path: root/texmf-dist/doc/latex/acroflex/examples/afgraph.tex
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+ web={pro,tight,usesf},
+ eforms,exerquiz,dljslib={ImplMulti},
+ graphicxsp={showembeds}
+\margins{.25in}{.25in}{24pt}{.25in} % left,right,top, bottom
+\screensize{5in}{5.5in} % height, width dimensions
+ title=\texorpdfstring{{\AcroFLeX}}{AcroFleX} Graphing System,
+ author=D. P. Story,
+ university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net,
+ subject=Demo of the acroflex and the rmannot package,
+ keywords={Adobe Acrobat, JavaScript, Adobe FLEX 3, ActionScript},
+ talksite=\url{},
+ talkdate={July 2008},
+ copyrightStatus=True,
+ copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story},
+ copyrightInfoURL=
+ Version 9 required: This document may be viewed, but version 9
+ of Acrobat/Adobe Reader is required to view the rich media
+ annotations present in this document.}
+ Version 9 required: This document may be viewed, but version 9
+ of Acrobat/Adobe Reader is required to view the rich media
+ annotations present in this document.}
+% The following definitions are for the rmannot package.
+% The \saveNamedPath associates the name AcroAd with the
+% path to a Flash animation, Acro_Advertiser.swf.
+% The two \makePoster definitions are for the posters of the
+% rich media annotations. The first for the animation on page 1
+% and the second for all the AcroFlex graphing screens.
+\newcommand{\myRMFiles}{C:/Users/Public/Documents/My TeX Files/%
+ tex/latex/aeb/aebpro/rmannot/RMfiles}
+% See the rmannot documentation. You can create your own
+% poster graphic and declare it in the preamble.
+\pagestyle{empty} %\previewtrue
+ \graphScreen[poster=aflogo]{\hScreenGraph}{\vScreenGraph}\\[1ex]
+ \makebox[\hScreenGraph][l]{%
+ \savedelSelBtn[\textSize{7}\CA{S}]{9bp}{11bp}\kern1bp
+ \functionSelect{50bp}{11bp}\hfill
+ \funcInputField{\hScreenGraph-50bp-6bp-9bp}{11bp}%
+ }\\[1ex]
+ \makebox[\hScreenGraph][c]{\scriptsize
+ \graphBtn[\textSize{7}]{}{9bp}\kern1pt
+ \graphClrBtn[\textSize{7}]{}{9bp}\hfill
+ \hShiftL{\raisebox{1bp}{\reflectbox{\ding{220}}}}\,%
+ \vShiftU{\raisebox{1bp}{\rotatebox{90}{\ding{220}}}}\,\,%
+ \amtShift[\textSize{7}]{12bp}{9bp}\,\,%
+ \vShiftD{\raisebox{1bp}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{-90}{\ding{220}}}}
+ \hShiftR{\raisebox{1bp}{\ding{220}}}\enspace
+ \hfill\zoomInOut[\textSize{7}]{}{9bp}%
+ }\\[1pt]%
+ \makebox[\hScreenGraph][l]{\scriptsize
+ $x = $ \strut\domMin[\textSize{7}]{36bp}{9bp}\ldots
+ \domMax[\textSize{7}]{36bp}{9bp}\hfill
+ $n = $\numPoints[\textSize{7}]{16bp}{9bp}
+ }\\[1pt]%
+ \makebox[\hScreenGraph][l]{\scriptsize
+ $y = $ \rngMin[\textSize{7}]{36bp}{9bp}\ldots
+ \rngMax[\textSize{7}]{36bp}{9bp}%
+ }\\[1pt]%%
+ \makebox[\hScreenGraph][l]{\scriptsize
+ $t = $ \strut\domMinP[\textSize{7}]{36bp}{9bp}\ldots
+ \domMaxP[\textSize{7}]{36bp}{9bp}%
+ }
+% Display an advertisement on the opening page through the
+% \optionalPageMatter command.
+ \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{%
+ \rmAnnot[poster=AcroAd_poster,enabled=pageopen]{612bp}{265bp}{AcroAd}}%
+ \large\bfseries\color{blue} What is {\AcroFLeX}?
