Z))>1) return todf(os_md.myacos,[Z]);
- if(imag(Z)==0 && Z<=1 && Z>=-1) return dacos(Z);
- return mylog(Z-dsqrt(Z^2-1))*@i;
-def arg(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.arg,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(arg,Z[0],Z[1]):arg(sqrt,Z);
-def sqrt(Z){
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.sqrt,[Z]);
- R=(type(Z)==4)?Z[1]:Z;
- if(ntype(R)==0){
- if(R==0) return 0;
- if(R>0){
- if(pari(issquare,R)) return pari(isqrt,nm(R))/pari(isqrt,dn(R));
- }else{
- R=-R;
- if(pari(issquare,R)) return pari(isqrt,nm(R))/pari(isqrt,dn(R))*@i;
- }
- }
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(sqrt,Z[0],Z[1]):pari(sqrt,Z);
-def gamma(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.gamma,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(gamma,Z[0],Z[1]):pari(gamma,Z);
-def lngamma(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.lngamma,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(lngamma,Z[0],Z[1]):pari(lngamma,Z);
-def digamma(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.digamma,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(digamma,Z[0],Z[1]):pari(digamma,Z);
-def dilog(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.dilog,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(dilog,Z[0],Z[1]):pari(dilog,Z);
-def erfc(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.erfc,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(erfc,Z[0],Z[1]):pari(erfc,Z);
-def zeta(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.zeta,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(zeta,Z[0],Z[1]):pari(zeta,Z);
-def eta(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,Z))!=[]) return todf(os_md.eta,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(eta,Z[0],Z[1]):pari(eta,Z);
-def jell(Z)
- if(vars(Z=map(eval,V))>1) return todf(os_md.jell,[Z]);
- return (type(Z)==4)?pari(jell,Z[0],Z[1]):jell(jell,Z);
-def evals(F)
- if(type(F)==7){
- if(type(Del=getopt(del))!= 7) return eval_str(F);
- S=strtoascii(Del);K=length(S);
- if(K==0) return [eval_str(F)];
- Raw=getopt(raw);
- F=strtoascii(F);L=[];T1=0;
- do{
- T2=str_str(F,S|top=T1);
- if(T2<0) T2=10000;
- FT=str_cut(F,T1,T2-1);
- L=cons((Raw==1)?FT:evals(FT),L);
- T1=T2+K;
- }while(T2!=10000);
- return reverse(L);
- }
- if(type(F)==4){
- if(type(S=car(F))==7){
- S+="(";
- for(I=0,FT=cdr(F); FT!=[]; I++,FT=cdr(FT)){
- if(type(ST=car(FT))!=7) ST=rtostr(ST);
- if(I>0) S=S+","+ST;
- else S=S+ST;
- }
- S=S+")";
- return eval_str(S);
- }else return call(S,cdr(F));
- }
- return F;
-def myval(F)
- if(type(F)!=4){
- F=f2df(sqrt2rat(F));
- if(type(F)!=4) return F;
- };
- if(length(F)==1) V=car(F);
- else for(V=car(F),F=cdr(F); F!=[];){
- FT=car(F);
- if(type(G=FT[1])==2){
- if(length(FT)>2){
- FT2=myval(FT[2]);
- if(length(FT)>3) FT3=myval(FT[3]);
- };
- X=red(FT2/@pi);Vi=-red(FT2*@i/@pi);W=red(FT2/@e);
- if(G==os_md.mypow && FT3==1/2){
- G=os_md.sqrt;
- FT=[FT[0],G,FT[2]];
- }
- if((T=findin(G,
- [sin,os_md.mysin,cos,os_md.mycos,tan,os_md.mytan]))>=0
- &&(isint(6*X)||isint(4*X))){
- if(T==2||T==3){
- T=0;X=1/2-X;
- }
- X=X-floor(X/2)*2;
- if(T==0||T==1){
- if(X>1){
- S=-1;X-=1;
- }else S=1;
- if(X>1/2) X=1-X;
- if(X==0) R=0;
- else if(X==1/6) R=1/2;
- else if(X==1/4) R=2^(1/2)/2;
- else if(X==1/3) R=3^(1/2)/2;
- else R=1;
- R*=S;
- }else{
- if(X>1) X-=1;
- if(X>1/2){
- S=-1;V=1-X;
- }else S=1;
- if(X==0) R=0;
- else if(X==1/6) R=3^(1/2)/3;
- else if(X==1/4) R=1;
- else if(X==1/3) R=3^(1/2);
- else R=2^512;
- R*=S;
- }
- }else if((G==exp||G==os_md.myexp)&&(isint(FT2)||isint(6*Vi)||isint(4*Vi))){
- if(isint(FT2)) R=@e^FT2;
- else R=myval([z+w*@i,[z,cos,Vi*@pi],[w,sin,Vi*@pi]]);
- }else if((G==pow||G==os_md.mypow) && (isint(FT3)||FT2==1||FT2==0)){
- if(FT2==0) R=0;
- else if(FT2==1) R=1;
- else R=FT2^FT3;
- }else if(G==os_md.abs&&ntype(P=eval(FT2))<4){
- R=FT2;
- if(P<0) R=-R;
- }else if((G==os_md.sqrt||G==dsqrt)&&type(FT2)<2&&ntype(FT2)==0)
- R=sqrtrat(FT2);
- else if((G==os_md.mylog||G==dlog)&&(FT2==@e||FT2==1))
- R=(FT2==1)?0:1;
- else if(length(FT)==3) R=eval((*G)(myeval(FT2)));
- else R=call(G,map(os_md.myeval,cdr(cdr(FT))));
- else R=call(G,map(myeval,cdr(cdr(FT))));
- }
- else if(G==0) R=FT[2];
- else R=eval(call(G[0],map(os_md.myeval,cdr(cdr(FT)))|option_list=G[1]));
- else R=eval(call(G[0],map(myeval,cdr(cdr(FT)))|option_list=G[1]));
- V=mysubst(V,[FT[0],R]);
- F=mysubst(cdr(F),[FT[0],R]);
- }
- if(type(V)<4 && !iscoef(V,os_md.iscrat)) V=eval(V);
-#if 0
- return (type(V)<4)?myeval(V):mtransbys(os_md.myeval,V,[]);
- return V;
-/* -1: 0: 1:L 2:Gauss 3:GaussL 4:ȊO̕f */
-/* def vntype(F)
- if((T=type(F))<2){
- if(T<0) return -1;
- if((Tn=ntype(F))==0){
- return (isint(F))?0:1;
- }
- if(Tn==4){
- if(ntype(real(F))==0&&ntype(real(F))==0)
- return (isint(F)&&isint(F))?2:3;
- return 4;
- }
- }
- if(T==2){
- V=vars(F);
- if((VV=lsort(V,[@e,@pi],1))==[]){
- FT=mycoef(
- }else{
- if(length(VV)==1){
- }else
- }
- }else if(T==3){
- }
-def myeval(F)
- if(type(F)!=4) V=F;
- else if(length(F)==1) V=car(F);
- else for(V=car(F),F=cdr(F); F!=[];){
- FT=car(F);
- if(type(G=FT[1])==2){
- if(length(FT)==3) R=(*G)(myeval(FT[2]));
- else R=call(G,map(os_md.myeval,cdr(cdr(FT))));
- else R=call(G,map(myeval,cdr(cdr(FT))));
- }
- else if(G==0) R=myeval(FT[2]);
- else R=call(G[0],map(os_md.myeval,cdr(cdr(FT)))|option_list=G[1]);
- else R=call(G[0],map(myeval,cdr(cdr(FT)))|option_list=G[1]);
- V=mysubst(V,[FT[0],R]);
- F=mysubst(cdr(F),[FT[0],R]);
- }
- return (type(V)<4)?eval(V):mtransbys(eval,V,[]);
-def mydeval(F)
- if(type(F)!=4) V=F;
- else if(length(F)==1) V=car(F);
- else for(V=car(F),F=cdr(F); F!=[]; ){
- FT=car(F);
- if(type(G=FT[1])==2){
- if(length(FT)==3) R=(*G)(myeval(FT[2]));
- else R=call(G,map(os_md.mydeval,cdr(cdr(FT))));
- else R=call(G,map(mydeval,cdr(cdr(FT))));
- }
- else if(G==0) R=mydeval(FT[2]);
- else R=call(G[0],map(os_md.mydeval,cdr(cdr(FT)))|option_list=G[1]);
- else R=call(G[0],map(mydeval,cdr(cdr(FT)))|option_list=G[1]);
- V=mysubst(V,[FT[0],R]);
- F=mysubst(cdr(F),[FT[0],R]);
- }
- return (type(V)<4)?deval(V):mtransbys(deval,V,[]);
-def myfeval(F,X)
- if(type(X)==4){
- if(isvar(X[0])&&length(X)==2)
- return mydeval(mysubst(F,[X[0],X[1]]));
- if(type(X[0])==4&&isvar(X[0][0])&&length(X[0])==2){
- for(Y=X;Y!=[];Y=cdr(Y))
- F=mysubst(F,[car(Y)[0],car(Y)[1]]);
- return myeval(F);
- }
- }
- return myeval(mysubst(F,[x,X]));
-def myf2eval(F,X,Y)
- return myeval(mysubst(F,[[x,X],[y,Y]]));
-def myf3eval(F,X,Y,Z)
- return myeval(mysubst(F,[[x,X],[y,Y],[z,Z]]));
-def myfdeval(F,X)
- if(type(X)==4){
- if(isvar(X[0])&&length(X)==2)
- return mydeval(mysubst(F,[X[0],X[1]]));
- if(type(X[0])==4&&isvar(X[0][0])&&length(X[0])==2){
- for(Y=X;Y!=[];Y=cdr(Y))
- F=mysubst(F,[car(Y)[0],car(Y)[1]]);
- return mydeval(F);
- }
- }
- return mydeval(mysubst(F,[x,X]));
-def myf2deval(F,X,Y)
- return mydeval(mysubst(F,[[x,X],[y,Y]]));
-def myf3deval(F,X,Y,Z)
- return mydeval(mysubst(F,[[x,X],[y,Y],[z,Z]]));
-def df2big(F)
- AG=[[os_md.mysin,sin],[os_md.mycos,cos],[os_md.mytan,tan],[os_md.myasin,asin],
- [os_md.acos,acos],[os_md,atan,atan],[os_md.myexp,exp],[os_md.mylog,log],[os_md.mypow,pow]];
- if(getopt(inv)!=1) return mysubst(F,AG);
- else return mysubst(F,AG|inv=1);
-def f2df(F)
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))!=1) Opt=0;
- if(iand(Opt,1)){
- if(Opt>0) F=map(eval,F);
- else F=map(deval,F);
- }
- Cpx=getopt(cpx);
- if(type(F)==4 && iand(Opt,2)==0) return F;
- K=getopt(level);
- if(type(K)!=1) K=0;
- AG=[sin,cos,tan,asin,acos,atan,exp,sinh,cosh,tanh,log,pow];
- AGd=[os_md.mysin,os_md.mycos,os_md.mytan,os_md.myasin,os_md.myacos,
- os_md.myatan,os_md.myexp,os_md.myexp,os_md.myexp,os_md.myexp,
- os_md.mylog,os_md.sqrt,os_md.myexp];
- for(R=[],I=0,Arg=vars(F);Arg!=[];Arg=cdr(Arg)){
- Fn=functor(car(Arg));
- if(vtype(Fn)!=3) continue;
- V=args(car(Arg));
- for(PAG=AG,PAGd=AGd;PAG!=[];PAG=cdr(PAG),PAGd=cdr(PAGd)){
- if(Fn==car(PAG)){
- if(K==0) L="z__";
- else L="z"+rtostr(K)+"__";
- if(I==0) VC=makev([L]);
- else VC=makev([L,I]);
- I++;
- VC0=VC;
- if(Fn==sinh || Fn==cosh || Fn==tanh){
- VC=makev([L,I++]);
- if(Fn==sinh)
- R=cons([VC0,0,(VC^2-1)/(2*VC)],R);
- else if(Fn==cosh)
- R=cons([VC0,0,(VC^2+1)/(2*VC)],R);
- else
- R=cons([VC0,0,(VC^2-1)/(VC^2+1)],R);
- }
- if(Fn==pow && (V[1]!=1/2||Cpx==1)){
-#if 0
- R0=f2df(V[1]*((type(V[0])==1)?dlog(V[0]):log(V[0]))|level=K+1);
- PAGd=cdr(PAGd);
- R=cons([VC,os_md.mypow,V[0],V[1]],R);
- F=mysubst(F,[car(Arg),VC0]);
- Arg=cons(0,vars(F));
- break;
- }else R0=f2df(V[0]|level=K+1);
- R=cons([VC,car(PAGd),R0],R);
- F=mysubst(F,[car(Arg),VC0]);
- Arg=cons(0,vars(F));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(R==[]) return F;
- if(Cpx==1){
- for(PAG=P,PAGd=AGd;PAG!=[];PAG=cdr(PAG),PAGd=cdr(PAGd))
- R=mysubst(R,[car(PADd),car(PAG)]);
- }
- return cons(F,reverse(R));
-def todf(F,V)
- if(type(V)!=4) V=[V];
- for(R=[];V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- R=cons(f2df(car(V)),R);
- }
- V=reverse(R);
- Z=makenewv([F,V]);
- return [Z,cons(Z,cons(F,V))];
-def compdf(F,V,G)
- FL=["abs","floor","rint","zeta","gamma","arg","real","imag","conj"];
- FS=[os_md.abs,floor,rint,os_md.zeta,os_md.gamma,os_md.myarg,real,imag,conj];
- if(type(F)==7){
- if(str_str(F,"|")==0){
- F="abs("+str_cut(F,1,str_len(F)-2)+")";
- }else if(str_str(F,"[")==0){
- F="floor("+str_cut(F,1,str_len(F)-2)+")";
- }
- I=str_str(F,"(");
- Var=x;
- if(I>0){
- J=str_pair(F,I+1,"(",")");
- if(J<0) return 0;
- Var=eval_str(str_cut(F,I+1,J-1));
- Var=f2df(Var);
- F0=str_cut(F,0,I-1);
- }
- if((I=findin(F0,FL))<0&&(I=findin(F,FL))<0) F=f2df(eval_str(F));
- else F=[z__,[z__,FS[I],Var]];
- }
- if(type(F)!=4) F=f2df(F);
- if(type(G)!=4) G=f2df(G);
- if(V==G) return F; /* subst(F(V),V,G) */
- VF=vars(F);VG=vars(G);
- if(type(V)==4){
- for(VT=[],VV=V;VV!=[];VV=cdr(VV)){
- if(findin(car(VV),VF)>=0){
- X=makenewv(append(VF,VG));
- VF=cons(X,VF);
- F=mysubst(F,[car(VV),X]);
- VT=cons(X,VT);
- }else VT=cons(car(VV),VT);
- }
- for(V=reverse(VT);V!=[];V=cdr(V),G=cdr(G)) F=compdf(F,car(V),car(G));
- return F;
- }
- for(E=I=0;I<30;I++){
- for(J=0;J<30;J++){
- X=makev(["z__",I,J]);
- if(findin(X,VF)<0 && findin(X,VG)<0){
- E=1;break;
- }
- }
- if(E) break;
- }
- if(!E) return 0;
- if(type(G)<4) return mysubst(F,[V,G]);
- if(type(F)<4) F=[F]; /* return compdf([X,[X,0,F]],V,G); */
- F=mysubst(F,[V,X]);
- if(isvar(G[0])){
- G=mysubst(G,[G[0],X]);
- if(length(G)==2&&type(G[1])==4&&G[1][0]==X) G=G[1];
- G=cons(G,cdr(F));
- }
- else G=cons([X,0,G],cdr(F));
- return cons(car(F),G);
-def fzero(F,LX)
- if(length(LX)==3){
- V=LX[0];LX=cdr(LX);
- }else V=x;
- LX1=eval(LX[0]);LX2=eval(LX[1]);
- if(getopt(zero)==1){
- if(getopt(cont)==1) CT=1;
- else CT=0;
- if(getopt(trans)!=1 && type(F)<4) F=f2df(F);
- F=mysubst(F,[[@pi,deval(@pi)],[@e,deval(@e)]]);
- if(type(Dev=getopt(dev))!=1 || Dev<2) Dev=16;
- V1=myeval(mysubst(F,[V,X1=LX1]));
- V2=myeval(mysubst(F,[V,X2=LX2]));
- if(V1>0){
- V0=V1;V1=V2;V2=V0;
- X0=X1;X1=X2;X2=X0;
- }
- if(V1<0 && V2>0){
- D=(V2-V1)*1024;
- for(I=0; I<Dev; I++){
-/* mycat([D,X1,V1,X2,V2]) ; */
- if(iand(I,1)) X0=(X1+X2)/2;
- else X0=(V2*X1-V1*X2)/(V2-V1);
- V0=myeval(mysubst(F,[V,X0]));
- if(V0==0||V0==V1||V0==V2) return [X0,V0];
- if(V0<0){
- if(!CT && V0+D<0) return [];
- V1=V0;X1=X0;
- }else{
- if(!CT && V0>D) return [];
- V2=V0;X2=X0;
- }
- }
- X0=(V2*X1-V1*X2)/(V2-V1);
- return [X0,myeval(mysubst(F,[V,X0]))];
- }
- if(V0==0) return [X0,V0];
- if(V1==0) return [X1,V1];
- return [];
- }
- if(type(F)<4) F=f2df(F);
- F=mysubst(F,[[@pi,deval(@pi)],[@e,deval(@e)]]);
- L=[];
- if(type(F)<4){
- if(type(F)==3) F=nm(red(F));
- if((Deg=deg(F,V))<=2){
- if(Deg==2){
- D=(C1=coef(F,1,V))^2-4*(C2=coef(F,2,V))*coef(F,0,V);
- if(D>=0){
- R=dsqrt(D);
- if((S=(-C1+R)/(2*C2))>=LX1&&S<=LX2) L=[[S,mysubst(F,[V,S])]];
- if(D!=0 && (S=(-C1-R)/(2*C2))>=LX1&&S<=LX2) L=cons([S,mysubst(F,[V,S])],L);
- }
- L=qsort(L);
- }else if(Deg==1&&(S=-coef(F,0,V)/coef(F,1,V))>=LX1&&S<=LX2)
- L=[[S,mysubst(F,[V,S])]];
- return L;
- }
- for(L=[];S!=[];S=cdr(S))
- if(car(S)>=LX1&&car(S)<=LX2) L=cons([car(S),mysubst(F,[V,car(S)])],L);
- return qsort(L);
- }
- if(type(Div=getopt(mesh))!=1 || Div<=0)
- Div = 2^(10);
- W=(LX2-LX1)/Div;
- for(I=V2=0;I<=Div;I++){
- X1=X2;X2=LX1+I*W;V1=V2;
- if((V2=myeval(mysubst(F,[V,X2])))==0)
- L=cons([X2,V2],L);
- if(V1*V2<0){
- L0=fzero(F,[V,X1,X2]|zero=1,trans=1);
- if(L0!=[]) L=cons(L0,L);
- }
- }
- return reverse(L);
-def fmmx(F,LX)
- if(length(LX)==3){
- V=LX[0];LX=cdr(LX);
- }else V=x;
- LX1=eval(LX[0]);LX2=eval(LX[1]);
- FT=F;
- if(getopt(trans)!=1 && type(F)<4) FT=f2df(FT);
- FT=mysubst(FT,[[@pi,eval(@pi)],[@e,eval(@e)]]);
- if(type(G=getopt(dif))>=1){
- if(G==1) G=os_md.mydiff(F,V);
- L=fzero(G,[V,LX1,LX2]|option_list=getopt());
- R=[[LX1,myeval(mysubst(FT,[V,LX1]))]];
- for(I=0;L!=[];L=cdr(L),I++){
- X=car(L)[0];
- if(X==LX1) continue;
- R=cons([X,myeval(mysubst(FT,[V,X]))],R);
- }
- if(X!=LX2) R=cons([LX2,myeval(mysubst(FT,[V,LX2]))],R);
- if(getopt(mmx)!=1) return reverse(R);
- for(Mi=Ma=car(R);R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- if(car(R)[1]>Ma[1]) Ma=car(R);
- else if(car(R)[1]<Mi[1]) Mi=car(R);
- }
- return [Mi,Ma];
- }
- if(type(Div=getopt(mesh))!=1 || Div<=0)
- Div = 2^(10);
- if(type(Dev=getopt(dev))!=1 || Dev<2) Dev=16;
- W=(LX2-LX1)/Div;
- for(I=V2=V3=0;I<=Div;I++){
- X1=X2;X2=X3;X3=LX1+I*W;V1=V2;V2=V3;
- V3=myeval(mysubst(FT,[V,X3]));
- if(I==0) L=[[X3,V3]];
- if(I<2) continue;
- if((V1-V2)*(V2-V3)<0){
- X02=X2;V02=V2;X03=X3;V03=V3;
- for(J=0; J<Dev && X1!=X3; J++){
- X12=(X1+X2)/2;V12=myeval(mysubst(FT,[V,X12]));
- if((V1-V12)*(V12-V2)<=0){
- X3=X2;V3=V2;X2=X12;V2=V12;continue;
- }
- X23=(X2+X3)/2;V23=myeval(mysubst(FT,[V,X23]));
- if((V12-V2)*(V2-V23)<=0){
- X1=X12;V1=V12;X3=X23;V3=V23;continue;
- }
- if((V2-V23)*(V23-V3)<=0){
- X1=X2;V1=V2;X2=X23;V2=V23;continue;
- }
- }
- L=cons([X2,V2],L);
- X2=X02;V2=V02;X3=X03;V3=V03;
- }
- }
- L=cons([LX2,myeval(mysubst(FT,[V,LX2]))],L);
- if(getopt(mmx)!=1) return L;
- for(Mi=Ma=car(L);L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if(car(L)[1]>Ma[1]) Ma=car(L);
- else if(car(L)[1]<Mi[1]) Mi=car(L);
- }
- return [Mi,Ma];
-def flim(F,L)
- FD=f2df(F);
- Lim0=4;Lim=12;FS=1;
- if(type(Pc=getopt(prec))==1){
- if((Pc>1&&Pc<31)||Pc>-5) Lim+=Pc;
- }
- if(type(Pc=getopt(init))==1 && Pc>0) FS*=Pc;
- if(type(L)==7) L=[L];
- else if(type(L)<2){
- K=flim(F,["+",L]|option_list=getopt());
- if(K=="") return K;
- K1=flim(F,["-",L]|option_list=getopt());
- if(K1=="") return K1;
- if(type(K)==7||type(K1)==7){
- if(K!=K1) return "";
- return K;
- }
- if(abs(K)<10^(-5)){
- if(abs(K1)<10^(-5)) return (K1+K)/2;
- else return "";
- }
- if(abs((K1-K)/K)<10^(-4)) return (K1+K)/2;
- return "";
- }
- if(type(L)!=4||type(L[0])!=7) return "";
- if(L[0]=="-"||L[0]=="-infty"){
- FS=-FS;
- }else if(L[0]!="+"&&L[0]!="infty") return "";
- FI=(length(L)==1)?1:0;
- for(Inf=0,I=Lim0;I<Lim;I++){
- D1=FS*8^I;D2=8*D1;
- if(FI==0){
- D1=1/D1;D2=1/D2;
- }
- if(D1>D2){
- D=D1;D1=D2;D1=D;
- X1=D1;X2=D2;
- }
- if(FI==0){
- D1+=L[1];D2+=L[1];
- }
- K=fmmx(FD,[D1,D2]|mmx=1,mesh=16,dev=4);
- if(I>Lim0){
- if(DF<K[1][1]-K[0][1]&&DF>10^(-8)&&DF<10^7){
- if(I>Lim0+1){
- if(Inf==0) return "";
- }else Inf=1;
- }else if(Inf==1) return "";
- }
- DF=K[1][1]-K[0][1];
- }
- if(Inf==1){
- if(K[0][1]>10^8) return "+";
- else if(K[1][1]<-10^8) return "-";
- return "";
- }
- V=(myfeval(FD,D1)+1.0)-1.0;
- if(V!=0 && abs(V)<10^(-9)) return 0;
- return V;
-def fcont(F,LX)
- if(length(LX)==3){
- V=LX[0];LX=cdr(LX);
- }else V=x;
- LX1=eval(LX[0]);LX2=eval(LX[1]);
- if(getopt(trans)!=1 && type(F)<4) FT=f2df(F);
- if(type(Div=getopt(mesh))!=1 || Div<=0)
- Div = 2^(10);
- if(type(Dev=getopt(dev))!=1 || Dev<2) Dev=16;
- W=(LX2-LX1)/Div;
- if((Df=getopt(dif))!=1){
- Df=0;
- }else{
- if(Dev==16) Dev=6;
- WD=W/2^(Dev+1);
- }
- F=FT;
- C=2;
- for(I=V2=V3=0;I<=Div;I++){
- X1=X2;X2=X3;X3=LX1+I*W;V1=V2;V2=V3;
- V3=myeval(mysubst(F,[V,X3]));
- if(Df){
- if(I==Div) break;
- V3=(myeval(mysubst(F,[V,X3+WD]))-V3)/WD;
- }
- if(I==0) L=[[X3,V3]];
- if(I<2) continue;
- if(C*dabs(2*V2-V1-V3) > dabs(V1-V3)){
- X01=X1;V01=V1;X02=X2;V02=V2;X03=X3;V03=V3;
- for(J=0; X01!=X03; J++){
- if(dabs(V01-V02)>dabs(V02-V03)){
- X03=X02;V03=V02;
- }else{
- X01=X02;V01=V02;
- }
- if(J==Dev) break;
- X02=(X01+X02)/2;
- V02=myeval(mysubst(F,[V,X02]));
- if(Df) V02=(myeval(mysubst(F,[V,WD]))-V02)/WD;
- if(C*dabs(2*V02-V01-V03) < dabs(V01-V03)) break;
- }
- if(J==Dev||X01==X03) L=cons([X01,X03,V03-V01],L);
- }
- }
- return reverse(L);
-def xygraph(F,N,LT,LX,LY)
- if((Proc=getopt(proc))!=1&&Proc!=2&&Proc!=3) Proc=0;
- if(type(DV=getopt(dviout))==4){
- OL=delopt(getopt(),["dviout","shift","ext","cl"]);
- OL=cons(["proc",1],OL);
- R=xygraph(F,N,LT,LX,LY|option_list=OL);
- OL=delopt(getopt(),["shift","ext","cl"]|inv=1);
- return execdraw(R,DV|optilon_list=OL);
- }
- if(N==0) N=32;
- if(N<0){
- N=-N;
- N1=-1; N2=N+1;
- }else{
- N1=0; N2=N;
- }
- if(length(LT)==3 && isvar(LT[0])==1){
- TT=LT[0]; LT=cdr(LT);
- F=mysubst(F,[TT,x]);
- }
- if(LX==0) LX=LT;
- if((Acc=getopt(Acc))!=1) Acc=0;
- if(Acc){
- LX=[eval(LX[0]),eval(LX[1])];
- LY=[eval(LY[0]),eval(LY[1])];
- LT=[eval(LT[0]),eval(LT[1])];
- }else{
- LX=[deval(LX[0]),deval(LX[1])];
- LY=[deval(LY[0]),deval(LY[1])];
- LT=[deval(LT[0]),deval(LT[1])];
- }
- TD=(LT[1]-LT[0])/N;
- if(type(Mul=getopt(scale))!=1){
- if(type(Mul)==4){
- MulX=Mul[0]; MulY=Mul[1];
- }else MulX=MulY=1;
- }else MulX=MulY=Mul;
- if(type(Org=getopt(org))==4){
- Orgx=Org[0];Orgy=Org[1];
- }else Orgx=Orgy=0;
- if(type(F)!=4 || (getopt(para)!=1 && length(F)>1 && type(F[0])<4 && type(F[1])==4)) {
- if(getopt(rev)!=1){
- F1=x; /* LX[0]+(LX[1]-LX[0])*(x-LT[0])/(TD*N); */
- F2=F;
- }else{
- F1=F;
- F2=x; /* LY[0]+(LY[1]-LY[0])*(x-LT[0])/(TD*N); */
- }
- }else{
- F1=F[0]; F2=F[1];
- }
- if(F1==0 || F2==0) LT=[];
- if(length(LT)==2){
- if(Acc){
- for(LTT=[],I=N2;I>=N1;I--)
- LTT=cons(eval(LT[0]+I*(LT[1]-LT[0])/N),LTT);
- }else{
- for(LTT=[],I=N2;I>=N1;I--)
- LTT=cons(deval(LT[0]+I*(LT[1]-LT[0])/N),LTT);
- }
- }
- Cpx=getopt(cpx);
- if(Cpx!=1 && (str_str(rtostr(F1),"@i")>=0 || str_str(rtostr(F2),"@i")>=0))
- Cpx=1;
- if(type(Cpx)<0) Cpx=0;
- if(!Acc){
- if(type(F1)<4) F1=f2df(F1);
- if(type(F2)<4) F2=f2df(F2);
- }
- if(type(Err=getopt(err))==1){
- F1=mysubst(F1,[x,x+Err*TD/1001.23]);
- F2=mysubst(F2,[x,x+Err*TD/1001.23]);
- }
- if(type(F1)==4 || type(F2)==4){
- Dn=1;
- }else Dn=dn(F1)*dn(F2);
- for(V=[],PT=LT;PT!=[]; PT=cdr(PT)){
- T=car(PT);
- if(myfeval(Dn,T)==0){
- V=cons(0,V); continue;
- }
- if(Cpx>0||Acc){
- X=myfeval(F1,T);Y=myfeval(F2,T);
- }else{
- X=myfdeval(F1,T);Y=myfdeval(F2,T);
- }
- if((N1==0||(PT!=LT&&length(PT)!=1)) && (X<LX[0]||X>LX[1]||Y<LY[0]||Y>LY[1]))
- V=cons(0,V);
- else
- V=cons([MulX*(X-Orgx),MulY*(Y-Orgy)],V);
- }
- V=reverse(V);
- Gap0=Gap=Arg=0;
- if(type(Prec=getopt(prec))<0)
- Level=0;
- else if(Prec==0) Level=4;
- else if(type(Prec)==1){
- Level=Prec;
- if(Level<0){
- Level=-Level;
- Gap0=1;
- }
- }else if(type(Prec)==4){
- Level=Prec[0];
- if(length(Prec)>1) Arg=Prec[1];
- if(length(Prec)>2) Gap0=Prec[2];
- }
- if(Level>0){
- if(Level>16) Level=16;
- if(Arg<=0) Arg=30;
- else if(Arg>120) Arg=120;
- Arg=Acc?eval(@pi*Arg/180):deval(@pi*Arg/180);
- SL=dcos(Arg);
- }
- if(Gap0>0){
- if(Gap0<2) Gap0=16;
- else if(Gap0>512) Gap0=512;
- Gap=((MulX*(LX[1]-LX[0]))^2+(MulY*(LY[1]-LY[0]))^2)/(Gap0^2);
- }
- for(I=0;I<Level;I++){
- for(F=K=G=0,NV=NLT=[],PLT=LT,PV=V;PLT!=[];K++,PLT=cdr(PLT),PV=cdr(PV)){
- TG=0;D0=D1;CLT0=CLT;CV0=CV;CV=car(PV);CLT=car(PLT);
- if(length(PV)>1){
- if((CV1=car(cdr(PV)))!=0 && CV!=0)
- D1=[CV[0]-CV1[0],CV[1]-CV1[1]];
- else D1=0;
- }else K=-1; /* ? */
- if(K>0 &&(((D1==0||D0==0)&&(CV0!=0||CV!=0||CV1!=0)) || dvangle(D0,D1)<SL ||
- (Gap>0 && type(D0)==4 && (TG=(D0[0]^2+D0[1]^2-Gap)>0)))){
- G++;T1=(CLT0+CLT)/2;
- if(F==0 && (CV0!=0 || CV!=0)){
- if(myfdeval(Dn,T1)==0){
- NV=cons(0,NV); NLT=cons(T1,NLT);
- }
- if(Cpx>0||Acc){
- X=myfeval(F1,T1);Y=myfeval(F2,T1);
- }else{
- X=myfdeval(F1,T1);Y=myfdeval(F2,T1);
- }
- if(K==1 && N1<0){
- NV=[];NLT=[];
- }
- if((K>1||N1==0)&&(X<LX[0]||X>LX[1]||Y<LY[0]||Y>LY[1])){
- NV=cons(0,NV);NLT=cons(T1,NLT);F=0;
- }else{
- NV=cons([MulX*(X-Orgx),MulY*(Y-Orgy)],NV);NLT=cons(T1,NLT);
- }
- }
- NV=cons(CV,NV);NLT=cons(CLT,NLT);
- if(!TG&&(CV0!=0||CV1!=0)){
- T2=(car(cdr(PLT))+CLT)/2;
- if(myfdeval(Dn,T2)==0){
- NV=cons(0,NV); NLT=cons(CLT,NLT);
- }
- if(Cpx>0||Acc){
- X=myfeval(F1,T2);Y=myfeval(F2,T2);
- }else{
- X=myfdeval(F1,T2);Y=myfdeval(F2,T2);
- }
- if((N1==0||length(PV)!=2)&&(X<LX[0]||X>LX[1]||Y<LY[0]||Y>LY[1])){
- NV=cons(0,NV);NLT=cons(T1,NLT);
- }else{
- NV=cons([MulX*(X-Orgx),MulY*(Y-Orgy)],NV);NLT=cons(T2,NLT);
- }
- }
- if(length(PV)==2 && N1==-1) break;
- F=1;
- }else{
- F=0;NV=cons(CV,NV);NLT=cons(CLT,NLT);
- }
- }
- V=reverse(NV);LT=reverse(NLT);
- if(G==0) break;
- }
- if(Gap>0){
- for(NV=[],PV=V;PV!=[];PV=cdr(PV)){
- NV=cons(P0=car(PV),NV);
- if(length(PV)>1 && P0!=0 && PV[1]!=0
- && (P0[0]-PV[1][0])^2+(P0[1]-PV[1][1])^2>Gap) NV=cons(0,NV);
- }
- V=reverse(NV);
- }
- if((Raw=getopt(raw))==1) return V;
- if(Raw==2) return [V,LT];
- OL=[["curve",1]];OLP=[];
- if(type(C=getopt(ratio))==1){
- OL=cons(["ratio",C],OL);OLP=cons(["ratio",C],OLP);
- }
- if(Acc==1) OL=cons(["Acc",1],OL);
- if(N1<0) OL=cons(["close",-1],OL);
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))!=7 && type(Opt)!=4){
- if(Opt==0) return xylines(V|option_list=cons(["opt",0],OL));
- }
- OL=cons(["opt",(Proc)?0:Opt],OL);
- if(type(Opt)>=0) OLP=cons(["opt",Opt],OLP);
- if(type(Vb=getopt(verb))==1||type(Vb)==4){
- OL=cons(["verb",Vb],OL);OLP=cons(["verb",Vb],OL);
- }
- if(Proc){
- S=(Proc==1)?
