path: root/texmf-dist/tex/latex/aeb-pro/aeblayers.def
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2017-07-13 10:25:48 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2017-07-13 10:25:48 +0900
commitcfe306ba1b7ec40855a300580b7981845d56edeb (patch)
treee2feaf2adf8a8afe43a995528097913793874d01 /texmf-dist/tex/latex/aeb-pro/aeblayers.def
parent32d0671418a3cc6ad0465b06539ed54d96f77784 (diff)
add aeb-mlink aeb-pro aebxmp graphicxsp annot-pro
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/tex/latex/aeb-pro/aeblayers.def')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/aeb-pro/aeblayers.def b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/aeb-pro/aeblayers.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba716796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/aeb-pro/aeblayers.def
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+%% This is file `aeblayers.def',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% aeb_pro.dtx (with options: `copyright,aeblayers')
+%% aeb_pro.sty package, %%
+%% Copyright (C) 2006--2017 D. P. Story %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1.2 of %%
+%% the License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
+\newif\ifaeb@ocOn \aeb@ocOntrue
+{/OCProcSet /ProcSet findresource} stopped not
+{/initialize get exec}
+/BeginOC /pop load def
+/EndOC {} def
+/SimpleOC /pop load def
+/SetOCGInitState {pop pop} bind def
+/OCEndPage {} def
+/SetOCGIntent {pop pop} bind def
+/SetOCGUsage {pop pop} bind def
+/AddASEvent {pop pop pop} bind def
+ \AtEndDocument{\literalps@out{{/OCProcSet /ProcSet findresource
+ /terminate get exec} stopped pop}}
+\begin{insDLJS}[getxBld]{aebocg}{AeB Pro: OCG Support}
+var ocgs = this.getOCGs();
+var xBlds = new Array();
+if ( ocgs != null ) {
+ var l = ocgs.length;
+ for ( i=0; i<l; i++ ) {
+ if (ocgs[0].name.substring(0,3) == "xb." )
+ xBlds.push(ocgs.shift());
+ else ocgs.push(ocgs.shift());
+ }
+var assocxLayers = new Array();
+if ( xBlds != null ) {
+ for ( var i=0; i<xBlds.length; i++)
+ assocxLayers[xBlds[i].name]=i;
+function getxBld (name) {
+ var i = assocxLayers["xb."+name];
+ return ( i == undefined ) ? null : xBlds[i];
+function toggleHelp (name)
+ var o = getxBld(name);
+ if ( o != null ) o.state = ("Enter") != -1);
+function toggleSetThisLayer(name, bState) {
+ var oLayer = getxBld(name);
+ if ( oLayer != null )
+ oLayer.state = (arguments.length > 1) ? bState : !oLayer.state;
+function getLayerState(name) {
+ var oLayer = getxBld(name);
+ return ( oLayer != null ) ? oLayer.state : null;
+ {\footnotesize\negthinspace\ding{109}}\raisebox{.225ex}
+ {\llap{\color{webblue}\tiny?\hspace{1.3ex}}}}$}
+ \let\aebp@addJStexHelpEnter\@empty
+ \let\aebp@addJStexHelpExit\@empty
+ \let\rollormargstring\texorpdfstring
+ \sbox{\aebsavehelp}{\texHelpIndicator{#2}}%
+ \makebox[0pt][l]{\pushButton[\S{S}\BG{}\BC{}\H{N}
+ \AA{\AAMouseEnter{\JS{toggleHelp("#1");\aebp@addJStexHelpEnter}}%
+ \AAMouseExit{\JS{toggleHelp("#1");\aebp@addJStexHelpExit}}}]{#1}%
+ {\wd\aebsavehelp}{\ht\aebsavehelp+\dp\aebsavehelp}}%
+ \usebox{\aebsavehelp}\resetaddJStexHelp
+ \let\rollormargstring\@gobbletwo
+\newif\ifaeb@SimpleOCOn \aeb@SimpleOCOnfalse
+ \ifaeb@ocOn\literalps@out{(#2) SimpleOC (#2) #1 SetOCGInitState}\fi}
+ \ifaeb@ocOn\literalps@out{(#2) BeginOC (#2) #1 SetOCGInitState}\fi}
+ \setkeys{aebpxBld}{false,#1}\b@OC[\aebpxBld@visible]{xb.#2}%
+ \ifx\aebpxBld@print\@empty\else
+ \literalps@out{/Print [/Print] [(xb.#2)] AddASEvent}%
+ \ifAEBP@aebpxBld@print
+ \literalps@out{(xb.#2) << /Print<<
+ /PrintState/ON >> >> SetOCGUsage}%
+ \else
+ \literalps@out{(xb.#2) << /Print<<
+ /PrintState/OFF >> >> SetOCGUsage}%
+ \fi
+ \global\let\aebpxBld@print\@empty
+ \fi
+{The scope of the last \string\Bld\space command
+\MessageBreak includes the scope of the nested Bld.
