path: root/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/ro-autoanime.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-05-14 06:36:44 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-05-14 06:36:44 +0900
commitbf70dc0d16bec363de6ca6745bcd7cf0ec17c01a (patch)
tree568eae4355b33b6cdcaf2a3f34c914f595a48722 /texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/ro-autoanime.tex
parent4ac795a4cbc17927bd3bc444849a5144d23ba43f (diff)
aeb-pro (May14)
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/ro-autoanime.tex')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/ro-autoanime.tex b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/ro-autoanime.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6a4d83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/ro-autoanime.tex
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+% dvips/Distiller workflow only
+ web={
+ pro,
+ designv,
+ tight,
+% forcolorpaper,
+ centertitlepage,
+ dvipsnames,
+ usesf
+ },
+ uselayers,
+ attachsource=tex,
+ eforms,
+ aebxmp,
+% The versions of pstricks-add and pstricks should be
+% fairly recent.
+ title=The AeB Pro Package\texorpdfstring{\\[1ex]}{: }Rollovers and Auto-anime,
+ author=D. P. Story,
+ university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net,
+ subject=Test file for the AeB Pro package,
+ keywords={Adobe Acrobat, JavaScript},
+ talksite=,
+ talkdate={January 12, 2018},
+ copyrightStatus=True,
+ copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story},
+ copyrightInfoURL=
+\section{Layers and Animation}
+Animations are usually started and stopped using control buttons; however,
+you can create a rollover animation (using \cs{texHelp}) that starts
+automatically when the user rolls over the target word.
+The key to running an animation in a rollover is the
+\verb!\addJStexHelpEnter{<code>}! command. The argument of this command is
+executed when the mouse pointer enters the target word. Similarly
+\verb!\addJStexHelpExit{<code>}! inserts JavaScript that is executed when the
+mouse exits the target word. Finally, \cs{resetaddJStexHelp} resets the
+inserted \verb!<code>! back to their default in preparation for the next
+rollover animation. Refer to the source file for details of setting up the
+\psset{llx =-12pt,lly=-12pt,urx =12pt,ury =12pt} % ,trigLabels=true,labelFontSize=\small
+ \psset{algebraic=true}%
+ \rput(4,1){$y=\sin(x)$}
+ \FPdiv{\myDelta}{\psPiTwo}{\nFrames}%
+ \def\xi{0}%
+ \multido{\i=1+1}{\nFrames}{\FPadd{\xi}{\xi}{\myDelta}\thisframe}
+Recall that the \emph{initial period} of the \addJStexHelpEnter{aebAnimeLayersForward(\animSpeed,\nFrames,"\animBaseName");}%
+\texHelp{roanime}{sine function}\resetaddJStexHelp\space
+is that portion of the graph over the interval $ [0, 2\pi] $.
+The verbatim listing of the \cs{texHelp} command for this animation is
+\texHelp{roanime}{sine function}\resetaddJStexHelp
+The arguments \cs{animSpeed}, \cs{nFrames}, and \cs{animBaseName} are defined by
+the \cs{DeclareAnime} command (not shown).