- [[0,[MulX*(LX[0]-Orgx),MulX*(LX[1]-Orgx)],[MulY*(LY[0]-Orgy),MulY*(LY[1]-Orgy)],
- (TikZ)?1:1/10]]:[];
- S=cons([1,OLP,xylines(V|option_list=OL)],S);
- if(Proc==3) return car(S);
- }else S=xylines(V|option_list=OL);
- if(type(Pt=getopt(pt))==4){
- if(type(Pt[0])!=4) Pt=[Pt];
- if(length(Pt)>1 && type(Pt[1])!=4) Pt=[Pt];
- for(PT=Pt;PT!=[];PT=cdr(PT)){
- PP=car(PT);
- if(type(PP[0])!=4) PP=[PP];
- P=car(PP);PP=cdr(PP);
- Qx=MulX*(P[0]-Orgx);Qy=MulY*(P[1]-Orgy);
- if(length(PP)>0 && type(PP[0])==4){ /* draw line */
- P=car(PP);
- Q1x=MulX*(P[0]-Orgx);Q1y=MulY*(P[1]-Orgy);
- if(length(PP)<1 || car(PP)==0 || iand(car(PP),1))
- OL=["opt",(TikZ)?"-":"@{-}"];
- else OL=["opt",(TikZ)?".":"@{.}"];
- if(Proc) S=cons([1,OL,[[Qx,Qy],[Q1x,Q1y]]],S);
- else S=S+xylines([[Qx,Qy],[Q1x,Q1y]]|optilon_list=OL);
- continue;
- }
- if(length(PP)==0 || type(car(PP))!=7) SS="$\\bullet$";
- else SS=car(PP);
- if(length(PP)<=1){
- if(Proc) S=cons([2,[],[Qx,Qy],[SS]],S);
- else S=S+xyput([Qx,Qy,SS]);
- }else{
- if(Proc) S=cons([2,[],[Qx,Qy],[[SS],"",PP[1]]],S);
- S=S+xyput([Qx,Qy,SS,"",PP[1]]);
- }
- }
- }
- if(type(Ax=getopt(ax))==4){ /* draw axis */
- Adx0=Ady0=0; Adx1=Ady1=0.1;
- if(!TikZ){
- if(!XYcm) Adx1=Ady1=1;
- LOp="@{-}"; LxOp="+!U"; LyOp="+!R";
- }else{
- LOp="-"; LxOp="below"; LyOp="left";
- }
- LOp0=LOp1=LOp;
- LxOO=(Ax[1]==LY[0])?LxOp:(TikZ)?"below left":"+!UR";
- if(type(AxOp=getopt(axopt))>0){
- if(type(AxOp)==1){
- if(AxOp>0) Adx1=Ady1=AxOp;
- else if(AxOp<0){
- Adx1=Ady1=0; Adx0=Ady0=AxOp;
- }
- }else if(type(AxOp)==4){
- if(type(T=car(AxOp))==4 && length(AxOp)>1){
- if(type(T)==7){
- LxOp=T; LyOp=AxOp[1];
- }else if(type(T)==4){
- Ay0=T[0]; Ay1=T[1]; Ax0=AxOp[1][0]; Ax1=AxOp[1][1];
- if(length(T)>2) LxOp=T[2];
- if(length(AxOp[1])>2) LyOp=AxOp[1][2];
- }
- }
- if(length(AxOp)>2 && type(AxOp[2])==7) LxOO=AxOp[2];
- if(length(AxOp)>3 && type(AxOp[3])==7) LOp0=AxOp[3];
- if(length(AxOp)>4 && type(AxOp[4])==7) LOp1=AxOp[4];
- }
- if(type(AxOp)==7) LOp0=AxOp;
- }
- if(Ax[0]>=LX[0] && Ax[0]<=LX[1]){ /* draw marks on x-axis */
- if(Proc) S=cons([3,(type(LOp0)>=0)?[["opt",LOp0]]:[],
- [MulX*(Ax[0]-Orgx),MulY*(LY[0]-Orgy)],[MulX*(Ax[0]-Orgx),MulY*(LY[1]-Orgy)]],S);
- else S=S+xyarrow([MulX*(Ax[0]-Orgx),MulY*(LY[0]-Orgy)],
- [MulX*(Ax[0]-Orgx),MulY*(LY[1]-Orgy)]|opt=LOp0);
- if(length(Ax)>2){
- D=Ax[2];
- if(type(D)==1 && D>0){
- I0=ceil((LX[0]-Ax[0])/D); I1=floor((LX[1]-Ax[0])/D);
- for(DD=[],I=I0; I<=I1; I++){
- if(length(Ax)<5) DD=cons(I*D,DD);
- else if(Ax[4]==0) DD=cons([I*D,I*D+Ax[0]],DD);
- else if(Ax[4]==1) DD=cons([I*D,I*D],DD);
- else if(Ax[4]==2) DD=cons([I*D,I],DD);
- }
- D=DD;
- }
- if(type(D)==4){
- for(;D!=[]; D=cdr(D)){
- T=car(D);
- if(type(T)==4) T=car(T);
- X=MulX*(T+Ax[0]-Orgx); Y=MulY*(Ax[1]-Orgy);
- if(T!=0){
- if(Proc) S=cons([3,(type(LOp1)>=0)?[["opt",LOp1]]:[],[X,Y+Ady0],[X,Y+Ady1]],S);
- else S=S+xyarrow([X,Y+Ady0],[X,Y+Ady1]|opt=LOp1);
- }
- if(type(car(D))==4){
- Arg=[(T==0)?LxOO:LxOp,D[0][1]];
- if(Proc) S=cons([2,[],[X,Y+Ady0],[Arg]],S);
- else S=S+xyput([X,Y+Ady0,Arg]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Ax[1]>=LY[0] && Ax[1]<=LY[1]){ /* draw marks on y-axis */
- if(Proc) S=cons([3,[["opt",LOp0]],
- [MulX*(LX[0]-Orgx),MulY*(Ax[1]-Orgy)],
- [MulX*(LX[1]-Orgx),MulY*(Ax[1]-Orgy)]],S);
- else S=S+xyarrow([MulX*(LX[0]-Orgx),MulY*(Ax[1]-Orgy)],
- [MulX*(LX[1]-Orgx),MulY*(Ax[1]-Orgy)]|opt=LOp0);
- if(length(Ax)>3){
- D=Ax[3];
- if(type(D)==1 && D>0){
- I0=ceil((LY[0]-Ax[1])/D); I1=floor((LY[1]-Ax[0])/D);
- for(DD=[],I=I0; I<=I1; I++){
- if(length(Ax)<5) DD=cons(I*D,DD);
- else if(I!=0){
- if(Ax[4]==0) DD=cons([I*D,I*D+Ax[1]],DD);
- if(Ax[4]==1) DD=cons([I*D,I*D],DD);
- if(Ax[4]==2) DD=cons([I*D,I],DD);
- }
- }
- D=DD;
- }
- if(type(D)==4){
- for(;type(D)==4&&D!=[]; D=cdr(D)){
- T=car(D);
- if(type(T)==4) T=car(T);
- X=MulX*(Ax[0]-Orgx); Y=MulY*(T+Ax[1]-Orgy);
- if(T!=0){
- if(Proc) S=cons([3,(type(LOp0)>=0)?[["opt",LOp1]]:[],
- [X+Adx0,Y],[X+Adx1,Y]],S);
- else S=S+xyarrow([X+Adx0,Y],[X+Adx1,Y]|opt=LOp1);
- }
- if(type(car(D))==4){
- if(Proc) S=cons([2,[],[X,Y+Ady0],[[LyOp,D[0][1]]]],S);
- else S=S+xyput([X,Y+Ady0,[LyOp,D[0][1]]]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(Proc) return reverse(S);
- if(getopt(dviout)!=1) return S;
- xyproc(S|dviout=1);
-def xyarrow(P,Q)
- Cmd = ["fill","filldaw","shade","shadedraw","clip ","pattern","path ","node","coordinate"];
- if(type(P)<4) return "%\n";
- SS=getopt(opt);
- if(!TikZ){
- if(type(Q)<4) return "";
- S="{"+xypos(P)+" \\ar";
- if(type(SS)==7) S=S+SS;
- return S+" "+xypos(Q)+"};\n";
- }
- if(type(SS)==4 && length(SS)>1){
- if(length(SS)>2) SU=SS[2];
- ST=SS[1];
- SS=SS[0];
- }
- if(type(SS)!=7) SS="->";
- if(type(ST)!=7) ST=" -- ";
- if(type(SU)!=7) SU="";
- if(type(S=getopt(cmd))==7) S="\\"+S;
- else S="\\draw";
- if(type(Q)!=4){
- if(Q>0 && Q<=length(Cmd)) S="\\"+Cmd[Q-1]+"";
- if(SS!="-") S=S+"["+SS+"]";
- if(SU!="") SU="["+SU+"]";
- return S+xypos(P)+ST+SU+";\n";
- }
- if(SS!="-"&&SS!="") S=S+"["+SS+"]";
- if(length(P)<3 && length(Q)<3)
- return S+xypos(P)+ST+xypos(Q)+SU+";\n";
- if(length(P)==2) P=[P[0],P[1],"","_0"];
- else if(length(P)==3 || (length(P)==4 && P[3]==""))
- P=[P[0],P[1],P[2],"_0"];
- else if(P[3]=="")
- P=[P[0],P[1],P[2],"_0",P[4]];
- if(length(Q)==2) Q=[Q[0],Q[1],"","_1"];
- else if(length(Q)==3 || (length(Q)==4 && Q[3]==""))
- Q=[Q[0],Q[1],Q[2],"_1"];
- else if(Q[3]=="")
- Q=[Q[0],Q[1],Q[2],"_1",Q[4]];
- return S+xypos(P)+" "+xypos(Q)+"("+P[3]+")"+ST+"("+Q[3]+")"+SU+";\n";
-def xyarrows(P,Q,R)
- PQ=newvect(4);
- PQ[0]=(type(P[0])!=4)?f2df(P[0]):P[0];
- PQ[1]=(type(P[1])!=4)?f2df(P[1]):P[1];
- PQ[2]=(type(Q[0])!=4)?f2df(Q[0]):Q[0];
- PQ[3]=(type(Q[1])!=4)?f2df(Q[1]):Q[1];
- if(type(R[0])!=4) R=[R];
- TR=R[0];NX=TR[2];X=X0=TR[0];DX=(TR[1]-TR[0])/NX;
- if(length(R)==2){
- TR=R[1];NY=TR[2];Y=TR[0];DY=(TR[1]-TR[0])/NY;
- }else{
- NY=1;Y=DY=0;
- }
- if(type(L=getopt(abs))!=1) L=0;
- if(type(Sc=getopt(scale))!=1) Sc=0;
- OL=[];
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))==7) OL=cons(["opt",Opt],OL);
- Tb=str_tb(0,0);
- for(J=0;J<NY;Y+=DY,J++){
- for(I=0,X=X0;I<NX;I++,X+=DX){
- PX=myf2eval(PQ[0],X,Y);PY=myf2eval(PQ[1],X,Y);
- VX=myf2eval(PQ[2],X,Y);VY=myf2eval(PQ[3],X,Y);
- if(L>0){
- C=dnorm([VX,VY]);
- if(C!=0){
- VX*=L/C;VY*=L/C;
- }
- }
- if(Sc){
- VX*=Sc;VY*=Sc;
- }
- if(VX||VY) str_tb(xyarrow([PX,PY],[PX+VX,PY+VY]|optilon_list=OL),Tb);
- }
- }
- return str_tb(0,Tb);
-def polroots(L,V)
- INIT=1;
- if(type(CF=getopt(comp))!=1) CF=0;
- OL=getopt();
- if(CF>32){
- CF-=64;
- INIT=0;
- }else OL=cons(["comp",CF+64],delopt(OL,"comp"));
- if(type(V)==4&&length(V)==1){
- L=L[0];V=V[0];
- }
- Lim=Lim2=[];
- if(type(L)<4){
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))==4){
- if(type(Lim[0])!=4){
- if(!isvar(Lim[0])) Lim=cons(V,[Lim]);
- Lim=[Lim];
- }
- if(!isvar(Lim[0][0])) Lim=[cons(V,Lim)];
- Lim=delopt(Lim,V|inv=1);
- if(Lim!=[]){
- Lim=Lim[0];
- if(length(Lim)==3) Lim2=Lim[2];
- Lim=Lim[1];
- }
- }else{
- Lim=Lim2=[];
- }
- if((CF==-2||CF==-1||CF==2)&&iscoef(L,os_md.israt)){ /* Rat+Comp, Rat+Real or Rat */
- S=(CF==-1)?getroot(L,V|cpx=1):getroot(L,V);
- for(RR=[],F=x;S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- if(findin(V,vars(C=car(S)))<0){ /* Rational solution */
- if(type(C)<2){
- if(Lim!=[]&&(real(C)<Lim[0]||real(C)>Lim[1])) continue;
- if(Lim2!=[]&&(imag(C)<Lim2[0]||imag(C)>Lim2[1])) continue;
- }
- if(F!=C) RR=cons(F=C,RR);
- }else if(CF<0){ /* Irrational solution */
- if((R=pari(roots,mysubst(C,[V,x])))!=0){
- for(R=vtol(R);R!=[];R=cdr(R))
- if((C=car(R))!=F && ntype(C)<CF+6){
- if(Lim!=[]&&(real(C)<Lim[0]||real(C)>Lim[1])) continue;
- if(Lim2!=[]&&(imag(C)<Lim2[0]||imag(C)>Lim2[1])) continue;
- RR=cons(F=C,RR);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return qsort(RR);
- }
- R=pari(roots,subst(L,V,x));
- if(R==0){
- R=[0];
- if(CF==1){
- for(R=[0],I=mydeg(L,V);I>1; I--)
- R=cons(0,R);
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(CF==1){ /* Complex */
- if(Lim==[]&&Lim2==[]) return vtol(R);
- for(L=[],I=length(R)-1;I>=0;I--){
- C=R[I];
- if(Lim!=[]&&(real(C)<Lim[0]||real(C)>Lim[1])) continue;
- if(Lim2!=[]&&(imag(C)<Lim2[0]||imag(C)>Lim2[1])) continue;
- L=cons(C,L);
- }
- return L;
- }
- for(L=[],F=x,I=length(R)-1;I>=0;I--){ /* Real */
- if(ntype(R[I])<4 && F!=R[I]){
- if(Lim!=[] && (R[I]<Lim[0]||R[I]>Lim[1])) continue;
- L=cons(F=R[I],L);
- }
- }
- return qsort(L);
- }
- if(SS==0&&INIT==1){
- SS=polroots(L,V|option_list=OL);
- if(SS!=0) return SS;
- for(C=0;SS==0&&C<5;C++){
- I=(C==0)?1:(iand(random(),0xff)-0x80);
- for(LL=[],K=length(L)-1;K>=0;K--){
- for(Q=0,J=length(L)-1;J>=0;J--)
- Q+=L[J]*(I+K)^J;
- LL=cons(Q,LL);
- }
- SS=polroots(LL,V|option_list=OL);
- if(SS!=0) return SS;
- }
- return SS;
- }
- C=2^(-32);
- if(type(getopt(err))==1) C=err;
- if((N=length(V))!=length(L)) return [];
- if(N==1) return polroots(L[0],V[0]|option_list=OL);
- for(L1=[],I=1;I<N;I++){
- Res=res(V[0],L[I-1],L[I]);
- if(type(Res)<2) return Res;
- L1=cons(res(V[0],L[I-1],L[I]),L1);
- }
- R=polroots(L1,V1=cdr(V)|option_list=OL);
- if(type(R)<2) return R;
- for(SS=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- RS=(N==2)?[car(R)]:car(R);
- for(I=0,L0=L[0];I<N-1;I++) L0=mysubst(L0,[V1[I],RS[I]]);
- if(L0==0) return 0;
- S0=polroots(L0,V[0]|option_list=OL);
- if(type(S0)<2) return S0;
- for(S=S0;S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- S0=cons(car(S),RS);
- for(LT=cdr(L);LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- for(I=0,TV=car(LT);I<N;I++) TV=mysubst(TV,[V[I],S0[I]]);
- if(abs(TV)>C) break;
- }
- if(LT==[]) SS=cons(S0,SS);
- }
- }
- return reverse(SS);
-def ptcommon(X,Y)
- if(length(X)!=2 || length(Y)!=2) return 0;
- if(type(X[1])==4){ /* X is a line */
- if((In=getopt(in))==-1||In==-2||In==-3){
- X0=(X[0][0]+X[1][0])/2;X1=(X[0][1]+X[1][1])/2;
- X=[[X0,X1],[X0+X[1][1]-X[0][1],X1-X[1][0]+X[0][0]]];
- if(In==-1&&type(Y[1])==4) return ptcommon(Y,X|in=-2);
- /* for the second line */
- if(In==-3) In=1;
- else In=0;
- }else if(In==2||In==3){
- X=(X[1][0]-X[0][0])+(X[1][1]-X[0][1])*@i;
- if(X==0) return 0;
- Y=(Y[1][0]-Y[0][0])+(Y[1][1]-Y[0][1])*@i;
- X=myarg(Y/X);
- return (In==2)?X:(X*180/deval(@pi));
- }else if(In!=1) In=0;
- if(type(Y[0])<=3){
- if(In==1){
- return [(Y[1]*X[0][0]+Y[0]*X[1][0])/(Y[0]+Y[1]),
- (Y[1]*X[0][1]+Y[0]*X[1][1])/(Y[0]+Y[1])];
- }
- XX=X[1][0]-X[0][0];YY=X[1][1]-X[0][1];
- Arg=(length(Y)<2)?0:Y[1];
- Arg=deval(Arg);
- if(Arg!=0){
- S=dcos(Arg)*XX-dsin(Arg)*YY;
- YY=dsin(Arg)*XX+dcos(Arg)*YY;
- XX=S;
- }
- S=dnorm([XX,YY]);
- if(S!=0){
- XX*=Y[0]/S;YY*=Y[0]/S;
- }
- return [X[1][0]+XX,X[1][1]+YY];
- }
- S=[X[0][0]+(X[1][0]-X[0][0])*x_,X[0][1]+(X[1][1]-X[0][1])*x_];
- if(type(Y[1])==4){ /* Y is a line */
- T=[Y[0][0]+(Y[1][0]-Y[0][0])*y_-S[0],
- Y[0][1]+(Y[1][1]-Y[0][1])*y_-S[1]];
- R=lsol(T,[x_,y_]);
- if(type(R[0])==4&&type(R[1])==4&&R[0][0]==x_&&R[1][0]==y_){
- if(!In || (R[0][1]>=0&&R[0][1]<=1&&R[1][1]>=0&&R[1][1]<=1) )
- return subst(S,x_,R[0][1],y_,R[1][1]);
- }
- if((type(R[0])>0&&type(R[0])<4)||(type(R[1])>0&&type(R[1])<4)) return 0;
- if(!In) return 1;
- I=(X[0][0]==X[1][0]&&Y[0][0]==Y[1][0]&&X[0][0]==Y[0][0])?1:0;
- if(X[0][I]<=X[1][I]){
- X0=X[0][I];X1=X[1][I];
- }else{
- X1=X[0][I];X0=X[1][I];
- }
- return ((Y[0][I]<X0 && Y[1][I]<X0)||(Y[0][I]>X1&&Y[1][I]>X1))?0:1;
- }else if(Y[1]==0){ /* orth */
- T=[Y[0][0]+(X[1][1]-X[0][1])*y_-S[0],
- Y[0][1]-(X[1][0]-X[0][0])*y_-S[1]];
- R=lsol(T,[x_,y_]);
- if(type(R[0])==4&&type(R[1])==4&&R[0][0]==x_&&R[1][0]==y_){
- if(!In||(R[0][1]>=0&&R[0][1]<=1))
- return subst(S,x_,R[0][1],y_,R[1][1]);
- }
- return (X[0]==X[1])?0:1;
- }else if(type(Y[1])==1 && Y[1]>0){ /* circle */
- T=(S[0]-Y[0][0])^2+(S[1]-Y[0][1])^2-Y[1]^2;
- D=mycoef(T,1,x_)^2-4*mycoef(T,0,x_)*mycoef(T,2,x_);
- if(D==0){
- V=mycoef(T,1,x_)/(2*mycoef(T,2,x_));
- if(!in||(V>=0&&V<=1)) return [subst(S,x_,V)];
- }
- else if((type(D)==1&&D>0)){
- D=dsqrt(D);
- V=-(mycoef(T,1,x_)+D)/(2*mycoef(T,2,x_));
- if(!In||(V>=0&&V<=1)) L=[subst(S,x_,V)];
- else L=[];
- V=(D-mycoef(T,1,x_))/(2*mycoef(T,2,x_));
- if(!In||(V>=0&&V<=1)) L=cons(subst(S,x_,V),L);
- if(length(L)>0) return L;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if(type(Y[1])==4 || X[1]==0) return ptcommon(Y,X);
- /* X is a circle */
- if(Y[1]==0){ /* tangent line */
- if(Y[0][0]==X[0][0]+X[1] || Y[0][0]==X[0][0]-X[1]) L=[[Y[0][0],X[0][1]]];
- else L=[];
- P=(Y[0][0]+x_-X[0][0])^2+(Y[0][1]+x_*y_-X[0][1])^2-X[1]^2;
- Q=mycoef(P,1,x_)^2-4*mycoef(P,2,x_)*mycoef(P,0,x_);
- for(R=polroots(Q,y_);R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- X0=-subst(mycoef(P,1,x_)/(2*mycoef(P,2,x_)),y_,car(R));
- L=cons([Y[0][0]+X0,Y[0][1]+car(R)*X0],L);
- }
- }else{ /* Y is a circle */
- P=(x_-X[0][0])^2+(y_-X[0][1])^2-X[1]^2;
- Q=(x_-Y[0][0])^2+(y_-Y[0][1])^2-Y[1]^2;
- V=(X[0][0]!=Y[0][0])?[x_,y_]:[y_,x_];
- R=subst(P,V[0],T=lsol(P-Q,V[0]));
- if(type(T[0])<4) return (T[0]==0)?1:0;
- S=polroots(R,V[1]);
- for(L=[];S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- R=subst(T,V[1],car(S));
- if(V[0]==x_) L=cons([R,car(S)],L);
- else L=cons([S,R],L);
- }
- }
- if(length(L)!=0) return L;
- return 0;
-def tobezier(L)
- if((Div=getopt(div))==1||Div==2){
- if(length(L)!=4) return [tobezier(L|inv=[0,1/2]),tobezier(L|inv=[1/2,1])];
- if(type(L)==4) L=ltov(L);
- if(type(L[0])==4)
- L=[ltov(L[0]),ltov(L[1]),ltov(L[2]),ltov(L[3])];
- S=[(L[0]+3*L[1]+3*L[2]+L[3])/8];
- T=[L[3]];
- S=cons((L[0]+2*L[1]+L[2])/4,S);
- T=cons((L[2]+L[3])/2,T);
- S=cons((L[0]+L[1])/2,S);
- T=cons((L[1]+2*L[2]+L[3])/4,T);
- S=cons(L[0],S);
- T=cons((L[0]+3*L[1]+3*L[2]+L[3])/8,T);
- return [S,T];
- }
- if(Div>2&&Div<257){
- L=tobezier(L);
- for(R=[],I=Div-1;I>=0;I--)
- R=cons(tobezier(L|inv=[I/Div,(I+1)/Div]),R);
- return R;
- }
- if((V=getopt(inv))==1 || type(V)>3){
- if(type(L[0])>3 && type(V)>3) L=tobezier(L);
- if(type(V)>3 && length(V)>2) V2=V[2];
- if(type(V2)!=2) V2=t;
- if(type(V)>3) L=subst(L,V2,(V[1]-V[0])*V2+V[0]);
- N=mydeg(L,V2);
- for(R=[],I=0;I<=N;I++){
- RT=mycoef(L,I,V2);
- R=cons(RT/binom(N,I),R);
- L-=RT*V2^I*(1-V2)^(N-I);
- }
- return reverse(R);
- };
- N=length(L)-1;
- V=newvect(2);
- for(I=0;I<=N;I++,L=cdr(L)){
- if(type(X=car(L))==4) X=ltov(X);
- V+=X*binom(N,I)*t^I*(1-t)^(N-I);
- }
- return V;
-def cutf(F,X,VV)
- if(type(car(V=VV))==2){
- Y=[car(V),X];
- V=cdr(V);
- }else Y=X;
- if(type(X)>1){
- Y=(type(Y)==4)?Y[0]:x;
- V1=makenewv(F);
- if(X==Y||Y==x){
- V2=makenewv([F,V1]);
- F=mysubst(F,[Y,V2]);
- V=cons(V2,V);
- }
- return [V1,[V1,os_md.cutf,[F],X,[V]]];
- }
- if(car(V)!=[] && X<car(V)[0]) return myfeval(car(V)[1],Y);
- for(V=cdr(V); ;V=R){
- if((R=cdr(V))==[]){
- if(car(V)!=[] && car(V)[0]<X) return myfeval(car(V)[1],Y);
- return myfeval(F,Y);
- }
- if(car(V)==[]||X>car(V)[0]) continue;
- if(X==car(V)[0]) return car(V)[1];
- return myfeval(F,Y);
- }
-def fsum(F,L)
- if(getopt(df)==1){
- F=f2df(F);
- }else Sub=getopt(subst);
- if(type(L[0])==2){
- X=L[0];
- L=cdr(L);
- }else X=0;
- V=(length(L)>2)?L[2]:1;
- for(R=0,I=L[0];;I+=V){
- if(V==0||(I-L[1])*V>0) return R;
- R+=(Sub==1)?subst(F,X?X:x,I):os_md.myfeval(F,X?[X,I]:I);
- }
-def periodicf(F,L,X)
- if(type(L)==4) L=[eval(L[0]),eval(L[1])];
- else L=eval(L);
- if(isvar(X)){
- Y=makenewv([X,F]);
- Z=makenewv([X,Y,F]);
- return [Z,[Z,os_md.periodicf,[mysubst(F,[x,Y])],(type(L)==4)?[L]:L,[[Y,X]]]];
- }
- if(type(X)==4){
- V=X[0];
- X=X[1];
- }else V=x;
- if(type(F)==5){
- X=eval(X);
- return myfeval(F[floor(X/L)%length(F)],[V,X-floor(X/L)*L]);
- }
- if(type(L)==4){
- X-=floor((X-L[0])/(L[1]-L[0]))*(L[1]-L[0]);
- return myfeval(F,[V,X]);
- }
-def cmpf(X)
- if(type(X)>3){
- if(type(L)==7) return [S_Fc,Dx,S_Ic,S_Ec,S_EC,S_Lc];
- S_Lc=0;
- if(type(S_Fc=X[0])!=4) S_Fc=f2df(S_Fc);
- S_Ic=X[1];
- if(length(S_Ic)>2){
- S_Fc=mysubst(S_Fc,[S_Ic[0],x]);
- S_Ic=cdr(S_Ic);
- }
- S_Dc=(type(S_Ic[0])==7)?1:0;
- if(type(S_Ic[1])==7) S_Dc=ior(S_Dc,2);
- if(type(S_Ec=getopt(exp))!=1) S_Ec=0;
- if(S_Ec<=0){
- S_EC=-S_Ec;
- if(S_EC==0) S_EC=1;
- if(S_Dc==3) S_EC*=2;
- else S_EC/=4;
- if(type(F=X[0])==3&&vars(F)==[x]&&(D=deg(nm(F),x))==deg(dn(F),x)-2){
- S_Lc=S_EC*coef(nm(F),D,x)/coef(dn(F),D+2,x);
- }
- }else{
- S_EC=S_Ec;
- if(S_Dc==3) S_EC*=12;
- else S_EC/=6;
- }
- if(type(S_Fc)==3) S_Fc=red(S_Fc);
- S_EC=1/S_EC;
- return [z_,[z_,os_md.cmpf,x]];
- }
- if(X<=0 && iand(S_Dc,1)) return S_Lc;
- if(X>=1 && iand(S_Dc,2)) return S_Lc;
- if(S_Dc==3){
- if(S_Ec>0){
- Y0=dexp(1/X)*S_EC;
- Y1=dexp(1/(1-X))*S_EC;
- return myfeval(S_Fc,Y1-Y0)*(Y0/X^2+Y1/(1-X)^2);
- }
- return myfeval(S_Fc,S_EC/(1-X)-S_EC/X)*(S_EC/(1-X)^2+S_EC/X^2);
- }
- if(S_Dc==1){
- if(S_Ec>0){
- Y=dexp(1-1/X);
- R=myfeval(S_Fc,S_EC*(Y-1)+I[1])*Y;
- }
- else R=myfeval(S_Fc,I[1]+(1-1/X)*S_EC);
- return R*S_EC/X^2;
- }
- if(S_Dc==2){
- if(S_Ec>0){
- Y=dexp(X/(1-X));
- R=myfeval(S_Fc,S_EC*(Y-1)+S_Ic[0])*Y;
- }else R=myfeval(S_Fc,S_EC*X/(1-X)+S_Ic[0]);
- return R*S_EC/(1-X)^2;
- }
- X=S_Ic[0]+(S_Ic[1]-S_Ic[0])*X;
- return myfeval(S_Fc,X)/(S_Ic[1]-Ic[0]);
-def fresidue(P,Q)
- if(iscoef(Q,os_md.israt)) S=fctr(Q);
- else S=[[Q,1]];
- for(R=[];S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- T=car(S);
- if((D=mydeg(T[0],z))==0) continue;
- L=[];
- if(iscoef(T[0],os_md.iscrat)) L=getroot(T[0],z|cpx=2);
- if(findin(z,vars(L))>=0) L=[];
- if(L==[]) L=polroots(T[0],z|comp=-1);
- for(;L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- QQ=Q;
- for(I=T[1]; I>1;I--) QQ=mydiff(QQ,z);
- for(U=0,W=I=T[1];I>0;I--,W++){
- QQ=diff(QQ,z);
- U+=subst(QQ,z,L[0])*(z-L[0])^(W-T[1])/fac(W);
- }
- UD=mydiff(U,z);
- for(I=T[1],K=1,PP=P; I>1;I--,K++)
- PP=diff(PP,z)*U-K*PP*UD;
- QQ=subst(PP,z,L[0])/subst(U,z,L[0])^K;
-/* if(D==2) QQ=sqrt2rat(QQ); */
- R=cons([L[0],sqrt2rat(QQ)],R);
- }
- }
- if(type(L=getopt(cond))==4){
- for(S=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- Z=car(R);
- for(LL=L;LL!=[];LL=cdr(LL)){
- X=real(car(Z));Y=imag(car(Z));
- if(myf3eval(car(LL),X,Y,car(Z))<=0) break;
- }
- if(LL==[]) S=cons(Z,S);
- }
- R=reverse(S);
- }
- if((Sum=getopt(sum))==1||Sum==2){
- for(S=0;R!=[];R=cdr(R)) S+=car(R)[1];
- if(Sum==2) S*=2*@pi*@i;
- return sqrt2rat(S);
- }
- return R;
-def fint(F,D,V)
- if(((L=length(V))==2 || (L==3&&isvar(V[0])<3))
- && (type(V[L-1])==7||(type(V[L-1])<3&&type(eval(V[L-1]))<2)))
- /* real integral */
- return areabezier([F,D,V]|option_list=getopt());
- /* complex integral */
- if(L>1&&type(V[1])==4&&type(V[1][1])<4){
- if(type(V[0])==4&&type(V[0][0])<2){
- for(R=[],VT=car(V),VV=cdr(V);VV!=[];VV=cdr(VV),VT=VU){
- if((VU=car(VV))==-1) VU=car(V);
- R=cons([ptcommon([VT,VU],[t,1-t]|in=1),[0,1]],R);
- }
- V=reverse(R);
- }
- else if(L==2) V=[V];
- }
- Opt=cons(["cpx",1],getopt());
- for(R=0;V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- VT=car(V);
- X=car(VT)[0];XD=red(diff(X,t));
- Y=car(VT)[1];YD=red(diff(Y,t));
- F=mysubst(F,[[x,X],[y,Y],[z,X+@i*Y]]);
- if(type(F)==4)
- FF=cons(F[0]*(XD+@i*YD),cdr(F));
- else FF=red(F*(XD+@i*YD));
- R+=areabezier([FF,D,cons(t,VT[1])]|option_list=Opt);
- }
- return R;
-def areabezier(V)
- if(getopt(cpx)==1){
- Opt=delopt(getopt(),"cpx");
- F=V[0];
- if(!isvar(Var=V[2][0])) Var=x;
- if(type(F)==3 && vars(F)==[Var] && imag(dn(F))!=0){
- F=(nm(F)*conj(dn(F)))/(dn(F)*conj(dn(F)));
- V0=red(real(nm(F))/dn(F));
- R=areabezier([V0,V[1],V[2]]|option_list=Opt);
- V0=red(imag(nm(F))/dn(F));
- return R+@i*areabezier([V0,V[1],V[2]]|option_list=Opt);
- }
- if(getopt(Acc)!=1) F=f2df(F);
- V0=compdf([o,[o,real,o_]],o_,F);
- R=areabezier([V0,V[1],V[2]]|option_list=Opt);
- V0=compdf([o,[o,imag,o_]],o_,F);
- return R+@i*areabezier([V0,V[1],V[2]]|option_list=Opt);
- }
- if(type(V[0])!=4 || vars(V[0][0])!=0){
- Mx=[-2.0^(512),2.0^(512)];
- I=length(V[2]);
- if(type(V[2][I-1])==7||type(V[2][I-2])==7){ /* infinite interval */
- if(type(Ec=getopt(exp))==1) R=cmpf([V[0],V[2]]|exp=Ec);
- else R=cmpf([V[0],V[2]]);
- V=[R,V[1],[0,1]];
- }
- if(type((Int=getopt(int)))==1 && type(V[0])<4 && (V1=V[1])>=0){
- if(Int==2&&iand(V1,1)) V1++;
- if(!V1) V1=32;
- Opt=cons(["raw",1],getopt());
- W=xygraph(V[0],V[1],V[2],Mx,Mx|option_list=Opt);
- SS=W[0][1];
- for(S0=S1=0,I=0,L=W;L!=[] && I<=V1;I++, L=cdr(L)){
- if(iand(I,1)) S1+=car(L)[1];
- else S0+=car(L)[1];
- if (I==V1) SS+=car(L)[1];
- }
- VV=deval(V[2][1]-V[2][0]);
- if(Int==2)
- return (2*S0+4*S1-SS)*VV/(3*V1);
- else
- return (2*S0+2*S1-SS)*VV/(2*V1);
- }
- Opt=cons(["opt",0],getopt());
- V=xygraph(V[0],V[1],V[2],Mx,Mx|option_list=Opt);
- }
- if(type(V[0][0])!=4) V=os_md.lbezier(V);
- for(S=0; V!=[]; V=cdr(V)){
- B=tobezier(car(V));
- P=intpoly(B[1]*diff(B[0],t),t);
- S+=mysubst(P,[t,1]);
- }
- return S;
-def velbezier(V,L)
- if(L==0) L=[t,0,1];
- else L=[(length(L)==3)?L[2]:t,L[0],L[1]];
- for(R=[],II=length(V)-1;II>=0;II--){
- S=fmmx(diff(V[II],L[0]|dif=1),L|dif=1);
- for(U=0;S!=[];S=cdr(S)) if((T=abs(car(S)[1]))>U) U=T;
- R=cons(U,R);
- }
- return R;
-def ptbezier(V,L)
- if(type(V[0])==4&&type(V[0][0])!=4) V=lbezier(V);
- K=length(V);
- if(type(L)<2){
- if(L<0) return K;
- if(L>=K-1) L=[K-1,1];
- else{
- L0=floor(L);
- if(L0>=K-1) L0=K-1;
- L=[L0,L-L0];
- }
- }
- if(L[0]>=0) B=V[L[0]];
- else B=V[K+L[0]];
- B=tobezier(B);
- BB=[diff(B[0],t),diff(B[1],t)];
- return [subst(B,t,L[1]),subst(BB,t,L[1])];
-def ptcombezier(P,Q,T)
- if(type(T)<2){
- if(T<2) T=20; /* default */
- return ptcombezier(P,Q,[0,0,1,T]);
- }
- V=T[2]/2;;
- PB=tobezier(P|div=1);
- PP=[ptbbox(PB[0]),ptbbox(PB[1])];
- QB=tobezier(Q|div=1);
- QQ=[ptbbox(QB[0]),ptbbox(QB[1])];
- for(L=[],I=0;I<2;I++){
- for(J=0;J<2;J++){
- if(!iscombox(PP[I],QQ[J])) continue;
- if(T[3]<=1) return
- [[T[0]+(I+0.5)*V,T[1]+(J+0.5)*V,
- [(PP[I][0][0]+PP[I][0][1])/2,(PP[I][1][0]+PP[I][1][1])/2]]];
- else{
-#if 0
- U=PB[I][0];V=PB[I][length(PB[I])-1];
- if(abs(A=(U[0]-V[0]))>abs(B=(U[1]-V[I])))
- M=mat([1,0],[-B/A,1]);
- else if(U!=V)
- M=mat([1,-A/B],[0,1]);
- else continue;
