#!/usr/bin/env wish # Copyright 2018-2020 Siep Kroonenberg # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # common declarations for tlshell.tcl and install-tl-gui.tcl set ::plain_unix 0 if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" && $::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} { set ::plain_unix 1 } if $::plain_unix { # plain_unix: avoid a RenderBadPicture error on quitting. # 'send' changes the shutdown sequence, # which avoids triggering the bug. # 'tk appname ' restores 'send' and avoids the bug bind . { catch {tk appname appname} } } # process ID of the perl program that will run in the background set ::perlpid 0 # mirrors set any_mirror "http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet" # turn name into a string suitable for a widget name proc mangle_name {n} { set n [string tolower $n] set n [string map {" " "_"} $n] return $n } ; # mangle_name set mirrors [dict create] proc read_mirrors {} { if [catch {open [file join $::instroot \ "tlpkg/installer/ctan-mirrors.pl"] r} fm] { return 0 } set re_geo {^\s*'([^']+)' => \{\s*$} set re_url {^\s*'(.*)' => ([0-9]+)} set re_clo {^\s*\},?\s*$} set starting 1 set lnum 0 ; # line number for error messages set ok 1 ; # no errors encountered yet set countries {} ; # aggregate list of countries set urls {} ; # aggregate list of urls set continent "" set country "" set u "" set in_cont 0 set in_coun 0 while {! [catch {chan gets $fm} line] && ! [chan eof $fm]} { incr lnum if $starting { if {[string first "\$mirrors =" $line] == 0} { set starting 0 continue } else { set ok 0 set msg "Unexpected line '$line' at start" break } } # starting is now dealt with. if [regexp $re_geo $line dummy c] { if {! $in_cont} { set in_cont 1 set continent $c set cont_dict [dict create] if {$continent in [dict keys $::mirrors]} { set ok 0 set msg "Duplicate continent $c at line $lnum" break } } elseif {! $in_coun} { set in_coun 1 set country $c if {$country in $countries} { set ok 0 set msg "Duplicate country $c at line $lnum" break } lappend countries $country dict set cont_dict $country {} } else { set ok 0 set msg "Unexpected continent- or country line $line at line $lnum" break } } elseif [regexp $re_url $line dummy u n] { if {! $in_coun} { set ok 0 set msg "Unexpected url line $line at line $lnum" break } elseif {$n ne "1"} { continue } append u "systems/texlive/tlnet" if {$u in $urls} { set ok 0 set msg "Duplicate url $u at line $lnum" break } dict lappend cont_dict $country $u lappend urls $u set u "" } elseif [regexp $re_clo $line] { if $in_coun { set in_coun 0 set country "" } elseif $in_cont { set in_cont 0 dict set ::mirrors $continent $cont_dict set continent "" } else { break ; # should close mirror list } } ; # ignore other lines } close $fm } ; # read_mirrors # cascading dropdown mirror menu # parameter cmd should be a proc which does something with the selected url proc mirror_menu {wnd cmd} { destroy $wnd.m if {[dict size $::mirrors] == 0} read_mirrors if {[dict size $::mirrors] > 0} { ttk::menubutton $wnd -text [__ "Specific mirror..."] \ -direction below -menu $wnd.m menu $wnd.m dict for {cont d_cont} $::mirrors { set c_ed [mangle_name $cont] menu $wnd.m.$c_ed $wnd.m add cascade -label $cont -menu $wnd.m.$c_ed dict for {cntr urls} $d_cont { set n_ed [mangle_name $cntr] menu $wnd.m.$c_ed.$n_ed $wnd.m.$c_ed add cascade -label $cntr -menu $wnd.m.$c_ed.$n_ed foreach u $urls { $wnd.m.$c_ed.$n_ed add command -label $u -command "$cmd $u" } } } } else { ttk::label $wnd -text [__ "No mirror list available"] } return $wnd } proc possible_repository {s} { if [regexp {^(https?|ftp):\/\/.