path: root/texmf-dist/doc/latex/jj-game/examples/jjg_custom.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/doc/latex/jj-game/examples/jjg_custom.tex')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/doc/latex/jj-game/examples/jjg_custom.tex b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/jj-game/examples/jjg_custom.tex
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+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% The AcroTeX Software Development Team (Copyright 2007) %%
+%% %%
+\documentclass{jj_game} % or dvips, pdftex, luatex, xetex
+% This is an example of how you can design your own unique
+% graphical display of the game and how you can use jj_game
+% commands to place the jj_game elements on the page.
+% Raise the text in the banner to fit the graphic better
+% Adjust font used in banner text
+%% Possible Definition of a CENT Symbol
+\titleBanner{Money Sense Jeopardy}
+% Add a little vertical space under the currency statement
+% of the question page.
+% Declare the graphics to be used on the first, second, the
+% the question pages.
+%% You can also define your own Color(s), like so:
+%% \definecolor{my_color}{rgb}{0.92,0.67,0.1}
+%% So you are very flexible in Color Design of your
+%% unique Jeopardy Game
+\definecolor{demo_gb}{rgb}{0.58, 0.58, 0}
+\definecolor{demo}{rgb}{0.275, 0.275, 0.275}
+ fillCells: transparent,
+ fillBanner: transparent,
+ textBanner: black,
+ textBoard: black,
+ fillInstructions: cornsilk,
+ fillGameBoard: demo_gb,
+ fillQuestions: cornsilk,
+ dollarColor: red, % Color of the Value of the Question (in the question environment)
+ linkColor: red, % Color of the Links (the answer possibilities)
+%% Note, that the measurement of the resulting PDF is given with the
+%% Number of Categories, Number of the appropriate Questions, Cell Width
+%% and Cell Height. The Geometry of the PDF depends on that next settings in
+%% the "\GameDesign"!
+ Cat: [\sffamily\bfseries] Fractions, % Special Font settings in the [...] for the Categories
+ Cat: [\sffamily\bfseries] Decimals,
+ Cat: [\sffamily\bfseries] Numbers/Rounding,
+ Cat: [\sffamily\bfseries] Money,
+ NumQuestions: 5,
+ CellWidth: 1.5in,
+ CellHeight: .5in,
+% Goal: 1,500, % specify absolute goal
+ GoalPercentage: 90, % specify relative goal
+ ExtraHeight: 0pt,
+ Champion: Financial Wizardry!,
+ Font: Helv,
+ Size: 20,
+ TextColor: 1 1 1, % color of text for the Gameboard cell
+ BorderColor: 0 0 0, % color of border for the Gameboard cell
+ FillColor: 0.275 0.275 0.275 % the fill color for the Gameboard cell
+ Font: Helv,
+ Champion: You are TeXerrific!,
+ Size: 20,
+ TextColor: 0 0 0,
+ BorderColor: 0 0 0,
+ FillColor: 0.92 0.67 0.1
+ Font: Helv,
+ Size: 20,
+ TextColor: 0.62 0.55 0.067,
+ Font: Helv,
+ Size: 20,
+ TextColor: 0.96 0.38 0.12,
+ Font: Helv,
+ Size: 20,
+ CellWidth: 4in,
+ BorderColor: ,
+ FillColor: 1 0.8 0,
+ AutoPlacement: true,
+ Score: "Points: ",
+ Currency: "$",
+ align: c,
+\textcolor{red}{\bfseries Method of Scoring:}
+If you answer a question correctly, the dollar value of that
+question is added to your total. If you miss a question, the value
+is {\it subtracted\/} from your total. So think carefully before
+you answer!
+Solve the problems in
+any order you wish.
+Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later required.