- if(!iscombox(ptbox(ptaffine(M,PB[I])),ptbox(ptaffine(M,QB[J])))) continue;
- LN=ptcombezier(PB[I],QB[J],[T[0]+I*V,T[1]+J*V,V,T[3]-1]);
-#if 0
- L=append(LN,L);
- if(LN!=[]){
- if(L==[]) L=LN;
- else for(VV=3*V/2^T[3];LN!=[];LN=cdr(LN)){
- for(LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- if(abs(car(LN)[0]-car(LT)[0])<VV&&abs(car(LN)[1]-car(LT)[1])<VV) break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(length(L)>32){ /* Too many points */
- I=J=2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return L;
-def ptcombz(P,Q,T)
- if(P==Q) Q=0;
- if(type(P[0][0])!=4) P=P0=lbezier(P);
- if(Q==0){
- Q=P;F=1;
- }
- else if(type(Q[0][0])!=4) Q=lbezier(Q);
- for(R=[],I=0,Q0=Q;P!=[];P=cdr(P),I++){
- for(J=0,Q=Q0;Q!=[];Q=cdr(Q),J++){
- if(F==1&&I<J+2) break;
- if((RT=ptcombezier(car(P),car(Q),T))!=[]){
- RT=cons([I,J],RT);
- R=cons(RT,R);
- }
- }
- }
- if((Red=getopt(red))==1||Red==2){
- if(type(M=getopt(prec))!=1) M=12;
- for(F=0,T=P0;T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- for(S=car(T);S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- if(type(ST=car(S))==4 && type(ST[0])<2){
- if(F++==0){
- X0=X1=ST[0];Y0=Y1=ST[1];
- }else{
- if(ST[0]<X0) X0=ST[0];
- if(ST[0]>X1) X1=ST[0];
- if(ST[1]<Y0) Y0=ST[1];
- if(ST[1]>Y1) Y1=ST[1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- V0=(X1-X0)/2^M;V1=(Y1-Y2)/2^M;
- for(RR=[],RT=R;RT!=[];RT=cdr(RT))
- for(S=cdr(car(RT));S!=[];S=cdr(S)) RR=cons(car(S)[2],RR);
- RR=ltov(RR);L=length(RR);
- for(I=0;I<L;I++)
- for(K=1,J=I+1;K!=0&&J<L;J++)
- if(abs(RR[I][0]-RR[J][0])<V0 && abs(RR[I][1]-RR[J][1])<V1) RR[I]=K=0;
- R0=[];
- I=L-1;
- if(Red==2){
- for(;I>=0;I--) if(RR[I]!=0) R0=cons(RR[I],R0);
- }else{
- for(RT=R;RT!=[];RT=cdr(RT)){
- R00=[car(RT)[0]];
- for(S=cdr(car(RT));S!=[];S=cdr(S),I--)
- if(RR[L-I-1]!=0) R00=cons(car(S),R00);
- if(length(R00)>1) R0=cons(reverse(R00),R0);
- }
- }
- return R0;
- }
- return reverse(R);
-def draw_bezier(ID,IDX,B)
- if(getopt(init)==1){
- S_FDot=0;
- return;
- }
- if(type(Col=getopt(col))!=1&&Col!=0) Col=0;
- Dot=0;
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))==7){
- if(!Col){
- Col=drawopt(Opt,0);
- if(Col==-1) Col=0;
- }
- T=drawopt(Opt,3);
- if(iand(T,2)){
- M=iand(T,1)?1/8:1/4;
- for(C=Col,Col=I=0;I<20;I+=8)
- Col+=ishift(0xff-(floor((0xff-iand(0xff,ishift(C,I)))*M)),-I);
- }
- if(iand(T,4)) Dot=2; /* 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 */
- else if(iand(T,8)) Dot=4;
- }
- if(type(B)==4 && (type(B[0])==4||type(B[0])==5) && type(B[0][0])<2) B=lbezier(B);
- else if(type(B)==5) B=[vtol(B)];
- for(;B!=[];B=cdr(B)){
- if(vars(F=car(B))==[]){
-#if 1
- if(length(F)<3&&!Dot){ /* line or point */
- if(length(F)>0){
- G=[rint(F[0][0]),rint(F[0][1])];
- if(length(F)==1) draw_obj(ID,IDX,G,Col);
- else{
- G=[G[0],G[1],rint(F[1][0]),rint(F[1][1])];
- draw_obj(ID,IDX,G,Col);
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(length(F)<2) continue;
- F=tobezier(F);
- }
- N=velbezier(F,0);
- N=(N[0]>N[1])?N[0]:N[1];
- if(!N) N=1;
- for(I=0;I<=N;I++,S_FDot++){
- if(Dot!=iand(S_FDot,Dot)) continue;
- G=subst(F,t,I/N);
- G=[rint(G[0]),rint(G[1])];
- if(G!=G0){
- draw_obj(ID,IDX,G,Col);
- G0=G;
- }
- }
- }
- if(S_FDot-->=2^32) S_FDot=0;
- return 0;
-def lbezier(L)
- if((In=getopt(inv))==1||In==2||In==3){
- for(F=0,R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- LT=car(L);
- if(F==car(LT)) R=cons(1,R);
- else{
- if(R!=[]&&F!=0) R=cons(0,R);
- R=cons(G=car(LT),R);
- if(In==3) In==2;
- }
- for(LT=cdr(LT);LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT))
- R=cons(car(LT),R);
- if((F=car(R))==G&&In==1){
- R=cons(-1,cdr(R));
- F=0;
- }
- }
- if(In==3 && car(R)==G) R=cons(-1,cdr(R));
- return reverse(R);
- }
- for(F=0,RT=R=[];L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if(type(T=car(L))==4||type(T)==5){
- if(F==0){
- FT=T;F=1;
- }
- RT=cons(T,RT);
- }else if(T==0){
- if(RT==[]) R=cons(reverse(RT),R);
- RT=[];F=0;
- }else if(T==1){
- if(RT!=[]){
- R=cons(reverse(RT),R);
- RT=[car(RT)];
- }else{
- RT=[];F=0;
- }
- }else if(T==-1){
- RT=cons(FT,RT);
- R=cons(reverse(RT),R);
- RT=[];F=0;
- }
- }
- if(RT!=[]) R=cons(reverse(RT),R);
- return reverse(R);
-def xybezier(L)
- if(L==0 || (LS=length(L))==0) return "";
- Out=str_tb(0,0);
- if(type(VF=getopt(verb))==4){
- if(type(car(VF))>3){
- VFS=VF;VF=1;
- }else{
- VFS=cdr(VF);VF=car(VF);
- }
- }else VFS=["$\\bullet$","$\\times$"];
- if(VF!=1 && VF!=2) VF=0;
- if(!TikZ){
- if(VF) Ob=str_tb(0,0);
- T="\n**\\crv{";
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))==7 && Opt!="") T=T+Opt;
- L00=Q=L[I0=0];S=S1="";
- for(F=0,I=1;I<=LS;I++){
- P=Q;Q=(I==LS)?0:L[I];
- if(type(Q)==4){
- if(F==0){
- S1="";L0=P;F=1;
- continue;
- }else if(F==1)
- F=2;
- else if(F==2){
- S1=S1+"&";
- }
- S1=S1+xypos(P);
- if(VF&&length(VFS)>1) str_tb(xyput([P[0],P[1],VFS[1]]),Ob);
- }else{
- if(Q==0){
- if(F>0){
- str_tb("{"+xypos(L0)+";"+xypos(P)+T+S1+"}};\n",Out);
- if(VF){
- str_tb(xyput([L[0][0],L[0][1],VFS[0]]),Ob);
- if(VF==1) str_tb(xyput([P[0],P[1],VFS[0]]),Ob);
- }
- F=0;
- }
- }else if(Q==1){
- str_tb("{"+xypos(L0)+";"+xypos(P)+T+S1+"}};\n",Out);
- if(VF){
- str_tb(xyput([L[0][0],L[0][1],VFS[0]]),Ob);
- if(VF==1) str_tb(xyput([P[0],P[1],VFS[0]]),Ob);
- }
- F=1;
- }else if(Q==-1){
- if(F==2)
- S1=S1+"&";
- str_tb("{"+xypos(L0)+";"+xypos(L00)+T+S1+xypos(P)+"}};\n",Out);
- if(VF) str_tb(xyput([L[0][0],L[0][1],VFS[0]]),Ob);
- F=0;
- }
- if(F==1){
- if(I<LS-1 && type(L[I+1])<2){
- if(L[I+1]==-1){
- str_tb("{"+xypos(P)+";"+xypos(L00)+T+"}};\n",Out);
- }
- if(VF) str_tb(xyput([P[0][0],P[0][1],VFS[0]]),Ob);
- F=0;
- }
- }
- while(++I<LS && type(L[I])<2);
- if(I>=LS) break;
- if(F==1){
- Q=P;I--;F=0;
- }else L00=Q=L[I];
- }
- }
- }else{
- if(type(T=getopt(cmd))==7){
- if(T!="") T="\\"+T;
- }else T="\\draw";
- if((Rel=getopt(relative))==1) VF=0;
- if(VF) Ob=str_tb(0,0);
- if(type(Opt=getopt(opt))==7 && Opt!="") T=T+"["+Opt+"]";
- Out=str_tb(T,0);
- Q=L[0];
- for(F=M=0,I=1;I<=LS;I++){
- P=Q; Q=(I==LS)?0:L[I];
- if(++M>XYLim){
- str_tb("\n",Out);M=1;
- }
- if(type(Q)==4 || type(Q)==5 || type(Q)==7){
- if(F==0){
- str_tb(" ",Out);
- F=1;
- }else if(F==1){
- str_tb(" .. controls ",Out);
- F=2;
- }else if(F==2){
- str_tb(" and ",Out);
- F=2;
- }
- PP=xypos(P);
- if(Rel==1 && F==2) PP="+"+PP;
- str_tb(PP,Out);
- if(VF&&((F<2)||length(VFS)>1))
- str_tb(xyput([P[0],P[1],(F<2)?VFS[0]:VFS[1]]),Ob);
- }else{
-/* if(I<LS-1) VF=0; */
- if(Q==0||Q==1){
- PP=xypos(P);
- if(Rel==1) PP="+"+PP;
- str_tb(((F==0)?" ":((F==1)?" -- ":" .. "))+PP,Out);
- if(VF) str_tb(xyput([P[0],P[1],VFS[0]]),Ob);
- F=Q;
- }else if(Q==-1){
- PP=xypos(P);
- if(Rel==1) PP="+"+PP;
- if(F==1)
- str_tb("..controls "+PP+" .. cycle",Out);
- else if(F==2)
- str_tb(" and "+PP+" .. cycle",Out);
- if(VF&&length(VFS)>1) str_tb(xyput([P[0],P[1],VFS[1]]),Ob);
- F=0;
- }
- if(F==1){
- if(I<LS-1){
- if(L[I+1]==-1){
- str_tb(" -- cycle",Out);
- I=I+1;
- F=0;
- }
- else if(type(L[I+1])<2) F=0;
- }
- }
- while(++I<LS && type(L[I])<2);
- if(I>=LS) break;
- Q=L[I];
- }
- }
- str_tb(";\n",Out);
- }
- if(VF) str_tb(str_tb(0,Ob),Out);
- return str_tb(0,Out);
-def xybox(L)
- K=length(L);
- P=L[0];Q=L[1];
- if(K==2)
- LL=[ P, [P[0],Q[1]], Q, [Q[0],P[1]] ];
- else{
- R=L[2];
- LL=[ P, R, Q, [P[0]+Q[0]-R[0],P[1]+Q[1]-R[1]] ];
- }
- Opt=getopt();
- SS=getopt(opt);
- FL=getopt(color);
- if(TikZ&&type(SS)<1&&K==2){
- if(type(FL)==4){
- F=FL[0];
- if(length(FL)>1) CMD=FL[1];
- }else if(type(FL)==7) F=FL;
- else F="";
- F=cons(F,["rectangle"]);
- if(CMD) return xyarrow(P,Q|opt=F,cmd=CMD);
- else return xyarrow(P,Q|opt=F);
- }
- if(type(SS)!=7&&!TikZ) Opt=cons(["opt","@{-}"],Opt);
- Opt=cons(["close",1],Opt);
- return xylines(LL|option_list=Opt);
-def xyang(S,P,Q,R)
- Opt=getopt();
- if(type(Prec=getopt(prec))!=1) Prec=0;
- if(type(Q)>2){
- if(R==1||R==-1){ /* p */
- P1=ptcommon([Q,P],[-S,0]);
- S*=R;
- P2=ptcommon([P,P1],[S,@pi/2]);
- P3=ptcommon([P1,P2],[S,@pi/2]);
- return xylines([P1,P2,P3]|option_list=Opt);
- }else if((AR=abs(R))==0||AR==2||AR==3||AR==4){ /* */
- Ang=myarg([Q[0]-P[0],Q[1]-P[1]]);
- if(R<0) Ang+=3.14159;
- ANG=[0.7854,0.5236,1.0472];
- X=(AR==0)?1.5708:ANG[AR-2];
- U=[P[0]+S*dcos(Ang+X),P[1]+S*dsin(Ang+X)];
- V=[P[0]+S*dcos(Ang-X),P[1]+S*dsin(Ang-X)]; /* */
- V=(X==0)?[U,V]:[U,P,V];
- if(getopt(ar)==1) V=append([Q,P,0],V); /* S_ */
- return xylines(V|option_list=Opt);
- }else if(AR>4&&AR<9){
- Ang=myarg([Q[0]-P[0],Q[1]-P[1]]);
- ANG=[0.7854,0.5236,0.3927,0.2618];
- X=ANG[AR-5];
- U=[P[0]+S*dcos(Ang+X),P[1]+S*dsin(Ang+X)];
- V=[P[0]+S*dcos(Ang-X),P[1]+S*dsin(Ang-X)];
- W=ptcommon([P,U],[P,Q]|in=-2);
- W1=[(U[0]+P[0]+W[0])/3,(U[1]+P[1]+W[1])/3];
- W2=[(V[0]+P[0]+W[0])/3,(V[1]+P[1]+W[1])/3];
- L=[U,W1,P,1,W2,V];
- if(getopt(ar)==1) L=append([Q,P,0],L);
- if(type(Sc=getopt(scale))>0){
- if(type(Sc)==1) Sc=[Sc,Sc];
- L=ptaffine(diagm(2,Sc),L);
- }
- Opt=getopt(opt);
- if(type(Opt)>0) OL=[["opt",Opt]];
- else OL=[];
- if(getopt(proc)==1) return append([2,OL],L);
- S=xybezier(L|optilon_list=OL);
- if(getopt(dviout)!=1) return S;
- dviout(S);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if(type(Q)<3){
- X=deval(Q); Y=deval(R);
- }else{
- X=myarg([Q[0]-P[0],Q[1]-P[1]]);
- Y=myarg([R[0]-P[0],R[1]-P[1]]);
- }
- if(Prec>2) N=8;
- else if(Prec==2) N=6;
- else if(Prec==1) N=4;
- else N=3;
- U=deval(@pi)*2/N;
- if(X==Y||Y-X>6.28318){
- for(L=[],I=N-1;I>=0;I--) L=cons([P[0]+S*dcos(I*U),P[1]+S*dsin(I*U)],L);
- return xylines(L|option_list=append([["curve",1],["close",1]],Opt));
- }
- for(M=1;(Y-X)/M>U;M++);
- for(L=[],I=M+1;I>-2;I--){
- Ang=X+(Y-X)*I/M;
- L=cons([P[0]+S*dcos(Ang),P[1]+S*dsin(Ang)],L);
- }
- if(getopt(ar)!=1) return xylines(L|option_list=append([["curve",1],["close",-1]],Opt));
- OL=delopt(Opt,["dviout","opt","proc"]);
- S=xylines(L|option_list=append([["curve",1],["close",-1],["opt",0]],OL));
- T=xylines([P,L[1]]|option_list=cons(["opt",0],OL));
- S=ptaffine("close",[S,T]); /* connect curves */
- if(getopt(opt)==0) return S;
- OL=(type(SS=getopt(opt))>1)?[["opt",SS]]:[];
- if(type(T=getopt(proc))==1 && T>=1 && T<=3) return [1,OL,S];
- if(OL==[]) S=xybezier(S);
- else S=(type(SS)==7)? xybezier(S|opt=SS):xybezier(S|opt=SS[0],cmd=SS[1]);
- if(getopt(dviout)==1) return xyproc(S|dviout=1);
- return S;
-def xyoval(P,L,R)
- if(type(Arg=getopt(arg))!=4 && type(Arg=getopt(deg))==4){
- if(length(Arg)>2)
- Arg=[@pi*Arg[0]/180,@pi*Arg[1]/180,@pi*Arg[2]/180];
- else
- Arg=[@pi*Arg[0]/180,@pi*Arg[1]/180];
- }
- if(type(Arg)==4){
- Arg0=deval(Arg[0]); Arg1=deval(Arg[1]);
- if(length(Arg)>2) Arg2=deval(Arg[2]);
- if(Arg1<Arg0 || Arg0<-7) return 0;
- }
- if(type(Prec=getopt(prec))!=0) Prec=0;
- if((Ar=getopt(ar))!=1) Ar=0;
- L=xyang(L,[0,0],Arg0,Arg1|prec=Prec,opt=0,ar=Ar);
- Sc=getopt(scale);
- if(type(Sc=getopt(scale))<1) Sc=[1,1];
- else if(type(Sc)==1) Sc=[Sc,Sc];
- M=mat([1,0],[0,R]);
- L=ptaffine(M,L|shift=P);
- M=mat([Sc[0],0],[0,Sc[1]]);
- L=ptaffine(M,L|arg=Arg2);
- if((Opt=getopt(opt))==0) return L;
- Opt=(type(Opt)>1)? [["opt2",Opt]]:[];
- if(getopt(proc)==1) return [1,Opt,L];
- S=xybezier(L|option_list=getopt());
- if(getopt(dviout)==1){
- xyproc(S|dviout=1);
- return 1;
- }
- return S;
-def xycirc(P,R)
- ST=getopt(opt);
- if(type(ST)<0) ST="";
- if(type(Arg=getopt(arg))!=4 && type(Arg=getopt(deg))==4){
- Arg=[@pi*Arg[0]/180,@pi*Arg[1]/180];
- }
-/* Is it OK?
- if(TikZ==0 && XYcm==1){
- R*=10; P=[P[0]*10,P[1]*10];
- }
- if(type(Arg)==4){
- Arg0=deval(Arg[0]); Arg1=deval(Arg[1]);
- if(Arg1<=Arg0 || Arg0<-7 || Arg1-Arg0>7) return 0;
- if(type(ST)==7)
- S=xygraph([R*cos(x)+P[0],R*sin(x)+P[1]],-4,[Arg0,Arg1],[P[0]-R-1,P[0]+R+1],
- [P[1]-R-1,P[1]+R+1]|opt=ST);
- else
- S=xygraph([R*cos(x)+P[0],R*sin(x)+P[1]],-4,[Arg0,Arg1],[P[0]-R-1,P[0]+R+1],
- [P[1]-R-1,P[1]+R+1]);
- if(getopt(close)==1){
- S=S+xyline([0,0],
- [deval(subst(R*cos(x)+P[0],x,Arg0)),deval(subst(R*sin(x)+P[0],x,Arg0))]);
- S=S+xyline([0,0],
- [deval(subst(R*cos(x)+P[0],x,Arg1)),deval(subst(R*sin(x)+P[0],x,Arg1))]);
- }
- return S;
- }
- if(TikZ){
- SP="";
- if(length(P)>2) SP=P[2];
- if(type(SP)!=7) SP="$"+my_tex_form(SP)+"$";
- if(R==0){
- if(ST!="") ST=ST+",";
- return "\\node ["+ST+"circle,draw]"+xypos([P[0],P[1]])+ "{"+SP+"};\n";
- }
- if(type(R)!=7) R=rtostr(deval(R));
- if(ST!="") ST="["+ST+"]";
- S="\\draw "+ST+xypos([P[0],P[1]])+" circle [radius="+R+"]";
- if(SP!="") S=S+" node at"+xypos([P[0],P[1]])+" {"+SP+"}";
- return S+";\n";
- }
- S="{"+xypos([P[0],P[1]]);
- if(length(P)>2){
- SP=P[2];
- if(type(P)!=7) SP=my_tex_form(SP);
- S=S+" *+{"+SP+"}";
- }
- S =S+" *\\cir";
- if(R!=0){
- R=deval(R);
- S=S+"<"+rtostr(R)+((XYcm)?"cm>":"mm>");
- }
- S = S+"{";
- if(type(ST)==7) S=S+ST;
- return S+"}};\n";
-def ptaffine(M,L)
- if(type(L)!=4&&type(L)!=5){
- erno(0);return L;
- }
- if(type(M)==7){ /* connect lists */
- if(M=="reverse"){
- for(LO=LR=[],F=0,LT=L; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT)){
- if(type(P=car(LT))==4 || type(P)==7){
- LR=cons(P,LR);
- continue;
- }else{
- if(P==-1){
- LL=reverse(LR);
- LO=append(reverse(cons(-1,cdr(LL))),LO);
- LO=cons(car(LL),LO);
- LR=[];
- }else if(P==1){
- LR=cons(car(LR),cons(1,cdr(LR)));
- }else if(P==0 || length(LT)==1){
- if(LO!=[] && car(LO)!=0 && (type(car(LO))==4 || car(LO)==1))
- LO=cons(0,LO);
- LO=append(LR,LO);
- if(length(LT)>1&&length(LO)>0&&car(LO)!=0) LO=cons(0,LO);
- LR=[];
- }
- }
- }
- return append(LR,LO);
- }
- if(type(L[0][0])!=4) L=[L];
- LO=[];
- if(M=="connect" || M=="close" || M=="loop"){
- Top=car(car(L));
- for(K=1,LL=L; LL!=[]; LL=cdr(LL)){
- for(F=0,LT=car(LL); LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT),F++){
- if((LTT=car(LT))==0) LTT=1;
- if(F==0 && LO!=[]){
- LO0=car(LO);
- if(car(LO)!=1&&length(LO)>1) LO=cons(1,LO);
- if(LTT==LO0) continue;
- else LO=cons(1,cons(LTT, LO));
- }else LO=cons(LTT, LO);
- }
- }
- if(M!="connect"){
- if(Top==car(LO) || car(LO)==1 || M=="loop")
- LO=cons(-1,cdr(LO));
- else
- LO=cons(-1,cons(1,LO));
- }
- return reverse(LO);
- }
- if(M=="union"){
- for(LL=reverse(L); LL!=[]; LL=cdr(LL)){
- if(LO!=[]) LO=cons(0,LO);
- LO=append(car(LL),LO);
- }
- L=LO;
- }
- return L;
- }
- if(type(Arg=getopt(deg))==1)
- Arg=@pi*Arg/180;
- else Arg=getopt(arg);
- if(type(Arg)==2) Arg=deval(Arg);
- if(type(Arg)==1)
- M=M*mat([dcos(Arg),-dsin(Arg)],[dsin(Arg),dcos(Arg)]);
- if(type(Sft=getopt(org))==4){
- Sft=ltov(Sft);
- Sft-=M*Sft;
- }else Sft=ltov([0,0]);
- if(type(V=getopt(shift))==4)
- Sft+=ltov(V);
- if(getopt(proc)==1){
- if(Sft!=0&&ltov(Sft)!=[0,0]) Sft=[["shift",vtol(Sft)]];
- else Sft=[];
- for(LO=[],LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- if(type(car(T=car(LT)))<2){
- if((P=car(T))==0){ /* exedraw 0 */
- V=[[T[1][0],T[2][0]],[T[1][0],T[2][1]],[T[1][1],T[2][0]],[T[1][1],T[2][1]]];
- V=ptbbox(ptaffine(M,V|option_list=Sft));
- L1=cdr(cdr(cdr(T)));
- LO=cons(append([0,V[0],V[1]],L1),LO);
- continue;
- }else if(P==1){ /* exedraw 1 */
- L1=[];
- for(TT=cdr(cdr(T));TT!=[];TT=cdr(TT)){
- D=car(TT);
- if(type(D[0][0])==4){
- for(L2=[],DT=D;DT!=[];DT=cdr(DT))
- L2=cons(ptaffine(M,car(DT)|option_list=Sft),L2);
- L1=cons(reverse(L2),L1);
- }else L1=cons(ptaffine(M,D|option_list=Sft),L1);
- }
- LO=cons(append([1,T[1]],reverse(L1)),LO);
- continue;
- }else if(P>=2 && P<=5){
- L1=ptaffine(M,cdr(cdr(T))|optilon_list=Sft);
- LO=cons(append([P,T[1]],L1),LO);
- continue;
- }
- }
- LO=cons(T,LO);
- }
- return reverse(LO);
- }
- F=0;
- if(type(L)==4){
- for(LT=L; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT)){
- if((T=type(car(LT)))==4||T==5){
- F=1; break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(F==0) return (Sft==0)?ptaffine(M,[L])[0]:ptaffine(M,[L]|shift=vtol(Sft))[0];
- for(LO=[],LT=L; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT)){
- if(((T=type(P=car(LT)))!=4 && T!=5)||type(P[0])>3) LO=cons(P,LO);
- else{
- if(T==4) P=ltov(P);
- V=M*P;
- if(Sft!=0) V+=Sft;
- if(T==4) V=vtol(V);
- LO=cons(V,LO);
- }
- }
- return reverse(LO);
-def ptlattice(M,N,X,Y)
- if(type(S=getopt(scale))!=1) S=1;
- if(type(Cond=getopt(cond))!=4) Cond=[];
- Line=getopt(line);
- if(Line==1 || Line==2) F=newmat(M,N);
- else Line=0;
- if(type(Org=getopt(org))==4) Org=ltov(Org);
- else Org=newvect(length(X));
- X=ltov(X); Y=ltov(Y);
- for(L=[],I=M-1;I>=0;I--){
- for(P0=P1=0,J=N-1;J>=0;J--){
- P=Org+I*X+J*Y;
- for(C=Cond; C!=[]; C=cdr(C))
- if(subst(car(C),x,P[0],y,P[1])<0) break;
- if(C!=[]) continue;
- if(Line) F[I][J]=1;
- else L=cons(vtol(S*P),L);
- }
- }
- if(Line==0) return L;
- for(I=M-1;I>=0;I--){
- for(T0=0,T1=J=N-1;J>=0;J--){
- if((K=F[I][J])!=0){
- if(T0==0) T0=J;
- else T1=J;
- }
- if(K==0 || T1==0){
- if(T1<T0){
- L=cons(vtol(S*(Org+I*X+T0*Y)), L);
- L=cons(vtol(S*(Org+I*X+T1*Y)), L);
- L=cons(0,L);
- }
- T0=0; T1=N-1;
- }
- }
- }
- for(J=N-1;J>=0;J--){
- for(T0=0,T1=I=M-1;I>=0;I--){
- if((K=F[I][J])!=0){
- if(T0==0) T0=I;
- else T1=I;
- }
- if(K==0 || T1==0){
- if(T1<T0){
- L=cons(vtol(S*(Org+T0*X+J*Y)), L);
- L=cons(vtol(S*(Org+T1*X+J*Y)), L);
- L=cons(0,L);
- }
- T0=0; T1=M-1;
- }
- }
- }
- return cdr(L);
-def ptpolygon(N,R)
- if(type(S=getopt(scale))!=1) S=1;
- if(type(Org=getopt(org))!=4) Org=[0,0];
- Pi=deval(@pi);
- if(type(Arg=getopt(deg))==1)
- Arg=Pi*Arg/180;
- else Arg=getopt(arg);
- if(type(Arg)==2) Arg=deval(Arg);
- if(type(Arg)!=1) Arg=0;
- Arg -= Pi*(1/2+1/N);
- D=Pi*2/N;
- for(L=[],I=N-1; I>=0; I--)
- L=cons([S*(Org[0]+R*dcos(Arg+I*D)),S*(Org[1]+R*dsin(Arg+I*D))],L);
- return L;
-def ptwindow(L,X,Y)
- if(type(S=getopt(scale))==1){
- X=[S*X[0],S*X[1]]; Y=[S*Y[0],S*Y[1]];
- }
- for(R=[],LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- P=car(LT);
- if(P[0]<X[0] || P[0]>X[1] || P[1]<Y[0] || P[1]>Y[1])
- R=cons(0,R);
- else R=cons(P,R);
- }
- return reverse(R);
-def lninbox(L,W)
- if(L[0]==L[1]) return 0;
- R=newvect(2);C=newvect(2);
- for(J=0;J<2;J++){
- C[J]=L[1][J]-L[0][J];
- if(C[J]!=0){
- R[J]=[(W[J][0]-L[0][J])/C[J],(W[J][1]-L[0][J])/C[J]];
- if(R[J][0]>R[J][1]) R[J]=[R[J][1],R[J][0]];
- }
- }
- if(R[0]==0) R[0]=R[1];
- if(R[1]==0) R[1]=R[0];
- S0=(R[0][0]<R[1][0])?R[1][0]:R[0][0];
- S1=(R[0][1]<R[1][1])?R[0][1]:R[1][1];
- if(getopt(in)==1){
- if(S0<0) S0=0;
- if(S1>1) S1=1;
- }
- if(S0>S1) return 0;
- return [[L[0][0]+C[0]*S0,L[0][1]+C[1]*S0],[L[0][0]+C[0]*S1,L[0][1]+C[1]*S1]];
-def ptbbox(L)
- J=length(L[0]);
- if((Box=getopt(box))==1){
- for(R=[],I=0;I<J;I++){
- P=car(LT=L)[I][0];Q=car(LT)[I][1];
- for(;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- if((type(T=car(LT))==4 || type(T)==5) && length(T)==J){
- if(T[I][0]<P) P=T[I][0];
- if(T[I][1]>Q) Q=T[I][1];
- }
- }
- R=cons([P,Q],R);
- }
- }else if(type(Box)==4) return ptbbox([ptbbox(L),Box]|box=1);
- else{
- for(R=[],I=0;I<J;I++){
- P=Q=car(LT=L)[I];LT=cdr(LT);
- for(;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- if((type(T=car(LT))==4||type(T)==5) && type(T[0])<2 && length(T)==J){
- if((V=T[I])<P) P=V;
- else if(V>Q) Q=V;
- }
- }
- R=cons([P,Q],R);
- }
- }
- return reverse(R);
-def iscombox(S,T)
- for(;S!=[];S=cdr(S),T=cdr(T))
- if(car(S)[0]>car(T)[1] || car(S)[1]<car(T)[0]) return 0;
- return 1;
-def ptcopy(L,V)
- if(type(V[0])!=4) V=[V];
- for(F=0,LL=[]; V!=[]; V=cdr(V)){
- if(F) LL=append(LL,[0]);
- F++;
- LL=append(LL,ptaffine(1,L|shift=car(V)));
- }
-def average(L)
- L=os_md.m2l(L|flat=1);
- M0=M1=car(L);
- for(I=SS=0, LT=L; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT), I++){
- S+=(V=car(LT));
- SS+=V^2;
- if(V<M0) M0=V;
- else if(V>M1) M1=V;
- }
- SS=dsqrt(SS/I-S^2/I^2);
- S=[deval(S/I),SS,I,M0,M1];
- if(isint(N=getopt(sint))) S=sint(S,N);
- return S;
-def m2ll(M)
- for(R=[],I=size(M)[0]-1; I>=0; I--)
- R=cons(vtol(M[I]),R);
- return R;
-def madjust(M,W)
- if(type(Null=getopt(null))<0) Null=0;
- if(type(M)==4 && type(M[0])==4){
- M=lv2m(M|null=Null);
- return m2ll(madjust(M,W|null=Null));
- }
- S=size(M);
- if(W<0){
- W=-W;
- T0=ceil(S[0]/W);
- T1=S[1]*W;
- N=newmat(T0,T1);
- for(I=0; I<T0; I++){
- for(K=0; K<W; K++){
- II=K*T0+I;
- for(J=0; J<S[1]; J++)
- N[I][S[1]*K+J]=(II<S[0])?M[II][J]:Null;
- }
- }
- }else{
- T1=W;
- T0=S[0]*(D=ceil(S[1]/T1));
- N=newmat(T0,T1);
- for(K=0; K<D; K++){
- for(J=0; J<W;J++){
- JJ=W*K+J;
- for(I=0; I<S[0]; I++)
- N[S[0]*K+I][J]=(JJ<S[1])?M[I][JJ]:Null;
- }
- }
- }
- return N;
-def texcr(N)
- if(!isint(N) || N<0 || N>127) return N;
- S=(iand(N,8))? "\\allowdisplaybreaks":"";
- if(iand(N,2)) S=S+"\\\\";
- if(iand(N,16)) S=S+"\\pause";
- if(iand(N,1)) S=S+"\n";
- if(iand(N,4)) S=S+"& ";
- else if(!iand(N,1)) S=S+" ";
- if(iand(N,64)) S=S+"=";
- if(iand(N,32)) S=","+S;
- return S;
-def ltotex(L)
- /* extern TeXLim; */
- if(type(L)==5)
- L = vtol(L);
- if(type(L) != 4)
- return my_tex_form(L);
- Opt=getopt(opt);
- Pre=getopt(pre);
- if(type(Var=getopt(var))<1) Var=0;
- Cr2="\n";
- if(type(Cr=getopt(cr))==4){
- Cr2=Cr[1];Cr=Cr[0];
- }
- if(isint(Cr)) Cr=texcr(Cr);
- if(type(Cr)!=7) Cr="\\\\\n & "; /* Cr=7 */
- if(type(Opt)==7) Opt=[Opt];
- if(type(Opt)!=4)
- Op = -1;
- else{
- Op=findin(Opt[0],["spt","GRS","Pfaff","Fuchs","vect","cr","text","spts","spts0",
- "dform","tab", "graph","coord"]);
- Opt=cdr(Opt);
- }
- if(Op==0){ /* spt */
- Out = str_tb("\\left\\{\n ",0);
- for(CC=0; L!=[]; L=cdr(L), CC++){
- if(CC>0) str_tb(",\\, ",Out);
- TP=car(L);
- if(Op!=0)
- str_tb(my_tex_form(TP),Out);
- else if(TP[0]==1)
- str_tb(my_tex_form(TP[1]),Out);
- else
- str_tb(["[", my_tex_form(TP[1]), "]_", rtotex(TP[0])],Out);
- }
- str_tb("%\n\\right\\}\n",Out);
- }else if(Op==1){ /* GRS */
- Out = string_to_tb("\\begin{Bmatrix}\n");
- if(type(Pre)==7) str_tb(Pre,Out);
- MC=length(M=ltov(L));
- for(ML=0, I=length(M); --I>=0; ){
- if(length(M[I]) > ML) ML=length(M[I]);
- }
- for(I=0; I<ML; I++){
- for(CC=J=0; J<MC; J++, CC++){
- if(length(M[J]) <= I){
- if(CC > 0) str_tb(" & ",Out);
- }else if(M[J][I][0] <= 1){
- if(M[J][I][0] == 0) str_tb(" & ",Out);
- else
- str_tb([(!CC)?" ":" & ", my_tex_form(M[J][I][1])], Out);
- }else
