path: root/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/aebpro_ex6.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2017-07-13 10:25:48 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2017-07-13 10:25:48 +0900
commitcfe306ba1b7ec40855a300580b7981845d56edeb (patch)
treee2feaf2adf8a8afe43a995528097913793874d01 /texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/aebpro_ex6.tex
parent32d0671418a3cc6ad0465b06539ed54d96f77784 (diff)
add aeb-mlink aeb-pro aebxmp graphicxsp annot-pro
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/aebpro_ex6.tex')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/aebpro_ex6.tex b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/aebpro_ex6.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66cbd350
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+++ b/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aeb-pro/examples/aebpro_ex6.tex
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+% Acrobat required
+% use useacrobat option with pdftex and xetex if you have acrobat
+ gopro,
+ web={designiv,usesf,tight},
+ attachsource={tex},
+ attachments={%
+ children/theeuro.pdf, % AeB Attachment 1
+ children/explog.pdf, % AeB Attachment 2
+ ../extras/aest.xls, % AeB Attachment 3
+ ../extras/ease.pdf % AeB Attachment 4
+ },
+ linktoattachments,
+ eforms
+ title=The AeB Pro Package\texorpdfstring{\\[1ex]}{:} Creating a Package of Files,
+ author=D. P. Story,
+ university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net,
+ subject=Test file for the AeB Pro package,
+ keywords={Adobe Acrobat, JavaScript},
+ talksite=,
+ talkdate={January 12, 2007},
+ copyrightStatus=True,
+ copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story},
+ copyrightInfoURL=
+\autolabelNum*{1}{European Currency \u\EURO}
+\autolabelNum*[AeST]{3}{The AeBST Components}
+\autolabelNum*[atease]{4}{The @EASE Control Panel}
+\makePDFPackage{viewmode=tile} % tile, details, hidden
+% Try compiling with this option
+% choose view > Portfolio > Cover Sheet to recover the cover sheet
+ \par\bigskip
+ \begin{minipage}{.67\linewidth}
+ Link testing:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item See the \ahyperlink{attach1}{Euro}
+ \item See my \ahyperlink{attach2}{formerly favorite number}
+ \item See the \ahyperlink{atease}{@EASE Control Panel}
+ \item View the \ahyperextract[launch=view]{AeST}{AeST Components}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{minipage}
+\section*{The \protect\cs{makePDFPackage} command}
+The concept of a PDF Package is introduced in Acrobat~8.\footnote{The PDF Package
+has had several name changes, originally known as a Collection, a Portable Collection,
+a PDF Package, and finally a (PDF) Portfolio.} On first
+blush, it is nothing more than a fancy user interface to display
+embedded files; however, it is also used in the new email form data
+workflow. Using the new \textsf{Forms} menu, data contained in FDF
+files can be packaged, and summary data can be displayed in the user
+interface. Consequently, the way forms uses it, a PDF package can be
+used as a simple database.
+Unfortunately, at this time, the form feature/database feature of
+PDF Packages is inaccessible to the JavaScript API and AeB Pro.
+What AeB Pro provides is packaging of the embedded files with the
+nice UI.
+\newtopic The procedure is as follows: Embed all files files in the
+parent as described in \texttt{aebpro\_ex5.pdf}, and use the command
+\cs{makePDFPackage} to package the attachments. The syntax is
+ \makePDFPackage{<key-values>}
+There are only two sets of key-value pairs
+ \item[\texttt{initview=<label>}:] Specifying a value for the
+ initview key determines which file will be used as the initial
+ view when the document is opened. If
+ \texttt{initview=attach2}, for this document, then the file
+ corresponding to the label \texttt{attach2}, as set up in the
+ \texttt{attachmentNames} environment is the initial view.
+ Listing \texttt{initview} with no value (or if
+ \texttt{initview} is not listed at all) causes the parent
+ document -- also called the \emph{cover sheet} -- to be
+ initially shown.
+ \item[\texttt{viewmode=details|tile|hidden}:] The
+ \texttt{viewmode} determines which of the three user
+ interfaces is to be used initially. In terms of the UI
+ terminology: $\texttt{details} = \textsf{View top}$;
+ $\texttt{tile} = \textsf{View left}$; and $\texttt{hidden} =
+ \textsf{Minimize view}$. The default is \texttt{details}.
+If you use this command with an empty argument list,
+\verb!\makePDFPackage{}!, you create a PDF package with the
+When navigating a PDF Package (Portfolio) the cover sheet can be viewed by
+accessed through the menu item \texttt{View > Portfolio > Cover Sheet}.
+\newtopic\textbf{\textcolor{red}{TIP:}} Use the \cs{autolabelNum*}
+command to assign a more informative description of the attachments,
+like so.
+ \autolabelNum*{1}{European Currency \u20AC}
+ \autolabelNum*{2}{\u0022$|e^\u007B\u005Cln(17)\u007D|$\u0022}
+ \autolabelNum*[AeST]{3}{The AeBST Components}
+ \autolabelNum*[atease]{4}{The @EASE Control Panel}
+Note that there is an alternative that is commented out to the assignment of the
+second attachment, it is
+ \autolabelNum*
+ {2}{\u\DQUOTE$|e^\u\LBRACE\u005Cln(17)\u\RBRACE|$\u\DQUOTE}
+One can use the ``helper'' commands, as described in \texttt{aeb\_pro.tex}; however,
+there is a slight problem. Within the \texttt{<description>} argument, we obey spaces, so
+if we were to say \verb!\u\LBRACE\u\BSLASH ln(17)\u\RBRACE! there would be a space
+after the backslash. This is the reason we used \cs{u005C}.
+\newtopic That's it! Hope you enjoy this feature and find a good
+use for it.