/* $Id: pdf2ps.cmd,v 1.2 2001/02/03 18:31:12 alexcher Exp $ */ /* * This file is maintained by a user: if you have any questions about it, * please contact Mark Hale (mark.hale@physics.org). */ /* Convert PDF to PostScript. */ parse arg params gs='@gsos2' inext='.pdf' outext='.ps' if params='' then call usage options='-dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pswrite' /* extract options from command line */ i=1 param=word(params,i) do while substr(param,1,1)='-' options=options param i=i+1 param=word(params,i) end infile=param if infile='' then call usage outfile=word(params,i+1) if outfile='' then do outfile=infile''outext infile=infile''inext end gs '-q -sOutputFile='outfile options infile exit usage: say 'Usage: pdf2ps [-dASCII85DecodePages=false] [-dLanguageLevel=n] input[.pdf output.ps]' exit