path: root/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebsumrytbls.def
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2018-09-13 10:28:30 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2018-09-13 10:28:30 +0900
commit26f4947f509c2440ce28e625133a15f6a2446920 (patch)
tree8789ff207ced3a161133a246fca03446b24b3edc /texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebsumrytbls.def
parent6ec0713f46508d1e4aa5741e30152add5e10776f (diff)
update acrotex
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebsumrytbls.def')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebsumrytbls.def b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebsumrytbls.def
index b345be1f..33f1f3ce 100644
--- a/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebsumrytbls.def
+++ b/texmf-dist/tex/latex/acrotex/aebsumrytbls.def
@@ -1,256 +1,256 @@
-%% This is file `aebsumrytbls.def',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% exerquiz.dtx (with options: `copyright,sumrytbls')
-%% Exerquiz.sty package, %%
-%% Copyright (C) 1999-2018 D. P. Story %%
-%% %%
-%% %%
-%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
-%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
-%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
-%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
-%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
- [2018/03/21 v8.2.2 %
- Exerquiz support for summary tables (dps)]
- \ifmakeExSlLocal\protect\endgroup^^J\fi
- \TU{\thequestionno}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
- \AA{\AAPageVisible{try{popVisitsTbl("\currQuiz",\thequestionno)}%
- catch(e){}}}]{\currQuiz activateSC}{0pt}{0pt}}
- {\currQuiz NoCorrections}{0pt}{0pt}}}
- \@tempcntb=#1
- \ifnum\@tempcntb<1 \@tempcntb=1 \fi
- \ifnum\@tempcntb>3 \@tempcntb=3 \fi
- \edef\smrytbl@ntables{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \csname if#1\endcsname\eqshowmarkuptrue
- \else\eqshowmarkupfalse\fi
- \csname if#1\endcsname\smrytbl@correctionsfalse
- \else\smrytbl@correctionstrue\fi
- \csname if#1\endcsname\eqshowOutOftrue\def\stfmtType{OO}%
- \gdef\showOutOfinSmryTbl{true}\let\stmarkupbox\relax
- \else
- \eqshowOutOffalse\let\stfmtType\@empty
- \gdef\showOutOfinSmryTbl{false}%
- \fi
- \begingroup\edef\currQuiz{#2}\edef\oField{#2}\edef\curr@quiz{#2}%
- \setkeys{smrytbl}{#1}%
- \count0=\smrytbl@ntables
- \eq@rowcnt=0\relax\@tempcntb=\value{questionno}%
- \ifnum\count\z@=2\relax
- \divide\@tempcntb2\relax
- \advance\@tempcntb\ifodd\value{questionno}2\else1\fi
- \xdef\@beginSecCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \advance\@tempcntb-1\relax
- \fi
- \ifnum\count\z@=3
- \edef\eq@n{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \divide\@tempcntb\count\z@
- \edef\eq@q{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \@tempcnta=\@tempcntb\multiply\@tempcnta3
- \edef\eq@p{\the\@tempcnta}%
- \@tempcnta=\eq@n
- \advance\@tempcnta-\eq@p\relax
- \ifnum\@tempcnta=0
- \@tempcntb=\eq@q \advance\@tempcntb1
- \xdef\@beginSecCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \advance\@tempcntb\eq@q\relax
- \xdef\@beginThrdCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \else\ifnum\@tempcnta=1
- \@tempcntb=\eq@q \advance\@tempcntb1
- \edef\nB@lCols{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \advance\@tempcntb1\relax
