category Collection shortdesc Other languages longdesc Support for languages not otherwise listed, including Indic, longdesc Thai, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Indonesian, African languages, and longdesc plenty more. The split is made simply on the basis of the size longdesc of the support, to keep both collection sizes and the number of longdesc collections reasonable. # depend collection-basic # depend aalok depend akshar depend amsldoc-vn depend aramaic-serto depend babel-azerbaijani depend babel-esperanto depend babel-georgian depend babel-hebrew depend babel-indonesian depend babel-interlingua depend babel-malay depend babel-sorbian depend babel-thai depend babel-vietnamese depend bangla depend bangtex depend bengali depend burmese depend chhaya depend cjhebrew depend ctib depend culmus depend ebong depend ethiop depend ethiop-t1 depend fc depend fonts-tlwg depend hebrew-fonts depend hindawi-latex-template depend hyphen-afrikaans depend hyphen-armenian depend hyphen-coptic depend hyphen-esperanto depend hyphen-ethiopic depend hyphen-georgian depend hyphen-hebrew depend hyphen-indic depend hyphen-indonesian depend hyphen-interlingua depend hyphen-sanskrit depend hyphen-thai depend hyphen-turkmen depend hyphen-vietnamese depend latex-mr depend latexbangla depend latino-sine-flexione depend lshort-thai depend lshort-vietnamese depend marathi depend ntheorem-vn depend quran-bn depend quran-id depend quran-ur depend sanskrit depend sanskrit-t1 depend thaienum depend thaispec depend unicode-alphabets depend velthuis depend vntex depend wnri depend wnri-latex depend xetex-devanagari