%! % Copyright (C) 2001 Masatake YAMATO, Taiji Yamada and gs-cjk project % % This file is part of GNU Ghostscript. % % GNU Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility % to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any % particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer % to the GNU General Public License for full details. % % Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute GNU % Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the GNU General % Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given % to you along with GNU Ghostscript so you can know your rights and % responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other % things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all % copies. % $Id: CIDFnmap,v 2002/04/02 14:47:42 mpsuzuki Exp $ % CIDFnmap - sample CID-keyed font catalog for Ghostscript. % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % This file is a catalog of CID-keyed fonts, TrueType fonts (TTF), and also % TrueType Collection fonts (TTC) known to Ghostscript. % % There are two ways to make a CID-keyed font loaded automatically when named: % C1. Put the CID-keyed font as a resource file to /Resource/CIDFont(*1). % (*1) A path concatenated with GenericResourceDir defined in % gs_res.ps and "CIDFont". The default value of GenericResourceDir % is "/Resource/". % C2. Put the CID-keyed font file to Ghostscript's font path(*2) % and write an entry for the CID-keyed font to this catalog. % (*2) Somewhere in Ghostscript font search path, which is generally % /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts. See output of `gs -h` or Use.htm, % Ghostscript's document. % % There are two ways to make a TrueType font loaded automatically when named: % T1. Write a wrapper script file for the TrueType font and put the % wrapper file to /Resource/CIDFont. The wrapper has to translate a % TrueType font file to Type 2 CID-keyed on demand. Some examples of the % wrapper file named "CIDFontName" as follows: % % (e1) TTF translated to Type 2 CID-keyed font % %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont % %%BeginResource: CIDFont (CIDFontName) % /CIDFontName (filename.ttf) .openttcidfont % dup length dict begin {def} forall currentdict end % /CIDFont defineresource pop % %%EndResource % %%EOF % % (e2) TTC with an index translated to Type 2 CID-keyed font % %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont % %%BeginResource: CIDFont (CIDFontName) % /CIDFontName (filename.ttc) 2 .openttcidfont % dup length dict begin {def} forall currentdict end % /CIDFont defineresource pop % %%EndResource % %%EOF % % (e3) TTC with an index and a name of RO(Registry-Ordering)-Code % %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont % %%BeginResource: CIDFont (CIDFontName) % /CIDFontName (filename.ttc) 2 /Adobe-GB1-Unicode .openttcidfont % dup length dict begin {def} forall currentdict end % /CIDFont defineresource pop % %%EndResource % %%EOF % % for details about the names of RO-Code written in (e3), see below. % % T2. Put the CID-keyed font file to Ghostscript's font path(*2) % and write an entry for the TrueType font to this catalog. % The Syntax of CIDFnmap is very similar to Fontmap. % Each CID-keyed font has an entry consisting of three items: % % i1. The name by which the CID-keyed font is known inside Ghostscript % (a Ghostscript name preceded by a `/', or a string enclosed % in parentheses). This is used to find the file from which % a font of a given name should be loaded. % % i2. Information depending on whether this is a real CID-keyed font or a % CID-keyed font alias: % % - For real CID-keyed fonts, the name of the CID-keyed font % file (a Ghostscript string, enclosed in parentheses). % The filename should include the extension if the CID-keyed font % name has. % % - For CID-keyed font aliases, the name of the CID font % which should be used when this one is requested, % preceded by a `/'. Note that an alias name cannot be enclosed % in parentheses. % % i3. At least one space or tab, and a terminating semicolon. % % Each CID-keyed font has an entry consisting of three essential items and % two optional items. The three essential items are the same to the items of % CID-keyed Font. Two optional items are put between i2 and i3. % Two optional items are: % % i4. the number that specifies TTC font index % % i5. the name of CIDs mapping to Codes % ``The kind of CIDs mapping to Codes'' is listed as follows: % % % /Adobe-CNS1-Big5 Traditional Chinese, for Big5 TrueType fonts % /Adobe-CNS1-Unicode Traditional Chinese, for Unicode TrueType fonts % /Adobe-CNS1 Traditional Chinese, for TrueType fonts (*3) % /Adobe-GB1-PRC Simplified Chinese, for PRC TrueType fonts % /Adobe-GB1-Unicode Simplified Chinese, for Unicode TrueType fonts % /Adobe-GB1 Simplified Chinese, for TrueType fonts (*3) % /Adobe-Japan1-ShiftJIS Japanese, for ShiftJIS TrueType fonts % /Adobe-Japan1-Unicode Japanese, for Unicode TrueType fonts % /Adobe-Japan1 Japanese, for TrueType fonts (*3) % /Adobe-Japan2-Unicode JIS Supplement, for Unicode TrueType fonts % /Adobe-Japan2 JIS Supplement, for TrueType fonts (*3) % /Adobe-Korea1-Johab Korean, for Johab TrueType fonts % /Adobe-Korea1-Unicode Korean, for Unicode TrueType fonts % /Adobe-Korea1-Wansung Korean, for Wansung TrueType fonts % /Adobe-Korea1 Korean, for TrueType fonts (*3) % (*3) Code is automatically detected by cmap table of a TrueType file. % If an optional item for the kind of mapping is omitted, then % Code of TTF and RO(Registry-Ordering) of CIDFont are automatically % detected by OS/2 table and cmap table of TTF, respectively. % Like Fontmap, .runlibfile is used in CIDFnmap to include other CIDFnmaps. % The following table is actually a Ghostscript data structure. % If you add new entries, be sure to copy the punctuation accurately; % in particular, you must leave at least one space or tab between each % field in the entry. %(CIDFnmap.Ore) .runlibfile %(CIDFnmap.ARP) .runlibfile %(CIDFnmap.Bae) .runlibfile %(CIDFnmap.Koc) .runlibfile %(CIDFnmap.Sol) .runlibfile %(CIDFnmap.Win) .runlibfile %(CIDFnmap.CJK) .runlibfile % native CIDFontName (BIG5) in traditional Chinese %(CIDFnmap.b5) .runlibfile % native CIDFontName (GB2312) in simplified Chinese %(CIDFnmap.gb) .runlibfile % native CIDFontName (Shift_JIS) in Japanese %(CIDFnmap.sj) .runlibfile % native CIDFontName (euc-kr) in Korean %(CIDFnmap.ksx) .runlibfile