+\MessageBreak Executing \protect\ocOff\space to correct this.
+\MessageBreak The problem occurs}\ocOff}
+\newif\ifAEBP@aebpxBld@print \AEBP@aebpxBld@printfalse
+ visible,always,never}[visible]{%
+ \ifcase\nr\relax
+ \def\aebpxBld@print{true}\AEBP@aebpxBld@printtrue\or
+ \def\aebpxBld@print{false}\AEBP@aebpxBld@printfalse\or
+ \let\aebpxBld@print\@empty\or
+ \def\aebpxBld@print{true}\AEBP@aebpxBld@printtrue\or
+ \def\aebpxBld@print{false}\AEBP@aebpxBld@printfalse\fi
+}{\PackageWarning{aeb_pro}{Bad choice for initState, permissible values
+ are true, false, visible, always, and never. Try again}}
+ true,false}[false]{%
+ \ifcase\nr\relax
+ \def\aebpxBld@visible{true}\or
+ \def\aebpxBld@visible{false}\or
+ \def\aebpxBld@visible{true}\or
+ \def\aebpxBld@visible{false}\fi
+}{\PackageWarning{aeb_pro}{Bad choice for initState, permissible values
+ are on, off, true and false. Try again}}
+ \ifeqforpaper\csarg\def{PR#1}{#2}\else
+ \ifeq@proofing\csarg\def{PR#1}{#2}\else
+ \csarg\let{PR#1}\relax\fi\fi
+ \ifeq@proofing\@nameuse{PR#1}\else
+ \csarg\let{insertPR}\@gobble\fi
+ \csarg\let{PR#1}\relax
+\@ifundefined{ifeqforpaper}{\newif\ifeqforpaper \eqforpaperfalse}{}
+\@ifundefined{ifeq@proofing}{\newif\ifeq@proofing \eq@proofingfalse}{}
+ \ifeqforpaper
+ \ifeq@proofing
+ \includecomment{rollover}%
+ \includecomment{printRollover}%
+ \else
+ \excludecomment{printRollover}%
+ \includecomment{rollover}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifeq@proofing
+ \includecomment{rollover}%
+ \includecomment{printRollover}%
+ \else
+ \excludecomment{printRollover}%
+ \includecomment{rollover}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+\newcommand\texPHProof[2]{\small\raggedright\texttt{#1}: #2}
+ \let\rollormargstring\texorpdfstring
+ \ifeqforpaper
+ \ifeq@proofing
+ \texHelp{#1}{#2}\marginpar{\Hy@pdfstringfalse
+ \texPHProof{#1}{#2}}\else
+ \texHelpIndicator{#2}\fi
+ \else
+ \texHelp{#1}{#2}\ifeq@proofing\marginpar{\Hy@pdfstringfalse
+ \texPHProof{#1}{#2}}\fi
+ \fi
+ \let\rollormargstring\@gobbletwo
+ \xBld[#1]{\animBldName}}
+ \setcounter{ocSeq}{0}%
+ \xdef\animBaseName{anime!!#1}%01/01/2010
+ \xdef\animSpeed{#2}\xdef\nFrames{#3}%
+ \gdef\animBldName{\animBaseName\#\theocSeq}%
+ \pushButton[\textFont{Wingdings3}\uCA{FEFF00C5}\TU{Reverse}#1
+ \A{\JS{%
+ try { aebAnimeTimeOutF.running=false; } catch(e) {}\r
+ try { aebAnimeTimeOutB.running=false; } catch(e) {}\r
+ aebAnimeLayersBackward(\animSpeed,\nFrames,"\animBaseName");
+ }}]{\animBaseName BtnBack}{#2}{#3}%
+ \pushButton[\textFont{Wingdings}\CA{n}\TU{Clear}#1
+ \A{\JS{%
+ try { aebAnimeTimeOutF.running=false; } catch(e) {}\r
+ try { aebAnimeTimeOutB.running=false; } catch(e) {}\r
+ aebAnimeLayersClear(\animSpeed,\nFrames,"\animBaseName");
+ }}]{\animBaseName BtnClear}{#2}{#3}%
