Specifications ============== (I opt AGAINST @foobar, this makes perl code much more complicate!) 1) tlsrc -------- one file *WITHOUT* empty lines (but beginning and end) every line looks like key value possible keys are name (must be first) shortdesc longdesc catalogue runpattern srcpattern docpattern binpattern execute depend Interpretation: name name of the package catalogue name of the respective Catalogue entry, if missing, same as name (run|src|doc|bin)pattern list of pattern of the form TYPE PAT where TYPE = d f and PAT is a free text if there is a line pattern d texmf-dist/.*/foobar then all files in leaf directories named foobar under texmf-dist are included a line pattern f bin/${ARCH}/.*${EXT} includes all files which are in bin/$ARCH/ and have extension ${EXT} where ARCH and EXT are expanded by the tlsrc interpreter execute free form is taken one to one into the tlp file depend is taken one to one into the tlp file shortdesc short one line desc is taken one to one into the tlp file if missing can be taken from Catalogue longdesc longer multiline dscription is taken one to one into the tlp file if missing can be taken from Catalogue 2) tlp file ----------- same format as tlsrc, but the keys are name packageversion revision shortdesc longdesc catalogue binfiles runfiles docfiles srcfiles execute depend ??? what am I missing ??? Interpretation obvious packageversion maxmimum of all the last_changed_revisions of all contained files 3) tldp file ------------ concatenation of all the tlp files, separated by empty line(s)