+} $s] {return 1} if {[string first {file://} $s] == 0} {set s [string range $s 7 end]} if [file isdirectory [file join $s "archive"]] {return 1} if [file isdirectory [file join $s "texmf-dist/web2c"]] {return 1} return 0 } proc get_stacktrace {} { set level [info level] set s "" for {set i 1} {$i < $level} {incr i} { append s [format "Level %u: %s\n" $i [info level $i]] } return $s } ; # get_stacktrace proc normalize_argv {} { # work back to front, to not disturb indices of unscanned list elements set i $::argc while 1 { incr i -1 if {$i<0} break set s [lindex $::argv $i] if {[string range $s 0 1] eq "--"} { set s [string range $s 1 end] lset ::argv $i $s } set j [string first "=" $s] if {$j > 0} { set s0 [string range $s 0 [expr {$j-1}]] set s1 [string range $s [expr {$j+1}] end] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv $i $i $s0 $s1] } elseif {$j==0} { err_exit "Command-line argument $s starting with \"=\"" } ; # else leave alone } set ::argc [llength $::argv] } normalize_argv # set width of a treeview column wide enough # to fully display all entries proc set_tree_col_width {tv cl} { set len 0 foreach c [$tv children {}] { # ' set ' without a value parameter # is really a get. # Tree cells are set to use TkDefaultFont redo_fonts further down. set l [font measure TkDefaultFont [$tv set $c $cl]] if {$l > $len} {set len $l} } $tv column $cl -width [expr {$len+10}] } # localization support # for the sake of our translators we use our own translation function # which can use .po files directly. This allows them to check their work # without creating or waiting for a conversion to .msg. # We still use the msgcat module for detecting default locale. # Otherwise, the localization code borrows much from Norbert Preining's # translation module for TL. package require msgcat # available languages set ::langs [list "en"] foreach l [glob -nocomplain -directory \ [file join $::instroot "tlpkg" "translations"] *.po] { lappend ::langs [string range [file tail $l] 0 end-3] } proc initialize_language {} { # check the command-line for a lang parameter set ::lang "" set i 0 while {$i < $::argc} { set p [lindex $::argv $i] incr i if {$p eq "-lang" || $p eq "-gui-lang"} { if {$i < $::argc} { set ::lang [lindex $::argv $i] break } } } unset i # First fallback, only for tlshell: check tlmgr config file if {$::lang eq "" && [info exists ::invoker] && $::invoker eq "tlshell"} { set ::lang [get_config_var "gui-lang"] } # try to set tcltk's locale to $::lang too. this may not work for 8.5. if {$::lang ne ""} {::msgcat::mclocale $::lang} # second fallback: what does msgcat think about it? Note that # msgcat checks the environment and on windows also the registry. if {$::lang eq ""} {set ::lang [::msgcat::mclocale]} set messcat "" if {$::lang ne ""} { set messcat "" set maybe "" set ::lang [string tolower $::lang] set tdir [file join $::instroot "tlpkg" "translations"] foreach f [glob -nocomplain -directory $tdir *.po] { set ln_f [string tolower [string range [file tail $f] 0 end-3]] if {$ln_f eq $::lang} { set messcat $f break } elseif {[string range $ln_f 0 1] eq [string range $::lang 0 1]} { set maybe $f } } if {$messcat eq "" && $maybe ne ""} { set ::lang [string tolower [string range [file tail $maybe] 0 end-3]] } } } initialize_language proc load_translations {} { foreach s [array names ::TRANS] { array unset ::TRANS $s } if {$::lang eq ""} return set messcat [file join $::instroot "tlpkg" "translations" "${::lang}.po"] # parse messcat. # skip lines which make no sense if [file exists $messcat] { # create array with msgid keys and msgstr values # in the case that we switch languages, # we need to remove old translations, # since