- \xdef\@beginSecCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \advance\@tempcntb\eq@q\relax
- \xdef\@beginThrdCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \else\ifnum\@tempcnta=2
- \@tempcntb=\eq@q \advance\@tempcntb1
- \edef\nB@lCols{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \advance\@tempcntb1
- \xdef\@beginSecCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \advance\@tempcntb\nB@lCols
- \xdef\@beginThrdCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
- \fi\fi\fi
- \@tempcntb=\eq@n
- \fi
- \let\@eqListExp\@@eqListExp
- \eqQzQuesList
- \endgroup
- \begin{tabular}[t]{lcc}\sumryTblQ&\sumryTblR&\sumryTblP\\\sthline
- {\Large\strut}%
- \checkBox[\Ff{\FfReadOnly}]%
- {\ccatCurrQzWith(SanityCheck).\the\eq@rowcnt}%
- {\markupHeight}{\markupHeight}{Yes}\ifeqshowmarkup
- \stmarkupbox{\sumrytblCkMUsep\textField[%
- \Ff\FfReadOnly\BC{}\textColor{\pcMarkupColor}%
- \textSize{\stmarkupTextSize}\autoCenter{n}%
- ]{\ccatCurrQzWith(SanityCheck\stfmtType Pts).\the\eq@rowcnt}%
- {\stmarkupWidth}{\stmarkupHeight}}\fi
- \setLink[\linktxtcolor{\@linkcolor}
- \A{\JS{this.pageNum=(#1-1)}}]{\sumrytbllinkHook{#1}}}
- \ifnum\eq@rowcnt=1\relax
- \pbPopulateSumTable\ifsmrytbl@corrections\else
- \pbDoNoCorrectSumryTbl\fi\expandafter\eq@begintab\fi
- \ifnum\count0>1 \ifnum\eq@rowcnt=\@beginSecCol\relax
- \eq@endtab\expandafter\sumrytablesep\expandafter\eq@begintab
- \fi\fi
- \ifnum\count0=3 \ifnum\eq@rowcnt=\@beginThrdCol\relax
- \eq@endtab\expandafter\sumrytablesep\expandafter\eq@begintab
- \fi\fi
- \sumryTblProbFmt{#1}&\st@scndclmn&\st@thrdclmn{#2}\\[1bp]
- \ifnum\eq@rowcnt=\thequestionno\relax\expandafter\eq@endtab\fi
- \eq@IWAuxOut{\string\expandafter\string\gdef
- \string\csname\space\currQuiz QzQuesList\string\endcsname
- {\eqQzQuesList}}%
- \eq@IWAuxOut{\string\expandafter\string\gdef
- \string\csname\space\currQuiz nQuestions\string\endcsname
- {\thequestionno}}%
- \edef\eqQzQuesList{\@nameuse{\currQuiz QzQuesList}}%
- \@ifundefined{\currQuiz nQuestions}{}{%
- \value{questionno}=\@nameuse{\currQuiz nQuestions}}%
- \DeclareQuiz{#1}\setParamSumryTblAux}{}%
-\begin{insDLJS}[correctSumryTbl]{sumtbljs}{Eq: Populate Summary Table}
-function correctSumryTbl(qtfield,nQuestions) {
- var oQName=eval(qtfield);
- var rightColor=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var wrongColor=(typeof oQName.WrongColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var partialColor=(typeof oQName.PartialColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
- var sc=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheck");
- var nc=this.getField(qtfield+"NoCorrections");
- if (sc != null && nc == null ) {
- for (var i=0; i<nQuestions; i++) {
- var cb=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheck."+(i+1));
- if (typeof RightWrong[i+1] == "undefined" ) {
- cb.strokeColor=wrongColor;
- continue;
- }
- if ( RightWrong[i+1] == 1 ) {
- cb.strokeColor=rightColor;
- continue;
- }
- if ( RightWrong[i+1] == 0 ) {
- // this is either an obj or multiple choice q
- if ( typeof ProbValue[i+1] == "object" )
- cb.strokeColor=( ProbValue[i+1][2] > 0 )?%
- else cb.strokeColor=wrongColor; // obj q
- continue;
- }
- // either multiple selection or grouped math
- if ( RightWrong[i+1][0] == "grp" ) {
- // grouped question
- var f = this.getField("grpobj."+qtfield+"."+(i+1));
- var l = f.getArray().length;
- // is this right?
