category TLCore longdesc This package serves two purposes: longdesc longdesc 1. at installation time the present values are taken as default for longdesc the installer longdesc longdesc 2. on an installed system it serves as a configuration file. longdesc We have to remember these settings for additional package longdesc installation, removal, etc. longdesc longdesc There are two types here: longdesc - If the key starts with opt_ this is an options that can be longdesc set by the user either at installation time or via tlmgr later on longdesc - If the key starts with setting_ this value cannot be changed longdesc by the user directly with tlmgr, but only by other actions. longdesc Currently there are only two settings supported of which one longdesc is only used in special cases: longdesc . setting_available_architectures lists all available platforms longdesc and should be always present longdesc . setting_platform *overrides* the auto-deteced platform. This longdesc setting will only be present when you forced a sepcific longdesc architecture with -force-arch to install-tl longdesc longdesc The value of __MASTER__ for the location field tells the longdesc installer to use the present directory itself. For example, longdesc the DVD can be mounted anywhere and we want the installer to work. longdesc longdesc Concerning the 00* names: longdesc All packages starting with 00texlive are considered virtual packages longdesc in the sense that no containers are generated and these packages longdesc are never split into .src and .doc sub-packages in the tlpdb. depend opt_location:__MASTER__ depend opt_paper:a4 depend opt_create_formats:1 depend opt_desktop_integration:1 depend opt_file_assocs:1 depend opt_post_code:1 depend opt_w32_multi_user:1 depend opt_path:0 depend opt_sys_bin:/usr/local/bin depend opt_sys_info:/usr/local/info depend opt_sys_man:/usr/local/man depend opt_install_docfiles:1 depend opt_install_srcfiles:1