the new set may not completely cover the old one if {! [catch {open $messcat r} fid]} { fconfigure $fid -encoding utf-8 set inmsgid 0 set inmsgstr 0 set msgid "" set msgstr "" while 1 { if [chan eof $fid] break if [catch {chan gets $fid} l] break if [regexp {^\s*#} $l] continue if [regexp {^\s*$} $l] { # empty line separates msgid/msgstr pairs if $inmsgid { # msgstr lines missing # puts stderr "no translation for $msgid in $messcat" set msgid "" set msgstr "" set inmsgid 0 set inmsgstr 0 continue } if $inmsgstr { # empty line signals end of msgstr if {$msgstr ne ""} { set msgid [string map {{\n} "\n"} $msgid] set msgstr [string map {{\n} "\n"} $msgstr] set msgid [string map {{\\} "\\"} $msgid] set msgstr [string map {{\\} "\\"} $msgstr] set msgid [string map {{\"} "\""} $msgid] set msgstr [string map {{\"} "\""} $msgstr] set ::TRANS($msgid) $msgstr } set msgid "" set msgstr "" set inmsgid 0 set inmsgstr 0 continue } continue } ; # empty line if [regexp {^msgid\s+"(.*)"\s*$} $l m msgid] { # note. a failed match will leave msgid alone set inmsgid 1 continue } if [regexp {^"(.*)"\s*$} $l m s] { if $inmsgid { append msgid $s } elseif $inmsgstr { append msgstr $s } continue } if [regexp {^msgstr\s+"(.*)"\s*$} $l m msgstr] { set inmsgstr 1 set inmsgid 0 } } chan close $fid } } } load_translations proc __ {s args} { if {[info exists ::TRANS($s)]} { set s $::TRANS($s) #} else { # puts stderr "No translation found for $s\n[get_stacktrace]" } if {$args eq ""} { return $s } else { return [format $s {*}$args] } } # string representation of booleans proc yes_no {b} { if $b { set ans [__ "Yes"] } else { set ans [__ "No"] } return $ans } # avoid warnings from tar and perl about locale set ::env(LC_ALL) "C" unset -nocomplain ::env(LANG) unset -nocomplain ::env(LANGUAGE) ### fonts ### # ttk defaults use TkDefaultFont and TkHeadingFont # ttk classic theme also uses TkTextFont for TEntry # ttk::combobox uses TkTextFont # although only the first three appear to be used here, this may depend # on the theme, so I resize all symbolic fonts anyway. set dflfonts [list \ TkHeadingFont \ TkCaptionFont \ TkDefaultFont \ TkMenuFont \ TkTextFont \ TkTooltipFont \ TkFixedFont \ TkIconFont \ TkSmallCaptionFont \ ] foreach f $::dflfonts { set ::oldsize($f) [font configure $f -size] } font create bfont font create lfont font create hfont font create titlefont proc redo_fonts {} { # note that ttk styles refer to the above symbolic font names # and generally do not define fonts themselves foreach f $::dflfonts { font configure $f -size [expr { round($::oldsize($f)*$::tkfontscale)}] } # the above works for ttk::*button, ttk::treeview, notebook labels unset -nocomplain f option add *font TkDefaultFont # the above works for menu items, ttk::label, text, ttk::entry # including current value of ttk::combobox, ttk::combobox list items # and non-ttk labels and buttons - which are not used here # apparently, these widget classes use the X11 default font on Linux. set ::cw \ [expr {max([font measure TkDefaultFont "0"],[font measure TkTextFont "0"])}] # height: assume height == width*2 # workaround for treeview on windows on HiDPI displays ttk::style configure Treeview -rowheight [expr {3 * $::cw}] ttk::style configure Cell -font TkDefaultFont # no bold text for messages; `userDefault' indicates priority option add *Dialog.msg.font TkDefaultFont userDefault # normal size bold font configure bfont {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont] font configure bfont -weight bold # larger, not bold: lfont font configure lfont {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont] font configure lfont -size [expr {round(1.2 * [font actual lfont -size])}] # larger and bold font configure hfont {*}[font configure lfont] font configure hfont -weight bold # extra large and bold font configure titlefont {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont] font configure titlefont -weight bold \ -size [expr {round(1.5 * [font actual titlefont -size])}] } # initialize scaling factor set ::tkfontscale "" if {[info exists ::invoker] && $::invoker eq "tlshell"} { set ::tkfontscale [get_config_var "tkfontscale"] # is $::tkfontscale a number, and a reasonable one? if {[scan $::tkfontscale {%f} f] != 1} { ; # not a number set ::tkfontscale "" } elseif {$::tkfontscale < 0} { set ::tkfontscale "" } elseif {$::tkfontscale < 0.5} { set ::tkfontscale 0.5 } elseif {$::tkfontscale > 10} { set ::tkfontscale 10 } } # most systems with a HiDPI display will be configured for it. # set therefore the default simply to 1. # users still have the option to scale fonts via the menu. if {$::tkfontscale eq ""} {set ::tkfontscale 1} redo_fonts # icon catch { image create photo tl_logo -file \ [file join $::instroot "tlpkg" "tltcl" "tlmgr.gif"] wm iconphoto . -default tl_logo } # default foreground color and disabled foreground color # may not be black in e.g. dark color schemes set blk [ttk::style lookup TButton -foreground] set gry [ttk::style lookup TButton -foreground disabled] # 'default' padding proc ppack {wdg args} { ; # pack command with padding pack $wdg {*}$args -padx 3pt -pady 3pt } proc pgrid {wdg args} { ; # grid command with padding grid $wdg {*}$args -padx 3pt -pady 3pt } # unicode symbols as fake checkboxes in ttk::treeview widgets proc mark_sym {mrk} { if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { # under windows, these look slightly better than # the non-windows selections if $mrk { return "\u2714" ; # 'heavy check mark' } else { return "\u25CB" ; # 'white circle' } } else { if $mrk { return "\u25A3" ; # 'white square containing black small square' } else { return "\u25A1" ; # 'white square' } } } ; # mark_sym # for help output set ::env(NOPERLDOC) 1 ##### dialog support ##### # for example code, look at dialog.tcl, part of Tk itself # In most cases, it is not necessary to explicitly define a handler for # the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol. But if the cancel- or abort button would do # anything special, then the close icon should not bypass this. # widget classes which can be enabled and disabled. # The text widget class is not included here. set ::active_cls [list TButton TCheckbutton TRadiobutton TEntry Treeview] # global variable for dialog return value, in case the outcome # must be handled by the caller rather than by the dialog itself: set ::dialog_ans {} # start new toplevel with settings appropriate for a dialog proc create_dlg {wnd {p .}} { unset -nocomplain ::dialog_ans catch {destroy $wnd} ; # no error if it does not exist toplevel $wnd -class Dialog wm withdraw $wnd if [winfo viewable $p] {wm transient $wnd $p} if $::plain_unix {wm attributes $wnd -type dialog} } # Place a dialog centered wrt its parent. # If its geometry is somehow not yet available, # its upperleft corner will be centered. proc place_dlg {wnd {p "."}} { update idletasks set g [wm geometry $p] scan $g "%dx%d+%d+%d" pw ph px py set hcenter [expr {$px + $pw / 2}] set vcenter [expr {$py + $ph / 2}] set g [wm geometry $wnd] set wh [winfo reqheight $wnd] set ww [winfo reqwidth $wnd] set wx [expr {$hcenter - $ww / 2}] if {$wx < 0} { set wx 0} set wy [expr {$vcenter - $wh / 2}] if {$wy < 0} { set wy 0} wm geometry $wnd [format "+%d+%d" $wx $wy] update idletasks wm state $wnd normal raise $wnd $p tkwait visibility $wnd focus $wnd grab set $wnd } ; # place_dlg # in case pressing the closing button leads to lengthy processing: proc disable_dlg {wnd} { foreach c [winfo children $wnd] { if {[winfo class $c] in $::active_cls} { catch {$c state disabled} } } } proc end_dlg {ans wnd} { set ::dialog_ans $ans set p [winfo parent $wnd] if {$p eq ""} {set p "."