- str_tb([((!CC)?" [":" & ["), my_tex_form(M[J][I][1]), "]_",
- rtotex(M[J][I][0])], Out);
- }
- str_tb((I<ML-1)?"\\\\\n":"\n", Out);
- }
- str_tb("\\end{Bmatrix}",Out);
- }else if(Op==2){ /* Pfaff */
- V=monototex(Opt[0]);
- Out = string_to_tb("d"+V+"= \\Biggl(");
- Opt=cdr(Opt);
- II=length(Opt);
- for(I=0; I<II; I++){
- str_tb([(I>0)?" + ":" ",mtotex(L[I]),"\\frac{d",monototex(Opt[I]),"}{",
- my_tex_form(Opt[I]),(I==II-1)?"}\n":"}\n\\\\&\n"],Out);
- }
- str_tb(["\\Biggr)",V,"\n"],Out);
- }else if(Op==3){ /* Fuchs */
- Out = string_to_tb("\\frac{d");
- V=my_tex_form(Opt[0]);
- str_tb([V,"}{d",my_tex_form(Opt[1]),"}="] ,Out);
- Opt=cdr(Opt); Opt=cdr(Opt);
- II=length(Opt);
- for(I=0; I<II; I++){
- str_tb([(I>0)?" +":"\\Biggl(", " \\frac{",
- my_tex_form(L[I]),"}{", my_tex_form(Opt[I]),"}\n"],Out);
- }
- str_tb(["\\Biggr)",V,"\n"],Out);
- }else if(Op==4){ /* vect */
- Out=str_tb(mtotex(matc(L)|lim=0,var=Var),0);
- }else if(Op==5 || Op==6){ /* cr or text */
- Out = str_tb(0,0);
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))!=1) Lim=0;
- else if(Lim<30&&Lim>0) Lim=TeXLim;
- Str=getopt(str);
- if(length(Opt)==1 && (car(Opt)=="spts" || car(Opt)=="spts0") && type(Str)!=1)
- Str=2;
- for(K=I=0; L!=[]; I++, L=cdr(L)){
- LT=car(L);
- if((!Lim||Op==6)&&I>0) str_tb((Op==5)?Cr:"\n",Out);
- if(Op==6){
- if(type(LT)==7){
- str_tb([LT," "],Out);
- I=-1;
- continue;
- }
- str_tb("$",Out);
- }
- KK=0;
- if(Str>0 && type(LT)==4 && Opt!=[])
- S=ltotex(LT|opt=car(Opt),lim=0,str=Str,cr=Cr2,var=Var);
- else if(type(LT)==6){
- if(Lim>0){
- S=mtotex(LT|var=Var,lim=0,len=1);
- KK=S[1];
- S=S[0];
- }else S=mtotex(LT|var=Var,lim=0);
- }else if(type(LT)==3 || type(LT)==2)
- S=fctrtos(LT|TeX=2,lim=0,var=Var);
- else S=my_tex_form(LT);
- if(Op!=6&&I>0&&Lim){
- if(Lim<0){
- if(I%(-Lim)==0)
- str_tb((Op==5)?Cr:"\n",Out);
- }else if((K+=(KK=(KK)?KK:texlen(S)))>Lim){
- str_tb((Op==5)?Cr:"\n",Out);
- K=KK;
- }
- }
- str_tb(S,Out);
- if(Op==6) str_tb("$",Out);
- }
- }else if(Op==7||Op==8){ /* spts, spts0 */
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))!=1 || (Lim<30 && Lim!=0))
- Lim=TeXLim;
- Str=getopt(str);
- Out = str_tb(0,0);
- for(K=0; L!=[]; L=cdr(L)){
- LT=car(L);
- KK=0;
- if(type(LT)==7 && Str==1) S=LT;
- else if(type(LT)==3 || type(LT)==2)
- S=fctrtos(LT|TeX=2,lim=0,var=Var);
- else if(type(LT)==6){
- if(Lim){
- S=mtotex(LT|var=Var,lim=0,len=1);
- KK=S[1];
- S=S[0];
- }else S=mtotex(LT|var=Var,lim=0);
- }else
- S=my_tex_form(LT);
- if(Lim!=0){
- if(!KK) KK=texlen(S);
- if(K>0 && K+KK>Lim){
- str_tb(Cr,Out);
- K=0;
- }
- }
- if(K>0){
- str_tb((Op==7)?"\\ ":" ",Out);
- if(type(LT)>3 && type(LT)<7) str_tb("%\n",Out);
- }
- str_tb(S,Out);
- K+=KK;
- if(OP==7) K++;
- }
- }else if(Op==9){ /* dform */
- Out=str_tb(0,0);
- for(I=0;L!=[];L=cdr(L),I++){
- for(J=0,LT=car(L); LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT),J++){
- if(J==0){
- if((V=car(LT))==0) continue;
- if(I>0){
- if(type(V)==1){
- if(V<0){
- str_tb("-",Out);
- V=-V;
- }
- else str_tb("+",Out);
- if(V==1 && length(LT)>1) continue;
- str_tb(monototex(V),Out);
- continue;
- }
- else str_tb("+",Out);
- }
- }else if(J>0) str_tb((J>1)?"\\wedge d":"\\,d",Out);
- V=monototex(car(LT));
- if(V<"-" || V>=".") str_tb(V,Out);
- else str_tb(["(",V,")"],Out);
- }
- }
- }else if(Op==10 && type(L)==4 && type(car(L))==4){ /* tab */
- if(type(Null=getopt(null))<0) Null="";
- if(getopt(vert)==1){
- M=lv2m(L|null=Null);
- L=m2ll(mtranspose(M));
- }
- if(type(W=getopt(width))==1)
- L=madjust(L,W|null=Null);
- LV=ltov(L);
- S=length(LV);
-#if 1
- if(type(T=getopt(left))==4){
- T=str_times(T,S);
- for(L=[],I=0;I<S;I++){
- L=cons(cons(car(T),LV[I]),L);
- T=cdr(T);
- }
- LV=reverse(L);
- }
- if(type(T=getopt(right))==4){
- T=str_times(T,S);
- for(L=[],I=0;I<S;I++){
- L=cons(append(LV[I],[car(T)]),L);
- T=cdr(T);
- }
- LV=reverse(L);
- }
- for(I=CS=0; I<S; I++)
- if(length(LV[I])>CS) CS=length(LV[I]);
- if(type(T=getopt(top))==4){
- LV=cons(str_times(T,CS),vtol(LV));
- S++;
- }
- if(type(T=getopt(last))==4){
- LV=append(vtol(LV),[str_times(T,CS)]);
- S++;
- }
- for(I=CS=0; I<S; I++)
- if(length(LV[I])>CS) CS=length(LV[I]);
- if(type(Title=getopt(title))!=7) Title="";
- if(type(Vline=getopt(vline))!=4) Vline=[0,CS];
- else Vline=subst(Vline,z,CS);
- for(VV=[],VT=Vline;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- if(type(T=car(VT))==4 && T[1]>0){
- for(I=T[0];I<=CS;I+=T[1]) VV=cons(I,VV);
- }else VV=cons(T,VV);
- }
- Vline=qsort(VV);
- Out=str_tb("\\begin{tabular}{",0);
- if(type(Al=getopt(align))==7 && str_len(Al)>1){
- str_tb(Al,Out);
- }else{
- if(type(Al)!=7 || str_len(Al)<1) Al="r";
- for(I=0;I<=CS;I++){
- if(I!=0) str_tb(Al,Out);
- while(Vline!=[] && car(Vline)==I){
- str_tb("|",Out);
- Vline=cdr(Vline);
- }
- }
- }
- str_tb("}",Out);
- if(Title!="")
- str_tb("\n\\multicolumn{"+rtostr(CS)+"}{c}{"+Title+"}\\\\",Out);
- if(type(Hline=getopt(hline))!=4) Hline=[0,S];
- else Hline=subst(Hline,z,S);
- for(VV=[],VT=Hline;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- if(type(T=car(VT))==4 && T[1]>0){
- for(I=T[0];I<=S;I+=T[1]) VV=cons(I,VV);
- }else VV=cons(T,VV);
- }
- Hline=qsort(VV);
- while(Hline!=[] && car(Hline)==0){
- str_tb(" \\hline\n",Out);
- Hline=cdr(Hline);
- }
- if(type(getopt(left))==4) CS++;
- if(type(getopt(right))==4) CS++;
- if(type(T=getopt(top))==4){
- LV=cons(str_times(T,CS),vtol(LV));
- S++;
- }
- if(type(T=getopt(last))==4){
- LV=append(vtol(LV),[str_times(T,CS)]);
- S++;
- }
- if(type(T=getopt(left))==4){
- T=str_times(T,S);
- for(L=[],I=0;I<S;I++){
- L=cons(cons(car(T),LV[I]),L);
- T=cdr(T);
- }
- LV=reverse(L);
- }
- if(type(T=getopt(right))==4){
- T=str_times(T,S);
- for(L=[],I=0;I<S;I++){
- L=cons(append(LV[I],[car(T)]),L);
- T=cdr(T);
- }
- LV=reverse(L);
- }
- for(I=0; I<S; I++){
- for(C=0,LT=LV[I];C<CS; C++){
- if(LT!=[]){
- P=car(LT);
- if(type(P)!=7) P="$"+my_tex_form(P)+"$";
- if(P!="") str_tb(P,Out);
- LT=cdr(LT);
- }
- if(C<CS-1) str_tb("& ",Out);
- }
- str_tb("\\\\",Out);
- while(Hline!=[] && car(Hline)==I+1){
- str_tb(" \\hline",Out);
- Hline=cdr(Hline);
- }
- str_tb("\n",Out);
- }
- str_tb("\\end{tabular}\n",Out);
- }else if(Op==11){ /* graph */
- if(type(Strip=getopt(strip))!=1) Strip=0;
- if(type(MX=getopt(max))!=1) MX=0;
- if(type(ML=getopt(mult))!=1) ML=0;
- if((REL=getopt(relative))!=1) REL=0;
- CL=getopt(color);
- OL=delopt(getopt(),["color","strip","mult"]);
- if(ML==1&&type(CL)==4){
- LL=L[1];L=L[0];K=length(L);S=T="";
- if(!MX){
- MX=vector(length(L[0]));
- for(LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- for(I=0,LTT=car(LT);LTT!=[];I++,LTT=cdr(LTT)){
- if(REL==1) MX[I]+=car(LTT);
- else if(MX[I]<car(LTT)) MX[I]=car(LTT);
- }
- }
- MX=lmax(MX);
- OL=cons(["max",MX],OL);
- }
- if(REL==1) MX=newvect(length(L[0]));
- for(I=0;I<K;I++){
- for(R=[],J=length(L[I]);--J>=0;){
- if(REL==1){
- R=cons([MX[J],V=MX[J]+L[I][J]],R);
- MX[J]=V;
- }else R=cons([(!I)?0:L[I-1][J],L[I][J]],R);
- }
- OP=cons(["color",CL[I]],OL);
- S+=ltotex([R,LL]|option_list=cons(["value",0],cons(["strip",(!I)?1:2],OP)));
- T+=ltotex([R,LL]|option_list=cons(["strip",3],OP));
- }
- return(!Strip)?xyproc(S+T):(S+T);
- }else if(!TikZ) CL=0;
- if(type(Line=getopt(line))!=1){
- if(type(Line)==4){
- if(type(Line[0])==1 && (type(Line[1])==7 || type(Line[1])==1)){
- Opt=Line[1]; Line=Line[0];
- }else if(ML==1){
- OL=delopt(OL,"line");
- LL=L[1];L=L[0];K=length(L);S="";
- if(!MX){
- MX=newvect(length(L[0]));
- for(LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)){
- for(I=0,LTT=car(LT);LTT!=[];I++,LTT=cdr(LTT)){
- if(REL==1) MX[I]+=car(LTT);
- else if(MX[I]<car(LTT)) MX[I]=car(LTT);
- }
- }
- MX=lmax(MX);
- OL=cons(["max",MX],OL);
- }
- for(I=0;I<K;I++)
- S+=ltotex([L[I],LL]|option_list
- =cons(["line",Line[I]],cons(["strip",(!I)?1:2],OL)));
- return(!Strip)?xyproc(S):S;
- }
- }else Line=0;
- }else Opt="@{-}";
- Width=8; Hight=3; WRet=1/2; HMerg=(getopt(horiz)==1)?0.3:0.2;
- if(!TikZ){
- Width*=10; Hight*=10; HMerg*=10;
- }
- VMerg=HMerg;
- if(type(Shift=getopt(shift))!=1)
- Shift=0;
- if(type(V=getopt(size))==4){
- Width=V[0];Hight=V[1];
- if(length(V)>2) WRet=V[2];
- if(length(V)>3) VMerg=VMerg=V[3];
- if(length(V)>4) HMerg=V[4];
- }
- Val=getopt(value);
- if(!isint(Val)) Val=-1;
- if(type(Line=getopt(line))!=1){
- if(type(Line)==4 && type(Line[0])==1 && (type(Line[1])==7 || type(Line[1])==1)){
- Opt=Line[1]; Line=Line[0];
- }else Line=0;
- }else Opt="@{-}";
- if(type(car(L))==4){
- LL=L[1]; L=L[0];
- }else LL=[];
- if(Line==-1){
- for(Sum=0, LT=L; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT)){
- if((S=car(LT))<=0) return 0;
- Sum+=S;
- }
- for(R=[],LT=L;LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT)) R=cons(car(LT)/Sum,R);
- R=reverse(R);
- Opt0=Opt*2/3;
- Out=str_tb((Strip>0)?0:xyproc(1),0);
- if(type(CL)!=4) str_tb(xylines(ptpolygon(6,Opt)|close=1,curve=1),Out);
- for(S=0,RT=R,LT=LL;RT!=[];RT=cdr(RT)){
- SS=S+RT[0];
- if(type(CL)==4){
- str_tb(xyang(Opt,[0,0],(0.25-SS)*6.2832,(0.25-S)*6.2832|ar=1,opt=car(CL)),Out);
- if(length(CL)>0) CL=cdr(CL);
- }else str_tb(xyline([0,0],[Opt*dsin(S*6.2832),Opt*dcos(S*6.2832)]),Out);
- T=(S+SS)/2;
- S=SS;
- if(LT!=[]){
- str_tb(xyput([Opt0*dsin(T*6.2832),Opt0*dcos(T*6.2832),car(LT)]),Out);
- LT=cdr(LT);
- }
- }
- if(!Strip) str_tb(xyproc(0),Out);
- return str_tb(0,Out);
- }
- if(MX==0){
- for(MX=0,LT=L; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT))
- if(car(LT)>MX) MX=car(LT);
- }
- MX-=Shift;
- S=length(L);
- WStep=Width/S;
- WWStep=WStep*WRet;
- HStep=(Hight<0)?-Hight:Hight/MX;
- if(LL!=[]&&length(LL)==S-1) WS2=WStep/2;
- else WS2=0;
- Out=str_tb((Strip>0)?0:xyproc(1),0);
- Hori=getopt(horiz);
- if(Strip<2){
- if(Hori==1) str_tb(xyline([0,0],[0,Width-WStep+WWStep]),Out);
- else str_tb(xyline([0,0],[Width-WStep+WWStep,0]),Out);
- }
- for(I=0,LT=L;LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT),I++){
- XP=WStep*I; XPM=XP+WWStep/2;
- if(type(LTT=car(LT))==4){
- YP0=(car(LTT)-Shift)*HStep;YP=(LTT[1]-Shift)*HStep;
- VL=LTT[1];
- if(REL) VL-=LTT[0];
- }else{
- YP0=0;YP=(LTT-Shift)*HStep;VL=LTT;
- }
- if(Hori==1){
- if(Line!=0){
- if(I>0)
- str_tb(xyarrow([XPM,YP],[XPM-WStep,YPP]|opt=Opt),Out);
- if(Val!=0)
- str_tb(xyput([YP+HMerg, XPM,car(LT)]),Out);
- if(Line==2)
- str_tb(xyput([YP,XPM,"$\\bullet$"]),Out);
- }else if(YP!=0 || Val==1){
- if(Strip!=3){
- if(CL) str_tb(xybox([[YP,XP+WWStep], [YP0,XP]]|color=CL),Out);
- else str_tb(xybox([[YP,XP+WWStep],[YP0,XP]]),Out);
- }
- if(Val!=0) str_tb(xyput([(YP<0||REL==1)?(YP-HMerg):(YP+HMerg),XPM,VL]),Out);
- }
- if(LL!=[]&&I<length(LL)&&Strip<2) str_tb(xyput([-VMerg,XPM+WS2,LL[I]]),Out);
- }else{
- if(Line!=0){
- if(I>0)
- str_tb(xyarrow([XPM-WStep,YPP],[XPM,YP]|opt=Opt),Out);
- if(Val!=0)
- str_tb(xyput([XPM,YP+HMerg,car(LT)]),Out);
- if(Line==2)
- str_tb(xyput([XPM,YP,"$\\bullet$"]),Out);
- }else if(YP!=0 || Val==1){
- if(Strip!=3){
- if(CL) str_tb(xybox([[XP,YP0],[XP+WWStep,YP]]|color=CL),Out);
- else str_tb(xybox([[XP,YP0],[XP+WWStep,YP]]),Out);
- }
- if(Val!=0) str_tb(xyput([XPM,(YP<0||REL==1)?(YP-HMerg):(YP+HMerg),VL]),Out);
- }
- if(LL!=[]&&I<length(LL)&&Strip<2) str_tb(xyput([XPM+WS2,-VMerg,LL[I]]),Out);
- }
- }
- if(!Strip)str_tb(xyproc(0),Out);
- }else if(Op==12){ /* coord */
- Out=str_tb("(",0);
- for(LT=L;;){
- X=car(LT);
- if(type(X)>3 || imag(X)==0) str_tb(my_tex_form(X),Out);
- else{
- XR=real(X);XI=imag(X);
- S=monototex(imag(X));
- if(S=="1") S="";
- else if(S=="- 1") S="-";
- if(getopt(cpx)==2) S=S+"\\sqrt{-1}";
- else S=S+"i";
- if(XR!=0){
- if(str_char(S,0,"-")==0) S=monototex(XR)+S;
- else S=monototex(XR)+"+"+S;
- }
- str_tb(S,Out);
- }
- if((LT=cdr(LT))==[]) break;
- else str_tb(",",Out);
- }
- str_tb(")",Out);
- }
- else return my_tex_form(L);
- S = str_tb(0,Out);
- return (getopt(small)==1)?smallmattex(S):S;
-def str_tb(L,TB)
- if(type(TB) == 0) TB = "";
- if(L == 0)
- return (type(TB) == 7)?string_to_tb(TB):tb_to_string(TB);
- if(type(L) == 7)
- L = [L];
- else if(type(L) != 4){
- erno(0);
- return 0;
- }
- if(type(TB) <= 7)
- TB = string_to_tb((type(TB)==7)?TB:"");
- for(; L != []; L = cdr(L))
- write_to_tb(car(L), TB);
- return TB;
-def redgrs(M,T)
- L = [zzz];
- for(I=S=0,Eq=[],MT=M; MT!=[]; I++, MT=cdr(MT)){
- for(J=LS=0, N=car(MT); N!=[]; N=cdr(N)){
- X = makev([z,I,z,J]);
- L=cons(X,L);
- LS += X;
- S += car(N)[1]*X;
- }
- Eq = cons(LS-zzz,Eq);
- }
- Eq = cons(S-T,Eq);
- Sol= lnsol(Eq,L);
- for(LS=[],S=Sol; S!=[]; S=cdr(S)){
- T=car(S);
- if(type(S)!=4) return 0;
- LS=cons(car(S)[0],LS);
- }
-/* T=0 : all reduction
- =1 : construction procedure
- =2 : connection coefficient
- =3 : operator
- =4 : series expansion
- =5 : expression by TeX
- =6 : Fuchs relation
- =7 : All
- =8 : basic
- =9 : ""
- =10: irreducible
- =11: recurrence */
-def getbygrs(M, TT)
- /* extern TeXEq; */
- if(type(M)==7) M=s2sp(M);
- if(type(M) != 4 || TT =="help"){
- mycat(
-["getbygrs(m,t) or getbygrs(m,[t,s_1,s_2,...]|perm=?,var=?,pt=?,mat=?)\n",
-" m: generalized Riemann scheme or spectral type\n",
-" t: reduction, construct, connection, series, operator, TeX, Fuchs, irreducible, basic, recurrence,\n",
-" All\n",
-" s: TeX dviout simplify short general operator irreducible top0 x1 x2 sft\n",
-"Ex: getbygrs(\"111,21,111\", [\"All\",\"dviout\",\"operator\",\"top0\"])\n"]);
- return 0;
- }
- if(type(TT) == 4){
- T = TT[0];
- T1 = cdr(TT);
- }else{
- T = TT;
- T1 = [];
- }
- if(type(T) == 7)
- T = findin(T,["reduction","construct","connection", "operator", "series",
- "TeX", "Fuchs", "All", "basic", "", "irreducible", "recurrence"]);
- TeX = findin("TeX", T1);
- Simp = findin("simplify", T1);
- Short = findin("short", T1);
- Dviout= findin("dviout", T1);
- General=findin("general", T1);
- Op =findin("operator", T1);
- Irr =findin("irreducible", T1);
- Top0 =findin("top0",T1);
- X1 =findin("x1",T1);
- X2 =findin("x2",T1);
- Sft =findin("sft",T1);
- Title = getopt(title);
- Mat = getopt(mat);
- if(Mat!=1 || T<0 ||(T!=0&&T!=1&&T!=5&&T!=6&&T!=8&&T!=10&&T!=9)) Mat = 0;
- if(findin("keep",T1) >= 0)
- Keep = Dviout = 1;
- else Keep = 0;
- if(Dviout >= 0 || T == 5) TeX = 1;
- for(J = 0, MM = M; J == 0 && MM != []; MM = cdr(MM)){
- for(MI = car(MM); MI != []; MI = cdr(MI)){
- if(type(car(MI)) != 1 || car(MI) <= 0){
- J = 1; break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* spectral type -> GRS */
- if(J == 0){
- for(R = [], S = J = 0, MM = M; MM != []; MM = cdr(MM), J++){
- MT = qsort(car(MM));
- R = cons(reverse(MT), R);
- if(J == 1){
- S = length(MT)-1;
- if(MT[S] > MT[0]) S = 0;
- }
- }
- M = reverse(R);
- R = getopt(var);
- if(type(R)<1){
- for(R = [], I = J-1; I >= 0; I--)
- R = cons(asciitostr([97+I]), R);
- }
- Sft=(Sft>=0)?1:0;
- if(General < 0)
- Sft=-Sft-1;
- M = sp2grs(M,R,Sft|mat=Mat);
- }
- for(M0=[],MM=M;MM!=[];MM=cdr(MM)){ /* change "?" -> z_z */
- for(M1=[],Mm=car(MM);Mm!=[];Mm=cdr(Mm)){
- Mt=car(Mm);
- if(type(Mt)==4 && Mt[1]=="?"){
- M1=cons([Mt[0],z_z],M1);
- continue;
- }else if(type(Mt)==7 && Mt=="?"){
- M1=cons(z_z,M1);
- continue;
- }
- M1=cons(Mt,M1);
- }
- M0=cons(reverse(M1),M0);
- }
- M = fspt(reverse(M0),5); /* short -> long */
- if(findin(z_z,vars(M))>=0)
- M=subst(M,z_z,lsol(chkspt(M|mat=Mat)[3],z_z)); /* Fuchs relation */
- NP = length(M);
- Perm = getopt(perm);
- if(type(Perm) == 4)
- M = mperm(M,Perm,0);
- if(T == 9){ /* "" */
- if(Short >= 0)
- M = chkspt(M|opt=4,mat=Mat);
- return M;
- }
- R = [0,M];
- ALL = [R];
- while(type(R = redgrs(R[1]|mat=Mat)) == 4)
- ALL = cons(R, ALL);
- if(R < 0)
- return 0;
- /* TeX */
- if(TeX >= 0 && !chkfun("print_tex_form", "names.rr"))
- return 0;
- if(Dviout >= 0 && type(Title) == 7)
- dviout(Title|keep=1);
- if(T == 7 && Dviout >= 0){
- S=["keep","simplify"];
- if(Top0 >= 0)
- S = cons("top0",S);
- getbygrs(M,cons(5,S)|title="\\noindent Riemann Scheme",mat=Mat);
- Same = 0;
- if(R > 0){
- MM = getbygrs(M,8|mat=Mat); /* basic GRS */
- MS = chkspt(MM|opt=0,mat=Mat); /* spectral type */
- if(M != MM)
- getbygrs(MM,cons(5,S)|title="Basic Riemann Scheme",mat=Mat);
- else{
- dviout("This is a basic Riemann Scheme.\n\n\\noindent"|keep=1);
- Same = 1;
- }
- dviout(MS|keep=1);
- }
- if(chkspt(ALL[0][1]|mat=Mat)[3] != 0)
- getbygrs(M,cons(6,S)|title="Fuchs condition",mat=Mat);
- if(Same == 0){
- M1 = M[1];
- if(M1[length(M1)-1][0]==1 && Mat!=1){
- M1=M[2];
- if(M1[length(M1)-1][0] == 1){
- getbygrs(M,cons(2,S)|title="Connection formula");
- if(M1[length(M[0][0])-1][0] == 1 && R==0)
- getbygrs(M,cons(11,S)|title="Recurrence relation shifting the last exponents at $\\infty$, 0, 1");
- }
- getbygrs(M,cons(1,S)|title="Integral representation");
- getbygrs(M,cons(4,S)|title="Series expansion");
- }
- if(Irr < 0){
- TI="Irreduciblity $\\Leftrightarrow$ any value of the following linear forms $\\notin\\mathbb Z$";
- if(R > 0)
- TI += " + fundamental irreducibility";
- getbygrs(M,cons(10,S)|title=TI,mat=Mat);
- dviout("which coorespond to the decompositions"|keep=1);
- sproot(chkspt(M|opt=0),"pairs"|dviout=1,keep=1);
- }
- }
- if(Op >= 0 && Mat!=1) getbygrs(M,cons(3,S)|title="Operator");
- dviout(" ");
- return 1;
- }
- if(T == 0 && TeX >= 0){
- T = 1; TeX = 16;
- }
-/* Fuchs */
- Fuc = chkspt(ALL[0][1]|Mat=mat)[3];
- if(Fuc == 0) Simp = -1;
- if(type(Fuc) == 1){
- print("Violate Fuchs condition");
- return 0;
- }
- if(T == 6){
- if(Dviout >= 0) dviout(Fuc|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return (TeX >= 0)?my_tex_form(Fuc):Fuc;
- }
- Fuc = [Fuc];
-/* Generelized Riemann scheme */
- if(T == 5){
- M = ltov(M);
- for(ML=0, I=0; I<NP; I++){
- L = length(M[I]);
- if(L > ML) ML = L;
- }
- Out = string_to_tb("P\\begin{Bmatrix}\nx=");
- if(Top0 < 0)
- write_to_tb("\\infty & ",Out);
- Pt = getopt(pt);
- if(type(Pt) == 4){
- for(J = 3; J < NP; J++){
- str_tb(["& ",rtotex(car(Pt))],Out);
- Pt = cdr(Pt);
- }
- }
- else if(X2>=0)
- str_tb("0 & x_2",Out);
- else
- str_tb((X1>=0)?"x_1 & x_2":"0 & 1",Out);
- for(J = 3; J < NP; J++)
- str_tb(["& x_",rtotex(J)],Out);
- if(Top0 >= 0)
- write_to_tb("& \\infty",Out);
- write_to_tb("\\\\\n",Out);
- for(I = 0; I < ML; I++){
- for(CC = 0, J = (Top0 >= 0)?1:0; ; J++, CC++){
- if(J == NP){
- if(Top0 < 0) break;
- J = 0;
- }
- if(length(M[J]) <= I){
- if(CC > 0) write_to_tb(" & ",Out);
- }else if(M[J][I][0] <= 1){
- if(M[J][I][0] == 0) str_tb(" & ",Out);
- else
- str_tb([(!CC)?" ":" & ", my_tex_form(M[J][I][1])], Out);
- }else{
- str_tb([((!CC)?"[":" & ["), my_tex_form(M[J][I][1]),
- (Mat==1)?"]_{":"]_{("],Out);
- str_tb([my_tex_form(M[J][I][0]),(Mat==1)?"}":")}"],Out);
- }
- if(Top0 >= 0 && J == 0)
- break;
- }
- if(I == 0)
- str_tb("&\\!\\!;x",Out);
- str_tb("\\\\\n",Out);
- }
- str_tb("\\end{Bmatrix}",Out);
- Out = str_tb(0,Out);
- if(Dviout >= 0)
- dviout(Out|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return Out;
- }
-/* Reduction */
- if(T == 0){
- if(Simp >= 0)
- ALL = simplify(ALL,Fuc,4);
- return reverse(ALL);
- }
- LA = length(ALL) - 1;
- NP = length(ALL[0][1]);
-/* irreducible */
- if(T == 10){
- for(IR=[], I = 0; I < LA; I++){
- AI = ALL[I]; AIT = AI[1];
- K = AI[0][0];
- P = -AIT[0][K][1];
- P -= cterm(P);
- IR = cons(P, IR);
- for(J = 0; J < NP; J++){
- K = AI[0][J];
- for(L = length(AIT[J]) - 1; L >= 0 ; L--){
- if(L == K || AIT[J][L][0] <= AIT[J][K][0])
- continue;
- P = AIT[J][L][1] - AIT[J][K][1];
- Q = cterm(P);
- if(dn(Q)==1)
- P -= Q;
- IR = cons(P,IR);
- }
- }
- }
- P=Fuc[0];
- Q=cterm(P);
- if(type(Q)==1 && dn(Q)==1){
- for(F=0,V=vars(P);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- R=mycoef(P,1,car(V));
- if(type(R)!=1 || Q%R!=0){
- F=1; break;
- }
- }
- if(F==0){
- P-=Q;
- Simp=0;
- }
- }
- if(Simp >= 0){
- IR=simplify(IR,[P],4);
- for(R=[]; IR!=[]; IR=cdr(IR)){
- P=car(IR);
- Q=cterm(P);
- if(dn(Q)==1) P-=Q;
- R=cons(P,R);
- }
- IR=R;
- }
- for(R=[]; IR!=[]; IR=cdr(IR)){
- P=car(IR);
- if(str_len(rtostr(P)) > str_len(rtostr(-P)))
- P = -P;
- R = cons(P,R);
- }
- R = ltov(R);
- R = qsort(R,os_md.cmpsimple);
- R = qsort(R,cmpsimple);
- R = vtol(R);
- if(TeX >= 0){
- Out = string_to_tb("");
- for(I=L=K=0; R!=[]; R=cdr(R),I++){
- K1 = K;
- RS = my_tex_form(car(R));
- K = nmono(car(R));
- L += K;
- if(I){
- if(K1 == K && L < 30)
- str_tb("\\quad ",Out);
- else{
- L = K;
- str_tb((TeXEq==5)?["\\\\%\n &"]:["\\\\%\n "],Out);
- }
- }
- str_tb(RS,Out);
- }
- R = Out;
- if(Dviout>=0){
- dviout(R|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return R;
- }
- AL = []; SS = 0;
- for(I = 0; I <= LA; I++){
- AI = ALL[I]; AIT = AI[1]; /* AIT: GRS */
- if(I > 0){
- for(S = J = 0; J < NP; J++){
- GE = AIT[J][AI0[J]][1];
- S += GE;
- if(J == 0)
- SS = [];
- else
- SS = cons(GE,SS);
- }
- SS = cons(1-Mat-S, reverse(SS));
- }
- AI0 = AI[0];
- AL = cons([SS, cutgrs(AIT)], AL);
- }
- AL = reverse(AL);
- AD = newvect(NP);
- ALT = AL[0][1];
- for(J = 1; J < NP; J++){
- /* AD[J] = ALT[J][0][1]; [J][?][1] <- [J][?][0]: max */
- for(MMX=0, K = KM = length(ALT[J])-1; K >= 0; K--){
- if(MMX <= ALT[J][K][0]){
- if(J == 1 && MMX == ALT[J][K][0])
- continue;
- KM = K;
- MMX = ALT[J][K][0];
- }
- }
- AD[J] = ALT[J][KM][1];
- }
- AL = cdr(AL);
- AL = cons([vtol(AD), ALT], AL);
- AL = cons([0, mcgrs(ALT, [vtol(-AD)]|mat=Mat)], AL);
- if(Simp >= 0 && T != 3)
- AL = simplify(AL,Fuc,4);
-/* Basic */
- if(T == 8){
- ALT = AL[0][1];
- if(TeX >= 0){
- if(Dviout >= 0){
- return getbygrs(ALT,["TeX","dviout","keep"]);
- }
- return getbygrs(ALT,"TeX");
- }
- if(Short >= 0)
- ALT = chkspt(ALT|opt=4);
- return ALT;
- }
-/* Construct */
- if(T == 1){
- if(TeX >= 0){
- L = length(AL);
- I = Done = 0; Out0=Out1=""; NM = DN = [];
- if(TeX != 16){
- AL11=AL[L-1][1][1];
- AT = AL11[length(AL11)-1];
- if(type(AT) == 4){
- PW = (AT[0] > 1)?"":AT[1];
- }else PW = AT;
- }
- Out = string_to_tb("");
- while(--L >= 0){
- if(TeX == 16){
- if(Done)
- write_to_tb(":\\ ", Out);
- write_to_tb(getbygrs(AL[L][1],(Top0>=0)?["TeX", "top0"]:"TeX"|mat=Mat), Out);
- Done = 1;
- if(L != 0) write_to_tb((TeXEq==5)?