+\Acrobatmenu{NextPage}{\fcolorbox{red}{lightgray}{\sffamily\textbf{Start the Quiz}}}
+%% Some Local Definitions of Layout
+\DeclareColors{fillBanner: BrickRed} % Local defined Background Color for the Gameboard
+%% Some Local Definitions of Layout
+\DeclareColors{fillBanner: transparent} % Local defined Background Color for the Questions
+An equivalent way to write a fraction is as a \dots
+\Ans0 Product
+\Ans1 Decimal
+\Ans0 Sum
+\Ans0 Factor
+The fraction $\dfrac{3}{10}$ written as a decimal is\dots
+\Ans0 $0.03$
+\Ans0 $3.10$
+\Ans1 $0.3$
+\Ans0 $1.3$
+A number equivalent to the fraction $\dfrac{99}{99}$ is\dots
+\Ans0 $100$
+\Ans0 $9$
+\Ans1 $1$
+\Ans0 $198$
+The fraction $\dfrac{77}{77}$ is equivalent to\dots
+\Ans0 $\dfrac{60}{80}$
+\Ans1 $\dfrac{30}{30}$
+\Ans0 $154$
+\Ans0 $0$
+The fraction $\dfrac{3}{2}$ is equal to\dots
+\Ans0 $2\dfrac{2}{3}$
+\Ans0 $6$
+\Ans1 $1\dfrac{1}{2}$ % changed from $1\dfrac{1}{3}$
+\Ans0 $1$
+Compare the decimals $0.4$ and $0.40$\dots
+\Ans0 $0.4>0.40$
+\Ans0 $0.4<0.40$
+\Ans1 $0.4=0.40$
+\Ans0 none of the above
+Compare the decimals $0.35$ and $0.75$\dots
+\Ans0 $0.35>0.75$
+\Ans1 $0.35<0.75$
+\Ans0 $0.35=0.75$
+\Ans0 none of the above
+The fraction $\dfrac{1}{2}$ is equivalent to the
+\Ans0 $0.20$
+\Ans0 $1.25$
+\Ans0 $0.12$
+\Ans1 $0.50$
+The largest number among $1.26$, $0.58$, $1.09$, $1.091$ and $0.35$
+\Ans1 $1.26$
+\Ans0 $0.58$
+\Ans0 $1.09$
+\Ans0 $1.091$
+\Ans0 $0.35$
+The smallest number among $1.26$, $0.58$, $1.09$, $1.091$ and $0.35$
+\Ans0 $1.26$
+\Ans0 $0.58$
+\Ans0 $1.09$
+\Ans0 $1.091$
+\Ans1 $0.35$
+\begin{Category}{Numbers \& Rounding}
+The number one million, seventy-nine thousand five is written
+\Ans0 $1{,}795{,}000$
+\Ans1 $1{,}079{,}005$
+\Ans0 $1{,}790{,}500$
+\Ans0 $1{,}709{,}050$
+The smallest number you can make with the digits $3$, $6$, $4$, $7$,
+$2$ is\dots
+\Ans0 $42{,}736$
+\Ans0 $23{,}647$
+\Ans0 $32{,}467$
+\Ans1 $23{,}467$
+The largest number you can make with the digits 5, 9, 0, 3, 8, 1 is\dots
+\Ans0 $590{,}381$
+\Ans0 $183{,}095$
+\Ans1 $985{,}310$
+\Ans0 $958{,}013$
+The expanded form of four hundred thirty-two thousand, one
+hundred three is\dots
+\Ans1 $400{,}000+30{,}000+2{,}000+100+3$
+\Ans0 $400+32{,}000+103$
+\Ans0 $400{,}000+30,000+2{,}000+100+30$
+\Ans0 $4{,}000{,}000+30{,}000+2{,}000+100+3$
+In which set would all the numbers round to $60$?
+\Ans0 $55$, $52$, $69$, $67$
+\Ans1 $56$, $59$, $63$, $64$
+\Ans0 $57$, $61$, $56$, $68$
+\Ans0 $58$, $62$, $57$, $69$
+The change received back from $\$1.00$ after buying an ice cream
+cone consisted of a quarter, a dime and three pennies. The ice
+cream cone cost\dots
+\Ans0 $78$\cents
+\Ans1 $62$\cents
+\Ans0 $53$\cents
+\Ans0 $38$\cents
+Which of the following equals $\$1.47$?
+\Ans0 four quarters, five dimes, four nickels, seven pennies
+\Ans0 six quarters, one nickel, two pennies
+\Ans1 five quarters, two dimes, two pennies
+\Ans0 four quarters, one dime, one nickel, two pennies
+John spent a total of $\$3.00$ on baseball cards. To find out
+how much money he has left, we need to know\dots
+\Ans0 How many cards John bought
+\Ans0 How much a card costs
+\Ans0 How many times John bought cards
+\Ans1 How much money John had at first
+If you pay for a $\$13.97$ toy with a $\$50$ bill, your change
+\Ans0 $\$35.03$
+\Ans1 $\$36.03$
+\Ans0 $\$35.97$
+\Ans0 $\$36.97$
+Kate has three dimes. Anna has four nickels. Which number sentence tells
+how many cents they have together?
+\Ans0 $4+3$
+\Ans0 $3+10+4+5$
+\Ans1 $(3\times 10)+(4\times 5)$
+\Ans0 $7\times(10+5)$