} raise $p destroy $wnd } ; # end_dlg # a possibly useful callback for WM_DELETE_WINDOW proc cancel_or_destroy {ctrl topl} { if [winfo exists $ctrl] { $ctrl invoke } elseif [winfo exists $topl] { destroy $topl } } ##### directories ##### # slash flipping proc forward_slashify {s} { regsub -all {\\} $s {/} r return $r } proc native_slashify {s} { if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { regsub -all {/} $s {\\} r } else { regsub -all {\\} $s {/} r } return $r } # test whether a directory is writable. # 'file writable' merely tests permissions, which may not be good enough proc dir_writable {d} { for {set x 0} {$x<100} {incr x} { set y [expr {int(10000*rand())}] set newfile [file join $d $y] if [file exists $newfile] { continue } else { if [catch {open $newfile w} fid] { return 0 } else { chan puts $fid "hello" chan close $fid if [file exists $newfile] { file delete $newfile return 1 } else { return 0 } } } } return 0 } # unix: choose_dir replacing native directory browser if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} { # Based on the directory browser from the tcl/tk widget demo. # Also for MacOS, because we want to see /usr. # For windows, the native browser widget is better. ## Code to populate a single directory node proc populateTree {tree node} { if {[$tree set $node type] ne "directory"} { set type [$tree set $node type] return } $tree delete [$tree children $node] foreach f [lsort [glob -nocomplain -directory $node *]] { set type [file type $f] if {$type eq "directory"} { $tree insert $node end \ -id $f -text [file tail $f] -values [list $type] # Need at least one child to make this node openable, # will be deleted when actually populating this node $tree insert $f 0 -text "dummy" } } # Stop this code from rerunning on the current node $tree set $node type processedDirectory } proc choose_dir {initdir {parent .}} { create_dlg .browser $parent wm title .browser [__ "Browse..."] # wallpaper pack [ttk::frame .browser.bg -padding 3pt] -fill both -expand 1 # ok and cancel buttons pack [ttk::frame .browser.fr1] \ -in .browser.bg -side bottom -fill x ppack [ttk::button .browser.ok -text [__ "Ok"]] \ -in .browser.fr1 -side right ppack [ttk::button .browser.cancel -text [__ "Cancel"]] \ -in .browser.fr1 -side right bind .browser {.browser.cancel invoke} wm protocol .browser WM_DELETE_WINDOW \ {cancel_or_destroy .browser.cancel .browser} .browser.ok configure -command { set ::dialog_ans [.browser.tree focus] destroy .browser } .browser.cancel configure -command { set ::dialog_ans "" destroy .browser } ## Create the tree and set it up pack [ttk::frame .browser.fr0] -in .browser.bg -fill both -expand 1 set tree [ttk::treeview .browser.tree \ -columns {type} -displaycolumns {} -selectmode browse \ -yscroll ".browser.vsb set"] .browser.tree column 0 -stretch 1 ttk::scrollbar .browser.vsb -orient vertical -command "$tree yview" # hor. scrolling does not work, but toplevel and widget are resizable $tree heading \#0 -text "/" $tree insert {} end -id "/" -text "/" -values [list "directory"] populateTree $tree "/" bind $tree <> { populateTree %W [%W focus] } bind $tree { .browser.tree heading \#0 -text [%W focus] } ## Arrange the tree and its scrollbar in the toplevel # Horizontal scrolling does not work, but resizing does. grid $tree -in .browser.fr0 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid .browser.vsb -in .browser.fr0 -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid columnconfigure .browser.fr0 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure .browser.fr0 0 -weight 1 unset -nocomplain ::dialog_ans # navigate tree to $initdir set chosenDir {} foreach d [file split [file normalize $initdir]] { set nextdir [file join $chosenDir $d] if [file isdirectory $nextdir] { if {! [$tree exists $nextdir]} { $tree insert $chosenDir end -id $nextdir \ -text $d -values [list "directory"] } populateTree $tree $nextdir set chosenDir $nextdir } else { break } } $tree see $chosenDir $tree selection set [list $chosenDir] $tree focus $chosenDir $tree heading \#0 -text $chosenDir place_dlg .browser $parent tkwait window .browser return $::dialog_ans }; # choose_dir }; # if unix proc browse4dir {inidir {parent .}} { if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} { return [choose_dir $inidir $parent] } else { return [tk_chooseDirectory \ -initialdir $inidir -title [__ "Select or type"] -parent $parent] } } ; # browse4dir # browse for a directory and store in entry- or label widget $w proc dirbrowser2widget {w} { set wclass [winfo class $w] if {$wclass eq "Entry" || $wclass eq "TEntry"} { set is_entry 1 } elseif {$wclass eq "Label" || $wclass eq "TLabel"} { set is_entry 0 } else { err_exit "browse2widget invoked with unsupported widget class $wclass" } if $is_entry { set retval [$w get] } else { set retval [$w cget -text] } set retval [browse4dir $retval [winfo parent $w]] if {$retval eq ""} { return 0 } else { if {$wclass eq "Entry" || $wclass eq "TEntry"} { $w delete 0 end $w insert 0 $retval } else { $w configure -text $retval } return 1 } } #### Unicode check- and radiobuttons #### # on unix/linux the original indicators are hard-coded as bitmaps, # which cannot scale with the rest of the interface. # the hack below replaces them with unicode characters. # This is implemented by removing the original indicators and prepending # a unicode symbol and a unicode wide space to the text label. if $::plain_unix { # from General Punctuation, 2000-206f set ::wsp \u2001 ; # wide space # from Geometric Shapes, 25a0-25ff set ::chk0 \u25a1 set ::chk1 \u25a0 set ::rad0 \u25cb set ::rad1 \u25cf # layouts copied from default theme, with indicator removed ttk::style layout TCheckbutton "Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}}" ttk::style layout TRadiobutton "Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}}" proc tlupdate_check {w} { upvar [$w cget -variable] v set s [$w cget -text] set ck [expr {$v ? $::chk1 : $::chk0}] set s0 [string index $s 0] if {$s0 eq $::chk0 || $s0 eq $::chk1} { set s "$ck$::wsp[string range $s 2 end]" } else { set s "$ck$::wsp$s" } $w configure -text $s return $w } bind TCheckbutton {+tlupdate_check %W} bind TCheckbutton {+tlupdate_check %W} bind TCheckbutton {+tlupdate_check %W} proc tlupdate_radio {w} { upvar [$w cget -variable] v set ck [expr {$v eq [$w cget -value] ? $::rad1 : $::rad0}] set s [$w cget -text] set s0 [string index $s 0] if {$s0 eq $::rad0 || $s0 eq $::rad1} { $w configure -text "$ck$::wsp[string range $s 2 end]" } else { $w configure -text "$ck$::wsp$s" } } proc tlupdate_radios {w} { upvar [$w cget -variable] v foreach sibling [winfo children [winfo parent $w]] { if {[winfo class $sibling] eq "TRadiobutton" && [$sibling cget -variable] eq [$w cget -variable] && ![$sibling instate disabled]} { tlupdate_radio $sibling } } } bind TRadiobutton {+tlupdate_radios %W} bind TRadiobutton {+tlupdate_radios %W} bind TRadiobutton {+tlupdate_radio %W} }