name bin-makeindex category TLCore shortdesc Process index output to produce typesettable code. longdesc A general purpose hierarchical index generator; it accepts one or longdesc more input files (often produced by a text formatter such as TeX longdesc or troff), sorts the entries, and produces an output file which longdesc can be formatted. The formats of the input and output files are longdesc specified in a style file; by default, input is assumed to be an longdesc idx file, as generated by LaTeX. docpattern f texmf/doc/makeindex/* docpattern f texmf/doc/man/man1/makeindex.1 docpattern f texmf/doc/man/man1/makeindex.1.html docpattern f texmf/doc/man/man1/mkindex.1 binpattern f bin/${ARCH}/makeindex binpattern f bin/${ARCH}/mkindex binpattern f bin/win32/makeindex.exe