- for (var sum=0, j=1; j<=l; j++)
- sum+=(!!RightWrong[i+1][j]);
- if ( sum == l ) cb.strokeColor=["RGB", 0, .6, 0];
- else cb.strokeColor=( sum > 0 )?%
- continue;
- }
- // multiple selection
- if ( RightWrong[i+1][0] == 1 ) cb.strokeColor=rightColor;
- else cb.strokeColor=(RightWrong[i+1][1]== 1)?%
- }
- }
- var f1=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheckPts");
- var f2=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheckOOPts");
- var h=this.getField(qtfield+"activateSC");
- if ( f1 != null ) {
- for ( var i = 1; i <= nQuestions; i++) {
- if ( ProbValue[i] == undefined ) ProbValue[i]=0
- // find the next non-null field
- var g=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheckPts."+i);
- var qpts=(ProbDist[i]==undefined) ? 0 : ProbDist[i];
- var thesePts= qpts + (( qpts == 1 )?%
-" \eqptLabel":" \eqptsLabel");
- g.value = thesePts;
- }
- }
- if ( f2 != null ) {
- for ( var i = 1; i <= nQuestions; i++) {
- if ( ProbValue[i] == undefined ) ProbValue[i]=0
- // find the next non-null field
- var g=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheckOOPts."+i);
- var qpts=(ProbDist[i]==undefined) ? 0 : ProbDist[i];
- var ptValue = oQName.PtValues[i];
- var probPts = ptValue + (( ptValue == 1 )?%
-" \eqptLabel":" \eqptsLabel");
- g.value = qpts +" \stOutOf\space"+probPts;
- }
- }
-function popVisitsTbl(qtfield,nQuestions) {
- if ( aQuizControl[qtfield] == 1) {
- this.resetForm([qtfield+"SanityCheck"]);
- for ( var i=0; i < nQuestions; i++ ) {
- var f=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheck."+(i+1));
- f.checkThisBox(0,(typeof Responses[i+1]!="undefined"));
- }
- }
-function fieldPopTbl(qtfield) {
- var f=this.getField(qtfield+"activateSC");
- if ( f != null) {
- var n=Number(f.userName);
- var a = [ qtfield, n ];
- popVisitsTbl.apply(null,a);
- }
-%% End of file `aebsumrytbls.def'.
+%% This is file `aebsumrytbls.def',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% exerquiz.dtx (with options: `copyright,sumrytbls')
+%% Exerquiz.sty package, %%
+%% Copyright (C) 1999-2018 D. P. Story %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
+ [2018/03/21 v8.2.2 %
+ Exerquiz support for summary tables (dps)]
+ \ifmakeExSlLocal\protect\endgroup^^J\fi
+ \TU{\thequestionno}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}
+ \AA{\AAPageVisible{try{popVisitsTbl("\currQuiz",\thequestionno)}%
+ catch(e){}}}]{\currQuiz activateSC}{0pt}{0pt}}
+ {\currQuiz NoCorrections}{0pt}{0pt}}}
+ \@tempcntb=#1
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb<1 \@tempcntb=1 \fi
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb>3 \@tempcntb=3 \fi
+ \edef\smrytbl@ntables{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \csname if#1\endcsname\eqshowmarkuptrue
+ \else\eqshowmarkupfalse\fi
+ \csname if#1\endcsname\smrytbl@correctionsfalse
+ \else\smrytbl@correctionstrue\fi
+ \csname if#1\endcsname\eqshowOutOftrue\def\stfmtType{OO}%
+ \gdef\showOutOfinSmryTbl{true}\let\stmarkupbox\relax
+ \else
+ \eqshowOutOffalse\let\stfmtType\@empty
+ \gdef\showOutOfinSmryTbl{false}%
+ \fi
+ \begingroup\edef\currQuiz{#2}\edef\oField{#2}\edef\curr@quiz{#2}%
+ \setkeys{smrytbl}{#1}%
+ \count0=\smrytbl@ntables
