path: root/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1logr.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1logr.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1logr.txt b/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1logr.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d815618a..00000000
--- a/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1logr.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Divoptions changed ( to remove null string )
-// Changework changed (nkfwin)
-// Hyperbolaplot debugged
-// Derivative debugged
-// Ketinit changed (order of changesettiing, Dircdy)
-// Implicitplot, Connectseg added
-// Ketinit changed (changing of Dircdy)
-// Changesetting added
-// Derivative changed ( Numerical method supportted )
-// Cindyname (=Cdyname ) added
-// Cindyfile,Cindypath deleted
-// IntersectcurvesPp changed
-// Collectsameseg added, Collectnear commented out
-// 2018.02.11
-// Dqq added ( = DqDq)
-// 2018.02.06
-// Intersectpartseg debugged
-// 2018.02.02
-// Enclosing2 changed (for distanted curves, startpt option removed )
-// 2018.02.01
-// Makehatch changed ( in accordance with Intersectseg )
-// 2018.01.30
-// Intersectseg changed ( for the case of no intersect )
-// 2018.01.29
-// Intersectpartseg changed ( for the case curves are strings )
-// Textformat changed ( for null list )
-// 2018.01.26
-// Enclosing2 (new enclosing ), Makehatch, Hatchdatacindy added
-// 2018.01.15
-// Setunitlen changed ( as R )
-// Ketinit changed (Marklennow,... added as R )
-// 2018.01.07
-// Collectnear added
-// Intersectcurves changed (Collectnear used)
-// 2018.01.05
-// Intersectcurves changed (LLcrd)
-// Intersectcurvespt added
-// Intersectpartseg debugged
-// Intersectline changed
-// s:2018.01.04
-// PointonCurve debugged ( t >=1, t<=length(g) )
-// Intersectcurves.... added
-// s:2017.12.27
-// Getcdyname(Cdyname) changed
-// s:2017.12.03
-// Ketinit changed (definition of LibnameS )
-// s:2017.12.01
-// Ketinit changed (to modify Dircdy )
-// s:2017.11.27
-// Setparent added ( for Texparent)
-// Getcdyname added ( name of the current cdy file)
-// s:2017.11.24
-// Changework changed ( for the case of double pathsep() in dir, subdir )
-// s:2017.11.20
-// Changework changed ( for the case of (ex) dir=".../" )
-// s:2017.11.12
-// Ketinit debugged (Fhead)
-// s:2017.10.24
-// Ketinit changed (Slidename added)
-// s:2017.10.23
-// Pointdata changed (for string )
-// s:2017.10.14
-// Ketinit() changed (Fhead)
-// s:2017.10.13
-// Ketinit() changed (definition of Shellparent,Shellchild)
-// s:2017.10.07
-// Pointdata debugged
-// s:2017.10.07
-// Setcolor debugged ( \ => \\ )
-// s:2017.10.06
-// Deqplot changed
-// s:2017.08.29
-// Ketinit changed (LibnameS)
-// Texcom debugged
-// Setcolor changed ( Texcom used )
-// SCIWR,SCIRE removed
-// 2017.09.17
-// Ketinit changed ( PathS=6... removed )
-// 2017.09.13
-// Changed to FnameR