- "\\\\%\n&\\leftarrow ":"\\\\%\n\\leftarrow ", Out);
- }
- ALT = AL[L][0];
- if(TeX != 16){
- V1 = (I==0)?"x":V2;
- V2 = /* (I==0 && L<=2)?"s": */
- "s_"+rtotex(I);
- }else V1=V2="x";
- JJ = (type(ALT) == 4)?length(ALT):0;
- if(I > 0 && L > 0)
- write_to_tb("\n ", Out);
- for(Outt = "", J = 1; J < JJ; J++){
- if(ALT[J] == 0) continue;
- if(J == 1) Outt += V1;
- else if(J == 2) Outt += "(1-"+V1+")";
- else Outt += "(x_"+rtotex(J)+"-"+V1+")";
- Outt += "^"+ rtotex(ALT[J]);
- }
- if(TeX != 16) write_to_tb(Outt, Out);
- else if(Outt != "")
- str_tb(["\\mathrm{Ad}\\Bigl(",Outt,"\\Bigr)"], Out);
- if(JJ == 0){
- if(I != 0)
- Out1 = "ds_"+rtotex(I-1)+Out1;
- continue;
- }
- if(ALT[0] == 0) continue;
- Out0 += "\\int_p^{"+V1+"}";
- if(TeX == 16)
- str_tb(["mc_",rtotex(ALT[0])], Out);
- else{
- str_tb(["(",V1,"-",V2,")^",rtotex(-1+ALT[0])], Out);
- AL11=AL[L-1][1][1];
- AT = AL11[length(AL11)-1];
- if(type(AT) == 4) AT = AT[1];
- DN = cons(ALT[0]+AT+1,DN);
- NM = cons(AT+1,cons(ALT[0],NM));
- }
- if(L != 2) Out1 += "d"+V2;
- I++;
- }
- if(R){
- if(I == 0) Ov = "x";
- else Ov = "s_"+rtotex(I-1);
- Out1 = "u_B("+Ov+")"+Out1;
- }
- if(TeX != 16){
- Out0 = string_to_tb(Out0);
- str_tb([Out, Out1], Out0);
- Out = Out0;
- NM = simplify(NM, Fuc, 4);
- DN = simplify(DN, Fuc, 4);
- DNT = lsort(NM,DN,"reduce");
- NMT = DNT[0]; DNT = DNT[1];
- if(NMT != [] && PW != ""){
- write_to_tb((TeXEq==5)?"\\\\\n &\\sim\\frac{\n"
- :"\\\\\n \\sim\\frac{\n", Out);
- for(PT = NMT; PT != []; PT = cdr(PT))
- str_tb([" \\Gamma(",my_tex_form(car(PT)), ")\n"], Out);
- write_to_tb(" }{\n", Out);
- for(PT = DNT; PT != []; PT = cdr(PT))
- write_to_tb(" \\Gamma("+my_tex_form(car(PT))+")\n", Out);
- write_to_tb(" }", Out);
- if(R > 0) write_to_tb("C_0", Out);
- write_to_tb("x^"+rtotex(PW) +"\\ \\ (p=0,\\ x\\to0)", Out);
- }
- }else
- Out = str_tb(0, Out);
- if(Dviout >= 0){
- dviout(Out|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return 1;
- }
- return O;
- }
- if(Short >= 0){
- for(ALL = [] ; AL != []; AL = cdr(AL)){
- AT = car(AL);
- ALL = cons([AT[0], chkspt(AT[1]|opt=4)], ALL);
- }
- AL = reverse(ALL);
- }
- return AL; /* AL[0][1] : reduced GRS, R==0 -> rigid */
- }
- if(T == 2 || T == 4 || T == 11){
- for(I = (T==2)?2:1; I >= (T==11)?0:1; I--){
- ALT = M[I];
- if(ALT[length(ALT)-1][0] != 1){
- mycat(["multiplicity for",I,":",ALT[length(ALT)-1][1],
- "should be 1"]);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- LA++;
- NM = DN = [];
-/* Three term relation */
- if(T == 11){
- if(R > 0){
- print("This is not rigid\n");
- return 0;
- }
- for(I = 0; I <= LA; I++){
- if(I > 0){
- AI = AL[I][0]; /* operation */
- if(AI[0] != 0){
- DN = cons(simplify(AI1+1,Fuc,4),DN);
- NM = cons(simplify(AI1+AI[0]+1,Fuc,4),NM);
- }
- }
- ALT = AL[I][1][1]; AI1 = ALT[length(ALT)-1][1];
- }
- DNT = lsort(NM,DN,"reduce");
- if(TeX < 0) return DNT;
- NMT = DNT[0]; DNT = DNT[1];
- Out = str_tb("u_{0,0,0}-u_{+1,0,-1}=\\frac{","");
- for(PT = NMT; PT != []; PT = cdr(PT))
- str_tb(["(",my_tex_form(car(PT)),")"], Out);
- str_tb(["}\n{"],Out);
- for(PT = DNT; PT != []; PT = cdr(PT))
- str_tb(["(",my_tex_form(car(PT)),")"], Out);
- write_to_tb("}u_{0,+1,-1}",Out);
- if(Dviout >= 0){
- dviout(Out|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return 1;
- }
- return Out;
- }
- AD=newvect(NP);
- for(I = 0; I <= LA; I++){
- if(I > 0){
- AI = AL[I][0]; /* operation */
- if(T == 2 && AI[0] != 0){
- DN = cons(simplify(-AI2,Fuc,4), cons(simplify(AI1+1,Fuc,4),DN));
- NM = cons(simplify(-AI2-AI[0],Fuc,4), cons(simplify(AI1+AI[0]+1,Fuc,4),
- NM));
- }
- for(J = 1; J < NP; J++)
- AD[J] += simplify(AI[J],Fuc,4);
- }
- if(T == 2){
- ALT = AL[I][1][1]; AI1 = ALT[length(ALT)-1][1];
- ALT = AL[I][1][2]; AI2 = ALT[length(ALT)-1][1];
- if(I == 0){
- C3 = AI1; C4 = AI2;
- }
- }
- }
-/* Connection */
- if(T == 2){
- DNT = lsort(NM,DN,"reduce");
- NMT = DNT[0]; DNT = DNT[1];
- if(TeX < 0) return [NMT,DNT,AD];
- C0 = M[1][length(M[1])-1][1];
- C1 = M[2][length(M[2])-1][1];
- M = AL[0][1];
- C3 = M[1][length(M[1])-1][1];
- C4 = M[2][length(M[2])-1][1];
- Out = str_tb(["c(0\\!:\\!", my_tex_form(C0),
- " \\rightsquigarrow 1\\!:\\!", my_tex_form(C1),")"], "");
- if(R > 0 && AMSTeX == 1 && (TeXEq == 4 || TeXEq == 5)){
- write_to_tb("\\\\\n", Out);
- if(TeXEq == 5) write_to_tb(" &", Out);
- }
- write_to_tb("=\\frac{\n",Out);
- for(PT = NMT; PT != []; PT = cdr(PT))
- write_to_tb(" \\Gamma("+my_tex_form(car(PT))+")\n", Out);
- write_to_tb(" }{\n",Out);
- for(PT = DNT; PT != []; PT = cdr(PT))
- write_to_tb(" \\Gamma("+my_tex_form(car(PT))+")\n",Out);
- write_to_tb(" }", Out);
- for(J = 3; J < length(AD); J++){
- if(AD[J] == 0) continue;
- str_tb(["\n (1-x_", rtotex(J), "^{-1})^", rtotex(AD[J])], Out);
- }
- if(R != 0)
- str_tb(["\n c_B(0\\!:\\!", my_tex_form(C3),
- " \\rightsquigarrow 1\\!:\\!", my_tex_form(C4), ")"], Out);
- Out = tb_to_string(Out);
- if(Dviout >= 0){
- dviout(Out|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return 1;
- }
- return Out;
- }
-/* Series */
- if(T == 4){
- AL11 = AL[0][1][1];
- V = AL11[length(AL11)-1][1];
- S00 = -V; S01 = (R==0)?[]:[[0,0]];
- S1 = S2 = [];
- for(Ix = 1, ALL = cdr(AL); ALL != []; ){
- ALT = ALL[0][0];
- if(ALT[0] != 0){ /* mc */
- for(Sum = [], ST = S01; ST != []; ST = cdr(ST))
- Sum = cons(car(ST)[0], Sum);
- S1 = cons(cons(S00+1,Sum), S1);
- S2 = cons(cons(S00+1+ALT[0],Sum),S2);
- S00 += ALT[0];
- }
- ALL = cdr(ALL);
- for(I = 1; I < length(ALT); I++){ /* addition */
- if(I == 1){
- S00 += ALT[1];
- if(ALL == [])
- S00 = [S00];
- }else{
- if(ALT[I] == 0)
- continue;
- if(ALL != []){
- S1 = cons([-ALT[I],Ix],S1);
- S2 = cons([1,Ix],S2);
- S01= cons([Ix,I],S01);
- Ix++;
- }else
- S00 = cons([ALT[I],I],S00);
- }
- }
- }
- S00 = reverse(S00);
- S01 = qsort(S01); S1 = qsort(S1); S2 = qsort(S2);
- if(Simp >= 0){
- S00 = simplify(S00,Fuc,4);
- S01 = simplify(S01,Fuc,4);
- S1 = simplify(S1,Fuc,4);
- S2 = simplify(S2,Fuc,4);
- SS = lsort(S1,S2,"reduce");
- S1 = SS[0]; S2 = SS[1];
- }
- if(TeX >= 0){
- /* Top linear power */
- TOP = Ps = Sm = "";
- for(TOP = Ps = Sm = "", ST = cdr(S00); ST != []; ST = cdr(ST)){
- SP = car(ST);
- if(SP[0] != 0){
- if(SP[1] == 2)
- TOP += "(1-x)^"+rtotex(SP[0]);
- else
- TOP += "(1-x/x_"+rtotex(SP[1])+")^"+rtotex(SP[0]);
- }
- }
- /* Top power */
- PW = my_tex_form(car(S00));
- if(PW == "0")
- PW = "";
- NP = length(AL[0][1]);
- PWS = newvect(NP);
- for(I = 0; I < NP; I++)
- PWS[I] = "";
- for(S = S01, I = 0; S != []; S = cdr(S), I++){
- SI = rtotex(car(S)[0]);
- if(I > 0) Sm += ",\\ ";
- Sm += "n_"+SI+"\\ge0";
- if(PW != "")
- PW += "+";
- PW += "n_"+SI;
- if(car(S)[1] > 2)
- PWS[car(S)[1]] += "-n_"+rtotex(car(S)[0]);
- else if(car(S)[1] == 0)
- Ps = "C_{n_0}"+Ps;
- }
- for(I = 3; I < NP; I++){
- if(PWS[I] != "")
- Ps += "x_"+rtotex(I)+"^{"+PWS[I]+"}";
- }
- Out = str_tb([TOP, Ps, "x^{", PW, "}"], "");
- /* Gamma factor */
- for(I = 0, SS = S1; I <= 1; I++, SS = S2){
- PW = string_to_tb("");
- for(PW1=""; SS != [] ; SS = cdr(SS)){
- for(J = 0, SST = car(SS); SST != []; SST = cdr(SST), J++){
- if(J == 0){
- JJ = (car(SST) == 1)?((length(SST)==2)?(-1):0):1;
- if(JJ > 0)
- str_tb(["(", my_tex_form(car(SST)), ")_{"], PW);
- else if(JJ == 0)
- PW1 = "(";
- }else{
- if(JJ > 0){
- if(J > 1) write_to_tb("+", PW);
- str_tb(["n_", rtotex(car(SST))], PW);
- }else{
- if(J > 1) PW1 += "+";
- PW1 += "n_"+rtotex(car(SST));
- }
- }
- }
- if(JJ > 0) write_to_tb("}", PW);
- else PW1 += (JJ == 0)?")!":"!";
- }
- if(I == 0)
- Out0 = "\\frac";
- Out0 += "{"+tb_to_string(PW)+PW1+"}";
- PW = string_to_tb(""); PW1 = "";
- }
- if(Out0 == "\\frac{}{}")
- Out0 = "";
- Out = "\\sum_{"+Sm+"}"+Out0 + Top + tb_to_string(Out);
- if(length(S01) == 1){
- Out = str_subst(Out, "{n_"+SI+"}", "n");
- Out = str_subst(Out, "n_"+SI, "n");
- }
- if(Dviout >= 0)
- dviout(Out|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return Out;
- }
- return [cons(S00, S01), S1, S2];
- }
-/* Operator */
- if(T==3){
- Fuc0 = car(Fuc);
- if(Fuc0 != 0){ /* Kill Fuchs relation */
- for(V = vars(Fuc0); V != []; V = cdr(V)){
- VT = car(V);
- if(deg(Fuc0,VT) == 1){
- AL = mysubst(AL, [VT, -red(coef(Fuc0,0,VT)/coef(Fuc0,1,VT))]);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(V == []){
- print("Fuchs condition has no variable with degree 1");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- L = newvect(NP);
- Pt = getopt(pt);
- for(I = NP-1; I >= 1; I--){
- if(type(Pt) == 4)
- L[I] = Pt[I-1];
- else if(I >= 3 || X1 >= 0 || (X2 >= 0 && I >= 2))
- L[I] = makev(["x_", I]);
- else L[I] = I-1;
- }
- if(R){ /* non-rigid basic */
- MM = AL[0][1]; /* Riemann scheme */
- for(OD = 0, MT = car(MM); MT != []; MT = cdr(MT))
- OD += car(MT)[0];
- for(V = DN = [], M = MM; M != []; M = cdr(M)){
- MT = car(M); /* exponents */
- for(K = KM = 0, NT = []; ; K++){
- for(J = 0, P = 1, MTT = MT; MTT != []; MTT = cdr(MTT)){
- if(J == 0 && car(MTT)[1] == 0)
- KM = car(MTT)[0];
- for(KK = car(MTT)[0] - K -1; KK >= 0; KK--)
- P *= (dx-car(MTT)[1]-KK);
- }
- if(P == 1) break;
- NT = cons(P,NT);
- }
- V = cons(reverse(NT), V);
- DN = cons(KM, DN);
- }
- V = ltov(reverse(V)); /* conditions for GRS */
- DN = ltov(reverse(DN)); /* dims of local hol. sol. */
- for(J = OD; J >= 0; J--){
- for(I = Q = 1; I < NP; I++){
- if(J > DN[I])
- Q *= (x-L[I])^(J-DN[I]);
- }
- K = mydeg(Q,x);
- if(J == OD){
- P = Q*dx^J;
- DM = K;
- }else{
- for(I = DM-OD+J-K; I >= 0; I--){
- X = makev(["r",J,"_",I]);
- P += Q*x^I*X*dx^J;
- }
- }
- }
- for(R = [], I = 0; I < NP; I++){
- Q = toeul(P, [x,dx], (I==0)?"infty":L[I]); /* Euler at I-th pt */
- for(VT = V[I], J=0; VT != [] ; VT = cdr(VT), J++){
- if(car(VT) != 0)
- R = cons(rpdiv(coef(Q,J,x), car(VT), dx)[0], R); /* equations */
- }
- }
- for(RR = RRR = [], I = OD-1; I>=0; I--){
- RR = [];
- for(RT = R; RT != [] ; RT = cdr(RT)){
- if( (VT = mycoef(car(RT), I, dx)) != 0)
- RR = cons(VT, RR); /* real linear eqs */
- }
- J = mydeg(mycoef(P,I,dx),x);
- for(S = 0, VVV = []; J >= 0; J--){
- X = makev(["r",I,"_",J]);
- VVV = cons(X, VVV); /* unknowns */
- }
- RR = lsol(RR,VVV);
- LN = length(RR);
- for(K=0; K<LN; K++){
- RRT = RR[K];
- if(type(RRT) != 4) continue;
- R = mysubst(R,RRT);
- P = mysubst(P,RRT);
- }
- }
- }else /* Rigid case */
- P = dx^(AL[0][1][0][0][0]);
- /* additions and middle convolutions */
- for(ALT = AL; ALT != []; ALT = cdr(ALT)){
- AI = car(ALT)[0];
- if(type(AI) != 4) continue;
- V = ltov(AI);
- if(V[0] != 0) P = mc(P,x,V[0]);
- for(I = 1; I < NP; I++){
- if(V[I] != 0)
- P = sftexp(P,x,L[I],-V[I]);
- }
- }
- P = (Simp>=0)? simplify(P,Fuc,4|var=[dx]):simplify(P,Fuc,4);
- if(TeX >= 0){
- Val = 1;
- if(mydeg(P,dx) > 2 && AMSTeX == 1 && TeXEq > 3)
- Val = (TeXEq==5)?3:2;
- Out = fctrtos(P|var=[dx,"\\partial"],TeX=Val);
- if(Dviout < 0) return Out;
- dviout(Out|eq=0,keep=Keep);
- return 1;
- }
- return P;
- }
- return 0;
-def mcop(P,M,S)
- for(V=[],ST=S;ST!=[];ST=cdr(ST))
- if(isvar(VT=car(ST))) V=cons(vweyl(VT),V);
- V=reverse(V);
- N=length(V);
- for(MT=M;MT!=[];MT=cdr(MT)){
- T=car(MT);
- if(T[0]!=0)
- P=mc(P,V[0],T[0]);
- for(TT=cdr(T),ST=cdr(S);ST!=[];TT=cdr(TT),ST=cdr(ST))
- if(car(TT)!=0) P=sftpexp(P,V,S[0]-ST[0],-car(TT));
- }
- return P;
-/* option: zero, all, raw */
-def shiftop(M,S)
- if(type(M)==7) M=s2sp(M);
- if(type(S)==7) S=s2sp(S);
- Zero=getopt(zero);
- NP=length(M);
- for(V=L=[],I=NP-1; I>=0; I--){
- V=cons(strtov(asciitostr([97+I])),V);
- if(I>2) L=cons(makev(["y_", I-1]),L);
- else L=cons(I-1,L);
- }
- if(type(M[0][0])==4){
- F=1;RS=M;SS=S;
- R=chkspt(M);
- if(R[2]!=2 || R[3]!=0){
- mycat("GRS is not valid!");return 0;
- }
- for(; S!=[]; S=cdr(S)){
- if(nmono(S[0][0])!=1) break;
- if(isint(S[0][1]-S[0][0])==0) break;
- }
- if(S!=[]){
- mycat("Error in shift!"); return 0;
- }
- }else{
- F=0;
- RS=sp2grs(M,V,[1,length(M[0]),1]);
- for(SS=S0=[],I=0; I<NP; I++){
- for(J=F=0; J<length(M[I]); J++){
- if(I==0 && J==length(M[0])-1) break;
- if((U=S[I][J])!=0){
- if(isint(U)!=1){
- mycat("Error in shift!"); return 0;
- }
- VT=RS[I][J][1];
- SS=cons([VT,VT+U],SS);
- }else if(I>0 && Zero==1 && F==0){
- RS=mysubst(RS,[RS[I][J][1],0]);
- F=J+1;
- }
- }
- if((F>0 && J==2) || (I==0 && J==1)){
- J=(I==0)?0:2-F; VT=RS[I][J][1];
- S0=cons([VT,strtov(asciitostr([strtoascii(rtostr(VT))[0]]))],S0);
- }
- }
- }
- RS1=mysubst(RS,SS);
- if(F==1){
- R=chkspt(RS1);
- if(R[2]!=2 || R[3]!=0){
- mycat("Error in shift!");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- R=getbygrs(RS,1); R1=getbygrs(RS1,1);
- RT=R[0][1][0];
- if(length(RT)!=1 || RT[0][0]!=1){
- mycat("Not rigid!");
- return 0;
- }
- P=dx;Q=Q1=1;
- for(RT = R, RT1=R1; RT != []; RT = cdr(RT), RT1=cdr(RT1)){
- V=car(RT)[0]; V1=car(RT1)[0];
- if(type(V) != 4) continue;
- if(V[0] != 0){
- P = mc(P,x,V[0]); /* middle convolution */
- QT = mc(Q,x,V[0]);
- }else QT=Q;
- D0=mydeg(Q,dx);D0T=mydeg(QT,dx);
- C0=red(mycoef(Q,D0,dx)/mycoef(QT,D0T,dx));
- if(C0!=1) QT=red(C0*QT);
- if(V1[0] != 0) Q1T = mc(Q1,x,V1[0]);
- else Q1T=Q1;
- D1=mydeg(Q1,dx);D1T=mydeg(Q1T,dx);
- C1=red(mycoef(Q1,D1,dx)/mycoef(Q1T,D1T,dx));
- if(C1!=1) Q1T=red(C1*Q1T);
- DD=(V[0]-V1[0])+(D0-D0T)-(D1-D1T);
- if(DD>0){
- QT=muldo(dx^DD,QT,[x,dx]);
- D0T+=DD;
- }else if(DD<0){
- Q1T=muldo(dx^(-DD),Q1T,[x,dx]);
- D1T-=DD;
- }
- C=mylcm(dn(QT),dn(Q1T),x);
- if(C!=1){
- QT=red(C*QT); Q1T=red(C*Q1T);
- }
- Q=QT;Q1=Q1T;
- for(I = 1; I < NP; I++){
- if(V[I]!=0){
- P = sftexp(P,x,L[I],-V[I]); /* addition u -> (x-L[I])^V[I]u */
- QT = sftexp(QT,x,L[I],-V[I]);
- }
- if(V1[I]!=0)
- Q1T = sftexp(Q1T,x,L[I],-V1[I]);
- }
- C=red(mycoef(QT,D0T,dx)*mycoef(Q1,D1T,dx)/(mycoef(Q,D0T,dx)*mycoef(Q1T,D1T,dx)));
- Q=red(dn(C)*QT);Q1=red(nm(C)*Q1T);
- for(I = 1; I < NP; I++){
- if((J=V[I]-V1[I])!=0){
- if(J>0) Q1*=(x-L[I])^J;
- else Q*=(x-L[I])^(-J);
- }
- while((QT=tdiv(Q,x-L[I]))!=0){
- if((Q1T=tdiv(Q1,x-L[I]))!=0){
- Q=QT;Q1=Q1T;
- }else break;
- }
- }
- }
- P1=mysubst(P,SS);
- if(type(S0)==4 && S0!=[]){
- P=mysubst(P,S0); Q=mysubst(Q,S0);
- P1=mysubst(P1,S0); Q1=mysubst(Q1,S0);
- RS=mysubst(RS,S0); RS1=mysubst(RS1,S0);
- }
- R=mygcd(Q1,P1,[x,dx]);
- if(findin(dx,vars(R[0]))>=0){
- mycat("Some error!");
- return 0;
- }
- Q=muldo(R[1]/R[0],Q,[x,dx]);
- R=divdo(Q,P,[x,dx]);
- Q=red(R[1]/R[2]);
- R=fctr(nm(Q));
- QQ=Q/R[0][0];
- R1=fctr(dn(QQ));
- for(RR=cdr(R1); RR!=[]; RR=cdr(RR)){
- VT=vars(car(RR)[0]);
- if(findin(x,VT)<0 && findin(dx,VT)<0){
- for(I=car(RR)[1];I>0;I--) QQ=red(QQ*car(RR)[0]);
- }
- }
- Raw=getopt(raw);
- Dviout=getopt(dviout);
- if(Dviout==1) Raw=4;
- if(Raw!=1){
- for(RR=cdr(R); RR!=[]; RR=cdr(RR)){
- VT=vars(car(RR)[0]);
- if(findin(x,VT)<0 && findin(dx,VT)<0){
- for(I=car(RR)[1];I>0;I--) QQ=red(QQ/car(RR)[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- if(Raw==2||Raw==3||Raw==4){
- R=mygcd(QQ,P,[x,dx]); /* R[0]=R[1]*QQ + R[2]*P */
- Q1=red(R[0]/R[2]);
- for(Q=1,RR=cdr(fctr(nm(Q1))); RR!=[]; RR=cdr(RR)){
- VT=vars(car(RR)[0]);
- if(findin(x,VT)<0){
- for(I=car(RR)[1];I>0;I--) Q*=car(RR)[0];
- }
- }
- if(Raw==3) QQ=[QQ,Q];
- else if(Raw==4) /* Q=Q*R[1]/R[0]*QQ+Q/R[0]*P */
- QQ=[QQ,Q,red(R[1]*Q/R[0])];
- else QQ=Q;
- }
- F=getopt(all);
- if(Dviout==1){
- Pre = " x=\\infty & 0 & 1";
- for(I=3; I<NP; I++) Pre = Pre+"& "+rtostr(L[I]);
- Pre = Pre+"\\\\\n";
- PW=str_tb(ltotex(RS|opt="GRS",pre=Pre),0);
- str_tb(
-"=\\{u\\mid Pu=0\\}\\\\\n&\\underset{Q_2}{\\overset{Q_1}{\\rightleftarrows}}\n",PW);
- str_tb([ltotex(RS1|opt="GRS",pre=Pre),"\\\\\n"],PW);
- R=fctrtos(QQ[0]|TeX=3,var=[dx,"\\partial"]);
- if(type(R)==4) R="\\frac1{"+R[1]+"}"+R[0];
- str_tb(["Q_1&=",R,"\\\\\n"],PW);
- R=fctrtos(QQ[2]|TeX=3,var=[dx,"\\partial"]);
- if(type(R)==4) R="\\frac1{"+R[1]+"}"+R[0];
- str_tb(["Q_2&=",R,"\\\\\n"],PW);
- str_tb(["Q_2Q_1&\\equiv ",fctrtos(QQ[1]|TeX=3),"\\mod W(x)P"],PW);
- if(F==1)
- str_tb(["\\\\\nP&=",fctrtos(P|TeX=3,var=[dx,"\\partial"])],PW);
- dviout(str_tb(0,PW)|eq=0,title="Shift Operator");
- }
- if(F==1) return [QQ,P,RS,P1,RS1];
- else if(F==0) return QQ;
- return [QQ,P,RS];
-def conf1sp(M)
- if(type(M)==7) M=s2sp(M);
- L0 = length(M);
- L1 = length(M[L0-1]);
- X2 = getopt(x2);
- Conf= getopt(conf);
- if(Conf != 0)
- Conf = -1;
- if((X2==1 || X2==-1) && Conf != 0){
- X1 = 0;
- X = x_1;
- }else{
- X1 = 1;
- X = x_2;
- }
- G = sp2grs(M,a,[L0,L1]);
- for(I = 0; I < L0-1; I++){
- V = makev([a,I-Conf,0]);
- G = subst(G,V,0);
- }
- L2 = length(M[1]);
- for(I=J=S0=S1=0; I < L2; I++){
- S1 += G[1][I][0];
- while(S0 < S1){
- S0 += G[0][J][0];
- if((V=G[0][J][1]) != 0)
- G = mysubst(G,[V,V-G[1][I][1]]);
- J++;
- }
- if(S0 > S1){
- print("Error in data!");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if(Conf==0){
- for(L=[], I=L0-2; I>=0; I--)
- L=cons(I,L);
- L=cons(L0-1,L);
- P = getbygrs(G,["operator","x2"]|perm=L);
- }else if(X1)
- P = getbygrs(mperm(G,[[1,2]],[]), ["operator","x2"]);
- else
- P = getbygrs(G,["operator","x1"]);
- if(Conf==0)
- P=nm(mysubst(P,[X,c]));
- else{
- P = nm(mysubst(P,[X,1/c]));
- if(X2==-1){
- for(I=2; I<L0; I++){
- V=makev(["x_",I]); VC=makev([c,I]);
- P = nm(mysubst(P,[V,1/VC]));
- }
- }
- }
- for(I = 1; I < L2; I++){
- X = G[1][I][1];
- P = nm(mysubst(P,[X,X/c]));
- }
- VS = vars(P);
- while(VS!=[]){
- V = car(VS);
- if(str_chr(rtostr(V),0,"r")==0){
- CV = mycoef(P,1,V);
- D = mymindeg(CV,c);
- if(D > 0) P = mysubst(P,[V,V/c^D]);
- CV = mycoef(P,1,V);
- DD = mydeg(CV,dx);
- CVV = mycoef(CV,DD,dx);
- CD1 = mydeg(CVV,x);
- CD = (X==x1)?0:CD1;
- while(CD>=0 && CD<=CD1){
- CC = mycoef(CVV,CD,x);
- if(type(CC)==1){
- VT = mycoef(mycoef(mycoef(P,DD,dx),CD,x),0,V)/CC;
- if(VT != 0) P = mysubst(P,[V,V-VT]);
- break;
- }
- if(X==x1) CD++;
- else CD--;
- }
- while(subst(P,c,0,V,0) == 0)
- P = red(mysubst(P,[V,c*V])/c);
- }
- VS =cdr(VS);
- }
- return P;
-def pgen(L,VV)
- if(type(L[0])<4) L=[L];
- if(type(L)==4) L=ltov(L);
- K=length(L);
- V=newvect(K);
- if(type(Sum=getopt(sum))!=1) Sum=0;
- if((Num=getopt(num))!=1) Num=0;
- if((Sep=getopt(sep))!=1) Sep=0;
- if(type(Shift=getopt(shift))!=1) Shift=0;
- for(;;){
- for(PP=1,R=[],II=K-1; II>=0; II--){
- R=cons(V[II]+Shift,R);
- if(II>0 && Sep==1) R=cons("_",R);
- PP*=L[II][0]^V[II];
- }
- P+=makev(cons(VV,R)|num=Num)*PP;
- for(I=0;I<K;){
- if(++V[I]<=L[I][1]){
- if(Sum>0){
- for(S=II=0;II<K;) S+=V[II++];
- if(S>Sum){
- V[I++]=0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }else{
- V[I++]=0;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(I>=K) return P;
- }
-def diagm(M,A)
- return mgen(M,0,A,1);
-def mgen(M,N,A,S)
- if(M==0 && N==0){
- mycat([
-"mgen(m,n,a,s|sep=1) : generate a matrix of size m x n\n",
-" n : a number or \"diagonal\", \"highdiag\", \"lowdiag\",\"skew\",\"symmetric\",\"perm\" = 0,-1,-2,..\n",
-" a : a symbol or list (ex. a, [a], [a,b,c], [1,2,3])\n",
-" s : 0 or 1 (shift of suffix)\n"
- ]);
- return 0;
- }
- if(type(N)==7) N=-findin(N,["diag","highdiag","lowdiag","skew","symmetric","perm"]);
- Sep=(getopt(sep)==1)?1:0;
- if(S < 0 || S > 2)
- S = 0;
- if(M+S > 30 || N+S > 30){
- erno(1);
- return;
- }
- if(N==-5){
- NM=newmat(M,M);
- for(I=0;I<M;I++,A=cdr(A)) NM[I][car(A)-S]=1;
- return NM;
- }
- if(type(A) == 4)
- L = length(A)-1;
- else
- L = -1;
- if(N <= 0 && N >= -2){
- MM = newmat(M,M);
- J = K = 0;
- if(N == -1){
- K = 1; M--;
- }else if(N == -2){
- J = 1; M--;
- }
- for(I = 0; I < M; I++){
- if(L >= 0)
- MM[I+J][I+K] = A[(I > L)?L:I];
- else if(type(A)==7 || isvar(A))
- MM[I+J][I+K] = makev([A,S+I]|sep=Sep);
- else
- MM[I+J][I+K] = A;
- }
- return MM;
- }
- K = N;
- if(K < 0) N = M;
- MM = newmat(M,N);
- for(I = 0; I < M; I++){
- if(L >= 0)
- AA = rtostr(A[(I > L)?L:I]);
- else
- AA = rtostr(A)+rtostr(I+S);
- if(AA>="0" && AA<=":"){
- erno(0); return;
- }
- for(J = 0; J < N; J++){
- if(K < 0){
- if(I > J) continue;
- if(K == -3 && I == J) continue;
- }
- MM[I][J] = makev([AA,J+S]|sep=Sep);
- }
- }
- if(K < 0){
- for(I = 0; I < M; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < I; J++)
- MM[I][J] = (K == -4)?MM[J][I]:-MM[J][I];
- }
- }
- return MM;
-def newbmat(M,N,R)
- S = newvect(M);
- T = newvect(N);
- IM = length(R);
- for(I = 0; I < IM; I++){
- RI = R[I];
- JM = length(RI);
- for(J = 0; J < JM; J++){
- RIJ = RI[J];
- if(type(RIJ) == 6){
- S[I] = size(RIJ)[0];
- T[J] = size(RIJ)[1];
- }
- }
- }
- for(I = K = 0; I < M; I++){
- if(S[I] == 0)
- S[I] = 1;
- K += S[I];
- }
- for(J = L = 0; J < N; J++){
- if(T[J] == 0)
- T[J] = 1;
- L += T[J];
- }
- M = newmat(K,L);
- if(type(Null=getopt(null))>0){
- for(I=0;I<K;I++){
- for(J=0;J<L;J++) M[I][J]=Null;
- }
- }
- for(I0 = II = 0; II < IM; I0 += S[II++]){
- RI = R[II];
- JM = length(RI);
- for(J0 = JJ = 0; JJ < JM; J0 += T[JJ++]){
- if((RIJ = RI[JJ]) == 0)
- continue;
- Type = type(RIJ);
- for(I = 0; I < S[II]; I++){
- for(J = 0; J < T[JJ]; J++){
- if(Type == 6)
- M[I0+I][J0+J] = RIJ[I][J];
- else if(Type == 4 || Type == 5)
- M[I0+I][J0+J] = (I>0)?RIJ[I]:RIJ[J];
- else
- M[I0+I][J0+J] = RIJ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return M;
-def unim(S)
- if(!Rand++) random(currenttime());
- if(!isint(Wt=getopt(wt))||Wt<0||Wt>10) Wt=2;
- if(!isint(Xa=getopt(abs)) || Xa<1)
- Xa=9;
- if((Xaa=Xa)>10) Xaa=10;
- if(Xaa%2) Xaa++;
- Xh=Xaa/2;
- if(type(S0=SS=S)==4){
- Int=(getopt(int)==1)?1:0;
