path: root/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts')
4 files changed, 225 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/00-class.cfg b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/00-class.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fda6a2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/00-class.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/csvTOcfg.ps1 b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/csvTOcfg.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87cda66f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/csvTOcfg.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Make a complete cfg for thorshammer package from a csv list
+# accepted list delimiters: , or ;. Spaces ar not allowed! Replace all german umlauts
+# with ue, oe, ae, ss to avoid problems with thorshammer package
+# Example list:
+# First Name|Last Name|Folder
+# Anton;Müller;AM29914M
+# Anton;Müller;*C:/.../AM299
+If ( $args.Length -eq 0 ) {
+ Write-Host "A CSV file of the class members is required," `
+ "see documentation"
+ exit
+} else {
+ $listName=$args[0]
+ if(Test-Path -Path ./$listName.csv) {
+ } else {
+ Write-Host "Cannot find the file `"$listName.csv`" in the current folder," `
+ "check the spelling, do not include the extension."
+ exit
+ }
+get-content "$listName.csv" | foreach {
+"\classMember{" + $_ `
++ "/_Thor}" `
+-Replace ";", "}{" `
+-Replace ",","}{" `
+-Replace "{\*", "*{" } | Set-Content "convertedList.cfg"
+# Store convertedList.cfg in a variable
+$convertedListCfg = get-content .\convertedList.cfg -Raw
+# function to replace umlauts
+function Replace-Umlaute ([string]$s) {
+ $UmlautObject = New-Object PSObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $s -PassThru
+ # hash tables are by default case insensitive
+ # we have to create a new hash table object for case sensitivity
+ $characterMap = New-Object system.collections.hashtable
+ $characterMap.ä = "ae"
+ $characterMap.ö = "oe"
+ $characterMap.ü = "ue"
+ $characterMap.ß = "ss"
+ $characterMap.Ä = "Ae"
+ $characterMap.Ü = "Ue"
+ $characterMap.Ö = "Oe"
+ foreach ($property in "Name") {
+ foreach ($key in $characterMap.Keys) {
+ $UmlautObject.$property = $UmlautObject.$property -creplace $key,$characterMap[$key]
+ }
+ }
+ $UmlautObject
+# replace umlauts in .cfg and make a correctedListCfg
+$correctedListCfg = Replace-Umlaute "$convertedListCfg"
+# Finally append correctedListCfg to desired
+# cfg file, usually class.cfg
+add-content "00-class.cfg" $correctedListCfg.Name
+Remove-Item convertedList.cfg
diff --git a/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/mkclassFolders.ps1 b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/mkclassFolders.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f7fcc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/standalone/mkclassFolders.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+$classPath="C:\Users\dpstory\Desktop\Test Folder\target\myClass"
+# Create class folders
+If ( $args.Length -eq 0 ) {
+ Write-Host "A CVS file of the class members is required," `
+ "see documentation"
+ exit
+} else {
+ $listName=$args[0]
+ if(Test-Path -Path ./$listName.csv) {
+ } else {
+ Write-Host "Cannot find the file `"$listName.csv`" in the current folder," `
+ "check the spelling, do not include the extension."
+ exit
+ }
+get-content "$listName.csv" | foreach {
+$_ +">_Thor" -Replace ";","," } | Set-Content "commaList.csv"
+get-content "commaList.csv" | %{
+# Write-Host "$_"
+ $split=$_.split(",")
+# Write-Host $split[2]
+ $argList+=$split[2]
+$currentPath=Convert-Path .
+cd $classPath
+Write-Host "Creating folder structure at `$classPath`"," `
+ "with some exceptions"
+for ($i=0; $i -lt $argList.length; $i++) {
+ $arg=$argList[$i]
+ $splitTwo=$argList[$i].split(">")
+ $firstName=$splitTwo[0]
+ $secondName=$splitTwo[1]
+ if ($firstName[0] -eq "*") {
+ $arg=$arg.substring(1)
+ $msg="Parsing the full path $arg" -Replace ">","/"
+ Write-Host $msg
+ Write-Host "Creating exceptional folders"
+ $firstName=$firstName.substring(1)
+#Write-Host "$firstName"
+ Write-Host " Creating folder: $firstName"
+ New-Item $firstName -ErrorAction:Ignore -ItemType directory
+ $secondName=$firstName+"/$secondName"
+#Write-Host "$secondName"
+ Write-Host " Creating folder: $secondName"
+ New-Item $secondName -ErrorAction:Ignore -ItemType directory
+ } else {
+ $msg="Parsing the relative path $arg" -Replace ">","/"
+ Write-Host $msg
+ Write-Host " Creating folder: $firstName"
+ New-Item $firstName -ErrorAction:Ignore -ItemType directory
+ cd $firstName
+ Write-Host " Creating subfolder of $firstName named: $secondName"
+ New-Item $secondName -ErrorAction:Ignore -ItemType directory
+ cd ..