+The word \textbf{\AcroFLeX} is meant to convey a merging of two computer technologies:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \textbf{Acro}: connotes both \textbf{Adobe Acrobat} (\textbf{Adobe Reader})
+ and \textbf{{Acro\negthinspace\TeX}} (as in the
+ \textbf{{Acro\negthinspace\TeX} eDucation Bundle} or, just \textbf{AeB}).
+ \item \textbf{F\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{L}\kern-.3eme\kern-.125emX\@}: connotes
+ \textbf{Adobe FLEX 3}. FLEX 3 is used to create SWF files to interact with the user.
+ In the case of graphing, plotting information is passed from Acrobat, via JavaScript,
+ to the Flash widget. ActionScript takes the data, plots the points provided, and
+ connects them with a smooth curve.
+ \end{itemize}
+\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{{\AcroFLeX} by Acro\!\TeX:}} This graphing
+system and this demonstration file were developed by D.~P. Story
+using the \href{}{{Acro\!\TeX} eDucation
+Bundle}, \href{}
+$\text{Acrobat}^{\text{\tiny\circledR}}$~9 Pro}, and
+$\text{FLEX}^{\text{\tiny TM}}$~3}.
+Acrobat 9 Pro introduces the rich media annotation that plays FLV
+movies and SWF files natively. Acrobat also provides a scripting
+bridge between JavaScript for Acrobat, and ActionScript, the
+scripting language of Flash player. This bridge enables the PDF and
+the Flash widget, embedded in the rich media annotation, to
+communicate. The scripting bridge opens up wonderful opportunities
+for application to the education sector. The graphing of {\AcroFLeX}
+is one such application of the new PDF-Flash connection to
+\textbf{{\AcroFLeX}} uses the commercial product Adobe FLEX
+Builder~3 and FLEX~3 SDK to produce Flash widgets, and the AeB to
+create PDF documents with appropriate JavaScript to communicate with
+the Flash widget. FLEX Builder~3 is currently free for students and
+educators, the FLEX 3 SDK is free to all.
+% Basic parameters. These are the graphing screen dimensions you wish
+% for the AcroFleX graphing widget, and the \graphName is the base name used by
+% all the supporting components to the graphing screen.
+ {\AcroFLeX} by {\AcroTeX}
+The first goal in {\AcroFLeX} development was to build an interactive graphing
+screen educators could use in their PDFs.
+\begin{minipage}[t]{\hScreenGraph + 10bp}
+% Insert the \graphScreen with all possible controls. Plot data entered by the
+% user is interactive mode.
+% Pass plot data to this graphing screen, and allow user to interact with it.
+\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\textbf{Populate Mode}}
+Parametric Equations: \sgraphLink{xInterval={[-1,1]},yInterval={[-1,1]},tInterval={[0,2*pi]},
+ points=40,populate=true}{cos(t);sin(t)}{$x=\cos(t)$; $y=\sin(t)$}\\[1ex]
+Polar Function: \sgraphLink{type=polar,xInterval={[-1.5,1.5]},yInterval={[-1,2]},tInterval={[0,2*pi]},
+ points=60,populate=true}{1+sin(t)}{$r = 1 + \sin(\theta)$ }
+\begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth - \hScreenGraph - 10bp}\small\par
+\textbf{\textcolor{red}{Instructions:}} This graphing system can graph
+a function of $x$, a pair of parametric functions of $t$,
+or a polar function of $t$.
+ \item For a function of $x$, enter an algebraic expression to be graphed, e.g.,
+ \verb!3x^2-1!, \verb!4sin(2x)!, \verb!ln(x)!,
+ \verb!e^(x+1)!. For parametric equations, two functions of
+ $t$ separated by a semicolon (;) e.g.,
+ \texttt{cos(t);sin(t)}. For a polar function, enter a single
+ expression that is a function of $t$, e.g.,
+ \texttt{1+sin(t)}.
+ \item Set the graph viewing window: The range of the horizontal
+ axis ($x$-axis) and range of the vertical axis ($y$-axis).
+ For parametric plotting, set the range of the $t$ variable.