- U=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4];
- M=newmat(S[0],S[1]);
- SS=cdr(S);SS=cdr(SS);
- if(Rk=length(SS)) L=SS;
- else{
- L=[0];
- I=(S[0]>S[1])?S[1]:S[0];
- if(I<=2) return 0;
- if(!isint(Rk=getopt(rank))||Rk<1||Rk>S[0]||Rk>S[1])
- Rk=random()%(I-1)+2;
- for(I=1;I<Rk;){
- P=random()%(S[1]+Wt)-Wt;
- if(P<=0) P=1;
- if(findin(P,L)!=0){
- L=cons(P,L);
- I++;
- }
- }
- }
- L=ltov(qsort(L));
- M[0][L[0]]=1;
- for(I=1;I<Rk;I++){
- P=Int?1:U[random()%length(U)];
- if(P>Xa) P=Xa;
- M[I][L[I]]=(random()%2)?P:(-P);
- }
- for(I=0;I<Rk;I++){
- if(I!=0&&abs(M[I][L[I]])>1) M[K=random()%I][KK=L[I]]=1;
- I0=(I==0)?1:L[I]+1;
- I1=(I==Rk-1)?S[1]:L[I+1];
- for(J=I0;J<I1;J++){
- for(K=1;K<=Xa;K++){
- P=random()%(I+1);
- if((random()%2)==1) M[P][J]++;
- else M[P][J]--;
- }
- }
- }
- S=M;
- Res=(getopt(res)==1)?dupmat(S):0;
- }
- Conj=0;
- if(type(S)<2){
- if(S<2||S>20) return 0;
- if(getopt(conj)==1){
- M=S+Wt;
- if(M>15) M=10;
- M0=floor((M-1)/2);
- for(R=[],I=0;I<S;I++) R=cons(random()%M-M0,R);
- R=qsort(R);
- M=diagm(S,R);
- if(getopt(diag)!=1){
- for(I=1;I<S;I++)
- if(M[I-1][I-1]==M[I][I] && random()%2) M[I-1][I]=1;
- }
- if(M[0][0]==M[S-1][S-1]){
- for(I=1;I<S;I++) if(M[I-1][I]==1) break;
- if(I==S){
- if(M[0][0]>0) M[0][0]--;
- else M[S-1][S-1]++;
- }
- }
- if(getopt(res)==1) RR=diagm(S,[1]);
- S1=S;
- Res=dupmat(S=M);
- if(isint(I=getopt(int))&&I>1&&random()%I==0){
- K=S[0][0];L=K+1;
- for(I=1;I<S1;I++){
- if(S[I][I]>L && S[I-1][I]==0 && (I==S1-1||S[I][I+1]==0)){
- L=S[I][I];
- if(RR){
- RR[I][I]=L-K;RR[0][I]=1;
- }
- S[0][I]=1;
- if(!(random()%3)) break;
- }
- }
- if(random()%3==0){
- for(I=0;I<S1-1;I++){
- if(iand(S[I][I],1)&&S[I][I+1]==1){
- for(J=I+2;J<S1&&S[I][J]==0;J++);
- if(J<S1) continue;
- for(J=I-1;J>=0&&S[J][I]==0;J--);
- if(J>=0) continue;
- S[I][I+1]=2;
- for(J=0;J<S1;J++) RR[I][J]*=2;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- M=diagm(S,[1]);
- S1=S;
- }
- }
- if(type(S)==6){
- M=dupmat(S);
- S=size(S);
- S1=S[1];S=S[0];
- Nt=1;
- if(getopt(conj)==1&&S==S1) Conj=1;
- }
- if(!isint(Ct=getopt(time)))
- Ct=(S>3||S1>3)?100:200;
- if(getopt(both)==1){
- OL=delopt(getopt(),"both");
- M=unim(mtranspose(M)|option_list=OL);
- M=mtranspose(M);
- }
- Mx=20;
- for(I=K=LL=0;I<Ct+Mx;I++){
- P=random()%S;Q=random()%S;
- if(3*K>Ct) T=random()%Xaa-Xh;
- else if(5*K<Ct) T=random()%2-1;
- else T=random()%4-2;
- if(T>=0) T++;
- if(P==Q) continue;
- for(G=0,J=S1-1;J>=0;J--){
- if((H=abs(M[Q][J]+M[P][J]*T))>Xa&&(!Conj||J!=P)) break;
- if(K<Mx&&!Conj) G=igcd(G,H);
- }
- if(K<Mx && G>1) J=1;
- if(J>0) continue;
- if(J<0&&Conj==1){
- for(J=S1-1;J>=0;J--)
- if(J!=Q&&abs(M[J][P]-M[J][Q]*T)>Xa) break;
- if(J<0&&abs(M[Q][P]-M[Q][Q]*T+M[P][P]*T-M[P][Q]*T^2)>Xa) J=1;
- if(J<0&&M[P][P]==M[Q][Q]){
- LF=0;
- for(L=S1-1;J>=0;J--) if(L!=Q&&M[J][Q]!=0) LF++;
- for(L=S1-1;J>=0;J--) if(L!=P&&M[P][J]!=0) LF++;
- if(!LF) J=1;
- }
- }
- if(J<0){
- for(J=S1-1;J>=0;J--)
- M[Q][J]+=M[P][J]*T;
- if(Conj==1)
- for(J=S1-1;J>=0;J--) M[J][P]-=M[J][Q]*T;
- if(RR) for(J=S1-1;J>=0;J--) RR[Q][J]+=RR[P][J]*T;
- K++;
- }
- if(K%5==0){
- if(!Nt) M=mtranspose(M);
- else if(!Conj&&K%2==0){
- for(F=0;F<S;F++){
- if((V=lgcd(M[F]))>1){
- for(L=0;L<S1;L++) M[F][L]/=V;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(I>Ct){
- for(L=S-1;L>=0;L--){
- for(F=0,J=S1-1;J>=0;J--)
- if(M[L][J]!=0) F++;
- if(F<2){
- F=-1;break;
- }
- else F=0;
- }
- if(F<0 && LL++<5){
- I=(CT-CT%2)/2;K=1;
- }
- if(I>Ct) break;
- }
- }
- if(RR){
- for(I=F=0;I<S1;I++){
- V=Res[I][I];
- for(J=I+1;J<S1;J++){
- if(Res[J][J]!=V) break;
- for(LP=0;LP<2;LP++){
- if(J==S1-1||Res[J][J+1]==0){
- if(I==0||Res[I-1][I]==0){
- for(VL=VS=[],K=0;K<S1;K++){
- VL=cons(RR[K][J],VL);VS=cons(RR[K][I],VS);
- }
- VR=ldev(VL,VS);
- if(VR[0]){
- for(K=S1-1,VN=VR[1];K>=0;K--,VN=cdr(VN))
- RR[K][J]=car(VN);
- F=1;
- }
- }
- }
- K=I;I=J;J=K;
- }
- }
- if(F&&I==S1-1){
- F=0;I=-1;
- }
- }
- if(getopt(int)==1){
- N=mtranspose(M);
- for(F=I=0;I<S1;I++) if(lgcd(M[I])>1||lgcd(N[I])>1) F++;
- if(F){
- for(F=I=0;I<S1;I++){
- if(Res[I][I]==-1) F=ior(F,1);
- else if(Res[I][I]==1) F=ior(F,2);
- }
- C=0;
- if(!iand(F,1)) C=1;
- else if(!iand(F,2)) C=-1;
- if(C){
- for(I=0;I<S1;I++){
- M[I][I]+=C;Res[I][I]+=C;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(getopt(rep)!=1){
- for(Lp=0;Lp<5;Lp++){
- F=(M==Res||abs(lmax(RR))>Xa*10||abs(lmin(RR))>Xa*10)?1:0;
- for(I=0;!F&&I<S1&&Lp<4;I++){
- for(K=L=J=0;J<S1;J++){
- if(M[I][J]) K++;
- if(M[J][I]) L++;
- }
- if(K<2||L<2) F=1;
- }
- if(!F) break;
- R=unim(S0|option_list=cons(["rep",1],getopt()));
- M=R[0];Res=R[1];RR=R[3];
- }
- }
- }
- if(Res==0) return M;
- if(RR){
- for(I=K=V=0;I<S1;I++){
- for(J=0;J<S1;J++){
- if(RR[J][I]>0) V++;
- else if(RR[J][I]<0) V--;
- }
- if(I<S1-1&&Res[I][I+1]!=0) continue;
- if(V<0){
- for(;K<=I;K++) RR=colm(RR,K,-1);
- }
- K=I+1;V=0;
- }
- }
- if(getopt(rep)!=1){
- if((F=getopt(dviout))==1){
- if(getopt(conj)==1){
- if(RR) show([Res,"=",myinv(RR),M,RR]|opt="spts0",str=1,lim=200);
- }else{
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))==1)
- mtoupper(M,0|step=1,opt=7,dviout=1,pages=1,lim=Lim);
- else mtoupper(M,0|step=1,opt=7,dviout=1,pages=1);
- }
- }else if(F==-1){
- if(getopt(conj)==1){
- if(RR) return ltotex([Res,"=",myinv(RR),M,RR]|opt="spts0",str=1,lim=200);
- }else{
- if(type(Lim=getopt(lim))==1)
- return mtoupper(M,0|step=1,opt=7,pages=1,lim=Lim,dviout=-1);
- else return mtoupper(M,0|step=1,opt=7,pages=1,dviout=-1);
- }
- }
- }
- if(RR==0) return[M,Res];
- return [M,Res,myinv(RR),RR];
-def pfrac(F,X)
- F = red(F);
- FN = nm(F);
- FD = dn(F);
- if(mydeg(FD,X) == 0)
- return [[F,1,1]];
- R = rpdiv(FN,FD,X);
- FN = R[0]/R[1];
- R0 = R[2]/R[1];
- FC = fctr(FD);
- RT=[];
- if(getopt(root)==2){
- for(FE=[],FT=FC;FT!=[];FT=cdr(FT)){
- if(mydeg(P=car(FT)[0],X)==4 && vars(P)==[X] && pari(issquare,C=mycoef(P,4,X))){
- if((S=mycoef(P,3,X)/4/C)!=0) P=subst(P,X,X-S);
- if(mycoef(P,1,X)==0 && pari(issquare,C0=mycoef(P,0,X))){
- C=sqrtrat(C);C0=sqrtrat(C0);C1=2*C*C0-mycoef(P,2,X);
- if(C1>0){
- FE=cons([C*(X+S)^2-C1^(1/2)*(X+S)+C0,car(FT)[1]],FE);
- FE=cons([C*(X+S)^2+C1^(1/2)*(X+S)+C0,car(FT)[1]],FE);
- RT=cons(C1,RT);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- FE=cons(car(FT),FE);
- }
- FC=reverse(FE);
- }
- N = Q = 0;
- L = [];
- for(I = length(FC)-1; I >= 0; I--){
- if((D = mydeg(FC[I][0],X)) == 0) continue;
- for(K=1; K<=FC[I][1]; K++){
- for(J=P=0; J < D; J++){
- V = makev(["zz_",++N]);
- P = P*X + V;
- L = cons(V,L);
- }
- Q += P/(FC[I][0]^K);
- Q = red(Q);
- }
- }
- L=reverse(L);
- Q = nm(red(red(Q*FD)-FN));
- Q = ptol(Q,X);
- S = lsol(Q,L);
- R = (R0==0)?[]:[[R0,1,1]];
- for(N=0,I=length(FC)-1; I >= 0; I--){
- if((D = mydeg(FC[I][0],X)) == 0) continue;
- for(K=1; K<=FC[I][1]; K++){
- for(P=J=0; J < D; N++,J++)
- P = P*X + S[N][1];
- if(P!=0) R = cons([P,FC[I][0],K],R);
- }
- }
- for(;RT!=[];RT=cdr(RT)){
- RTT=car(RT);
- R=mtransbys(os_md.substblock,R,[RTT^(1/2),(RTT^(1/2))^2,RTT]);
- }
- TeX=getopt(TeX);
- if((Dvi=getopt(dviout))==1||TeX==1){
- V=strtov("0");
- for(S=L=0,RR=R;RR!=[];RR=cdr(RR),L++){
- RT=car(RR);
- S+=(RT[0]/RT[1]^RT[2])*V^L;
- }
- if(TeX!=1) fctrtos(S|var=[V,""],dviout=1);
- else return fctrtos(S|var=[V,""],TeX=3);
- }
- return reverse(R);
-def cfrac(X,N)
- F=[floor(X)];
- if(N<0){
- Max=N=-N;
- }
- X-=F[0];
- if(Max!=1)
- M=mat([F[0],1],[1,0]);
- for(;N>0 && X!=0;N--){
- X=1/X;
- F=cons(Y=floor(X),F);
- X-=Y;
- if(Max){
- M0=M[0][0];M1=M[1][0];
- M=M*mat([Y,1],[1,0]);
- if(M[0][0]>Max) return M0/M1;
- }
- }
- return (Max==0)?reverse(F):M[0][0]/M[1][0];
-def sqrt2rat(X)
- if(type(X)>3) return X;
- X=red(X);
- if(getopt(mult)==1){
- for(V=vars(X);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=funargs(F=car(V));
- if(type(T)==4&&length(T)>1){
- Y=T[1];
- Z=sqrt2rat(Y);
- if(Y!=Z){
- if(length(T)==2){
- T0=T[0];
- X=subst(X,F,T0(Z));
- }else if(T[0]==pow)
- X=subst(X,F,Y^T[2]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(V=vars(X);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){ /* r(x)^(1/2+n) -> r(x)^n*r(x)^(1/2) */
- T=args(Y=car(V));
- if(functor(Y)==pow&&T[1]!=1/2&&isint(T2=2*T[1])){
- if(iand(T2,1)){
- R=(T[0])^(1/2);T2--;
- }else R=1;
- R*=T[0]^(T2/2);
- X=red(subst(X,Y,R));
- }
- }
- D=dn(X);N=nm(X);
- if(imag(D)!=0){
- N*=conj(D);
- D*=conj(D);
- return sqrt2rat(N/D);
- }
- for(V=vars(N);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){ /* (r(x)^(n/m))^k */
- T=args(Y=car(V));
- if(functor(Y)==pow&&(T[1]==0||(type(T[1])==1&&ntype(T[1])==0))){
- Dn=dn(T[1]);Nm=nm(T[1]);
- N=substblock(N,Y,Y^Dn,T[0]^Nm);
- }
- }
- for(V=vars(D);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=args(Y=car(V));
- if(functor(Y)==pow&&(T[1]==0||(type(T[1])==1&&ntype(T[1])==0))){
- Dn=dn(T[1]);Nm=nm(T[1]);
- D=substblock(D,Y,Y^Dn,T[0]^Nm);
- }
- }
- for(V=vars(D);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=args(Y=car(V));
- if(functor(Y)==pow&&T[1]==1/2&&mydeg(D,Y)==1){
- N*=mycoef(D,0,Y)-mycoef(D,1,Y)*Y;
- N=mycoef(N,0,Y)+mycoef(N,1,Y)*Y+mycoef(N,2,Y)*T[0];
- D=mycoef(D,0,Y)^2-mycoef(D,1,Y)^2*T[0];
- X=red(N/D);
- D=dn(X);N=nm(X);
- break;
- }
- }
- X=red(N/D);
- D=dn(X);N=nm(X);
- for(V=vars(D);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=args(Y=car(V));
- if(functor(Y)==pow&&T[1]==1/2)
- D=substblock(D,T[0]^T[1],(T[0]^T[1])^2,T[0]);
- }
- for(V=vars(N);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=args(Y=car(V));
- if(functor(Y)==pow&&T[1]==1/2)
- N=substblock(N,T[0]^T[1],(T[0]^T[1])^2,T[0]);
- }
- for(V=vars(N);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=args(Y=car(V));
- if(functor(Y)==pow&&T[1]==1/2){
- Ag=T[0];
- R=S=1;
- An=fctr(nm(Ag));
- CA=An[0][0];
- if(CA<0){
- CA=-CA;R=-1;
- }
- if(type(I=sqrtrat(CA))<2) S=I;
- else R*=CA;
- for(An=cdr(An);An!=[];An=cdr(An)){
- Pw=car(An)[1];I=iand(Pw,1);
- if(I) R*=car(An)[0];
- if((Q=(Pw-I)/2)>0) S*=car(An)[0]^Q;
- }
- for(An=fctr(dn(Ag));An!=[];An=cdr(An)){
- Pw=car(An)[1];I=iand(Pw,1);
- if(I) R/=car(An)[0]^I;
- if((Q=(Pw-I)/2)>0) S/=car(An)[0]^Q;
- }
- if(S!=1) N=subst(N,Y,R^(1/2)*S);
- }
- }
- for(V=vars(N);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=args(Y=car(V));
- if(functor(Y)==pow&&T[1]==1/2){
- C=mycoef(N,1,Y);
- for(VC=vars(C);VC!=[];VC=cdr(VC)){
- TC=args(YC=car(VC));
- if(functor(YC)==pow&&TC[1]==1/2){
- Ag=red(T[0]*TC[0]);
- R=S=1;
- An=fctr(nm(Ag));
- CA=An[0][0];
- if(CA<0){
- CA=-CA;R=-1;
- }
- if(type(I=sqrtrat(CA))<2) S=I;
- else R*=CA;
- for(An=cdr(An);An!=[];An=cdr(An)){
- Pw=car(An)[1];I=iand(Pw,1);
- if(I) R*=car(An)[0];
- if((Q=(Pw-I)/2)>0) S*=car(An)[0]^Q;
- }
- for(An=fctr(dn(Ag));An!=[];An=cdr(An)){
- Pw=car(An)[1];I=iand(Pw,1);
- if(I) R/=car(An)[0]^I;
- if((Q=(Pw-I)/2)>0) S/=car(An)[0]^Q;
- }
- CC=mycoef(C,1,YC);
- N=N-CC*YC*Y+CC*R^(1/2)*S;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return red(N/D);
-def cfrac2n(X)
- if(type(L=getopt(loop))==1&&L>0)
- C=x;
- else{
- C=0;L=0;
- }
- if(L>1){
- for(Y=[];L>1;L--){
- Y=cons(car(X),Y);
- X=cdr(X);
- }
- if(X!=[]){
- P=cfrac2n(X|loop=1);
- for(V=P,Y=reverse(Y);Y!=[];Y=cdr(Y))
- V=sqrt2rat(car(Y)+1/V);
- return V;
- }else{
- C=0;X=reverse(Y);
- }
- }
- for(V=C,X=reverse(X);X!=[];X=cdr(X)){
- if(V!=0) V=1/V;
- V+=car(X);
- }
- if(C!=0){
- V=red(V);P=dn(V)*x-nm(V);
- S=getroot(P,x|cpx=2);
- T=map(eval,S);
- V=(T[0]>0)?S[0]:S[1];
- }
- return V;
-def s2sp(S)
- if(getopt(short)==1){
- if(type(F=getopt(std))==1) S=s2sp(S|std=F);
- if(type(S)!=7) S=s2sp(S);
- L=strtoascii(S);
- for(LS=[],F=C=0;L!=[];L=cdr(L)){
- if((G=car(L))!=F){
- LS=cons(G,LS);C=0;
- }else if(C<3){
- LS=cons(G,LS);
- }else if(C==3){
- LS=cdr(LS);LS=cdr(LS);
- LS=cons(94,LS);LS=cons(52,LS);
- }else if(C==9){
- LS=cdr(LS);LS=cons(97,LS);
- }else{
- K=car(LS);LS=cdr(LS);LS=cons(K+1,LS);
- }
- C++;F=G;
- }
- return asciitostr(reverse(LS));
- }
- if(type(F=getopt(std))==1){
- F=(F>0)?1:-1;
- if(type(S)==7) S=s2sp(S);
- for(L=[];S!=[];S=cdr(S))
- L=cons(os_md.msort(car(S),[-1,0]),L);
- return os_md.msort(L,[F,2]);
- }
- if(type(S)==7){
- S = strtoascii(S);
- if(type(S) == 5) S = vtol(S);
- for(N=0,R=TR=[]; S!=[]; S=cdr(S)){
- if(car(S)==45) /* - */
- N=1;
- else if(car(S)==47) /* / */
- N=2;
- if(N>0){
- while(car(S)<48&&car(S)!=40) S=cdr(S);
- }
- if((T=car(S))>=48 && T<=57) TR=cons(T-48,TR);
- else if(T>=97) TR=cons(T-87,TR);
- else if(T>=65 && T<=90) TR=cons(T-29,TR); /* A-Z */
- else if(T==44){
- R=cons(reverse(TR),R);
- TR=[];
- }else if(T==94){ /* ^ */
- S=cdr(S);
- if(car(S)==40){ /* ( */
- S=cdr(S);
- for(T=0; car(S)!=41 && S!=[]; S=cdr(S)){
- V=car(S)-48;
- if(V>=10) V-=39;
- T=10*T+V;
- }
- }else{
- while(car(S)<48) S=cdr(S);
- T=car(S)-48;
- if(T>=10) T-=39;
- }
- while(--T>=1) TR=cons(car(TR),TR);
- }else if(T==40){ /* ( */
- S=cdr(S);
- if(N==1){
- N=0; NN=1;
- }else NN=0;
- if(car(S)==45){ /* - */
- S=cdr(S);
- NN=1-NN;
- }
- for(I=0; I<2; I++){
- for(V=0; (SS=car(S))!=41 && SS!=47 && S!=[]; S=cdr(S)){
- T=SS-48;
- if(T>=10) T-=39;
- V=10*V+T;
- }
- if(NN==1){
- V=-V; NN=0;
- }
- TR=cons(V,TR);
- if(SS!=47) break;
- else{
- N=2; S=cdr(S);
- }
- }
- }else if(T==60){
- for(V=[],S=cdr(S);S!=[]&&car(S)!=62;S=cdr(S))
- V=cons(car(S),V);
- if(car(S)!=62) continue;
- TR=cons(eval_str(asciitostr(reverse(V))),TR);
- }else if(T<48) continue;
- if(N==1){
- T = car(TR);
- TR=cons(-T,cdr(TR));
- N=0;
- }else if(N==2){
- T=car(TR); TR=cdr(TR);
- TR=cons(car(TR)/T,cdr(TR));
- N=0;
- }
- }
- return reverse(cons(reverse(TR),R));
- }else if(type(S)==4){
- Num=getopt(num);
- for(R=[]; ; ){
- if(type(TS=car(S))!=4) return;
- for(; TS!=[]; TS=cdr(TS)){
- V=car(TS);
- if(type(V)>1||(type(V)==1&&ntype(V)>0)){
- V="<"+rtostr(V)+">";
- R=append(reverse(strtoascii(V)),R);
- continue;
- }
- if(dn(V)>1){
- P=reverse(strtoascii(rtostr(V)));
- R=append(P,cons(40,R));
- R=cons(41,R);
- continue;
- }
- if(V<0 && V>-10){
- V=-V;
- R=cons(45,R);
- }
- if(V<0 || V>35 || (V>9 && Num==1)){
- P=reverse(strtoascii(rtostr(V)));
- R=append(P,cons(40,R));
- V=41;
- }else if(V<10) V+=48;
- else V+=87;
- R=cons(V,R);
- }
- if((S=cdr(S))==[]) break;
- R=cons(44,R);
- }
- return asciitostr(reverse(R));
- }
- return 0;
-def sp2grs(M,A,L)
- MM = [];
- T0 = 0;
- Mat=getopt(mat);
- if(Mat!=1) Mat=0;
- if(type(M)==7) M=s2sp(M);
- if((LM = length(M)) > 10 && type(A) < 4)
- CK = 1;
- Sft = (type(L)==1)?L:0;
- if(type(L)==4 && length(L)>=3)
- Sft = L[2];
- if(Sft < 0){
- T0 = 1;
- Sft = -Sft-1;
- }
- for(I = LM-1; I >= 0; I--){
- MI = M[I]; MN = [];
- if(CK == 1 && length(MI) > 10){
- erno(1);
- return;
- }
- if(type(A) == 4)
- AA = rtostr(A[I]);
- else
- AA = rtostr(A)+rtostr(I);
- for(J = LM = length(MI)-1; J >= 0; J--){
- V = MI[J];
- if(type(V) > 3)
- V = V[0];
- if(T0 == 0 || I == 0)
- MN = cons([V, makev([AA,J+Sft])], MN);
- else{
- if(LM == 1)
- MN = cons([V, (J==0)?0:makev([AA])], MN);
- else if(I == 1 && Mat == 0)
- MN = cons([V, (J==length(MI)-1)?0:makev([AA,J+Sft])], MN);
- else
- MN = cons([V, (J==0)?0:makev([AA,J])], MN);
- }
- }
- MM = cons(MN, MM);
- }
- if(type(L) == 4 && length(L) >= 2){
- R = chkspt(MM|mat=Mat); /* R[3]: Fuchs */
- AA = var(MM[L[0]-1][L[1]-1][1]);
- if(AA==0) AA=var(R[3]);
- if(AA!=0 && (P = mycoef(R[3],1,AA))!=0){
- P = -mycoef(R[3], 0, AA)/P;
- MM = mysubst(MM,[AA,P]);
- }
- }
- return MM;
-def intpoly(F,X)
- if((T=ptype(F,X))<4){
- if(T<3){ /* polynomial */
- if(type(C=getopt(cos))>0){
- V=vars(F);
- Z=makenewv(V);
- W=makenewv(cons(Z,V));
- Q=intpoly(F,X|exp=Z);
- Q=(subst(Q,Z,@i*C)*(Z+@i*W)+subst(Q,Z,-@i*C)*(Z-@i*W))/2;
- return [mycoef(Q,1,Z),mycoef(Q,1,W)];
- }
- if(type(C=getopt(sin))>0){
- Q=intpoly(F,X|cos=C);
- return [-Q[1],Q[0]];
- }
- if(type(C=getopt(log))>0){
- Q=intpoly(F,X);
- if(C[0]==0) return [Q,0];
- if(length(C)<3) C=[C[0],C[1],1];
- Q-=subst(Q,X,-C[1]/C[0]);
- if(iscoef(Q,os_md.israt)) Q=red(Q);
- if(C[2]==0) return [Q];
- S=subst(-Q*C[0]*C[2],X,X-C[1]/C[0]);
- for(R=0,D=mydeg(S,X);D>0;D--) R+=mycoef(S,D,X)*X^(D-1);
- R=subst(R,X,X+C[1]/C[0]);
- return cons(Q,intpoly(R,X|log=[C[0],C[1],C[2]-1]));
- }
- if(type(C=getopt(exp))>0){
- D = mydeg(F,X);
- for(P=Q=F/C;D>=0;D--){
- Q=-mydiff(Q,X)/C;
- P+=Q;
- }
- return P;
- }
- for(P=0,I=mydeg(F,X);I >= 0;I--)
- P += mycoef(F,I,X)*X^(I+1)/(I+1);
- return P;
- }
- R=pfrac(F,X|root=2); /* rational */
- for(P=0;R!=[];R=cdr(R)){
- if(type(V=getopt(dumb))==5){
- for(PF=[],RR=R;RR!=[];RR=cdr(RR))
- PF=cons(RR[0][0]/RR[0][1]^RR[0][2],PF);
- PF=[cons(X,reverse(PF))];
- if(P) PF=cons([1,P],PF);
- V[0]=cons(PF,V[0]);
- }
- RT=car(R);
- if(mydeg(RT[1],X)==0) P+=intpoly(RT[0]*RT[2],X);
- else if((Deg=mydeg(RT[1],X))==1){
- if(RT[2]>1) P+=RT[0]*RT[1]^(1-RT[2])/(1-RT[2])/mycoef(RT[1],1,X);
- else P+=RT[0]*log(RT[1])/mycoef(RT[1],1,X);
- P=red(P);
- }else if(Deg==2){
- D1=diff(RT[1],X);C1=mycoef(D1,1,X);
- B=2*C1*mycoef(RT[1],0,X)-mycoef(RT[1],1,X)^2; /* ax^2+bx+c => B=4ac-b^2 */
- B=sqrt2rat(B);
- N=RT[0];
- for(I=RT[2];I>0&&N!=0;I--){
- C0=mycoef(N,1,X)/C1;N-=C0*D1;
- if(C0){
- if(I>1) P-=C0/RT[1]^(I-1)/(I-1);
- else P+=C0*log(RT[1]);
- }
- if(I>1){
- BB=B/C1;
- P+=N*X/RT[1]^(I-1)/(I-1)/BB;
- N*=(2*I-3)/(I-1)/BB;
- }else{
- if(type(BR=sqrtrat(B))>3){
- mycat(["Cannot obtain sqare root of ",B]);
- return [];
- }
- if(real(nm(BR))!=0){
- P+=(2*N/BR)*atan(sqrt2rat(D1/BR|mult=1));
- }else{
- BR*=@i;BRI=sqrt2rat(1/BR);
- R1=(-mycoef(RT[1],1,X)+BR)/C1;
- R2=(-mycoef(RT[1],1,X)-BR)/C1;
- P+=N*BRI*log( /* sqrt2rat */((x-R1)/(x-R2)));
- }
- }
- P=red(P);
- }
- P=sqrt2rat(P);
- }else{
- mycat(["Cannot get an indefinite integral of ",F]);
- return [];
- }
- }
- Q=simplog(P,X);
- if(type(V)==5&&nmono(P)!=nmono(Q)) V[0]=cons([[1,red(P)]],V[0]);
- return red(Q);
- }
- return [];
-def fshorter(P,X)
- Q=sqrt2rat(P);
- R=trig2exp(Q,X|inv=1);
- if(str_len(fctrtos(R))<str_len(fctrtos(Q))) Q=R;
- Var=pfargs(Q,X|level=1);
- for(C=F=0,R=1,V=Var;V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- if(findin(car(V)[1],[cos,sin,tan])>=0){
- if(!C){
- F=car(V)[2];
- }else{
- R=red(car(V)[2]/F);
- if(type(R)!=1) break;
- F/=dn(R);
- }
- C++;
- }
- }
- if(getopt(period)==1) return F;
- if(!isint(Log=getopt(log))) Log=0;
- if(V==[]&&F!=0){
- if(iand(Log,1)){
- H=append(cdr(fctr(nm(Q))),cdr(fctr(dn(Q))));
- for(L=0;H!=[];H=cdr(H))
- L+=str_len(rtostr(car(H)[0]));
- }else L=str_len(fctrtos(Q));
- S=trig2exp(P,X);
- for(T=[sin(F),tan(F),cos(F),sin(F/2),cos(F/2),tan(F/2)];T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- R=trig2exp(S,X|inv=car(T));
- if(iand(Log,1)){
- H=append(cdr(fctr(nm(R))),cdr(fctr(dn(R))));
- for(K=0;H!=[];H=cdr(H))
- K+=str_len(rtostr(car(H)[0]));
- }else K=str_len(fctrtos(R));
- if(K<L){
- Q=R;L=K;
- }
- }
- }
- return Q;
-def isshortneg(P)
- return(str_len(rtostr(P))>str_len(rtostr(-P)))?1:0;
-def simplog(R,X)
- for(V=[],Var=pfargs(R,X);Var!=[];Var=cdr(Var)){
- VT=car(Var);
- if(VT[1]==log && ptype(R,VT[0])==2 && mydeg(R,VT[0])==1)
- V=cons([VT[0],VT[2],mycoef(R,1,VT[0])],V);
- }
- for(;V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- VT=car(V);
- for(V2=cdr(V);V2!=[];V2=cdr(V2)){
- Dn=1;
- if((C=red(car(V2)[2]/VT[2]))!=1&&C!=-1){
- if(getopt(mult)==1&&type(C)==1&&ntype(C)==0){
- Dn=dn(C);C*=Dn;
- }else continue;
- }
- Log=red(VT[1]^Dn*car(V2)[1]^(Dn*C));
- L=str_len(rtostr(dn(Log)))-str_len(rtostr(nm(Log)));
- if(L>0 || (L==0&&isshortneg(VT[2])) ){
- Dn=-Dn;Log=1/Log;
- }
- R=mycoef(R,0,VT[0]);R=mycoef(R,0,car(V2)[0]);
- return(R+VT[2]*log(Log)/Dn);
- }
- }
- return R;
-def integrate(P,X)
- Dvi=getopt(dviout);
- if(type(I=getopt(I))==4){
- if((R=integrate(P,X))==[]) II="?";
- else if(type(I[0])>3||type(I[1])>3){
- R=subst(R,X,x);
- V=flim(R,I[0]);VV=flim(R,I[1]);
- if(V==""||VV=="") II="?";
- else if(type(V)==7||type(VV)==7){
- if(V==VV) II="?";
- else II=(VV=="+"||V=="-")?"\\infty":"-\\infty";
- }else{
- II=VV-V;
- if(II>10^10) II="\\infty";
- else if(II<-10^10) II="-\\infty";
- }
- }else{
- V=subst(R,X,I[1])-subst(R,X,I[0]);
- VV=myval(V);
- II=(type(VV)>=2||ntype(VV)<1)?VV:evalred(V);
- }
- if(type(Dvi)!=1) return II;
- I=ltov(I);
- for(J=0;J<2;J++){
- if(type(I[J])>3){
- if(type(I[J])==4&&length(I[J])>1) I[J]=I[J][1];
- else I[J]=(J==0)?"-\\infty":"\\infty";
- }
- if(type(I[J])<4) I[J]=my_tex_form(I[J]);
- }
- S=(type(II)==7)?II:my_tex_form(II);
- S="\\int_{"+I[0]+"}^{"+I[1]+"}"+monototex(P)+"\\,d"+my_tex_form(X)+"&="+S;
- if(Dvi==1) dviout(texbegin("align",S));
- return S;
- }
- if(isint(Dvi)==1){
- if(Dvi==2||getopt(dumb)==-1){
- V=newvect(1);V[0]=[];
- }else V=0;
- if((RR=integrate(P,X|dumb=V))==[]) return R;
- S=fshorter(RR,X);
- VV=[X];
- if(V!=0){
- R=cons([[1,RR]],V[0]);
- if(S!=RR) R=cons([[1,RR=S]],R);
- for(V=FR=[];R!=[];R=cdr(R))
- if(car(R)!=FR) V=cons(FR=car(R),V);
- Var=varargs(V|all=2);
- for(S0=[x0,x1,x2,x3],S=[t,s,u,v,w];S0!=[]&&S!=[];){
- if(findin(car(S0),Var)<0){
- S0=cdr(S0); continue;
- }
- if(findin(car(S),Var)>=0){
- S=cdr(S); continue;
- }
- V=subst(V,[car(S0),car(S)]);S0=cdr(S0);S=cdr(S);
- }
- if(Dvi==-2) return V;
- S1="\\,dx&";
- }else{
- V=[[],[[1,RR=S]]];
- S1="\\,dx";
- }
- if(type(P)>2){
- if(type(nm(P))<2){
- P=P*dx;S1=V?"&":"";
- }
- S=fctrtos(P|TeX=2,lim=0);SV0=my_tex_form(P);
- if(str_len(SV0)<str_len(S)) S=SV0;
- }else S=monototex(P);
- if(Dvi!=-2) S="\\int "+S+S1;
