
1. Package updates
   a. add more packages
   b. fix ctan2tds
   c. hyphenation patterns
   d. outstanding package updates
2. Sources updates
3. Infrastructure
   a. General stuff
   b. Installer
4. random stuff

1. Package updates
Please see

And check/fix multiple files with the same name, especially with
different sizes and not under /source/ or /doc/ or /tex4ht/ -- kpse will
find one version at random.

1a. add more packages
as we add new packages, be sure to add them to tlpkg-ctan-check.
ultimately, we want to go back and look at all the existing packages and
add them too.

the cb font collection was reduced to 10pt only in 2007.  
since we're only going to release on dvd in 2008, we should bring it
back.  Likewise the big pst-geo file and anything else removed for
space reasons.

eulervm vs. euler vs. new euler ... no eulervm.pdf

1b. fix ctan2tds et al.
(Aside from the whole script being a horrible kludge that needs
rewriting from scratch.)

check all die messges for "sorry".
r_und_s - plain files should be in tex/plain, but does it matter?

	the perl file "authorindex" must be moved to source/latex/authorindex

	rerun every package listed in this hash to be sure changes
	around 24dec07 haven't broken things.  be careful.

place should report on any files in the new tree missing from the tlpobj.

1c. hyphenation patterns
There are endless hyphenation files to sort out if you care to work on
that incredibly frustrating task.  Some half-baked attempts have been
made in ctan2tds et al., but nothing that really works.  We cannot trust
that any of the hyphenation files are autochecked against CTAN; perhaps
we should write a special-purpose script that does that and only that,
on a case-by-case basis.

The general theory is for the hyphenation files themselves to go into
texmf/tex/generic/hyphen, and the other support files (if any) to go
into texmf-dist/source/generic.  Sometimes there are style files (plain
or latex or whatever) to install too.  Except elhyphen and huhyphen are
in texmf/doc/generic and included in the hyphen-* package instead of
being their own!  Which is better?

1d. outstanding package updates
run tlpkg-ctan-check --check

check all mentioned in staw msg on tldev, 23 Apr 2008 23:56:50.

magyar: should be included in babel but is lacking a dtx, see
If not, should be removed cause duplicates magyar.ldf.

abstyles not updated but too old to matter
beebe needs tons of work
japanese	requires ptex
logic/gn-logic14 conflicts with logic font
lshort-russian # only zip files on CTAN
ltxmisc various packages
malayalam 07-11-20 (tlpkginfo does not work on this) CTAN dir language/malayalam
malayalam-omega 07-11-20
mathspic # inside pictex later
mx NEW 08-01-26 a mexican dialect of spanish
plnfss # only a zip file on CTAN
psv    # ps previewer, install through ctan2tl using /scripts/ ?

2. Sources updates
ncurses should be removed -- only dialog uses it, and can't it use a
system curses? already required for texinfo.  or maybe dialog is no
longer needed at all?

3. Infrastructure

3a. general stuff
space at the end MUST BE IGNORED!!! Currently the reading routines do
save terminal spaces ... that is bad!

3b. installer
- rewrite the installer to use TLMedia instead of the horrible hacks of

- Shell libraries
	. test the tlp_ and the tldb_tlp_ functions
	. missing functionality?
	. rewrite the long read/case with awk/grep/whatever there is

5. random stuff
lcdf --with-cxx-runtime-hack to get static libs

kpsewhich special case things in
kpse: texmfdbs should not have to exclude non-!! dirs, should be able to
  go back to just TEXMF.  kpathsea should search the disk even if ls-R is
  present, without !!. (koch 29dec06)

rewrite updmap/fmtutil
	. in perl (in lua?)
	. work with multiple updmap.cfg files independently

rework the psnfss/fonts/metrics chaos
	(aren't there other more general debian bugs? utopia and fpl
	aren't the problem.)
With the metric files, the problem isn't so much the packaging as the
provenance.  We do not know where many of them came from, some
correspond to nonfree fonts, others are obsolete, etc., etc.  And yet,
removing any tfm at all will probably break documents and/or packages.'s msgs to tex-live of 23 Oct 2006 19:19:28,
11 Oct 2006 13:32:20, and related begin to get at the problem.

bbold - get type1's from yytex repo, put on CTAN, etc.?

infra: if ask for susy and have Susy, or reverse, complain
infra: texmf/xindy not reported by check-file-coverage though not in tlp's
infra: handle man pages for script packages, e.g., thumbpdf,
       mkjobtexmf; right now, we svn revert the man by hand after --place
       and before commit ... not good.

repo: remake with new svn, make special repo backups

doc: manifesto, contributors
doc: how to add a new tree (e.g., for context)
doc: web page on TeX (Live?) compilation
doc: utf-8 fails accent chars with texlive-ge

tex: implement fancier behavior at prompt file name, see knuth update notes
      and thread at
tex: CTRL-C at "please enter file name" should dtrt
tex: --no-mktex=fmt  should be supported
pdfopen: fixed
dvips: comment line break
dvips: \special{map: ...} a la \pdfmapline (reinhardk 30dec06)
dvips: maybe stuff from dvipsfnt.txt from yy

build: --without-omega (and aleph?) doesn't stop omega compilation.
build: remove ncurses and make dialog use system version

sigh: lm vs. ec, 3jun06/stubner.gz msg

announce:,,, ?