+ \item Enter the number of points, $n$, to plot.
+ \item Click the \textsf{Graph It!} button.
+ \item Shift the viewing window horizontally or vertical;
+ or zoom in or out.
+ \item Click \texttt{Clear} to clear the plot; use
+ \textsf{shift-click} to deactivate the graphing screen.
+ {\large\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Graphing Predefined Functions}}}\\[3ex]
+ \graphScreen[poster=aflogo]{\hScreenGraph}{\vScreenGraph}\par\smallskip
+ \makebox[\hScreenGraph][c]{\small\graphClrBtn{}{11bp}}
+ \rule{.67\linewidth}{.4pt}
+The document author, that's you, can prepare some functions for the student to view:
+\sgraphLink{xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=100}{sin(3x)}{$\sin(3x)$}, and
+All functions are graphed over the interval
+$[\,0, 2\pi\,]$. Let's view a graph with a vertical asymptote, shall we?
+Try \sgraphLink{xInterval={[.5,1.5]},yInterval={[-20,20]},points=200}{1/(x-1)}{$y = 1/(x-1)$}
+and \sgraphLink{xInterval={[0,2]},yInterval={[0,20]},points=200}{1/(x-1)^2}{$y = 1/(x-1)^2$}.
+ \rule{.67\linewidth}{.4pt}
+What type of symmetry does the \sgraphLink{xInterval={[-pi,pi]},yInterval={[-1,1]},
+points=40}{sin(x)}{function}, graphed above, have?
+\Ans0 $x$-axis symmetry & \Ans0 $y$-axis symmetry & \Ans1 origin symmetry
+ {\large\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Multiple Curves and Plots}}}\\[3ex]
+ \graphScreen[poster=aflogo]{\hScreenGraph}{\vScreenGraph}\par\smallskip
+ \makebox[\hScreenGraph][c]{\small\graphClrBtn{}{11bp}}
+ \rule{.67\linewidth}{.4pt}
+Plot multiple curves using predefined functions:
+ \item \sgraphLink{graph=c1,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=40}{sin(x)}{$\sin(x)$},
+ \sgraphLink{graph=c2,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=80}{sin(2x)}{$\sin(2x)$},
+ \sgraphLink{graph=c3,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=100}{sin(3x)}{$\sin(3x)$},
+ \sgraphLink{graph=c4,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=100}{sin(4x)}{$\sin(4x)$}.
+Let's plot some points:
+\item Points on \sgraphLink{graph=p1,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY}}{(0,sin(0));(pi/2,sin(pi/2));(pi,sin(pi));(3pi/2,sin(3pi/2));(2pi,sin(2pi))}{$\sin(x)$}
+(clear the graphing screen, click on this \sgraphLink{graph=c1,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=40}{sin(x)}{$\sin(x)$}
+link, then click on the plotted points link)
+\item Plot \sgraphLink{graph=p2,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY}}{(1,1);(2,-1);(4,1/3);(3,-1/2)}
+ {$(1,1); (2,-1); (4,1/3); (3,-1/2)$}
+\item Plot \sgraphLink{graph=c2,connectwith=segment,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY}}{(2,0);(1,-1);(3,.5);(4,1);(6,0)}
+ {$(2,0);(1,-1);(3,.5);(4,1);(6,0)$}
+ {\large\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Graphing in a Floating Window}}}
+On this page, we take a different approach, by graphing functions
+in a \textsl{floating window}. This might be appropriate for graphing
+preset functions. Now let's copy and paste some of the previous text
+here: The document author, that's you, can prepare some functions
+for the student to view:
+\sgraphLink{xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=100}{sin(3x)}{$\sin(3x)$}, and
+All functions are graphed over the interval
+$[\,0, 2\pi\,]$. Let's view a graph with a vertical asymptote, shall we?
+Try \sgraphLink{xInterval={[.5,1.5]},yInterval={[-20,20]},points=200}{1/(x-1)}{$y = 1/(x-1)$}
+and \sgraphLink{xInterval={[0,2]},yInterval={[0,20]},points=200}{1/(x-1)^2}{$y = 1/(x-1)^2$}.