- else S="";
- for(L=[],V=cdr(V);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- CL=car(V);S0=["="]; /* a line */
- for(FL=0;CL!=[];CL=cdr(CL),FL++){
- CT=car(CL); /* a term */
- if((Y=CT[0])==0){ /* a variable */
- CT=cdr(CT);
- if(length(CT)>2) CT=cdr(CT);
- S0=["\\qquad(",CT[0],"=",CT[1],")"];
- break;
- }else{
- for(FT=0,S2=[],CT=cdr(CT);CT!=[];CT=cdr(CT),FT++){
- SV=fctrtos(car(CT)|TeX=2,lim=0);SV0=my_tex_form(car(CT));
- if(str_len(SV0)<str_len(SV)) SV=SV0;
- if(FL||FT||(F&&type(Y)<2)) SV=minustos(SV);
- S2=append(["+",SV],S2);
- }
- S2=reverse(cdr(S2));
- if(type(Y)>1){
- if(length(S2)>1){
- S1="\\int\\left(";S3="\\right)\\,d";
- }else{
- S1="\\int";S3="\\,d";
- }
- S2=cons(S1,append(S2,[S3,Y]));
- if(findin(Y,VV)<0) VV=cons(Y,VV);
- }
- if(FL) S0=append(S0,cons("+",S2));
- else S0=append(S0,S2);
- }
- }
- L=append([S0],L);
- };
- V=pfargs(RR,X|level=1);
- for(Var=[];V!=[];V=cdr(V)) Var=cons(car(V)[0],Var);
- Var=reverse(Var);
- if(!isint(J=getopt(frac))) J=0;;
- if(!iand(J,4)&&(!iand(J,2)||length(Var)==1)&&(iand(J,8)==8||ptype(RR,Var)==2)){
- F=1;
- if(iand(J,1)){
- K=str_len(fctrtos(RR));
- I=str_len(fctrtos(RR|var=Var));
- if(I>=K) F=0;
- }
- if(F){
- V=[fctrtos(RR|var=Var,TeX=2)];
- if(Dvi!=-2) V=cons("=",V);
- if(length(L)>0) L=cdr(L);
- L=append([V],L);
- }
- }else if(ptype(RR,X)==2){
- L=cdr(L);
- V=[fctrtos(RR|var=X,TeX=2)];
- if(Dvi!=-2) V=cons("=",V);
- L=append([V],L);
- }
- S=texket(S+ltotex(reverse(L)|opt=["cr","spts0"],str=1));
- if(getopt(log)!=1){
- for(V=[];VV!=[];VV=cdr(VV))
- V=cons(strtoascii(my_tex_form(car(VV))),V);
- S1=strtoascii("\\log");
- for(F=1;F;){ /* log(log(x)) */
- F=FT=0;
- S0=strtoascii(S); /* log(x) -> log|x| */
- L=length(S0);
- S2=str_tb(0,0);
- for(I=0;;){
- if(I>=L||(J=str_str(S0,S1|top=I+FT))<0){
- S=str_tb(0,S2)+str_cut(S0,I,100000);
- break;
- }
- if((K=str_str(S0,40|top=J+4))<0
- ||(K!=J+4&&K!=J+9)||(N=str_pair(S0,K+1,40,41))<0){
- FT=J-I+4;continue;
- }
- FT=0;
- if(str_str(S0,V|top=K+1,end=N-1)[0]<0) S2=str_tb(str_cut(S0,I,N),S2);
- else{
- /* log(a) -> log(a) */
- F=1;
- if(N<L-1&&S0[N+1]==94){ /* log(x)^2 -> (log|x|)^2 */
- S2=str_tb([str_cut(S0,I,J-1),"\\left(",str_cut(S0,J,K-1),
- "|",str_cut(S0,K+1,N-1),"|\\right)"],S2);
- }
- else S2=str_tb([str_cut(S0,I,K-1),"|",str_cut(S0,K+1,N-1),"|"],S2);
- }
- I=N+1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(Dvi>0){
- dviout(texbegin("align*",S));
- return 1;
- }
- return S;
- } /* end of dviout */
- SM=["Cannot integrate",P,"at present"];
- P=sqrt2rat(P|mult=1);
- Dumb2=1;Dumb3=0;W=newvect(1);W[0]=[];
- if(type(Dumb=getopt(dumb))==5){
- Dumb2=Dumb3=Dumb;D2=W;
- }else if(!isint(Dumb)) Dumb=0;
- if(Dumb==-1){
- Dumb2=Dumb3=-1;
- }
- if(type(Dumb)!=5) D2=Dumb2;
- if(!isint(Mul=getopt(mult))) Mul=0;
- else Mul++;
- if(type(VAR=getopt(var))!=4) VAR=[];
- if(type(P)>4) return [];
- if(iand(T=ptype(P=red(P),X),63)>3||Mul>4){
- if(Dumb!=1) mycat(SM);
- return [];
- }
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["integrate", P]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[X,P]],Dumb[0]);
- if(T<4 && (T<3||iscoef(P,os_md.israt))){
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["rational function",P]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[X,P]],Dumb[0]);
- return intpoly(P,X|dumb=Dumb); /* rational function */
- }
- Var=pfargs(P,X);
- for(F=0,VV=Var;VV!=[];VV=cdr(VV)){
- /* p(x)*log(x^2-1), @e^x, a^x, f(x)^(m/n) etc.->simplify */
- V=car(VV);
- if(V[1]==log && (T=ptype(V[2],X))>1 && T<4){
- if(mydeg(dn(V[2]),X)>0||mydeg(nm(V[2]),X)>1){
- FC=pfctr(V[2],X);RV=1;
- if(length(FC)>2){
- RR=0;RV=1;
- if((F0=car(FC)[0])!=1){
- if(type(F0)!=1 && F0<0){
- for(FT=cdr(FT);FT!=[];FT=cdr(FT)){
- if(iand(car(FT)[1],1)){
- RV=-1;F0=-F0;break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(F0!=1) RR=log(F0);
- for(FC=cdr(FC);FC!=[];FC=cdr(FC)){
- if(RV==-1&&iand(car(FC)[1],1)==1){
- RR+=car(FC)[1]*log(-car(FC)[0]);
- RV=1;
- }else
- RR+=car(FC)[1]*log(car(FC)[0]);
- }
- P=subst(P,V[0],RR);
- F=1;
- }
- }
- F=1;
- }else if(V[1]==pow){
- if(ptype(V[2],X)==1){
- F=1;
- if(V[2]==@e){ /* @e^(f(x)) */
- P=subst(P,V[0],exp(V[3]));
- }else P=subst(P,V[0],exp(log(V[2])*V[3]));
- }else if(type(V[3])<=1 && ntype(V[3])==0){ /* r(x)^(m/n) */
- if((Pw=floor(V[3]))!=0){
- R=V[2]^Pw;
- if((PF=V[3]-Pw)!=0) R*=V[2]^PF;
- P=subst(P,V[0],R);
- F=1;
- V=[V[2]^PF,V[1],V[2],PF];
- }
- if(ptype(nm(V[2]),X)<2&&V[3]>0){ /* (1/p(x))^(m/n) */
- P=subst(P,V[0],V[2]*red(1/V[2])^(1-V[3]));
- F=0;VV=cons(0,Var=pfargs(P,X));continue;
- }
- if(ptype(V[2],X)<4&&(K=dn(V[3]))>1){
- V2=red(V[2]);
- DN=mydeg(nm(V2),X);DD=mydeg(dn(V2),X);
- if(DN+DD>1){
- VF=pfctr(V2,X);
- R=car(VF)[0]^(car(VF)[1]);RR=0;
- for(VF=cdr(VF);VF!=[];VF=cdr(VF)){
- TV=car(VF);TM=TV[1];
- while(abs(TM)>=K){
- RR=1;
- if(TM>0){
- TM-=K;
- RR*=TV[0]^nm(V[3]);
- }else{
- TM+=K;
- RR/=TV[0]^nm(V[3]);
- }
- }
- if(TM!=0) R*=TV[0]^TM;
- }
- if(RR){
- P=subst(P,V[0],RR*red(R)^(V[3]));F=1;
- F=0;VV=cons(0,Var=pfargs(P,X));continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(F){
- P=sqrt2rat(P|mult=1);
- Var=pfargs(P=red(P),X);T=ptype(P,X);
- if(T<4 && (T<3||iscoef(P,os_md.israt))){
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["rational function",P]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5){
- Dumb[0]=cons([[X,P]],Dumb[0]);
- return intpoly(P,X|dumb=Dumb3);
- }
- return intpoly(P,X); /* rational function */
- }
- }
-#if 1
- for(P0=P,V=pfargs(P,X|level=1);V!=[];V=cdr(V)) /* P:tan(x) -> P0:sin(x)/cos(x) */
- if(car(V)[1]==tan) P0=red(subst(P0,car(V)[0],sin(car(V)[2])/cos(car(V)[2])));
- if(iand(ptype(P0,X),128)){ /* (log f)'=f'/f */
- for(Df=cdr(fctr(dn(P0)));Df!=[];Df=cdr(Df)){
- if(!iand(ptype(car(Df)[0],X),64)) continue;
- Q=car(Df)[0]^(car(Df)[1]);QQ=red(dn(P0)/Q);
- DQ=red(diff(Q,X)*QQ);
- if(type(C=DQ/nm(P0))<2&&C!=0){
- PP=0;DN=[1];
- }else for(DN=cdr(fctr(DQ));DN!=[];DN=cdr(DN)){
- Y=car(DN)[0];
- if(!iand(ptype(Y,X),64)||(I=mydeg(nm(P0),Y))!=mydeg(DQ,Y)
- || ptype((C=red(mycoef(nm(P0),I,Y)/mycoef(DQ,I,Y))),X)>1||C==0) continue;
- PP=red(P0-C*diff(Q,X)/Q);
- if(nmono(P0)>nmono(PP)) break;
- }
- if(DN!=[]){
- R=C*log(Q);
- if(PP==0){
- if(P!=P0&&type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[X,P0]],Dumb[0]);
- return R;
- }
- W[0]=[];
- S=integrate(PP,X|dumb=D2);
- if(S!=[]){
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- Dumb[0]=cons([[X,red(P0-PP),PP]],Dumb[0]);
- TD=W[0];
- for(W0=[],TD=reverse(TD);TD!=[];TD=cdr(TD)){
- if(car(TD)[0][0]){
- WL=cons([1,R],car(TD));
- Dumb[0]=cons(WL,Dumb[0]);
- }
- else Dumb[0]=cons(car(TD),Dumb[0]);
- }
- }
- return red(R+S);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if((length(Var)==1||getopt(exe)==1) && /* p(x)*atan(q(x))^m+r(x), etc */
- findin((VT=car(Var))[1],[atan,asin,acos,log])>=0 && ptype(P,VT[0])==2 &&
- (VT[1]!=log||(T!=65&&T!=66)||mydeg(VT[2],X)!=1)){ /* exclude x*log(x+1)^2 */
- for(R=0,D=mydeg(P,VT[0]);D>=0;D--){
- Q=S=mycoef(P,D,VT[0]);
- if(S){
- if(D>0){
- if((Q=integrate(S,X|mult=Mul))==[]) return Q;
- }else{
- W[0]=[];
- if((Q=integrate(S,X|dumb=D2,var=VAR,mult=Mul))==[]) return Q;
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- TD=W[0];
- for(W0=[],TD=reverse(TD);TD!=[];TD=cdr(TD)){
- if(car(TD)[0][0]){
- WL=cons([1,R],car(TD));
- Dumb[0]=cons(WL,Dumb[0]);
- }
- else Dumb[0]=cons(car(TD),Dumb[0]);
- }
- if(car(Dumb[0])!=[[1,R],[1,Q]])
- Dumb[0]=cons([[1,R,Q]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- return red(R+Q);
- }
- }else if(D>0) continue;
- if(D==0){
- if(Q!=0&&type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,R,Q]],Dumb[0]);
- return red(Q+R);
- }
- R0=Q*VT[0]^D;
- P=(P0=P)-S*VT[0]^D-Q*diff(VT[0]^D,X);
- if(mydeg(P,VT[0])>=D){ /* (x+1)*log(x)/x^2 */
- if(mydeg(P,VT[0])==D &&
- ptype(C=red(mycoef(P,D,VT[0])/diff(VT[0],X)),VT[0])<2){
- P=P0-(S*VT[0]^D+Q*diff(VT[0]^D,X)+C*diff(VT[0]^(D+1),X)/(D+1));
- R0+=C*VT[0]^(D+1)/(D+1);
- }else{
- P=P0;
- if(Dumb!=1) mycat(SM);
- return [];
- }
- }
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- if(P) Dumb[0]=cons([R?[1,R,R0]:[1,R0],[X,P]],Dumb[0]);
- else if(R!=0) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,R,R0]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- R+=R0;
- }
- }
- if(length(Var)==1 && (VT=car(Var))[1]==pow && mydeg(P,VT[0])==1 && (PT=ptype(VT[2],X))<4){
- PR=mycoef(P,0,VT[0]);
- if(RR!=0){
- RR=integrate(RR,X|dumb=Dumb3,var=Var);
- if(RR==[]) return RR;
- }
- PW=VT[3];
- if((D=mydeg(nm(V2=VT[2]),X))==2&&PT==2){ /* f(x)*(ax^2+bx+c)^(m/2)+r(x) */
- if(isint(2*PW)){
- C2=mycoef(V20=V2,2,X);F=1;
- if((C21=sqrtrat(C2))==[]) return [];
- if(imag(C21)!=0){
- if(real(C21)!=0) return [];
- C21=C21/@i;F=-1;
- }
- if(type(C21)>3) return [];
- P=subst(P,X,X/C21);VT=mysubst(VT,[X,X/C21]);V2=VT[2];
- C1=mycoef(V2,1,X)/F/2;
- if(C1!=0){
- P=subst(P,X,X-C1);VT=mysubst(VT,[X,X-C1]);V2=VT[2];
- }
- C0=mycoef(V2,0,X);
- if((C01=sqrtrat(C0))==[]) return [];
- if(imag(nm(C01))!=0){
- if(real(nm(C01))!=0) return [];
- C01=C01/@i;G=-1;
- }else G=1;
- if(type(C01)>3||(F==-1&&G==-1)) return [];
- Y=makenewv([P,VAR]|var=x);
- if(F==-1){ /* (c^2-x^2)^(1/2) */
- Q=subst(P,VT[0],(C01*cos(Y))^(2*PW),X,YX=C01*sin(Y))
- *C01*cos(Y)/C21;
- SY=(C21*X+C1);CY=V20;YY=asin(sqrt2rat((C21*X+C1)/C01|mult=1));
- }else if(G==-1){ /* (x^2-c^2)^(1/2) */
- Q=subst(P,VT[0],(C01*sin(Y)/cos(Y))^(2*PW),X,YX=C01/cos(Y))
- *C01*sin(Y)/cos(Y)^2/C21;
- SY=V20;CY=1/(C21*X+C1);YY=acos(sqrt2rat(C01*(C21*X+C1)|mult=1));
- }else{ /* (x^2+c^2)^(1/2) */
- Q=subst(P,VT[0],(C01/cos(Y))^(2*PW),X,YX=C01*sin(Y)/cos(Y))
- *C01/cos(Y)^2/C21;
- CY=V20; YY=atan(sqrt2rat((C21*X+C1)/C01|mult=1));
- }
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat([C21*X+C1,"=",YX]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[0,Y,C21*X+C1,YX]],Dumb[0]);
- Q=sqrt2rat(Q);
- QQ=red(substblock(nm(Q),sin(Y),sin(Y)^2,1-cos(Y)^2)
- /substblock(dn(Q),sin(Y),sin(Y)^2,1-cos(Y)^2));
- if(cmpsimple(QQ,Q|comp=2)<0) Q=QQ;
- QQ=red(substblock(nm(Q),cos(Y),cos(Y)^2,1-sin(Y)^2)
- /substblock(dn(Q),cos(Y),cos(Y)^2,1-sin(Y)^2));
- if(cmpsimple(QQ,Q|comp=2)<0) Q=QQ;
- if((Q=integrate(Q,Y|dumb=Dumb2,var=cons(X,Var)))==[]) return [];
- Q=trig2exp(Q,Y|inv=cos(Y));
- for(V=vars(Q);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- FA=funargs(car(V));
- if(type(FA)==4&&FA[0]==log){
- QQ=trig2exp(FA[1],Y|inv=cos(Y));
- Q=mycoef(Q,0,car(V))+mycoef(Q,1,car(V))*log(QQ);
- }
- }
- if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,Q]],Dumb[0]);
- if(F==-1) Q=subst(Q,sin(Y),SY/C01,cos(Y),CY^(1/2)/C01,Y,YY);
- else if(G==-1){
- Q=red(subst(Q,sin(Y),SY^(1/2)*cos(Y)/C01));
- Q=red(subst(Q,cos(Y),C01*CY,Y,YY));
- }else{
- Q=red(subst(Q,sin(Y),(C21*X+C1)*cos(Y)/C01));
- Nm=substblock(nm(Q),cos(Y),C01^2/CY,cos(Y)^2);
- Nm=subst(Nm,cos(Y),C01/CY^(1/2));
- Dn=substblock(dn(Q),cos(Y),C01^2/CY,cos(Y)^2);
- Dn=subst(Dn,cos(Y),C01/CY^(1/2));
- Q=red(subst(Nm/Dn,Y,YY));
- }
- if(findin(Y,vars(Q))>=0) return [];
- for(R=[],Var=vars(Q);Var!=[];Var=cdr(Var)){
- VT=funargs(V=car(Var));
- if(type(VT)==4&&VT[0]==log&&ptype(VT[1],X)>60&&mydeg(Q,V)==1)
- R=cons([mycoef(Q,1,V),V],R);
- }
- if(length(R)==2 && (R[0][0]==R[1][0]||R[0][0]+R[1][0]==0)){
- R0=args(R[0][1])[0];R1=args(R[1][1])[0];
- if(R[0][0]==R[1][0]) S=R0*R1;
- else S=R1/R0;
- Q=mycoef(Q,0,R[0][1]);Q=mycoef(Q,0,R[1][1]);
- Q+=R[1][0]*log(red(S));
- }
- for(Var=vars(Q);Var!=[];Var=cdr(Var)){
- VT=funargs(car(Var));
- if(type(VT)==4&&VT[0]==log&&ptype(VT[1],X)>60){
- S=trig2exp(VT[1],X|inv=cos(X),arc=1);
- if(ptype(dn(S),X)<2 && mydeg(Q,car(Var))==1
- && ptype(mycoef(Q,1,car(Var)),X)<2){
- S=nm(S);
- SF=fctr(S);
- S/=SF[0][0];
- }
- if(cmpsimple(S,-S)>0) S=-S;
- Q=subst(Q,car(Var),log(S));
- }
- } /* x/(1-x^2)^(1/2) */
- if(type(Q=red(Q+RR))==2&&type(Dumb)!=5) Q-=cterm(Q);
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["->",Q]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,Q]],Dumb[0]);
- return Q;
- }
- }else if(D==1 && mydeg(Dn=dn(V2),X)<2 && type(PW)==1 && ntype(PW)==0 &&
- (V2!=X||ptype(mycoef(P,1,VT[0]),X)>2)){ /* p(x)((ax+b)/(cx+d))^(m/n) */
- PN=nm(PW);PD=dn(PW);
- Y=makenewv([P,VAR]|var=x);Q=Y^PD*Dn-nm(V2);F=-mycoef(Q,0,X)/mycoef(Q,1,X);
- Q=red(subst(P,VT[0],Y^PN,X,F)*diff(F,Y));
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat([Y,"=",V2^(1/PD)]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[0,Y,V2^(1/PD)]],Dumb[0]);
- if((Q=integrate(Q,Y|dumb=Dumb3,var=cons(X,Var)))==[]) return [];
- Q=red(Q);
- QN=subst(substblock(nm(Q),Y,Y^PD,V2),Y,V2^(1/PD));
- QD=subst(substblock(dn(Q),Y,Y^PD,V2),Y,V2^(1/PD));
- Q=red(QN/QD+RR);
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["->",Q]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,Q]],Dumb[0]);
- return Q;
- }
- }else if(length(Var)==2 && /* r(x,(ax+b)^(1/2),(cx+d)^(1/2)) */
- (VT=car(Var))[1]==pow && ptype(VT[2],X)==1 && mydeg(VT[2],X)==1 && VT[3]==1/2 &&
- (VS=car(car(Var)))[1]==pow && ptype(VS[2],X)==1 && mydeg(VS[2],X)==1 && VS[3]==1/2){
- Y=makenewv([P,VAR]|var=x);R=(Y^2-myceof(VS[0],0,X))/(C=mycoef(VS[0],1,X));
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat([Y,"=",VS[0]]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[0,Y,VD[0]]],Dumb[0]);
- R=integrate(subst(P,VS[0],Y,X,R)*2*Y/C,Y|dumb=Dumb3,var=cons(X,Var));
- if(R!=[]){
- R=subst(substblock(R,Y,VS[0],Y^2),Y,VS[0]);
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["->",R]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,R]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(T==65||T==66){ /* polynomial including sin, exp etc */
- for(F=0,VT=Var;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- VTT=car(VT);
- if(ptype(VTT[2],X)>2||mydeg(VTT[2],X)>1) F=ior(F,256); /* compos. or rat. or nonlin. */
- K=findin(VTT[1],[cos,sin,tan,exp,log,pow]);
- F=ior(F,2^(K+1)); /* 1:other,2:cos,4:sin,8:tan,16:exp,32:log,64:pow */
- if((Deg=mydeg(P,VTT[0]))>1&&K!=4) F=ior(F,1024); /* nonlinear */
- if(K==5 && (ptype(VTT[3],X)!=0 || VTT[2]!=x||Deg>1)) F=ior(F,8192); /* pow */
- for(;Deg>0;Deg--){ /* coef */
- if(ptype(mycoef(P,Deg,VTT[0]),X)>2){
- if(K==4||K==5) F=ior(F,2048); /* exp, log */
- else F=ior(F,4096);
- }
- }
- }
- if(!iand(F,1+8+64+256+512+2048+8192)){ /* cos,sin,exp,log^n,x^c */
- if(iand(F,1024+4096)&&!iand(F,32+64)){ /* cos,sin,exp */
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- S=trig2exp(P,X|inv=1);
- if(P!=S) Dumb[0]=cons([[X,S]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- R=integrate(trig2exp(P,X),X);
- if(R!=[]) S=trig2exp(R,X|inv=1);
- R=fshorter(S,X);
- if(type(Dumb)==5&&R!=S){
- Dumb[0]=cons([[1,S]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- return R;
- }
- for(R=0,VT=Var;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- CV=car(VT);
- C0=mycoef(CV[2],0,X);C1=mycoef(CV[2],1,X);
- Q=mycoef(P,1,CV[0]);
- if(CV[1]==sin||CV[1]==cos){
- TR=(CV[1]==sin)?intpoly(Q,X|sin=C1):intpoly(Q,X|cos=C1);
- R+=TR[0]*cos(CV[2])+TR[1]*sin(CV[2]);
- }else if(CV[1]==exp){
- QT=exp(CV[2]);
- for(V2=vars(C1);V2!=[];V2=cdr(V2)){ /* exp(2*log(a)*x) => a^(2*x) */
- if(vtype(VA=car(V2))==2&&functor(VA)==log){
- if(ptype(C1,VA)!=2||mydeg(C1,VA)==1&&mycoef(C1,0,VA)==0){
- QT=args(VA)[0]^(red(C1/VA)*X);
- if(C0!=0) QT*=exp(C0);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- R+=intpoly(Q,X|exp=C1)*QT;
- }else if(CV[1]==pow)
- R+=intpoly(Q,X|pow=CV[2])*x^CV[2];
- else if(CV[1]==log){
- for(Deg=mydeg(P,CV[0]);Deg>0; Deg--){
- Q=mycoef(P,Deg,CV[0]);
- TR=intpoly(Q,X|log=[C1,C0,Deg]);
- for(I=0;TR!=[];I++,TR=cdr(TR)){
- if(I==Deg) R+=car(TR)-subst(car(TR),X,0);
- else R+=car(TR)*CV[0]^(Deg-I);
- }
- }
- }
- P=mycoef(P,0,CV[0]);
- }
- R+=intpoly(P,X);
- return R;
- }
- }
- for(K=0,VX=[],VT=Var;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){ /* contain only both pow and trig */
- VTT=car(VT);
- if(findin(VTT[1],[cos,sin,tan])>=0){
- if(ptype(VTT[2],X)!=2||mydeg(VTT[2],X)!=1) break;
- VX=cons(VTT,VX);
- }else if(VTT[1]==pow) K=1;
- else break;
- }
- if(VT==[]&&K==1&&VX!=[]){
- D=VX[0][2];
- if(VX[0][1]==tan) D*=2;
- for(VT=cdr(VX);VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- K=VT[0][2]/D;
- if(VT[0][1]==tan) K*=2;
- if(type(K)!=1||ntype(K)!=0) break;
- D/=dn(K);
- }
- if(VT==[]){
- Y=makenewv([P,VAR]|var=x);
- for(Q=P,VT=VX;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- VTT=car(VT);
- if(VTT[1]==cos||VTT[1]==sin){
- VV=trig2exp(VTT[0],X|inv=cos(D));
- VV=subst(VV,cos(D),(1-Y^2)/(1+Y^2),sin(D),2*Y/(Y^2+1));
- }else if(VTT[1]==tan){
- VV=trig2exp(VTT[0],X|inv=tan(D/2));
- VV=subst(VV,tan(D),Y);
- }
- Q=subst(Q,VTT[0],VV);
- }
- Q*=2/(Y^2+1);
- if(diff(Q,X)==0){
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat([Y,"=",tan(D/2)]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[0,Y,tan(D/2)]],Dumb[0]);
- R=integrate(Q,Y|dumb=Dumb2,var=cons(X,Var));
- if(R!=[]){
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["->",R]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,R]],Dumb[0]);
- return sqrt2rat(subst(R,Y,tan(D/2))|mult=1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(T>65||iand(F,8)){ /* rational for functions or tan */
- if(findin(X,vars(P))<0){
- for(XV=XE=0,VT=Var;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- VTT=car(VT);
- if(mydeg(VTT[2],X)!=1) break;
- if(VTT[1]==cos||VTT[1]==sin||VTT[1]==tan){
- K=red(VTT[2]/X);
- if(type(K)>1||ntype(K)>0) break;
- if(XV==0) XV=K;
- else XV/=dn(K/XV);
- if(VTT[1]==tan) P=red(subst(P,VTT[0],sin(VTT[2])/cos(VTT[2])));
- }else if(VTT[1]==exp){
- K=red(VTT[2]/X);
- if(type(K)>1||ntype(K)>0) break;
- if(XE==0) XE=K;
- else XE/=dn(K/XE);
- }else break;
- }
- if(VT==[]&&XE*XV==0){
- if(XE){
- if(XE<0) XE=-XE;
- Y=makenewv([P,VAR]|var=x);
- for(F=0,VT=Var;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT),F++){
- VTT=car(VT);C=red(VTT[2]/X/XE);
- P=subst(P,VTT[0],Y^C);
- if(!F){
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat([Y^C,"=",VTT[0]]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[0,Y^C,VTT[0]]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- }
- P/=XE*Y;
- Q=integrate(P,Y|dumb=Dumb3,var=cons(X,VAR));
- if(Q==[]) return [];
- Q=subst(Q,Y,exp(XE*X));
- Q=trig2exp(Q,X);
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["->",Q]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,Q]],Dumb[0]);
- return Q;
- }
- P=trig2exp(nm(P),X|inv=cos(XV*X))/trig2exp(dn(P),X|inv=cos(XV*X));
- Y=makenewv([P,VAR]|var=x);
- Q=red(subst(P,sin(XV*X),Y*cos(XV*X)));
- Q=substblock(nm(Q),cos(XV*X),cos(XV*X)^2,1/(Y^2+1))/
- (substblock(dn(Q),cos(XV*X),cos(XV*X)^2,1/(Y^2+1))*(Y^2+1));
- Q=red(Q);
- if(ptype(Q,X)<2){
- XV*=2;P=Q;
- }else{
- P=subst(P,cos(XV*X),(1-Y^2)/(1+Y^2),sin(XV*X),2*Y/(1+Y^2))*2/K/(1+Y^2);
- P=red(P);
- }
- if(Dumb==-1){
- mycat([Y,"=",tan(XV*X/2)]);
- mycat(["integrate",P]);
- }else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[Y,P]],cons([[0,Y,tan(XV*X/2)]],Dumb[0]));
- R=intpoly(P,Y|dumb=Dumb);
- if(R==[]) return R;
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["->",R]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,R]],Dumb[0]);
- for(Log=1,K=0,Var=pfargs(RR=R,Y);Var!=[];Var=cdr(Var)){
- VTT=car(Var);
- if(VTT[1]==log){
- C=mycoef(R,1,VTT[0]);
- VT2=VTT[2];
- if(K==0){
- K=C;Log=VT2;
- if(K<0){
- K=-K;Log=1/Log;
- }
- }else{
- if((V=red(C/K))<0){
- VT2=1/VT2;V=-V;
- }
- if(type(V)>1||ntype(V)>0){
- Log=1;break;
- }
- if(isint(V)) Log*=VT2^V;
- else{
- D=dn(V);K/=D;
- Log=Log^D*VT2^nm(V);
- }
- }
- RR=mycoef(RR,0,VTT[0]);
- }
- }
- if(Log!=1){
- R=RR;
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- if(RR) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,K*log(Log),RR]],Dumb[0]);
- else Dumb[0]=cons([[1,K*log(Log)]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- Log=red(subst(red(Log),Y,sin(XV*X/2)/cos(XV*X/2)));
- Log=fshorter(Log,X|log=1); /* log(cos(2*x)+1)=-2*log(cos(x)) */
- Nm=fctr(nm(Log));
- for(T=[];Nm!=[];Nm=cdr(Nm)){
- if(ptype(car(Nm)[0],X)>1) T=cons(car(Nm),T);
- }
- Nm=fctr(dn(Log));
- for(;Nm!=[];Nm=cdr(Nm)){
- if(ptype(car(Nm)[0],X)>1) T=cons([car(Nm)[0],-car(Nm)[1]],T);
- }
- for(I=0,Nm=T;T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- if(I=0) I=abs(car(T)[1]);
- else I=igcd(I,car(T)[1]);
- }
- for(Log=1;Nm!=[];Nm=cdr(Nm)) Log*=car(Nm)[0]^(car(Nm)[1]/I);
- K*=I;
- if(cmpsimple(nm(Log),dn(Log))<0){
- K=-K;Log=red(1/Log);
- }
- Log=K*log(Log);
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- if(RR) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,Log,RR]],Dumb[0]);
- else Dumb[0]=cons([[1,Log]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- }else Log=0;
- for(Atan=0,Var=pfargs(RR=R,Y);Var!=[];Var=cdr(Var)){
- VTT=car(Var);
- if(VTT[1]==atan){
- W=subst(VTT[2],Y,sin(XV*X/2)/cos(XV*X/2));
- W=trig2exp(W,X|inv=1);
- V2=funargs(dn(W));
- if(type(V2)==4&&length(V2)==2){
- V3=V2[1]*mycoef(R,1,VTT[0]);
- Z=0;
- if(V2[0]==cos)
- Z=red(W*cos(V2[1])/sin(V2[1]));
- else if(V2[0]==sin){
- Z=red(W*sin(V2[1])/cos(V2[1]));
- V3=-V3;
- }
- if(Z==1){
- Atan+=V3;W=0;
- }else if(Z==-1){
- Atan-=V3;W=0;
- }
- }
- R0=mycoef(R,0,VTT[0]);
- if(W!=0) Atan+=subst(R-R0,VTT[0],atan(W)); /* atan(W); */
- R=R0;
- }
- }
- if(R!=0){