+ \pushButton[\textFont{Wingdings3}\uCA{FEFF00C6}\TU{Graph It!}#1
+ \A{\JS{%
+ try { aebAnimeTimeOutF.running=false; } catch(e) {}\r
+ try { aebAnimeTimeOutB.running=false; } catch(e) {}\r
+ aebAnimeLayersForward(\animSpeed,\nFrames,"\animBaseName");
+ }}]{\animBaseName BtnForward}{#2}{#3}%
+ {AeB Pro: JS in Support of Anime}
+var _animeLayers = true;
+var aebAnimeTimeOutF = new Object();
+var aebAnimeTimeOutB = new Object();
+var aebAnimeTimeOutC = new Object();
+function aebAnimeLayersForward(animSpeed,nFrames,baseName)
+ var timeinterval = animSpeed;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutF = app.setInterval("aebAnimeTimeOutF.count++;"
+ + "if (aebAnimeTimeOutF.count > "
+ + nFrames + " || !aebAnimeTimeOutF.running )"
+ +" app.clearInterval(aebAnimeTimeOutF);\r"
+ + "else { if (aebAnimeTimeOutF.count == 1 )"
+ +" getxBld('"+baseName+"\#1').state=true;\t"
+ + "else { getxBld('"+baseName+"\#'"
+ + "+(aebAnimeTimeOutF.count-1)).state=false;\t"
+ + "getxBld('"+baseName+"\#'"
+ + "+aebAnimeTimeOutF.count).state=true;}}", timeinterval);
+ aebAnimeTimeOutF.running = true;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutF.start = 1;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutF.count=0;
+function aebAnimeLayersBackward(animSpeed,nFrames,baseName)
+ var timeinterval = animSpeed;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutB = app.setInterval("aebAnimeTimeOutB.count++;\r"
+ + "if (aebAnimeTimeOutB.count > "+nFrames
+ +"|| !aebAnimeTimeOutB.running )"
+ +" app.clearInterval(aebAnimeTimeOutB);\r"
+ + "else { if (aebAnimeTimeOutB.count == "
+ +nFrames+") getxBld('"+baseName+"\#1').state=false;\r"
+ + "else { getxBld('"+baseName+"\#'"
+ + "+(aebAnimeTimeOutB.start-%
+ + "getxBld('"+baseName+"\#'"
+ + "+(aebAnimeTimeOutB.start-%
+ timeinterval);
+ aebAnimeTimeOutB.running = true;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutB.start = nFrames;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutB.count=0;
+function aebAnimeLayersClear(animSpeed,nFrames,baseName)
+ aebAnimeTimeOutF.running = false;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutB.running = false;
+ clearFrames = app.setTimeOut(
+ "hideAllFrames("+nFrames+",\""+baseName+"\")",animSpeed);
+ var timeinterval = animSpeed;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutC = app.setInterval("aebAnimeTimeOutC.count++;\r"
+ + "if (aebAnimeTimeOutC.count >= "+nFrames
+ +") app.clearInterval(aebAnimeTimeOutC);\r"
+ + "else { getxBld('"+baseName+"\#'"
+ +"+(aebAnimeTimeOutC.start-aebAnimeTimeOutC.count)).state=false;}",
+ timeinterval);
+ aebAnimeTimeOutC.start = nFrames;
+ aebAnimeTimeOutC.count=0;
+function hideAllFrames(n, baseName)
+ for ( var i=1; i <= n ; i++ )
+ getxBld(baseName+"\#"+i).state=false;
+%% End of file `aeblayers.def'.