+ \eq@rowcnt=0\relax\@tempcntb=\value{questionno}%
+ \ifnum\count\z@=2\relax
+ \divide\@tempcntb2\relax
+ \advance\@tempcntb\ifodd\value{questionno}2\else1\fi
+ \xdef\@beginSecCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \advance\@tempcntb-1\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\count\z@=3
+ \edef\eq@n{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \divide\@tempcntb\count\z@
+ \edef\eq@q{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \@tempcnta=\@tempcntb\multiply\@tempcnta3
+ \edef\eq@p{\the\@tempcnta}%
+ \@tempcnta=\eq@n
+ \advance\@tempcnta-\eq@p\relax
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=0
+ \@tempcntb=\eq@q \advance\@tempcntb1
+ \xdef\@beginSecCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \advance\@tempcntb\eq@q\relax
+ \xdef\@beginThrdCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \else\ifnum\@tempcnta=1
+ \@tempcntb=\eq@q \advance\@tempcntb1
+ \edef\nB@lCols{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \advance\@tempcntb1\relax
+ \xdef\@beginSecCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \advance\@tempcntb\eq@q\relax
+ \xdef\@beginThrdCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \else\ifnum\@tempcnta=2
+ \@tempcntb=\eq@q \advance\@tempcntb1
+ \edef\nB@lCols{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \advance\@tempcntb1
+ \xdef\@beginSecCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \advance\@tempcntb\nB@lCols
+ \xdef\@beginThrdCol{\the\@tempcntb}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \@tempcntb=\eq@n
+ \fi
+ \let\@eqListExp\@@eqListExp
+ \eqQzQuesList
+ \endgroup
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{lcc}\sumryTblQ&\sumryTblR&\sumryTblP\\\sthline
+ {\Large\strut}%
+ \checkBox[\Ff{\FfReadOnly}]%
+ {\ccatCurrQzWith(SanityCheck).\the\eq@rowcnt}%
+ {\markupHeight}{\markupHeight}{Yes}\ifeqshowmarkup
+ \stmarkupbox{\sumrytblCkMUsep\textField[%
+ \Ff\FfReadOnly\BC{}\textColor{\pcMarkupColor}%
+ \textSize{\stmarkupTextSize}\autoCenter{n}%
+ ]{\ccatCurrQzWith(SanityCheck\stfmtType Pts).\the\eq@rowcnt}%
+ {\stmarkupWidth}{\stmarkupHeight}}\fi
+ \setLink[\linktxtcolor{\@linkcolor}
+ \A{\JS{this.pageNum=(#1-1)}}]{\sumrytbllinkHook{#1}}}
+ \ifnum\eq@rowcnt=1\relax
+ \pbPopulateSumTable\ifsmrytbl@corrections\else
+ \pbDoNoCorrectSumryTbl\fi\expandafter\eq@begintab\fi
+ \ifnum\count0>1 \ifnum\eq@rowcnt=\@beginSecCol\relax
+ \eq@endtab\expandafter\sumrytablesep\expandafter\eq@begintab
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\count0=3 \ifnum\eq@rowcnt=\@beginThrdCol\relax
+ \eq@endtab\expandafter\sumrytablesep\expandafter\eq@begintab
+ \fi\fi
+ \sumryTblProbFmt{#1}&\st@scndclmn&\st@thrdclmn{#2}\\[1bp]
+ \ifnum\eq@rowcnt=\thequestionno\relax\expandafter\eq@endtab\fi
+ \eq@IWAuxOut{\string\expandafter\string\gdef
+ \string\csname\space\currQuiz QzQuesList\string\endcsname
+ {\eqQzQuesList}}%
+ \eq@IWAuxOut{\string\expandafter\string\gdef
+ \string\csname\space\currQuiz nQuestions\string\endcsname
+ {\thequestionno}}%
+ \edef\eqQzQuesList{\@nameuse{\currQuiz QzQuesList}}%
+ \@ifundefined{\currQuiz nQuestions}{}{%
+ \value{questionno}=\@nameuse{\currQuiz nQuestions}}%
+ \DeclareQuiz{#1}\setParamSumryTblAux}{}%