- R=subst(R,Y,sin(XV*X/2)/cos(XV*X/2));
- R=red(R);
- R=trig2exp(nm(R),X|inv=1)/trig2exp(dn(R),X|inv=1);
- }
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- F=0;WL=[];
- if(R){
- WL=cons(R,WL);
- F++;
- }
- if(Atan){
- WL=cons(Atan,WL);
- F++;
- }
- if(Log){
- WL=cons(Log,WL);
- F++;
- }
- WL=cons(1,WL);
- if(F>1) Dumb[0]=cons([WL],Dumb[0]);
- }
- R=red(R+Log+Atan);
- if(Dumb==-1) mycat(["->",R]);
- else if(type(Dumb)==5) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,R]],Dumb[0]);
- return fshorter(R,X);
- }
- }
- }
- VT=pfargs(Q=P,X|level=1);
- V=(iand(ptype(P,X),7)<3)?[X]:[];
- for(;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT))
- if(ptype(P,car(VT)[0])<3) V=cons(car(VT)[0],V);
- if(length(V)>0){ /* 1/x+tan(x)+... etc.: sums */
- for(R=0;V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- T=mycoef(Q,0,car(V));
- W[0]=[];
- S=integrate(TD=red(Q-T),X|dumb=D2,mult=Mul,exe=1);
- if(S==[]) continue;
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- WL=0;
- if(T!=0) WL=[[X,TD,T]];
- if(R!=0) WL=cons([1,R],WL);
- if(WL) Dumb[0]=cons(WL,Dumb[0]);
- TD=W[0];
- if(R!=0||T!=0){
- for(W0=[],TD=reverse(TD);TD!=[];TD=cdr(TD)){
- if(car(TD)[0][0]){
- WL=(!T)?[]:[[X,T]];
- WL=append(car(TD),WL);
- if(R!=0) WL=cons([1,R],WL);
- }else WL=car(TD);
- Dumb[0]=cons(WL,Dumb[0]);
- }
- }else Dumb[0]=append(TD,Dumb[0]);
- }
- R+=S;Q=T;
- if(!Q) return red(R);
- }
- W[0]=[];
- if(P!=Q&&type(S=integrate(Q,X|dumb=D2,mult=Mul))<4){
- RR=red(R+S);
- if(type(Dumb)==5){
- TD=W[0];
- for(W0=[],TD=reverse(TD);TD!=[];TD=cdr(TD)){
- if(car(TD)[0][0]){
- WL=cons([1,R],car(TD));
- Dumb[0]=cons(WL,Dumb[0]);
- }
- else Dumb[0]=append(TD,Dumb[0]);
- }
- if(nmono(R)+nmono(S)!=nmono(RR)) Dumb[0]=cons([[1,R,S]],Dumb[0]);
- }
- return RR;
- }
- }
- if(Dumb!=1) mycat(SM);
- return [];
-def fimag(P)
- for(V=vars(P);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- Q=[];
- if(vtype(VF=car(V))==2){
- VAA=args(VF);
- if(VAA==[]) continue;
- VA=sqrt2rat(VAA[0]);
- if(functor(VF)==exp){
- if(imag(VA)!=0){
- R=(real(VA)!=0)?exp(real(VA)):1;
- Q=subst(P,VF,R*(cos(imag(VA))+sin(imag(VA))*@i));
- }
- }else if(functor(VF)==pow){
- VA=sqrt2rat(VAA[1]);
- if(imag(VA)!=0){
- R=(real(VA)!=0)?VAA[0]^(real(VA)):1;
- L=(VAA[0]!=@e)?log(VAA[0]):1;
- Q=subst(P,VAA[0]^(VAA[1]),R*(cos(L*imag(VA))+sin(L*imag(VA))*@i));
- }else if(VAA[1]!=(V0=fimag(VA)))
- Q=subst(P,VAA[0]^(VAA[1]),VAA[0]^(V0));
- }
- V0=VA;
- if(length(VAA)==1&&(VAA[0]!=V0||VA!=(V0=fimag(VA))))
- Q=subst(P,VF,subst(VF,VAA[0],V0));
- }
- if(Q!=[]&&P!=Q){
- P=Q;V=cons(0,vars(P));
- }
- }
- return P;
-def trig2exp(P,X)
- if(iand(ptype(P,X),128)){
- OL=getopt();
- Nm=trig2exp(nm(P),X|option_list=OL);
- Dn=trig2exp(dn(P),X|option_list=OL);
- R=red(Nm/Dn);
- if(getopt(arc)==1) return sqrt2rat(R);
- }
- if((Inv=getopt(inv))==1||type(Inv)==2){
- for(VT=T=vars(P);T!=[];T=cdr(T)){
- if(findin(functor(car(T)),[cos,sin,tan])>=0){
- P=trig2exp(P,X);VT=vars(P);break;
- }
- }
- for(;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- if(functor(CT=car(VT))==exp){
- if((Re=real(args(CT)[0]))!=0){
- if(isint(Re)) S=@e^Re;
- else S=exp(Re);
- }else S=1;
- if((Im=imag(args(CT)[0]))!=0){
- Q=nm(Im);Q=mycoef(Q,mydeg(Q,X),X);
- if(-Q>Q) S*=cos(-Im)-@i*sin(-Im);
- else S*=cos(Im)+@i*sin(Im);
- }
- P=subst(P,CT,S);
- }
- }
- P=red(P);
- U=vars(Inv);
- if(length(U)!=1||((F=functor(car(U)))!=sin&&F!=cos&&F!=tan)) return P;
- XX=args(car(U))[0];
- if(mydeg(XX,X)!=1) return P;
- if(!isvar(XX)) P=subst(P,X,(X-mycoef(XX,0,X))/mycoef(XX,1,X));
- for(VT=vars(P);VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- if(vtype(CT=car(VT))<2) continue;
- TX=args(CT)[0];
- if(mydeg(TX,X)!=1) continue;
- if(!isint(C1=mycoef(TX,1,X))) continue;
- if((C0=mycoef(TX,0,X))==0){
- CC=1;CS=0;
- }else if(vars(C0)==[@pi]){
- CC=myval(cos(C0));
- if(CC!=0&&type(CC)==1&&ntype(CC)!=0){
- CC=cos(C0);CS=sin(C0);
- }else CS=myval(sin(C0));
- }else{
- CC=cos(C0);CS=sin(C0);
- }
- K=C1;
- if(K<0) K=-K;
- for(CC1=0,I=K;I>=0;I-=2) CC1+=(-1)^((K-I)/2)*binom(K,I)*cos(X)^I*sin(X)^(K-I);
- for(CS1=0,I=K-1;I>=0;I-=2) CS1+=(-1)^((K-I-1)/2)*binom(K,I)*cos(X)^I*sin(X)^(K-I);
- if(C1<0) CS1=-CS1;
- if((TF=functor(CT))==cos) P=subst(P,cos(TX),CC1*CC-CS1*CS);
- else if(TF==sin) P=subst(P,sin(TX),CS1*CC+CC1*CS);
- }
- if(F==sin)
- P=substblock(P,cos(X),cos(X)^2,1-sin(X)^2);
- else{
- P=substblock(P,sin(X),sin(X)^2,1-cos(X)^2);
- if(F==tan){
- P=subst(P,sin(X),cos(X)*tan(X));
- P=substblock(P,cos(X),cos(X)^2,1/(tan(X)^2+1));
- }
- }
- if(!isvar(XX)) P=subst(P,X,XX);
- if(getopt(arc)==1){
- for(VT=vars(P);VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- FA=funargs(car(VT));
- if(type(FA)==4&&(FA[0]==cos||FA[0]==sin)&&ptype(FA[1],X)>60){
- VTT=vars(FA[1]);
- if(type(FA[1])!=2||length(VTT)!=1) break;
- FB=funargs(VTT[0]);
- if(type(FB)!=4||(FF=findin(FB[0],[asin,acos,atan]))<0) break;
- if(!isint(2*(C=mycoef(FA[1],1,VTT[0])))||mycoef(FA[1],0,VTT[0])!=0) break;
- if(C==1/2){
- if(FF==1){
- U=(FA[0]==cos)?(1+FB[1])/2:(1-FB[1])/2;
- P=subst(P,car(VT),red(U)^(1/2));
- }else if(FF==2){
- if(FA[0]==sin){
- FB1=red(FB[1]);
- Nm=nm(FB1);CC=fctr(Nm)[0][0];Dn=dn(FB1);
- if(CC<0) CC=-CC;
- Nm/=CC;Dn/=CC;
- NN=Nm^2+Dn^2;
- P=subst(P,car(VT),((NN)^(1/2)-Dn)/Nm*cos(FA[1]));
- }
- }
- P=red(P);
- }else if(C==1){
- if(FF==1){
- if(FA[0]==cos) P=subst(P,car(VT),FB[1]);
- else P=subst(P,car(VT),(1-FB[1])^(1/2));
- }else if(FF==0){
- if(FA[0]==sin) P=subst(P,car(VT),FB[1]);
- else P=subst(P,car(VT),(1-FB[1])^(1/2));
- }
- P=red(P);
- }
- }
- }
- P=sqrt2rat(P);
- }
- return red(P);
- }
- Var=pfargs(P,X);
- for(VT=Var;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT)){
- CT=car(VT);
- if(CT[1]==cos)
- P=subst(P,CT[0],exp(CT[2]*@i)/2+exp(-CT[2]*@i)/2);
- else if(CT[1]==sin)
- P=subst(P,CT[0],exp(-CT[2]*@i)*@i/2-exp(CT[2]*@i)*@i/2);
- else if (CT[1]==tan)
- P=subst(P,CT[0],(exp(-CT[2]*@i)*@i-exp(CT[2]*@i)*@i)/(exp(CT[2]*@i)+exp(-CT[2]*@i)));
- else if(CT[1]==pow){
- if(ptype(CT[2],X)>1) continue;
- if(CT[2]==@e) P=subst(P,CT[0],exp(CT[3]));
- else P=subst(P,CT[0],exp(log(CT[2])*exp(CT[3])));
- }
- }
- P=red(P);
- for(PP=1,Lp=(dn(P)==1)?1:0;Lp<2;Lp++){
- PP=1/PP;
- U=(Lp==0)?dn(P):nm(P);
- if(U==1) continue;
- Var=vars(U);
- for(R=[],VT=Var;VT!=[];VT=cdr(VT))
- if(functor(car(VT))==exp) R=cons(car(VT),R);
- RR=os_md.terms(U,R);
- for(Q=0,RRT=RR;RRT!=[];RRT=cdr(RRT)){
- for(S=0,CT=cdr(car(RRT)),CR=R,UT=U;CR!=[];CR=cdr(CR),CT=cdr(CT)){
- UT=mycoef(UT,car(CT),car(CR));S+=car(CT)*args(car(CR))[0];
- }
- if(S==0) Q+=UT;
- else Q+=UT*exp(S);
- }
- PP*=Q;
- }
- return PP;
-def powsum(N)
- if (N < 0) return 0;
- if (N == 0) return x;
- P = intpoly(N*powsum(N-1),x);
- C = subst(P,x,1);
- return P+(1-C)*x;
-def bernoulli(N)
- return mydiff(powsum(N),x) - N*x^(N-1);
-/* linfrac01([x,y]) */
-/* linfrac01(newvect(10,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) */
-/* 0:x=0, 1:x=y, 2:x=1, 3:y=0, 4:y=1, 5:x=\infty, 6:y=\infty, 7:x=y=0, 8:x=y=1, 9:x=y=\infty
- 10:y_2=0, 11:y_2=x, 12:y_2=y, 13: y_2=1, 14: y_2=\infty
- 15:y_3=0, 16:y_3=x, 17:y_3=y, 18: y_3=y_2, 19: y_3=1, 20:y_3=\infty
- X[0],X[11],X[2],X[10],X[13],X[5],X[14],X[7],X[8],X[9],
- X[3],X[1],X[12],X[4],X[6]
- T=0 (x_2,x_1,x_3,x_4,...)
- T=-j (x_1,x_2,..,x_{j-1},x_{j+1},x_j,x_{j+2},...)
- T=1 (1-x_1,1-x_2,1-x_3,1-x_4,...)
- T=2 (1/x_1,1/x_2,1/x_3,1/x_4,...)
- T=3 (x_1,x_1/x_2,x_1/x_3,x_1/x_4,...)
-def lft01(X,T)
- MX=getopt();
- if(type(X)==4){
- K=length(X);
- if(K>=1) D=1;
- }
- if(type(X)==5){
- K=length(X);
- for(J=5, F=K-10; F>0; F-=J++);
- if(F==0) D=2;
- }
- if(D==0) return 0;
- if(T==0){ /* x <-> y */
- if(D==1){
- R=cdr(X); R=cdr(R);
- R=cons(X[0],R);
- return cons(X[1],R);
- }
- R=newvect(K,[X[3],X[1],X[4],X[0],X[2],X[6],X[5]]);
- for(I=7;I<K;I++) R[I]=X[I];
- for(I=11,J=5; I<K; I+=J++){
- R[I]=X[I+1]; R[I+1]=X[I];
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(T==1){
- if(D==1){
- for(R=[];X!=[];X=cdr(X)) R=cons(1-car(X),R);
- return reverse(R);
- }
- R=newvect(K,[X[2],X[1],X[0],X[4],X[3],X[5],X[6],X[8],X[7],X[9]]);
- for(I=11;I<K;I++) R[I]=X[I];
- for(I=10, J=5; I<K; I+=J++){
- R[I]=X[I+J-2]; R[I+J-2]=X[I];
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(T==2){
- if(D==1){
- for(R=[]; X!=[]; X=cdr(X)) R=cons(red(1/car(X)),R);
- return reverse(R);
- }
- R=newvect(K,[X[5],X[1],X[2],X[6],X[4],X[0],X[3],X[9],X[8],X[7]]);
- for(I=11;I<K;I++) R[I]=X[I];
- for(I=10,J=5; I<K; I+=J++){
- R[I]=X[I+J-1]; R[I+J-1]=X[I];
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(T==3){
- if(D==1){
- T=car(X);
- for(R=[T],X=cdr(X); X!=[]; X=cdr(X))
- R=cons(red(T/car(X)),R);
- return reverse(R);
- }
- R=newvect(K,[X[7],X[4],X[2],X[6],X[1],X[9],X[3],X[0],X[8],X[5]]);
- for(I=10,J=5; I<K; I+=J++){
- R[I]=X[I+J-1]; R[I+1]=X[I+J-2]; R[I+J-2]=X[I+1]; R[I+J-1]=X[I];
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(T==-1){
- if(D==1){
- return append([X[1],X[2],X[0]],cdr(cdr(cdr(X))));
- }
- R=newvect(K,[X[0],X[11],X[2],X[10],X[13],X[5],X[14],X[7],X[8],X[9],
- X[3],X[1],X[12],X[4],X[6]]);
- for(I=11;I<K;I++) R[I]=X[I];
- for(I=17,J=5; I<K; I+=J++){
- R[I]=X[I+1]; R[I+1]=X[I];
- }
- return R;
- }
- if(T<0){
- if(D==1){
- for(R=[],I=0; X!=[]; X=cdr(X),I--){
- if(I==T){
- R=cons(X[1],R);
- R=cons(X[0],R);
- X=cdr(X);
- }
- else R=cons(car(X),R);
- }
- return reverse(R);
- }
- T=3-T;
- R=newvect(K);
- for(I=0;I<K;I++) R[I]=X[I];
- for(I=10,J=5;J<T;I+=J++);
- for(II=0; II<J-2; II++){
- R[I]=X[I+J]; R[I+J]=R[I];
- }
- for( ; II<J; II++){
- R[I]=X[I+J+1]; R[I+J+1]=X[I];
- }
- return R;
- }
- return 0;
-def linfrac01(X)
- if(type(X)==4) K=length(X)-2;
- else if(type(X)==5){
- L=length(X);
- for(K=0,I=10,J=5; I<L; K++,I+=J++);
- if(I!=L) return 0;
- }
- if(K>3 && getopt(over)!=1) return(-1);
- II=(K==-1)?3:4;
- for(CC=C=1,L=[X]; C!=0; CC+=C){
- for(F=C,C=0,R=L; F>0; R=cdr(R), F--){
- P=car(R);
- for(I=-K; I<II; I++){
- S=lft01(P,I);
- if(findin(S,L) < 0){
- C++; L=cons(S,L);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return L;
-def varargs(P)
- if((All=getopt(all))!=1&&All!=2) All=0;
- V=vars(P);
- for(Arg=FC=[];V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- if(vtype(CV=car(V))==0&&All!=0){
- Arg=lsort([CV],Arg,0);
- }
- if(vtype(CV)!=2) continue;
- if(findin(F=functor(CV),FC)<0) FC=cons(F,FC);
- for(AT=vars(args(CV));AT!=[];AT=cdr(AT)){
- if(vtype(X=car(AT))<2){
- if(findin(X,Arg)<0) Arg=cons(X,Arg);
- }else if(vtype(X)==2){
- R=varargs(X);
- if(R[1]!=[]){
- Arg=lsort(R[1],Arg,0);
- FC=lsort(R[0],FC,0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Arg=reverse(Arg);
- return (All==2)?Arg:[reverse(FC),Arg];
-def pfargs(P,X)
- if(type(L=getopt(level))!=1) L=0;
- for(Var=[],V=vars(P);V!=[];V=cdr(V)){
- if(vtype(car(V))==2){
- VT=funargs(car(V));
- if(length(VT)>1){
- if(L<2 &&(ptype(VT[1],X)>1 || (length(VT)>2 && ptype(VT[2],X)>1)))
- Var=cons(cons(car(V),VT),Var);
- if(L!=1 && (R=pfargs(VT[1],X|level=L-1))!=[]) Var=append(R,Var);
- }
- }
- }
- return reverse(Var);
-def ptype(P,L)
- if((T=type(P))<2 || T>3) return T;
- if(type(L)!=4) L=[L];
- F=0;
- if(lsort(L,varargs(dn(P))[1],2)!=[]) F=128;
- if(lsort(L,varargs(nm(P))[1],2)!=[]) F+=64;
- if(lsort(L,vars(dn(P)),2)!=[]) return F+3;
- return (lsort(L,vars(nm(P)),2)==[])?(F+1):(F+2);
-def nthmodp(X,N,P)
- X=X%P;
- for(Z=1;;){
- if((W=iand(N,1))==1) Z=(Z*X)%P;
- if((N=(N-W)/2)<=0) return Z;
- X=irem(X*X,P);
- }
-def issquaremodp(X,P)
- N=getopt(power);
- if(!isint(N)) N=2;
- if(P<=1 || !isint(P) || !pari(ispsp,P) || !isint(X) || !isint(N) || N<1){
- errno(0);
- return -2;
- }
- M=(P-1)/igcd(N,P-1);
- if((X%=P) == 0) return 0;
- if(X==1 || M==P-1) return 1;
- return (nthmodp(X,M,P)==1)?1:-1;
-def iscoef(P,F)
- if(P==0) return 1;
- if(type(P)==1) return F(P);
- if(type(P)==2) {
- X=var(P);
- for(I=deg(P,X); I>=0; I--){
- if(!iscoef(mycoef(P,I,X),F)) return 0;
- }
- }else if(type(P)==3){
- if(!iscoef(nm(P),F)||!iscoef(dn(P),F)) return 0;
- }else if(type(P)==4){
- for(;P!=[];P=cdr(P)) if(!iscoef(P,F)) return 0;
- }else if(type(P)>4 && type(P)<7) return iscoef(m2l(PP),F);
- else return 0;
- return 1;
-def rootmodp(X,P)
- X%=P;
- if(X==0) return [0];
- N=getopt(power);
- PP=pari(factor,P);
- P0=PP[0][0]; P1=PP[0][1];
- P2=pari(phi,P);
- if(!isint(N)) N=2;
- N%=P2;
- if(P0==2 || size(PP)[0]>1){
- for(I=1,R=[]; I<P2; I++)
- if(nthmodp(I,N,P)==X) R=cons(I,R);
- return qsort(R);
- }
- Y=primroot(P);
- if(Y==0) return 0;
- Z=nthmodp(Y,N,P);
- G=igcd(N,P2);
- P3=P2/G;
- for(I=0, W=1; I<P3;I++){
- if(W==X) break;
- W=(W*Z)%P;
- }
- if(I==P3) return [];
- W=nthmodp(Y,I,P);
- Z=nthmodp(Y,P3,P);
- for(I=0,R=[];;){
- R=cons(W,R);
- if(++I>=G) break;
- W=(W*Z)%P;
- }
- return qsort(R);
-def primroot(P)
- PP=pari(factor,P);
- P0=PP[0][0]; P1=PP[0][1];
- S=size(PP);
- if(S[0]>1 || !isint(P) || P0<=2){
- print("Not odd prime(power)!");
- return 0;
- }
- if(isint(Ind=getopt(ind))){
- Ind %= P;
- if(Ind<=0 || igcd(Ind,P)!=1 || (Z=primroot(P))==0){
- print("Not exist!");
- return 0;
- }
- P2=P0^(P1-1)*(P0-1);
- for(I=1,S=1; I<P2; I++)
- if((S = (S*Z)%P) == Ind) return I;
- return 0;
- }
- if(getopt(all)==1){
- I=primroot(P);
- P2=P0^(P1-1)*(P0-1);
- for(L=[],J=1; J<P2; J++){
- if(P1>1 && igcd(P0,J)!=1) continue;
- if(igcd(P0-1,J)!=1) continue;
- L=cons(nthmodp(I,J,P),L);
- }
- return qsort(L);
- }
- if(PP[0][1]>1){
- I=primroot(P0);
- P2=P0^(P1-2)*(P0-1);
- if(nthmodp(I,P2,P)==1) I+=P0;
- return I;
- }
- F=pari(factor,P-1);
- SF=size(F)[0];
- for(I=2; I<P; I++){
- for(J=0; J<SF; J++)
- if(nthmodp(I,(P-1)/F[J][0],P)==1) break;
- if(J==SF) return I;
- }
-def rabin(P,X)
- for(M=0,Q=P-1;iand(Q,1)==0;M++,Q/=2);
- Z=nthmodp(X,Q,P);
- for(N=M;M>0&&Z!=1&&Z!=P-1;M--,Z=(Z*Z)%P);
- return (M<N&&(M==0||Z==1))?0:1;
-def powprimroot(P,N)
- if(P<3) P=3;
- FE=getopt(exp);
- if(FE!=1) FE=0;
- if((Log=getopt(log))==1||Log==2) FE=-1;
- else if(Log==3){
- FE=-2;
- for(PP=1, L0=["$r$","$p/a$"];;){
- PP=pari(nextprime,PP+1);
- if(PP>=P) break;
- L0=cons(PP, L0);
- }
- L0=reverse(L0);
- }
- if(FE==0) All=getopt(all);
- for(I=0, PP=P, LL=[]; I<N; I++,PP++){
- PP=pari(nextprime,PP);
- if(All==1){
- PR=primroot(PP|all=1);
- LL=cons(cons(PP,PR),LL);
- continue;
- }
- PR=primroot(PP);
- if(FE==-2){ /* log=3 */
- LT=cdr(L0);LT=cdr(L0);
- for(L=[PP];LT!=[];LT=cdr(LT))
- L=cons(primroot(PP|ind=car(LT)),L);
- LL=cons(reverse(L),LL);
- if(I<N-1) L0=append(L0,[PP]);
- }else if(FE){
- for(J=1, L=[PP], K=1; J<PP; J++){
- if(FE==-1){ /* log=1,2 */
- K=primroot(PP|ind=J);
- if(K==0 && Log==2) K=PP-1;
- }
- else K=(K*PR)%PP; /* exp=1 */
- L=cons(K,L);
- }
- LL=cons(reverse(L),LL);
- }else
- LL=cons([PP,PR],LL); /* default */
- }
- LL=reverse(LL);
- if(!FE) return LL;
- PP--;
- if(FE==-2) return append(LL,[L0]);
- for(I=1,L=["$p$"];I<PP; I++) L=cons(I,L);
- return cons(reverse(L),LL);
-def ntable(F,II,D)
- F=f2df(F|opt=-1);
- Df=getopt(dif);
- Str=getopt(str);
- if(Df!=1) Df=0;
- L=[];
- if(type(D)==4){
- if(type(II[0])==4){
- T1=II[0][1]-II[0][0];T2=II[1][1]-II[1][0];
- for(L0=[],I=0;I<D[0];I++){
- for(R=[],J=0;J<D[1];J++)
- R=cons(myf2eval(F,II[0][0]+I*T1/D[0],II[1][0]+J*T2/D[1]),R);
- L=cons(reverse(R),L);L0=cons(II[0][0]+I*T1/D[0],L0);
- }
- }else{
- for(T=II[1]-II[0],L0=[],I=0;I<D[0];I++){
- for(R=[],J=0;J<D[1];J++)
- R=cons(myfdeval(F,II[0]+I*T/D[0]+J*T/D[0]/D[1]),R);
- L=cons(reverse(R),L);L0=cons(II[0]+I*T/D[0],L0);
- }
- }
- L=reverse(L);L0=reverse(L0);
- if(type(Str)==4){
- L0=mtransbys(os_md.sint,L0,[Str[0]]|str=1,zero=0);
- L=mtransbys(os_md.sint,L,[Str[1]]|str=1,zero=0);
- if(Df==1){
- for(DT=[],RT=L,I=0;RT!=[];){
- for(LT=[],TT=car(RT);TT!=[];TT=cdr(TT)){
- VV=car(TT);
- if((J=str_char(VV,0,"."))>=0){
- if(J==0) VV=str_cut(VV,1,10000);
- else VV=str_cut(VV,0,J-1)+str_cut(VV,J+1,10000);
- }
- V1=eval_str(VV);
- if(I++) LT=cons(V1-V0,LT);
- V0=V1;
- }
- DT=cons(LT,DT);
- if((RT=cdr(RT))==[]){
- VE=rint(myfdeval(F,II[1])*10^Str[1]);
- DT=cons([VE-V0],DT);
- }
- }
- for(I=0,D=[],TT=DT;TT!=[];TT=cdr(TT)){
- if(!I++) V=car(TT)[0];
- else{
- T1=reverse(cons(V,car(TT)));
- V=car(T1);
- if(length(TT)>1) T1=cdr(T1);
- D=cons(T1,D);
- }
- }
- for(DD=[],TT=D;TT!=[];TT=cdr(TT))
- DD=cons([os_md.lmin(car(TT)),os_md.lmax(car(TT))],DD);
- DD=reverse(DD);
- L=lsort(L,DD,"append");
- }
- }
- L=lsort(L,L0,"cons");
- if(type(Top=getopt(top))==4||getopt(TeX)==1){
- if(type(Top)==4){
- K=length(L[0])-length(Top);
- if(K>0&&K<4){
- if(K>1){
- Top=append(Top,["",""]);
- K-=2;
- }
- if(K) Top=cons("",Top);
- }
- L=cons(Top,L);
- }
- if(type(H=getopt(hline))!=4) H=[0,1,z];
- if(type(V=getopt(vline))!=4) V=[0,1,(DF)?z-2:z];
- if(type(T=getopt(title))!=7) Out=ltotex(L|opt="tab",hline=H,vline=V);
- else Out=ltotex(L|opt="tab",hline=H,vline=V,title=T);
- if(Df) Out=str_subst(Out,"\\hline","\\cline{1-"+rtostr(length(L[0])-2)+"}");
- return Out;
- }
- return L;
- }
- for(L=[],I=0;I<=D;I++){
- X=II[0]+I*T/D;
- L=cons([X,myfdeval(F,X)],L);
- }
- if(Df==1){
- for(LD=[],LL=L;LL!=[];LL=cdr(LL)){
- if(LD==[]) LD=cons([car(LL)[0],car(LL)[1],0],LD);
- else LD=cons([car(LL)[0],car(LL)[1],abs(car(LL)[1]-car(LD)[1])],LD);
- }
- L=reverse(LD);
- }
- if(type(Str)==4){
- if(length(Str)==1) Str=[Str[0],Str[0]];
- if(Df==1 && length(Str)==2) Str=[Str[0],Str[1],Str[1]];
- for(S=Str,Str=[];S!=[];S=cdr(S)){
- if(type(car(S))!=4) Str=cons([car(S),3],Str);
- else Str=cons(car(S),Str);
- }
- Str=reverse(Str);
- for(LD=[],LL=L;LL!=[];LL=cdr(LL)){
- for(K=[],J=length(Str); --J>=0; )
- K=cons(sint(car(LL)[J],Str[J][0]|str=Str[J][1]),K);
- LD=cons(K,LD);
- }
- L=LD;
- }else
- L=reverse(L);
- if(type(M=getopt(mult))==1){
- Opt=[["opt","tab"],["vline",[[0,2+Df]]],["width",-M]];
- if(type(T=getopt(title))==7)
- Opt=cons(["title",T],Opt);
- if(type(Tp=getopt(top))==4)
- Opt=cons(["top",Tp],Opt);
- L=ltotex(L|option_list=Opt);
- }
- return L;
-def distpoint(L)
- L=m2l(L|flat=1);
- if(getopt(div)==5) Div=5;
- else Div=10;
- V=newvect(100/Div);
- for(LT=L,LL=[],N=0; LT!=[]; LT=cdr(LT)){
- if(type(K=car(LT))>1||K<0){
- N++; continue;
- }
- LL=cons(K,LL);
- T=idiv(K,Div);
- if(Div==10 && T>=9) T=9;
- else if(Div==5 && T>=19) T=19;
- V[T]++;
- }
- V=vtol(V);
- if((Opt=getopt(opt))=="data") return V;
- Title=getopt(title);
- OpList=[["opt","tab"]];
- if(type(Title=getopt(title)) == 7)
- OpList=cons(["title",Title],OpList);
- if(Opt=="average"){
- T=isMs()?["ϓ_","W΍","Œ_","ō_","󌱐l"]:
- ["average","deviation","min","max","examinees"];
- L=average(LL);
- L=[sint(L[0],1),sint(L[1],1),L[3],L[4],L[2]];
- if(N>0){
- T=append(T,[isMs()?"Ȏ":"absentees"]);L=append(L,[N]);
- }
- OpList=cons(["align","c"],OpList);
- return ltotex([T,L]|option_list=OpList);
- }
- if(getopt(opt)=="graph"){
- Mul=getopt(size);
- if(Div==5){
- V0=["00","05","10","15","20","25","30","35","40","45","50","55",
- "60","65","70","75","80","85","90","95"];
- if(type(Mul)!=4){
- Size = (TikZ)?[12,3,1/2,0.2]:[120,30,1/2,2];
- }
- }else{
- V0=["00-","10-","20-","30-","40-","50-","60-","70-","80-","90-"];
- if(type(Mul)!=4){
- Size = (TikZ)?[8,3,1/2,0.2]:[80,30,1/2,2];
- }
- }
- return ltotex([V,V0]|opt="graph",size=Size);
- }
- if(Div==5)
- V0=["00--04","05--09","10--14","15--19", "20--24", "25--29", "30--34", "35-39",
- "40--44", "45--49","50--54", "55--59","60--64", "65--69",
- "70--74", "75--79","80--84", "85--89","90--94", "95--100"];
- else
- V0=["00--09","10--19","20--29","30--39","40--49","50--59","60--69",
- "70--79","80--89","90--100"];
- Title=getopt(title);
- return ltotex([V0,V]|option_list=OpList);
-def keyin(S)
- print(S,2);
- purge_stdin();
- S=get_line();
- L=length(S=strtoascii(S));
- if(L==0) return "";
- return str_cut(S,0,L-2);
-def init() {
- "XYPrec","XYcm","Canvas"];
- if(!access(get_rootdir()+"/help/os_muldif.dvi")||!access(get_rootdir()+"/help/os_muldif.pdf"))
- mycat(["Put os_muldif.dvi and os_muldif.pdf in", get_rootdir()+(isMs()?"\\help.":"/help.")]);
- if(!isMs()){
- DIROUT="%HOME%/asir/tex";
- DVIOUTA=str_subst(DVIOUTA,[["\\","/"],[".bat",".sh"]],0);
- DVIOUTB=str_subst(DVIOUTB,[["\\","/"],[".bat",".sh"]],0);
- DVIOUTL=str_subst(DVIOUTL,[["\\","/"],[".bat",".sh"]],0);
- DVIOUTH="%ASIRROOT%/help/os_muldif.pdf";
- }
- Home=getenv("HOME");
- if(type(Home)!=7) Home="";
- for(Id=-7, F=Home; Id<-1;){
- G = F+"/.muldif";
- if(access(G)) Id = open_file(G);
- else Id++;
- if(Id==-6) F+="/asir";
- else if(Id==-5) F=get_rootdir();
- else if(Id==-4) F+="/bin";
- else if(Id==-3) F=get_rootdir()+"/lib-asir-contrib";
- }
- if(Id>=0){
- while((S=get_line(Id))!=0){
- if(type(P=str_str(S,LS))==4 && (P0=str_char(S,P[1]+4,"="))>0){
- if(P[0]<5){
- P0=str_chr(S,P0+1,"\"");
- if(P0>0){
- for(P1=P0;(P2=str_char(S,P1+1,"\""))>0; P1=P2);
- if(P1>P0+1){
- SS=str_cut(S,P0+1,P1-1);
- SS=str_subst(SS,["\\\\","\\\""],["\\","\""]);
- if(P[0]==0) DIROUT=SS;
- else if(P[0]==1) DVIOUTA=SS;
- else if(P[0]==2) DVIOUTB=SS;
- else if(P[0]==3) DVIOUTH=SS;
- else if(P[0]==4) DVIOUTL=SS;
- }
- }
- if(P0<0 || P1<P0+2) mycat(["Error! Definiton of", LS[P[0]],
- "in .muldif"]);
- }else{
- SV=eval_str(str_cut(S,P0+1,str_len(S)-1));
- if(P[0]==5) TeXLim=SV;
- else if(P[0]==6) TeXEq=SV;
- else if(P[0]==7) TikZ=SV;
- else if(P[0]==8) XYPrec=SV;
- else if(P[0]==9) XYcm=SV;
- else if(P[0]==10) Canvas=SV;
- }
- }
- }
- close_file(Id);
- }
- chkfun(1,0);