+\paragraph*{Controlling the Floating Window.} Clicking a graphing
+link will open the floating window and graph the defined function.
+Clicking the {\AcroFLeX} icon closes the window. The window itself
+has controls. The clicking the upper-right corner closes the window.
+Use the lower-left corner to resize the graph window (click and drag
+the lower-left corner). Click and drag anywhere else on the boundary
+will move the window.
+The following quiz integrates the quiz/shortquiz environment with
+the {\AcroFLeX} Graphing routines, and uses \texttt{\string\defineGraphJS}
+to graph the input of the user.
+ noquotes,points=40}{event.value}{\myGraph}%
+\textbf{\textcolor{red}{Question}} Find the equation of the line
+tangent to the \sgraphLink{xInterval={[-1,3]},
+yInterval={[-1,9]},points=40}{2x^2}{graph of $f(x) = 2x^2 $} at the
+ {point $ (1,2) $}. \RespBoxMath[%
+ \AddAAKeystroke{if (retn != null){\r\myGraph}}]
+ {4x-2}{4}{.0001}{[-1,3]}\hfill\CorrAnsButton{4x-2}\kern1bp\sqClearButton
+ points=40}{sin(x)}{\mySineCurve}
+ {(0,sin(0));(pi/2,sin(pi/2));(pi,sin(pi));(3pi/2,sin(3pi/2));
+ (2pi,sin(2pi))}{\mySinePoints}
+Below is another example of the use of
+\texttt{\string\defineGraphJS}. A link is created with two calls to
+the graphing routines, one to plot a sine curve, the other to plot
+points on that curve.
+ \clearGraphJS\r
+ \mySineCurve\r
+ \mySinePoints
+}}]{Consider the sine function, and indicated points}%
+ {\large\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Curves with filled area}}}\\[3ex]
+ \graphScreen[poster=aflogo]{\hScreenGraph}{\vScreenGraph}\par\smallskip
+ \makebox[\hScreenGraph][c]{\small\graphClrBtn{}{11bp}}
+Plot multiple curves using predefined functions:\\
+ \item \sgraphLink{graph=a1,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=40}{sin(x)}{$\sin(x)$},
+ \sgraphLink{graph=a2,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=80}{sin(2x)}{$\sin(2x)$},
+ \sgraphLink{graph=a3,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=100}{sin(3x)}{$\sin(3x)$},
+ \sgraphLink{graph=a4,xInterval={\DomX},yInterval={\DomY},points=100}{sin(4x)}{$\sin(4x)$}.
+ \item Parametric Equations
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \sgraphLink{graph=a1,xInterval={[-1,1]},yInterval={[-1,1]},tInterval={[0,2*pi]},
+ points=40}{cos(t);sin(t)}{$x=\cos(t)$; $y=\sin(t)$}
+ \item \sgraphLink{graph=a3,xInterval={[0,4]},yInterval={[-2,2]},tInterval={[-2,2]},
+ points=40}{t^2;t}{$x=t^2$; $y=t$}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Polar Functions
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \sgraphLink{graph=a2,type=polar,xInterval={[-1.5,1.5]},yInterval={[-1,2.3]},tInterval={[0,2pi]},
+ points=60}{1+sin(t)}{$ r = 1 + \sin(\theta) $ }
+ \item \sgraphLink{graph=a4,type=polar,xInterval={[-1.5,1.5]},yInterval={[-1,2.3]},tInterval={[0,2pi]},
+ points=60}{1+1.25sin(t)}{$r = 1 + 1.25\sin(\theta)$ }
+ \end{itemize}
+\textbf{\textcolor{red}{Question}} Find the area of the region
+\emph{below} the graph of \sgraphLink{graph=a1,xInterval={[0,pi/2]},
+yInterval={[0,1.1]}, points=40}{cos(x)}{$ f(x) = \cos(x) $} and
+\emph{above} the graph of \sgraphLink{graph=a2,
+xInterval={[0,pi/2]}, yInterval={[0,1.1]}, points=40}{sin(x)}{$ g(x)
+= \sin(x) $},
+as shown in the graph screen above.\\[1ex]