+ }
+cd $currentPath
+Remove-Item commaList.csv
diff --git a/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/thors-structure/thmclass.ps1 b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/thors-structure/thmclass.ps1
index 2dcbc65c..7f1f72bf 100644
--- a/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/thors-structure/thmclass.ps1
+++ b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thorshammer/system-scripts/thors-structure/thmclass.ps1
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+# Version 1.4 changes
+# =====================================================================================================
+# small modifications of tex template
+# remove some comments
+# added partial support for cntdwn package, not fully working here to keep tex template small
+# interested users should refer to Acrotex blog for further explanations
+# anyway the template compiles without errors
+# =====================================================================================================
# Version 1.3 changes
# =====================================================================================================
# copyka.ps1 allows a comment character (#)
@@ -415,7 +423,7 @@ New-Item "tex-template.tex" -ItemType file
If ($locale -like "*$myLocale*") {
# German ######################################
Set-Content "tex-template.tex" '%% Customize template ! %%
@@ -424,17 +432,19 @@ navibar,
+% Page layout
% usebatch % copy to class folder
-batchdistr % only copy to instructors folder
-% testmode % testing quizzes
+% batchdistr % only copy to instructors folder
+testmode % testing quizzes
\hypersetup{pdfencoding=auto} % include or remove hyperref options
%\usepackage{thorshammerConf} % place your own sty file here
-\usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % change quotes globally
+%\usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % change quotes globally
@@ -454,8 +464,8 @@ batchdistr % only copy to instructors folder
% Header settings
-\thQzName{#theme} % Thema
-\thQzHeaderL{#class} % Klasse
\thQzHeaderCQ{#subject: \thqzname}
\thQzHeaderCS{Lösungen: \thqzname}
@@ -464,7 +474,7 @@ batchdistr % only copy to instructors folder
-\university{Freiherr-vom-Stein-Berufskolleg} % change to your institution
@@ -475,9 +485,26 @@ batchdistr % only copy to instructors folder
+% Timer settings, this are personal settings for a timer in the quiz, if you want that, refer to
+% with \usepackage[shortcount]{cntdwn}
+% \newcommand{\thorTimer}[2]{%
+% \setShortCntDwn{CntDwnTimer1}
+% {%
+% length=#1*\minutes,
+% notify1=#2*\minutes,
+% event1=AllowEndQuiz1,
+% event2=NoAction,
+% event3=NoAction,
+% endEvent=EndTheQuiz1
+% }
+% }
+%\thorTimer{#time}{10} % original command \setShortCntDwn
-% Instructions
% Declare Quiz bodys
@@ -487,11 +514,22 @@ batchdistr % only copy to instructors folder
-% Change margin settings for summary tables, and set it back after
-% \thQuizHeader execution
+% priorInitQuiz for the timer, see Timer settings
+% postInitQuiz for timer, see Timer settings
+% Instructions here
% Bearbeiten Sie folgende Aufgaben.
@@ -526,7 +564,11 @@ Set-Content "tex-template.tex" '%% Customize template ! %%
+% usebatch % copy to class folder
+% batchdistr % only copy to instructors folder
+testmode % testing quizzes
@@ -560,8 +602,8 @@ Set-Content "tex-template.tex" '%% Customize template ! %%
% Header settings
-\thQzName{#theme} % topic
-\thQzHeaderL{#class} % class
\thQzHeaderCQ{#subject: \thqzname}
\thQzHeaderCS{Solutions: \thqzname}
@@ -581,14 +623,51 @@ Set-Content "tex-template.tex" '%% Customize template ! %%
+% Timer settings, this are personal settings
+% for a timer in the quiz, if you want that, refer to %
+% \newcommand{\thorTimer}[2]{%
+% \setShortCntDwn{CntDwnTimer1}
+% {%
+% length=#1*\minutes,
+% notify1=#2*\minutes,
+% event1=AllowEndQuiz1,
+% event2=NoAction,
+% event3=NoAction,
+% endEvent=EndTheQuiz1
+% }
+% }
+%\thorTimer{#time}{10} % original command \setShortCntDwn
+% Declare quiz bodies
+% priorInitQuiz for the timer, see Timer settings
+% postInitQuiz for timer, see Timer settings
% Instructions
Solve each of these problems, passing is 100\%.