name fourier category Package shortdesc Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents. longdesc Fourier-GUTenberg is a LATEX typesetting system wich uses Adobe longdesc Utopia as its standard base font. NB: Adobe Utopia is freely longdesc available, but it is not free software. Fourier-GUTenberg provides longdesc all complementary typefaces needed to allow Utopia based TeX longdesc typesetting, including an extensive mathematics set and several longdesc other symbols. The system is absolutely stand-alone: apart from longdesc Utopia and fourier, no other typefaces are required. The fourier longdesc fonts will also work with Adobe Utopia Expert fonts, which are longdesc only available for purchase. Utopia is a registered trademark of longdesc Adobe Systems Incorporated [description copied from TeX Catalogue] execute addMap