+\begin{insDLJS}[correctSumryTbl]{sumtbljs}{Eq: Populate Summary Table}
+function correctSumryTbl(qtfield,nQuestions) {
+ var oQName=eval(qtfield);
+ var rightColor=(typeof oQName.RightColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var wrongColor=(typeof oQName.WrongColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var partialColor=(typeof oQName.PartialColorJSLoc=="undefined")%
+ var sc=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheck");
+ var nc=this.getField(qtfield+"NoCorrections");
+ if (sc != null && nc == null ) {
+ for (var i=0; i<nQuestions; i++) {
+ var cb=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheck."+(i+1));
+ if (typeof RightWrong[i+1] == "undefined" ) {
+ cb.strokeColor=wrongColor;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( RightWrong[i+1] == 1 ) {
+ cb.strokeColor=rightColor;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( RightWrong[i+1] == 0 ) {
+ // this is either an obj or multiple choice q
+ if ( typeof ProbValue[i+1] == "object" )
+ cb.strokeColor=( ProbValue[i+1][2] > 0 )?%
+ else cb.strokeColor=wrongColor; // obj q
+ continue;
+ }
+ // either multiple selection or grouped math
+ if ( RightWrong[i+1][0] == "grp" ) {
+ // grouped question
+ var f = this.getField("grpobj."+qtfield+"."+(i+1));
+ var l = f.getArray().length;
+ // is this right?
+ for (var sum=0, j=1; j<=l; j++)
+ sum+=(!!RightWrong[i+1][j]);
+ if ( sum == l ) cb.strokeColor=["RGB", 0, .6, 0];
+ else cb.strokeColor=( sum > 0 )?%
+ continue;
+ }
+ // multiple selection
+ if ( RightWrong[i+1][0] == 1 ) cb.strokeColor=rightColor;
+ else cb.strokeColor=(RightWrong[i+1][1]== 1)?%
+ }
+ }
+ var f1=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheckPts");
+ var f2=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheckOOPts");
+ var h=this.getField(qtfield+"activateSC");
+ if ( f1 != null ) {
+ for ( var i = 1; i <= nQuestions; i++) {
+ if ( ProbValue[i] == undefined ) ProbValue[i]=0
+ // find the next non-null field
+ var g=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheckPts."+i);
+ var qpts=(ProbDist[i]==undefined) ? 0 : ProbDist[i];
+ var thesePts= qpts + (( qpts == 1 )?%
+" \eqptLabel":" \eqptsLabel");
+ g.value = thesePts;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( f2 != null ) {
+ for ( var i = 1; i <= nQuestions; i++) {
+ if ( ProbValue[i] == undefined ) ProbValue[i]=0
+ // find the next non-null field
+ var g=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheckOOPts."+i);
+ var qpts=(ProbDist[i]==undefined) ? 0 : ProbDist[i];
+ var ptValue = oQName.PtValues[i];
+ var probPts = ptValue + (( ptValue == 1 )?%
+" \eqptLabel":" \eqptsLabel");
+ g.value = qpts +" \stOutOf\space"+probPts;
+ }
+ }
+function popVisitsTbl(qtfield,nQuestions) {
+ if ( aQuizControl[qtfield] == 1) {
+ this.resetForm([qtfield+"SanityCheck"]);
+ for ( var i=0; i < nQuestions; i++ ) {
+ var f=this.getField(qtfield+"SanityCheck."+(i+1));
+ f.checkThisBox(0,(typeof Responses[i+1]!="undefined"));
+ }
+ }
+function fieldPopTbl(qtfield) {
+ var f=this.getField(qtfield+"activateSC");
+ if ( f != null) {
+ var n=Number(f.userName);
+ var a = [ qtfield, n ];
+ popVisitsTbl.apply(null,a);
+ }
+%% End of file `aebsumrytbls.def'.